Описание:Вы студент колледжа, чьи похотливые желания заставили вас совершить ужасные ошибки. В твоей жизни беспорядок, и, кажется, не стоит уже жить ... Но, к счастью для тебя, твой лучший друг нашел способ манипулировать временем ... У тебя есть шанс вернуться и исправить некоторые свои ошибки ... Вы будете исправлять вещи в прошлом, чтобы сделать вашу жизнь лучше или хуже. Вы можете принимать новые решения, следуя новым путям, пытаясь получить все, что вы хотите, или вы просто можете продолжать все портить… Единственное, что хорошо,это то что время на вашей стороне. Есть так много путей, по которым можно пойти...
Вы поможете сделать правильный выбор?
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, bdsm, big tits, cheating, creampie, female domination, group sex, handjob, humor, incest, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, sandbox, sci-fi, swinging, teasing, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Перевод: A.I.W.AПеревод с 4: troffimТестирование перевода: Vlassik и
Pavel421Разработчик/Издатель: Motkeyz - www.patreon.com/motkeyz Дискорд: https://discord.gg/ckUptNW
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: R11 PE Fixed
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Смена языка в меню (флаг)Рекомендация: Желательно играть с разрешением 1920х1080. Смена в настройках.T.Lost love - это продолжение (T.Unconditional Love)Ссылка на первую часть:
Первая частьПоблагодарить Переводчика (troffim):
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty) (troffim)
Поддержать Переводчика (Patreon) (troffim)
DO NOT EXTRACT - It's not meant to be extracted just copy the file as is to
PC: "Unconditional Love_Data/LANGUAGES" folder.
MAC: "Contents/Unconditional Love_Data/LANGUAGES" folder
AFTER INSTALL: Start game, click on the english flag with "UNRATED", then it will apply the patch, and it will remember every time you start the game, so you don't have to click it again.
Good luck!
Old patch version instructions
Unconditional Love_Data_Data\StreamingAssets
Do not rename, do not open it, just copy it as is.
User-helpdesk for Chapter 2:
- How can I use my saves from Chapter 2?
Save of Chapter 1 needs to be after the credits roll in the limbo. (Bacon Basement with the time machine and red flashes.)
- White screen blablabla
Windows 7 users: Install Visual C++ 2015. Make sure C ++ 2015 is installed before a newer version. Otherwise uninstall newer version of C ++ and install 2015 first. After that the never versions.
Windows 10 users: Install all updates and make sure they use Windows 10 build 1909 and .NET Fremework 4.8.
- Where is the save location?
%localappdata%/VNGINE/Timestamps Lost Love /Saves
- Can't save or load.
Change date system to Europe or US -> for people from countries with a different date system as South-East-Asia and Arabic countries.
- Game crash during start
Update GPU drivers -> Also upload Player.log file from AppData-Folder.
R11 PE Release Notes - 2023-10-25
* A lot of new steamy content and story progression!
* Some corrections of errors in older content. VNGINE Changes
* During the last phase of testing, we encountered a problem that was caused by the continuous increase in the size of the game with each new version. Upon investigation, we realized that the main storage container, which held everything excluding the renders, was nearing its limit. To address this problem, we made the decision to temporarily remove three animations from previous releases. These specific animations were chosen based on their minimal impact and their significant file sizes, allowing us to find a solution to the issue. We are currently working on a permanent solution, but in order to avoid further delays in the release, we will address this issue later. It is difficult to determine the exact duration at the moment since it might involve a substantial amount of work. The animations that were taken out temporarily were Day12 Police Station Walk Animation, Day 12 Beach House Walk Animation and Day 14 Chocolaterie Walk Animation
R10 PE(2022.10.09)
* A lot of new steamy content and story progression!
* Some corrections of errors in older content. VNGINE Changes
* Added a "Open save folder" button from the options menu.
* Fixed a SFX error message in an old scene.
* Some bugfixing and general improvements under the hood.
Engine Changes & Fixes:
- Engine Memory management Improvements for better performance
- Fixed some animation stuttering with the above fix
- Someone called the Elevator service company and installed a new elevator at the school.
- New engine feature(new-old) to make some animations non-skippable due to story impact.
- New engine commands for more advanced scene setups.
- Day and money counters now removed while time traveling
- New error popups for misconfigurations that were game-breaking before so its easier to spot and not crash game as hard.
- New map system improvements and features under the hood.
- Three new locations added - Other bugfixes
- Plaaaaay it. Also thanks for reading the note
Known issues
- Some Videos with text over them that has audio does not play audio. If this is the case please save, go to main menu and load again, investigation is ongoing.
- Some typos still in the game and we are aware, things caught last moment too that will be improved for a patch when gold release comes.
- Dialogue panel can jump up and down a bit during gameplay due to some conditional commands and is also ongoing a revamp for future releases.
- The elevator issue is now fixed.
R6 P1 Fixes
- Added 4 completely new animations
- Fixed some animations that didn't play out in the scenes.
- Extended animated scenes to not be as easily skipped by accident
- Rewrote and added parts to one scene when visiting bacon
- Typo corrections
- Changed navigation from basement to go out in a more logical angle in hallway.
- Stronger Outlined navigation arrows for Beach, OMJ and outside the house.
- Moved the Beach exit arrow a bit further down.
- Changed a task-list text that was incorrect.
- Correctly updated Menu background (non animated) for R6.
- Correctly makes latest Platinum animation now show up for new players for R6
- Added a hopefully working and final fix to "stuck in elevator" issue.
- Added a few more room-blockers
- Fixed some incorrect sound effect references, and music references from R5
* New scenes!
* New animations!
* Updated some room designs.
* New "Emergency" hotkey left shift+ctrl to open up youtube... cause you know... you never know...
* New Platinum menu (Unfortunately it did not switch automatically this release, realized it too late, so you can change it in Options) VNGINE Changes
* Ingame Phone Notification System Upgrade
* Ingame Phone Notification Popup added
* Lowered volume of splash intro to 50%
* Improved design for Load & Save slots - New icon for renaming save - New icon for deleting save - New confirmation box for deleting save - New editing box for renaming saves
* Added new engine feature for more complex path logic in dialogue
* Added new engine feature for automatic SF/Regular image swaps.
* New emergency tab-out feature with Left Shift+Ctrl that opens youtube in your browser. Bugfixes -Disabled auto-forward after a flashing special effect -Disabled a flag-flipping feature when in replay mode. -Fixed an error that occurs when trying to go "Clean UI" when in main menu. -Fixed so that skipping dialogue correctly stops special effect sounds.
- Tons of new scenes & animations
- New music tracks - Engine Changes -
- User Interface Overhaul
- New Dialogue Panel Design and changed layout.
- New "Clean UI" Setting to disable dialogue panel background in options
- New crisper buttons
- Button click sounds on phone and menues for more feedback
- Completely new Choice panel that is really slick!
- Improved the show/hide UI with Z key
- Fades on phone apps
- New Popup system and fade.
- New stacking popups feature for multiple notifcations on top of eachother.
- Revamped Dialogue History Panel
- Much improved fluidity on going back and forward in dialogue
- Improved performance in dialogue system.
- Turned off some debug logging to save on your disk space and some performance.
- Quick navigation button and panel got some graphical improvements
- Inventory got some graphical improvements
- Hover tooltips in navigation (like on doors) got massive graphical improvements.
- New Cum Effect. - New Picture Effect.
- Code optimizations for performance.
- Bunch of quality of life improvements.
* Bugfixes
- Fixed a few typo's and errors from R4
- Fixed a bug with "ESC" key menu made it possible to get stuck in game in some rare situations.
- Fixed a few other old minor bugs that has been pestering the game for far too long.
A bunch of new renders and playable scenes! Continuation of the Chapter 2 story!
VNGINE Improvements
* Added a new Minigame
* Added Game Setting to toggle Smoking Fetish (The choice you made at the start)
* Added Smooth Layered Video Transition
* Added Layered Video Background Preloading for less pop-in effect on the background. Still not perfect but without comparison better.
* Options Menu has been optimized for better performance
* Added new feature for room navigation to use multiple populated backgrounds (Seen in College during daytime)
* Arcade Game Major overhaul with stages and special background unlocks viewable after in the easter-egg section of the replay menu.
* Arcade Game Now has sounds, wider paddle, stage counter, use mouse to move paddle. Esc to quit arcade game.
* New Navigation Item-pickup system for picking up stuff up in sertain situations
* New Navigation Item-pickup tracking system for seeing the amount items needed to be picked up
* Added new system for providing choices without making micro-saves for last choice (Specifically used now in new Elevator)
* Added Last Choice button to Esc menu when in navigation (The one on the phone)
* Added a bunch of new characters
* Added new system to automatically linebreak dialogue in the text box.
* Widened the dialogue box by about 30-40% so more text will fit on one "page".
* Updated the map icon in quick navigation.
* Added multiple new rooms to the navigation.
* Added 2 new quick navigation locations in College.
VNGINE Bugfixes
* Regional Calendar settings messing with Save/Loading
* Save/Load not sorting properly on minues/hours on the save/load screen.
* Cyrillic Support
* Quick navigation in college, one button went to the wrong room.
* Fixed a bug where if you load into navigation and save without playing a scene, could cause error.
* Changed mapping nav_nika to use the already existing nika mapping for the Veronika map pin.
* Fixed the tooltip when hovering on rooms in navigation.
* Fixed getting stuck at Night 8->Morning 9 if not peeking Juli & John
* Change name button in options is now back!
* Missing replay from Day 1 Juli bathroom is now back
* Main Menu Music changed
* Some wrong click messages are fixed
* Several fixes dialogue typos and misconfigurations.
* Fixed issue causing fade text to sometimes miss the first letter.
* Derick is now added to translation mapping for translators.
* Camera is no longer available to pick up in Day 3 Repeat / GHD
* Corrections to some pathing beeing wrong based on choices.