Описание:Помогите Саммер Саммерсон, восемнадцатилетней девчушке из провинциального городка, осуществить ее мечту стать профессиональным фотографом. Заняв первое место в сетевом фотоконкурсе, Саммер получает предложение поступить в один из самых престижных художественных колледжей страны. Но чтобы осуществить свою мечту, ей придется покинуть отчий дом и перебраться в большой город; в новый мир, с которым она никогда раньше не сталкивалась. Помогите Саммер освоиться на новом месте и влиться в новый коллектив.
Большинство визуальных новелл для взрослых построены по принципу «развращения невинной», однако эта игра пойдет по другому пути. Персонажи этой истории, помимо решения бытовых проблем, осознают свою сексуальность и создадут вокруг себя секс-позитивную среду. Это будет что-то вроде истории о взрослении девушки, которая узнает много нового себе и своих желаниях и о том, как их удовлетворять. Эта история будет полна разнообразных кинков и фетишей, так что будет весело и развратно... и исключительно по добровольному обоюдному согласию.
Help Summer Summerson, an eighteen year old girl from the middle of nowhere, to achieve her dream of becoming a professional photographer. After participating and winning an online photography contest, Summer receives an offer for a scholarship at one of the most prestigeous art colleges in the country. But in order to follow her dream she will have to leave her rural home and move into the big city, a new environment she never experienced before. Help Summer tackle that exciting new environment while meeting it's inhabitants.
While not all but many of the adult visual novels play with the theme of "corrupting the innocent", this game will take a different route. The characters in this story will embrace their sexuality, and create a sexpositive environment around them aside from dealing with any of the daily struggles. It is somewhat of an adult coming of age story, learning about yourself and your desires and how to come to terms with it. Kinks and fetishes will play a part, so it will get dirty but in a fun and consensual way.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 3dcg, bdsm, exhibitionism, female protagonist, humor, lesbian, oral, sex toys, spanking, teasing, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: FlipDaShit -
Patreon -
SubscribeStar -
itch.io -
DiscordПеревод: BeastfromtheeastПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.71
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
(Смена в настройках)Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)v0.71 (Content Update): - 2025-03-01
Fixed a bug on Cynthia's non-romance path
Fixed several transitions from one scene to another
Fixed spelling/grammar
Fixed several render images
Very slightly altered dialogue
v0.63 (Patch):
Added a replay gallery with 21 scenes available (work in progress)
Slightly improved the image gallery (work in progress - thanks Spanky)
Added a link to the steam store page in the main menu
Rearranged some music tracks
Fixed a bug that prevented the display of a few lines of dialogue during Cynthia's masterpiece presentation (thanks to Traynya for the bug report)
Fixed a few wrongly displayed renders
Fixed several transition screens in previous updates for a smoother experience
v0.62 (Content Update): - 2024-11-30
New renders, dialogues and story
Improved render image filesize (ongoing)
Minor bugfixes for 0.51
Fixed several missing image bugs
Improved spelling/grammar
New main menu background design
Reworked gallery (updated for 0.62 images, ongoing process)
Replaced Twitter/X link with Bluesky link
Added a brief extended scene with Denise for shibari/non-shibari path
Added several sound effects for specific scenes
Added a notification to "Special Scenes"
v0.51 (Patch):
Added a promotion screen to the end screens
Fixed a severe bug that caused the game to crash during the transition between 0.42 and 0.50 when not being on either Yun's or Rosa's path
Fixed several transition screens (hiding the textbox) - Special thanks to Knight Of The Lance
Fixed several spelling/grammar errors - Special thanks to Spanky McGilligan, The Radiator and Rehwyn
Fixed a continuation error
Fixed several misplaced sprites
Rearranged some background music tracks
v0.50 - 2024-09-25
Android version available
Extended scenes and major decision for Felix's path
New dialogue, music track, stories and three new characters introduced
Updated the gallery for 0.50
Several minor bug fixes
Improved spelling in previous updates
v0.42 - 2024-07-18
New dialogue, music tracks, stories and a new character introduction (brief scene)
Implemented an option to enable/disable the special scenes you get at the end of each update
You can now name your save games (Thanks to Benedetto and Bad Mustard)
Updated the gallery for 0.42
Altered some dialogue for a better reading experience
Finished the editing of spelling and grammar on 0.32 (special thanks to PhoenixGR for proof reading, amazing work)
Several minor bug fixes (thanks to Spanky McGilligan, Knight Of The Lance, Frank Baum)
Fixed some renders for Rosa sprites (more will follow)
Added two new brief scenes for solo anal session and solo squirt session when not on Yun path
v0.32: - 2024-06-15
Fixed an error that occured when texting with Rosa, choosing not to pursue her.
Fixed several missing or misplaced images in the gallery.
Minor graphical adjustments to a couple of sprites.
Improved spelling and slightly altered dialogue in several scenes.
v0.31: - 2024-06-08
New scenes and dialogue
New music tracks
Several bug fixes (a very special thanks to Spanky McGilligan)
Improved spelling and grammar (a very special thanks to PhoenixGR)
A few minor adjustments to several sprites
Fixed a missing image during sexting scene with Felix
Fixed Yun's gallery page two
Added Teacher Yun images to gallery
Replaced several misplaced images in the gallery
Added 2 lines of dialogue on Denise's path
v0.21 - 2024-05-18
New scenes, decisions and dialogue
New music tracks
Added opacity slider
Added links to social media in game's menus
Added a gallery (not final, may still change in design and content)
Clicking directly on the smartphone should now advance the dialogue
Further increased dialogue coherence
Fixed several sprites
Added Twitter/X link in main menu
Added and edited dialogue to account for lesbian path
Removed custom desktop icons (win/mac) in order to prevent false positive anti virus alerts
Fixed several sprites
Rewritten dialogue to increase coherence
Removed the score system
Added an option to disable sexual interactions with male characters
v0.1 Release