Вы очнулись в мире, который больше не узнаете, наполненном необъяснимой тьмой и всепоглощающим безумием. Жуткий апокалипсис породил монстров, одно присутствие которых лишает разума то, что осталось от человечества.
Быть Богом значит быть сумасшедшим.
~ Аарон
Расширяйте свой дом, убивайте сверхъестественных тварей и боритесь с развращенностью и безумием. Завоюйте сердца красивых женщин, чья любовь будет единственным лучиком надежды в глубине тумана. Тайны, недоступные пониманию смертных, ждут своего раскрытия, но вы уверены, что хотите узнать правду? Ведь счастье в неведении.
В мире, где смерть — это только начало ваших страданий, как вы можете быть уверены, что вообще означают добро и зло? Что дергает за ниточки в этом кукольном театре безумия? Загляните за завесу реальности и осознайте, насколько на самом деле вы были невежественны!
You have awakened to a world you no longer recognize, filled with unexplainable darkness and overwhelming madness. A terrifying apocalypse has given birth to monsters whose mere presence will strip the sanity from what remains of humanity.
To be God is to be mad.
~ Aharon
Expand your home, slay eldritch horrors, and fight against corruption and madness. Win the hearts of beautiful women whose love will be the only ray of hope in the depths of the fog. Secrets beyond the understanding of mortals wait to be uncovered, but are you sure you want to find out the truth? After all, ignorance is bliss.
In a world where death is just the beginning of your misery, how can you be sure what good and evil even mean? What pulls the strings in this puppet theater of madness? Take a peek behind the veil of reality and realize how truly ignorant you actually were!
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, ahegao, anal, animated, blackmail, corruption, cosplay, creampie, dating sim, fantasy, footjob, graphic violence, groping, group, harem, horror, male protagonist, masturbation, mind control, monsters, oral, paranormal, possession, pov, rape, religion, romance, rpg, sandbox, sex toys, sexual harassment, sleep sex, stripping, superpowers, teasing, trainer, turn based combat, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Victorius - Patreon - Discord
Перевод: Alex3Ton
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.2.4 Rus / v.0.3.1c Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Переключение через значок флага в меню)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Английский Андроид порт от Разработчика!
"Есть ли изнасилование и НТР?:"
Изнасилование, шантаж, домогательство, принуждение и т.д. есть и всегда будет чем-то, чего можно избежать, если это происходит, то это означает только то, что Игрок позволил этому случиться или решил это сделать. Персонажи, которые могут быть изнасилованы в некоторых ситуациях, - это все общие персонажи в повторяющихся событиях. Хотя 5-е событие Мины может напугать вас, это самое большее, что может произойти. Я бы попробовал включить в него множество вещей и фетишей, но все они окажутся недоступными.
Никаких НТР или изнасилований главных девушек / побочных девушек / других персонажей, имеющих хоть какое-то значение.
Rape, blackmail, harassment, coercion, etc. is and will always be something avoidable, if it happens that only means that the Player allowed it to happen or have chosen to do it. Characters that can be raped in some situations are all generic characters in repeatable events. Although Mina's 5th event might scare you, it's the most that will ever happen. I would try including many things and fetishes, but they'll be all avoidable.
No NTR or rape on main girls / side girls / other characters with any significance.
Вы очнулись в мире, который больше не узнаете, наполненном необъяснимой тьмой и всепоглощающим безумием. Жуткий апокалипсис породил монстров, одно присутствие которых лишает разума то, что осталось от человечества.
Быть Богом значит быть сумасшедшим.
~ Аарон
Расширяйте свой дом, убивайте сверхъестественных тварей и боритесь с развращенностью и безумием. Завоюйте сердца красивых женщин, чья любовь будет единственным лучиком надежды в глубине тумана. Тайны, недоступные пониманию смертных, ждут своего раскрытия, но вы уверены, что хотите узнать правду? Ведь счастье в неведении.
В мире, где смерть — это только начало ваших страданий, как вы можете быть уверены, что вообще означают добро и зло? Что дергает за ниточки в этом кукольном театре безумия? Загляните за завесу реальности и осознайте, насколько на самом деле вы были невежественны!
You have awakened to a world you no longer recognize, filled with unexplainable darkness and overwhelming madness. A terrifying apocalypse has given birth to monsters whose mere presence will strip the sanity from what remains of humanity.
To be God is to be mad.
~ Aharon
Expand your home, slay eldritch horrors, and fight against corruption and madness. Win the hearts of beautiful women whose love will be the only ray of hope in the depths of the fog. Secrets beyond the understanding of mortals wait to be uncovered, but are you sure you want to find out the truth? After all, ignorance is bliss.
In a world where death is just the beginning of your misery, how can you be sure what good and evil even mean? What pulls the strings in this puppet theater of madness? Take a peek behind the veil of reality and realize how truly ignorant you actually were!
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, ahegao, anal, animated, blackmail, corruption, cosplay, creampie, dating sim, fantasy, footjob, graphic violence, groping, group, harem, horror, male protagonist, masturbation, mind control, monsters, oral, paranormal, possession, pov, rape, religion, romance, rpg, sandbox, sex toys, sexual harassment, sleep sex, stripping, superpowers, teasing, trainer, turn based combat, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Victorius - Patreon - Discord
Перевод: Alex3Ton
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.2.4 Rus / v.0.3.1c Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Переключение через значок флага в меню)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Английский Андроид порт от Разработчика!
v0.3.1c - 2024-10-27
added: Lexi 17th event
added: Mina 20th event
added: exploration event - Truck (Industrial District), 4 variants
added: new enemy - Wicked One
added: Wicked One to random combat encounters
added: new status effect - Sanity Rending
added: new conversation topic to Lexi (after her 17th event)
added: 8 replays
changed: frequency of some Industrial Area exploration events
fixed: bad replay image for event What Happened?
# 0.3.1a #
added: full Polish translation (no polish symbols, will be fixed in the next patch)
added: auto-save every night
added: auto-saves not used by the game (aside from 1st slot) will be removed on game start (to remove old broken autosaves)
fixed: Giant stage 3 gave strength instead of empower
fixed: error when using auto-trade button when remaining value was < 1.0 or is other rare cases
fixed: destroy using 2 card XP instead of 1 by default
fixed: ? mark being on the spirituality icon despite tooltip being removed long ago
fixed: one conditional line of dialogue in Mina's 6th event couldn't be triggered
fixed: one conditional line of dialogue in Lexi's 6th event couldn't be triggered
fixed: Exception: Not a displayable: None - might've been caused by mods
fixed: possible translation error with "tired" status effect
fixed: Wardrobe --- Outfits --- not being translatable
fixed: buffs translations not showing up (buff description still doesn't work, wip)
fixed: "Deck" not being translatable - uses a language used when starting new game
fixed: 'nightmare' buff translation wouldn't change without restart - it should
fixed: Little Fox name not being translated in her tab
# 0.3.1b #
added: full translations:
○ Vietnamese
○ French
○ Spanish
○ Chinese
added: 61 card levels:
○ Crush
○ Devour (5 levels)
○ Stab
○ Defend
○ Guard
○ Retaliate
○ Dodge (2 levels)
○ Shot (2 levels)
○ Spit Poison (2 levels)
○ Fire Breath (2 levels)
○ Fireball
○ Blacksmith (4 levels)
○ Kick
○ Antidote (2 levels)
○ Thor's Fury (2 levels)
○ Buttstroke
○ Aharon
○ Cease Fire Treaty (2 levels)
○ Ritual (2 levels)
○ Seduce
○ Insatiable Hunger (2 levels)
○ Mutate (2 levels)
○ The World
○ The Tower
○ The Magician
○ The Lovers
○ The High Priestess
○ The Hierophant
○ The Hermit
○ The Hanged Man
○ The Fool
○ The Empress
○ The Devil
○ The Chariot
○ Temperance
○ Strength
○ Justice
○ Judgement
○ Death
○ The Emperor
○ The Star
○ The Moon
○ The Sun
○ Wheel of Fortune
added: 12 card variants:
○ Insanity - 3rd stage
○ Hide in the Shadows - 3rd stage
○ Fury - 3rd stage
○ Faceless - 3rd stage
○ Enfeeble - 3rd stage
○ Empower - 2nd stage
○ Dragon Roar - 3rd stage
○ Despair - 3rd stage (3 variants)
○ Makeshift Ammo - 3rd stage (2 variants)
added: item descriptions to all items that didn't have them
added: color to item names in other item descriptions
added: language's auto-detection
changed: most item descriptions
changed: buffed Blood Mushroom damage
changed: buffed Meat Mushroom damage slightly
changed: Aharon type to offensive
fixed: not implemented card Trickster was present in game's deck
fixed: some codex entries couldn't be translated
fixed: Beginner Guide couldn't be translated
fixed: possible save load error because of card removed - when reloading
fixed: buff description translations not showing up
fixed: items translations not showing up
fixed: Deck translation being saved in initial language, and not changing after
fixed: bad placed replay image for Maric first meeting
fixed: bad placed replay image for Jill first meeting
fixed: bad placed replay image for Amber first meeting
fixed: bad placed replay image for Adam first meeting
fixed: no Polish symbols
fixed: no Chinese symbols for most of the game
fixed: translation could change game's name in main menu
fixed: unused translations slowing down game launch (only used language will be loaded)
# 0.3.1c #
added: full translations:
○ Chinese (Traditional)
○ Portuguese (Brazilian)
○ Italian
○ German
added: pages to what's new
added: what's new for 0.3.1
added: Kiara's dream Astral Lust to her replays
added: nightmares now end in a more appropriate way
added: single click in inventory on mobile devices allows to use item
added: 4th, 5th decks can be built
added: long press on item on mobile devices now opens a menu allowing to check item description and use it:
○ Vault
○ Inventory
○ Trade
○ Rituals
added: single click allows to move many items at once through slider on mobile devices:
○ Vault
○ Trade
changed: language selection to dropdown-list with language names
changed: stronger enemies increase rare card drop chance
changed: made both summoning cards exhaustible
changed: Flock of Birds 2nd stage now allows a second copy in a deck
changed: made tooltip for effects and buffs bigger on mobile port
changed: tooltip on mobile will now show to the right side if possible
fixed: combat tutorial being completely broken
fixed: Chinese language not showing up without having show in-progress languages enabled
fixed: fonts mismatch after changing language multiple times
fixed: AttributeError on autosave if there was no dream
fixed: errors in scenes that changed fonts to mad and evil
fixed: map images' frame off placement
fixed: what's new text off bounds
removed: show in-progress languages setting
v0.3.0 - 2024-09-29
New story events for Lexi & Mina
New exploration events
New types of events and activities, ex. 6 events when looking out the hotel entrance door
New sex scenes
New interactable (also one fuckable) NPC
Card overhaul - Card Evolution system!
8 new enemies
4 new arenas
Improved combat AI
4 new outfits for girls
Exploration overhaul - Area-Based Exploration
New Location
2 new card types
24 new cards
11 new status effects
New items
Improvements across multiple systems
Optimizations & fixes
Many more!
added: more replay tips
added: updated Spanish translations
fixed: error in Savenia's replay
fixed: can't enter the menu after using fan translation/release and deleting it without changing language
fixed: save compatibility for saves before the new prologue without starting a new story
v0.2.4 - 2022-11-19
added: nun outfit to the Alice
added: footjob for Alice in nun outfit
added: sex for Alice in nun outfit
added: 3rd Lola event
added: Handjob, Outside and Footjob to Lola's stats
added: Little Fox meeting outside event
added: asking Little Fox for exploring together
added: Little Fox exploration event - Nothing
added: Little Fox exploration event - Treasure
added: Little Fox exploration event - Stash
added: Little Fox exploration event - Bandits
added: Lola can appear outside her room
added: 10 new wallpapers (1 postcard, 5 Patron, 4 combat)
added: notifications to getting buffs
added: downloading new codes and messages from the server
added: "You died" screen after dying
added: option in Sound tab - "Play sound when window is minimized", default OFF
added: the number of cards in the deck to the crafting menu
added: Hints on how to get wallpapers to the wallpapers menu
added: Hints where to find collectibles (on hover)
added: more info to the crafting menu - names of items
added: Map support for Lola's events
added: Little Fox as a teammate in combat
changed: collectibles are now kept between saves
changed: muting volume will now no longer show sound values as 0, it'll instead show actual volumes
changed: default font to the Itim font
changed: how item notifications look
changed: removed "You died" notification
changed: game title font and color in the main menu
changed: increased outline for all entries in the main menu
changed: some Patreon wallpapers that were unlockable
changed: updated looks of wallpapers menu
changed: Judgment card now first attacks player
fixed: Alice sprite persisting during her cunnilingus scene
fixed: possible error when catching succubi
fixed: using code to catch succubi caused in pc wallpaper remaining on the screen
fixed: most tasks on repeat not working after the first time
fixed: cards are drawn using other cards not updating their descriptions accounting for status effects
fixed: wallpaper added notification not translating
fixed: Justice not stunning the player and enemy instead, bypassing stun immunity
fixed: Stun immunity could not be granted (not affecting vanilla)
added: grace bunny outfit
added: dream 'I'
added: dream Sleep Paralysis
added: consuming more items for buffs - alcohols
added: Drunk buff - from drinking alcohol
added: Sex with Succubi now grants a new buff - Succubi Hormones
added: Calming and Irritating powders - consumable items manipulating dream chance
added: rubbing & footjob to Grace's stats
added: play sound to the most cards
added: buffs can now have several triggers, with different outcomes
added: 8 new wallpapers - from combat
added: Grace to Alice's outfit crafting menu
added: some items can now be unsellable
added: some items can now remain after death
added: expanded Devil's Dream - you can now postpone the deal (+ related item & buff)
added: Learning elemental mysticism from Kiara
added: new dialogues to the 12th main story events
changed: now you need to unlock a character to see their outfit crafting tab
changed: alcohols type to Consumable from Quest Item
fixed: re-rendered Grace head pat images
fixed: error while removing deleted items from the inventory
fixed: item tags working only after loading a save (couldn't use some choices in dialogue menu)
fixed: June 2022 postcard wallpaper preview being low-res
added: beta content to the what's new
added: most of Alice's events to the replay menu
added: Pyjamas Party to Grace & Mina replay
changed: redone the replays menu
changed: renamed buffs to status effects
changed: optimized gallery fix - save loading
changed: selected sacrifice will now be highlighted
changed: what's new scrollbar
changed: made meeting Little Fox first time much easier
changed: made explore story event more likely to trigger
changed: decreased cool-down between explore story events to 7 days (the same - not completed event)
changed: you can no longer get a game over from a dream without choices
fixed: an error on old saves in a few events involving controlled RNG
fixed: a memory leak related to controlled RNG mechanics
fixed: Little Fox's second event not unlocking with a persistent fix
fixed: not all replay menus could be seen on android
fixed: what's new images showing off-frame
fixed: a bug in SFW mode when kissing Alice in her room
fixed: some kiara images missing
fixed: exploit - traders having old save relations & items when starting a new game in some cases
fixed: prologue music staying on after its end
fixed: explore music not triggering on Lexi's 2nd event
fixed: notifications of sanity change triggering when the sanity wasn't changed
added: Spiritual Infusion sanity loss indicator to the rituals screen
changed: it's now impossible to execute a ritual if you lose all sanity because of the Spiritual Infusion effect
fixed: Ritual Materials being unobtainable
fixed: some failed rituals not having a red cross over them
fixed: rituals not using items
fixed: most input text being not translateable
fixed: error with notifications if your name has '[]' signs
fixed: being able to give too long names, overflowing the screen
added: Battle sound volume bar to sound settings
added: Grace & Alice crafting items together in the evening
added: Alice's playmate outfit
added: a sound setting to disable whispers
added: animated replay images to the most sex scenes
added: you can now undress Grace in Massage 2 with affection too
added: various H scenes to Kiara's sex menu (you can skip footjob now)
added: most of Grace's content to the replay menu
added: the most of Dog & Cat content to the replay menu
added: the most Kiara's events to the replay menu
added: most of Lexi's content to the replay menu
added: most of Little Fox content to the replay menu
added: most of Lola's content to the replay menu
added: most of Mina's content to the replay menu
added: most of Rachel's content to the replay menu
added: most of Rhainda's content to the replay menu
added: most of Savenia's content to the replay menu
added: Succubi content to the replay menu with their own category
added: many miscellaneous replays, including the first time meeting Mysterious Trader
added: a frame to the replay menu images
added: sound to the most cards
added: NSFW sound volume bar to sound settings
added: a custom cursor
added: a few NSFW sounds to alice & savenia scenes
added: Sound warning at the start
changed: downloader now points to the Patreon release posts
changed: you can now access rituals much earlier, you need to get Kiara's trust for that
changed: moved many replay items in an alphabetical order
changed: increased most replay images quality
changed: replaced part of the replay images
changed: made most replays accessible without finishing the event
changed: you'll now have your stats & progress in the replays when appropriate
changed: replay list text size
changed: you can now access all replay lists no matter if you've seen the first event
changed: you no longer need to insert name when replaying the prologue
changed: now when fully unlocked the replay gallery's unlocked counter will be golden
fixed: sound issue in a prologue
fixed: many replay issues
fixed: grace goodnight kiss having one option lead to a wrong continuation
fixed: choices destroying cards not working sometimes
fixed: error when destroying a card in an ending
fixed: sometimes character not doing what they should after an event
fixed: bug with deleted persistent and Treasure Hunt replay
fixed: card sound not playing when using the card that ends combat
fixed: bad placement of language menu on Android version
fixing all reported bugs, and updating missing language files, including fixing the broken font in Vietnamese.
A lot of new Grace content
Gracie got three new story events, a new 'anger & apology' mechanic, new sleeping content (including two footjobs), a secret event, and more. The last of her new story events is merged with Alice's and Little Fox's events. Oh, it's a funny event ;)
New Lexi & Mina events
Sisters got two new story events each! Lexi additionally got a super big event - Kitchen Date, an event you need to make preparations for. With a lot of hot content to unlock as you get a higher score. It's the longest event to date and the first of the new 'date' system. Have fun!
Fox girls' events
As mentioned above Little Fox has an event merged with Alice & Gracie, Rachel also got an event (finally some action with her :p), and Rhainda got two story events!
New items
Four of them can be used during the new events, there are two consumables (and a new buff), and pouches + chests with keys used to open them. Will you get rich overnight? Scavenge or purchase them to try your luck! Try code NewPouches to get some reward pouches :)
Redone prologue
The prologue was made from scratch to be much bigger, more informative, and intriguing. Check replays or start a new game to see it. You might meet someone unexpected there.
A lot of other changes & additions
The changelog is long as hell, there are around 30 bugs fixed, a lot of QoL changes, some suggested by the community. There are some other new mechanics like Mina can have a hangover, refuse to get into any meaningful conversation with you, and stop working on her task. Abandoned car loot was boosted significantly, and first sounds to enemy attacks were added. Check the full changelog from the link below.
updated Vietnamese and Spanish translations
Fredericka font support for Vietnamese
discount for relations with traders
robin sex scene animations not showing
checkered background after credits in the replays
some things not translating despite having translation files - eq. item uses
no image - sidebar dark 1/2 on Android
error when using items in the vault, while not having any of this item in the inventory
negative hp when your ally wins the battle or you run after player’s defeated
Outfit unlocked message appearing even if outfit was already unlocked
corruption exploit with sleeping Grace
trust/lust exploit with sleeping Lexi
corruption exploit with wc peeking
corruption exploit with bath peeking
stuck at the tutorial after tweaking difficulty settings, and killing werewolf before designed
no lust increase from Kiara sex scenes
pc buttons being active in replay, wallpaper and collectible menus
outfit unlocked messages appearing also in the middle
Devotee girl not changing expression after player tells her to fuck off
missing item notification using ID instead of item name
rare error on save after giving Rachel materials
typos & grammar mistakes
Alice valentine wallpapers
bright hover to wallpaper menu
tooltips to wallpapers menu with wallpaper name
disable animation support to all animations that didn’t have it
Animations ON/OFF setting to Video tab replacing old settings
Notifications style settings to Game tab
icons to the items
crafting to the character screen
updated translations for Spanish and Vietnamese
a model info to Rhainda relations tab
move items slider to vault and trade
Even out function to the trading menu
Good Profit mechanic to the traders
preview of increased relations to the traders + relations counter
Disable Fredericka font setting to the game settings
scrollbar to the relations tab
some more stuff from 0.2.2 (and 0.2.2a) to what’s new
notification to the trader’s relations increase outside of a trade deal
option to chose defeat in Rhainda’s 1st event replay
Supporters about/credits font
Now wallpapers will be sorted, and unlocked wallpapers will show before locked ones
HP bars image
removed cumming animations from the most events that had them
minor dialogue changes in a few events
removed continue option from most prostitute sex scenes
notifications window
reworked the whole inventory system
interact ‘Interact’ font to Fredericka
interact menu buttons to follow new GUI style
merged character and inventory menus
inventory + character menu follows new GUI style
vault follows new GUI style
crafting menu to follow the new GUI style
optimized crafting menu performance
increased Mysterious Coin worth 10 -> 60
decreased chance to drop Mysteries Coin for most enemies (by 50%)
chance when looting treasure trove to obtain Mysterious Coin 100% -> 40%
removed obsolete tooltips from character menu
relations menu to follow new GUI style
help menu to follow new GUI style
story menu to follow new GUI style
decks menu to follow new GUI style
expanded menu icons to follow the new GUI style
outfit crafting menu to follow the new GUI style
outfit crafting will now happen on clicking the outfit
now you can use items in vault for all quests
now the items you gave to girls in event previously will not be there next time
now wandering trader’s daughter trade will clean up bought things
wandering trader now will offer some items only after some relations reached
increased maximum Hollow Market discount 10% -> 20%, it’s harder to increase relations
Hollow Market now allow to pay with everything, it restocks weekly
Hollow Market can now have more different items to buy, some require higher relations with them
default name for new players will be John now
notification side for code insertion
dream with the devil animation to the moving image
Patrons settings category will no longer show for non Patrons
what’s new frame to more readable one
one dialogue line in the Grace’s nightmare event
wandering trader’s daughter is now not separate trader
Mysterious Trader will restock everyday
You can no longer continue Alice’s Q&A game in replay after losing all caps
music in first Rhainda event is now positive after the fight
Sample Mod stickman dream is now off by default for new players
now Warehouse event replay will always have people inside the warehouse
In Roars in the Sky event you can now shot at the sky in replay, this option is no longer usable in normal gameplay without a shotting card
Prostitutes can now be priced at not full values
Madam Hof will display prices in caps now
Wandering Trader will display prices in caps now
discount from relations no longer applies to the wandering trader daughter services
previous scene seen after battle when picking a card
interaction menu’s Lobby (view B) button, taking player to his room
multiple healing notifications after sleep
error on Treasure Chest events
error on exploration on old saves under some circumstances
a possibility of patches not applying correctly between some versions
Alice’s WC anal having an odd image with animations OFF
wrong image after animation ends in Grace’s 2nd massage event
second Grace massage in clothes not raising stats
a few weird transitions in Succubi events
possible error at midnight kiss event
suicide saying you lost cards
Alice task error if it was taken before 0.2.1e
Astral Lust dream triggering before meeting Kiara
tooltip staying after clicking continue in the tutorial
rare error at the tutorial end
listed cards in deck were aligned to the left side
Alice stranded outfit weaving not working
could enter playroom before building it with the interactions menu
Alice, Lexi and Grace showing in their room while being somewhere else after some events
error at replays of midnight kiss event
Alice sleeping in player’s bed after Grace coming for a sleepover
some translations not appearing due to % and %% translation generation conversion
trade save/load exploit
Spanish translation sleep being smaller in bed dialogue menu
in Spanish Rest icon text is no longer off icon
Relations tab one person being hidden under the image
updated/added entry not being translated
weird spacing at the end of 0.2.2 what’s new
black screen in replay in warehouse exploration event
Alice task related errors for people that didn’t cancel her task since before 0.2.1e
Alice not showing up first in the replay of Q&A event
Alice changing outfit in Q&A replay
some rare, latent problems with Alice’s Q&A event involving not taking item rewards from her
possible errors in building shrine replays
items in Alice Q&A shared between saves on one playthrough
no background in Mina’s Good Ol’ Bootle replay
no background in Lexi’s Trouble at the Market & Feet Massage replays
no background in Grace’s Play House event replay
no background in Lola’s event replays
no background in the first three secret endings replays
black/checker background in skip mode if animation didn’t decode first frame before displaying them with some animations
Amanda’s default way of calling player not translating
v0.2.1e Public
fixes a few more bugs, including visual bugs from 0.2.1d where the time of day and affection counters were not changing (visual only). It also fixes tooltips not disappearing in a few situations, savenia bike shown before she's in the hotel, and image not found bug in the wardrobe before first meeting the girl.ts in the rooms. It will make it easier to know what is interactable in the free-ro
I've also added a new mechanic to the combat. An ability to summon allies/enemies. For now, it's used only by anniversary cards for supporters, but soon, there will be new cards and enemy skills using this mechanic. Stay tuned!am, it's also a BIG QoL for Android port. Full changelog link below.shortly after 0.2.0 with its purpose being mostly adding Xmas events. It's now after the Xmas period, and I'm coming with
Unique card 'Fireworks' available only in January waits for you~ the new patches.
v0.2.1d fixes 19 bugs, changes choice menu location, and adds new settings. There is also an interactions menu - a menu showing all (non-secret) clickable
I've also added a new mechanic to the combat. An ability to summon allies/enemies. For now, it's used only by anniversary cards for supporters, but soon, there will be new cards and enemy skills using this mechanic. Stay tuned!
increased trade icons/text for android
on android clicking outside the menu when choosing deck will toggle showing enemies
on android clicking a card will make it bigger and clicking it again will use it, clicking outside will return the card
Tower has no side effect, armor 5 - 3, empower 2 - 1
removed few strong enemies from average combat difficulty
story exploration events now have lower chance
Judgment card dealing damage only to one enemy
out of place Hollow Market on android
destroying/moving cards between decks counting as interaction
error when checking combat tutorial in help menu
card related checks
encountering the most powerful enemies if not defeated average enemies before (no more masochist mode)
error on Alice’s Get Combat Gear task
0.2.0c fixes
Lexi feet massage activity
Christmas event - Beginning
Christmas event - Alice the Christmas Elf
Christmas event - Santa Lexi
Christmas event - Deer Gracie
Christmas event - Kitty
Christmas event - Sober
Christmas event - Holy Night
December Patron wallpapers
Christmas 2021 Postcard wallpaper
improved map event flickering mechanism
being able to trigger Christmas without any story progress
the first deck resetting after loadunable to pick up two collectibles
error when opening a vault on new saves
other save loading related bugs
healing Alice required all possible cards
error when task completed at wanderers hideouttyposixed
v0.2.0b Public
This release has a lot of new events and mechanics.
Fox Shrine can be built and Little Fox along with a new fox girl can live in it!
There is a new dream with sexy scenes!
Three new exploration events!
Decks system, choose a deck when entering combat!
Give girls tasks, make Gracie cook for you!
Help Gracie with chores around the house.
Progress with Savenia and Lexi.
Pregnancy fetish added!
This release adds around 100 new animations and around 600 new renders, making it the biggest release animation + image-wise to date. Give Little Fox and Rachel the love they deserve
0.2.0a & b besides fixing bugs also introduce new QoL changes. You can destroy cards again! When a story event can be triggered map icon will start to flicker, giving you a great visual hint that something can be done!
error on opening settings after 0.1.9e patch
card tooltip not closing after using a card when behind is another card
added various fixes from 0.1.10 patches
death on mina’s event has no side effects now
item loss on rollback
vault exploit
Freedom in Death & Death cards not ending combat
supporters overlapping if in game menu inside main menu
after Grace change, Grace position is not updated
supporters weird display on 4K branch
error when using Cease Fire Treaty
new deck images
health bar size is dependent on enemy width
supporters to the main menu
battle gui placement
now you can only rollback to battle start, not each move
error after answering all Alice questions without taking her items
(possibly) rollback after death not returning items if died in combat sometimes
errors on loading save prior to 0.1.9 if shortly before fought enemy group
Burning and Poison tooltips
Sweep description
The Sun tooltip
strength decreases to 1 with max strength on the second turn
burning immunity not working
immunities not decreasing effects on receiving them
strength & agility add buffs in combat again
wallpapers looting in the fight again
animated hp bar
X cost cards couldn’t be played
overlapping indications
Flirtatious Look not changing enemy intent
error on Faceless using debuff
looting exploit
card descriptions not updating after killing enemy
unable to skip if loaded from inside of combat
hp bar not reflecting actual hp at the start
reworked combat (saves in the middle of an old fight will give error)
reworked cards
end turn keybind (spacebar)
powersave & frameskip to video settings
5 status effects - Dragon Might, Persistence, Illusive, Venomous & Fury
new card - Dragonborn (orange, from dragon)
option to toggle rollback block after version upgrade
Midnight Kiss event
10 wallpapers
templates to mods folder
added tabs to what’s new screen
powersave by deafult is now off (was auto)
optimized save load code
now game by default is launched in fullscreen
balanced many enemies
balanced many cards
life steal doesn’t work on the last hit
error on Grace changing clothes
97 other issues, both design flaws and bugs
460 images
36 animations
3rd savenia event
4th savenia event
5th savenia event
repeatable savenia H scene
boobjob, blowjob, outside, inside to savenia stats
footjob to Mina’s stats
new dialogue option with Little Fox
patting cat - bedroom/lobby/kitchen
patting dog - bedroom/lobby/corridor
pats to cat & dog stats
kissing lexi - bedroom
kissing alice - bedroom/gym
kissing grace - bedroom/lobby/kitchen/corridor/goodnight/corrupted goodnight
kissing mina - love/friend/competition
kisses to Alice, Mina, Lexi & Grace stats
submission, blowjob, thighjob, handjob, anal, came inside to Grace stats
new bad ending (secret)
sex positions to girls stats
masturbation & boobjob to Alice stats
5 new wallpapers (patrons)
4th vault expansion - +25/+2 space
5th vault expansion - +25/+2 space, Currency no longer takes space
6th vault expansion - +25/+2 space, Space for materials per level +100% (+175/0)
7th vault expansion - +25/+2 space, Space for materials & cards per level +100% (+200/+16)
several text & textbox related settings
settings to change main menu images
new characters icons to the map
recover (fix) gallery button support for new and all future story events
scrollbar to crafting screen
Always Display Masks option to game settings
masks opacity sliders to settings (for now only in forced mode)
new font for madness lines
map support for savenia events
wallpaper code input window
allowed copy-paste wallpaper code
‘what’s new’ screen on the first time launching new version
drastically improved performance of wallpaper and collectibles tabs
Savenia’s first event tip, now it clarifies need for the next hotel floor
main menu has new looks
text is now outlined by default
now main menu shows girls
now finding treasure map doesn’t end exploration
increased chance of finding map 30 -> 35
increased blur for sfw mode in 4k
story dialogue options now are highlighted
dialogue options (repeatable) show what they increase
now characters in the map are outlined
renamed ‘fix gallery’ button to ‘recover gallery’
removed patreon icon from PC
improved card destroying screen
increased vault/crafting menu size
increased card size in vault
increased vault (materials) space per level to 50
bad endings now block rollback
when training after reaching the cap, you no longer tire yourself
one line in Alice’s 5th event
building/upgrading hotel now checks vault for the items too
increased card size in the deck view
setting tabs are now always displayed
some clipping in renders when finding cat
SFW mode not blocking Alice masturbation/ass in Mina’s 3rd event
weird light reflection in Mina’s 3rd event
unable to finish SFW mode because of lack of lust increasing options for girls
SFW mode not working in Little Fox meeting
card destroying tab selecting vault tab
treasure hunt won’t reset if defeated in ambush
Alice’s 5th event animations not changing
sfw skipped notification not showing in many events
alice’s anal wc not raising statistics
missing image in Grace bath massage
Kiara story sex not increasing creampie counter
Alice story events not increasing creampie counter
Mina’s 3rd event not increasing Alice’s masturbation counter
Mina’s 13th event not increasing cunnilingus counter
Mina’s footjob not increasing statistics counter
Succubus (Pink) getting Threesome counter for both succubi in one scene
possible tutorial overflow beyond screen on some displays
image not updated when expanding hotel
some grammar/spelling mistakes
added: Lexi 17th event
added: Mina 20th event
added: exploration event - Truck (Industrial District), 4 variants
added: new enemy - Wicked One
added: Wicked One to random combat encounters
added: new status effect - Sanity Rending
added: new conversation topic to Lexi (after her 17th event)
added: 8 replays
changed: frequency of some Industrial Area exploration events
fixed: bad replay image for event What Happened?
# 0.3.1a #
added: full Polish translation (no polish symbols, will be fixed in the next patch)
added: auto-save every night
added: auto-saves not used by the game (aside from 1st slot) will be removed on game start (to remove old broken autosaves)
fixed: Giant stage 3 gave strength instead of empower
fixed: error when using auto-trade button when remaining value was < 1.0 or is other rare cases
fixed: destroy using 2 card XP instead of 1 by default
fixed: ? mark being on the spirituality icon despite tooltip being removed long ago
fixed: one conditional line of dialogue in Mina's 6th event couldn't be triggered
fixed: one conditional line of dialogue in Lexi's 6th event couldn't be triggered
fixed: Exception: Not a displayable: None - might've been caused by mods
fixed: possible translation error with "tired" status effect
fixed: Wardrobe --- Outfits --- not being translatable
fixed: buffs translations not showing up (buff description still doesn't work, wip)
fixed: "Deck" not being translatable - uses a language used when starting new game
fixed: 'nightmare' buff translation wouldn't change without restart - it should
fixed: Little Fox name not being translated in her tab
# 0.3.1b #
added: full translations:
○ Vietnamese
○ French
○ Spanish
○ Chinese
added: 61 card levels:
○ Crush
○ Devour (5 levels)
○ Stab
○ Defend
○ Guard
○ Retaliate
○ Dodge (2 levels)
○ Shot (2 levels)
○ Spit Poison (2 levels)
○ Fire Breath (2 levels)
○ Fireball
○ Blacksmith (4 levels)
○ Kick
○ Antidote (2 levels)
○ Thor's Fury (2 levels)
○ Buttstroke
○ Aharon
○ Cease Fire Treaty (2 levels)
○ Ritual (2 levels)
○ Seduce
○ Insatiable Hunger (2 levels)
○ Mutate (2 levels)
○ The World
○ The Tower
○ The Magician
○ The Lovers
○ The High Priestess
○ The Hierophant
○ The Hermit
○ The Hanged Man
○ The Fool
○ The Empress
○ The Devil
○ The Chariot
○ Temperance
○ Strength
○ Justice
○ Judgement
○ Death
○ The Emperor
○ The Star
○ The Moon
○ The Sun
○ Wheel of Fortune
added: 12 card variants:
○ Insanity - 3rd stage
○ Hide in the Shadows - 3rd stage
○ Fury - 3rd stage
○ Faceless - 3rd stage
○ Enfeeble - 3rd stage
○ Empower - 2nd stage
○ Dragon Roar - 3rd stage
○ Despair - 3rd stage (3 variants)
○ Makeshift Ammo - 3rd stage (2 variants)
added: item descriptions to all items that didn't have them
added: color to item names in other item descriptions
added: language's auto-detection
changed: most item descriptions
changed: buffed Blood Mushroom damage
changed: buffed Meat Mushroom damage slightly
changed: Aharon type to offensive
fixed: not implemented card Trickster was present in game's deck
fixed: some codex entries couldn't be translated
fixed: Beginner Guide couldn't be translated
fixed: possible save load error because of card removed - when reloading
fixed: buff description translations not showing up
fixed: items translations not showing up
fixed: Deck translation being saved in initial language, and not changing after
fixed: bad placed replay image for Maric first meeting
fixed: bad placed replay image for Jill first meeting
fixed: bad placed replay image for Amber first meeting
fixed: bad placed replay image for Adam first meeting
fixed: no Polish symbols
fixed: no Chinese symbols for most of the game
fixed: translation could change game's name in main menu
fixed: unused translations slowing down game launch (only used language will be loaded)
# 0.3.1c #
added: full translations:
○ Chinese (Traditional)
○ Portuguese (Brazilian)
○ Italian
○ German
added: pages to what's new
added: what's new for 0.3.1
added: Kiara's dream Astral Lust to her replays
added: nightmares now end in a more appropriate way
added: single click in inventory on mobile devices allows to use item
added: 4th, 5th decks can be built
added: long press on item on mobile devices now opens a menu allowing to check item description and use it:
○ Vault
○ Inventory
○ Trade
○ Rituals
added: single click allows to move many items at once through slider on mobile devices:
○ Vault
○ Trade
changed: language selection to dropdown-list with language names
changed: stronger enemies increase rare card drop chance
changed: made both summoning cards exhaustible
changed: Flock of Birds 2nd stage now allows a second copy in a deck
changed: made tooltip for effects and buffs bigger on mobile port
changed: tooltip on mobile will now show to the right side if possible
fixed: combat tutorial being completely broken
fixed: Chinese language not showing up without having show in-progress languages enabled
fixed: fonts mismatch after changing language multiple times
fixed: AttributeError on autosave if there was no dream
fixed: errors in scenes that changed fonts to mad and evil
fixed: map images' frame off placement
fixed: what's new text off bounds
removed: show in-progress languages setting
v0.3.0 - 2024-09-29
New story events for Lexi & Mina
New exploration events
New types of events and activities, ex. 6 events when looking out the hotel entrance door
New sex scenes
New interactable (also one fuckable) NPC
Card overhaul - Card Evolution system!
8 new enemies
4 new arenas
Improved combat AI
4 new outfits for girls
Exploration overhaul - Area-Based Exploration
New Location
2 new card types
24 new cards
11 new status effects
New items
Improvements across multiple systems
Optimizations & fixes
Many more!
added: more replay tips
added: updated Spanish translations
fixed: error in Savenia's replay
fixed: can't enter the menu after using fan translation/release and deleting it without changing language
fixed: save compatibility for saves before the new prologue without starting a new story
v0.2.4 - 2022-11-19
added: nun outfit to the Alice
added: footjob for Alice in nun outfit
added: sex for Alice in nun outfit
added: 3rd Lola event
added: Handjob, Outside and Footjob to Lola's stats
added: Little Fox meeting outside event
added: asking Little Fox for exploring together
added: Little Fox exploration event - Nothing
added: Little Fox exploration event - Treasure
added: Little Fox exploration event - Stash
added: Little Fox exploration event - Bandits
added: Lola can appear outside her room
added: 10 new wallpapers (1 postcard, 5 Patron, 4 combat)
added: notifications to getting buffs
added: downloading new codes and messages from the server
added: "You died" screen after dying
added: option in Sound tab - "Play sound when window is minimized", default OFF
added: the number of cards in the deck to the crafting menu
added: Hints on how to get wallpapers to the wallpapers menu
added: Hints where to find collectibles (on hover)
added: more info to the crafting menu - names of items
added: Map support for Lola's events
added: Little Fox as a teammate in combat
changed: collectibles are now kept between saves
changed: muting volume will now no longer show sound values as 0, it'll instead show actual volumes
changed: default font to the Itim font
changed: how item notifications look
changed: removed "You died" notification
changed: game title font and color in the main menu
changed: increased outline for all entries in the main menu
changed: some Patreon wallpapers that were unlockable
changed: updated looks of wallpapers menu
changed: Judgment card now first attacks player
fixed: Alice sprite persisting during her cunnilingus scene
fixed: possible error when catching succubi
fixed: using code to catch succubi caused in pc wallpaper remaining on the screen
fixed: most tasks on repeat not working after the first time
fixed: cards are drawn using other cards not updating their descriptions accounting for status effects
fixed: wallpaper added notification not translating
fixed: Justice not stunning the player and enemy instead, bypassing stun immunity
fixed: Stun immunity could not be granted (not affecting vanilla)
added: grace bunny outfit
added: dream 'I'
added: dream Sleep Paralysis
added: consuming more items for buffs - alcohols
added: Drunk buff - from drinking alcohol
added: Sex with Succubi now grants a new buff - Succubi Hormones
added: Calming and Irritating powders - consumable items manipulating dream chance
added: rubbing & footjob to Grace's stats
added: play sound to the most cards
added: buffs can now have several triggers, with different outcomes
added: 8 new wallpapers - from combat
added: Grace to Alice's outfit crafting menu
added: some items can now be unsellable
added: some items can now remain after death
added: expanded Devil's Dream - you can now postpone the deal (+ related item & buff)
added: Learning elemental mysticism from Kiara
added: new dialogues to the 12th main story events
changed: now you need to unlock a character to see their outfit crafting tab
changed: alcohols type to Consumable from Quest Item
fixed: re-rendered Grace head pat images
fixed: error while removing deleted items from the inventory
fixed: item tags working only after loading a save (couldn't use some choices in dialogue menu)
fixed: June 2022 postcard wallpaper preview being low-res
added: beta content to the what's new
added: most of Alice's events to the replay menu
added: Pyjamas Party to Grace & Mina replay
changed: redone the replays menu
changed: renamed buffs to status effects
changed: optimized gallery fix - save loading
changed: selected sacrifice will now be highlighted
changed: what's new scrollbar
changed: made meeting Little Fox first time much easier
changed: made explore story event more likely to trigger
changed: decreased cool-down between explore story events to 7 days (the same - not completed event)
changed: you can no longer get a game over from a dream without choices
fixed: an error on old saves in a few events involving controlled RNG
fixed: a memory leak related to controlled RNG mechanics
fixed: Little Fox's second event not unlocking with a persistent fix
fixed: not all replay menus could be seen on android
fixed: what's new images showing off-frame
fixed: a bug in SFW mode when kissing Alice in her room
fixed: some kiara images missing
fixed: exploit - traders having old save relations & items when starting a new game in some cases
fixed: prologue music staying on after its end
fixed: explore music not triggering on Lexi's 2nd event
fixed: notifications of sanity change triggering when the sanity wasn't changed
added: Spiritual Infusion sanity loss indicator to the rituals screen
changed: it's now impossible to execute a ritual if you lose all sanity because of the Spiritual Infusion effect
fixed: Ritual Materials being unobtainable
fixed: some failed rituals not having a red cross over them
fixed: rituals not using items
fixed: most input text being not translateable
fixed: error with notifications if your name has '[]' signs
fixed: being able to give too long names, overflowing the screen
added: Battle sound volume bar to sound settings
added: Grace & Alice crafting items together in the evening
added: Alice's playmate outfit
added: a sound setting to disable whispers
added: animated replay images to the most sex scenes
added: you can now undress Grace in Massage 2 with affection too
added: various H scenes to Kiara's sex menu (you can skip footjob now)
added: most of Grace's content to the replay menu
added: the most of Dog & Cat content to the replay menu
added: the most Kiara's events to the replay menu
added: most of Lexi's content to the replay menu
added: most of Little Fox content to the replay menu
added: most of Lola's content to the replay menu
added: most of Mina's content to the replay menu
added: most of Rachel's content to the replay menu
added: most of Rhainda's content to the replay menu
added: most of Savenia's content to the replay menu
added: Succubi content to the replay menu with their own category
added: many miscellaneous replays, including the first time meeting Mysterious Trader
added: a frame to the replay menu images
added: sound to the most cards
added: NSFW sound volume bar to sound settings
added: a custom cursor
added: a few NSFW sounds to alice & savenia scenes
added: Sound warning at the start
changed: downloader now points to the Patreon release posts
changed: you can now access rituals much earlier, you need to get Kiara's trust for that
changed: moved many replay items in an alphabetical order
changed: increased most replay images quality
changed: replaced part of the replay images
changed: made most replays accessible without finishing the event
changed: you'll now have your stats & progress in the replays when appropriate
changed: replay list text size
changed: you can now access all replay lists no matter if you've seen the first event
changed: you no longer need to insert name when replaying the prologue
changed: now when fully unlocked the replay gallery's unlocked counter will be golden
fixed: sound issue in a prologue
fixed: many replay issues
fixed: grace goodnight kiss having one option lead to a wrong continuation
fixed: choices destroying cards not working sometimes
fixed: error when destroying a card in an ending
fixed: sometimes character not doing what they should after an event
fixed: bug with deleted persistent and Treasure Hunt replay
fixed: card sound not playing when using the card that ends combat
fixed: bad placement of language menu on Android version
fixing all reported bugs, and updating missing language files, including fixing the broken font in Vietnamese.
A lot of new Grace content
Gracie got three new story events, a new 'anger & apology' mechanic, new sleeping content (including two footjobs), a secret event, and more. The last of her new story events is merged with Alice's and Little Fox's events. Oh, it's a funny event ;)
New Lexi & Mina events
Sisters got two new story events each! Lexi additionally got a super big event - Kitchen Date, an event you need to make preparations for. With a lot of hot content to unlock as you get a higher score. It's the longest event to date and the first of the new 'date' system. Have fun!
Fox girls' events
As mentioned above Little Fox has an event merged with Alice & Gracie, Rachel also got an event (finally some action with her :p), and Rhainda got two story events!
New items
Four of them can be used during the new events, there are two consumables (and a new buff), and pouches + chests with keys used to open them. Will you get rich overnight? Scavenge or purchase them to try your luck! Try code NewPouches to get some reward pouches :)
Redone prologue
The prologue was made from scratch to be much bigger, more informative, and intriguing. Check replays or start a new game to see it. You might meet someone unexpected there.
A lot of other changes & additions
The changelog is long as hell, there are around 30 bugs fixed, a lot of QoL changes, some suggested by the community. There are some other new mechanics like Mina can have a hangover, refuse to get into any meaningful conversation with you, and stop working on her task. Abandoned car loot was boosted significantly, and first sounds to enemy attacks were added. Check the full changelog from the link below.
updated Vietnamese and Spanish translations
Fredericka font support for Vietnamese
discount for relations with traders
robin sex scene animations not showing
checkered background after credits in the replays
some things not translating despite having translation files - eq. item uses
no image - sidebar dark 1/2 on Android
error when using items in the vault, while not having any of this item in the inventory
negative hp when your ally wins the battle or you run after player’s defeated
Outfit unlocked message appearing even if outfit was already unlocked
corruption exploit with sleeping Grace
trust/lust exploit with sleeping Lexi
corruption exploit with wc peeking
corruption exploit with bath peeking
stuck at the tutorial after tweaking difficulty settings, and killing werewolf before designed
no lust increase from Kiara sex scenes
pc buttons being active in replay, wallpaper and collectible menus
outfit unlocked messages appearing also in the middle
Devotee girl not changing expression after player tells her to fuck off
missing item notification using ID instead of item name
rare error on save after giving Rachel materials
typos & grammar mistakes
Alice valentine wallpapers
bright hover to wallpaper menu
tooltips to wallpapers menu with wallpaper name
disable animation support to all animations that didn’t have it
Animations ON/OFF setting to Video tab replacing old settings
Notifications style settings to Game tab
icons to the items
crafting to the character screen
updated translations for Spanish and Vietnamese
a model info to Rhainda relations tab
move items slider to vault and trade
Even out function to the trading menu
Good Profit mechanic to the traders
preview of increased relations to the traders + relations counter
Disable Fredericka font setting to the game settings
scrollbar to the relations tab
some more stuff from 0.2.2 (and 0.2.2a) to what’s new
notification to the trader’s relations increase outside of a trade deal
option to chose defeat in Rhainda’s 1st event replay
Supporters about/credits font
Now wallpapers will be sorted, and unlocked wallpapers will show before locked ones
HP bars image
removed cumming animations from the most events that had them
minor dialogue changes in a few events
removed continue option from most prostitute sex scenes
notifications window
reworked the whole inventory system
interact ‘Interact’ font to Fredericka
interact menu buttons to follow new GUI style
merged character and inventory menus
inventory + character menu follows new GUI style
vault follows new GUI style
crafting menu to follow the new GUI style
optimized crafting menu performance
increased Mysterious Coin worth 10 -> 60
decreased chance to drop Mysteries Coin for most enemies (by 50%)
chance when looting treasure trove to obtain Mysterious Coin 100% -> 40%
removed obsolete tooltips from character menu
relations menu to follow new GUI style
help menu to follow new GUI style
story menu to follow new GUI style
decks menu to follow new GUI style
expanded menu icons to follow the new GUI style
outfit crafting menu to follow the new GUI style
outfit crafting will now happen on clicking the outfit
now you can use items in vault for all quests
now the items you gave to girls in event previously will not be there next time
now wandering trader’s daughter trade will clean up bought things
wandering trader now will offer some items only after some relations reached
increased maximum Hollow Market discount 10% -> 20%, it’s harder to increase relations
Hollow Market now allow to pay with everything, it restocks weekly
Hollow Market can now have more different items to buy, some require higher relations with them
default name for new players will be John now
notification side for code insertion
dream with the devil animation to the moving image
Patrons settings category will no longer show for non Patrons
what’s new frame to more readable one
one dialogue line in the Grace’s nightmare event
wandering trader’s daughter is now not separate trader
Mysterious Trader will restock everyday
You can no longer continue Alice’s Q&A game in replay after losing all caps
music in first Rhainda event is now positive after the fight
Sample Mod stickman dream is now off by default for new players
now Warehouse event replay will always have people inside the warehouse
In Roars in the Sky event you can now shot at the sky in replay, this option is no longer usable in normal gameplay without a shotting card
Prostitutes can now be priced at not full values
Madam Hof will display prices in caps now
Wandering Trader will display prices in caps now
discount from relations no longer applies to the wandering trader daughter services
previous scene seen after battle when picking a card
interaction menu’s Lobby (view B) button, taking player to his room
multiple healing notifications after sleep
error on Treasure Chest events
error on exploration on old saves under some circumstances
a possibility of patches not applying correctly between some versions
Alice’s WC anal having an odd image with animations OFF
wrong image after animation ends in Grace’s 2nd massage event
second Grace massage in clothes not raising stats
a few weird transitions in Succubi events
possible error at midnight kiss event
suicide saying you lost cards
Alice task error if it was taken before 0.2.1e
Astral Lust dream triggering before meeting Kiara
tooltip staying after clicking continue in the tutorial
rare error at the tutorial end
listed cards in deck were aligned to the left side
Alice stranded outfit weaving not working
could enter playroom before building it with the interactions menu
Alice, Lexi and Grace showing in their room while being somewhere else after some events
error at replays of midnight kiss event
Alice sleeping in player’s bed after Grace coming for a sleepover
some translations not appearing due to % and %% translation generation conversion
trade save/load exploit
Spanish translation sleep being smaller in bed dialogue menu
in Spanish Rest icon text is no longer off icon
Relations tab one person being hidden under the image
updated/added entry not being translated
weird spacing at the end of 0.2.2 what’s new
black screen in replay in warehouse exploration event
Alice task related errors for people that didn’t cancel her task since before 0.2.1e
Alice not showing up first in the replay of Q&A event
Alice changing outfit in Q&A replay
some rare, latent problems with Alice’s Q&A event involving not taking item rewards from her
possible errors in building shrine replays
items in Alice Q&A shared between saves on one playthrough
no background in Mina’s Good Ol’ Bootle replay
no background in Lexi’s Trouble at the Market & Feet Massage replays
no background in Grace’s Play House event replay
no background in Lola’s event replays
no background in the first three secret endings replays
black/checker background in skip mode if animation didn’t decode first frame before displaying them with some animations
Amanda’s default way of calling player not translating
v0.2.1e Public
fixes a few more bugs, including visual bugs from 0.2.1d where the time of day and affection counters were not changing (visual only). It also fixes tooltips not disappearing in a few situations, savenia bike shown before she's in the hotel, and image not found bug in the wardrobe before first meeting the girl.ts in the rooms. It will make it easier to know what is interactable in the free-ro
I've also added a new mechanic to the combat. An ability to summon allies/enemies. For now, it's used only by anniversary cards for supporters, but soon, there will be new cards and enemy skills using this mechanic. Stay tuned!am, it's also a BIG QoL for Android port. Full changelog link below.shortly after 0.2.0 with its purpose being mostly adding Xmas events. It's now after the Xmas period, and I'm coming with
Unique card 'Fireworks' available only in January waits for you~ the new patches.
v0.2.1d fixes 19 bugs, changes choice menu location, and adds new settings. There is also an interactions menu - a menu showing all (non-secret) clickable
I've also added a new mechanic to the combat. An ability to summon allies/enemies. For now, it's used only by anniversary cards for supporters, but soon, there will be new cards and enemy skills using this mechanic. Stay tuned!
increased trade icons/text for android
on android clicking outside the menu when choosing deck will toggle showing enemies
on android clicking a card will make it bigger and clicking it again will use it, clicking outside will return the card
Tower has no side effect, armor 5 - 3, empower 2 - 1
removed few strong enemies from average combat difficulty
story exploration events now have lower chance
Judgment card dealing damage only to one enemy
out of place Hollow Market on android
destroying/moving cards between decks counting as interaction
error when checking combat tutorial in help menu
card related checks
encountering the most powerful enemies if not defeated average enemies before (no more masochist mode)
error on Alice’s Get Combat Gear task
0.2.0c fixes
Lexi feet massage activity
Christmas event - Beginning
Christmas event - Alice the Christmas Elf
Christmas event - Santa Lexi
Christmas event - Deer Gracie
Christmas event - Kitty
Christmas event - Sober
Christmas event - Holy Night
December Patron wallpapers
Christmas 2021 Postcard wallpaper
improved map event flickering mechanism
being able to trigger Christmas without any story progress
the first deck resetting after loadunable to pick up two collectibles
error when opening a vault on new saves
other save loading related bugs
healing Alice required all possible cards
error when task completed at wanderers hideouttyposixed
v0.2.0b Public
This release has a lot of new events and mechanics.
Fox Shrine can be built and Little Fox along with a new fox girl can live in it!
There is a new dream with sexy scenes!
Three new exploration events!
Decks system, choose a deck when entering combat!
Give girls tasks, make Gracie cook for you!
Help Gracie with chores around the house.
Progress with Savenia and Lexi.
Pregnancy fetish added!
This release adds around 100 new animations and around 600 new renders, making it the biggest release animation + image-wise to date. Give Little Fox and Rachel the love they deserve
0.2.0a & b besides fixing bugs also introduce new QoL changes. You can destroy cards again! When a story event can be triggered map icon will start to flicker, giving you a great visual hint that something can be done!
error on opening settings after 0.1.9e patch
card tooltip not closing after using a card when behind is another card
added various fixes from 0.1.10 patches
death on mina’s event has no side effects now
item loss on rollback
vault exploit
Freedom in Death & Death cards not ending combat
supporters overlapping if in game menu inside main menu
after Grace change, Grace position is not updated
supporters weird display on 4K branch
error when using Cease Fire Treaty
new deck images
health bar size is dependent on enemy width
supporters to the main menu
battle gui placement
now you can only rollback to battle start, not each move
error after answering all Alice questions without taking her items
(possibly) rollback after death not returning items if died in combat sometimes
errors on loading save prior to 0.1.9 if shortly before fought enemy group
Burning and Poison tooltips
Sweep description
The Sun tooltip
strength decreases to 1 with max strength on the second turn
burning immunity not working
immunities not decreasing effects on receiving them
strength & agility add buffs in combat again
wallpapers looting in the fight again
animated hp bar
X cost cards couldn’t be played
overlapping indications
Flirtatious Look not changing enemy intent
error on Faceless using debuff
looting exploit
card descriptions not updating after killing enemy
unable to skip if loaded from inside of combat
hp bar not reflecting actual hp at the start
reworked combat (saves in the middle of an old fight will give error)
reworked cards
end turn keybind (spacebar)
powersave & frameskip to video settings
5 status effects - Dragon Might, Persistence, Illusive, Venomous & Fury
new card - Dragonborn (orange, from dragon)
option to toggle rollback block after version upgrade
Midnight Kiss event
10 wallpapers
templates to mods folder
added tabs to what’s new screen
powersave by deafult is now off (was auto)
optimized save load code
now game by default is launched in fullscreen
balanced many enemies
balanced many cards
life steal doesn’t work on the last hit
error on Grace changing clothes
97 other issues, both design flaws and bugs
460 images
36 animations
3rd savenia event
4th savenia event
5th savenia event
repeatable savenia H scene
boobjob, blowjob, outside, inside to savenia stats
footjob to Mina’s stats
new dialogue option with Little Fox
patting cat - bedroom/lobby/kitchen
patting dog - bedroom/lobby/corridor
pats to cat & dog stats
kissing lexi - bedroom
kissing alice - bedroom/gym
kissing grace - bedroom/lobby/kitchen/corridor/goodnight/corrupted goodnight
kissing mina - love/friend/competition
kisses to Alice, Mina, Lexi & Grace stats
submission, blowjob, thighjob, handjob, anal, came inside to Grace stats
new bad ending (secret)
sex positions to girls stats
masturbation & boobjob to Alice stats
5 new wallpapers (patrons)
4th vault expansion - +25/+2 space
5th vault expansion - +25/+2 space, Currency no longer takes space
6th vault expansion - +25/+2 space, Space for materials per level +100% (+175/0)
7th vault expansion - +25/+2 space, Space for materials & cards per level +100% (+200/+16)
several text & textbox related settings
settings to change main menu images
new characters icons to the map
recover (fix) gallery button support for new and all future story events
scrollbar to crafting screen
Always Display Masks option to game settings
masks opacity sliders to settings (for now only in forced mode)
new font for madness lines
map support for savenia events
wallpaper code input window
allowed copy-paste wallpaper code
‘what’s new’ screen on the first time launching new version
drastically improved performance of wallpaper and collectibles tabs
Savenia’s first event tip, now it clarifies need for the next hotel floor
main menu has new looks
text is now outlined by default
now main menu shows girls
now finding treasure map doesn’t end exploration
increased chance of finding map 30 -> 35
increased blur for sfw mode in 4k
story dialogue options now are highlighted
dialogue options (repeatable) show what they increase
now characters in the map are outlined
renamed ‘fix gallery’ button to ‘recover gallery’
removed patreon icon from PC
improved card destroying screen
increased vault/crafting menu size
increased card size in vault
increased vault (materials) space per level to 50
bad endings now block rollback
when training after reaching the cap, you no longer tire yourself
one line in Alice’s 5th event
building/upgrading hotel now checks vault for the items too
increased card size in the deck view
setting tabs are now always displayed
some clipping in renders when finding cat
SFW mode not blocking Alice masturbation/ass in Mina’s 3rd event
weird light reflection in Mina’s 3rd event
unable to finish SFW mode because of lack of lust increasing options for girls
SFW mode not working in Little Fox meeting
card destroying tab selecting vault tab
treasure hunt won’t reset if defeated in ambush
Alice’s 5th event animations not changing
sfw skipped notification not showing in many events
alice’s anal wc not raising statistics
missing image in Grace bath massage
Kiara story sex not increasing creampie counter
Alice story events not increasing creampie counter
Mina’s 3rd event not increasing Alice’s masturbation counter
Mina’s 13th event not increasing cunnilingus counter
Mina’s footjob not increasing statistics counter
Succubus (Pink) getting Threesome counter for both succubi in one scene
possible tutorial overflow beyond screen on some displays
image not updated when expanding hotel
some grammar/spelling mistakes
"Есть ли изнасилование и НТР?:"
Изнасилование, шантаж, домогательство, принуждение и т.д. есть и всегда будет чем-то, чего можно избежать, если это происходит, то это означает только то, что Игрок позволил этому случиться или решил это сделать. Персонажи, которые могут быть изнасилованы в некоторых ситуациях, - это все общие персонажи в повторяющихся событиях. Хотя 5-е событие Мины может напугать вас, это самое большее, что может произойти. Я бы попробовал включить в него множество вещей и фетишей, но все они окажутся недоступными.
Никаких НТР или изнасилований главных девушек / побочных девушек / других персонажей, имеющих хоть какое-то значение.
Rape, blackmail, harassment, coercion, etc. is and will always be something avoidable, if it happens that only means that the Player allowed it to happen or have chosen to do it. Characters that can be raped in some situations are all generic characters in repeatable events. Although Mina's 5th event might scare you, it's the most that will ever happen. I would try including many things and fetishes, but they'll be all avoidable.
No NTR or rape on main girls / side girls / other characters with any significance.
"Примечания Разработчика:"
Это Victorius. Многие из вас задают мне вопросы, когда я вижу их, я отвечаю, но я не часто посещаю форум, если вы хотите связаться со мной, пингуйте меня на сервере Discord, я очень активен там, и со мной легко связаться.
На сервере, помимо обращения за помощью/общения, можно скачивать/публиковать моды, например, есть мод на бесконечное хранение карт, а также мод на увеличение объема хранилища в 10 раз. Есть также мод баланса карт, мод Thomas the Motherfucker и, я думаю, многие другие, которые появятся со временем.
Victorius here, a lot of you ask me questions, when I see them I answer, but I don't check forum often, if you would like to get in touch with me, ping me on Discord server, I'm very active there, and can be reached easily.
On the server, besides seeking help/chatting you can download/publish mods, for instance there is mod for infinite card storage, and another one for increasing vault space 10x. There is also card balance mod, Thomas the Motherfucker mod and I believe many more to come with time.
Это Victorius. Многие из вас задают мне вопросы, когда я вижу их, я отвечаю, но я не часто посещаю форум, если вы хотите связаться со мной, пингуйте меня на сервере Discord, я очень активен там, и со мной легко связаться.
На сервере, помимо обращения за помощью/общения, можно скачивать/публиковать моды, например, есть мод на бесконечное хранение карт, а также мод на увеличение объема хранилища в 10 раз. Есть также мод баланса карт, мод Thomas the Motherfucker и, я думаю, многие другие, которые появятся со временем.
Victorius here, a lot of you ask me questions, when I see them I answer, but I don't check forum often, if you would like to get in touch with me, ping me on Discord server, I'm very active there, and can be reached easily.
On the server, besides seeking help/chatting you can download/publish mods, for instance there is mod for infinite card storage, and another one for increasing vault space 10x. There is also card balance mod, Thomas the Motherfucker mod and I believe many more to come with time.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 27-10-2024, 13:36
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.3.1c Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.3.1c Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.3.1c Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.3.1c Eng.
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