Описание:Tame It Too! - это игра на выживание про разведение гаремов! Здесь вы найдете все, что вы любите в этих жанрах. Каждый день будет сложным, ведь выживание - это не просто шоу! Вам придется заботиться о себе и своих подругах, эволюционировать, приспосабливаться к местной флоре и фауне, завоевывать, строить, учиться и учить!
История приключений Ли из игры Tame It!, который потерпел крушение и оказался на необитаемом острове, продолжается! Теперь Ли ждет новый остров, гораздо больше предыдущего, и на этот раз он очень обитаем! Вас ждут захватывающие приключения в тропическом раю, полном опасностей.
Tame It Too! is a survival harem breeding game! Here you'll find everything you love about these genres. Every day will be a challenge, because survival is not just for show! You'll have to take care of yourself and your girlfriends, evolve, adapt to the local flora and fauna, conquer, build, learn and teach!
The story of Lee's adventures from Tame It! game, who crashed and found himself on a desert island, continues! Now a new island awaits Lee, much bigger than the previous one, and this time it is very inhabited! Exciting adventures are waiting for you in a tropical paradise full of dangers.
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 3d game, male protagonist, monster, monster girl, adventure, fantasy, oral, vaginal, animated,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Manka Games -
patreon |
Website |
discordПлатформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.7.3
Другие игры: Tame It - (non)trivialЯзык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
0.7.3 - 2025-03-22
Add quantity selector in crafting, it allows to spend less energy on crafting multiple items at once;
Add “map reveal” premium feature;
Change Android renderer from OpenGL ES to Vulkan. This should improve fps but raise the minimum Android version requirements;
Separated levels in peeping scenes. Rebalance alert meter;
Show learned words in notifications;
Add hotkey “H” for hiding UI (works not on all UI states yet);
Update Cat hair;
Update Tonya model;
Add new sex scene with Tonya in Chapter 1;
Fix wood fuel multiplier;
Fix mushrooms respawn;
Fix “pussy problem” quest start;
Fix camp building exploit (thx Archangelique);
Add new sounds, music fixes;
Add new loot alignment feature;
Small fixes;
v0.7.2 - 2025-02-05
Add basic checks for file permissions;
Add alert panel;
Add additional checks to screen mode and resolution settings;
Add post-processing controls to the main menu;
Improve quality controls.
Add sounds to Chapter 1 cutscenes;
Add ambient to cats beach;
Fixes in quests & events logic;
Fixes in the map;
Many other small fixes.
Story continuation!
Add new location: cat village beach;
Add new animals: hen, cock, pig;
Add new character, maned wolf Mana;
Add Tonya peeping scene;
Fix autosave loss of player information (Don’t use autosaves from previous version. Manual saves should work fine);
Add premium mode (cheat/developer panel);
Add camera sensitivity controls;
Add feature to switch emojis to text for Cat and Octa;
Add a new interactive map;
Add a storage feature. Now Lee can find and open chests and build chests for additional storage in his camp;
Berries now easier to find because they grow on bushes;
Jaguar cape can be unequipped now;
Add Octa peeping scene (3 stages);
Fix panel borders in comics on Android;
Fix animation bug in Cat bj scene;
Fix tutorial logic in several steps (thx V4mpire);
Change reset button logic in the pause menu to be more helpful;
Improve visual quality of the game (enable postprocessing in the settings menu);
Fix generation of very large log files;
Now bamboo can be cut with an axe to save energy;
Multiple bug fixes in controls, game logic and breeding.
Fix screen and quality settings dropdown behavior (thx REAPER);
Add permissions check at the start of the game;
Add a command line argument for clearing game settings.
v0.6.3 - 2024-12-25
Fix autosave loss of player information (Don’t use autosaves from previous version. Manual saves should work fine);
Add premium mode (cheat/developer panel);
Add camera sensitivity controls;
Add feature to switch emojis to text for Cat and Octa;
Add a new interactive map;
Add a storage feature. Now Lee can find and open chests and build chests for additional storage in his camp;
Berries now easier to find because they grow on bushes;
Jaguar cape can be unequipped now;
Add Octa peeping scene (3 stages);
Fix panel borders in comics on Android;
Fix animation bug in Cat bj scene;
Fix tutorial logic in several steps (thx V4mpire);
Change reset button logic in the pause menu to be more helpful;
Improve visual quality of the game (enable postprocessing in the settings menu);
Fix generation of very large log files;
Now bamboo can be cut with an axe to save energy;
Multiple bug fixes in controls, game logic and breeding.
v0.6.2 - 2024-11-09
Add vsync checkbox to the settings window (thx Anon4321);
Fix screen resolution and window mode setting;
Change ingame camera (add collision handling, drifting, smooth transition);
Update Lee controls (should no longer stumble over small obstacles, add sprint, new mobile controls);
Add new music tracks to Bunny cutscenes;
Add Bunny peeping scene (3 stages);
Add start of main Cat’s quest;
Girls won’t disappear in front of you because of their schedules now;
Load on death now checks autosaves too;
Add tooltips to Action Menu buttons;
Add optional tutorial quest for basic controls, survival and camp building;
Axe can be used for buildings destruction in your camp now;
Add camera sensitivity controls to the settings screen;
Lots of bugs fixed in the main game and breeding. New bugs added!
v0.5.0 - 2024-09-08
Add Lee jaguar cape (dynamic clothes system);
Add multisave system (save system was changed and old saves are not compatible with the new version);
Add new atmosphere with time & weather system;
Update time balance;
Add localization system, English and Russian language for now (let us know if you want to help to translate the game to your language);
Enable digital clock UI (tell us if you want it to stay);
Breeding prototype:
Add 4 breeding poses;
Add bed, chair, egg bed constructs;
Add rabbit (Bunny) and cow (Lily) characters for breeding;
Add body visual params, color and internal params inheritance (height, hair styles and colors, faces, and skin patterns will be added in the next releases);
Add pregnancy, nursing and birthgiving animations;
Add girl names catalogue.
Move game to Unity Engine (Yep, we built it for Android now too);
Update island locations;
Add survival mechanics;
Add building, crafting;
Add inventory, hunting. fishing, gathering;
Add quest system and questlog;
Add controls to sex scenes;