Возьмите на себя управление несколькими красивыми секс-рабынями в фантастическом мире. Научите их ублажать мужчин и зарабатывать больше монет. Поднимитесь по карьерной лестнице, чтобы вам доверили обслуживать VIP-клиентов. Узнайте личные истории своих протеже, покровителей и сотрудников. Узнайте их секреты и выполните задания.
Выберите, как вы будете обращаться с подчиненными вам девушками. Кем вы предпочтете быть - другом или жестоким хозяином?
Take charge of several beautiful sex slaves in a fantasy world. Teach them how to please men and earn more coins. Climb the career ladder to be entrusted with serving VIP clients. Learn personal stories of your proteges, patrons and staff. Discover their secrets and complete quests.
Choose how you are going to treat the girls under your command. Will you prefer to be their friend or a cruel master?
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: male protagonist, vanilla, oral, anal, harem, slave, violence, rape, trainer
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: CherrySock - patreon | itch.io | subscribestar
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.16.1
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.16.1 - 2024-11-07
1. Added the main quest line for Act 2 including new characters, dialogues and cutscenes.
2. Added special clients who can have special demands, dialogues and encounters. It is used in Act 2 main quests and I'm planning to use it for other quests too.
3. Added tooltips for mobile version (just tap on the button with "?").
4. Rewrote a few dialogues with Apple to make her speech more distinct.
Save games that were made on day 1 of act 2 or earlier should work on 0.16.
v0.15.0-v0.15.2 - 2024-05-16
Main changes
1. UI is completely redone.
2. Version for Android
3. New save/load system. Now you can save manually (but not in training or discipline scenes). The game is still autosaves on time advance and on quitting.
4. Added backgrounds to all the rooms that have windows.
5. Added camera panning effect during dialogues (with parallax).
6. Added additional setting: Training Music Volume. It sets the music volume separately for training scenes and discipline.
Now what changed for UI besides visuals
1. During dialogues to advance forward you now should click directly on dialogue window or press Space/Enter. Previously it was enough to click anywhere or press any key. I made this change, cause now there might be other UI elements on screen during dialogues.
2. You can now hide the dialogue window by pressing the arrow down button.
3. You can now use number keys to select dialogue options.
4. Added new popup menu. You can see it by hovering the cursor in the top part of the screen. It contains the following buttons:
· Main menu. You can use it instead of pressing Esc.
· Hide UI. It hides all the UI elements. Press any key or click anywhere to bring it back.
· Quests. Shows the quests menu.
· Skip cutscene. Available during cutscenes. More on that later.
5. During cutscenes pressing Esc now shows the main menu. To skip a cutscene you need to use the button in popup menu.
6. In Clients Assignment menu if a slave is absent that night, it shows the reason for that in a tooltip.
7. It now shows the result of the previous session differently. To be honest I'm still not happy with that. I will have to improve it later.
8.In oral training the list of commands now works a bit differently. Instead of buttons appearing and disappearing, they now grey out when unavailable.
9. In Clients' Assignment menu, when selecting a slave, it now highlights skills and features. Green - if she can perform it/has it, red - over wise.
Known issues
There can be a lag when opening save or load menus if there are a lot of saves. Delete the old ones.
When saving in Hub menu (the one where you select a location and advance time) it doesn't capture the screenshot.
Tooltips don’t work on Android for now.
The biggest change is of course adding 2 new slaves and the beginning of Act 2. Although there are no quests yet, but you can play with the girls. All the training, disciplines, clients’ encounters and accompanying dialogues are available.
Save files from 0.13 should load properly. I also added the ability to start new game directly from Act 2.
Other changes and fixes:
1. Sound system is improved when it comes to breathing, moans, screams etc. Especially noticeable during corporal discipline, but also in training.
2. In anal training scene slave’s mouth now properly animates when she screams.
3. In training and discipline slave’s eyes now properly animated and show differently depending on the girl’s emotions (half-closed, closed etc.). Previously they were almost always open.
4. In oral training scene when the protagonist speaks it now shows his name instead of generic “player”.
5. In oral training scene fixed Tizita’s earing sometimes start to rotate uncontrollably.
6. In oral training scene fixed a bug that prevented a button with number 8 to be activated with keyboard.
7. During dialogues fixed a bug that caused slave’s blush and mascara to flicker when she undresses.
8. Fixed a problem that made Alicia’s collar not appear after the cutscene if player skipped it.
9. Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented entering the Clients’ Area if one of the slaves was on the Pole of Shame.
10. Fixed a bug that made a save game not to load if player exited the game during peeping for a slave.
11. Fixed a bug that made the UI disappear sometimes when changing slave’s pubic hair.
v0.13.0 - 2023-07-23
Most of the changes is about oral training scene:
1. Most of the animations are improved or recreated from scratch, a lot of new ones added.
2. Now you can visually see when a slave becomes experienced in blowjob (provided she is trying hard enough).
3. A girl can now lick main character’s balls.
4. A slave can enjoy the blowjob herself if she likes the player.
5. Removed manual movement (it’s when you drag the mouse to control the girl’s head). Instead player can set depth and intensity through the UI.
6. Added gagging and choking.
7. Player can now praise a slave for her obedience during the training (specifically for allowing cum in mouth and swallowing).
8. Improved AI during training.
Other changes
1. In clients' area you can now actually see clients.
2. Improved artwork for 2 cutscenes (“Introduction” and “Memories about Alicia”).
3. In vaginal and anal scenes also removed manual movements (l understand that they are a bit boring right now. In later versions I’m planning to add more stuff).
4. In vaginal training scene main character’s dick is redrawn (before it looked different from oral scene).
Major changes
Added an anal training.
Added a side quest about the previous Tizita’s overseer. And there is a new outfit as a reward for completing that quest. The quest will start automatically during the first dialogue with Uncle Vulvius. You need to start a new game.
Now there are builds for Linux and Mac too. Unfortunately, I don’t have either of those systems. So, if you encounter any problems, please tell me.
Minor changes
Changed how cumming works. Instead of 2 buttons “Cum inside” and “Cum outside” there is now just one. Where the protagonist cums depends on whatever his dick is in or out. It concerns vaginal and anal training. In oral there is only cum outside for now.
Bug fixes and many balance changes.
In this update the main plot of the first act is concluded.
Major changes:
Added 3 main quests together with 2 new characters, 2 locations and a couple of cutscenes.
Added a side quest about Vilda’s past (it includes 1 character and 2 cutscenes)
In training scenes added a visual indication of pleasure and pain that a slave experiences.
Main and side quests will start automatically in the first several days of the game time.
Smaller changes and bugfixes
Fixed a bug that sometimes happens when entering a blowjob training scene: buttons are unavailable and a slave does nothing.
Added an icon for the game executable.
Increased the rate with which a slave gathers proficiency doing certain acts (in training scenes).
In training scenes reduced player’s arousment so you can train a slave for longer. But the minimum arousment to cum is reduced, so you can still finish faster if you want.
Reduced the price of gifts for slaves (2 coins for small, 10 for expensive)
Slave’s popularity now does not fall below her current tier.
Now every night there is at least one client that each of your slaves can serve.
Other minor fixes and balance tweaks.
Version 0.9.1 changelog:
Some bug fixes
0.9.0 Changelog
Major changes:
1. Added cutscenes system and also the first cutscene.
2. Added 4 new characters: Uncle Vulvius, Ottie (another overseer), Valeria and Apple along with some of their dialogues. No new slaves to manage for now.
3. Added 4 new locations: Vulvius’ Office, Valeria’s office, Apple’s room and Canteen.
4. Added quests system and couple of quests. Quests will be used to progress through the story, to provide some side stories and to quide the player.
5. Added quests UI.
6. Added notifications when a quest is updated.
Minor stuff:
In the dialogues it now shows main character’s name instead of just “player”.
Text that is supposed to be main character’s thoughts now shown in italic.
Version 0.8.0
1. Added money to the game. From now on every time one of your slaves serves a client, you’ll receive some gold. The amount depends on her tier (more about it later). Currently you can spend that money on gifts for the girls and new outfits. Later I will add more use for your hard earned cash.
2. Added an interface that displays your current gold. It shows when you select a location. It also displays automatically when there is some interaction on the screen with a price attached to it.
3. Added new location “Tailor shop”. Here you can buy new outfits for your slaves. Currently just one, but I’m planning to add more.
4. Added 2 encouragement interactions: “Small gift” and “Expensive gift”. Both of them cost money.
5. When you tell a slave to try new outfit, there is now a dialogue unique for each dress and the girl can refuse to put it on.
6. Added popularity tiers. Higher tier equals higher price for girl’s service.
7. Changed slave details UI. Now it consists of 2 parts:
a. The first part is always visible. There you can see slave’s name, her popularity and current tier, last rating from a client and her work situation.
b. The second part is a modal window. It shows when you press “?” in the first menu. It contains girl’s skills, features and some statistics. If she served a client last night, there will be detailed information about her performance and why she got that specific score.
8. Added tooltips for “Favors”, “Misbehavior”, “Encouragement” and “Discipline” sliders. Along with a general description it also shows what exactly slave did or you did to her.
9. Added a new discipline “Pole of Shame”.
10. Added the ability to block time advance until player visits specific location. For example if you initiate the pole of shame discipline for the first time, you’ll have to visit Client’s Area at night to witness it. Later it will be used for quests. The location you must visit is marked with an exclamation mark.
11. Fixed that annoying bug that was making Tizita blink sometimes.
Version 0.7.1 Changelog:
A small update to fix an issue that was bothering me for a long time. Girls’ heads were too big in dialogues. Honestly, it’s a constant problem for me, I always exaggerate heads’ proportions too much.
Unfortunately, there is a small bug now. Sometimes girls appear blinking. If it happens just exit the room and enter again. It’s probably caused by some bug in Spine beta version (the 2d animation software I’m using). I will make another update as soon as it is resolved.
Version 0.7.0 changelog:
The most important stuff:
1. Day-night cycle.
2. Interactions with clients.
1. Now when you click on exit room button it brings you to the new interface. Here you can advance time forward (cycling between day and night) and choose which location to visit. For now Vilda’s and Tizita’s rooms are available during the day and client’s area during the night (there are also special places to peep for you slaves doing their job, more about it later).
2. In slaves’ rooms added a new interface showing girl’s information
such as:
a. Her popularity among clients (currently it affects nothing, but later it will determine how much money you make of her and it will be important for the main story).
b. A rating from 1 to 5 that the last client gave her. Depending on the score slave’s popularity can increase or decrease (currently it is just shown as starts, but in the next update I’m planning to add a separate interface where you can see exactly why the girl got that rating. Also you will be able to ask her directly how was the session).
c. Her skills in bed (they are increased when you train the slave).
d. Her features (they are important when choosing a client).
e. Her work situation: whatever she is scheduled to serve clients that night, and if not - why.
3. Added a new location “Clients’ Area”. It is a bit empty now. Later I will add some characters there to make it look more lively and interesting.
4. Added a new interface “Clients Assignment”. Here you can see a list of brothel’s visitors and your slaves that are scheduled to work tonight. Each client has a list of demands and preferences. All the demands must be met by the girl before you can assign her to that client. Preferences are optional but they will increase or decrease the final rating.
Slave’s skills and features are shown here too for the convenience.
To match a slave with a patron, just drag her portrait to the empty slot. And then press “Confirm”.
5. Added the ability to peek for your slaves when they are working. After you assign one of the girls to a client, the special location will open for that to do that.
6. Added a new interaction: “Send to work”. It functions like this:
All the new slaves do not start serving clients right away (for now it is relevant to Vilda only, since Tizita was working before the main character arrived)
After you verified girl’s abilities in bed, you will be able to select that option (it is located in “Work” subcategory). And if she agrees, the slave will start working.
7. Added a new interaction “Night off”. If the slave is scheduled to work tonight, you can select this option and let her rest instead. It will count as a reward.
8. A slave can refuse to work any given night. Then the player has an option to agree and let her rest or insist.
9. Implemented the stress system. Every training session, serving a client and discipline will increase slave’s stress. When it reaches a certain point (currently 80 %), the girl can not work. The stress decreases during the night if she didn’t serve clients. Later I’m planning to add more ways to relieve stress of your slaves.
10. When starting a new game, you can now choose your character’s name.
11. When you start a training session but finish it without even putting your dick inside a girl, she reacts accordingly. The same if you finish discipline without hitting her once.
12. Added tooltips. Not everything has them for now. I will add more.
13. Added a confirmation dialogue when quitting the game or returning to the main menu.
14. Added a content warning when starting the game for the first time.
I know that the new interfaces are not the best looking, there are no animations or sound effects. They will be improved later.
1. Added sound (breathing, moans, slurps…)
2. Added blush
3. Added crying and running mascara
4. Added saliva (guy’s dick getting wet and also drooping from slave’s mouth)
1. Added sound to discipline scene.
2. Added background music.
3. Added a second spanking tool (wooden paddle) and an interface to select them.
4. When player disciplines a slave for the first time there is now a short dialogue in the dungeon.
5. Dialogues after the discipline sessions now also shown in the dungeon.
1. Slaves now make sounds in vaginal sex training scene.
2. Added cum on stomach in vaginal sex training scene.
The most important change is adding the oral training scene as well as corresponding dialogues.
While in the scene you can either let the slave act on her own. In that case you can give her orders. Try to repeat it if she doesn’t do it the first time.
Alternatively, you can hold girl’s head and make her move the way you prefer (just press and hold the left mouse button on her head and move the mouse)
Hitting 80 % of arousment will allow you to cum (you’ll cum automatically when you hit a 100%). For now there is only one cum animation. There will be more lately.
Slave won’t be able to do a deepthroat right away, but if you keep trying after several sessions it will be possible.
New interface design. That includes new main menu and pause menus.
Now you can change slaves’ outfit. Added 1 outfit that is available for both girls.
Now you can change slave’s pubic hair. Added 3 styles plus clean shaven.
1. Added a second slave Tizita.
2. Reworked animations in Training and Discipline scenes.
3. Added favors/misbehaves system.
A couple of issues with this build:
1. For now, it is too easy to make girls do what you want. I will rebalance it later.
2. I just realized that Unity removed the standard dialogue with the resolution selection. So currently the game only runs in 1280x720 (but you can make it full screen with Alt-Enter).
It’s a pre-alpha. Obviously, the game is far from its final state. But you can already test some of the systems and also check out the art.
What you can do in this version:
1. Chat with a slave
2. Vaginal training
3. Corporal punishment
4. Verbal encouragement
5. Strip her naked
· All the interface is temporary. I will make it look nice in the latter versions.
· There is almost no sound at this point.
· The animations are far from perfect. They will be improved.
· Trust and Respect parameters are currently don’t affect anything (almost). They will be important later when I introduce favors and misbehaves system.
· Most of the actions are limited to one per day. Advance to next day in order to make them available again.
· Game saves automatically when day changes and when scene changes.
Возьмите на себя управление несколькими красивыми секс-рабынями в фантастическом мире. Научите их ублажать мужчин и зарабатывать больше монет. Поднимитесь по карьерной лестнице, чтобы вам доверили обслуживать VIP-клиентов. Узнайте личные истории своих протеже, покровителей и сотрудников. Узнайте их секреты и выполните задания.
Выберите, как вы будете обращаться с подчиненными вам девушками. Кем вы предпочтете быть - другом или жестоким хозяином?
Take charge of several beautiful sex slaves in a fantasy world. Teach them how to please men and earn more coins. Climb the career ladder to be entrusted with serving VIP clients. Learn personal stories of your proteges, patrons and staff. Discover their secrets and complete quests.
Choose how you are going to treat the girls under your command. Will you prefer to be their friend or a cruel master?
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: male protagonist, vanilla, oral, anal, harem, slave, violence, rape, trainer
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: CherrySock - patreon | itch.io | subscribestar
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.16.1
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.16.1 - 2024-11-07
1. Added the main quest line for Act 2 including new characters, dialogues and cutscenes.
2. Added special clients who can have special demands, dialogues and encounters. It is used in Act 2 main quests and I'm planning to use it for other quests too.
3. Added tooltips for mobile version (just tap on the button with "?").
4. Rewrote a few dialogues with Apple to make her speech more distinct.
Save games that were made on day 1 of act 2 or earlier should work on 0.16.
v0.15.0-v0.15.2 - 2024-05-16
Main changes
1. UI is completely redone.
2. Version for Android
3. New save/load system. Now you can save manually (but not in training or discipline scenes). The game is still autosaves on time advance and on quitting.
4. Added backgrounds to all the rooms that have windows.
5. Added camera panning effect during dialogues (with parallax).
6. Added additional setting: Training Music Volume. It sets the music volume separately for training scenes and discipline.
Now what changed for UI besides visuals
1. During dialogues to advance forward you now should click directly on dialogue window or press Space/Enter. Previously it was enough to click anywhere or press any key. I made this change, cause now there might be other UI elements on screen during dialogues.
2. You can now hide the dialogue window by pressing the arrow down button.
3. You can now use number keys to select dialogue options.
4. Added new popup menu. You can see it by hovering the cursor in the top part of the screen. It contains the following buttons:
· Main menu. You can use it instead of pressing Esc.
· Hide UI. It hides all the UI elements. Press any key or click anywhere to bring it back.
· Quests. Shows the quests menu.
· Skip cutscene. Available during cutscenes. More on that later.
5. During cutscenes pressing Esc now shows the main menu. To skip a cutscene you need to use the button in popup menu.
6. In Clients Assignment menu if a slave is absent that night, it shows the reason for that in a tooltip.
7. It now shows the result of the previous session differently. To be honest I'm still not happy with that. I will have to improve it later.
8.In oral training the list of commands now works a bit differently. Instead of buttons appearing and disappearing, they now grey out when unavailable.
9. In Clients' Assignment menu, when selecting a slave, it now highlights skills and features. Green - if she can perform it/has it, red - over wise.
Known issues
There can be a lag when opening save or load menus if there are a lot of saves. Delete the old ones.
When saving in Hub menu (the one where you select a location and advance time) it doesn't capture the screenshot.
Tooltips don’t work on Android for now.
The biggest change is of course adding 2 new slaves and the beginning of Act 2. Although there are no quests yet, but you can play with the girls. All the training, disciplines, clients’ encounters and accompanying dialogues are available.
Save files from 0.13 should load properly. I also added the ability to start new game directly from Act 2.
Other changes and fixes:
1. Sound system is improved when it comes to breathing, moans, screams etc. Especially noticeable during corporal discipline, but also in training.
2. In anal training scene slave’s mouth now properly animates when she screams.
3. In training and discipline slave’s eyes now properly animated and show differently depending on the girl’s emotions (half-closed, closed etc.). Previously they were almost always open.
4. In oral training scene when the protagonist speaks it now shows his name instead of generic “player”.
5. In oral training scene fixed Tizita’s earing sometimes start to rotate uncontrollably.
6. In oral training scene fixed a bug that prevented a button with number 8 to be activated with keyboard.
7. During dialogues fixed a bug that caused slave’s blush and mascara to flicker when she undresses.
8. Fixed a problem that made Alicia’s collar not appear after the cutscene if player skipped it.
9. Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented entering the Clients’ Area if one of the slaves was on the Pole of Shame.
10. Fixed a bug that made a save game not to load if player exited the game during peeping for a slave.
11. Fixed a bug that made the UI disappear sometimes when changing slave’s pubic hair.
v0.13.0 - 2023-07-23
Most of the changes is about oral training scene:
1. Most of the animations are improved or recreated from scratch, a lot of new ones added.
2. Now you can visually see when a slave becomes experienced in blowjob (provided she is trying hard enough).
3. A girl can now lick main character’s balls.
4. A slave can enjoy the blowjob herself if she likes the player.
5. Removed manual movement (it’s when you drag the mouse to control the girl’s head). Instead player can set depth and intensity through the UI.
6. Added gagging and choking.
7. Player can now praise a slave for her obedience during the training (specifically for allowing cum in mouth and swallowing).
8. Improved AI during training.
Other changes
1. In clients' area you can now actually see clients.
2. Improved artwork for 2 cutscenes (“Introduction” and “Memories about Alicia”).
3. In vaginal and anal scenes also removed manual movements (l understand that they are a bit boring right now. In later versions I’m planning to add more stuff).
4. In vaginal training scene main character’s dick is redrawn (before it looked different from oral scene).
Major changes
Added an anal training.
Added a side quest about the previous Tizita’s overseer. And there is a new outfit as a reward for completing that quest. The quest will start automatically during the first dialogue with Uncle Vulvius. You need to start a new game.
Now there are builds for Linux and Mac too. Unfortunately, I don’t have either of those systems. So, if you encounter any problems, please tell me.
Minor changes
Changed how cumming works. Instead of 2 buttons “Cum inside” and “Cum outside” there is now just one. Where the protagonist cums depends on whatever his dick is in or out. It concerns vaginal and anal training. In oral there is only cum outside for now.
Bug fixes and many balance changes.
In this update the main plot of the first act is concluded.
Major changes:
Added 3 main quests together with 2 new characters, 2 locations and a couple of cutscenes.
Added a side quest about Vilda’s past (it includes 1 character and 2 cutscenes)
In training scenes added a visual indication of pleasure and pain that a slave experiences.
Main and side quests will start automatically in the first several days of the game time.
Smaller changes and bugfixes
Fixed a bug that sometimes happens when entering a blowjob training scene: buttons are unavailable and a slave does nothing.
Added an icon for the game executable.
Increased the rate with which a slave gathers proficiency doing certain acts (in training scenes).
In training scenes reduced player’s arousment so you can train a slave for longer. But the minimum arousment to cum is reduced, so you can still finish faster if you want.
Reduced the price of gifts for slaves (2 coins for small, 10 for expensive)
Slave’s popularity now does not fall below her current tier.
Now every night there is at least one client that each of your slaves can serve.
Other minor fixes and balance tweaks.
Version 0.9.1 changelog:
Some bug fixes
0.9.0 Changelog
Major changes:
1. Added cutscenes system and also the first cutscene.
2. Added 4 new characters: Uncle Vulvius, Ottie (another overseer), Valeria and Apple along with some of their dialogues. No new slaves to manage for now.
3. Added 4 new locations: Vulvius’ Office, Valeria’s office, Apple’s room and Canteen.
4. Added quests system and couple of quests. Quests will be used to progress through the story, to provide some side stories and to quide the player.
5. Added quests UI.
6. Added notifications when a quest is updated.
Minor stuff:
In the dialogues it now shows main character’s name instead of just “player”.
Text that is supposed to be main character’s thoughts now shown in italic.
Version 0.8.0
1. Added money to the game. From now on every time one of your slaves serves a client, you’ll receive some gold. The amount depends on her tier (more about it later). Currently you can spend that money on gifts for the girls and new outfits. Later I will add more use for your hard earned cash.
2. Added an interface that displays your current gold. It shows when you select a location. It also displays automatically when there is some interaction on the screen with a price attached to it.
3. Added new location “Tailor shop”. Here you can buy new outfits for your slaves. Currently just one, but I’m planning to add more.
4. Added 2 encouragement interactions: “Small gift” and “Expensive gift”. Both of them cost money.
5. When you tell a slave to try new outfit, there is now a dialogue unique for each dress and the girl can refuse to put it on.
6. Added popularity tiers. Higher tier equals higher price for girl’s service.
7. Changed slave details UI. Now it consists of 2 parts:
a. The first part is always visible. There you can see slave’s name, her popularity and current tier, last rating from a client and her work situation.
b. The second part is a modal window. It shows when you press “?” in the first menu. It contains girl’s skills, features and some statistics. If she served a client last night, there will be detailed information about her performance and why she got that specific score.
8. Added tooltips for “Favors”, “Misbehavior”, “Encouragement” and “Discipline” sliders. Along with a general description it also shows what exactly slave did or you did to her.
9. Added a new discipline “Pole of Shame”.
10. Added the ability to block time advance until player visits specific location. For example if you initiate the pole of shame discipline for the first time, you’ll have to visit Client’s Area at night to witness it. Later it will be used for quests. The location you must visit is marked with an exclamation mark.
11. Fixed that annoying bug that was making Tizita blink sometimes.
Version 0.7.1 Changelog:
A small update to fix an issue that was bothering me for a long time. Girls’ heads were too big in dialogues. Honestly, it’s a constant problem for me, I always exaggerate heads’ proportions too much.
Unfortunately, there is a small bug now. Sometimes girls appear blinking. If it happens just exit the room and enter again. It’s probably caused by some bug in Spine beta version (the 2d animation software I’m using). I will make another update as soon as it is resolved.
Version 0.7.0 changelog:
The most important stuff:
1. Day-night cycle.
2. Interactions with clients.
1. Now when you click on exit room button it brings you to the new interface. Here you can advance time forward (cycling between day and night) and choose which location to visit. For now Vilda’s and Tizita’s rooms are available during the day and client’s area during the night (there are also special places to peep for you slaves doing their job, more about it later).
2. In slaves’ rooms added a new interface showing girl’s information
such as:
a. Her popularity among clients (currently it affects nothing, but later it will determine how much money you make of her and it will be important for the main story).
b. A rating from 1 to 5 that the last client gave her. Depending on the score slave’s popularity can increase or decrease (currently it is just shown as starts, but in the next update I’m planning to add a separate interface where you can see exactly why the girl got that rating. Also you will be able to ask her directly how was the session).
c. Her skills in bed (they are increased when you train the slave).
d. Her features (they are important when choosing a client).
e. Her work situation: whatever she is scheduled to serve clients that night, and if not - why.
3. Added a new location “Clients’ Area”. It is a bit empty now. Later I will add some characters there to make it look more lively and interesting.
4. Added a new interface “Clients Assignment”. Here you can see a list of brothel’s visitors and your slaves that are scheduled to work tonight. Each client has a list of demands and preferences. All the demands must be met by the girl before you can assign her to that client. Preferences are optional but they will increase or decrease the final rating.
Slave’s skills and features are shown here too for the convenience.
To match a slave with a patron, just drag her portrait to the empty slot. And then press “Confirm”.
5. Added the ability to peek for your slaves when they are working. After you assign one of the girls to a client, the special location will open for that to do that.
6. Added a new interaction: “Send to work”. It functions like this:
All the new slaves do not start serving clients right away (for now it is relevant to Vilda only, since Tizita was working before the main character arrived)
After you verified girl’s abilities in bed, you will be able to select that option (it is located in “Work” subcategory). And if she agrees, the slave will start working.
7. Added a new interaction “Night off”. If the slave is scheduled to work tonight, you can select this option and let her rest instead. It will count as a reward.
8. A slave can refuse to work any given night. Then the player has an option to agree and let her rest or insist.
9. Implemented the stress system. Every training session, serving a client and discipline will increase slave’s stress. When it reaches a certain point (currently 80 %), the girl can not work. The stress decreases during the night if she didn’t serve clients. Later I’m planning to add more ways to relieve stress of your slaves.
10. When starting a new game, you can now choose your character’s name.
11. When you start a training session but finish it without even putting your dick inside a girl, she reacts accordingly. The same if you finish discipline without hitting her once.
12. Added tooltips. Not everything has them for now. I will add more.
13. Added a confirmation dialogue when quitting the game or returning to the main menu.
14. Added a content warning when starting the game for the first time.
I know that the new interfaces are not the best looking, there are no animations or sound effects. They will be improved later.
1. Added sound (breathing, moans, slurps…)
2. Added blush
3. Added crying and running mascara
4. Added saliva (guy’s dick getting wet and also drooping from slave’s mouth)
1. Added sound to discipline scene.
2. Added background music.
3. Added a second spanking tool (wooden paddle) and an interface to select them.
4. When player disciplines a slave for the first time there is now a short dialogue in the dungeon.
5. Dialogues after the discipline sessions now also shown in the dungeon.
1. Slaves now make sounds in vaginal sex training scene.
2. Added cum on stomach in vaginal sex training scene.
The most important change is adding the oral training scene as well as corresponding dialogues.
While in the scene you can either let the slave act on her own. In that case you can give her orders. Try to repeat it if she doesn’t do it the first time.
Alternatively, you can hold girl’s head and make her move the way you prefer (just press and hold the left mouse button on her head and move the mouse)
Hitting 80 % of arousment will allow you to cum (you’ll cum automatically when you hit a 100%). For now there is only one cum animation. There will be more lately.
Slave won’t be able to do a deepthroat right away, but if you keep trying after several sessions it will be possible.
New interface design. That includes new main menu and pause menus.
Now you can change slaves’ outfit. Added 1 outfit that is available for both girls.
Now you can change slave’s pubic hair. Added 3 styles plus clean shaven.
1. Added a second slave Tizita.
2. Reworked animations in Training and Discipline scenes.
3. Added favors/misbehaves system.
A couple of issues with this build:
1. For now, it is too easy to make girls do what you want. I will rebalance it later.
2. I just realized that Unity removed the standard dialogue with the resolution selection. So currently the game only runs in 1280x720 (but you can make it full screen with Alt-Enter).
It’s a pre-alpha. Obviously, the game is far from its final state. But you can already test some of the systems and also check out the art.
What you can do in this version:
1. Chat with a slave
2. Vaginal training
3. Corporal punishment
4. Verbal encouragement
5. Strip her naked
· All the interface is temporary. I will make it look nice in the latter versions.
· There is almost no sound at this point.
· The animations are far from perfect. They will be improved.
· Trust and Respect parameters are currently don’t affect anything (almost). They will be important later when I introduce favors and misbehaves system.
· Most of the actions are limited to one per day. Advance to next day in order to make them available again.
· Game saves automatically when day changes and when scene changes.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 7-11-2024, 20:57
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.16.1 / Topic updated to v.0.16.1
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.16.1 / Topic updated to v.0.16.1
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