Описание:Love and Corruption is a text-based, turn-based combat game where you'll be able to explore a growing universe, discover a world with different types of creatures, races, spells, and locations to explore. You will play as a man who has just suffered a wave of loss, and finds himself in the midst of a total change in his life, and you will make the decisions that will affect his life after all that.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: vaginal, femdom, maledom, male protagonist, big tits, milf, character creation, fantasy, combat, turn based combat, virgin, romance, titsfuck, pregnancy, furry, oral, adventure, monster girl, milf, slavery, magic corruption, prostitution, lactation,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Airell - www.patreon.com/iAirell | airell.itch.io/love-and-corruption
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4.2
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Patreon Codes:
Gallery: 55014982
Bonus Scenes: 66217056
Cheats: 81042067
0.4.2 - Changelog - 2025-03-03
Kira Storyline
Added Kira Storyline with her main quest
Added Redhill City to Ravenna Region, the homeland of the Vulpines
Intro Event at Ravenna, after "Ravenna Dark Night" and after "Lightning Step Learn" event with Ellaryel
Depending on the success during the quest, Kira's romance event will unlock...
Date Events in Redhill - Unique and later ones...
Sexy Interactions
First Fiery Cherry (Unique)
First Missionary (Unique)
First Cowgirl (Unique)
Fiery Cherry
Scratchy Footjob (Aelrie+)
Warm Blowjob
Redhill City Region
Map/Lore and first main quest introducing the place
New passive and hostile encounters
Vulpan Renegade Knight and Knightess
Hillspeak Drake
Vulpine Soldier, male and female
Reworked/Expanded Training Events with Ellariel, Gwen, and Evelyn
Each one has unique skills and passive traits unlockable by training with them
Each advanced perks learning event give 1 perk point too, up to 3 so far
Related to the Rework of our Skilltree
Reworked & Expanded Skilltree
New layout and touchy design, because there are many skills now, but there will be more...
Added... Several new skills/traits (I'm a bit tired to remind them all right now xP)
The main quests/battles now have proper descriptions if Kristan has certain skills, mainly Lightning Step and Blow
Added Skystone Garrison
New map, events, routine for Gael and Skystone Soldiers
New training events, now with variations for Kristan's skills
Variations of the training if Barbara is around, and The Late Spill quest is completed
Added Lvl 13 (For now...)
Modified Experience values and organization, making easier to get Exp in the highest levels
Modified income from Innerstone Inn, Yaket Tower, and polished ugrades too
Added Yaket Tower System!
Map/Lore and events for the place
Income System & Upgrades added - Each upgrate for the tower impacts the income, just like Innerstone Inn
Added Slavery System to the tower - New forms of getting slaves of more races
New Captain - Barbara
Barbara Storyline
Intro Events/Bedroom Dialogues
Date Events (Unique and repeatable)
Barbara Friendship Quest - The Late Spill
New Training Events with Gael at the Garrison
New Quest - Rekindling Redhill
After Kristan completed Ravenna Dark Night, the Lords Event Meeting, and Lightning Step Learning Event with Ellaryel
Major quest, divided in 3 long parts/battles
Depending on the performance of Kristan, the chance of having Kira's love...
New Quest - The Late Spill
If Barbara's a closer friend (20 friendship points+)
If Innerstone Inn and Yaket Tower have all their upgrades done
After the quest, hostile encounters around Skystone Forest/Region will not appear anymore (Except wild animals)
Gallery Updated - Kira Events (Monarch Tier)
New Items Added (WIP... Need artwork yet) - Polished gemstones
New Artworks
Barbara - Character Artwork
Cael - Character Artwork/Variations
Kira - Character Artwork/Variations
Kira - Missionary
Kira - Lying Together
Kira - Cherry Flavor
Lyrith - Wet Cowgirl
Vulpan Renegade Female - Char Artwork
Vulpan Renegade Male - Char Artwork
Priscilla - Missionary
Renee - Beddy Boobjob
Selena - Wet Footjob
Vulpine Soldier Female - Char Artwork
Vulpine Soldier Male - Char Artwork
Vulpan/Vulpine Womb Anatomy
Vulpan/Vulpine Fetuses (For now, placeholder...)
Violith - Warm Footjob
Daemys - Character Artwork
Shelana - Character Rework
Moggana - Character Rework
Tyra - Character Artwork
Ver. 0.4.1 - Changelog - 2025-01-10
Durya Rework
Reworked routine, polished and expanded too
Date Events - First unique one, and other ones (With variations)
New Intro Event
Family Event (Unique)
Sexy Interactions
First Thighjob (Unique)
First Missionary (Unique)
Sex System - With unique variations for Durya
Warm Footjob
Cowgirl (Aelrie+)
Taste the Cherry (Aelrie+)
Morning Spooning
Bathy Interactions
Spend Time Together
Wet Thighjob
Ruby and Vivien Friendship Line - Motly from Ruby and Vivien's perspective...
Lisbeth's Parents Visit - Kiddos Related (Sweet and cute!)
Lisbeth's Lineage Stonework Event - Kiddos Related (Because I like this...)
Ruby Shopping Event - (First unique, and following ones)
Vivien's Related
Vivien Intro (Unique)
First Vivien's Visit (Unique)
First Vivien's Visit - After... (Unique)
Ruby Sleepover At Vivien's (Unique)
Visit at Vivien's - Sleepover post... (Unique)
Vivien & Ruby Relaxing at Gardens (Routine)
Vivien & Ruby Snack at Kitchen (Routine)
New Quest - Fertile Roads Cleaning - Durya Related!
Lauryn and Nathan - Spending Time Together (Because of course...)
Royal Family Interactions
Reworked Ingmery Map and Descriptions
New Events at the Cities
Garakh's Slave Audition (With variations...)
Orc Ladies Show (With variations...)
Reworked Thief Hunt Event
Kiddos Recognition
Elven Singers Feast (With variations...)
Horeth Market Fest (With variations...)
Kiddos Training (Sweet...)
Gallery Updated - Durya Events (Monarch Tier)
New Artworks
Adalyn - Character Rework
Marco - Character Rework
Agatha Date - Preggo Variations
Audry - Char Artwork
Ferya - Char Artwork
Male Garakh Warrior - Char Artwork
Female Garakh Warrior - Char Artwork
Lisbeth & Ruby Spend Time - Preggo Variations
Lisbeth & Renee Threesome - Bathy Lotus
Lenly - Char Artwork
Durya - Character Rework
Durya - Thighjob
Durya - Missionary
Durya - Lying Together
Astana - Footjob
Luna Forest Date - Preggo Variations
Ver. 0.4.0 - 2024-11-16
Naomi Rework
Revamped Routine, polished and expanded Events/Dialogues
Sexy Interactions - Listing All Them (To help my memory xD)
Doggystyle (Aelrie+)
Footjob (Aelrie+)
Be Served
Taste Her
Lord Event Meeting - Multi-Event/Dialogues/Contextual
Meeting Dialogues, With Variations
If has a relationship with Ellaryel, Evelyn, and Gwen, 2 warm events happens
Ellaryel & Evelyn Nightly Footjob
Gwen Special Nightly Massage
New Mothers Dialogues Over The Game
Big event with Luna and our kiddos - Dialogue variations... Essence of the game... Love!
Rohar Sidequest - Higher share to investments, & variants...
New Ravenna Store and Characters - The Iron Tusk, Norran & Family
New Dialogues
New Items
Durium Armor
Durium Helm
Durium Shield
Durium Boots
Durium Sword
Durium Pendant
Lisbeth & Renee Threesome - Wet Doggystyle
Violith - Wet Sixtynine (With Colors...)
Astana - Lotus (With Sweet Artwork...)
Gharol - Warm Boobjob (With Sweet Artwork & Polished)
Lisbeth - Sidesex (New style of love... Preggo and non-preggo)
Gallery Updated - Agatha, Lisbeth, and Violith Events (Monarch Tier)
New Artworks
Ruby - Character Rework
Astana - Lotus
Elin - Usanna Son, Char Artwork
Maya - Rasha Daughter, Char Artwork
Lisbeth - Side-Love (Preggo & Non-preggo)
Norran - Character Artwork
Agatha - Sweet Bathing (Preggo & Non-preggo)
New Items - Furium Set
Gharol - Warm Boob Massage
New Game Logo - Full & Minor Versions
Dyanna - Character Rework
David - Renee Son, Char Artwork
Gabrielle - Renee Daughter, Char Artwork
Luna & Family - Game Core...
Orc Warrior Female - Character Rework
Naomi - Lying Together
Naomi - Sidelove
Violith - Wet Sixtynine
0.3.17 Changelog - 2024-09-19
Agatha Pregnancy Storyline
Pregnancy Intro Events/Dialogues
Date Events - For pregnancy...
Sexy Interactions - Pregnancy variations for all events
Missionary (Aelrie+)
Footjob (Aelrie+)
Sex System - Some preggo/Lactation variants
Morning Lactation Event/Effect - Morning, if late pregnancy...
Morning Needy Cowgirl - Preggo... Because she needs it...
Bathing Interactions
Bath Boobjob
Taste the Cherry (Aelrie+)
Spending Time Together - Preggo variations
Preggo Doggy Bath
Agatha Children Storyline
Various dialogues about pregnancy/her children
Birth Events Events/Dialogues
Erick and Jasmyn, Agatha's children
Intro and Unique Dialogues
Training Events
Spending Time Training Together - Need both at teenager phase...
Spending Time - Both Erick and Jasmyn...
Liana Dialogues - Updated dialogues about all girls' pregnancy/children
Other Children Events/Dialogues
Reorganized children files/format in Nursery - Code wyse... But makes my life easier! lol
Added unique events/dialogues for each child at each stage, baby, toddler and teenager
Lisbeth Events - Scratchy Thighjob (Aelrie+)
Violith Events - Morning Sixtynine polished-reworked to Wet Sixtynine (Morning, at the bath...)
New Character and Store Added - Rohar, at Garakh Town
Dialogues, Intro Event and Investments
Investment event after spending 2000 coins on Almia Goldens and having completed "Protecting Skystone"
Investments are paid weekly
New Items added
Rustic Garakh Machete
Broad Garakh Sword
Bronze Engraved Ring
Carved Leather Breastplate
Dense Fur Boots
Garakh Fang Necklace
Polished Bronze Shield
Brown Herbals Mixure
Alcohol Reinvigorate
Phoenix Store New Items - After the restock event... Story Wyse!
Last Drop Ring
Last Drop Pendant
Chained Shield
Red Rock New Items - After the restock event too!
Arcani Potion
Fisicali Potion
Fallen Knights New Drop - After Ravenna Main Mission
Dark Trinian Saber
Dark Trinian Shield
Corrupt Essence - Rarer...
Enchanting Steel New Items - Some, after Ravenna Main Mission too...
Hardened Sword
Hardened Shield
Azyre Eye Pendant
Golden Leaf Ring
Submited Events - Inspired by SilverMaxy
Lisbeth Cuddling - During Cultivation at Skystone Bedroom
Renee - Morning Special Massage
Lisbeth - Bed Cuddling (Before she goes to Skystone...)
Golden Leaf Ring
Gallery Updated - Agatha, Lisbeth, and Violith Events (Monarch Tier)
Yet, several polishes, relevant bugfixes, you will notice the difference - Special thanks to SilverMaxy, and HolyDragon!
New Artworks
Violith - Wet Sixtynine
Rohar - Character Artwork
Agatha - Lying Together (Pregnancy variations)
Erick - Character Artwork
Jasmyn - Character Artwork
Ray - Character Artwork
Lynn - Character Artwork
Orakh - Character New Artwork
Violith - Bed Missionary
Agatha - Cowgirl
Valetha - Character Artwork
Johan - Character Artwork
Lisbeth - Scratchy Footjob (Pregnancy variations)
Agatha - Footjob (Pregnancy variations)
Agatha - Wet Doggystyle (Pregnancy variations)
Agatha - New Chaarcter Artwork (Preggo variations...)
Selena - Sixtynine
Game Special Aniversary Artwork - Sweet... And needed!
New Items - 16 New Items, listed above...
View 0.3.16b - 2024-08-06
Selena Storyline
Selena intro, dialogues, routine at Skystone
Date events - Love variations
Romance Interactions
First Lovebath (Unique, special...)
Sixtynine (Aelrie+)
Warm Blowjob
Beddy Thighjob
Bating Interactions
Wet Footjob (Aelrie+)
Spending Time Together - Love variations
Wet Boobjob
Added Renee, Devyn and Kali big Library event - Some variations... Sweet...
Added new hostile encounters to Ravenna Outskirts - Dark mercenary (Male and female)
Added God's Rest Inn to Ravenna -
Reworked Morning Breakfast table, events and UI
Reworked Skystone Maps - More interactive now
You can now take some hostile NPCs prisoner and get gold rewards
New drop - Jade Stonebag (Dark mercenaries, Ravenna)
Gallery Updated - Selena Events
Various polishes, relevant bugfixes, you will notice the difference - Special thanks to SilverMaxy
New Artworks
Selena - Char Artwork (Nude)
Renee & Kiddos - Family Event
Johan, Valetha's hubby - Character Artwork
Selena - Wet Boobjob
Selena - Lying Together
Alena - Ghorza Second Daughter
Ver 0.3.16a - 2024-06-27
Lisbeth & Renee Threesome Events
Some new dialogues and expanded threesome routine
Expanded Interactions - Bathing Together
First Dual Lotus (Unique)
Wet Dual Lotus
Dual Pussy Massage (Aelrie+)
Spending Time Together (Some preggo flavor)
Morning Sweet Footjob
Lisbeth's Family Event (Picnic) - After Ruby, Lauryn, and Nathan are teenagers
Some new dialogues, especially for Liana - She will comment on the kiddos for now (After they are teenagers)
Slight changes to Usanna and Ansye's appearance - Should fit better with the leader of the Garakh
Gallery Updated - Lisbeth and Renee Events (Monarch tier)
New Artworks
Ansye - Character Rework
Usanna - New Leader Outfit (Preggo and non-preggo)
Lisbeth Family Event - Truly sweet...
Lisbeth and Renee - Threesone Cunnilingus (Preggo variations)