Вы устали от своей прежней работы. Поэтому вы увольняетесь и решаете переехать в маленький городок. Первые несколько дней все идет хорошо. Однако, когда вы просыпаетесь в один из дней, утро оказывается более тихим, чем обычно. Сначала вы не придаете этому значения. Но когда вы выходите на улицу, в поле вашего зрения не оказывается ни одного человека, а повсюду появляется множество неизвестных видов. Вы впадаете в панику и понимаете, что все изменилось. Отныне вам придется искать способ приспособиться к жизни в этом будущем.
You are tired of your original job. Thus, you quit the job and decide to move to a small town.
Everything going well at first few days. However, when you wake up at another day, the morning is more quiet than usual.
At first you don't care about it much. But when you walk out to the street, there are no any people in your sight.
Instead, many unknown species starting to appear everywhere, you are getting panic and realizing that everything has changed.
For now on, you will need to find your way to adapt the future live.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2d game, combat, creampie, female protagonist, furry, monster, oral, rape, side-scroller, tentacles, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Rolanda - patreon
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.0.8
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
IMPORTANT **Due to some of the game changes, it is advised that create a new world to play with**
New Content:
- New player UI
- New AI Update
- Added Heat and Desire system
- Added Exposure system
- Now some item can restore stamina (Energy drink, Energy bar)
- Added overweight penalty in run / dodge stamina cost and stamina recover speed
- Now loots can spawn with random numbers and random durability
- Added loot to the TV table and oven
- Now Plank has chance to been found at clothing shop and fruit shop
- Added the quick take & quick Put buttons in most of the container UI
- Added durability bar for the item showing in UI
- Now the lacking materials at chosen receipt will shown at the Input field
- Now the game will be paused when opening the ESC menu
- Added stealth damage boost when attacking enemy from behind (2x damage)
- Added Defense action for player (Press C to toggle)
- Added new walking animation for player when walking on sticky ground
- Added a new idle pose for player when holding weapon
- Added Visual effects for in-heat and orgasm
- Added different idle/walk/run animations for player who is in-heat
- Added a player orgasm animation during the sexual animations with enemy
- Added a variation of player masturbating animation when getting close to orgasm (>50%)
- Player will now fainted for a short time after knocked down and can't get up when fainted
- The cum records in the player stat will now function
- Added Cum leaking effect
- The Main Player UI now scale with the screen size
- Added Visual differences for goat man
- Added a trial of attribute system
- Updated the player stats UI
- Updated the struggle system
- Increase stamina regenerate speed when standing / crouching (3 times faster, require 3 seconds to active)
- Reduced base running stamina cost by 20%, reduced base dodging stamina cost by 33%, and increased base stamina recover speed by 25%
- Reduced the stamina consumption on most of the weapons when attacking
- Reduced base health recover speed by 80%
- Re-texture the item image of slime mucus and slime core
- Increase maximum stack number to 5 for some item (Log, Water Can, Slime Core)
- Reduced the spawn rate of some loot
- Changed the defense calculation method (From minus the defense value switching to percentage reduction, can check the actual blocking effect at stats UI)
- Changed the critical damage resistance calculation method
- Adjusted the indoor lighting at home and shopping street
- Updated the slow motion effect to enemy grabbing (lesser time & smaller range)
- Slightly reduce the base knock back distance for player
- Adjusted some player animations and the transition between the animations
- Adjusted the player dodging animation to enhance the control ability
- Player will take more arousal during sex scene under high desire level (x1.5 when reaching 50%, x2 when reaching 80%
- Restrict player to struggle for a few second after orgasm
- Add option to delete world and player-build furniture
- Small adjustment in the help page
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the low item sensitivity problem in the container when another item is dragged over on the item to exchange
- Fixed the issue that furniture blueprint move to the center between two touch position when trying to build it
- Fixed the bug that player can dodge while knocked down
- Fixed the bug that player can interact with stuffs when knocked down and during sexual animation with enemy
- Fixed many minor bugs
New content:
- Added Build system (5 Options so far)
- Added Crafting system (Total 46 Recipes)
- Added Dodge ability (cost 20 stamina, Left control to active)
- Added Searching bar when first trying to loot a storage
- Added a Disclaim page before getting in to the Main menu
- Added dust particle effect while running and jumping
- Now it have small chance to spawn sledgehammer in Hardware store
- Added heat value text in the item tooltip if it is burnable
- Added 37 New Items:
Enemy drop:
Wolf Fang (Drop by mutated dark wolf)
Hemp Rope, Cotton Wire, Iron Wire, Glue
Coal, Iron Scrap, Copper Scrap, Plastic Scrap
Processed Material:
Baked Plant Fiber, Wooden Rod, Long Wooden Rod, Plank
Sharp Stone, Fiber Rope, Fiber Wire, Cloth Piece, Cloth Rope,
Charcoal, Iron Bar, Copper Bar, Steel Bar (Non-craftable in this version)
Stone Brick, Lime, Clay, Metal Bar Mold, Basic Mechanical Parts
Simple Bandage
Cooked Food:
Baked Potato, Baked Carrot, Baked Fruit Skewers
Grilled Fish, Grilled Shellfish
Seafood Feast, Fish Soup, Fried Vegetable, Fruit Juice
- Changed the location and the font of the item numbers in the inventory slot
- Item number will now turn to the yellow color if it reach the max stackable number of the item
- Most items can now stack up to 20
- Changed the texture color of the plant fiber
- Renamed the metal scrap to "Abandoned Metal Component", also slightly change its texture
- Slightly changed the texture of wood scrap, also reduced the weight
- Increased the spawn rate of the natural resources in small forest
- Removed fog effect at the background of home and when exploring shop inner
- Made small changes on the Main menu
- Changed value of some consumable effect
- Some item now have durability
- Many item can be used as fuel now
- Updated the help page
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the wrong position of the highlight at glass shelf in bakery when selected
- Fixed issue that the visual management settings didn't save
- Fixed problem that the enemy will stuck at the shop door.
- Fixed item disappearing issue at shopping street.
- Fixed the improper background lighting when loading the game sometime
- Fixed the minor issue on some stats in the tooltip
New content:
- Added doors at the end of the corridor at G/F
- Added option to change FPS limit
- Some new added items in v0.0.6 can now be equipped
(Crowbar, Scissors, Shovel, Pan, Butter Knife, Chef Knife, Cleaver, Serrated Bread Knife, Steak Knife)
- Quick action that you can perform at the moment that the enemy almost grab you. (Press space, slow motion effect at the time)
- Hide more objects outside the screen to further improve performance
- Increased the camera zoom-in speed when starting a lewd related animation
- Now masturbation also require to un-equip item in your main hand
- Changed the way how leaves move
- Grass now have a slightly swing
- Changed the cloud texture
- Added Stars at the night sky background
- Reworked the lighting at background
- Change the texture and location of the door that allow you to enter test area
Bug Fix:
- Fixed some items don't have spacing their names
- Fixed some light switch placement
- Fixed problem that item floating at some location
- Fixed UI issue appearing when using left click and right click on the item at the same time
- Attempted to fixed issue that random square appearing at the shadow for android
- Fixed issue that you can keep jumping at the shopping street
- Reduced the chance that the background overlapping at shopping street
- Fixed issue that slime is not spawned at the small forest
New content:
- Added function to sleep in beds (only in home) to advance hours (Life and stamina recover 5 times faster)
- Added Auto-zoom in function during sex & struggle animations
- Added Ability to masturbate (H key, Android version: a extra button at option menu)
- Added Orgasm event if player reach 100% horny level when masturbating, horny value will drop to zero after that
- Added a Map system (Open by pressing M key or Auto-open when reaching the edge of the current location)
- Added Item lifted and placed sound effects in the inventory system - done
- Added Railing and grass ground at home background - done
- Added fog effect at background
- Added new struggle buttons for Android version
- Added creatures:
Mutated Dark Wolf (Feral) - An aggressive enemy that attacks you on purpose, can be found at small forest during night
Ground Bottle (Trap) - A stealthy plant that waiting for an unlucky prey to step on, have chance to be found at small forest
- Added location:
Forest - A location that you can find some natural resources
- Added structures:
Hardware store
Fish Store
Fast Food Restaurant
- Added item:
12 type of bread:
Bagel, Baguette, Brioche, Challah, Ciabatta, Cornbread
Croissant, Focaccia, Naan, Sourdough Bread, White Bread, Whole Wheat Bread
8 type of aquatic product:
Perch, Trout, Catfish, Salmon
Clam, Prawn, Crayfish, River crab
6 type of tool:
Scissors, Hand Saw, Pliers
Screwdriver, Crowbar, Shovel
2 type of small cake / cup cake:
Muffin, cupcake
19 type of Kitchen equipment:
Pan, Sauce Pan, Pot, Tea Pot
Cleaver, Chef Knife, Serrated Bread Knife, Steak Knife, Butter Knife
Fork, Spoon, Spatula, Ladle, Whisk, Juicer
Mug, Cup, Dish, Bowl
5 type of Fast food:
Hamburger(Fish), Hotdog
Fries, Fried Chicken, Pancake
4 type of Natural Resources:
Twig, Log, Stone, Plant Fiber
- The background and Structure in Shopping Street (West) is now generated randomly each time you entered.
- Extended the length of the Shopping Street (West), Now it is a group of four areas connected randomly.
- Removed blur effect for performance
- Now the horny level reduced slower (-0.5 per in-game minute) when it's over 50%
- Changed the image of the on-screen menu button at android build - done
- Now you will be teleported back to the bedroom after traveling to home
- Changed the potato sprite (Darker color)
- Changed the sprites of the shop window
- Increased the knock back force when collide with enemy
- Change the transparent value of the front environment
Bug Fix:
-Fixed issue that some enemy keep switching direction while doing sex
-Attempt to fix the text missing issue on the UI Button and tool tips for Android version (Note: Work normal on my device but unsure about other's)
-Removed the Hot Keys(K and L) for loading game data (Debug key used in v0.0.4)
New content:
- Added a collision damage ignore timer to player (1.5 s) after taking damage by touching enemies
- Added a visual setting page that accessible by pressing the new button in ESC menu
- Added an option to show FPS
- Added an new UI button for android version to toggle on/off the UI buttons.
- Changed the image sequence between the leg part of pants and shoes to make it look more nature
- Extended the protect timer after sex by 1s (5s now)
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the display problem of blue outlined oven in the restaurant
- Fixed the decimals display issue in Backpack UI
- Fixed multiple enemies starting sex or grab animation if they touch the player at the same time
New content:
- Added 110 items (All equipment)
Cap (2 color var.)
Uniform Hat (3 color var.)
Wool (3 color var.)
Top Hat
Circular Glasses
Rectangular Glasses
Face Mask(Black)
Sun Glasses
Mask (3 color var. other than black)
Crop Top (4 color var.)
Jacket (3 color var.)
Shirt (5 color var.)
T-Shirt (3 color var. other than white)
Short Pleated Skirt (8 color var.)
Short Skirt (4 color var.)
Sport Pants (2 color var.)
Sport Shorts (2 color var.)
Long Stockings-Cat Edge (6 color var.)
Long Stockings-Flower Edge (8 color var. other than purple)
Long Stockings-Stars (4 color var.)
Long Stockings-Stripes (12 color var.)
Short Socks (4 color var.)
Socks (8 color var.)
Thick Fishnet Stockings (3 color var.)
Thin Fishnet Stockings (3 color var.)
Leather Long Boots (Brown)
Leather Shoes (3 color var.)
Slippers (6 color var.)
Sneakers (7 color var.)
Rain Boots (Black)
Camping Bag(Black)
Duffel Bag(Black)
- Added a weight system, given all items their weight and calculate the total weight on the player
(-20% speed when weight/weight capacity >100% & <166%, -50% when >167%)
- Added a weight indicator bar in the backpack UI
- The horny level will now decreased by 1 each min while not in catch or sex animations
- Updated the new items into the loot table in shopping street
- Added a tiny slope between the floor ground at home and the ground outside, so player don't have to jump to enter the house.
- Changed the old equipment images shown in inventory
- Increased the backpack slots number by 4
- Increased the max stack number of some stackable items to twice
- Changed the attribute of some old equipment
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the area transition problems by adding a 2s cool down time for re-entering the area portal.
- Fixed the inappropriate weapon position in attack animations (Sledge Hammer & Wooden Spear)
- Increase the size of hammer and wrench when they are held in hands
- Increase the lift time of cloud in background by 20s
- Reduced the lift time of Damage numbers to 4s
- The character's face equipment in the blowjob animation will now be thrown off
Bug Fix:
- Fixed some specific item picked up from shop street being replaced after loading the game
- Fixed Damage numbers generated can be seen at another room
- Fixed sometimes the animations don't start when an enemy touch a player who is knocked down
- Improved the wall and ground to prevent the void falling problem
- Improved some storage at shops to prevent them being moved by dropped items
New content:
-Add World and Player setting page before starting a new game
-Add Load page where you can access the world you save
-Add a save function to the bed in bedroom at home
-Add 5 materials and 2 tools
-Add a player name to show below the character head icon
-Add a warning message after clicking the Exit button
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the broken switch in the room at the left end of 2/F of restaurant
- Fixed some items pass through the table and fall to the floor
- Fixed monster being block by doors (open status) in continuous rooms when chasing the player
New content:
- Complete shop street with the inner structure
- Now the equipment will shown and be affected in the struggle or sex animation
- Add 4 items (Money and 3 types of coins)
- Improved the UI scale for android
- Now the durability of underwear will reduce only if no relative clothing are wearing when taking damage (etc. T-shirt and pant)
- Reduced the durability of T-shirt, jean and underwear
- Very slightly changed the struggle and sex animation for goat-man
- Slightly changed the struggle and sex animation for slime
- Increased the attack and grab trigger distance of Slime
- Change the on-ground item sprite to show behind the player
- Changed the tree spites in home location
- Changed description for some items
- Slightly changed the light
Bug Fix:
- The character's neck turns blue when Goat-man grabs the player in his third stage blowjob animation
- Missorted weapon spite in various attack animations
- Try to fix the buggy background issue
- Monster attacking the player who is already laying on ground or trying to get up.
- Monster laggy movement when in air
New content:
-Added a new location - Shop Street
-Added experimental android support
-Added Volume control option
-A location name will now be shown to you when you enter there
-Now you can't interact with item when exhausted
-Now Monster will stop walking to you and will not try to grab you when you are getting up.
-Changed the Start Menu and Esc Menu
Bug Fix:
-Goatman hurt animation didn't play after being attack.
-Fixed the missorted item spite in shelves at storage room.
-Changed player legs placement in the struggle animation with Goatman.
Bug Fix:
-Fixed the missorted body spite in Slime, Goatman and Player
-Fixed the missorted equipment spite in different player animations
-The black panty picked up will now correctly show in the player inventory
-The struggle arrow will now correctly shown when monster is facing left side.
-Fixed the player disappear problem when attacking the entity who is trying to catch player.
New content:
-New animations for Goat-man!
-Added a player animation after running out the stamina
-Completed the storage room at home location
-Some inventory will show the stored item in specific slot now.
-Added inventory open and close sound
-Added item pick up and drop sound effect
-Added room lights & switch control
-Added grass sprite in front
-Added fogs in the edge of the home location
-Added Flower Crown, Black Mask and Green Gem Necklace in the cabinet of bedroom
-Updated the struggle system, now when the struggle bar reaches 0, the animation will enter the next stage.
Also, the amount of input required to struggle out is reduced (You don't have to cross through the previous animation now).
-Stamina bar will now change to a darker color when under 10%
-Increased the speed of some player animation
-A minor change in player walk animation
-Reduced the total stamina cost of "Jump Attack"
-Changed the light direction from windows and some light adjustment
-Changed the trigger box of the item storage to make them more easy to be selected
-Changed the stair sprite
-Changed some of the storage UI
Bug Fix:
-Invisible chair in bed room
-Fixed the light flash problem in the beginning of the game.
-Freeze posture after enter the door while running
Вы устали от своей прежней работы. Поэтому вы увольняетесь и решаете переехать в маленький городок. Первые несколько дней все идет хорошо. Однако, когда вы просыпаетесь в один из дней, утро оказывается более тихим, чем обычно. Сначала вы не придаете этому значения. Но когда вы выходите на улицу, в поле вашего зрения не оказывается ни одного человека, а повсюду появляется множество неизвестных видов. Вы впадаете в панику и понимаете, что все изменилось. Отныне вам придется искать способ приспособиться к жизни в этом будущем.
You are tired of your original job. Thus, you quit the job and decide to move to a small town.
Everything going well at first few days. However, when you wake up at another day, the morning is more quiet than usual.
At first you don't care about it much. But when you walk out to the street, there are no any people in your sight.
Instead, many unknown species starting to appear everywhere, you are getting panic and realizing that everything has changed.
For now on, you will need to find your way to adapt the future live.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 2d game, combat, creampie, female protagonist, furry, monster, oral, rape, side-scroller, tentacles, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Rolanda - patreon
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.0.8
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
IMPORTANT **Due to some of the game changes, it is advised that create a new world to play with**
New Content:
- New player UI
- New AI Update
- Added Heat and Desire system
- Added Exposure system
- Now some item can restore stamina (Energy drink, Energy bar)
- Added overweight penalty in run / dodge stamina cost and stamina recover speed
- Now loots can spawn with random numbers and random durability
- Added loot to the TV table and oven
- Now Plank has chance to been found at clothing shop and fruit shop
- Added the quick take & quick Put buttons in most of the container UI
- Added durability bar for the item showing in UI
- Now the lacking materials at chosen receipt will shown at the Input field
- Now the game will be paused when opening the ESC menu
- Added stealth damage boost when attacking enemy from behind (2x damage)
- Added Defense action for player (Press C to toggle)
- Added new walking animation for player when walking on sticky ground
- Added a new idle pose for player when holding weapon
- Added Visual effects for in-heat and orgasm
- Added different idle/walk/run animations for player who is in-heat
- Added a player orgasm animation during the sexual animations with enemy
- Added a variation of player masturbating animation when getting close to orgasm (>50%)
- Player will now fainted for a short time after knocked down and can't get up when fainted
- The cum records in the player stat will now function
- Added Cum leaking effect
- The Main Player UI now scale with the screen size
- Added Visual differences for goat man
- Added a trial of attribute system
- Updated the player stats UI
- Updated the struggle system
- Increase stamina regenerate speed when standing / crouching (3 times faster, require 3 seconds to active)
- Reduced base running stamina cost by 20%, reduced base dodging stamina cost by 33%, and increased base stamina recover speed by 25%
- Reduced the stamina consumption on most of the weapons when attacking
- Reduced base health recover speed by 80%
- Re-texture the item image of slime mucus and slime core
- Increase maximum stack number to 5 for some item (Log, Water Can, Slime Core)
- Reduced the spawn rate of some loot
- Changed the defense calculation method (From minus the defense value switching to percentage reduction, can check the actual blocking effect at stats UI)
- Changed the critical damage resistance calculation method
- Adjusted the indoor lighting at home and shopping street
- Updated the slow motion effect to enemy grabbing (lesser time & smaller range)
- Slightly reduce the base knock back distance for player
- Adjusted some player animations and the transition between the animations
- Adjusted the player dodging animation to enhance the control ability
- Player will take more arousal during sex scene under high desire level (x1.5 when reaching 50%, x2 when reaching 80%
- Restrict player to struggle for a few second after orgasm
- Add option to delete world and player-build furniture
- Small adjustment in the help page
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the low item sensitivity problem in the container when another item is dragged over on the item to exchange
- Fixed the issue that furniture blueprint move to the center between two touch position when trying to build it
- Fixed the bug that player can dodge while knocked down
- Fixed the bug that player can interact with stuffs when knocked down and during sexual animation with enemy
- Fixed many minor bugs
New content:
- Added Build system (5 Options so far)
- Added Crafting system (Total 46 Recipes)
- Added Dodge ability (cost 20 stamina, Left control to active)
- Added Searching bar when first trying to loot a storage
- Added a Disclaim page before getting in to the Main menu
- Added dust particle effect while running and jumping
- Now it have small chance to spawn sledgehammer in Hardware store
- Added heat value text in the item tooltip if it is burnable
- Added 37 New Items:
Enemy drop:
Wolf Fang (Drop by mutated dark wolf)
Hemp Rope, Cotton Wire, Iron Wire, Glue
Coal, Iron Scrap, Copper Scrap, Plastic Scrap
Processed Material:
Baked Plant Fiber, Wooden Rod, Long Wooden Rod, Plank
Sharp Stone, Fiber Rope, Fiber Wire, Cloth Piece, Cloth Rope,
Charcoal, Iron Bar, Copper Bar, Steel Bar (Non-craftable in this version)
Stone Brick, Lime, Clay, Metal Bar Mold, Basic Mechanical Parts
Simple Bandage
Cooked Food:
Baked Potato, Baked Carrot, Baked Fruit Skewers
Grilled Fish, Grilled Shellfish
Seafood Feast, Fish Soup, Fried Vegetable, Fruit Juice
- Changed the location and the font of the item numbers in the inventory slot
- Item number will now turn to the yellow color if it reach the max stackable number of the item
- Most items can now stack up to 20
- Changed the texture color of the plant fiber
- Renamed the metal scrap to "Abandoned Metal Component", also slightly change its texture
- Slightly changed the texture of wood scrap, also reduced the weight
- Increased the spawn rate of the natural resources in small forest
- Removed fog effect at the background of home and when exploring shop inner
- Made small changes on the Main menu
- Changed value of some consumable effect
- Some item now have durability
- Many item can be used as fuel now
- Updated the help page
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the wrong position of the highlight at glass shelf in bakery when selected
- Fixed issue that the visual management settings didn't save
- Fixed problem that the enemy will stuck at the shop door.
- Fixed item disappearing issue at shopping street.
- Fixed the improper background lighting when loading the game sometime
- Fixed the minor issue on some stats in the tooltip
New content:
- Added doors at the end of the corridor at G/F
- Added option to change FPS limit
- Some new added items in v0.0.6 can now be equipped
(Crowbar, Scissors, Shovel, Pan, Butter Knife, Chef Knife, Cleaver, Serrated Bread Knife, Steak Knife)
- Quick action that you can perform at the moment that the enemy almost grab you. (Press space, slow motion effect at the time)
- Hide more objects outside the screen to further improve performance
- Increased the camera zoom-in speed when starting a lewd related animation
- Now masturbation also require to un-equip item in your main hand
- Changed the way how leaves move
- Grass now have a slightly swing
- Changed the cloud texture
- Added Stars at the night sky background
- Reworked the lighting at background
- Change the texture and location of the door that allow you to enter test area
Bug Fix:
- Fixed some items don't have spacing their names
- Fixed some light switch placement
- Fixed problem that item floating at some location
- Fixed UI issue appearing when using left click and right click on the item at the same time
- Attempted to fixed issue that random square appearing at the shadow for android
- Fixed issue that you can keep jumping at the shopping street
- Reduced the chance that the background overlapping at shopping street
- Fixed issue that slime is not spawned at the small forest
New content:
- Added function to sleep in beds (only in home) to advance hours (Life and stamina recover 5 times faster)
- Added Auto-zoom in function during sex & struggle animations
- Added Ability to masturbate (H key, Android version: a extra button at option menu)
- Added Orgasm event if player reach 100% horny level when masturbating, horny value will drop to zero after that
- Added a Map system (Open by pressing M key or Auto-open when reaching the edge of the current location)
- Added Item lifted and placed sound effects in the inventory system - done
- Added Railing and grass ground at home background - done
- Added fog effect at background
- Added new struggle buttons for Android version
- Added creatures:
Mutated Dark Wolf (Feral) - An aggressive enemy that attacks you on purpose, can be found at small forest during night
Ground Bottle (Trap) - A stealthy plant that waiting for an unlucky prey to step on, have chance to be found at small forest
- Added location:
Forest - A location that you can find some natural resources
- Added structures:
Hardware store
Fish Store
Fast Food Restaurant
- Added item:
12 type of bread:
Bagel, Baguette, Brioche, Challah, Ciabatta, Cornbread
Croissant, Focaccia, Naan, Sourdough Bread, White Bread, Whole Wheat Bread
8 type of aquatic product:
Perch, Trout, Catfish, Salmon
Clam, Prawn, Crayfish, River crab
6 type of tool:
Scissors, Hand Saw, Pliers
Screwdriver, Crowbar, Shovel
2 type of small cake / cup cake:
Muffin, cupcake
19 type of Kitchen equipment:
Pan, Sauce Pan, Pot, Tea Pot
Cleaver, Chef Knife, Serrated Bread Knife, Steak Knife, Butter Knife
Fork, Spoon, Spatula, Ladle, Whisk, Juicer
Mug, Cup, Dish, Bowl
5 type of Fast food:
Hamburger(Fish), Hotdog
Fries, Fried Chicken, Pancake
4 type of Natural Resources:
Twig, Log, Stone, Plant Fiber
- The background and Structure in Shopping Street (West) is now generated randomly each time you entered.
- Extended the length of the Shopping Street (West), Now it is a group of four areas connected randomly.
- Removed blur effect for performance
- Now the horny level reduced slower (-0.5 per in-game minute) when it's over 50%
- Changed the image of the on-screen menu button at android build - done
- Now you will be teleported back to the bedroom after traveling to home
- Changed the potato sprite (Darker color)
- Changed the sprites of the shop window
- Increased the knock back force when collide with enemy
- Change the transparent value of the front environment
Bug Fix:
-Fixed issue that some enemy keep switching direction while doing sex
-Attempt to fix the text missing issue on the UI Button and tool tips for Android version (Note: Work normal on my device but unsure about other's)
-Removed the Hot Keys(K and L) for loading game data (Debug key used in v0.0.4)
New content:
- Added a collision damage ignore timer to player (1.5 s) after taking damage by touching enemies
- Added a visual setting page that accessible by pressing the new button in ESC menu
- Added an option to show FPS
- Added an new UI button for android version to toggle on/off the UI buttons.
- Changed the image sequence between the leg part of pants and shoes to make it look more nature
- Extended the protect timer after sex by 1s (5s now)
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the display problem of blue outlined oven in the restaurant
- Fixed the decimals display issue in Backpack UI
- Fixed multiple enemies starting sex or grab animation if they touch the player at the same time
New content:
- Added 110 items (All equipment)
Cap (2 color var.)
Uniform Hat (3 color var.)
Wool (3 color var.)
Top Hat
Circular Glasses
Rectangular Glasses
Face Mask(Black)
Sun Glasses
Mask (3 color var. other than black)
Crop Top (4 color var.)
Jacket (3 color var.)
Shirt (5 color var.)
T-Shirt (3 color var. other than white)
Short Pleated Skirt (8 color var.)
Short Skirt (4 color var.)
Sport Pants (2 color var.)
Sport Shorts (2 color var.)
Long Stockings-Cat Edge (6 color var.)
Long Stockings-Flower Edge (8 color var. other than purple)
Long Stockings-Stars (4 color var.)
Long Stockings-Stripes (12 color var.)
Short Socks (4 color var.)
Socks (8 color var.)
Thick Fishnet Stockings (3 color var.)
Thin Fishnet Stockings (3 color var.)
Leather Long Boots (Brown)
Leather Shoes (3 color var.)
Slippers (6 color var.)
Sneakers (7 color var.)
Rain Boots (Black)
Camping Bag(Black)
Duffel Bag(Black)
- Added a weight system, given all items their weight and calculate the total weight on the player
(-20% speed when weight/weight capacity >100% & <166%, -50% when >167%)
- Added a weight indicator bar in the backpack UI
- The horny level will now decreased by 1 each min while not in catch or sex animations
- Updated the new items into the loot table in shopping street
- Added a tiny slope between the floor ground at home and the ground outside, so player don't have to jump to enter the house.
- Changed the old equipment images shown in inventory
- Increased the backpack slots number by 4
- Increased the max stack number of some stackable items to twice
- Changed the attribute of some old equipment
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the area transition problems by adding a 2s cool down time for re-entering the area portal.
- Fixed the inappropriate weapon position in attack animations (Sledge Hammer & Wooden Spear)
- Increase the size of hammer and wrench when they are held in hands
- Increase the lift time of cloud in background by 20s
- Reduced the lift time of Damage numbers to 4s
- The character's face equipment in the blowjob animation will now be thrown off
Bug Fix:
- Fixed some specific item picked up from shop street being replaced after loading the game
- Fixed Damage numbers generated can be seen at another room
- Fixed sometimes the animations don't start when an enemy touch a player who is knocked down
- Improved the wall and ground to prevent the void falling problem
- Improved some storage at shops to prevent them being moved by dropped items
New content:
-Add World and Player setting page before starting a new game
-Add Load page where you can access the world you save
-Add a save function to the bed in bedroom at home
-Add 5 materials and 2 tools
-Add a player name to show below the character head icon
-Add a warning message after clicking the Exit button
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the broken switch in the room at the left end of 2/F of restaurant
- Fixed some items pass through the table and fall to the floor
- Fixed monster being block by doors (open status) in continuous rooms when chasing the player
New content:
- Complete shop street with the inner structure
- Now the equipment will shown and be affected in the struggle or sex animation
- Add 4 items (Money and 3 types of coins)
- Improved the UI scale for android
- Now the durability of underwear will reduce only if no relative clothing are wearing when taking damage (etc. T-shirt and pant)
- Reduced the durability of T-shirt, jean and underwear
- Very slightly changed the struggle and sex animation for goat-man
- Slightly changed the struggle and sex animation for slime
- Increased the attack and grab trigger distance of Slime
- Change the on-ground item sprite to show behind the player
- Changed the tree spites in home location
- Changed description for some items
- Slightly changed the light
Bug Fix:
- The character's neck turns blue when Goat-man grabs the player in his third stage blowjob animation
- Missorted weapon spite in various attack animations
- Try to fix the buggy background issue
- Monster attacking the player who is already laying on ground or trying to get up.
- Monster laggy movement when in air
New content:
-Added a new location - Shop Street
-Added experimental android support
-Added Volume control option
-A location name will now be shown to you when you enter there
-Now you can't interact with item when exhausted
-Now Monster will stop walking to you and will not try to grab you when you are getting up.
-Changed the Start Menu and Esc Menu
Bug Fix:
-Goatman hurt animation didn't play after being attack.
-Fixed the missorted item spite in shelves at storage room.
-Changed player legs placement in the struggle animation with Goatman.
Bug Fix:
-Fixed the missorted body spite in Slime, Goatman and Player
-Fixed the missorted equipment spite in different player animations
-The black panty picked up will now correctly show in the player inventory
-The struggle arrow will now correctly shown when monster is facing left side.
-Fixed the player disappear problem when attacking the entity who is trying to catch player.
New content:
-New animations for Goat-man!
-Added a player animation after running out the stamina
-Completed the storage room at home location
-Some inventory will show the stored item in specific slot now.
-Added inventory open and close sound
-Added item pick up and drop sound effect
-Added room lights & switch control
-Added grass sprite in front
-Added fogs in the edge of the home location
-Added Flower Crown, Black Mask and Green Gem Necklace in the cabinet of bedroom
-Updated the struggle system, now when the struggle bar reaches 0, the animation will enter the next stage.
Also, the amount of input required to struggle out is reduced (You don't have to cross through the previous animation now).
-Stamina bar will now change to a darker color when under 10%
-Increased the speed of some player animation
-A minor change in player walk animation
-Reduced the total stamina cost of "Jump Attack"
-Changed the light direction from windows and some light adjustment
-Changed the trigger box of the item storage to make them more easy to be selected
-Changed the stair sprite
-Changed some of the storage UI
Bug Fix:
-Invisible chair in bed room
-Fixed the light flash problem in the beginning of the game.
-Freeze posture after enter the door while running
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