Вы очнулись в неизвестном темном заброшенном особняке и не помните, как туда попали. Ваша цель - выбраться из этого особняка и благополучно вернуться домой, но ловушки и демоны, скрывающиеся в нем, не облегчат вам задачу. Сможете ли вы выбраться из этого особняка или поддадитесь искушению?
В этой игре вы пытаетесь убежать от врагов, решая головоломки и не попадаясь на глаза врагам. Иначе они позаботятся о том, чтобы вы больше не встали на ноги.
You wake up in an unknown dark abandoned mansion and don't remember how you got there. Your goal is to escape this mansion and get back home safely, but the traps and demons lurking there won't make it easier. Can you escape this mansion or give in to the temptation?
In this game, you try to escape the enemies while solving environmental puzzles and not getting caught by enemies. Otherwise, they will make sure you won't stand up again.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, animated, female domination, horror, male protagonist, monster girl, platformer, pregnancy, rape, side-scroller, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Kredyn - patreon | steam
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.2.0.4
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
- Added CG of Pink Succubus.
- Added CG of Troll Girl.
- Added official Japanese translation!
- Android version now supports 64bit!
- When first running the game, it should try to auto-detect your device's language.
- Updated donators panel.
- Fixed a bug where in the gallery, the gardens sign was displaying the wrong text.
- Fixed a bug in the gardens gallery room, the teleporter was teleporting to the wrong place.
- Fixed a bug where some enemies' shadows were not working properly.
- Added Russian language! (thanks Boyar! <3).
- UI controls can be rebound as well!
- Added W/A/S/D, and Space as default alternative controls to the UI controls.
- Safe rooms are now displayed on the minimap with a heart icon.
- The platform in the starting area is now a cell.
- Fixed a bug where the fanarts room wall didn't have any colliders.
- Fixed a bug where you could enter the Nursery while escaping the final boss.
- Fixed a bug when you reloaded the final boss chase part, the chase music did not play.
- You can now remap the keys and joysticks!
- Mouse is now not locked in the main menu.
- Added cheats! You have to first enable them in the options.
- Added Hungarian language.
- Text ticks are now toggleable.
- Made the kunoichi trial a little bit easier.
- Moved the save point before the final boss a little closer to the boss.
- You can now save before the second part of the boss.
- Fixed a bug in the mirror room where you could instantly lose at max pleasure.
- Fixed a bug where you could get soft-locked in the aphrodisiac room.
- Fixed a bug that could break the game.
- Added Steamworks to the game.
- Added achievements into the Steam version.
- Game now saves into the %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Kredyn\DrainMansion folder on Windows.
- Added Italian Language (thanks High Voltage Stakes! <3).
- Added Japanese language (AI translation)
- Added Chinese language (AI translation)
- Added Korean language (AI translation)
- Added CG of Slime Girl.
- Added CG of Nurse Assistant.
- Added 5 maps.
- Added True ending.
- Changed TextTick sound (old was popping).
- Added jump sounds.
- Added VA of Slime Girl.
- Added VA of Nightmare.
- Added VA of Dark Succubus.
- Fixed a lot of technical bugs.
- Fixed a lot of graphical bugs.
- Added new enemy: Alraune. She is in the new optional area, the gardens. Cheerful and eager to eat you up alive. What a nice creature. Her scene is thighjob.
- Added new enemy: Dark Elf. Also in the gardens, but much more serious and grim. Be careful, she is VERY good at hiding! Her scene is cowgirl.
- Added new optional area, the gardens! I also made new tile graphics here. This is a smaller area, so don't expect it to be big.
- Added 7 new maps into the game as part of the Gardens.
- Added CG of Alraune.
- Added CG of Nightmare. (Note: I had to find a new artist, so this CG might differ a little bit from the rest and that is true for any new CG that will come. I think I managed to find a great artist though!)
- Added voice for Bookworm oni succubus.
- Updated title logo.
- Added fanarts to the game. You can find them scattered over the mansion.
- Added text tick sounds when enemies are talking.
- Reworked footstep sounds. Now they are different on specific surfaces.
- Fixed some bugs, added new ones to fix later.
Changes 1.7.0:
- Added new enemy: Beast girl. She is guarding something. I wonder what and if there is a way through her...
- Added new enemy: Mischievous blue succubus. She is a smaller enemy like the Imp girl. She has 2 scenes: Kissing handjob, sleeping under the blanket sex.
- Completely remade the graphics of the Main Area. With this, every map should now use the updated graphics!
- Scenes in gallery now have to be unlocked. There is a switch that unlocks them all though.
- Added 7 new maps to the dungeons.
- Added CG of Beast girl.
- Added CG of the Vampire.
- Added voice for the Vampire.
- Added voice for the Step Sis.
- Added voice for the Mischievous blue succubus.
- Added animations to the main menu.
- Replaced old GUI textures.
- Changing the SFX and Voice sliders in the options now plays a sample sound to make it easier to determine the loudness without having to enter the game.
- Iron bars can now be seen on the minimap as well.
- Pressure plates should work better now.
- Made lighting effect more natural.
- FIXED a lot of small bugs...
Changes 1.6.0:
- Added new enemy: Nightmare. A creepy enemy who lives in the dungeons area. Her scene features Paizuri.
- Added new enemy: Kunoichi. She is a secret enemy. She has 2 scenes, a side-view amazon pose and a nursing handjob one.
- New mechanic: Health. Some enemies will now drain your health in endless scenes. When it is completely depleted, you will die and they will say good bye to you! Some enemies will not drain your life, so there are still completely endless scenes just like before.
- Completely remade the graphics of the Dungeons.
- Added Russian language support.
- Added 6 new maps to the dungeons.
- Added CG of Dark Succubus.
- Added CG of the Kunoichi.
- Added voice for the Succubus Lord.
- Added voice for the Kunoichi.
- Added small particle effects when jumping and turning around.
- Updated virginity icon's graphic.
- Enemies now slowly regain their strength when they are holding you down.
- Sliders (escape bar, pleasure bar) are now smoothly animated.
- Sign texts now smoothly fade in instead of appearing instantly.
Changes 1.5.0:
- Added new enemy: Green Slime. She has 1 H-scene: Hugging, PIV sex.
- Added new enemy: Dragon girl. She has 2 H-scenes: Handjob, tied to bed sex with pregnancy.
- Added Spanish language. Thanks, MrBlasyMSK!
- Completely remade the graphics of the Starting Area.
- Added 6 new maps and puzzles into the Starting Area.
- Added CG of Closet Demon.
- Added CG of Dragon girl.
- Added Voice Acting for Closet Demon.
- Added Voice Acting for Dragon girl.
- Added Voice Acting for Pink Succubus.
- Added Succubus Mark on StepSis.
- Made jumping mechanics more forgiving
- Added Catgirl's CG.
- Changed Nightmare mode to Hardmode.
- You can now save and heal in Hardmode.
- Enemies can now be escaped but are now twice as hard to escape from and they still deal twice as much pleasure damage.
- The game has some additional traps and boss enemy logic behaviors making the overall experience harder.
- The last boss has an extra ability in hardmode.
- Added new scene: Bookworm oni succubus returns! If you get knocked out in a certain room, she will sit on top of you and start reading.
- Added new enemy: Dark succubus. She is a stationary enemy who will send charms towards you (not homing like the catgirl).
- Added 4 new maps!
- Added a new CG.
- Enemies now comment on if you try to escape from them. They also say different things it is possible and if it's not possible to escape from them.
- Each enemy got new scripts while struggling.
- Changed maps to use polygon geometry type. This should mean that you can no longer clip into the walls.
- Now the iron bars will get destroyed after you complete that part in the teleporter room.
- Charms now won't affect the player in an invulnerable state.
- FIXED when skipping a scene with a certain enemy you didn't lose your virginity.
- FIXED on PC you can now escape from the charm with the left and right arrow keys as well.
- FIXED a bug that allowed you to start a new game with your saved inventory.
- FIXED if slowing down time at the end of the scene, the game would stay slowmo.
- FIXED being able to use teleporters when bound by ropes.
- Added a new scene! (I'm not going to name it, since I want to keep it a surprise)
- Added a new scene! Catgirl and Imp come back for a hot threesome <3. Imp might have given some aphrodisiacs to the Catgirl ~
- Added 5 new maps!
- Added new CG for imp! It is for her 3rd trial.
- Added more than 100 new SFXs during scenes!
- Reworked gallery into separate maps, as it was getting really crowded.
- Added new music to the game that plays at a new scene.
- Some enemies now go into a frenzy after they defeat you. This means that they are faster and deal more pleasure damage. This is indicated with a slightly red tint in the enemy.
- Shadow is now turned off while in an active gallery animation.
- Added teleporters to the game.
- Added a new icon for the game.
- Added a little disclaimer at the start of the game.
- FIXED a bug, if you spammed skip in the sleep scene in the gallery, you would be put into the game instead of back to the gallery.
- FIXED a bug, where you couldn't close CGs in the gallery on android.
- FIXED a bug in the dungeons if you let out the blonde succubus, sometimes she would slide across the room.
- FIXED a bug that allowed you to escape ropes while in the pause menu.
- FIXED crashing on some Android devices.
- Added new scene: If you go the wrong way at a certain point, the MC gets trapped and then he will get played with through a portal by the succubus lord.
- Added new enemy: Troll girl. A tall, slightly slow-moving enemy who is strong enough to pick the MC up and play with him while holding him.
- The game now supports 5 separate save slots! Your latest save will be auto-loaded when the game is reset.
- Added CG of blonde succubus.
- Added voice of blonde succubus and little imp.
- Added 7 new maps.
- Added virginity system! Virginity is taken by most enemies and it cannot be recovered. Enemies comment on the MC being a virgin.
- Added a new line to every enemy when taking the MC's virginity.
- When switching to endless scenes, if not on low-performance mode, the vignette effect will increase around the screen's border.
- When not in Low-Performance mode, there are now soft shadows.
- Changed enemies vision graphic to a gradient one.
- The switch before the Grey succubus chase now doesn't appear if in Hardmode.
- When the vase puzzle is failed, an enemy will spawn.
- On android, when doing imp trial 1, pressing resist once will now decrease pleasure more to counter having only one button.
- You are now much faster in the gallery.
- FIXED a bug when hiding from the Grey succubus, if you stood at the edge of the closet, she didn't notice you.
- FIXED when spamming the use button on doors the opening SFX played each time.
- FIXED on android, when going back to the main menu and standing on the save point, your save file would be corrupted.
- FIXED a bug that allowed you to go out of the door while the cutscene was playing with the catgirl in the safe room.
- FIXED a bug when changing maps sometimes a black screen would appear on some systems.
- FIXED a bug when going to the menu on some maps would make the game glitch out.
- Added new enemy: Mummy. She is blind and slow, but once caught she shows no mercy!
- New scene: When falling into a certain trap, you will end up in a room full of succubi, who will take turns using the MC until he is completely dead.
- Added a little intro when starting the game.
- There is now a prompt after the intro asking if you want to play the tutorial.
- Added readable objects like books and notes.
- Added chase music to some scenes. (Specifically to the first chase scene, the library scene, the grey succubus chase scene, and the grey succubus room scene)
- Added slimy floors! Stepping into these floors will slow you down and makes jumping impossible.
- Remade the very first chase scene. Also made lots of small changes in the first area in hope of making it less frustrating and more clear.
- Added new cutscenes to the first area!
- There is now a switch before the grey succubus chase scene, which halves the number of rope traps that are spawned. It is optional and is intended for players who have a hard time getting through there.
- Added CG of amazon grey succubus.
- Added new dungeon tiles.
- Added new music for the new area.
- Added 5 new maps.
- Enemies jump is now less "floaty".
- Lighting is now brighter in low-performance mode.
- Main camera is now more zoomed out.
- Reworked MC's walking animation. Now he is running, not walking.
- Sleep traps now show a red outline where their hitbox is.
- Wrench icons now have a little WIP text below them.
- Breaking tiles now play a particle effect when stepped on and not using low-performance mode.
- Crates are now lighter in color so that they are easier to see.
- FIXED a bug that allowed the MC to still escape after cumming when only 1 strength of the enemy remained.
- FIXED breaking tiles not making a sound when stepped on.
- Added new Scenes: Imp trial 2 and trial 3. Can you resist her temptation?
- Updated green succubus' first animation.
- Added CG of brown succubus.
- Added 4 new maps.
- Added CG viewer to the gallery.
- Added voice for the grey succubus.
- Made minimap toggleable.
- Added Nightmare mode. You can activate this mode in the tutorial part of the game. This mode is not fair, so only try it if you are prepared for that. In this mode every enemy is inescapable, you can't save and if you die, you get sent back to the beginning.
- Enemies in the gallery now randomly change their animation speed.
- When noticed by an enemy a sound will be played.
- Scenes are now slightly less zoomed in.
- Made grey succubus in the dungeons faster but made ropes much easier to escape. This should allow one or two mistakes instead of instantly dying when trapped.
- Added red visual aid to where the rope trap's colliders are.
- Added a skull above the closet in the first chase scene of the game.
- Purple succubus sleep scene now sets your pleasure rate to 0 at the beginning.
- Left and Right arrow keys now work when struggling.
- Vsync is now on by default (only if you haven't yet played the game on a computer).
- FIXED first grey succubus chase exploit.
- FIXED flashing not being full screen in some resolutions.
- FIXED inventory randomly resetting when restarting the game.
- Added new enemy: Little imp. She wants to test you with her trials. If you fail them though she will gladly play with you.
- Added new enemy: Vampire lady. She has big boobs and will use them to squeeze everything out of you. I wonder where I got the idea for this enemy...
- Added 4 new maps.
- Added a new floating text system, that will help describe sex scenes in more detail.
- Each enemy got new scripts for this floating text system.
- Added green and purple succubus game over CGs.
- Added a new slow-motion option during scenes. Holding down B (or Use button on android) during a scene will slow down time by 50%.
- Added voice acting for the catgirl and brown succubus.
- Added title screen music.
- When starting the game and when a save file exists, now the load game button will be automatically highlighted.
- Now the MC's skin color gets dark grey during the bookworm oni scene, indicating that he was sucked dry.
- Added a new tip to the tutorial map.
- FIXED some bugs that let the player get away during some scenes and some visual bugs.
- FIXED a bug in the catgirl boss fight, when you went back one of the iron bars stayed there making it impossible to get the tablet if you didn't pick it up.
- FIXED enemies in the gallery playing a voice when stopping the animation.
- Added new enemy: Bookworm oni succubus. She just wants to read in peace, so be sure to not disturb her! If you do, she will instantly suck the MC dry and kill him.
- Added alternate scene for the grey succubus. This time she is, even more, angrier at you! She has 3 different scenes with different talk texts.
- Added 4 new maps.
- Added Low-Performance mode to the options menu. This will turn off 2D Lights and torch particle effects. It might help gain FPS if the game is lagging on lower-end devices.
- Added a Minimap to the top right corner of the screen.
- Added Voice system. Now enemies will have voice acting :). For now only the red and green succubus has VA.
- Also added a voice sound slider to the options. It's possible to mute it or make it louder than other SFX-es if desired.
- Voices also work like talk texts, they are not completely random to make sure the same line doesn't happen more than one time right after each other.
- Added an extra save point to the second big room.
- Added a skull icon above enemies who instakill and can't be escaped from.
- Catgirl and grey succubus escape cutscenes are now skippable.
- Changed the time the MC's speed needs to go to full speed (from 0.1 to 0.04). This means, that the MC should feel more responsive to control.
- Slightly sped up the MC's walk animation.
- FIXED typos and some bad wording thanks to Lucid!
- FIXED catgirl and the player sometimes falling out of the map in the boss room.
-New Enemy: Pink Succubus. She has a huge thicc butt and she is not afraid to use it. She has a similar personality to the brown succubus.
-New Enemy: Closet Demon. She is hiding in some of the closets. Be careful, from now on not every closet is a safe space. ;)
-Enemy talk texts are not completely random anymore. It tries to prioritize those, that haven't been shown yet.
-Added 4 new maps.
-Added new tile graphics.
-Enemies now comment if MC comes too quickly. It is considered quick if he was at 75% or more pleasure when he was caught.
-Now the close to cumming texts appear at 65% pleasure rather than 75%.
-It is now possible to give up during scenes on android using the inventory button.
-Added sound effects to the following items: Doors, clocks, closets, torches, crumbling floors.
-Added sound effects when interacting with the UI.
-Item pickups now display a popup text and also have a sound effect.
-FIXED android lag during grey succubus escape, when pressing the jump button. Also made her a little faster because of this (only on android as she was slower already).
-FIXED sleep scene on android, as the black screen was bugged.
-FIXED big crate not triggering player pushing animation.
- New Animation: Green succubus got an alternate animation in the new area! She will start with her boobs and then climb on top of the MC to finish him off while riding him.
- New Animation: Purple succubus is back with an alternate animation. If you get slept by a sleep trap, she will find you, drag you to a secret room, where she will drain all the MC's life force out of him.
- Alternate scene: Green succubus set up a little trap for you. :) She has different lines when falling into her trap.
- Alternate scene: Catgirl is back! And this time she isn't so hostile :)
- A new Donators panel is added to the main menu! Here a list of Patreon supporters can be seen and how much they have donated for the project.
- In the new are the bed is gone now and is replaced by the nice and helpful catgirl, who will help you release the built-up pleasure without actually killing you. (She kinda likes the MC :) )
- Added sleep traps.
- Added 6 new maps.
- Now a little wrench icon indicates when something is still WIP.
- Now after 30% pleasure enemies will go 25% quicker and after 75% the animation will be 75% quicker.
- New music was added for the new area.
- Made new tile graphics for the new area.
- Now item pickups will have a hand icon above them.
- In the gallery, while playing the cumming animation, the text won't be randomly changing. (You can still see the other texts by resetting the whole animation using down and up keys.)
- On the android build the grey succubus chase scene was way too hard, so I made her slower, but only in the Android build (Speed 350 -> 275)
- BUGFIX: In the main menu, the exit button's highlight wasn't set properly.
- New enemy:
- Cat Girl boss: This new cat lady has 3 different animations. Her normal animation is a leg job, she also has one for when she catches you while you are on a rope trap and the last one is a new mechanic which is right now unique to her, the charm. She just wants to play and pleasure you :)
- Gallery now supports different scenes and scenarios.
- Implemented charm mechanic.
- Added 6 new maps.
- Added the last stone tablet which will be the end of the dungeon part of the game. (Currently, you can't exit from the dungeons)
QOL Changes:
- Animations now have ass clapping sounds as well.
- Screen flashes can now be turned off.
- FPS counter can now be turned off. (It is now off by default)
- Made menu buttons highlight different colors so that it is easier to see.
- Updated torches particle effects.
- Many people said that saving on MAC doesn't work. Hopefully, that's fixed now...
- Grey succubus got a little slower. Apparently, lots of ppl had trouble with her. (speed 400 -> 350)
- New enemy:
- Grey-haired succubus: She is small and she doesn't like it when others look down on her :). She has 2 animations. One when she catches you normally and one when she catches you while you are bound by a rope trap.
- New scenes:
- Blonde succubus got a new scene in one of the new maps. She will be closed and she will try to ask you to let her out... Will you though? :)
- Grey succubus has a lot of alternate scenes. She also made you a little trap later after you encounter her. She is also encounterable after you left the area.
- Android support!
- Rope traps added.
- 5 new maps were added.
- 3 new items were added.
- When you have a specific item, it is now possible to double jump.
- Added animation gallery. It is accessible from the main menu.
QOL Changes:
- Made map transitions much faster and fluid.
- While fading maps, now the UI elements fade out as well.
- It is now possible to go back to the main menu from the pause menu in-game.
- Reworked inputs. Read more in the README or in the tutorial.
- Pause menu got a background.
- There is now a flash and a popup text after using the save station or the bed.
- Library secret teleport now activates on touch.
- Made some enemies literally inescapable. Before if you somehow managed to empty the escape meter, you could escape them, now it's impossible.
- Now the player has a separate animation while pushing crates.
- BUGFIX: I'm now pretty sure that I managed to fix the item and inventory bugs that have been haunting the game since the first release...
- New enemies:
- Red-haired bratty princess succubus. She will make you her slave!
- Blonde-haired succubus. She has big boobs and is quite lazy, but she likes to eat, so she
will still gladly milk you!
- New scenes:
- After the library puzzle, if you go back to the library, the succubus chasing you will be
there and be quite surprised that you went back after escaping.
- When going back from the dungeon to the mansion, the brown-haired succubus will be
very pleased that you went back to her.
- The red-haired succubus has two slightly different scenes now, one is if you encounter
her normally and the other one is if you let her out of her cage.
- Lots of new environment graphics for the dungeon.
- 5 new maps.
- Pressure plates.
- Options menu was added.
- Now start game puts you into the tutorial, instead of it having a separate button.
- Dungeons have new music.
- Added exception logger. I hope this will help me track down bugs. If the game will have an internal crash, then it will be logged into a .txt file called errorLog.txt.
- Added the ability to give up when caught.
QOL Changes:
- Added icons to switches and objects where items can be used.
- Talk text is a little smaller, now more text fits into the talkbox!
- There can be multiple sounds now during an animation!
- Added little flashes during scenes and when an enemy catches you.
- Reworked the tutorial a little.
- Lots of small bug fixes...
- It was possible before, that if an enemy has seen you, it just suddenly lost interest.
- Enemies now don't animate when moving towards walls.
- When only 1 strength of succubus remained while raping, in the endless scene, after
pressing enter, the player could break free.
- Lots of others, I don't remember...
Вы очнулись в неизвестном темном заброшенном особняке и не помните, как туда попали. Ваша цель - выбраться из этого особняка и благополучно вернуться домой, но ловушки и демоны, скрывающиеся в нем, не облегчат вам задачу. Сможете ли вы выбраться из этого особняка или поддадитесь искушению?
В этой игре вы пытаетесь убежать от врагов, решая головоломки и не попадаясь на глаза врагам. Иначе они позаботятся о том, чтобы вы больше не встали на ноги.
You wake up in an unknown dark abandoned mansion and don't remember how you got there. Your goal is to escape this mansion and get back home safely, but the traps and demons lurking there won't make it easier. Can you escape this mansion or give in to the temptation?
In this game, you try to escape the enemies while solving environmental puzzles and not getting caught by enemies. Otherwise, they will make sure you won't stand up again.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, animated, female domination, horror, male protagonist, monster girl, platformer, pregnancy, rape, side-scroller, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Kredyn - patreon | steam
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.2.0.4
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
- Added CG of Pink Succubus.
- Added CG of Troll Girl.
- Added official Japanese translation!
- Android version now supports 64bit!
- When first running the game, it should try to auto-detect your device's language.
- Updated donators panel.
- Fixed a bug where in the gallery, the gardens sign was displaying the wrong text.
- Fixed a bug in the gardens gallery room, the teleporter was teleporting to the wrong place.
- Fixed a bug where some enemies' shadows were not working properly.
- Added Russian language! (thanks Boyar! <3).
- UI controls can be rebound as well!
- Added W/A/S/D, and Space as default alternative controls to the UI controls.
- Safe rooms are now displayed on the minimap with a heart icon.
- The platform in the starting area is now a cell.
- Fixed a bug where the fanarts room wall didn't have any colliders.
- Fixed a bug where you could enter the Nursery while escaping the final boss.
- Fixed a bug when you reloaded the final boss chase part, the chase music did not play.
- You can now remap the keys and joysticks!
- Mouse is now not locked in the main menu.
- Added cheats! You have to first enable them in the options.
- Added Hungarian language.
- Text ticks are now toggleable.
- Made the kunoichi trial a little bit easier.
- Moved the save point before the final boss a little closer to the boss.
- You can now save before the second part of the boss.
- Fixed a bug in the mirror room where you could instantly lose at max pleasure.
- Fixed a bug where you could get soft-locked in the aphrodisiac room.
- Fixed a bug that could break the game.
- Added Steamworks to the game.
- Added achievements into the Steam version.
- Game now saves into the %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Kredyn\DrainMansion folder on Windows.
- Added Italian Language (thanks High Voltage Stakes! <3).
- Added Japanese language (AI translation)
- Added Chinese language (AI translation)
- Added Korean language (AI translation)
- Added CG of Slime Girl.
- Added CG of Nurse Assistant.
- Added 5 maps.
- Added True ending.
- Changed TextTick sound (old was popping).
- Added jump sounds.
- Added VA of Slime Girl.
- Added VA of Nightmare.
- Added VA of Dark Succubus.
- Fixed a lot of technical bugs.
- Fixed a lot of graphical bugs.
- Added new enemy: Alraune. She is in the new optional area, the gardens. Cheerful and eager to eat you up alive. What a nice creature. Her scene is thighjob.
- Added new enemy: Dark Elf. Also in the gardens, but much more serious and grim. Be careful, she is VERY good at hiding! Her scene is cowgirl.
- Added new optional area, the gardens! I also made new tile graphics here. This is a smaller area, so don't expect it to be big.
- Added 7 new maps into the game as part of the Gardens.
- Added CG of Alraune.
- Added CG of Nightmare. (Note: I had to find a new artist, so this CG might differ a little bit from the rest and that is true for any new CG that will come. I think I managed to find a great artist though!)
- Added voice for Bookworm oni succubus.
- Updated title logo.
- Added fanarts to the game. You can find them scattered over the mansion.
- Added text tick sounds when enemies are talking.
- Reworked footstep sounds. Now they are different on specific surfaces.
- Fixed some bugs, added new ones to fix later.
Changes 1.7.0:
- Added new enemy: Beast girl. She is guarding something. I wonder what and if there is a way through her...
- Added new enemy: Mischievous blue succubus. She is a smaller enemy like the Imp girl. She has 2 scenes: Kissing handjob, sleeping under the blanket sex.
- Completely remade the graphics of the Main Area. With this, every map should now use the updated graphics!
- Scenes in gallery now have to be unlocked. There is a switch that unlocks them all though.
- Added 7 new maps to the dungeons.
- Added CG of Beast girl.
- Added CG of the Vampire.
- Added voice for the Vampire.
- Added voice for the Step Sis.
- Added voice for the Mischievous blue succubus.
- Added animations to the main menu.
- Replaced old GUI textures.
- Changing the SFX and Voice sliders in the options now plays a sample sound to make it easier to determine the loudness without having to enter the game.
- Iron bars can now be seen on the minimap as well.
- Pressure plates should work better now.
- Made lighting effect more natural.
- FIXED a lot of small bugs...
Changes 1.6.0:
- Added new enemy: Nightmare. A creepy enemy who lives in the dungeons area. Her scene features Paizuri.
- Added new enemy: Kunoichi. She is a secret enemy. She has 2 scenes, a side-view amazon pose and a nursing handjob one.
- New mechanic: Health. Some enemies will now drain your health in endless scenes. When it is completely depleted, you will die and they will say good bye to you! Some enemies will not drain your life, so there are still completely endless scenes just like before.
- Completely remade the graphics of the Dungeons.
- Added Russian language support.
- Added 6 new maps to the dungeons.
- Added CG of Dark Succubus.
- Added CG of the Kunoichi.
- Added voice for the Succubus Lord.
- Added voice for the Kunoichi.
- Added small particle effects when jumping and turning around.
- Updated virginity icon's graphic.
- Enemies now slowly regain their strength when they are holding you down.
- Sliders (escape bar, pleasure bar) are now smoothly animated.
- Sign texts now smoothly fade in instead of appearing instantly.
Changes 1.5.0:
- Added new enemy: Green Slime. She has 1 H-scene: Hugging, PIV sex.
- Added new enemy: Dragon girl. She has 2 H-scenes: Handjob, tied to bed sex with pregnancy.
- Added Spanish language. Thanks, MrBlasyMSK!
- Completely remade the graphics of the Starting Area.
- Added 6 new maps and puzzles into the Starting Area.
- Added CG of Closet Demon.
- Added CG of Dragon girl.
- Added Voice Acting for Closet Demon.
- Added Voice Acting for Dragon girl.
- Added Voice Acting for Pink Succubus.
- Added Succubus Mark on StepSis.
- Made jumping mechanics more forgiving
- Added Catgirl's CG.
- Changed Nightmare mode to Hardmode.
- You can now save and heal in Hardmode.
- Enemies can now be escaped but are now twice as hard to escape from and they still deal twice as much pleasure damage.
- The game has some additional traps and boss enemy logic behaviors making the overall experience harder.
- The last boss has an extra ability in hardmode.
- Added new scene: Bookworm oni succubus returns! If you get knocked out in a certain room, she will sit on top of you and start reading.
- Added new enemy: Dark succubus. She is a stationary enemy who will send charms towards you (not homing like the catgirl).
- Added 4 new maps!
- Added a new CG.
- Enemies now comment on if you try to escape from them. They also say different things it is possible and if it's not possible to escape from them.
- Each enemy got new scripts while struggling.
- Changed maps to use polygon geometry type. This should mean that you can no longer clip into the walls.
- Now the iron bars will get destroyed after you complete that part in the teleporter room.
- Charms now won't affect the player in an invulnerable state.
- FIXED when skipping a scene with a certain enemy you didn't lose your virginity.
- FIXED on PC you can now escape from the charm with the left and right arrow keys as well.
- FIXED a bug that allowed you to start a new game with your saved inventory.
- FIXED if slowing down time at the end of the scene, the game would stay slowmo.
- FIXED being able to use teleporters when bound by ropes.
- Added a new scene! (I'm not going to name it, since I want to keep it a surprise)
- Added a new scene! Catgirl and Imp come back for a hot threesome <3. Imp might have given some aphrodisiacs to the Catgirl ~
- Added 5 new maps!
- Added new CG for imp! It is for her 3rd trial.
- Added more than 100 new SFXs during scenes!
- Reworked gallery into separate maps, as it was getting really crowded.
- Added new music to the game that plays at a new scene.
- Some enemies now go into a frenzy after they defeat you. This means that they are faster and deal more pleasure damage. This is indicated with a slightly red tint in the enemy.
- Shadow is now turned off while in an active gallery animation.
- Added teleporters to the game.
- Added a new icon for the game.
- Added a little disclaimer at the start of the game.
- FIXED a bug, if you spammed skip in the sleep scene in the gallery, you would be put into the game instead of back to the gallery.
- FIXED a bug, where you couldn't close CGs in the gallery on android.
- FIXED a bug in the dungeons if you let out the blonde succubus, sometimes she would slide across the room.
- FIXED a bug that allowed you to escape ropes while in the pause menu.
- FIXED crashing on some Android devices.
- Added new scene: If you go the wrong way at a certain point, the MC gets trapped and then he will get played with through a portal by the succubus lord.
- Added new enemy: Troll girl. A tall, slightly slow-moving enemy who is strong enough to pick the MC up and play with him while holding him.
- The game now supports 5 separate save slots! Your latest save will be auto-loaded when the game is reset.
- Added CG of blonde succubus.
- Added voice of blonde succubus and little imp.
- Added 7 new maps.
- Added virginity system! Virginity is taken by most enemies and it cannot be recovered. Enemies comment on the MC being a virgin.
- Added a new line to every enemy when taking the MC's virginity.
- When switching to endless scenes, if not on low-performance mode, the vignette effect will increase around the screen's border.
- When not in Low-Performance mode, there are now soft shadows.
- Changed enemies vision graphic to a gradient one.
- The switch before the Grey succubus chase now doesn't appear if in Hardmode.
- When the vase puzzle is failed, an enemy will spawn.
- On android, when doing imp trial 1, pressing resist once will now decrease pleasure more to counter having only one button.
- You are now much faster in the gallery.
- FIXED a bug when hiding from the Grey succubus, if you stood at the edge of the closet, she didn't notice you.
- FIXED when spamming the use button on doors the opening SFX played each time.
- FIXED on android, when going back to the main menu and standing on the save point, your save file would be corrupted.
- FIXED a bug that allowed you to go out of the door while the cutscene was playing with the catgirl in the safe room.
- FIXED a bug when changing maps sometimes a black screen would appear on some systems.
- FIXED a bug when going to the menu on some maps would make the game glitch out.
- Added new enemy: Mummy. She is blind and slow, but once caught she shows no mercy!
- New scene: When falling into a certain trap, you will end up in a room full of succubi, who will take turns using the MC until he is completely dead.
- Added a little intro when starting the game.
- There is now a prompt after the intro asking if you want to play the tutorial.
- Added readable objects like books and notes.
- Added chase music to some scenes. (Specifically to the first chase scene, the library scene, the grey succubus chase scene, and the grey succubus room scene)
- Added slimy floors! Stepping into these floors will slow you down and makes jumping impossible.
- Remade the very first chase scene. Also made lots of small changes in the first area in hope of making it less frustrating and more clear.
- Added new cutscenes to the first area!
- There is now a switch before the grey succubus chase scene, which halves the number of rope traps that are spawned. It is optional and is intended for players who have a hard time getting through there.
- Added CG of amazon grey succubus.
- Added new dungeon tiles.
- Added new music for the new area.
- Added 5 new maps.
- Enemies jump is now less "floaty".
- Lighting is now brighter in low-performance mode.
- Main camera is now more zoomed out.
- Reworked MC's walking animation. Now he is running, not walking.
- Sleep traps now show a red outline where their hitbox is.
- Wrench icons now have a little WIP text below them.
- Breaking tiles now play a particle effect when stepped on and not using low-performance mode.
- Crates are now lighter in color so that they are easier to see.
- FIXED a bug that allowed the MC to still escape after cumming when only 1 strength of the enemy remained.
- FIXED breaking tiles not making a sound when stepped on.
- Added new Scenes: Imp trial 2 and trial 3. Can you resist her temptation?
- Updated green succubus' first animation.
- Added CG of brown succubus.
- Added 4 new maps.
- Added CG viewer to the gallery.
- Added voice for the grey succubus.
- Made minimap toggleable.
- Added Nightmare mode. You can activate this mode in the tutorial part of the game. This mode is not fair, so only try it if you are prepared for that. In this mode every enemy is inescapable, you can't save and if you die, you get sent back to the beginning.
- Enemies in the gallery now randomly change their animation speed.
- When noticed by an enemy a sound will be played.
- Scenes are now slightly less zoomed in.
- Made grey succubus in the dungeons faster but made ropes much easier to escape. This should allow one or two mistakes instead of instantly dying when trapped.
- Added red visual aid to where the rope trap's colliders are.
- Added a skull above the closet in the first chase scene of the game.
- Purple succubus sleep scene now sets your pleasure rate to 0 at the beginning.
- Left and Right arrow keys now work when struggling.
- Vsync is now on by default (only if you haven't yet played the game on a computer).
- FIXED first grey succubus chase exploit.
- FIXED flashing not being full screen in some resolutions.
- FIXED inventory randomly resetting when restarting the game.
- Added new enemy: Little imp. She wants to test you with her trials. If you fail them though she will gladly play with you.
- Added new enemy: Vampire lady. She has big boobs and will use them to squeeze everything out of you. I wonder where I got the idea for this enemy...
- Added 4 new maps.
- Added a new floating text system, that will help describe sex scenes in more detail.
- Each enemy got new scripts for this floating text system.
- Added green and purple succubus game over CGs.
- Added a new slow-motion option during scenes. Holding down B (or Use button on android) during a scene will slow down time by 50%.
- Added voice acting for the catgirl and brown succubus.
- Added title screen music.
- When starting the game and when a save file exists, now the load game button will be automatically highlighted.
- Now the MC's skin color gets dark grey during the bookworm oni scene, indicating that he was sucked dry.
- Added a new tip to the tutorial map.
- FIXED some bugs that let the player get away during some scenes and some visual bugs.
- FIXED a bug in the catgirl boss fight, when you went back one of the iron bars stayed there making it impossible to get the tablet if you didn't pick it up.
- FIXED enemies in the gallery playing a voice when stopping the animation.
- Added new enemy: Bookworm oni succubus. She just wants to read in peace, so be sure to not disturb her! If you do, she will instantly suck the MC dry and kill him.
- Added alternate scene for the grey succubus. This time she is, even more, angrier at you! She has 3 different scenes with different talk texts.
- Added 4 new maps.
- Added Low-Performance mode to the options menu. This will turn off 2D Lights and torch particle effects. It might help gain FPS if the game is lagging on lower-end devices.
- Added a Minimap to the top right corner of the screen.
- Added Voice system. Now enemies will have voice acting :). For now only the red and green succubus has VA.
- Also added a voice sound slider to the options. It's possible to mute it or make it louder than other SFX-es if desired.
- Voices also work like talk texts, they are not completely random to make sure the same line doesn't happen more than one time right after each other.
- Added an extra save point to the second big room.
- Added a skull icon above enemies who instakill and can't be escaped from.
- Catgirl and grey succubus escape cutscenes are now skippable.
- Changed the time the MC's speed needs to go to full speed (from 0.1 to 0.04). This means, that the MC should feel more responsive to control.
- Slightly sped up the MC's walk animation.
- FIXED typos and some bad wording thanks to Lucid!
- FIXED catgirl and the player sometimes falling out of the map in the boss room.
-New Enemy: Pink Succubus. She has a huge thicc butt and she is not afraid to use it. She has a similar personality to the brown succubus.
-New Enemy: Closet Demon. She is hiding in some of the closets. Be careful, from now on not every closet is a safe space. ;)
-Enemy talk texts are not completely random anymore. It tries to prioritize those, that haven't been shown yet.
-Added 4 new maps.
-Added new tile graphics.
-Enemies now comment if MC comes too quickly. It is considered quick if he was at 75% or more pleasure when he was caught.
-Now the close to cumming texts appear at 65% pleasure rather than 75%.
-It is now possible to give up during scenes on android using the inventory button.
-Added sound effects to the following items: Doors, clocks, closets, torches, crumbling floors.
-Added sound effects when interacting with the UI.
-Item pickups now display a popup text and also have a sound effect.
-FIXED android lag during grey succubus escape, when pressing the jump button. Also made her a little faster because of this (only on android as she was slower already).
-FIXED sleep scene on android, as the black screen was bugged.
-FIXED big crate not triggering player pushing animation.
- New Animation: Green succubus got an alternate animation in the new area! She will start with her boobs and then climb on top of the MC to finish him off while riding him.
- New Animation: Purple succubus is back with an alternate animation. If you get slept by a sleep trap, she will find you, drag you to a secret room, where she will drain all the MC's life force out of him.
- Alternate scene: Green succubus set up a little trap for you. :) She has different lines when falling into her trap.
- Alternate scene: Catgirl is back! And this time she isn't so hostile :)
- A new Donators panel is added to the main menu! Here a list of Patreon supporters can be seen and how much they have donated for the project.
- In the new are the bed is gone now and is replaced by the nice and helpful catgirl, who will help you release the built-up pleasure without actually killing you. (She kinda likes the MC :) )
- Added sleep traps.
- Added 6 new maps.
- Now a little wrench icon indicates when something is still WIP.
- Now after 30% pleasure enemies will go 25% quicker and after 75% the animation will be 75% quicker.
- New music was added for the new area.
- Made new tile graphics for the new area.
- Now item pickups will have a hand icon above them.
- In the gallery, while playing the cumming animation, the text won't be randomly changing. (You can still see the other texts by resetting the whole animation using down and up keys.)
- On the android build the grey succubus chase scene was way too hard, so I made her slower, but only in the Android build (Speed 350 -> 275)
- BUGFIX: In the main menu, the exit button's highlight wasn't set properly.
- New enemy:
- Cat Girl boss: This new cat lady has 3 different animations. Her normal animation is a leg job, she also has one for when she catches you while you are on a rope trap and the last one is a new mechanic which is right now unique to her, the charm. She just wants to play and pleasure you :)
- Gallery now supports different scenes and scenarios.
- Implemented charm mechanic.
- Added 6 new maps.
- Added the last stone tablet which will be the end of the dungeon part of the game. (Currently, you can't exit from the dungeons)
QOL Changes:
- Animations now have ass clapping sounds as well.
- Screen flashes can now be turned off.
- FPS counter can now be turned off. (It is now off by default)
- Made menu buttons highlight different colors so that it is easier to see.
- Updated torches particle effects.
- Many people said that saving on MAC doesn't work. Hopefully, that's fixed now...
- Grey succubus got a little slower. Apparently, lots of ppl had trouble with her. (speed 400 -> 350)
- New enemy:
- Grey-haired succubus: She is small and she doesn't like it when others look down on her :). She has 2 animations. One when she catches you normally and one when she catches you while you are bound by a rope trap.
- New scenes:
- Blonde succubus got a new scene in one of the new maps. She will be closed and she will try to ask you to let her out... Will you though? :)
- Grey succubus has a lot of alternate scenes. She also made you a little trap later after you encounter her. She is also encounterable after you left the area.
- Android support!
- Rope traps added.
- 5 new maps were added.
- 3 new items were added.
- When you have a specific item, it is now possible to double jump.
- Added animation gallery. It is accessible from the main menu.
QOL Changes:
- Made map transitions much faster and fluid.
- While fading maps, now the UI elements fade out as well.
- It is now possible to go back to the main menu from the pause menu in-game.
- Reworked inputs. Read more in the README or in the tutorial.
- Pause menu got a background.
- There is now a flash and a popup text after using the save station or the bed.
- Library secret teleport now activates on touch.
- Made some enemies literally inescapable. Before if you somehow managed to empty the escape meter, you could escape them, now it's impossible.
- Now the player has a separate animation while pushing crates.
- BUGFIX: I'm now pretty sure that I managed to fix the item and inventory bugs that have been haunting the game since the first release...
- New enemies:
- Red-haired bratty princess succubus. She will make you her slave!
- Blonde-haired succubus. She has big boobs and is quite lazy, but she likes to eat, so she
will still gladly milk you!
- New scenes:
- After the library puzzle, if you go back to the library, the succubus chasing you will be
there and be quite surprised that you went back after escaping.
- When going back from the dungeon to the mansion, the brown-haired succubus will be
very pleased that you went back to her.
- The red-haired succubus has two slightly different scenes now, one is if you encounter
her normally and the other one is if you let her out of her cage.
- Lots of new environment graphics for the dungeon.
- 5 new maps.
- Pressure plates.
- Options menu was added.
- Now start game puts you into the tutorial, instead of it having a separate button.
- Dungeons have new music.
- Added exception logger. I hope this will help me track down bugs. If the game will have an internal crash, then it will be logged into a .txt file called errorLog.txt.
- Added the ability to give up when caught.
QOL Changes:
- Added icons to switches and objects where items can be used.
- Talk text is a little smaller, now more text fits into the talkbox!
- There can be multiple sounds now during an animation!
- Added little flashes during scenes and when an enemy catches you.
- Reworked the tutorial a little.
- Lots of small bug fixes...
- It was possible before, that if an enemy has seen you, it just suddenly lost interest.
- Enemies now don't animate when moving towards walls.
- When only 1 strength of succubus remained while raping, in the endless scene, after
pressing enter, the player could break free.
- Lots of others, I don't remember...
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