Описание:Одинокий капитан звездолета, брошенный в столетнюю войну между Союзом и Королевствами, решает восстать против своей судьбы. Присоединяйтесь к нему в его галактическом путешествии и откройте для себя различные истории, которые еще могут расцвести на Пепелище Войны.
Прямолинейная военная научно-фантастическая визуальная новелла для любителей романтики.
Thrown into a century long war between the Union and the Kingdoms, a lone starship Captain decides to rebel against his fate. Join him in his galactic journey and discover the various stories that can still bloom in the Ashes of War.
A straightforward Military Sci-fi VN for romance enthusiasts.
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 2dcg, male protagonist, romance, sci-fi, military, masturbation, oral,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Cat's Tooth Studio - www.patreon.com/user?u=83215013
Перевод: djlaser |
Discord переводчикаПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.17 Rus / v.1.30 Eng
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v1.30 - 2025-03-09
3 New animated H-CGs
Couple CGs
30k words.
1.29 - 2025-02-08
New Battle
New Animated H-CG (Vel)
New 3D animation
More Story.
1.27 - 2025-01-11
Wrapping up Krakin Arc
New animated CG for Merc.
v1.26 - 2024-12-22
Revamped Battle system first draft with 6 missions.
Added Animated CGs for Rachel, Camilla and Xi
v1.25 - 2024-12-07
New Eva scene (CG)
New Xi Scene. (Animated CG)
New BG
v1.24 - 2024-11-16
Finished Core re-Writes (finally)
New Marines Scene
Added Backgrounds
Added Half-CGs for the Base Assault and Nora's first HScene
Added Grant, Vex and new Pirate Sprites.
v1.23 - 2024-10-26
Improved Animation triggers for smoother rollback and transitions.
Added animated Camilla H scene
Added animated Rachel H scene.
Added Eva and Rachel CG
Re-Writes up to the Runia supply run.
v1.22 - 2024-10-15
Added Animated CGs (Only Nora's H scene is animated ATM)
Changed all Marines Sprites for improved quality.
Added Camilla's H-Scene
Re-writes up until Rachel's H scene.
v1.21 (minor update)
Still no new content.
A couple re-writes up until Nora's smoking scene, as well as a small addition to Nora's H scene.
Re-worked Camilla's sport CG
New naked sprite for Nora.
v1.2 - 2024-09-14
A LOT of re-writes. Script is pretty much in its final form until Eva's second CG (Desk CG)
One new H-scene for Nora
Temporarily removed battle system
Temporarily removed Camilla and Eva's H scenes (coming back next update for Camilla, not sure yet for Eva)
Re-done some "ghost" NPCs
No new content (sorry!)
v1.19 - 2024-03-17
Finishing the TOHE Base Assault Plot. +- 35minutes.
New CGs.
More Re-writes.
v1.18 - 2024-03-03
New Scene.
New CG
Re-wrote Camilla's introduction
Re-wrote H scenes
V1.17 - 2023-12-23
New Scenes
New 3d ship animations
V1.15 - 2023-11-26
New Scene
Some more spelling and grammar fixes (+- first half of the game should be decent)
New 3D CGs
V1.14 - 2023-11-07
New Scenes
New Cgs
New 3D CGs
V1.13 (Light update) - 2023-10-22
New Scene
New animation
V1.12 - 2023-09-23
New Scene + corrections and visual updates
Added new content for the first half of the game (more Rachel flirting mostly)
Near eradication of spelling and grammatical mistakes IN THE FIRST PART OF THE GAME (the rest is WIP)
New 3D CGs
V 1.11 - 2023-08-30
New Scene + corrections and visual updates.
New 3D CGs + (1) animation
Added MAC version (for this version)
V1.1 - 2023-08-09
Re-wrote a couple of scenes already present
Added new character sprites
Added a Codex for Lore bits
Added a simple Map system.
Added new scenes
First version of the Battle Module added
Added all CGs to the gallery
Typos correction
V1.03 (For Win and Mac)
Save Menu on Right Click
Bigger icons for bottom toolbar
Text now prints faster.
More precise cursor.
Saves now show the screen where you saved.
More spelling corrections.
Added an optimized android apk.
Added a Mac Version.
V1.01 :
Various bug fixes and spelling corrections.
Implemented autosaves in case of crashes.
Can now choose name for protag.
CG Gallery is fixed and working as intended
Added an Android apk for the couple people that could want it.
It's a straight copy of the Win version. THIS WILL NOT GIVE YOU THE OPTIMAL EXPERIENCE
v1.00 Release