Main character got sent to an alien world. Where she struggles for survival.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3d game, female protagonist, vaginal, oral, anal, monster, big tits, rape, adventure, graphic violence, horror, pregnancy, handjob,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: ProInu - Patreon
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.730
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.730 - 2025-01-21
added new map with mini boss and scenes. Optimal power level to fight her is 200-300
New map entered at starting map. (to the right of the tunnel to Vampires Lair) Need lv1 key to open door.
Extra feeding scene for inter sex after mini boss defeated.
1 hidden scene.
fixed endless video loop bug with dogs with regen skill.
v0.716 - 2024-09-26
2 videos added to feeding event in Vampires Lair. Must have max reputation by doing a task for both elder vampires.
v0.714 - 2024-07-01
added 2 videos for feeding event in Vampire's Lair
v0.712 - 2024-04-02
added symbiotic ending. Just get symbiotic skill and fight last boss.
v0.711 - 2024-03-02
added scene "Suck contest" on Map4 Vampires Lair. The scene plays after you did at least 2 Feeding events. They lay on bed in the main big hall where feeding event happened.
Symbiotic ending now unlocks ending videos in video Gallery
v.0.71 - 2024-02-05
Added feeding scenes on Vampires' Lair map
for 1 vampire enemy
bed scene where 3 vampires at once in the vampire beds room. You need all feeding skills(vampire, symbiotic, intersex) and at least 1 gas. You have to wait until they finished, then Option prompt will show.
v.0.7 - 2024-01-15
Game name changed to Inure
Increased performance and changed feeding event(no need to play video in normal speed to get more energy) + other gameplay changes
New scenes added
v0.621 - 2023-10-29
vamp scene with guy on bed (Map1)
symbiotic scene with bondage women (Map1)
New savefile
all skills and keys, high power
v0.620 - 2023-09-23
Added Vampire ending. For this she needs to be vampire and intersex. Rescue girl from prison to her hideout and have a good relation with her. She needs to vamp feed the man on bed and the hanging women. Both are on first map. Then after defeating last boss at teleporter door select option 3. (Save file added just fight last boss and select option 3)
First map rooms with npc-s have red lights.
Apartment map added, where vampire ending happens. You can see video only if calling 911 before event.
Cops will come in 2-3 minutes. When hearing them knocking on door run to the outside door in hallway.
If she catches you 3 or more times, game is over.
You can get loose if pressing A and D one by one several times.
To start event go to her bedroom.
New savefile included. Has Lv1,2,4 key and vamp/intersex ability. To see new content just go and fight last boss. At door select 3. option. Must not have symbiotic!
-Lv1 key can be obtained at lv 0, from feeding 7 times at lv1 feedingplace.
-Fixed dog sex scene with bondage women. Extra scenes with her.
-Added seducing gas sex scene with monsters on map5. Which scene is played depends on how many got seduced.
-Changed leveling with some monsters.
-Sadikas on map2 makes noise when horny. She has to crawl to get sex scene.
-When becoming vampire power level will be put on 600. Can upgrade it later.
-Added KO animations for vampires and mutant.
-Now bikini lady and corpses of roommates in vampires lair will show up, when finished feeding event progress.
1 more thing to do, to progress with feeding event, player has to cheer up her roommates when they crying. 1 is on her bed, the second is behind cloth holder in bedroom.
-Increased seducing gas resistance for vampire boss and last boss.
-Increased HP for vampire boss and her minion. Reduced HP for elder vampires.
-Made leveling faster.
-Map1 dog scene with bondage prisoner, when player eats cum from her has 50/50 chance to play scene where dog fucks her. She gets lot of power elixir.(Max lv70)
-Map2 sex scene with Sadikas, gives her lot of power elixir. Need to reload map to repeat. (Max level 500)
-Max power level can be obtained from the Queen. I will add more events for leveling.
-Now she should be able to level up without the need of any skill. But it is harder.
-Baby bug fixed when putting her down.
-baby and plika will spawn correctly in hideout
-fixed player collider not working in vampires lair, when loading on bed.
-fixed feeding with dolls and vampires
-fixed bug where sex scene starts when fighting spider monster.
-pigman will get damage correctly to players power level
-2 new npc added. 1 can be brought to hideout on map1. Other has scene by the enemy Sadikas.
-1 sex scene with monsters on map5. You need to use seducing gas on them.
-When npc in hideout. Babies should not starve from hunger anymore.
-added ending with baby, only possible if she has no abilities except regen.
-added (symbiotic,vampire,sex) scene for red haired lady on map1
-updated video gallery. Some videos will be activated after finishing the game. And some when when finishing game with abilties.
-added final map. Recommended power level 800. You can avoid enemies when running into room.
-end boss has 2 phases. When he kneels kick him from behind.
-end trigger is at left door.
Map 4 Boss fight with Vampress.
- 1 scene is activated behind blockade.
- when vampress is KO after fight, you can destroy her flesh throne.
- vampress bodyguard will show only if player did all the feeding events and sacrificed afterwards to one of the elder vampires in their room.
- added pig monster on map4 wehn going left through the painting corridor. When crawling it will mate with her. She will not get pregnant!
- when pig KO she can eat him
- added teen monster and her prey, up stairs. Monster protects her when going to near to her. Prey starts to scream which damages the player over time. Go farther away from her and she will stop. Monster will attack to!
Feeding event on map 4 is finished except videos, which will come later. To get to next stage of event she needs to do special events. After second feeding event there will be scene with ladies on a bed in hall room. Start with E key. After that her reputation increased. Feeding event has ladies switched now. One of her roommates is laying on her bed. Activate scene with E. When doing one more feeding event after that, she should talk to other roommate with skirt. Then she gets her next reputation level. And the feeding event has ladies switched again.
!!! Feeding event will not activate if one of the roommates or vampires is dead or defeated!!!
There are different events between her feeding events rep. levels.
Rep. 0
- smoking lady, after talking and going to bathroom. Basement scene with video.
- After second feeding event BJ contest plays in hall. Gives +1 rep.
Rep. 1
- smoking lady, after talking to her go to basement into jail. No video yet!
- Blond roommate on bed. Need to do if want to continue with feeding event!
- After second feeding event. By talking to roommate with skirt. Drawing event starts in vampire room. Its right doorway in torture room. Gives +1 rep.
Rep. 2
- smoking lady event with one of the ladies. No video yet
- Roommate with skirt is behind cloths in sleeping room. No video yet
- After second feeding event. Bikini lady in pool room.
You can talk to ladies after intro scene with vampires. Activates after losing to vampire. Losing second time, plays torture event.
- smoking lady event with one of the ladies. No video yet
- Made some changes to controller. She can switch movement with Tab key. So boxing is easier. With L Alt she does alternative kicks.
- Her jump height and run speed will increase gradually with higher levels. Max at power level 1000. Some locations are very hard to access at lower levels. It starts to get easy at power level 400+.
Inura v0.503 - 2022.12.15
- Queen boss added. She is in side map of map3. When entering take right path and jump over stone pillars.
- There are 3 videos in the Queen's Chamber. 1 on left side with prisoner. Middle is an auto event. On the left of queens uterus is an event.
- Queen can be fought if hit the organ next to her left several times. A sound will play if hit the right spot.
- Queen can be damaged in the face and stomach. Best is to wait when she goes to rest mode.
- added new npc on map4. See shows up after feeding event. After talking to her, you have to go to bathroom and then you can go to cellar.
- added video gallery for 3 enemies. more will be added later.
- Intersex Ability video should work now
- New ability scene with hanging women Map1 (vampire AND symbiotic)
- 2 vamp and 2 symb videos for 2 prisoners on map2 (girls on the cage, you need to symbiotic attack it to trigger the abilities videos)
- Some map changes for map3 (add shortcut to access the plateform with 2 guards to enter the new map3 place where you can find the intersex ability)
- Event for Ogre on map2 and videos for symbiotic ability
- Symbiotic video for 2headed monster on map2
- Spider monster map1 now attacks monster baby
- Troll reacts to baby attacks and Ogre will instantly kill it
- I changed how enemy eating works. After gas attack on enemy you have to melee attack it to get menu option to eat it.
- Player should not fall through floor anymore after mating with 2 headed monster on map2.
- Map1 monsters have now missing scenes for symbiotic ability. Dog monster has random change for threesome scene when mating.
-fixed black screen bug after mating with 4 armed monster on map2 and it wont reduce HP to 10 after mating
-small changes how feeding places progress
- Volume settings save
- Player getting damaged screen flash
- Better player walking and running animation
- Added more videos for LV1 feeding place. Where she gets more familiar with it. The more often she does it and at higher power level(above 100 its starts counting).
- Fixed some bugs
- Nude mode added
- Number shows how much food she gets from feeding place.
This is an early build with first map. It has 2 enemy types with their specific scenes. Character can feed only from Lv1 feeding spots. By going near it and pushing the E key. A scene with video will start. If the spot is filled enough you will see 3 more options how to continue. Be aware that enemies can attack you while feeding.
There is a nest hidden where the character can sleep and save the game.
If you would like to discover this game for yourself, don't read this. It contains spoilers and hints of this game.
Player gets food from feeding places. Which are these human torsos on the walls. Currently only one type of feeding place is active. 3 more will be added later. First video to make it hard. Then you can choose between 3 positions. Only vaginal gets her pregnant, others are safe. Each position has 2 videos. First video is for warm up, second is for feeding. To get maximum amount of food it is wise do not speed it up. At character screen you can see above yellow ball, how hungry she is.
When she gets pregnant. After some time, she will give birth to her. Player can't interact with enemies or feeding places while she is holding the baby. You have to drop the baby on the ground while crouching. She will start crying if she gets dropped from too high or when she walks on her. To stop her from crying, she needs to be taken in the arms. Babies can be held in the nest. They can only be breastfed in the nest area and will become hungry over time. When baby becomes hungry, she starts crying. If player is outside nest and one of the babies becomes hungry, enemies will eat them all. 1 baby needs to be fed up to 3 times to get maximum time before she gets hungry again.
Main character gets stronger and more HP while mating with enemies. Dog like enemy kills her after mating. Spider like enemy does not. When her power level is above 100. Her body changes and she will get more familiar with feeding places. This means the warm up video will become shorter and the feeding part becomes longer. So she will get more food from feeding places.
This is early version and more content will be added. I planning on making total of 5 maps. Each different style and with new monsters. Player gets skills and abilities. More interaction choices with baby and feeding spots. A leveling system for player. Where character gets stronger and has easier ways to fight monsters. At least 2 different endings.
Main character got sent to an alien world. Where she struggles for survival.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3d game, female protagonist, vaginal, oral, anal, monster, big tits, rape, adventure, graphic violence, horror, pregnancy, handjob,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: ProInu - Patreon
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.730
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.730 - 2025-01-21
added new map with mini boss and scenes. Optimal power level to fight her is 200-300
New map entered at starting map. (to the right of the tunnel to Vampires Lair) Need lv1 key to open door.
Extra feeding scene for inter sex after mini boss defeated.
1 hidden scene.
fixed endless video loop bug with dogs with regen skill.
v0.716 - 2024-09-26
2 videos added to feeding event in Vampires Lair. Must have max reputation by doing a task for both elder vampires.
v0.714 - 2024-07-01
added 2 videos for feeding event in Vampire's Lair
v0.712 - 2024-04-02
added symbiotic ending. Just get symbiotic skill and fight last boss.
v0.711 - 2024-03-02
added scene "Suck contest" on Map4 Vampires Lair. The scene plays after you did at least 2 Feeding events. They lay on bed in the main big hall where feeding event happened.
Symbiotic ending now unlocks ending videos in video Gallery
v.0.71 - 2024-02-05
Added feeding scenes on Vampires' Lair map
for 1 vampire enemy
bed scene where 3 vampires at once in the vampire beds room. You need all feeding skills(vampire, symbiotic, intersex) and at least 1 gas. You have to wait until they finished, then Option prompt will show.
v.0.7 - 2024-01-15
Game name changed to Inure
Increased performance and changed feeding event(no need to play video in normal speed to get more energy) + other gameplay changes
New scenes added
v0.621 - 2023-10-29
vamp scene with guy on bed (Map1)
symbiotic scene with bondage women (Map1)
New savefile
all skills and keys, high power
v0.620 - 2023-09-23
Added Vampire ending. For this she needs to be vampire and intersex. Rescue girl from prison to her hideout and have a good relation with her. She needs to vamp feed the man on bed and the hanging women. Both are on first map. Then after defeating last boss at teleporter door select option 3. (Save file added just fight last boss and select option 3)
First map rooms with npc-s have red lights.
Apartment map added, where vampire ending happens. You can see video only if calling 911 before event.
Cops will come in 2-3 minutes. When hearing them knocking on door run to the outside door in hallway.
If she catches you 3 or more times, game is over.
You can get loose if pressing A and D one by one several times.
To start event go to her bedroom.
New savefile included. Has Lv1,2,4 key and vamp/intersex ability. To see new content just go and fight last boss. At door select 3. option. Must not have symbiotic!
-Lv1 key can be obtained at lv 0, from feeding 7 times at lv1 feedingplace.
-Fixed dog sex scene with bondage women. Extra scenes with her.
-Added seducing gas sex scene with monsters on map5. Which scene is played depends on how many got seduced.
-Changed leveling with some monsters.
-Sadikas on map2 makes noise when horny. She has to crawl to get sex scene.
-When becoming vampire power level will be put on 600. Can upgrade it later.
-Added KO animations for vampires and mutant.
-Now bikini lady and corpses of roommates in vampires lair will show up, when finished feeding event progress.
1 more thing to do, to progress with feeding event, player has to cheer up her roommates when they crying. 1 is on her bed, the second is behind cloth holder in bedroom.
-Increased seducing gas resistance for vampire boss and last boss.
-Increased HP for vampire boss and her minion. Reduced HP for elder vampires.
-Made leveling faster.
-Map1 dog scene with bondage prisoner, when player eats cum from her has 50/50 chance to play scene where dog fucks her. She gets lot of power elixir.(Max lv70)
-Map2 sex scene with Sadikas, gives her lot of power elixir. Need to reload map to repeat. (Max level 500)
-Max power level can be obtained from the Queen. I will add more events for leveling.
-Now she should be able to level up without the need of any skill. But it is harder.
-Baby bug fixed when putting her down.
-baby and plika will spawn correctly in hideout
-fixed player collider not working in vampires lair, when loading on bed.
-fixed feeding with dolls and vampires
-fixed bug where sex scene starts when fighting spider monster.
-pigman will get damage correctly to players power level
-2 new npc added. 1 can be brought to hideout on map1. Other has scene by the enemy Sadikas.
-1 sex scene with monsters on map5. You need to use seducing gas on them.
-When npc in hideout. Babies should not starve from hunger anymore.
-added ending with baby, only possible if she has no abilities except regen.
-added (symbiotic,vampire,sex) scene for red haired lady on map1
-updated video gallery. Some videos will be activated after finishing the game. And some when when finishing game with abilties.
-added final map. Recommended power level 800. You can avoid enemies when running into room.
-end boss has 2 phases. When he kneels kick him from behind.
-end trigger is at left door.
Map 4 Boss fight with Vampress.
- 1 scene is activated behind blockade.
- when vampress is KO after fight, you can destroy her flesh throne.
- vampress bodyguard will show only if player did all the feeding events and sacrificed afterwards to one of the elder vampires in their room.
- added pig monster on map4 wehn going left through the painting corridor. When crawling it will mate with her. She will not get pregnant!
- when pig KO she can eat him
- added teen monster and her prey, up stairs. Monster protects her when going to near to her. Prey starts to scream which damages the player over time. Go farther away from her and she will stop. Monster will attack to!
Feeding event on map 4 is finished except videos, which will come later. To get to next stage of event she needs to do special events. After second feeding event there will be scene with ladies on a bed in hall room. Start with E key. After that her reputation increased. Feeding event has ladies switched now. One of her roommates is laying on her bed. Activate scene with E. When doing one more feeding event after that, she should talk to other roommate with skirt. Then she gets her next reputation level. And the feeding event has ladies switched again.
!!! Feeding event will not activate if one of the roommates or vampires is dead or defeated!!!
There are different events between her feeding events rep. levels.
Rep. 0
- smoking lady, after talking and going to bathroom. Basement scene with video.
- After second feeding event BJ contest plays in hall. Gives +1 rep.
Rep. 1
- smoking lady, after talking to her go to basement into jail. No video yet!
- Blond roommate on bed. Need to do if want to continue with feeding event!
- After second feeding event. By talking to roommate with skirt. Drawing event starts in vampire room. Its right doorway in torture room. Gives +1 rep.
Rep. 2
- smoking lady event with one of the ladies. No video yet
- Roommate with skirt is behind cloths in sleeping room. No video yet
- After second feeding event. Bikini lady in pool room.
You can talk to ladies after intro scene with vampires. Activates after losing to vampire. Losing second time, plays torture event.
- smoking lady event with one of the ladies. No video yet
- Made some changes to controller. She can switch movement with Tab key. So boxing is easier. With L Alt she does alternative kicks.
- Her jump height and run speed will increase gradually with higher levels. Max at power level 1000. Some locations are very hard to access at lower levels. It starts to get easy at power level 400+.
Inura v0.503 - 2022.12.15
- Queen boss added. She is in side map of map3. When entering take right path and jump over stone pillars.
- There are 3 videos in the Queen's Chamber. 1 on left side with prisoner. Middle is an auto event. On the left of queens uterus is an event.
- Queen can be fought if hit the organ next to her left several times. A sound will play if hit the right spot.
- Queen can be damaged in the face and stomach. Best is to wait when she goes to rest mode.
- added new npc on map4. See shows up after feeding event. After talking to her, you have to go to bathroom and then you can go to cellar.
- added video gallery for 3 enemies. more will be added later.
- Intersex Ability video should work now
- New ability scene with hanging women Map1 (vampire AND symbiotic)
- 2 vamp and 2 symb videos for 2 prisoners on map2 (girls on the cage, you need to symbiotic attack it to trigger the abilities videos)
- Some map changes for map3 (add shortcut to access the plateform with 2 guards to enter the new map3 place where you can find the intersex ability)
- Event for Ogre on map2 and videos for symbiotic ability
- Symbiotic video for 2headed monster on map2
- Spider monster map1 now attacks monster baby
- Troll reacts to baby attacks and Ogre will instantly kill it
- I changed how enemy eating works. After gas attack on enemy you have to melee attack it to get menu option to eat it.
- Player should not fall through floor anymore after mating with 2 headed monster on map2.
- Map1 monsters have now missing scenes for symbiotic ability. Dog monster has random change for threesome scene when mating.
-fixed black screen bug after mating with 4 armed monster on map2 and it wont reduce HP to 10 after mating
-small changes how feeding places progress
- Volume settings save
- Player getting damaged screen flash
- Better player walking and running animation
- Added more videos for LV1 feeding place. Where she gets more familiar with it. The more often she does it and at higher power level(above 100 its starts counting).
- Fixed some bugs
- Nude mode added
- Number shows how much food she gets from feeding place.
This is an early build with first map. It has 2 enemy types with their specific scenes. Character can feed only from Lv1 feeding spots. By going near it and pushing the E key. A scene with video will start. If the spot is filled enough you will see 3 more options how to continue. Be aware that enemies can attack you while feeding.
There is a nest hidden where the character can sleep and save the game.
If you would like to discover this game for yourself, don't read this. It contains spoilers and hints of this game.
Player gets food from feeding places. Which are these human torsos on the walls. Currently only one type of feeding place is active. 3 more will be added later. First video to make it hard. Then you can choose between 3 positions. Only vaginal gets her pregnant, others are safe. Each position has 2 videos. First video is for warm up, second is for feeding. To get maximum amount of food it is wise do not speed it up. At character screen you can see above yellow ball, how hungry she is.
When she gets pregnant. After some time, she will give birth to her. Player can't interact with enemies or feeding places while she is holding the baby. You have to drop the baby on the ground while crouching. She will start crying if she gets dropped from too high or when she walks on her. To stop her from crying, she needs to be taken in the arms. Babies can be held in the nest. They can only be breastfed in the nest area and will become hungry over time. When baby becomes hungry, she starts crying. If player is outside nest and one of the babies becomes hungry, enemies will eat them all. 1 baby needs to be fed up to 3 times to get maximum time before she gets hungry again.
Main character gets stronger and more HP while mating with enemies. Dog like enemy kills her after mating. Spider like enemy does not. When her power level is above 100. Her body changes and she will get more familiar with feeding places. This means the warm up video will become shorter and the feeding part becomes longer. So she will get more food from feeding places.
This is early version and more content will be added. I planning on making total of 5 maps. Each different style and with new monsters. Player gets skills and abilities. More interaction choices with baby and feeding spots. A leveling system for player. Where character gets stronger and has easier ways to fight monsters. At least 2 different endings.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 21-01-2025, 04:21
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.730. / Topic updated to version v.0.730.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.730. / Topic updated to version v.0.730.
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