Описание:Это история о Теде Матиссе, 19-летнем студенте, чья репутация была испорчена из-за недоразумения, и теперь ему приходится нелегко в школе и дома. Он использует свои невероятные навыки компьютерного взлома, чтобы поквитаться с одноклассниками, преподавателями и всеми, кто встает у него на пути. Его союзниками в этом приключении являются его новый друг Иван Романов и некоторые другие персонажи, которых он встречает на своем пути.
The story is about Ted Matisse, a 19 yo male student, who had his reputation ruined by a misunderstanding and now he has a hard time at school and home. He uses his incredible computer hacking skills to get even with classmates, professors and anyone who gets in his way. His allies in this adventure are his new friend, Ivan Romanov and some other characters he meets on the way.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: male protagonist, 2dcg, anal, adventure, multiple endings, masturbation, milf, oral sex, vaginal, voyeurism, lesbian, funny, multiple protagonists, blackmail, humiliation, futa, trans,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/basilicata
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: volume 1 [v.0.99]
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
For questions about the walkthrough, gameplay advices or the Futa/Trans, or FemDom Content please check the Spoiler Button under the main picture.
This is v0.99. The Complete version of vol1 will have a walkthrough, gallery and will be released some time in the future.Английский Андроид порт от разработчика! / English Android port from the developer!v0.99
-Chapter 9 and epilogue
- Old saves will work
-One sex scene
-Chapter 8 is here
-Introducing Bonnie as the 3rd MC (Can be played as trans too).
-Introducing various new characters (Det.Lopez, Kelly, Officer Zoe etc)
- Old saves will work
-One sex scene (Lesbian or Trans/Female)
-Chapter 7 is here
-Multiple paths to follow based on choices from previous chapters
-Storylines to advance: Megan, Kanakis, Ashley, Kirsten, Jenny, Diana, Rachel
- Old saves will work
-Three sex scenes, including a FemDom one (optional)...
-This update doesn't advance the story
-Changed GUI, fonts, intro, music
-Changed graphics for Mrs.Parker
-Fixed some storyline bugs
-Chapter 6 (F.U.B.A.R.) and the first scene from Chapter 7
- Old saves will work
- Two new sex scenes
- Introducing Lollipop
- This is a linear chapter with fewer ramifications than the previous ones
- There's an escape room mini game with time limit
- The game is compressed to 270mb
-Chapter 5
- Old saves will work
- The roll back function will be blocked in Ivan's matches
- His opponents' skill will be random (within reason) so maybe it will be a good idea to keep your initial save
- Some minor things from the previous chapters have changed: Bruce, Coach Sanders, Diana (Including Ivan's wet dream) and a little of fine tuning of the storyline points.
- Minor graphic violence is present.
- Two new sex scenes
-Various different endings, depending on choices made in previous chapters.
-Second and last part of Chapter 4 from Ivan's point of view.
-Ten days time management with multiple choices and storylines to choose and advance
-Introducing Margot
-Storylines to advance are: Kanakis, Jensen, DaSilva, Lee, Nurse, Rachel, Monique, Margot.
-First part of Chapter 4 (It's called Ted's POV). The second part is Ivan's POV.
-Ten days time management with multiple choices and storylines to choose and advance
-Introducing Mrs.Lee and Nurse
-Storylines to advance are: Kanakis, Jensen, DaSilva, Lee, Nurse, Jenny, Kirsten, Ashley, Megan.
-Changed graphics for Dad and Jenny
-Removed bully chase and gameovers from previous chapters
-Complete Chapter 3
-Two major story paths based on choices from Chapter 1
-Updated storyline point system
-Introducing Mrs. DaSilva and Rosa
-Short tutorial
-Introducing storyline point system
-Polished Chapter 2
-Added better images for Clara and Ivan
-Previous saves will not work (sorry again...)
-A little new content from chapter 3
-Completed Chapter 2
-Two new sex scenes
-Random encounters in Ted's bathroom
-Storyline based on actions taken in Chapter 1
-Introducing Jenny and the "Snakes"
-Saves from v0.2 will not work (sorry...)
- Removed the age test from Prologue1
- Improved Prologue2
- Chapter 1 with 2 different storylines to choose
First release