Мы играем за молодого воина-искателя приключений по имени Леонид. Отправляемся на древнегреческий остров Крит в фантастический мир, наполненный магией и тайнами. Леонид прибывает на остров для того, чтобы разгадать тайну пропавших жителей деревни, и для этого он проходит через глубины лабиринта.
In the game we play as a young warrior adventurer named Leonid.
Journeying to the ancient Greek island of Crete in fantasy world filled with magic and mystery.
Leonid arrives on the island in order to solve the mystery of the missing villagers,
in order to do this he goes through the depths of the maze.
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 3d game, adventure, animated, big tits, combat, creampie, fantasy, handjob, male protagonist, monster, oral, rape, sandbox, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Drabel - patreon | itch.io | subscribestar
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.61
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
- New level endplace forest
- New level endplace plains.
- Location changed of first maze key.
- New terrain added, forest extended.
- Extended terrains.
- Added Maze next to the forest.
- Changed color of grass in forest.
- Reduced the amount of shadows in the forest.
- Added new last maze in the forest.
- Mazes now have biomes.
- Added a new environmental puzzle in the open world in the forest, levers.
- Corrected a few places where the grass went through the floor.
- Added more signposts.
- The entrance to the mine was rebuilt.
- Fixed bug unable to pickup the stone, plains, camp.
- Now there are more blue crystals than teleporters it will be easier to find them.
- Added the sound of the lake in the forest.
- Added mazes on minimap.
- Added Keys on minimap.
- Skill condition has a stronger impact related to stamina consumption.
- Active waypoint heal 100% hp now.
- After loading game, MC should no longer fall under the map.
- The minimap has been brightened up a bit.
- The map discovery area has been increased.
- Increased Max level.
- White key is now an item added to eq.
- New item Sulfur.
- New item Oil.
- New item Feather.
- Something new to mine Iron ore.
- Something new to mine gold ore.
- Something new to mine Sulfur ore.
- New item Canola.
- New Book Advanced tools.
- New scroll Oil recipe.
- New scroll Archery.
- New Book enchanted archery.
- New Book adcanced enchanted archery.
- New Book Advanced blacksmith's handbook.
- New Book Blacksmith's handbook.
- New scroll Primitive weapons.
- New item portable teleporter, can be found in docks and forest.
- New recipe coal.
- New recipe iron arrow.
- New recipe gold arrow.
- New recipe poison arrow.
- New recipe precise poison arrow.
- New recipe fire arrow.
- New recipe precise fire arrow.
- New recipe explosive arrow.
- New recipe precise explosive arrow.
- New recipe ice arrow.
- New recipe precise ice arrow.
- New recipe wooden bow.
- New recipe Oil.
- New recipe Pickaxe 2.
- New recipe Pickaxe 3.
- New recipe spiked club.
- New recipe club 2.
- New recipe wooden shield.
- New recipe Iron sword.
- New recipe Iron stylish sword.
- New recipe Iron Shield.
- New recipe Longsword.
- New recipe Golden sword.
- New recipe Golden stylish sword.
- New recipe Golden Shield.
- New recipe Golden Longsword.
- Coal recipe available from the start.
- Stamina potion extended effect duration.
- Rebalance of loot in mazes, loot is different depending on the biome.
- Mobs spawn differently depending on the maze biome.
- New puzzle levers.
- Fixed bug of not turning off some ai during hscenes.
- Fixed bug can no longer open the hud of an active waypoint twice.
- Waypoints are now saved in the save game.
- Fixed the bug of not being able to teleport to the village.
- Added hint system.
- Added the ability to disable hints in settings.
- Added a hint about the mood system.
- Added immediate exit from the maze in cheat table (advanced)
- Added ability to add blue crystal to eq in cheat table.
- Added ability to activate all waypoints in cheat table.
- Added sound and effect after teleporting via waypoint.
- Completed owl puzzles are now saved.
- Fundamental changes in the functioning of variables on the storyline, older saves may not work properly.
- Rework of opening the gates to the mazes.
- Mob spawn rate increased.
- Resource spawn rate increased.
- Added spawns for rabbits and deers in open world.
- Added chicken spawns in open world.
- Added enemy spawns on the beach.
- Fixed bug with the hand appearing during a conversation.
- Fixed a bug of not locking movement during crafting.
- Defeated Rabbits counting added to statistics.
- Defeated Deers counting added to statistics.
- Defeated Red goblins counting added to statistics.
- Fixed bug while crafting rag hat 3.
- Fixed bug reading a note does not make it disappear anymore (only new save)
- Fixed a bug related to Ateniada visibility.
- Maya's skin tones have been slightly changed.
- Maya changed cloths color a bit.
- Cowgirl skin tones have been slightly changed.
- Metchant added eyebrows ^^.
- Metchant height changed.
- Fixed Elpidia flying hair bug.
- The goblins are nerfed a bit, after a few hits they have a ~3 sec break.
- Changed dialogue with Ateniada a bit.
- New enemy(?) Rabbit.
- New enemy(?) Deer.
- New enemy(?) Chicken.
- New character Lydia (unfinished placeholder)
- Reworked Maze warrior fundamentals (needed for brast physics)
- Maze warrior clothes are now getting destroyed.
- Maze warrior added brast physics.
- Goblins are now patrol instead of standing still.
- Goblins sound when taking damage has been changed
- Zombie now poisons mc on attack.
- Skeleton with sword now gives bleedeng.
- Goblins now gives bleedeng.
- Slightly changed design of the gates.
- Fixed gates, no longer pass through walls when opened.
- Walls in the maze, increased bounds, when turning quickly, the wall pop should be less noticeable.
- Several models have been changed.
- Some sounds have been changed.
- One-way teleports have mesh now.
I decided to cut off a lot of planned featchers and give this project a second chance (prodably sunk costs effect) to atleast finish it.
Main featchers that will be cuted off:
Barn - barn would need at least ~8 girls and couple mechanics to function properly so this part willbe cuted off
Sequel - no need to explain
Open world map scale will be reducted. I planned to add more areas and bioms, Swamps, Moutains, Town, diffrent type of mazez, Sea etc.
Main story will be shorter than planned.
h-scenes between mobs.
and some other mechanics and featchers that I didn't mention earlier
Also development will be slow, i don't want to force myself to code when i'm tired after work. Thats leads to fast burnout.
Most of main mechanics are done now so its no longer alpha.
- Added new level Docks.
- Added new level Plains.
- Added new areas next to the village.
- Terrain in the old docks has been changed slightly.
- Added virtual textures.
- Grass now changes color smoothly.
- Added noise to grass.
- Added smoother camera movement.
- Added smooth character/weapon model motion when rotating.
- Fixed attack animations, should no longer flicker.
- Fixed incorrect stamina drain when attacking, related to animation bug
- You can now hold attack.
- After a moment of inactivity, stamina now regenerates faster (skill)
- Added decals when hitting walls with weapon
- Added shield system (skill)
- MC can now cover up with a shield
- MC can now shield bashing
- MC can now choose the type of arrows affect damage and flight quality.
- Arrow spread is now more horizontal than vertical
- Now if there's no arrows (item), there's no arrow (model)
- Fixed a bug allowing attacks when inventory open
- Added head bobbing while walking, running, attacking etc.
- EXP now only displays for a moment after it is earned.
- Slightly changed hud.
- Changed crosshair a little.
- Added tab, character statistics.
Items (Not all are available in the game):
- Added wood chopping and digging system (only specified trees and rocks, not all).
- Added new obiect - destructable ore
- Added new obiect - destructable stump
- Added new obiect - explosive barrels
- Added new obiect - furnace
- Added new obiect - blue, purple, red crystal
- Added new item - Tool Axe
- Added new item - Tool Axe 2
- Added new item - Tool Axe 3
- Added new item - Tool PickAxe
- Added new item - Tool PickAxe 2
- Added new item - Tool PickAxe 3
- Added new item - Tool Hammer
- Added new item - Bow
- Added new item - Wooden bow 1
- Added new item - Wooden bow 2
- Added new item - Short sword
- Added new item - Dagger
- Added new item - Common sword
- Added new item - Stylish Sword
- Added new item - Rusted Stylish Sword
- Added new item - Iron sword
- Added new item - Unbalanced sword
- Added new item - LongSword
- Added new item - Rusted LongSword
- Added new item - Gold LongSword
- Added new item - Wooden Club
- Added new item - Wooden Club 2
- Added new item - Wooden Club 3 with spikes
- Added new item - Wooden Shield
- Added new item - Wooden Shield 2
- Added new item - Warrior Shield
- Added new item - Rusted Shield
- Added new item - Shield
- Added new item - Fancy Shield
- Added new item - Iron Shield
- Added new item - Golden Shield
- Added new item - Flint arrows
- Added new item - iron arrows
- Added new item - gold arrows
- Added new item - fire arrows
- Added new item - precise fire arrows
- Added new item - poison arrows
- Added new item - precise poison arrows
- Added new item - explosive arrows
- Added new item - precise explosive arrows
- Added new item - bronze coin
- Added new item - silver coin
- Added new item - gold coin
- Added new item - gold ore
- Added new item - gold bar
- Added new item - iron ore
- Added new item - iron bar
- Added new item - coal
- Added new item - Stone
- Added new item - Red crystal
- Added new item - Blue crystal
- Added new item - Purple crystal
- Added new recipe - basic smelting
- Added smooth picking up of items
- Color of equiped item is now different depending on type
- Added doubleclick in eq, uses/equips item
- Added the ability to stack the same items
- The condition of picked up crates and items that do not respawn now saves
- The state of the dumped items on the ground is also saved
- Some simple items now respawn in specified areas (e.g. grass, herbs, sticks, pebbles, etc.).
- Changed small stones to flint
- Changed glow intensifity
- Added tooltip with item statistics
- Weapons now deal random damage in a range (e.g. 7-10 dmg)
- Rework weapon drawing system.
- Added status system:
- Added Fire status
- Added Poison status
- Added Freeze status
- Added Bleedeng status
- Added Explosion status
- Added Rest status
- Added Happy status
- Added Healing status
- Added Stunned status
- Added NPC store, you can buy and sell items (after unlocking)
- Added balloon dialogue system.
- Added Skill system.
- Added Skill Tree.
- All skills are hooked up and work.
- Added new character - Merchant
- Added a new quest that unlocks Merchant
- Larysa skeleton has been scaled
- Added physics simulations for Larysa
- Maya moves that fucking head towards the player finally.
- Added Maya simulate boobs.
- Added Maya simulate hairs.
- Added Maya balloon dialog.
- Maze warrior is now defending itself from the bow.
- Maya added greet animation
- Ateniada added shoes
- Ateniada added greet animation
- Rhea added shoes
- Rhea added greet animation
- Elpidia added hair physics
- Elpidia changed a little first dialogue
- Maze warrior added hair physics
- Added quest descriptions
- Added a new quest from Elpidia 1
- Added a new quest from Elpidia 2
- Added a new quest from Larysy
- Bug causing girls heads to turn immediately fixed
- Slightly improved h-scene with Maya
- Slightly improved h-scenke z Wolfgirl
- Added a new very aggressive enemy Goblin
- Added a new very aggressive enemy Red Goblin
- Ateniada face slightly changed and fixed normals.
- Ateniada added hair physics.
- Rhea face slightly changed and fixed normals.
- Cow girl added hair physics.
- Cow girl fixed bug with too big bra.
- Wolf girl added hair physics.
- Skeleton attack is now more aggressive.
- Cowgirl eyebrows changed slightly.
- When you shoot an arrow at a crate it will move lol
- When a player falls under the map he will return to the last place where he was standing
- Added doors to some houses
- Gates are now opening, not disappearing
- Cheattable reduced
- Reworked backround in main menu.
- Added sway effect to camera in main menu
- DOF is now enabled by default
- Bloom is now enabled by default
- Added motion blur
- Added disabling option depth of field in settings
- Added disabling option chromatic aborration in settings
- Atmospheric fog is a bit more intense now
- Equipped items are saved now.
- Fixed bug causing flickering healthbars
- Enemys is now reacting to mc running
- Added fog of war to minimap
- State of explored fog of war is now saved
- Bug of H-HUD not hiding has been fixed
- The bug of flying grass in the maze has been fixed
- Added an alternative option to activate waypoints
- Added animation for opening closing inventory
- Some smaller changes
- The hud can be hidden during h-scene.
- Fixed wooden crate space program bug.
- Added low stamina notification.
- Slightly improved stamina draining when attacking.
(it still sometimes incorrectly takes stamina but not as often as before, maybe one day I will fix it, its correlated with animation bug)
- Adjusted sword hitbox and mesh a little.
- Minor changes in the village, mainly grass.
- Added road leading to Maya's house and white Key
- Fixed bug of wrongly displaying name when talking to Maya
- Changed the sounds to be a bit more fitting for the Leonid
- Grass has been rebuilt, it should be more optimized,
levels should load a bit faster and the frame rate should increase a bit
- I f* something up with the grass and the interaction doesn't work.
- New enemy Wolf girl
- New H-scene with Wolf girl x2
- New H-scene with Cow girl
- Added a map and some markers
- Added boobs simulation for wolf girl
- Added boobs simulation for Cow girl
- Added the ability to activate waypoints
- Added ability to fast travel from active waypoints
- New area: forest
- New trees and a few other models
Mazex 0.50a:
- New character Maya.
- New side quest for Maya.
- New hscene with Maya.
- New character - Cow girl.
- Added armor system.
- Added a new tab in the inventory menu.
- Added new items:
- leather
- Rag
- Rag hat
- Rag tunic
- Rag pants
- Leather hat
- Leather tunic
- Leather pants
- Thread Grass
- Added crafting recipes for new items.
- Added ability to upgrade newly added items to lvl 4 after learning recipes.
- Rag and leather can now drop from crates.
- Added item "Plants and Threads Recipe".
- Added item "Basic sewing Recipe".
- Added item "Intermediate sewing Book".
- Added item "Advanced sewing Book".
- Added crafting recipe - Thread.
- Added crafting recipe - rag.
- Improved animation smoothness for zombies.
- Improved stone throwing animations for zombies.
- Added 2 new attack animations for zombies.
- Zombie now turns toward player when attacking.
- Zombies now have a chance to drop rag 15%.
- Changed sounds for zombies, in the old ones there was too much noise.
- Added mini h scene.
- Respawned zombie should no longer hold stone.
- Active waypoint now heals up to 50% hp (e.g. the one in the village)
- Elpidia's wing displacement bug has been fixed.
- Elpidia moves her head a bit more smoothly now.
- Added mini quest for Laryssa, She is no longer available from the beginning.
- Laryssa is now looking at the player.
- Textures in the forge no longer flicker.
- Reworked stamina system.
- Stamina is now displayed more smoothly.
- Changed design of stamina bar.
- Fixed bug causing stamina not to regenerate after exhaustion after a jump.
- Added anemic jump while exhausting stamina.
- Map area expanded: abandoned house under the forest.
- Meadows expanded.
- Added spot with mobs and key.
- Changed terrain a bit in the village.
- The arrangement of Elpidia's garden has been slightly changed.
- Changed spot near village, removed ruins and skeletons.
- Minor changes in the area past the lake.
- Added Maya's house.
- Fixed a bug causing multiple playbacks of the dying sound after death.
- Bow now has its own progress bar when pulling the string.
- Fixed bug of firing an arrow without pulling after changing weapons.
- Added ability to crouch (ctrl) because why not.
- Fixed Maze warrior left shoe.
- Different boob size for Maze warrior (B-E) E cup is the largest that can be drawn and has a lower chance of being drawn,
larger ones do not fit the character.
- Levelup now gives +5hp.
- The amount of hp for mobs depends on the difficulty level set in the options in order easy x0.8 base hp, normal x1 base hp,
hard x1.2 base hp.
- Mobs (zombies, small goblin) have a small chance to respawn with higher level, 6% level 2, 1% level 3, higher level mobs have almost 2 times more hp and hit about half as hard
drop more loot and exp.
- Added random quantity to dropped loot.
- Rebalancing mobs.
- Added compliantly new bugs!
- The hoe is now a bit bigger.
- Fixed bug causing arrows to stop on dropped items.
- River now is slowing the player down and has a sound of stepping on water.
- Fixed a bug that prevented a player from dying after eating poisoned food.
- Rhea no longer activates conversation automatically, you have to use interaction.
- Added ability to remove nearby grass in h scene.
- Fixed a bug that caused attacking with open inventory.
- Attack with insufficient stamina no longer drain stamina.
- Celshading intensity has been slightly changed.
- Added tooltip "disabled in maze" for save game button.
- Added floating damage for enemies and player.
- Bug with esc fixed, you can now close inventory with it.
- Added notification of picked up item.
- No longer need to drag arrows on the hotslot to see the amount, added a counter of arrows in the upper left corner.
- Cheatmenu can now be closed using 'o' or 'esc' keys.
- Added puzzles in the open world.
- Water in the lake has been changed.
- Added lake sound.
- Changed ocean water.
- New mechanics: added notes, can be read, can not be picked up, added some to the game.
- Girls only look at player now when he approaches max 5m.
- Recipes and notes shine for moments when you approach.
- The sound of picking up items has been changed.
- Added sound of crate hitting the ground.
- Added footsteps sounds for skeletons, treeman, small goblin, zombies, Mazewarrior.
- Added sound of sword hitting the ground.
- Added sound when hitting zombies, skeletons, treeman, small goblin, zombies, Mazewarrior.
- Player footsteps sounds changed.
- Added the sound of an arrow being knocked in.
- Added sparks after hitting the shields.
- Added wall of fame.
- Rebalance of mob spawn in maze, less chance of maze warrior, now small goblin and skeleton can spawn.
- Hotslots are saved between levels.
- If there is a difference in save versions there will now be an alert.
- Fixed a bug of lifting objects after a dialogue.
- Added tooltips for items in crafting.
- Added text color of recipes that can be crafted.
- Autosave fixed, now there is a pop up message.
- A bug causing the attack to stutter has been fixed.
- Fixed bug causing zombie stone to stop on sword.
- Fixed a bug causing music to stutter during combat.
- Some minor changes mostly visual.
Mazex 0.49a:
- Added demo version (separately)
- Fixed bug that caused a fired arrow to disappear near birds.
- Fixed bug that caused enemies not to move in some parts of the map.
- Looking at the player by girls is now smoother.
- Map area extended.
- Hidden treeman hitboxes.
- Added 3 attack animations for treeman.
- Improved animation smoothness for treeman.
- Treeman is now turning towards player when attacking.
Mazex 0.48a:
- Added cel-shading
- Maze warrior skin color has been slightly changed
- Added birds
- New item added: Mint
- New item added: Ginger
- New item added: Stamina potion
- New recipe added: Stamina potion
- Added new areas:
-Dry field
-Road to town
- Added F5 - show cursor
- Updated f1
- Eating sounds added
- Waypoint no more buzzing when it's off
- Sky color has been changed
- Changed flowers in level 1
- Fixed Elpidia in level 1
- Fixed the bug of too dark shadows in the maze
- Added some loose items
Mazex 0.47a:
- Added a new character: Larysa (draft model).
- New enemy: treeman, can be found in new regions.
- New enemy: mały goblin, can be found in new regions.
- New enemy: skeleton, can be found in new regions.
- New enemy: skeleton archer, has a ranged attack, can be found in new regions.
- New enemy: skeleton warrior, more damage, longer range than normal skeleton, can be found in new regions.
- Life bars over enemies now appear more smoothly.
- The bow now shoots more straight (it still has a spread so it won't be very accurate).
- The system of item drop by mobs after their death has been changed.
- New sounds for zombies has been added.
- Added different colored flowers.
- Added butterflies.
- New item added: Stick.
- New item added: Small stone
- New item added: Branch
- New item added: Raw monster meat
- New item added: Monster meat steak
- New item added: Raw meat
- New item added: Steak
- New item added: Herbs
- New item added: Brown mushroom
- New item added: White mushroom
- New item added: Violet mushroom
- New item added: Bone
- New item added: Water
- New item added: Purified water
- New item added: Big health potion
- Added loose items to pick up inside and outside the village (new regions).
- Larysa can craft items.
- Added campfire.
- You can craft items in the campfire after add 1 branch.
- Added recipe: Arrow.
- Added recipe: Stick.
- Added recipe: Health potion.
- Added recipe: Big health potion.
- Added recipe: Purified water.
- Added recipe: Steak.
- Added recipe: Monster meat steak.
- Ateniada is now looking at the player.
- Rhea is now looking at the player.
- Elpidia is now looking at the player.
- Added falling leaves under some trees.
- Bug has been fixed, after dropping the spool it was gigantic.
- Slightly changed the background in the main menu.
- Added ambient sound.
- Added noise for active waypoint.
- New part of the map:
- Second part of the village.
- Fields.
- Lake
- Mine.
- Small ruins.
- Added possibility to skip the storyline when starting the game. (free mode)
- The visual bug of floating beads in the village has been fixed.
- Minor changes I didn't mention.
Mazex 0.46a:
- Fixing a bug that caused equipment not to load properly after meeting Ateniada.
- Elpidia now has bigger boobs.
- Elpidia's face has been changed a bit.
- Added beads for Elpidia
- Default fpsmax changed to 60.
Mazex 0.45a:
- Removed old and added new inventory system.
- Under the 'i' or 'caps lock' key you can open the inventory ('tab' only works when opening eq).
- Added quick slots under keys 3, 4, 5.
- A bug causing a continuous decrease of stamina after a hit has been fixed.
- Information about healthpotions, arrows and threads has been removed from hud.
- Now when you hover over an interactive item, information appears under the cursor.
- The background in the mainmenu has been changed a bit.
- Added fps limit of 120 frames.
- Added the ability to enter a custom limit or disable it in the options.
- The player's camera position has been slightly changed.
- Using potions now has a cooldown.
- Added descriptions to some items.
- Default cursor in the game has been changed.
- The volume of levelup sound has been reduced.
- The volume of Elpidia sound has been reduced.
Mazex 0.44a:
- Corrected grass in the maze at the spawn points of the key and gate.
- Added source of magic as a model.
- Model of source of magic have been added in locations: village, endplace_1.
- Renamed the source of magic and the general concept to waypoints.
- Dialogue with Areniada has been changed a bit.
- Dialogue with Rhea has been changed a bit.
- Dialogue with Elpidia has been changed a bit.
- HP's system has been changed, is no longer a percentage.
- HP bar has been changed.
- Experience system has been added.
- Added experience bar to hud.
- Added camera drop during player death.
- Added a slowdown during attacks, when using up stamina completely you now have to take a short rest.
- The bar above the head for the warrior has been corrected.
- The bar above the head for the zombie has been corrected.
- Added stars overhead during warrior stun.
- Warrior during stun now slowly regenerates hp and comes out of stun after some time.
Mazex 0.43a:
- removed old assets so that the game will not weigh more than it should.
- shadows have been improved, they are now slightly brighter
Mazex 0.42a:
- Added a chest that can be opened and random items are dropped out of it.
- added a system for lifting items, some items can now be dragged using the interaction key 'F'.
- Work on the second part of the map has been started. It will be open world part. (not yet added)
- The arrangement of the village's buildings has been changed slightly.
- Improved the wood material, it is no longer so dark. (was almost black)
- Visually changed the first level, added more details, stones, houses, etc.
- Changed the design to a stylized one in the first level.
- Visually changed the village, more details as above.
- The design was changed to a stylized one in the village.
- Visual change in the main menu.
- Change the link in the mainmenu from patron to subscribestar.
- Fixed a bug of no item spawn in the maze.
- The grass in the maze has been changed to stylized one.
- Changed design to stylized one in endplace_1.
- Auto exposure has been turned off and set manually at all maps.
Mazex 0.41a:
- Characters are now blinking.
- New H scene with Mazewarrior, 50:50 chances after interact.
- Bug when Mazewarrior run after player when she is stunned shouln not appear anymore.
- Fixed bug where mazewarrior attack animation was interrupted.
- Improved spear hitbox a bit, at close range it should be more accurate.
- Improved hand model, now looks less ugly.
- Hitboxes of sword have been improved a bit,
they still need some work but skiping shields or enemy should happens less often.
- Corrected a little dummy zombie, it inflicts less damage.
- There is no longer a health potion in the inventory from the beginning, it is now available to pick up after defeating a zombie dummy.
Mazex 0.40a:
- Fixed a bug that caused the music volume reset when changing locations
- Mazes should no longer be repeated in a row.
- Mazewarrior now has a bit more hp.
- Hscene with Mazewarrior heals some hp.
- Fixed a bug where the music state did not change during interaction with maze warrior
- Bow is available from the beginning of the game (but this will be changed later)
- The basic volume of a killed zombie sound has been decreased.
Mazex 0.39a:
- Added a new type of attack for zombies, stone throwing, zombies can throw stones from further distances.
- New enemy, maze warrior.
- New h scene with maze warrior, available after stunning her and using the interaction button 'f'.
- A new enemy (maze warrior) has been added to respawn mobs in the maze.
- New side quest available from Atheniada.
- New 3 quest items
- New h scene with Ateniada
- Atheniada is now visible in the village after being rescued
- Elpidia is now visible in the village after rescuing Atheniada
- Added some dialogue for Atheniada and Elpidia
- Improved saving and loading settings
- Added difficulty level settings, the available levels are: easy, normal, hard
the difficulty level changes the damage inflicted by enemies and their attack speed a bit.
- Improved display of the death screen
- Improved interactions, items dropped from opponents are no longer automatically picked up.
- Added options to reset key bindings.
- The scenery in the main menu has been changed slightly, shields and spears has been added
- Added some new low level mazes.
- Removed 1 low level maze that was a bit too difficult
- Plus a few minor changes that I didn't list here.
Mazex 0.38a:
- Added new item, "spool of thread", if you have it in your inventory you can use it by pressing
"Q" key, it is used to mark places in the maze where you' ve already been.
- Rhea gives us 6 pieces of thread after we complete first talk.
- Added the possibility for dead enemies to drop a new item.
- Added music in the menu and in the game, volume can be changed in the options or completely turned off by moving the slider to the left.
- More graphic options have been added (cannot be saved yet)
- Added key configuration settings (cannot be saved yet)
- Added some additional audio options, subtitles display speed, ability to turn off voice acting simulation,
volume of voice acting simulation.
- Changed hard writing for keys 1 and 2 to dynamic (maybe this will eliminate the bug related to not drawing a sword)
- Tthe options window has been extended and 2 new tabs 'game', 'other' have been added.
- Disabled options for directx 12, they were not used anyway so the game should now run normally on Windows 7 x64
- Plus a few minor changes that I didn't list here.
Mazex 0.37a
- First public release.
Мы играем за молодого воина-искателя приключений по имени Леонид. Отправляемся на древнегреческий остров Крит в фантастический мир, наполненный магией и тайнами. Леонид прибывает на остров для того, чтобы разгадать тайну пропавших жителей деревни, и для этого он проходит через глубины лабиринта.
In the game we play as a young warrior adventurer named Leonid.
Journeying to the ancient Greek island of Crete in fantasy world filled with magic and mystery.
Leonid arrives on the island in order to solve the mystery of the missing villagers,
in order to do this he goes through the depths of the maze.
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 3d game, adventure, animated, big tits, combat, creampie, fantasy, handjob, male protagonist, monster, oral, rape, sandbox, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Drabel - patreon | itch.io | subscribestar
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.61
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
- New level endplace forest
- New level endplace plains.
- Location changed of first maze key.
- New terrain added, forest extended.
- Extended terrains.
- Added Maze next to the forest.
- Changed color of grass in forest.
- Reduced the amount of shadows in the forest.
- Added new last maze in the forest.
- Mazes now have biomes.
- Added a new environmental puzzle in the open world in the forest, levers.
- Corrected a few places where the grass went through the floor.
- Added more signposts.
- The entrance to the mine was rebuilt.
- Fixed bug unable to pickup the stone, plains, camp.
- Now there are more blue crystals than teleporters it will be easier to find them.
- Added the sound of the lake in the forest.
- Added mazes on minimap.
- Added Keys on minimap.
- Skill condition has a stronger impact related to stamina consumption.
- Active waypoint heal 100% hp now.
- After loading game, MC should no longer fall under the map.
- The minimap has been brightened up a bit.
- The map discovery area has been increased.
- Increased Max level.
- White key is now an item added to eq.
- New item Sulfur.
- New item Oil.
- New item Feather.
- Something new to mine Iron ore.
- Something new to mine gold ore.
- Something new to mine Sulfur ore.
- New item Canola.
- New Book Advanced tools.
- New scroll Oil recipe.
- New scroll Archery.
- New Book enchanted archery.
- New Book adcanced enchanted archery.
- New Book Advanced blacksmith's handbook.
- New Book Blacksmith's handbook.
- New scroll Primitive weapons.
- New item portable teleporter, can be found in docks and forest.
- New recipe coal.
- New recipe iron arrow.
- New recipe gold arrow.
- New recipe poison arrow.
- New recipe precise poison arrow.
- New recipe fire arrow.
- New recipe precise fire arrow.
- New recipe explosive arrow.
- New recipe precise explosive arrow.
- New recipe ice arrow.
- New recipe precise ice arrow.
- New recipe wooden bow.
- New recipe Oil.
- New recipe Pickaxe 2.
- New recipe Pickaxe 3.
- New recipe spiked club.
- New recipe club 2.
- New recipe wooden shield.
- New recipe Iron sword.
- New recipe Iron stylish sword.
- New recipe Iron Shield.
- New recipe Longsword.
- New recipe Golden sword.
- New recipe Golden stylish sword.
- New recipe Golden Shield.
- New recipe Golden Longsword.
- Coal recipe available from the start.
- Stamina potion extended effect duration.
- Rebalance of loot in mazes, loot is different depending on the biome.
- Mobs spawn differently depending on the maze biome.
- New puzzle levers.
- Fixed bug of not turning off some ai during hscenes.
- Fixed bug can no longer open the hud of an active waypoint twice.
- Waypoints are now saved in the save game.
- Fixed the bug of not being able to teleport to the village.
- Added hint system.
- Added the ability to disable hints in settings.
- Added a hint about the mood system.
- Added immediate exit from the maze in cheat table (advanced)
- Added ability to add blue crystal to eq in cheat table.
- Added ability to activate all waypoints in cheat table.
- Added sound and effect after teleporting via waypoint.
- Completed owl puzzles are now saved.
- Fundamental changes in the functioning of variables on the storyline, older saves may not work properly.
- Rework of opening the gates to the mazes.
- Mob spawn rate increased.
- Resource spawn rate increased.
- Added spawns for rabbits and deers in open world.
- Added chicken spawns in open world.
- Added enemy spawns on the beach.
- Fixed bug with the hand appearing during a conversation.
- Fixed a bug of not locking movement during crafting.
- Defeated Rabbits counting added to statistics.
- Defeated Deers counting added to statistics.
- Defeated Red goblins counting added to statistics.
- Fixed bug while crafting rag hat 3.
- Fixed bug reading a note does not make it disappear anymore (only new save)
- Fixed a bug related to Ateniada visibility.
- Maya's skin tones have been slightly changed.
- Maya changed cloths color a bit.
- Cowgirl skin tones have been slightly changed.
- Metchant added eyebrows ^^.
- Metchant height changed.
- Fixed Elpidia flying hair bug.
- The goblins are nerfed a bit, after a few hits they have a ~3 sec break.
- Changed dialogue with Ateniada a bit.
- New enemy(?) Rabbit.
- New enemy(?) Deer.
- New enemy(?) Chicken.
- New character Lydia (unfinished placeholder)
- Reworked Maze warrior fundamentals (needed for brast physics)
- Maze warrior clothes are now getting destroyed.
- Maze warrior added brast physics.
- Goblins are now patrol instead of standing still.
- Goblins sound when taking damage has been changed
- Zombie now poisons mc on attack.
- Skeleton with sword now gives bleedeng.
- Goblins now gives bleedeng.
- Slightly changed design of the gates.
- Fixed gates, no longer pass through walls when opened.
- Walls in the maze, increased bounds, when turning quickly, the wall pop should be less noticeable.
- Several models have been changed.
- Some sounds have been changed.
- One-way teleports have mesh now.
I decided to cut off a lot of planned featchers and give this project a second chance (prodably sunk costs effect) to atleast finish it.
Main featchers that will be cuted off:
Barn - barn would need at least ~8 girls and couple mechanics to function properly so this part willbe cuted off
Sequel - no need to explain
Open world map scale will be reducted. I planned to add more areas and bioms, Swamps, Moutains, Town, diffrent type of mazez, Sea etc.
Main story will be shorter than planned.
h-scenes between mobs.
and some other mechanics and featchers that I didn't mention earlier
Also development will be slow, i don't want to force myself to code when i'm tired after work. Thats leads to fast burnout.
Most of main mechanics are done now so its no longer alpha.
- Added new level Docks.
- Added new level Plains.
- Added new areas next to the village.
- Terrain in the old docks has been changed slightly.
- Added virtual textures.
- Grass now changes color smoothly.
- Added noise to grass.
- Added smoother camera movement.
- Added smooth character/weapon model motion when rotating.
- Fixed attack animations, should no longer flicker.
- Fixed incorrect stamina drain when attacking, related to animation bug
- You can now hold attack.
- After a moment of inactivity, stamina now regenerates faster (skill)
- Added decals when hitting walls with weapon
- Added shield system (skill)
- MC can now cover up with a shield
- MC can now shield bashing
- MC can now choose the type of arrows affect damage and flight quality.
- Arrow spread is now more horizontal than vertical
- Now if there's no arrows (item), there's no arrow (model)
- Fixed a bug allowing attacks when inventory open
- Added head bobbing while walking, running, attacking etc.
- EXP now only displays for a moment after it is earned.
- Slightly changed hud.
- Changed crosshair a little.
- Added tab, character statistics.
Items (Not all are available in the game):
- Added wood chopping and digging system (only specified trees and rocks, not all).
- Added new obiect - destructable ore
- Added new obiect - destructable stump
- Added new obiect - explosive barrels
- Added new obiect - furnace
- Added new obiect - blue, purple, red crystal
- Added new item - Tool Axe
- Added new item - Tool Axe 2
- Added new item - Tool Axe 3
- Added new item - Tool PickAxe
- Added new item - Tool PickAxe 2
- Added new item - Tool PickAxe 3
- Added new item - Tool Hammer
- Added new item - Bow
- Added new item - Wooden bow 1
- Added new item - Wooden bow 2
- Added new item - Short sword
- Added new item - Dagger
- Added new item - Common sword
- Added new item - Stylish Sword
- Added new item - Rusted Stylish Sword
- Added new item - Iron sword
- Added new item - Unbalanced sword
- Added new item - LongSword
- Added new item - Rusted LongSword
- Added new item - Gold LongSword
- Added new item - Wooden Club
- Added new item - Wooden Club 2
- Added new item - Wooden Club 3 with spikes
- Added new item - Wooden Shield
- Added new item - Wooden Shield 2
- Added new item - Warrior Shield
- Added new item - Rusted Shield
- Added new item - Shield
- Added new item - Fancy Shield
- Added new item - Iron Shield
- Added new item - Golden Shield
- Added new item - Flint arrows
- Added new item - iron arrows
- Added new item - gold arrows
- Added new item - fire arrows
- Added new item - precise fire arrows
- Added new item - poison arrows
- Added new item - precise poison arrows
- Added new item - explosive arrows
- Added new item - precise explosive arrows
- Added new item - bronze coin
- Added new item - silver coin
- Added new item - gold coin
- Added new item - gold ore
- Added new item - gold bar
- Added new item - iron ore
- Added new item - iron bar
- Added new item - coal
- Added new item - Stone
- Added new item - Red crystal
- Added new item - Blue crystal
- Added new item - Purple crystal
- Added new recipe - basic smelting
- Added smooth picking up of items
- Color of equiped item is now different depending on type
- Added doubleclick in eq, uses/equips item
- Added the ability to stack the same items
- The condition of picked up crates and items that do not respawn now saves
- The state of the dumped items on the ground is also saved
- Some simple items now respawn in specified areas (e.g. grass, herbs, sticks, pebbles, etc.).
- Changed small stones to flint
- Changed glow intensifity
- Added tooltip with item statistics
- Weapons now deal random damage in a range (e.g. 7-10 dmg)
- Rework weapon drawing system.
- Added status system:
- Added Fire status
- Added Poison status
- Added Freeze status
- Added Bleedeng status
- Added Explosion status
- Added Rest status
- Added Happy status
- Added Healing status
- Added Stunned status
- Added NPC store, you can buy and sell items (after unlocking)
- Added balloon dialogue system.
- Added Skill system.
- Added Skill Tree.
- All skills are hooked up and work.
- Added new character - Merchant
- Added a new quest that unlocks Merchant
- Larysa skeleton has been scaled
- Added physics simulations for Larysa
- Maya moves that fucking head towards the player finally.
- Added Maya simulate boobs.
- Added Maya simulate hairs.
- Added Maya balloon dialog.
- Maze warrior is now defending itself from the bow.
- Maya added greet animation
- Ateniada added shoes
- Ateniada added greet animation
- Rhea added shoes
- Rhea added greet animation
- Elpidia added hair physics
- Elpidia changed a little first dialogue
- Maze warrior added hair physics
- Added quest descriptions
- Added a new quest from Elpidia 1
- Added a new quest from Elpidia 2
- Added a new quest from Larysy
- Bug causing girls heads to turn immediately fixed
- Slightly improved h-scene with Maya
- Slightly improved h-scenke z Wolfgirl
- Added a new very aggressive enemy Goblin
- Added a new very aggressive enemy Red Goblin
- Ateniada face slightly changed and fixed normals.
- Ateniada added hair physics.
- Rhea face slightly changed and fixed normals.
- Cow girl added hair physics.
- Cow girl fixed bug with too big bra.
- Wolf girl added hair physics.
- Skeleton attack is now more aggressive.
- Cowgirl eyebrows changed slightly.
- When you shoot an arrow at a crate it will move lol
- When a player falls under the map he will return to the last place where he was standing
- Added doors to some houses
- Gates are now opening, not disappearing
- Cheattable reduced
- Reworked backround in main menu.
- Added sway effect to camera in main menu
- DOF is now enabled by default
- Bloom is now enabled by default
- Added motion blur
- Added disabling option depth of field in settings
- Added disabling option chromatic aborration in settings
- Atmospheric fog is a bit more intense now
- Equipped items are saved now.
- Fixed bug causing flickering healthbars
- Enemys is now reacting to mc running
- Added fog of war to minimap
- State of explored fog of war is now saved
- Bug of H-HUD not hiding has been fixed
- The bug of flying grass in the maze has been fixed
- Added an alternative option to activate waypoints
- Added animation for opening closing inventory
- Some smaller changes
- The hud can be hidden during h-scene.
- Fixed wooden crate space program bug.
- Added low stamina notification.
- Slightly improved stamina draining when attacking.
(it still sometimes incorrectly takes stamina but not as often as before, maybe one day I will fix it, its correlated with animation bug)
- Adjusted sword hitbox and mesh a little.
- Minor changes in the village, mainly grass.
- Added road leading to Maya's house and white Key
- Fixed bug of wrongly displaying name when talking to Maya
- Changed the sounds to be a bit more fitting for the Leonid
- Grass has been rebuilt, it should be more optimized,
levels should load a bit faster and the frame rate should increase a bit
- I f* something up with the grass and the interaction doesn't work.
- New enemy Wolf girl
- New H-scene with Wolf girl x2
- New H-scene with Cow girl
- Added a map and some markers
- Added boobs simulation for wolf girl
- Added boobs simulation for Cow girl
- Added the ability to activate waypoints
- Added ability to fast travel from active waypoints
- New area: forest
- New trees and a few other models
Mazex 0.50a:
- New character Maya.
- New side quest for Maya.
- New hscene with Maya.
- New character - Cow girl.
- Added armor system.
- Added a new tab in the inventory menu.
- Added new items:
- leather
- Rag
- Rag hat
- Rag tunic
- Rag pants
- Leather hat
- Leather tunic
- Leather pants
- Thread Grass
- Added crafting recipes for new items.
- Added ability to upgrade newly added items to lvl 4 after learning recipes.
- Rag and leather can now drop from crates.
- Added item "Plants and Threads Recipe".
- Added item "Basic sewing Recipe".
- Added item "Intermediate sewing Book".
- Added item "Advanced sewing Book".
- Added crafting recipe - Thread.
- Added crafting recipe - rag.
- Improved animation smoothness for zombies.
- Improved stone throwing animations for zombies.
- Added 2 new attack animations for zombies.
- Zombie now turns toward player when attacking.
- Zombies now have a chance to drop rag 15%.
- Changed sounds for zombies, in the old ones there was too much noise.
- Added mini h scene.
- Respawned zombie should no longer hold stone.
- Active waypoint now heals up to 50% hp (e.g. the one in the village)
- Elpidia's wing displacement bug has been fixed.
- Elpidia moves her head a bit more smoothly now.
- Added mini quest for Laryssa, She is no longer available from the beginning.
- Laryssa is now looking at the player.
- Textures in the forge no longer flicker.
- Reworked stamina system.
- Stamina is now displayed more smoothly.
- Changed design of stamina bar.
- Fixed bug causing stamina not to regenerate after exhaustion after a jump.
- Added anemic jump while exhausting stamina.
- Map area expanded: abandoned house under the forest.
- Meadows expanded.
- Added spot with mobs and key.
- Changed terrain a bit in the village.
- The arrangement of Elpidia's garden has been slightly changed.
- Changed spot near village, removed ruins and skeletons.
- Minor changes in the area past the lake.
- Added Maya's house.
- Fixed a bug causing multiple playbacks of the dying sound after death.
- Bow now has its own progress bar when pulling the string.
- Fixed bug of firing an arrow without pulling after changing weapons.
- Added ability to crouch (ctrl) because why not.
- Fixed Maze warrior left shoe.
- Different boob size for Maze warrior (B-E) E cup is the largest that can be drawn and has a lower chance of being drawn,
larger ones do not fit the character.
- Levelup now gives +5hp.
- The amount of hp for mobs depends on the difficulty level set in the options in order easy x0.8 base hp, normal x1 base hp,
hard x1.2 base hp.
- Mobs (zombies, small goblin) have a small chance to respawn with higher level, 6% level 2, 1% level 3, higher level mobs have almost 2 times more hp and hit about half as hard
drop more loot and exp.
- Added random quantity to dropped loot.
- Rebalancing mobs.
- Added compliantly new bugs!
- The hoe is now a bit bigger.
- Fixed bug causing arrows to stop on dropped items.
- River now is slowing the player down and has a sound of stepping on water.
- Fixed a bug that prevented a player from dying after eating poisoned food.
- Rhea no longer activates conversation automatically, you have to use interaction.
- Added ability to remove nearby grass in h scene.
- Fixed a bug that caused attacking with open inventory.
- Attack with insufficient stamina no longer drain stamina.
- Celshading intensity has been slightly changed.
- Added tooltip "disabled in maze" for save game button.
- Added floating damage for enemies and player.
- Bug with esc fixed, you can now close inventory with it.
- Added notification of picked up item.
- No longer need to drag arrows on the hotslot to see the amount, added a counter of arrows in the upper left corner.
- Cheatmenu can now be closed using 'o' or 'esc' keys.
- Added puzzles in the open world.
- Water in the lake has been changed.
- Added lake sound.
- Changed ocean water.
- New mechanics: added notes, can be read, can not be picked up, added some to the game.
- Girls only look at player now when he approaches max 5m.
- Recipes and notes shine for moments when you approach.
- The sound of picking up items has been changed.
- Added sound of crate hitting the ground.
- Added footsteps sounds for skeletons, treeman, small goblin, zombies, Mazewarrior.
- Added sound of sword hitting the ground.
- Added sound when hitting zombies, skeletons, treeman, small goblin, zombies, Mazewarrior.
- Player footsteps sounds changed.
- Added the sound of an arrow being knocked in.
- Added sparks after hitting the shields.
- Added wall of fame.
- Rebalance of mob spawn in maze, less chance of maze warrior, now small goblin and skeleton can spawn.
- Hotslots are saved between levels.
- If there is a difference in save versions there will now be an alert.
- Fixed a bug of lifting objects after a dialogue.
- Added tooltips for items in crafting.
- Added text color of recipes that can be crafted.
- Autosave fixed, now there is a pop up message.
- A bug causing the attack to stutter has been fixed.
- Fixed bug causing zombie stone to stop on sword.
- Fixed a bug causing music to stutter during combat.
- Some minor changes mostly visual.
Mazex 0.49a:
- Added demo version (separately)
- Fixed bug that caused a fired arrow to disappear near birds.
- Fixed bug that caused enemies not to move in some parts of the map.
- Looking at the player by girls is now smoother.
- Map area extended.
- Hidden treeman hitboxes.
- Added 3 attack animations for treeman.
- Improved animation smoothness for treeman.
- Treeman is now turning towards player when attacking.
Mazex 0.48a:
- Added cel-shading
- Maze warrior skin color has been slightly changed
- Added birds
- New item added: Mint
- New item added: Ginger
- New item added: Stamina potion
- New recipe added: Stamina potion
- Added new areas:
-Dry field
-Road to town
- Added F5 - show cursor
- Updated f1
- Eating sounds added
- Waypoint no more buzzing when it's off
- Sky color has been changed
- Changed flowers in level 1
- Fixed Elpidia in level 1
- Fixed the bug of too dark shadows in the maze
- Added some loose items
Mazex 0.47a:
- Added a new character: Larysa (draft model).
- New enemy: treeman, can be found in new regions.
- New enemy: mały goblin, can be found in new regions.
- New enemy: skeleton, can be found in new regions.
- New enemy: skeleton archer, has a ranged attack, can be found in new regions.
- New enemy: skeleton warrior, more damage, longer range than normal skeleton, can be found in new regions.
- Life bars over enemies now appear more smoothly.
- The bow now shoots more straight (it still has a spread so it won't be very accurate).
- The system of item drop by mobs after their death has been changed.
- New sounds for zombies has been added.
- Added different colored flowers.
- Added butterflies.
- New item added: Stick.
- New item added: Small stone
- New item added: Branch
- New item added: Raw monster meat
- New item added: Monster meat steak
- New item added: Raw meat
- New item added: Steak
- New item added: Herbs
- New item added: Brown mushroom
- New item added: White mushroom
- New item added: Violet mushroom
- New item added: Bone
- New item added: Water
- New item added: Purified water
- New item added: Big health potion
- Added loose items to pick up inside and outside the village (new regions).
- Larysa can craft items.
- Added campfire.
- You can craft items in the campfire after add 1 branch.
- Added recipe: Arrow.
- Added recipe: Stick.
- Added recipe: Health potion.
- Added recipe: Big health potion.
- Added recipe: Purified water.
- Added recipe: Steak.
- Added recipe: Monster meat steak.
- Ateniada is now looking at the player.
- Rhea is now looking at the player.
- Elpidia is now looking at the player.
- Added falling leaves under some trees.
- Bug has been fixed, after dropping the spool it was gigantic.
- Slightly changed the background in the main menu.
- Added ambient sound.
- Added noise for active waypoint.
- New part of the map:
- Second part of the village.
- Fields.
- Lake
- Mine.
- Small ruins.
- Added possibility to skip the storyline when starting the game. (free mode)
- The visual bug of floating beads in the village has been fixed.
- Minor changes I didn't mention.
Mazex 0.46a:
- Fixing a bug that caused equipment not to load properly after meeting Ateniada.
- Elpidia now has bigger boobs.
- Elpidia's face has been changed a bit.
- Added beads for Elpidia
- Default fpsmax changed to 60.
Mazex 0.45a:
- Removed old and added new inventory system.
- Under the 'i' or 'caps lock' key you can open the inventory ('tab' only works when opening eq).
- Added quick slots under keys 3, 4, 5.
- A bug causing a continuous decrease of stamina after a hit has been fixed.
- Information about healthpotions, arrows and threads has been removed from hud.
- Now when you hover over an interactive item, information appears under the cursor.
- The background in the mainmenu has been changed a bit.
- Added fps limit of 120 frames.
- Added the ability to enter a custom limit or disable it in the options.
- The player's camera position has been slightly changed.
- Using potions now has a cooldown.
- Added descriptions to some items.
- Default cursor in the game has been changed.
- The volume of levelup sound has been reduced.
- The volume of Elpidia sound has been reduced.
Mazex 0.44a:
- Corrected grass in the maze at the spawn points of the key and gate.
- Added source of magic as a model.
- Model of source of magic have been added in locations: village, endplace_1.
- Renamed the source of magic and the general concept to waypoints.
- Dialogue with Areniada has been changed a bit.
- Dialogue with Rhea has been changed a bit.
- Dialogue with Elpidia has been changed a bit.
- HP's system has been changed, is no longer a percentage.
- HP bar has been changed.
- Experience system has been added.
- Added experience bar to hud.
- Added camera drop during player death.
- Added a slowdown during attacks, when using up stamina completely you now have to take a short rest.
- The bar above the head for the warrior has been corrected.
- The bar above the head for the zombie has been corrected.
- Added stars overhead during warrior stun.
- Warrior during stun now slowly regenerates hp and comes out of stun after some time.
Mazex 0.43a:
- removed old assets so that the game will not weigh more than it should.
- shadows have been improved, they are now slightly brighter
Mazex 0.42a:
- Added a chest that can be opened and random items are dropped out of it.
- added a system for lifting items, some items can now be dragged using the interaction key 'F'.
- Work on the second part of the map has been started. It will be open world part. (not yet added)
- The arrangement of the village's buildings has been changed slightly.
- Improved the wood material, it is no longer so dark. (was almost black)
- Visually changed the first level, added more details, stones, houses, etc.
- Changed the design to a stylized one in the first level.
- Visually changed the village, more details as above.
- The design was changed to a stylized one in the village.
- Visual change in the main menu.
- Change the link in the mainmenu from patron to subscribestar.
- Fixed a bug of no item spawn in the maze.
- The grass in the maze has been changed to stylized one.
- Changed design to stylized one in endplace_1.
- Auto exposure has been turned off and set manually at all maps.
Mazex 0.41a:
- Characters are now blinking.
- New H scene with Mazewarrior, 50:50 chances after interact.
- Bug when Mazewarrior run after player when she is stunned shouln not appear anymore.
- Fixed bug where mazewarrior attack animation was interrupted.
- Improved spear hitbox a bit, at close range it should be more accurate.
- Improved hand model, now looks less ugly.
- Hitboxes of sword have been improved a bit,
they still need some work but skiping shields or enemy should happens less often.
- Corrected a little dummy zombie, it inflicts less damage.
- There is no longer a health potion in the inventory from the beginning, it is now available to pick up after defeating a zombie dummy.
Mazex 0.40a:
- Fixed a bug that caused the music volume reset when changing locations
- Mazes should no longer be repeated in a row.
- Mazewarrior now has a bit more hp.
- Hscene with Mazewarrior heals some hp.
- Fixed a bug where the music state did not change during interaction with maze warrior
- Bow is available from the beginning of the game (but this will be changed later)
- The basic volume of a killed zombie sound has been decreased.
Mazex 0.39a:
- Added a new type of attack for zombies, stone throwing, zombies can throw stones from further distances.
- New enemy, maze warrior.
- New h scene with maze warrior, available after stunning her and using the interaction button 'f'.
- A new enemy (maze warrior) has been added to respawn mobs in the maze.
- New side quest available from Atheniada.
- New 3 quest items
- New h scene with Ateniada
- Atheniada is now visible in the village after being rescued
- Elpidia is now visible in the village after rescuing Atheniada
- Added some dialogue for Atheniada and Elpidia
- Improved saving and loading settings
- Added difficulty level settings, the available levels are: easy, normal, hard
the difficulty level changes the damage inflicted by enemies and their attack speed a bit.
- Improved display of the death screen
- Improved interactions, items dropped from opponents are no longer automatically picked up.
- Added options to reset key bindings.
- The scenery in the main menu has been changed slightly, shields and spears has been added
- Added some new low level mazes.
- Removed 1 low level maze that was a bit too difficult
- Plus a few minor changes that I didn't list here.
Mazex 0.38a:
- Added new item, "spool of thread", if you have it in your inventory you can use it by pressing
"Q" key, it is used to mark places in the maze where you' ve already been.
- Rhea gives us 6 pieces of thread after we complete first talk.
- Added the possibility for dead enemies to drop a new item.
- Added music in the menu and in the game, volume can be changed in the options or completely turned off by moving the slider to the left.
- More graphic options have been added (cannot be saved yet)
- Added key configuration settings (cannot be saved yet)
- Added some additional audio options, subtitles display speed, ability to turn off voice acting simulation,
volume of voice acting simulation.
- Changed hard writing for keys 1 and 2 to dynamic (maybe this will eliminate the bug related to not drawing a sword)
- Tthe options window has been extended and 2 new tabs 'game', 'other' have been added.
- Disabled options for directx 12, they were not used anyway so the game should now run normally on Windows 7 x64
- Plus a few minor changes that I didn't list here.
Mazex 0.37a
- First public release.
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Mazex (2 файла)