В игре "The Office Wife" вы играете за Стейси Джонс, недавно вышедшую замуж и работающую на вполне типичной офисной работе. Однако когда в ваши руки попадает таинственный амулет, ваша жизнь начинает кардинально меняться. Охваченная желаниями и порывами, которых вы никогда раньше не испытывали, вы вскоре все реже ходите на работу и потакаете не только своему новому мужу, но и практически любому мужчине, который пожелает принять в этом участие.
The Office Wife you play Stacy Jones, recently married and newly employed at a fairly typical office job. When a mysterious amulet in your hands, however, your life begins to radically change. Consumed by desires and impulses you've never felt before, you're soon wearing less and less to work and indulging not just your new husband, but just about any man who wishes to partake.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, big ass, big tits, cheating, exhibitionism, female protagonist, groping, group sex, handjob, humiliation, interracial, ntr, urination, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: J. S. Deacon - Patreon - Discord - Subscribestar
Перевод: Rexus
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.92 Public
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Яндекс кошелёк 410011908107082
В игре "The Office Wife" вы играете за Стейси Джонс, недавно вышедшую замуж и работающую на вполне типичной офисной работе. Однако когда в ваши руки попадает таинственный амулет, ваша жизнь начинает кардинально меняться. Охваченная желаниями и порывами, которых вы никогда раньше не испытывали, вы вскоре все реже ходите на работу и потакаете не только своему новому мужу, но и практически любому мужчине, который пожелает принять в этом участие.
The Office Wife you play Stacy Jones, recently married and newly employed at a fairly typical office job. When a mysterious amulet in your hands, however, your life begins to radically change. Consumed by desires and impulses you've never felt before, you're soon wearing less and less to work and indulging not just your new husband, but just about any man who wishes to partake.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, big ass, big tits, cheating, exhibitionism, female protagonist, groping, group sex, handjob, humiliation, interracial, ntr, urination, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: J. S. Deacon - Patreon - Discord - Subscribestar
Перевод: Rexus
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.92 Public
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Яндекс кошелёк 410011908107082
the key and therefore opening the game menu is emulated with tapping with 2 fingers on the screen.
you can also toggle the textbox/choice list or skip the videos with a two-finger-tap™.
to open the message back-log use either the button top-right while on a map or swipe left during dialogue/choice/input. with swiping up/down you can scroll the log page wise. you close the log by swiping right.
you can also toggle the textbox/choice list or skip the videos with a two-finger-tap™.
to open the message back-log use either the button top-right while on a map or swipe left during dialogue/choice/input. with swiping up/down you can scroll the log page wise. you close the log by swiping right.
v0.92 Public - 2025-02-04
359 new renders
42 new animations
Extends over 5 days
2 new Enchantments
New scenes:
Jessie (morning), Michael, Nate, Jim, Polly, Marcus, David, Kabir, Zack, Donnie, and more.
This release focuses on wrapping up the Donnie storyline and sets the game up to focus once again on the main plot. That will lead into the final phase of the game, which will be epic! I expect it to extend over several more releases, though, so don't fear! It won't be over too soon.
Be sure to check out the walkthrough included in the game file.
The new release starts with the included save #26. The other saves are for points throughout the game. Remember that old saves won't work.
Fixes from Prerelease: I fixed an issue with one of the images not loading, fixed O'shannon's dialgue to make it repeatable, fixed several spelling and grammar mistakes.
Trivia Bit: This is Stacy's ninth main outfit, not counting all of her side outfits.
v0.92 - 2025-01-19
v0.91 Public Hotfix 1 - 2024-05-22
v0.91 Public
With nearly 400 new renders and 47 new animations, this release is packed with new content. It has new scenes with Jessie, Nate, Michael, Bruce, Donnie, the Warehouse guys, Andy, the gym shower, the subway fondling (can't use the g-word on Patreon) sequence, the Doctor's office, Marcus, the bums, and more! It also has a lot of story development for those who like more than just the H-scenes.
v0.91 Prerelease - 2024-04-02
v0.90 Public release - 2023-10-07
The full contents are in the included Walkthrough file, but I can tell you that there are scenes for Michael, Donnie, Jessie, Andy, Stevie, Simon, Kabir, Tabitha, the dog(s), the subway bathroom, Jim and Marcus, and more. It's paced at about 4 days but unless you follow the Walkthrough precisely, it might take you more than that to hit all of the new scenes. There is a hard ending after you've reached three milestone enchantments (Michael, Polly Webcam, and Andy). This amounts to over 300 new renders and 64 new animations. If you haven't hit all of the scenes, just start over!
The game comes with a number of save slots paced throughout the game. Save slot 24 is where the new release begins. I've made several bug fixes to older events that corrected a number of game-breaking bugs. This means, however, that old saves won't work.
The Office Wife V.0.90 PRERELEASE - 2023-09-30
Here's the latest version for Civic Leaders and higher! This release picks up right where the last one left off (use save slot 36) after Stacy obtained her new work outfit from Morgan. Needless to say, it's pretty ridiculous! In this release, you get new scenes with Donnie, the landlord's friends, Simon, Stevie, Zack, the dog, a new naked outside scene, and much more (including all scenes updated with the new outfit). I've also completely redone the gallery (and it's mostly completed) and created a new animated title screen. The gallery is now organized by Enchantment and gives you a hint for each one. This will help you better track your progress.
If you encounter any bugs, please let me know!
To use the patch file, you have to go to your game file and delete everything in the file title The Office Wife except for the folders, then copy everything in the patch file into that same folder and replace all. If you just copy it all without deleting the prior contents (minus the folders), then it won't copy correctly and the game won't work.
Without further ado...
v.0.89 Public - 2023-04-17
V.0.89 Prerelease - 2023-04-07
Here's the latest version for Civic Leaders and higher! This release picks up right where the last one left off (use save slot 36) after Stacy obtained her new work outfit from Morgan. Needless to say, it's pretty ridiculous! In this release, you get new scenes with Donnie, the landlord's friends, Simon, Stevie, Zack, the dog, a new naked outside scene, and much more (including all scenes updated with the new outfit). I've also completely redone the gallery (and it's mostly completed) and created a new animated title screen. The gallery is now organized by Enchantment and gives you a hint for each one. This will help you better track your progress.
If you encounter any bugs, please let me know!
To use the patch file, you have to go to your game file and delete everything in the file title The Office Wife except for the folders, then copy everything in the patch file into that same folder and replace all. If you just copy it all without deleting the prior contents (minus the folders), then it won't copy correctly and the game won't work.
Without further ado...
0.87 Pre Release - 2022-12-30
This release contains nearly 400 new renders (and 500+ new character images) and 42 new animations. The full list of scenes can be found in the Walkthrough that comes with the game. As per usual, I've included a number of saves beginning at save slot 20 that are placed throughout the game. Save slot 35 is where you can start the new release at.
This release has a hard ending so you'll know when you reach it.
A few other notes about V.0.87 - in addition to the new scenes, I have done extensive work on the back end. Once again, I went through the game from beginning to end and fixed a number of bugs and sequencing issues. Additionally, I updated animations for the Jason sex scenes and the Doctor sex scenes to make them better.
Also, although the gallery is still not complete in this version, I have done a lot of work on it and hope to have the finished gallery out soon. I'm rethinking the entire thing and am going to focus more on showing a list of Enchantments and hints so you can better track your progress throughout the game.
I have also made a few bug fixes from the earlier Prerelease version of V.0.87.
V.0.84 - 2022-10-05
Hey everyone,
As promised, here is V.0.84, which is a major bug-fix release. There is no new content other than a few updated images (such as making Patrick "scruffy" when he returns to Stacy's apartment), but for those who have had problems before, my hope is that this version fixes most of them.
What changed? Well, I started at the beginning of the game and combed through it fixing a lot of legacy coding issues that were causing problems. The result is (or should be) a much smoother flow and by that, I mean, I hope that I've eliminated most or all of the ways that you can screw up the order of things and get stuck. It also means that you can get more enchantments in fewer days so overall it should go quicker. I've even added a few "enchantments" to events that were supposed to have them, so now the total number of enchantments is 79.
I've also posted a complete list of enchantments on my website at jsdeacon.com/game.
One thing of note is that your old saves absolutely will not work now. I've included several pre-made saves for you, however. Also, if you have V.0.83 for Windows, you can just download the Patch version and copy it into your game folder (make sure you overwrite everything!).
If you still experience bugs or have other issues, emailing me at jsdeacon9@gmail.com is the best way to let me know. I welcome your feedback.
I also want to point out that this is the result of considerable effort. I spent approximately 40 hours working on these fixes. I also had the assistance of a number of generous playtesters who donated their time and efforts. The playtesting is still ongoing and if new issues crop up, I'll address them.
Without further adieu, here are the links:
**EDIT 10/4/22 - links updated with a quick fix to a bug that was causing an image to not go away when working with Polly at Enchantment 11.
** EDIT 10/4/22 - links updated again with a quick fix to a bug that was preventing you from leaving the basement after giving Jason a BJ at Enchantment 17.
V.0.83 Public Release
Finally! Here's V.0.83 Public Release! This one's been a long time coming and has a ton of new content and changes.
On top of the many scenes (a mostly-complete list can be found in the walkthrough), I made a number of bug fixes, changed the dialogue system, and updated the map for Stacy's apartment to better reflect the actual layout. Not counting the new character images, there are nearly 500 new renders and 39 new animations. Believe it not, this is only one part of the current story arch. There are many other pieces to put into place that will come in the next release.
There have also been several fixes added since the PRERELEASE last week. These include adding in missing image files, fixing the Simon scene (where it would repeat), fixing a few issues with Stacy's new apartment (which would cause her to spawn inside unpassable furniture), fixed the solo gym shower scene, added a cumshot scene to the final scene of the release (Doug Dinner), and several other minor changes. It should (knock on wood), be running pretty smoothly.
Save Slot 35 starts where the previous release left off (beware that installing the patch version will overwrite older saves) and the other saves are from various points throughout the game.
v0.80 Public
I have fixed a few bugs and made a few grammar/text changes since the Prerelease, but the content is nonetheless the same.
v0.80 Pre-Prelease
256 new renders and 8 new animations, plus a number of small fixes.
v0.78 Public
- fixed bug where if you started the Polly Webcam 2 scene but didn't complete it, you couldn't go home.
- fixed bug where if you entered Kitty's and started talking to patrons, you couldn't complete the scene
- fixed bug where Simon's new scene wasn't triggering
- fixed several other minor bugs and grammar/spelling errors.
v0.78 Prerelease
In this release you'll find nearly 400 new renders, 16 new animations, and some major storyline advancements. It comes with a Walkthrough file and saves. Save slot 39 begins where the last release ended. This release has as hard ending so you'll know it when you get there. If you miss something, you can go back to an old save and replay it, but you should be able to get the main content before the hard ending.
Public Release for V.0.75
Here is the Public Release for V.0.75.
Like the previous version, this release does not have a hard ending. You can get up to enchantment 61. I've included a walkthrough in the game file. Please note that the walkthrough is pretty loose and much of it can be done out of order.
As with other releases, old saves will not work. The game comes with saves in slots 30-38 with slot 38 starting where the last release left off. I highly recommend you start there.
A few notes on this release...I know it has been longer than my usual release schedule. While this release is slightly bigger in terms of content, it's is fairly equal to a normal release. The extra time was in part because a.) the game is more complex as it expands, b.) the scenes themselves are more complex with several new sets and new characters introduced, and c.) my personal life has been particularly busy which has reduced my development time.
I also want to note that story-wise, this release, the previous one, and the next one, were all designed to be part of a story arc that I had naively planned for one release, but grossly underestimated its size. If the story feels slightly disjointed, that's why. A lot of things should wrap up or at least progress a lot in the next release where the story will jump forward quite a bit. That isn't to say there isn't progress in this release. To the contrary, a lot happens.
Please email me at jsdeacon9@gmail.com or message me on here if you find any bugs or have other issues. I'll do my best to timely respond. One of the reasons I do this advanced release is to find problems in advance of the public release so you are doing me a big service by reporting to me. If you do find a problem, when you message me, please let me know what system you are on (Windows, Mac), what version of that system, and give me a detailed description of what the problem is.
Thanks again for all of your support. I greatly appreciate it. There wouldn't be a game without you. I hope you enjoy.
- J. S.
v0.67 Public
I was going to wait until the next big release to release some of the bug fixes I've made, but the current bugs are cropping up too often, are game-breaking, and create a poor user experience. Thus, I decided to do this interim bug-fix release. There is no new content in this release, so if you have played through the latest release without issue, then it is unnecessary to download this one.
What's fixed? Several bugs have been fixed, including one where Stacy couldn't activate "My Desk", one where Stacy would get stuck in the house because she couldn't find her underwear to the photo shoot (meaning the photo shoot scene had not completed due to the bug) and several other smaller ones.
Also, you'll find some of the early gameplay changes I've made for the next release to help reduce some of the tediousness of the early game. This includes long-requested reduced dream sequences and truncated warehouse scenes where it was just a repeating event. That said, while I think I have worked out most of the kinks in the new warehouse sequences, I may still have missed something. If you spot anything weird (like a wrong outfit), let me know! I have also added some additional scenes to the gallery, which is still far from complete.
v0.66 Public
A couple of notes about his release. It is a bit more linear than some other release simply because it is really the second part of the previous release, concluding Stacy and Jessie's revenge plot. The two halves were each too big to fit all in one release in any reasonable amount of time. This release has nearly 400 new images and 25 new animation clips.
I have included 10 save files starting at points throughout the game. Save slot 40 starts where the last update left off. You can reach Enchantment 48 and the release has a fixed ending. It is possible to reach the ending without getting all 48 enchantments. If that is the case, you can either replay from save slot 40 or wait for the next release.
Gallery - through the bedroom mirror (this is only partially completed)
Audio - new music and sound effects throughout the game
New maps - park, Jessie's apartment, Jessie's neighborhood, Night District abandoned subway station
Bug fixes -too many to list - (there was a "null" error popping up in random places - I think this is from a plugin conflict. I've made some adjustments and haven't been able to replicate it. Hopefully, it's fixed, but if not, please screenshot it and send it to me. I'm very interested in figuring out what's going on.)
As always, if you find bugs, have comments, feedback, or suggestions, please message me on here. I love hearing from you all.
- Almost 200 new renders
- 14 new animations
- Updated all scenes with Stacy’s new outfit
- Added a Hint system (just press “t” to toggle on and off)
- New scenes with Zack, Andy, Jim, Jason, Dixon, Marcus, Michael, and a few new characters
- Three new small easter egg scenes
Walkthrough (key choices, but feel free to explore around town):
Work out with Zack
Talk to Marcus at work in the morning
Have lunch with Andy
Go to Dixon’s after work
Talk to Michael in the morning
Work with Jim Slater
Talk to Jason before lunch
Work out with Zack
The rest should play out automatically - end at Enchantment 33.
The Office Wife V.0.25 Prerelease
Greetings fellow smut enthusiasts. The new update for $5 and up Patrons is linked below.
What’s new in this release? A bunch of stuff. Over 300 new renders, five animations, and more than a dozen new scenes (big and small). Stacy is beginning to accept the changes she is going through, though she is still driven by a desire to discover just what happened to her and where the necklace came from.
New scenes with Jim Slater, Nate, Jason, Marcus, Knockers, Dixon’s, Michael, the Doctor, Zack, and more.
For those who are playing from the beginning or earlier saves, I have fixed two major bugs from the last version. The first was one where Polly would not trigger and the other was one where the Doctor event would turn on, but nothing would happen yet you’d still be prevented from going to work. Both of these should be fixed now (I have played fully through with no problems).
I have also included a slot 21 save that picks up right where the last release left off.
The walkthrough is already posted on my website at www.jsdeacon.com/game
The game is becoming less linear, too, so you shouldn’t have to follow it precisely by the walkthrough. If certain events aren’t triggering, just keep playing. The game will end at the end of the update.
If you find bugs, no matter how small, please pm me on patreon or email me at jsdeacon9@gmail.com.
playability changes to previous events
new doctor scene and animation
new Dixon's scene
outfit changes
new basement scene with Jason
new self pleasure scene at home
new scene in alley behind work
new scene with Nate and Jason (longest game scene to date)
Total 4 new animations and over 300 new renders
first release
359 new renders
42 new animations
Extends over 5 days
2 new Enchantments
New scenes:
Jessie (morning), Michael, Nate, Jim, Polly, Marcus, David, Kabir, Zack, Donnie, and more.
This release focuses on wrapping up the Donnie storyline and sets the game up to focus once again on the main plot. That will lead into the final phase of the game, which will be epic! I expect it to extend over several more releases, though, so don't fear! It won't be over too soon.
Be sure to check out the walkthrough included in the game file.
The new release starts with the included save #26. The other saves are for points throughout the game. Remember that old saves won't work.
Fixes from Prerelease: I fixed an issue with one of the images not loading, fixed O'shannon's dialgue to make it repeatable, fixed several spelling and grammar mistakes.
Trivia Bit: This is Stacy's ninth main outfit, not counting all of her side outfits.
v0.92 - 2025-01-19
v0.91 Public Hotfix 1 - 2024-05-22
v0.91 Public
With nearly 400 new renders and 47 new animations, this release is packed with new content. It has new scenes with Jessie, Nate, Michael, Bruce, Donnie, the Warehouse guys, Andy, the gym shower, the subway fondling (can't use the g-word on Patreon) sequence, the Doctor's office, Marcus, the bums, and more! It also has a lot of story development for those who like more than just the H-scenes.
v0.91 Prerelease - 2024-04-02
v0.90 Public release - 2023-10-07
The full contents are in the included Walkthrough file, but I can tell you that there are scenes for Michael, Donnie, Jessie, Andy, Stevie, Simon, Kabir, Tabitha, the dog(s), the subway bathroom, Jim and Marcus, and more. It's paced at about 4 days but unless you follow the Walkthrough precisely, it might take you more than that to hit all of the new scenes. There is a hard ending after you've reached three milestone enchantments (Michael, Polly Webcam, and Andy). This amounts to over 300 new renders and 64 new animations. If you haven't hit all of the scenes, just start over!
The game comes with a number of save slots paced throughout the game. Save slot 24 is where the new release begins. I've made several bug fixes to older events that corrected a number of game-breaking bugs. This means, however, that old saves won't work.
The Office Wife V.0.90 PRERELEASE - 2023-09-30
Here's the latest version for Civic Leaders and higher! This release picks up right where the last one left off (use save slot 36) after Stacy obtained her new work outfit from Morgan. Needless to say, it's pretty ridiculous! In this release, you get new scenes with Donnie, the landlord's friends, Simon, Stevie, Zack, the dog, a new naked outside scene, and much more (including all scenes updated with the new outfit). I've also completely redone the gallery (and it's mostly completed) and created a new animated title screen. The gallery is now organized by Enchantment and gives you a hint for each one. This will help you better track your progress.
If you encounter any bugs, please let me know!
To use the patch file, you have to go to your game file and delete everything in the file title The Office Wife except for the folders, then copy everything in the patch file into that same folder and replace all. If you just copy it all without deleting the prior contents (minus the folders), then it won't copy correctly and the game won't work.
Without further ado...
v.0.89 Public - 2023-04-17
V.0.89 Prerelease - 2023-04-07
Here's the latest version for Civic Leaders and higher! This release picks up right where the last one left off (use save slot 36) after Stacy obtained her new work outfit from Morgan. Needless to say, it's pretty ridiculous! In this release, you get new scenes with Donnie, the landlord's friends, Simon, Stevie, Zack, the dog, a new naked outside scene, and much more (including all scenes updated with the new outfit). I've also completely redone the gallery (and it's mostly completed) and created a new animated title screen. The gallery is now organized by Enchantment and gives you a hint for each one. This will help you better track your progress.
If you encounter any bugs, please let me know!
To use the patch file, you have to go to your game file and delete everything in the file title The Office Wife except for the folders, then copy everything in the patch file into that same folder and replace all. If you just copy it all without deleting the prior contents (minus the folders), then it won't copy correctly and the game won't work.
Without further ado...
0.87 Pre Release - 2022-12-30
This release contains nearly 400 new renders (and 500+ new character images) and 42 new animations. The full list of scenes can be found in the Walkthrough that comes with the game. As per usual, I've included a number of saves beginning at save slot 20 that are placed throughout the game. Save slot 35 is where you can start the new release at.
This release has a hard ending so you'll know when you reach it.
A few other notes about V.0.87 - in addition to the new scenes, I have done extensive work on the back end. Once again, I went through the game from beginning to end and fixed a number of bugs and sequencing issues. Additionally, I updated animations for the Jason sex scenes and the Doctor sex scenes to make them better.
Also, although the gallery is still not complete in this version, I have done a lot of work on it and hope to have the finished gallery out soon. I'm rethinking the entire thing and am going to focus more on showing a list of Enchantments and hints so you can better track your progress throughout the game.
I have also made a few bug fixes from the earlier Prerelease version of V.0.87.
V.0.84 - 2022-10-05
Hey everyone,
As promised, here is V.0.84, which is a major bug-fix release. There is no new content other than a few updated images (such as making Patrick "scruffy" when he returns to Stacy's apartment), but for those who have had problems before, my hope is that this version fixes most of them.
What changed? Well, I started at the beginning of the game and combed through it fixing a lot of legacy coding issues that were causing problems. The result is (or should be) a much smoother flow and by that, I mean, I hope that I've eliminated most or all of the ways that you can screw up the order of things and get stuck. It also means that you can get more enchantments in fewer days so overall it should go quicker. I've even added a few "enchantments" to events that were supposed to have them, so now the total number of enchantments is 79.
I've also posted a complete list of enchantments on my website at jsdeacon.com/game.
One thing of note is that your old saves absolutely will not work now. I've included several pre-made saves for you, however. Also, if you have V.0.83 for Windows, you can just download the Patch version and copy it into your game folder (make sure you overwrite everything!).
If you still experience bugs or have other issues, emailing me at jsdeacon9@gmail.com is the best way to let me know. I welcome your feedback.
I also want to point out that this is the result of considerable effort. I spent approximately 40 hours working on these fixes. I also had the assistance of a number of generous playtesters who donated their time and efforts. The playtesting is still ongoing and if new issues crop up, I'll address them.
Without further adieu, here are the links:
**EDIT 10/4/22 - links updated with a quick fix to a bug that was causing an image to not go away when working with Polly at Enchantment 11.
** EDIT 10/4/22 - links updated again with a quick fix to a bug that was preventing you from leaving the basement after giving Jason a BJ at Enchantment 17.
V.0.83 Public Release
Finally! Here's V.0.83 Public Release! This one's been a long time coming and has a ton of new content and changes.
On top of the many scenes (a mostly-complete list can be found in the walkthrough), I made a number of bug fixes, changed the dialogue system, and updated the map for Stacy's apartment to better reflect the actual layout. Not counting the new character images, there are nearly 500 new renders and 39 new animations. Believe it not, this is only one part of the current story arch. There are many other pieces to put into place that will come in the next release.
There have also been several fixes added since the PRERELEASE last week. These include adding in missing image files, fixing the Simon scene (where it would repeat), fixing a few issues with Stacy's new apartment (which would cause her to spawn inside unpassable furniture), fixed the solo gym shower scene, added a cumshot scene to the final scene of the release (Doug Dinner), and several other minor changes. It should (knock on wood), be running pretty smoothly.
Save Slot 35 starts where the previous release left off (beware that installing the patch version will overwrite older saves) and the other saves are from various points throughout the game.
v0.80 Public
I have fixed a few bugs and made a few grammar/text changes since the Prerelease, but the content is nonetheless the same.
v0.80 Pre-Prelease
256 new renders and 8 new animations, plus a number of small fixes.
v0.78 Public
- fixed bug where if you started the Polly Webcam 2 scene but didn't complete it, you couldn't go home.
- fixed bug where if you entered Kitty's and started talking to patrons, you couldn't complete the scene
- fixed bug where Simon's new scene wasn't triggering
- fixed several other minor bugs and grammar/spelling errors.
v0.78 Prerelease
In this release you'll find nearly 400 new renders, 16 new animations, and some major storyline advancements. It comes with a Walkthrough file and saves. Save slot 39 begins where the last release ended. This release has as hard ending so you'll know it when you get there. If you miss something, you can go back to an old save and replay it, but you should be able to get the main content before the hard ending.
Public Release for V.0.75
Here is the Public Release for V.0.75.
Like the previous version, this release does not have a hard ending. You can get up to enchantment 61. I've included a walkthrough in the game file. Please note that the walkthrough is pretty loose and much of it can be done out of order.
As with other releases, old saves will not work. The game comes with saves in slots 30-38 with slot 38 starting where the last release left off. I highly recommend you start there.
A few notes on this release...I know it has been longer than my usual release schedule. While this release is slightly bigger in terms of content, it's is fairly equal to a normal release. The extra time was in part because a.) the game is more complex as it expands, b.) the scenes themselves are more complex with several new sets and new characters introduced, and c.) my personal life has been particularly busy which has reduced my development time.
I also want to note that story-wise, this release, the previous one, and the next one, were all designed to be part of a story arc that I had naively planned for one release, but grossly underestimated its size. If the story feels slightly disjointed, that's why. A lot of things should wrap up or at least progress a lot in the next release where the story will jump forward quite a bit. That isn't to say there isn't progress in this release. To the contrary, a lot happens.
Please email me at jsdeacon9@gmail.com or message me on here if you find any bugs or have other issues. I'll do my best to timely respond. One of the reasons I do this advanced release is to find problems in advance of the public release so you are doing me a big service by reporting to me. If you do find a problem, when you message me, please let me know what system you are on (Windows, Mac), what version of that system, and give me a detailed description of what the problem is.
Thanks again for all of your support. I greatly appreciate it. There wouldn't be a game without you. I hope you enjoy.
- J. S.
v0.67 Public
I was going to wait until the next big release to release some of the bug fixes I've made, but the current bugs are cropping up too often, are game-breaking, and create a poor user experience. Thus, I decided to do this interim bug-fix release. There is no new content in this release, so if you have played through the latest release without issue, then it is unnecessary to download this one.
What's fixed? Several bugs have been fixed, including one where Stacy couldn't activate "My Desk", one where Stacy would get stuck in the house because she couldn't find her underwear to the photo shoot (meaning the photo shoot scene had not completed due to the bug) and several other smaller ones.
Also, you'll find some of the early gameplay changes I've made for the next release to help reduce some of the tediousness of the early game. This includes long-requested reduced dream sequences and truncated warehouse scenes where it was just a repeating event. That said, while I think I have worked out most of the kinks in the new warehouse sequences, I may still have missed something. If you spot anything weird (like a wrong outfit), let me know! I have also added some additional scenes to the gallery, which is still far from complete.
v0.66 Public
A couple of notes about his release. It is a bit more linear than some other release simply because it is really the second part of the previous release, concluding Stacy and Jessie's revenge plot. The two halves were each too big to fit all in one release in any reasonable amount of time. This release has nearly 400 new images and 25 new animation clips.
I have included 10 save files starting at points throughout the game. Save slot 40 starts where the last update left off. You can reach Enchantment 48 and the release has a fixed ending. It is possible to reach the ending without getting all 48 enchantments. If that is the case, you can either replay from save slot 40 or wait for the next release.
Gallery - through the bedroom mirror (this is only partially completed)
Audio - new music and sound effects throughout the game
New maps - park, Jessie's apartment, Jessie's neighborhood, Night District abandoned subway station
Bug fixes -too many to list - (there was a "null" error popping up in random places - I think this is from a plugin conflict. I've made some adjustments and haven't been able to replicate it. Hopefully, it's fixed, but if not, please screenshot it and send it to me. I'm very interested in figuring out what's going on.)
As always, if you find bugs, have comments, feedback, or suggestions, please message me on here. I love hearing from you all.
- Almost 200 new renders
- 14 new animations
- Updated all scenes with Stacy’s new outfit
- Added a Hint system (just press “t” to toggle on and off)
- New scenes with Zack, Andy, Jim, Jason, Dixon, Marcus, Michael, and a few new characters
- Three new small easter egg scenes
Walkthrough (key choices, but feel free to explore around town):
Work out with Zack
Talk to Marcus at work in the morning
Have lunch with Andy
Go to Dixon’s after work
Talk to Michael in the morning
Work with Jim Slater
Talk to Jason before lunch
Work out with Zack
The rest should play out automatically - end at Enchantment 33.
The Office Wife V.0.25 Prerelease
Greetings fellow smut enthusiasts. The new update for $5 and up Patrons is linked below.
What’s new in this release? A bunch of stuff. Over 300 new renders, five animations, and more than a dozen new scenes (big and small). Stacy is beginning to accept the changes she is going through, though she is still driven by a desire to discover just what happened to her and where the necklace came from.
New scenes with Jim Slater, Nate, Jason, Marcus, Knockers, Dixon’s, Michael, the Doctor, Zack, and more.
For those who are playing from the beginning or earlier saves, I have fixed two major bugs from the last version. The first was one where Polly would not trigger and the other was one where the Doctor event would turn on, but nothing would happen yet you’d still be prevented from going to work. Both of these should be fixed now (I have played fully through with no problems).
I have also included a slot 21 save that picks up right where the last release left off.
The walkthrough is already posted on my website at www.jsdeacon.com/game
The game is becoming less linear, too, so you shouldn’t have to follow it precisely by the walkthrough. If certain events aren’t triggering, just keep playing. The game will end at the end of the update.
If you find bugs, no matter how small, please pm me on patreon or email me at jsdeacon9@gmail.com.
playability changes to previous events
new doctor scene and animation
new Dixon's scene
outfit changes
new basement scene with Jason
new self pleasure scene at home
new scene in alley behind work
new scene with Nate and Jason (longest game scene to date)
Total 4 new animations and over 300 new renders
first release
I have created this Patreon page to help finance these large projects. Creating games like this using RPG Maker and a multitude of 3d software is both time and resource intensive. I have a full-time job that pays the bills so I am not looking to make a personal profit, but rather to keep taking things up to the next level. Additional money can not only help me with equipment and software, but also with in-game resources and eventually assistance from third-party contractors to help with the workload so I can turn out better content faster.
It's only with your patronage that games like this and so many great others can exist and be completed. Thank you.
It's only with your patronage that games like this and so many great others can exist and be completed. Thank you.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 23-02-2025, 10:08
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Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.0.92 Public. Большое спасибо за перевод Rexus. Русский Андроид не обновлялся.
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