"Manor" - это игра, в которой вы превращаете поместье, полное посетителей, в жутких, почти одинаковых горничных (или неидентичных альраунов/суккубов, или одинаковых горничных, если вы выберете такую опцию). Это похоже на настольную игру, но больше похоже на симулятор. Она вдохновлена игрой "Escape the Manor" (сценарием "Student Transfer" от Narg), и (с его позволения) персонажи и колорит в значительной степени заимствованы из этой игры. Другие вдохновители включают в себя аналогичные элементы в других играх (например, "Chambers of Pandemonium").
Manor is a game in which you transform a manor full of visitors into creepy, near identical maids (or non-identical alraunes/succubi, or identical maids if you set the option). It looks like a board game, but it's more of a sim game.
It's inspired by Escape the Manor (a Student Transfer scenario by Narg) and (with permission) the characters and flavour draw heavily from it; other inspirations include similar stuff in other games (for example Chambers of Pandemonium).
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, big ass, big tits, corruption, management, mind control, monster girl, point and click, sandbox, simulator, transformation,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: TirelessLurker - patreon | itch.io | tfgames | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: Alpha 23 Patch 1
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Alpha 23 Patch 1 - 2025-03-04
+ Traitors can now be ordered to take cursed items. They will drop them if they are not currently following an order to take them somewhere
+ Fixed an issue that could cause a proposition to be shown as having 100% chance instead of the real chance
+ Fixed asking characters to leave always being locked out (instead of being locked out for 16 turns after an attempt)
+ Visitors can now be asked to not pick up items. This only gives a bad guest point if they refuse to comply (unlike other actions, where the attempt is enough)
+ All monstergirls now cause visitors to be disoriented after sex
+ Possibly fixed some cases where alraunes wouldn't avoid incoming characters
+ Characters searching intently for a specific character (e.g. cop for partner, someone who believes they're body swapped for their body) will now give up eventually
+ Fixed being able to ask characters who are not visitors to stop actions
+ Removed bashing barricades as an action visitors can be told to stop
+ Fixed a case that could cause a character who is having sex with no-one (due to partners leaving at the start/being knocked out) to display no action name/arrows
+ Unaware characters and champions who are leaving after investigating without finding enough evidence will now try to leave via the entrance yard
+ Added some markers for when characters cannot speak/see/hear or are unconscious
+ Removed option to have monstergirls ask regular visitors to leave (which would cause them to become aware)
+ Fixed asking to leave not correctly creating the associated goal
+ Made several fixes to the leave as asked goal
Alpha 23
+ Maids that are in a tempt idle mode now redirect highly corrupt characters to the master if it hasn't been recently attempted, and don't try to tempt characters that are guaranteed to accept deals
+ Fixed a few selection menus that didn't sort room names
+ Added 'explain all missing' interaction that sets a maid to follow a cop and explain all missing characters the cop is investigating
+ Maids can now ask characters to leave. Champions won't leave unless they have been seen doing things they shouldn't as guests a few times (the 'bad guest' counter is now shown as a tracker). Misbehaviour also increases the chances of convincing visitors and cops to leave
+ Succubuses now wait for visitors to be out of the room before starting to leave the mortal plane
+ Made a tweak to move orders reduce confusion about some behaviour, may have side effects
+ Hopefully fixed champions and dark elf minions deciding to stay put, visible, rather than hide
+ Characters can now only have items stolen once an hour
-> Getting caught stealing now adds bad guest points
+ True sight can now be refreshed on revealed characters
+ Hopefully fixed a card positioning issue that occurs if characters are hidden due to their revealed (true sight) timer expiring
+ Fixed a crash when destroying observation bugs that are not held by characters
+ Fixed golems/dark elves not being valid to attack
+ Hopefully fixed a crash when confiscating inactive champion bugs
+ Added an order for maids on boxed characters that sets the maid to move all boxed characters in the same room to another
+ Added an order for succubuses to follow a target and repeatedly use a chosen power
+ Fixed a crash occurring when champions decide to bug maids via a goal, but there are no maids present
+ Fixed champion bug target goal not selecting characters that aren't already bugged
+ Fixed a bug that likely broke characters gaining horniness around good succubuses
+ Added Samuel's champion form, the decadent noble
-> Unlike other champions, if he finds enough evidence or finds some evidence and is done investigating, he will instead head to the master to request a bribe. Depending on how much fun he has had (corruption build up), he will ask for a bribe (if he's had enough fun, he'll just leave). The current request amount is shown in place of corruption
-> Having sex increases his corruption, as does giving items with temptation values (that aren't cursed) as gifts
-> If you refuse to bribe him he will react like a normal champion
-> The fallen noble replaces the 'spend 500 contribution' option when a champion first approaches - instead you may guarantee that he investigates
-> There is a female alternate of this form for no males mode
+ Fixed odds shown when propositioning
+ Added Josephine's champion form, the dominatrix
-> She can 'domineer', which will cause present characters to volunteer information if she succeeds a social roll against them; this includes maids (but the roll is more difficult)
-> She will offer bondage sessions to characters; those who accept may provide evidence during the session
-> In combat, she can disarm weapons and can tie up targets directly instead of needing to incapacitate them first (this will happen when she attacks)
+ Fixed champions trying to intimidate unconscious characters opportunistically
+ Visitors seeking answers from manor staff about why a character is acting weirdly or suspiciously will no longer share their concern with the character in question
+ Hopefully fixed cases where maids carrying out directly ordered player actions that are multi turn would agree to guide characters even though they will ignore them to finish their current action
+ Succubuses now consider characters who will wake up/finish actions/etc. before they finish having sex as necessary to avoid
+ Fixed multi-drop sometimes not appearing on player controlled characters (would always happen for traitor champions)
+ Possibly fixed a crash when visitors masturbate
+ Fixed a crash when room based timers are removed (possibly only if they're removed early or there are 2+)
+ Cop partners will now become aware along with their partner if their partner is attacked while non-hostile
+ Added Risako's champion form, the ninja
-> She can summon illusions to assist her. They can't inflict damage in combat, but will distract targets. They can investigate on their own with some limitations (particularly they cannot cure anyone), and will attempt to head to the real ninja if they discover enough evidence
--> Illusions can be dispelled, but this is noticed by the real ninja. Attempting to dispel someone real is also noticed
-> In combat, she can throw shruikens. These regenerate up to six over time, have a lower chance to hit, and can be thrown all at once with a maximum of two per target
-> She also has the smoke bomb ability, which allows her to hide while others are present
+ Added Sanya's champion form, the riflewoman
-> She observes neighbouring rooms as she moves around, and will spot various transformations etc. in them if the doors are open
-> She can snipe into neighbouring rooms if the doors are open
-> She can hold a character at gunpoint, forcing them to move out of rooms (she'll use this during combat to thin out fights). This is a social roll with a large bonus, and doesn't work on guards
+ Champions monitoring rooms will now stop doing so if they acquire sufficient evidence while doing so (action will end early)
+ Added Mei's champion form, the adventurer
-> She will talk to unaware visitors about strange things she has seen in her adventures, increasing their mystery concern. She will do this randomly
-> In combat, she can force characters to drop equipment other than weapons by striking (or grabbing) them
-> She arrives with the manor key and several health potions (equivalent to adrenaline)
+ Added Luke's champion form, the centaur knight (Cheyenne). Visitors aren't seeing her as a centaur
-> She can move twice in one turn or move and then attack; she cannot move a second time through a room that contains characters hostile to her
-> She has three wounds total
-> She is harder for guards to stop from leaving rooms and can stop player characters from leaving rooms (slightly different rolls)
-> She is guaranteed to successfully rally visitors
+ Fixed a couple of issues with guards blocking characters
+ Cancelling the training of a trainee in maid form now causes a character to revert to their body's visitor form
+ Fixed several champion magical seeking goals always seeking targets to scan, instead of for questioning (could cause champions getting stuck)
+ Fixed dark elf nobles considering their transformed minions to still be traitors
+ Capped the effect of mystery concerns on corruption (i.e. fear effect) and stopped champions from being affected by it
+ Fixed a crash when transforming a golem
+ Champions with male non-champion forms will now have their non-champion form swapped to the female equivalent when no males mode is active
+ Fixed champions who lose their powers not reverting to their non-champion forms (only noticeable for visitors who have become champions)
+ Fixed costs of various player character targeted magic actions including checks they shouldn't that would sometimes increase the cost unintentionally high
+ Hopefully fixed issues with several tfs triggering on champions
+ Fixed a crash when characters who aren't wearing clothes become champions or stop being champions
+ Fixed a crash when trapping clothes belonging to characters in certain states
+ Fixed a couple of cases where characters could end up in a state that caused various crashes. Old instances should be fixed when loading
Alpha 22 Patch 1
+ Possibly fix for action arrows sometimes not being visible
+ Fixed a few probable crash causes in the champion AI
+ Champion bugs are now removed from the game if dropped while inactive, or when the controlling champion leaves/etc.
+ Fixed acting in a room with an inactive champion bug causing a crash
+ Fixed controlled beegirl transformation being appliable to champions, and fixed beegirls abducting champions
+ Fixed a crash occurring when the good succubus is considering seducing a hidden character
+ Added a few bits to the manual, tutorial and tooltips
+ Characters that started as succubuses who are exchanged now have no contribution value
+ Traitor champions are no longer forced to drop their champion items after eight turns
+ Fixed characters getting stuck waiting for a sex partner who has left the manor
+ Fixed body swap issues when swapping with dark elf minions
+ Unconscious trainees no longer gain obedience
+ Characters in stasis/boxes that become non-stasisable (e.g. body swap results in a trainee) will now begin exiting stasis after doing so
+ Brute focused champions should no longer spam requests for duels on the same character (they'll wait for a couple of hours after being refused)
+ Fixed missing part of calculation for deal odds
+ Fixed crash when succubus mark activates on someone with an unexpected image set
+ Cops who are having sex or intending to have sex should no longer be interrupted by needing to leave or calls for help
+ Fixed second control crystal destruction affecting boxed maids
+ Replaced crashes occurring when a sprite can't be found with a 'no image' image
+ Prevented some cases where some non-visitor characters could have lingering champion item equipped states
+ Visitors will now only drag characters into dead end, one door rooms
Alpha 22
+ Added Kazuto's associated champion form, the dark elf noble Lyndis
-> Lyndis is a high rogue/medium magic/light social focused champion
--> Lyndis can transform characters into dark elf minions and will do so when she believes she has a good opportunity. She has a maximum of two
-> Rogue champions have several abilities, some of which are used in new investigation goal variations
--> When fighting, medium or more rogue focus champions use the higher of their initiative or combat to fight
--> Highly rogue focused champions have a chance to avoid attacks when not engaging in fights (e.g. when trying to leave a room)
--> Medium or higher rogue focused champions can pick locks, gaining access to rooms they shouldn't
--> Medium or higher rogue focus champions hide fully from the player. This is used as an alternative in several monitoring goals, and highly rogue focused champions can search rooms, pick locks and do a few other actions while stealthed
---> A spell can be cast on a room to reveal stealthed characters (they will remain hidden, but be visible to the player for a few turns), and maids can search rooms to find characters (this breaks the stealth state)
---> If a stealthed character breaks stealth to attack they will have a combat bonus
--> Medium or higher rogue focus champions can steal items from other characters. Those with magic seeking capability will steal sought cursed items from visitors, and generally they will opportunistically steal from maids. Stolen items are easier to confiscate. Maximum rogue focused champions (Lyndis isn't one) will be able to pickpocket while stealthed
-> Medium or higher rogue focus champions will arrive carrying several observation bugs. These grant the champion sight of a room (as if they were present; they don't pick up magic that isn't visually obvious), helping them gather evidence. Those placed on maids can be destroyed directly (requires a roll to find), and those on visitors can be removed if the target is unconscious or if a maid/the master can convince the bugged character to submit to a patdown (this can fail on the patdown)
-> Low+ rogue focus champions with medium or higher magic focus can place observer marks on characters and rooms to similarly observer what happens. These marks can be directly erased without a power cost, or remotely erased with one
-> Medium+ rogue focus champions with a low+ magic focus will magically seek evidence items to check
-> Medium+ rogue focus champions will attempt to explore the entire manor while stealthed
-> Low+ rogue focus champions will monitor all surrounding rooms after setting up in rooms with many doors a few times to keep an eye on things
-> Medium magic or rogue focus champions will now check the library for unusual tomes. The librarian will try to interfere with this, but may fail
+ Added a true sight ability that can be used on rooms to reveal hidden characters for a dozen or so turns
+ Magic champions now use their magic value to attack (but will use their combat value when attacked)
+ Fixed a rare case where a character would get stuck doing nothing when trying to collapse from exhaustion
+ Fixed some cases where champions would ask characters who are unconscious/etc. questions
+ Fixed confiscate action showing for sleeping characters, and possibly not showing for deeply sleeping characters
+ Entertain action should now stop if the target is no longer a visitor
+ Maids who are librarians or nurses who have a specific room set as their stay room will now station in it if it is a library/infirmary
+ Fixed maids and others who want to stay in a room but don't have a specific goal (e.g. librarians, nurses, those ordered to stay in a room) politely excusing themselves when someone starts having sex
+ Maids who proposition will now, if they desire to stay in the current room and it only has one exit, choose that room to have sex in
+ Fixed the search for staff to question goal not activating for champions with low/no magic focus
+ Added Talia's champion form, the elf noble
-> She can summon temporary magical gear that lasts for a few hours. The armour protects against incapacitation once, and the weapons provide stat boosts (and in the case of the wand, the ability to use the magic stat to attack)
+ Fixed saving and loading of null values
+ Swapped witches and the master to use magic when attacking
+ Fixed odds display of combat actions
+ Added Mao's champion form, the enforcer Kira. She has a very high brute (combat/direct) focus, and a medium social focus
-> High+ brute focused champions have an extra wound (like guards)
-> High+ brute focused champions have a bonus against the distract and entertain actions
-> High+ brute focused champions will ransack rooms in an attempt to find evidence; this mostly just makes a huge mess. Maids present will ask them to stop
-> Medium+ brute focused champions will investigate toggleable items (radio/diffuser) in a rough manner. This finds evidence like a scan, but may break things. Champions who can scan will not do this. Maids who are present will ask them to stop
-> High+ brute focused champions will challenge characters to duels. This does a social check then a combat check (the first to avoid the duel). They use this to check the skills of staff, and will gain related evidence if they win. They will also sometimes challenge characters for items, taking it if they win and leaving the manor in shame if they lose
-> When leaving, a high+ brute focused champion might try to abduct a character to bring back as final evidence (if they are close to having enough). This may or may not be enough to prove things (shown), and your characters can attempt to interrupt the abduction (if successful, the champion will just leave)
-> The enforcer has an intimidation/seemingly reliable strength effect that may cause traitors and visitors to give information to her unprompted. She has an associated goal where she wanders the manor to trigger this
+ Fixed not being able to directly order the 'stop that' action (requires the same room, as it's only relevant for one turn)
+ Right-click now always drags the game view around
+ Tweaked returning to stay locations; no longer viewed as a goal which should make maids perform idle actions on the way back
+ Fixed some chances not being shown when the odds calculation returned negative odds (due to bad values like negative maxes going in); should also avoid showing >100% odds that occur for similar reasons
+ Characters doing actions in rooms due to boredom will no longer see what they are doing as important enough to stay when shooed
+ Hopefully fixed traitor champions not transforming to their regular forms after dropping their champion items in some cases
+ Hopefully fixed some complex actions not being cancelled after body swapped
+ Fixed characters being able to drop bound items by being ordered to leave them in other room
+ Added Nao's champion form, the good succubus. She has a high social focus, and medium magic and stealth focuses
-> She has a special combat ability that allows her to try and charm a target. While charmed, they will attack their allies instead of enemies
-> She has a special goal during which she will wander around seducing characters, including maids
--> If she succeeds they will go have sex, and she will gain evidence during the act/from pillow talk
--> A partially successful seduction will distract her target, and increase the chance subsequent seductions succeed
--> Characters who have sex with her will have any succubus marks removed
-> Like regular succubuses, she has a passive arousal aura
-> She will commune with hidden succubuses opportunistically
+ Added Lotta's champion form, the outlaw. She has a high brute focus, and medium stealth and social focuses
-> She has two special combat abilities; rapid fire and suppressing fire. Both makes six attacks at half combat skill that can deal at most one wound (effectively, guards can take three shots and others two if unwounded); rapid fire against a single target and suppressing fire against random enemy targets. After either, she must reload before becoming able to attack in this way again
+ Fixed a crash sometimes occurring in some champion character seeking goal
Alpha 21 Patch 2
+ Fixed distract and tempt actions not being available on investigating champions
+ Fixed guards not being able to directly use door upgrade items
+ Hopefully fixed crashes in a couple of champion goals
+ Fixed inversion of some checks when characters leave that was causing unintended cop concern gains
+ Fixed characters not staying in rooms they are posted to when shooed if they have no goal
+ Fixed characters guiding trainees deciding on actions before the guided trainees decide their action and potentially become disobedient
+ Possibly fixed a crash sometimes occurring when champions are disoriented or similar conditions
Alpha 21 Patch 1
+ Fixed some guide action strangeness, particularly characters moving when they should be being guided to stay in their current room
+ Restored fight action availability against unaware visitors/etc.
+ Hopefully fixed maids with stay orders and maids staying in their assigned rooms being shooed out
+ Cops now heal incapacitated characters while investigating
+ Fixed saving of some settings
+ Added some more leeway to cop leaving times
+ Added a tutorial when a group first attacks the manor
+ Fixed a crash in the tutorials
+ Greatly reduced increase in cop concerns if a character leaves without becoming aware
+ Fixed guards not being able to upgrade doors and made them a little faster at it
Alpha 21
+ Investigating cops now investigate all disappearances
+ Fixed bunnygirls and witches not having the "Set Stay Room" option
Alpha 20 Patch 1
+ Hopefully fixed a crash occurring when champions have been removed from the game but are still expected to check in
+ Fixed traitor champions not removing their check in timers after leaving the manor
+ Fixed various target magical seeking goals not predicting movements
+ Hopefully fixed traitors attacking champions who have noticed that they are traitors, when the champion isn't hostile to them (e.g. during investigation before having evidence)
+ Fixed teleporting the manor not clearing power use
+ Fixed champion checkin hours and window settings sliders
+ Fixed trainees swapped into maid bodies effectively instantly finishing their training
+ The master, witches and guards can now be ordered to upgrade rooms
+ Greatly increased the default power use amount required to attract the attention of champions
+ Shifted champion stats to mostly be buffs from their champion items
+ Added the orders screen to the tutorial
+ Added some stuff about the orders screen to the manual/updated some parts to mention it
+ Added a tutorial step about character type caps
+ Allowed the master to seal items
+ Added banishing champion items to gain contribution. The item must be sealed first, and it takes additional power to banish
+ Added an option when viewing a room upgrade item to pick a maid and then a target room (if multiple options exist) to upgrade
+ Champions no longer opportunisitically commune with monstergirls (they will only commune with explicitly sought targets). This may return as a special ability for a champion type later
+ Characters following other characters due to being suspicious can now be shooed out of rooms ... but they will spy from the room they are shooed into
+ Fixed champions communing with characters in stasis
+ Fixed a crash sometimes occurring when character are guiding characters to characters
Alpha 20
+ Fixed champion seeking spell finding stasised/boxed characters
Alpha 19 - Patch 1
+ Value changes for concerns are now forgotten after four hours (for save file size)
+ Cops are now allowed to leave by default
+ Plant zombies being guided by characters will no longer transform before reaching the yard they are being guided to
+ Visitors who know about alraune seeds should now always help out visitors who are following goals relating to an alraune seed infecting them
+ Hopefully fixed succubuses seeking sleeping targets ignoring targets in rooms adjacent to corridors they are heading through to reach other corridors
+ Added a quick destroy clothing action when viewing the laundry that creates destroy actions on as many outfits (that aren't associated with a visitor form character still in the manor) as possible
+ Fixed destroy every action targeting items that can't normally be destroyed
+ Modified the destroy every action to no longer affect items carried by maids (caused all maid outfits to be destroyed when trying to clear out the laundry, for example)
+ Fixed boxed alraunes counting towards the alraune cap
+ Fixed characters removing handcuffs on others being more effective than intended, and rope removal being less effective than intended
+ Ropes/handcuffs/etc. applied by player controlled characters can now be removed by player controlled characters instantly
+ Fixed maids ordered to do actions not always following the ordered lock order. This may have side effects, as it required a (hopefully sensible) change that affects the 'go to x and do y' goal used for most orders
+Made a couple of possible fixes for cops sometimes having memories of their partner as a visitor
+ Succubuses should no longer make characters sleepy when they are heading to have sex with someone
+ Added an order for maids determining whether they take extra outfits to the laundry or not
+ Cops no longer gain the leave concern when unaware that the barrier usually prevents exit
+ Characters full transformed by the identity mirror are now forgotten by player controlled characters (similar to them forgetting characters who leave, etc.)
+ The amount of time before cops are viewed as missing now depends on the size of the manor as well as the chosen setting; the default has been reduced slightly to compensate but won't automatically apply to existing settings
+ Made visitors generally more likely to fall for cursed items
+ Fixed visitors becoming worried when they lock the door of the room they are in
+ Fixed Josephine image set aroused cop image name
+ Fixed ordering non-regular maids to go undercover
+ Cops should now always send an arrest group when cops have gone missing
+ Minimum arrest group size set to four
+ Fixed errors when ordering a character to magically raise the concerns of a character in another room
+ Visitors should no longer keep following characters who are fully transformed by the identity mirror
+ Maids ordered not to unlock doors while moving idly/following orders will now make an exception for barricades barricading the room they are in
Alpha 19
+ Fixed upgrade/mess label positioning for yards in most layouts
+ Added some code to clear out memories when characters leave
+ Added some code that prevents non-visitor characters from accumulating memories (they should retain those from while they were visitors; already transformed characters in existing saves will lose memories)
+ Added direct value entry for sliders (by clicking on the current value)
+ Fixed hostile beegirls only wandering between two yards, instead of all present in a layout
Alpha 18 Patch 1
+ Fixed a save corruption issue
+ Fixed broken parts of witch order displaying
+ Hopefully fixed characters guiding plant zombies sometimes not recognising that a plant zombie is heading into their current room
+ Hopefully fixed movements of sneaking characters not being predicted in various contexts (e.g. give item to); this may have side effects
+ Visitors who are very very concerned about something (including e.g. horniness) will now not worry about their clothing
Alpha 18
+ Fixed witch order options always showing
+ Fixed witch idle order details not showing and not setting the correct icon
+ Fixed default witch order not being applied
+ Fixed magical concern change failures showing a value change and logging a success message
+ Fixed witches and Katanashi attempting to magically reduce concerns on visitors when doing so is not possible (during the cooldown)
+ Fixed drag actions (and possibly others) still showing action arrows relating to the drag when an overriding player order has been issued
+ Fixed some weirdness with the exit stasis action
+ Fixed highlighting in the event log
+ Fixed action line player order offsets not scaling according to the size of the card performing the action (would be beyond card edge in crowded rooms)
+ Fixed order ui changes not triggering ai reruns
+ Fixed ritual room having unintentionally high mess growth due to it having two room connections
+ Possibly fixed a case where answers from a maid/Katanashi about a character's location were untrusted, leading to asking more maids about the location
+ Fixed witches being unable to carry out form changes
+ Fixed traitor concerns not being setup correctly when a character who is distracted (e.g. having sex) accepts a deal
+ Fixed a save loading issue affecting visitor concerns about toggleable items
Alpha 17 - Patch 1
+ Fixed memories of beegirls not showing beegirl images
+ Fixed traitors not wearing their clothing as part of waking up/finish bathing/etc.
+ Added WADS map movement
+ Maids attending visitors and traitors should now wait outside when characters are having sex/masturbating better/more proactively
+ Fixed a crash occurring when characters without goals are considering leaving a room characters are having sex in
+ Characters searching for other characters should now generally wait until the information they have about the location of the target is stale before asking about them
+ Hopefully fixed most cases where characters immediately give up on having sex with someone who propositioned them due to other concerns
+ Possibly fixed a case where a character would ignore their meal too long, then cook for themself, due to being distracted
+ Multi-turn actions should no longer be cancelled by mode changes
+ Fixed succubuses having two sex options
+ It should now be possible to order a character to do something other than sex, then swap them back to having sex, without the sex being lost track of
+ Fixed some issues with characters leaving sex that may have caused various problems
+ Concerns about doors being locked/barricaded should now only add once (unless seen unlocked/unbarricaded and then again locked/barricaded)
+ Hopefully fixed succubuses deciding to bash doors in various circumstances they shouldn't
+ Fixed confiscation goal continuing after a target becomes player controlled
+ Fixed maids assigned as nurses/librarians agreeing to be shooed out by characters intending to have sex
+ Added missing bee unaware avoidance room-wide order
+ Having sex with a succubus now corrupts a visitor
+ Fixed multi-drop action cancel button not cancelling properly
+ Hopefully fixed an issue causing characters to not properly remember that they were unable to shoo certain characters out of rooms
+ Hopefully fixed changing succubus idle modes causing them to forget about sex they intend to join
+ Visitors waking after being moved to the infirmary or their bedrooms now gain less concern
+ Shooed controlled bees and succubuses now hide instead of leaving
+ Fixed usable items being usable on characters that have left a room
+ Characters seeking to relieve their horniness should now propose sex to other such characters or join groups having sex in rooms they are in
+ Added clothing collection behaviour to guards
+ Modified various goals that involve taking clothing to not be lost when idle modes on a maid taking clothing are changed
Alpha 17
+ Fixed a crash related to forgotten identities
+ Fixed ordered succubus haunt goal not doing several expected actions
+ Fixed maids and visitors politely leaving when entering a room someone is having sex in when they have a reason to be in the room
+ Visitors following other visitors should no longer get stuck when fleeing combat
+ Fixed mirror cooldown not being checked when forcing visitors to view the mirror
+ Fixed second control crystal destruction effect breaking maids out of stasis
+ Fixed mysteries concern being considered for goals when at zero importance
+ Hopefully fixed some cases where a character propositioning someone for sex would get shooed away
+ Hopefully fixed succubuses shooing when visitors are moving into a room they are about to have sex with someone in
+ Hopefully fixed a case where a character desiring to be in a barricaded room becomes worried when someone else sets the barricade
+ Fixed setting guard combat orders directly
+ Fixed new guard idle order being set strangely (was using the default combat order)
+ Being attacked now removes the hidden tracker
+ Fixed player actions hanging around invisibly for multiple turns and attempting to fire when they have failed for one of several reasons
Alpha 16 Patch 3
+ Fixed disrupt reading action not increasing the time to finish the current book being read
+ Fixed rushing of direct player orders (rush wasn't activating in most circumstances)
+ Succubuses haunting targets via their idle mode will now continue haunting the same targets if they are still in a haunt mode after a mode change
+ Fixed a save loading issue
+ Possible fix for visitors sometimes swapping to masturbating after finding a sex partner; might have side effects; roughly unaware visitors drop goals that are less important than current concerns but a concern could cause its own goal to be lost. Also, goals with concerns now update their importance to that of the associated concern
+ Fixed being unable to view the identity mirror when clicking on it while viewing the room it is in
+ Fixed bunnygirls continuing to entertain visitors when hostile characters are around
+ Hopeful temporary fix for a rare crash in the bunnygirl ai with an unknown exact cause
+ Allowed succubuses etc. to unbarricade doors while moving idly while not allowed to open locked doors (they will not bash such doors)
Alpha 16 Patch 2
+ Fixed clear door action not showing for non-manor locked doors
+ Katanashi should no longer try to reduce concerns that she has a zero chance of reducing
+ Sleeping characters who complete their sleep will now wake fully rested
+ Orders can no longer be given to unsconscious maids
+ Added character counts to the character list screen
+ Fixed some loading issues for older saves
+ Fixed characters having sex being too aware of their surroundings
+ Possible fix for player controlled characters sometimes losing track of their goals
+ Maids will now bash their way through other side barricaded/non-manor locked doors and remove barricades to get out of rooms when moving idly
+ Fixed some issues with items that are limited to one maximum
+ Fixed issue occurring when buying a gem of obsession
+ Fixed shop items not being hidden when not available
+ Succubuses seeking sleepers should now target sleeping characters first if they have a dream power set, rather than favouring making awake characters sleepy
+ Unlocking a door that visitors are about to call for help to deal with will now cancel the call for help
+ Added idle door unlocking modes to controlled beegirls and succubuses
+ Fixed some issues with visitor call for help investigation goals not being marked as verified when the caller is found unconscious or tied up; also fixed the concern not being resolved if the caller is found while not pursuing the goal
+ Fixed alraune pollen production ceasing when over alraune limit being applied in non-extended mode
Alpha 16 Patch 1
+ Fixed bunnygirl <-> maid body swap not updating ais
+ Fixed mirror use not resetting the underlying maid form of a character
+ Fixed visitors succumbing to the succubus mark tracker and deciding to go masturbate when already on their way to go have sex
+ Distract and entertain now extend the duration of some actions, instead of cancelling them
+ Fixed radios not limiting the number of characters a visitor could ask for someone's location
+ Fixed maids who should be cooking the characters they are attending to meals getting stuck in the room their attend to target is in
+ Fixed player ordered actions being reconsiderable in some circumstances they shouldn't be
+ Rushed actions are now marked as directly ordered by the player, so they won't usually be reconsidered
+ Diffusers should now activate when Katanashi is in the room, or non-hidden monstergirls
+ Fixed maids attending to traitors staying put indefinitely instead of having sex
+ Possible fix for crash when an aware visitor uses a banishment charm
+ Fixed save corruption when saving item creating player actions
+ The identity mirror no longer copies corruption
+ Fixed issue with the calculation of the odds of some actions
Alpha 16
+ Succubuses seeking sleeping characters should no longer try to force their way through locked doors
+ Succubuses should no longer join in with masturbating characters who aren't marked, and will avoid masturbating characters who aren't marked when they are about to finish
+ Fixed succubuses haunting characters not using the arouse power when set to
+ Fixed the tempt command not showing for bunnygirls
+ Fixed traitors accidentally making themselves drugged meals
+ Made a pretty wide reaching change to help characters keep better tracks of rooms they have checked for goals
+ Visitors should no longer try to ask characters who can't speak about their weird or suspicious behaviour, nor try to follow those that are unconscious
+ Fixed succubuses not waiting correctly when their haunt target is heading into their current room; should also make succubuses head off their targets by heading into rooms they're heading into
-> Applied the same fixes to various other player side following states
+ Fixed succubuses directly ordered to haunt characters not correctly cancelling moves when their target's move is disrupted
+ Fixed sneak moves not being possible to reconsider
+ Bunnygirls and maids set to idly distract/entertain should no longer interrupt masturbation or sex
+ Player controlled characters should no longer prevent other characters from taking their possessions (e.g. transformed controlled beegirls preventing taking of their clothing while in the room)
+ Hopefully fixed visitors sometimes asking about weird or suspicious behaviour concerns that have no importance after being explained by other characters successfully
+ Bunnygirls and maids should no longer proposition characters who have already found a sex partner
+ Made some extensive changes to the various sex goals, which will hopefully fix up various bugs and strange behaviour
+ Fixed visitors often cancelling sex after accepting a bunnygirl's proposition due to the goal being viewed as unimportant
Alpha 16 Preview 1
+ Visitors focused on their leave concern will now ask someone at least once about leaving before trying to research the barrier
+ Fixed hostility check for slowing down incapacitation recovery not checking the right character for hostility
+ Hopefully fixed some weird edge cases with character recovery
- characters should be able to help anyone recover as long as there are no characters who are hostile to the healing character
+ Fixed visitors following other visitors only fighting maids and Katanashi
+ Possibly fixed a case where an unaware visitor doing research would wait around for an aware visitor to tell them things, even when the aware visitor is unconscious/etc.
+ Fixed an issue preventing characters from fleeing through locked doors they are able to open
+ Fixed a bunch of cases where fleeing from combat for player controlled characters due to ai modes would be cancelled
+ Maids idly confiscating items should no longer confiscate cursed items
+ Characters that can hide who need to clear doors to continue pathing should now bash/clear them before hiding
+ The entrance yard now has a lower max upgrade level than the rear yard (4/6 entrance/rear)
+ Some visitor goals (asking about behaviour, spying on characters/rooms, asking about concerns) are now considered complete if the related concern becomes unimportant
+ Succubuses can now sate the sexual desires of sleeping traitors through their dreams, added an idle mode to have them do so
+ Controlled characters can now call groups of their friends to the manor. The success rate is a lot higher for traitors than for other controlled character types
+ Added a self determination concern to traitors
- ordering them around raises it, allowing them to act freely lowers it. High values cause a traitor to do as they please instead of following orders
+ Traitors can now barricade doors
+ Possible fix for a soft lock in some circumstances
+ Alraunes should now use pheromones when unhidden if they cannot hide and there are valid targets
+ Maids who go undercover should now have their visitor clothes change to match their undercover forms
+ Added a new combat mode for alraunes, Never Engage, in which they will stay passive when revealed. The current Do Not Fight has been renamed Fight If Cornered (in that mode, alraunes fight when they are revealed and cannot hide)
+ Beegirls now take a few more turns to arrive when approaching the manor and have a timer
+ In extended mode, beegirl attacks now occur every few days (according to a setting in gameplay settings), with more attacking if there is more unharvested pollen
+ Maid fight orders should now cancel if their target becomes friendly instead of being followed through on
+ Unaware and aware visitors now have some interactions with characters in stasis. Unaware visitors will pose maids (which they find fun, but weird) and aware visitors will break bees free of your control if they do not know how to cure them, and drag maids in stasis to the library to research a cure if they do not know one
+ Unaware and aware visitors who do not know about succubuses now have a chance to read succubus contracts. This will activate the contract as usual, but at a reduced power cost depending on the reader's magic and will also imbue the reader with knowledge of succubuses (and unaware visitors will become aware due to seeing a succubus after)
+ It's now possible to set a favoured trap book in the library
+ Added boxing up characters for pickup. Unaware visitors might peek into or rip open unattended boxes
+ Fixed succubuses bound to contracts losing their gear
Manor Alpha 15 Patch 5
+ Added in some text about the concern mechanic that makes subsequent tries to answer questions harder
+ Beegirls can now drag characters between yards
+ Fixed a lot of target checks including characters who won't fight due to disorientation/similar
+ Hopefully fixed succubi in some states trying to sneak through locked doors instead of unlocking them
+ Visitors should no longer repeatedly ask about concerns (they'll still consider them important if the answers they got were bad, but they'll hold off on asking for a while and do other investigative actions instead)
+ Moved showing of reduce concern odds into the submenus
+ Fixed crash occurring when traitor cursed deals are activated in some circumstances
+ Succubi haunting targets should no longer get distracted by characters they want to make drowsy (from the seeking sleepers idle mode)
+ Fixed issues occurring when characters held items other than their clothing when being exchanged for contribution
+ Upgrading a door should no longer sometimes cause multiple door upgrades to be performed when a character is carrying multiple door upgrade items
+ Healing slowdown should now occur only when hostile characters are present (had several issues including unaware visitors slowing maid healing and infighting visitors not slowing each other's healing)
+ Fixed succubi set to follow marked characters prioritising using powers on sleeping characters over starting to follow a marked character
+ Unaware (but suspicious) characters may now escape if they (without becoming aware) discover they can't exit, discover magic and discover how to get through the barrier
Manor Alpha 15 Patch 4
+ The identity mirror no longer targets unconscious targets
+ Fixed various player controlled characters not bashing/clearing doors when they need to to flee
+ Traitors should no longer start rumours about other traitors (unless ordered to)
+ Adjusted some shop prices
+ Cute choker now increases the social stat of obedient trainees
+ Concerns that are accidentally raised by characters when visitors inquire about them are no longer suppressd
+ Fixed confiscate request action being available on unconscious targets (upon whom the direct order is used instead)
+ Hopefully fixed some cases where succubi or beegirls would try to hide when unable to
+ Hopefully fixed some issues with the cute choker buff/debuff not updating after a transformation
+ Fixed orders to take an item to the current room of a character causing them to get stuck dropping nothing
+ Traitors should generally no longer ask maids working on player orders for sex or pampering, and maids following player orders shouldn't drop what they're doing to see to traitors
+ Alraunes should now heal incapacitated/wounded allies
+ Prevented plant zombie transformation activating when a beegirl transformation is in progress
+ Hopefully fixed up odds being wrong for redirect action
+ Fixed third page of autosaves not saving (and possibly some issues with the second page as well)
+ Fixed beegirls and others not being able to be ordered to drag incapacitated characters around
+ Part of the increased growth effect on alraune seeds from bathing/swimming is now applied when in the room (i.e. when not swimming/bathing)
+ Alraunes should no longer poke alraunes in stasis when overcrowded
+ Fixed wrong calculation display of odds for giving items, and moved display to be shown for each individual item to show correct odds per item
+ Fixed giving of non-cursed items to characters who need to be convinced to take the item never succeeding
+ Fixed other issues with giving items that would potentially caused guaranteed successes
+ Pampering and sex actions now raise the satisfaction level of traitors if it is currently negative
+ Visitors should no longer ask unconscious characters about suspicious actions
+ Leave in/move to action should not inconsistently appear depending on the locked status of doors in the room the character is in any more
+ Fixed some cases where events that a character had witnessed themself and had not forgotten could be shared with the character in question
+ Fixed a crash that can occur after a character is teleported, but there are likely other cases
+ Upgrade items for yards now work for a specific level of yard, and one of the needed level to upgrade can exist for each yard
+ Fixed sale values using buffed/debuffed stats instead of base stats
+ Items carried by characters exchanged for contribution are now moved to the reliquary when they leave
+ Made several changes to cut down on save file size, particularly for long games. Please let me know about any save/load crashes or other weirdness
+ Fixed an issue that would duplicate some data on every save+load
+ Characters jumped ahead in their intended paths should now behave a bit better; beegirls will move yard to yard if in a yard (but won't head to yards as a shortcut yet)
+ Fixed beegirls still following their idle orders when they should be following other goals
+ Fixed a crash occurring when loading older saves that are updated to have the new rooms
+ Fixed a crash occurring when trackers/timers from older saves were removed
Manor Alpha 15 Patch 3
+ Fixed a possible cause of a crash relating to characters forgetting someone they heard about someone from
+ Fixed crash occurring when a succubus's ai makes her start following a marked target
+ Succubi haunting targets should now hide themselves when able to
+ Hopefully fixed some weirdness that can occur when items a character intends to carry end up being carried by others
+ Limited the heal speed increase in the infirmary for non player controlled characters
+ Made succubuses a little more patient in hiding themselves; should avoid e.g. hiding before removing barricades
+ Fixed the praise maid direct command
+ Fixed it being possible to barricade doors in a room a character is not in from a character's current room (which caused noticeable strangeness)
+ Fixed buttons being focusable, which caused some annoyances (including the occasional lockout of all UI elements)
Manor Alpha 15 Patch 2
+ Allowed monster girls to perform the give action on unconscious characters (this will reveal them, however)
+ Fixed missing code to handle door relocking while following orders
+ Fixed succubi following marked characters doing nothing when they should use their powers in some circumstances
+ Fixed succubi being able to stack dreams
+ Added door relocking behaviour to Katanashi
+ Visitors should no longer get bored waiting for a meal when a maid is preparing them a meal
+ Characters who can hide who are ordered to perform an action elsewhere that is either stealthy or does not target a character (except movement) will hide when they can
-> Fiddly cases will be refined in the next alpha
+ Fixed maids and bees entering stasis counting towards the maid cap
+ Fixed maids not properly entering stasis when forced to do so due to a power shortage and maid cap overflow
+ Fixed maids and alraunes in stasis providing power
+ Separated order clearing for 'direct magic action on target' and 'order to player controlled character'
- in particular, this will prevent longer orders (those that create goals) from cancelling direct actions like change appearance
+ Fixed arrival chance increasing being available when doing so will result in negative power (it was checking the decrease cost)
+ Alraunes in stasis now gradually lose pollen and do not charge their seed ability
+ Fixed max power increases from master suite and ritual room not being applied
+ Hid some actions that were unintentionally available on characters in stasis
+ Changed first aid action requirements slightly; should help with certain edge cases
+ Possibly fixed some potential strangeness with weird action and books that aren't currently in a character's inventory being read
+ Maids now heal monster girls in place instead of dragging them through the manor to the infirmary
+ Fixed librarians being summoned by the summon idle maids command
+ Fixed make deal action not showing a chance when the chance is (calculation wise) negative
+ Fixed controlled bees not showing the hide action when not already hidden
+ Added rope to the contribution shop
+ Added some code to avoid duplicate names for generated characters
+ Fixed characters with the confiscate items goal getting stuck under certain conditions
+ Succubuses now put off hiding until they move elsewhere or detect they need to
+ Succubuses and controlled beegirls should now properly hide from incoming characters
Alpha 15 Patch 1
+ Succubi ordered to exchange themselves for contribution will now hide themselves (when they can) while on the way to the ritual room
+ Visitors should no longer call for help with barricades they can remove themselves
+ Fixed bees becoming controlled not being marked as recently controlled (which meant they had no cap grace period)
+ Fixed the visitor group count slider
+ Fixed tooltips being wrong after cancelling out of an action submenu
+ Fixed maid change appearance action not listing any appearances
+ Fixed identity mirror tooltip showing the current stats (including bonuses etc.) of transformation targets, instead of the base stats that will be applied
+ Hopefully fixed a crash that can occur when a visitor accepts a deal
+ Succubi and bees should now unlock doors if they can safely do so to get where they intend to go
+ Succubi will now avoid revealing themselves to characters moving into the current room (affects several actions)
+ Added a combat mode modifier to controlled bees - whether they will avoid revealing themselves in front of unaware characters to attack characters. This defaults to on
+ Fixed the hide action not being available when a hidden character is in a room with hostile characters
+ The identity mirror should no longer show duplicate entries as clone targets (same identity and same stats)
+ Taking items from a room is now consistently non-stealthy, and dropping items is now stealthy
+ Succubi following a marked character should no longer end up doubling up on dreams and wasting an action
+ Unconscious maids can no longer go undercover
+ Fixed broken egg display when a maid is body swapped into a visitor undergoing a bee transformation
Alpha 15 Preview 5
+ Increased the max upgrade level of upgradeable rooms
+ Fixed ritual room starting at level zero
+ Fixed negative effects from going over cap applying in non-extended mode
+ Controlled bees and alraunes should now hide when exchanging themselves for contribution
+ Fixed it being impossible to have controlled bees and alraunes exit stasis + Hopefully fixed issues with empowerment being cancelled randomly
+ Added the Angelica maid image set; new default for identical maids
+ Maids can now be ordered to compliment traitors, and to offer them massages or sex + Added an option to continue in extended mode to the end game screen
+ Added extended mode details to the manual, and made changes to the tutorial
Finally, Alpha 15 proper.
+ Hopefully fixed a traitor related crash
+ Offering a deal to a visitor now requires that they be able to listen
+ Fixed display of Angelica's maid image when alternate outfits is on
+ Fixed the current appearance of a maid being listed as an option for change appearance in several cases
+ Fixed maids attending traitors who are asked for sex losing track of their attend to goal
+ Hopefully fixed succubi getting into a strange state where they are no longer possible to properly remove from play. Fixes existing broken succubi as a side effect
+ Hopefully fixed the empowerment cancellation issues
+ Door locking actions can no longer be set if they will take you over the door lock cap. If you set unlock actions, you can set additional lock actions, but the unlock actions will not be cancellable until cancelling them does not cause you to go over the lock limit
+ All player side characters, other than traitors, can now freely unlock manor doors. This may have bad side effect behaviours (e.g. succubi/beegirls unlocking doors they shouldn't)
+ Hopefully fixed a crash occurring under certain conditions due to forgotten memories
+ Alraunes in stasis can now be dragged around to allow them to be empowered (and for fun). They can only exit stasis in a yard
+ Fixed alraune getting extra hidden trackers when entering stasis
Alpha 15 Preview 4
+ Rearranged the display of meta trackers (arrivals etc.)
+ Arrival chance increasing/decreasing now varies depending on distance from 50%
+ Added alraune cap (per yard) and yard upgrades, alraune overpopulation effects (no power generation, no pollen generation, may poke and reveal other alraunes), storage (hide as a flower) and exchange
+ Added controlled bee cap (2 per upgrade level of false hive), controlled bee overpopulation (causes controlled bees to break free), storage (enter stasis in the false hive) and exchange
+ Added succubus cap (1 per upgrade level of ritual room), succubus overpopulation (causes forced exchange of a succubus for a contract), succubus storage (exchange for a contract that summons the particular succubus) and exchange (rather than pickup, succubuses travel permanently to a demon realm to begin a new life)
+ Cap rooms now start at ugrade levels that have the capacity for starting character numbers
+ Fixed issue with ordering characters to upgrade rooms when in the room they should upgrade when not carrying the upgrade item
+ Upgrading the master suite now increases the maximum number of doors you can lock
+ Upgrading the master suite or ritual room now increases your power cap
+ Characters able to reach the ritual room (sorry alraunes) can now have their stats upgraded. This isn't too expensive up to 10 in a stat, but will grow quickly after
+ Added a new shop interface and some new items for purchase in exchange for contribution. They will arrive a while after being purchased, like upgrade materials -> Door upgrade materials are amongst the purchaseble items
+ Added settings for starting contribution and the average number of potential visitor groups that end up near the manor
+ Fixed recently transformed tracker not being removed after body swaps
+ Implemented a traitor soft cap (if they aren't kept happy they will turn on you, or act up if their deal is cursed) and exchan
-> This include two new traitor only concerns - promised sex and pamper
+ Maids can now be set to an idle mode in which they will see to traitor sex and pamper needs; this overrides uninterruptible if the request comes from a traitor
+ Maids attending to traitors will pamper and have sex with them
+ Maids can be set to be interruptible for sex requests (likely also other things later)
+ Succubi can optionally proposition and have sex with traitors (risky but fun, so toggled off by default)
+ Maids can now attend to traitors
+ Fixed NewMaid and UltraGrow being usable on unconscious characters that aren't visitors
+ Fixed traitors getting a recently transformed tracker + Fixed crash occurring sometimes after a seed or mark is removed from a character
+ Fixed a loading crash caused by certain save file corruption; hopefully fixed the cause as well (related to identity loss)
Alpha 15 Preview 3
+ Power colour is now magenta
+ Fixed single room player ordered moves causing crashes (and likely some other actions)
Alpha 15 Preview 2
+ Changed display of current turn, power, door locking; added various others for extended mode (several unimplemented)
+ Added maid cap, maid cap tracking and recently transformed characters being marked and not counting towards caps
+ Added character pickup from the entrance yard (maids only currently). Once one is organised, characters can be told to exchange themselves for contribution; they will head to the pickup point and wait
+ The master suite and maid quarters can be upgraded to increase maid capacity. This is done by ordering an upgrade item via clicking on the room, then having a maid use the upgrade item to upgrade the room (direct interaction on item, or interaction on a maid who is carrying an upgrade item)
+ Made some changes to actions that may have side effects
+ Incoming arrivals are now show on the left. In Extended Mode, after the initial waves groups of characters that may arrive at the manor are listed. You can increase or decrease the chance that a group will arrive using power by clicking on the entry + Fixed memories sometimes getting into a particularly bad state from a bad state; wasn't able to pin down how the first bad state was achieved
Alpha 15 Preview 1
+ Made the stealth backing more visible
+ Active settings at the start of a game are now saved into the save files
+ Made several changes to reduce save file size
+ Fixed inversion of suspicion gains/reductions when visitors are asked by other visitors to explain suspicious actions
Alpha 14 Patch 3
+ Stopped maids sending visitors to the locations of monstergirls when asking about other visitors who have been transformed + Confiscation is now affected by temptation/usefulness values
+ Maid appearance (i.e. default hair change only maids) who plant themselves now use the generic apperance as alraunes
+ Hopefully fixed characters transformed by the identity mirror showing a message about searching for their clothes in certain situations
+ Visitors are now concerned by waking up in rooms they didn't go to sleep in
+ Hopefully fixed a crash when visitors share knowledge
+ Visitors who take medicine for an alraune seed now briefly ignore the concern
+ Hopefully fixed succubus debuff lingering after transformations other than the succubus one
+ Hopefully fixed a maid identity loss issue
+ Hopefully stopped some autosave crashes + Fixed the main tutorial + Prevented loading/saving a game during turn processing
+ Fixed autosaves from pages other than the first not being deleteable
Alpha 14 Patch 2
+ Stopped maids sending visitors to the locations of monstergirls when asking about other visitors who have been transformed + Confiscation is now affected by temptation/usefulness values
+ Maid appearance (i.e. default hair change only maids) who plant themselves now use the generic apperance as alraunes
+ Hopefully fixed characters transformed by the identity mirror showing a message about searching for their clothes in certain situations
+ Visitors are now concerned by waking up in rooms they didn't go to sleep in
+ Hopefully fixed a crash when visitors share knowledge
+ Visitors who take medicine for an alraune seed now briefly ignore the concern
+ Hopefully fixed succubus debuff lingering after transformations other than the succubus one
+ Hopefully fixed a maid identity loss issue
+ Hopefully stopped some autosave crashes + Fixed the main tutorial + Prevented loading/saving a game during turn processing
+ Fixed autosaves from pages other than the first not being deleteable
Alpha 14 Patch 1
+ Fixed silent crash when maid identity loss is active
+ Fixed reduce concern targeted action
+ Fixed player actions not being loaded properly, which broke several things
+ Fixed about a dozen actions not saving correctly; many of which would cause issues on a load. Unfortunately some data is missing so broken saves can't be fixed easily
+ Added a quick 'charge to max/as much as possible' option to the identity mirror
+ Autosaves names now include the game time of the save, rather than the uncoverted turn
+ Autosave can now be turned on and off
+ Fixed skip tutorial not setting all one off tutorials as viewed in most cases
+ Fixed maids who have planted themselves that were using a trainee appearance not having the flower image while transforming into an alraune
+ Fixed identity mirror messages being off due to changing the target's identity before logging the message
+ Fixed an issue breaking loading of quite a few saves when a game hasn't been started and played for a bit
+ Stopped visitors from noticing their clothing is missing/putting it back on when their current action is swapped to a new action they can't put their clothing back on during (e.g. ending up in a bee egg)
+ Fixed concern values not being saved
+ Enter key now confirms text input dialogs (e.g. save file name)
+ Fixed an issue that caused the game log to not refresh when loading a game if a game has previously been started/loaded
Alpha 14
+ Body swapping characters you control into monster bodies that are under your control now remain under your control
+ Changed the way corruption chance is shown to make it more visible
+ Added a succubus pendant item, which slowly increases the strength of a succubus mark on the bearer
+ Added an empower succubus mark action, which (expensively) boosts a succubus mark on a character by a little (intended as a 'speed up process'/'get it over the line' ability)
+ Added a succubus mark trap book
+ Traitor deal chance is now affected by the presence of other characters the target is bonded with. If they are on the manor side and the target's corruption is at least (15 + bond level x 10) the effect from the bond with the target will be countered and instead a different amount (2.5 x bond level) will be added to the chance. If they aren't on the manor side or the target's corruption isn't high enough, the deal will be even less likely to succeed
+ Controlled bees can now transform visitors
-> First, they have to collect pollen from alraunes to prepare an egg. This can be set as a harvest mode, or directly ordered
-> Once they have an egg prepared, they can place an immobile visitor within it
-> The tf is the same as for regular bees, however the end result is a controlled bee
-> Visitors with the bee knowledge can stop the transformation safely, but those without will break the egg. Depending on the point the transformation is at, the victim will be released as a visitor or bee (with a chance of being controlled or not)
+ Fixed not being able to directly order bees to collect pollen
+ Fixed a lot of cases where a characters ai wasn't being rerun after their modes were changed
+ Added a 'prepare egg only' harvesting option for controlled bees
+ Fixed succubus mark trap books adding a new succubus mark to characters who already have one; they instead now empower the existing mark
+ Fixed issue with many orders not working when a character is targeting someone in the same room
+ When the character set as the result of mirror cloning uses the mirror, they now get some unique text instead of being randomly transformed
+ Player action text is now offset from any action an involved character is intending to take
+ Prevented characters from recovering from incapacitation in the hive
+ Filled out the manual
+ Body swapping with an alraune now updates names; with a delay if the alraune is out of control after the swap
+ After continuing a continuable game, if you later lose the master you will now get a game over
+ Meddled to help cope with very very wide resolutions; likely that some sections aren't quite there yet
+ Fleshed out the tutorial
+ Added a seed growth focusing override, that makes maids create/give drug/food that supports alraune seed growth instead of the default option (a character specific override will still take precedence). Can be set when viewing a yard room
+ Added a bag of mysterious fertiliser that a maid can use to transform herself into a maid
+ Added a multi-drop action
+ Adjusted identity mirror 'no visible effect' case to apply any stat/other differences
+ Body swap no longer reruns the ai of a character not under your control
+ Fixed the mirror not activating on a character who matches the clone target when one is set but the mirror isn't in cloning mode
+ Fixed a few actions being able to target the hive
+ Fixed maids being able to plant themselves in any room
+ Fixed beegirl knowledge book granting no knowledge, and succubs knowledge book granting beegirl knowledge
+ Added varied maid standing images as an option
+ Added saving and loading - this involved a lot of wide reaching changes, so there'll be issues. Includes an autosave feature
+ Fixed crash when starting with controlled beegirls who are then freed before the hive is revealed
+ Fixed a subtle issue with memories that didn't remove duplicates of shared events when they were reshared
+ Fixed some ui sprites getting cleared when starting a new game
+ Hopefully stopped bees abducting characters becoming alraunes
+ Adjusted bee and alraune ai; particularly alraunes won't reveal themselves to look after allies when there are hidden hostile targets
+ Hopefully fixed default order setting on controlled beegirls created via eggs
+ Controlled bees taking items somewhere should no longer break stealth
+ Orders to feed/give a visitor an alraune seed now swap to seed boosting instead of seed adding food/medicine if the target already has a seed; similarly if feeding seed boosting food/medicine and there is no seed they swap to simple meal/placebo
+ Newly spawned bees now start in the hive
+ Added some code for save safety that may cause issues with loading
Alpha 13 Patch 1
+ Fixed bees not being able to transform maids that have retained their trainee appearance (or who are using an identical appearance that is a trainee appearance)
+ Fixed some issues with the tutorial overlay on wide screen ratios
+ Modified repeated master temptation attempts to recover chance over time (but the first couple still overall reduce the chance)
+ Fixed visitors healing incapacitated visitors who aren't traitors that they believe to be traitors
+ Prevented plant zombie and trainee transformations from triggering in the hive
+ Prevented several actions from being performed on characters in the hive
+ Adjusted visitor initial concern randomisation
+ Fixed door barricading actions that do nothing causing concerns to be gained, also reduced the concern amount when the barricader seems to be a visitor
+ Exhausted non-aware visitors will no longer barricade rooms, and instead will go sleep in their assigned bedroom
+ Right hand side log now scrolls with the mouse wheel properly, and scrolling over ui elements doesn't scroll the main view underneath
+ Fixed maids cleaning not reducing the maid concern for a character observing from another room
+ Fixed being able to order alraunes to perform actions on characters in other rooms
+ Added the generic appearance to various appearance choice lists
Alpha 13
+ Added beegirls
+ The tutorial has been turned into a basic tutorial and manual (to be completed in Alpha 14)
Alpha 12
+ Added succubi
Alpha 11
+ Added maid identity loss
+ Added control crystals
+ Added identity mirror trap
Alpha 10
+ Added alraune transformation
+ Added door locking mechanic and related items/actions
Alpha 9
+ Added various items and item types
Alpha 8
+ Added visitor sleeping and all character incapacitated images, and the Oni and Shian maid image sets
+ A lot of minor additions and fleshing out of existing options
Alpha 7
+ Added traitors and corruption mechanic
+ Added suspicion mechanic for secret maids and traitors
+ It's now possible to view detailed logs of weirdness, suspicion, maid trust and corruption for characters
+ It's now possible to view characters' memories of other characters
+ It's now possible to view detailed logs of concern changes
"Manor" - это игра, в которой вы превращаете поместье, полное посетителей, в жутких, почти одинаковых горничных (или неидентичных альраунов/суккубов, или одинаковых горничных, если вы выберете такую опцию). Это похоже на настольную игру, но больше похоже на симулятор. Она вдохновлена игрой "Escape the Manor" (сценарием "Student Transfer" от Narg), и (с его позволения) персонажи и колорит в значительной степени заимствованы из этой игры. Другие вдохновители включают в себя аналогичные элементы в других играх (например, "Chambers of Pandemonium").
Manor is a game in which you transform a manor full of visitors into creepy, near identical maids (or non-identical alraunes/succubi, or identical maids if you set the option). It looks like a board game, but it's more of a sim game.
It's inspired by Escape the Manor (a Student Transfer scenario by Narg) and (with permission) the characters and flavour draw heavily from it; other inspirations include similar stuff in other games (for example Chambers of Pandemonium).
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, big ass, big tits, corruption, management, mind control, monster girl, point and click, sandbox, simulator, transformation,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: TirelessLurker - patreon | itch.io | tfgames | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: Alpha 23 Patch 1
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Alpha 23 Patch 1 - 2025-03-04
+ Traitors can now be ordered to take cursed items. They will drop them if they are not currently following an order to take them somewhere
+ Fixed an issue that could cause a proposition to be shown as having 100% chance instead of the real chance
+ Fixed asking characters to leave always being locked out (instead of being locked out for 16 turns after an attempt)
+ Visitors can now be asked to not pick up items. This only gives a bad guest point if they refuse to comply (unlike other actions, where the attempt is enough)
+ All monstergirls now cause visitors to be disoriented after sex
+ Possibly fixed some cases where alraunes wouldn't avoid incoming characters
+ Characters searching intently for a specific character (e.g. cop for partner, someone who believes they're body swapped for their body) will now give up eventually
+ Fixed being able to ask characters who are not visitors to stop actions
+ Removed bashing barricades as an action visitors can be told to stop
+ Fixed a case that could cause a character who is having sex with no-one (due to partners leaving at the start/being knocked out) to display no action name/arrows
+ Unaware characters and champions who are leaving after investigating without finding enough evidence will now try to leave via the entrance yard
+ Added some markers for when characters cannot speak/see/hear or are unconscious
+ Removed option to have monstergirls ask regular visitors to leave (which would cause them to become aware)
+ Fixed asking to leave not correctly creating the associated goal
+ Made several fixes to the leave as asked goal
Alpha 23
+ Maids that are in a tempt idle mode now redirect highly corrupt characters to the master if it hasn't been recently attempted, and don't try to tempt characters that are guaranteed to accept deals
+ Fixed a few selection menus that didn't sort room names
+ Added 'explain all missing' interaction that sets a maid to follow a cop and explain all missing characters the cop is investigating
+ Maids can now ask characters to leave. Champions won't leave unless they have been seen doing things they shouldn't as guests a few times (the 'bad guest' counter is now shown as a tracker). Misbehaviour also increases the chances of convincing visitors and cops to leave
+ Succubuses now wait for visitors to be out of the room before starting to leave the mortal plane
+ Made a tweak to move orders reduce confusion about some behaviour, may have side effects
+ Hopefully fixed champions and dark elf minions deciding to stay put, visible, rather than hide
+ Characters can now only have items stolen once an hour
-> Getting caught stealing now adds bad guest points
+ True sight can now be refreshed on revealed characters
+ Hopefully fixed a card positioning issue that occurs if characters are hidden due to their revealed (true sight) timer expiring
+ Fixed a crash when destroying observation bugs that are not held by characters
+ Fixed golems/dark elves not being valid to attack
+ Hopefully fixed a crash when confiscating inactive champion bugs
+ Added an order for maids on boxed characters that sets the maid to move all boxed characters in the same room to another
+ Added an order for succubuses to follow a target and repeatedly use a chosen power
+ Fixed a crash occurring when champions decide to bug maids via a goal, but there are no maids present
+ Fixed champion bug target goal not selecting characters that aren't already bugged
+ Fixed a bug that likely broke characters gaining horniness around good succubuses
+ Added Samuel's champion form, the decadent noble
-> Unlike other champions, if he finds enough evidence or finds some evidence and is done investigating, he will instead head to the master to request a bribe. Depending on how much fun he has had (corruption build up), he will ask for a bribe (if he's had enough fun, he'll just leave). The current request amount is shown in place of corruption
-> Having sex increases his corruption, as does giving items with temptation values (that aren't cursed) as gifts
-> If you refuse to bribe him he will react like a normal champion
-> The fallen noble replaces the 'spend 500 contribution' option when a champion first approaches - instead you may guarantee that he investigates
-> There is a female alternate of this form for no males mode
+ Fixed odds shown when propositioning
+ Added Josephine's champion form, the dominatrix
-> She can 'domineer', which will cause present characters to volunteer information if she succeeds a social roll against them; this includes maids (but the roll is more difficult)
-> She will offer bondage sessions to characters; those who accept may provide evidence during the session
-> In combat, she can disarm weapons and can tie up targets directly instead of needing to incapacitate them first (this will happen when she attacks)
+ Fixed champions trying to intimidate unconscious characters opportunistically
+ Visitors seeking answers from manor staff about why a character is acting weirdly or suspiciously will no longer share their concern with the character in question
+ Hopefully fixed cases where maids carrying out directly ordered player actions that are multi turn would agree to guide characters even though they will ignore them to finish their current action
+ Succubuses now consider characters who will wake up/finish actions/etc. before they finish having sex as necessary to avoid
+ Fixed multi-drop sometimes not appearing on player controlled characters (would always happen for traitor champions)
+ Possibly fixed a crash when visitors masturbate
+ Fixed a crash when room based timers are removed (possibly only if they're removed early or there are 2+)
+ Cop partners will now become aware along with their partner if their partner is attacked while non-hostile
+ Added Risako's champion form, the ninja
-> She can summon illusions to assist her. They can't inflict damage in combat, but will distract targets. They can investigate on their own with some limitations (particularly they cannot cure anyone), and will attempt to head to the real ninja if they discover enough evidence
--> Illusions can be dispelled, but this is noticed by the real ninja. Attempting to dispel someone real is also noticed
-> In combat, she can throw shruikens. These regenerate up to six over time, have a lower chance to hit, and can be thrown all at once with a maximum of two per target
-> She also has the smoke bomb ability, which allows her to hide while others are present
+ Added Sanya's champion form, the riflewoman
-> She observes neighbouring rooms as she moves around, and will spot various transformations etc. in them if the doors are open
-> She can snipe into neighbouring rooms if the doors are open
-> She can hold a character at gunpoint, forcing them to move out of rooms (she'll use this during combat to thin out fights). This is a social roll with a large bonus, and doesn't work on guards
+ Champions monitoring rooms will now stop doing so if they acquire sufficient evidence while doing so (action will end early)
+ Added Mei's champion form, the adventurer
-> She will talk to unaware visitors about strange things she has seen in her adventures, increasing their mystery concern. She will do this randomly
-> In combat, she can force characters to drop equipment other than weapons by striking (or grabbing) them
-> She arrives with the manor key and several health potions (equivalent to adrenaline)
+ Added Luke's champion form, the centaur knight (Cheyenne). Visitors aren't seeing her as a centaur
-> She can move twice in one turn or move and then attack; she cannot move a second time through a room that contains characters hostile to her
-> She has three wounds total
-> She is harder for guards to stop from leaving rooms and can stop player characters from leaving rooms (slightly different rolls)
-> She is guaranteed to successfully rally visitors
+ Fixed a couple of issues with guards blocking characters
+ Cancelling the training of a trainee in maid form now causes a character to revert to their body's visitor form
+ Fixed several champion magical seeking goals always seeking targets to scan, instead of for questioning (could cause champions getting stuck)
+ Fixed dark elf nobles considering their transformed minions to still be traitors
+ Capped the effect of mystery concerns on corruption (i.e. fear effect) and stopped champions from being affected by it
+ Fixed a crash when transforming a golem
+ Champions with male non-champion forms will now have their non-champion form swapped to the female equivalent when no males mode is active
+ Fixed champions who lose their powers not reverting to their non-champion forms (only noticeable for visitors who have become champions)
+ Fixed costs of various player character targeted magic actions including checks they shouldn't that would sometimes increase the cost unintentionally high
+ Hopefully fixed issues with several tfs triggering on champions
+ Fixed a crash when characters who aren't wearing clothes become champions or stop being champions
+ Fixed a crash when trapping clothes belonging to characters in certain states
+ Fixed a couple of cases where characters could end up in a state that caused various crashes. Old instances should be fixed when loading
Alpha 22 Patch 1
+ Possibly fix for action arrows sometimes not being visible
+ Fixed a few probable crash causes in the champion AI
+ Champion bugs are now removed from the game if dropped while inactive, or when the controlling champion leaves/etc.
+ Fixed acting in a room with an inactive champion bug causing a crash
+ Fixed controlled beegirl transformation being appliable to champions, and fixed beegirls abducting champions
+ Fixed a crash occurring when the good succubus is considering seducing a hidden character
+ Added a few bits to the manual, tutorial and tooltips
+ Characters that started as succubuses who are exchanged now have no contribution value
+ Traitor champions are no longer forced to drop their champion items after eight turns
+ Fixed characters getting stuck waiting for a sex partner who has left the manor
+ Fixed body swap issues when swapping with dark elf minions
+ Unconscious trainees no longer gain obedience
+ Characters in stasis/boxes that become non-stasisable (e.g. body swap results in a trainee) will now begin exiting stasis after doing so
+ Brute focused champions should no longer spam requests for duels on the same character (they'll wait for a couple of hours after being refused)
+ Fixed missing part of calculation for deal odds
+ Fixed crash when succubus mark activates on someone with an unexpected image set
+ Cops who are having sex or intending to have sex should no longer be interrupted by needing to leave or calls for help
+ Fixed second control crystal destruction affecting boxed maids
+ Replaced crashes occurring when a sprite can't be found with a 'no image' image
+ Prevented some cases where some non-visitor characters could have lingering champion item equipped states
+ Visitors will now only drag characters into dead end, one door rooms
Alpha 22
+ Added Kazuto's associated champion form, the dark elf noble Lyndis
-> Lyndis is a high rogue/medium magic/light social focused champion
--> Lyndis can transform characters into dark elf minions and will do so when she believes she has a good opportunity. She has a maximum of two
-> Rogue champions have several abilities, some of which are used in new investigation goal variations
--> When fighting, medium or more rogue focus champions use the higher of their initiative or combat to fight
--> Highly rogue focused champions have a chance to avoid attacks when not engaging in fights (e.g. when trying to leave a room)
--> Medium or higher rogue focused champions can pick locks, gaining access to rooms they shouldn't
--> Medium or higher rogue focus champions hide fully from the player. This is used as an alternative in several monitoring goals, and highly rogue focused champions can search rooms, pick locks and do a few other actions while stealthed
---> A spell can be cast on a room to reveal stealthed characters (they will remain hidden, but be visible to the player for a few turns), and maids can search rooms to find characters (this breaks the stealth state)
---> If a stealthed character breaks stealth to attack they will have a combat bonus
--> Medium or higher rogue focus champions can steal items from other characters. Those with magic seeking capability will steal sought cursed items from visitors, and generally they will opportunistically steal from maids. Stolen items are easier to confiscate. Maximum rogue focused champions (Lyndis isn't one) will be able to pickpocket while stealthed
-> Medium or higher rogue focus champions will arrive carrying several observation bugs. These grant the champion sight of a room (as if they were present; they don't pick up magic that isn't visually obvious), helping them gather evidence. Those placed on maids can be destroyed directly (requires a roll to find), and those on visitors can be removed if the target is unconscious or if a maid/the master can convince the bugged character to submit to a patdown (this can fail on the patdown)
-> Low+ rogue focus champions with medium or higher magic focus can place observer marks on characters and rooms to similarly observer what happens. These marks can be directly erased without a power cost, or remotely erased with one
-> Medium+ rogue focus champions with a low+ magic focus will magically seek evidence items to check
-> Medium+ rogue focus champions will attempt to explore the entire manor while stealthed
-> Low+ rogue focus champions will monitor all surrounding rooms after setting up in rooms with many doors a few times to keep an eye on things
-> Medium magic or rogue focus champions will now check the library for unusual tomes. The librarian will try to interfere with this, but may fail
+ Added a true sight ability that can be used on rooms to reveal hidden characters for a dozen or so turns
+ Magic champions now use their magic value to attack (but will use their combat value when attacked)
+ Fixed a rare case where a character would get stuck doing nothing when trying to collapse from exhaustion
+ Fixed some cases where champions would ask characters who are unconscious/etc. questions
+ Fixed confiscate action showing for sleeping characters, and possibly not showing for deeply sleeping characters
+ Entertain action should now stop if the target is no longer a visitor
+ Maids who are librarians or nurses who have a specific room set as their stay room will now station in it if it is a library/infirmary
+ Fixed maids and others who want to stay in a room but don't have a specific goal (e.g. librarians, nurses, those ordered to stay in a room) politely excusing themselves when someone starts having sex
+ Maids who proposition will now, if they desire to stay in the current room and it only has one exit, choose that room to have sex in
+ Fixed the search for staff to question goal not activating for champions with low/no magic focus
+ Added Talia's champion form, the elf noble
-> She can summon temporary magical gear that lasts for a few hours. The armour protects against incapacitation once, and the weapons provide stat boosts (and in the case of the wand, the ability to use the magic stat to attack)
+ Fixed saving and loading of null values
+ Swapped witches and the master to use magic when attacking
+ Fixed odds display of combat actions
+ Added Mao's champion form, the enforcer Kira. She has a very high brute (combat/direct) focus, and a medium social focus
-> High+ brute focused champions have an extra wound (like guards)
-> High+ brute focused champions have a bonus against the distract and entertain actions
-> High+ brute focused champions will ransack rooms in an attempt to find evidence; this mostly just makes a huge mess. Maids present will ask them to stop
-> Medium+ brute focused champions will investigate toggleable items (radio/diffuser) in a rough manner. This finds evidence like a scan, but may break things. Champions who can scan will not do this. Maids who are present will ask them to stop
-> High+ brute focused champions will challenge characters to duels. This does a social check then a combat check (the first to avoid the duel). They use this to check the skills of staff, and will gain related evidence if they win. They will also sometimes challenge characters for items, taking it if they win and leaving the manor in shame if they lose
-> When leaving, a high+ brute focused champion might try to abduct a character to bring back as final evidence (if they are close to having enough). This may or may not be enough to prove things (shown), and your characters can attempt to interrupt the abduction (if successful, the champion will just leave)
-> The enforcer has an intimidation/seemingly reliable strength effect that may cause traitors and visitors to give information to her unprompted. She has an associated goal where she wanders the manor to trigger this
+ Fixed not being able to directly order the 'stop that' action (requires the same room, as it's only relevant for one turn)
+ Right-click now always drags the game view around
+ Tweaked returning to stay locations; no longer viewed as a goal which should make maids perform idle actions on the way back
+ Fixed some chances not being shown when the odds calculation returned negative odds (due to bad values like negative maxes going in); should also avoid showing >100% odds that occur for similar reasons
+ Characters doing actions in rooms due to boredom will no longer see what they are doing as important enough to stay when shooed
+ Hopefully fixed traitor champions not transforming to their regular forms after dropping their champion items in some cases
+ Hopefully fixed some complex actions not being cancelled after body swapped
+ Fixed characters being able to drop bound items by being ordered to leave them in other room
+ Added Nao's champion form, the good succubus. She has a high social focus, and medium magic and stealth focuses
-> She has a special combat ability that allows her to try and charm a target. While charmed, they will attack their allies instead of enemies
-> She has a special goal during which she will wander around seducing characters, including maids
--> If she succeeds they will go have sex, and she will gain evidence during the act/from pillow talk
--> A partially successful seduction will distract her target, and increase the chance subsequent seductions succeed
--> Characters who have sex with her will have any succubus marks removed
-> Like regular succubuses, she has a passive arousal aura
-> She will commune with hidden succubuses opportunistically
+ Added Lotta's champion form, the outlaw. She has a high brute focus, and medium stealth and social focuses
-> She has two special combat abilities; rapid fire and suppressing fire. Both makes six attacks at half combat skill that can deal at most one wound (effectively, guards can take three shots and others two if unwounded); rapid fire against a single target and suppressing fire against random enemy targets. After either, she must reload before becoming able to attack in this way again
+ Fixed a crash sometimes occurring in some champion character seeking goal
Alpha 21 Patch 2
+ Fixed distract and tempt actions not being available on investigating champions
+ Fixed guards not being able to directly use door upgrade items
+ Hopefully fixed crashes in a couple of champion goals
+ Fixed inversion of some checks when characters leave that was causing unintended cop concern gains
+ Fixed characters not staying in rooms they are posted to when shooed if they have no goal
+ Fixed characters guiding trainees deciding on actions before the guided trainees decide their action and potentially become disobedient
+ Possibly fixed a crash sometimes occurring when champions are disoriented or similar conditions
Alpha 21 Patch 1
+ Fixed some guide action strangeness, particularly characters moving when they should be being guided to stay in their current room
+ Restored fight action availability against unaware visitors/etc.
+ Hopefully fixed maids with stay orders and maids staying in their assigned rooms being shooed out
+ Cops now heal incapacitated characters while investigating
+ Fixed saving of some settings
+ Added some more leeway to cop leaving times
+ Added a tutorial when a group first attacks the manor
+ Fixed a crash in the tutorials
+ Greatly reduced increase in cop concerns if a character leaves without becoming aware
+ Fixed guards not being able to upgrade doors and made them a little faster at it
Alpha 21
+ Investigating cops now investigate all disappearances
+ Fixed bunnygirls and witches not having the "Set Stay Room" option
Alpha 20 Patch 1
+ Hopefully fixed a crash occurring when champions have been removed from the game but are still expected to check in
+ Fixed traitor champions not removing their check in timers after leaving the manor
+ Fixed various target magical seeking goals not predicting movements
+ Hopefully fixed traitors attacking champions who have noticed that they are traitors, when the champion isn't hostile to them (e.g. during investigation before having evidence)
+ Fixed teleporting the manor not clearing power use
+ Fixed champion checkin hours and window settings sliders
+ Fixed trainees swapped into maid bodies effectively instantly finishing their training
+ The master, witches and guards can now be ordered to upgrade rooms
+ Greatly increased the default power use amount required to attract the attention of champions
+ Shifted champion stats to mostly be buffs from their champion items
+ Added the orders screen to the tutorial
+ Added some stuff about the orders screen to the manual/updated some parts to mention it
+ Added a tutorial step about character type caps
+ Allowed the master to seal items
+ Added banishing champion items to gain contribution. The item must be sealed first, and it takes additional power to banish
+ Added an option when viewing a room upgrade item to pick a maid and then a target room (if multiple options exist) to upgrade
+ Champions no longer opportunisitically commune with monstergirls (they will only commune with explicitly sought targets). This may return as a special ability for a champion type later
+ Characters following other characters due to being suspicious can now be shooed out of rooms ... but they will spy from the room they are shooed into
+ Fixed champions communing with characters in stasis
+ Fixed a crash sometimes occurring when character are guiding characters to characters
Alpha 20
+ Fixed champion seeking spell finding stasised/boxed characters
Alpha 19 - Patch 1
+ Value changes for concerns are now forgotten after four hours (for save file size)
+ Cops are now allowed to leave by default
+ Plant zombies being guided by characters will no longer transform before reaching the yard they are being guided to
+ Visitors who know about alraune seeds should now always help out visitors who are following goals relating to an alraune seed infecting them
+ Hopefully fixed succubuses seeking sleeping targets ignoring targets in rooms adjacent to corridors they are heading through to reach other corridors
+ Added a quick destroy clothing action when viewing the laundry that creates destroy actions on as many outfits (that aren't associated with a visitor form character still in the manor) as possible
+ Fixed destroy every action targeting items that can't normally be destroyed
+ Modified the destroy every action to no longer affect items carried by maids (caused all maid outfits to be destroyed when trying to clear out the laundry, for example)
+ Fixed boxed alraunes counting towards the alraune cap
+ Fixed characters removing handcuffs on others being more effective than intended, and rope removal being less effective than intended
+ Ropes/handcuffs/etc. applied by player controlled characters can now be removed by player controlled characters instantly
+ Fixed maids ordered to do actions not always following the ordered lock order. This may have side effects, as it required a (hopefully sensible) change that affects the 'go to x and do y' goal used for most orders
+Made a couple of possible fixes for cops sometimes having memories of their partner as a visitor
+ Succubuses should no longer make characters sleepy when they are heading to have sex with someone
+ Added an order for maids determining whether they take extra outfits to the laundry or not
+ Cops no longer gain the leave concern when unaware that the barrier usually prevents exit
+ Characters full transformed by the identity mirror are now forgotten by player controlled characters (similar to them forgetting characters who leave, etc.)
+ The amount of time before cops are viewed as missing now depends on the size of the manor as well as the chosen setting; the default has been reduced slightly to compensate but won't automatically apply to existing settings
+ Made visitors generally more likely to fall for cursed items
+ Fixed visitors becoming worried when they lock the door of the room they are in
+ Fixed Josephine image set aroused cop image name
+ Fixed ordering non-regular maids to go undercover
+ Cops should now always send an arrest group when cops have gone missing
+ Minimum arrest group size set to four
+ Fixed errors when ordering a character to magically raise the concerns of a character in another room
+ Visitors should no longer keep following characters who are fully transformed by the identity mirror
+ Maids ordered not to unlock doors while moving idly/following orders will now make an exception for barricades barricading the room they are in
Alpha 19
+ Fixed upgrade/mess label positioning for yards in most layouts
+ Added some code to clear out memories when characters leave
+ Added some code that prevents non-visitor characters from accumulating memories (they should retain those from while they were visitors; already transformed characters in existing saves will lose memories)
+ Added direct value entry for sliders (by clicking on the current value)
+ Fixed hostile beegirls only wandering between two yards, instead of all present in a layout
Alpha 18 Patch 1
+ Fixed a save corruption issue
+ Fixed broken parts of witch order displaying
+ Hopefully fixed characters guiding plant zombies sometimes not recognising that a plant zombie is heading into their current room
+ Hopefully fixed movements of sneaking characters not being predicted in various contexts (e.g. give item to); this may have side effects
+ Visitors who are very very concerned about something (including e.g. horniness) will now not worry about their clothing
Alpha 18
+ Fixed witch order options always showing
+ Fixed witch idle order details not showing and not setting the correct icon
+ Fixed default witch order not being applied
+ Fixed magical concern change failures showing a value change and logging a success message
+ Fixed witches and Katanashi attempting to magically reduce concerns on visitors when doing so is not possible (during the cooldown)
+ Fixed drag actions (and possibly others) still showing action arrows relating to the drag when an overriding player order has been issued
+ Fixed some weirdness with the exit stasis action
+ Fixed highlighting in the event log
+ Fixed action line player order offsets not scaling according to the size of the card performing the action (would be beyond card edge in crowded rooms)
+ Fixed order ui changes not triggering ai reruns
+ Fixed ritual room having unintentionally high mess growth due to it having two room connections
+ Possibly fixed a case where answers from a maid/Katanashi about a character's location were untrusted, leading to asking more maids about the location
+ Fixed witches being unable to carry out form changes
+ Fixed traitor concerns not being setup correctly when a character who is distracted (e.g. having sex) accepts a deal
+ Fixed a save loading issue affecting visitor concerns about toggleable items
Alpha 17 - Patch 1
+ Fixed memories of beegirls not showing beegirl images
+ Fixed traitors not wearing their clothing as part of waking up/finish bathing/etc.
+ Added WADS map movement
+ Maids attending visitors and traitors should now wait outside when characters are having sex/masturbating better/more proactively
+ Fixed a crash occurring when characters without goals are considering leaving a room characters are having sex in
+ Characters searching for other characters should now generally wait until the information they have about the location of the target is stale before asking about them
+ Hopefully fixed most cases where characters immediately give up on having sex with someone who propositioned them due to other concerns
+ Possibly fixed a case where a character would ignore their meal too long, then cook for themself, due to being distracted
+ Multi-turn actions should no longer be cancelled by mode changes
+ Fixed succubuses having two sex options
+ It should now be possible to order a character to do something other than sex, then swap them back to having sex, without the sex being lost track of
+ Fixed some issues with characters leaving sex that may have caused various problems
+ Concerns about doors being locked/barricaded should now only add once (unless seen unlocked/unbarricaded and then again locked/barricaded)
+ Hopefully fixed succubuses deciding to bash doors in various circumstances they shouldn't
+ Fixed confiscation goal continuing after a target becomes player controlled
+ Fixed maids assigned as nurses/librarians agreeing to be shooed out by characters intending to have sex
+ Added missing bee unaware avoidance room-wide order
+ Having sex with a succubus now corrupts a visitor
+ Fixed multi-drop action cancel button not cancelling properly
+ Hopefully fixed an issue causing characters to not properly remember that they were unable to shoo certain characters out of rooms
+ Hopefully fixed changing succubus idle modes causing them to forget about sex they intend to join
+ Visitors waking after being moved to the infirmary or their bedrooms now gain less concern
+ Shooed controlled bees and succubuses now hide instead of leaving
+ Fixed usable items being usable on characters that have left a room
+ Characters seeking to relieve their horniness should now propose sex to other such characters or join groups having sex in rooms they are in
+ Added clothing collection behaviour to guards
+ Modified various goals that involve taking clothing to not be lost when idle modes on a maid taking clothing are changed
Alpha 17
+ Fixed a crash related to forgotten identities
+ Fixed ordered succubus haunt goal not doing several expected actions
+ Fixed maids and visitors politely leaving when entering a room someone is having sex in when they have a reason to be in the room
+ Visitors following other visitors should no longer get stuck when fleeing combat
+ Fixed mirror cooldown not being checked when forcing visitors to view the mirror
+ Fixed second control crystal destruction effect breaking maids out of stasis
+ Fixed mysteries concern being considered for goals when at zero importance
+ Hopefully fixed some cases where a character propositioning someone for sex would get shooed away
+ Hopefully fixed succubuses shooing when visitors are moving into a room they are about to have sex with someone in
+ Hopefully fixed a case where a character desiring to be in a barricaded room becomes worried when someone else sets the barricade
+ Fixed setting guard combat orders directly
+ Fixed new guard idle order being set strangely (was using the default combat order)
+ Being attacked now removes the hidden tracker
+ Fixed player actions hanging around invisibly for multiple turns and attempting to fire when they have failed for one of several reasons
Alpha 16 Patch 3
+ Fixed disrupt reading action not increasing the time to finish the current book being read
+ Fixed rushing of direct player orders (rush wasn't activating in most circumstances)
+ Succubuses haunting targets via their idle mode will now continue haunting the same targets if they are still in a haunt mode after a mode change
+ Fixed a save loading issue
+ Possible fix for visitors sometimes swapping to masturbating after finding a sex partner; might have side effects; roughly unaware visitors drop goals that are less important than current concerns but a concern could cause its own goal to be lost. Also, goals with concerns now update their importance to that of the associated concern
+ Fixed being unable to view the identity mirror when clicking on it while viewing the room it is in
+ Fixed bunnygirls continuing to entertain visitors when hostile characters are around
+ Hopeful temporary fix for a rare crash in the bunnygirl ai with an unknown exact cause
+ Allowed succubuses etc. to unbarricade doors while moving idly while not allowed to open locked doors (they will not bash such doors)
Alpha 16 Patch 2
+ Fixed clear door action not showing for non-manor locked doors
+ Katanashi should no longer try to reduce concerns that she has a zero chance of reducing
+ Sleeping characters who complete their sleep will now wake fully rested
+ Orders can no longer be given to unsconscious maids
+ Added character counts to the character list screen
+ Fixed some loading issues for older saves
+ Fixed characters having sex being too aware of their surroundings
+ Possible fix for player controlled characters sometimes losing track of their goals
+ Maids will now bash their way through other side barricaded/non-manor locked doors and remove barricades to get out of rooms when moving idly
+ Fixed some issues with items that are limited to one maximum
+ Fixed issue occurring when buying a gem of obsession
+ Fixed shop items not being hidden when not available
+ Succubuses seeking sleepers should now target sleeping characters first if they have a dream power set, rather than favouring making awake characters sleepy
+ Unlocking a door that visitors are about to call for help to deal with will now cancel the call for help
+ Added idle door unlocking modes to controlled beegirls and succubuses
+ Fixed some issues with visitor call for help investigation goals not being marked as verified when the caller is found unconscious or tied up; also fixed the concern not being resolved if the caller is found while not pursuing the goal
+ Fixed alraune pollen production ceasing when over alraune limit being applied in non-extended mode
Alpha 16 Patch 1
+ Fixed bunnygirl <-> maid body swap not updating ais
+ Fixed mirror use not resetting the underlying maid form of a character
+ Fixed visitors succumbing to the succubus mark tracker and deciding to go masturbate when already on their way to go have sex
+ Distract and entertain now extend the duration of some actions, instead of cancelling them
+ Fixed radios not limiting the number of characters a visitor could ask for someone's location
+ Fixed maids who should be cooking the characters they are attending to meals getting stuck in the room their attend to target is in
+ Fixed player ordered actions being reconsiderable in some circumstances they shouldn't be
+ Rushed actions are now marked as directly ordered by the player, so they won't usually be reconsidered
+ Diffusers should now activate when Katanashi is in the room, or non-hidden monstergirls
+ Fixed maids attending to traitors staying put indefinitely instead of having sex
+ Possible fix for crash when an aware visitor uses a banishment charm
+ Fixed save corruption when saving item creating player actions
+ The identity mirror no longer copies corruption
+ Fixed issue with the calculation of the odds of some actions
Alpha 16
+ Succubuses seeking sleeping characters should no longer try to force their way through locked doors
+ Succubuses should no longer join in with masturbating characters who aren't marked, and will avoid masturbating characters who aren't marked when they are about to finish
+ Fixed succubuses haunting characters not using the arouse power when set to
+ Fixed the tempt command not showing for bunnygirls
+ Fixed traitors accidentally making themselves drugged meals
+ Made a pretty wide reaching change to help characters keep better tracks of rooms they have checked for goals
+ Visitors should no longer try to ask characters who can't speak about their weird or suspicious behaviour, nor try to follow those that are unconscious
+ Fixed succubuses not waiting correctly when their haunt target is heading into their current room; should also make succubuses head off their targets by heading into rooms they're heading into
-> Applied the same fixes to various other player side following states
+ Fixed succubuses directly ordered to haunt characters not correctly cancelling moves when their target's move is disrupted
+ Fixed sneak moves not being possible to reconsider
+ Bunnygirls and maids set to idly distract/entertain should no longer interrupt masturbation or sex
+ Player controlled characters should no longer prevent other characters from taking their possessions (e.g. transformed controlled beegirls preventing taking of their clothing while in the room)
+ Hopefully fixed visitors sometimes asking about weird or suspicious behaviour concerns that have no importance after being explained by other characters successfully
+ Bunnygirls and maids should no longer proposition characters who have already found a sex partner
+ Made some extensive changes to the various sex goals, which will hopefully fix up various bugs and strange behaviour
+ Fixed visitors often cancelling sex after accepting a bunnygirl's proposition due to the goal being viewed as unimportant
Alpha 16 Preview 1
+ Visitors focused on their leave concern will now ask someone at least once about leaving before trying to research the barrier
+ Fixed hostility check for slowing down incapacitation recovery not checking the right character for hostility
+ Hopefully fixed some weird edge cases with character recovery
- characters should be able to help anyone recover as long as there are no characters who are hostile to the healing character
+ Fixed visitors following other visitors only fighting maids and Katanashi
+ Possibly fixed a case where an unaware visitor doing research would wait around for an aware visitor to tell them things, even when the aware visitor is unconscious/etc.
+ Fixed an issue preventing characters from fleeing through locked doors they are able to open
+ Fixed a bunch of cases where fleeing from combat for player controlled characters due to ai modes would be cancelled
+ Maids idly confiscating items should no longer confiscate cursed items
+ Characters that can hide who need to clear doors to continue pathing should now bash/clear them before hiding
+ The entrance yard now has a lower max upgrade level than the rear yard (4/6 entrance/rear)
+ Some visitor goals (asking about behaviour, spying on characters/rooms, asking about concerns) are now considered complete if the related concern becomes unimportant
+ Succubuses can now sate the sexual desires of sleeping traitors through their dreams, added an idle mode to have them do so
+ Controlled characters can now call groups of their friends to the manor. The success rate is a lot higher for traitors than for other controlled character types
+ Added a self determination concern to traitors
- ordering them around raises it, allowing them to act freely lowers it. High values cause a traitor to do as they please instead of following orders
+ Traitors can now barricade doors
+ Possible fix for a soft lock in some circumstances
+ Alraunes should now use pheromones when unhidden if they cannot hide and there are valid targets
+ Maids who go undercover should now have their visitor clothes change to match their undercover forms
+ Added a new combat mode for alraunes, Never Engage, in which they will stay passive when revealed. The current Do Not Fight has been renamed Fight If Cornered (in that mode, alraunes fight when they are revealed and cannot hide)
+ Beegirls now take a few more turns to arrive when approaching the manor and have a timer
+ In extended mode, beegirl attacks now occur every few days (according to a setting in gameplay settings), with more attacking if there is more unharvested pollen
+ Maid fight orders should now cancel if their target becomes friendly instead of being followed through on
+ Unaware and aware visitors now have some interactions with characters in stasis. Unaware visitors will pose maids (which they find fun, but weird) and aware visitors will break bees free of your control if they do not know how to cure them, and drag maids in stasis to the library to research a cure if they do not know one
+ Unaware and aware visitors who do not know about succubuses now have a chance to read succubus contracts. This will activate the contract as usual, but at a reduced power cost depending on the reader's magic and will also imbue the reader with knowledge of succubuses (and unaware visitors will become aware due to seeing a succubus after)
+ It's now possible to set a favoured trap book in the library
+ Added boxing up characters for pickup. Unaware visitors might peek into or rip open unattended boxes
+ Fixed succubuses bound to contracts losing their gear
Manor Alpha 15 Patch 5
+ Added in some text about the concern mechanic that makes subsequent tries to answer questions harder
+ Beegirls can now drag characters between yards
+ Fixed a lot of target checks including characters who won't fight due to disorientation/similar
+ Hopefully fixed succubi in some states trying to sneak through locked doors instead of unlocking them
+ Visitors should no longer repeatedly ask about concerns (they'll still consider them important if the answers they got were bad, but they'll hold off on asking for a while and do other investigative actions instead)
+ Moved showing of reduce concern odds into the submenus
+ Fixed crash occurring when traitor cursed deals are activated in some circumstances
+ Succubi haunting targets should no longer get distracted by characters they want to make drowsy (from the seeking sleepers idle mode)
+ Fixed issues occurring when characters held items other than their clothing when being exchanged for contribution
+ Upgrading a door should no longer sometimes cause multiple door upgrades to be performed when a character is carrying multiple door upgrade items
+ Healing slowdown should now occur only when hostile characters are present (had several issues including unaware visitors slowing maid healing and infighting visitors not slowing each other's healing)
+ Fixed succubi set to follow marked characters prioritising using powers on sleeping characters over starting to follow a marked character
+ Unaware (but suspicious) characters may now escape if they (without becoming aware) discover they can't exit, discover magic and discover how to get through the barrier
Manor Alpha 15 Patch 4
+ The identity mirror no longer targets unconscious targets
+ Fixed various player controlled characters not bashing/clearing doors when they need to to flee
+ Traitors should no longer start rumours about other traitors (unless ordered to)
+ Adjusted some shop prices
+ Cute choker now increases the social stat of obedient trainees
+ Concerns that are accidentally raised by characters when visitors inquire about them are no longer suppressd
+ Fixed confiscate request action being available on unconscious targets (upon whom the direct order is used instead)
+ Hopefully fixed some cases where succubi or beegirls would try to hide when unable to
+ Hopefully fixed some issues with the cute choker buff/debuff not updating after a transformation
+ Fixed orders to take an item to the current room of a character causing them to get stuck dropping nothing
+ Traitors should generally no longer ask maids working on player orders for sex or pampering, and maids following player orders shouldn't drop what they're doing to see to traitors
+ Alraunes should now heal incapacitated/wounded allies
+ Prevented plant zombie transformation activating when a beegirl transformation is in progress
+ Hopefully fixed up odds being wrong for redirect action
+ Fixed third page of autosaves not saving (and possibly some issues with the second page as well)
+ Fixed beegirls and others not being able to be ordered to drag incapacitated characters around
+ Part of the increased growth effect on alraune seeds from bathing/swimming is now applied when in the room (i.e. when not swimming/bathing)
+ Alraunes should no longer poke alraunes in stasis when overcrowded
+ Fixed wrong calculation display of odds for giving items, and moved display to be shown for each individual item to show correct odds per item
+ Fixed giving of non-cursed items to characters who need to be convinced to take the item never succeeding
+ Fixed other issues with giving items that would potentially caused guaranteed successes
+ Pampering and sex actions now raise the satisfaction level of traitors if it is currently negative
+ Visitors should no longer ask unconscious characters about suspicious actions
+ Leave in/move to action should not inconsistently appear depending on the locked status of doors in the room the character is in any more
+ Fixed some cases where events that a character had witnessed themself and had not forgotten could be shared with the character in question
+ Fixed a crash that can occur after a character is teleported, but there are likely other cases
+ Upgrade items for yards now work for a specific level of yard, and one of the needed level to upgrade can exist for each yard
+ Fixed sale values using buffed/debuffed stats instead of base stats
+ Items carried by characters exchanged for contribution are now moved to the reliquary when they leave
+ Made several changes to cut down on save file size, particularly for long games. Please let me know about any save/load crashes or other weirdness
+ Fixed an issue that would duplicate some data on every save+load
+ Characters jumped ahead in their intended paths should now behave a bit better; beegirls will move yard to yard if in a yard (but won't head to yards as a shortcut yet)
+ Fixed beegirls still following their idle orders when they should be following other goals
+ Fixed a crash occurring when loading older saves that are updated to have the new rooms
+ Fixed a crash occurring when trackers/timers from older saves were removed
Manor Alpha 15 Patch 3
+ Fixed a possible cause of a crash relating to characters forgetting someone they heard about someone from
+ Fixed crash occurring when a succubus's ai makes her start following a marked target
+ Succubi haunting targets should now hide themselves when able to
+ Hopefully fixed some weirdness that can occur when items a character intends to carry end up being carried by others
+ Limited the heal speed increase in the infirmary for non player controlled characters
+ Made succubuses a little more patient in hiding themselves; should avoid e.g. hiding before removing barricades
+ Fixed the praise maid direct command
+ Fixed it being possible to barricade doors in a room a character is not in from a character's current room (which caused noticeable strangeness)
+ Fixed buttons being focusable, which caused some annoyances (including the occasional lockout of all UI elements)
Manor Alpha 15 Patch 2
+ Allowed monster girls to perform the give action on unconscious characters (this will reveal them, however)
+ Fixed missing code to handle door relocking while following orders
+ Fixed succubi following marked characters doing nothing when they should use their powers in some circumstances
+ Fixed succubi being able to stack dreams
+ Added door relocking behaviour to Katanashi
+ Visitors should no longer get bored waiting for a meal when a maid is preparing them a meal
+ Characters who can hide who are ordered to perform an action elsewhere that is either stealthy or does not target a character (except movement) will hide when they can
-> Fiddly cases will be refined in the next alpha
+ Fixed maids and bees entering stasis counting towards the maid cap
+ Fixed maids not properly entering stasis when forced to do so due to a power shortage and maid cap overflow
+ Fixed maids and alraunes in stasis providing power
+ Separated order clearing for 'direct magic action on target' and 'order to player controlled character'
- in particular, this will prevent longer orders (those that create goals) from cancelling direct actions like change appearance
+ Fixed arrival chance increasing being available when doing so will result in negative power (it was checking the decrease cost)
+ Alraunes in stasis now gradually lose pollen and do not charge their seed ability
+ Fixed max power increases from master suite and ritual room not being applied
+ Hid some actions that were unintentionally available on characters in stasis
+ Changed first aid action requirements slightly; should help with certain edge cases
+ Possibly fixed some potential strangeness with weird action and books that aren't currently in a character's inventory being read
+ Maids now heal monster girls in place instead of dragging them through the manor to the infirmary
+ Fixed librarians being summoned by the summon idle maids command
+ Fixed make deal action not showing a chance when the chance is (calculation wise) negative
+ Fixed controlled bees not showing the hide action when not already hidden
+ Added rope to the contribution shop
+ Added some code to avoid duplicate names for generated characters
+ Fixed characters with the confiscate items goal getting stuck under certain conditions
+ Succubuses now put off hiding until they move elsewhere or detect they need to
+ Succubuses and controlled beegirls should now properly hide from incoming characters
Alpha 15 Patch 1
+ Succubi ordered to exchange themselves for contribution will now hide themselves (when they can) while on the way to the ritual room
+ Visitors should no longer call for help with barricades they can remove themselves
+ Fixed bees becoming controlled not being marked as recently controlled (which meant they had no cap grace period)
+ Fixed the visitor group count slider
+ Fixed tooltips being wrong after cancelling out of an action submenu
+ Fixed maid change appearance action not listing any appearances
+ Fixed identity mirror tooltip showing the current stats (including bonuses etc.) of transformation targets, instead of the base stats that will be applied
+ Hopefully fixed a crash that can occur when a visitor accepts a deal
+ Succubi and bees should now unlock doors if they can safely do so to get where they intend to go
+ Succubi will now avoid revealing themselves to characters moving into the current room (affects several actions)
+ Added a combat mode modifier to controlled bees - whether they will avoid revealing themselves in front of unaware characters to attack characters. This defaults to on
+ Fixed the hide action not being available when a hidden character is in a room with hostile characters
+ The identity mirror should no longer show duplicate entries as clone targets (same identity and same stats)
+ Taking items from a room is now consistently non-stealthy, and dropping items is now stealthy
+ Succubi following a marked character should no longer end up doubling up on dreams and wasting an action
+ Unconscious maids can no longer go undercover
+ Fixed broken egg display when a maid is body swapped into a visitor undergoing a bee transformation
Alpha 15 Preview 5
+ Increased the max upgrade level of upgradeable rooms
+ Fixed ritual room starting at level zero
+ Fixed negative effects from going over cap applying in non-extended mode
+ Controlled bees and alraunes should now hide when exchanging themselves for contribution
+ Fixed it being impossible to have controlled bees and alraunes exit stasis + Hopefully fixed issues with empowerment being cancelled randomly
+ Added the Angelica maid image set; new default for identical maids
+ Maids can now be ordered to compliment traitors, and to offer them massages or sex + Added an option to continue in extended mode to the end game screen
+ Added extended mode details to the manual, and made changes to the tutorial
Finally, Alpha 15 proper.
+ Hopefully fixed a traitor related crash
+ Offering a deal to a visitor now requires that they be able to listen
+ Fixed display of Angelica's maid image when alternate outfits is on
+ Fixed the current appearance of a maid being listed as an option for change appearance in several cases
+ Fixed maids attending traitors who are asked for sex losing track of their attend to goal
+ Hopefully fixed succubi getting into a strange state where they are no longer possible to properly remove from play. Fixes existing broken succubi as a side effect
+ Hopefully fixed the empowerment cancellation issues
+ Door locking actions can no longer be set if they will take you over the door lock cap. If you set unlock actions, you can set additional lock actions, but the unlock actions will not be cancellable until cancelling them does not cause you to go over the lock limit
+ All player side characters, other than traitors, can now freely unlock manor doors. This may have bad side effect behaviours (e.g. succubi/beegirls unlocking doors they shouldn't)
+ Hopefully fixed a crash occurring under certain conditions due to forgotten memories
+ Alraunes in stasis can now be dragged around to allow them to be empowered (and for fun). They can only exit stasis in a yard
+ Fixed alraune getting extra hidden trackers when entering stasis
Alpha 15 Preview 4
+ Rearranged the display of meta trackers (arrivals etc.)
+ Arrival chance increasing/decreasing now varies depending on distance from 50%
+ Added alraune cap (per yard) and yard upgrades, alraune overpopulation effects (no power generation, no pollen generation, may poke and reveal other alraunes), storage (hide as a flower) and exchange
+ Added controlled bee cap (2 per upgrade level of false hive), controlled bee overpopulation (causes controlled bees to break free), storage (enter stasis in the false hive) and exchange
+ Added succubus cap (1 per upgrade level of ritual room), succubus overpopulation (causes forced exchange of a succubus for a contract), succubus storage (exchange for a contract that summons the particular succubus) and exchange (rather than pickup, succubuses travel permanently to a demon realm to begin a new life)
+ Cap rooms now start at ugrade levels that have the capacity for starting character numbers
+ Fixed issue with ordering characters to upgrade rooms when in the room they should upgrade when not carrying the upgrade item
+ Upgrading the master suite now increases the maximum number of doors you can lock
+ Upgrading the master suite or ritual room now increases your power cap
+ Characters able to reach the ritual room (sorry alraunes) can now have their stats upgraded. This isn't too expensive up to 10 in a stat, but will grow quickly after
+ Added a new shop interface and some new items for purchase in exchange for contribution. They will arrive a while after being purchased, like upgrade materials -> Door upgrade materials are amongst the purchaseble items
+ Added settings for starting contribution and the average number of potential visitor groups that end up near the manor
+ Fixed recently transformed tracker not being removed after body swaps
+ Implemented a traitor soft cap (if they aren't kept happy they will turn on you, or act up if their deal is cursed) and exchan
-> This include two new traitor only concerns - promised sex and pamper
+ Maids can now be set to an idle mode in which they will see to traitor sex and pamper needs; this overrides uninterruptible if the request comes from a traitor
+ Maids attending to traitors will pamper and have sex with them
+ Maids can be set to be interruptible for sex requests (likely also other things later)
+ Succubi can optionally proposition and have sex with traitors (risky but fun, so toggled off by default)
+ Maids can now attend to traitors
+ Fixed NewMaid and UltraGrow being usable on unconscious characters that aren't visitors
+ Fixed traitors getting a recently transformed tracker + Fixed crash occurring sometimes after a seed or mark is removed from a character
+ Fixed a loading crash caused by certain save file corruption; hopefully fixed the cause as well (related to identity loss)
Alpha 15 Preview 3
+ Power colour is now magenta
+ Fixed single room player ordered moves causing crashes (and likely some other actions)
Alpha 15 Preview 2
+ Changed display of current turn, power, door locking; added various others for extended mode (several unimplemented)
+ Added maid cap, maid cap tracking and recently transformed characters being marked and not counting towards caps
+ Added character pickup from the entrance yard (maids only currently). Once one is organised, characters can be told to exchange themselves for contribution; they will head to the pickup point and wait
+ The master suite and maid quarters can be upgraded to increase maid capacity. This is done by ordering an upgrade item via clicking on the room, then having a maid use the upgrade item to upgrade the room (direct interaction on item, or interaction on a maid who is carrying an upgrade item)
+ Made some changes to actions that may have side effects
+ Incoming arrivals are now show on the left. In Extended Mode, after the initial waves groups of characters that may arrive at the manor are listed. You can increase or decrease the chance that a group will arrive using power by clicking on the entry + Fixed memories sometimes getting into a particularly bad state from a bad state; wasn't able to pin down how the first bad state was achieved
Alpha 15 Preview 1
+ Made the stealth backing more visible
+ Active settings at the start of a game are now saved into the save files
+ Made several changes to reduce save file size
+ Fixed inversion of suspicion gains/reductions when visitors are asked by other visitors to explain suspicious actions
Alpha 14 Patch 3
+ Stopped maids sending visitors to the locations of monstergirls when asking about other visitors who have been transformed + Confiscation is now affected by temptation/usefulness values
+ Maid appearance (i.e. default hair change only maids) who plant themselves now use the generic apperance as alraunes
+ Hopefully fixed characters transformed by the identity mirror showing a message about searching for their clothes in certain situations
+ Visitors are now concerned by waking up in rooms they didn't go to sleep in
+ Hopefully fixed a crash when visitors share knowledge
+ Visitors who take medicine for an alraune seed now briefly ignore the concern
+ Hopefully fixed succubus debuff lingering after transformations other than the succubus one
+ Hopefully fixed a maid identity loss issue
+ Hopefully stopped some autosave crashes + Fixed the main tutorial + Prevented loading/saving a game during turn processing
+ Fixed autosaves from pages other than the first not being deleteable
Alpha 14 Patch 2
+ Stopped maids sending visitors to the locations of monstergirls when asking about other visitors who have been transformed + Confiscation is now affected by temptation/usefulness values
+ Maid appearance (i.e. default hair change only maids) who plant themselves now use the generic apperance as alraunes
+ Hopefully fixed characters transformed by the identity mirror showing a message about searching for their clothes in certain situations
+ Visitors are now concerned by waking up in rooms they didn't go to sleep in
+ Hopefully fixed a crash when visitors share knowledge
+ Visitors who take medicine for an alraune seed now briefly ignore the concern
+ Hopefully fixed succubus debuff lingering after transformations other than the succubus one
+ Hopefully fixed a maid identity loss issue
+ Hopefully stopped some autosave crashes + Fixed the main tutorial + Prevented loading/saving a game during turn processing
+ Fixed autosaves from pages other than the first not being deleteable
Alpha 14 Patch 1
+ Fixed silent crash when maid identity loss is active
+ Fixed reduce concern targeted action
+ Fixed player actions not being loaded properly, which broke several things
+ Fixed about a dozen actions not saving correctly; many of which would cause issues on a load. Unfortunately some data is missing so broken saves can't be fixed easily
+ Added a quick 'charge to max/as much as possible' option to the identity mirror
+ Autosaves names now include the game time of the save, rather than the uncoverted turn
+ Autosave can now be turned on and off
+ Fixed skip tutorial not setting all one off tutorials as viewed in most cases
+ Fixed maids who have planted themselves that were using a trainee appearance not having the flower image while transforming into an alraune
+ Fixed identity mirror messages being off due to changing the target's identity before logging the message
+ Fixed an issue breaking loading of quite a few saves when a game hasn't been started and played for a bit
+ Stopped visitors from noticing their clothing is missing/putting it back on when their current action is swapped to a new action they can't put their clothing back on during (e.g. ending up in a bee egg)
+ Fixed concern values not being saved
+ Enter key now confirms text input dialogs (e.g. save file name)
+ Fixed an issue that caused the game log to not refresh when loading a game if a game has previously been started/loaded
Alpha 14
+ Body swapping characters you control into monster bodies that are under your control now remain under your control
+ Changed the way corruption chance is shown to make it more visible
+ Added a succubus pendant item, which slowly increases the strength of a succubus mark on the bearer
+ Added an empower succubus mark action, which (expensively) boosts a succubus mark on a character by a little (intended as a 'speed up process'/'get it over the line' ability)
+ Added a succubus mark trap book
+ Traitor deal chance is now affected by the presence of other characters the target is bonded with. If they are on the manor side and the target's corruption is at least (15 + bond level x 10) the effect from the bond with the target will be countered and instead a different amount (2.5 x bond level) will be added to the chance. If they aren't on the manor side or the target's corruption isn't high enough, the deal will be even less likely to succeed
+ Controlled bees can now transform visitors
-> First, they have to collect pollen from alraunes to prepare an egg. This can be set as a harvest mode, or directly ordered
-> Once they have an egg prepared, they can place an immobile visitor within it
-> The tf is the same as for regular bees, however the end result is a controlled bee
-> Visitors with the bee knowledge can stop the transformation safely, but those without will break the egg. Depending on the point the transformation is at, the victim will be released as a visitor or bee (with a chance of being controlled or not)
+ Fixed not being able to directly order bees to collect pollen
+ Fixed a lot of cases where a characters ai wasn't being rerun after their modes were changed
+ Added a 'prepare egg only' harvesting option for controlled bees
+ Fixed succubus mark trap books adding a new succubus mark to characters who already have one; they instead now empower the existing mark
+ Fixed issue with many orders not working when a character is targeting someone in the same room
+ When the character set as the result of mirror cloning uses the mirror, they now get some unique text instead of being randomly transformed
+ Player action text is now offset from any action an involved character is intending to take
+ Prevented characters from recovering from incapacitation in the hive
+ Filled out the manual
+ Body swapping with an alraune now updates names; with a delay if the alraune is out of control after the swap
+ After continuing a continuable game, if you later lose the master you will now get a game over
+ Meddled to help cope with very very wide resolutions; likely that some sections aren't quite there yet
+ Fleshed out the tutorial
+ Added a seed growth focusing override, that makes maids create/give drug/food that supports alraune seed growth instead of the default option (a character specific override will still take precedence). Can be set when viewing a yard room
+ Added a bag of mysterious fertiliser that a maid can use to transform herself into a maid
+ Added a multi-drop action
+ Adjusted identity mirror 'no visible effect' case to apply any stat/other differences
+ Body swap no longer reruns the ai of a character not under your control
+ Fixed the mirror not activating on a character who matches the clone target when one is set but the mirror isn't in cloning mode
+ Fixed a few actions being able to target the hive
+ Fixed maids being able to plant themselves in any room
+ Fixed beegirl knowledge book granting no knowledge, and succubs knowledge book granting beegirl knowledge
+ Added varied maid standing images as an option
+ Added saving and loading - this involved a lot of wide reaching changes, so there'll be issues. Includes an autosave feature
+ Fixed crash when starting with controlled beegirls who are then freed before the hive is revealed
+ Fixed a subtle issue with memories that didn't remove duplicates of shared events when they were reshared
+ Fixed some ui sprites getting cleared when starting a new game
+ Hopefully stopped bees abducting characters becoming alraunes
+ Adjusted bee and alraune ai; particularly alraunes won't reveal themselves to look after allies when there are hidden hostile targets
+ Hopefully fixed default order setting on controlled beegirls created via eggs
+ Controlled bees taking items somewhere should no longer break stealth
+ Orders to feed/give a visitor an alraune seed now swap to seed boosting instead of seed adding food/medicine if the target already has a seed; similarly if feeding seed boosting food/medicine and there is no seed they swap to simple meal/placebo
+ Newly spawned bees now start in the hive
+ Added some code for save safety that may cause issues with loading
Alpha 13 Patch 1
+ Fixed bees not being able to transform maids that have retained their trainee appearance (or who are using an identical appearance that is a trainee appearance)
+ Fixed some issues with the tutorial overlay on wide screen ratios
+ Modified repeated master temptation attempts to recover chance over time (but the first couple still overall reduce the chance)
+ Fixed visitors healing incapacitated visitors who aren't traitors that they believe to be traitors
+ Prevented plant zombie and trainee transformations from triggering in the hive
+ Prevented several actions from being performed on characters in the hive
+ Adjusted visitor initial concern randomisation
+ Fixed door barricading actions that do nothing causing concerns to be gained, also reduced the concern amount when the barricader seems to be a visitor
+ Exhausted non-aware visitors will no longer barricade rooms, and instead will go sleep in their assigned bedroom
+ Right hand side log now scrolls with the mouse wheel properly, and scrolling over ui elements doesn't scroll the main view underneath
+ Fixed maids cleaning not reducing the maid concern for a character observing from another room
+ Fixed being able to order alraunes to perform actions on characters in other rooms
+ Added the generic appearance to various appearance choice lists
Alpha 13
+ Added beegirls
+ The tutorial has been turned into a basic tutorial and manual (to be completed in Alpha 14)
Alpha 12
+ Added succubi
Alpha 11
+ Added maid identity loss
+ Added control crystals
+ Added identity mirror trap
Alpha 10
+ Added alraune transformation
+ Added door locking mechanic and related items/actions
Alpha 9
+ Added various items and item types
Alpha 8
+ Added visitor sleeping and all character incapacitated images, and the Oni and Shian maid image sets
+ A lot of minor additions and fleshing out of existing options
Alpha 7
+ Added traitors and corruption mechanic
+ Added suspicion mechanic for secret maids and traitors
+ It's now possible to view detailed logs of weirdness, suspicion, maid trust and corruption for characters
+ It's now possible to view characters' memories of other characters
+ It's now possible to view detailed logs of concern changes
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 4-03-2025, 20:45
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии Alpha 23 Patch 1 / Topic updated to version Alpha 23 Patch 1.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии Alpha 23 Patch 1 / Topic updated to version Alpha 23 Patch 1.
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