Описание:Вы играете за священника, отправленного в монастырь для расследования серии загадочных инцидентов, связанных с нападениями на монахинь, когда они спят.
Монахини делят монастырь с орденом монахов, а стена разделяет их, чтобы гарантировать, что все они сохраняют целомудрие. Во время вашего пребывания в монастыре вы также можете посетить Школу для молодых женщин, которой руководят монахини, и принять исповедь у жителей близлежащего города.
You play as a priest, sent to a convent of nuns to investigate a series of mysterious incidents involving nightly attacks on the nuns when they sleep.
The nuns share the monastery with an order of monks, with a wall keeping them apart to ensure that they all remain celibate. During your stay at the monastery, you may also visit the School for Young Women the nuns are running, and take confessions from people from the nearby town.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: adventure, anal, animated, big tits, corruption, creampie, drugs, groping, harem, horror, male domination, male protagonist, multiple penetration, oral, paranormal, pregnancy, puzzle, real porn, religion, sandbox, sex toys, spanking, urination, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Alcahest -
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discordПлатформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Другие проекты автора: Paradise FoundЯзык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.11 - 2025-03-10
- More content
- Added counter to the pregnancy alert to show the number of potential pregnancies and the current maximum possible.
- Improved all Novice Francia events with better face/torso images for her.
- When marrying a nun with Holy Marriage, she is no longer named Novice in dialogue (some older marriage events may not be updated yet).
- Added check (possibly delaying) when player can sodomize Novice Judith in v0.5 event to avoid continuity error.
v0.10 - 2025-02-03
- More content
- The maximum number of potential pregnancies currently possible is now shown in the potential pregnancies list in your personal notes in the lab.
- Fixed a rare bug where players with pregnancy enabled ended up on Novice Anika's "delusional" questline which was only meant to happen when pregnancy is disabled. Players with bugged saves will get to replay Novice Anika's pregnancy questline which should fix the bug.
- Chapter I in the codex can now be re-read instead of a short summary.
v0.9 - 2024-10-15
- The investigation continues
- Novice Pascal is now correctly called an apprentice to the master brothers instead of an assistant.
- Added orange flashing to buttons in MC's room and lab when he has enough corruption to read chapter 3.
- Fixed bug where all popup messages displayed the headline of the last message added to the game.
- The suspect list is now listed in descending order based on most recent addition, instead of having the oldest additions at the top.
v0.8.0.0 - 2024-06-10
- The investigation continues
- Changed love/punish requirement from 80 to 75 for path event 2.
- Added a quest (praying at the chapel) to - among other things - restore love/punish points that some players never got because of a bug existing since v0.6.
- During the intro, at the black door, the abbess will now give the key to the black door to the MC. This was previously never explicitly said, only referenced later at the abbot.
- Updated help guide (again) and added FAQ to make it easier to understand the game mechanic.
- Grind reduction: Added several more locations to the "detective mode list" of locations that are removed from the map when nothing new is happening there. As always, these locations can still be accessed by simply clicking the Eye to disable detective mode - in case you want to replay events there.