Описание:После долгих лет гниения в своей комнате, Чиро, наконец, выгоняют за то, что она была грязной, ни на что не годной, социально неловкой геймершей. Изменит ли она свой образ жизни и интегрируется в общество, или же она еще глубже погрузится в вырождение?
After years of rotting inside her room, Chiro finally gets kicked out
for being a filthy, good for nothing, socially awkward, gamer.
Will she change her ways and integrate into society, or will she sink further into degeneracy?
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, adventure, ahegao, animated, creampie, fantasy, female protagonist, furry, male domination, monster, monster girl, oral, rape, sexual harassment ,side-scroller, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: The Cumbusters -
patreon |
itch.ioПлатформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Sex animations remake
Improved Cutscenes
New Cutscenes
Reworked Main Menu
Chiro's Mom
Beach Area Finished
Platforming Improvements
Combat Improvements
Upgrade System Improvements
Lots of Bug Fixes
New Songs
New Sound Effects
Fixed several bugs related to crashes
Improved QOL a bit
Stamina rework
EXP System
Block and Parry System
Sex System Rework
Level Selection
UI Rework
Dynamic Player Portrait
New Enemy - Bibi The Bunny
New Levels and reworked old levels
Multiple new Visuals and Particle Systems
Multiple Bug Fixes
Screen Resolution Fix
Prototype Platforming System
Prototype Water Physics
Fryman sex scene - Fryman sex scene fully completed.
Bibi portraits and animations - Bibi's animations (including the sex ones) and portraits have been finished. She can be found on the beach, in a neighboring scene to Fryman. In the next update she will also be available as an enemy.
Beach level updates - New locations, dialogues and decorations. Villa area has been expanded and will soon feature house interiors as well as yards. New background characters have been added to make the beach area feel more alive.
Health system rework - Health system now uses sliders instead of bars. Reason for that change is to make certain enemies deal greater amount of damage (Which couldnt be done before since the player had 5 hp in total). The design of the bars is yet to be prettified :_)
UI rework - A lot of the UI has been reworked, switching out text buttons for illustrated icons, which takes a lot less canvas space.
Post Processing settings - Chromatic aberration can now be adjusted to your liking, more visual settings to play around with to come!
Going back to last checkpoint - Option to go back to last checkpoint after being defeated and from sex CG's.
Countless bugfixes and polishes.
Known issues:
Screen resolution bug - As we built the game, we noticed that black lines started to appear with various severity depending on what type of screen you use. Unfortunately its too late to deal with in this update but we will definitely look into it soon
New location - A new villa area! Chiro is getting closer and closer to the train station and the big city!
Minor changes to beach location - Laid out the base for the changing scene, we'll have it properly sketched out by the next update. Added a small dialogue to the first croc encounter, to introduce him in a similar manner to Wolfie. There is also a little area where you can encounter a new bunny enemy.
New enemy concept - Speaking of new bunny enemy, also known as Bibi, here is her character sheet...
Animations - Her AI is ironically still a WIP, but animations are mostly complete! By the next update we'll have them polished and finish her as a proper enemy.
Crocodilf sex scene completed - Its here!!!
Fryman bj progress - Progress on the Fryman BJ scene! Not in game just yet but I'll spoil a bit anyway
Fixed Issues:
Gallery bug - Some of you had issues with the gallery, when selecting an enemy the animation wouldn't play, happened especially often to Wolfie but now it seems like it works as intended.
Less buggy horny water - Made horny water a lot less buggy!
Known Issues:
Controls bug - Sometimes after Chiro gets knocked down by an enemy and then stands up, the controls bug and she keeps running in one direction. For now I've had a hard time replicating it, but I'm planning to fully fix the issue in the next update.
OST - Our soundtrack artist released the tracks from the game, make sure to check it out!!! (Album cover made by anci)
Mobile Support - Its finally somewhat finished... It would seem it has some performance issues which we are investigating, but otherwise its fully playable. If you notice any bugs on your device, please let us know! ^^
New Character Sprite - Player sprite has been updated! Comes in two variants, on the second level she wears a bikini while on the first she wears her regular outfit. Very bouncy! The changing scene is coming soon enough too.
Level Updates - The level planning for the first few rooms has been finalized and laid out. Dialogues are finished for the most part. New decorations and an updated background are there to enjoy!
Soundtracks - New soundtrack for the sex scenes. Awkward silence no more!
Gameplay - Better attacking mechanics.
New Portraits - New portraits for a few characters.
Misc - Camera limits are now working! When player comes to the edges of the room, the camera will no longer follow all the way.
Numerous bugfixes
Other improvements
Gallery - really bare boned at the moment, but functional nonetheless, to unlock the animations get downed by an enemy and enter a sex scene..
New Enemy - A new enemy with a sex animation. The sex scene is a work in progress.
New Level - Beach time!!! (The current level is just a demonstration of things we made so far. The design aswell as the layout will be further worked on ^^ )
Level transition scene
Shortened sex dialogue - The dialogue in sex scenes has been greatly shortened as requested, although it will probably be reworked again.
Improved dialogue system - Removed the speed up function, now you can show the entire dialogue by pressing the continue button before it finishes printing.
Numerous bugfixes
Other improvements
Initial Release