Описание:В этой захватывающем научно-фантастическом хорроре наша главная героиня, Они Лим, просыпается на борту космического корабля колонизаторов. Однако, очнувшись ото сна, она быстро понимает, что все остальные члены экипажа остаются в криогенном анабиозе, а важнейшие системы корабля неисправны. Полная решимости найти источник проблемы, Они отправляется в опасное путешествие по лабиринтам коридоров корабля. То, что она обнаруживает среди мерцающих огней и зловещих теней, просто шокирует.
In this gripping Sci-Fi Horror game, our protagonist, Oni Lim, awakens aboard a colonization spaceship. However, as she awake from her slumber, she quickly realizes that all other crew members remain in cryogenic stasis, and critical ship systems are malfunctioning. Determined to uncover the source of the problem, Oni embarks on a perilous journey through the labyrinthine corridors of the ship. What she discovers amidst the flickering lights and ominous shadows is nothing short of shocking.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 3d game, adventure, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, female protagonist, handjob, horror, lesbian, masturbation, monster, oral, pregnancy, puzzle, sci-fi, sex toys, shooter, tentacles, transformation, vaginal, voiced,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Kodman -
patreonПлатформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.3.1
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v.0.3.1 - 2025-03-16
[Main Character]
Completely reworked damage system based on falling velocity
[Game Difficulty]
Now game difficulty does not affect the amount of Stamina
Now game difficulty does not affect the amount of C-Scanner Battery
Added Key Binding settings (so far, it works only in the Pause Menu - Options)
Added the option to change the difficulty during the game in the settings
Changed the implant menu
Added character animation to the implant menu
New implant added: Retin-A Sensors
New implant added: Pathfinder N-Link
Added tutorial dynamic Windows
Added showed tutorials in Journal
Added dynamic Key hints messages
Partially changed the sector of crew members
[Video Gallery]
Added all the cut scenes to the gallery
Added dynamic hints to use meds
Elevator colliders have been reworked - now players won't get stuck in elevator collisions and jump over the railing
Added the option to spend 2 Repair Kits to immediately repair the power panel
The new game menu has been redesigned
Amount of ammo in the Maintenance compartments location has been increased
Added partial support for gamepads (does not work in UI)
v0.3.0 - 2025-01-15
[Main Character]
Improved controllability of the main character in a jump
Reduced fall damage by 10%
Added new ERT Outfit
Added 3 major story cutscenes
Added 7 short story cutscenes
Added 2 shower scenes
Added 2 respawn scenes
Added 6 short cutscenes on old location for better quest navigation
Added new Med Item: ReGen Cap
Added new Med Item: D-TOXn Cap
Rebalanced Adrenaline Modulator V-12
The range of the Echonyx Vision implant has been increased
Added map: Power Core
Reworked map: Workshops Sector 6
Added location: Maintenance Compartment
Added location: Power Core
Added flashing light beacons to make it easier to finding the way through the main story
Blocked small routes to places that disoriented players
Workshops: Sector 6 location has been expanded
Added ambient sounds to various locations
Increased volume of voices in cut scenes
[Save System]
Completely reworked save/load system
Added a new game save menu
Added a new game loading menu
Added “Continue” button to the main menu to load the last save
Added new enemy model
Changed location and chance of respawning old enemies
Redesigned game difficulty selection menu
A new quick notification system (QNS) has been added
The new QNS will display pictures of items, items needed, items used, and more
Added UI Scaling for Multiple Resolutions
A new story puzzle has been added
Added electric traps that cause physical damage
Added fire sources that deal physical damage
Added 4 new collectible cards
Added 7 backstory notes and emails
Added additional points in the questline to make it easier to understand what to do
Added new visual effects
Added camera shake effect while shooting
v0.2.2 - 2024-12-02
[Main Character]
The character is armed: Run speed reduced by 10%
Deep infection: Running speed is reduced by 10%
Falling speed reduced
Reworked ‘After Awakening’ cutscene
Reworked ‘The Fall’ cutscene
Reworked ‘First Contact’ cutscene
[Character Menu]
Added a Character Menu [TAB]
Added a section for the main character's status and parameters
Consumables section added
Added a tools section
Added a section for medicines
Added a section for installed implants
Added a menu with a description to all existing items in the game
[Implant System]
Added Implant Menu
Created Implant medical bed - MedStation
Added Implant Items - imPacks
Added new implant for head (4 implants)
Added new implant for body (4 implants)
Reworked map: Animal Stasis Labs
Reworked map: Workshops Sector 7
Reworked map: Workshops Sector 8
Crew Tier: Adden Gym Room
Crew Tier: Adden Pre-Airlock Room
Crew Tier: Adden Airlock Room
Front Loading Docks: Adden new warehouse
Animal Stasis Labs: Adden Medical Office
Workshops Sector 7: Adden Medical Office
[Video Gallery]
Added new Flashback Cutscenes
Added ambient sounds to various locations
Added UI open/close animations
Added blue lighting to the power cable for better visibility
Added a shortcut between sectors: Workshops Sector 6 - Workshops Sector 9
Added a shortcut between sectors: Workshops Sector 8 - Workshops Sector 9
Changelog v.0.2.1: - 2024-08-22
[Main Character]
Fixed weight painting for all types of AstroTech Peon outfits.
Added new hairstyle: One-Side Implant.
Updated cornea material for eyes.
Reduced Spreader respawn chance in Sector 9.
Reduced running speed of the Spreader.
Adjusted placement of some Sporerpops to improve visibility.
Fixed Nav Mesh (pathfinding) issues in Sector 8.
Increased Spreader head size during aggro.
[Video Gallery]
Added all cutscenes to the gallery on the main terminal (8 cutscenes total).
Added a new "Missions" section to the journal [J].
Included logs of "Completed Missions" in the Missions section.
Added a "Collected Notes" section to the journal.
Improved video memory usage.
Fixed issues causing freezes in streaming level areas.
Map stations now allow players to download a map of the location.
Added the ability to access the map at any time by pressing the [M] key.
Added a list of all downloaded maps to the Map UI.
Added missing notes and emails.
Improved lighting for better optimization.
Added world boundaries: going beyond the textures will result in the character's death.
Fixed a bug where the main character's feet would get stuck in textures after dying from a fall.
Changed the location of the Sirin collection card.
Added an option to invert the camera axis in control settings.
Changed size and crosshair transparency.
Changelog v0.2.0: - 2024-07-09
New Workshops: Sector 7, Sector 8, Sector 9
New Main Laboratories: Sector 1
Added Brightness Settings to Video Settings
Added Motion Blur Settings to Video Settings
Added Audio Settings (Master, Music, SFX, Voice)
Added Infection Screen Warning
Added Health Screen Warning
Oni - Added coughing sound from infection
Oni - Added damage sound when receiving physical damage
Added sound of fuse blowing on the emergency door
Added music in safe rooms
Added new theme in Main Menu
Added environment event sounds
[Main Character]
Added fall damage system
Added crouching aim system
Added Ambient Occlusion effect to the main character's material
Reworked physical model of the main character (physics of body parts, ragdoll)
Added health system
Added infection system
Increased stamina at all difficulty levels
Increased C-Scanner battery at all difficulty levels
Oni - Changed jump animations with and without weapon
Oni - Added animation of aiming while crouching
Oni - Improved crouching animation
Added 18 variants of NSFW animations
Added flashlight on the weapon
Added VFX to the hit point
All doors open faster
Added VFX to fuse damage in the emergency door
New NPC: Clarissa
New NPC: Mark
New NPC: Bob
New enemy: Sporepop
New enemy: Spreader
New enemy: Burgeon (4 variants)
New 6 big NSFW cutscenes
New 5 small cutscenes
Added a system of cutscenes depending on the state of the main character
New AstroTech Peon outfit in three variants
New AstroMed P2 outfit in two variants
Added elevators (small and big)
New puzzle: Repair Power Panel
Maps - Added green zone for Safe Rooms
Added 14 new collection cards
Added 8 new lore tablets
Added 9 new lore emails
New Main Menu screen
[Character Movement]
Improved jumping - Added more control over the character in the air
Flashlight - Extended light range of the flashlight
Name changed to C-Scanner
Added a video gallery in the main terminal
All the main scenes have been added to the gallery and converted into a looped version, with various camera positions and playback speed
Added a button to skip part of the cut scene
In all cutscenes, all voice acting has been replaced
Added mouth animation when speaking
Update fluid in cut scenes
Reworked cutscene with the dead guard
Improved camera focus in all cut scenes
Ventilation shafts - The long ventilation shafts were replaced with service rooms/corridors in which the character can run.
New rooms added to the Animal Stasis Labs compartment
Added sounds for background devices
The volume of sounds has been better calibrated
The AI voice was replaced with an actor's voiceover for the main character
Brightness - Added brightness settings to the pause menu
Added spore effects near infected areas
A screen has been added to the door of the ventilation shaft for better visibility
Improved texture quality of the main character
- Workshops (Security Room) - Сhanged location of Vectra collection card
- Crew tier (Stasis Lab) - Сhanged location of Stellara collection card
- Added Emergency Battery Recharge for weapon. If you use up all the ammunition, 1 battery charge for the weapon will be restored (10 sec)
- Big Toy - Added wet spots to the body
- Big Toy - Added wet spots to the toy
- Big Toy - Added face animation (some emotions)
- Big Toy - Changed light position and add new light sources
- Two Brothers - The cutscene was reduced by 35% (105 sec shorter)
- Two Brothers - Added wet spots to the MC body
- Two Brothers - Changed light position
- End of Prologue - Added new effects
- Flashlight - Increased light radius of the flashlight but reduced intensity
- Flashlight - Fixed a bug when the flashlight battery was completely discharged, the bio-scanner screen continued to light up
- Player Status - Fixed a bug where the player status interface did not open when holding down [Ctrl]
Animal Stasis Labs - Added new rooms
- Added new AstroLab Outfit
- Workshops (Security Room) - Added a hint to the door
- Added new tablets and emails with side-stories and hints
- Added map of Workshop Bay
- Added glow effect to power cables
Prologue Release