Описание:Это история молодого человека, которому не слишком везло в жизни. Работа не приносила удовлетворения, он жил в маленькой квартире, с трудом платил за аренду. Долгое время почти не общался со своими близкими. Однажды ему позвонил адвокат и сообщил, что человек, который его вырастил, умер и что он должен присутствовать на оглашении завещания. Неужели это тот поворотный момент в его жизни, которого он ждал? Сможет ли наш герой свести концы с концами благодаря помощи, которую, возможно, оставил ему этот человек? Действительно ли это удача, которая изменит ход его жизни? Так ли это? Давайте поиграем и узнаем, не так ли?
This is the story of a young man who haven't had much luck in his life.
Unfulfilling job, living in a small apartment, struggling to make rent. Barely any contact with his loved ones for quite a while.
One day, he received a call from a lawyer, telling him that the guy who raised him died and that he were to attend the reading of the will.
Is this the turning point in his life that he was waiting for?
Will our hero be able to make ends meet with the help this man possibly left for him?
Is this the stroke of luck that will change the tides of his life? Is it?
Let's play and find out, shall we?
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: ahegao, anal, animated, big tits, corruption, cosplay, creampie, groping, handjob, harem, humor, incest, male domination, male protagonist, milf, oral, real porn, romance, sandbox, stripping, teasing, text based, titfuck, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Kestler Games -
patreonПлатформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.5
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.5 - 2025-03-24
- Continuation to Alexis' story with both Love and Domination paths.
- 1 new interaction with Ashly.
- 1 new photoshoot with Julie + extended story (big event).
- Pool events with Lena and Melody (separate).
- New interactions with Scarlett during other character's stories.
- Continuation of Mandy's story.
- Changed prologue's dream videos to shorter versions. You can still download the old ones individually and access them on the laptop in the Master Bedroom.
- Some modifications to acommodate the new online version.
- Several grammar, typos and content fixes.
v0.4 - 2025-03-01
- "HornyFans" Page added. You can check it on your laptop in the bedroom.
- You will gain new HornyFans every day and money payments every Monday morning, depending on how many HornyFans you have. The more photoshoots you make, the more fans you can obtain each day. Also, every past photoshoot can now be seen on this page as well.
- You can now check you finances on your laptop in your bedroom.
- Inventory tab added.
- You can now buy stuff from the online store on your laptop in the bedroom.
- Changed the 2B photoshoot quest a little bit. Now you have to buy the costume at the online store before doing the photoshoot.
- You can now clean the pool to get it ready for future usage.
- You can now watch porn on your laptop in the bedroom to pass the time.
- You can now change the MC's name and the relationships with the other characters on your laptop.
- New character in the Mansion: Julie.
- New character in the Mansion: Ashly.
- Had to change models (and character) from Bailey to Melody. Reason: Much more content available for Melody and I think she fits the role better. I will be using Bailey for another role later.
- New Home Renovation function.
- Advanced the Alexis' story a little bit.
- New photoshoot with Nina.
- New photoshoot with Julie.
- Hints added
- Multiple grammar, spelling, and "onomatopoeia" corrections.
- New interaction with Scarlett
- New interaction with Mandy
- New photoshoot with Mandy
- 3 new characters in the mansion
- Character profiles
- Chapter 1: Start
- New character: Nina
- Advanced Mandy's story a little bit
- Basic Mansion Layout
- Credits added. Contains the names of the Models already introduced and the Hall of Fame for supporters
- Compressed most of the videos to reduce overall filesize
- A few typos and grammar fixes
v0.1 Hotfix
Some spelling and grammar corrections.
Initial release - Prologue