Играйте за сводного брата, который помогает маме и сводной сестре, пока его отец уехал в командировку. 5 дней, каждый из которых состоит из коротких историй, в которых вы познакомитесь со своей сводной сестрой и попробуете не попасться маме! Если вы попались, вы проиграли, и день начинается заново.
Play as the stepbrother who is helping his Stepmom and Stepsister while his dad is gone on a business trip.
5 days with each a short story that gives an immersive encounter with your stepsister and that challenges you to not get caught by your STEPMOM!
If you get caught, you lose, and the day restarts.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 3d game, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, groping, handjob, male protagonist, milf, oral, sandbox, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Lemonhaze Studio - steam
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.0079 Beta
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (машинный перевод)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
v0.079 - 2024-12-18
Christmas Event!
Christmas is almost here and I have a short mission for you guys. Like the Halloween event, you will get a special unique power that will be possible to use all year long and give you a taste of what is coming.
On a side note, I realize that my game become more and more psychological and funny. I have a few more ideas in the bag the make more events like this one. You can expect more to be added!
First prototype for the Sex Toys!
I've been working on the first iteration of the sex toys, the system offers a few possibilities at the moment. It works with the genital and the mouth (anal is not there yet, but it is a question of time!). It also can be locked and work automatically using SHIFT.
First prototype for the Tattoo system!
I added a tattoo system that allows to choose a texture and color per body part. For now, it is a little limited and I only have 30+ tattoos, but if you followed the game since the start, you know nothing stays small and it only get bigger with time.
Sex-Toy Prototype getting in the next update It's f**king awesome
Start of next chapter: will be released with the new voices
Christmas event starting now
New power to collect
Add a feature to lock and have an automatic dildo penetration and make it stay in the locked location
Add automatic blowjob using "Shift" (while sitting down)
Added 20 pattern textures for the clothing in the Girl Creator
Simple tattoo system for girl creator
A new category that brings all skin-related things together (including the tattoo)
Added a dresser in the basement bathroom (going to be useful for the upcoming chapter and content for the basement)
Added a gift system (Christmas is almost there 😄 (it will is going to be stored in the player room in his collection)
Added a verification that checks if the arm needs to go on the bed or not if you lean forward
Fixes and Improvements
Extension of the basement to have more circulation and a way to hide and escape
Now the perception of the girl is having a circumference so it won't be detecting the player directly as he crosses a wall
Set up the ambiance for inside Christmas!
Remove snow on balls
improve navigation for basement
Fix water blocking the player during Sunny time (it was because of what I did for the winter atmosphere)
Fix the issue with reaction dialogue (it was triggering the last dialogue alive when it was automatic)
Improved roaming, now the girl stays in the last known rotation
Change the camera in the main menu (took that occasion to improve some of my tools for setting the girl's position)
Try to improve navigation in the top bathroom (girls get stuck between the doors in the corner (not very sexy))
Remove the small ball that was in the mouth
Fix the location of stepmom in "Bath Misunderstanding" and "12 Minutes in Heaven" chapter
Change the free animation mode in "Stuck... Again" chapter to be one of the washing machine animations instead
Fix one the mouth components that was not ticking properly (make the mouth penetration have less sounds) that also makes the sound work for the sex toy with the mouth
Sex toys affect good components when penetrating for the orgasm progression
Girls stop facing the direction of where they walk to only if they were roaming (so it doesn't happen during chapters)
Snowman stop making the inaudible sound when you go away from him
Remove one animation that was in double (in the bed)
Fix the window that gives a view of the stairs that connect the basement to the backyard
Remove the useless door between the living room in the basement and the stairs
Fix clothes not showing the good color panel until a category was selected
Improve the dildo to deform less and now it clipless with the collision when you drop it in the bed
Improve UI that displays the input to interact with the girl (now they will only be displayed if you look toward the girl's head and it won't be displayed if you are getting a blowjob)
Slight face light improvement (softer and wider)
Slight improvement in inside light (the first stage is a bit stronger + now the inside a bit warmer than before (a bit more like the trailer instead of blueish)
Slight improvement in animation in the chapter "She want to know..."
Fix eyebrow changing color when changing skin color
Fix head not following correctly since sex toys implementation
Fix face preset and eyebrow size being reset when the MainMenu gets invalidated (that is why the text and slider were acting weird for the face preset and brow sometimes)
Improve clothes loading. It was waiting for all clothes to be loaded before making them animated (which resulted in them floating before being completely loaded)
Improve the location of penetration so we can see better the lips when we penetrate the girl (much better now)
What is currently happening and what is coming next?
The progression with the game is going well, I had a few bumps looking for a voice actress but I might have found one finally and I am super excited about this. I thought I could have the next chapter ready for this month, but it mostly will be next month. The next good news is that the progression with the stepmom is going to be there very soon. It will allow you to replay the game and gain ability with the stepmom and give more flexibility to the endless night. Another good news is: that most sex animations for the couch and chair are ready to be added into the game, so this is also coming up very soon.
As most of you know, I am a solo developer and I have one friend who joins the project to do animation full-time with me. We both have family and friends to spend time with during the holidays, so the daily updates will be stopped between 21 of December and restart on the 11 of January.
0.0076.2 Beta - 2024-12-07
0.0074 Beta - 2024-12-01
Первая подвальная итерация
Первая подвальная итерация дает нам следующее место для предстоящей главы. Она содержит две мини-игры и вскоре будет иметь больше интерактивности с возможностью использования сексуальной анимации.
12 анимаций для кровати и 7 анимаций для стиральной машины
Почти 19 новых анимаций! В ближайшие недели у меня будет еще одна партия из почти 20 анимаций! Они будут для стульев, дивана, полов и стен.
А теперь у нас есть первая анимация душа.
Мини-игра «Дартс», почему бы и нет?
Небольшая забавная игра, которую я хотел бы иметь в подвале, счет обнуляется каждый сеанс, я мог бы ввести для нее какие-то правила игры, на данный момент она неограниченна и предназначена только для развлечения.
Первый прототип бильярдного стола
Я создал небольшой физический опыт бильярдного стола, он не идеален, но довольно приятен! Я улучшу его и обязательно буду использовать стол для анимации секса в будущем. У него есть несколько особенностей, позвольте мне упомянуть их:
Вы можете использовать сетку для фиксации мячей рядом с диваном, чтобы переустановить мячи.
Когда вы прицеливаетесь, вы можете видеть линию прогноза для мяча, в который вы целитесь.
Вы можете использовать SHIFT для переключения прицеливания с точки зрения камеры или вернуться к более прямому углу
Переделать ванную комнату на первом этаже, чтобы там был душ
Исправления и улучшения
Исправлена ошибка с «12 минутами на небесах», из-за которой F было невозможно использовать
Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой создатель персонажа заставлял девушку двигаться, если у нее был приказ следовать
Исправлена миниатюра, она не захватывала хвост в новой системе волос
Новое отображение категорий для одежды (добавление курток, очков и шляп как отдельной категории)
Добавить кнопку сброса для предустановок лица
Аксессуары в одежде теперь не ограничены, таким образом вы не ограничены только 2 аксессуарами
Исправлена проблема с масштабированием бровей (ползунок был недействителен при упаковке)
Волосы теперь автоматически подстраиваются под заданную прическу
Улучшение движения камеры в редакторе девушек
Разрешить приблизиться к девушке в создателе девушки
РЕ-экспорт персонажа с эмоциями. Их как-то убрали из игры, а я не заметил
Исправление проблем с аксессуарами, конфликтующими со старой системой
Добавить кнопку для удаления всех аксессуаров за один раз
Исправлена проблема с задачей оргазма (не подтверждалась целью, теперь система требует, чтобы задача знала, кто должен получить оргазм
Исправлена проблема с местоположением глаз с помощью новой системы предустановок, которая была добавлена недавно
Исправлена проблема с удерживанием объекта (не следовал в правильном направлении)
Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой не устанавливался цвет аксессуаров
Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой переопределялась миниатюра выбранного персонажа (только при входе и нажатии «Назад», а затем повторном нажатии на создателя девушки)
Новая проверка, чтобы увидеть, была ли выбрана девушка в выборе при открытии после генерации выбора девушки (если выбора нет, вернуться к предустановке по умолчанию)
Теперь звук телевизора уменьшается до 0 при спуске или подъеме по лестнице
Стекло остается прямым при поднятии
Чистая система действий щелчка (может создать некоторые небольшие проблемы, но я думаю, что я все предусмотрел)
Улучшить вид на улицу спереди, чтобы сделать ее более захватывающей
Добавить переход постобработки при приближении к краю стены
Проверьте отражение, чтобы придать поверхности больше реализма
Немного улучшено автоприцеливание (второе состояние приседания) для лучшей адаптации к новой анимации
Осведомленность теперь работает с использованием расстояния и ищет количество объектов стены (приблизительно) между игроком и мачехой. Телевизор также теперь блокирует только определенный процент, а номера ванн были изменены. (также теперь телевизор имеет громкость, а не влияет на всю карту)
Система предустановок лиц (10 лиц + одно по умолчанию)
3 новых костюма для способности к миссии с событием Хэллоуин
Добавлена кнопка удаления для категории «Очки», «Куртки» и «Шляпы» (шляпы пока нет, но это вопрос времени)
Добавлено 8 новых очков (еще нужно сделать иконки)
девушка целует тебя в редакторе персонажей, когда ты к ней приближаешься
v0.060 Beta
All Events > Don't Disturb Your STEPMOM Events >
New chapter and much more!
"Pool Day" chapter is out! 50+ new clothes, over 100 improvements and a bunch of new features!
Hey guys,
I am super excited to announce this next big update. Thank you for all the support I received from everyone who tested my game and took the time to talk to me about their experience, giving me their suggestions and feelings about the game. It make a huge difference!
For people who wonder, this is only a start! I will have many new features, chapters, and improvements/fixes as I get feedback from the community hub and Discord.
If you guys wonder where to test all the new features between major updates, the testing branch is the place to be for all the latest juicy content!
Note: This contains over 100 improvements, bunch of new content, one new chapter and it probably has more than what I am mentioning here, but it is hard to keep track of everything!
Big News
New chapter "Pool Day" is now available!
A new spicy chapter is available! Like the other one, it is a short scenario, it is a bit longer, but more specifically showcases a few new mechanics that I will let you guys discover by yourself or by reading this whole post. It also comes with a bunch of new features!
Interaction with girls in the "Endless Night" Chapter and other chapters
Now you have interactive dialogue with the girl between dialogue during all the chapters, it is pretty simple for most chapters but it gets exciting for "Endless Night" because you have a few options to choose from and I will keep adding more to do! At the moment you can ask her to follow you, she will notice when you get on a point of interest and ask you to sleep in bed or go in the shower and that kind of kind. Other features like getting her naked or wearing clothes faster if the stepmom is about to pop in!
Also now more content is interactable in the house! You can expect most doors to be open and have the possibility of using more items. I will only keep to give purpose to object and add more interaction.
Each interaction location will have between 5 and 15 animations by the end of this month, for now, it is only 1 up to 5 animations depending on the location you bring the girl.
+50 new clothes / +10 new hairs and new character customization features
You'll see that I tried to add a bunch of items in most categories, next time I add more clothes is most likely toward Halloween. You find a few more additions like the eyebrow colors, skin glossiness, new morphs, and that I have eyes with better reflection and quality overall. I am not done with the character creator, you can expect me to also expose the possibility to share girls very soon!
Masturbation for both male and female and why not some slapping?
(from the player's perspective)
You can now touch yourself and others! Slapping is only a prototype so far, and it is made in a consensual way, not meant to be hardcore. I beg you to try with the stepmom aha!
Also now the crouching works differently, feel like it is appropriate to mention here:
Old before it was 3 states; Standing, semi-crouch, full crouch. And you had to find out the best depending on the position
New Now it still had 3 states; Standing, aiming at the closest genital of contextualized girl (mouth or vagina in our case), full crouch
New light!
If you played the beta, it won't be a surprise, but if you didn't you will see a huge difference compared to before! The light changes not only improve the look but also help run the game better (which is going to allow me to do a threesome and such a thing very shortly! it also solved some problems I had with the hair particle.
Quick before the big list:
If you are not following my Discord (which I highly suggest you to do, cause I am super active!) here is the more exhaustive list of what has been done during that whole time, it does contain a few new additions (some might have been mentioned upward), but it also contains the list of fixes and improvements I've been working on.
+ 50 clothes (not yet usable, going to make them usable tomorrow)
Chairs around the table are now "sittable"
Couch in the house and outside are also "sittable"
Making a drink is now possible and could be required in a task
Populate the kitchen and garage with the interactive item and make the door in the garage interactable like the kitchen (this is going to open more interaction in the future)
New dialogue when interacting with girls in each chapter
New progression system for saving at which day you are (will help me integrate chapter faster next time)
Outside ambiance sound
Outside level design a bit extended outside of the backyard to be more immersive
Possibility of jerking and could be required in a task
Water sound and reaction when going in the pool
First prototype for color skin on character ("B" key to switch from dark to light skin color on MC)
First version for color skin on girls
New movement system that prevents girls from losing track of their movement or trying to walk through the object
Blocking collisions on girls that prevent going through her most of the time
Add skin roughness/glossiness in the character creator
Tilting can now go back and it is displayed on the UI
UI indicator if you wear clothes or not
Add a skylight (which should improve the inside, but might need some adjustment inside the home)
Add girl selection in the experimental board to decide on which girl the action should be performed
Import 13 new hairs
Create icons for all new hairs
Color for brows
First slapping prototype!
Add rotation in the experimental board (for both teleport and Move to button)
Add a button to get the rotation and location of the currently selected girl
Add a binding to register rotation and location under mouse position
New option for eyebrow vertical size (thickness)
New height morph for forehead
Add a deformation on the bed for the head (like the feet and hand)
Fingering is finally back!
Fixes & Improvements
Small fix on the position of the girl in the character creator
Save progress of hoop
Improve navigation outside (so she can follow you if needed)
Fix the stepmom animation when getting caught she was starting with the end frame when played once already
Fix feet position in the chapter "Stuck Again..."
Fix the issue with dialogue that required line of sight in the chapter "Bath misunderstanding"
Reduce the sound of breathing
Close the circular menu for animation by pressing on the side
Fix collision with an invisible sheet which was preventing penetration and other actions like removing the clothes to be done
You can't penetrate the girl unless you are in the range for it
Fixed the sleep issues with the last update
Fixed issue with the position of the girl in the bath
Fixed the circular animation menu being empty sometimes
Fixed girls rotating in your direction after using the new circular animation menu
Fixed one of the animations on the bed
New set of animation for the garage scene in the "Crazy Day" chapter
New set of animation for the doggy scene in the "Bath Misunderstood" chapter
Upstairs bathroom door opens more easily when a girl follows you
Improve sight with stepmom (she was not always able to look at stepsister and trigger events correctly)
Pressing on chapter thumbnail will start the day (more intuitive)
UI for stories adapted to support more stories (with a simple scroll bar)
The dressing step is skipped if you are already in the correct state
Stepmom now opens the door when she sees you for the first time in the first chapter
Improve Post-Process when you are inside the water
Improve hand positioning when sitting down
Remove latency on arms when moving
Improve blinking
More realistic arms and hands (and body skin) for the main character
Fix animations in the chapter "She wants to know"
Fix the transition for the animation in the chapter "She want to know"
Reset stepmom's clothes when the chapter starts
Fix sensing on stepmom when in character creator, she won't be able to make you fail the day
Clear timer when starting a new chapter
Fix the outside sound continuing when switching from one chapter to another chapter
Fix the location of stepmom being floating
Fix the issue with auto crouch for "Pool Day" chapter
Breast was not moving anymore when dragging
Fix interactive dialogue in the chapter "Sweet Awakening"
Fix water was blocking trace for some modules (like taking objects and such)
Clothes are correctly reset from one chapter to another
Fix interaction dialogue when going from one chapter to another
Tilting input is now exposed to the settings, it might need to be set if the game was already open
Trampoline in the pool
Small improvement of the backyard
Fix part of the bikini was not getting invisible when removed
Improve outside light
Frame icon inside character creator button in a circle
Remove clothes that are double in the character creator (it was the bikini from the "pool day" chapter)
Color wheel for Skin is now showing good color when loading a girl to another
Fix color for genitals to work with the new skin color system
Fix Top bikini not getting fully invisible when removed
Fix plates and cups moving when dropped on surfaces
Fix body angle when sleeping (had a conflict with the new tilting system)
Test with hair and light
Fix a small issue with animation in the first cinematic at the end of the chapter "Sweet Awakening"
Fix issues with the interactive dialogue to undress and dress the girls
Fix chairs that were letting you click on it while sitting down which was preventing you from standing up after
Lock tilting if not naked
Fix girls getting stuck in openable doors when walking
Fix being able to see through the wall when tilting
Stairs collision in the pool improved
Higher polycount on the main character now (more definition on the genital)
Improve the IK for jerking (it follows much more when the character moves)
Fix stepmom not being able to see if stepsister was naked
The main door of the stepsister room can also be open like other doors when the stepsis get close
Quick fix on the experimental board to prevent duplication
Stepsis correctly stands beside the bed instead of spawning in the bed when starting to follow
Fix (again) the position when lying down in the bed
Import all new clothes again with good morph
Create icons for all new clothes
I rework the girl's customization to allow future possible parameters instead of being limited or having to do a lot of manipulation every time I want to add something
Fix head flicking between looking at the genital and head
Improve MC hand position when dragging the girl's hand
Improve and add on MC a motion and improve hand idle position (new state)
Improve MC hand position when grabbing sheet (new state)
Improve MC hand position when grabbing breast, now it reads the size of the shape and uses the value to create an offset
Slight adjustment on MC hand position when grabbing head (need real improvement)
fix material on new clothes (they are not getting invisible when removed)
Experimental board is no longer getting removed completely, it gets toggle now, so you don't lose registered value and selection
Improve hand position when sitting down
TEST: add collision on the head so you can't go through the girl
Slight change in hand position when grabbing the head
Automatic Penetration is now working using SHIFT+P instead of control
Automatic Penetration feature now also triggers automatic jerking
Improve SM meter when the door is opening
Fix the orgasm step that was skipped
Fix automatic penetration that was not being looped
Fix rare instances of double clothes when opening the game
Fix skin texture not being loaded when pressing the button
FPS optimization
For people who wonder why it took more time for me to announce this update, it is mainly cause everything took more time than I anticipated. I created a new system for the body positioning during the bed action and it is still not perfect, I tried to get it very good and was getting myself tired trying too hard. I decided instead that I would accept the current state and continue to add more content and keep my focus on your feedback instead of taking all my energy into that feature.
Coming Next
I know a few of you might be interested in what I will do next, so here an unordered list of what I am going to work on during October:
An appreciation system for the stepmom and stepsis
Import a bunch of animation (probably around 20 animations, some for sex, others to improve current content)
Add more character customization (probably eyelashes, lips color, makeup and tattoo)
Connect girl to the Steam workshop
Start the dildo and pocket pussy system (and such)
Start a new chapter (the next one is fully focused on the stepmom)
Of course improving the game with your guy's suggestions and fixing issues as I discover them and receive feedback!
Pool Chapter added
Fix crash when coming out of the pool a certain way
Remove swimming motion when close to the ladder in the pool and improve transition
Blocking collisions on girls that prevent going through her most of the time
Reset stepmom's clothes when the chapter starts
Fix sensing on stepmom when in character creator, she won't be able to make you fail the day
Clear timer when starting a new chapter
Fix the outside sound continuing when switching from one chapter to another chapter
Fix the location of stepmom being floating
Add skin roughness/glossiness in the character creator
Fix the issue with auto crouch for "Pool Day" chapter
The second animation in "Pool Day" chapter was blocked
Talking to stepmom or stepmom using "F" won't change the task happening
Breast was not moving anymore when dragging
Fix interactive dialogue in the chapter "Sweet Awakening"
Place interactive dialogue in the chapter "Pool Day"
Fix water was blocking trace for some modules (like taking objects and such)
Tilting can now go back and it is displayed on the UI
Over 150+ lines where improved in English (thanks to the community)
Dress action is now working with the whole static mesh instead of the text-only
Add delay in the first cinematic to let girl hair particle load cache
Remove weird reflections in stairs, bathroom, and other reflective surfaces
Prevent being able to go in Stepmom girl's body when moving
Interface was not being displayed when launching a level after doing it once
When a sentence is over in a dialogue, a tip for what keyboard input to press is spawned (so people don't get confused about what to do)
Opening doors that were open in the previous chapter were not correctly reset when starting a new chapter
Reset dress on stepsister was not working for the top body, so when coming back from a previous chapter where you let her naked, the top was not here
Fixed rotation clamping was added for the dryer, but well connected during other poses
Stepsister look at your face if you are not naked and close to your genital (she was previously opening the mouth and looking at your private even if you were not naked)
Glitch on hair when colliding with it's collision
Ball physically reacts to the player and stepmom's body when moving
Fix Blow the Nerd Cinematic had a lot of overlap in voice and text, not proud of myself, but it is fixed!
Fix Sweet Awakening had one overlap on the voice and one animation was not transiting correctly
Body tilting cannot happen anymore if you are sitting down OR not naked
Dialogue in the cinematic was not clear if changing chapters while playing
Improve animation when a girl stands in front of you for a controlled BJ (previously was just a static pose)
Improve wrist rotation when using controlled BJ
Gain +10 FPS after improving the setting on the hair particle!
Dialogue when trying to remove the blanket (so you understand why you cannot go too far in the "discharge of joy" Chapter)
Dialogue with the "Discharge of joy" improved (now you have a continuation possibility with a choice to continue the BJ or to go to sleep)
Fix camera position when sitting down, restarting a specific scenario, and then doing the same process again
The first door has not been closable since yesterday's update
Fix mouth movement if the text is too short
Huge gain in FPS (from 45 FPS to 90 FPS on my RTX 2080 on the highest setting in the game)
Rearrange the light to fit a better dark scenario when you switch it off
Option for hair card and particle (not saved yet)
Achievements integrated
fix unlocking "Endless Night"
fix cinematic (were not working anymore since yesterday's update)
fix the second ending for "Crazy Day"
fix the pose of the girl in "Endless Night" after finishing "Crazy Day" chapter
when in the bath, the body is not being affected like in the bed (push in the direction of the penetration)
Fix timer was enabling girl interaction, which is triggering the next step when orgasm, was causing a tiny issue when trying to play the extra 30 seconds in doggy with "Bath misunderstanding"
if stepmom gets triggered and finds stepsis in the bath, the chapter will not fail anymore
Restarting "bath misunderstanding" was not correctly reset and the order was not good
Fixed: if the task was an orgasm, the step would increase after the orgasm, but if another orgasm occurs, it would still increase the step, even if it is not the current task
The orgasm progress of the girl is now also increasing when inside and moving. Before it was only when getting in/out
Fixed controlled BJ in "She Want to Know" chapter!
Added a version number on the top left corner of the menu. It will help for debugging when asking the question
More cohesive end for "stuck... again" chapter
A new step called "Escape" which requires you to go through a specific door
New ending for the "Crazy Day" chapter that won't force you to lose if you chose option 1 in the dialogue
Added yard for future activities/chapter
"6 minutes in Heaven" was not possible to make a girl cum, now it is!
When branching from a dialogue answer, all doors were closed. Now it is not happening
Increase the distance of voices
The rotation of girl wasn't correct if it was moving to a location as a step
When dialogue was over in the "endless night" chapter, it was changing chapters, now it stays correctly in the "endless night"
Stepmom is no longer triggering the sound of the door twice when looking for stepsis
In "crazy day" chapter, stepmom won't try to catch stepsis from the outside
When getting caught, it should not continue the dialogue of the current chapter
Light context for each day
Fix going from any chapter with sexPose to chapter "stuck... again"
Fix escape, if you escape twice, it triggers the step system for the chapter
Fix tasting sauce, same problem as described in the previous one
Fix the position of the girl in "bath misunderstanding"
Achievements: You are the man, was not unlockable!
Hair physic is reset every time a girl is teleported
Hair card collision preset collide with body, but not world static object
Since I improved the peak of performance, mainly the fog/light and post-process, I defaulted back
The hair particle (will wait for your feedback!)
Character Creator was released yesterday on the Beta (Testing)
Remove stocking was not working
Girl clothes were not when undressed by the task system
Girl clothes reset when stuck again is now applied
Material on clothes is now correctly pushing toward, making clipping harder to occur
The guy rotation wasn't good when getting into the chapter "She wants to know", it was the previous
Rotation regarding him needing to be sitting on the bed
If changing the chapter girl would stay in BJ position if it was triggered
Objects are testing collision when you drag them, preventing them from clipping into the wall and
Being kicked out of the map
Improve the position of all draggable objects
Reset camera limit when starting a chapter (being sitting was locking the angle limit a little lower, and that was not reset before)
The screenshot was resetting the girl's animation state, which was making the other part not being able to communicate properly with the girl's animation
The rotation of girls wasn't good in the Character if a chapter was played
Changing a girl while being a chapter is now possible without breaking the girl's animation
Fix clipping with clothing (went over every clothing, but not with every existing pose, so might not always be 100% perfect, but should be like 98.99% of the time)
Improve hair collision with body (was removed with the first version of the Character Creator)
Possibility of removing dress (only dress, top, and panty)
Resume button when chapters are started
Highlight objects that are pickable (when they are pickable)
Improve hand position for controlled BJ (Blow the Nerd and She Wants to Know)
Improve the camera for controlled BJ (now it doesn't move with the mouse, it follows the head of the girl instead, seems much better!)
Hand animation in controlled BJ will always be grabbed regardless of what you grab
If you try to remove the dress by dragging the middle of the body, it will work now
Other small stuff that I forgot
Играйте за сводного брата, который помогает маме и сводной сестре, пока его отец уехал в командировку. 5 дней, каждый из которых состоит из коротких историй, в которых вы познакомитесь со своей сводной сестрой и попробуете не попасться маме! Если вы попались, вы проиграли, и день начинается заново.
Play as the stepbrother who is helping his Stepmom and Stepsister while his dad is gone on a business trip.
5 days with each a short story that gives an immersive encounter with your stepsister and that challenges you to not get caught by your STEPMOM!
If you get caught, you lose, and the day restarts.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 3d game, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, groping, handjob, male protagonist, milf, oral, sandbox, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Lemonhaze Studio - steam
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.0079 Beta
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (машинный перевод)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
v0.079 - 2024-12-18
Christmas Event!
Christmas is almost here and I have a short mission for you guys. Like the Halloween event, you will get a special unique power that will be possible to use all year long and give you a taste of what is coming.
On a side note, I realize that my game become more and more psychological and funny. I have a few more ideas in the bag the make more events like this one. You can expect more to be added!
First prototype for the Sex Toys!
I've been working on the first iteration of the sex toys, the system offers a few possibilities at the moment. It works with the genital and the mouth (anal is not there yet, but it is a question of time!). It also can be locked and work automatically using SHIFT.
First prototype for the Tattoo system!
I added a tattoo system that allows to choose a texture and color per body part. For now, it is a little limited and I only have 30+ tattoos, but if you followed the game since the start, you know nothing stays small and it only get bigger with time.
Sex-Toy Prototype getting in the next update It's f**king awesome
Start of next chapter: will be released with the new voices
Christmas event starting now
New power to collect
Add a feature to lock and have an automatic dildo penetration and make it stay in the locked location
Add automatic blowjob using "Shift" (while sitting down)
Added 20 pattern textures for the clothing in the Girl Creator
Simple tattoo system for girl creator
A new category that brings all skin-related things together (including the tattoo)
Added a dresser in the basement bathroom (going to be useful for the upcoming chapter and content for the basement)
Added a gift system (Christmas is almost there 😄 (it will is going to be stored in the player room in his collection)
Added a verification that checks if the arm needs to go on the bed or not if you lean forward
Fixes and Improvements
Extension of the basement to have more circulation and a way to hide and escape
Now the perception of the girl is having a circumference so it won't be detecting the player directly as he crosses a wall
Set up the ambiance for inside Christmas!
Remove snow on balls
improve navigation for basement
Fix water blocking the player during Sunny time (it was because of what I did for the winter atmosphere)
Fix the issue with reaction dialogue (it was triggering the last dialogue alive when it was automatic)
Improved roaming, now the girl stays in the last known rotation
Change the camera in the main menu (took that occasion to improve some of my tools for setting the girl's position)
Try to improve navigation in the top bathroom (girls get stuck between the doors in the corner (not very sexy))
Remove the small ball that was in the mouth
Fix the location of stepmom in "Bath Misunderstanding" and "12 Minutes in Heaven" chapter
Change the free animation mode in "Stuck... Again" chapter to be one of the washing machine animations instead
Fix one the mouth components that was not ticking properly (make the mouth penetration have less sounds) that also makes the sound work for the sex toy with the mouth
Sex toys affect good components when penetrating for the orgasm progression
Girls stop facing the direction of where they walk to only if they were roaming (so it doesn't happen during chapters)
Snowman stop making the inaudible sound when you go away from him
Remove one animation that was in double (in the bed)
Fix the window that gives a view of the stairs that connect the basement to the backyard
Remove the useless door between the living room in the basement and the stairs
Fix clothes not showing the good color panel until a category was selected
Improve the dildo to deform less and now it clipless with the collision when you drop it in the bed
Improve UI that displays the input to interact with the girl (now they will only be displayed if you look toward the girl's head and it won't be displayed if you are getting a blowjob)
Slight face light improvement (softer and wider)
Slight improvement in inside light (the first stage is a bit stronger + now the inside a bit warmer than before (a bit more like the trailer instead of blueish)
Slight improvement in animation in the chapter "She want to know..."
Fix eyebrow changing color when changing skin color
Fix head not following correctly since sex toys implementation
Fix face preset and eyebrow size being reset when the MainMenu gets invalidated (that is why the text and slider were acting weird for the face preset and brow sometimes)
Improve clothes loading. It was waiting for all clothes to be loaded before making them animated (which resulted in them floating before being completely loaded)
Improve the location of penetration so we can see better the lips when we penetrate the girl (much better now)
What is currently happening and what is coming next?
The progression with the game is going well, I had a few bumps looking for a voice actress but I might have found one finally and I am super excited about this. I thought I could have the next chapter ready for this month, but it mostly will be next month. The next good news is that the progression with the stepmom is going to be there very soon. It will allow you to replay the game and gain ability with the stepmom and give more flexibility to the endless night. Another good news is: that most sex animations for the couch and chair are ready to be added into the game, so this is also coming up very soon.
As most of you know, I am a solo developer and I have one friend who joins the project to do animation full-time with me. We both have family and friends to spend time with during the holidays, so the daily updates will be stopped between 21 of December and restart on the 11 of January.
0.0076.2 Beta - 2024-12-07
0.0074 Beta - 2024-12-01
Первая подвальная итерация
Первая подвальная итерация дает нам следующее место для предстоящей главы. Она содержит две мини-игры и вскоре будет иметь больше интерактивности с возможностью использования сексуальной анимации.
12 анимаций для кровати и 7 анимаций для стиральной машины
Почти 19 новых анимаций! В ближайшие недели у меня будет еще одна партия из почти 20 анимаций! Они будут для стульев, дивана, полов и стен.
А теперь у нас есть первая анимация душа.
Мини-игра «Дартс», почему бы и нет?
Небольшая забавная игра, которую я хотел бы иметь в подвале, счет обнуляется каждый сеанс, я мог бы ввести для нее какие-то правила игры, на данный момент она неограниченна и предназначена только для развлечения.
Первый прототип бильярдного стола
Я создал небольшой физический опыт бильярдного стола, он не идеален, но довольно приятен! Я улучшу его и обязательно буду использовать стол для анимации секса в будущем. У него есть несколько особенностей, позвольте мне упомянуть их:
Вы можете использовать сетку для фиксации мячей рядом с диваном, чтобы переустановить мячи.
Когда вы прицеливаетесь, вы можете видеть линию прогноза для мяча, в который вы целитесь.
Вы можете использовать SHIFT для переключения прицеливания с точки зрения камеры или вернуться к более прямому углу
Переделать ванную комнату на первом этаже, чтобы там был душ
Исправления и улучшения
Исправлена ошибка с «12 минутами на небесах», из-за которой F было невозможно использовать
Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой создатель персонажа заставлял девушку двигаться, если у нее был приказ следовать
Исправлена миниатюра, она не захватывала хвост в новой системе волос
Новое отображение категорий для одежды (добавление курток, очков и шляп как отдельной категории)
Добавить кнопку сброса для предустановок лица
Аксессуары в одежде теперь не ограничены, таким образом вы не ограничены только 2 аксессуарами
Исправлена проблема с масштабированием бровей (ползунок был недействителен при упаковке)
Волосы теперь автоматически подстраиваются под заданную прическу
Улучшение движения камеры в редакторе девушек
Разрешить приблизиться к девушке в создателе девушки
РЕ-экспорт персонажа с эмоциями. Их как-то убрали из игры, а я не заметил
Исправление проблем с аксессуарами, конфликтующими со старой системой
Добавить кнопку для удаления всех аксессуаров за один раз
Исправлена проблема с задачей оргазма (не подтверждалась целью, теперь система требует, чтобы задача знала, кто должен получить оргазм
Исправлена проблема с местоположением глаз с помощью новой системы предустановок, которая была добавлена недавно
Исправлена проблема с удерживанием объекта (не следовал в правильном направлении)
Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой не устанавливался цвет аксессуаров
Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой переопределялась миниатюра выбранного персонажа (только при входе и нажатии «Назад», а затем повторном нажатии на создателя девушки)
Новая проверка, чтобы увидеть, была ли выбрана девушка в выборе при открытии после генерации выбора девушки (если выбора нет, вернуться к предустановке по умолчанию)
Теперь звук телевизора уменьшается до 0 при спуске или подъеме по лестнице
Стекло остается прямым при поднятии
Чистая система действий щелчка (может создать некоторые небольшие проблемы, но я думаю, что я все предусмотрел)
Улучшить вид на улицу спереди, чтобы сделать ее более захватывающей
Добавить переход постобработки при приближении к краю стены
Проверьте отражение, чтобы придать поверхности больше реализма
Немного улучшено автоприцеливание (второе состояние приседания) для лучшей адаптации к новой анимации
Осведомленность теперь работает с использованием расстояния и ищет количество объектов стены (приблизительно) между игроком и мачехой. Телевизор также теперь блокирует только определенный процент, а номера ванн были изменены. (также теперь телевизор имеет громкость, а не влияет на всю карту)
Система предустановок лиц (10 лиц + одно по умолчанию)
3 новых костюма для способности к миссии с событием Хэллоуин
Добавлена кнопка удаления для категории «Очки», «Куртки» и «Шляпы» (шляпы пока нет, но это вопрос времени)
Добавлено 8 новых очков (еще нужно сделать иконки)
девушка целует тебя в редакторе персонажей, когда ты к ней приближаешься
v0.060 Beta
All Events > Don't Disturb Your STEPMOM Events >
New chapter and much more!
"Pool Day" chapter is out! 50+ new clothes, over 100 improvements and a bunch of new features!
Hey guys,
I am super excited to announce this next big update. Thank you for all the support I received from everyone who tested my game and took the time to talk to me about their experience, giving me their suggestions and feelings about the game. It make a huge difference!
For people who wonder, this is only a start! I will have many new features, chapters, and improvements/fixes as I get feedback from the community hub and Discord.
If you guys wonder where to test all the new features between major updates, the testing branch is the place to be for all the latest juicy content!
Note: This contains over 100 improvements, bunch of new content, one new chapter and it probably has more than what I am mentioning here, but it is hard to keep track of everything!
Big News
New chapter "Pool Day" is now available!
A new spicy chapter is available! Like the other one, it is a short scenario, it is a bit longer, but more specifically showcases a few new mechanics that I will let you guys discover by yourself or by reading this whole post. It also comes with a bunch of new features!
Interaction with girls in the "Endless Night" Chapter and other chapters
Now you have interactive dialogue with the girl between dialogue during all the chapters, it is pretty simple for most chapters but it gets exciting for "Endless Night" because you have a few options to choose from and I will keep adding more to do! At the moment you can ask her to follow you, she will notice when you get on a point of interest and ask you to sleep in bed or go in the shower and that kind of kind. Other features like getting her naked or wearing clothes faster if the stepmom is about to pop in!
Also now more content is interactable in the house! You can expect most doors to be open and have the possibility of using more items. I will only keep to give purpose to object and add more interaction.
Each interaction location will have between 5 and 15 animations by the end of this month, for now, it is only 1 up to 5 animations depending on the location you bring the girl.
+50 new clothes / +10 new hairs and new character customization features
You'll see that I tried to add a bunch of items in most categories, next time I add more clothes is most likely toward Halloween. You find a few more additions like the eyebrow colors, skin glossiness, new morphs, and that I have eyes with better reflection and quality overall. I am not done with the character creator, you can expect me to also expose the possibility to share girls very soon!
Masturbation for both male and female and why not some slapping?
(from the player's perspective)
You can now touch yourself and others! Slapping is only a prototype so far, and it is made in a consensual way, not meant to be hardcore. I beg you to try with the stepmom aha!
Also now the crouching works differently, feel like it is appropriate to mention here:
Old before it was 3 states; Standing, semi-crouch, full crouch. And you had to find out the best depending on the position
New Now it still had 3 states; Standing, aiming at the closest genital of contextualized girl (mouth or vagina in our case), full crouch
New light!
If you played the beta, it won't be a surprise, but if you didn't you will see a huge difference compared to before! The light changes not only improve the look but also help run the game better (which is going to allow me to do a threesome and such a thing very shortly! it also solved some problems I had with the hair particle.
Quick before the big list:
If you are not following my Discord (which I highly suggest you to do, cause I am super active!) here is the more exhaustive list of what has been done during that whole time, it does contain a few new additions (some might have been mentioned upward), but it also contains the list of fixes and improvements I've been working on.
+ 50 clothes (not yet usable, going to make them usable tomorrow)
Chairs around the table are now "sittable"
Couch in the house and outside are also "sittable"
Making a drink is now possible and could be required in a task
Populate the kitchen and garage with the interactive item and make the door in the garage interactable like the kitchen (this is going to open more interaction in the future)
New dialogue when interacting with girls in each chapter
New progression system for saving at which day you are (will help me integrate chapter faster next time)
Outside ambiance sound
Outside level design a bit extended outside of the backyard to be more immersive
Possibility of jerking and could be required in a task
Water sound and reaction when going in the pool
First prototype for color skin on character ("B" key to switch from dark to light skin color on MC)
First version for color skin on girls
New movement system that prevents girls from losing track of their movement or trying to walk through the object
Blocking collisions on girls that prevent going through her most of the time
Add skin roughness/glossiness in the character creator
Tilting can now go back and it is displayed on the UI
UI indicator if you wear clothes or not
Add a skylight (which should improve the inside, but might need some adjustment inside the home)
Add girl selection in the experimental board to decide on which girl the action should be performed
Import 13 new hairs
Create icons for all new hairs
Color for brows
First slapping prototype!
Add rotation in the experimental board (for both teleport and Move to button)
Add a button to get the rotation and location of the currently selected girl
Add a binding to register rotation and location under mouse position
New option for eyebrow vertical size (thickness)
New height morph for forehead
Add a deformation on the bed for the head (like the feet and hand)
Fingering is finally back!
Fixes & Improvements
Small fix on the position of the girl in the character creator
Save progress of hoop
Improve navigation outside (so she can follow you if needed)
Fix the stepmom animation when getting caught she was starting with the end frame when played once already
Fix feet position in the chapter "Stuck Again..."
Fix the issue with dialogue that required line of sight in the chapter "Bath misunderstanding"
Reduce the sound of breathing
Close the circular menu for animation by pressing on the side
Fix collision with an invisible sheet which was preventing penetration and other actions like removing the clothes to be done
You can't penetrate the girl unless you are in the range for it
Fixed the sleep issues with the last update
Fixed issue with the position of the girl in the bath
Fixed the circular animation menu being empty sometimes
Fixed girls rotating in your direction after using the new circular animation menu
Fixed one of the animations on the bed
New set of animation for the garage scene in the "Crazy Day" chapter
New set of animation for the doggy scene in the "Bath Misunderstood" chapter
Upstairs bathroom door opens more easily when a girl follows you
Improve sight with stepmom (she was not always able to look at stepsister and trigger events correctly)
Pressing on chapter thumbnail will start the day (more intuitive)
UI for stories adapted to support more stories (with a simple scroll bar)
The dressing step is skipped if you are already in the correct state
Stepmom now opens the door when she sees you for the first time in the first chapter
Improve Post-Process when you are inside the water
Improve hand positioning when sitting down
Remove latency on arms when moving
Improve blinking
More realistic arms and hands (and body skin) for the main character
Fix animations in the chapter "She wants to know"
Fix the transition for the animation in the chapter "She want to know"
Reset stepmom's clothes when the chapter starts
Fix sensing on stepmom when in character creator, she won't be able to make you fail the day
Clear timer when starting a new chapter
Fix the outside sound continuing when switching from one chapter to another chapter
Fix the location of stepmom being floating
Fix the issue with auto crouch for "Pool Day" chapter
Breast was not moving anymore when dragging
Fix interactive dialogue in the chapter "Sweet Awakening"
Fix water was blocking trace for some modules (like taking objects and such)
Clothes are correctly reset from one chapter to another
Fix interaction dialogue when going from one chapter to another
Tilting input is now exposed to the settings, it might need to be set if the game was already open
Trampoline in the pool
Small improvement of the backyard
Fix part of the bikini was not getting invisible when removed
Improve outside light
Frame icon inside character creator button in a circle
Remove clothes that are double in the character creator (it was the bikini from the "pool day" chapter)
Color wheel for Skin is now showing good color when loading a girl to another
Fix color for genitals to work with the new skin color system
Fix Top bikini not getting fully invisible when removed
Fix plates and cups moving when dropped on surfaces
Fix body angle when sleeping (had a conflict with the new tilting system)
Test with hair and light
Fix a small issue with animation in the first cinematic at the end of the chapter "Sweet Awakening"
Fix issues with the interactive dialogue to undress and dress the girls
Fix chairs that were letting you click on it while sitting down which was preventing you from standing up after
Lock tilting if not naked
Fix girls getting stuck in openable doors when walking
Fix being able to see through the wall when tilting
Stairs collision in the pool improved
Higher polycount on the main character now (more definition on the genital)
Improve the IK for jerking (it follows much more when the character moves)
Fix stepmom not being able to see if stepsister was naked
The main door of the stepsister room can also be open like other doors when the stepsis get close
Quick fix on the experimental board to prevent duplication
Stepsis correctly stands beside the bed instead of spawning in the bed when starting to follow
Fix (again) the position when lying down in the bed
Import all new clothes again with good morph
Create icons for all new clothes
I rework the girl's customization to allow future possible parameters instead of being limited or having to do a lot of manipulation every time I want to add something
Fix head flicking between looking at the genital and head
Improve MC hand position when dragging the girl's hand
Improve and add on MC a motion and improve hand idle position (new state)
Improve MC hand position when grabbing sheet (new state)
Improve MC hand position when grabbing breast, now it reads the size of the shape and uses the value to create an offset
Slight adjustment on MC hand position when grabbing head (need real improvement)
fix material on new clothes (they are not getting invisible when removed)
Experimental board is no longer getting removed completely, it gets toggle now, so you don't lose registered value and selection
Improve hand position when sitting down
TEST: add collision on the head so you can't go through the girl
Slight change in hand position when grabbing the head
Automatic Penetration is now working using SHIFT+P instead of control
Automatic Penetration feature now also triggers automatic jerking
Improve SM meter when the door is opening
Fix the orgasm step that was skipped
Fix automatic penetration that was not being looped
Fix rare instances of double clothes when opening the game
Fix skin texture not being loaded when pressing the button
FPS optimization
For people who wonder why it took more time for me to announce this update, it is mainly cause everything took more time than I anticipated. I created a new system for the body positioning during the bed action and it is still not perfect, I tried to get it very good and was getting myself tired trying too hard. I decided instead that I would accept the current state and continue to add more content and keep my focus on your feedback instead of taking all my energy into that feature.
Coming Next
I know a few of you might be interested in what I will do next, so here an unordered list of what I am going to work on during October:
An appreciation system for the stepmom and stepsis
Import a bunch of animation (probably around 20 animations, some for sex, others to improve current content)
Add more character customization (probably eyelashes, lips color, makeup and tattoo)
Connect girl to the Steam workshop
Start the dildo and pocket pussy system (and such)
Start a new chapter (the next one is fully focused on the stepmom)
Of course improving the game with your guy's suggestions and fixing issues as I discover them and receive feedback!
Pool Chapter added
Fix crash when coming out of the pool a certain way
Remove swimming motion when close to the ladder in the pool and improve transition
Blocking collisions on girls that prevent going through her most of the time
Reset stepmom's clothes when the chapter starts
Fix sensing on stepmom when in character creator, she won't be able to make you fail the day
Clear timer when starting a new chapter
Fix the outside sound continuing when switching from one chapter to another chapter
Fix the location of stepmom being floating
Add skin roughness/glossiness in the character creator
Fix the issue with auto crouch for "Pool Day" chapter
The second animation in "Pool Day" chapter was blocked
Talking to stepmom or stepmom using "F" won't change the task happening
Breast was not moving anymore when dragging
Fix interactive dialogue in the chapter "Sweet Awakening"
Place interactive dialogue in the chapter "Pool Day"
Fix water was blocking trace for some modules (like taking objects and such)
Tilting can now go back and it is displayed on the UI
Over 150+ lines where improved in English (thanks to the community)
Dress action is now working with the whole static mesh instead of the text-only
Add delay in the first cinematic to let girl hair particle load cache
Remove weird reflections in stairs, bathroom, and other reflective surfaces
Prevent being able to go in Stepmom girl's body when moving
Interface was not being displayed when launching a level after doing it once
When a sentence is over in a dialogue, a tip for what keyboard input to press is spawned (so people don't get confused about what to do)
Opening doors that were open in the previous chapter were not correctly reset when starting a new chapter
Reset dress on stepsister was not working for the top body, so when coming back from a previous chapter where you let her naked, the top was not here
Fixed rotation clamping was added for the dryer, but well connected during other poses
Stepsister look at your face if you are not naked and close to your genital (she was previously opening the mouth and looking at your private even if you were not naked)
Glitch on hair when colliding with it's collision
Ball physically reacts to the player and stepmom's body when moving
Fix Blow the Nerd Cinematic had a lot of overlap in voice and text, not proud of myself, but it is fixed!
Fix Sweet Awakening had one overlap on the voice and one animation was not transiting correctly
Body tilting cannot happen anymore if you are sitting down OR not naked
Dialogue in the cinematic was not clear if changing chapters while playing
Improve animation when a girl stands in front of you for a controlled BJ (previously was just a static pose)
Improve wrist rotation when using controlled BJ
Gain +10 FPS after improving the setting on the hair particle!
Dialogue when trying to remove the blanket (so you understand why you cannot go too far in the "discharge of joy" Chapter)
Dialogue with the "Discharge of joy" improved (now you have a continuation possibility with a choice to continue the BJ or to go to sleep)
Fix camera position when sitting down, restarting a specific scenario, and then doing the same process again
The first door has not been closable since yesterday's update
Fix mouth movement if the text is too short
Huge gain in FPS (from 45 FPS to 90 FPS on my RTX 2080 on the highest setting in the game)
Rearrange the light to fit a better dark scenario when you switch it off
Option for hair card and particle (not saved yet)
Achievements integrated
fix unlocking "Endless Night"
fix cinematic (were not working anymore since yesterday's update)
fix the second ending for "Crazy Day"
fix the pose of the girl in "Endless Night" after finishing "Crazy Day" chapter
when in the bath, the body is not being affected like in the bed (push in the direction of the penetration)
Fix timer was enabling girl interaction, which is triggering the next step when orgasm, was causing a tiny issue when trying to play the extra 30 seconds in doggy with "Bath misunderstanding"
if stepmom gets triggered and finds stepsis in the bath, the chapter will not fail anymore
Restarting "bath misunderstanding" was not correctly reset and the order was not good
Fixed: if the task was an orgasm, the step would increase after the orgasm, but if another orgasm occurs, it would still increase the step, even if it is not the current task
The orgasm progress of the girl is now also increasing when inside and moving. Before it was only when getting in/out
Fixed controlled BJ in "She Want to Know" chapter!
Added a version number on the top left corner of the menu. It will help for debugging when asking the question
More cohesive end for "stuck... again" chapter
A new step called "Escape" which requires you to go through a specific door
New ending for the "Crazy Day" chapter that won't force you to lose if you chose option 1 in the dialogue
Added yard for future activities/chapter
"6 minutes in Heaven" was not possible to make a girl cum, now it is!
When branching from a dialogue answer, all doors were closed. Now it is not happening
Increase the distance of voices
The rotation of girl wasn't correct if it was moving to a location as a step
When dialogue was over in the "endless night" chapter, it was changing chapters, now it stays correctly in the "endless night"
Stepmom is no longer triggering the sound of the door twice when looking for stepsis
In "crazy day" chapter, stepmom won't try to catch stepsis from the outside
When getting caught, it should not continue the dialogue of the current chapter
Light context for each day
Fix going from any chapter with sexPose to chapter "stuck... again"
Fix escape, if you escape twice, it triggers the step system for the chapter
Fix tasting sauce, same problem as described in the previous one
Fix the position of the girl in "bath misunderstanding"
Achievements: You are the man, was not unlockable!
Hair physic is reset every time a girl is teleported
Hair card collision preset collide with body, but not world static object
Since I improved the peak of performance, mainly the fog/light and post-process, I defaulted back
The hair particle (will wait for your feedback!)
Character Creator was released yesterday on the Beta (Testing)
Remove stocking was not working
Girl clothes were not when undressed by the task system
Girl clothes reset when stuck again is now applied
Material on clothes is now correctly pushing toward, making clipping harder to occur
The guy rotation wasn't good when getting into the chapter "She wants to know", it was the previous
Rotation regarding him needing to be sitting on the bed
If changing the chapter girl would stay in BJ position if it was triggered
Objects are testing collision when you drag them, preventing them from clipping into the wall and
Being kicked out of the map
Improve the position of all draggable objects
Reset camera limit when starting a chapter (being sitting was locking the angle limit a little lower, and that was not reset before)
The screenshot was resetting the girl's animation state, which was making the other part not being able to communicate properly with the girl's animation
The rotation of girls wasn't good in the Character if a chapter was played
Changing a girl while being a chapter is now possible without breaking the girl's animation
Fix clipping with clothing (went over every clothing, but not with every existing pose, so might not always be 100% perfect, but should be like 98.99% of the time)
Improve hair collision with body (was removed with the first version of the Character Creator)
Possibility of removing dress (only dress, top, and panty)
Resume button when chapters are started
Highlight objects that are pickable (when they are pickable)
Improve hand position for controlled BJ (Blow the Nerd and She Wants to Know)
Improve the camera for controlled BJ (now it doesn't move with the mouse, it follows the head of the girl instead, seems much better!)
Hand animation in controlled BJ will always be grabbed regardless of what you grab
If you try to remove the dress by dragging the middle of the body, it will work now
Other small stuff that I forgot
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 18-12-2024, 16:27
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.0079 Beta. / Topic updated to version v.0.0079 Beta.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.0079 Beta. / Topic updated to version v.0.0079 Beta.
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
Загрузил: СынПирокара (18 декабря 2024 16:27)
Статус: Проверено (СынПирокара)
Взяли: 3691 | Размер: 7,31 Gb
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Мультитрекер: Раздают: 39 Качают: 4 Скачали: 2774
21 1 1406
7 1 677
4 1 14
7 1 677
Dont_Disturb_Your_Stepmom (3 файла)


