In this game you will play as a young adult, who is living together with his attractive (step*)mother and 2 hot (step*)sisters, in a city filled with even more gorgeous women! Each NPC has their own storyline and you get to decide when and where you would like to explore and which girl you want to pursue. Every update will expand on existing storylines, but also on adding new locations, girls, jobs, events, etc.
* Depending on your preferences.
Год выпуска: 2019
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, blackmail, corruption, cosplay, creampie, exhibitionism, groping, group sex, handjob, harem, incest, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, pregnancy, romance, sandbox, simulator, sleep sex, spanking, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик / Издатель: Faerin - https://www.patreon.com/faerin
Тип издания: Original (License)
Версия: v.1.0.2c Extra
Платформа: PC/Windows
Язык интерфейса: English, German, French, Spanish, Portugese, Dutch and Russian
Таблэтка не требуется
Переключение языка в телефоне!
Проблему с "could not switch resolution" решили.. Установите KB2670838 с оф сайта майкрософта
Дневник и письма - правильно читать
Посмотреть дневник - правильный выбор 2,3,2.
Фальшивое письмо №1: 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2.
Фальшивое письмо №2: 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2.
Как сохраняться
В телефоне стрелки. Вниз сохраниться, вверх загрузиться.
Где находятся читы
В телефоне. Настоятельно рекомендую поднимать только уровень настроения и деньги.
Где лежат сохранения
Даримых предметов всего два - нижнее белье для Эшли (одноразовая покупка) и вино для матери (используется после 21:00 пока она в зале, одна бутылка - один сеанс массажа). Одеколон, матрас и тд просто покупаются, как-то дополнительно их применять не надо.
Как открыть казино, полицейский участок, фитнесс клуб, ночной клуб?
1) Казино открывается во время поездки по городу на метро после 23:00, просто нарезайте круги пока не откроется. В данный момент никаких событий с ним не связано.
2) В 10:00 утра надо выпить кофе, подойдет Вероника, будет диалог. Спалить ее в 23:00 в комнате. Затем через некоторое время ночью позвонит Вероника и попросит вытащить ее оттуда.
3) В будний день в 6:00 поговорить с мамой о занятиях йогой.
4) Спрашиваете у сестры где она берет деньги. В фитнесс клубе в 12:00 подслушиваете разговор Вероники, гуглите в телефоне название ночного клуба.
Примерный сценарий на вечер
18:00 Совместный ужин
19:00 Помощь матери на кухне
19:30 Просмотр фильма с Эшли
21:00 Даем вино матери и далее два варианта: 1) делаем массаж, 2) идем в коридор на втором этаже - стартует ивент с совместным купанием
22:00 Если пошли по второму пути - идем в коридор на первом этаже, подслушиваем разговор (если возможность появилась). Затем идем к Эшли и желаем ей спокойной ночи. Идем к себе и смотрим порно. Время 22:45, мотаем до 23 ровно.
23:00 Спускаемся в коридор на первом этаже, ловим Веронику.
Спать ложимся не позже часа ночи (в идеале в полночь). Если смотрели ужасник с Эшли, то она к вам придет. Если выбрали другой фильм, то ставьте будильник не раньше 7:00 иначе к вам утром мать не заглянет.
Если какое-то из выше описанных действий вам недоступно: а) низкий уровень отношений, б) просто не пришло время. Повторяю, игра достаточно линейна. Рано или поздно само всё откроется.
Нижнее белье для Эшли
Когда 60 сердец и 6 звезд, кажется, надо в 22:00 подслушать ее разговор с матерью у комнаты матери. Она выбежит, столкнется с нами и тут мы пообещаем купить ей то, что она хочет. Далее в торговом центре появляется новый товар. Возможно предварительно надо дождаться смсок с фотками и вопросом какой бикини купить. Это по субботам происходит, когда Эшли на шопинг уходит. Затем подарить нижнее белье и спать голышом после просмотра ужастика.
Как получить шестую ачивку Эшли в Say Cheese (фото Софии)
Общением в зале поднимаем Софию до 5 звезд. В субботу в 12:00 придет СМС от Эшли (при переходе в гостиную, но вполне возможно локация не важна).
Как подарить Веронике костюм горничной
В 10:00 утра попробовать попить кофе, она перехватит.
В 23:00 около ее двер подглядеть как она куда-то собирается.
По прошествии нескольких дней ночью позвонят из полицейского участка.
После вызволения из участка она будет обязана выполнять просьбы.
Выманиванием денег поднять уровень отношений до уборки.
После этого ловить задания от мамы на уборку (ванны, кухни, квартиры). Соответственно, этим грузить Веронику, попутно отлавливая, когда она этим занимается.
В магазине белья появится костюмчик, покупаем. Пытаемся отдать костюм Веронике, она посылает и уровень отношений спускается на 0. После этого едем в тренажерку в 12:00 и ловим ее разговор с девочкой с ресепшена. И уже после этого ищем через гугл клуб на карте.
Звезды мамки
Первая звезда. Для начала подымаешь с мамой сердечки (сработало у меня с 20+)
- затем покупаешь вино (купи несколько сразу)
- выкачиваешь все параметры что бы была довольная рожа (чит или жратвой и прочим)
- в 21:00 подходишь к телеку, там она в халате.
- кликаешь вино, затем на нее (она пьет)
- предлагаешь массаж
- продолжить массаж
- она предлагает еще бухнуть, пьем!
- ведешь ее в комнату
- немного оголяешь ее грудь
- трогаешь
Вторая звезда. Далее нужно набрать 30 сердец;
- покупаешь вино.
- в 21:00 подходишь к телеку, там она в халате.
- кликаешь вино, затем на нее (она пьет)
- ждешь 22:00
- идешь в локацию с 3 дверями на первом этаже
- слышишь телефонный разговор
- прокликиваешь до конца, тебя кидает в спальню ГГ
Третья и четвертая
Купить для себя тренировочный костюм в торговом центре
С утра надо подняться на крышу когда она одна занимается йогой и отказать заниматься вместе (должно быть не меньше 30 "губ" и 15 тренировки - это важно)
После 35 "губ" станет доступно завершение ивента помощи с йогой.
После получения 1-ой звезды (после йоги) спать голышом, она зайдет в комнату.
В чит версии четвертая звезда не приходит в ачивки - это баг.
In this game you will play as a young adult, who is living together with his attractive (step*)mother and 2 hot (step*)sisters, in a city filled with even more gorgeous women! Each NPC has their own storyline and you get to decide when and where you would like to explore and which girl you want to pursue. Every update will expand on existing storylines, but also on adding new locations, girls, jobs, events, etc.
* Depending on your preferences.
Год выпуска: 2019
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, blackmail, corruption, cosplay, creampie, exhibitionism, groping, group sex, handjob, harem, incest, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, pregnancy, romance, sandbox, simulator, sleep sex, spanking, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик / Издатель: Faerin - https://www.patreon.com/faerin
Тип издания: Original (License)
Версия: v.1.0.2c Extra
Платформа: PC/Windows
Язык интерфейса: English, German, French, Spanish, Portugese, Dutch and Russian
Таблэтка не требуется
Переключение языка в телефоне!
Проблему с "could not switch resolution" решили.. Установите KB2670838 с оф сайта майкрософта
Content Changed
This patch will restore all character to their orignal relationships:
Mom (instead of landlady)
Sister (instead of roommate)
Patch Instructions
Just copy the mapping.xml file to same directory as the game (overwrite the existing mapping.xml)
This patch will restore all character to their orignal relationships:
Mom (instead of landlady)
Sister (instead of roommate)
Patch Instructions
Just copy the mapping.xml file to same directory as the game (overwrite the existing mapping.xml)
Дневник и письма - правильно читать
Посмотреть дневник - правильный выбор 2,3,2.
Фальшивое письмо №1: 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2.
Фальшивое письмо №2: 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2.
Как сохраняться
В телефоне стрелки. Вниз сохраниться, вверх загрузиться.
Где находятся читы
В телефоне. Настоятельно рекомендую поднимать только уровень настроения и деньги.
Где лежат сохранения
Даримых предметов всего два - нижнее белье для Эшли (одноразовая покупка) и вино для матери (используется после 21:00 пока она в зале, одна бутылка - один сеанс массажа). Одеколон, матрас и тд просто покупаются, как-то дополнительно их применять не надо.
Как открыть казино, полицейский участок, фитнесс клуб, ночной клуб?
1) Казино открывается во время поездки по городу на метро после 23:00, просто нарезайте круги пока не откроется. В данный момент никаких событий с ним не связано.
2) В 10:00 утра надо выпить кофе, подойдет Вероника, будет диалог. Спалить ее в 23:00 в комнате. Затем через некоторое время ночью позвонит Вероника и попросит вытащить ее оттуда.
3) В будний день в 6:00 поговорить с мамой о занятиях йогой.
4) Спрашиваете у сестры где она берет деньги. В фитнесс клубе в 12:00 подслушиваете разговор Вероники, гуглите в телефоне название ночного клуба.
Примерный сценарий на вечер
18:00 Совместный ужин
19:00 Помощь матери на кухне
19:30 Просмотр фильма с Эшли
21:00 Даем вино матери и далее два варианта: 1) делаем массаж, 2) идем в коридор на втором этаже - стартует ивент с совместным купанием
22:00 Если пошли по второму пути - идем в коридор на первом этаже, подслушиваем разговор (если возможность появилась). Затем идем к Эшли и желаем ей спокойной ночи. Идем к себе и смотрим порно. Время 22:45, мотаем до 23 ровно.
23:00 Спускаемся в коридор на первом этаже, ловим Веронику.
Спать ложимся не позже часа ночи (в идеале в полночь). Если смотрели ужасник с Эшли, то она к вам придет. Если выбрали другой фильм, то ставьте будильник не раньше 7:00 иначе к вам утром мать не заглянет.
Если какое-то из выше описанных действий вам недоступно: а) низкий уровень отношений, б) просто не пришло время. Повторяю, игра достаточно линейна. Рано или поздно само всё откроется.
Нижнее белье для Эшли
Когда 60 сердец и 6 звезд, кажется, надо в 22:00 подслушать ее разговор с матерью у комнаты матери. Она выбежит, столкнется с нами и тут мы пообещаем купить ей то, что она хочет. Далее в торговом центре появляется новый товар. Возможно предварительно надо дождаться смсок с фотками и вопросом какой бикини купить. Это по субботам происходит, когда Эшли на шопинг уходит. Затем подарить нижнее белье и спать голышом после просмотра ужастика.
Как получить шестую ачивку Эшли в Say Cheese (фото Софии)
Общением в зале поднимаем Софию до 5 звезд. В субботу в 12:00 придет СМС от Эшли (при переходе в гостиную, но вполне возможно локация не важна).
Как подарить Веронике костюм горничной
В 10:00 утра попробовать попить кофе, она перехватит.
В 23:00 около ее двер подглядеть как она куда-то собирается.
По прошествии нескольких дней ночью позвонят из полицейского участка.
После вызволения из участка она будет обязана выполнять просьбы.
Выманиванием денег поднять уровень отношений до уборки.
После этого ловить задания от мамы на уборку (ванны, кухни, квартиры). Соответственно, этим грузить Веронику, попутно отлавливая, когда она этим занимается.
В магазине белья появится костюмчик, покупаем. Пытаемся отдать костюм Веронике, она посылает и уровень отношений спускается на 0. После этого едем в тренажерку в 12:00 и ловим ее разговор с девочкой с ресепшена. И уже после этого ищем через гугл клуб на карте.
Звезды мамки
Первая звезда. Для начала подымаешь с мамой сердечки (сработало у меня с 20+)
- затем покупаешь вино (купи несколько сразу)
- выкачиваешь все параметры что бы была довольная рожа (чит или жратвой и прочим)
- в 21:00 подходишь к телеку, там она в халате.
- кликаешь вино, затем на нее (она пьет)
- предлагаешь массаж
- продолжить массаж
- она предлагает еще бухнуть, пьем!
- ведешь ее в комнату
- немного оголяешь ее грудь
- трогаешь
Вторая звезда. Далее нужно набрать 30 сердец;
- покупаешь вино.
- в 21:00 подходишь к телеку, там она в халате.
- кликаешь вино, затем на нее (она пьет)
- ждешь 22:00
- идешь в локацию с 3 дверями на первом этаже
- слышишь телефонный разговор
- прокликиваешь до конца, тебя кидает в спальню ГГ
Третья и четвертая
Купить для себя тренировочный костюм в торговом центре
С утра надо подняться на крышу когда она одна занимается йогой и отказать заниматься вместе (должно быть не меньше 30 "губ" и 15 тренировки - это важно)
После 35 "губ" станет доступно завершение ивента помощи с йогой.
После получения 1-ой звезды (после йоги) спать голышом, она зайдет в комнату.
В чит версии четвертая звезда не приходит в ачивки - это баг.
Steam Deluxe Edition
Includes the Christmas Episode in the main menus
Adds Spanish translation, bugfixes, and spelling corrections
v.1.0.2 Extra
Hey guys, the final version of Man of the House is finished!
Like I said before, this doesn’t mean there won’t be any future updates, but for now I will start focusing on the development of my new game.
This update adds the last remaining ending, plus a very special bonus ending.
Thank you all for your support over the last 2 years and enjoy the update!
New content
Added a new ending for Diane (with 6 new animations).
Added a new bonus ending for (with 8 new animations).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Added a confirm dialog to the unlock memories button in the cheat console.
Bug fixes
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Finalized preparations for the Steam release!
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
v.1.0.1 Extra
Hey guys, another update ready!
This update adds 2 of the 4 remaining endings. The next update will be done in another 3 weeks and will include the last 2 endings (for now). After that one, I will start development on my new game.
In the future I plan on releasing more MotH updates, adding content for the girls that don’t have any right now.
I also have some very exciting news, MotH will be available on Steam soon!
Right now I’m doing the preparations, but I’ll share more on that later this week!
But first, I hope you enjoy the current update and the new endings!
Have fun!
New content
Added a new ending for Emma (with 4 new animations).
Added a new ending for Pam (with 4 new animations).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Updated the UI to support different screen ratios (16:9 is still recommended).
Added some hints for the endings.
Released the first mac version (feedback on this would be appreciated, as it might still contain some bugs).
Bug fixes
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Started preparations for a Steam release!
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
V1.0.0 Extra
New content
Finished the family yoga scene (with 3 new animations) and updated the existing images.
Added a new ending for Ashley (with 3 new animations).
Added a new ending for Veronica (with 6 new animations).
Added a new ending for Veronica (with 2 new animations).
Added a new item.
Added a cosplay collectable.
Moved the dialog history button to the top right, it's now available during dialogs as well.
Released a mac version. This will be moved to next version, due to time constraints.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where you could fast travel to the health club without a workout outfit.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
v0.9.9 Extra
In this update, Ashley gets her first alternative ending.
I also extended one of Claire’s scenes.
The next update will be the v1.0.0 version and is also my 2 year “anniversary” on Patreon.
So I will probably release that version in either 3 or 4 weeks from now, as I want do something special...
New content
Added a new ending for Ashley (with 6 new animations).
Extended one of Claire's events (with 1 new animation).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with the Italian translation.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
v.0.9.8 Extra
This time, Claire gets her first ending.
I also added an additional scene for Debby.
Aside from that I spent some more time fixing the most urgent (potentially game-breaking) bugs, as the list had grown a bit longer over the last months.
New content
Added a new ending for Claire (with 5 new animations).
Added a new scene for Debby (with 2 new animations).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where Veronica's dusting scene, could result in lowering her stats too far.
Fixed a bug with Amy's & Veronica's storyline at Neon, causing a loop.
Fixed a bug where Claire would show up in your room after doing yoga with her.
Fixed the stat requirement for one of Claire's dish washing events.
Fixed a bug that caused the stress stat to not decrease.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
v.0.9.7 Extra
Hey guys, here’s the new version!
I added another ending, this time for Veronica.
Now I know she is the favorite girl for many players, so I added some extra animations.
I also added an additional scene for Diane and (finally) spent some time making a proper trailer for MotH.
Have fun!
New content
Added a new ending for Veronica (with 7 new animations)!
Added a new scene for Diane (with 1 new animation).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Added a new intro animation to the menu screen.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug in the introduction day, making it impossible to go to bed.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
v0.9.6 Extra
Hey guys, first of all thanks a lot for all the feedback and support the past weeks!
Here’s the new version!
This update introduces the first ending of the game.
Please let me know if you like it, because I intend to add all of the other endings in a similar way.
I also added the winning scene of the last poll, I hope you enjoy it!
New content
Added the first ending for Ashley (with 4 new animations)!
Extended one of Ashley's and Veronica's event (with 2 new animations).
Added a new cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused Pam's selfies in the gallery not to open.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
Hey guys, here’s the new version! This update focusses on further progressing Debby’s story and introduces a nice, little “twist” (if I say so myself).
I hope you all like it!
New content
Extended Debby's event chain with 2 new events (with 5 new animations).
Extended one of Ashley's events (with 1 new animation).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
- fixed selfie bug
- fixed incorrect version number
Hey guys, here’s the new version!
This update focusses on progressing Angel’s story.
It took a little bit more work on the coding side than I anticipated, so this update will be a bit smaller, but I’ll make it up with the next update! Nevertheless, I hope you’ll like it!
New content
Extended one Angel's event chain (with 2 new animations).
Pam's date is fully unlocked now, after finishing her new event.
Extended one of Claire's events.
Added a new location.
Added a cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with displaying text messages in translated languages.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
v.0.9.3 Extra
Hey guys, here’s the new version! This update mainly focusses on progressing Debby’s story.
I have big plans for the new location and it will involve multiple girls and their storylines in the future.
I hope you’ll like it!
New content
Extended the new event chain for Debby with several scenes.
Extended one of Emma's event chains (with 4 new animations).
Added a new location.
Added a new travel event.
Added a cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
Faerin has just posted this
There seems to be a bug in displaying the version number, once you copy your previous savegames over, it should show the right version.
So please be aware this is the Man of the House 0.93 (extra) there is just a minor bug we missed
v.0.9.2 Extra
Hey guys, here’s the new version!
My apologies for the delay, next update will be released in 2 weeks again, as usual.
This update focuses on Diane’s storyline, but has some new (small) scenes for two other girls as well. I hope you’ll like it!
Man of the house changelog
New content
Extended one of Diane's event chains with 2 new scenes (and with 2 new animations).
Extended one of Ashley's event chains (with 2 new animations).
Added the start of a new event chain for Debby (just a small teaser).
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused the nuru massage not to trigger.
Fixed a bug that caused Veronica to send you a selfie without triggering the scene.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
v. 0.9.1 Extra[/b]
Hey guys, here’s the new version! |
This update focuses on Emma’s storyline, but has some new (small) scenes for two other girls as well.
I hope you’ll like it!
New content
Extended two of Emma's event chains (with 2 new animations).
Extended one of Veronica's event chains (with a new animation).
Added a new event for Diane.
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Added an indicator to the contact list to show you are in are in a relationship with that girl.
Added a global hint for meeting Diane for the first time.
Bug fixes
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
v. 0.9 Extra
Hey guys, here’s the new version!
This update focuses mostly on Diane storyline, but I also added some additional content for Claire and Sophia as well and fixed some (older) annoying bugs.
I hope you’ll like it!
New content
Extended Diane's event chain with 4 new scenes.
Extended one of Sophia's event chains (with 3 new animations).
Added a new event for Claire.
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Bug fixes
Fixed a problem with the BJ animation that was added in the previous version.
Fixed a bug that caused Angel not to show on the minimap.
Fixed a bug causing Ashley's schoolgirl scene not to trigger.
You can no longer thrigger the threesome with Ashley and Sophia, before unlocking Ashley.
Fixed a bug causing Veronica's submission to drop to far, locking you out.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
New content
Extended 1 of Angels's event chains .
Added 3 new events for the "real" Angel (with 2 new animations).
Added a new location.
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Global events can now trigger on the map as well.
Bug fixes
Fixed Amy & Veronica's threesome animations.
Hiding the UI now also hides the datescore.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
New content
• Extended Amy's event chain (and added 5 new animations!).
• Added a new consumable item.
• Added a new cosplay collectable image.
• Cosplay collectables will now be shown when you find them.
• The hints will now automatically be updated to only show girls that have hints left (to a maximum of 8),
unless you manually switch them off.
• Added an option to the phone settings to disable automatically showing hints.
• Added an option to the phone settings to disable autosave.
Bug fixes
• Sleeping over at Emma's place now restores sleep.
• Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
• Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
New content
Extended Emma's massage event chain (and added a new animation).
Extended Emma's running event chain.
Extended Emma's Netflix event chain (and added a new animation).
Added a new location, but there's not much to do there (yet).
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Updated the menu screen (also added a new background & easter egg).
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that made the map icons show over animations in the gallery.
Fixed a bug with Emma's beach scene in the regular version.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added a bonus image to the extra version.
v0.8.6 Extra
Enjoy and merry Christmas everybody!
New content
Added one big Christmas event!
Added a new splash screen (with a “Christmas egg”)
Extra content
Added some additional images.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with Emma, that caused her achievements to reset.
Fixed a bug that caused the beach scene with Emma to loop.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
v0.8.5b Extra
Fixed Netflix Emma bug.
Note: Check the included installation guide if you have problems getting the game to run!
New content
Extended 3 of Emma's event chains with a lot of images (and a new animation).
Added a new event chain for Emma.
Added a new cosplay theme with one new collectable.
Added a new random event (to increase support, not story related…yet).
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused the continue button to be locked after going back to the menu screen.
Fixed a bug with the jealousy scene for Amy's & Veronica at Neon.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
v0.8.4 Extra
New content
Added a new location with a new character.
Added several new scenes for the new character.
Extended an existing event for Claire (with 2 new animations).
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Added the player's stats to the cheat console, these can be cheated without problems.
Fixed several story inconsistencies from the latest update.
Bug fixes
Fixed the language selection in the menu
Fixed all of the bugs that were reported and still left over from last update (over 50!).
Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
V0.8.3. is done and even though it took a lot of time, I’m really happy with the changes.
We now have a fully stable version, with over 150 bugs and 200 typos fixed and a complete restructuring of all the girls, dialogs and content.
This mean that we will have a stable version going onward from here and I can get back to 100% content updates every 2 weeks!
Note: Check the included installation guide if you have problems getting the game to run!
Added an option to the menu to view the entire credits list.
Redid all early/outdated content.
Updated ALL dialogs to reflect changes in character relationships a lot better.
Claire's chores are no longer random, you (or Veronica) can do any chore you choose, nor do you need to talk to her first anymore.
Ashley will now always come to your bedroom door after watching a horror movie with her once, so you don't have to repeat the movie event every time to progress later on.
Added a new location to the health club to increase charisma.
Updated the conditions for unlocking new girls and locations (this should be a lot more intuitive now).
Removed the stars, all progress is based on stat gain now.
Updated stat gain and progression for all characters, including MC.
Added a bunch of sounds effects and updated some old ones.
Added a flags menu to the cheat console, where you can view and edit flag values for all the girls (only recommended for fixing bugged games).
You will now unlock sex scenes for each girl (that has them already) after completing her date which unlocks after a special event (this will usually be her first sex scene).
The hint system got a major overhaul.
Improved the hints for all girls, making them more clear.
Added a "tracking" option to the contact list, which will add a hint shortcut to the bottom left of your screen, for up to 5 girls that will show the current location and on mouseover will show ALL available hints.
Added hints for the correct diary entries, fake email order and gym fight.
Updated all achievements and added several new ones.
Improved the tutorial UI.
Updated the tutorial to reflect all current game mechanics.
Improved the overall UI.
Added UI animations (also added an option to turn them off in the phone settings).
A popup will now be shown when a new contact is added to your phone.
Added a short bio for each character, which you can view in the contacts list.
A popup will now be shown when you discover a new location.
Added a short description for each location, which you can view on the map.
Added the player as a contact on the phone, so your stats don't stay on screen all the time.
Added a tooltip description for each of the girls's stats on the contact list.
Add tooltips for all stats and all girls.
The achievements and quit button are now on your phone.
The phone and inventory buttons are now hidden during dialogs.
You can now use spacebar to skip through dialogs.
Locked dialog options are now grayed out and play an error sound when clicked.
New locations will now popup on your map, when you open it.
Improved NPC image transitions.
Locked navigation keyboard shortcuts when phone/inventory are open.
Added a star icon to memories & cosplay image thumbnails, to indicate if they are new.
Have fun with the new version! I hope you will appreciate all the work that has gone into this and feedback is highly appreciated, as always!
Finally I would like to thank the mods & testers on Discord for helping me getting this update ready, I couldn’t have done it without you guys!
All the best,
v0.8.3 Test
This will be the biggest (technical) update since the launch of the game.
After this one I will be able to completely start focusing on new content (every 2 weeks again).
Please note that only Veronica is implemented in this version, so other character’s will be extremely bugged! (For the “final” v0.8.3 release all girls will be reworked and improved).
This version is meant for those that would already like to see the new UI and changes for Veronica and/or would like to help testing (and therefore is available for all patrons).
You will have to start a new game with this update and if you play the final release in 2 weeks, you will have to start over again! I will include a 100% savegame in that release, for those that don’t want to play again.
Note: Check the included installation guide if you have problems getting the game to run!
Here's an overview of all the changes I have implemented so far:
Added an option to the menu to view the entire credits list.
Redid all early/outdated content for Veronica.
Updated ALL of Veronica's dialogs to reflect changes in character relationships a lot better.
Claire's chores are no longer random, you (or Veronica) can do any chore you choose, nor do you need to talk to her first anymore.
Updated the conditions for unlocking new girls and locations (this should be a lot more intuitive now).
Removed the stars, all progress is based on stat gain now.
Balanced the stat gains for Veronica.
Added a bunch of sounds effects and updated some old ones.
Added a flags menu to the cheat console, where you can view and edit flag values for all the girls (only recommended for fixing bugged games).
Improved Veronica's hints.
Added a "tracking" option to the contact list, which will add a hint shortcut to the bottom left of your screen,
for up to 5 girls that will show the current location and on mouseover will show ALL available hints.
Improved the tutorial UI.
Updated the tutorial to reflect all current game mechanics.
Improved the overall UI
Added UI animations (also added an option to turn them off in the phone settings).
A popup will now be shown when a new contact is added to your phone.
Added a short bio for each character, which you can view in the contacts list.
A popup will now be shown when you discover a new location.
Added a short description for each location, which you can view on the map.
Added the player as a contact on the phone, so your stats don't stay on screen all the time.
Added a tooltip description for each of the girls's stats on the contact list.
The achievements and quit button are now on your phone.
The phone and inventory buttons are now hidden during dialogs.
You can now use spacebar to skip through dialogs.
Locked dialog options are now grayed out and play an error sound when clicked.
New locations will now popup on your map, when you open it.
Improved NPC image transitions.
Locked navigation keyboard shortcuts when phone/inventory are open.
You will now unlock sex scenes for each girl (that has them already) after completing a special event (this will usually be her first sex scene).
Added a star icon to memories & cosplay image thumbnails, to indicate if they are new.
Unfortunately there’s a little less content than normal, due to some medical problems this week (nothing serious, but I was unable to work as much as usual).
Sorry about that.
If you come across any bugs, please let me know.
Note: Check the included installation guide if you have problems getting the game to run!
New content
Added 2 new events for Emma.
Added a new event that tells you more about Angel's backstory.
Added a new shop.
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Added more dialog options to several characters, as an introduction for future updates.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused Emma to message you before having met her.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added several bonus images to the extra version.
New content
Added 2 new events for Emma.
Added a new event for Ashley and Sophia.
Added a new location.
Added a new cosplay collectable images (I need to slow down a bit, I'm running out of places to hide them :).
Bug fixes
Fixed the bug that caused a loop when visiting the park at night.
Fixed the that caused Amy's bar scene to be skipped.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again.
Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added two more bonus images to the extra version.
New content
Extended the event chain for Angel and officer Debby.
Added 2 new events for officer Debby and updated her schedule.
Added a new event for Sophia and Debby.
Extended an existing event for Ashley (with 2 new animations).
Added a new location.
Added 2 new collectable cosplay images.
Added a super secret "anniversary" easter egg in the menu screen.
Bug fixes
Added the missing image to the sarcophagus scene in the museum.
Fixed a bug when starting a date from a different location.
Fixed the trigger conditions for the jealousy event with Amy and Veronica.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Fixed corrupt language files
Fixed cheat console missing
The long awaited superhero is finally here!
I also added Claire’s date (although I made a slight mistake in the animations, which I will fix in the next update.)
I hope you’ll like it!
If you come across any bugs, please let me know.
Note: Check the included installation guide if you have problems getting the game to run!
New content
Added the first date for Claire.
Added a new location.
Added a new character with 2 events.
Added a small hint to a (potential) future storyline.
Added 2 new cosplay collectable images.
Added some new sound effects.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that prevented Amy from getting max arousal.
Fixed a bug with Veronica's beach event.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added more bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version and feedback is highly appreciated, as always!
All the best,
New content
Added the beach event for Veronica(with 3 new animations).
Extended the beach event for Ashley with 1 new animation).
Added the first part of the night visit event for Veronica.
Extended the investigation event chain for Debby.
Added 2 new cosplay collectable images.
All NPC lists (on both the phone and the achievements list) are ordered alphabetically now.
Made a lot of achievements visible from the start, making it easier to keep track of what you still have to do.
Increased the chat history window size.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused Veronica to always wear the maid oufit when doing laundry.
Fixed a bug that stopped the Amy bar event at Neon from triggering.
Veronica no longer shows up in Neon the night you take her out on a date.
Amy no longer calls you "master" before the corresponding event.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added more bonus images to the extra version.
I added a huge new event this time, so I didn’t have a lot of time for other storylines, next update I’ll focus on adding more different, smaller events. If you come across any bugs, please let me know.
New content
Added a new event chain for Veronica and Amy (with 5 new animations)!
Added a new animation for Veronica's maid discipline event.
Added the first step of a new event chain for Debby.
Added 2 new cosplay collectable images.
Added officer Debby to the contacts list (if you have met her).
Bug fixes
The scene with Ashley and Sophia now awards a star for both (you get this automatically if you have already completed Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added more bonus images to the extra version.
Fixed not run in 32bit systems
New content
Extended an exisiting event chain for Sophia (with 2 new animations).
Extended an exisiting event chain for Ashley and Sophia (with 4 new animations).
Extended an existing event chain for Veronica. (I didn't have enough time left to render the animation, it will be added in the next update).
Added a new batch of cosplay collectable images.
Added more different (and shorter) routes to the city map.
Bug fixes
Fixed the bathroom spying bug for Veronica.
Fixed Ashley's boobs in the bathroom scene with Veronica.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added more bonus images to the extra version.
Fixed dinner and wake up service.
Man of the house V0.7.5. - Changelog
Hey guys, the new version is ready!
I fixed a LOT of bugs this time and I’m pleased to say that bug list is almost empty!
I still have some bugs to fix and a bunch of feature requests to go through, but we getting closer to a more
polished game every update!
If a bug you reported is not in the list, don’t worry I haven’t forgotten you, it will be fixed in an upcoming release!
New content
Added a new location.
Added a new NPC.
Added a new dialog with Ashley (introducing 2 future NPC's).
Note: this will move you to your bedroom if you are past this point, as this will normally trigger
after the evening with mom.
Added a new event for Ashley and Veronica.
Added a new event for Emma.
Extended an exisiting event chain for Claire (with a new animation).
Spying on Veronica in the bathroom shows an updated dialog.
Added a new batch of cosplay collectable images.
Added a new feature to see the dialog history (up to a limited amount of lines).
Sleeping no longer increases stress.
Bug fixes
Updated/corrected several hints.
Travel speeds are now adjusted according to the selected mode of transportation.
Removed the flickering of NPC's when clicking fast.
Mood lock times are now reduced correctly during events.
Dinner at the restaurant with Veronica and with Claire at home, now decreases your hunger.
The tooltip now resets after loading a game.
Removed a bug that caused memories to trigger twice.
Spacebar no longer makes dialogs skip.
Remembering scenes from the city map, no longer causes the map show over the scene.
Veronica no longer disappears from her room after doing a chore.
Veronica now responds appropriately when discussing your/her chore during dinner.
Veronica now properly awards stats after a date with a score of 8.
Veronica's dialog now triggers correctly, when giving her the maid outfit.
Veronica's bathroom event can't be triggered twice in a row anymore, preventing a bug in her progress.
Veronica now actually stays at home, when she has taken the night off from work.
Veronica's punishment now increases time accordingly.
Claire no longer mentions the beach event, if it hasn't been triggered yet.
Claire's titjob event no longer triggers the default event, right after.
Sophia now goes into the dressing room after she finished her workout.
Sophia no longer joins in the sauna on Saturday.
You can no longer buy the concert tickets before they are mentioned during dinner.
Fixed a bug causing the timeout value for needs to drop, while increasing them.
Fixed a bug with playing background music.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some more bonus images to the extra version.
Fixed a bug with locking and unlocking needs.
Have fun with the new version and feedback is highly appreciated, as always!
All the best,
- Dialog bug after using phone.
- Ashley can be asked about Claire's favorite movie before the event.
- Time skip on fast travel closes window.
- Movie trivia causes a freeze on the second try.
Fixed bug in the new event (try starting a new game).
New content
Added a new (big) event chain for Claire (with 3 new animations)!
Added a new shop.
Added a little mini quiz with a nice reward.
Added a new batch of cosplay collectable images.
Added the "notes" app to the phone.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with displaying the cosplay collectables.
Fixed the Veronica bug, that stopped you from progressing her storyline.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added a bonus animation to the extra version for Claire's new event.
Added some more bonus images to the extra version.
Man of the house V0.7.3. - Changelog
Hey guys, the new version is out!
Veronica’s date turned out a bit bigger than I anticipated, I hope you guys like it!
If you run into any bugs, please let me know!
New content
• Added the first date for Veronica (with 2 new animations)!
• Added a new location.
• Extended an exisiting event chain for Claire.
• Added a new NPC.
• Added a new batch of cosplay collectable images.
• Ashley's date is now available on both Saturday and Sunday.
• Veronica now asks you if she should wear panties or not, with her maid uniform.
• Fixed a bug that caused NPC's to no longer show when the fade transition setting was turned
• Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
• Added some more bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version and feedback is highly appreciated, as always!
All the best,
Steam Deluxe Edition
Includes the Christmas Episode in the main menus
Adds Spanish translation, bugfixes, and spelling corrections
v.1.0.2 Extra
Hey guys, the final version of Man of the House is finished!
Like I said before, this doesn’t mean there won’t be any future updates, but for now I will start focusing on the development of my new game.
This update adds the last remaining ending, plus a very special bonus ending.
Thank you all for your support over the last 2 years and enjoy the update!
New content
Added a new ending for Diane (with 6 new animations).
Added a new bonus ending for (with 8 new animations).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Added a confirm dialog to the unlock memories button in the cheat console.
Bug fixes
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Finalized preparations for the Steam release!
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
v.1.0.1 Extra
Hey guys, another update ready!
This update adds 2 of the 4 remaining endings. The next update will be done in another 3 weeks and will include the last 2 endings (for now). After that one, I will start development on my new game.
In the future I plan on releasing more MotH updates, adding content for the girls that don’t have any right now.
I also have some very exciting news, MotH will be available on Steam soon!
Right now I’m doing the preparations, but I’ll share more on that later this week!
But first, I hope you enjoy the current update and the new endings!
Have fun!
New content
Added a new ending for Emma (with 4 new animations).
Added a new ending for Pam (with 4 new animations).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Updated the UI to support different screen ratios (16:9 is still recommended).
Added some hints for the endings.
Released the first mac version (feedback on this would be appreciated, as it might still contain some bugs).
Bug fixes
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Started preparations for a Steam release!
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
V1.0.0 Extra
New content
Finished the family yoga scene (with 3 new animations) and updated the existing images.
Added a new ending for Ashley (with 3 new animations).
Added a new ending for Veronica (with 6 new animations).
Added a new ending for Veronica (with 2 new animations).
Added a new item.
Added a cosplay collectable.
Moved the dialog history button to the top right, it's now available during dialogs as well.
Released a mac version. This will be moved to next version, due to time constraints.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where you could fast travel to the health club without a workout outfit.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
v0.9.9 Extra
In this update, Ashley gets her first alternative ending.
I also extended one of Claire’s scenes.
The next update will be the v1.0.0 version and is also my 2 year “anniversary” on Patreon.
So I will probably release that version in either 3 or 4 weeks from now, as I want do something special...
New content
Added a new ending for Ashley (with 6 new animations).
Extended one of Claire's events (with 1 new animation).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with the Italian translation.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
v.0.9.8 Extra
This time, Claire gets her first ending.
I also added an additional scene for Debby.
Aside from that I spent some more time fixing the most urgent (potentially game-breaking) bugs, as the list had grown a bit longer over the last months.
New content
Added a new ending for Claire (with 5 new animations).
Added a new scene for Debby (with 2 new animations).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where Veronica's dusting scene, could result in lowering her stats too far.
Fixed a bug with Amy's & Veronica's storyline at Neon, causing a loop.
Fixed a bug where Claire would show up in your room after doing yoga with her.
Fixed the stat requirement for one of Claire's dish washing events.
Fixed a bug that caused the stress stat to not decrease.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
v.0.9.7 Extra
Hey guys, here’s the new version!
I added another ending, this time for Veronica.
Now I know she is the favorite girl for many players, so I added some extra animations.
I also added an additional scene for Diane and (finally) spent some time making a proper trailer for MotH.
Have fun!
New content
Added a new ending for Veronica (with 7 new animations)!
Added a new scene for Diane (with 1 new animation).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Added a new intro animation to the menu screen.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug in the introduction day, making it impossible to go to bed.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
v0.9.6 Extra
Hey guys, first of all thanks a lot for all the feedback and support the past weeks!
Here’s the new version!
This update introduces the first ending of the game.
Please let me know if you like it, because I intend to add all of the other endings in a similar way.
I also added the winning scene of the last poll, I hope you enjoy it!
New content
Added the first ending for Ashley (with 4 new animations)!
Extended one of Ashley's and Veronica's event (with 2 new animations).
Added a new cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused Pam's selfies in the gallery not to open.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
Hey guys, here’s the new version! This update focusses on further progressing Debby’s story and introduces a nice, little “twist” (if I say so myself).
I hope you all like it!
New content
Extended Debby's event chain with 2 new events (with 5 new animations).
Extended one of Ashley's events (with 1 new animation).
Added a cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
- fixed selfie bug
- fixed incorrect version number
Hey guys, here’s the new version!
This update focusses on progressing Angel’s story.
It took a little bit more work on the coding side than I anticipated, so this update will be a bit smaller, but I’ll make it up with the next update! Nevertheless, I hope you’ll like it!
New content
Extended one Angel's event chain (with 2 new animations).
Pam's date is fully unlocked now, after finishing her new event.
Extended one of Claire's events.
Added a new location.
Added a cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with displaying text messages in translated languages.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
v.0.9.3 Extra
Hey guys, here’s the new version! This update mainly focusses on progressing Debby’s story.
I have big plans for the new location and it will involve multiple girls and their storylines in the future.
I hope you’ll like it!
New content
Extended the new event chain for Debby with several scenes.
Extended one of Emma's event chains (with 4 new animations).
Added a new location.
Added a new travel event.
Added a cosplay collectable.
Bug fixes
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
Faerin has just posted this
There seems to be a bug in displaying the version number, once you copy your previous savegames over, it should show the right version.
So please be aware this is the Man of the House 0.93 (extra) there is just a minor bug we missed
v.0.9.2 Extra
Hey guys, here’s the new version!
My apologies for the delay, next update will be released in 2 weeks again, as usual.
This update focuses on Diane’s storyline, but has some new (small) scenes for two other girls as well. I hope you’ll like it!
Man of the house changelog
New content
Extended one of Diane's event chains with 2 new scenes (and with 2 new animations).
Extended one of Ashley's event chains (with 2 new animations).
Added the start of a new event chain for Debby (just a small teaser).
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused the nuru massage not to trigger.
Fixed a bug that caused Veronica to send you a selfie without triggering the scene.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
v. 0.9.1 Extra[/b]
Hey guys, here’s the new version! |
This update focuses on Emma’s storyline, but has some new (small) scenes for two other girls as well.
I hope you’ll like it!
New content
Extended two of Emma's event chains (with 2 new animations).
Extended one of Veronica's event chains (with a new animation).
Added a new event for Diane.
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Added an indicator to the contact list to show you are in are in a relationship with that girl.
Added a global hint for meeting Diane for the first time.
Bug fixes
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
v. 0.9 Extra
Hey guys, here’s the new version!
This update focuses mostly on Diane storyline, but I also added some additional content for Claire and Sophia as well and fixed some (older) annoying bugs.
I hope you’ll like it!
New content
Extended Diane's event chain with 4 new scenes.
Extended one of Sophia's event chains (with 3 new animations).
Added a new event for Claire.
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Bug fixes
Fixed a problem with the BJ animation that was added in the previous version.
Fixed a bug that caused Angel not to show on the minimap.
Fixed a bug causing Ashley's schoolgirl scene not to trigger.
You can no longer thrigger the threesome with Ashley and Sophia, before unlocking Ashley.
Fixed a bug causing Veronica's submission to drop to far, locking you out.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
New content
Extended 1 of Angels's event chains .
Added 3 new events for the "real" Angel (with 2 new animations).
Added a new location.
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Global events can now trigger on the map as well.
Bug fixes
Fixed Amy & Veronica's threesome animations.
Hiding the UI now also hides the datescore.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
New content
• Extended Amy's event chain (and added 5 new animations!).
• Added a new consumable item.
• Added a new cosplay collectable image.
• Cosplay collectables will now be shown when you find them.
• The hints will now automatically be updated to only show girls that have hints left (to a maximum of 8),
unless you manually switch them off.
• Added an option to the phone settings to disable automatically showing hints.
• Added an option to the phone settings to disable autosave.
Bug fixes
• Sleeping over at Emma's place now restores sleep.
• Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
• Added some bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
New content
Extended Emma's massage event chain (and added a new animation).
Extended Emma's running event chain.
Extended Emma's Netflix event chain (and added a new animation).
Added a new location, but there's not much to do there (yet).
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Updated the menu screen (also added a new background & easter egg).
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that made the map icons show over animations in the gallery.
Fixed a bug with Emma's beach scene in the regular version.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added a bonus image to the extra version.
v0.8.6 Extra
Enjoy and merry Christmas everybody!
New content
Added one big Christmas event!
Added a new splash screen (with a “Christmas egg”)
Extra content
Added some additional images.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with Emma, that caused her achievements to reset.
Fixed a bug that caused the beach scene with Emma to loop.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
v0.8.5b Extra
Fixed Netflix Emma bug.
Note: Check the included installation guide if you have problems getting the game to run!
New content
Extended 3 of Emma's event chains with a lot of images (and a new animation).
Added a new event chain for Emma.
Added a new cosplay theme with one new collectable.
Added a new random event (to increase support, not story related…yet).
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused the continue button to be locked after going back to the menu screen.
Fixed a bug with the jealousy scene for Amy's & Veronica at Neon.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Have fun with the new version!
Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
v0.8.4 Extra
New content
Added a new location with a new character.
Added several new scenes for the new character.
Extended an existing event for Claire (with 2 new animations).
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Added the player's stats to the cheat console, these can be cheated without problems.
Fixed several story inconsistencies from the latest update.
Bug fixes
Fixed the language selection in the menu
Fixed all of the bugs that were reported and still left over from last update (over 50!).
Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Have fun with the new version! Feedback is appreciated, as always!
All the best,
V0.8.3. is done and even though it took a lot of time, I’m really happy with the changes.
We now have a fully stable version, with over 150 bugs and 200 typos fixed and a complete restructuring of all the girls, dialogs and content.
This mean that we will have a stable version going onward from here and I can get back to 100% content updates every 2 weeks!
Note: Check the included installation guide if you have problems getting the game to run!
Added an option to the menu to view the entire credits list.
Redid all early/outdated content.
Updated ALL dialogs to reflect changes in character relationships a lot better.
Claire's chores are no longer random, you (or Veronica) can do any chore you choose, nor do you need to talk to her first anymore.
Ashley will now always come to your bedroom door after watching a horror movie with her once, so you don't have to repeat the movie event every time to progress later on.
Added a new location to the health club to increase charisma.
Updated the conditions for unlocking new girls and locations (this should be a lot more intuitive now).
Removed the stars, all progress is based on stat gain now.
Updated stat gain and progression for all characters, including MC.
Added a bunch of sounds effects and updated some old ones.
Added a flags menu to the cheat console, where you can view and edit flag values for all the girls (only recommended for fixing bugged games).
You will now unlock sex scenes for each girl (that has them already) after completing her date which unlocks after a special event (this will usually be her first sex scene).
The hint system got a major overhaul.
Improved the hints for all girls, making them more clear.
Added a "tracking" option to the contact list, which will add a hint shortcut to the bottom left of your screen, for up to 5 girls that will show the current location and on mouseover will show ALL available hints.
Added hints for the correct diary entries, fake email order and gym fight.
Updated all achievements and added several new ones.
Improved the tutorial UI.
Updated the tutorial to reflect all current game mechanics.
Improved the overall UI.
Added UI animations (also added an option to turn them off in the phone settings).
A popup will now be shown when a new contact is added to your phone.
Added a short bio for each character, which you can view in the contacts list.
A popup will now be shown when you discover a new location.
Added a short description for each location, which you can view on the map.
Added the player as a contact on the phone, so your stats don't stay on screen all the time.
Added a tooltip description for each of the girls's stats on the contact list.
Add tooltips for all stats and all girls.
The achievements and quit button are now on your phone.
The phone and inventory buttons are now hidden during dialogs.
You can now use spacebar to skip through dialogs.
Locked dialog options are now grayed out and play an error sound when clicked.
New locations will now popup on your map, when you open it.
Improved NPC image transitions.
Locked navigation keyboard shortcuts when phone/inventory are open.
Added a star icon to memories & cosplay image thumbnails, to indicate if they are new.
Have fun with the new version! I hope you will appreciate all the work that has gone into this and feedback is highly appreciated, as always!
Finally I would like to thank the mods & testers on Discord for helping me getting this update ready, I couldn’t have done it without you guys!
All the best,
v0.8.3 Test
This will be the biggest (technical) update since the launch of the game.
After this one I will be able to completely start focusing on new content (every 2 weeks again).
Please note that only Veronica is implemented in this version, so other character’s will be extremely bugged! (For the “final” v0.8.3 release all girls will be reworked and improved).
This version is meant for those that would already like to see the new UI and changes for Veronica and/or would like to help testing (and therefore is available for all patrons).
You will have to start a new game with this update and if you play the final release in 2 weeks, you will have to start over again! I will include a 100% savegame in that release, for those that don’t want to play again.
Note: Check the included installation guide if you have problems getting the game to run!
Here's an overview of all the changes I have implemented so far:
Added an option to the menu to view the entire credits list.
Redid all early/outdated content for Veronica.
Updated ALL of Veronica's dialogs to reflect changes in character relationships a lot better.
Claire's chores are no longer random, you (or Veronica) can do any chore you choose, nor do you need to talk to her first anymore.
Updated the conditions for unlocking new girls and locations (this should be a lot more intuitive now).
Removed the stars, all progress is based on stat gain now.
Balanced the stat gains for Veronica.
Added a bunch of sounds effects and updated some old ones.
Added a flags menu to the cheat console, where you can view and edit flag values for all the girls (only recommended for fixing bugged games).
Improved Veronica's hints.
Added a "tracking" option to the contact list, which will add a hint shortcut to the bottom left of your screen,
for up to 5 girls that will show the current location and on mouseover will show ALL available hints.
Improved the tutorial UI.
Updated the tutorial to reflect all current game mechanics.
Improved the overall UI
Added UI animations (also added an option to turn them off in the phone settings).
A popup will now be shown when a new contact is added to your phone.
Added a short bio for each character, which you can view in the contacts list.
A popup will now be shown when you discover a new location.
Added a short description for each location, which you can view on the map.
Added the player as a contact on the phone, so your stats don't stay on screen all the time.
Added a tooltip description for each of the girls's stats on the contact list.
The achievements and quit button are now on your phone.
The phone and inventory buttons are now hidden during dialogs.
You can now use spacebar to skip through dialogs.
Locked dialog options are now grayed out and play an error sound when clicked.
New locations will now popup on your map, when you open it.
Improved NPC image transitions.
Locked navigation keyboard shortcuts when phone/inventory are open.
You will now unlock sex scenes for each girl (that has them already) after completing a special event (this will usually be her first sex scene).
Added a star icon to memories & cosplay image thumbnails, to indicate if they are new.
Unfortunately there’s a little less content than normal, due to some medical problems this week (nothing serious, but I was unable to work as much as usual).
Sorry about that.
If you come across any bugs, please let me know.
Note: Check the included installation guide if you have problems getting the game to run!
New content
Added 2 new events for Emma.
Added a new event that tells you more about Angel's backstory.
Added a new shop.
Added a new cosplay collectable image.
Added more dialog options to several characters, as an introduction for future updates.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused Emma to message you before having met her.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added several bonus images to the extra version.
New content
Added 2 new events for Emma.
Added a new event for Ashley and Sophia.
Added a new location.
Added a new cosplay collectable images (I need to slow down a bit, I'm running out of places to hide them :).
Bug fixes
Fixed the bug that caused a loop when visiting the park at night.
Fixed the that caused Amy's bar scene to be skipped.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again.
Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added two more bonus images to the extra version.
New content
Extended the event chain for Angel and officer Debby.
Added 2 new events for officer Debby and updated her schedule.
Added a new event for Sophia and Debby.
Extended an existing event for Ashley (with 2 new animations).
Added a new location.
Added 2 new collectable cosplay images.
Added a super secret "anniversary" easter egg in the menu screen.
Bug fixes
Added the missing image to the sarcophagus scene in the museum.
Fixed a bug when starting a date from a different location.
Fixed the trigger conditions for the jealousy event with Amy and Veronica.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Fixed corrupt language files
Fixed cheat console missing
The long awaited superhero is finally here!
I also added Claire’s date (although I made a slight mistake in the animations, which I will fix in the next update.)
I hope you’ll like it!
If you come across any bugs, please let me know.
Note: Check the included installation guide if you have problems getting the game to run!
New content
Added the first date for Claire.
Added a new location.
Added a new character with 2 events.
Added a small hint to a (potential) future storyline.
Added 2 new cosplay collectable images.
Added some new sound effects.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that prevented Amy from getting max arousal.
Fixed a bug with Veronica's beach event.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added more bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version and feedback is highly appreciated, as always!
All the best,
New content
Added the beach event for Veronica(with 3 new animations).
Extended the beach event for Ashley with 1 new animation).
Added the first part of the night visit event for Veronica.
Extended the investigation event chain for Debby.
Added 2 new cosplay collectable images.
All NPC lists (on both the phone and the achievements list) are ordered alphabetically now.
Made a lot of achievements visible from the start, making it easier to keep track of what you still have to do.
Increased the chat history window size.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused Veronica to always wear the maid oufit when doing laundry.
Fixed a bug that stopped the Amy bar event at Neon from triggering.
Veronica no longer shows up in Neon the night you take her out on a date.
Amy no longer calls you "master" before the corresponding event.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added more bonus images to the extra version.
I added a huge new event this time, so I didn’t have a lot of time for other storylines, next update I’ll focus on adding more different, smaller events. If you come across any bugs, please let me know.
New content
Added a new event chain for Veronica and Amy (with 5 new animations)!
Added a new animation for Veronica's maid discipline event.
Added the first step of a new event chain for Debby.
Added 2 new cosplay collectable images.
Added officer Debby to the contacts list (if you have met her).
Bug fixes
The scene with Ashley and Sophia now awards a star for both (you get this automatically if you have already completed Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added more bonus images to the extra version.
Fixed not run in 32bit systems
New content
Extended an exisiting event chain for Sophia (with 2 new animations).
Extended an exisiting event chain for Ashley and Sophia (with 4 new animations).
Extended an existing event chain for Veronica. (I didn't have enough time left to render the animation, it will be added in the next update).
Added a new batch of cosplay collectable images.
Added more different (and shorter) routes to the city map.
Bug fixes
Fixed the bathroom spying bug for Veronica.
Fixed Ashley's boobs in the bathroom scene with Veronica.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added more bonus images to the extra version.
Fixed dinner and wake up service.
Man of the house V0.7.5. - Changelog
Hey guys, the new version is ready!
I fixed a LOT of bugs this time and I’m pleased to say that bug list is almost empty!
I still have some bugs to fix and a bunch of feature requests to go through, but we getting closer to a more
polished game every update!
If a bug you reported is not in the list, don’t worry I haven’t forgotten you, it will be fixed in an upcoming release!
New content
Added a new location.
Added a new NPC.
Added a new dialog with Ashley (introducing 2 future NPC's).
Note: this will move you to your bedroom if you are past this point, as this will normally trigger
after the evening with mom.
Added a new event for Ashley and Veronica.
Added a new event for Emma.
Extended an exisiting event chain for Claire (with a new animation).
Spying on Veronica in the bathroom shows an updated dialog.
Added a new batch of cosplay collectable images.
Added a new feature to see the dialog history (up to a limited amount of lines).
Sleeping no longer increases stress.
Bug fixes
Updated/corrected several hints.
Travel speeds are now adjusted according to the selected mode of transportation.
Removed the flickering of NPC's when clicking fast.
Mood lock times are now reduced correctly during events.
Dinner at the restaurant with Veronica and with Claire at home, now decreases your hunger.
The tooltip now resets after loading a game.
Removed a bug that caused memories to trigger twice.
Spacebar no longer makes dialogs skip.
Remembering scenes from the city map, no longer causes the map show over the scene.
Veronica no longer disappears from her room after doing a chore.
Veronica now responds appropriately when discussing your/her chore during dinner.
Veronica now properly awards stats after a date with a score of 8.
Veronica's dialog now triggers correctly, when giving her the maid outfit.
Veronica's bathroom event can't be triggered twice in a row anymore, preventing a bug in her progress.
Veronica now actually stays at home, when she has taken the night off from work.
Veronica's punishment now increases time accordingly.
Claire no longer mentions the beach event, if it hasn't been triggered yet.
Claire's titjob event no longer triggers the default event, right after.
Sophia now goes into the dressing room after she finished her workout.
Sophia no longer joins in the sauna on Saturday.
You can no longer buy the concert tickets before they are mentioned during dinner.
Fixed a bug causing the timeout value for needs to drop, while increasing them.
Fixed a bug with playing background music.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added some more bonus images to the extra version.
Fixed a bug with locking and unlocking needs.
Have fun with the new version and feedback is highly appreciated, as always!
All the best,
- Dialog bug after using phone.
- Ashley can be asked about Claire's favorite movie before the event.
- Time skip on fast travel closes window.
- Movie trivia causes a freeze on the second try.
Fixed bug in the new event (try starting a new game).
New content
Added a new (big) event chain for Claire (with 3 new animations)!
Added a new shop.
Added a little mini quiz with a nice reward.
Added a new batch of cosplay collectable images.
Added the "notes" app to the phone.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with displaying the cosplay collectables.
Fixed the Veronica bug, that stopped you from progressing her storyline.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
Extra version
Added a bonus animation to the extra version for Claire's new event.
Added some more bonus images to the extra version.
Man of the house V0.7.3. - Changelog
Hey guys, the new version is out!
Veronica’s date turned out a bit bigger than I anticipated, I hope you guys like it!
If you run into any bugs, please let me know!
New content
• Added the first date for Veronica (with 2 new animations)!
• Added a new location.
• Extended an exisiting event chain for Claire.
• Added a new NPC.
• Added a new batch of cosplay collectable images.
• Ashley's date is now available on both Saturday and Sunday.
• Veronica now asks you if she should wear panties or not, with her maid uniform.
• Fixed a bug that caused NPC's to no longer show when the fade transition setting was turned
• Fixed a lot of minor bugs and typos again. Thanks for all the feedback & bug reports guys!
• Added some more bonus images to the extra version.
Have fun with the new version and feedback is highly appreciated, as always!
All the best,
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 17-01-2024, 09:26
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.0.2c Extra / Topic updated to v.1.0.2c Extra
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.0.2c Extra / Topic updated to v.1.0.2c Extra
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Man_of_the_House (6 файлов)