Описание:Вы играете за Цири, которая узнала, что в деревне Ривервуд пропадают люди, и вам нужно выяснить, что там происходит, и разобраться с монстром. В начале игры Цири совсем не интересуется сексом, и только вам решать, станет ли она шлюхой в борделе или будет убивать оборотней да упырей и зарабатывать этим себе на жизнь.
You play as Ciri, who has found out that people are disappearing in the village of Riverwood, and you need to find out what is happening there and deal with the monster. At the beginning of the game, Ciri is not interested in sex, and only you decide whether she will become a whore in a brothel or will kill werewolves and ghouls and earn a living from this.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: adventure, all sex, real porn, male domination, female protagonist, creampie, anal, lesbian, oral, vaginal
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Saragames - www.patreon.com/SaraGames
Перевод: Shepard89Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0.2 Rus/Eng
Другие игры автора: SaraGameЯзык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
1.0.2 - 2025-03-16
- Продолжение сюжетной линии с ведьмаком Крисом.
1.0.1 - 2025-02-23
- Начало новой сюжетной арки;
- Добавлено три секс сцены;
1.0 - 2025-02-03
The story of the second arc of the storyline has been completed. - 2025-01-11
- Добавлены новые сцены с травником;
- Добавлены новые случайные сцены с разбойниками в лесу;
- Продолжение основного сюжета; - 2025-01-07
- Добавлено ещё 3 сцены у травника;
- Добавлена возможность создавать у травника большее количество лечебных мазей. - 2024-11-30
- Добавлен NPC Травник;
- Добавлены три сцены.
v0.9.6 - 2024-06-24
Added three more scenes with the druid apprentice. You can also upgrade your sword from him at a bargain price. - 2024-05-31
- Добавлено продолжение основого сюжета;
- Добавлены новые случайные секс сцены;
- Добавлена локация "Тёмный лес" и ивенты в ней.
v0.9.4 - 2024-05-16
Rirerwood became even busier, it seems the residents began to notice when Ciri horny, three random scenes in Riverwood.
v0.9.3 - 2024-03-20
It is now even harder to get past the guard at the bandit camp in Riverwood Forest. New scenes have also been added
v0.9.2 - 2024-02-22
A guard has been added to the bandit camp in Riverwood Forest, now he won't let you inside until you fulfill one of the conditions.
v0.9.1 - 2024-01-27
Continued storyline. Three new scenes.
Bug fixing.
v0.9 - 2023-12-30
Added three scenes with the bandit leader in Riverwood Forest.
Fixes to the standard sex system.
Arousal during sleep is twice as fast.
v0.8.5 - 2023-12-11
Continuation of the main plot, +3 new scenes.
v0.8 - 2023-11-21
In the woods of Riverwoods, a bandit camp has a ringleader.
Reduce the grind at the beginning of the game.
Improved game experience at the outlaw camp in Riverwood Forest.
v0.7 - 2023-10-16
Rumor has it that outlaws have set up camp in the woods near Riverwood. Now it will be easier to increase the corruption level when starting a new game.
v0.6.5 - 2023-09-26
Added three hot scenes with the new merchant.
v0.6 - 2023-09-07
There is a new store in the shopping district! There you can find the goods that will make you stronger. Three new scenes.
v0.5.5 - 2023-08-22
In the new version of the game about the swallow you get a continuation of the storyline story.
Three new scenes.
v0.5 - 2023-08-06
In the new version of the game about the swallow you get a continuation of the storyline story.
Three new scenes.
v0.4.5 - 2023-07-21
In the new version of the game about the swallow you get a continuation of the storyline story becomes more confusing.
Three new scenes.
In the quest of the last update you met one of the merchants who deliver goods from the province to Novigrad, and learned that they can give you money. In the new update a new way of earning money has been added: if Ciri is a horny, she can visit the merchants who deliver goods to Novigrad (in the suburbs).
This new version of the game has a continuation of the main story (you go on a dangerous mission). Three new scenes.
Added description of the scenes in the participation with the bar and brothel nps. Also added new gif animations in these scenes.
Remember that to open all the scenes you need to raise the sex skill, you can see it in the characteristics.
A fruit seller appeared on the Novigrad shopping area. Now you can buy berries at a good price. You can also have sex if the protagonist is horny.
Three new scenes
A continuation of the main story. This time you will have to save the world. As a reward, you can get three new scenes.
In this update, you will meet two new characters, with them the main story will develop.
three new scenes
Added a quest with Jaskier. New character added. After you go this quest you will have another opportunity to earn.
Continued Quest of the Adventure Guild
You can meet Lisa in Novigrad. She will give you a task and you can join a secret organization in which you have not been accepted before.
+ New job north of Novigrad
+ Two scenes
In this update, you will have a short journey with Chris the Witcher. You will get to know his comrades and even get the opportunity to spend the night with them or be left alone.
The finale of the main quest with Gunther!
+ two scenes
Continuation of the Adventurer's Guild storyline.
Three new scenes.
Continuation of the main story
two new scenes
There is a new street in Novigrad!
There you can find a fencing teacher and an arena with monsters.
There are also alternative ways of earning money there.
Added an easy start, which includes a cheat menu.
Riverwood now has an adventurer guild.
Minor edits.
The game may not work correctly if you use saves from previous versions.
Continuation of the main story
Added cheat menu
You can now walk in Novigrad (Two new scenes for a whore)
Bug fixes
Added a new quest with a new character
Continued main story
New character in the brothel
Initial release.
Продолжение основной истории
две новые сцены
Дополнительно(мои правки_переводчика):
-разорван нескончаемый квест с Лизой(авантюристы)
-добавлена возможность секса с каждым авантюристом после прохождения их заданий(после задания Лизы).
-минет Маркусу(бордель) добавляет сексуальный голод
В Новиграде появилась новая улица!
Там вы можете найти учителя фехтования и арену с монстрами.
Там также есть альтернативные способы заработка денег.
Добавлен легкий старт, включающий чит-меню.
В Ривервуде теперь есть гильдия искателей приключений.
Мелкие правки.
Игра может работать некорректно, если вы используете сохранения из предыдущих версий.
Продолжение основной истории
Добавлено чит-меню
Теперь вы можете гулять по Новиграду (Две новые сцены для шлюхи)
Исправление ошибок
Добавлен новый квест с новым персонажем
Продолжение основной истории
Новый персонаж в борделе
Первоначальный выпуск.