Описание:Ваш отпуск на пляже был самой скучной неделей в вашей жизни. Все, чего ты хочешь, - это вернуться домой. Затем, в свой последний вечер, ты встречаешь Джеки.
Так случилось, что она живет в том же городе, что и вы, и на следующее утро она полетит домой тем же рейсом, что и вы. Вы можете подумать, что встреча с Джеки - это начало приключения.
Но пропуск этого рейса и разлука с ней - это начало еще большего.
"Возвращение домой" будет дорожным фильмом. В своем путешествии вы встретите девушек и женщин. У каждого из них есть своя история.
Некоторые из них помогут вам вернуться домой, некоторые уведут вас еще дальше от него.
В этом тоже есть какая-то тайна. Back Home - сюжетная игра, в которой вам не нужно читать длинные страницы текста без того, чтобы изображение постоянно менялось.
Я верю в принцип "показывай, а не рассказывай".
Все персонажи уникальны, потому что я создал их сам.
Чтобы вернуться домой, вам нужно оставаться сосредоточенным. Но если вы не будете смотреть вокруг, вы ничего не добьетесь.
Your holiday at the beach was the most boring week of your life. All you want is to get back home. Then, on your last evening, you meet Jacky. She happens to live in the same town as you, and she will be on the same flight back home as you, the next morning. You may think that meeting Jacky is the start of an adventure. But missing that flight and being separated from her, is the start of an even bigger one.
Back Home will be a road movie. On your journey you will meet girls and women. They all have their own story. Some will help you to get back home, some will bring you further away from it. There's a bit of mystery in it, too. Back Home a story driven game, where you don't have to read long pages of text without the image ever changing. I believe in "show, don't tell". The characters are all unique, because I've created them myself.
To get back home, you need to stay focused. But if you don't look around you, you won't get anywhere.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, anal, animated, creampie, exhibitionism, footjob, handjob, humor, male protagonist, multiple endings, oral, sex toys, urination, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Caramba Games - www.patreon.com/carambagames
rico-caramba.itch.io/back-home - discord.gg/W4jNGpA
Перевод: 3y6acta9Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4.p4.3
Язык игры: Русский, English, Dutch
(Смена в настройках)Язык интерфейса: Русский, English, Dutch
Поблагодарить Переводчика:
Сбербанк: 2202 2022 3284 9053День 3, часть 4 - это 8-я серия вашего эпического путешествия домой. Она состоит из двух отдельных историй, либо с Эстер, либо с Шелли.
В отличие от предыдущего эпизода, здесь нет хитрого способа увидеть и то, и другое. Я предполагаю, что вы сохранили свою игру до того, как сделали важный выбор.
История продолжится там, где вы закончили в прошлый раз.
История Шелли и Эстер на этом закончится. После этого приключение продолжится на 4-й день, и кто знает, с кем или с чем вы можете столкнуться? Я надеюсь, вы с нетерпением ждете этого.
Однако есть одна история, которая еще не закончена. Есть вероятность, что в конечном итоге у вас будут близнецы.
Это приключение будет продолжаться, вероятно, как параллельная история, доступная для всех.
Есть одна вещь, которую я еще не сделал, и это обновление адресной книги в вашем телефоне. В нескольких случаях в истории предполагается, что есть новые записи. Вы их не найдете.
Обновление стоило бы мне, по крайней мере, еще нескольких дней, и на данный момент это не повлияет на ход игры. Я исправлю этот следующий эпизод, так как он будет важен позже.
Фотоальбом находится в актуальном состоянии. Пропущенные картинки - это признак того, что вы пропустили эту часть истории. Однако получить все изображения за один раз невозможно.
Идти разными путями означает иметь разные приключения и, следовательно, разные воспоминания.
v0.4.p4.3 - 2024-05-21
Episode 12 covers the fourth part of the fourth day of your voyage back home, hence the serial number 0.4.p4.x of this release. It contains the full story from the beginning up to episode 12. It’s available for PC and Mac. I haven’t tested the Mac version though.
This release is the end of season 1. There will be a second, final season. Development of it has started already. To play the final season, keeping all the choices you made in season one, it is adamant that you save your game by the end of the episode. You will get a notification for that. You can load this saved game into the second season.
A preview version of the first part of episode 12 has been released earlier on Patreon only. Saves made in this preview release should work if you only want to see the rest of episode 12. If not, please let me know.
Episode 12 contains 945 new images and 62 new animations. Some old images and animations in previous episodes have been freshened up. You probably won’t notice the difference, but I do.
There are three different routes to play the story of episode 12. Well, actually four. You can focus on Giulia, Victoria, or Elena. The fourth one is to focus on neither of them. Not the most attractive option, in my opinion. If you didn’t get intimate with Giulia on the second night of your voyage, Giulia won’t be interested much, so you won’t get her route as an option. You can’t play them all at the same time, so save your game regularly if you want to explore different options. If you played more than one route and want to know where each route will lead you in season two, you must make a save for every route.
As usual: if a light bulb appears in the top right corner of your screen, you can click on it to get a hint.
If there are blanks in the photo album, you can probably find them in parts of the story you haven’t played yet.
0.4.p3.02 - 2023-05-06
Episode 11 is the third part of the fourth day of you journey back home. Most of it takes place in Elena's house and... on television.
When you arrive in Elena’s living room, there will be a bit of free roam. Look around, watch the art on the walls, open doors and windows. Some places you can go more than once and find different things. There’s only one way out. I hope I’ve made it obvious enough so you will find it.
Moving your cursor over some of the paintings will reveal a bit of information about it. Mainly the title and the listed price. I will probably use this in the episode after this one. Don't look just in the living room. There is art in other rooms as well.
The new episode has 546 new images and 32 new animations. That is not even including the many custom made works of art you will find on Elena’s walls. There are two branches in the story and a few variations at the end .
I hope you like playing it as much as I liked making it.
v0.4 p2.2 - 2023-02-07
There are 352 new images and 24 new animations in the game, plus a few new entries in the phone that include images as well.
v0.4 p1.1 - 2022-08-14
There are 424 new images and 29 animations
v0.3 p4.1
The new episode is finally there for everyone to enjoy. It has been hard labour. There are 864 new images and 46 new animations, or somewhere near.
v0.3 p3.2
There are 414 new images (or somewhere near) and 11 new animations.
v0.3 p2.1
There are 313 new images and 9 new animations.
v0.3 p1.1
This is the 5th release of Back Home so far.
v0.2.1 Bugfix
There are 424 new images, or somewhere near and 22 new animations, making it the largest release so far.
There are about 265 new images and 10 new animations.
An issue with an image in the photo album, where the return-button wasn’t visible, has been solved.
You can check the address book in the phone, but you can’t actually do anything with it yet.
The story is available both in English and in Dutch.
There are about 260 new images, 4 animations and 4 possible new entries in your photo album.
Both the English and the Dutch text have been proofread to get out the worst mistakes.
Initial Release
Day 3 part 4 is episode 8 of your epic journey back home. It consists of two separate stories, either with Hester of with Shelly. Unlike previous episode, there is no sneaky way to see both. I assume you saved your game before you made important choices. The story will continue where you ended last time.
Both Shelly’s and Hester’s story will come to an end for now. After this, the adventure will continue on day 4, and who knows who or what you might encounter? I hope you’re looking forward to that. However, there is one story that isn’t over yet. There is a possibility you end up with the twins. That adventure will continue, probably as a parallel story, available for all.
There is one thing I haven’t done, and that’s updating the address book in your phone. On several occasions in the story, it is suggested there are new entries. You won’t find them. Updating would have cost me at least another few days, and it won’t influence the course of the game for now. I will fix this next episode, since it will be important later.
The photo album is up-to date. Missing pictures are an indication that you missed that part of the story. It is, however, impossible to get all images in one go. Going different paths means having different adventures and therefore different memories.