Описание:Dilemma of Devotion отправит вас, главного героя, в путешествие.
Для всего мира вы кажетесь идеальным парнем, которым хотел бы быть любой,но внутри,тебя давят потери и лишения, пережитые за последние годы, включая потерю очень важных людей.
Сейчас вы находитесь на распутье, приняв решение: либо остаться верным воспоминаниям о своей прошлой любви, Киаре... либо открыться новым связям и снова найти любовь.
Если оба пути потерпят неудачу, можно перейти к соблазнительной стороне этого мира, которая включает в себя веселье и развращение.
Как игрок, вы управляете этим кораблем. Ваш выбор определит, где завершится история. Сможете ли вы в этой поездке взлетов и падений принять и смириться с тем фактом, что однажды потерянную любовь невозможно повторить снова? Или вы дадите еще один шанс?
Dilemma of Devotion embarks you, the protagonist, on a journey.
To the outside world, You seem to be the ideal guy anyone would like to be, but within yourself, you are shunned by the losses and hardships gone through in recent years, Which includes losing people very important to yourself.
You now rest at the crossroads of wrestling with the decision to either stay loyal to the memories of your past love, Kiara... Or to open up to new connections and find love again.
If both of these fail, the paths may lead to the tempting side of the world which involves indulgence, fun, and corruption.
As the player, you are the one steering this ship, Your choices will determine where the story concludes. Will you in this ride of ups and downs choose to accept and be at peace with the fact that love once lost cannot be replicated again? Or Will you give it another chance?
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 3dcg, animated, big ass, big tits, corruption, groping, handjob, humor, male protagonist, masturbation, multiple endings, oral, romance, sandbox, stripping, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: PulseHavenStudios -
Patreon -
SubscribeStar -
Discord -
Itch.ioПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Ch.3 Ep.3
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Chapter 3 EP 3 - 2025-03-08
- Updated Content (Eugene, Lana, Jane, Rachel, Carla NPC)
- Expanded map (Shower area for Gym)
- Adjusted Corruption Values for choices
- Updated the way corruption appears in UI and choices
- Added option to watch porn to raise corruption
- Added option to Pray to reduce corruption
- Expanded Gallery mode
Chapter 3 EP 2 - 2025.02.03
- Updated Content (Fubuki, Jackie, Eugene, Claire, Julie)
- Expanded map
- Adjusted Corruption Values for choices
- Updated the way corruption appears in UI
- Expanded Gallery mode
Chapter 3 EP 1.5 - 2024-12-06
- Updated Content (Stacy , Catherine)
- Expanded map
- Fixed Nusrat quest bug
- Added music for EP 1 scenes.
Chapter 3 EP 1 - 2024-12-02
- Updated Content (Deborah , Julie , Nusrat , Claire)
- Expanded map functionality for fast travel
- Adjusted corruption and loyalty value requirements
- Added alternate path for Claire.
Chapter 2 EP 5 - 2024-09-26
- Updated Story mode Canon (EP 2 END)
- Updated (Megan , Kimiko , Zoey)
- Expanded interior and exterior map for new and existing locations.
- Added choice modifier.
Chapter 2 EP 4.5 - 2024-09-04
- Updated Content (Jane , Rachel , Eugene)
- Expanded interior map for few locations
- Fixed phone glitching through bed in some instances
Chapter 2 EP 4 - 2024-08-08
- Updated Content (Zoey , Kimiko , Deborah , Claire , Julie)
- Expanded interior map for navigation
- Added one more phone wallpaper
- Fixed variables for therapy requirements
- Improved Android UI for Phones
Chapter 2 EP 3.5
- Added map toggle system for fast travel for interiors.
- Updated content (Rachel and Julie)
- Fixed loyalty bug for continuing ep 2
- Added Tutorial
Chapter 2 EP 3
- Updated content (Bituka , Zoey , Jane , Rachel)
- Added Puzzle game for Wallpaper
- Added Map Function for sandbox.
- Fixed Julie texting bug
- Modified some corruption Values
- Fixed dialogue for consistency
Chapter 2 EP 2.5
- Updated content (Julie, Claire)
- Added Map button for easier navigation
- Fixed therapy loop bug
- Fixed hovering over bug at few rooms
- Fixed rollback stat error
- Adjusted corruption and affection values for easier playthrough
- Adjusted outline settings and more levels of opacity for text box.
Chapter 2 EP 2
- Updated content (Zoey , Kimiko , Claire)
- Fixed Olvia text loop bug
- Cleared descriptions
- Heart modifier added
Chapter 2 EP 1.5
- Updated content (Therapy and canon)
- Fixed outline edge border
- Fixed Jane event crash bug
- Fixed therapist corruption
- Added music in scenes
Chapter 2 EP 1
- Updated content (Zoey , Jane , Claire , Julie , Megan)
- Added Transparency for text box
- Added Text color and text highlight/border for dialogue
- Added Go home button for quicker time skip
- Fixed crashing and save state errors
Initial build Chapter 1
- Full game
xtract and play
Note: NTR is not present in the game nor will it be included in future!
This is a sandbox + hybrid VN game. (Both VN and sandbox exists and have varying paths)
BDSM (Consensual)
Hand job
Tit job,
Harem (NOTE : Corruption/Corruptible girls only , Romance girls cannot be put in harem so if you find this odd please refrain from playing)
Interracial ( 2 Currently in game 6 planned later in story)
Vaginal Sex
Anal sex
Group sex
Cosplay (Photoshoot / studio events )
Milf (Includes Gilfs too )