Ваш дедушка всегда рассказывал вам истории об искателях приключений и о том, что значит стать одним из них; вы всегда находили их захватывающими, поэтому, когда вам исполняется 18 лет, у вас наконец-то появляется шанс присоединиться к Семье и стать одним из них.
Однако, стать искателем приключений не так просто, как вы надеялись... Только после многих дней испытаний к вам, наконец, обращается Богиня, которая приглашает вас присоединиться к ее недавно созданной Семье. Какой выбор вы сделаете и как он повлияет на ваше будущее?
Your grandfather has always told you tales about adventurers and what it means to become one; You always found them to be exciting, so upon turning 18 years old, you finally have the chance to join a Familia and become one yourself.
However, becoming an adventurer is not as easy as you had hoped... Only after many days of hardship you are finally approached by a Goddess who invites you to join her newly created Familia.
What choices will you make and how will they affect your future?
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 3d game, 3dcg, big tits, creampie, fantasy, handjob, male protagonist, oral, parody, prostitution, romance, rpg, teasing, titfuck, turn based combat, vaginal, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Winterfire - patreon | subscribestar | itch.io | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: R36
Другие проекты автора: Vox Gremory - Workers of Kartedhir
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
R36 - 2025-02-25
- Fixed: Minor typos and inconsistencies.
- Fixed: CG after purchasing spell is now correctly hidden once the scene is over.
- Fixed: CG 51 (Demeter's Breast Size).
- Fixed: Cassandra Sprite no longer has the apollo symbol even after joining Miach.
- Fixed: Eina's dialogue not advancing past stage 3 when dining with her.
- Fixed: Rare issues that didn't prompt the message to load the game when clicking on slot.
- Fixed: Rare issue of battle freezing when a companion was defeated.
- Fixed: Achievements titles are no longer cut off but will fit in the row.
- Fixed: Slightly decreased RAM usage.
- Fixed: Gallery not opening up the first time you opened the game with no save files.
- Fixed: Bugged Free Camera view, and re-added.
- Fixed: Some backgrounds/CGs showing with the wrong texture type, size and compression (+ other general fixes).
- Fixed: Dungeon Hentai events getting enabled sometimes by mistake (Wrong execution order).
- Fixed: Black screen displaying instead of Guild Background in the scene unlocking CG 68.
- Fixed: Rare bug freezing the battle system upon opening items menu.
- Fixed: Hole on the 13th floor of the Dungeon.
- Fixed: Missing "HerSide_Airmid" image.
- Fixed: Fulfilling some objectives wouldn't unlock the relative achievement.
- Fixed: Duplicate quests when the game would reload after a defeat.
- Changed: Scrollbar handle in battle box scales with the slider now.
- Changed: Crit Range for Little Ballista decreased to 12.
- Changed: Lefiya's and Ottar's sprites have been redone.
- Changed: Monsters have been rebalanced.
- Changed: "Low quality" settings no longer disables v-sync.
- Changed: Achievement screen now shows the number of monsters slain.
- Changed: Beginner spells have been removed from the Magic Trainer.
- Added: 10 CGs.
- Added: "Chanting Magic" Ability in the Magic Trainer.
- Added: 12 Spells.
- Added: Flashbang functionalities.
- Added: 5x Achievements.
- Added: 3x Monsters (Cockatrice, Sand Worm, Water Elemental).
- Added: 18x Side quests (Guild).
- Added: Missing character sprites.
- Added: Monsters' special attacks.
- Added: Welf's Will-o-Wisp spell.
- Added: Screen where you can apply a potion on a party member outside of a battle.
- Added: Status Update scene (Once a day, if you completed one or more quests).
- Added: 12600 words (~42 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Minor typos.
- Fixed: Eina's test's score not updating past the first try.
- Fixed: Side event during Nemesis Quest not loading.
- Fixed: Incorrect guild side quest entry.
- Added: 2 CGs.
- Added: 3300 words (~11 minutes gameplay).
- Removed: Log from loading screen.
- Fixed: Gallery adding extra blank page when CGs reached the end of it.
- Fixed: Whole party joining the fight versus Aisha in Harem Route.
- Changed: You are now refulled before the fight versus Aisha.
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 5400 words (~18 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Hide UI key conflicting with Action key in Battle.
- Fixed: Mouse input not working in Novel Battles.
- Fixed: CG 183 not unlocking.
- Fixed: Item list not scrolling with mouse during battle.
- Fixed: Item expiration message no longer prints if a battle is also occuring.
- Added: Map shop in the Guild.
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 11700 words (~35 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: "CG 98" not unlocking.
- Fixed: "CG 72" not replaying.
- Added: 3 CGs.
- Added: 6600 words (~22 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Rest button is no longer interactable at the end of Haruhime's route.
- Added: 7 CGs.
- Added: 11400 words (~38 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: CG 73 now unlocks correctly (It had some issues in past builds).
- Fixed: Improved Gallery initialization function so freezes should no longer occur.
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 8100 words (~27 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Fastforward setting would not display correctly (but still worked).
- Added: 5 CGs.
- Added: 6600 words (~22 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: "Always Fastforward" option not working.
- Added: "Peek" function in the Gallery.
- Added: 9 CGs.
- Added: 6600 words (~22 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Dungeon UI can no longer be opened while Save screen is showing.
- Fixed: When Variable Editor is showing, the input is disabled to avoid unwanted actions.
- Fixed: Lack of keyboard hotkey for Autobattle (Shift).
- Added: New setting for battle fastforward.
- Added: Missing descriptions for Skills and Spells.
- Added: 5 CGs.
- Added: 10500 words (~35 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Log UI correctly shows on 21:9 aspect ratio, and some other aspect ratios previously unsupported.
- Fixed: Dungeon and Battle UI correctly show on other aspect ratios outside of 16:9.
- Fixed: Status and Journal UI in the Dungeon no longer have an overlay issue.
- Fixed: Inventory grid being displaced on some aspect ratios.
- Fixed: Fastforward in battle works once again even outside of novel battles.
- Fixed: "D" Key in Demeter's farm minigame.
- Fixed: Gallery's page numbers disappearing on windowed mode.
- Fixed: Hub and Dialogue Box not showing in the thumbnail when saving on R25.
- Fixed: Minor typos (Thanks Zavarov!)
- Changed: Fastforward now works as a toggle, and can be enabled or disabled by using mouse.
- Added: 3 CGs.
- Added: 2 Characters (Ares, Marius).
- Added: 10200 words (~34 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Some aspect ratios (such as 21:9) not displaying UI correctly.
- Fixed: Minor typos (Thanks Eric!)
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 12000 words (~40 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Load game from Dungeon makes the game crash or not unload the Dungeon.
- Fixed: Rollback purge correctly works now when entering the Dungeon (results in much smaller save file sizes).
- Fixed: You can no longer pass an event after losing, and winning a random fight.
- Changed: Rollback steps (saved) reduced to 30 (Save size reduced by about 70%).
- Changed: Raised Hard Mode's excelia gain to 0.5x (Applied only in new playthroughs).
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 15000 words (~50 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Restored compression (Partially untested).
- Fixed: Auto Battle freezing the game.
- Fixed: Missing sprites on R22's Eina scene.
- Fixed: Minor Typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Changed: Settings (General tab) shows whose GPU the game is running on.
- Changed: Saving system operations have been changed in order to prevent the reported save deletion issue from occuring.
- Added: Load confirmation prompt.
- Added: Belit Babili.
- Added: Elixir, Dual Potion, Watered Elixir.
- Added: 1 CG.
- Added: 3 Characters (Ishtar, Phryne, Haruhime).
- Added: 12000 words (~40 minutes gameplay).
- Removed: Compression (temporarily?) due to a compile error (Reaching 4GB+).
- Fixed: Error printed on Market/Blue Pharmacy when scrolling after increasing item quantity.
- Fixed: Minor Typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Changed: Minimap now shows icons for Stairs, Quests, Events and Rest spots.
- Changed: Welf's and Mikoto's damage dealing formula has been overhauled.
- Added: Quest "New Familia in Orario".
- Added: 1 Achievement Scene.
- Added: 8 CGs.
- Added: 2 Characters (Karen, Suu).
- Added: 12000 words (~40 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Minor Typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Added: 2 Achievement Scene.
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 12600 words (~42 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Some battles in Novel Mode being partially or completely covered by backgrounds or dialogue boxes.
- Fixed: No audio in the title screen after replay.
- Fixed: MP Bar in battle will no longer look filled up when you have 0 MP.
- Fixed: Pause Menu in the Dungeon can be closed with the default key once again.
- Fixed: Minor typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Changed: The border of Enemy Tokens has been darkened.
- Added: Difficulty indicator in Pause menu.
- Added: 13 CGs.
- Added: 18000 words (~60 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Keyboard input not selecting the attack and spells.
- Changed: Rollback sensitivity on Scroll up to work well with Gamepad/Mouse.
- Changed: Lena sprite has been redone.
- Added: River sound (Ambient) to the outskirts.
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: Monster Lure/Morbul counter displayed on Dungeon Crawler mode.
- Added: 3 Characters (Ibri, Dian Cecht, Aisha Belka).
- Added: 8000 words (~25 minutes gameplay).
-Removed: (Temporarily) Free rotation in dungeon mode to get feedback on current gamepad controls.
-Fixed: Added check to prevent cloning of characters through rollback.
-Fixed: Pause menu not toggling in builds.
-Fixed: Attacks can no longer be spammed with mouse.
-Fixed: "Ghost" spell attack when attempting to select a spell that doesn't exist.
-Fixed: Goblins appearing in Daedalus Street if Monster Lure was somehow active before entering.
-Fixed: Game trying to read quicksaves even when they did not exist (eg. New games).
-Fixed: Campfire being triggerable multiple times at once.
-Fixed: Status window will no longer open up while holding the skip key (or any key mapped to the same things).
-Fixed: Rest from campfire freezing the game when triggering a battle.
-Fixed: Controls scattered around the game (Disabled or replaced, eg. You can no longer toggle off the hub).
-Fixed: Aspect Ratio not applied to Battle UI.
-Fixed: Triggering an error when trying to move while a confirmation screen is open.
-Fixed: You can now switch between party members in the status.
-Changed: Completely switched to new input system, and changed various settings in an effort to fix reported broken gamepad controls (untested).
-Changed: Controls' behaviour in the dungeon has been changed so the same key will open and close the menu, rather than using an additional universal key.
-Changed: Dungeon expedition automatically scrolls with gamepad without having to select the scrollbar.
- Fixed: Morbul and Monster Lures cannot be used in Daedalus Street anymore.
- Fixed: When "exiting" the dungeon through events, the Morbul and Monster Lures will expire.
- Fixed: Floor 12 Barrel event freezing the game (also fixed its graphical glitch).
- Fixed: Camera no longer goes underground when interacting with Token Events in the outskirts.
- Fixed: Transparency settings (In-game and Menu) sync correctly now.
- Fixed: In-game choices missing sounds.
- Fixed: Empty slots getting highlighted because it was assumed they were not empty.
- Fixed: Game hanging at the start once you have a lot of save files.
- Fixed: Numpad not working as intended for movement in Dungeon Mode for left-handed people (Also added Arrow keys as alt).
- Fixed: Mord battle token using the wrong ID.
- Fixed: CPU spike during movement in the dungeon.
- Fixed: You can no longer rest in the tutorial level and other locations where monsters should not appear.
- Fixed: Floor 12's performance has been drastically improved.
- Fixed: Rest button being highlighted instead of dungeon before Liliruca's first meeting.
- Fixed: Latest save slot no longer stays highlighted when switching to Quick Load.
- Fixed: Minor typos.
- Changed: Title screen has been redone.
- Changed: Combat notifications are now more compact and no longer spammed after the battle.
- Changed: The game will automatically save when advancing through floors or exiting the dungeon.
- Changed: Quickload menu now includes more information.
- Changed: Monsters have been rebalanced.
- Changed: During the quest "Reason for Betrayal", the player is prevented from going up the floors until the objective is cleared.
- Changed: Using either Morbul or Monster Lure will replace the other ongoing effect.
- Added: Gamepad Support.
- Added: 1 Dungeon Event.
- Added: Custom Cursor (Optional).
- Added: CRT effect to movement buttons.
- Added: All the missing Battle Backgrounds.
- Added: 2 CGs.
- Added: 3000 words (~10 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Put a check to skip NaN values in order to avoid rare bug that messes up Magic stat.
- Fixed: Hospital location freezing the game if you visited before Lili and Welf are introduced in the game.
- Fixed: Blue Pharmacy bug which did not take the correct amount of valis when purchasing multiple Magic Potions.
- Fixed: Price text disappearing in some Screen Resolutions.
- Fixed: Companions gaining more Excelia than they were supposed to.
- Fixed: Hestia's Status Update no longer displays values over 999 or 1500.
- Fixed: Minor Typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Added: 4 Characters (Daphne, Cassandra, Luan, Hyakinthos).
- Added: 6 CGs.
- Added: 24300 words (~81 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: When purchasing a spell, then reloading an older save, the magic shop UI does not update properly.
- Fixed: Some blowjob scenes did not unlock the achievement.
- Fixed: Game no longer freezes when saving right before a battle starts in novel mode (retroactive).
- Fixed: Save size is not stacked up when saving over the same slot (Prevents slow loading/save).
- Fixed: Deleted latest Save Slot is no longer marked as the newest save.
- Fixed: Marked new saves no longer keep track of quick saves which messed up the result.
- Fixed: All the functions relative to the turn advancement will now wait for all enemies' HP bar to finish depleting.
- Fixed: Various typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Changed: Improved Outskirts' performance.
- Changed: Removed delay from Argonaut.
- Changed: Save screen now also opens up to the latest save made.
- Changed: Rollback is purged after every novel battle.
- Added: "Arrow of Orion" item.
- Added: "Nightmare" monster.
- Added: Hospital Location.
- Added: 1 Character (Artemis).
- Added: 7 CGs.
- Added: 14100 words (~47 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Minor Typos (Thanks tortlll).
- Fixed: CG 72 animation not showing in Radeon GPUs.
- Fixed: Collision on pillar 2 (Floor 12).
- Fixed: Bandit by the bridge now despawns correctly.
- Fixed: Floor 13 Expedition does not work/read properly.
- Fixed: Floor 10's Entrance collision.
- Fixed: Escape is no longer broken when Bell is solo.
- Fixed: Triggering nearby tokens when 1 tile away after loading a save.
- Fixed: End of Ushiwakamaru script not increasing days correctly.
- Fixed: Initialization of multiple battle instances.
- Fixed: Patched build tokens will now refresh after the fix is loaded.
- Fixed: Battle freezing on Floor 7 when Liliruca attempts to hit an already defeated Blue Papilo or Purple Moth.
- Fixed: Exiting to Main Menu from the tutorial correctly unloads the level now.
- Fixed: Integrated patch 1.
- Changed: Excelia per each stat has been limited to 1500 (The maximum).
- Changed: Escaping a battle will reset the Argonaut turns now.
- Changed: After the end of a battle, if the MP is negative, it will be reset to 0.
- Changed: Extra Items are stored in an invisible inventory when yours is full.
- Changed: The Inventory will automatically reorganize itself now.
- Changed: Bell sprites changed to an unified style.
- Changed: Stairs leading up/down are colored differently now, and rest points are now marked on minimap when discovered.
- Changed: Load screen opens up to last saved's page, and highlights the slot.
- Changed: Argonaut skill execution is waited and prevents monsters about to die to deal damage.
- Added: 6 Characters (Ouka, Mikoto, Chigusa, Takemikazuchi, Apollo, Naaza).
- Added: "Black Goliath" monster.
- Added: 11 CGs.
- Added: 29100 words (~97 minutes gameplay).
Changes from Alpha (Patch 1):
-Fixed: Liliruca freezing when Welf is not in your party (Thanks Ditto for reporting the bug!)
-Fixed: "Power of a Hero" Quest Marker not disabling on Floor 11, the fix is retroactive. (Thanks necrus1 for kindly reporting the bug!)
-Fixed: Minor typos (Thanks Eric!).
-Fixed: Mana potions correctly work now when ordering Liliruca to use them on you.
-Changed: Companions will now heal after a battle.
-Changed: Nerfed Riposte hit chance (until you get Ushiwakamaru).
-Changed: Battle Token and Boss Battle Token have been redone.
-Changed: When missing an attack with a spell, a different sound will play.
-Changed: Liliruca will now heal Welf in combat, but gives priority to Bell.
-Added: Ushiwakamaru + other puzzle related items.
-Added: Almiraj, Dungeon Worm, Crystal Mantis and Hellhound monsters (+ their item drops).
-Added: Quest "Route to Middle Floors", Quest "The Cave Labyrinth".
-Added: Missing Dungeon Events on Floor 5, 6 and 7.
-Added: "Goblin King", "Kobold King", "Mimic" and "Black Wyvern" monsters.
-Added: Floor 12 and Floor 13.
-Added: 2 CGs.
-Added: 4500 words (~15 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: MAC Builds' permission issue on some platforms, retroactively applied to all current releases.
-Fixed: HP and MP values disappearing during battles.
-Fixed: "Middle floors disturbance" quest token not disabling once the quest has been completed (Applied to existing saves as well).
-Fixed: "Nemesis" quest token not disabling once the quest has been completed (Applied to the existing saves as well).
-Fixed: Chests on floor 9 have an alternative dialogue when Liliruca is not in the party.
-Fixed: "Supply Deliver" and "Pet rescue" side quest speakers not always being named correctly (Adventurer).
-Fixed: Side quests duplicating at the guild, not retroactive (You need to complete the existing duplicates).
-Fixed: You can no longer open the main menu while battling.
-Fixed: Saving at the beginning of a new game and loading it back will no longer return an error (Missing Bell Character).
-Fixed: Missing sentences on the level up scene with Hestia.
-Fixed: Companions will no longer act in their turn if they have passed out.
-Fixed: Flickering UI when trying to hide the inventory (Same key as item description), when it should not be possible to.
-Fixed: Minor typos and script issues. (Thanks Eric!)
-Fixed: Grass hiding stairs to the 12th floor.
-Changed: You can no longer find Canoe's body after defeating the Minotaur, only before.
-Changed: Turn order is now set on Real Agility as opposed to Current Agility.
-Changed: Gaining excelia as level 2 or higher is drastically easier now (in all difficulties).
-Changed: R12's have been extended slightly (with Eina).
-Changed: Loading screen tips show up in the log as well now.
-Changed: Quick slots decreased from 20 to 8.
-Changed: Monsters will now agro towards the item's user.
-Changed: Explosive Bomb now scales with the user's stats.
-Changed: Lili's actions have been extended.
-Changed: CG 76, 78 and 79 are now replayable.
-Changed: Enabled quick saves/loads, and game automatically saves on key events.
-Changed: Buffed Minotaur slightly.
-Added: 1 Character (Welf Crozzo).
-Added: "Argonaut" skill.
-Added: Missing R12 Achievements.
-Added: 3 CGs.
-Added: "Will o’ the Wisp" and "Bandit" enemies.
-Added: "Log" command to show the log screen.
-Added: "Outskirts of Orario" level.
-Added: 8x Side quests (Guild).
-Added: 8000 words (~25 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Dead end issue on Floor 5 spamming the battle function and allowing the player to go through walls among other issues.
-Fixed: Main Story getting stuck if the day ended during night, when guild is available only during day.
-Fixed: Rollback during novel battle spawning multiple enemies.
-Fixed: Dragon scale item drop icon not loading in the inventory.
-Fixed: Medium Magic stones not being sold once the dungeon is cleared.
-Fixed: Boss battle music not playing and returning an error.
-Fixed: Silverback's and War shadow's sprite transparency.
-Fixed: Minor typos. (Thanks Eric!)
-Added: Minotaur monster (+ its item drops).
-Added: 1 Character (Mord).
-Added: 7 CGs.
-Added: 13600 words (~45 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Blue Pharmacy's mushroom gathering's quest objective marker now disables even when gathering more mushrooms.
-Fixed: Silverback on floor 11 freezing the game.
-Fixed: Playtime display error on new games.
-Fixed: Minor typos. (Thanks Eric!)
-Fixed: "Reason for Betrayal" quest not spawning tokens on floor 7 after patch in older saves.
-Fixed: Journal toggling off uncompleted quests as well.
-Fixed: Dungeon music playing when exiting through an event.
-Fixed: Guild job values not resetting properly when starting a new game.
-Changed: Item name in inventory is now displayed on hover.
-Changed: Endurance's excelia gain has been severely lowered.
-Changed: Hestia Knife's damage output has been increased (depending on the average of your stats).
-Changed: The power of all the spells has been increased, Earthquake's power lowered vs other spells.
-Changed: Explosive Bomb's power has been increased.
-Changed: Floor 10-11 difficulty adjusted around rank S adventurers.
-Changed: Normal difficulty has a maximum of 4 monsters (Requires restart/Console edit).
-Changed: Compressed build size.
-Changed: Escape formula now uses averages (more fair to the player).
-Changed: Stairs token now have the option to stay on the current floor.
-Changed: Attempting to hit an enemy will increase Agility slightly now.
-Changed: Battle events' enemies are no longer random, but manually picked to fit the narration.
-Changed: Dodge roll changed from 1d10 to 1d20 for both player and monsters.
-Added: Abilities (Maximize Magic, Riposte, Feint) with Magic/Ability trainer location + purchasable spells.
-Added: Story Mode.
-Added: Quest "Nemesis".
-Added: 2 Characters (Hermes, Asfi).
-Added: 6 CGs.
-Added: 18000 words (~60 minutes gameplay).
Changelog (Patch 1):
-Fixed: "Reason for Betrayal" quest marker and event tied to it appearing before they should on Floor 7.
-Fixed: Achievement screen getting slightly cut off on some aspect ratios.
-Fixed: Loss script correctly plays now, when available.
-Fixed: Floor music no longer plays while Dungeon Cleared screen is showing.
-Fixed: Turn sometimes skipping when slaying a single enemy with an AoE attack.
-Fixed: AoE Attacks no longer freeze the battle if you slay all the enemies.
-Fixed: Scrollbar Sensitivity has been fixed (Linux only issue).
-Fixed: Banter dialogue not triggering once you advance enough in the main storyline.
-Fixed: Dining in the Hostess of Fertility triggering the drinking minigame instead.
-Fixed: Dungeon achievements sprites for fulfilled objectives show up correctly now.
-Fixed: Various typos throughout the game (Thanks Eric!)
-Fixed: Minigames played at the Hostess of Fertility now count towards the Achivements related to minigames.
-Fixed: Arm Wrestling minigame no longer has the chance to roll a 0.
-Fixed: Blue Pharmacy's mushroom gathering's quest objective marker correctly disables itself once you have interacted with it.
-Changed: Holding movement key works for all directions now.
-Changed: Orc's HP has been lowered.
-Changed: Removed default delay of 2.1 seconds for those AoE attacks (Currently only Explosive Bomb) with no animations.
-Changed: Extended and split Dungeon Banter to before/after Chapter 5 (When Liliruca is in your party).
-Changed: Rest points can now be used when you are also lacking MP.
-Changed: Achievement screen now shows the progress of some objectives where needed (Example: N of goblins slain).
-Changed: Pause menu now shows the playtime.
-Changed: You can no longer escape when the total agility of the enemies exceeds your party's.
-Changed: Smoke Balls have been enabled following the changes to the escape action.
-Changed: Completed quests can now be toggled off (Default: ON).
-Changed: Item quantity text in shops has been increased in size (14 -> 24).
-Changed: Gallery displays hints for locked CGs.
-Added: Imp, Bad Bat, Hard Armored and Infant Dragon monsters (+ their item drops).
-Added: Nekoya Restaurant on Floor 11.
-Added: Dining with your love interest option (+Rest and Banter scene other than eating bonuses).
-Added: "Reason for Betrayal" quest.
-Added: Dungeon Floor 10 and Floor 11.
-Added: 7 CGs.
-Added: 1 Achievement scene.
-Added: 6 Dungeon Events (Floor 10 and 11).
-Added: 6000 words (~20 minutes gameplay).
-Removed: Hestia's boobs sprite (Changed to CG instead).
-Fixed: When Hestia updates your status, the result will no longer print over 1500.
-Fixed: Various typos (Thanks ErrorCode and RayAsher)!
-Fixed: You can no longer rollback from the Log when rollback is disabled and you are outside the dungeon.
-Fixed: Ration's description has been updated to reflect the latest changes.
-Fixed: Battle actions will always stick at the center of your screen now.
-Fixed: Explosive Bomb works now, but Flashbang and Smoke Ball have been kept purposely disabled for the time being.
-Fixed: Player's turn is no longer skipped when rolling critical failure on an AoE attack.
-Changed: Spells were made stronger, and MP gained from magic has been halved.
-Changed: Battle system has been overhauled to include Music, Sound effects and Visual effects.
-Changed: Cathedral's indoor map has been redone and backgrounds have been re-rendered.
-Changed: Sky backgrounds (Day and Afternoon) have been redone.
-Changed: CG 4 has been re-rendered.
-Changed: Minotaur sprite has been redone.
-Changed: Hephaestus sprite has been redone.
-Changed: Journal has been completed (Sounds and Quest Tracking).
-Changed: Job requests at the guild translate on hover.
-Changed: Excelia's gain lowered from 12 to 9 in order to cover for food bonuses (which is a +3).
-Changed: You can walk forward by holding the W key now.
-Changed: Battle action icons have been increased in size from 32px to 64px.
-Added: 8 CGs.
-Added: Difficulty setting at the beginning of the game.
-Added: Hostess of Fertility Location with the possibility to eat once a day (Excelia bonuses).
-Added: Arm Wrestling and Drinking minigames.
-Added: Achievement System.
-Added: Companion actions during battle (Hold Shift and left click an item).
-Added: 7500 words (~25 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Restored "The Chienthrope girl" quest which I deleted by mistake.
-Fixed: Waypoint in Floor 7 and Floor 8.
-Fixed: Rollback adding multiple spells (Finalized choice after choice).
-Fixed: Exiting the dungeon will no longer return an error regarding the gallery in the log.
-Fixed: "Magic Mushroom" quest not completing successfully.
-Changed: Added a small delay when advancing turn, but only to monster attacks, so you can see the turns advancing but everything will happen still quickly.
-Changed: Mind Down state will now make you vulnerable to monster attacks.
-Changed: Unavailable locations are now hidden (as opposed to being locked) to free up some space.
-Changed: When attempting to use an item in the wrong situation, a message from Bell's perspective will display.
-Changed: Some locations were made available only during day.
-Changed: Demeter sprite has been redone.
-Changed: Warning of having reached the end of a build has been moved to Bell's objective view.
-Added: Quest "Middle floors disturbance".
-Added: Orc monster, and its drop item.
-Added: HP Bar Depletion Speed Setting.
-Added: Guild Location, Market Location, Demeter's farm location.
-Added: Farming Minigame.
-Added: 5 Items (Monster Lure, Morbul, Flashbang, Smoke Ball, Explosive Bomb).
-Added: 5 Job Board Quest.
-Added: 9 CGs.
-Added: 12000 words (~40 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: The rest button is now enabled when you defeat the Silverback with an E rank ability or higher.
-Fixed: Minor typos including the removal of older messages displaying "This is the end of the current build".
-Fixed: Black screen on animations (null handle) on Radeon cards.
-Fixed: Game freezing during animations (invalid media type) on Radeon cards.
-Fixed: Floor 9 footsteps now play the correct sounds.
-Fixed: Improved performance on Floor 9 (Although some areas can still be demanding for older machines).
-Fixed: Piece of ceiling disappearing/flickering on floor 9 when getting too far from the entrance.
-Fixed: Objective in "Moving Forward" quest not being marked as completed, it has been fixed retroactively too.
-Fixed: Game no longer freezes when receiving Silverback's fur.
-Fixed: Bell03 sprite's graphical glitches (Missing back hair and belt slightly clipping through jacket).
-Changed: The game will now attempt an automatic rollback up to six times when a line is not found during loading (Saving in HUB is still suggested).
-Changed: Renamed "Bell?" to "Pneuma" and fixed its position to the speaker's box.
-Changed: Mouse's scroll sensitivity when rolling back in an effort to make rollback work better/properly in all platforms.
-Fixed: Battles no longer have a chance to freeze when Liliruca is in the party with you.
-Fixed: Minor typos.
-Fixed: Input is no longer read while console is open.
-Fixed: Improved performance on Floor 5,6, and 7 (Easier on the CPU).
-Fixed: Small issue with Floor 7's occlusion culling, improving the performance slightly.
-Fixed: Dungeon Expedition costs not substracting properly (or at all).
-Fixed: Battles no longer freeze if the enemy is quicker than you.
-Fixed: Issue in the price and purchase of High Potions.
-Changed: Upgraded Unity Engine (2019.4.23f1 to 2019.4.30f1) and Naninovel (1.15 to 1.16) to fix some issues.
-Changed: You can rollback through your keyboard by pressing "TAB" key.
-Changed: Frog Shooters now drop Diminuitive Magic Stones.
-Changed: Monsters have weaknesses and resistances to elements now (some even to physical damage!).
-Added: Dungeon Floor 8, 9.
-Added: 7 Dungeon Events.
-Added: Cheats.
-Added: Brothel location.
-Added: Magic system and Bell's initial spells.
-Added: 1 Character (Samira).
-Added: Quest "Goblins & Kobolds", Quest "I can use magic?!" and Side Quest "Magic Mushrooms".
-Added: 3 Items (Magic Potion, High Magic Potion, Greater Magic Potion).
-Added: 4 CGs.
-Added: 16000 words (~50 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Deepest floor registers properly now.
-Changed: Status now supports companions, and has a party category.
-Changed: You can now wait during battle to skip your turn.
-Changed: Doubled the chance for a battle to occur when resting.
-Changed: Included a comment to make it clearer which choice to pick if you want to date or reject a confession.
-Added: Dungeon Floor 7.
-Added: Killer Ant, Purple Moth, Blue Papilio, and Needle Rabbit monsters (+ their item drops).
-Added: Rest points in the dungeon.
-Added: Companion system.
-Added: Quest "The Chienthrope girl".
-Added: 2 Characters (Ottar, Demeter).
-Added: 9 CGs.
-Added: 13500 words (~45 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Aspect Ratio adjusts automatically now and no longer requires the user to restart the game.
-Fixed: Artifacts on the borders no longer appear on some aspect ratios after going through a loading screen.
-Fixed: Animation/video issues by switching over to "Static" resource management.
-Fixed: Minor typos.
-Changed: Healing potions can now be used during battles.
-Changed: Monsters will now drop items (including their correct magic stone).
-Changed: Frog Shooter and War Shadow have been made slightly stronger.
-Changed: Liaris Freese's effect has been doubled.
-Changed: Battle background from floor 5 to 7 has been redone.
-Added: Notification system.
-Added: Silverback monster.
-Added: 4 Characters (Misha, Maris, Rose, Liliruca).
-Added: Daedalus Street.
-Added: Quest "Moving Forward".
-Added: 11 CGs.
-Added: 9000 words (~30 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Aspect Ratio, all of the aspect ratios are now supported.
-Fixed: HP and MP sometimes showing up with decimals during battle (After increasing endurance or magic).
-Fixed: Gallery will show the locked thumb when a CG has been locked (Cheats or altering of the global save).
-Fixed: Part of the input (such as hide through mouse) would get disabled after accessing the hub, until the game was restarted.
-Changed: Syr sprite has been altered slightly.
-Changed: Frog Shooter has been made slightly stronger.
-Changed: Anya sprite has been altered slightly.
-Added: 3 Characters (Airmid, Miach, Ganesha).
-Added: Quest "A test of power", Quest "A friend in need".
-Added: Dungeon Lizard monster, War Shadow monster.
-Added: 4 CGs.
-Added: 14000 words (~45 minutes gameplay).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Changing the aspect ratio requires you to reopen the game, afterwards it will work fine. This will be fixed in later releases.
I also changed build method, so if Linux version does not work, please do let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
-Fixed: HP and MP not increasing when your Endurance and Magic did.
-Fixed: Input is correctly blocked when showing UI in the title.
-Fixed: You can no longer move when some UI is visible.
-Fixed: Inventory icon no longer stays on after closing the inventory.
-Fixed: Removed the text "button" from Bell's sprite in the hub.
-Fixed: The speed of reading the save/load slots was drastically improved (almost instantaneous).
-Changed: Movement speed (in the dungeon) can now be changed in the settings.
-Changed: Visuals of all of the existing floors, and their performance, has been improved.
-Changed: Speaker's name has an outline now, making it more readable in similarly colored backgrounds.
-Changed: Most UI can be closed with the escape key now.
-Changed: Save slots increased from 100 to 120.
-Changed: Save and Load UI has been redone, you can now write a small description to every save.
-Changed: Saving in the dungeon will show a snapshot of the floor instead of a campfire to better identify the save file.
-Changed: Loading to the dungeon will no longer show the campfire, but the default loading (rotating hourglass).
-Changed: Bell can be clicked (in the hub) to display the current objective in order to progress with the main storyline.
-Changed: Skills and Spells now show a tooltip to briefly describe them in your Status.
-Changed: Expanded Ais' first possible encounter (After the dungeon).
-Changed: Battle system has been overhauled (UI changes, multiple enemies, potions can be used in battle, and item drop notification).
-Changed: The amount of endurance excelia has been increased, and now also depends on how much damage you receive.
-Added: Missing sounds in dialogue and UI.
-Added: Footstep sounds, toggleable in settings/audio.
-Added: Ambient audio (Pub chatter, birds chipping, ...).
-Added: Quest "Power dysphoria".
-Added: Dungeon Floors 5 and 6.
-Added: Kobold monster, Frog Shooter monster.
-Added: Gallery.
-Added: 1 CG.
-Added: 1500 words (~5 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Loading screen stops working after loading the dungeon once.
-Fixed: Many typos throughout the whole game (Thanks Shazamin!).
-Fixed: The game will no longer automatically save on the slot your mouse cursor is hovering on (When in dungeon mode).
-Fixed: Game will no longer freeze when opening the menu while the character is moving.
-Fixed: Saving and loading the game soon after entering the dungeon will no longer teleport you elsewhere.
-Fixed: Camera's rotation is correctly saved now, so using middle click after loading a game in the dungeon won't shift the camera back to the wrong position.
-Fixed: Game Manager not properly resetting all of the variables when going back to the main menu and starting a new game.
-Changed: Status menu now shows Skills and Spells.
-Changed: Inventory has a way to display item's description (Right click) and a way to use certain items (Double left click).
-Changed: Improved lighting effects are applied to all existing floors, including the tutorial one.
-Changed: Minimap displays the stairs in green now, if the stairs lead up, they will always be marked even if you came in the floor through other means.
-Added: Dungeon Floors 1, 2, 3 and 4.
-Added: 14 Characters (Naaza Erisuis, Riveria, Bete, Tiona, Tione, Lefiya, Loki, Finn, Gareth, Mia Grand, Anya, Ryuu, Lulune, Allen).
-Added: 3 CGs.
-Added: 9 Dungeon Events.
-Added: Healing potion items (High Potion added, but unavailable in R2), Treasure/loot for the current dungeon floors.
-Added: Hub.
-Added: Blue Pharmacy.
-Added: Quest "Growth Spurt".
-Added: 6800 words (~23 minutes gameplay).
First release.
Ваш дедушка всегда рассказывал вам истории об искателях приключений и о том, что значит стать одним из них; вы всегда находили их захватывающими, поэтому, когда вам исполняется 18 лет, у вас наконец-то появляется шанс присоединиться к Семье и стать одним из них.
Однако, стать искателем приключений не так просто, как вы надеялись... Только после многих дней испытаний к вам, наконец, обращается Богиня, которая приглашает вас присоединиться к ее недавно созданной Семье. Какой выбор вы сделаете и как он повлияет на ваше будущее?
Your grandfather has always told you tales about adventurers and what it means to become one; You always found them to be exciting, so upon turning 18 years old, you finally have the chance to join a Familia and become one yourself.
However, becoming an adventurer is not as easy as you had hoped... Only after many days of hardship you are finally approached by a Goddess who invites you to join her newly created Familia.
What choices will you make and how will they affect your future?
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 3d game, 3dcg, big tits, creampie, fantasy, handjob, male protagonist, oral, parody, prostitution, romance, rpg, teasing, titfuck, turn based combat, vaginal, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Winterfire - patreon | subscribestar | itch.io | discord
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: R36
Другие проекты автора: Vox Gremory - Workers of Kartedhir
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
R36 - 2025-02-25
- Fixed: Minor typos and inconsistencies.
- Fixed: CG after purchasing spell is now correctly hidden once the scene is over.
- Fixed: CG 51 (Demeter's Breast Size).
- Fixed: Cassandra Sprite no longer has the apollo symbol even after joining Miach.
- Fixed: Eina's dialogue not advancing past stage 3 when dining with her.
- Fixed: Rare issues that didn't prompt the message to load the game when clicking on slot.
- Fixed: Rare issue of battle freezing when a companion was defeated.
- Fixed: Achievements titles are no longer cut off but will fit in the row.
- Fixed: Slightly decreased RAM usage.
- Fixed: Gallery not opening up the first time you opened the game with no save files.
- Fixed: Bugged Free Camera view, and re-added.
- Fixed: Some backgrounds/CGs showing with the wrong texture type, size and compression (+ other general fixes).
- Fixed: Dungeon Hentai events getting enabled sometimes by mistake (Wrong execution order).
- Fixed: Black screen displaying instead of Guild Background in the scene unlocking CG 68.
- Fixed: Rare bug freezing the battle system upon opening items menu.
- Fixed: Hole on the 13th floor of the Dungeon.
- Fixed: Missing "HerSide_Airmid" image.
- Fixed: Fulfilling some objectives wouldn't unlock the relative achievement.
- Fixed: Duplicate quests when the game would reload after a defeat.
- Changed: Scrollbar handle in battle box scales with the slider now.
- Changed: Crit Range for Little Ballista decreased to 12.
- Changed: Lefiya's and Ottar's sprites have been redone.
- Changed: Monsters have been rebalanced.
- Changed: "Low quality" settings no longer disables v-sync.
- Changed: Achievement screen now shows the number of monsters slain.
- Changed: Beginner spells have been removed from the Magic Trainer.
- Added: 10 CGs.
- Added: "Chanting Magic" Ability in the Magic Trainer.
- Added: 12 Spells.
- Added: Flashbang functionalities.
- Added: 5x Achievements.
- Added: 3x Monsters (Cockatrice, Sand Worm, Water Elemental).
- Added: 18x Side quests (Guild).
- Added: Missing character sprites.
- Added: Monsters' special attacks.
- Added: Welf's Will-o-Wisp spell.
- Added: Screen where you can apply a potion on a party member outside of a battle.
- Added: Status Update scene (Once a day, if you completed one or more quests).
- Added: 12600 words (~42 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Minor typos.
- Fixed: Eina's test's score not updating past the first try.
- Fixed: Side event during Nemesis Quest not loading.
- Fixed: Incorrect guild side quest entry.
- Added: 2 CGs.
- Added: 3300 words (~11 minutes gameplay).
- Removed: Log from loading screen.
- Fixed: Gallery adding extra blank page when CGs reached the end of it.
- Fixed: Whole party joining the fight versus Aisha in Harem Route.
- Changed: You are now refulled before the fight versus Aisha.
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 5400 words (~18 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Hide UI key conflicting with Action key in Battle.
- Fixed: Mouse input not working in Novel Battles.
- Fixed: CG 183 not unlocking.
- Fixed: Item list not scrolling with mouse during battle.
- Fixed: Item expiration message no longer prints if a battle is also occuring.
- Added: Map shop in the Guild.
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 11700 words (~35 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: "CG 98" not unlocking.
- Fixed: "CG 72" not replaying.
- Added: 3 CGs.
- Added: 6600 words (~22 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Rest button is no longer interactable at the end of Haruhime's route.
- Added: 7 CGs.
- Added: 11400 words (~38 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: CG 73 now unlocks correctly (It had some issues in past builds).
- Fixed: Improved Gallery initialization function so freezes should no longer occur.
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 8100 words (~27 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Fastforward setting would not display correctly (but still worked).
- Added: 5 CGs.
- Added: 6600 words (~22 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: "Always Fastforward" option not working.
- Added: "Peek" function in the Gallery.
- Added: 9 CGs.
- Added: 6600 words (~22 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Dungeon UI can no longer be opened while Save screen is showing.
- Fixed: When Variable Editor is showing, the input is disabled to avoid unwanted actions.
- Fixed: Lack of keyboard hotkey for Autobattle (Shift).
- Added: New setting for battle fastforward.
- Added: Missing descriptions for Skills and Spells.
- Added: 5 CGs.
- Added: 10500 words (~35 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Log UI correctly shows on 21:9 aspect ratio, and some other aspect ratios previously unsupported.
- Fixed: Dungeon and Battle UI correctly show on other aspect ratios outside of 16:9.
- Fixed: Status and Journal UI in the Dungeon no longer have an overlay issue.
- Fixed: Inventory grid being displaced on some aspect ratios.
- Fixed: Fastforward in battle works once again even outside of novel battles.
- Fixed: "D" Key in Demeter's farm minigame.
- Fixed: Gallery's page numbers disappearing on windowed mode.
- Fixed: Hub and Dialogue Box not showing in the thumbnail when saving on R25.
- Fixed: Minor typos (Thanks Zavarov!)
- Changed: Fastforward now works as a toggle, and can be enabled or disabled by using mouse.
- Added: 3 CGs.
- Added: 2 Characters (Ares, Marius).
- Added: 10200 words (~34 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Some aspect ratios (such as 21:9) not displaying UI correctly.
- Fixed: Minor typos (Thanks Eric!)
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 12000 words (~40 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Load game from Dungeon makes the game crash or not unload the Dungeon.
- Fixed: Rollback purge correctly works now when entering the Dungeon (results in much smaller save file sizes).
- Fixed: You can no longer pass an event after losing, and winning a random fight.
- Changed: Rollback steps (saved) reduced to 30 (Save size reduced by about 70%).
- Changed: Raised Hard Mode's excelia gain to 0.5x (Applied only in new playthroughs).
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 15000 words (~50 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Restored compression (Partially untested).
- Fixed: Auto Battle freezing the game.
- Fixed: Missing sprites on R22's Eina scene.
- Fixed: Minor Typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Changed: Settings (General tab) shows whose GPU the game is running on.
- Changed: Saving system operations have been changed in order to prevent the reported save deletion issue from occuring.
- Added: Load confirmation prompt.
- Added: Belit Babili.
- Added: Elixir, Dual Potion, Watered Elixir.
- Added: 1 CG.
- Added: 3 Characters (Ishtar, Phryne, Haruhime).
- Added: 12000 words (~40 minutes gameplay).
- Removed: Compression (temporarily?) due to a compile error (Reaching 4GB+).
- Fixed: Error printed on Market/Blue Pharmacy when scrolling after increasing item quantity.
- Fixed: Minor Typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Changed: Minimap now shows icons for Stairs, Quests, Events and Rest spots.
- Changed: Welf's and Mikoto's damage dealing formula has been overhauled.
- Added: Quest "New Familia in Orario".
- Added: 1 Achievement Scene.
- Added: 8 CGs.
- Added: 2 Characters (Karen, Suu).
- Added: 12000 words (~40 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Minor Typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Added: 2 Achievement Scene.
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: 12600 words (~42 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Some battles in Novel Mode being partially or completely covered by backgrounds or dialogue boxes.
- Fixed: No audio in the title screen after replay.
- Fixed: MP Bar in battle will no longer look filled up when you have 0 MP.
- Fixed: Pause Menu in the Dungeon can be closed with the default key once again.
- Fixed: Minor typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Changed: The border of Enemy Tokens has been darkened.
- Added: Difficulty indicator in Pause menu.
- Added: 13 CGs.
- Added: 18000 words (~60 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Keyboard input not selecting the attack and spells.
- Changed: Rollback sensitivity on Scroll up to work well with Gamepad/Mouse.
- Changed: Lena sprite has been redone.
- Added: River sound (Ambient) to the outskirts.
- Added: 4 CGs.
- Added: Monster Lure/Morbul counter displayed on Dungeon Crawler mode.
- Added: 3 Characters (Ibri, Dian Cecht, Aisha Belka).
- Added: 8000 words (~25 minutes gameplay).
-Removed: (Temporarily) Free rotation in dungeon mode to get feedback on current gamepad controls.
-Fixed: Added check to prevent cloning of characters through rollback.
-Fixed: Pause menu not toggling in builds.
-Fixed: Attacks can no longer be spammed with mouse.
-Fixed: "Ghost" spell attack when attempting to select a spell that doesn't exist.
-Fixed: Goblins appearing in Daedalus Street if Monster Lure was somehow active before entering.
-Fixed: Game trying to read quicksaves even when they did not exist (eg. New games).
-Fixed: Campfire being triggerable multiple times at once.
-Fixed: Status window will no longer open up while holding the skip key (or any key mapped to the same things).
-Fixed: Rest from campfire freezing the game when triggering a battle.
-Fixed: Controls scattered around the game (Disabled or replaced, eg. You can no longer toggle off the hub).
-Fixed: Aspect Ratio not applied to Battle UI.
-Fixed: Triggering an error when trying to move while a confirmation screen is open.
-Fixed: You can now switch between party members in the status.
-Changed: Completely switched to new input system, and changed various settings in an effort to fix reported broken gamepad controls (untested).
-Changed: Controls' behaviour in the dungeon has been changed so the same key will open and close the menu, rather than using an additional universal key.
-Changed: Dungeon expedition automatically scrolls with gamepad without having to select the scrollbar.
- Fixed: Morbul and Monster Lures cannot be used in Daedalus Street anymore.
- Fixed: When "exiting" the dungeon through events, the Morbul and Monster Lures will expire.
- Fixed: Floor 12 Barrel event freezing the game (also fixed its graphical glitch).
- Fixed: Camera no longer goes underground when interacting with Token Events in the outskirts.
- Fixed: Transparency settings (In-game and Menu) sync correctly now.
- Fixed: In-game choices missing sounds.
- Fixed: Empty slots getting highlighted because it was assumed they were not empty.
- Fixed: Game hanging at the start once you have a lot of save files.
- Fixed: Numpad not working as intended for movement in Dungeon Mode for left-handed people (Also added Arrow keys as alt).
- Fixed: Mord battle token using the wrong ID.
- Fixed: CPU spike during movement in the dungeon.
- Fixed: You can no longer rest in the tutorial level and other locations where monsters should not appear.
- Fixed: Floor 12's performance has been drastically improved.
- Fixed: Rest button being highlighted instead of dungeon before Liliruca's first meeting.
- Fixed: Latest save slot no longer stays highlighted when switching to Quick Load.
- Fixed: Minor typos.
- Changed: Title screen has been redone.
- Changed: Combat notifications are now more compact and no longer spammed after the battle.
- Changed: The game will automatically save when advancing through floors or exiting the dungeon.
- Changed: Quickload menu now includes more information.
- Changed: Monsters have been rebalanced.
- Changed: During the quest "Reason for Betrayal", the player is prevented from going up the floors until the objective is cleared.
- Changed: Using either Morbul or Monster Lure will replace the other ongoing effect.
- Added: Gamepad Support.
- Added: 1 Dungeon Event.
- Added: Custom Cursor (Optional).
- Added: CRT effect to movement buttons.
- Added: All the missing Battle Backgrounds.
- Added: 2 CGs.
- Added: 3000 words (~10 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Put a check to skip NaN values in order to avoid rare bug that messes up Magic stat.
- Fixed: Hospital location freezing the game if you visited before Lili and Welf are introduced in the game.
- Fixed: Blue Pharmacy bug which did not take the correct amount of valis when purchasing multiple Magic Potions.
- Fixed: Price text disappearing in some Screen Resolutions.
- Fixed: Companions gaining more Excelia than they were supposed to.
- Fixed: Hestia's Status Update no longer displays values over 999 or 1500.
- Fixed: Minor Typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Added: 4 Characters (Daphne, Cassandra, Luan, Hyakinthos).
- Added: 6 CGs.
- Added: 24300 words (~81 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: When purchasing a spell, then reloading an older save, the magic shop UI does not update properly.
- Fixed: Some blowjob scenes did not unlock the achievement.
- Fixed: Game no longer freezes when saving right before a battle starts in novel mode (retroactive).
- Fixed: Save size is not stacked up when saving over the same slot (Prevents slow loading/save).
- Fixed: Deleted latest Save Slot is no longer marked as the newest save.
- Fixed: Marked new saves no longer keep track of quick saves which messed up the result.
- Fixed: All the functions relative to the turn advancement will now wait for all enemies' HP bar to finish depleting.
- Fixed: Various typos (Thanks Eric!).
- Changed: Improved Outskirts' performance.
- Changed: Removed delay from Argonaut.
- Changed: Save screen now also opens up to the latest save made.
- Changed: Rollback is purged after every novel battle.
- Added: "Arrow of Orion" item.
- Added: "Nightmare" monster.
- Added: Hospital Location.
- Added: 1 Character (Artemis).
- Added: 7 CGs.
- Added: 14100 words (~47 minutes gameplay).
- Fixed: Minor Typos (Thanks tortlll).
- Fixed: CG 72 animation not showing in Radeon GPUs.
- Fixed: Collision on pillar 2 (Floor 12).
- Fixed: Bandit by the bridge now despawns correctly.
- Fixed: Floor 13 Expedition does not work/read properly.
- Fixed: Floor 10's Entrance collision.
- Fixed: Escape is no longer broken when Bell is solo.
- Fixed: Triggering nearby tokens when 1 tile away after loading a save.
- Fixed: End of Ushiwakamaru script not increasing days correctly.
- Fixed: Initialization of multiple battle instances.
- Fixed: Patched build tokens will now refresh after the fix is loaded.
- Fixed: Battle freezing on Floor 7 when Liliruca attempts to hit an already defeated Blue Papilo or Purple Moth.
- Fixed: Exiting to Main Menu from the tutorial correctly unloads the level now.
- Fixed: Integrated patch 1.
- Changed: Excelia per each stat has been limited to 1500 (The maximum).
- Changed: Escaping a battle will reset the Argonaut turns now.
- Changed: After the end of a battle, if the MP is negative, it will be reset to 0.
- Changed: Extra Items are stored in an invisible inventory when yours is full.
- Changed: The Inventory will automatically reorganize itself now.
- Changed: Bell sprites changed to an unified style.
- Changed: Stairs leading up/down are colored differently now, and rest points are now marked on minimap when discovered.
- Changed: Load screen opens up to last saved's page, and highlights the slot.
- Changed: Argonaut skill execution is waited and prevents monsters about to die to deal damage.
- Added: 6 Characters (Ouka, Mikoto, Chigusa, Takemikazuchi, Apollo, Naaza).
- Added: "Black Goliath" monster.
- Added: 11 CGs.
- Added: 29100 words (~97 minutes gameplay).
Changes from Alpha (Patch 1):
-Fixed: Liliruca freezing when Welf is not in your party (Thanks Ditto for reporting the bug!)
-Fixed: "Power of a Hero" Quest Marker not disabling on Floor 11, the fix is retroactive. (Thanks necrus1 for kindly reporting the bug!)
-Fixed: Minor typos (Thanks Eric!).
-Fixed: Mana potions correctly work now when ordering Liliruca to use them on you.
-Changed: Companions will now heal after a battle.
-Changed: Nerfed Riposte hit chance (until you get Ushiwakamaru).
-Changed: Battle Token and Boss Battle Token have been redone.
-Changed: When missing an attack with a spell, a different sound will play.
-Changed: Liliruca will now heal Welf in combat, but gives priority to Bell.
-Added: Ushiwakamaru + other puzzle related items.
-Added: Almiraj, Dungeon Worm, Crystal Mantis and Hellhound monsters (+ their item drops).
-Added: Quest "Route to Middle Floors", Quest "The Cave Labyrinth".
-Added: Missing Dungeon Events on Floor 5, 6 and 7.
-Added: "Goblin King", "Kobold King", "Mimic" and "Black Wyvern" monsters.
-Added: Floor 12 and Floor 13.
-Added: 2 CGs.
-Added: 4500 words (~15 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: MAC Builds' permission issue on some platforms, retroactively applied to all current releases.
-Fixed: HP and MP values disappearing during battles.
-Fixed: "Middle floors disturbance" quest token not disabling once the quest has been completed (Applied to existing saves as well).
-Fixed: "Nemesis" quest token not disabling once the quest has been completed (Applied to the existing saves as well).
-Fixed: Chests on floor 9 have an alternative dialogue when Liliruca is not in the party.
-Fixed: "Supply Deliver" and "Pet rescue" side quest speakers not always being named correctly (Adventurer).
-Fixed: Side quests duplicating at the guild, not retroactive (You need to complete the existing duplicates).
-Fixed: You can no longer open the main menu while battling.
-Fixed: Saving at the beginning of a new game and loading it back will no longer return an error (Missing Bell Character).
-Fixed: Missing sentences on the level up scene with Hestia.
-Fixed: Companions will no longer act in their turn if they have passed out.
-Fixed: Flickering UI when trying to hide the inventory (Same key as item description), when it should not be possible to.
-Fixed: Minor typos and script issues. (Thanks Eric!)
-Fixed: Grass hiding stairs to the 12th floor.
-Changed: You can no longer find Canoe's body after defeating the Minotaur, only before.
-Changed: Turn order is now set on Real Agility as opposed to Current Agility.
-Changed: Gaining excelia as level 2 or higher is drastically easier now (in all difficulties).
-Changed: R12's have been extended slightly (with Eina).
-Changed: Loading screen tips show up in the log as well now.
-Changed: Quick slots decreased from 20 to 8.
-Changed: Monsters will now agro towards the item's user.
-Changed: Explosive Bomb now scales with the user's stats.
-Changed: Lili's actions have been extended.
-Changed: CG 76, 78 and 79 are now replayable.
-Changed: Enabled quick saves/loads, and game automatically saves on key events.
-Changed: Buffed Minotaur slightly.
-Added: 1 Character (Welf Crozzo).
-Added: "Argonaut" skill.
-Added: Missing R12 Achievements.
-Added: 3 CGs.
-Added: "Will o’ the Wisp" and "Bandit" enemies.
-Added: "Log" command to show the log screen.
-Added: "Outskirts of Orario" level.
-Added: 8x Side quests (Guild).
-Added: 8000 words (~25 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Dead end issue on Floor 5 spamming the battle function and allowing the player to go through walls among other issues.
-Fixed: Main Story getting stuck if the day ended during night, when guild is available only during day.
-Fixed: Rollback during novel battle spawning multiple enemies.
-Fixed: Dragon scale item drop icon not loading in the inventory.
-Fixed: Medium Magic stones not being sold once the dungeon is cleared.
-Fixed: Boss battle music not playing and returning an error.
-Fixed: Silverback's and War shadow's sprite transparency.
-Fixed: Minor typos. (Thanks Eric!)
-Added: Minotaur monster (+ its item drops).
-Added: 1 Character (Mord).
-Added: 7 CGs.
-Added: 13600 words (~45 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Blue Pharmacy's mushroom gathering's quest objective marker now disables even when gathering more mushrooms.
-Fixed: Silverback on floor 11 freezing the game.
-Fixed: Playtime display error on new games.
-Fixed: Minor typos. (Thanks Eric!)
-Fixed: "Reason for Betrayal" quest not spawning tokens on floor 7 after patch in older saves.
-Fixed: Journal toggling off uncompleted quests as well.
-Fixed: Dungeon music playing when exiting through an event.
-Fixed: Guild job values not resetting properly when starting a new game.
-Changed: Item name in inventory is now displayed on hover.
-Changed: Endurance's excelia gain has been severely lowered.
-Changed: Hestia Knife's damage output has been increased (depending on the average of your stats).
-Changed: The power of all the spells has been increased, Earthquake's power lowered vs other spells.
-Changed: Explosive Bomb's power has been increased.
-Changed: Floor 10-11 difficulty adjusted around rank S adventurers.
-Changed: Normal difficulty has a maximum of 4 monsters (Requires restart/Console edit).
-Changed: Compressed build size.
-Changed: Escape formula now uses averages (more fair to the player).
-Changed: Stairs token now have the option to stay on the current floor.
-Changed: Attempting to hit an enemy will increase Agility slightly now.
-Changed: Battle events' enemies are no longer random, but manually picked to fit the narration.
-Changed: Dodge roll changed from 1d10 to 1d20 for both player and monsters.
-Added: Abilities (Maximize Magic, Riposte, Feint) with Magic/Ability trainer location + purchasable spells.
-Added: Story Mode.
-Added: Quest "Nemesis".
-Added: 2 Characters (Hermes, Asfi).
-Added: 6 CGs.
-Added: 18000 words (~60 minutes gameplay).
Changelog (Patch 1):
-Fixed: "Reason for Betrayal" quest marker and event tied to it appearing before they should on Floor 7.
-Fixed: Achievement screen getting slightly cut off on some aspect ratios.
-Fixed: Loss script correctly plays now, when available.
-Fixed: Floor music no longer plays while Dungeon Cleared screen is showing.
-Fixed: Turn sometimes skipping when slaying a single enemy with an AoE attack.
-Fixed: AoE Attacks no longer freeze the battle if you slay all the enemies.
-Fixed: Scrollbar Sensitivity has been fixed (Linux only issue).
-Fixed: Banter dialogue not triggering once you advance enough in the main storyline.
-Fixed: Dining in the Hostess of Fertility triggering the drinking minigame instead.
-Fixed: Dungeon achievements sprites for fulfilled objectives show up correctly now.
-Fixed: Various typos throughout the game (Thanks Eric!)
-Fixed: Minigames played at the Hostess of Fertility now count towards the Achivements related to minigames.
-Fixed: Arm Wrestling minigame no longer has the chance to roll a 0.
-Fixed: Blue Pharmacy's mushroom gathering's quest objective marker correctly disables itself once you have interacted with it.
-Changed: Holding movement key works for all directions now.
-Changed: Orc's HP has been lowered.
-Changed: Removed default delay of 2.1 seconds for those AoE attacks (Currently only Explosive Bomb) with no animations.
-Changed: Extended and split Dungeon Banter to before/after Chapter 5 (When Liliruca is in your party).
-Changed: Rest points can now be used when you are also lacking MP.
-Changed: Achievement screen now shows the progress of some objectives where needed (Example: N of goblins slain).
-Changed: Pause menu now shows the playtime.
-Changed: You can no longer escape when the total agility of the enemies exceeds your party's.
-Changed: Smoke Balls have been enabled following the changes to the escape action.
-Changed: Completed quests can now be toggled off (Default: ON).
-Changed: Item quantity text in shops has been increased in size (14 -> 24).
-Changed: Gallery displays hints for locked CGs.
-Added: Imp, Bad Bat, Hard Armored and Infant Dragon monsters (+ their item drops).
-Added: Nekoya Restaurant on Floor 11.
-Added: Dining with your love interest option (+Rest and Banter scene other than eating bonuses).
-Added: "Reason for Betrayal" quest.
-Added: Dungeon Floor 10 and Floor 11.
-Added: 7 CGs.
-Added: 1 Achievement scene.
-Added: 6 Dungeon Events (Floor 10 and 11).
-Added: 6000 words (~20 minutes gameplay).
-Removed: Hestia's boobs sprite (Changed to CG instead).
-Fixed: When Hestia updates your status, the result will no longer print over 1500.
-Fixed: Various typos (Thanks ErrorCode and RayAsher)!
-Fixed: You can no longer rollback from the Log when rollback is disabled and you are outside the dungeon.
-Fixed: Ration's description has been updated to reflect the latest changes.
-Fixed: Battle actions will always stick at the center of your screen now.
-Fixed: Explosive Bomb works now, but Flashbang and Smoke Ball have been kept purposely disabled for the time being.
-Fixed: Player's turn is no longer skipped when rolling critical failure on an AoE attack.
-Changed: Spells were made stronger, and MP gained from magic has been halved.
-Changed: Battle system has been overhauled to include Music, Sound effects and Visual effects.
-Changed: Cathedral's indoor map has been redone and backgrounds have been re-rendered.
-Changed: Sky backgrounds (Day and Afternoon) have been redone.
-Changed: CG 4 has been re-rendered.
-Changed: Minotaur sprite has been redone.
-Changed: Hephaestus sprite has been redone.
-Changed: Journal has been completed (Sounds and Quest Tracking).
-Changed: Job requests at the guild translate on hover.
-Changed: Excelia's gain lowered from 12 to 9 in order to cover for food bonuses (which is a +3).
-Changed: You can walk forward by holding the W key now.
-Changed: Battle action icons have been increased in size from 32px to 64px.
-Added: 8 CGs.
-Added: Difficulty setting at the beginning of the game.
-Added: Hostess of Fertility Location with the possibility to eat once a day (Excelia bonuses).
-Added: Arm Wrestling and Drinking minigames.
-Added: Achievement System.
-Added: Companion actions during battle (Hold Shift and left click an item).
-Added: 7500 words (~25 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Restored "The Chienthrope girl" quest which I deleted by mistake.
-Fixed: Waypoint in Floor 7 and Floor 8.
-Fixed: Rollback adding multiple spells (Finalized choice after choice).
-Fixed: Exiting the dungeon will no longer return an error regarding the gallery in the log.
-Fixed: "Magic Mushroom" quest not completing successfully.
-Changed: Added a small delay when advancing turn, but only to monster attacks, so you can see the turns advancing but everything will happen still quickly.
-Changed: Mind Down state will now make you vulnerable to monster attacks.
-Changed: Unavailable locations are now hidden (as opposed to being locked) to free up some space.
-Changed: When attempting to use an item in the wrong situation, a message from Bell's perspective will display.
-Changed: Some locations were made available only during day.
-Changed: Demeter sprite has been redone.
-Changed: Warning of having reached the end of a build has been moved to Bell's objective view.
-Added: Quest "Middle floors disturbance".
-Added: Orc monster, and its drop item.
-Added: HP Bar Depletion Speed Setting.
-Added: Guild Location, Market Location, Demeter's farm location.
-Added: Farming Minigame.
-Added: 5 Items (Monster Lure, Morbul, Flashbang, Smoke Ball, Explosive Bomb).
-Added: 5 Job Board Quest.
-Added: 9 CGs.
-Added: 12000 words (~40 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: The rest button is now enabled when you defeat the Silverback with an E rank ability or higher.
-Fixed: Minor typos including the removal of older messages displaying "This is the end of the current build".
-Fixed: Black screen on animations (null handle) on Radeon cards.
-Fixed: Game freezing during animations (invalid media type) on Radeon cards.
-Fixed: Floor 9 footsteps now play the correct sounds.
-Fixed: Improved performance on Floor 9 (Although some areas can still be demanding for older machines).
-Fixed: Piece of ceiling disappearing/flickering on floor 9 when getting too far from the entrance.
-Fixed: Objective in "Moving Forward" quest not being marked as completed, it has been fixed retroactively too.
-Fixed: Game no longer freezes when receiving Silverback's fur.
-Fixed: Bell03 sprite's graphical glitches (Missing back hair and belt slightly clipping through jacket).
-Changed: The game will now attempt an automatic rollback up to six times when a line is not found during loading (Saving in HUB is still suggested).
-Changed: Renamed "Bell?" to "Pneuma" and fixed its position to the speaker's box.
-Changed: Mouse's scroll sensitivity when rolling back in an effort to make rollback work better/properly in all platforms.
-Fixed: Battles no longer have a chance to freeze when Liliruca is in the party with you.
-Fixed: Minor typos.
-Fixed: Input is no longer read while console is open.
-Fixed: Improved performance on Floor 5,6, and 7 (Easier on the CPU).
-Fixed: Small issue with Floor 7's occlusion culling, improving the performance slightly.
-Fixed: Dungeon Expedition costs not substracting properly (or at all).
-Fixed: Battles no longer freeze if the enemy is quicker than you.
-Fixed: Issue in the price and purchase of High Potions.
-Changed: Upgraded Unity Engine (2019.4.23f1 to 2019.4.30f1) and Naninovel (1.15 to 1.16) to fix some issues.
-Changed: You can rollback through your keyboard by pressing "TAB" key.
-Changed: Frog Shooters now drop Diminuitive Magic Stones.
-Changed: Monsters have weaknesses and resistances to elements now (some even to physical damage!).
-Added: Dungeon Floor 8, 9.
-Added: 7 Dungeon Events.
-Added: Cheats.
-Added: Brothel location.
-Added: Magic system and Bell's initial spells.
-Added: 1 Character (Samira).
-Added: Quest "Goblins & Kobolds", Quest "I can use magic?!" and Side Quest "Magic Mushrooms".
-Added: 3 Items (Magic Potion, High Magic Potion, Greater Magic Potion).
-Added: 4 CGs.
-Added: 16000 words (~50 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Deepest floor registers properly now.
-Changed: Status now supports companions, and has a party category.
-Changed: You can now wait during battle to skip your turn.
-Changed: Doubled the chance for a battle to occur when resting.
-Changed: Included a comment to make it clearer which choice to pick if you want to date or reject a confession.
-Added: Dungeon Floor 7.
-Added: Killer Ant, Purple Moth, Blue Papilio, and Needle Rabbit monsters (+ their item drops).
-Added: Rest points in the dungeon.
-Added: Companion system.
-Added: Quest "The Chienthrope girl".
-Added: 2 Characters (Ottar, Demeter).
-Added: 9 CGs.
-Added: 13500 words (~45 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Aspect Ratio adjusts automatically now and no longer requires the user to restart the game.
-Fixed: Artifacts on the borders no longer appear on some aspect ratios after going through a loading screen.
-Fixed: Animation/video issues by switching over to "Static" resource management.
-Fixed: Minor typos.
-Changed: Healing potions can now be used during battles.
-Changed: Monsters will now drop items (including their correct magic stone).
-Changed: Frog Shooter and War Shadow have been made slightly stronger.
-Changed: Liaris Freese's effect has been doubled.
-Changed: Battle background from floor 5 to 7 has been redone.
-Added: Notification system.
-Added: Silverback monster.
-Added: 4 Characters (Misha, Maris, Rose, Liliruca).
-Added: Daedalus Street.
-Added: Quest "Moving Forward".
-Added: 11 CGs.
-Added: 9000 words (~30 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Aspect Ratio, all of the aspect ratios are now supported.
-Fixed: HP and MP sometimes showing up with decimals during battle (After increasing endurance or magic).
-Fixed: Gallery will show the locked thumb when a CG has been locked (Cheats or altering of the global save).
-Fixed: Part of the input (such as hide through mouse) would get disabled after accessing the hub, until the game was restarted.
-Changed: Syr sprite has been altered slightly.
-Changed: Frog Shooter has been made slightly stronger.
-Changed: Anya sprite has been altered slightly.
-Added: 3 Characters (Airmid, Miach, Ganesha).
-Added: Quest "A test of power", Quest "A friend in need".
-Added: Dungeon Lizard monster, War Shadow monster.
-Added: 4 CGs.
-Added: 14000 words (~45 minutes gameplay).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Changing the aspect ratio requires you to reopen the game, afterwards it will work fine. This will be fixed in later releases.
I also changed build method, so if Linux version does not work, please do let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
-Fixed: HP and MP not increasing when your Endurance and Magic did.
-Fixed: Input is correctly blocked when showing UI in the title.
-Fixed: You can no longer move when some UI is visible.
-Fixed: Inventory icon no longer stays on after closing the inventory.
-Fixed: Removed the text "button" from Bell's sprite in the hub.
-Fixed: The speed of reading the save/load slots was drastically improved (almost instantaneous).
-Changed: Movement speed (in the dungeon) can now be changed in the settings.
-Changed: Visuals of all of the existing floors, and their performance, has been improved.
-Changed: Speaker's name has an outline now, making it more readable in similarly colored backgrounds.
-Changed: Most UI can be closed with the escape key now.
-Changed: Save slots increased from 100 to 120.
-Changed: Save and Load UI has been redone, you can now write a small description to every save.
-Changed: Saving in the dungeon will show a snapshot of the floor instead of a campfire to better identify the save file.
-Changed: Loading to the dungeon will no longer show the campfire, but the default loading (rotating hourglass).
-Changed: Bell can be clicked (in the hub) to display the current objective in order to progress with the main storyline.
-Changed: Skills and Spells now show a tooltip to briefly describe them in your Status.
-Changed: Expanded Ais' first possible encounter (After the dungeon).
-Changed: Battle system has been overhauled (UI changes, multiple enemies, potions can be used in battle, and item drop notification).
-Changed: The amount of endurance excelia has been increased, and now also depends on how much damage you receive.
-Added: Missing sounds in dialogue and UI.
-Added: Footstep sounds, toggleable in settings/audio.
-Added: Ambient audio (Pub chatter, birds chipping, ...).
-Added: Quest "Power dysphoria".
-Added: Dungeon Floors 5 and 6.
-Added: Kobold monster, Frog Shooter monster.
-Added: Gallery.
-Added: 1 CG.
-Added: 1500 words (~5 minutes gameplay).
-Fixed: Loading screen stops working after loading the dungeon once.
-Fixed: Many typos throughout the whole game (Thanks Shazamin!).
-Fixed: The game will no longer automatically save on the slot your mouse cursor is hovering on (When in dungeon mode).
-Fixed: Game will no longer freeze when opening the menu while the character is moving.
-Fixed: Saving and loading the game soon after entering the dungeon will no longer teleport you elsewhere.
-Fixed: Camera's rotation is correctly saved now, so using middle click after loading a game in the dungeon won't shift the camera back to the wrong position.
-Fixed: Game Manager not properly resetting all of the variables when going back to the main menu and starting a new game.
-Changed: Status menu now shows Skills and Spells.
-Changed: Inventory has a way to display item's description (Right click) and a way to use certain items (Double left click).
-Changed: Improved lighting effects are applied to all existing floors, including the tutorial one.
-Changed: Minimap displays the stairs in green now, if the stairs lead up, they will always be marked even if you came in the floor through other means.
-Added: Dungeon Floors 1, 2, 3 and 4.
-Added: 14 Characters (Naaza Erisuis, Riveria, Bete, Tiona, Tione, Lefiya, Loki, Finn, Gareth, Mia Grand, Anya, Ryuu, Lulune, Allen).
-Added: 3 CGs.
-Added: 9 Dungeon Events.
-Added: Healing potion items (High Potion added, but unavailable in R2), Treasure/loot for the current dungeon floors.
-Added: Hub.
-Added: Blue Pharmacy.
-Added: Quest "Growth Spurt".
-Added: 6800 words (~23 minutes gameplay).
First release.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 25-02-2025, 22:59
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