Описание:В ближайшем будущем игры в виртуальной реальности превзойдут по популярности во всем мире все другие виды спорта высшей лиги. Благодаря передовым технологиям виртуальные миры создаются не только визуально, но и используют все органы чувств для создания полного погружения. И лучшие игроки не просто наблюдают за несколькими ручными элементами управления и манипулируют ими. Это спортсмены, чьи тела проецируются в фантастические миры, где они соревнуются, используя свои физические и умственные способности.
Вы - молодой человек, мечтающий стать профессиональным геймером в этой индустрии с оборотом в триллион долларов. Заработав репутацию на любительском поприще, вы только что были приняты в программу подготовки профессиональных команд. Официально он называется Университет виртуальной реальности, но в народе известен как ViRility.
Но индустрия стоимостью в триллион долларов привлекает самых разных персонажей: великолепных спортсменов, блестящих стратегов, ревнивых интриганов и организованных преступников - иногда в одном лице. Вам придется преодолевать это минное поле взаимоотношений, этического выбора и опасностей, тренируясь, чтобы стать следующей игровой знаменитостью.
А также много заниматься сексом!
Какой выбор вы сделаете?
In the near future, Virtual Reality Gaming has surpassed all other major league sports in worldwide popularity. Driven by cutting edge technology, Virtual Worlds aren’t just created visually but now use all the senses to create a completely immersive experience. And the best players don’t just watch and manipulate a few hand controls. They are athletes whose bodies are projected into fantastical worlds where they compete using their physical and mental skills.
You are a young man with dreams of becoming a professional gamer in this trillion-dollar industry. After having made your reputation on the amateur circuit, you’ve just been accepted into the training program for the professional teams. Officially called Virtual Reality University, it is commonly known by its nickname, ViRility.
But a trillion-dollar industry attracts a wide range of characters: gorgeous athletes, brilliant strategists, jealous schemers, and organized criminals – sometimes wrapped up in the same person. You’ll have to negotiate this minefield of relationships, ethical choices, and danger while training to become the next gaming celebrity.
And also having a lot of sex!
What choices will you make?
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, handjob, male protagonist, ntr, point and click, sandbox, teasing, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: vstoryteller -
Itch.io -
PatreonПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.8.6.1
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v8.6.1 - 2025-03-21
In this episode, Emily finally confronts the trap The Conclave has laid for her. Aurora’s fate is tied into an invitation to a viewing party at The Axes’ mansion. Mia and Leah must find common ground, Charlotte admits to her past, an unexpected ally makes an offer to the MC, and a hidden ally is forced to risk exposing himself.
It’s a very busy and fateful day for everyone at ViRility, and it takes 3000 images and 250 animated clips to tell the story of this one episode.
And one other interesting statistic for this episode, the MC has the option to have sex with 12 different women.
This episode continues the struggle between The Conclave and Emily, with the MC working between them. Also, Aurora’s story continues, with her struggling to understand what’s really going on around her. We see a bit more in Calista’s story, along with a connection to Charlotte and her struggles.
There are also the repercussions to Samantha and Analise’s revenge plot on Jake, and we see more of Daniel’s situation that includes introducing a new character. And we can’t forget the AMA and the wild times around it.
So, there’s a lot in this episode with 1684 new images and 112 animations,
Episode 6 is the biggest one yet, with over 1500 images and 60 animations. There are four new girls introduced, five new VR settings, and an extended wet-dream scene that includes four of the main story girls.
The main storyline revolves around Tournament Day, the first set of games at ViRility that are officially sanctioned and establish the probationers’ rankings. But around that, we see more of The Conclave’s machinations, especially involving Emily. We get more insights into Calista’s story, and Samantha takes a big step towards finally resolving her issues with Jake. Although resolve may not be the best way to describe what happens.
Episode 5 is the biggest release yet with a lot going on. The MC discovers a disturbing part of being under the Conclave's influence and finds out more about their influence in the lives of his friends. Mia blunders into a discovery, and Emily is confronted with some hard truths. Aurora gets a chance to work with her new team and gets an offer that’s hard to refuse. Leah is just trying to figure out what's going on, Analise and Samantha are facing some old feelings, and Calista... well, just wait.
And of course the MC gets a chance to do more fan-service.
The final statistics for Episode 5 alone are 1,026 static images and 77 animated clips combined into 33 animations. That's a big jump up from all previous episodes.
This episode is a bit darker than previous episodes. The conspiracy that’s targeted the MC finally makes its move, and the characters must face some difficult truths and decisions. And there are repercussions from decisions made in Episode 3 (as well as previous episodes).
There are 840 rendered images and 16 animations added to ViRility with this episode. There are now over 3000 rendered images and 76 animations!
In addition to moving the main story forward, Episode 3 gives you more control over which love interests you follow. And, of course, a potential new one is introduced in this episode. These choices will impact your story going forward.
This episode is the biggest release yet with over 860 images and 23 animations added to the overall story. Altogether, Virility now has over 2200 rendered images and 60 animations.
In Episode 2 we meet a few new characters, including three potential love interests; or at least potential sex partners (like Analise).
Classes begin for the probies at VRU, including Strategy and Tactics with its infamous instructor, The Cobra.
We also see some repercussions from actions taken in Episode 1, and fall a bit deeper into the hidden conspiracy inside VRU.
With over 1330 rendered images and 37 animations, these episodes provide an introduction Virtual Reality University, known as ViRility, including the main characters. Are they friends, lovers, rivals, or mentors? Or, are they combinations of all four? And how will they change with time?
First Release