Описание:Никогда не было более правдивой войны, чем война за веру, ведь если люди не будут сражаться за то, во что они верят, то за что ещё можно сражаться?
Вы видели это и были там. Когда-то преданный человек, сражавшийся за то, во что верил, видел и считал себя героем... по совершенно неправильным причинам.
Но если бы у вас был шанс сделать это снова, вы бы поступили так же?
История Элиота Магнуса (имя может быть изменено), некогда преданного верующего человека и паладина своего Бога, считавшегося героем.
И всё же герой может превратиться в злодея по всем правильным причинам, когда раньше он сражался по всем неправильным причинам.
"By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. Mad words in sermons, wills of mortal men and women. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot stand for themselves, goodness and righteousness. Little to none of that present now a day however."
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, big ass, corruption, fantasy, graphic violence, harem, male protagonist, monster, monster girl,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: M.C Games -
subscribestar |
discordПеревод: xDublleПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Другие проекты автора: Strings of Fate - Long way Home - Under the MoonlightВерсия: v.1.0
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
(Смена языка в настройках)Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty xDublle)v1.0 - 2025-02-05
* Elleria Book 1 Wrap up, Chapter 5.
* Chapter 1 - Part I has had Eliot dialogues along with most Lyria dialogues refined.
- This is first update in this area, where I will continue refining the remains when time and opportunity allows it.
v0.9.8 - Chapter IV - 2025-01-19
v0.9.1 - Bug Fix
Fixed the issue where player chosen name wasn't grabbed by the code in Chapter III Ending.
Elleria - Unto the End, added into the music room.
v0.7 - Chapter III - 2024-10-23
Chapter III Start. (And it is a BIG one. Story, lots of story.)
New Soundtracks!
New SFX!
Second pass over Prologue. (Flow, Typos, Grammar corrections.)
Chapter I corrections. (Flow, Typos, Grammar corrections, clarity in sentences, and old English thrown out.)
Chapter II corrections. (Flow, Typos, Grammar corrections, clarity in sentences, and old English thrown out.)
Window Icon updated.
Main Menu Changes.
A huge thanks to "Merlin" - For you're truly a wizard of unparalleled power, who has done a tremendous work on this update. (Editor)
v0.6 - Chapter II - Part II - 2024-09-27
Corrections and Typo fixes. (A lot of them.)
Went back to Aria hut meeting section, added additional dialogue(conversation). That casts some light on conversations that were previously faded to black, giving the player more knowledge on what is actually going on.
(As per suggestion.)
Some GUI Changes
New Soundtracks
Previous chapters & game has been compressed, impacting the overall size.
v0.5 - Chapter II - Start.
Corrections at Chapter I.
New Soundtracks.
v0.4 - Chapter 1 End - 2024-04-11
Wrap up of Chapter I.
New Gallery Additions.
New Sound Effects and Music.
GUI Work.
v0.3 - Chapter 1 Part 2 - 2024-03-24
- Story, lots of story.
- Added Codex System, for those who actually care for game / world lore. (This will have constant additions as the story takes shape.)
- Added Gallery (Aka you can unlock some nice renders along the way. Some are just nice wallpapers, and others are more ''spicy'' in nature. I needed someplace to put all the renders that I make but never show! Each update should bring new ones.)
- Note: Gallery Renders are unlocked via one of the three methods, (1st: Just play the game, at specific story parts you get rewarded. 2nd: Specific choices lead to renders unlock. 3rd: With upcoming achievement system, get an achievement to unlock the render. (Not available at the moment!) )
- Insert (I lost count of how many new sound effects and tracks this time)
- Prologue corrections and some light changes in sentences.
- Further GUI Tweaks
- Textbox Opacity Slider under the options. (Here you go bad sight people, help yourselves.)
- Typo Fixes
v0.2 - Chapter 1 Start - 2024-02-15
( Quite a sizeable one.)
- GUI Tweaks.
- Increased the Shadow Opacity of the dialogues. (Per suggestion from people who had issues reading in some lighter scenes. Will be tweaked further if necessary.(Feel free to ping me y' folks with bad sight.) )
- Auto Forward is now located under preferences, next to auto forward speed control. (Available for toggle as per request.)
- Typo Fixes
- Character Codex. (Can be accessed during the play time, right click to open the menu and click on ''Characters'' to get some background on them, if you have the particular character unlocked.)
- Several new soundtracks from some quite talented people!
- Some tweaks and work on main character design.
v0.1 - Intro
Initial Release