Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: furry, corruption, transformation, 2D game, mind control, bimbofication, adventure, male domination, gay, lesbian, male protagonist, female protagonist, text based,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: ExileOfAphrodisia - www.patreon.com/ExileOfAphrodisia/overview
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0.16
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
"The Exile of Aphrodisia" - это трансформационная игра для взрослых, вдохновленная "Oregon Trail" и "Odyssey". Ваша задача - провести группу людей по фантастическому континенту Афродизия, преследуемую демонами, которые стремятся поработить остатки человечества.
Игра в значительной степени основана на концепции всевозможных трансформаций, включая трансгендерность, антропоморфность, анималистичность, причудливые модификации тела, неодушевленность и многое другое. Будучи новым видом на континенте, люди являются главными мишенями для преобразований со стороны сил природы и других разумных рас, а также богов и богинь, которые присматривают за землями, навязывая свою волю и (часто несправедливое) чувство справедливости. Как эльф, нанятый для руководства отрядом, вы должны обеспечить безопасность как можно большего числа людей и провести их к пространственному разлому в Ниу Хейме, городе Врат, куда человечество впервые прибыло тысячу лет назад. Вы должны поддерживать здоровье и счастье своей компании и держать их похоть под контролем, чтобы они не отдали свою свободу демонам.
Exile of Aphrodisia is an adult transformation-themed game inspired by the Oregon Trail and the Odyssey. Your task is to lead a party of humans across the fantasy continent of Aphrodisia, pursued by demons who seek to enslave the remnants of humanity.
The game is largely revolved around the concept of transformation of many sorts, including TG (transgender), anthro, animal, bizarre body modifications, inanimate, and more. As a new species to the continent, humans are prime targets for transformations from forces of nature and other sentient races, as well as the gods and goddesses who watch over the lands, imposing their will and (often unjust) sense of justice. As an elf hired to guide the party, it is your job to keep as many of the humans safe as you can to guide them to the dimensional rift in Niu Heym, the City of the Gate where humanity first arrived a thousand years ago. You must keep your party healthy and happy, and keep their lust under control to stop them from surrendering their freedom to the demons.
New encounters:
- Voice of the Goddess, male elf into bimbo plant fox player transformation. Written by Hazel (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/unsavoryrepute).
New scavening events:
- Added jungle rice-paddy harvesting event suggested by Soren
Balancing changes:
- Each additional draft horse now only provides half the party movement speed bonus of the previous.
- Store-purchasable Dairy Cows (as well as fairy cows and milking cowtaur variants from encounter transformations) now have a 55% chance to produce 6 kg of milk a day instead of 35% chance to produce 4kg.
- Store-purchasing Chickens now have a 70% chance of producing 2kg of eggs a day instead of 1kg.
- Encounters have a slightly higher chance of spawning per half hour. The minimum cooldown between encounters remains the same, however.
- The bonus affliction recovery chance provided from having a skilled priest in the party now only applies to party members who have been treated at least a minor potion or better.
- Lusty Berry Flower Girl now correctly produces loveberries instead of wild mushrooms
- Fix for bad variable substitution in the Life on the Lighter Side / An Uplifting Touch balloon fate.
- Many typo fixes found by community submissions
- Fix for Late Bloomer encounter allowing player to choose the same person to rescue the person as who was abducted
- Fix for Shrine of Magnus show text for the wrong party member sex
New art:
- player transformation from male elf into bimbo plant fox by Vjeol
New encounters:
- Merry-Go-Morph (player transformation from male elf into chimera)
New art:
- player transformation from male elf into chimera by AcuteDaisy
New game features:
- Dairy cows and chicken (and their fairy variants) produce twice as much food when they do produce them in the mornings.
- 3 new desert fate epilogues for party members due to low morale
- 2 new ice road fate epilogues for party members due to low morale
- 3 new jungle fate epilogues for party members due to low morale
- 1 new greenlands fate epilogue for party members due to low morale
New encounters:
- Size Isn't Everything (tf into fairy with Napoleonic Complex) by Roxanne
- Night of the Cow Brides (tf into minotaur milk cows) by Duhad
- A Tiger's Fearful Symmetry (tf into tiger and tiger into human) by Duhad
- Demonic Music to Electrify the Soul (tf into metal imp bard) by Duhad
- Pinkie Please (tf into pink latex drone)
- Your Wish is My Command (player transformation from female elf to wish-granting Djinn) by Roxanne
New art:
- Fairy with a Napoloenic Complex by AcuteDaisy
- Minotaur milk cows by Vjeol
- Tiger by BeingObscene
- Metal Imp Bard by Balile
- Pink latex drone by Vjeol
- Djinn by AcuteDaisy
- Added unique artwork for elven wineskin, mood ring, and tobacco pouch purchaseable morale-boosting supplies
New encounters:
- Three Heads are Better than None encounter (tf into hydra) by Duhad
- A Natural in Need (tf into griffon chick) by Duhad
- A Nip in the Night (tf into medusa) by Duhad
- A Beggar's Bargain (tf into basilik) by Duhad
- Maple Mayhem (tf into maple-syrup-leaking tree woman) by Duhad
New art:
- Huldra by Balile
- Phoenix by BeingObscene
- Medusa by Vjeol
- Elf mother and father by BeingObscene
- Male elf into dragoness player transformation sequence by Balile
- New Player transformation, male elf into a hypermuscular male werewolf, by guest writer Lamarcodon and artwork by Vjeol
- Added Chubby Anocanda Girl graphic by Balile
- Added Albino Sand Viper graphic by Balil
- A Dark Passenger fate epilogue should display text now
- Party creation / customization should now display the skill associated with each profession again
- Various spelling fixes
New game features:
- Added new terrain, the Magnoliophyta Jungle, an alternative route to the desert. Stock up on Bottles of Bug Repellent to keep party members healthy and happy.
- Added 14 jungle scavenging events by both April by Judoo
- Losing party members at the end of an affliction now incurs a consistent party-wide 10 morale penalty, similar to losing party members in encounters.
- Certain encounters where you can help characters may reward the party with Marazan's Blessing, a temporary boost to all party member's skills. Similarly, denying help to those in need may result in gaining Marazan's Displeasure, a temporary penalty that lowers all party members' skills.
- Overhauled food system. Each food type now belongs to one of six food groups. Having a variety of foods between the six groups offers bonus health and morale while having an insufficient variety has a small health and morale penalty.
- The player and party members will eat an equal share from each available food group and receive the full bonus or penalties associated with that food type.
- Added new purchaseable food item, dried fruits, that represent the fruit food group and stay good for 720 hours.
- Added new purchaseable food item, dried vegetables that represent the vegetables food group and stay good for 720 hours.
- Salted meat is now more expensive than other fresh foods.
- Added new trait, Light Eater. Party members with this trait eat .25 kg of food less per meal.
- Party members with the glutton trait eat .35 kg of food extra instead of .5 kg.
- Removed the choice whether or not to eat oldest foods first as well the ability to prioritize or deprioritize eating foods. The foods expiring soonest per food group are always given priority.
- Party members with the lowest health are prioritized to be fed for each meal.
- Party members who leave the party due to low health, low morale, or high lust can now get one of multiple unique fate epilogues.
- Added route from Well of Sleeping Spirits and Dusty Cliffs to The Jungle Exploration Station.
- Added route from Crimson Hollow to The Desert Checkpoint.
- Added a new landmark, Cantor's Ascent, which connects the end of the jungle back to the greenlands.
- All lost party members now have a fate epilogue written primarily by Duhad.
- Divine influence effects now stack, meaning multiple effects all provide bonuses or penalties
- Food descriptions now include what their effects on health, morale, and lust are, if any
- Bonuses from equipment or positive divine influences display in green on party member name cards while negatives display in red
- The Voyage page lists all encounters you've witnessed so far
- Shop page now shows the food type icon beside the food name
- The running game icon in the Windows open app bar now has a custom icon instead of the generic Electron one
- Pausing the game and viewing player / party / food / voyage / action/ inventory pages, then returning back, does not automatically unpause the game anymore
- Added additional artists credits on the About page
- Jungle biome now has unique audio ambience noises
- Equippable item descriptions show what professions that can use them as well as how much bonus skill they provide
- Food descriptions show any bonuses or penalties to health, morale, or lust
- Added new party preset, the Heads Held High party, which is a wealthy 20-member party full of low-skilled and affliction-vulnerable former noblemen and women. This present is intentionally very challenging.
- Disabled Date with a Dragon player transformation encounter due to artwork not being complete on time. All other player transformation sequences are fully illustrated.
New encounters:
- Secret of the Piranha River (tf into piranha mermaid) by Duhad
- Look, But Don't Touch (tf into rose alraune) by Duhad
- Parrot Talk (tf into parrot woman)
- The Warrior in Bronze (tf into six-armed, six-breasted bronze golem)
- Herbs in High Places (inflation)
- A Show Fit for a God (mtf and ftm TG) by Duhad
- Black Wings in a Dark Night (tf into fruit bat girl) by Duhad
- Turn Around, Turn Around (tf into chameoleon girl) by Duhad
- The Fountain of Youth? (mtf / ftm TG) by Duhad
- Sacrificial Adjustments (mtf TG) by Duhad
- Tyrant King Requires A Queen (tf into tyrantsaur) by Duhad
- The Once and Future Queen (player tf into summer fairy queen) by Duhad
- The Moth Moonbridge (tf into Blue Sister mothwoman, silver winged moth wildpeople)
- A Little Bit Fruity (tf into Animus fruit)
- The Cave of the Crystal Cocks (ftm TG, tf into crystal cock statue)
- Sugar and Spice (mtf TG, possession)
- Webeed Lies (mtf, tf into anthro poison dart frog woman)
- The Most Dangerous Prey (tf into raptaur huntress) by Duhad
- Hear me Roar (tf into panther)
- A Dark Passenger (tf into male vampire) by Duhad
- The Wardrobe War (absorption into butt/breasts, various inanimate, tf into horse, tf into cow, male to female TG)
- Wishful Thinking (tf into chubby anocanda girl) by Duhad
- Mighty Small Hunters (tf into goblin women) by Duhad
- Gone Native (tf into Mesozog elf heroine) by Duhad
- Jungle Japery (tf into happy and grumy clown girls) by Duhad
- The Rainbow Mother (tf into amber fairy statue, tf into hummingbird-winged fairy)
New landmark NPCs:
- New NPC, Juan the Jungle Explorer, found at the Jungle Exploration Station, by Duhad
- Old Gregor the Fisherman, found at Angler's Hollow, by Duhad
- Marlane the Human Ex-Bandit, found at Tomb of Gromlith the Great, by Duhad
- Zamir the Sand Viper Merchant, found at Ironhart Oasis Fort, by Duhad
- Zac-Kuk the Mesozog Huntress, found at Mesozog Temple City, by Duhad
- Claiborne The Dark Elf Slaver, found at Hero’s Plummit, by Duhad
- Sigeweard the Wildmen Elder, found at Whispering Crevice, by Duhad
- Mariam the Vampire and her Servant Karkinos, found at Sanctuary of the Bones, by Duhad
- Tulip the Elf Bard, found at Hollow Mountain, by Duhad
- Avraham The Dwarven Warrior, found at Clan Hammerhand Fortress, bu Duhad
- Millio the Elven Guide, found at David’s Tower, by Duhad
- Rowen the Clockwork Girl, found at Silent Stone Springs, by Duhad
New graphics:
- Mimic Girl by Vjeol
- Deer Boi Dancer by Vjeol
- Exotic Flower by Vjeol
- Ice Sculpture by Vjeol
- Fire Elemental by Jveol
- Cumslave by Vjeol
- Male elf into centauress player transformation sequence by Vjeol
- Succubus Queen by Luxianne
- Sister of Midnight by BeingObscene
- Minotaur Bull by BeingObscene
- Mist Spirit by BeingObscene
- Golden dragon statue by BeingObscene
- Unicorn by Luxianne
- Tentacle dog by Vjeol
- Ice Wraith by Vjeol
- Fox Tail by Luxianne
- Female elf to water elemental player transformation sequence by Vjeol
- Crystal Cock statue by Luxianne
- Crocodile woman by Unidentified-TF
- Chicken-Cow hybrid woman by Unidentified-TF
- Pregnant Dragoness by BeingObscene
- Rose Alraune by BeingObscene
- Frankenstein Bride by BeingObscene
- Female elf guide to faun bard player transformation sequence by Vjeol
- Female elf to summer fairy queen, including animations for 4th and final steps, by Vjeol
- Six-armed, Six-breasted bronze golem by Luxianne
- Jungle parralax scrolling background by Balile
- Six-armed, six breasted bronze golem by Luxianne
- Sapphire Harp by Wrenzephyr
- Poison Dart Frog Woman by Luxianne
- Raptaur by BeingObscene
- Tyrantsaur by BeingObscene
- Monster lizard woman by BeingObscene
- Piranha mermaid by Balile
- Goblin huntress by Balile
- Chameleon girl by Vjeol
- Happy and grumpy clown girl graphics by Balile
- Female werewolf by BeingObscene
- White Wolf by Balile
- Parrot woman by Luxianne
- Blue Sister mothwoman by Vjoel
- Harem bimbo by Wrenzephyr
- new icon for bottles of incense
- Lacy pink panties by Luxianne
- The demons Makscum and Lorelai by Luxianne
- Vulture harpy by Wrenzephyr
- Butterfly Nymph by Balile
- Marble statue fountain by Bluebell
- Silver mothmen by Vjeol
- Furry Bra and Panties by Balile
- Fixed an unintended holdover behavior that gave the male elf 80% of being selected by default. Now both male and female elf guides have a 50% chance of being selected.
- Fixed a bug where randomly added party members from certain events don't have a name that corresponds to their sex
- Fixed pronoun issues with summer fairy queen Put Right Once What Went Wrong instincts kick in event
- The pre-made party presents should no longer have an extra "The" in the front of the name
- NPC dialogue text should now mix in variable blocks of text correct, ie no $PC_species$ or $PARTY$ mistakenly appearing
- Fixed incorrect message when party needed terrain-specific recources but had none
- Fix for the shop not showing the correct amount of food of a given type that you already have when there are multiple groups of food with different spoilages for that food type
- Various item and food description spelling corrections. Corrections to introduction texts.
New game features:
- Tagged all older encounters with the Transgender (male to female) tag where appropriate, as well as with some other appropriate tags. Please let me know if you feel an encounter is missing a tag.
- The New Game page now displays the total number of encounters that can trigger based on the number of tags enabled and disabled.
- Party movement speed has been scaled up from an average of 3.2 km/h to 5.0 km/h. The distances between landmarks, as well as abilities that affect party travel speed, have been scaled up as well to match the new ratio.
- Updated Shop UI to merge the Amount and Party columns into one
- Added a few options on the New Game page that starts the party out with some basic supplies and food. The packages come in bountiful, standard, few, and none. The package chosen has no effect on starting money and can make the game experience easier or harder.
- The New Game page shows the highest level skill of each profession at the bottom to assist in making more balanced parties.
- Reworked layout on the main game page. Fixed an issue where the button jumps around when being clicked.
- Added a new party preset, The Androgynous Fellowship, by Duhad. This party has an even balance of sexes and professions.
- Added the Village Apothecary to landmarks which allows you to heal party members, similar to how taverns and temples restore morale / remove lust
- Added 18+ consent page that appears when the game is launched. Players must agree to the terms before playing.
- Not all landmarks will have all the features of others now. The five features are the Tavern, Temple of Domumeris, Apothecary, Food/Item shop, and Sanctuary.
- The player character now uses food from the party's food stores. By default the player eats .5kg food per meal, but this amount can vary based on the player's current form.
- The player page now shows how much food you eat per meal.
- Added a button to eject afflicted party members from the affliction detail page.
- Each section of the journey now has multiple routes that can be taken. All routes take the party toward Niu Heym, but some routes are longer than others and lead to landmarks with a different combination of attractions.
- The Voyage page has been changed to show total distance traveled as well as the shortest and longest possible distances to Niu Heym. The trail progression percentage on the bottom-right of the main page uses the average between the two.
- Removed the number of landmarks customizeable option on the New Game page now that the trail is no longer randomized.
- Restyled buttons and various frames with a new wood panel style
- NPCs always appear at a fixed landmark instead of being randomly scattered about the trail
- Added new NPC, Manara the Desert Nomad, who explains the desert. Written by Duhad
- Added new NPC, Noemi The Ice Road Surveyor, who explains the ice roads. Written by Duhad
- The detailed description for food types and items in stores now appears in a popup instead of at the top of the page
- Graphics should flow better with text now
- Added two traits, Affliction-Resistant and Affliction-Vulnerable, that make it party members with these traits have their afflictions progress more quickly or slowly
- Landmark services (shop, tavern, temple, apothecary, sanctuary) should now show the party's total money at the top of the page
- Fate epilogues for party members should present more cleanly and not have images push into other epilogues
- Some older encounters that repeat a party member's full name (first and last) all the time are updated to use the first name over the full name. This is an ongoing process.
New graphics:
- Cowtaur by Unidentified-TF
- Succubus Queen and Slave by Wrenzephyr
- Dog Woman by Wrenzephyr
- Front page graphic of Niu Heym by Balile. The final landmark also uses this image and not the generic village one.
- Chicken woman by Unidentified-TF
- Ice Fairy by Unidentified-TF
- Bee girl by Wrenzephyr
- Dragon Bride by Balile
- Reindeer by Balile
- Mummy Queen by Wrenzephyr
- Snow Nymph by Balile
- Magma Goddess by Balile
- Centauress Bride by Unidentified-TF
- Cat Woman by Unidentified-TF
- Love Doll by Wrenzephyr
- Mouse Woman by Witchy
- Shark Pirate Captain by Balile
- Wandering Bimbo by Witchy
- Player transformation female elf guide to naga by Luxianne
- Lust Berry Flower Girl (by Witchy)
- Caecalia (by Balile)
- Goat Girl (by Unidentified-TF)
- Sand viper priestess (by Balile)
- Player transformation female elf guide to foxwoman (by Luxianne)
New encounters:
- Lost Pirates (tf into sharkwoman captain) - by Duhad
- The Springs of Hylanana (tf into water nymphs) - by Judoo and Duhad
- Clucking Pox (tf into chicken women)
- Horsing Around (player transformation from male elf into centauress) by Duhad
- The Forming of Water (player transformation from female elf into water elementa) by Roxanne
- Date With a Dragon (player transformation from male elf into dragoness)
- Pride Cast in Gold (tf into golden dragon statue) by Duhad
- The End of the Road Inn (tf/tg into busty waitresses) by Duhad
- The Mysterious Vault (tg) by Duhad
- The Beautiful Butterfly and Mysterious Moth (tf into butterfly nymph / butterfly) by Duhad
- Cowgirl Blues (tf into milking cowtaur) by Duhad
New fate epilogues:
- Makscum's Pony
- Lorelai's Cumslave
- Starfall
- The best scout in the party now has significantly more impact in determining the party's speed bonus. Previously this value was neglibible.
- Fixed a bug that greatly decreased the odds of some of the newer player transformations from triggering
- Fixed game not saving or loading
- If I Were a Bee displays correct text instead of duplicate text
- Item detail popup should now work for the selling items panel
- Noemi The Ice Road Surveyor NPC dialogue options should now direct to the correct text
- Encounters that only have one stage should now display the effect logs below the encounter text.
New game features:
- Restyled buttons and various frames with a new wood panel style
- NPCs always appear at a fixed landmark instead of being randomly scattered about the trail
- Added new NPC, Manara the Desert Nomad, who explains the desert. Written by Duhad
- Added new NPC, Noemi The Ice Road Surveyor, who explains the ice roads. Written by Duhad
- The detailed description for food types and items in stores now appears in a popup instead of at the top of the page
- Graphics should flow better with text now
New graphics:
- Love Doll (by Wrenzephyr)
- Mouse Woman (by Witchy)
- Shark Pirate Captain (by Balile)
- Wandering Bimbo (by Witchy)
- Player transformation female elf guide to naga (By Luxianne)
- Fixed game not saving or loading
- If I Were a Bee displays correct text instead of duplicate text
New game features:
- Added two traits, Affliction-Resistant and Affliction-Vulnerable, that make it party members with these traits have their afflictions progress more quickly or slowly
- Landmark services (shop, tavern, temple, apothecary, sanctuary) should now show the party's total money at the top of the page
- Fate epilogues for party members should present more cleanly and not have images push into other epilogues
- Some older encounters that repeat a party member's full name (first and last) all the time are updated to use the first name over the full name. This is an ongoing process.
New graphics:
- Lust Berry Flower Girl (by Witchy)
- Caecalia (by Balile)
- Goat Girl (by Unidentified-TF)
- Sand viper priestess (by Balile)
- Player transformation female elf guide to foxwoman (by Luxianne)
- Item detail popup should now work for the selling items panel
- Noemi The Ice Road Surveyor NPC dialogue options should now direct to the correct text
- Encounters that only have one stage should now display the effect logs below the encounter text.
- The Ice Queen Cometh (tf into ice wraith) by Camellia
- The Skald's Tale (tf into female reindeer) by Duhad
- Under the Painted Sky (mtf ftm TG) by Duhad
- New biome, the Ice Roads.
- The White Wolf (tf into wolf) by Duhad
- Keeping Warm (tf into pine tree) by Duhad
- Frozen Beauty (tf into ice sculpture) by Duhad
- Music Haze by Duhad (player transformation from female elf to faun)
- The Caverns of Gold by Duhad (tf into gold statue, dragoness)
- The Dry Desert River by Duhad (tf into crocodile wildwomen, lizard monsters)
New fate epilogues:
- Mushroom Mischief
- Come Play With Us
- Light on the Feet
- New party preset, the Man's Men, a balance party of all men.
- You can now choose to add or remove individual traits for party members on the new game creation page. Upon assigning a trait, the other traits that are exclusive to it will dissappear. For example, if you make someone 'chaste' then the option to make them a 'nymphomaniac' will no longer show.
- You can now write your own backstories for characters on the new game creation page.
- You can now save your own party setup as your own preset. New party presets will appear in the preset/party folder and will appear on the party preset dropdown.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the game to stop working when all party members are afflicted
New game features:
- Added choice when beginning a new game to select a party preset. Party presets have consistent characters with consistent professions, skills, appearances, and backstories, and may present some unique challenges in the future. There is currently one preset, The Daughters of Golorith, a fairly well balanced group of all women.
- You can now alter a party member's skill for their first profession on the New Game page. The sum of profession skills will always be balanced to be 35 in total.
- You can now add an extra or remove individual members on the party selection page.
- New Trait: Hot-Blooded. People with this trait occasionally get into fistfights with others, lowering their health
- New Trait: Nurturing Aura. People with this trait occasionally heal others
New encounters:
- Fun and Games (begins player transformation from female elf to foxwoman), including five Instincts Kick In events
New game features:
- Successfully guiding your party to the gate now also displays epilogues for your player character.
New end-game victory epilogues:
- "The Adventure Continues" by Dhuhad
- "Free to Fly" by Sara
- "A champion of Hope" by Duhad
- "Legend of the Lover"
New game features:
- You can now disable ambient sounds (birds, crickets, sounds the play while traveling) separately from the sound effects from clicking buttons
New encounters:
- The Cursed Bottle (mtf TG, bimbo)
- Replaced all incorrect usages of the name "Delilah" (Makscum's wife) with "Lorelai"
New fate epilogues:
- Under Heel
- The Spider Nest
- Free Samples
New fate epilogues:
- The River Crossing (by Duhad)
- The Foggy River (by Duhad)
- Of Mice and Dwarves (by Duhad)
- Night Swimming (by Duhad)
- Lift to Live (by Duhad)
- The Huntress' Ambush (by Duhad)
- Demon Hound Master Attack (by Duhad)
- The Fairy Grove (by Duhad)
- A Proper Lady (by Duhad)
New game features:
- The highest unafflicted soldier and farmers in the party can result in bonus food gains (or penalties) from some scavenging results.
Жанр: furry, corruption, transformation, 2D game, mind control, bimbofication, adventure, male domination, gay, lesbian, male protagonist, female protagonist, text based,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: ExileOfAphrodisia - www.patreon.com/ExileOfAphrodisia/overview
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0.16
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
"The Exile of Aphrodisia" - это трансформационная игра для взрослых, вдохновленная "Oregon Trail" и "Odyssey". Ваша задача - провести группу людей по фантастическому континенту Афродизия, преследуемую демонами, которые стремятся поработить остатки человечества.
Игра в значительной степени основана на концепции всевозможных трансформаций, включая трансгендерность, антропоморфность, анималистичность, причудливые модификации тела, неодушевленность и многое другое. Будучи новым видом на континенте, люди являются главными мишенями для преобразований со стороны сил природы и других разумных рас, а также богов и богинь, которые присматривают за землями, навязывая свою волю и (часто несправедливое) чувство справедливости. Как эльф, нанятый для руководства отрядом, вы должны обеспечить безопасность как можно большего числа людей и провести их к пространственному разлому в Ниу Хейме, городе Врат, куда человечество впервые прибыло тысячу лет назад. Вы должны поддерживать здоровье и счастье своей компании и держать их похоть под контролем, чтобы они не отдали свою свободу демонам.
Exile of Aphrodisia is an adult transformation-themed game inspired by the Oregon Trail and the Odyssey. Your task is to lead a party of humans across the fantasy continent of Aphrodisia, pursued by demons who seek to enslave the remnants of humanity.
The game is largely revolved around the concept of transformation of many sorts, including TG (transgender), anthro, animal, bizarre body modifications, inanimate, and more. As a new species to the continent, humans are prime targets for transformations from forces of nature and other sentient races, as well as the gods and goddesses who watch over the lands, imposing their will and (often unjust) sense of justice. As an elf hired to guide the party, it is your job to keep as many of the humans safe as you can to guide them to the dimensional rift in Niu Heym, the City of the Gate where humanity first arrived a thousand years ago. You must keep your party healthy and happy, and keep their lust under control to stop them from surrendering their freedom to the demons.
New encounters:
- Voice of the Goddess, male elf into bimbo plant fox player transformation. Written by Hazel (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/unsavoryrepute).
New scavening events:
- Added jungle rice-paddy harvesting event suggested by Soren
Balancing changes:
- Each additional draft horse now only provides half the party movement speed bonus of the previous.
- Store-purchasable Dairy Cows (as well as fairy cows and milking cowtaur variants from encounter transformations) now have a 55% chance to produce 6 kg of milk a day instead of 35% chance to produce 4kg.
- Store-purchasing Chickens now have a 70% chance of producing 2kg of eggs a day instead of 1kg.
- Encounters have a slightly higher chance of spawning per half hour. The minimum cooldown between encounters remains the same, however.
- The bonus affliction recovery chance provided from having a skilled priest in the party now only applies to party members who have been treated at least a minor potion or better.
- Lusty Berry Flower Girl now correctly produces loveberries instead of wild mushrooms
- Fix for bad variable substitution in the Life on the Lighter Side / An Uplifting Touch balloon fate.
- Many typo fixes found by community submissions
- Fix for Late Bloomer encounter allowing player to choose the same person to rescue the person as who was abducted
- Fix for Shrine of Magnus show text for the wrong party member sex
New art:
- player transformation from male elf into bimbo plant fox by Vjeol
New encounters:
- Merry-Go-Morph (player transformation from male elf into chimera)
New art:
- player transformation from male elf into chimera by AcuteDaisy
New game features:
- Dairy cows and chicken (and their fairy variants) produce twice as much food when they do produce them in the mornings.
- 3 new desert fate epilogues for party members due to low morale
- 2 new ice road fate epilogues for party members due to low morale
- 3 new jungle fate epilogues for party members due to low morale
- 1 new greenlands fate epilogue for party members due to low morale
New encounters:
- Size Isn't Everything (tf into fairy with Napoleonic Complex) by Roxanne
- Night of the Cow Brides (tf into minotaur milk cows) by Duhad
- A Tiger's Fearful Symmetry (tf into tiger and tiger into human) by Duhad
- Demonic Music to Electrify the Soul (tf into metal imp bard) by Duhad
- Pinkie Please (tf into pink latex drone)
- Your Wish is My Command (player transformation from female elf to wish-granting Djinn) by Roxanne
New art:
- Fairy with a Napoloenic Complex by AcuteDaisy
- Minotaur milk cows by Vjeol
- Tiger by BeingObscene
- Metal Imp Bard by Balile
- Pink latex drone by Vjeol
- Djinn by AcuteDaisy
- Added unique artwork for elven wineskin, mood ring, and tobacco pouch purchaseable morale-boosting supplies
New encounters:
- Three Heads are Better than None encounter (tf into hydra) by Duhad
- A Natural in Need (tf into griffon chick) by Duhad
- A Nip in the Night (tf into medusa) by Duhad
- A Beggar's Bargain (tf into basilik) by Duhad
- Maple Mayhem (tf into maple-syrup-leaking tree woman) by Duhad
New art:
- Huldra by Balile
- Phoenix by BeingObscene
- Medusa by Vjeol
- Elf mother and father by BeingObscene
- Male elf into dragoness player transformation sequence by Balile
- New Player transformation, male elf into a hypermuscular male werewolf, by guest writer Lamarcodon and artwork by Vjeol
- Added Chubby Anocanda Girl graphic by Balile
- Added Albino Sand Viper graphic by Balil
- A Dark Passenger fate epilogue should display text now
- Party creation / customization should now display the skill associated with each profession again
- Various spelling fixes
New game features:
- Added new terrain, the Magnoliophyta Jungle, an alternative route to the desert. Stock up on Bottles of Bug Repellent to keep party members healthy and happy.
- Added 14 jungle scavenging events by both April by Judoo
- Losing party members at the end of an affliction now incurs a consistent party-wide 10 morale penalty, similar to losing party members in encounters.
- Certain encounters where you can help characters may reward the party with Marazan's Blessing, a temporary boost to all party member's skills. Similarly, denying help to those in need may result in gaining Marazan's Displeasure, a temporary penalty that lowers all party members' skills.
- Overhauled food system. Each food type now belongs to one of six food groups. Having a variety of foods between the six groups offers bonus health and morale while having an insufficient variety has a small health and morale penalty.
- The player and party members will eat an equal share from each available food group and receive the full bonus or penalties associated with that food type.
- Added new purchaseable food item, dried fruits, that represent the fruit food group and stay good for 720 hours.
- Added new purchaseable food item, dried vegetables that represent the vegetables food group and stay good for 720 hours.
- Salted meat is now more expensive than other fresh foods.
- Added new trait, Light Eater. Party members with this trait eat .25 kg of food less per meal.
- Party members with the glutton trait eat .35 kg of food extra instead of .5 kg.
- Removed the choice whether or not to eat oldest foods first as well the ability to prioritize or deprioritize eating foods. The foods expiring soonest per food group are always given priority.
- Party members with the lowest health are prioritized to be fed for each meal.
- Party members who leave the party due to low health, low morale, or high lust can now get one of multiple unique fate epilogues.
- Added route from Well of Sleeping Spirits and Dusty Cliffs to The Jungle Exploration Station.
- Added route from Crimson Hollow to The Desert Checkpoint.
- Added a new landmark, Cantor's Ascent, which connects the end of the jungle back to the greenlands.
- All lost party members now have a fate epilogue written primarily by Duhad.
- Divine influence effects now stack, meaning multiple effects all provide bonuses or penalties
- Food descriptions now include what their effects on health, morale, and lust are, if any
- Bonuses from equipment or positive divine influences display in green on party member name cards while negatives display in red
- The Voyage page lists all encounters you've witnessed so far
- Shop page now shows the food type icon beside the food name
- The running game icon in the Windows open app bar now has a custom icon instead of the generic Electron one
- Pausing the game and viewing player / party / food / voyage / action/ inventory pages, then returning back, does not automatically unpause the game anymore
- Added additional artists credits on the About page
- Jungle biome now has unique audio ambience noises
- Equippable item descriptions show what professions that can use them as well as how much bonus skill they provide
- Food descriptions show any bonuses or penalties to health, morale, or lust
- Added new party preset, the Heads Held High party, which is a wealthy 20-member party full of low-skilled and affliction-vulnerable former noblemen and women. This present is intentionally very challenging.
- Disabled Date with a Dragon player transformation encounter due to artwork not being complete on time. All other player transformation sequences are fully illustrated.
New encounters:
- Secret of the Piranha River (tf into piranha mermaid) by Duhad
- Look, But Don't Touch (tf into rose alraune) by Duhad
- Parrot Talk (tf into parrot woman)
- The Warrior in Bronze (tf into six-armed, six-breasted bronze golem)
- Herbs in High Places (inflation)
- A Show Fit for a God (mtf and ftm TG) by Duhad
- Black Wings in a Dark Night (tf into fruit bat girl) by Duhad
- Turn Around, Turn Around (tf into chameoleon girl) by Duhad
- The Fountain of Youth? (mtf / ftm TG) by Duhad
- Sacrificial Adjustments (mtf TG) by Duhad
- Tyrant King Requires A Queen (tf into tyrantsaur) by Duhad
- The Once and Future Queen (player tf into summer fairy queen) by Duhad
- The Moth Moonbridge (tf into Blue Sister mothwoman, silver winged moth wildpeople)
- A Little Bit Fruity (tf into Animus fruit)
- The Cave of the Crystal Cocks (ftm TG, tf into crystal cock statue)
- Sugar and Spice (mtf TG, possession)
- Webeed Lies (mtf, tf into anthro poison dart frog woman)
- The Most Dangerous Prey (tf into raptaur huntress) by Duhad
- Hear me Roar (tf into panther)
- A Dark Passenger (tf into male vampire) by Duhad
- The Wardrobe War (absorption into butt/breasts, various inanimate, tf into horse, tf into cow, male to female TG)
- Wishful Thinking (tf into chubby anocanda girl) by Duhad
- Mighty Small Hunters (tf into goblin women) by Duhad
- Gone Native (tf into Mesozog elf heroine) by Duhad
- Jungle Japery (tf into happy and grumy clown girls) by Duhad
- The Rainbow Mother (tf into amber fairy statue, tf into hummingbird-winged fairy)
New landmark NPCs:
- New NPC, Juan the Jungle Explorer, found at the Jungle Exploration Station, by Duhad
- Old Gregor the Fisherman, found at Angler's Hollow, by Duhad
- Marlane the Human Ex-Bandit, found at Tomb of Gromlith the Great, by Duhad
- Zamir the Sand Viper Merchant, found at Ironhart Oasis Fort, by Duhad
- Zac-Kuk the Mesozog Huntress, found at Mesozog Temple City, by Duhad
- Claiborne The Dark Elf Slaver, found at Hero’s Plummit, by Duhad
- Sigeweard the Wildmen Elder, found at Whispering Crevice, by Duhad
- Mariam the Vampire and her Servant Karkinos, found at Sanctuary of the Bones, by Duhad
- Tulip the Elf Bard, found at Hollow Mountain, by Duhad
- Avraham The Dwarven Warrior, found at Clan Hammerhand Fortress, bu Duhad
- Millio the Elven Guide, found at David’s Tower, by Duhad
- Rowen the Clockwork Girl, found at Silent Stone Springs, by Duhad
New graphics:
- Mimic Girl by Vjeol
- Deer Boi Dancer by Vjeol
- Exotic Flower by Vjeol
- Ice Sculpture by Vjeol
- Fire Elemental by Jveol
- Cumslave by Vjeol
- Male elf into centauress player transformation sequence by Vjeol
- Succubus Queen by Luxianne
- Sister of Midnight by BeingObscene
- Minotaur Bull by BeingObscene
- Mist Spirit by BeingObscene
- Golden dragon statue by BeingObscene
- Unicorn by Luxianne
- Tentacle dog by Vjeol
- Ice Wraith by Vjeol
- Fox Tail by Luxianne
- Female elf to water elemental player transformation sequence by Vjeol
- Crystal Cock statue by Luxianne
- Crocodile woman by Unidentified-TF
- Chicken-Cow hybrid woman by Unidentified-TF
- Pregnant Dragoness by BeingObscene
- Rose Alraune by BeingObscene
- Frankenstein Bride by BeingObscene
- Female elf guide to faun bard player transformation sequence by Vjeol
- Female elf to summer fairy queen, including animations for 4th and final steps, by Vjeol
- Six-armed, Six-breasted bronze golem by Luxianne
- Jungle parralax scrolling background by Balile
- Six-armed, six breasted bronze golem by Luxianne
- Sapphire Harp by Wrenzephyr
- Poison Dart Frog Woman by Luxianne
- Raptaur by BeingObscene
- Tyrantsaur by BeingObscene
- Monster lizard woman by BeingObscene
- Piranha mermaid by Balile
- Goblin huntress by Balile
- Chameleon girl by Vjeol
- Happy and grumpy clown girl graphics by Balile
- Female werewolf by BeingObscene
- White Wolf by Balile
- Parrot woman by Luxianne
- Blue Sister mothwoman by Vjoel
- Harem bimbo by Wrenzephyr
- new icon for bottles of incense
- Lacy pink panties by Luxianne
- The demons Makscum and Lorelai by Luxianne
- Vulture harpy by Wrenzephyr
- Butterfly Nymph by Balile
- Marble statue fountain by Bluebell
- Silver mothmen by Vjeol
- Furry Bra and Panties by Balile
- Fixed an unintended holdover behavior that gave the male elf 80% of being selected by default. Now both male and female elf guides have a 50% chance of being selected.
- Fixed a bug where randomly added party members from certain events don't have a name that corresponds to their sex
- Fixed pronoun issues with summer fairy queen Put Right Once What Went Wrong instincts kick in event
- The pre-made party presents should no longer have an extra "The" in the front of the name
- NPC dialogue text should now mix in variable blocks of text correct, ie no $PC_species$ or $PARTY$ mistakenly appearing
- Fixed incorrect message when party needed terrain-specific recources but had none
- Fix for the shop not showing the correct amount of food of a given type that you already have when there are multiple groups of food with different spoilages for that food type
- Various item and food description spelling corrections. Corrections to introduction texts.
New game features:
- Tagged all older encounters with the Transgender (male to female) tag where appropriate, as well as with some other appropriate tags. Please let me know if you feel an encounter is missing a tag.
- The New Game page now displays the total number of encounters that can trigger based on the number of tags enabled and disabled.
- Party movement speed has been scaled up from an average of 3.2 km/h to 5.0 km/h. The distances between landmarks, as well as abilities that affect party travel speed, have been scaled up as well to match the new ratio.
- Updated Shop UI to merge the Amount and Party columns into one
- Added a few options on the New Game page that starts the party out with some basic supplies and food. The packages come in bountiful, standard, few, and none. The package chosen has no effect on starting money and can make the game experience easier or harder.
- The New Game page shows the highest level skill of each profession at the bottom to assist in making more balanced parties.
- Reworked layout on the main game page. Fixed an issue where the button jumps around when being clicked.
- Added a new party preset, The Androgynous Fellowship, by Duhad. This party has an even balance of sexes and professions.
- Added the Village Apothecary to landmarks which allows you to heal party members, similar to how taverns and temples restore morale / remove lust
- Added 18+ consent page that appears when the game is launched. Players must agree to the terms before playing.
- Not all landmarks will have all the features of others now. The five features are the Tavern, Temple of Domumeris, Apothecary, Food/Item shop, and Sanctuary.
- The player character now uses food from the party's food stores. By default the player eats .5kg food per meal, but this amount can vary based on the player's current form.
- The player page now shows how much food you eat per meal.
- Added a button to eject afflicted party members from the affliction detail page.
- Each section of the journey now has multiple routes that can be taken. All routes take the party toward Niu Heym, but some routes are longer than others and lead to landmarks with a different combination of attractions.
- The Voyage page has been changed to show total distance traveled as well as the shortest and longest possible distances to Niu Heym. The trail progression percentage on the bottom-right of the main page uses the average between the two.
- Removed the number of landmarks customizeable option on the New Game page now that the trail is no longer randomized.
- Restyled buttons and various frames with a new wood panel style
- NPCs always appear at a fixed landmark instead of being randomly scattered about the trail
- Added new NPC, Manara the Desert Nomad, who explains the desert. Written by Duhad
- Added new NPC, Noemi The Ice Road Surveyor, who explains the ice roads. Written by Duhad
- The detailed description for food types and items in stores now appears in a popup instead of at the top of the page
- Graphics should flow better with text now
- Added two traits, Affliction-Resistant and Affliction-Vulnerable, that make it party members with these traits have their afflictions progress more quickly or slowly
- Landmark services (shop, tavern, temple, apothecary, sanctuary) should now show the party's total money at the top of the page
- Fate epilogues for party members should present more cleanly and not have images push into other epilogues
- Some older encounters that repeat a party member's full name (first and last) all the time are updated to use the first name over the full name. This is an ongoing process.
New graphics:
- Cowtaur by Unidentified-TF
- Succubus Queen and Slave by Wrenzephyr
- Dog Woman by Wrenzephyr
- Front page graphic of Niu Heym by Balile. The final landmark also uses this image and not the generic village one.
- Chicken woman by Unidentified-TF
- Ice Fairy by Unidentified-TF
- Bee girl by Wrenzephyr
- Dragon Bride by Balile
- Reindeer by Balile
- Mummy Queen by Wrenzephyr
- Snow Nymph by Balile
- Magma Goddess by Balile
- Centauress Bride by Unidentified-TF
- Cat Woman by Unidentified-TF
- Love Doll by Wrenzephyr
- Mouse Woman by Witchy
- Shark Pirate Captain by Balile
- Wandering Bimbo by Witchy
- Player transformation female elf guide to naga by Luxianne
- Lust Berry Flower Girl (by Witchy)
- Caecalia (by Balile)
- Goat Girl (by Unidentified-TF)
- Sand viper priestess (by Balile)
- Player transformation female elf guide to foxwoman (by Luxianne)
New encounters:
- Lost Pirates (tf into sharkwoman captain) - by Duhad
- The Springs of Hylanana (tf into water nymphs) - by Judoo and Duhad
- Clucking Pox (tf into chicken women)
- Horsing Around (player transformation from male elf into centauress) by Duhad
- The Forming of Water (player transformation from female elf into water elementa) by Roxanne
- Date With a Dragon (player transformation from male elf into dragoness)
- Pride Cast in Gold (tf into golden dragon statue) by Duhad
- The End of the Road Inn (tf/tg into busty waitresses) by Duhad
- The Mysterious Vault (tg) by Duhad
- The Beautiful Butterfly and Mysterious Moth (tf into butterfly nymph / butterfly) by Duhad
- Cowgirl Blues (tf into milking cowtaur) by Duhad
New fate epilogues:
- Makscum's Pony
- Lorelai's Cumslave
- Starfall
- The best scout in the party now has significantly more impact in determining the party's speed bonus. Previously this value was neglibible.
- Fixed a bug that greatly decreased the odds of some of the newer player transformations from triggering
- Fixed game not saving or loading
- If I Were a Bee displays correct text instead of duplicate text
- Item detail popup should now work for the selling items panel
- Noemi The Ice Road Surveyor NPC dialogue options should now direct to the correct text
- Encounters that only have one stage should now display the effect logs below the encounter text.
New game features:
- Restyled buttons and various frames with a new wood panel style
- NPCs always appear at a fixed landmark instead of being randomly scattered about the trail
- Added new NPC, Manara the Desert Nomad, who explains the desert. Written by Duhad
- Added new NPC, Noemi The Ice Road Surveyor, who explains the ice roads. Written by Duhad
- The detailed description for food types and items in stores now appears in a popup instead of at the top of the page
- Graphics should flow better with text now
New graphics:
- Love Doll (by Wrenzephyr)
- Mouse Woman (by Witchy)
- Shark Pirate Captain (by Balile)
- Wandering Bimbo (by Witchy)
- Player transformation female elf guide to naga (By Luxianne)
- Fixed game not saving or loading
- If I Were a Bee displays correct text instead of duplicate text
New game features:
- Added two traits, Affliction-Resistant and Affliction-Vulnerable, that make it party members with these traits have their afflictions progress more quickly or slowly
- Landmark services (shop, tavern, temple, apothecary, sanctuary) should now show the party's total money at the top of the page
- Fate epilogues for party members should present more cleanly and not have images push into other epilogues
- Some older encounters that repeat a party member's full name (first and last) all the time are updated to use the first name over the full name. This is an ongoing process.
New graphics:
- Lust Berry Flower Girl (by Witchy)
- Caecalia (by Balile)
- Goat Girl (by Unidentified-TF)
- Sand viper priestess (by Balile)
- Player transformation female elf guide to foxwoman (by Luxianne)
- Item detail popup should now work for the selling items panel
- Noemi The Ice Road Surveyor NPC dialogue options should now direct to the correct text
- Encounters that only have one stage should now display the effect logs below the encounter text.
- The Ice Queen Cometh (tf into ice wraith) by Camellia
- The Skald's Tale (tf into female reindeer) by Duhad
- Under the Painted Sky (mtf ftm TG) by Duhad
- New biome, the Ice Roads.
- The White Wolf (tf into wolf) by Duhad
- Keeping Warm (tf into pine tree) by Duhad
- Frozen Beauty (tf into ice sculpture) by Duhad
- Music Haze by Duhad (player transformation from female elf to faun)
- The Caverns of Gold by Duhad (tf into gold statue, dragoness)
- The Dry Desert River by Duhad (tf into crocodile wildwomen, lizard monsters)
New fate epilogues:
- Mushroom Mischief
- Come Play With Us
- Light on the Feet
- New party preset, the Man's Men, a balance party of all men.
- You can now choose to add or remove individual traits for party members on the new game creation page. Upon assigning a trait, the other traits that are exclusive to it will dissappear. For example, if you make someone 'chaste' then the option to make them a 'nymphomaniac' will no longer show.
- You can now write your own backstories for characters on the new game creation page.
- You can now save your own party setup as your own preset. New party presets will appear in the preset/party folder and will appear on the party preset dropdown.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the game to stop working when all party members are afflicted
New game features:
- Added choice when beginning a new game to select a party preset. Party presets have consistent characters with consistent professions, skills, appearances, and backstories, and may present some unique challenges in the future. There is currently one preset, The Daughters of Golorith, a fairly well balanced group of all women.
- You can now alter a party member's skill for their first profession on the New Game page. The sum of profession skills will always be balanced to be 35 in total.
- You can now add an extra or remove individual members on the party selection page.
- New Trait: Hot-Blooded. People with this trait occasionally get into fistfights with others, lowering their health
- New Trait: Nurturing Aura. People with this trait occasionally heal others
New encounters:
- Fun and Games (begins player transformation from female elf to foxwoman), including five Instincts Kick In events
New game features:
- Successfully guiding your party to the gate now also displays epilogues for your player character.
New end-game victory epilogues:
- "The Adventure Continues" by Dhuhad
- "Free to Fly" by Sara
- "A champion of Hope" by Duhad
- "Legend of the Lover"
New game features:
- You can now disable ambient sounds (birds, crickets, sounds the play while traveling) separately from the sound effects from clicking buttons
New encounters:
- The Cursed Bottle (mtf TG, bimbo)
- Replaced all incorrect usages of the name "Delilah" (Makscum's wife) with "Lorelai"
New fate epilogues:
- Under Heel
- The Spider Nest
- Free Samples
New fate epilogues:
- The River Crossing (by Duhad)
- The Foggy River (by Duhad)
- Of Mice and Dwarves (by Duhad)
- Night Swimming (by Duhad)
- Lift to Live (by Duhad)
- The Huntress' Ambush (by Duhad)
- Demon Hound Master Attack (by Duhad)
- The Fairy Grove (by Duhad)
- A Proper Lady (by Duhad)
New game features:
- The highest unafflicted soldier and farmers in the party can result in bonus food gains (or penalties) from some scavenging results.
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 27-07-2022, 17:31
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