You will play as Garrick Reynolds, a news co-anchor. You and your female co-host, Cassandra Hamilton, are both alphas that clawed your ways to where you are now. The new problem is that the station is getting bought by a big news corporation and there will only be one anchor when the sale goes down. Both you and your colleague will try to sabotage each other to get that coveted spot. Maybe her college aged daughter would be a good place to start.
Cheat Code for v0.20: - water
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, anal, bdsm, big ass, big tits, blackmail, corruption, creampie, exhibitionism, groping, humiliation, incest, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, sex toys, spanking, text based, turn based combat, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Pyorgara - www.patreon.com/Pyorgara
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Тип издания: Completed
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
You will play as Garrick Reynolds, a news co-anchor. You and your female co-host, Cassandra Hamilton, are both alphas that clawed your ways to where you are now. The new problem is that the station is getting bought by a big news corporation and there will only be one anchor when the sale goes down. Both you and your colleague will try to sabotage each other to get that coveted spot. Maybe her college aged daughter would be a good place to start.
Cheat Code for v0.20: - water
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, anal, bdsm, big ass, big tits, blackmail, corruption, creampie, exhibitionism, groping, humiliation, incest, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, sex toys, spanking, text based, turn based combat, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Pyorgara - www.patreon.com/Pyorgara
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Тип издания: Completed
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Fixed bugs.
Added new town graphics.
Added allies art.
When meeting an ally for the first time, added a message that says they have been added to the visit tab.
Bubble++ needed to have a bigger energy cost. She gives 100 energy and then just costs 80.
Did some debugging of the ally panel.
Karen sabotage event needed a bit more randomness.
The first time that you get a special event, added an explanation of what those are.
When you win a special event, the blurb now reminds you of the prizes.
Added a hotkey to hide the text box (space bar).
Added space button graphic for talk box.
After a point in the game, Cassandra will now count as a whore to key off whore cards.
Added a Whore graphic for Cassandra.
Added some risk reward to buying whores for energy. Might lose glory but get more energy.
Changed “act like a bimbo” card. It now removes some of her influence and gives you work.
Later on in the game, your hand draw goes down to 4 cards, then 3 as Cassandra works against you.
If you have Chad in town, I removed the "look around carefully" button to remove confusion.
Restructured some things in the town events. The schmoozing event was getting called about 4 times more often than other events.
When winning a fight, I added a message that says how much glory you get.
I pumped up the “rumors” card. It was way too weak. It now helps push the sexual keyword.
Angering Chad subevent didn’t consume energy. Fixed it.
Added basic town BGs so that I don’t have to always use the Cassandra one.
Added CG (Cass/Tiff: *ss fuck)
Added CG (Cass/Tiff: Tiffany's turn)
Added CG (Cass/Tiff: Both)
Added CG (Ending Loss 3)
Added CG (Ending Win 3)
Added CG (Ending Max)
Added clothes change from the “appearance” card to Cassandra puppet.
Added clothes change from the “appearance” card to Cassandra game bust.
Added clothes change from the “appearance” card to win/lose screen.
- New CG (Emily - Streak 2)
- New CG (Tiffany shared - Wh*re)
- New CG (Emily - An*l 2)
- New CG (Emily - Tiff and Emily part 1)
- New CG (Emily - Tiff and Emily part 2)
- New CG (Cassandra - Surrender)
- New CG (Cassandra - Bunny girl)
- New CG (Cassandra - ATM)
- New CG (Tiffany solo - Leave her a present)
- New CG (Tiffany solo - Toilet)
- New CG (Tiffany shared - Dog)
Shows how many charges an ally has left in battle.
Made Anthony and Bubble’s prices easier to understand. (lots of people were confused by the language)
Tweaked some cards power levels.
Made updates go from basic card, to cheaper, to more expensive and powerful.
Made the special events wait at least 5 rounds before appearing again.
When asked to upgrade allies, shows the current skill and the one they could get.
Can click off her cards. (Was surprised I didn’t have that working yet)
Schmooze was a bit too powerful. Made a few variants to lower its power level a little.
Changed Bubble’s skill to draw cards.
Put a check on the done button in battle. (I had more than one complaints that people were hitting it by mistake)
Show all card upgrades when you are buying them.
Fixed some bugs new and old.
New CG (Tiffany shared - lick the girls)
New CG (Emily - anal vibrator)
New CG (Cassandra/Tiffany - bound and gagged)
New CG (Tiffany solo - peeing)
New CG (Tiffany solo - extreme anal)
New CG (Tiffany shared - Give up position)
- New CG (Emily - streak 1)
- New CG (Emily - fuck on campus)
- New CG (Cassandra - high heels 2)
- New CG (Tiffany solo - fisting)
- New CG (Tiffany shared - suck the guys)
(Breaking the princess)
- Sex panel for Julianna.
- Sex panel for Harmony & Elizabeth.
- Made decisive victories work.
- Added a few fighters at the start.
- Made happiness work.
- Made deeds work.
- Made lust work.
- Julianna intro.
- Harmony & Elizabeth intro.
- 2 new scenes for Julianna.
- 1 new scene for Harmony.
- 1 new scene for Elizabeth.
- Fixed reported bugs.
- New art for the blowjob card.
- New CG (Tiffany- anal).
- New Cassandra art while you're playing the card game.
- 1 new Tiffany shared scene. (Finishing that series.)
- 1 new Emily scene. (Finishing that series.)
- All the endings. (Both winning and losing. About 20 pages worth. They change depending on if you won or lost and how "corrupted" each of the girls are.)
- 5 new Cassandra scenes, finishing all her trees.
- 3 new Emily scenes.
- 2 new Tiffany solo scenes. (finishing that tree.)
- 1 new Tiffany shared scene.
- New CG (Cassandra - Fucking)
- New CG (Cassandra - BDSM)
- New CG (Cassandra - Racy photos 2)
- New CG (Cassandra - Housewife)
- New CG (Cassandra - Say yes)
- 1 new card added + event. (comes out when you have at least 300 glory)
- fixed bug (When you clicked on Cassandra’s card to discard some of your cards and then hit the done button, you discarded cards on the next round as if the card was still active).
- 2 new Cassandra/Tiffany scenes (Finishing with those two).
- 2 new Emily scenes.
- 1 new Tiffany solo scene.
- 1 new Tiffany shared scene.
- 10 blurbs to give tips to the player when you go to sleep.
- New CG (Emily - anal 1).
- New CG (Emily - Dress slutty).
- New CG (Emily - deep throat).
- New CG (Cassandra - No bra).
- New CG (Cassandra - Gym stream 2).
- New CG (Cassandra - Towel).
- fixed CG (Cassandra - waitress) I hadn't noticed but Cassandra was wearing high heels in that one.
- 5 new Cassandra scenes (only 5 more remaining so those are pretty juicy).
- New system for special events during the card game.
- 3 new special events. (Translates to 21 scenes of different lengths since they change as you gain glory or depending on how far you pushed Cassandra in the blackmail panel.)
- New CG (Emily blowjob)
- New CG (Emily sex)
- New card art for the "Flippant" and "False lead" cards.
3 of HER cards (intern, wallet and investigation) will start at their lowest level at the beginning of the game.
- Those same cards will become more powerful as you win glory.
- HER "reputation" card will drop in power as you continue to blackmail her.
- Switched the removal conditions for intern and appearance cards. (This means that you only need to tap one ally to remove a card at the start of the game, allowing you to play more with your allies.)
- 3 new Cassandra/Tiffany scenes. (Totally skippable if it's not your thing.)
- 1 new Cassandra scene.
- 1 new CG (Emily gets more work).
- 1 new CG (Be nice to Emily).
- re-added an event at the start of the game to be able to get more "Generous" cards. It was removed by mistake at some point.
- added 7 new events. Some for early and some for later gameplay.
- added a new card for you.
- streamlined the process when Chad blocks an ambush for you. Instead of giving you a message and then making you reclick the button for another event, you now get the scene that Chad protected you and it goes immediately to another event.
- Have the cards show the number changes when influenced by other cards or allies. (price and effects)
- 4 new cassandra scenes.
- new CG for Cassandra (waitress).
- new CG for Cassandra (fingering).
- new CG for Tiffany (Shave her).
- new CG for Tiffany (Sir / Ma'am).
- new outfit for Cassandra (maid).
- new outfit for Cassandra (evening dress).
- new outfit for Cassandra (towel).
- new outfit for Tiffany (slutty clothes).
- new outfit for Emily (slutty schoolgirl).
- 1 new Tiffany solo scene.
- 1 new Tiffany shared scene.
- 2 new Emily scene.
- New CG for Tiffany (fuck her).
- New CG for Cassandra(blowjob).
- New CG for Cassandra(meet and greet 1).
- New CG for Cassandra(thong).
- New CG for Cassandra(drop drink).
- New CG for game(win/lose screen).
- Added the visit button in your home. (can be used to visit allies that you already found but didn't hire/upgrade yet.)
- Fixed bug where the "convert work to something" panel would sometimes appear when not needed.
- Repriced "Information gathering++".
- Repriced "Check your options+" and "Check your options++".
- Repriced "Power play", "Power play+" and "Power play++".
- Cassandra's "trashy appearance" card now only needs on ally click to remove.
- Gym training when maxed on energy will only take energy if you need to reset your gym skipped days. Otherwise, it will just remind you how ripped you are.
- Added 5 new Cassandra scenes.
- New CG for Tiffany “high heels”.
- New CG for Tiffany “makeout”.
- New CG for Emily “hallway blowjob” (This is the scene after you fuck Tiffany.).
- Gallery.
- Fixed the bug that was hiding the Tiffany shared and Emily scenes.
- Fixed a ton of bugs.
- Added 5 new Cassandra scenes.
- Added 13 new events for the town.
- Added a new card.
- Fixed a few bugs that had been reported.
- Made it so that the town events change as your glory climbs
- 3 new Tiffany (solo) scenes.
- 3 new Tiffany (shared) scenes.
- Added the CG for kneeling scene (Cassandra).
- Added the CG for gym stream (Cassandra).
- Added the CG for groping (Cassandra).
- Added the CG for masturbate (Cassandra).
- Fixed a few visual bugs.
- Re-added the clicking on the text box to remove it functionality.
- Replaced the default BG scribble that I used before with a new one. This one is not going to be the default in the future but it’s better than what we had before.
- Added card arts (both yours and Cassandra’s)
- Added tutorial, along with the ability to replay the first game as often as you like to practice.
- Changed game mechanics. You now try to get the other to zero influence rather than get to 50.
- Because of the change in mechanics, I change a few of your and Cassandra’s cards.
- I also removed the rewards for removing her cards as I found that it was hard to remember when playing.
- Added character art everywhere!
- Added an event to “business street”.
- Added a new card for you.
- Added a networking option in “news room” to help buff up your influence.
- 5 new Cassandra scenes.
- 1 new Tiffany shared scene.
- 4 new Emily scenes. (This crazy girl was pretty fun to write)
- Designed 10 new cards.
- Added 10 new events in the town.
- 2 new game mechanics. “Whore” and “Sexual”.
- Added the “Whore” keyword to Karen++.
- Fixed the double Karen bug. (You’d have to restart the game to not have her twice… Or you can keep her and have twins as secretaries. ^_^)
- Added the functionality to tap allies to be able to get rid of Her appearance card.
- Made the common events appear at a rate of 30% rather than 50% in town. So you’ll get the targeted location events more often.
- updated the “how to play” page.
- Fixed 2 past bugs.
- Added 6 new Cassandra blackmail scenes.
- Added 4 new Tiffany shared scenes.
- Added in the Cassandra card degradation as you use her. (Will need to restart to get those engaged, sadly)
- Now that you have more tools to win, I added a surprise for you when you start to win too much glory.
- Added a cap to maximum energy. Also, it you skip the gym too often, your energy will drop.
- Added the “how to play” button to the start screen.
- Added the gym training button to up your maximum energy.
- Added the upgrading button to the business district. With this you can up the effectiveness of your cards while lowering it’s cost.
- Added the removing button to the ghetto. With this you can remove cards from your deck.
- Fixed some bugs new and old.
- Added min/max for cards (min number of cards: 10) (Max number of cards: 40)
- Separate the events. Now the locations have their unique events. Some events are shared by one or two locations and some are communal events that can be accessed anywhere.
- Added 7 new events.
- Ally backend code.
- Maximilian’s (Ally) story and functionality.
- Karen’s (Ally) 3 part story and functionality. (sexy time in this one)
- Tiffany’s two part intro.
- 1 Cassandra scene.
- 5 Tiffany scenes.
- Emily intro.
- Save/load functionality.
- 13 sexy scenes.
- 2 introductory scenes.
- 11 unique town events with 10 extra variance.
- UI art.
- Cheat mode added. (you can add to your energy, money and blackmail. You can also choose to skip battles for as long as you want.)
- Help file added to the game. (Just right click at any time to summon it.)
- intro script.
- 10 cards introduced for HER.
- 40 cards for YOU.
- The battle system in general.
Fixed bugs.
Added new town graphics.
Added allies art.
When meeting an ally for the first time, added a message that says they have been added to the visit tab.
Bubble++ needed to have a bigger energy cost. She gives 100 energy and then just costs 80.
Did some debugging of the ally panel.
Karen sabotage event needed a bit more randomness.
The first time that you get a special event, added an explanation of what those are.
When you win a special event, the blurb now reminds you of the prizes.
Added a hotkey to hide the text box (space bar).
Added space button graphic for talk box.
After a point in the game, Cassandra will now count as a whore to key off whore cards.
Added a Whore graphic for Cassandra.
Added some risk reward to buying whores for energy. Might lose glory but get more energy.
Changed “act like a bimbo” card. It now removes some of her influence and gives you work.
Later on in the game, your hand draw goes down to 4 cards, then 3 as Cassandra works against you.
If you have Chad in town, I removed the "look around carefully" button to remove confusion.
Restructured some things in the town events. The schmoozing event was getting called about 4 times more often than other events.
When winning a fight, I added a message that says how much glory you get.
I pumped up the “rumors” card. It was way too weak. It now helps push the sexual keyword.
Angering Chad subevent didn’t consume energy. Fixed it.
Added basic town BGs so that I don’t have to always use the Cassandra one.
Added CG (Cass/Tiff: *ss fuck)
Added CG (Cass/Tiff: Tiffany's turn)
Added CG (Cass/Tiff: Both)
Added CG (Ending Loss 3)
Added CG (Ending Win 3)
Added CG (Ending Max)
Added clothes change from the “appearance” card to Cassandra puppet.
Added clothes change from the “appearance” card to Cassandra game bust.
Added clothes change from the “appearance” card to win/lose screen.
- New CG (Emily - Streak 2)
- New CG (Tiffany shared - Wh*re)
- New CG (Emily - An*l 2)
- New CG (Emily - Tiff and Emily part 1)
- New CG (Emily - Tiff and Emily part 2)
- New CG (Cassandra - Surrender)
- New CG (Cassandra - Bunny girl)
- New CG (Cassandra - ATM)
- New CG (Tiffany solo - Leave her a present)
- New CG (Tiffany solo - Toilet)
- New CG (Tiffany shared - Dog)
Shows how many charges an ally has left in battle.
Made Anthony and Bubble’s prices easier to understand. (lots of people were confused by the language)
Tweaked some cards power levels.
Made updates go from basic card, to cheaper, to more expensive and powerful.
Made the special events wait at least 5 rounds before appearing again.
When asked to upgrade allies, shows the current skill and the one they could get.
Can click off her cards. (Was surprised I didn’t have that working yet)
Schmooze was a bit too powerful. Made a few variants to lower its power level a little.
Changed Bubble’s skill to draw cards.
Put a check on the done button in battle. (I had more than one complaints that people were hitting it by mistake)
Show all card upgrades when you are buying them.
Fixed some bugs new and old.
New CG (Tiffany shared - lick the girls)
New CG (Emily - anal vibrator)
New CG (Cassandra/Tiffany - bound and gagged)
New CG (Tiffany solo - peeing)
New CG (Tiffany solo - extreme anal)
New CG (Tiffany shared - Give up position)
- New CG (Emily - streak 1)
- New CG (Emily - fuck on campus)
- New CG (Cassandra - high heels 2)
- New CG (Tiffany solo - fisting)
- New CG (Tiffany shared - suck the guys)
(Breaking the princess)
- Sex panel for Julianna.
- Sex panel for Harmony & Elizabeth.
- Made decisive victories work.
- Added a few fighters at the start.
- Made happiness work.
- Made deeds work.
- Made lust work.
- Julianna intro.
- Harmony & Elizabeth intro.
- 2 new scenes for Julianna.
- 1 new scene for Harmony.
- 1 new scene for Elizabeth.
- Fixed reported bugs.
- New art for the blowjob card.
- New CG (Tiffany- anal).
- New Cassandra art while you're playing the card game.
- 1 new Tiffany shared scene. (Finishing that series.)
- 1 new Emily scene. (Finishing that series.)
- All the endings. (Both winning and losing. About 20 pages worth. They change depending on if you won or lost and how "corrupted" each of the girls are.)
- 5 new Cassandra scenes, finishing all her trees.
- 3 new Emily scenes.
- 2 new Tiffany solo scenes. (finishing that tree.)
- 1 new Tiffany shared scene.
- New CG (Cassandra - Fucking)
- New CG (Cassandra - BDSM)
- New CG (Cassandra - Racy photos 2)
- New CG (Cassandra - Housewife)
- New CG (Cassandra - Say yes)
- 1 new card added + event. (comes out when you have at least 300 glory)
- fixed bug (When you clicked on Cassandra’s card to discard some of your cards and then hit the done button, you discarded cards on the next round as if the card was still active).
- 2 new Cassandra/Tiffany scenes (Finishing with those two).
- 2 new Emily scenes.
- 1 new Tiffany solo scene.
- 1 new Tiffany shared scene.
- 10 blurbs to give tips to the player when you go to sleep.
- New CG (Emily - anal 1).
- New CG (Emily - Dress slutty).
- New CG (Emily - deep throat).
- New CG (Cassandra - No bra).
- New CG (Cassandra - Gym stream 2).
- New CG (Cassandra - Towel).
- fixed CG (Cassandra - waitress) I hadn't noticed but Cassandra was wearing high heels in that one.
- 5 new Cassandra scenes (only 5 more remaining so those are pretty juicy).
- New system for special events during the card game.
- 3 new special events. (Translates to 21 scenes of different lengths since they change as you gain glory or depending on how far you pushed Cassandra in the blackmail panel.)
- New CG (Emily blowjob)
- New CG (Emily sex)
- New card art for the "Flippant" and "False lead" cards.
3 of HER cards (intern, wallet and investigation) will start at their lowest level at the beginning of the game.
- Those same cards will become more powerful as you win glory.
- HER "reputation" card will drop in power as you continue to blackmail her.
- Switched the removal conditions for intern and appearance cards. (This means that you only need to tap one ally to remove a card at the start of the game, allowing you to play more with your allies.)
- 3 new Cassandra/Tiffany scenes. (Totally skippable if it's not your thing.)
- 1 new Cassandra scene.
- 1 new CG (Emily gets more work).
- 1 new CG (Be nice to Emily).
- re-added an event at the start of the game to be able to get more "Generous" cards. It was removed by mistake at some point.
- added 7 new events. Some for early and some for later gameplay.
- added a new card for you.
- streamlined the process when Chad blocks an ambush for you. Instead of giving you a message and then making you reclick the button for another event, you now get the scene that Chad protected you and it goes immediately to another event.
- Have the cards show the number changes when influenced by other cards or allies. (price and effects)
- 4 new cassandra scenes.
- new CG for Cassandra (waitress).
- new CG for Cassandra (fingering).
- new CG for Tiffany (Shave her).
- new CG for Tiffany (Sir / Ma'am).
- new outfit for Cassandra (maid).
- new outfit for Cassandra (evening dress).
- new outfit for Cassandra (towel).
- new outfit for Tiffany (slutty clothes).
- new outfit for Emily (slutty schoolgirl).
- 1 new Tiffany solo scene.
- 1 new Tiffany shared scene.
- 2 new Emily scene.
- New CG for Tiffany (fuck her).
- New CG for Cassandra(blowjob).
- New CG for Cassandra(meet and greet 1).
- New CG for Cassandra(thong).
- New CG for Cassandra(drop drink).
- New CG for game(win/lose screen).
- Added the visit button in your home. (can be used to visit allies that you already found but didn't hire/upgrade yet.)
- Fixed bug where the "convert work to something" panel would sometimes appear when not needed.
- Repriced "Information gathering++".
- Repriced "Check your options+" and "Check your options++".
- Repriced "Power play", "Power play+" and "Power play++".
- Cassandra's "trashy appearance" card now only needs on ally click to remove.
- Gym training when maxed on energy will only take energy if you need to reset your gym skipped days. Otherwise, it will just remind you how ripped you are.
- Added 5 new Cassandra scenes.
- New CG for Tiffany “high heels”.
- New CG for Tiffany “makeout”.
- New CG for Emily “hallway blowjob” (This is the scene after you fuck Tiffany.).
- Gallery.
- Fixed the bug that was hiding the Tiffany shared and Emily scenes.
- Fixed a ton of bugs.
- Added 5 new Cassandra scenes.
- Added 13 new events for the town.
- Added a new card.
- Fixed a few bugs that had been reported.
- Made it so that the town events change as your glory climbs
- 3 new Tiffany (solo) scenes.
- 3 new Tiffany (shared) scenes.
- Added the CG for kneeling scene (Cassandra).
- Added the CG for gym stream (Cassandra).
- Added the CG for groping (Cassandra).
- Added the CG for masturbate (Cassandra).
- Fixed a few visual bugs.
- Re-added the clicking on the text box to remove it functionality.
- Replaced the default BG scribble that I used before with a new one. This one is not going to be the default in the future but it’s better than what we had before.
- Added card arts (both yours and Cassandra’s)
- Added tutorial, along with the ability to replay the first game as often as you like to practice.
- Changed game mechanics. You now try to get the other to zero influence rather than get to 50.
- Because of the change in mechanics, I change a few of your and Cassandra’s cards.
- I also removed the rewards for removing her cards as I found that it was hard to remember when playing.
- Added character art everywhere!
- Added an event to “business street”.
- Added a new card for you.
- Added a networking option in “news room” to help buff up your influence.
- 5 new Cassandra scenes.
- 1 new Tiffany shared scene.
- 4 new Emily scenes. (This crazy girl was pretty fun to write)
- Designed 10 new cards.
- Added 10 new events in the town.
- 2 new game mechanics. “Whore” and “Sexual”.
- Added the “Whore” keyword to Karen++.
- Fixed the double Karen bug. (You’d have to restart the game to not have her twice… Or you can keep her and have twins as secretaries. ^_^)
- Added the functionality to tap allies to be able to get rid of Her appearance card.
- Made the common events appear at a rate of 30% rather than 50% in town. So you’ll get the targeted location events more often.
- updated the “how to play” page.
- Fixed 2 past bugs.
- Added 6 new Cassandra blackmail scenes.
- Added 4 new Tiffany shared scenes.
- Added in the Cassandra card degradation as you use her. (Will need to restart to get those engaged, sadly)
- Now that you have more tools to win, I added a surprise for you when you start to win too much glory.
- Added a cap to maximum energy. Also, it you skip the gym too often, your energy will drop.
- Added the “how to play” button to the start screen.
- Added the gym training button to up your maximum energy.
- Added the upgrading button to the business district. With this you can up the effectiveness of your cards while lowering it’s cost.
- Added the removing button to the ghetto. With this you can remove cards from your deck.
- Fixed some bugs new and old.
- Added min/max for cards (min number of cards: 10) (Max number of cards: 40)
- Separate the events. Now the locations have their unique events. Some events are shared by one or two locations and some are communal events that can be accessed anywhere.
- Added 7 new events.
- Ally backend code.
- Maximilian’s (Ally) story and functionality.
- Karen’s (Ally) 3 part story and functionality. (sexy time in this one)
- Tiffany’s two part intro.
- 1 Cassandra scene.
- 5 Tiffany scenes.
- Emily intro.
- Save/load functionality.
- 13 sexy scenes.
- 2 introductory scenes.
- 11 unique town events with 10 extra variance.
- UI art.
- Cheat mode added. (you can add to your energy, money and blackmail. You can also choose to skip battles for as long as you want.)
- Help file added to the game. (Just right click at any time to summon it.)
- intro script.
- 10 cards introduced for HER.
- 40 cards for YOU.
- The battle system in general.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 23-01-2024, 22:44
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News_desk (3 файла)