"Con-Quest" - это непристойная комедийная RPG, выпускаемая в виде эпизодов. Игра является результатом совместных усилий разработчиков и ее поклонников. Так что не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии, что бы вы хотели увидеть в следующем эпизоде.
Con-Quest is a raunchy comedy RPG being released in episodic segments. The game a collaborative effort between the developers and its fans. So feel free to comment on what you would like to see in the next episode.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2DCG, 2D game, parody, combat, cosplay, oral, vaginal, anal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Cuddle Pit - www.patreon.com/cuddlepitgames
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.24 10$ Patreon
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
"needalittleluck", "3spooky5me" and "password".
v0.24 10$ Patreon - 2024-11-27
New Partner Attack System has been added to the combat. For example when switching to the magic element in combat, Faye will attack after you.
Added 12 new cultist Enemies.
New cosplayer (Amanita).
Added a reward with Amanita.
New Cosplayer (Nagi)
Added a Quest and 2 Rewards for Nagi.
Added 12 new player spells. 3 Fire, 3 Water, 3 Nature, 3 Normal.
v0.23 Public - 2024-11-13
1 new cosplayer (Amanita).
Added a reward with Amanita.
Added a 2 new rooms.
1 new battle background.
v0.22 - 2024-07-22
Added a new room The Ciff
Added a new cosplayer Aello
Added a new reward with Aello
Added 3 new rooms in Ivy's dungeon.
Added new main story in Ivy's dungeon.
You can now change to any element, this will change the Animation and Attack Damage type of your Attack.
v0.22 Beta 1 - 2024-05-13
Added a new room The Ciff
Added a new cosplayer Aello
Added a new reward with Aello
v0.21 HD
Added new Main story quests.
Added 4 new rooms + 2 new songs.
Added the first part of Ivy's dungeon
Added a new ultra rare Cosplayer in the abandoned mall.
Added an animated reward for the new cosplayer.
Added a new figure to the dumpster.
Fixed a few bugs with the Quest Log it should now properly display quests when you only have a single side quest.
Fixed a bug with Mandy's quest that caused you to lose her key item when refusing her reward.
v0.21 Beta 2 Hotfix
Added missing quests to the quest log.
Added a way to exit Ivy's dungeon (will be removed when the ivy's dungeon is finished
v0.21 Beta 2
Update notes:
Added new Main story quests.
Added 4 new rooms + 2 new songs.
Added the first part of Ivy's dungeon
Added a new ultra rare Cosplayer in the abandoned mall.
Added a new figure to the dumpster.
Fixed a few bugs with the Quest Log it should now properly display quests when you only have a single side quest.
Added Talara the spider cosplayer
Added a new Room the Gem Cave.
Added a new Quest with Talara.
Added an animated reward with Talara.
Added a CG of Talara X Sylvia.
Added the rest of the quests to the quest log.
v0.19 Public - 2024-01-04
Added Lilly.
Added a new room "Mines Outside"
Added a new Quest with Lilly.
Added a new Reward with Lilly.
Added animation to Lilly's reward.
Added a new quest with Lilly that leads to a Scarlet X Lilly reward. Talk to Lilly by the mine to start the quest.
Added some of camo's missing rewards to the Cosplayer Compendium.
Added a new Quest-log that tracks the main quest of the game, and Camo's side quest. More quests will be added to it soon.
Fixed a bug with Mandy where you could not fight her again after losing. Click on any mailbox to re-start the fight.
v0.19 BETA HOTFIX 1 - 2023-10-12
Added a way to restart the fight with Mandy if you lost to her. Just click on any of the mailboxes.
Patch notes:
Added Lilly.
Added a new room "Mines Outside"
Added a new Quest with Lilly.
Added a new Reward with Lilly.
v0.18 -2023-09-22
New Rewards:
Added a new animated reward for Mandy
Added a new Questline for Mandy
Change Log:
Peachie the toadstool cosplayer will now replace the Phoebe echo at the intro of the game. If you load an old password save you will get to fight a super powered version of her in the shop.
Added Mandy the mailman and her questline. Click on the three mailboxes added around the con to start the quest.
Added some new art and jokes to the Intro of the game and reworked it to be much quicker.
Added a New Map Screen that will fill out as you discover rooms.
v0.17 Beta(2023.01.14)
Added a new figure of Joyce
Joyce can now be found as an ultra rare spawn outside of the concert venue.
Major Bug fixes:
Fixed an issue with the angel statue not properly unlocking angel Phoebe's reward in the cosplay compendium.
Fixed an issue where Courtney wouldn't let you play cards with her until you finished Phoebe's dungeon.
Added Courtney a new hiker cosplayer.
Added a new questline for Courtney.
Added a animated reward at the end of Courtney's quest.
Added a new room in the forest.
Added a way to unlock the angel Phoebe in the cosplayer compendium if you missed it in the phoebe dungeon. (It's in the backstage after you finish the phoebe dungeon)
0.15 Beta 2(2022.11.02)
Added a new animation version of Carrie's reward.
Added 2 Pop-figures to the dumpster
Added Mia and Nia cosplayers as rare spawns to the forest (they can be found after finishing Sandy's quest)
Mousing over a missing Pop-Figure will give you a hint about where to find it.
v0.14 Full 10$
Changes from 0.14.5 Beta 3
Added Sage back into the game, along with a new pop-figure. She can be found in the forest room past the door locked by Camo.
Redesigned the dumpster and updated the art of the figures.
Tweaked some of the old UI.
Fixed a ton of small issues with the Cosplayer Compendium
Tweaked some of the story scenes in phoebe's dungeon to read better.
Added a CG to let you know when you finished this updates main story.
Fixed an issue where some of the girls in the phoebe dungeon would disappear if you declined the reward.
Fixed a bug that let you go back to Phoebe's dungeon after finishing it.
Changes from beta 0.14.5 Beta 2
Added a new Cosplayer (Tifer) you can find her by clicking the bushes in the abandoned campsite area.
Added A reward with Tifer after you save her.
Added the Cosplayer Compendium to the top frame menu.
all the placeholder CGs that were in the previous beta have been updated with the final art (that's over 45 finished story CGs!)
Made a bunch of small tweaks to Phoebes dungeon.
v0.14.5 Beta Changes:
Greatly increased XP gain.
Increased Cash gain.
Lowered damage of enemy spells.
Added new story content for Phoebe (sewer levels of her dungeon)
Added a new reward for finishing Phoebes new quest.
$20 Patron (Sandy Update)
Added 2 new rooms to the forest.
Added a new quest with Sandy the turtle knight.
(You can find Sandy in the new room we added in the forest.)
Added a animated Reward with Sandy with 2 versions.
Added 6 new animations for upgrading your elemental defenses in Vanilla's defense.
Fixed a number of bugs that would occur when trying to load a password from the same version.
Fixed a softlock that would occur in the new phoebe area if you leave before talking to her.
Updated various UI components .
3 New Cosplayers (Mara ,Gale, And Jaclyn)
A new Main Quest Line with Mara.
Added a Ton of new story CGs.
Added new reward scenes with Mara. With an unlockable animated version for beating a secret boss after receiving her standard rewards.
Added a reward with Camo (during Mara's new Quest)
v.0.13b Hotfix
Hotfix 2 10/6/2020
Fixed an issue when starting a new game cash would be displayed as NaN.
Update Notes:
+Added a new Cosplayer Ellie
Ellie's quest can be started after helping camo set up her camp.
+ Added A Quest line for Ellie with a reward available after it is completed.
+Added a hidden unlock-able animated version of Ellie's reward.
Fixed an issue with the victory screen that would cause some players to only get 1/10 of the intended XP/CASH
0.13 Beta
+Added a new Ultra Rare Cosplayer Sylvia
Sylvia can be found after completing Camo's quest.
+ Added A Quest line for Sylvia with a reward available after it is completed.
+Added an unlock-able animated version of Sylvia's reward.
After completing her quest beating the ultra rare echo version of her will unlock it.
Changes /Fixes
The victory counter will no longer reset when you leave the room allowing you to visit vanilla's shop to heal if needed. Encountering a Ultra Rare Girl, getting defeated in battle or running from a fight will reset the Victory Counter.
Tweaked the amount of damage revived and dealt when attacking something lower/higher level.
Being defeated in combat will now add the "Smelly" Icon to your Map UI.
Fixed a bug that allowed using two skills at once during combat, causing a crash.
Fixed a bug that caused the game to incorrectly calculate the players level during combat, making fights harder than they should have been.
Fixed a bug that caused the Element icons to not reset when ending combat with any element other than "Normal".
v0.12 Beta2 Hotfix
Fixed an issue where camo's hidden reward wouldn't spawn properly.
Fixed an issue where loading an old save would fill your inventory with plush wolves
The auto-Save function should now be working properly. (The game will auto-save each time you enter a room.)
v0.12 Beta2
v0.12 Beta
-New story intro along with a new quest-line with Faye
-New emotes for Vanilla and Faye
-A choice system.
Occasionally the player can unlock different dialogue trees based on the response they choose.
-New Inventory system.
-16 new rooms to explore
-Map encounters
- instead of shaking your mouse over grass, the only way to find girls now is by exploring the rooms (this is currently limited to the forest level)
-Combat System
New spell animations
New Ui design
New sound effects for combat
New girl to save- Camo the Park Ranger.
After the player saves Camo she will have a small questline plus three rewards. There is also a fourth secret reward to find in the forest level.
Known Bugs:
The "give" option in the backpack menu currently does not do anything.
-Michelle summon added as reward for completing her "Crab" sidequest.
-Any players who have completed the "Crab" sidequest will have immediate access to the summon.
-Misty boss fight has been fixed so that she will take the correct, intended amount of damage from countering her special attack.
-Some earlier quests streamlined to be less confusing.
-Pills are easier to spot now.
-Receptionist will remind player of what to find during "Candy Gram" quest.
-New questline has been added.
-A new summon has been added as reward for completing the new questline.
-Some CGs for the new questline act as temporary placeholder CGs.
-Added two new sticker sets.
-Added a button allowing $10+ patrons to toggle topless characters on and off.
-Added battle backgrounds to the forest, garden, lava gym, beach and pirate rooms.
-Added 7 New reward CG's for finishing the new quest. (they can be replayed by hitting special in Joyce's reward window.)
Version 0.100
+New Cosplayers with battle sprites and rewards available! New cosplayers include Talia, Zoey, Lola and Umi!
+We have added the Safari Zone and filled it with dinosaurs! Try out the new timed Safari Zone challenge! Unlock new CGs by beating up dinosaurs!
+New CG tab in the cosplayer compendium!
+New questline in the Safari Zone!
+New portraits for Vanilla!
+New animations for combat!
Version 0.098
- New enemies
- Five new CGs
- And a brand new, heavily requested cosplayer!
Hotfix 7/11/2018
Fixed a bug that was causing the golden dinosaurs to almost never spawn.
Fixed a bug with the Safari Zone timer that would cause it to get stuck traping the player.
Added Lola the Lopunny cosplayer to the Cosplayer Compendium.
Fixed a bug in the Cosplayer Compendium that caused Felicia to be skipped over when cycling though cosplayers.
Hotfix 7/9/2018
Fixed a issue with Jolie's quest that would crash the game.
Added a button to leave the Safari Zone early.
Increased the encounter rate of the golden dinosaurs.
Version 0.095:
Mia, Nia and the Flygon cosplayer have all been added to the Cosplayer Compendium
Using the arrows to navigate the Cosplayer Compendium should now work properly.
The poster that appears in maid cafe after saving the Flygon cosplayer should now work properly.
The timing on characters sliding in and out during dialogue has been sped up.
Fixed an issue that caused characters to show up in the textbox at the wrong time when skipping text.
The code has been better optimized in some portions which may result in better performance.
Text type speed has been increased to 1 character per frame.
Exported the game to Flash player version 26.
New emotes for more girls during conversation!
A new, original quest-line!
A pocketful of bugs and glitches!
New girls to fight and save!
A new animated reward by a new animator on staff!
Version 0.09:
Added the Cosplayer Compendium.
Replaces the Sticker Book button.
Contains new format for Sticker Book.
Contains a gallery through which to view all combat poses
and tear states for all savable girls.
Provides information on cosplayers and locations within easy
Contains map of the convention which updates as locations are revealed.
Added 2 new cosplayers ALL of which are saveable. And a new animated reward/images for Ivy(unlocks after the Ivy date questline in the Cafe)
Jolteon - Found in the Maid Cafe.
Gardevoir - Found in the Maid Cafe.
Interactive 'Tall Grass' objects are now clickable.
Clicking has a greater chance to force combat.
Mouse rubbing has a greater chance of combating 'Shinies'.
Added Maid Cafe location.
Added new script and story scenarios, including the first of what will be multiple 'dates' that the player can go on with different cosplayers.
Added three new sticker sets:
Bug Fixes
Some of the files in the Cosplayer Compendium have been edited to remove lag.
Carmen, finally convinced to stop swallowing poison in an attempt to "show the jabronies how it's done", will now INCREASE the damage of the fire spell upon her summoning, rather than decrease it.
Ironed out a bug where Mara would steal 100% of players' MP, rather than a small amount, when attempting to view her reward image.
Mara has promised to the players and patrons that the extra MP will be used "expressly for purposes of additional efficiency and entertainment value."
The Ivy date quest line now has an ending and a reward image. (Anyone loading a save from 0.089 just needs to head to the beach room)
The Cosplayer Compendium's map will now tell you what ultra rare girls are savable.
Lightning spell:
small damage increase while shocked
damage lowered dramatically while undering healing scissors debuff
damage now scales with Max MP
grass spell:
small damage increase while under healing scissors debuff
damage lowered dramatically while under the on fire debuff
damage scales with max enemy HP up to a cap which is increased by your max mana.
fire spell:
fire damage buff now scales slightly with max MP
small damage increase while on fire
damaged lowered dramatically while shocked.
damage scales with max MP.
New Characters:
Cuebone Cosplayer , Boss, Umbreon cosplayer(ultra rare)
New Area:
There is a new area past the beach room.
you can no long run from boss fights.
Typing "friendzonedagain" in the Pateron input will revert all topless character portraits to clothed ones.
A bunch of new random shop cutscenes have been added. They have a chance to trigger whenever you enter the shop room after you save the new cosplayers.
Pateron increased shiny chance has been redone and should now work better.
Camera feature:
The Camera will now zoom in when going to the next rip state.
Eevee animation now has 2 parts.
Added a new song " Pokemon Sun & Moon: Vs. Rival! Final Encounter [Fanmade] " By EternalSushi
10$+ tiers
3 new topless character portraits have been added.
"Con-Quest" - это непристойная комедийная RPG, выпускаемая в виде эпизодов. Игра является результатом совместных усилий разработчиков и ее поклонников. Так что не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии, что бы вы хотели увидеть в следующем эпизоде.
Con-Quest is a raunchy comedy RPG being released in episodic segments. The game a collaborative effort between the developers and its fans. So feel free to comment on what you would like to see in the next episode.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2DCG, 2D game, parody, combat, cosplay, oral, vaginal, anal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Cuddle Pit - www.patreon.com/cuddlepitgames
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.24 10$ Patreon
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
"needalittleluck", "3spooky5me" and "password".
v0.24 10$ Patreon - 2024-11-27
New Partner Attack System has been added to the combat. For example when switching to the magic element in combat, Faye will attack after you.
Added 12 new cultist Enemies.
New cosplayer (Amanita).
Added a reward with Amanita.
New Cosplayer (Nagi)
Added a Quest and 2 Rewards for Nagi.
Added 12 new player spells. 3 Fire, 3 Water, 3 Nature, 3 Normal.
v0.23 Public - 2024-11-13
1 new cosplayer (Amanita).
Added a reward with Amanita.
Added a 2 new rooms.
1 new battle background.
v0.22 - 2024-07-22
Added a new room The Ciff
Added a new cosplayer Aello
Added a new reward with Aello
Added 3 new rooms in Ivy's dungeon.
Added new main story in Ivy's dungeon.
You can now change to any element, this will change the Animation and Attack Damage type of your Attack.
v0.22 Beta 1 - 2024-05-13
Added a new room The Ciff
Added a new cosplayer Aello
Added a new reward with Aello
v0.21 HD
Added new Main story quests.
Added 4 new rooms + 2 new songs.
Added the first part of Ivy's dungeon
Added a new ultra rare Cosplayer in the abandoned mall.
Added an animated reward for the new cosplayer.
Added a new figure to the dumpster.
Fixed a few bugs with the Quest Log it should now properly display quests when you only have a single side quest.
Fixed a bug with Mandy's quest that caused you to lose her key item when refusing her reward.
v0.21 Beta 2 Hotfix
Added missing quests to the quest log.
Added a way to exit Ivy's dungeon (will be removed when the ivy's dungeon is finished
v0.21 Beta 2
Update notes:
Added new Main story quests.
Added 4 new rooms + 2 new songs.
Added the first part of Ivy's dungeon
Added a new ultra rare Cosplayer in the abandoned mall.
Added a new figure to the dumpster.
Fixed a few bugs with the Quest Log it should now properly display quests when you only have a single side quest.
Added Talara the spider cosplayer
Added a new Room the Gem Cave.
Added a new Quest with Talara.
Added an animated reward with Talara.
Added a CG of Talara X Sylvia.
Added the rest of the quests to the quest log.
v0.19 Public - 2024-01-04
Added Lilly.
Added a new room "Mines Outside"
Added a new Quest with Lilly.
Added a new Reward with Lilly.
Added animation to Lilly's reward.
Added a new quest with Lilly that leads to a Scarlet X Lilly reward. Talk to Lilly by the mine to start the quest.
Added some of camo's missing rewards to the Cosplayer Compendium.
Added a new Quest-log that tracks the main quest of the game, and Camo's side quest. More quests will be added to it soon.
Fixed a bug with Mandy where you could not fight her again after losing. Click on any mailbox to re-start the fight.
v0.19 BETA HOTFIX 1 - 2023-10-12
Added a way to restart the fight with Mandy if you lost to her. Just click on any of the mailboxes.
Patch notes:
Added Lilly.
Added a new room "Mines Outside"
Added a new Quest with Lilly.
Added a new Reward with Lilly.
v0.18 -2023-09-22
New Rewards:
Added a new animated reward for Mandy
Added a new Questline for Mandy
Change Log:
Peachie the toadstool cosplayer will now replace the Phoebe echo at the intro of the game. If you load an old password save you will get to fight a super powered version of her in the shop.
Added Mandy the mailman and her questline. Click on the three mailboxes added around the con to start the quest.
Added some new art and jokes to the Intro of the game and reworked it to be much quicker.
Added a New Map Screen that will fill out as you discover rooms.
v0.17 Beta(2023.01.14)
Added a new figure of Joyce
Joyce can now be found as an ultra rare spawn outside of the concert venue.
Major Bug fixes:
Fixed an issue with the angel statue not properly unlocking angel Phoebe's reward in the cosplay compendium.
Fixed an issue where Courtney wouldn't let you play cards with her until you finished Phoebe's dungeon.
Added Courtney a new hiker cosplayer.
Added a new questline for Courtney.
Added a animated reward at the end of Courtney's quest.
Added a new room in the forest.
Added a way to unlock the angel Phoebe in the cosplayer compendium if you missed it in the phoebe dungeon. (It's in the backstage after you finish the phoebe dungeon)
0.15 Beta 2(2022.11.02)
Added a new animation version of Carrie's reward.
Added 2 Pop-figures to the dumpster
Added Mia and Nia cosplayers as rare spawns to the forest (they can be found after finishing Sandy's quest)
Mousing over a missing Pop-Figure will give you a hint about where to find it.
v0.14 Full 10$
Changes from 0.14.5 Beta 3
Added Sage back into the game, along with a new pop-figure. She can be found in the forest room past the door locked by Camo.
Redesigned the dumpster and updated the art of the figures.
Tweaked some of the old UI.
Fixed a ton of small issues with the Cosplayer Compendium
Tweaked some of the story scenes in phoebe's dungeon to read better.
Added a CG to let you know when you finished this updates main story.
Fixed an issue where some of the girls in the phoebe dungeon would disappear if you declined the reward.
Fixed a bug that let you go back to Phoebe's dungeon after finishing it.
Changes from beta 0.14.5 Beta 2
Added a new Cosplayer (Tifer) you can find her by clicking the bushes in the abandoned campsite area.
Added A reward with Tifer after you save her.
Added the Cosplayer Compendium to the top frame menu.
all the placeholder CGs that were in the previous beta have been updated with the final art (that's over 45 finished story CGs!)
Made a bunch of small tweaks to Phoebes dungeon.
v0.14.5 Beta Changes:
Greatly increased XP gain.
Increased Cash gain.
Lowered damage of enemy spells.
Added new story content for Phoebe (sewer levels of her dungeon)
Added a new reward for finishing Phoebes new quest.
$20 Patron (Sandy Update)
Added 2 new rooms to the forest.
Added a new quest with Sandy the turtle knight.
(You can find Sandy in the new room we added in the forest.)
Added a animated Reward with Sandy with 2 versions.
Added 6 new animations for upgrading your elemental defenses in Vanilla's defense.
Fixed a number of bugs that would occur when trying to load a password from the same version.
Fixed a softlock that would occur in the new phoebe area if you leave before talking to her.
Updated various UI components .
3 New Cosplayers (Mara ,Gale, And Jaclyn)
A new Main Quest Line with Mara.
Added a Ton of new story CGs.
Added new reward scenes with Mara. With an unlockable animated version for beating a secret boss after receiving her standard rewards.
Added a reward with Camo (during Mara's new Quest)
v.0.13b Hotfix
Hotfix 2 10/6/2020
Fixed an issue when starting a new game cash would be displayed as NaN.
Update Notes:
+Added a new Cosplayer Ellie
Ellie's quest can be started after helping camo set up her camp.
+ Added A Quest line for Ellie with a reward available after it is completed.
+Added a hidden unlock-able animated version of Ellie's reward.
Fixed an issue with the victory screen that would cause some players to only get 1/10 of the intended XP/CASH
0.13 Beta
+Added a new Ultra Rare Cosplayer Sylvia
Sylvia can be found after completing Camo's quest.
+ Added A Quest line for Sylvia with a reward available after it is completed.
+Added an unlock-able animated version of Sylvia's reward.
After completing her quest beating the ultra rare echo version of her will unlock it.
Changes /Fixes
The victory counter will no longer reset when you leave the room allowing you to visit vanilla's shop to heal if needed. Encountering a Ultra Rare Girl, getting defeated in battle or running from a fight will reset the Victory Counter.
Tweaked the amount of damage revived and dealt when attacking something lower/higher level.
Being defeated in combat will now add the "Smelly" Icon to your Map UI.
Fixed a bug that allowed using two skills at once during combat, causing a crash.
Fixed a bug that caused the game to incorrectly calculate the players level during combat, making fights harder than they should have been.
Fixed a bug that caused the Element icons to not reset when ending combat with any element other than "Normal".
v0.12 Beta2 Hotfix
Fixed an issue where camo's hidden reward wouldn't spawn properly.
Fixed an issue where loading an old save would fill your inventory with plush wolves
The auto-Save function should now be working properly. (The game will auto-save each time you enter a room.)
v0.12 Beta2
v0.12 Beta
-New story intro along with a new quest-line with Faye
-New emotes for Vanilla and Faye
-A choice system.
Occasionally the player can unlock different dialogue trees based on the response they choose.
-New Inventory system.
-16 new rooms to explore
-Map encounters
- instead of shaking your mouse over grass, the only way to find girls now is by exploring the rooms (this is currently limited to the forest level)
-Combat System
New spell animations
New Ui design
New sound effects for combat
New girl to save- Camo the Park Ranger.
After the player saves Camo she will have a small questline plus three rewards. There is also a fourth secret reward to find in the forest level.
Known Bugs:
The "give" option in the backpack menu currently does not do anything.
-Michelle summon added as reward for completing her "Crab" sidequest.
-Any players who have completed the "Crab" sidequest will have immediate access to the summon.
-Misty boss fight has been fixed so that she will take the correct, intended amount of damage from countering her special attack.
-Some earlier quests streamlined to be less confusing.
-Pills are easier to spot now.
-Receptionist will remind player of what to find during "Candy Gram" quest.
-New questline has been added.
-A new summon has been added as reward for completing the new questline.
-Some CGs for the new questline act as temporary placeholder CGs.
-Added two new sticker sets.
-Added a button allowing $10+ patrons to toggle topless characters on and off.
-Added battle backgrounds to the forest, garden, lava gym, beach and pirate rooms.
-Added 7 New reward CG's for finishing the new quest. (they can be replayed by hitting special in Joyce's reward window.)
Version 0.100
+New Cosplayers with battle sprites and rewards available! New cosplayers include Talia, Zoey, Lola and Umi!
+We have added the Safari Zone and filled it with dinosaurs! Try out the new timed Safari Zone challenge! Unlock new CGs by beating up dinosaurs!
+New CG tab in the cosplayer compendium!
+New questline in the Safari Zone!
+New portraits for Vanilla!
+New animations for combat!
Version 0.098
- New enemies
- Five new CGs
- And a brand new, heavily requested cosplayer!
Hotfix 7/11/2018
Fixed a bug that was causing the golden dinosaurs to almost never spawn.
Fixed a bug with the Safari Zone timer that would cause it to get stuck traping the player.
Added Lola the Lopunny cosplayer to the Cosplayer Compendium.
Fixed a bug in the Cosplayer Compendium that caused Felicia to be skipped over when cycling though cosplayers.
Hotfix 7/9/2018
Fixed a issue with Jolie's quest that would crash the game.
Added a button to leave the Safari Zone early.
Increased the encounter rate of the golden dinosaurs.
Version 0.095:
Mia, Nia and the Flygon cosplayer have all been added to the Cosplayer Compendium
Using the arrows to navigate the Cosplayer Compendium should now work properly.
The poster that appears in maid cafe after saving the Flygon cosplayer should now work properly.
The timing on characters sliding in and out during dialogue has been sped up.
Fixed an issue that caused characters to show up in the textbox at the wrong time when skipping text.
The code has been better optimized in some portions which may result in better performance.
Text type speed has been increased to 1 character per frame.
Exported the game to Flash player version 26.
New emotes for more girls during conversation!
A new, original quest-line!
A pocketful of bugs and glitches!
New girls to fight and save!
A new animated reward by a new animator on staff!
Version 0.09:
Added the Cosplayer Compendium.
Replaces the Sticker Book button.
Contains new format for Sticker Book.
Contains a gallery through which to view all combat poses
and tear states for all savable girls.
Provides information on cosplayers and locations within easy
Contains map of the convention which updates as locations are revealed.
Added 2 new cosplayers ALL of which are saveable. And a new animated reward/images for Ivy(unlocks after the Ivy date questline in the Cafe)
Jolteon - Found in the Maid Cafe.
Gardevoir - Found in the Maid Cafe.
Interactive 'Tall Grass' objects are now clickable.
Clicking has a greater chance to force combat.
Mouse rubbing has a greater chance of combating 'Shinies'.
Added Maid Cafe location.
Added new script and story scenarios, including the first of what will be multiple 'dates' that the player can go on with different cosplayers.
Added three new sticker sets:
Bug Fixes
Some of the files in the Cosplayer Compendium have been edited to remove lag.
Carmen, finally convinced to stop swallowing poison in an attempt to "show the jabronies how it's done", will now INCREASE the damage of the fire spell upon her summoning, rather than decrease it.
Ironed out a bug where Mara would steal 100% of players' MP, rather than a small amount, when attempting to view her reward image.
Mara has promised to the players and patrons that the extra MP will be used "expressly for purposes of additional efficiency and entertainment value."
The Ivy date quest line now has an ending and a reward image. (Anyone loading a save from 0.089 just needs to head to the beach room)
The Cosplayer Compendium's map will now tell you what ultra rare girls are savable.
Lightning spell:
small damage increase while shocked
damage lowered dramatically while undering healing scissors debuff
damage now scales with Max MP
grass spell:
small damage increase while under healing scissors debuff
damage lowered dramatically while under the on fire debuff
damage scales with max enemy HP up to a cap which is increased by your max mana.
fire spell:
fire damage buff now scales slightly with max MP
small damage increase while on fire
damaged lowered dramatically while shocked.
damage scales with max MP.
New Characters:
Cuebone Cosplayer , Boss, Umbreon cosplayer(ultra rare)
New Area:
There is a new area past the beach room.
you can no long run from boss fights.
Typing "friendzonedagain" in the Pateron input will revert all topless character portraits to clothed ones.
A bunch of new random shop cutscenes have been added. They have a chance to trigger whenever you enter the shop room after you save the new cosplayers.
Pateron increased shiny chance has been redone and should now work better.
Camera feature:
The Camera will now zoom in when going to the next rip state.
Eevee animation now has 2 parts.
Added a new song " Pokemon Sun & Moon: Vs. Rival! Final Encounter [Fanmade] " By EternalSushi
10$+ tiers
3 new topless character portraits have been added.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 27-11-2024, 00:33
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.24 10$ Patreon / Topic updated to v.0.24 10$ Patreon
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.24 10$ Patreon / Topic updated to v.0.24 10$ Patreon
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
Загрузил: СынПирокара (27 ноября 2024 00:33)
Статус: Проверено (СынПирокара)
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Con_Quest (5 файлов)