Ваша мать умерла, когда вы были очень молоды, а ваш отец бесследно исчез, когда вам было 15 лет. Вы жили в приютах, когда все надежды были потеряны, вы получили таинственное предложение... переехать в особняк с 5 красивыми девушками.
Your mother died when you were very young, and your father disappeared without a trace when you were 15. You were living in orphanages, when all hopes were lost, you got a mysterious offer ... to move in a mansion with 5 beautiful girls.
cheat_code = "ZoeCutie69"
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, big tits, harem, humor, male protagonist, oral, sandbox, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Mucski - Discord - Itch.io - Patreon - Subscribestar
Перевод: Vlavir
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.26.0
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 4100176459267
Поддержать Переводчика:
Сбер - 2202 2003 2419 6862
v0.26.0 - 2025.01.30
- 1 new Luna date scene (requires $120)
- 1 new Pornlub Anal scene (animated)
- 1 new Christmas Dinner scene followed by 5 gift scenes (2 animated and voiced sex scenes) (requires $1300)
- Introducing a new girl ... you can find her in the Forest.
- Various adjustments to animations, and sounds design.
- For the new event the following conditions has to be met:
- Selena must be moved in
- Selena must already have the Cook Book
- Player level must be level 3 (this means you have to complete the Easter Bunny event first.)
- Christmas Decorations ... kinda late but will leave them on until next update
v0.25.1 - 2025-01-04
- 1 joana scene (afternoon)
- 1 zoe scene (with animated seggs, and sounds) (morning)
- 1 mia scene (afternoon)
- 1 luna scene (pretty long) (morning, saturday)
- removed the halloween decorations
- a brand new navigation (you can turn it off in Misc Settings if you don't like it)
- fixed an issue where you couldn't talk to Dora in class
- fixed an error that caused you to be unable to open your inventory
v0.24.2 - 2024-10-26
- Fixed a bug that makes you get stuck at Selena level 8
- Fixed a bug where if you bought a Test Cos it crashes your inventory (to be honest you shoudln't have bought it)
- Fixed a bug where Luna didn't level in the last update
- 3 new Selena scene
- 1 new animated scene with Selena
- 1 Luna scene
- Halloween special event with Mia - Lasts from october to november after which it's gone
- Classroom: You now only consume 1 time slot in class regardless when you start. So if you start in the afternoon you teach until evening, if you start morning, you teach until afternoon.
- Bathroom peep scenes will no longer advance time.
- Every bathroom sex scene now can be cancelled if you wish.
- Patrons from $15 and above now can download the character cards.
- Various bug fixes.
v0.23.2: - 2024-09-25
- Fixed an issue where the Dean scenes will play regardless if you met selena or anyone in class yet.
- Reworded some of the hints for ease.
- Updated web version.
- Fixed sex sounds looping forever.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't advance Selena's story and was stuck "I have to wait for a few days" hint.
- Changed Patricia's choices so you can skip her animation to the end, and continue only the dialogue that pertains to the story.
- Fixed an issue where you could repeat returning the dog to the girl in the park forever.
- Updated walkthrough for patrons.
- 2 new Selena sceens.
- 1 new Mia scene with custom animation.
- 1 new Patricia scene with custom animation.
- Selena is now moved inside the mansion, as a result you can catch her in the bathroom, with 2 scenes, 1 masturbating with custom animation and one normal like the other girls.
- Remade Zoe's lvl 4 event's animation into custom animation and added sounds.
- Remade Zoes pool event + adjusted dialogue to fit better + custom animation and added sounds.
- Tons of bug fixes incuding the park girl that you couldn't click before.
- Lots of things going on in the background as I try to make everything better and have better quality.
- You can now look for the dog.
- 1 new location, the forest.
- Nerfed the lottery. While I don't mind people making money, it was quite frankly too easy (some people got millions), so the adjustments are as follows:
- It now costs $20 from $5
- Reduced jackpot from $5000 to $1000
- Reduced medium win from $500 to $300
Help Wanted:
- Experimenting with new lighting and graphics, some if not all the new scenes are made with it, I require feedback.
- I am looking for testers and/or proofreaders.
v0.22.0 - 2024-08-09
- 2 new Selena scenes.
- 1 new Patricia scene.
- 1 new Luna scene.
- 1 new Dora scene.
- Introducing Alice, Selena's classmate.
- You can now visit Ava in her room during the afternoons, and ask for sex (after her birthday) or talk to her.
- Zoe now will be completely naked in her room if you have above 20 sluttiness points with her.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't click on the earring park girl (hopefully)
- Zoe's repeatable scenes have be re-rendered and now the MC is naked as requested by the lot of you, also added sex sounds to them .
- Started re-rendering the game with less saturation and better models.
- Changed all girls portraits.
- Re-made the prostitute with different hairstyle because the original one stood in the way.
- Some UI improvements.
- Updated patreon list.
- Updated walktrhough.
- Not everything is re-rendered, and they are subject to change.
Mystic Valley 0.21.0: - 2024-07-30
- 1 new Mia scene with custom animation.
- 1 new random scene with 2 custom animations.
- fixed an issue where Zoe couch sex was available since the start of the game.
- added some nice blur effects behind screens such as Inventory, Stats, Hints, etc.
- 1 new random scene in the park.
- added some ui elements to your phone.
- added missing sex scene for Ava in the replay gallery.
- added a small tutorial on what to do the first day before the introduction finishes
- added the new mia scene into the replay gallery
- updated patreon list.
- updated walkthrough.
- changed the low tier cheats as someone leaked it.
- because I have a better screen now, I seen how saturated the game is, thus I started decreasing it a bit. You can see the end results on the main menu, mia's new scene, and the courtesan scenes.
PS: Before you update, backup your saves as I changed things in the core of the game.
Mystic Valley 0.20.0: - 2024-06-15
In this patch I added sex sounds and moans by MagicalMysticVA, if you like it, I'll go back and add them to all the animations, or at least most of them.
- 2 new Ava scenes
- 1 new custom Ava animation
- 1 repeatable Zoe scene with couch prone sex during evenings
- 1 new Joana scene
- Added sex sounds and moans to 2 scenes. (While I have a few different sounding moans, they might end up sounding the same on some girls. I will add more as I find them. Sex sounds aren't final, and will most likely improve.)
- Added settings to mute or decrease moaning or sex sounds volume.
- Added audio emphasis setting that will automatically lower the music volume while moaning and sex sounds play.
- Added a 1 time use per playthrough name changer cheat code for $15 patrons and above. (once activated the item will show up in your inventory for a one time use.)
- Made the $99999 cheat code a one time per playthrough use. As it's a lot of money and can break the game.
- Fixed an issue where completing Blossom's event it didn't skip 3 days as per script.
- Updated patreon list
- Updated walkthrough
v0.19.0 - 2024-05-30
- 1 new Blossom scene
- 1 new Joana scene
- Completely re-made Zoe's handjob and sex scene that follows.
- Fixed a bug where you knew Blossom's name before you actually met her.
- Fixed an issue where the old playername didn't show up past version 0.0.13.
- Changed player hint once you start the easter bunny quest.
- Re-introduced the replay gallery, this is the perfect timing to re-play Zoe's new animations.
- Fixed Zoe's night time sex animation not being properly rendered, also spiced it up a little ;)
- Spiced up Luna's fingering animated scene.
- Changed the MC's dick in multiple scenes, and will do so in future updates as well, the new penis allows me to animate it.
v0.18.0 - 2024-05-13
- 1 new Luna scene with animation and multiple steps.
- 1 new Zoe scene with custom animation.
- 1 new Amy scene.
- Added a max level block, you will not be able to level the girls past their max levels on any conventional way, and if you do it's on you.
- All girls that are above max level will be reset to max level uppon loading your saves.
- Fixed an issue where in the Cafe it said $21 but you paid 16 or vice versa.
- Fixed an issue where Zoe's level 8 hint wasn't updating correctly as per week waited.
- Updated walkthrough.
- Updated patron list.
- Android version now has a proper icon and pre-splash image.
- Added 1 more wallpaper to $7 tier and above.
- Now you can open multiple lottery tickets if you have them in your inventory.
- Player hint will now display "you should focus on ava and zoe" instead of "No hints available yet".
- Removed the camera cutout from both phone (hints and map).
- Fixed a bug related to cheats.
- The player will now only complain about coffee or coke being too expensive once per playthrough.
- You can no longer access Zoe's room before you finish the introduction.
v0.17.0 - 2024-05-05
- 2 new Luna scenes
- 1 new Dora scene
- 1 new Mia scene with 2 custom animations
- 1 new PornLub scene with custom animation
- 1 new custom animated wallpaper for $15 patrons and above
- changed all cheat codes because they were leaked by me ... by mistake
- bought a music pack that will make its appearance in the game, the first one is already in MC's room
- changed the main menu theme from easter to casual
- removed a 0 from the version numbers, allowing me to better track saves, fix saves in the future
- updated the walkthrough
- changed lottery winings as follows: 80% chance of losing, 20% chance of winning $50, 10% chance for $500, 1% chance for $5000, I have also added a rollback block to prevent people abusing it.
v0.0.16.1 - 2024-04-04
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't finish Amy's new event
- Fixed a bug where Zoe was showering forever
- Fixed a bug where some of the girls names were missing during Amy's cafe event
- Fixed a bug where Mia was overleveled for some reason in saves from 0.0.16-0.1.0
- Fixed a bug where you could repeat the Easter Bunny's events which resulted in an error
- Added a check that will remove the "egg count" from your inventory once you're done with the Easter Bunny
If you have any more issues or bugs don't hesitate to hit me up.
Mystic Valley 0.0.16 changelog: - 2024-04-02
- 1 new Ava event
- 1 new Amy event
- 1 new Luna event
- Easter-egg hunt is here! Collect them all, and earn prizes!
- Introducing PornLub on your PC with 1 event
- Finished the UI (couple of buttons left only, such as the Gym Icons, reading, teaching and fishing)
- Re-made most of Zoe's scenes with better lighting (this will continue until all scenes are re-rendered again, however this time I'll do it slowly patch by patch)
- Re-made the intro scenes with better lighting
- Re-rendered some of the animations with better video quality and lighting
- Fixed an issue that would make your game perpetually repeat Selena and Patricia's event
- Added 1 new wallpaper for $17 patrons
- Added a new cheat code to gain all the eggs for $17 patrons
- Added 1 new wallpaper for free users
- Finally added a proper lottery ticket icon in your inventory and shop, instead of a heart.
- Decreased Zoe's affection requirement from 8 to 7 to be able to sleep with her.
- You will now earn more money on your PC based on your smarts stats.
- You will now earn more money teaching based on your smarts stats.
- Re adjusted the Zoe's night event (where she gave you a handjob), to be a bit slower.
v0.0.15 - 2024-03-25
- You can now sleep with Zoe with a 50% chance for meatballs ... ops, I mean sex
- Continuation of Mia's Sunday schenannigans
- Added a joint event with Zoe and Ava for the first time ever (choose wisely)
- Added hate system, you will have to buy gifts for girls and in the future they will get angry for bad choices
- Added a new quest log that shows every hint + player hint on the same screen
- Added player hints
- Added a new random park event, can you find the mysterious girls earings?
- Changed main menu animations
- Changed main menu music
- Tons of backend optimizations and changes
- Changed UI (which will most likely continue into 0.0.16)
- Removed some redundant sounds (such as the dumb clicks on some buttons)
- Added DOF to some renders to hide ugly backgrounds (mostly in the park)
- Added many cheats for patrons
- Added 2 patron specific wallpapers for your PC
- Removed the cheat panel (which is now replaced with entering a cheat code instead)
v0.0.14 Beta R3
This update has no version change and it has minor bugfixes such as cheat menu not working properly
v0.0.14 Beta R2 - 2024-02-06
- Your Dora and Selena levels are going to be reset to 1
- If you still have issues unlocking the cafe or whatever, then my sole suggestion is to start over. You will still start with $200, so it's not like you lose much, and you can just skip, or look at the new dialogue I implemented to avoid girls to talk about things they don't know about yet.
v0.0.14 Beta R1
- Girls will no longer comment on things they can't possibly know about
- Added a ton of new dialogue to make sure this doesn't happen and you can level them in any order you wish
- Another attempt to fix Selena and Dora (both level is reset to 1 if you use your older save or start over)
- Re-enabled replay gallery
v0.0.14 Alpha R2
- Addressed an issue hindering the progression of Dora's levels.
- Corrected a situation where the Cafe remained closed despite unlocking it.
- Resolved an error in the Gym default settings, allowing access to the Gym.
- Rectified an income discrepancy in earnings from classes.
- Ensured the progression of Zoe's levels by fixing a related issue.
- Fixed a bug preventing the opening of the map.
- Temporarily reinstated the old inventory images.
- Resolved an issue preventing the saving of names when using the "OK" button instead of Enter in the name entry menu.
- Implemented a change preventing access to the kitchen until the player has visited their room in the introductory sequence.
- Corrected an instance where Amy incorrectly acted as if she already knew the player upon their first visit to her Cafe.
- Addressed a problem impeding the advancement of Joana's levels.
- Fixed a scenario allowing two consecutive events in certain situations.
- Resolved an issue preventing interaction with Selena or Dora in the classroom.
- Fixed a game crash occurring when purchasing and attempting to use a lottery ticket.
- Adjusted the fishing button's placement, preventing it from being hidden behind the turn right button in the lake.
- Updated the Patreon list.
- Changed the cheat code to enhance security, considering the sharing of the source code in the last patch.
- Properly archived the game, facilitating future script-side fixes.
v0.0.14 Alpha R1
What's new? Everything, your old saves also won't work, I need people to report bugs, dialogue, or things they don't like about characters, scenes and poses, and once this version is polished I'll focus only on new content and will never remake the game ever again because quite frankly it's gotten tiring. To the point I see a cool new hair style or clothing item and I want to use them but then is have to re-render that girls entire story line
Also I usually keep test versions for testers but they all left or in hibernation, quite understandable when I haven't made an update in 5 months
I know some of you'll be mad that you have to start over but this was unavoidable anyways, has to get rid of the previous garbage hint system
You get some starting money in this version
Several important points to note about this release:
It may contain bugs.
Previous saved game files are not compatible.
Discrepancies may be observed between certain dialogues and the new introductory and storyline content.
The process of remaking the game, which originally spanned a year, has taken approximately two months. Consequently, aspects such as characters, scenes, and script may appear rough. Unfortunately, a substantial amount of content was lost during this process, and despite the potential for a quicker recovery, unforeseen circumstances such as a flood hindered progress.
The Replay Gallery feature is disabled until the full release.
The Fishing mini-game remains unchanged, resulting in significant disparities in the appearance of the main character and renders.
Comprehensive feedback is urgently needed on all aspects, including character appearances, bug reports, dialogue coherence, scene construction, poses, and any elements that may be perceived as unappealing. I encourage you to communicate your observations through various channels, such as Patreon comments, the community tab, itch.io, or my Discord server. Your input is highly valued.
v0.0.13b Bugfix - 2023-09-21
- Another attempt to fix Dora in the class
v0.0.13a Bugfix
- Fixed a bug that prevented Zoe's night event to start
- Fixed a bug that made Dora's event repeat to the infinity and beyond
- Fixed a bug where hovering over any button in the cheat menu made the game crash
- Fixed a bug where Mia's sex scene in the bathroom had the cum animation play during sex animatio
- And probably some more that I forgot about
v0.0.13 patch notes - 2023-09-05
- 1 new Ava event (animated)
- 1 new Ava bathroom repeatable event (animated)
- 1 new Zoe event (animated)
- 1 new Amy event
- 1 new Selena event (animated)
- 1 new Dora event
- Added Replay Gallery: You can now replay most sex scenes from this new gallery (except bathroom ones)
- Fixed an issue where winning lottery tickets did not grant you the ammount it was supposed to
- Many grammar fixes
- Some old scenes have been updated
- Made Android version look exactly like PC version (no more bigger text than textbox and such)
v0.0.12c Bugfix - 2023-06-13
- Fixed an issue where the Gym only stays open temporarly (because it disappeared from the map once you finish amy's story)
- Fixed some missing images pertaining to the MC's showering in the gmy
- Fixed some audio and music files wrongly labeled
- Compiled Android version
v0.0.12b Bugfix
- Another attempt on fixing Zoe's event
v0.0.12a Bugfix
- Added a check to go to 2nd part of Zoe's story (currently was stuck at first part) - use the "Talk" on her door when it appears again
- Fixed a bunch of missing values and names
- Upgraded engine from 7.4.2 to 8.1.0, as a result 32 bit is no longer supported and your save games won't work most likely.
This had to be done because Ren'Py 8.1.0 supports new features and file formats that will be used later to crunch the game
- You can now unlock Blossom
- You can now unlock Phoebe
- New location, Gym
- Random tiny events in the Gym
- 1 new Amy event in the Gym
- 1 new Mia event on the beach
- 1 new Zoe event
- 1 new Selena event
- Added sound effects across almost every button and action
- Many bugfixes
v.0.0.11a - 2023-04-17
Mystic Valley 0.0.11
- 1 new Dora scene
- 1 new Amy scene
- Re-Rendered 298 images, 21 videos
- Added sounds to the day time cycle
- Changed MC room daytime music (for now anyways)
- Buffed the lottery max win to $1000, the low win to $50
- General bugfixes
0.0.10 - 2023.03.22
- 1 new Joana scene with animated sex
- 1 new Zoe scene with animated sex
- 1 new Ava scene
- Lot's of improvements in the backend
- Recovered intro scenes
- Changed girls looks
- Added condoms into store (useless this patch)
- Added lottery tickets into store. Have too much money to spend? Try your luck to win 100 bux, it only costs 5 bux. (the icon is a heart for now, I know, it's cause I couldn't find a proper lottery ticket asset that matches the game)
- Fixed a bug where you did not earn any money if you talked to Dora during class
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't proceed Mia's story due to the card label being mislabeled
- Fixed a mirriad of grammar errors and elipses
- Added checks if the girls are leveled up to certain areas (this will continue next patch too)
Mystic Valley 0.0.9b - 2023-02-06
is a small bugfix
- Fixed an issue where hovering over Selena my cause a crash
- Fixed an issue where Selena's last event was looping forever
- Fixed an issue where Ava's door had no knock sound
If you still have issues with hovering over Selena you should most probably start over or send me your save file so I can fix it in the next patch.
Changelog 0.0.9:
- Brand new in game and menu GUI (will improve in time)
- Added option to increase/decrease dialogue background image
- A new pool location
- Upgraded MC's room
- Upgraded MC's PC
- 1 Dora small event
- 1 shared Dora / Zoe and Ava and Mia event in the pool
- 1 small Luna event
- 1 Joana event
- Remade all characters
- Remade 90% of all scenes ( I've had a big oopsie with Honey Select, corrupted many files, so I had no choice, you will also notice some inconsistencies, theres are long scenes that I still have to re-make from 0 )
- Fixed INDEX errors when trying to do certain things ( related to time module )
- New main menu music
- New main menu look
- Fixed old saves not loading properly
- Added versioning when loading older saves
- Added a possibility to skip intro for those that wish to replay
- Added android icon ( not sure if it works until tested )
- Android version should be signed now ( again not sure if it works until tested )
Changelog for 0.0.8a: - 2022-12-30
- Added 1 christmas wallpaper for your PC, featuring Mia
- Fixed a missing image error occuring during spanking of Selena
- Fixed Luna's kitchen blowjob, and shower animation (reduced size from 4k to normal resolution)
- Other small fixes
- Updated the patreon thank list with new people. Thank you everyone who supports me, I'll be eternally grateful.
Changelogs for 0.0.8: - 2022-12-21
After a long 40 days of issues and problems, I am back to developing the game.
- Spanking of Selena (includes animated spanking)
- Meet the dean of the school
- 1 new ava scene
- 1 repeatable animated Mia shower sex scene
- Continuation of the story (animated sex scene during dream ... or nightmare)
- You can now work properly in school once a day as a substitute teacher
- New main menu OST
- Added patreon credits in About
- New Android version (Might compile these myself but I'd preffer not to upload too much so if someone does a port I won't do it)
- New Patreon cheat menu - You can add yourself money, or select a girl you wish to be in the bathroom (there is no feedback when pressing a button yet, next update, for now
it's on a "trust me it worked" mode)
Bugfixes for 0.0.8:
- Fixed a bug where Zoe's repeatable missionary sex button was missing (if you loaded an older save)
- Upgraded render quality
- Re-done a mirriad of scenes
- Grammar corrected a mirriad of scenes
Known issues:
- If you just started, and do Ava's story before visiting the Cafe, Amy will pretend she knows you even though you never met her. That's because Ava's scene was meant to be played after you meet Amy. Will be fixed next patch
- Re-rendered all animations however because I didn't pay attention a couple of them became 4k, which results the video to look weirdly zoomed in game. Will be fixed next update
Mystic Valley 0.0.7 Changelogs: - 2022-10-24
Zoe repeatable animated scene in bathroom
1 new Ava event
1 new Dora event
1 new story event
A dream with a girl feature and added Ava there (this is a really old scene I never used until now, so visuals might differ)
Upgraded visuals, different camera angles, and better lighting
Lot's of grammar fixes (entire zoe, entire intro, and mia I believe ... idk) thanks to "ravendarklocks" from my discord server
Fixed a bug where if you just started the game and read a book before joining Luna in the kitchen, created a mirriad of errors after the event ended
(this happened because the book advanced the time, thus the kitchen scene starts later, therefore it ends in a time that doesn't exist)
Fixed a bug where zoe remained in the bathroom after having sex with her
Fixed a bug where luna remained in the bathroom after having sex with her
Fixed a bug where the fisherman was missing on the Lake
Added a game tip screen that is visible once per playthrough
Known issues:
If loading an older save Amy will not be unlocked even if you unlocked her, to fix it simply go to the cafe and talk to her again. This will be fixed next update because I added checks
0.0.6 Changelog - 2022-10-08
- 1 large new Mia event
- 1 new animated luna blowjob repeatable event
- 2 new locations, Classroom, Mia's Practice Garage
- 3 animated porn movies on TV (during evenings and nights)
- You can now interract with Luna in the kitchen with the following: help her wash the dishes, request a blowjob
- more to be added
- Added a new stat called "Sluttiness" which will help with acquiring clothes and girls becoming sluts later on ( this will cause you to start the game from 0 again)
- Limited all stats for future versions to avoid players mindlessly grinding for no reason (subject to change)
- 1 new job opportunity ( subsitute teacher for Dora, you get paid ) - Added a new cheat menu for patrons, with skip day or add money (more to be added soon)
- Changed Luna's "bathroom" behaviour at lvl 3 where you had to wait for days or weeks to find her once in there, now she will be instantly there when reaching that point in her story
- Massive optimizations and improvements ( changed every single imagebutton to imagemap )
- Reworked some of the older scenes, and still working on them
- You can now read a book to increase "smarts" stats ( please be aware that this is also limited as there's only 1 scene in the classroom )
- Other improvements in UI, music, and background systems
- Removed all unused items from the shop as to avoid confussion
0.0.5a Changelog
- Fixed a bug where Ava used images in reverse order in her first scene
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to work more than once on your PC per day
- Fixed a bug that showed the "Missionary Sex" choice on Zoe's interraction before the right time
- Added a line that tells you if your mail has arrived. You can see it in your room when you wake up (if you ordered anything)
- Added a "Continue Game" button in the menu, which will start the game from where you left of (save, quick save, auto save) (unless save games are broken)
- Added a confirmation that you indeed want to restart the game should you click "Start Game" and you already have a save game
- Added a fishing tutorial and explanation
- Removed Amy from the bathroom randomizer as she is not living with the other girls
- Fixed an issue that prevented players to acces Luna's bathroom event
- Added temporary rollback blocks in areas that you shouldn't be able to rollback anyways (will probably refine this in the future)
- Completely rewriten the entire game
- Re-rendered most of the scenes
- Fishing mini game on the lake once you buy a fishing rod
- Luna animated scenes + repeatable shower sex scene
- 1 mia event
- 4 or 5 zoe events + repeatable sex scenes with 2 outfits
- New music
- Randomized girls in bathroom
- Quite honestly I've lost track of everything new in the game because I've been working on it every day
Known bugs from 0.0.5:
- Your old saves wont work
- Fixed most of the bugs that plagued 0.0.4
- Old saves will most probably not work anymore, but future saves should be safe. Sorry.
Known Bugs from 0.0.4a:
- Dora bathroom scene is broken because of a typo, ignoring the error will let you continue.
- Compressed
- 2 new Zoe scenes
- 1 new Luna scene + animated lewd
- 1 new Ava scene
- 1 new story scene
- 1 bathroom scene for all the girls (based on schedule)
- 1 new hidden park scene (Mc not involved)
- Cafe location
- Beach location
- Park location
- Lots of bug fixes
- Lots of text correction
- New font
- Increased font size
- New sounds
- Re-rendered 99% of the game
- Changed Sarah to Zoe
- Changed Cora to Dora
- 2 new girls, Amy and Joana (Joana will be added properly into the game later)
Known bugs from 0.0.4:
- Shower Mia looks different than other scenes
- Cover art has a different looking Mia and Ava (different tatto and clothes)
- Dora's shower scene error with sayer 'pa'
- Despite Ava having a new scene I forgot to add a trigger for it, thus it's unplayable
- Luna will crash the game if hovered once availalable events depleted
- Loading old saves or loading in general seems to be broken. As a quick fix you can delete persistent data.
- Tba
- Re-rendered Mia scene
- Changed UI font
- Fixed the known bugs from 0.0.2
- Fixed a bug where game crashed if you did the intro sequence in the wrong order
- Redone the entire in game UI
- Redone the entire game interface
- Re-rendered almost every scene in game so far
- Added a lot of new sound effects and music (removed old ones)
- Brand new map navigation (more polish to be expected in future releases)
- Added Park Scenes (Only as a placeholder)
- You can now view how much money you have in your inventory
- Fixed lots of other minor annoyances, bugs
- Added a day and night scene to every location (in case I forgot some please do tell)
- Other minor but not so minor changes to backend and ui
- Sadly ... no new scenes
Known Bugs:
- The bench and picture in the hallway when clicked will take you to the lounge
- The poster above the mc's bed has the wrong tooltip
- Extra unneccessary fade to black effect on bag and characters screen
- Initial release
Ваша мать умерла, когда вы были очень молоды, а ваш отец бесследно исчез, когда вам было 15 лет. Вы жили в приютах, когда все надежды были потеряны, вы получили таинственное предложение... переехать в особняк с 5 красивыми девушками.
Your mother died when you were very young, and your father disappeared without a trace when you were 15. You were living in orphanages, when all hopes were lost, you got a mysterious offer ... to move in a mansion with 5 beautiful girls.
cheat_code = "ZoeCutie69"
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, big tits, harem, humor, male protagonist, oral, sandbox, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Mucski - Discord - Itch.io - Patreon - Subscribestar
Перевод: Vlavir
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.26.0
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 4100176459267
Поддержать Переводчика:
Сбер - 2202 2003 2419 6862
v0.26.0 - 2025.01.30
- 1 new Luna date scene (requires $120)
- 1 new Pornlub Anal scene (animated)
- 1 new Christmas Dinner scene followed by 5 gift scenes (2 animated and voiced sex scenes) (requires $1300)
- Introducing a new girl ... you can find her in the Forest.
- Various adjustments to animations, and sounds design.
- For the new event the following conditions has to be met:
- Selena must be moved in
- Selena must already have the Cook Book
- Player level must be level 3 (this means you have to complete the Easter Bunny event first.)
- Christmas Decorations ... kinda late but will leave them on until next update
v0.25.1 - 2025-01-04
- 1 joana scene (afternoon)
- 1 zoe scene (with animated seggs, and sounds) (morning)
- 1 mia scene (afternoon)
- 1 luna scene (pretty long) (morning, saturday)
- removed the halloween decorations
- a brand new navigation (you can turn it off in Misc Settings if you don't like it)
- fixed an issue where you couldn't talk to Dora in class
- fixed an error that caused you to be unable to open your inventory
v0.24.2 - 2024-10-26
- Fixed a bug that makes you get stuck at Selena level 8
- Fixed a bug where if you bought a Test Cos it crashes your inventory (to be honest you shoudln't have bought it)
- Fixed a bug where Luna didn't level in the last update
- 3 new Selena scene
- 1 new animated scene with Selena
- 1 Luna scene
- Halloween special event with Mia - Lasts from october to november after which it's gone
- Classroom: You now only consume 1 time slot in class regardless when you start. So if you start in the afternoon you teach until evening, if you start morning, you teach until afternoon.
- Bathroom peep scenes will no longer advance time.
- Every bathroom sex scene now can be cancelled if you wish.
- Patrons from $15 and above now can download the character cards.
- Various bug fixes.
v0.23.2: - 2024-09-25
- Fixed an issue where the Dean scenes will play regardless if you met selena or anyone in class yet.
- Reworded some of the hints for ease.
- Updated web version.
- Fixed sex sounds looping forever.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't advance Selena's story and was stuck "I have to wait for a few days" hint.
- Changed Patricia's choices so you can skip her animation to the end, and continue only the dialogue that pertains to the story.
- Fixed an issue where you could repeat returning the dog to the girl in the park forever.
- Updated walkthrough for patrons.
- 2 new Selena sceens.
- 1 new Mia scene with custom animation.
- 1 new Patricia scene with custom animation.
- Selena is now moved inside the mansion, as a result you can catch her in the bathroom, with 2 scenes, 1 masturbating with custom animation and one normal like the other girls.
- Remade Zoe's lvl 4 event's animation into custom animation and added sounds.
- Remade Zoes pool event + adjusted dialogue to fit better + custom animation and added sounds.
- Tons of bug fixes incuding the park girl that you couldn't click before.
- Lots of things going on in the background as I try to make everything better and have better quality.
- You can now look for the dog.
- 1 new location, the forest.
- Nerfed the lottery. While I don't mind people making money, it was quite frankly too easy (some people got millions), so the adjustments are as follows:
- It now costs $20 from $5
- Reduced jackpot from $5000 to $1000
- Reduced medium win from $500 to $300
Help Wanted:
- Experimenting with new lighting and graphics, some if not all the new scenes are made with it, I require feedback.
- I am looking for testers and/or proofreaders.
v0.22.0 - 2024-08-09
- 2 new Selena scenes.
- 1 new Patricia scene.
- 1 new Luna scene.
- 1 new Dora scene.
- Introducing Alice, Selena's classmate.
- You can now visit Ava in her room during the afternoons, and ask for sex (after her birthday) or talk to her.
- Zoe now will be completely naked in her room if you have above 20 sluttiness points with her.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't click on the earring park girl (hopefully)
- Zoe's repeatable scenes have be re-rendered and now the MC is naked as requested by the lot of you, also added sex sounds to them .
- Started re-rendering the game with less saturation and better models.
- Changed all girls portraits.
- Re-made the prostitute with different hairstyle because the original one stood in the way.
- Some UI improvements.
- Updated patreon list.
- Updated walktrhough.
- Not everything is re-rendered, and they are subject to change.
Mystic Valley 0.21.0: - 2024-07-30
- 1 new Mia scene with custom animation.
- 1 new random scene with 2 custom animations.
- fixed an issue where Zoe couch sex was available since the start of the game.
- added some nice blur effects behind screens such as Inventory, Stats, Hints, etc.
- 1 new random scene in the park.
- added some ui elements to your phone.
- added missing sex scene for Ava in the replay gallery.
- added a small tutorial on what to do the first day before the introduction finishes
- added the new mia scene into the replay gallery
- updated patreon list.
- updated walkthrough.
- changed the low tier cheats as someone leaked it.
- because I have a better screen now, I seen how saturated the game is, thus I started decreasing it a bit. You can see the end results on the main menu, mia's new scene, and the courtesan scenes.
PS: Before you update, backup your saves as I changed things in the core of the game.
Mystic Valley 0.20.0: - 2024-06-15
In this patch I added sex sounds and moans by MagicalMysticVA, if you like it, I'll go back and add them to all the animations, or at least most of them.
- 2 new Ava scenes
- 1 new custom Ava animation
- 1 repeatable Zoe scene with couch prone sex during evenings
- 1 new Joana scene
- Added sex sounds and moans to 2 scenes. (While I have a few different sounding moans, they might end up sounding the same on some girls. I will add more as I find them. Sex sounds aren't final, and will most likely improve.)
- Added settings to mute or decrease moaning or sex sounds volume.
- Added audio emphasis setting that will automatically lower the music volume while moaning and sex sounds play.
- Added a 1 time use per playthrough name changer cheat code for $15 patrons and above. (once activated the item will show up in your inventory for a one time use.)
- Made the $99999 cheat code a one time per playthrough use. As it's a lot of money and can break the game.
- Fixed an issue where completing Blossom's event it didn't skip 3 days as per script.
- Updated patreon list
- Updated walkthrough
v0.19.0 - 2024-05-30
- 1 new Blossom scene
- 1 new Joana scene
- Completely re-made Zoe's handjob and sex scene that follows.
- Fixed a bug where you knew Blossom's name before you actually met her.
- Fixed an issue where the old playername didn't show up past version 0.0.13.
- Changed player hint once you start the easter bunny quest.
- Re-introduced the replay gallery, this is the perfect timing to re-play Zoe's new animations.
- Fixed Zoe's night time sex animation not being properly rendered, also spiced it up a little ;)
- Spiced up Luna's fingering animated scene.
- Changed the MC's dick in multiple scenes, and will do so in future updates as well, the new penis allows me to animate it.
v0.18.0 - 2024-05-13
- 1 new Luna scene with animation and multiple steps.
- 1 new Zoe scene with custom animation.
- 1 new Amy scene.
- Added a max level block, you will not be able to level the girls past their max levels on any conventional way, and if you do it's on you.
- All girls that are above max level will be reset to max level uppon loading your saves.
- Fixed an issue where in the Cafe it said $21 but you paid 16 or vice versa.
- Fixed an issue where Zoe's level 8 hint wasn't updating correctly as per week waited.
- Updated walkthrough.
- Updated patron list.
- Android version now has a proper icon and pre-splash image.
- Added 1 more wallpaper to $7 tier and above.
- Now you can open multiple lottery tickets if you have them in your inventory.
- Player hint will now display "you should focus on ava and zoe" instead of "No hints available yet".
- Removed the camera cutout from both phone (hints and map).
- Fixed a bug related to cheats.
- The player will now only complain about coffee or coke being too expensive once per playthrough.
- You can no longer access Zoe's room before you finish the introduction.
v0.17.0 - 2024-05-05
- 2 new Luna scenes
- 1 new Dora scene
- 1 new Mia scene with 2 custom animations
- 1 new PornLub scene with custom animation
- 1 new custom animated wallpaper for $15 patrons and above
- changed all cheat codes because they were leaked by me ... by mistake
- bought a music pack that will make its appearance in the game, the first one is already in MC's room
- changed the main menu theme from easter to casual
- removed a 0 from the version numbers, allowing me to better track saves, fix saves in the future
- updated the walkthrough
- changed lottery winings as follows: 80% chance of losing, 20% chance of winning $50, 10% chance for $500, 1% chance for $5000, I have also added a rollback block to prevent people abusing it.
v0.0.16.1 - 2024-04-04
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't finish Amy's new event
- Fixed a bug where Zoe was showering forever
- Fixed a bug where some of the girls names were missing during Amy's cafe event
- Fixed a bug where Mia was overleveled for some reason in saves from 0.0.16-0.1.0
- Fixed a bug where you could repeat the Easter Bunny's events which resulted in an error
- Added a check that will remove the "egg count" from your inventory once you're done with the Easter Bunny
If you have any more issues or bugs don't hesitate to hit me up.
Mystic Valley 0.0.16 changelog: - 2024-04-02
- 1 new Ava event
- 1 new Amy event
- 1 new Luna event
- Easter-egg hunt is here! Collect them all, and earn prizes!
- Introducing PornLub on your PC with 1 event
- Finished the UI (couple of buttons left only, such as the Gym Icons, reading, teaching and fishing)
- Re-made most of Zoe's scenes with better lighting (this will continue until all scenes are re-rendered again, however this time I'll do it slowly patch by patch)
- Re-made the intro scenes with better lighting
- Re-rendered some of the animations with better video quality and lighting
- Fixed an issue that would make your game perpetually repeat Selena and Patricia's event
- Added 1 new wallpaper for $17 patrons
- Added a new cheat code to gain all the eggs for $17 patrons
- Added 1 new wallpaper for free users
- Finally added a proper lottery ticket icon in your inventory and shop, instead of a heart.
- Decreased Zoe's affection requirement from 8 to 7 to be able to sleep with her.
- You will now earn more money on your PC based on your smarts stats.
- You will now earn more money teaching based on your smarts stats.
- Re adjusted the Zoe's night event (where she gave you a handjob), to be a bit slower.
v0.0.15 - 2024-03-25
- You can now sleep with Zoe with a 50% chance for meatballs ... ops, I mean sex
- Continuation of Mia's Sunday schenannigans
- Added a joint event with Zoe and Ava for the first time ever (choose wisely)
- Added hate system, you will have to buy gifts for girls and in the future they will get angry for bad choices
- Added a new quest log that shows every hint + player hint on the same screen
- Added player hints
- Added a new random park event, can you find the mysterious girls earings?
- Changed main menu animations
- Changed main menu music
- Tons of backend optimizations and changes
- Changed UI (which will most likely continue into 0.0.16)
- Removed some redundant sounds (such as the dumb clicks on some buttons)
- Added DOF to some renders to hide ugly backgrounds (mostly in the park)
- Added many cheats for patrons
- Added 2 patron specific wallpapers for your PC
- Removed the cheat panel (which is now replaced with entering a cheat code instead)
v0.0.14 Beta R3
This update has no version change and it has minor bugfixes such as cheat menu not working properly
v0.0.14 Beta R2 - 2024-02-06
- Your Dora and Selena levels are going to be reset to 1
- If you still have issues unlocking the cafe or whatever, then my sole suggestion is to start over. You will still start with $200, so it's not like you lose much, and you can just skip, or look at the new dialogue I implemented to avoid girls to talk about things they don't know about yet.
v0.0.14 Beta R1
- Girls will no longer comment on things they can't possibly know about
- Added a ton of new dialogue to make sure this doesn't happen and you can level them in any order you wish
- Another attempt to fix Selena and Dora (both level is reset to 1 if you use your older save or start over)
- Re-enabled replay gallery
v0.0.14 Alpha R2
- Addressed an issue hindering the progression of Dora's levels.
- Corrected a situation where the Cafe remained closed despite unlocking it.
- Resolved an error in the Gym default settings, allowing access to the Gym.
- Rectified an income discrepancy in earnings from classes.
- Ensured the progression of Zoe's levels by fixing a related issue.
- Fixed a bug preventing the opening of the map.
- Temporarily reinstated the old inventory images.
- Resolved an issue preventing the saving of names when using the "OK" button instead of Enter in the name entry menu.
- Implemented a change preventing access to the kitchen until the player has visited their room in the introductory sequence.
- Corrected an instance where Amy incorrectly acted as if she already knew the player upon their first visit to her Cafe.
- Addressed a problem impeding the advancement of Joana's levels.
- Fixed a scenario allowing two consecutive events in certain situations.
- Resolved an issue preventing interaction with Selena or Dora in the classroom.
- Fixed a game crash occurring when purchasing and attempting to use a lottery ticket.
- Adjusted the fishing button's placement, preventing it from being hidden behind the turn right button in the lake.
- Updated the Patreon list.
- Changed the cheat code to enhance security, considering the sharing of the source code in the last patch.
- Properly archived the game, facilitating future script-side fixes.
v0.0.14 Alpha R1
What's new? Everything, your old saves also won't work, I need people to report bugs, dialogue, or things they don't like about characters, scenes and poses, and once this version is polished I'll focus only on new content and will never remake the game ever again because quite frankly it's gotten tiring. To the point I see a cool new hair style or clothing item and I want to use them but then is have to re-render that girls entire story line
Also I usually keep test versions for testers but they all left or in hibernation, quite understandable when I haven't made an update in 5 months
I know some of you'll be mad that you have to start over but this was unavoidable anyways, has to get rid of the previous garbage hint system
You get some starting money in this version
Several important points to note about this release:
It may contain bugs.
Previous saved game files are not compatible.
Discrepancies may be observed between certain dialogues and the new introductory and storyline content.
The process of remaking the game, which originally spanned a year, has taken approximately two months. Consequently, aspects such as characters, scenes, and script may appear rough. Unfortunately, a substantial amount of content was lost during this process, and despite the potential for a quicker recovery, unforeseen circumstances such as a flood hindered progress.
The Replay Gallery feature is disabled until the full release.
The Fishing mini-game remains unchanged, resulting in significant disparities in the appearance of the main character and renders.
Comprehensive feedback is urgently needed on all aspects, including character appearances, bug reports, dialogue coherence, scene construction, poses, and any elements that may be perceived as unappealing. I encourage you to communicate your observations through various channels, such as Patreon comments, the community tab, itch.io, or my Discord server. Your input is highly valued.
v0.0.13b Bugfix - 2023-09-21
- Another attempt to fix Dora in the class
v0.0.13a Bugfix
- Fixed a bug that prevented Zoe's night event to start
- Fixed a bug that made Dora's event repeat to the infinity and beyond
- Fixed a bug where hovering over any button in the cheat menu made the game crash
- Fixed a bug where Mia's sex scene in the bathroom had the cum animation play during sex animatio
- And probably some more that I forgot about
v0.0.13 patch notes - 2023-09-05
- 1 new Ava event (animated)
- 1 new Ava bathroom repeatable event (animated)
- 1 new Zoe event (animated)
- 1 new Amy event
- 1 new Selena event (animated)
- 1 new Dora event
- Added Replay Gallery: You can now replay most sex scenes from this new gallery (except bathroom ones)
- Fixed an issue where winning lottery tickets did not grant you the ammount it was supposed to
- Many grammar fixes
- Some old scenes have been updated
- Made Android version look exactly like PC version (no more bigger text than textbox and such)
v0.0.12c Bugfix - 2023-06-13
- Fixed an issue where the Gym only stays open temporarly (because it disappeared from the map once you finish amy's story)
- Fixed some missing images pertaining to the MC's showering in the gmy
- Fixed some audio and music files wrongly labeled
- Compiled Android version
v0.0.12b Bugfix
- Another attempt on fixing Zoe's event
v0.0.12a Bugfix
- Added a check to go to 2nd part of Zoe's story (currently was stuck at first part) - use the "Talk" on her door when it appears again
- Fixed a bunch of missing values and names
- Upgraded engine from 7.4.2 to 8.1.0, as a result 32 bit is no longer supported and your save games won't work most likely.
This had to be done because Ren'Py 8.1.0 supports new features and file formats that will be used later to crunch the game
- You can now unlock Blossom
- You can now unlock Phoebe
- New location, Gym
- Random tiny events in the Gym
- 1 new Amy event in the Gym
- 1 new Mia event on the beach
- 1 new Zoe event
- 1 new Selena event
- Added sound effects across almost every button and action
- Many bugfixes
v.0.0.11a - 2023-04-17
Mystic Valley 0.0.11
- 1 new Dora scene
- 1 new Amy scene
- Re-Rendered 298 images, 21 videos
- Added sounds to the day time cycle
- Changed MC room daytime music (for now anyways)
- Buffed the lottery max win to $1000, the low win to $50
- General bugfixes
0.0.10 - 2023.03.22
- 1 new Joana scene with animated sex
- 1 new Zoe scene with animated sex
- 1 new Ava scene
- Lot's of improvements in the backend
- Recovered intro scenes
- Changed girls looks
- Added condoms into store (useless this patch)
- Added lottery tickets into store. Have too much money to spend? Try your luck to win 100 bux, it only costs 5 bux. (the icon is a heart for now, I know, it's cause I couldn't find a proper lottery ticket asset that matches the game)
- Fixed a bug where you did not earn any money if you talked to Dora during class
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't proceed Mia's story due to the card label being mislabeled
- Fixed a mirriad of grammar errors and elipses
- Added checks if the girls are leveled up to certain areas (this will continue next patch too)
Mystic Valley 0.0.9b - 2023-02-06
is a small bugfix
- Fixed an issue where hovering over Selena my cause a crash
- Fixed an issue where Selena's last event was looping forever
- Fixed an issue where Ava's door had no knock sound
If you still have issues with hovering over Selena you should most probably start over or send me your save file so I can fix it in the next patch.
Changelog 0.0.9:
- Brand new in game and menu GUI (will improve in time)
- Added option to increase/decrease dialogue background image
- A new pool location
- Upgraded MC's room
- Upgraded MC's PC
- 1 Dora small event
- 1 shared Dora / Zoe and Ava and Mia event in the pool
- 1 small Luna event
- 1 Joana event
- Remade all characters
- Remade 90% of all scenes ( I've had a big oopsie with Honey Select, corrupted many files, so I had no choice, you will also notice some inconsistencies, theres are long scenes that I still have to re-make from 0 )
- Fixed INDEX errors when trying to do certain things ( related to time module )
- New main menu music
- New main menu look
- Fixed old saves not loading properly
- Added versioning when loading older saves
- Added a possibility to skip intro for those that wish to replay
- Added android icon ( not sure if it works until tested )
- Android version should be signed now ( again not sure if it works until tested )
Changelog for 0.0.8a: - 2022-12-30
- Added 1 christmas wallpaper for your PC, featuring Mia
- Fixed a missing image error occuring during spanking of Selena
- Fixed Luna's kitchen blowjob, and shower animation (reduced size from 4k to normal resolution)
- Other small fixes
- Updated the patreon thank list with new people. Thank you everyone who supports me, I'll be eternally grateful.
Changelogs for 0.0.8: - 2022-12-21
After a long 40 days of issues and problems, I am back to developing the game.
- Spanking of Selena (includes animated spanking)
- Meet the dean of the school
- 1 new ava scene
- 1 repeatable animated Mia shower sex scene
- Continuation of the story (animated sex scene during dream ... or nightmare)
- You can now work properly in school once a day as a substitute teacher
- New main menu OST
- Added patreon credits in About
- New Android version (Might compile these myself but I'd preffer not to upload too much so if someone does a port I won't do it)
- New Patreon cheat menu - You can add yourself money, or select a girl you wish to be in the bathroom (there is no feedback when pressing a button yet, next update, for now
it's on a "trust me it worked" mode)
Bugfixes for 0.0.8:
- Fixed a bug where Zoe's repeatable missionary sex button was missing (if you loaded an older save)
- Upgraded render quality
- Re-done a mirriad of scenes
- Grammar corrected a mirriad of scenes
Known issues:
- If you just started, and do Ava's story before visiting the Cafe, Amy will pretend she knows you even though you never met her. That's because Ava's scene was meant to be played after you meet Amy. Will be fixed next patch
- Re-rendered all animations however because I didn't pay attention a couple of them became 4k, which results the video to look weirdly zoomed in game. Will be fixed next update
Mystic Valley 0.0.7 Changelogs: - 2022-10-24
Zoe repeatable animated scene in bathroom
1 new Ava event
1 new Dora event
1 new story event
A dream with a girl feature and added Ava there (this is a really old scene I never used until now, so visuals might differ)
Upgraded visuals, different camera angles, and better lighting
Lot's of grammar fixes (entire zoe, entire intro, and mia I believe ... idk) thanks to "ravendarklocks" from my discord server
Fixed a bug where if you just started the game and read a book before joining Luna in the kitchen, created a mirriad of errors after the event ended
(this happened because the book advanced the time, thus the kitchen scene starts later, therefore it ends in a time that doesn't exist)
Fixed a bug where zoe remained in the bathroom after having sex with her
Fixed a bug where luna remained in the bathroom after having sex with her
Fixed a bug where the fisherman was missing on the Lake
Added a game tip screen that is visible once per playthrough
Known issues:
If loading an older save Amy will not be unlocked even if you unlocked her, to fix it simply go to the cafe and talk to her again. This will be fixed next update because I added checks
0.0.6 Changelog - 2022-10-08
- 1 large new Mia event
- 1 new animated luna blowjob repeatable event
- 2 new locations, Classroom, Mia's Practice Garage
- 3 animated porn movies on TV (during evenings and nights)
- You can now interract with Luna in the kitchen with the following: help her wash the dishes, request a blowjob
- more to be added
- Added a new stat called "Sluttiness" which will help with acquiring clothes and girls becoming sluts later on ( this will cause you to start the game from 0 again)
- Limited all stats for future versions to avoid players mindlessly grinding for no reason (subject to change)
- 1 new job opportunity ( subsitute teacher for Dora, you get paid ) - Added a new cheat menu for patrons, with skip day or add money (more to be added soon)
- Changed Luna's "bathroom" behaviour at lvl 3 where you had to wait for days or weeks to find her once in there, now she will be instantly there when reaching that point in her story
- Massive optimizations and improvements ( changed every single imagebutton to imagemap )
- Reworked some of the older scenes, and still working on them
- You can now read a book to increase "smarts" stats ( please be aware that this is also limited as there's only 1 scene in the classroom )
- Other improvements in UI, music, and background systems
- Removed all unused items from the shop as to avoid confussion
0.0.5a Changelog
- Fixed a bug where Ava used images in reverse order in her first scene
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to work more than once on your PC per day
- Fixed a bug that showed the "Missionary Sex" choice on Zoe's interraction before the right time
- Added a line that tells you if your mail has arrived. You can see it in your room when you wake up (if you ordered anything)
- Added a "Continue Game" button in the menu, which will start the game from where you left of (save, quick save, auto save) (unless save games are broken)
- Added a confirmation that you indeed want to restart the game should you click "Start Game" and you already have a save game
- Added a fishing tutorial and explanation
- Removed Amy from the bathroom randomizer as she is not living with the other girls
- Fixed an issue that prevented players to acces Luna's bathroom event
- Added temporary rollback blocks in areas that you shouldn't be able to rollback anyways (will probably refine this in the future)
- Completely rewriten the entire game
- Re-rendered most of the scenes
- Fishing mini game on the lake once you buy a fishing rod
- Luna animated scenes + repeatable shower sex scene
- 1 mia event
- 4 or 5 zoe events + repeatable sex scenes with 2 outfits
- New music
- Randomized girls in bathroom
- Quite honestly I've lost track of everything new in the game because I've been working on it every day
Known bugs from 0.0.5:
- Your old saves wont work
- Fixed most of the bugs that plagued 0.0.4
- Old saves will most probably not work anymore, but future saves should be safe. Sorry.
Known Bugs from 0.0.4a:
- Dora bathroom scene is broken because of a typo, ignoring the error will let you continue.
- Compressed
- 2 new Zoe scenes
- 1 new Luna scene + animated lewd
- 1 new Ava scene
- 1 new story scene
- 1 bathroom scene for all the girls (based on schedule)
- 1 new hidden park scene (Mc not involved)
- Cafe location
- Beach location
- Park location
- Lots of bug fixes
- Lots of text correction
- New font
- Increased font size
- New sounds
- Re-rendered 99% of the game
- Changed Sarah to Zoe
- Changed Cora to Dora
- 2 new girls, Amy and Joana (Joana will be added properly into the game later)
Known bugs from 0.0.4:
- Shower Mia looks different than other scenes
- Cover art has a different looking Mia and Ava (different tatto and clothes)
- Dora's shower scene error with sayer 'pa'
- Despite Ava having a new scene I forgot to add a trigger for it, thus it's unplayable
- Luna will crash the game if hovered once availalable events depleted
- Loading old saves or loading in general seems to be broken. As a quick fix you can delete persistent data.
- Tba
- Re-rendered Mia scene
- Changed UI font
- Fixed the known bugs from 0.0.2
- Fixed a bug where game crashed if you did the intro sequence in the wrong order
- Redone the entire in game UI
- Redone the entire game interface
- Re-rendered almost every scene in game so far
- Added a lot of new sound effects and music (removed old ones)
- Brand new map navigation (more polish to be expected in future releases)
- Added Park Scenes (Only as a placeholder)
- You can now view how much money you have in your inventory
- Fixed lots of other minor annoyances, bugs
- Added a day and night scene to every location (in case I forgot some please do tell)
- Other minor but not so minor changes to backend and ui
- Sadly ... no new scenes
Known Bugs:
- The bench and picture in the hallway when clicked will take you to the lounge
- The poster above the mc's bed has the wrong tooltip
- Extra unneccessary fade to black effect on bag and characters screen
- Initial release
First off I would like to apologize for the long delayed update, and lack of MASSIVE ammount of content, I am working on a broken laptop in pretty bad circumstances, also had to get the game on its feet, ground work is very important in my opinion, and once done the rest should be easier.
Also would like to apologize for having to reset your "saves" once more, this is the last time (unless I forgot a stat but I don't think so). Do not bother loading your old saves, it will error out.
Hey! You! Do you want to help squash bugs or be part of development? Do not hesitate to check out my discord. I am the only developer of this game, and I could use some company, hahahaha!
Also ... please be gentle, this is my very first game, I am still getting used to the tools, coding, and everything. :3
Also would like to apologize for having to reset your "saves" once more, this is the last time (unless I forgot a stat but I don't think so). Do not bother loading your old saves, it will error out.
Hey! You! Do you want to help squash bugs or be part of development? Do not hesitate to check out my discord. I am the only developer of this game, and I could use some company, hahahaha!
Also ... please be gentle, this is my very first game, I am still getting used to the tools, coding, and everything. :3
Тему отредактировал: admin - 1-03-2025, 11:53
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.0.26.0. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.0.26.0. Большое спасибо за перевод Vlavir.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.0.26.0. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.0.26.0. Большое спасибо за перевод Vlavir.
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