Kalyskah - это приключенческая ролевая игра для взрослых, в которой вы управляете Калиской Карнштейн, благородной леди из давно умершей династии вампиров, которая просыпается после тысячелетнего сна. То, что ждет ее после пробуждения - это мир, который изменился к худшему. Вам, игроку, предстоит помочь нашей героине (или антигероине, если это ваш выбор) справиться с хаосом и неразберихой ее потерянного времени и выяснить, что произошло с миром за прошедшие годы.
В игре есть захватывающая боевая система с элементами RPG, открытый мир, где вы можете найти квесты с несколькими концовками и случайные интерактивные сексуальные сцены для тех, кто правильно разыграет свои карты.
Kalyskah is an Adult Action-Adventure Role-Playing Game where you control Kalyskah Karnstein, a noble lady of a long-dead vampire family who wakes up after thousands of years of slumber. What awaits upon her awakening is a world that has changed for the worse. It is up to you, the player, to help our heroine (or anti-heroine, if that is your choice) fight back the chaos and confusion of her lost of time and find out what happened to the world in the years that have passed. The game features an immersive combat system with RPG Elements, an open world where you can find quests with multiple endings and occasional interactive sex scenes for those who play their cards right.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, adventure, anal, animated, bdsm, big tits, small tits, fantasy, female protagonist, graphic violence, group sex, lesbian, male domination, monster, multiple penetration, paranormal, puzzle, rpg, spanking, teasing, voiced
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/lustfulillumination | discord.gg/cQfgRfN
Платформа: PC: Windows x64
Тип издания: В разработке
Версия: v.0.25.9
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования:
Operating System : Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel core i5 or AMD, 2.80 GHz or faster
Memory: 8 GB RAM
DirectX: DirectX 12 compatible graphics card
0.25.9 - 2024-10-28
Tweaked Brooke's end cutscene.
Fixed save slot menu display when the player presses ESC.
Fixed Merishya not properly following Kalyskah after cutscenes and toy system interactions.
Fixed Alvina in the arena to be the undead version.
Fixed Gallery scene not working properly.
Corrected the name of the "Meeting Heather" quest, which was incorrectly titled "Meeting Catherine."
Fixed appearance settings starting in a collapsed state.
Fixed undead NPCs not using the right standing idle, such as Undeas being quirky and Jessie not smoking her pipe.
Increased blend time on troll damage animations for smoother transitions.
General lighting, character shader, and effects tests for quality assurance.
Alvina's spiders will out out of frame during the cutscene so you can understand that they don't want to attack Kalyskah after what happens.
Asset cleanup in Lordenfel and quick adjustments to some levels. (Work done for unreleased level)
Added Astrid as a new character for the gallery.
Added ambient dialogues for Catherine where she reads aloud from her book.
Set NPC quests to end in the Garden of Delights to avoid player confusion.
Changed NPC behaviour to walk instead of running in the Garden of Delights.
Added Maynard’s quest when you interact with him.
Implemented new ambient dialogue for Catherine when Kalyskah approaches her.
Fixed saving/loading dialogues not working.
Fixed unsafe thread callings and nodes in the new animation blueprint.
Fixed animation layering issues.
Fixed idle pose switching for male and female characters, so when you see them in the world, they will be properly animated.
Fixed followers not properly initializing their blueprints.
Fixed LipSync generation issues and applied it to missing characters.
Fixed NPCs not attacking after Kalyskah hits them.
Fixed NPCs not running after Kalyskah.
Fixed invalid struct inside Progression Manager.
Fixed Merishya falling through the floor.
Fixed null inputs on player controllers, this was causing the UI Hints to be displayed wrong.
Fixed subtitles not appearing correctly.
Fixed issues with the character's underwear spawning during streamer mode.
Fixed hand position in certain animations.
Fixed issues with Godray material and optimized it for better performance (Work done at unreleased level).
Fixed material and visual glitches in various areas, including cliffs, caves, and caverns (Work done at unreleased level).
Fixed an issue that was causing NPCs to teleport while using one-handed weapons.
Fixed male characters' privates displaying at the gallery if you switched from a female NPC to them while in streamer mode.
Fixed male characters wearing a bra if you had a female character previously selected in the toysystem.
Refactored NPCs to use a new animation blueprint, completely removing ALS.
Enhanced NPC equipment component and applied it to gallery characters. These gallery characters are now what we use for some cutscenes instead of the actual characters in the level.
Tweaked lighting in the Garden of Delights and the starting dungeon for better visibility.
Optimized LODs for prologue and Thulgata landscapes (Work done at unreleased level).
Added initial fog systems, including volumetric fog shaders, in DG_Ruin_01 (Work done at unreleased level).
Added kill volumes to prevent players from falling through the map (Work done at unreleased level).
Adjusted level design in the Paradise of Delights.
Enhanced Kalyskah's biting animation when interacting with rats.
Added dust effects during cutscenes where vampires die.
Tweaked toy system functionality, including adjustments to poses and tags.
Added Nemesis voice lines and emotes in the Paradise of Delights.
Made the name of the kinks a bit more classy in the main menu.
Ilreth's forehead won't be as big as it was before in her hairstyle.
Kalyskah will go to a private room with Ilreth and Nemesis when a sex scene triggers.
Added voice lines and animations for Ilreth’s dialogue, along with emotes.Added some dialogue lines when Kalyskah enters the sewers.
Implemented the final steps of Ilreth’s dialogue and integrated her into the Garden of Delights.
Added Alvina’s glasses as a collectable after her cutscene.
Added Garden dancers (both male and female) with triggers linked to Nemesis' quest.
Set up Brooke's voice for combat and interactions.
Updated Brooke and Alvina’s cutscenes with improved animations and dialogue.
Added controller support to Skilltree, along with every other menu we could find. Please let us know if you find anywhere that the controller doesn't work so we can continue to make the game 100% compatible with controllers.
Created a new enemy, the goblin (Work done at unreleased level).
Known Issues
Further testing is required to ensure subtitles are working as expected.
Undead are not displaying their custom poses on this patch, which will be solved during the week as it requires further tweaking of the new animation blueprint.
Alvina's cutscene is a bit clumsy, we'll improve it this week.
Fixed the issue that caused game settings not to be saved. This was a massive task because we had to rewrite the whole code on how our graphics settings work. We haven't tested with machines that have many different resolutions yet so please let us know if there are still things to iron out.
Fixed the issue that was disabling skills
Fixed how skills are assigned after you purchase them
Fixed crash while trying to open the Character Maker
Fixed Kalyskah not resetting her behaviour after ending dialogue with bandits (although I think you didn't get to see this issue because the bandits don't trigger an approach dialogue in the Garden of Delights)
Fixed quests in the Garden of Delights being added repeatedly
Fixed gradient at the bottom of the screen not showing when there were subtitles to be seen (that was making the readability harder than it was ever supposed to be)
General enhancements flow improvements in the flow of pause menus, preventing it from triggering when it shouldn't.
Reduced the damage of projectiles so they are not as deadly as they were before
Improved the VFX of the bloodshot spell
Refactoring some behaviours inside Kalyskah's blueprint
Tweaks on Michael's cutscene
Tweaked the events in the dialogue with Heather, the options that can make Kalyskah nasty to her will now reduce her compassion. Also, the whole conversation about Heather forgetting how to breath only triggers the first time you talk to her.
First pass on implementing Henrysson's dialogue at the Garden of Delights into the game. We are still fixing the triggers and animations.
Corrected the lines in Jessie's dialogue that were too high.
Fixed missing node to update morphs on ALS Blueprint.
Fixed aiming on AOE spells such as the swarm fist.
Fixed Michael's glasses that were entering his face.
Fixed Michael's hair.
Refactored Pause logic.
Reduced distortion on the lenses of glasses.
Added new audio for Kalyskah's dialogue with Jessie.
Added Kalyskah -> Jessie lipsync sequences.
Reduced projectile damage.
Updated Open World Assets. We have begun to work in the backend to bring back within the next few months all the content the current game is missin.
Created a rig for Kalyskah using new tools in UE 5.4 (We didn't use it on cutscene yet)
Enhanced facial expression logic for better scalability. For now, they are changing all of a sudden but I'll fix this later.
Improved camera positioning for Nemesis to avoid obstruction by wings.
Enhanced visuals of several particle effects, including those for blocking attacks, jumping and attacking, and drinking blood from afar.
Optimised memory usage to reduce CPU and memory requirements.
Made backend changes to the follower system, creating a generic parent class. This will allow us to turn any NPC into a follower in the future.
Activated virtual texture anisotropic filtering and rebuilt texture streaming in all levels.
Reduced frequency of lipsync generation adjustments to stabilise vizemes.
Centred the camera more accurately during conversations.
Tweaked facial expressions in Heather's dialogue, also increased her volume.
Created a message for when the player finishes the temple content.
Rebuilt texture streaming on all levels.
Enhanced Maynard's appearance.
Set up French-accent voice for Heather and Catherine.
Added the Garden Dancer outfit and made it so you have a way to get it from Nemesis.
Added new dialogues for Nemesis in the Garden of Delights.
Added voice to Maynard's dialogue.
Generated lipsync for Maynard's audio and added new animations for characters with a mug.
Added a new group of animations for characters sitting and drinking.
Configured Kalyskah to go to a room with Heather, Rulfio, Maynard, and Catherine when the sex option is chosen.
Created a new workstation where characters can sit and drink (for Maynard).
Implemented a simple cutscene when the player approaches the door to the Garden of Blood.
Added Kalyskah lines for dialogue with Heather.
Updated the game to Unreal 5.4!
Known Issues:
Until the game settings are fixed, we have forced the subtitles to always be displayed.
Maynard's dialogue doesn't have lipsync
Jessie stopped smoking her pipe in her idle animation after we updated the engine
Fixed players being unable to leave photo mode by pressing escape.
Fixed the volume on a few sentences of what Nemesis says.
Improved logic on event triggers and hid the skip button and speaker's name in dialogues.
Fixed camera glitches in between dialogue lines during cutscenes.
Increased the volume of Nemesis' lines during the first dialogue with Kalyskah.
Fixed black screen when entering Nemesis dialogue.
Progress on fixing the game settings not being properly saved. But changing some parameters might still revert settings to high.
Fixed logic for mist form to prevent it from breaking if button mashing.
Fixed game settings showing in the NPC maker interface.
Fixed camera not moving in photo mode.
Fixed game loading non-valid settings save. But there are improvements we still need to make
Fixed game not correctly loading appearance.
Fixed typo in roll result.
Fixed Catherine's hair materials.
Removed alpha ditter from hairstyles.
Fixed super bright scaltera on female characters.
Made Catherine's brow a bit darker to better match her skin tone.
Made Henrysson's eyebrow blonde to match his hair.
Removed the handrail at the entrance of the sewers.
Removed Kalyskah dummy as an enemy from the target. This was causing the target lock to work in inconsistent ways after cutscenes.
Improved the logic in some dialogue-related functions.
Improved the visuals of several particle effects.
Started to standardize the hair materials.
Improved hairstyle materials to ensure consistent colour settings in the appearance menu.
Reenabled the photo mode.
Reduced damage Gremmnoch takes from hitting his head on pillars from 25% to 18% to balance gameplay.
Added a better description to the mysterious intruder quest and added a quest marker on the door to the playroom when this quest begins.
Fixed voices sounded muffled during the first encounter between Kalyskah and Nemesis.
Improved cameras and overhauled the cutscene visuals for Kalyskah's meeting with Nemesis, including camera positioning and facial expressions.
Fixed incorrect enemy spawning in the Blood Arena.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to select spells on the UI.
Fixed Merishya not following the player after dialogue or toy system interaction ended.
Fixed rendering issues with lights and materials.
Fixed Kalyskah not returning to level 1 in a new game, along with her XP and other data that weren't being properly reset.
Fixed Kalyskah moving forward indefinitely during tutorials.
Increased the volume of the line "Magnificent, now I will have to find another way out."
Fixed Hexblades not properly dropping their gloves upon death.
Fixed Kalyskah equipping her weapon multiple times when attacking (No more dancing Macarena).
Fixed issue allowing players to repeatedly press to enter the Vampiric Vision.
Fixed players being unable to exit the Garden of Blood.
Made it so that when a new spell is learned, it will automatically be set to the next available hotkey.
Improved the memory usage so the game now requires less memory and CPU to run. This was most of this month's work as we went through every single class and event we could find and refactored their implementations.
Reduced the size of several textures to improve game performance.
Enhanced Root Motion on hit: Kalyskah will stop moving forward after landing an attack.
Removed hyper-armour from Brooke; she was too difficult. Her fighting techniques will be improved in the future to make the battle more challenging yet fun.
Made backend changes to the follower system, making it generic by transferring Merishya-specific systems to a parent class. This will allow different characters to become followers when the story requires it.
Reduced the damage reduction on Gremnoch so players who do not figure out how to defeat him won't have such an impossible time; it will just take longer.
Improved the visuals of several particle effects, including those for blocking attacks, jumping and attacking, and drinking blood from afar.
New dialogues for the Garden of Earthly Delights (not yet fully voiced):
Jessie Sawmill
Heather Durand
We fixed as much as we could, but some important ones are still missing:
The crash. There is a chance that I managed to reduce the frequency of it, but we will need time to read through the logs to find other possible causes and completely get rid of the problem. So let us know if you are still having it as often as before. We are narrowing that they tend to happen more at the sewers.
NPC placement: We will improve the enemy patrols to add more room for you to sneak around the place. There were so many urgent tasks that we couldn't improve this today.
Spells are still not triggering, but we made progress on fixing it today and will release another patch as soon as we finish it.
The waves of the Garden of Blood, and also the boss fight needs to be balanced and tweaked.
Reimport audios that got butchered by compression.
Fixed male undead flipping backwards when they parried Kalyskah's attacks;
Fixed Kalyskah stopping to move to equip her sword;
Fixed makeup on male NPCs torsos;
Fixed enemies not being highlighted by vampiric vision;
Fixed NPCs not being properly saved when they died;
Fixed Kalyskah's legs while crouching with a weapon equipped;
Added a collider at the end of the dungeon to prevent players from leaving the playable area;
Kalyskah will die if she falls into the pit at the prison;
Fixed nemesis door not opening;
Fixed entrance to the boss area being open before the right time;
Added a chest with Merishya's armour where it was supposed to be;
Fixed ID on feet_hexblade item so it can be properly displayed on loot;
Fixed Karnstein Leather Shorts not bending with Kalyskah's thighs;
Fixed boss not spawning to fight;
Merrishya will follow the player more consistently;
Fixed Nemesis' dialogues if you refuse to go to her Garden at first (Some lipsync and cutscenes are missing for now);
Fixed Merishya's quest triggering its ending before the player opened her cell;
Fixed Kalyskah's cutscene playing twice when she defeated Gremnoch, this was causing her animations to look awkward during the scene;
Fixed camera on Merishya's cutscene when Kalyskah giggles;
Fixed Gremnoch taking double damage when he's on the ground;
Fixed Kalyskah's skills not being properly cleaned up when players start a new game.
Increased Vampiric Vision the range from a base of 4 meters to 6 meters, and each point of logic will increase it by 1,5 more meters instead of 1;
Scattered some rat spawns to the dungeon;
Improve Kalyskah's facial expressions in Michael's cutscene;
Kalyskah will stay close to Merishya at the end of her cutscene, which makes it easier to know which cell to open;
Removed the echo effect from the first time Merishya calls kalyskah;
Tweaked dialogue widget so the skip button is always visible as long as you have the subtitles toggled on;
Players can enter the Garden of Delights, but we haven't added interactions there yet. We will spawn the dancers and other NPCs that were supposed to be there after we fix the crash;
Made saves from yesterday's release incompatible with this one to avoid errors that could be caused by retro-compatibility.
Fixes from what Unreal 5 broke and that you might have seen in version 0.25.0
Fixed photo mode not working;
Fixed Hints on the UI to show the proper keys for game commands;
Fixed NPC clothes not properly setting their custom colours;
Fixed targeting enemies not working;
Fixed Dialogue options not showing during cutscenes;
Fixed Controller inputs for both the UI and gameplay;
Fixed evasion not working;
Fixed Kalyskah taking fall damage. She's a vampire, she doesn't care about gravity;
Fixed mist form input not working;
Fixed Skill tree lines and tooltip;
Fixed navigation tabs in Menu Settings;
Fixes camera not changing when aiming with a bow;
Fixed many shortcuts;
Fixes outlines not appearing when using vampiric vision;
Fixed interaction with chests;
Fixed missing tags in the items tooltips;
Fixed Attributes UI;
Optimized the size of some toysystem animations;
General optimizations on many materials from the level;
General optimizations on the Inventory;
Improvements in UI Performance;
Fixed Catherine's bra clipping through small breasts, but for now, Kalyskah can't wear this set yet;
Fixed game options not being properly saved. This was an issue that we've had for A LONG time, now we can finally say that your settings will be stored when you quit the game!
Fixed dark spots under the arms of some female skins;
Glasses will no longer cast shadows on character faces;
Fixed game not saving your changes on the input (French players have specially asked us for this because of their keyboard that isn't WASD);
Fixed Kalyskah's mouth not disappearing when she entered mist form;
Fixed TONS of situations where the game would crash;
Reduced CPU usage for NPC;
Fixed stun animation that caused male characters to flip 90 degrees;
Fixed Typo on the Prisoner armour set;
Prevented other input actions while resting in a coffin;
Reduced Emissive from blood buff;
Reworked Nemesis's introduction cutscene and also how she appears in the game for the first time;
Changed main menu to nighttime by default, this is just a slight hint on what we'll do next to improve it;
Kalyskah's ruined temple has been completely revamped;
Improved Nemesis goofy animations;
Improved materials on the sewers;
Improved Merishya's eyebrows and made a general glow-up on her character;
Improved usability of graphic settings and made a way to toggle raytracing On and Off;
Improved Claw combat animations, Kalyskah will attack with more elegance instead of being as feral as the lesser vampires. It's not 100% done yet;
Improved movement on tails (Both for Merishya and Nemesis and also for the devil costume);
The night vision was completely overhauled and now will be much more helpful to allow you to see dark places;
Improved "waterfalls" on the sewers;
Created a new method for when we want an NPC to have a custom idle. For now, you will only notice the undead standing and walking differently than kalyskah. In the future, we'll add custom idles for every important NPC, to show off their personality more;
Improved the eyes of the undead, and also their skins;
Female undead will have a more high-pitched voice;
Undeads will be complaining and saying dialogue lines when they are idle;
Removed the IK on Kalyskah's feet. This was causing several glitches when she climbed stairs;
Input keys are not sorted alphabetically in the settings menu;
Reduced Kalyskah's initial health from 400 to 49 to make the game more challenging. This makes feeding and managing the blood buff more important;
Increased the time it takes for Kalyskah to start recovering her stamina after attacking from 0.01 to 1 second;
Reduced the threshold for Kalysakh to be visibly thirsty, also reduced her max blood points at the start so she doesn't have any blood shards (those she will get during the story)
Kalyskah will start with only 30 blood points, so players need to actually try to sneak behind enemies to drink their blood in the early game so they can recover.
Added tooltips to every option in the game settings
Kalyskah will equip her weapons when enemies start to target her and unequip when they stop doing so
Male undead won't always have black hair
Improved Move and Zoom of the skill tree, increased interaction area
If Kalyskah doesn't have a weapon equipped and you try to attack, instead of glitching the weapon in her hand as she plays the attack animation, she will properly equip them;
Reduced the size of some UI elements to not go over 4096px;
Reduced the size of some general textures;
Fixed performance in several particle effects;
Improved the looks of the torch;
New NPC (Doesn't have dialogue yet) Gabriela;
New fringe hairstyle;
Improved Kalyskah's default hairstyle to match the quality of our newest ones;
New Armour for Merishya;
Added a proper tutorial to the game, to teach you the basics of how to move, attack, heal, activate night vision and sneak;
Two whole new areas: The Garden of Earthly Delights and the Garden of Blood. We haven't added the content for the Garden of Delights yet, but you can play in the area and defeat some waves of enemies. Later on, we'll be balancing and better distributing them;
New cutscenes that I'll leave you to find out;
Fixed cleavage morphs on clothing;
Fixed infinite loop on dialogue option when speaking with Ursula;
Kalyskah's legion gloves were readded to the game (But you need to start a new game to get them)
General improvements on level design also removed the vegetation sway to improve the performance;
Reduced the number of NPCs spawned in the world to improve performance;
Fixed some of the particle effects in the world to improve performance;
Temporary distance checker for NPC spawners until NPC manager is implemented. This should make it so NPCs aren't spawned until Kalyskah gets very close to the area they should be in;
Michael will now sit at the library and Ilreth will be next to him;
New world event: Captive Rescue
New world event: By the Bushes
New combat style: Scythe (Some of the animations are a work in progress)
New NPC: Ilreth, you can buy weapons and sell to her the items you loot; Ilreth also comes with a whole new voice-set at the gallery (by Pixie Willow)
New Gallery Only NPC: Nemesis
2 new female/female/male Threesome animations
Completely redone the Long Fuzzy hairstyle and a combed version of it as well (we'll need to tweak the physics later)
Set some of the levels on the right streaming distance and layer. This was supposed to improve the performance but something is happening with the AI that is making this not very noticeable;
Fixed NPCs that were wrongly being tracked by quests (Like some on Kalyskah's playroom that were being tracked as if they were Alvina);
After you finish talking with the most important characters from Kalyskah's legion, including Usula, the new NPC, the Slice of Unlife quest will go to the next step, which isn't implemented yet but at least now this will be written in the description;
Fixed posts that weren't turning on next to the arena;
Fixed an error that was making players unable to skip cutscenes that didn't have a dialogue;
Fixed Amara's door sometimes not being properly interactable during slice unlife quest;
Foliage detail around the college.
Redone Michael's library and the whole area around it;
Improved translucent glass material for the windows;
Improved underwater shader with water distortion;
Improved the Docks
Added a throne on Kalyskah's temple, later we'll add interactions on it;
General improvements in Materials and the way they work with our weather system;
Made Seekers more OP than they were in the Legacy version, so they can be a challenge to prologue Kalyskah;
Gerrard, the student that Brooke shouts at and that Kalyskah can engage in an NSFW scene during her speech, will now have a unique look;
Raptor now glow on hit;
Added a new NPC: Ursula, created by our patron Jaken. She comes with a new activity where depending on your replies (and luck) vampire hunters can spawn at Kalyskah's temple;
New Activity: Kalyskah finds a woman being robbed in the woods;
New Activity: Brooke tells Kalyskah that one of her students is missing. The missing student will change depending on whether or not you make the NSFW path on Brooke's speech from this patch forward;
Kalyskah will now speak when she approaches Gremmnoch;
Added some prisoners to Kalyskah's temple. They are randomly generated when you load your save and the lower her Compassion level, the higher the chance of her having prisoners;
New Seekers spell Holy Teleport. The vampire hunter teleports to where Kalyskah is;
Added a new animation to play when Kalyskah bites an enemy from behind. Preparing the ground for later we add some sexy ones!
Checkpoints/Fast Travel are back! For now, we added three, one at the Arena, one at the Cloister and another on the farm far from the temple. We'll add more later;
Known issues:
I was having issues compiling the project to Vulkan and I had to disable it on this patch.
The game size increased slightly, but hopefully, the time it takes to load sublevels will decrease slightly too;
The FPS is extremely low at the temple, I suspect that it could be related to the NPC AI and you might notice that their animations will flicker in the distance. This is because I'm trying a bolder approach to mitigate the FPS issue until we make a more permanent solution.
0.23.3 - 2023-10-15
Fixed ID on Kalyskah's boots so it can be properly stored. I mean the Karnstein Legion boots, although the item is not available on the game yet.
Slight improvement in the animation blending when kalyskah rises from her coffin;
Footstep sounds should work properly depending on the surface you're walking on in the landscape;
Reduced the sound of armour rattling;
Removed wolves and bears to give room to animals more fitting of the new environment;
Improved the animal spawn in the world to make the place more crowded;
The Island's biome was Completely remade.
New Enemy: Raptor
Readded an old enemy: The same hounds that you could find on the sewers in the legacy version are now in the prologue world but without wounds in their skin.
Kalyskah 0.23.2 - 2023-09-02
Fixed hundreds of duplicated meshes in the level design, which might improve the performance a little;
Fixed mesh clipping issue that generic female character’s breasts had while you were not talking to them;
Added physics to some flags;
Tons of improvements on materials in the level design and corrections to make things make more sense;
Improvement on the foliage around the University;
Improved symmetry in some parts of the dormitory and University;
The female massagist and also the Hexblade that Kalyskah can have sex with will have their hair pinned when Kalyskah is behind them, preventing mesh-clipping while she bites or kisses their necks;
Improved sound effects and the blending of animations when Kalyskah feeds from rats;
Improved the way Kalyskah attaches to humanoid enemy necks to bite them;
Human servants will no longer have vampire teeth;
Generic female faces will be a bit more different than Kalyskah’s in shape;
Heavily improved the lights and camera work on the speech Kalyskah gives to Brooke's trainees!
Streamer mode is implemented in the speech Kalyskah gives to her acolytes. Now if you have streamer mode on, the camera angles while she gives a blowjob will be different in a way that it doesn’t show any genitals;
New Hairstyle: Catherine’s Bun. We’re also testing how this hairstyle looks in Amara until we can make her actual hair;
New animations:
Pillory Anal and Vaginal, with 2 interactions for each
Fixed the issue that was causing characters to stay in their underwear in the gallery;
Fixed the lights on the gallery levels so they are not as dark as before.
v0.23.1 - 2023-08-03
Added roam points to Hexblades that weren't roaming;
Fixed a crash that happens when you unload the open world;
Made tendency changes for both male and female masseurs match;
Minor refactor on how InverseY controls the camera to improve readability and also fixed an issue that was preventing it from working as intended;
Fixed Female Servant path (Both quest completion and post-massage scene);
Fixed characters T_Posing in gallery scenes;
Kalyskah should no longer comment about Alvina's notes if she's in dialogue or cutscene;
Further detailing and improvements on Kalyskah's temple;
Added some sound effects to the massage scene with the female acolyte;
Added a way to disable NPC AI in the gallery, so animations don't change automatically;
Added water sounds in the dungeon, next to the sewers;
Improvements in camera shake effect on the massage scene;
Made NPC maker accessible on the base game. Now our Nightstalkers can start creating their characters and sending them our way so we can populate both Kalyskah's temple with more known faces, and also the town of Tupelo!
Made a slightly more SFW variation of the massage scene when the player has the Streamer Mode on, so no genitals will be shown;
Erotic Content (Toysystem)
New doggystyle interactions:
New BDSM animations (We were working on those before we did the poll):
Lesbian Pillory Fingering (Interaction)
Lesbian Pillory Breastplay (Interaction)
Improved lesbian pillory fingering loop
Cross Ass Fingering (Loop)
Cross Pussy Fingering (Loop)
Cross Pussy Fingering - Finger on Mouth (Interaction)
Cross Ass Fingering - Licking (Interaction)
Cross Ass Fingering (Breast Slap)
Version 0.23.0
Fixed Kalyskah's and Amaras' eyes on the first cutscene;
Fixed Brooke's speech logic so the quest can now be completed;
Fixed vulva style slider on character customisation;
Fixed eyes on One-Handed sword idle pose;
Fixed Eyetracking logic, so Kalyskah should look up and down correctly while lowering her head during dialogues;
Fixed an issue that causes characters to blink during cutscenes where we didn't want them to;
Fixed a minor memory leak on ToysystemController;
Fixed patrol of enemy NPCs like bandits and animals;
Fixed leather boots' footstep sound so Kaly no longer sounds as if she's barefoot;
Fixed the position of the sword on the Two-Handed idle;
Fixed Michael the wise being barefoot;
Fixed Kalyskah not being properly set as the active actor on a Toy-System scene, which was causing her to be misplaced when a sex scene would begin in a BDSM device. And also depending on your choice while negotiating with female bandits;
Fixed issue that was causing information to repeat on books and notes;
Fixed Farley's duplicated voice at the beginning of his cutscene;
Fixed NPCs not starting sex scenes when Kaly was in a BDSM device;
Fixed error that was preventing players from loading saves coming from older versions;
Fixes a bug in the Toy-System where Kaly would return to the default standing position;
Removed several things from the game's tick, which should improve the performance;
Refactor how the heart SFX is handled during blood buff;
Removed some unused codes from the project;
Made Alvina's dialogue cinematic, adding more body language to her;
Added an alternate route to the lower part of the temple, which should allow NPCs to move up and down without needing the lift. Although until we make the NPC schedule system we won't be adding too many characters there;
Added an icon on the compass for the Dungeon and the Training arena. They disappear when the player is too far, we'll investigate why this is happening later;
Added more BDSM devices in the playroom;
Added some post-process effects during the dialogue with Laver;
Dialogue options that change Kalyskah's tendency will now be labelled;
Added nav modifiers to prevent NPCs from getting inside the blood bath and also inside the sea area
Quest "Check on the Legion" will now trigger the next step so players can understand that we're still working on the next bunch of content.
Added some water to the bottom of the dungeon so it's no longer a black box;
Redone the whole lights on the whole open world;
Improved the architecture of the cathedral;
Trees, roads and camps are now scattered throughout the whole Island, and they can be explored. For now, we didn't add content to these areas other than enemies that are spawned in. This area is between 2 and 3 times bigger than the playable area on the Legacy Demo.
New sliders to change Kalyskah's muscle intensity in the character customisation;
Added 4 trivia books to Michael's library;
Added the longest erotic scene we ever did. You can trigger it by entering the blood bath area. I suggest you save it before the scene starts because there are a lot of choices on it! Also, you might notice that sometimes the character's hands will clip with Kalyskah's skin. that's Because the animations were done using the new rig but because we didn't fully implement it on the engine yet, the animations are not looking 100% exactly how they should. But we'll be fixing it next month.
Known issues:
The choices on the massage with the female character aren't changing as many Tendency statuses as the ones with the male. This will be reviewed in the next patch.
When you close the game, it sends a crash message. This also happens when you leave the open world while loading another save or returning to the main menu. We are investigating what's causing the issue.
There might be some stuttering while loading sublevels of the dungeon. But that's because we are in the process of reworking how we did the world composition. This will be reduced as move forward with this task.
Version 0.22.1
Guard Captain Brooke should now have her actual name instead of Alvina;
Still, on Brooke's quest, we Removed a condition to end the speech in an attempt to fix the issues caused by the quest. So now you can end the speech at any point without even choosing any options.
Fixed toysystem bug that was causing characters to face weird directions during threesomes;
Fixed Kalyskah's teeth disappearing when the camera was distant;
Fixed a bug that was causing a blue circle in the world's skybox when DLSS was active;
Fixed a gap on the dungeon's roof;
Fixed game getting stuck while talking with Kaida;
Added a missing voice line on Brooke's speech (the one that plays right before Kalyskah says "What do I mean")
Made so that if Farley or any other NPC is thrown into the water next to the docks, they will teleport back to the wooden area. This should avoid that quest from getting unplayable in case you accidentally shove him into the sea;
Improved the sound effects on some of the sex poses while tied up;
Optimizations on Kalyskah's base blueprint;
Kaida's hairstyle shouldn't be as translucent as it was before;
Kalyskah and female characters will beg when someone approaches them while tied up in a BDSM device;
2 new short hairstyles
Version 0.22.0
Fixed Kalyskah's breasts popping out of her chest in the main menu;
Controls will now be properly saved\loaded when you customise them.
Fixed the line in the speech Kalyskah gives to her acolytes that was causing an infinite loop on the quest;
General improvements on the level design, lights and performance;
Change male and female body shapes. Not every character has been converted yet, and once everything is done, we'll add a slider in the character customisation window for you to change Kalyskah's muscle volume and intensity;
This change made Kalyskah's eyes behave a bit awkward sometimes but we'll fix it on the next patch, together with other texture improvements.
New Acolyte clothes for both male and female characters;
Dialogue options that were already chosen will be grey or not be displayed at all;
Improvements on Natasha's eyebrows;
Changed Laver's default clothes;
Updated the leather armour giving it fewer variations on chest pieces so the detail she wears on her shoulder is on another inventory slot. This change can't be seen in the game yet, since the bandits won't drop all the pieces for now.
Some clothes will now have a Push-Up effect on top of the cleavage effect for large breasts;
Tweaks on the level to make doors of the temple open on the new areas that players should be able to go;
New room on the temple: Kalyskah's playroom. It will function similarly to how the puppeteers used to work after you unlocked their quest. NPCs will tie themselves to devices and be interactable, or Kaly can tie herself in and be intractable. Later we'll add some more features and dialogues there.
A new character, Kaida, and Kalyskah has the option to use her as a subject for a friendly demonstration to her acolytes *wink* *wink*
New options on the settings for you to better customise how to play the game:
Added Setting for FOV (Field of View)
Added Setting for Motion Blur
Toggle for camera smoothing
Added an option to activate Nvidia DLSS
The Deep Learning Super Sampling feature might give some players a boost in performance. But make sure your video card drivers are up to date so it works correctly. Also, it might create some visual artifacts on the skybox depending on your settings, we are investigating why this can happen sometimes.
Version 0.21.3
Fixed how the intro cutscene starts so the UI doesn't show up
Fixed Amara not walking when the cutscene ends
Fixed mesh collision on humanoid AI (This was causing the camera to bounce depending on some angles)
Fixed Kalyskah's underwear showing up when she sleeps. Thanks, patron Ricochet for pointing that out.
Increased water occluder area to prevent characters from swimming underground;
Backend implementation of triggers when objects are pushed or pulled with telekinesis. This will be handy later when we add things to the environment that can change their state when Kalyskah pulls or push it, like walls that will break or pipes that will rotate.
More progress on Barracks level design. Among other things, now the bridge looks fancier!
Some flags that used to have a cross now display Kalyskah's legion emblem;
Added an option to disable dialogue and ambient subtitles;
Added Brooke and some trainees at the barracks, and also added the dialogue between Kalyskah and Brooke with an erotic path (We will improve the animations later)
Added a button on the settings for Players to toggle the UI during gameplay. This will hide the health bar, icons on the screen, etc. Good to take screenshots or make videos of the game.
Kalyskah 0.20.8 - 2022.10.04)
Hello everyone!
We noticed that players couldn't start erotic scenes properly by negotiating with bandits, so we fixed it as fast as possible.
0.20.7 REMAKE -2022.10.02
0.19.4 - 2022-06-08
0.19.3 - 2022-03-17:
0.19.2 - 2022-03-14:
0.19.1 - 2022-02-28:
0.19.0 - 2022-02-02:
0.18.8 - 2021-12-21:
0.18.7 - 2021-12-21:
0.18.6 - 2021-12-14:
0.18.5 - 2021-12-13:
0.18.3 + 0.18.4 - 2021-11-30:
0.18.2 - 2021-11-09:
0.18.1 - 2021-10-30:
0.18.0 - 2021-10-07:
0.16.8 - 2021-08-04:
We released a hotfix that hopefully will make the game shows the correct resolutions for your monitor and also have the dropdown set properly based on the one you are currently using when you open the menu.
0.16.7 - 2021-08-04:
0.15.2 Hotfix - 2021-05-10:
Temporary fix for game crashing when starting the game in full screen with DirectX.
Version 0.15.2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/49287086
0.13 to 0.13.4
There is a variable on the save\load now that will be called "is dead", and will be more consistent with every object that can die. This will reset the chests and the undead states for loaded games from former versions but it's for the best. Now the bandits should aways spawn on the open world. This might cause some unforeseen things happening if you have any save at the dungeon. Let me know about the consequences!
If you have any retro compatibility problem, please let us know, open a ticket on our discord to send us your save file and then "Press Windows+R" and in the Run box put in %localappdata%\Kalyskah_RPG. Then delete the folder.
Possible fixed bug that was causing level and item loss when players were living the dungeon
Fixed animals damage output (An lv1 wolf in the hardest mode were able to deal 475 damage!). Actually, we fixed the damage output of all the enemies in the game so they will now be more consistent as the enemy level up.
Blocking attacks will now consume stamina, as originally intended but it wasn’t working.
Fixed the dungeon reset logic. Pillars should now reaper properly if you get defeated by the boss (And they are way much more important in combat now)
Fixed sound effect played when one NPC hits another, like when Merishya were hitting enemies and playing a sound as if the damage were blocked.
Fixed evasion logic on NPCs that were trying to evade only while performing an attack
Fixed stamina not being consumed properly while biting an enemy
Fixed sound settings so it will now properly save what you chose when you close the game. And made several sound effects fall under the right categories.
Fixed some places on the open world that were looking odd during cutscenes
Fixed subtitles disappearing suddenly while you were watching a cutscene.
Fixed problem that caused players to get stuck on some parts of Jessie’s dialogue, depending on some conditions.
Fixed collision on NPCs that was causing Kalyskah to be sent to outer space!
Fixed loot disappearing from chests in new games.
Fixed Silas conversation causing the player to get stuck.
Fixed NPC Ai and collision after sex scenes.
Fixed problem that was causing humanoid enemies not to be staged by attacks.
[Dungeon] Reduced Merishya damage so the player won't rely on her as a pokemon to fight.
[Dungeon] Boss will take only 25% of damage when he's not fallen down and will also knock out Merishya if she gets hit.
New particle and sound effects for blood buff, summoning hound and mist form
Improved the first camp, ruins and rivers
Improved actor AI perception
Increased wolf animation speed
[Thulgatha] Improved foliage and terrain material
Slight improvements on Pause UI at gallery widget
New areas on level design: Natasha’s witch hut and bandit camp next to a lake. Natasha’s hut doesn’t have interactions yet.
Repainting roads and forest foliage
More consistent enemy damage calculation and possibly fixed error where enemies would stop acting after defeating the player.
Merishya's damage is now more consistent and she'll level up with Kalyskah, she will load her level when she starts following Kalyskah
Improved enemy health bars: They look classier and they also have some animations when they lose\recover health, which will help you to better track Kalyskah’s damage output
Old Lifebars:
New Lifebars:
Boss will no longer ignore Merishya (Since now she can be defeated)
Attacking summoned blood creatures from Greemnoch will now recover some of Kalyskah's blood pool, which will help since the fight got a bit harder now.
Boss will have a lot of armour when he's not on the ground but take 2 times more damage while fallen.
Friendly NPCs will no longer come back to Kalyskah when she stops targeting an enemy. Which will make them more useful if you are fighting multiple enemies
Allied characters now have a blue health bar (Thanks Lee Thompson for the idea to make things more readable)
Improved logic that makes allied NPC ignore summoned creatures by the player
Level Design: Improved Natasha’s treehouse
Level Design: There is a fog on the “sinister forest” now.
Level Design: The way the special post-render effects will blend between in and out of the sinister forest have been heavily improved. It won’t happen all of a sudden anymore.
Level Design: Merishya now has her own room (But Kaly is not invited in yet!).
Improved health bar display and made that if the enemy wasn't been rendered for the last 5 seconds or it's too far from the player, his health bar will be hidden, and he will set the target as null.
Level Design: Akrasiel's tent and environment foliage changes
Improved light attacks with 2 handed sword
Improved NPC equipping weapon logic
Made Merishya follower blueprint more generic so eventually, we can have different types of followers.
Improved save\load quest system in a way that it can accept more complex quests (Please, clean your game folder in AppData to make sure you won’t have retro compatibility problems)
Landing animations when Kaly falls from a big distance will be a little more dramatic
Fixed the max blood points amount display when you press C
The game will now save\load the quest you were tracking
Sleeping on beds is now more reliable in case you want to wait until you can buy Jessie’s blood bottles again. And the sky will be updated instantly while you wait, you will no longer need to wait for 20 seconds for it to happen.
Level Design: New area to explore – Burnt Camp; For now, there is nothing there to see, but we are already working on the mini-quest that will add context to that place on the lore. So stay tuned for updates =)
Level Design: New Quixel assets for forest, ruins, camps, walls, etc.
Snowy mountains are back!
Reduced the frequency day\night cycle is updated so it is lighter on performance.
Added lipsync to Kalyskah's conversation with Silas and also changed the position of the camera.
Improved collisions on tavern objects
Characters should now unequip their weapons when a sex scene starts.
Improved Launchable Attacks so Kalyskah plays an animation instead of falling in ragdoll.
Fixed armour damage reduction (We just realised that armours were not working before!)
Stamina rework:
Removed 4s of cooldown before resuming stamina regeneration and made this timer based on animation playing.
Increased stamina per dexterity level from 5 to 7.5
Parrying attacks will no longer consume stamina
Reduced stamina cost when blocking from the fixed amount of 40% of the damage caused to 15% but it increases +12% per every hit you block (Up to 100% of the damage enemy was causing on you). Thanks to the patron Corgo for giving us this idea!
Ai Improvements:
Expanded move-set of some of the humanoid NPCs: Some of them will cast magic!
Notice that if you time the parry right when they throw projectiles at Kalyskah, she’ll be able to deflect them!
Raising the difficulty of the game will no longer just turn enemies into meat bags. Humanoid enemies will now attempt to block and evade some of Kalyskah’s attacks, and they have a higher chance to do it on the hardest modes.
Enemies will have a higher chance to avoid attacks if the player is spamming combos.
Follower Improvements:
Merishjya will play a big part in one of the quests we are working on, so we felt the need to improve her behaviour a little bit =)
Merishya will also have two spells to use in combat: She will now throw fireballs and cause AoE damage with flames as well
Merishya will now switch between walking, jogging and sprinting while following Kalyskah. The degree of the slopes she can walk was increased to a value like Kalyskah's and Merishya will now swim when Kalyskah swims as well. If Merishya is too far away, she'll teleport to a random point next to Kalyskah. This will prevent her from getting stuck and are rendered unable to follow
Merishya will now attempt to make combos
Merishya will now be beaten down for a minute if she receives too much damage. If Kaly interacts with her, Meri will recover.
General Features
New NSFW sounds for generic female NPCs, there are over 25 new lines recorded by Christina, but you might not be able to hear all of them yet because most are playing on only some specific animations. But we’ll improve this later.
[Thulgatha] Start to work on the quarantine gate and potential mountain ruined fort
Initial compass implementation, for now, it only tracks Milhaven when you are in the open world. Eventually, we will make that it tracks the target of some quests
Kalyskah can now bite citizens of Thulgatha. If she reduces their health to 0 they will be on a weakened state for a minute. There is no Crime\Punishment mechanics yet. But we might work on it for version 0.14.
Beginning of a new quest: An Heirloom Lost. Explore the second floor of Bouchard’s Tavern and Inn and you’ll trigger it.
New mechanics that will be used for future quests where Kalyskah will be able to follow blood tracks.
The objectives of some quests will now be shown on the compass. (Only daily Blood Transfusion and Heirloom Lost, for now)
New clothes for peasant male NPCs
Level design: Started to add a destroyed trader’s outpost
Chests and shops will now save items that the player store or sell to them.
Keys from the dungeon are now undroppable, so you won’t lose them by accident.
New erotic animations to the gallery: Male standing behind Kalyskah, and male lifting her up. The standing pose has interaction.
We added the beginning of the new cave. For now, it doesn't have anything to do and we also did not open everything to be explored yet. We just left it there so we can test how the level streaming will work. The cave is between the ruins of the burned village and Kelhold. Up the mountains, you will find an entrance.
You can now go to the settings and adjust the percentage of breast physics you want, in case bigger breast's physics get out of hand.
New erotic pose on gallery mode: Lotus (Asking to cuddle)
Sometimes the toysystem will climax with the actors going to missionary pose. (WIP)
You can now speak with Travert, Friar and Boris on the Heirloom Lost quest. Make sure to save the game on a separate slot because there are many outcomes possible for those dialogues. I’ll admit that not all the dialogue lines have animations yet, and there is a known issue that after you went through a whole branch of conversation, you can still talk with the others. I noticed that while testing the game but since I also noticed a few other issues (that are not game-breaking) I decided to release it anyway so I can release a 0.13.2b during this week with a few other improvements.
New animations: Missionary Choking, Lotus and a few new interactions. I won’t list them on this particular patch because they are not available on the gallery mode yet, but they will be when we release version 0.14
I'll probably review some parts and cameras of the new erotic scene to improve its quality, but that will wait for a few patches.
We added the beginning of the new cave. For now, it doesn't have anything to do and we also did not open everything to be explored yet. We just left it there so we can test how the level streaming will work. The cave is between the ruins of the burned village and Kelhold. Up the mountains, you will find an entrance.
You will find a new type of enemy on the cave, a Troll. But his moveset and sound effects are not done yet.
You can now go to the settings and adjust the percentage of breast physics you want, in case bigger breast's physics get out of hand.
New erotic pose on gallery mode: Lotus (Asking to cuddle)
Sometimes the toy system will climax with the actors going to missionary pose. (WIP)
Known Issue:
Some people have reported that sometimes you can't hurt the wolves. I tried and tried and tried again to replicate this bug but it never happened with me. Let me know if you are having this problem with this version of the game.
0.12.4 (Public Release)
[Dungeon] Moved checkpoint close to Merishya backwards so the player won't load on top the trigger box that starts her dialogue.
[Dungeon] Made that the dialogue only triggers if the player doesn’t have her quest yet. Which will prevent the dialogue to start every time the player tries to load the game.
[Thulgatha] When Kalyskah avoids the courtesan questline she will tell Bouchard that he was “predictable”. He was reacting to that line but she wasn’t saying it before.
[Thulgatha] Fixed armour and damage amount display on the character inventory interface. This made Kalyskah’s damage output smaller, but that’s how it was supposed to be in the first place.
[Thulgatha] Fixed Kalyskah health resetting to 70% every time she was leaving a dialogue.
[Thulgatha] Fixed all the dialogues that were not being controlled by the “Voice” volume on the main menu. Let me know if we left anything behind.
[Thulgatha] Fixed "flickering neckline" problem on the character's texture.
Enemies will no longer target Kalyskah if she's defeated. This will make the combat music stop playing after you die.
Fixed f/f kissing interaction while holding hands
Fixed Hammer idle animations not working properly
Improved Attribute descriptions so now you know what sorcery, charisma, etc will do.
Improved broom location on the sweeping ground working stations
[Thulgatha] New looping animations for the prostitutes
[Thulgatha] Added Kalyskah voice on the dialogue with Silas, and also started to adjust the camera. Kalyskah won’t have lipsync yet because I need to make some fine tunes before doing it.
Improvements on how Kalyskah recognizes that she is under a shadow to avoid taking sunlight damage. The leaves at the new area don’t have collision yet though, which means that to avoid sunlight damage there you should stay at the shadow cast by the trunks. But we’ll improve it in time.
[Thulgatha] Starting to improve the scene where Kalyskah meets James outside of the dungeon. It’s not done yet, but it will be at the end of the month.
Removed the sound when Kalyskah hits something she can’t harm. So there won’t be metal sounds when you hit a friendly NPC anymore.
Ai Improvement: Friendly NPCs will no longer attack someone that Kalyskah is drinking blood.
Ai Improvement: Enemies will stop trying to reach the player if the player is too far and there is some ally hitting them. Merishya can’t take damage yet so this wasn’t a problem until we introduced the summoning.
[Dungeon] Gremnoch fight improvements – Part 1: When he reaches 50% of his health he will start to spawn bloodhounds. We removed that close-range attack that he was launching Kalyskah on the ground. This rendered him easier to be defeated, but on the next patch, we will make somethings to make him a little harder to kill. Suggestions are welcome!
Improvements on Gremnoch appearance: His eyes will glow in green when he has only half lifebar left, his eyes will glow in red and he will have some smoke effects around him.
Improvement Gremnoch and Death Hounds collisions. Kaly won’t get inside of them anymore.
Changing Kalyskah’s appearance on the main menu will now work when loading different save slots, not only the most recent one.
Blood Bottles now have an icon and they won’t restore only Kalyskah’s health, but also her actual blood pool. 200 health and 50 blood points over 10 seconds (her maximum blood pool is 200). You can’t use the blood bottles if you are already under the effect of one. This should prevent wasting them.
Fixed item amount not being loaded properly. I noticed this error while working on the blood bottles. If you had 10 of them on your inventory, when you loaded the game you would have only 1.
[Dungeon] Kalyskah won’t slide towards Merishya at the dungeon conversation anymore. She will actually walk.
Save games will now be displayed from the most recent to the oldest one, this will make your life a lot easier to find the most recent game you were playing when you quit the game.
More progress on building Natasha's hut
Replaced the old wolf with a new one with better animations. So fighting wolves is now way much better than what it was before.
Increased wolf collision box, so fighting them will be easier
Generated LOD for some NPCs, not sure this will have a visible impact on performance yet.
Added visual effects when the character parries or block an attack
[Thulgatha] Kalyskah can now swim on the rivers and reach the other side of the forest. This area is under construction so although it has a nice environment and effects, it might still feel a little empty because we don’t have a questline there yet, but we are already working on it for the incoming releases.
[Thulgatha] New enemies on the new area of the map.
[Thulgatha] Added a new weapon on Fara’s shop: Morningstar.
World Global Saving: The NPC positions will now be saved and also if whether they are alive or dead. This means that if you are playing the dungeon and decide to take a break, save and close the game when you load the undead you killed won’t be there anymore, and all the doors you unlocked or opened will be as you left them.
Kalyskah will now get a new power after defeating Gremmnoch: Summoning bloodhounds. They will stay around for 20 + (Sorcery x 3) seconds. And Kalyskah can summon two at once. They will consume 10 points of blood to be summoned.
Started to work on a new makeup system for the character customization menu. Now you'll be able to apply one variation of lipstick and eyelashes on Kalyskah, and also to add eyeliner on her. This is only the beginning of what's to come. Eventually, we will have several makeup styles and even tattoos! But everything needs to start small =)
Ps. I know nothing about makeup so I don't know how to name the different styles! Haha
New combat song while fighting the Husks and exploring the forest, done by Maura Game Music
Tough Choice:
My computer doesn’t have enough RAM to pack the game for Vulkan and DirectX, and the friend that was doing that for me won't be able to do it anymore. But I already have plans to buy a new PC in September, when a new processor is around, but until then, the game will need to go back to support only DirectX11 and DirecX12.
Known Issues
Kalyskah won’t unequip her weapon after finishing to talk with Averion at the beginning of safe haven quest
Hello everyone!
We just released a patch to fix two issues:
Fixed the issue that was causing player to be teleported to a random area the open world instead of playing the intro cutscene after defeating Greemnoch
Fixed a door that even though it was open, Kaly couldn't cross on a place that she was supposed to be able to get in. thanks TELunus for reporting the bug.
Hello everyone!
We just released a patch to fix two issues:
Averion repeating "run, run and get help!" and overlapping what he was saying during the cutscene inside Kelhold. thanks to the patron PrecursorDesign for reporting that
Made that from whatever direction you are coming from, Merishya will go see what's going on with the bandits harassing the villagers. So if you load your game from Milhaven, coming from a version before 0.11.1, the quest Safe Haven will still be triggered.
Sorry, TELunus! When I opened the engine to fix the smaller problems of this version I kinda forgot to look that door that you could not get through, on the back of Kelhold. But I'll make sure I remember this on the next patch.
Hello everyone, Corintio here!
Today we are happy to present you the newest version of the game, that was entirely focused on adding more to the story!
There are things that we are still improving, but we hope you like what we have so far, and thank you very much for your support!
Increased skin pore resolution on Merishya
Fixing spots on pause menu that weren't turning black
Fixed some holes on the level
Fixed a function that sometimes were making Kalyskah emits a weird moaning sound when you arrived at Thulgata Oo’
Improved the way the game sets the map you currently are when saving it, so this will probably end once and for all that annoying bug that always came back: The one that you would load back at the dungeon sometimes, even though you had already reached the open world.
Improvements on the cliffs of the game and opened the view a lot more at the graveyard.
Roof and indoor light fixes
Improved facial expressions some of the erotic animations
Better friendly combat AI: Merishya will now attack the characters that are attacking or targeting Kalyskah, not only the ones Kalyskah is targeting.
Many improvements on the level design: Rivers, trees, rocks, grass, an herbalist hut that is under development, lights, etc. We are getting close to the day where we will enable the other side of the river to be playable.
Migrated to Unreal 4.24, which brought better stability to many things (But new unpredictable bugs as well, let us know if you find that something that used to work is no longer working)
Days now lasts 96 minutes. But don’t worry, we are adding a way to fast forward in time: beds.
Distance Fields on the level, which means better shadows when things are far away.
New event on the world: Kalyskah can help a group of people that is being attacked by bandits on her way to Milhaven. It will trigger the Safe Haven quest, part of the main storyline. Notice that you need to do this quest before entering the actual city.
New Questline: A City of Thieves. This is the main storyline and you’ll learn what happened with Kalysakh’s Blood Gem. Notice that the lipsync is a little out of place for some characters and that not every dialogue line had enough attention on the animations, we’ll improve them in time.
We did several new dialogue animations, so now on some of those scenes, you’ll see that not everyone will be idle staring at you.
Kalyskah can now sleep on a bed at Kelhold (I’ll learn where it is on the new questline) and also at Bouchard’s Tavern and Inn.
Vulkan support: You can open the launcher on the game’s folder to switch between DirectX 11, 12 or Vulkan.
Ilya Bouchard will greet you when you enter the tavern… Wait for her lines to be done before talking with Madame Bouchard otherwise, the subtitles will be overlapping. This will be fixed in the future. You’ll probably see a floating broom there… don’t mind it, it’s a work in progress!
Known issues:
Some dialogues might have the characters facing another direction, weird behaviour on the eye-tracking or maybe cameras out of focus. Since it's nothing that is as usual to see, we did not want to hold the release for another week just to fix those details. Just know that all the dialogues are going to be improved in time. =)
Fixed UI not disappearing during dialogues
Fixed facial expressions during dialogues
Fixed some weird rotation on Kaly’s head while she had her weapon up
Fixed textures on female floral armour (the one Luanna wears)
Fixed Kalyskah being “playable” during the dialogue with Merishya after helping her out of the dungeon
Fixed tavern door rotation, which was preventing some NPCs from leaving or walking in properly
Fixed spelling on dialogue with Merishya and dialogue lines that Kalyskah says while exploring the dungeon.
Fixed dialogue lines with Luanna that were assigned with the wrong audio and also fixed a sentence that was meant to be spoken by Luanna but was moving Henrysson’s mouth.
Fixed typo on pet-collar info
Fixed the bug that was causing Kalyskah to fall under the ground while fighting bears or the boss. Turns out that it was a problem on the Target Lock logic because she was trying to rotate towards the target even while in ragdoll and this was causing her colliders to friction with the ground until it passed through it.
Fixed a bug that was causing the claws not to be equipped on some situations, and also making they disappear completely if you saved the game with them equipped and then loaded.
Fixed being able to equip weapons during the first line of the dialogues with some NPCs
Several new animations for dialogues
Improvements on some camera angles and animations on Henrysson’s cutscene
Made Madame Bouchard's eyes less saturated
Choices that changes Kalyskah's tendency will now be displayed in different colours.
Improvements on guards cutscene so the music change on some different choices
Improved blacksmith animations and placement so now Fara will actually look like she is working on a sword
Set Loretta to work at her pawnshop, but she doesn’t have any dialogue yet
Crosshair will now be displayed during 4 seconds after the player hovers the mouse on something intractable.
Added Target lock visuals again and made that the cursor disappear during lock-on mode, so it will look prettier
Improvements on the cutscene between Kalyskah and Henryson.
Luke has been working on improving our rivers. We realised now, over 7 months later, that the pretty river we had were not going to packing. So, we are using this opportunity to redo its flow and aesthetics.
More improvements on Kalyskah\Henrysson cutscene. There are some new loops and actions there that eventually we will enable for the gallery as well
Rivers! We are adding some nice rivers to the world, but right now Kaly cannot go through them because the area is not done yet.
More improvements on foliage and vegetation
Improved the collision on cloth simulation. The armour that you'll feel the biggest difference is the cape of the Karnstein Legion set.
Increased Bear base-health
added another Death-Hound next to the exit of the Dungeon's sewers
Natasha's hair is not slightly darker
More braches on the scene between Henrysson and Kalyskah. Needs polishment
Nicer trees on a part of the forest that the player can't reach yet. We will enable that area on version 0.11 (probably)
The Seekers at that camp that Kalysakh finds James should want to attack the player as soon as the cutscene ends
New vampiric power: Telekinesis! Push and pull enemies and rodents around. For now, the power is working on a very simple way, but it’s a milestone before we make the crazy stuff we have in mind that will be used in puzzles and other cool things!
New NPC: Akrasiel Inoah. She doesn't have voice acting a quest yet, but she wears a whole new set of armour that eventually we will make a quest to enable it to the player as well.
Started to add deers to the game. their locomotion animations and AI behaviour will be improved later.
Some dialogue lines with Polly, Silas and Eira.
Properly set the quest with Madame Bouchard to give the courtesan job. For now, she can only go with Silas and Eira, the text of the dialogue is done, but not the acting.
New "character tag" system. It displays in the journal. It will tell when Kalyskah is starving and also, her profession if she starts the courtesan job.
More landscape and foliage improvements. Now with cobblestone that will make the village look more like somewhere where people want to live without soaking their feet in mud.
New place on the open-world under construction: The Windmill
Slight improvements on some sentences at James’ dialogue at the surface world
New place on the open-world (that will have a quest later): the Pawnshop
New “cutscene dialogue” between Kalyskah and the innkeepers (when they are in working hours). The scene is under development so it will be patched soon with more emotions and interactions between characters.
New “cutscene dialogue” between Kalyskah and Luanna. The erotic branch of her dialogue is under development, the ‘Scold her” option is the one with more lines so far.
Added new ambient conversations for NPCs (Not voiced yet)
- Aliester
- Bronwyn
- Rulfio de Ravager
- Tarten
New power: Vampiric Vision! The area where you reveal objects and enemies is directly linked with your logic attribute. Right now, we set a huge value as a start because want you to see the new feature working. But in the future, the area that Kalyskah will be able to track objects\enemies and rodents will be smaller since the main focus of the vampiric vision will be the night vision. We don’t want to have an OP ability that will take away the exploration aspect of the game.
On the sentence “Oh, I’m flattered”, Henrysson is the one that moves his mouth instead of Luanna
The ambient music is not going back to the default one after the erotic scene is done, you’ll have to reload the game in order to “fix” it.
Although I suspect that I know how to fix the bug that makes Kalyskah get launched bellow the ground, we didn't have time to fix it yet.
New Photomode! The player can now remove the HUD and move the camera around Kaly to take nice screenshots! Notice that this feature is under development, so bugs are expected. It also doesn't actually freeze the whole world, it only pauses every object and character around Kalyskah.
*As you can see on this last picture, the cursor is not disappearing when the weapon is equipped. But we'll fix that next time we have a chance to improve the photo mode
Controller support:
The helper text in the interface will recognize which input device are you using
Made that the camera will centralize to the character when you press the target lock key while there is no valid target around
Made sprinting logic work differently on the controller so the player doesn't need to keep holding the sprinting button all the time. That’s because you can either sprint by pressing the left-thumb-stick or LB, but eventually, we might remove the LB button and leave just the thumb-stick button, as other games do.
Telekinesis will aim to the character that the player is currently targeting while in lock-on mode
The icons to interact with objects will now change if you are playing on a controller
Made that if you are aiming to an intractable object and your weapon isn't up, Kaly won't automatically equip her weapon. This was necessary to avoid the player "hitting" every object they wanted to interact with while playing on a controller.
Fixing Sucking blood with the controller
Changes in erotic scenes
Changed spanking loop stamina and arousal gain on the mini-game.
Slight improvements on the f\f facial expressions while the characters are embracing
New interaction for hairpulling doggy animation
Progression on handjob animation related to arousal level
New transition from handjob to skullfuck
Stamina will now decrease 50% slower during sex scenes
New interaction for neutral kneeling (Rubbing)
Added a button to reset arousal on the gallery menu
New loop for female\female animation (Spanking manual)
New interaction for the f\f spanking loops: Kissing
New interaction for the f/m handjob pose: Lick
New interaction for the f/f holding hands pose: Kissing
Known issues:
The mouse cursor will be invisible when you pause the game, but still work and make the buttons brighter when it's on top of them. This was fixed on
Kalyskah will receive the key to the sacrificial chamber as soon as she frees Merishya
The key that you find at the sewers, will now be inside of a chest instead of on the ground
Wolves will take a few steps backwards after attacking, this will prevent them from pushing you forward eternally
Wolves will howl when they see you and also a few times during combat if you avoid them too much. This will help to open a few more windows to attack them
Wolves will gain less health per level
Wolves, bears and hounds glow in red when they receive a hit
Dexterity will change maximum stamina again (Who is coming from 0.8 won’t notice the change)
Kalyskah’s muscles and skin pores should be a little bit more visible
Changed the way breast sliders work: Now we have only one slider called "Breast Size", which will increase Kalyskah's chest in a much more comfortable way than what we had before where you needed to manually adjust the mass and separation to make it look good.
Huge performance improvements on the GPU. Tiny Talisman guys did a really great job on optimizing materials and asset's Level of Detail.
Trees are bigger and darker now, which will make the woods feel more like "woods". With bigger trees, you will also have more shadows to walk under when your blood points are low.
Merishya's armour now glows.
Karnstein leather won't shine as much as it was before. Now it will look more like leather than latex, the way it was meant to be.
Sword now gets unequipped when Kalyskah bites an enemy
Made negotiation with enemies a little bit easier
Increased Gremnoch’s health and added some effects when he roars. We will improve his combat behaviour eventually too
Foliage and lighting improvements on the open world
disabled the tutorial until we remake it for the new combat system
Changed the shape of the male character's head to match the female, so female hairstyles can be compatible with male characters as well
Citizens will no longer have the golden logo on their plate mails. Those are for another faction of the game
Removed the first grunt Michael makes on the dialogue
Fara now sells some parts of the plate mail
Talking about Fara, her blacksmith bench will finally be displayed as intended!
Fara Table.jpg
Improved the responsiveness of the combat: “Parry window” is the 0.5 seconds you have when you enter the guard mode. If an enemy attacks you while the parry window is open, they will be staged. So now we there are many a subtle glowing effect that you will see on both your character and the enemies:
White: You either successfully blocked an attack or your parry window is open Blue: You parried the enemy, you and he will glow in blue for a while Red: the attack landed, either on your or on your opponent
Kalyskah will change her pose a little bit if you move to the sides while fighting with claws or with one-handed weapons, this will make her locomotion feel more fluid
Changes on blocking hits logic so stamina is no longer necessary in case the player is attempting to parry
Nights in Thulgata are brighter, the Karnstein Temple is brighter as well
Fixed the Save problem in the open world. Now when you load your game you should spawn on the proper level. Notice that this will only affect new saved games.
Fixed the ANNOYING problem on dialogues that you had after the cutscene where Kalyskah finds James at the surface world.
Fixed an issue where the player was finishing Merishya's quest every time they interacted with the locked Sacrificial Chamber door.
Fixed typos on Merishya and Guards dialogue
Fixed an issue where the player was finishing Merishya's quest every time they interacted with the locked door.
Fixed typo on "Pet Collar"
Fixed the "something happened to this text" error while sucking enemy blood
Fixed second chance dialogue not being triggered
Fixing openworld save after dungeon boss fight and made dungeon boss cutscene skippable
Fixed witchat mesh clipping with some hairstyles (Bun and pinned hair still clip though)
Kalyskah’s default hair no longer clips with her skull
Parring animations no longer overlap, which means that if the player doesn't time the parry properly, he will be punished. With this change, the player can no longer spam parries
Fixed issues caused when actors were snaping out of their working places or beds. This bug was what was causing some NPCs to teleport when you started to talk with them.
Weird materials on clothes that were not the chest piece
Fixed a bug that was making the character upper torso behave oddly
Kalyskah's breasts now have physics. Notice that some armours like the ones where she has a huge metal plate on her chest will not bounce. But the ones made of leather, cotton, etc will.
You can now add elven ears to Kaly on the character customisation screen because why not?
New hairstyles, you can have a preview here
A new dialogue between Kalyskah and the guards of Millhaven when she tries to get in the settlement. Right now, this dialogue will trigger once every time you load the game because since it is not 100% done, we are not saving the progress you had on it yet. The dialogue changes slightly depending on the tags of the gear you are wearing, there are currently 3 branches. It can lead to an erotic scene depending on your choices too, the first scene that we did that will actually blend in seamlessly with the story. But keep in mind that this scene is not 100% done yet too.
Added handjob animations.
Known issues:
Yes, the guards of Millhaven will interact with Kalyskah every time she passes through them on the first time you load a game. That’s because eventually this dialogue will be part of a quest, and we don’t want to save the progress on it yet… Also because the scene is not finished =)
Slight mesh clipping when Kalyskah moves with the Karnstein Leather armour when the breasts are on the maximum value.
Hello everyone,
Today is finally the day that we will patch what was supposed to be a Hotfix for the save/load bugs, but since we changed version numbers it caused so many trouble that at the end, the patch notes will be smaller than all that we have done during the month and patching to our patrons. But before we jump on the changelog, let's just talk about the plan for next month:
Review on the combat, leveling and skill system
A Safe Haven, a house where Kalyskah will be allowed to sleep to pass the time
We are adding physics to the character's breasts and improving the shape of her body a little bit.
We might introduce some face presets for you to play around on character customization (Like.. I don't know about you, but there are days that I'd like to add elven ears to Kaly!)
The first quest\profession with some erotic content entwined on the story.
And talking about the story: More answers to Kaly's past.
Who knows what else? =)
Those are what we will be working and patching for the patrons during the month of December, but since the last week and a half of the year simply doesn't exist because everyone travels or go see their families, etc, the progress might get a little slower on these last days, pushing the public demo to January. So version 0.8.11 might be last public patch of the year, now we will move on to work on things that will demand a lot of time and tests to finish. Hopefully, as you might notice by the leap the game had from version 0.7 to 0.8, we will be able to sit down and say that we will have something to be proud of!
So now to the changelog:
Version 0.8.11 - 27/11/2019
Consuming multiple rodents fix
Fixed the door on Merishya’s quest at the dungeon
Characters close their eyes when they sleep
Fixed inventory on new games
Fixed load problems related to level, character position, etc
The player is no longer locked on dialogue when the blacksmith or the nurse are saying dismissive lines
Fixed Kalyskah's eyes being red by default on the character customisation. In the game, her eyes only get red when she is thirsty. So the red eyes on the customisation screen are on a slider at the lower centre of the screen. For some reason, it was starting red and only turning blue or whatever colour the player chooses, if the player moved that slider. Now it's working as intended: It starts on the chosen 'human-form' colour and goes red if you change the value on the slider.
Updated Unreal Engine version to 4.23
Improved NPC’s locomotion and made male and female characters have a different idle animation
Improved walking animations and speed during dialogue
Level Design: Replaced roof and window pieces, new walls and foliage
Improved evasion animations
Level Design: Some houses now have different wall colour, which will make the city less dull
Rolling dice system is now easier when you are playing on easy mode
We have set DirectX 12 as default on the game. This should prevent crashes when you change the game resolution.
Level Design: Improvements on foliage shaders and LOD, which might improve performance
Level Design: Reduced some texture resolutions from 4k to 2k or 1k to improve performance
Sex with female characters are now are supported by the “Toysystem”
New Female\Female animations (New embrace animation with kissing and two spank interactions)
New NPCs for the world
New opening cutscene, you can press ESC or P to open the pause menu and skip them in case you don’t want to see the whole thing (Skipping is now possible on the bandit’s cutscene at the open world as well)
We have added support top, Nvidia Ansel… weirdly enough, some people are able to use it only when GeForce experience is not installed though. But that’s a Unreal\Nvidea bug, so it’s beyond our reach to fix it oO’
Known issues
If you are falling while you press the interaction button to talk with James on the open world, Kalyskah will slide down weirdly.
Sometimes if you get defeated by one of the two bandits you need to kill to proceed on the quest, one of them might disappear. This seems to be a problem with collisions on the ground since they only disappear if you die in certain places.
We could not replicate the problem that some people reported that makes you unable to talk with Jessie a second time.
If you skip some dialogues too fast, the character might spam transition animation that might look off..... But well, if you are skipping is probably because you are more focused on the text than on the characters, so this might not be an issue for you.
I'm adding here a some saved games that will enable you to skip right to the open world in case you managed to defeat the boss but lost all your progress because of the bug we had on the last version. Add them on the folder in case you want it C:\Users\[YOU_USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Kalyskah_RPG\Saved\SaveGames
Initial open-world release. We are blocking the available area to explore because the rest of the terrain is not done yet…. So, it wouldn’t make for sense if you went to the desert if you wouldn’t find anything but sand there =)
We separated the armours into 5 slots
Started to play around with a parrying system, but we had to change focus while doing it so for now… Press the right mouse button when you see an incoming attack and the enemy will be staged for 3 seconds. Visual and audio effects will be added in time.
Combat is now more responsive, where characters take a step back if an attack is blocked.
Weapon Scaling system added
Manual saving game via slots instead of only checkpoints
Started to sketch the tendency system
Improved lipsync
Started to add mechanics to the way erotic scenes play
Equipment that reduces attributes will now be displayed properly
Fixed typo on toysystem animation menu
Fixed Partner weird rotations when they want to go back to their patrol position during an erotic scene
Environmental fixes
The sound that plays when you open a door is now 3d.
Decreased the volume of footsteps sounds and made the sound options menu work for the dialogue lines too
Fixed HUD intermittently showing up
Save/load game will track the character gold coins amount (We don't have a manual saving system yet, so you need to get the checkpoint at the entrance of the village to save your progress)
Fixed Kalyskah and female NPCs breasts being pushed up depending on the armour they were wearing when a sex scene started
Slight code optimisation when the player changes equipment
The amount of gold that you get from a chest will now be displayed properly when you hover your mouse on it
Fixed a problem that could cause Kalyskah to be teleported to the wrong part of the map in case she died after loading a game, but before passing through a new checkpoint
Fixed a problem that was making saving more than 1000 experience points being loaded without 3 decimal places;
Fixed sucking blood from dead enemies;
Added a chest with the Karnstein legion armour back to the dungeon;
Removed Stairwell key
Gameplay: Mist and Dash are now on different keys so it is always available during combat
Balancing: Slightly reduced the amount of undead at the dungeon
Balancing: Humanoid enemies are a bit smarter now and will change their guard to the direction of your hit to avoid getting hit twice on the same direction.
Balancing: Because of the change we did above, you can now change your guard direction at the last half of your attack animation so you can chain combos through different directions a bit easier, or block one incoming attack. This should make the combat feel a bit slower since you might get staged and punished if you spam attacks.
NPCs can now open doors… Yeah, don’t shut the door at the undead while he follows you or you will get in trouble!
Improved collision on every one-handed sword
Added a fade in\out effect to avoid the player seeing Kalyskah while she loads her equipment and is spawned on the checkpoint
Camera no longer pan around the level while the game loads
HUD: Made the text on Health, Experience and Rigor Mortis (Stamina), white and added a black outline. So now you will be able to see the text-independent on how bright the background is
HUD: Added tooltips on the attributes if you hover them with your mouse
Improvements on Merishya's tail
Merishya will now move her tail to the sides when she idle.
Merishya's tail should no longer flicker.
Merishya's tail now blends physics with animation, that means that the movement when she walks is now way smoother.
Improved game logo
The same key that opens the inventory now opens the equipment as well
We are slowly changing the logic of our ‘toy-system’, and the characters should now be aligned properly during the sex scenes because there is a new function on the backend to make sure that they will snap to each other.
Changed the way Kalyskah undresses herself during the sex scenes: Now the clothes will go to her inventory instead of just being hidden during the animation. This is the beginning of a new feature that we are planning to add, where the player will manually undress Kalyskah when the scene starts in order to have access to certain poses.
Hair shouldn’t shine as much as it was before and should be slightly more optimized
Kalyskah's eyes now glow a little bit more when they turn red due to the lack of blood
Improved transitions on the ‘toysystem’ (sex animations) in a way that they start with Kaly holding hands and then you can move on to the others (the missionary don’t have a transition yet)
Improvements in the boss area
Added some water flowing sounds to the places that you can find water at the dungeon, so this might help on the immersion
Ending the sex animation will go to the blowjob climax placeholder animation (the subtitles are wrong, but we will fix this eventually)
Many improvements on the back-end code and how actors generate their appearance
Undead will now have random skin-colours, the female will generate random cloth pieces(giving them more variation)
Improved loot from NPCs
Tweaks on the effects when Kalyskah jumps
Moved many lootable objects to another place. The ‘secret box’ with Merishya’s armour will now have the ‘skimpy version’. Merishya’s modest armour and belt will be found somewhere on the open world in the future after we are done with a quest that she can give.
Changed the balancing of enemies so they start with more health but don't increase as much as it was before on the higher difficulty levels
Hud now shows the health points, armour, damage, blood points and blood efficiency properly
Some rats have been added to the dungeon. They should give Kalyskah more blood points so she can activate the blood buff more often.
Now Kalyskah health will increase according to her Vigor, instead of strength.
We turned the Texture Streaming on. This should improve the performance of some PCs. But it requires 4gb of memory
Changed text on the pause menu, so now we have “Main Menu” written where it was “New Game” before
Smoother combat camera and target acquisition
Improved Kalysakah’s default and the short curly hairstyles
Improved the way characters can change their postures and facial expressions while in dialogue
Lipsync is now pre-processed instead of made in real-time based on the subtitles like it was before. So now Kalyskah will actually stop moving her mouth and move it again based on the audio and not on the text.
Improved character creation camera controls. It won’t go up and down based on the options you are selecting, but you can now manually set the zoom, the height and also Kalyskah’s rotation
Started to work on what will be the tutorial of the game. For now, the game pauses and explains how the combat works before you fight Michael. To open his door, you know need to defeat him.
"Press E to Consume" is now displayed when Kalyskah is sneaking behind humanoid enemies. This will help people to know how biting mechanics work.
Removed the barrel’s puzzle at the dungeon
Fixed checkpoint on the dungeon that was making the player load inside of a pillar
Fara, the Blacksmith, will now be able to buy items and to sell the Falchion and Estoc, weapons that can only be got by loot on the dungeon. (Notice that we haven't introduced job yet, so the only way to get gold at the moment is by selling your items or looting if from the chests at the dungeon or by making a small quest that Fara gives)
Shop preview.jpg
New weapon: Falchion. There is only one NPC that can drop it on the dungeon, and it has 10% of chance... but don’t worry, if you can’t get it from him, you can buy it from Fara
2 new sets of armour: Leather and Seekers! (Leather armour can be bought from Fara after you finish a quest. Seekers armour can’t be got yet. There will be a quest in the future)
Don’t try to break into a private home if the NPC left the door open, Kalyskah will be pushed back and say that she needs an invite to get in.
Added a new window, Journal, press J to open it. There you can track your active quests and If you go to the Statistics tab you can see the number of partners Kalyskah had as well.
Once per day, Kalyskah can get blood bags that restore 200 of her health from the nurse Jessie Sawmill.
A clock appears on the HUD when you reach the open world
Introduced an Item Tag system. In the future, the way you are dressed will change how some people react to you.
Made quests to guide the player out of the dungeon.
On the open world, Kalyskah can take sunlight damage when she is visibly thirsty (With red eyes and pale skin) or not inside of a dialogue. The player will also have a few minutes after sunrise to find shelter since the sun damage doesn't start immediately after sunset. (It takes a little bit of time until it becomes harming to her)
Kalyskah tries to cover her eyes when she is taking sunlight damage
Kalyskah can feed on rats and other small animals that she can grab
Added several NPCs that have a ‘day cycle’, working during some hours, roaming through the village for a while and then sleeping…
New enemy: Bear
New enemy: Wolf
New weapon: Iron sword
New “weapon”: Torch... Eventually, Kalyskah will not be going to need it, when we add the night vision. But the torch is handy during some part of the night that the landscape can get almost pitch black if you are in the woods on an area that the moon can’t lit.
Blood Buff rework and introduced Blood Efficiency system: Blood buff should now always take 30 seconds to recover Kalyskah up to full health if she doesn’t have any health points. But since now we improved the scaling of health points based on her Vigor, the cost of the blood buff also increases with this attribute. But the sorcery attribute decreases its cost. So, the higher your sorcery is compared to your Vigor, the higher is your blood efficiency, so you will be able to sustain the blood buff for longer. With that in mind, we will start to introduce a lot of enhancements that other attributes will do on the blood buff as well.
We started to add controller support. We will explain the commands and give more details when it is 100% implemented. But for now, it is now possible to walk and fight and play with the controller. Press LB to lock a target, B to active the blood buff and RT to attack if you want to try it out. To change the guard direction, you should move the right analogic.
Completely revamp of the save\load system: Now you will have to save slots and will be able to delete, overwrite and load them. Checkpoints will be saved on an ‘autosave’ slot and the “quicksave” option on the menu will save on the same autosave slot. This will be a lot helpful when we introduce quests with different outcomes, so you will be able to save your progress and then go back to test all the possible branches! Notice that when you save a slot, you are also saving Kalyskah’s appearance, but don’t worry, you can always go to the main menu, change her appearance and then load the slot you want to apply the changes there =)
New Hairstyle for some of the male character (Thanks Mélanie Laurain!)
A new variation of Kalyskah’s hair was she can be with or without the bangs on the forehead
Second Chance system overhaul:
When falling in combat against the undead, the player now has 3 options:
Taunt the enemy and try to kill him (Difficulty 15)
Use sorcery to dispel the magic that is taking control of their mind (Difficulty 12) if the roll is succeeded, the player will be able to either seduce the enemy (difficulty 12) or use charisma to let him go (difficulty 8).
The options are based on dice rolls, which are influenced by the player's attributes and the way Kalyskah is dressing (It's easier to taunt if she is menacing, but harder if she enticing. And it's easier to seduce if she is enticing or showing some skin).
The flow of the second chance dialogue has also been changed and a few more lines have been added.
Please, let us know what you think about the rolling based on d20 RPG systems because we are discussing internally if it’s worth it or not, and your feedback will help us to decide if we will keep it as it is or simplify it.
Erotic animations rework (WIP):
We added stamina and an arousal meter, where the stamina is slowly drained with time while the arousal raises when the characters are interacting with each other. Kalyskah fails if the characters on the scene lose their interest or get tired before reaching climax. There is an option to ask to ‘have a break’, which will cause the intercourse to stop and give both characters time to catch their breath, recovering their stamina bar while the arousal drops. Actions can be performed and they will raise the arousal faster, but also drains a bigger part of the stamina. Changing poses will also have a cost on the stamina. We haven’t added new poses based on player attributes or different interactions for this patch, although it won’t take too long for us to expand this since now, we have a new animator.
The erotic scenes on this demo are not on their final version yet. In the future, the game will feature two types of erotic encounters:
The modular and the story-driven ones. The modular are the ones from jobs like the courtesan or the ones that can be triggered on world events Those will use the system that we are experimenting and described above. The story-driven ones are not implemented in this version yet, but they will be more cinematographic and give the player choices of how Kalyskah can behave without all this interface and mechanics involved. To make it easier to picture, they will have camera and lights working more like the erotic scenes on Mass Effect or Witcher series, but with the player being able to control Kalyskah as if she was in a “dialogue with choices” … And with the twist that on our game we are actually showing the action ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
New Poses: Holding hands, Deep throat, Kalyskah touching herself while giving a blowjob, all with interactions where Kalyskah can either be active or passive (Although the passive animation system has not been implemented yet). Many neutral poses and transitions were added as well.
Reduced all those choices of poses and (cringe) things that Kalyskah could say before starting a sex scene to just one, that will start the new toysytem. Notice that the lesbian and splitroast scenes haven’t been tweaked yet. They won’t break the game, but they are not working as intended yet.
Known issues:
If you are coming from version 0.7, we recommend you to delete the folder “Kalyskah_RPG” under your appdata folder. Otherwise you will see a lot of corrupted save slots when you open the save\load widget. If you just ignore them, you won’t have any trouble, but if you try to load the corrupted saves you will get a problem that the game might load the dungeon level without the quest that allows you to leave the first room.
Sound effects overhaul;
New weapon and armour;
New erotic animation and navigation;
Combo system;
Properly made an evasion system, replacing that awful rolling.
Fixed the camera clipping on dialogues and cinematics. But notice that since the aspect of the screen is no longer being controlled by the cameras, the iron bars on Merishya’s dialogue might cover the character face depending on your resolution;
Disabled the dramatic camera priority on Kalyskah’s spawn, which was causing a very rare bug that made the game camera getting stuck;
Kalyskah’s guard in dialogues;
Kalyskah will only whistle when she throws a barrel on the first floor of the starting room, not when she overlaps it as it was before;
Kalyskah will now say sentences while you explore the dungeon as intended. We used to have a problem where enemies colliding with the trigger boxes where disabling the sentences.
Improvements on the character state machine, which should prevent Kalyskah to get stuck after exiting dialogues;
Undead will collide with the elevators properly, so you will no longer be able to kill them by getting to an elevator and waiting from them to go through the ground and die.
Overhaul of footstep sounds. Now they will match the surface and your equipment;
Added a new game button, you no longer have to go to your appdata folder to delete your save if you want to start the game from the beginning;
Different animations will cause different damage;
Enemies play a stun animation when they get hit. This will make combat more responsive and make easier to make combos;
You are no longer be able to change the guard direction in the middle of an attack or combo;
Improved Undead physics assets and made them play a death animation that changes according to the direction that you were when you hit them;
Eyes will now track the other actor on dialogues, preventing characters to have dead fish eyes in the middle of a conversation. (Known issue: If you skip dialogue to quickly, they might look to the wrong direction. But it fix as soon as the dialogue ends)
Glasses and Pet-Collar will no longer use the “head” slot like the hat was doing, so you will be able to wear all three at once!
Weapon trail effects should be more reliable;
Improved all the weapon’s shading. No more plastic weapons!
When Kalyskah receives an attack, she will play an animation considering as she doesn’t have a weapon equipped if her sword is sheathed;
Improved chest looting logic so you won’t get repeated items that where supposed to be unique;
Reduced the stamina cost for dodging attacks;
We removed the rolling, dodging attacks are now a side step, which happens way quicker and goes exactly to where you want to go. But it will make you vunerable for a short period. So try not to evade too early or you will get hit!
Improvements on the enemy damage and health scaling according to their level. They shouldn’t be meat shields any longer;
Reduced boss health a little bit and improved his locomotion animations + collisions (Although in one of our tests, Kalyskah got stuck inside his head until she got hit again. Tell us if you have this problem because then we can see how to fix it);
Slight improvements on the character’s rotation on the final cutscene;
Improved enemy patrol paths on the sewers;
Doors now show when they are locked, open, when you have a key to open it and when it’s jammed.
New enemy on the sewers. His appearance will be improved in time;
Combo system implemented for the two- and one-handed swords!
New game loading screen with a small widget that will be rolling, showing that the game is not frozen;
Possibly made the game open a little bit faster and fixed eventual crash while opening it;
Revamped game options menu, now you can actually set your resolution and tweaks things like brightness and audio volume for Ambient, Combat, General, Dialogue or all at once!
New Sword: Claymore (It is big!)
New Armour: Dress (For those familiar with version 0.2 of the game, it’s that dress! But we will fix the textures on the next version)
Undead and Kalyskah will have small sentences while they fight, bringing more immersion and lore to what’s going on;
Merishya will now have something to saw if Kalyskah goes talk with her after having sex with any of her acolytes ;D
You can now walk normally by holding ctrl, and holding shift while having a weapon equipped will make Kalyskah walk a little faster than before.
Erotic scenes updates:
Better controls on the sex scenes, so you will be able to go to manual mode on the blowjob and lesbian fingering animations;
New Sex-Animation: Reverse-Cowgirl. You can see it through the doggystyle branch;
Hair-Pulling and Oath animations have been added as branches of the doggystyle;
Smooth transitions between Kalyskah doggystyle and it’s branches (Hair-Pull, Oath and Cowgirl);
Blowjob climax placeholder (With Kalyskah saying dirty things);
Improvements on the way the doggystyle blends with slapping additive animation when you press the interact button;
Enabled second chance erotic scene between Kalyskah and the female acolyte. For now, it plays the same animation that it plays with Merishya, but we will expand the lesbian animations in time;
There is a swap button on lesbian scene now =)
Known issues:
Kalyskah will have her weapon on her hand after exiting a sex scene. Just reequip it and it will be fixed.
Fixed the level up buttons disappearing when player earns a level;
Fixed guard mode when Kalyskah respawns on a checkpoint after being defeated;
Re-enabled loading screen between main menu and gallery scenes;
Tweaks on the equip\unequip one handed sword so Kalyskah can walk while playing them. The animations will be improved in time so the blend feels more natural;
Improvements on lipsync (Kalyskah shouldn’t move her lips when she is done with her sentence….. we hope… This will be enhanced on version 0.7);
Combat should be faster now, since Kalyskah won’t play the whole recovery animation before she is able to attack again. This is a window for the combo system that we’ve left open on this release, but it will get new animations on version 0.7 and a fine tune.
Known issues:
It takes a second to reenable Kalyskah’s movement after the dialogue with Michael is done, but we are investigating what caused it to fix on version 0,7;
Menu is showing version 0.6.3;
If you want to delete your save to start a fresh game, you can delete files inside the folder C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Kalyskah_RPG
Launcher 1.1 - 2019-04-14:
Updated FTP library, should improve stability and performance;
Preventing negative speeds from being displayed;
Dialed down the number of concurrent downloads from 50 to 15, in an attempt to prevent older PCs from bottlenecking;
Fixed input on gallery scenes;
Fixed tooltip on stats that sometimes were showing “text block” and made the “+” buttons yellow
Possibly fixed game crashing at the final cutscene for some people. We were not able to reproduce this issue, please tell us if it happens to you.
Boss no longer has an invisible guard. He ignores your guard direction, but he receives incoming hits from any guard position as well;
Interacting with objects should be more reliable (You had to click many times before the game recognizes your input);
If you continue a saved game coming from the boss area, you will not be forced to see Merishya’s cut-scene again. She will start to follow you as soon as you use open that door that goes back to her area by using the lever.
Fixed animations that were supposed to play only on the upper-body of the character, making the movements of her legs blend properly to her torso when she opens doors and equip weapons.
Fixed some enemies that were patrolling such a small area that it was making it seen that they were just walking in circles;
Disabled hot-bar until we make consumable items or make it actually useful. Before this patch, the hot-bar could be used to equip swords and armours, but since the weapons don’t have a very singular mechanic for a specific situation, we thought that it was best to remove it for now to avoid polluting the screen;
Fixed many rooms that once you got in, you could see the world as if it had invisible walls.
Doors now always open to the opposite direction that you are coming from, it also has an outline and displays the key to interact with it when your cursor is over it;
A subtle light follows Kalyskah now, it helps to see in dark areas;
Placed some new checkpoints and improved the collision of others;
Now Merishya will actually be locked on her cell. She only follows you after you find the key and open it;
Changed description of Pet-Collar and Hexblade armour;
Balanced the Intelligence attribute, improving the scaling of blood buff regeneration and also the amount of blood sucked per point.
Improved elevator on the Main Hall to just go up and down when the player interacts with the lever. There is a better sound feedback when the elevator is moving as well.
Now you only open the character stats when you press C and the Inventory key, I, only opens the inventory. It should help you to have a cleaner HUD when you just want to make quick adjustments.
Improved the animations when player “equips” the claws.
You can now push barrels by interacting with them (Football is no longer needed xD);
Balanced the Karnstein Legion Armour and put the “revealing” set on another chest.
Equipment is now being saved on checkpoints. This fixes the problem that was making Kalyskah naked on the final cutscene. Now she wears whatever you were carrying when you reached the boss checkpoint;
Player can now find the Flamberge somewhere;
Known issues:
If you want to delete your save to start a fresh game, you can delete files inside the folder C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Kalyskah_RPG
The inputs are not working on the gallery. We noticed this problem after the packing the game. We will release a version 0.6.3 to fix it.
Combat and environment music;
A new scene has been added to the gallery: Doggystyle with a hair pull;
Kalyskah can now attack with her claws when the player doesn’t have any weapon equipped;
Player can now dodge when they have an enemy targeted (The speed of recovering from the roll is not as smooth as we wanted, but it’s a start);
New enemy: A female undead;
Completely redone the combat system, now you have to watch out for the direction that the attacks are coming and attack on different direction than the enemy guard;
Save\Load game system (The items that you carry are not being saved yet);
Removed silly footstep sounds while Kalyskah is jumping;
Hexblade armour with 4 variations that will be randomly dropped by the female undead;
Kalyskah’s underwear can be found somewhere in the dungeon;
Second chance now works when you have only one life;
Properly disabled Enemy AI when the second chance dialogue starts;
Hammer is now properly placed on Kalyskah’s hands;
Kalyskah’s eyes shouldn’t be foggy anymore;
Glasses are less refractive, so it doesn’t deform Kalyskah’s eyes as much as it was before;
If Kalyskah falls bellow the ground, now she resets at the last checkpoint that the player got.
Rework on the checkpoint logic;
Fixed equipping and sheathing the two handed sword animations;
Main menu song now keeps playing when you are on the graphics options.
Merishya now attacks the enemy that Kalyskah is targeting and respawns at her side together with the player on checkpoints;
Flags at the dungeon now show the Karnstein Legion symbol;
Kalyskah stops to bite when she gets hit;
Enemies have facial expressions during the blood sucking loop;
Sex interactions can now be triggered with Ctrl + Numbers, so players that are on a laptop will be able to trigger them. (It’s not the key customization that Andrew McWarren asked, but it should help until we actually make the key customisation menu =) );
The controls of the game are now displayed on the bottom left of the screen, and they adapt when you are in combat or outside combat. You can toggle it on and off;
Changed some cringy dialogue lines on the second chance dialogue;
Biting an enemy should feel more cinematic, and we increased the damage scaling with player Intelligence (In the future this attribute will be renamed to sorcery);
Reworked every trail of the swords and made it change when the player has the blood buff activated (In the future, the blood buff will enhance your damage);
Changed the level design of the Dungeon so the player can now actually see the locked door before doing the puzzle and added some new rooms and areas that will be populated with new enemies in the future;
Leaver puzzle on the sewers was removed, we placed the key somewhere else;
Kalyskah now stands on a more animalistic form when she is hungry;
Added a subtle light on Kalyskah that makes she never go completely dark when in dark areas;
Enemies now have a random hair applied to them;
Male undead now wear the Hexblade armour instead of the tribal one from before. That armour was always meant to be a placeholder until we managed to make our own design;
Michael is now called “Michael the Wise” on the dialogue, to better match what we have planned for the lore;
A subtle effect on Kalyskah’s hand when she jumps while in full speed and slightly reduced the amount that she opens her legs when she does so;
Added leavers after each of the unlocked doors of the level so if you restart the game from a checkpoint, you can still have access to every area of the level;
Changelog 0.5.1:
Mouse arrow disappearing if you started Merishya or Michael dialogue while having the inventory opened.
Field of View of the camera on Merishya dialogue/Boss cinematic if you had triggered any H animation during gameplay.
Camera behind a wall on the cinematic with the boss.
Lens flare on main menu and gallery scenes. Credits typos and updated team members.
Know Issues
The lip-sync is not perfect yet. It’s a work in progress.
The first camera on Michael’s dialogue doesn’t move very smoothly, we are still improving it.
The two-handed combat animations are not seen as the final version. We are first testing the timing and the combo chains before we fully polish them.
Typo on the word "YOu" on the split roast option.
Changelog 0.5:
Split-roast: Kalyskah is now able “engage” with two acolytes at the same time if they are close enough.
A simple line that Kalyskah just says: “You are free, begone” to the acolyte, so you don’t have to trigger an H animation in order to keep going in case you fall on the second-chance dialogue.
You need to be with a positive score between the number of times that you died and the number of times that you killed in order to trigger the second chance dialogue. Your score is shown on a Heart at the top left of the screen.
New Hairstyle – Long fuzzy.
Physics on Merishya’s Tail.
Hammer on a secret chest. For now, the hammer is using the two-handed sword animations, but we will make unique ones for it after we make the fencing attacks.
We’ve made the dialogue system from scratch. Now the letters will appear instantaneously, making the skip button jump right to the next line instead of making the whole text appear before it does so.
Better cameras, facial/body expressions during dialogues.
Remade the two-handed sword animations for Kalyskah. Her idle is unique, her light attacks are faster and her heavy attacks have a finisher where she spins and can damage multiple enemies at once.
Upgraded to Unreal engine 4.21.
Added more details on Kalyskah’s Starting Rags.
Fixed collision of the cape on the Karnstein Legion’s Plate armor.
Kalyskah’s and Merishya’s skin material
Changed the “You’ve Lost” text to “Return to Darkness” on the game over screen. Also, made the text orange instead of pure red.
Kalyskah’s jumping animations.
Better lights and hopefully, better performance.
Added more life on the boss area. Tell us if you find some glitch so we can fix it =D
Kaly’s comments are louder during the gameplay.
Kalyskah - это приключенческая ролевая игра для взрослых, в которой вы управляете Калиской Карнштейн, благородной леди из давно умершей династии вампиров, которая просыпается после тысячелетнего сна. То, что ждет ее после пробуждения - это мир, который изменился к худшему. Вам, игроку, предстоит помочь нашей героине (или антигероине, если это ваш выбор) справиться с хаосом и неразберихой ее потерянного времени и выяснить, что произошло с миром за прошедшие годы.
В игре есть захватывающая боевая система с элементами RPG, открытый мир, где вы можете найти квесты с несколькими концовками и случайные интерактивные сексуальные сцены для тех, кто правильно разыграет свои карты.
Kalyskah is an Adult Action-Adventure Role-Playing Game where you control Kalyskah Karnstein, a noble lady of a long-dead vampire family who wakes up after thousands of years of slumber. What awaits upon her awakening is a world that has changed for the worse. It is up to you, the player, to help our heroine (or anti-heroine, if that is your choice) fight back the chaos and confusion of her lost of time and find out what happened to the world in the years that have passed. The game features an immersive combat system with RPG Elements, an open world where you can find quests with multiple endings and occasional interactive sex scenes for those who play their cards right.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, adventure, anal, animated, bdsm, big tits, small tits, fantasy, female protagonist, graphic violence, group sex, lesbian, male domination, monster, multiple penetration, paranormal, puzzle, rpg, spanking, teasing, voiced
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/lustfulillumination | discord.gg/cQfgRfN
Платформа: PC: Windows x64
Тип издания: В разработке
Версия: v.0.25.9
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования:
Operating System : Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel core i5 or AMD, 2.80 GHz or faster
Memory: 8 GB RAM
DirectX: DirectX 12 compatible graphics card
0.25.9 - 2024-10-28
Tweaked Brooke's end cutscene.
Fixed save slot menu display when the player presses ESC.
Fixed Merishya not properly following Kalyskah after cutscenes and toy system interactions.
Fixed Alvina in the arena to be the undead version.
Fixed Gallery scene not working properly.
Corrected the name of the "Meeting Heather" quest, which was incorrectly titled "Meeting Catherine."
Fixed appearance settings starting in a collapsed state.
Fixed undead NPCs not using the right standing idle, such as Undeas being quirky and Jessie not smoking her pipe.
Increased blend time on troll damage animations for smoother transitions.
General lighting, character shader, and effects tests for quality assurance.
Alvina's spiders will out out of frame during the cutscene so you can understand that they don't want to attack Kalyskah after what happens.
Asset cleanup in Lordenfel and quick adjustments to some levels. (Work done for unreleased level)
Added Astrid as a new character for the gallery.
Added ambient dialogues for Catherine where she reads aloud from her book.
Set NPC quests to end in the Garden of Delights to avoid player confusion.
Changed NPC behaviour to walk instead of running in the Garden of Delights.
Added Maynard’s quest when you interact with him.
Implemented new ambient dialogue for Catherine when Kalyskah approaches her.
Fixed saving/loading dialogues not working.
Fixed unsafe thread callings and nodes in the new animation blueprint.
Fixed animation layering issues.
Fixed idle pose switching for male and female characters, so when you see them in the world, they will be properly animated.
Fixed followers not properly initializing their blueprints.
Fixed LipSync generation issues and applied it to missing characters.
Fixed NPCs not attacking after Kalyskah hits them.
Fixed NPCs not running after Kalyskah.
Fixed invalid struct inside Progression Manager.
Fixed Merishya falling through the floor.
Fixed null inputs on player controllers, this was causing the UI Hints to be displayed wrong.
Fixed subtitles not appearing correctly.
Fixed issues with the character's underwear spawning during streamer mode.
Fixed hand position in certain animations.
Fixed issues with Godray material and optimized it for better performance (Work done at unreleased level).
Fixed material and visual glitches in various areas, including cliffs, caves, and caverns (Work done at unreleased level).
Fixed an issue that was causing NPCs to teleport while using one-handed weapons.
Fixed male characters' privates displaying at the gallery if you switched from a female NPC to them while in streamer mode.
Fixed male characters wearing a bra if you had a female character previously selected in the toysystem.
Refactored NPCs to use a new animation blueprint, completely removing ALS.
Enhanced NPC equipment component and applied it to gallery characters. These gallery characters are now what we use for some cutscenes instead of the actual characters in the level.
Tweaked lighting in the Garden of Delights and the starting dungeon for better visibility.
Optimized LODs for prologue and Thulgata landscapes (Work done at unreleased level).
Added initial fog systems, including volumetric fog shaders, in DG_Ruin_01 (Work done at unreleased level).
Added kill volumes to prevent players from falling through the map (Work done at unreleased level).
Adjusted level design in the Paradise of Delights.
Enhanced Kalyskah's biting animation when interacting with rats.
Added dust effects during cutscenes where vampires die.
Tweaked toy system functionality, including adjustments to poses and tags.
Added Nemesis voice lines and emotes in the Paradise of Delights.
Made the name of the kinks a bit more classy in the main menu.
Ilreth's forehead won't be as big as it was before in her hairstyle.
Kalyskah will go to a private room with Ilreth and Nemesis when a sex scene triggers.
Added voice lines and animations for Ilreth’s dialogue, along with emotes.Added some dialogue lines when Kalyskah enters the sewers.
Implemented the final steps of Ilreth’s dialogue and integrated her into the Garden of Delights.
Added Alvina’s glasses as a collectable after her cutscene.
Added Garden dancers (both male and female) with triggers linked to Nemesis' quest.
Set up Brooke's voice for combat and interactions.
Updated Brooke and Alvina’s cutscenes with improved animations and dialogue.
Added controller support to Skilltree, along with every other menu we could find. Please let us know if you find anywhere that the controller doesn't work so we can continue to make the game 100% compatible with controllers.
Created a new enemy, the goblin (Work done at unreleased level).
Known Issues
Further testing is required to ensure subtitles are working as expected.
Undead are not displaying their custom poses on this patch, which will be solved during the week as it requires further tweaking of the new animation blueprint.
Alvina's cutscene is a bit clumsy, we'll improve it this week.
Fixed the issue that caused game settings not to be saved. This was a massive task because we had to rewrite the whole code on how our graphics settings work. We haven't tested with machines that have many different resolutions yet so please let us know if there are still things to iron out.
Fixed the issue that was disabling skills
Fixed how skills are assigned after you purchase them
Fixed crash while trying to open the Character Maker
Fixed Kalyskah not resetting her behaviour after ending dialogue with bandits (although I think you didn't get to see this issue because the bandits don't trigger an approach dialogue in the Garden of Delights)
Fixed quests in the Garden of Delights being added repeatedly
Fixed gradient at the bottom of the screen not showing when there were subtitles to be seen (that was making the readability harder than it was ever supposed to be)
General enhancements flow improvements in the flow of pause menus, preventing it from triggering when it shouldn't.
Reduced the damage of projectiles so they are not as deadly as they were before
Improved the VFX of the bloodshot spell
Refactoring some behaviours inside Kalyskah's blueprint
Tweaks on Michael's cutscene
Tweaked the events in the dialogue with Heather, the options that can make Kalyskah nasty to her will now reduce her compassion. Also, the whole conversation about Heather forgetting how to breath only triggers the first time you talk to her.
First pass on implementing Henrysson's dialogue at the Garden of Delights into the game. We are still fixing the triggers and animations.
Corrected the lines in Jessie's dialogue that were too high.
Fixed missing node to update morphs on ALS Blueprint.
Fixed aiming on AOE spells such as the swarm fist.
Fixed Michael's glasses that were entering his face.
Fixed Michael's hair.
Refactored Pause logic.
Reduced distortion on the lenses of glasses.
Added new audio for Kalyskah's dialogue with Jessie.
Added Kalyskah -> Jessie lipsync sequences.
Reduced projectile damage.
Updated Open World Assets. We have begun to work in the backend to bring back within the next few months all the content the current game is missin.
Created a rig for Kalyskah using new tools in UE 5.4 (We didn't use it on cutscene yet)
Enhanced facial expression logic for better scalability. For now, they are changing all of a sudden but I'll fix this later.
Improved camera positioning for Nemesis to avoid obstruction by wings.
Enhanced visuals of several particle effects, including those for blocking attacks, jumping and attacking, and drinking blood from afar.
Optimised memory usage to reduce CPU and memory requirements.
Made backend changes to the follower system, creating a generic parent class. This will allow us to turn any NPC into a follower in the future.
Activated virtual texture anisotropic filtering and rebuilt texture streaming in all levels.
Reduced frequency of lipsync generation adjustments to stabilise vizemes.
Centred the camera more accurately during conversations.
Tweaked facial expressions in Heather's dialogue, also increased her volume.
Created a message for when the player finishes the temple content.
Rebuilt texture streaming on all levels.
Enhanced Maynard's appearance.
Set up French-accent voice for Heather and Catherine.
Added the Garden Dancer outfit and made it so you have a way to get it from Nemesis.
Added new dialogues for Nemesis in the Garden of Delights.
Added voice to Maynard's dialogue.
Generated lipsync for Maynard's audio and added new animations for characters with a mug.
Added a new group of animations for characters sitting and drinking.
Configured Kalyskah to go to a room with Heather, Rulfio, Maynard, and Catherine when the sex option is chosen.
Created a new workstation where characters can sit and drink (for Maynard).
Implemented a simple cutscene when the player approaches the door to the Garden of Blood.
Added Kalyskah lines for dialogue with Heather.
Updated the game to Unreal 5.4!
Known Issues:
Until the game settings are fixed, we have forced the subtitles to always be displayed.
Maynard's dialogue doesn't have lipsync
Jessie stopped smoking her pipe in her idle animation after we updated the engine
Fixed players being unable to leave photo mode by pressing escape.
Fixed the volume on a few sentences of what Nemesis says.
Improved logic on event triggers and hid the skip button and speaker's name in dialogues.
Fixed camera glitches in between dialogue lines during cutscenes.
Increased the volume of Nemesis' lines during the first dialogue with Kalyskah.
Fixed black screen when entering Nemesis dialogue.
Progress on fixing the game settings not being properly saved. But changing some parameters might still revert settings to high.
Fixed logic for mist form to prevent it from breaking if button mashing.
Fixed game settings showing in the NPC maker interface.
Fixed camera not moving in photo mode.
Fixed game loading non-valid settings save. But there are improvements we still need to make
Fixed game not correctly loading appearance.
Fixed typo in roll result.
Fixed Catherine's hair materials.
Removed alpha ditter from hairstyles.
Fixed super bright scaltera on female characters.
Made Catherine's brow a bit darker to better match her skin tone.
Made Henrysson's eyebrow blonde to match his hair.
Removed the handrail at the entrance of the sewers.
Removed Kalyskah dummy as an enemy from the target. This was causing the target lock to work in inconsistent ways after cutscenes.
Improved the logic in some dialogue-related functions.
Improved the visuals of several particle effects.
Started to standardize the hair materials.
Improved hairstyle materials to ensure consistent colour settings in the appearance menu.
Reenabled the photo mode.
Reduced damage Gremmnoch takes from hitting his head on pillars from 25% to 18% to balance gameplay.
Added a better description to the mysterious intruder quest and added a quest marker on the door to the playroom when this quest begins.
Fixed voices sounded muffled during the first encounter between Kalyskah and Nemesis.
Improved cameras and overhauled the cutscene visuals for Kalyskah's meeting with Nemesis, including camera positioning and facial expressions.
Fixed incorrect enemy spawning in the Blood Arena.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to select spells on the UI.
Fixed Merishya not following the player after dialogue or toy system interaction ended.
Fixed rendering issues with lights and materials.
Fixed Kalyskah not returning to level 1 in a new game, along with her XP and other data that weren't being properly reset.
Fixed Kalyskah moving forward indefinitely during tutorials.
Increased the volume of the line "Magnificent, now I will have to find another way out."
Fixed Hexblades not properly dropping their gloves upon death.
Fixed Kalyskah equipping her weapon multiple times when attacking (No more dancing Macarena).
Fixed issue allowing players to repeatedly press to enter the Vampiric Vision.
Fixed players being unable to exit the Garden of Blood.
Made it so that when a new spell is learned, it will automatically be set to the next available hotkey.
Improved the memory usage so the game now requires less memory and CPU to run. This was most of this month's work as we went through every single class and event we could find and refactored their implementations.
Reduced the size of several textures to improve game performance.
Enhanced Root Motion on hit: Kalyskah will stop moving forward after landing an attack.
Removed hyper-armour from Brooke; she was too difficult. Her fighting techniques will be improved in the future to make the battle more challenging yet fun.
Made backend changes to the follower system, making it generic by transferring Merishya-specific systems to a parent class. This will allow different characters to become followers when the story requires it.
Reduced the damage reduction on Gremnoch so players who do not figure out how to defeat him won't have such an impossible time; it will just take longer.
Improved the visuals of several particle effects, including those for blocking attacks, jumping and attacking, and drinking blood from afar.
New dialogues for the Garden of Earthly Delights (not yet fully voiced):
Jessie Sawmill
Heather Durand
We fixed as much as we could, but some important ones are still missing:
The crash. There is a chance that I managed to reduce the frequency of it, but we will need time to read through the logs to find other possible causes and completely get rid of the problem. So let us know if you are still having it as often as before. We are narrowing that they tend to happen more at the sewers.
NPC placement: We will improve the enemy patrols to add more room for you to sneak around the place. There were so many urgent tasks that we couldn't improve this today.
Spells are still not triggering, but we made progress on fixing it today and will release another patch as soon as we finish it.
The waves of the Garden of Blood, and also the boss fight needs to be balanced and tweaked.
Reimport audios that got butchered by compression.
Fixed male undead flipping backwards when they parried Kalyskah's attacks;
Fixed Kalyskah stopping to move to equip her sword;
Fixed makeup on male NPCs torsos;
Fixed enemies not being highlighted by vampiric vision;
Fixed NPCs not being properly saved when they died;
Fixed Kalyskah's legs while crouching with a weapon equipped;
Added a collider at the end of the dungeon to prevent players from leaving the playable area;
Kalyskah will die if she falls into the pit at the prison;
Fixed nemesis door not opening;
Fixed entrance to the boss area being open before the right time;
Added a chest with Merishya's armour where it was supposed to be;
Fixed ID on feet_hexblade item so it can be properly displayed on loot;
Fixed Karnstein Leather Shorts not bending with Kalyskah's thighs;
Fixed boss not spawning to fight;
Merrishya will follow the player more consistently;
Fixed Nemesis' dialogues if you refuse to go to her Garden at first (Some lipsync and cutscenes are missing for now);
Fixed Merishya's quest triggering its ending before the player opened her cell;
Fixed Kalyskah's cutscene playing twice when she defeated Gremnoch, this was causing her animations to look awkward during the scene;
Fixed camera on Merishya's cutscene when Kalyskah giggles;
Fixed Gremnoch taking double damage when he's on the ground;
Fixed Kalyskah's skills not being properly cleaned up when players start a new game.
Increased Vampiric Vision the range from a base of 4 meters to 6 meters, and each point of logic will increase it by 1,5 more meters instead of 1;
Scattered some rat spawns to the dungeon;
Improve Kalyskah's facial expressions in Michael's cutscene;
Kalyskah will stay close to Merishya at the end of her cutscene, which makes it easier to know which cell to open;
Removed the echo effect from the first time Merishya calls kalyskah;
Tweaked dialogue widget so the skip button is always visible as long as you have the subtitles toggled on;
Players can enter the Garden of Delights, but we haven't added interactions there yet. We will spawn the dancers and other NPCs that were supposed to be there after we fix the crash;
Made saves from yesterday's release incompatible with this one to avoid errors that could be caused by retro-compatibility.
Fixes from what Unreal 5 broke and that you might have seen in version 0.25.0
Fixed photo mode not working;
Fixed Hints on the UI to show the proper keys for game commands;
Fixed NPC clothes not properly setting their custom colours;
Fixed targeting enemies not working;
Fixed Dialogue options not showing during cutscenes;
Fixed Controller inputs for both the UI and gameplay;
Fixed evasion not working;
Fixed Kalyskah taking fall damage. She's a vampire, she doesn't care about gravity;
Fixed mist form input not working;
Fixed Skill tree lines and tooltip;
Fixed navigation tabs in Menu Settings;
Fixes camera not changing when aiming with a bow;
Fixed many shortcuts;
Fixes outlines not appearing when using vampiric vision;
Fixed interaction with chests;
Fixed missing tags in the items tooltips;
Fixed Attributes UI;
Optimized the size of some toysystem animations;
General optimizations on many materials from the level;
General optimizations on the Inventory;
Improvements in UI Performance;
Fixed Catherine's bra clipping through small breasts, but for now, Kalyskah can't wear this set yet;
Fixed game options not being properly saved. This was an issue that we've had for A LONG time, now we can finally say that your settings will be stored when you quit the game!
Fixed dark spots under the arms of some female skins;
Glasses will no longer cast shadows on character faces;
Fixed game not saving your changes on the input (French players have specially asked us for this because of their keyboard that isn't WASD);
Fixed Kalyskah's mouth not disappearing when she entered mist form;
Fixed TONS of situations where the game would crash;
Reduced CPU usage for NPC;
Fixed stun animation that caused male characters to flip 90 degrees;
Fixed Typo on the Prisoner armour set;
Prevented other input actions while resting in a coffin;
Reduced Emissive from blood buff;
Reworked Nemesis's introduction cutscene and also how she appears in the game for the first time;
Changed main menu to nighttime by default, this is just a slight hint on what we'll do next to improve it;
Kalyskah's ruined temple has been completely revamped;
Improved Nemesis goofy animations;
Improved materials on the sewers;
Improved Merishya's eyebrows and made a general glow-up on her character;
Improved usability of graphic settings and made a way to toggle raytracing On and Off;
Improved Claw combat animations, Kalyskah will attack with more elegance instead of being as feral as the lesser vampires. It's not 100% done yet;
Improved movement on tails (Both for Merishya and Nemesis and also for the devil costume);
The night vision was completely overhauled and now will be much more helpful to allow you to see dark places;
Improved "waterfalls" on the sewers;
Created a new method for when we want an NPC to have a custom idle. For now, you will only notice the undead standing and walking differently than kalyskah. In the future, we'll add custom idles for every important NPC, to show off their personality more;
Improved the eyes of the undead, and also their skins;
Female undead will have a more high-pitched voice;
Undeads will be complaining and saying dialogue lines when they are idle;
Removed the IK on Kalyskah's feet. This was causing several glitches when she climbed stairs;
Input keys are not sorted alphabetically in the settings menu;
Reduced Kalyskah's initial health from 400 to 49 to make the game more challenging. This makes feeding and managing the blood buff more important;
Increased the time it takes for Kalyskah to start recovering her stamina after attacking from 0.01 to 1 second;
Reduced the threshold for Kalysakh to be visibly thirsty, also reduced her max blood points at the start so she doesn't have any blood shards (those she will get during the story)
Kalyskah will start with only 30 blood points, so players need to actually try to sneak behind enemies to drink their blood in the early game so they can recover.
Added tooltips to every option in the game settings
Kalyskah will equip her weapons when enemies start to target her and unequip when they stop doing so
Male undead won't always have black hair
Improved Move and Zoom of the skill tree, increased interaction area
If Kalyskah doesn't have a weapon equipped and you try to attack, instead of glitching the weapon in her hand as she plays the attack animation, she will properly equip them;
Reduced the size of some UI elements to not go over 4096px;
Reduced the size of some general textures;
Fixed performance in several particle effects;
Improved the looks of the torch;
New NPC (Doesn't have dialogue yet) Gabriela;
New fringe hairstyle;
Improved Kalyskah's default hairstyle to match the quality of our newest ones;
New Armour for Merishya;
Added a proper tutorial to the game, to teach you the basics of how to move, attack, heal, activate night vision and sneak;
Two whole new areas: The Garden of Earthly Delights and the Garden of Blood. We haven't added the content for the Garden of Delights yet, but you can play in the area and defeat some waves of enemies. Later on, we'll be balancing and better distributing them;
New cutscenes that I'll leave you to find out;
Fixed cleavage morphs on clothing;
Fixed infinite loop on dialogue option when speaking with Ursula;
Kalyskah's legion gloves were readded to the game (But you need to start a new game to get them)
General improvements on level design also removed the vegetation sway to improve the performance;
Reduced the number of NPCs spawned in the world to improve performance;
Fixed some of the particle effects in the world to improve performance;
Temporary distance checker for NPC spawners until NPC manager is implemented. This should make it so NPCs aren't spawned until Kalyskah gets very close to the area they should be in;
Michael will now sit at the library and Ilreth will be next to him;
New world event: Captive Rescue
New world event: By the Bushes
New combat style: Scythe (Some of the animations are a work in progress)
New NPC: Ilreth, you can buy weapons and sell to her the items you loot; Ilreth also comes with a whole new voice-set at the gallery (by Pixie Willow)
New Gallery Only NPC: Nemesis
2 new female/female/male Threesome animations
Completely redone the Long Fuzzy hairstyle and a combed version of it as well (we'll need to tweak the physics later)
Set some of the levels on the right streaming distance and layer. This was supposed to improve the performance but something is happening with the AI that is making this not very noticeable;
Fixed NPCs that were wrongly being tracked by quests (Like some on Kalyskah's playroom that were being tracked as if they were Alvina);
After you finish talking with the most important characters from Kalyskah's legion, including Usula, the new NPC, the Slice of Unlife quest will go to the next step, which isn't implemented yet but at least now this will be written in the description;
Fixed posts that weren't turning on next to the arena;
Fixed an error that was making players unable to skip cutscenes that didn't have a dialogue;
Fixed Amara's door sometimes not being properly interactable during slice unlife quest;
Foliage detail around the college.
Redone Michael's library and the whole area around it;
Improved translucent glass material for the windows;
Improved underwater shader with water distortion;
Improved the Docks
Added a throne on Kalyskah's temple, later we'll add interactions on it;
General improvements in Materials and the way they work with our weather system;
Made Seekers more OP than they were in the Legacy version, so they can be a challenge to prologue Kalyskah;
Gerrard, the student that Brooke shouts at and that Kalyskah can engage in an NSFW scene during her speech, will now have a unique look;
Raptor now glow on hit;
Added a new NPC: Ursula, created by our patron Jaken. She comes with a new activity where depending on your replies (and luck) vampire hunters can spawn at Kalyskah's temple;
New Activity: Kalyskah finds a woman being robbed in the woods;
New Activity: Brooke tells Kalyskah that one of her students is missing. The missing student will change depending on whether or not you make the NSFW path on Brooke's speech from this patch forward;
Kalyskah will now speak when she approaches Gremmnoch;
Added some prisoners to Kalyskah's temple. They are randomly generated when you load your save and the lower her Compassion level, the higher the chance of her having prisoners;
New Seekers spell Holy Teleport. The vampire hunter teleports to where Kalyskah is;
Added a new animation to play when Kalyskah bites an enemy from behind. Preparing the ground for later we add some sexy ones!
Checkpoints/Fast Travel are back! For now, we added three, one at the Arena, one at the Cloister and another on the farm far from the temple. We'll add more later;
Known issues:
I was having issues compiling the project to Vulkan and I had to disable it on this patch.
The game size increased slightly, but hopefully, the time it takes to load sublevels will decrease slightly too;
The FPS is extremely low at the temple, I suspect that it could be related to the NPC AI and you might notice that their animations will flicker in the distance. This is because I'm trying a bolder approach to mitigate the FPS issue until we make a more permanent solution.
0.23.3 - 2023-10-15
Fixed ID on Kalyskah's boots so it can be properly stored. I mean the Karnstein Legion boots, although the item is not available on the game yet.
Slight improvement in the animation blending when kalyskah rises from her coffin;
Footstep sounds should work properly depending on the surface you're walking on in the landscape;
Reduced the sound of armour rattling;
Removed wolves and bears to give room to animals more fitting of the new environment;
Improved the animal spawn in the world to make the place more crowded;
The Island's biome was Completely remade.
New Enemy: Raptor
Readded an old enemy: The same hounds that you could find on the sewers in the legacy version are now in the prologue world but without wounds in their skin.
Kalyskah 0.23.2 - 2023-09-02
Fixed hundreds of duplicated meshes in the level design, which might improve the performance a little;
Fixed mesh clipping issue that generic female character’s breasts had while you were not talking to them;
Added physics to some flags;
Tons of improvements on materials in the level design and corrections to make things make more sense;
Improvement on the foliage around the University;
Improved symmetry in some parts of the dormitory and University;
The female massagist and also the Hexblade that Kalyskah can have sex with will have their hair pinned when Kalyskah is behind them, preventing mesh-clipping while she bites or kisses their necks;
Improved sound effects and the blending of animations when Kalyskah feeds from rats;
Improved the way Kalyskah attaches to humanoid enemy necks to bite them;
Human servants will no longer have vampire teeth;
Generic female faces will be a bit more different than Kalyskah’s in shape;
Heavily improved the lights and camera work on the speech Kalyskah gives to Brooke's trainees!
Streamer mode is implemented in the speech Kalyskah gives to her acolytes. Now if you have streamer mode on, the camera angles while she gives a blowjob will be different in a way that it doesn’t show any genitals;
New Hairstyle: Catherine’s Bun. We’re also testing how this hairstyle looks in Amara until we can make her actual hair;
New animations:
Pillory Anal and Vaginal, with 2 interactions for each
Fixed the issue that was causing characters to stay in their underwear in the gallery;
Fixed the lights on the gallery levels so they are not as dark as before.
v0.23.1 - 2023-08-03
Added roam points to Hexblades that weren't roaming;
Fixed a crash that happens when you unload the open world;
Made tendency changes for both male and female masseurs match;
Minor refactor on how InverseY controls the camera to improve readability and also fixed an issue that was preventing it from working as intended;
Fixed Female Servant path (Both quest completion and post-massage scene);
Fixed characters T_Posing in gallery scenes;
Kalyskah should no longer comment about Alvina's notes if she's in dialogue or cutscene;
Further detailing and improvements on Kalyskah's temple;
Added some sound effects to the massage scene with the female acolyte;
Added a way to disable NPC AI in the gallery, so animations don't change automatically;
Added water sounds in the dungeon, next to the sewers;
Improvements in camera shake effect on the massage scene;
Made NPC maker accessible on the base game. Now our Nightstalkers can start creating their characters and sending them our way so we can populate both Kalyskah's temple with more known faces, and also the town of Tupelo!
Made a slightly more SFW variation of the massage scene when the player has the Streamer Mode on, so no genitals will be shown;
Erotic Content (Toysystem)
New doggystyle interactions:
New BDSM animations (We were working on those before we did the poll):
Lesbian Pillory Fingering (Interaction)
Lesbian Pillory Breastplay (Interaction)
Improved lesbian pillory fingering loop
Cross Ass Fingering (Loop)
Cross Pussy Fingering (Loop)
Cross Pussy Fingering - Finger on Mouth (Interaction)
Cross Ass Fingering - Licking (Interaction)
Cross Ass Fingering (Breast Slap)
Version 0.23.0
Fixed Kalyskah's and Amaras' eyes on the first cutscene;
Fixed Brooke's speech logic so the quest can now be completed;
Fixed vulva style slider on character customisation;
Fixed eyes on One-Handed sword idle pose;
Fixed Eyetracking logic, so Kalyskah should look up and down correctly while lowering her head during dialogues;
Fixed an issue that causes characters to blink during cutscenes where we didn't want them to;
Fixed a minor memory leak on ToysystemController;
Fixed patrol of enemy NPCs like bandits and animals;
Fixed leather boots' footstep sound so Kaly no longer sounds as if she's barefoot;
Fixed the position of the sword on the Two-Handed idle;
Fixed Michael the wise being barefoot;
Fixed Kalyskah not being properly set as the active actor on a Toy-System scene, which was causing her to be misplaced when a sex scene would begin in a BDSM device. And also depending on your choice while negotiating with female bandits;
Fixed issue that was causing information to repeat on books and notes;
Fixed Farley's duplicated voice at the beginning of his cutscene;
Fixed NPCs not starting sex scenes when Kaly was in a BDSM device;
Fixed error that was preventing players from loading saves coming from older versions;
Fixes a bug in the Toy-System where Kaly would return to the default standing position;
Removed several things from the game's tick, which should improve the performance;
Refactor how the heart SFX is handled during blood buff;
Removed some unused codes from the project;
Made Alvina's dialogue cinematic, adding more body language to her;
Added an alternate route to the lower part of the temple, which should allow NPCs to move up and down without needing the lift. Although until we make the NPC schedule system we won't be adding too many characters there;
Added an icon on the compass for the Dungeon and the Training arena. They disappear when the player is too far, we'll investigate why this is happening later;
Added more BDSM devices in the playroom;
Added some post-process effects during the dialogue with Laver;
Dialogue options that change Kalyskah's tendency will now be labelled;
Added nav modifiers to prevent NPCs from getting inside the blood bath and also inside the sea area
Quest "Check on the Legion" will now trigger the next step so players can understand that we're still working on the next bunch of content.
Added some water to the bottom of the dungeon so it's no longer a black box;
Redone the whole lights on the whole open world;
Improved the architecture of the cathedral;
Trees, roads and camps are now scattered throughout the whole Island, and they can be explored. For now, we didn't add content to these areas other than enemies that are spawned in. This area is between 2 and 3 times bigger than the playable area on the Legacy Demo.
New sliders to change Kalyskah's muscle intensity in the character customisation;
Added 4 trivia books to Michael's library;
Added the longest erotic scene we ever did. You can trigger it by entering the blood bath area. I suggest you save it before the scene starts because there are a lot of choices on it! Also, you might notice that sometimes the character's hands will clip with Kalyskah's skin. that's Because the animations were done using the new rig but because we didn't fully implement it on the engine yet, the animations are not looking 100% exactly how they should. But we'll be fixing it next month.
Known issues:
The choices on the massage with the female character aren't changing as many Tendency statuses as the ones with the male. This will be reviewed in the next patch.
When you close the game, it sends a crash message. This also happens when you leave the open world while loading another save or returning to the main menu. We are investigating what's causing the issue.
There might be some stuttering while loading sublevels of the dungeon. But that's because we are in the process of reworking how we did the world composition. This will be reduced as move forward with this task.
Version 0.22.1
Guard Captain Brooke should now have her actual name instead of Alvina;
Still, on Brooke's quest, we Removed a condition to end the speech in an attempt to fix the issues caused by the quest. So now you can end the speech at any point without even choosing any options.
Fixed toysystem bug that was causing characters to face weird directions during threesomes;
Fixed Kalyskah's teeth disappearing when the camera was distant;
Fixed a bug that was causing a blue circle in the world's skybox when DLSS was active;
Fixed a gap on the dungeon's roof;
Fixed game getting stuck while talking with Kaida;
Added a missing voice line on Brooke's speech (the one that plays right before Kalyskah says "What do I mean")
Made so that if Farley or any other NPC is thrown into the water next to the docks, they will teleport back to the wooden area. This should avoid that quest from getting unplayable in case you accidentally shove him into the sea;
Improved the sound effects on some of the sex poses while tied up;
Optimizations on Kalyskah's base blueprint;
Kaida's hairstyle shouldn't be as translucent as it was before;
Kalyskah and female characters will beg when someone approaches them while tied up in a BDSM device;
2 new short hairstyles
Version 0.22.0
Fixed Kalyskah's breasts popping out of her chest in the main menu;
Controls will now be properly saved\loaded when you customise them.
Fixed the line in the speech Kalyskah gives to her acolytes that was causing an infinite loop on the quest;
General improvements on the level design, lights and performance;
Change male and female body shapes. Not every character has been converted yet, and once everything is done, we'll add a slider in the character customisation window for you to change Kalyskah's muscle volume and intensity;
This change made Kalyskah's eyes behave a bit awkward sometimes but we'll fix it on the next patch, together with other texture improvements.
New Acolyte clothes for both male and female characters;
Dialogue options that were already chosen will be grey or not be displayed at all;
Improvements on Natasha's eyebrows;
Changed Laver's default clothes;
Updated the leather armour giving it fewer variations on chest pieces so the detail she wears on her shoulder is on another inventory slot. This change can't be seen in the game yet, since the bandits won't drop all the pieces for now.
Some clothes will now have a Push-Up effect on top of the cleavage effect for large breasts;
Tweaks on the level to make doors of the temple open on the new areas that players should be able to go;
New room on the temple: Kalyskah's playroom. It will function similarly to how the puppeteers used to work after you unlocked their quest. NPCs will tie themselves to devices and be interactable, or Kaly can tie herself in and be intractable. Later we'll add some more features and dialogues there.
A new character, Kaida, and Kalyskah has the option to use her as a subject for a friendly demonstration to her acolytes *wink* *wink*
New options on the settings for you to better customise how to play the game:
Added Setting for FOV (Field of View)
Added Setting for Motion Blur
Toggle for camera smoothing
Added an option to activate Nvidia DLSS
The Deep Learning Super Sampling feature might give some players a boost in performance. But make sure your video card drivers are up to date so it works correctly. Also, it might create some visual artifacts on the skybox depending on your settings, we are investigating why this can happen sometimes.
Version 0.21.3
Fixed how the intro cutscene starts so the UI doesn't show up
Fixed Amara not walking when the cutscene ends
Fixed mesh collision on humanoid AI (This was causing the camera to bounce depending on some angles)
Fixed Kalyskah's underwear showing up when she sleeps. Thanks, patron Ricochet for pointing that out.
Increased water occluder area to prevent characters from swimming underground;
Backend implementation of triggers when objects are pushed or pulled with telekinesis. This will be handy later when we add things to the environment that can change their state when Kalyskah pulls or push it, like walls that will break or pipes that will rotate.
More progress on Barracks level design. Among other things, now the bridge looks fancier!
Some flags that used to have a cross now display Kalyskah's legion emblem;
Added an option to disable dialogue and ambient subtitles;
Added Brooke and some trainees at the barracks, and also added the dialogue between Kalyskah and Brooke with an erotic path (We will improve the animations later)
Added a button on the settings for Players to toggle the UI during gameplay. This will hide the health bar, icons on the screen, etc. Good to take screenshots or make videos of the game.
Kalyskah 0.20.8 - 2022.10.04)
Hello everyone!
We noticed that players couldn't start erotic scenes properly by negotiating with bandits, so we fixed it as fast as possible.
0.20.7 REMAKE -2022.10.02
0.19.4 - 2022-06-08
0.19.3 - 2022-03-17:
0.19.2 - 2022-03-14:
0.19.1 - 2022-02-28:
0.19.0 - 2022-02-02:
0.18.8 - 2021-12-21:
0.18.7 - 2021-12-21:
0.18.6 - 2021-12-14:
0.18.5 - 2021-12-13:
0.18.3 + 0.18.4 - 2021-11-30:
0.18.2 - 2021-11-09:
0.18.1 - 2021-10-30:
0.18.0 - 2021-10-07:
0.16.8 - 2021-08-04:
We released a hotfix that hopefully will make the game shows the correct resolutions for your monitor and also have the dropdown set properly based on the one you are currently using when you open the menu.
0.16.7 - 2021-08-04:
0.15.2 Hotfix - 2021-05-10:
Temporary fix for game crashing when starting the game in full screen with DirectX.
Version 0.15.2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/49287086
0.13 to 0.13.4
There is a variable on the save\load now that will be called "is dead", and will be more consistent with every object that can die. This will reset the chests and the undead states for loaded games from former versions but it's for the best. Now the bandits should aways spawn on the open world. This might cause some unforeseen things happening if you have any save at the dungeon. Let me know about the consequences!
If you have any retro compatibility problem, please let us know, open a ticket on our discord to send us your save file and then "Press Windows+R" and in the Run box put in %localappdata%\Kalyskah_RPG. Then delete the folder.
Possible fixed bug that was causing level and item loss when players were living the dungeon
Fixed animals damage output (An lv1 wolf in the hardest mode were able to deal 475 damage!). Actually, we fixed the damage output of all the enemies in the game so they will now be more consistent as the enemy level up.
Blocking attacks will now consume stamina, as originally intended but it wasn’t working.
Fixed the dungeon reset logic. Pillars should now reaper properly if you get defeated by the boss (And they are way much more important in combat now)
Fixed sound effect played when one NPC hits another, like when Merishya were hitting enemies and playing a sound as if the damage were blocked.
Fixed evasion logic on NPCs that were trying to evade only while performing an attack
Fixed stamina not being consumed properly while biting an enemy
Fixed sound settings so it will now properly save what you chose when you close the game. And made several sound effects fall under the right categories.
Fixed some places on the open world that were looking odd during cutscenes
Fixed subtitles disappearing suddenly while you were watching a cutscene.
Fixed problem that caused players to get stuck on some parts of Jessie’s dialogue, depending on some conditions.
Fixed collision on NPCs that was causing Kalyskah to be sent to outer space!
Fixed loot disappearing from chests in new games.
Fixed Silas conversation causing the player to get stuck.
Fixed NPC Ai and collision after sex scenes.
Fixed problem that was causing humanoid enemies not to be staged by attacks.
[Dungeon] Reduced Merishya damage so the player won't rely on her as a pokemon to fight.
[Dungeon] Boss will take only 25% of damage when he's not fallen down and will also knock out Merishya if she gets hit.
New particle and sound effects for blood buff, summoning hound and mist form
Improved the first camp, ruins and rivers
Improved actor AI perception
Increased wolf animation speed
[Thulgatha] Improved foliage and terrain material
Slight improvements on Pause UI at gallery widget
New areas on level design: Natasha’s witch hut and bandit camp next to a lake. Natasha’s hut doesn’t have interactions yet.
Repainting roads and forest foliage
More consistent enemy damage calculation and possibly fixed error where enemies would stop acting after defeating the player.
Merishya's damage is now more consistent and she'll level up with Kalyskah, she will load her level when she starts following Kalyskah
Improved enemy health bars: They look classier and they also have some animations when they lose\recover health, which will help you to better track Kalyskah’s damage output
Old Lifebars:
New Lifebars:
Boss will no longer ignore Merishya (Since now she can be defeated)
Attacking summoned blood creatures from Greemnoch will now recover some of Kalyskah's blood pool, which will help since the fight got a bit harder now.
Boss will have a lot of armour when he's not on the ground but take 2 times more damage while fallen.
Friendly NPCs will no longer come back to Kalyskah when she stops targeting an enemy. Which will make them more useful if you are fighting multiple enemies
Allied characters now have a blue health bar (Thanks Lee Thompson for the idea to make things more readable)
Improved logic that makes allied NPC ignore summoned creatures by the player
Level Design: Improved Natasha’s treehouse
Level Design: There is a fog on the “sinister forest” now.
Level Design: The way the special post-render effects will blend between in and out of the sinister forest have been heavily improved. It won’t happen all of a sudden anymore.
Level Design: Merishya now has her own room (But Kaly is not invited in yet!).
Improved health bar display and made that if the enemy wasn't been rendered for the last 5 seconds or it's too far from the player, his health bar will be hidden, and he will set the target as null.
Level Design: Akrasiel's tent and environment foliage changes
Improved light attacks with 2 handed sword
Improved NPC equipping weapon logic
Made Merishya follower blueprint more generic so eventually, we can have different types of followers.
Improved save\load quest system in a way that it can accept more complex quests (Please, clean your game folder in AppData to make sure you won’t have retro compatibility problems)
Landing animations when Kaly falls from a big distance will be a little more dramatic
Fixed the max blood points amount display when you press C
The game will now save\load the quest you were tracking
Sleeping on beds is now more reliable in case you want to wait until you can buy Jessie’s blood bottles again. And the sky will be updated instantly while you wait, you will no longer need to wait for 20 seconds for it to happen.
Level Design: New area to explore – Burnt Camp; For now, there is nothing there to see, but we are already working on the mini-quest that will add context to that place on the lore. So stay tuned for updates =)
Level Design: New Quixel assets for forest, ruins, camps, walls, etc.
Snowy mountains are back!
Reduced the frequency day\night cycle is updated so it is lighter on performance.
Added lipsync to Kalyskah's conversation with Silas and also changed the position of the camera.
Improved collisions on tavern objects
Characters should now unequip their weapons when a sex scene starts.
Improved Launchable Attacks so Kalyskah plays an animation instead of falling in ragdoll.
Fixed armour damage reduction (We just realised that armours were not working before!)
Stamina rework:
Removed 4s of cooldown before resuming stamina regeneration and made this timer based on animation playing.
Increased stamina per dexterity level from 5 to 7.5
Parrying attacks will no longer consume stamina
Reduced stamina cost when blocking from the fixed amount of 40% of the damage caused to 15% but it increases +12% per every hit you block (Up to 100% of the damage enemy was causing on you). Thanks to the patron Corgo for giving us this idea!
Ai Improvements:
Expanded move-set of some of the humanoid NPCs: Some of them will cast magic!
Notice that if you time the parry right when they throw projectiles at Kalyskah, she’ll be able to deflect them!
Raising the difficulty of the game will no longer just turn enemies into meat bags. Humanoid enemies will now attempt to block and evade some of Kalyskah’s attacks, and they have a higher chance to do it on the hardest modes.
Enemies will have a higher chance to avoid attacks if the player is spamming combos.
Follower Improvements:
Merishjya will play a big part in one of the quests we are working on, so we felt the need to improve her behaviour a little bit =)
Merishya will also have two spells to use in combat: She will now throw fireballs and cause AoE damage with flames as well
Merishya will now switch between walking, jogging and sprinting while following Kalyskah. The degree of the slopes she can walk was increased to a value like Kalyskah's and Merishya will now swim when Kalyskah swims as well. If Merishya is too far away, she'll teleport to a random point next to Kalyskah. This will prevent her from getting stuck and are rendered unable to follow
Merishya will now attempt to make combos
Merishya will now be beaten down for a minute if she receives too much damage. If Kaly interacts with her, Meri will recover.
General Features
New NSFW sounds for generic female NPCs, there are over 25 new lines recorded by Christina, but you might not be able to hear all of them yet because most are playing on only some specific animations. But we’ll improve this later.
[Thulgatha] Start to work on the quarantine gate and potential mountain ruined fort
Initial compass implementation, for now, it only tracks Milhaven when you are in the open world. Eventually, we will make that it tracks the target of some quests
Kalyskah can now bite citizens of Thulgatha. If she reduces their health to 0 they will be on a weakened state for a minute. There is no Crime\Punishment mechanics yet. But we might work on it for version 0.14.
Beginning of a new quest: An Heirloom Lost. Explore the second floor of Bouchard’s Tavern and Inn and you’ll trigger it.
New mechanics that will be used for future quests where Kalyskah will be able to follow blood tracks.
The objectives of some quests will now be shown on the compass. (Only daily Blood Transfusion and Heirloom Lost, for now)
New clothes for peasant male NPCs
Level design: Started to add a destroyed trader’s outpost
Chests and shops will now save items that the player store or sell to them.
Keys from the dungeon are now undroppable, so you won’t lose them by accident.
New erotic animations to the gallery: Male standing behind Kalyskah, and male lifting her up. The standing pose has interaction.
We added the beginning of the new cave. For now, it doesn't have anything to do and we also did not open everything to be explored yet. We just left it there so we can test how the level streaming will work. The cave is between the ruins of the burned village and Kelhold. Up the mountains, you will find an entrance.
You can now go to the settings and adjust the percentage of breast physics you want, in case bigger breast's physics get out of hand.
New erotic pose on gallery mode: Lotus (Asking to cuddle)
Sometimes the toysystem will climax with the actors going to missionary pose. (WIP)
You can now speak with Travert, Friar and Boris on the Heirloom Lost quest. Make sure to save the game on a separate slot because there are many outcomes possible for those dialogues. I’ll admit that not all the dialogue lines have animations yet, and there is a known issue that after you went through a whole branch of conversation, you can still talk with the others. I noticed that while testing the game but since I also noticed a few other issues (that are not game-breaking) I decided to release it anyway so I can release a 0.13.2b during this week with a few other improvements.
New animations: Missionary Choking, Lotus and a few new interactions. I won’t list them on this particular patch because they are not available on the gallery mode yet, but they will be when we release version 0.14
I'll probably review some parts and cameras of the new erotic scene to improve its quality, but that will wait for a few patches.
We added the beginning of the new cave. For now, it doesn't have anything to do and we also did not open everything to be explored yet. We just left it there so we can test how the level streaming will work. The cave is between the ruins of the burned village and Kelhold. Up the mountains, you will find an entrance.
You will find a new type of enemy on the cave, a Troll. But his moveset and sound effects are not done yet.
You can now go to the settings and adjust the percentage of breast physics you want, in case bigger breast's physics get out of hand.
New erotic pose on gallery mode: Lotus (Asking to cuddle)
Sometimes the toy system will climax with the actors going to missionary pose. (WIP)
Known Issue:
Some people have reported that sometimes you can't hurt the wolves. I tried and tried and tried again to replicate this bug but it never happened with me. Let me know if you are having this problem with this version of the game.
0.12.4 (Public Release)
[Dungeon] Moved checkpoint close to Merishya backwards so the player won't load on top the trigger box that starts her dialogue.
[Dungeon] Made that the dialogue only triggers if the player doesn’t have her quest yet. Which will prevent the dialogue to start every time the player tries to load the game.
[Thulgatha] When Kalyskah avoids the courtesan questline she will tell Bouchard that he was “predictable”. He was reacting to that line but she wasn’t saying it before.
[Thulgatha] Fixed armour and damage amount display on the character inventory interface. This made Kalyskah’s damage output smaller, but that’s how it was supposed to be in the first place.
[Thulgatha] Fixed Kalyskah health resetting to 70% every time she was leaving a dialogue.
[Thulgatha] Fixed all the dialogues that were not being controlled by the “Voice” volume on the main menu. Let me know if we left anything behind.
[Thulgatha] Fixed "flickering neckline" problem on the character's texture.
Enemies will no longer target Kalyskah if she's defeated. This will make the combat music stop playing after you die.
Fixed f/f kissing interaction while holding hands
Fixed Hammer idle animations not working properly
Improved Attribute descriptions so now you know what sorcery, charisma, etc will do.
Improved broom location on the sweeping ground working stations
[Thulgatha] New looping animations for the prostitutes
[Thulgatha] Added Kalyskah voice on the dialogue with Silas, and also started to adjust the camera. Kalyskah won’t have lipsync yet because I need to make some fine tunes before doing it.
Improvements on how Kalyskah recognizes that she is under a shadow to avoid taking sunlight damage. The leaves at the new area don’t have collision yet though, which means that to avoid sunlight damage there you should stay at the shadow cast by the trunks. But we’ll improve it in time.
[Thulgatha] Starting to improve the scene where Kalyskah meets James outside of the dungeon. It’s not done yet, but it will be at the end of the month.
Removed the sound when Kalyskah hits something she can’t harm. So there won’t be metal sounds when you hit a friendly NPC anymore.
Ai Improvement: Friendly NPCs will no longer attack someone that Kalyskah is drinking blood.
Ai Improvement: Enemies will stop trying to reach the player if the player is too far and there is some ally hitting them. Merishya can’t take damage yet so this wasn’t a problem until we introduced the summoning.
[Dungeon] Gremnoch fight improvements – Part 1: When he reaches 50% of his health he will start to spawn bloodhounds. We removed that close-range attack that he was launching Kalyskah on the ground. This rendered him easier to be defeated, but on the next patch, we will make somethings to make him a little harder to kill. Suggestions are welcome!
Improvements on Gremnoch appearance: His eyes will glow in green when he has only half lifebar left, his eyes will glow in red and he will have some smoke effects around him.
Improvement Gremnoch and Death Hounds collisions. Kaly won’t get inside of them anymore.
Changing Kalyskah’s appearance on the main menu will now work when loading different save slots, not only the most recent one.
Blood Bottles now have an icon and they won’t restore only Kalyskah’s health, but also her actual blood pool. 200 health and 50 blood points over 10 seconds (her maximum blood pool is 200). You can’t use the blood bottles if you are already under the effect of one. This should prevent wasting them.
Fixed item amount not being loaded properly. I noticed this error while working on the blood bottles. If you had 10 of them on your inventory, when you loaded the game you would have only 1.
[Dungeon] Kalyskah won’t slide towards Merishya at the dungeon conversation anymore. She will actually walk.
Save games will now be displayed from the most recent to the oldest one, this will make your life a lot easier to find the most recent game you were playing when you quit the game.
More progress on building Natasha's hut
Replaced the old wolf with a new one with better animations. So fighting wolves is now way much better than what it was before.
Increased wolf collision box, so fighting them will be easier
Generated LOD for some NPCs, not sure this will have a visible impact on performance yet.
Added visual effects when the character parries or block an attack
[Thulgatha] Kalyskah can now swim on the rivers and reach the other side of the forest. This area is under construction so although it has a nice environment and effects, it might still feel a little empty because we don’t have a questline there yet, but we are already working on it for the incoming releases.
[Thulgatha] New enemies on the new area of the map.
[Thulgatha] Added a new weapon on Fara’s shop: Morningstar.
World Global Saving: The NPC positions will now be saved and also if whether they are alive or dead. This means that if you are playing the dungeon and decide to take a break, save and close the game when you load the undead you killed won’t be there anymore, and all the doors you unlocked or opened will be as you left them.
Kalyskah will now get a new power after defeating Gremmnoch: Summoning bloodhounds. They will stay around for 20 + (Sorcery x 3) seconds. And Kalyskah can summon two at once. They will consume 10 points of blood to be summoned.
Started to work on a new makeup system for the character customization menu. Now you'll be able to apply one variation of lipstick and eyelashes on Kalyskah, and also to add eyeliner on her. This is only the beginning of what's to come. Eventually, we will have several makeup styles and even tattoos! But everything needs to start small =)
Ps. I know nothing about makeup so I don't know how to name the different styles! Haha
New combat song while fighting the Husks and exploring the forest, done by Maura Game Music
Tough Choice:
My computer doesn’t have enough RAM to pack the game for Vulkan and DirectX, and the friend that was doing that for me won't be able to do it anymore. But I already have plans to buy a new PC in September, when a new processor is around, but until then, the game will need to go back to support only DirectX11 and DirecX12.
Known Issues
Kalyskah won’t unequip her weapon after finishing to talk with Averion at the beginning of safe haven quest
Hello everyone!
We just released a patch to fix two issues:
Fixed the issue that was causing player to be teleported to a random area the open world instead of playing the intro cutscene after defeating Greemnoch
Fixed a door that even though it was open, Kaly couldn't cross on a place that she was supposed to be able to get in. thanks TELunus for reporting the bug.
Hello everyone!
We just released a patch to fix two issues:
Averion repeating "run, run and get help!" and overlapping what he was saying during the cutscene inside Kelhold. thanks to the patron PrecursorDesign for reporting that
Made that from whatever direction you are coming from, Merishya will go see what's going on with the bandits harassing the villagers. So if you load your game from Milhaven, coming from a version before 0.11.1, the quest Safe Haven will still be triggered.
Sorry, TELunus! When I opened the engine to fix the smaller problems of this version I kinda forgot to look that door that you could not get through, on the back of Kelhold. But I'll make sure I remember this on the next patch.
Hello everyone, Corintio here!
Today we are happy to present you the newest version of the game, that was entirely focused on adding more to the story!
There are things that we are still improving, but we hope you like what we have so far, and thank you very much for your support!
Increased skin pore resolution on Merishya
Fixing spots on pause menu that weren't turning black
Fixed some holes on the level
Fixed a function that sometimes were making Kalyskah emits a weird moaning sound when you arrived at Thulgata Oo’
Improved the way the game sets the map you currently are when saving it, so this will probably end once and for all that annoying bug that always came back: The one that you would load back at the dungeon sometimes, even though you had already reached the open world.
Improvements on the cliffs of the game and opened the view a lot more at the graveyard.
Roof and indoor light fixes
Improved facial expressions some of the erotic animations
Better friendly combat AI: Merishya will now attack the characters that are attacking or targeting Kalyskah, not only the ones Kalyskah is targeting.
Many improvements on the level design: Rivers, trees, rocks, grass, an herbalist hut that is under development, lights, etc. We are getting close to the day where we will enable the other side of the river to be playable.
Migrated to Unreal 4.24, which brought better stability to many things (But new unpredictable bugs as well, let us know if you find that something that used to work is no longer working)
Days now lasts 96 minutes. But don’t worry, we are adding a way to fast forward in time: beds.
Distance Fields on the level, which means better shadows when things are far away.
New event on the world: Kalyskah can help a group of people that is being attacked by bandits on her way to Milhaven. It will trigger the Safe Haven quest, part of the main storyline. Notice that you need to do this quest before entering the actual city.
New Questline: A City of Thieves. This is the main storyline and you’ll learn what happened with Kalysakh’s Blood Gem. Notice that the lipsync is a little out of place for some characters and that not every dialogue line had enough attention on the animations, we’ll improve them in time.
We did several new dialogue animations, so now on some of those scenes, you’ll see that not everyone will be idle staring at you.
Kalyskah can now sleep on a bed at Kelhold (I’ll learn where it is on the new questline) and also at Bouchard’s Tavern and Inn.
Vulkan support: You can open the launcher on the game’s folder to switch between DirectX 11, 12 or Vulkan.
Ilya Bouchard will greet you when you enter the tavern… Wait for her lines to be done before talking with Madame Bouchard otherwise, the subtitles will be overlapping. This will be fixed in the future. You’ll probably see a floating broom there… don’t mind it, it’s a work in progress!
Known issues:
Some dialogues might have the characters facing another direction, weird behaviour on the eye-tracking or maybe cameras out of focus. Since it's nothing that is as usual to see, we did not want to hold the release for another week just to fix those details. Just know that all the dialogues are going to be improved in time. =)
Fixed UI not disappearing during dialogues
Fixed facial expressions during dialogues
Fixed some weird rotation on Kaly’s head while she had her weapon up
Fixed textures on female floral armour (the one Luanna wears)
Fixed Kalyskah being “playable” during the dialogue with Merishya after helping her out of the dungeon
Fixed tavern door rotation, which was preventing some NPCs from leaving or walking in properly
Fixed spelling on dialogue with Merishya and dialogue lines that Kalyskah says while exploring the dungeon.
Fixed dialogue lines with Luanna that were assigned with the wrong audio and also fixed a sentence that was meant to be spoken by Luanna but was moving Henrysson’s mouth.
Fixed typo on pet-collar info
Fixed the bug that was causing Kalyskah to fall under the ground while fighting bears or the boss. Turns out that it was a problem on the Target Lock logic because she was trying to rotate towards the target even while in ragdoll and this was causing her colliders to friction with the ground until it passed through it.
Fixed a bug that was causing the claws not to be equipped on some situations, and also making they disappear completely if you saved the game with them equipped and then loaded.
Fixed being able to equip weapons during the first line of the dialogues with some NPCs
Several new animations for dialogues
Improvements on some camera angles and animations on Henrysson’s cutscene
Made Madame Bouchard's eyes less saturated
Choices that changes Kalyskah's tendency will now be displayed in different colours.
Improvements on guards cutscene so the music change on some different choices
Improved blacksmith animations and placement so now Fara will actually look like she is working on a sword
Set Loretta to work at her pawnshop, but she doesn’t have any dialogue yet
Crosshair will now be displayed during 4 seconds after the player hovers the mouse on something intractable.
Added Target lock visuals again and made that the cursor disappear during lock-on mode, so it will look prettier
Improvements on the cutscene between Kalyskah and Henryson.
Luke has been working on improving our rivers. We realised now, over 7 months later, that the pretty river we had were not going to packing. So, we are using this opportunity to redo its flow and aesthetics.
More improvements on Kalyskah\Henrysson cutscene. There are some new loops and actions there that eventually we will enable for the gallery as well
Rivers! We are adding some nice rivers to the world, but right now Kaly cannot go through them because the area is not done yet.
More improvements on foliage and vegetation
Improved the collision on cloth simulation. The armour that you'll feel the biggest difference is the cape of the Karnstein Legion set.
Increased Bear base-health
added another Death-Hound next to the exit of the Dungeon's sewers
Natasha's hair is not slightly darker
More braches on the scene between Henrysson and Kalyskah. Needs polishment
Nicer trees on a part of the forest that the player can't reach yet. We will enable that area on version 0.11 (probably)
The Seekers at that camp that Kalysakh finds James should want to attack the player as soon as the cutscene ends
New vampiric power: Telekinesis! Push and pull enemies and rodents around. For now, the power is working on a very simple way, but it’s a milestone before we make the crazy stuff we have in mind that will be used in puzzles and other cool things!
New NPC: Akrasiel Inoah. She doesn't have voice acting a quest yet, but she wears a whole new set of armour that eventually we will make a quest to enable it to the player as well.
Started to add deers to the game. their locomotion animations and AI behaviour will be improved later.
Some dialogue lines with Polly, Silas and Eira.
Properly set the quest with Madame Bouchard to give the courtesan job. For now, she can only go with Silas and Eira, the text of the dialogue is done, but not the acting.
New "character tag" system. It displays in the journal. It will tell when Kalyskah is starving and also, her profession if she starts the courtesan job.
More landscape and foliage improvements. Now with cobblestone that will make the village look more like somewhere where people want to live without soaking their feet in mud.
New place on the open-world under construction: The Windmill
Slight improvements on some sentences at James’ dialogue at the surface world
New place on the open-world (that will have a quest later): the Pawnshop
New “cutscene dialogue” between Kalyskah and the innkeepers (when they are in working hours). The scene is under development so it will be patched soon with more emotions and interactions between characters.
New “cutscene dialogue” between Kalyskah and Luanna. The erotic branch of her dialogue is under development, the ‘Scold her” option is the one with more lines so far.
Added new ambient conversations for NPCs (Not voiced yet)
- Aliester
- Bronwyn
- Rulfio de Ravager
- Tarten
New power: Vampiric Vision! The area where you reveal objects and enemies is directly linked with your logic attribute. Right now, we set a huge value as a start because want you to see the new feature working. But in the future, the area that Kalyskah will be able to track objects\enemies and rodents will be smaller since the main focus of the vampiric vision will be the night vision. We don’t want to have an OP ability that will take away the exploration aspect of the game.
On the sentence “Oh, I’m flattered”, Henrysson is the one that moves his mouth instead of Luanna
The ambient music is not going back to the default one after the erotic scene is done, you’ll have to reload the game in order to “fix” it.
Although I suspect that I know how to fix the bug that makes Kalyskah get launched bellow the ground, we didn't have time to fix it yet.
New Photomode! The player can now remove the HUD and move the camera around Kaly to take nice screenshots! Notice that this feature is under development, so bugs are expected. It also doesn't actually freeze the whole world, it only pauses every object and character around Kalyskah.
*As you can see on this last picture, the cursor is not disappearing when the weapon is equipped. But we'll fix that next time we have a chance to improve the photo mode
Controller support:
The helper text in the interface will recognize which input device are you using
Made that the camera will centralize to the character when you press the target lock key while there is no valid target around
Made sprinting logic work differently on the controller so the player doesn't need to keep holding the sprinting button all the time. That’s because you can either sprint by pressing the left-thumb-stick or LB, but eventually, we might remove the LB button and leave just the thumb-stick button, as other games do.
Telekinesis will aim to the character that the player is currently targeting while in lock-on mode
The icons to interact with objects will now change if you are playing on a controller
Made that if you are aiming to an intractable object and your weapon isn't up, Kaly won't automatically equip her weapon. This was necessary to avoid the player "hitting" every object they wanted to interact with while playing on a controller.
Fixing Sucking blood with the controller
Changes in erotic scenes
Changed spanking loop stamina and arousal gain on the mini-game.
Slight improvements on the f\f facial expressions while the characters are embracing
New interaction for hairpulling doggy animation
Progression on handjob animation related to arousal level
New transition from handjob to skullfuck
Stamina will now decrease 50% slower during sex scenes
New interaction for neutral kneeling (Rubbing)
Added a button to reset arousal on the gallery menu
New loop for female\female animation (Spanking manual)
New interaction for the f\f spanking loops: Kissing
New interaction for the f/m handjob pose: Lick
New interaction for the f/f holding hands pose: Kissing
Known issues:
The mouse cursor will be invisible when you pause the game, but still work and make the buttons brighter when it's on top of them. This was fixed on
Kalyskah will receive the key to the sacrificial chamber as soon as she frees Merishya
The key that you find at the sewers, will now be inside of a chest instead of on the ground
Wolves will take a few steps backwards after attacking, this will prevent them from pushing you forward eternally
Wolves will howl when they see you and also a few times during combat if you avoid them too much. This will help to open a few more windows to attack them
Wolves will gain less health per level
Wolves, bears and hounds glow in red when they receive a hit
Dexterity will change maximum stamina again (Who is coming from 0.8 won’t notice the change)
Kalyskah’s muscles and skin pores should be a little bit more visible
Changed the way breast sliders work: Now we have only one slider called "Breast Size", which will increase Kalyskah's chest in a much more comfortable way than what we had before where you needed to manually adjust the mass and separation to make it look good.
Huge performance improvements on the GPU. Tiny Talisman guys did a really great job on optimizing materials and asset's Level of Detail.
Trees are bigger and darker now, which will make the woods feel more like "woods". With bigger trees, you will also have more shadows to walk under when your blood points are low.
Merishya's armour now glows.
Karnstein leather won't shine as much as it was before. Now it will look more like leather than latex, the way it was meant to be.
Sword now gets unequipped when Kalyskah bites an enemy
Made negotiation with enemies a little bit easier
Increased Gremnoch’s health and added some effects when he roars. We will improve his combat behaviour eventually too
Foliage and lighting improvements on the open world
disabled the tutorial until we remake it for the new combat system
Changed the shape of the male character's head to match the female, so female hairstyles can be compatible with male characters as well
Citizens will no longer have the golden logo on their plate mails. Those are for another faction of the game
Removed the first grunt Michael makes on the dialogue
Fara now sells some parts of the plate mail
Talking about Fara, her blacksmith bench will finally be displayed as intended!
Fara Table.jpg
Improved the responsiveness of the combat: “Parry window” is the 0.5 seconds you have when you enter the guard mode. If an enemy attacks you while the parry window is open, they will be staged. So now we there are many a subtle glowing effect that you will see on both your character and the enemies:
White: You either successfully blocked an attack or your parry window is open Blue: You parried the enemy, you and he will glow in blue for a while Red: the attack landed, either on your or on your opponent
Kalyskah will change her pose a little bit if you move to the sides while fighting with claws or with one-handed weapons, this will make her locomotion feel more fluid
Changes on blocking hits logic so stamina is no longer necessary in case the player is attempting to parry
Nights in Thulgata are brighter, the Karnstein Temple is brighter as well
Fixed the Save problem in the open world. Now when you load your game you should spawn on the proper level. Notice that this will only affect new saved games.
Fixed the ANNOYING problem on dialogues that you had after the cutscene where Kalyskah finds James at the surface world.
Fixed an issue where the player was finishing Merishya's quest every time they interacted with the locked Sacrificial Chamber door.
Fixed typos on Merishya and Guards dialogue
Fixed an issue where the player was finishing Merishya's quest every time they interacted with the locked door.
Fixed typo on "Pet Collar"
Fixed the "something happened to this text" error while sucking enemy blood
Fixed second chance dialogue not being triggered
Fixing openworld save after dungeon boss fight and made dungeon boss cutscene skippable
Fixed witchat mesh clipping with some hairstyles (Bun and pinned hair still clip though)
Kalyskah’s default hair no longer clips with her skull
Parring animations no longer overlap, which means that if the player doesn't time the parry properly, he will be punished. With this change, the player can no longer spam parries
Fixed issues caused when actors were snaping out of their working places or beds. This bug was what was causing some NPCs to teleport when you started to talk with them.
Weird materials on clothes that were not the chest piece
Fixed a bug that was making the character upper torso behave oddly
Kalyskah's breasts now have physics. Notice that some armours like the ones where she has a huge metal plate on her chest will not bounce. But the ones made of leather, cotton, etc will.
You can now add elven ears to Kaly on the character customisation screen because why not?
New hairstyles, you can have a preview here
A new dialogue between Kalyskah and the guards of Millhaven when she tries to get in the settlement. Right now, this dialogue will trigger once every time you load the game because since it is not 100% done, we are not saving the progress you had on it yet. The dialogue changes slightly depending on the tags of the gear you are wearing, there are currently 3 branches. It can lead to an erotic scene depending on your choices too, the first scene that we did that will actually blend in seamlessly with the story. But keep in mind that this scene is not 100% done yet too.
Added handjob animations.
Known issues:
Yes, the guards of Millhaven will interact with Kalyskah every time she passes through them on the first time you load a game. That’s because eventually this dialogue will be part of a quest, and we don’t want to save the progress on it yet… Also because the scene is not finished =)
Slight mesh clipping when Kalyskah moves with the Karnstein Leather armour when the breasts are on the maximum value.
Hello everyone,
Today is finally the day that we will patch what was supposed to be a Hotfix for the save/load bugs, but since we changed version numbers it caused so many trouble that at the end, the patch notes will be smaller than all that we have done during the month and patching to our patrons. But before we jump on the changelog, let's just talk about the plan for next month:
Review on the combat, leveling and skill system
A Safe Haven, a house where Kalyskah will be allowed to sleep to pass the time
We are adding physics to the character's breasts and improving the shape of her body a little bit.
We might introduce some face presets for you to play around on character customization (Like.. I don't know about you, but there are days that I'd like to add elven ears to Kaly!)
The first quest\profession with some erotic content entwined on the story.
And talking about the story: More answers to Kaly's past.
Who knows what else? =)
Those are what we will be working and patching for the patrons during the month of December, but since the last week and a half of the year simply doesn't exist because everyone travels or go see their families, etc, the progress might get a little slower on these last days, pushing the public demo to January. So version 0.8.11 might be last public patch of the year, now we will move on to work on things that will demand a lot of time and tests to finish. Hopefully, as you might notice by the leap the game had from version 0.7 to 0.8, we will be able to sit down and say that we will have something to be proud of!
So now to the changelog:
Version 0.8.11 - 27/11/2019
Consuming multiple rodents fix
Fixed the door on Merishya’s quest at the dungeon
Characters close their eyes when they sleep
Fixed inventory on new games
Fixed load problems related to level, character position, etc
The player is no longer locked on dialogue when the blacksmith or the nurse are saying dismissive lines
Fixed Kalyskah's eyes being red by default on the character customisation. In the game, her eyes only get red when she is thirsty. So the red eyes on the customisation screen are on a slider at the lower centre of the screen. For some reason, it was starting red and only turning blue or whatever colour the player chooses, if the player moved that slider. Now it's working as intended: It starts on the chosen 'human-form' colour and goes red if you change the value on the slider.
Updated Unreal Engine version to 4.23
Improved NPC’s locomotion and made male and female characters have a different idle animation
Improved walking animations and speed during dialogue
Level Design: Replaced roof and window pieces, new walls and foliage
Improved evasion animations
Level Design: Some houses now have different wall colour, which will make the city less dull
Rolling dice system is now easier when you are playing on easy mode
We have set DirectX 12 as default on the game. This should prevent crashes when you change the game resolution.
Level Design: Improvements on foliage shaders and LOD, which might improve performance
Level Design: Reduced some texture resolutions from 4k to 2k or 1k to improve performance
Sex with female characters are now are supported by the “Toysystem”
New Female\Female animations (New embrace animation with kissing and two spank interactions)
New NPCs for the world
New opening cutscene, you can press ESC or P to open the pause menu and skip them in case you don’t want to see the whole thing (Skipping is now possible on the bandit’s cutscene at the open world as well)
We have added support top, Nvidia Ansel… weirdly enough, some people are able to use it only when GeForce experience is not installed though. But that’s a Unreal\Nvidea bug, so it’s beyond our reach to fix it oO’
Known issues
If you are falling while you press the interaction button to talk with James on the open world, Kalyskah will slide down weirdly.
Sometimes if you get defeated by one of the two bandits you need to kill to proceed on the quest, one of them might disappear. This seems to be a problem with collisions on the ground since they only disappear if you die in certain places.
We could not replicate the problem that some people reported that makes you unable to talk with Jessie a second time.
If you skip some dialogues too fast, the character might spam transition animation that might look off..... But well, if you are skipping is probably because you are more focused on the text than on the characters, so this might not be an issue for you.
I'm adding here a some saved games that will enable you to skip right to the open world in case you managed to defeat the boss but lost all your progress because of the bug we had on the last version. Add them on the folder in case you want it C:\Users\[YOU_USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Kalyskah_RPG\Saved\SaveGames
Initial open-world release. We are blocking the available area to explore because the rest of the terrain is not done yet…. So, it wouldn’t make for sense if you went to the desert if you wouldn’t find anything but sand there =)
We separated the armours into 5 slots
Started to play around with a parrying system, but we had to change focus while doing it so for now… Press the right mouse button when you see an incoming attack and the enemy will be staged for 3 seconds. Visual and audio effects will be added in time.
Combat is now more responsive, where characters take a step back if an attack is blocked.
Weapon Scaling system added
Manual saving game via slots instead of only checkpoints
Started to sketch the tendency system
Improved lipsync
Started to add mechanics to the way erotic scenes play
Equipment that reduces attributes will now be displayed properly
Fixed typo on toysystem animation menu
Fixed Partner weird rotations when they want to go back to their patrol position during an erotic scene
Environmental fixes
The sound that plays when you open a door is now 3d.
Decreased the volume of footsteps sounds and made the sound options menu work for the dialogue lines too
Fixed HUD intermittently showing up
Save/load game will track the character gold coins amount (We don't have a manual saving system yet, so you need to get the checkpoint at the entrance of the village to save your progress)
Fixed Kalyskah and female NPCs breasts being pushed up depending on the armour they were wearing when a sex scene started
Slight code optimisation when the player changes equipment
The amount of gold that you get from a chest will now be displayed properly when you hover your mouse on it
Fixed a problem that could cause Kalyskah to be teleported to the wrong part of the map in case she died after loading a game, but before passing through a new checkpoint
Fixed a problem that was making saving more than 1000 experience points being loaded without 3 decimal places;
Fixed sucking blood from dead enemies;
Added a chest with the Karnstein legion armour back to the dungeon;
Removed Stairwell key
Gameplay: Mist and Dash are now on different keys so it is always available during combat
Balancing: Slightly reduced the amount of undead at the dungeon
Balancing: Humanoid enemies are a bit smarter now and will change their guard to the direction of your hit to avoid getting hit twice on the same direction.
Balancing: Because of the change we did above, you can now change your guard direction at the last half of your attack animation so you can chain combos through different directions a bit easier, or block one incoming attack. This should make the combat feel a bit slower since you might get staged and punished if you spam attacks.
NPCs can now open doors… Yeah, don’t shut the door at the undead while he follows you or you will get in trouble!
Improved collision on every one-handed sword
Added a fade in\out effect to avoid the player seeing Kalyskah while she loads her equipment and is spawned on the checkpoint
Camera no longer pan around the level while the game loads
HUD: Made the text on Health, Experience and Rigor Mortis (Stamina), white and added a black outline. So now you will be able to see the text-independent on how bright the background is
HUD: Added tooltips on the attributes if you hover them with your mouse
Improvements on Merishya's tail
Merishya will now move her tail to the sides when she idle.
Merishya's tail should no longer flicker.
Merishya's tail now blends physics with animation, that means that the movement when she walks is now way smoother.
Improved game logo
The same key that opens the inventory now opens the equipment as well
We are slowly changing the logic of our ‘toy-system’, and the characters should now be aligned properly during the sex scenes because there is a new function on the backend to make sure that they will snap to each other.
Changed the way Kalyskah undresses herself during the sex scenes: Now the clothes will go to her inventory instead of just being hidden during the animation. This is the beginning of a new feature that we are planning to add, where the player will manually undress Kalyskah when the scene starts in order to have access to certain poses.
Hair shouldn’t shine as much as it was before and should be slightly more optimized
Kalyskah's eyes now glow a little bit more when they turn red due to the lack of blood
Improved transitions on the ‘toysystem’ (sex animations) in a way that they start with Kaly holding hands and then you can move on to the others (the missionary don’t have a transition yet)
Improvements in the boss area
Added some water flowing sounds to the places that you can find water at the dungeon, so this might help on the immersion
Ending the sex animation will go to the blowjob climax placeholder animation (the subtitles are wrong, but we will fix this eventually)
Many improvements on the back-end code and how actors generate their appearance
Undead will now have random skin-colours, the female will generate random cloth pieces(giving them more variation)
Improved loot from NPCs
Tweaks on the effects when Kalyskah jumps
Moved many lootable objects to another place. The ‘secret box’ with Merishya’s armour will now have the ‘skimpy version’. Merishya’s modest armour and belt will be found somewhere on the open world in the future after we are done with a quest that she can give.
Changed the balancing of enemies so they start with more health but don't increase as much as it was before on the higher difficulty levels
Hud now shows the health points, armour, damage, blood points and blood efficiency properly
Some rats have been added to the dungeon. They should give Kalyskah more blood points so she can activate the blood buff more often.
Now Kalyskah health will increase according to her Vigor, instead of strength.
We turned the Texture Streaming on. This should improve the performance of some PCs. But it requires 4gb of memory
Changed text on the pause menu, so now we have “Main Menu” written where it was “New Game” before
Smoother combat camera and target acquisition
Improved Kalysakah’s default and the short curly hairstyles
Improved the way characters can change their postures and facial expressions while in dialogue
Lipsync is now pre-processed instead of made in real-time based on the subtitles like it was before. So now Kalyskah will actually stop moving her mouth and move it again based on the audio and not on the text.
Improved character creation camera controls. It won’t go up and down based on the options you are selecting, but you can now manually set the zoom, the height and also Kalyskah’s rotation
Started to work on what will be the tutorial of the game. For now, the game pauses and explains how the combat works before you fight Michael. To open his door, you know need to defeat him.
"Press E to Consume" is now displayed when Kalyskah is sneaking behind humanoid enemies. This will help people to know how biting mechanics work.
Removed the barrel’s puzzle at the dungeon
Fixed checkpoint on the dungeon that was making the player load inside of a pillar
Fara, the Blacksmith, will now be able to buy items and to sell the Falchion and Estoc, weapons that can only be got by loot on the dungeon. (Notice that we haven't introduced job yet, so the only way to get gold at the moment is by selling your items or looting if from the chests at the dungeon or by making a small quest that Fara gives)
Shop preview.jpg
New weapon: Falchion. There is only one NPC that can drop it on the dungeon, and it has 10% of chance... but don’t worry, if you can’t get it from him, you can buy it from Fara
2 new sets of armour: Leather and Seekers! (Leather armour can be bought from Fara after you finish a quest. Seekers armour can’t be got yet. There will be a quest in the future)
Don’t try to break into a private home if the NPC left the door open, Kalyskah will be pushed back and say that she needs an invite to get in.
Added a new window, Journal, press J to open it. There you can track your active quests and If you go to the Statistics tab you can see the number of partners Kalyskah had as well.
Once per day, Kalyskah can get blood bags that restore 200 of her health from the nurse Jessie Sawmill.
A clock appears on the HUD when you reach the open world
Introduced an Item Tag system. In the future, the way you are dressed will change how some people react to you.
Made quests to guide the player out of the dungeon.
On the open world, Kalyskah can take sunlight damage when she is visibly thirsty (With red eyes and pale skin) or not inside of a dialogue. The player will also have a few minutes after sunrise to find shelter since the sun damage doesn't start immediately after sunset. (It takes a little bit of time until it becomes harming to her)
Kalyskah tries to cover her eyes when she is taking sunlight damage
Kalyskah can feed on rats and other small animals that she can grab
Added several NPCs that have a ‘day cycle’, working during some hours, roaming through the village for a while and then sleeping…
New enemy: Bear
New enemy: Wolf
New weapon: Iron sword
New “weapon”: Torch... Eventually, Kalyskah will not be going to need it, when we add the night vision. But the torch is handy during some part of the night that the landscape can get almost pitch black if you are in the woods on an area that the moon can’t lit.
Blood Buff rework and introduced Blood Efficiency system: Blood buff should now always take 30 seconds to recover Kalyskah up to full health if she doesn’t have any health points. But since now we improved the scaling of health points based on her Vigor, the cost of the blood buff also increases with this attribute. But the sorcery attribute decreases its cost. So, the higher your sorcery is compared to your Vigor, the higher is your blood efficiency, so you will be able to sustain the blood buff for longer. With that in mind, we will start to introduce a lot of enhancements that other attributes will do on the blood buff as well.
We started to add controller support. We will explain the commands and give more details when it is 100% implemented. But for now, it is now possible to walk and fight and play with the controller. Press LB to lock a target, B to active the blood buff and RT to attack if you want to try it out. To change the guard direction, you should move the right analogic.
Completely revamp of the save\load system: Now you will have to save slots and will be able to delete, overwrite and load them. Checkpoints will be saved on an ‘autosave’ slot and the “quicksave” option on the menu will save on the same autosave slot. This will be a lot helpful when we introduce quests with different outcomes, so you will be able to save your progress and then go back to test all the possible branches! Notice that when you save a slot, you are also saving Kalyskah’s appearance, but don’t worry, you can always go to the main menu, change her appearance and then load the slot you want to apply the changes there =)
New Hairstyle for some of the male character (Thanks Mélanie Laurain!)
A new variation of Kalyskah’s hair was she can be with or without the bangs on the forehead
Second Chance system overhaul:
When falling in combat against the undead, the player now has 3 options:
Taunt the enemy and try to kill him (Difficulty 15)
Use sorcery to dispel the magic that is taking control of their mind (Difficulty 12) if the roll is succeeded, the player will be able to either seduce the enemy (difficulty 12) or use charisma to let him go (difficulty 8).
The options are based on dice rolls, which are influenced by the player's attributes and the way Kalyskah is dressing (It's easier to taunt if she is menacing, but harder if she enticing. And it's easier to seduce if she is enticing or showing some skin).
The flow of the second chance dialogue has also been changed and a few more lines have been added.
Please, let us know what you think about the rolling based on d20 RPG systems because we are discussing internally if it’s worth it or not, and your feedback will help us to decide if we will keep it as it is or simplify it.
Erotic animations rework (WIP):
We added stamina and an arousal meter, where the stamina is slowly drained with time while the arousal raises when the characters are interacting with each other. Kalyskah fails if the characters on the scene lose their interest or get tired before reaching climax. There is an option to ask to ‘have a break’, which will cause the intercourse to stop and give both characters time to catch their breath, recovering their stamina bar while the arousal drops. Actions can be performed and they will raise the arousal faster, but also drains a bigger part of the stamina. Changing poses will also have a cost on the stamina. We haven’t added new poses based on player attributes or different interactions for this patch, although it won’t take too long for us to expand this since now, we have a new animator.
The erotic scenes on this demo are not on their final version yet. In the future, the game will feature two types of erotic encounters:
The modular and the story-driven ones. The modular are the ones from jobs like the courtesan or the ones that can be triggered on world events Those will use the system that we are experimenting and described above. The story-driven ones are not implemented in this version yet, but they will be more cinematographic and give the player choices of how Kalyskah can behave without all this interface and mechanics involved. To make it easier to picture, they will have camera and lights working more like the erotic scenes on Mass Effect or Witcher series, but with the player being able to control Kalyskah as if she was in a “dialogue with choices” … And with the twist that on our game we are actually showing the action ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
New Poses: Holding hands, Deep throat, Kalyskah touching herself while giving a blowjob, all with interactions where Kalyskah can either be active or passive (Although the passive animation system has not been implemented yet). Many neutral poses and transitions were added as well.
Reduced all those choices of poses and (cringe) things that Kalyskah could say before starting a sex scene to just one, that will start the new toysytem. Notice that the lesbian and splitroast scenes haven’t been tweaked yet. They won’t break the game, but they are not working as intended yet.
Known issues:
If you are coming from version 0.7, we recommend you to delete the folder “Kalyskah_RPG” under your appdata folder. Otherwise you will see a lot of corrupted save slots when you open the save\load widget. If you just ignore them, you won’t have any trouble, but if you try to load the corrupted saves you will get a problem that the game might load the dungeon level without the quest that allows you to leave the first room.
Sound effects overhaul;
New weapon and armour;
New erotic animation and navigation;
Combo system;
Properly made an evasion system, replacing that awful rolling.
Fixed the camera clipping on dialogues and cinematics. But notice that since the aspect of the screen is no longer being controlled by the cameras, the iron bars on Merishya’s dialogue might cover the character face depending on your resolution;
Disabled the dramatic camera priority on Kalyskah’s spawn, which was causing a very rare bug that made the game camera getting stuck;
Kalyskah’s guard in dialogues;
Kalyskah will only whistle when she throws a barrel on the first floor of the starting room, not when she overlaps it as it was before;
Kalyskah will now say sentences while you explore the dungeon as intended. We used to have a problem where enemies colliding with the trigger boxes where disabling the sentences.
Improvements on the character state machine, which should prevent Kalyskah to get stuck after exiting dialogues;
Undead will collide with the elevators properly, so you will no longer be able to kill them by getting to an elevator and waiting from them to go through the ground and die.
Overhaul of footstep sounds. Now they will match the surface and your equipment;
Added a new game button, you no longer have to go to your appdata folder to delete your save if you want to start the game from the beginning;
Different animations will cause different damage;
Enemies play a stun animation when they get hit. This will make combat more responsive and make easier to make combos;
You are no longer be able to change the guard direction in the middle of an attack or combo;
Improved Undead physics assets and made them play a death animation that changes according to the direction that you were when you hit them;
Eyes will now track the other actor on dialogues, preventing characters to have dead fish eyes in the middle of a conversation. (Known issue: If you skip dialogue to quickly, they might look to the wrong direction. But it fix as soon as the dialogue ends)
Glasses and Pet-Collar will no longer use the “head” slot like the hat was doing, so you will be able to wear all three at once!
Weapon trail effects should be more reliable;
Improved all the weapon’s shading. No more plastic weapons!
When Kalyskah receives an attack, she will play an animation considering as she doesn’t have a weapon equipped if her sword is sheathed;
Improved chest looting logic so you won’t get repeated items that where supposed to be unique;
Reduced the stamina cost for dodging attacks;
We removed the rolling, dodging attacks are now a side step, which happens way quicker and goes exactly to where you want to go. But it will make you vunerable for a short period. So try not to evade too early or you will get hit!
Improvements on the enemy damage and health scaling according to their level. They shouldn’t be meat shields any longer;
Reduced boss health a little bit and improved his locomotion animations + collisions (Although in one of our tests, Kalyskah got stuck inside his head until she got hit again. Tell us if you have this problem because then we can see how to fix it);
Slight improvements on the character’s rotation on the final cutscene;
Improved enemy patrol paths on the sewers;
Doors now show when they are locked, open, when you have a key to open it and when it’s jammed.
New enemy on the sewers. His appearance will be improved in time;
Combo system implemented for the two- and one-handed swords!
New game loading screen with a small widget that will be rolling, showing that the game is not frozen;
Possibly made the game open a little bit faster and fixed eventual crash while opening it;
Revamped game options menu, now you can actually set your resolution and tweaks things like brightness and audio volume for Ambient, Combat, General, Dialogue or all at once!
New Sword: Claymore (It is big!)
New Armour: Dress (For those familiar with version 0.2 of the game, it’s that dress! But we will fix the textures on the next version)
Undead and Kalyskah will have small sentences while they fight, bringing more immersion and lore to what’s going on;
Merishya will now have something to saw if Kalyskah goes talk with her after having sex with any of her acolytes ;D
You can now walk normally by holding ctrl, and holding shift while having a weapon equipped will make Kalyskah walk a little faster than before.
Erotic scenes updates:
Better controls on the sex scenes, so you will be able to go to manual mode on the blowjob and lesbian fingering animations;
New Sex-Animation: Reverse-Cowgirl. You can see it through the doggystyle branch;
Hair-Pulling and Oath animations have been added as branches of the doggystyle;
Smooth transitions between Kalyskah doggystyle and it’s branches (Hair-Pull, Oath and Cowgirl);
Blowjob climax placeholder (With Kalyskah saying dirty things);
Improvements on the way the doggystyle blends with slapping additive animation when you press the interact button;
Enabled second chance erotic scene between Kalyskah and the female acolyte. For now, it plays the same animation that it plays with Merishya, but we will expand the lesbian animations in time;
There is a swap button on lesbian scene now =)
Known issues:
Kalyskah will have her weapon on her hand after exiting a sex scene. Just reequip it and it will be fixed.
Fixed the level up buttons disappearing when player earns a level;
Fixed guard mode when Kalyskah respawns on a checkpoint after being defeated;
Re-enabled loading screen between main menu and gallery scenes;
Tweaks on the equip\unequip one handed sword so Kalyskah can walk while playing them. The animations will be improved in time so the blend feels more natural;
Improvements on lipsync (Kalyskah shouldn’t move her lips when she is done with her sentence….. we hope… This will be enhanced on version 0.7);
Combat should be faster now, since Kalyskah won’t play the whole recovery animation before she is able to attack again. This is a window for the combo system that we’ve left open on this release, but it will get new animations on version 0.7 and a fine tune.
Known issues:
It takes a second to reenable Kalyskah’s movement after the dialogue with Michael is done, but we are investigating what caused it to fix on version 0,7;
Menu is showing version 0.6.3;
If you want to delete your save to start a fresh game, you can delete files inside the folder C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Kalyskah_RPG
Launcher 1.1 - 2019-04-14:
Updated FTP library, should improve stability and performance;
Preventing negative speeds from being displayed;
Dialed down the number of concurrent downloads from 50 to 15, in an attempt to prevent older PCs from bottlenecking;
Fixed input on gallery scenes;
Fixed tooltip on stats that sometimes were showing “text block” and made the “+” buttons yellow
Possibly fixed game crashing at the final cutscene for some people. We were not able to reproduce this issue, please tell us if it happens to you.
Boss no longer has an invisible guard. He ignores your guard direction, but he receives incoming hits from any guard position as well;
Interacting with objects should be more reliable (You had to click many times before the game recognizes your input);
If you continue a saved game coming from the boss area, you will not be forced to see Merishya’s cut-scene again. She will start to follow you as soon as you use open that door that goes back to her area by using the lever.
Fixed animations that were supposed to play only on the upper-body of the character, making the movements of her legs blend properly to her torso when she opens doors and equip weapons.
Fixed some enemies that were patrolling such a small area that it was making it seen that they were just walking in circles;
Disabled hot-bar until we make consumable items or make it actually useful. Before this patch, the hot-bar could be used to equip swords and armours, but since the weapons don’t have a very singular mechanic for a specific situation, we thought that it was best to remove it for now to avoid polluting the screen;
Fixed many rooms that once you got in, you could see the world as if it had invisible walls.
Doors now always open to the opposite direction that you are coming from, it also has an outline and displays the key to interact with it when your cursor is over it;
A subtle light follows Kalyskah now, it helps to see in dark areas;
Placed some new checkpoints and improved the collision of others;
Now Merishya will actually be locked on her cell. She only follows you after you find the key and open it;
Changed description of Pet-Collar and Hexblade armour;
Balanced the Intelligence attribute, improving the scaling of blood buff regeneration and also the amount of blood sucked per point.
Improved elevator on the Main Hall to just go up and down when the player interacts with the lever. There is a better sound feedback when the elevator is moving as well.
Now you only open the character stats when you press C and the Inventory key, I, only opens the inventory. It should help you to have a cleaner HUD when you just want to make quick adjustments.
Improved the animations when player “equips” the claws.
You can now push barrels by interacting with them (Football is no longer needed xD);
Balanced the Karnstein Legion Armour and put the “revealing” set on another chest.
Equipment is now being saved on checkpoints. This fixes the problem that was making Kalyskah naked on the final cutscene. Now she wears whatever you were carrying when you reached the boss checkpoint;
Player can now find the Flamberge somewhere;
Known issues:
If you want to delete your save to start a fresh game, you can delete files inside the folder C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Kalyskah_RPG
The inputs are not working on the gallery. We noticed this problem after the packing the game. We will release a version 0.6.3 to fix it.
Combat and environment music;
A new scene has been added to the gallery: Doggystyle with a hair pull;
Kalyskah can now attack with her claws when the player doesn’t have any weapon equipped;
Player can now dodge when they have an enemy targeted (The speed of recovering from the roll is not as smooth as we wanted, but it’s a start);
New enemy: A female undead;
Completely redone the combat system, now you have to watch out for the direction that the attacks are coming and attack on different direction than the enemy guard;
Save\Load game system (The items that you carry are not being saved yet);
Removed silly footstep sounds while Kalyskah is jumping;
Hexblade armour with 4 variations that will be randomly dropped by the female undead;
Kalyskah’s underwear can be found somewhere in the dungeon;
Second chance now works when you have only one life;
Properly disabled Enemy AI when the second chance dialogue starts;
Hammer is now properly placed on Kalyskah’s hands;
Kalyskah’s eyes shouldn’t be foggy anymore;
Glasses are less refractive, so it doesn’t deform Kalyskah’s eyes as much as it was before;
If Kalyskah falls bellow the ground, now she resets at the last checkpoint that the player got.
Rework on the checkpoint logic;
Fixed equipping and sheathing the two handed sword animations;
Main menu song now keeps playing when you are on the graphics options.
Merishya now attacks the enemy that Kalyskah is targeting and respawns at her side together with the player on checkpoints;
Flags at the dungeon now show the Karnstein Legion symbol;
Kalyskah stops to bite when she gets hit;
Enemies have facial expressions during the blood sucking loop;
Sex interactions can now be triggered with Ctrl + Numbers, so players that are on a laptop will be able to trigger them. (It’s not the key customization that Andrew McWarren asked, but it should help until we actually make the key customisation menu =) );
The controls of the game are now displayed on the bottom left of the screen, and they adapt when you are in combat or outside combat. You can toggle it on and off;
Changed some cringy dialogue lines on the second chance dialogue;
Biting an enemy should feel more cinematic, and we increased the damage scaling with player Intelligence (In the future this attribute will be renamed to sorcery);
Reworked every trail of the swords and made it change when the player has the blood buff activated (In the future, the blood buff will enhance your damage);
Changed the level design of the Dungeon so the player can now actually see the locked door before doing the puzzle and added some new rooms and areas that will be populated with new enemies in the future;
Leaver puzzle on the sewers was removed, we placed the key somewhere else;
Kalyskah now stands on a more animalistic form when she is hungry;
Added a subtle light on Kalyskah that makes she never go completely dark when in dark areas;
Enemies now have a random hair applied to them;
Male undead now wear the Hexblade armour instead of the tribal one from before. That armour was always meant to be a placeholder until we managed to make our own design;
Michael is now called “Michael the Wise” on the dialogue, to better match what we have planned for the lore;
A subtle effect on Kalyskah’s hand when she jumps while in full speed and slightly reduced the amount that she opens her legs when she does so;
Added leavers after each of the unlocked doors of the level so if you restart the game from a checkpoint, you can still have access to every area of the level;
Changelog 0.5.1:
Mouse arrow disappearing if you started Merishya or Michael dialogue while having the inventory opened.
Field of View of the camera on Merishya dialogue/Boss cinematic if you had triggered any H animation during gameplay.
Camera behind a wall on the cinematic with the boss.
Lens flare on main menu and gallery scenes. Credits typos and updated team members.
Know Issues
The lip-sync is not perfect yet. It’s a work in progress.
The first camera on Michael’s dialogue doesn’t move very smoothly, we are still improving it.
The two-handed combat animations are not seen as the final version. We are first testing the timing and the combo chains before we fully polish them.
Typo on the word "YOu" on the split roast option.
Changelog 0.5:
Split-roast: Kalyskah is now able “engage” with two acolytes at the same time if they are close enough.
A simple line that Kalyskah just says: “You are free, begone” to the acolyte, so you don’t have to trigger an H animation in order to keep going in case you fall on the second-chance dialogue.
You need to be with a positive score between the number of times that you died and the number of times that you killed in order to trigger the second chance dialogue. Your score is shown on a Heart at the top left of the screen.
New Hairstyle – Long fuzzy.
Physics on Merishya’s Tail.
Hammer on a secret chest. For now, the hammer is using the two-handed sword animations, but we will make unique ones for it after we make the fencing attacks.
We’ve made the dialogue system from scratch. Now the letters will appear instantaneously, making the skip button jump right to the next line instead of making the whole text appear before it does so.
Better cameras, facial/body expressions during dialogues.
Remade the two-handed sword animations for Kalyskah. Her idle is unique, her light attacks are faster and her heavy attacks have a finisher where she spins and can damage multiple enemies at once.
Upgraded to Unreal engine 4.21.
Added more details on Kalyskah’s Starting Rags.
Fixed collision of the cape on the Karnstein Legion’s Plate armor.
Kalyskah’s and Merishya’s skin material
Changed the “You’ve Lost” text to “Return to Darkness” on the game over screen. Also, made the text orange instead of pure red.
Kalyskah’s jumping animations.
Better lights and hopefully, better performance.
Added more life on the boss area. Tell us if you find some glitch so we can fix it =D
Kaly’s comments are louder during the gameplay.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 28-10-2024, 01:30
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