One, called Mareth, was perhaps the heart of them all. Cracks in the space between worlds, called portals, all seemed to lead there. Many portals led to Mareth, but none left it.
One sacrifice came from the village of Ingnam. This so-called ‘Champion’ was but a pawn in the village elders' long plot to extend their lives, but the Champion escaped her fate by beating back the demons' minions waiting on the other side of the portal, and set out on a one woman crusade to bring an end to the Demon menace once and for all. That was a year ago, and a world away.
You have never heard of a world called Mareth, nor a village named Ingnam. Nearly a year ago, you set off on your own, leaving your former life behind to seek your fortunes on the wild frontier -- a year of traveling, exploring, fighting, and surviving alone. You've earned yourself a little coin in your travels, enough to book passage to the furthest reaches of the known world: the Frost Marches.
Год выпуска: 2018-2020
Жанр: 2dcg, text based, fantasy, rpg, adventure, female protagonist, male protagonist, futa/trans protagonist, character creation, furry, futa/trans, gay, lesbian, big tits, rape, transformation, corruption, virgin, mobile game, monster girl, milf, big ass, masturbation, religion, bdsm, ahegao, combat, humor, handjob, groping, monster, titfuck, puzzle, romance, sex toys, sissification, spanking, teasing, tentacles, turn based combat, voyeurism, dilf, male domination, female domination, multiple penetration, multiple endings, lactation, paranormal
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Savin/Salamander Studios - patreon | subscribestar | steam
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Corruption of Champions 1 [Final] / 2 [v.0.7.38]
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
0.7.38 - 2025-03-08
Drifa has a substantial new expansion for after completing Knot Cave (by Jstar).
You can get married to Drifa.
Drifa can go into heat.
You can get Drifa pregnant. Comes with unique first kids, and repeatable generics to follow.
Corrupted Drifa can be made to hyperfetate — to have multiple pregnancies concurrently!
Drifa’s got new talks about her pregnancy and children.
Both Pure and Corrupted Drifa each have a new breeding-focused sex scene.
Drifa can be a bedmate at the Wayfort.
New Busts: Corrupt Drifa, Asynja (both by Moira)
2 New CGs for Drifa.
0.7.37 - 2025-02-18
Hana has a new set of dates at the Kitsune Den, accessible from her main menu after having gone hunting with her 3+ times.
You can take Hana to visit her friend Rindo’s garden, which has some nice secluded spots to get dirty (or clean).
You can take Hana to visit the shrine to get in some prayer — just remember, trickster gods tend to prank the selfish!
If you’ve grown close with Hana, there’s a third special Den date that can lead to her proposing to you — now you can get engaged to the dick-vixen without having to talk about kids first.
Corrupt Drifa has a new first-time approach scene. (By Jstar)
Corrupt Drifa has a new doggystyle sex scene. (By Jstar)
If Drifa is wearing the Collar of Submission, there’s a new sex scene outtro for it. (By Jstar)
Drifa’s Appearance screen has been updated.
There’s a new pawprint womb tattoo option at the Hawkethorne stylists once you finish Knot Cave.
Merielle of the Wyld Elf Band encounter has a new Mating Press victory scene. (By Gardeford)
The Undermountain Miners have a new bad end, if you submit to them 4+ times. (By Reathe)
The scene for turning Kiyoko’s amulet over to Keros has been rewritten to be kinder to you, and now gives you the Control Rod. (By Tobs)
Vivane now sells a new item, the Circlet of Clarity. It’s got great stats on it for spellcasters, if you don’t mind occasionally being turned into a bimbo.
You can now [Wait] up to 12 hours at a time.
Sun Dancer Cait’s weapon has been adjusted to sync better with her kit.
Innumerable bug and typo corrections, courtesy of Teawolf, Spotty, and Zag.
New Busts: Demon Ahmri
New CG: Rindo/Hana giving the PC a blowjob.
If you accepted the submission of Asgeir and the Corrupted Lupines after clearing their dungeon, you can now find them in your Wayfort (regardless of whether you genderbent them or not). (by Jstar!)
The Corrupted Lupine pack has 4 new repeatable sex scenes for both male and female packs, plus a great big orgy for the female pack.
Asgeir (or his feminized form) is a new Wayfort NPC separate from the pack, with the expected host of sex and talk scenes.
Nihara has gotten herself a chunky 180 page expansion! About 120 pages of it are just raw, gooey elemental sex, with a lot of focus paid to her boobs, your boobs, and the fluids therein. (By TheObserver).
0.7.35 Patch Notes: - 2025-01-26
A recently-corrupted Ahmri can now be found by those who corrupted the centaur village. Rescue her from Tollus’ clutches and take her home! Show off your newly corrupted pone to some of your friends! She promises she’ll behave.
There’s a new foreign visitor at the passion pasture! Partake in the delights of Yashiko, the foreign minotauress with a foxy secret.
You can now help Atugia’s body provide a sexy show for her head.
Thrud can now give you a titjob.
You can now help a heavily pregnant Yolihuali lay her egg.
Eira has a new zero gravity sex scene.
Kalysea has new Tease text.
Combat text coloring should work after an enemy is defeated or despawns.
Enemy lettering now loops back to “A” after running out of characters in infinite-wave fights…. Remember to hit [Defend] or [Flee] before that point!
0.7.33 Patch Notes:
- Character Creation has seen a major update. While the core 5 Classes and 5 Races remain unchanged, as does the total list of 10 available Backgrounds, many new options have been added for starting cosmetic appearance. In addition, you can now choose any Background regardless of Class.
- Most races have new eye, hair, and/or skin color options to start with.
- Maximum starting breast size has been increased.
- New sliders have been added for most physical properties of the character in CharGen, such as thickness, muscle tone, butt size, and more.
- In addition to weapon and spell powers, we now have Charm powers. These function like spells, but for… Charmers! Charms scale off of Sexiness instead of Spellpower, and use Temptation instead of Spell Pen. Most Charmer abilities are now Charms rather than a slapdash mix of spells and untyped tease attacks.
- List of Charms: Flametongue, Hymn to Light (NEW, Cantrix Viv exclusive for now), Scaldic Cadence (NEW), Bardic Cadence (NEW), Cadence of Power (NEW), Bolstering Dance, Song of Storms, War Song, Song of Splendor, Sunblade, Charm Spell, Charming Glance (NEW), Thunder Chord (NEW), Holy Reverberation (NEW, Cantrix Viv), Dischord, Grand Finale, Notation Revelation (NEW, Cantrix Viv), Flare, Sacred Chord (NEW, Cantrix Viv)
- A bunch of healing powers now scale off of your tease boost: Flametongue, Hymn to Light, Bolstering Dance, Song of Courage, Soothing Dance.
- Bardic Cadence, Cadence of Power, Scaldic Cadence, Charming Glance, Thunder Chord have all been added to regular ol’ charmer lists.
- Song of Splendor is now a tease that applies 3 stacks of resonance
- Vestal’s Embrace now can be used even if allies are at full health so as to enable threat generation.
- Holy Ward now works as intended.
- Toughness now provides more additional Health per point (7.5 as opposed to 5).
- Base Threat is now increased by Toughness and reduced by Cunning.
- Presence no longer increases Health.
- The Leadership bonus from Presence has been reduced by half. To compensate, the scaling on Summons has been increased to Leadership + Presence instead of JUST Leadership.
- The Accuracy bonus from Agility has been reduced by half. To compensate, all characters now have a level-based passive Accuracy boost: this should equal out to about the same for max-Agility characters and provide a nice boost to low-Agility characters’ hit rates. Poor Arona can finally swing straight!
- Tease base damage nerfed from 30 to 27
- Terrified now reduces magic resist instead of mental resist
- Aroused reduces mental resist instead of magic resist
- The Charmer’s Stylish perk is now “isn’t wearing heavy armor” and gives 4*level Sexiness OR “is wearing heavy armor” and thus gives a Threat bonus equal to your Sexiness. Bard tanks!
- Catalysts now directly give their bonuses to Spell and Charm-tagged powers, rather than obliquely benefitting things using the magicalHit formula. This doesn’t REALLY change much but is a slight buff to catalysts overall, making them apply to more powers.
- Caranbrot now heals the player if they are already shielded.
- Wooden Pipes no longer grant spellpower and spell pen, instead giving ward and temptation
- Viviane has two news sets! Elemental, themed around debuffs and setting up combos, which is always unlocked; Cantrix, a holy-themed bard, which is currently unlocked by default pending some upcoming content for the witch. The latter set is exclusive to human Viv, while Demon Viv will have an exclusive set of her own soon as well.
- Skin/Fur/Scale plurality should now be properly accommodated in the game’s text.
- Roughly one assload of text cleanup, typo corrections, and other edits submitted by community members. (Thanks Tea and Zag!)
- AS FOR ACTUAL CONTENT: Cait and Katya have a 3way together with some high-impact kitty-on-kitty-on-PC squish. (By Aury)
- New CGs: Cats Double Blowjob (Yuulis), Character Creation Races (Moira)
0.7.32 Patch Notes:
After having either let Drifa get carried off to the knot cave or having saved her in the Old Forest, you’ll be able to find the location of the the Corrupted Lupines’ base. Check your questlog for a new quest that’s been back-ported in if you’ve interacted with Drifa.
This is a quite deep dungeon — over 300 pages of raw content, with a lot of different paths through the various bosses and NPC encounters therein. To avoid too much in the way of spoilers: there’s no less than 4 chunky bosses with suites of scenes and bad ends, some really rather interesting sub-quest design going on in there, plus fun ways you can end up changing certain characters throughout the dungeon! Big shoutout to JStar for writing all this, and to poor Drake for coding all of it. If you’re a fan of sweet and/or dubious dog girls, give his patreon a check.
Please note, when I say 300 pages of content I just mean IN THE DUNGEON. The followup content for the dungeon (more Drifa, more corrupted lupines, written by a combination of Jstar, Tobs, and others) will be rolling out throughout early next year. At my last count there’s more pages of follow-on content than dungeon content already waiting in the wings, which is really saying something.
New Busts for the Knot Gods: Meridyx (by Aby) and Olivia (by Varking)
0.7.31 Patch Notes: - 2024-12-16
After the Feast For Heroes event at the end of the current Main Story Quest, you can now receive a letter inviting you to meet Princess Varena in the city!
With a little buttering up in her talks, you can convince Varena to go on a date with you. If that goes well, you’ll have your chance to deflower the princess of Khor’minos! Note that Varena’s Trust score, the hidden variable governing her relationship, has been artificially inflated a bit until her first (of two, both written and awaiting code) quest gets in so that you can access her intimate content in the meantime.
Once you’ve given Varena a first time to remember, she has a set of new repeatable sex scenes (plus an extra one-off scene if you wear her panties when you try to fuck — though be warned, she’s NOT amused).
Livrea has a new anal sex scene, since our Discord gaslit me into thinking my favorite cow didn’t already have any anal content.
The Liaden/Azzy throuple have a new seasonal event, triggered by entering the Frost Hound while they’re both around town and in a relationship. (By Skow!)
An insidious bug that was causing attack powers to do considerably less damage than expected has been fixed! Big thanks to Discord user Homurakko for crunching a bunch of numbers to show us what was going on!
New Busts: Ivaze the imp and Araned the Vulperine Dilf, both by Moira!
New CG: Your Holiday Gift from Liaden & Azzy (by Cara)
0.7.30 Patch Notes: - 2024-12-05
If you have Cait with you when you visit Hana, you can invite the sex-kitten along for a couple of hot and heavy new threeways!
There’s a new harlot for hire in the Passion Pasture, a salamander-elf crossbreed gal packing some cute meat and lean muscle. (By Skow)
Vitra’s bar in Khor’minos has a new Thief trainer who might be interested in teaching you some more intimate backstabbery. (By Skow)
Elaril of the Wyld Elf Troupe has a new sex scene involving a sex swing! (By Knife-Wielding Crab)
Clementine the Sheep Girl has a new mating press scene! (By Luma)
Various fixes from Spotty and Teawolf! <3
0.7.29 Patch Notes:
Twins basil, twins! Help the snowcats Liresh and Syrish with their return to relic hunting — just make friends with them at the leothran village and then come back around to the village, they could really use a hand. (By Skow!)
After the quest, a pair of naughty winter elves from the adventure can be found in the Leothran village, and then again in your Wayfort (in an upcoming expansion) after that, for some repeatable fun — and quite a lot of breeding! (By Skow!)
New Busts: I’ava and Sif, by Moira.
0.7.28 Patch Notes: - 2024-11-17
There’s a new imp you can encounter in Hawkethorne! If you’ve given birth to a litter of Kasyrra’s imps, or if you’ve completed the Winter City and have 30 or more Corruption, there’s a chance you’ll get a night visitor from a particularly buxom lady imp when you sleep at the Frosthound Tavern. Invite her in enough times, and not only can you make her a bedmate, but you’ll unlock a whole suite of additional content! Perfect for anyone looking for a shortstack lady to dominate them. If you have a virile penis, she’ll eventually invite some ‘friends,’ too! Just be careful: spending a little too much time with her can have consequences… (Written by B!)
In the northern reaches of the Windy Peaks, you can now encounter an elder among the harpy clan who’s eager to prove age is no barrier to ass-kicking or to breeding. Comes fully loaded with seven new sex scenes! (By MagentaNeedle)
Down in the Outskirts of Khor’minos, you can now interact with Foreman Odoacer, chief of the city’s remaining miners, just near the entrance to Undermountain. This burly bull puts up a tough facade, but it might be he’s looking for partners that can make him bend over and whimper. (By Knife-Wielding Crab).
There’s a new option to try and run from the Corrupted Lupines encounter in the forest, and not put up much effort in doing so if you choose…
Tons of fixes courtesy of zag, spotty, and especially teawolf <3
0.7.27 Patch Notes: - 2024-10-31
You can now choose Kalysea as a bedmate! She has some rotating scenes for when you go to bed with her, and she’s more than happy to keep you warm in the cool winter of the Marches. Each scene has a different theme, but hopefully you enjoy all of them. (By Wsan)
The first time you sleep with her you’ll get a unique scene, and subsequent scenes will be different. Give the big centauress druid an oral cleanup before you go to bed — then try not to get too distracted…
The first variant involves blessedly chaste (as chaste as it gets for Kalysea, anyway) sleep, followed by Kalysea serving you breakfast in a bowl. You will have to work for some of the ingredients yourself, but that’s what lovers do.
The second variant involves Kalysea getting some much-needed relief before she settles down for the night atop you, ensuring you keep the more sensitive parts of her notable endowments warm overnight. It’s not completely smooth sailing, though…
The third variant involves cleaning her up before a night spent together, closely followed by having your breakfast together. She does treat you nicely, doesn’t she?
Alante now has multiple additional sex scenes, as well as an event upon entering your Wayfort. She gets a bit of additional characterization in the new scenes, and there might be some capitalization on that in the future… in the meantime, enjoy having some fun with your arena-wife.
You can now give Alante Hard Anal. This is every bit as rewarding and fun as it sounds, and I won’t spoil it for you. (By Wsan)
You can now rim Alante, and this segues into 3 different scenes.
Fingering her: you can show Alante how much of a dual threat you are with your fingers and tongue. Set your warrior-wife trembling!
Focusing on her ass: eschew distractions, focus singlemindedly on her asshole. Don’t stop until both her and your obsession are satisfied.
Hard anal: surprise! You can get to the new hard anal scene from here, too. It has a different intro, but just as much making Alante happy.
Klemaia now has a tattoo scene! Optionally take some time off with her and the girls to give her what you and her both deserve — a nice holiday in her service. It’s four days long, so don’t be surprised if you have to wash the sheets more than once. (by Wsan)
Solveig the half-orc half-pup has a new scene, seasonal for orctober, triggered when entering the tavern or church in Hawkethorne after finishing her quest. She wants to make you some delicious soup (and then you can help yourself to her as dessert). (By Skow)
0.7.26 Patch Notes:
Alissa, fallen queen of Njorhaalt, can now be interacted with (and boned!) in the Wayfort Dungeon after she’s been captured during Etheryn’s questline! (Thanks to Fleep for writing her interactions!)
In the dungeon, you can choose to have Alissa switch between her true demonic form and transforming into her old elven self. You can also choose whether she has a cock or not (and if she has a cock, whether she’s forced to wear Ryn’s old chastity cage).
Hretha has a new Bodyworship scene at the Kervus Warcamp. Show her some gentle affection, even if it makes her grumble!
Hretha and Infrith can now brew up a mighty fertility potion if one or both of them isn’t already pregnant. This will, predictably, probably end in one or both of them getting knocked up once you drink it. (By Gardeford)
Infrith has a new solo titfuck scene! (By Gardeford)
New Busts: Alissa’s got a whole bunch of new busts by Moira, and Kesuk and Marigold have new busts as well!
0.7.25 Patch Notes: - 2024-10-14
Ylvid, the skald of the Kervus tribe, can now be encountered in the Kervus War Camp after completing (or missing) Livrea’s little quest in Hawkethorne. She’s got a couple simple talks, and a host of new sex scenes (plus repeats of those solo and Arona scenes from the quest). Thanks to Wsan and Skow for both contributing a scene to my big muscle-babe!
River and Garth each have one new power to sell. (coded by Squishy)
Farrah and Ivris each have one new weapon to sell. (coded by Squishy)
There are some revamped Tease texts courtesy of Wsan.
Text and bug fixes, courtesy of Spotty and Zag.
0.7.24 Patch Notes:
Tui now has her first major quest! Venture into a dream of her past, battle a long dead nightmare, and then discover the impending consequences of her boundless ancestral power! This triggers 2 weeks after recruiting her or after you resolve Lumia’s quest, whichever comes first when you go to sleep in Hawkethorne. The poor girl’s having some nightmares, and they may be more than mundane… (By Gardeford)
After resolving Atugia’s quest, three certain troublemakers you can encounter during it have some new scenes around the Wayfort if you choose to keep them around.
Similarly after the quest, Atugia has a new date you can take her on!
Tweaked Kaly and the Bear’s summons to be a bit better.
New CG: Ashe reclining in her dream (by Akira)
0.7.23 Patch Notes: - 2024-09-26
Once defeated in honorable one-on-one combat in the arena, Alante the centaur can be taken as your mare. She becomes a camp follower, complete with talks, sex, and travel blurbs. (By Wsan)
Once they become camp followers, Alante and Kalysea can now temporarily be called to the player’s side by a pair of new summoning powers. Talk with each mare in camp to get her respective power.
New Bust: Oma (by Moira)
New CGs: Tarah Body Writing (by Akira) and Horse Orgy (by Sulcate)
0.7.22 Patch Notes:
It is now possible, if you are either very brave or very desperate, to try and flirt with the Kitsune colony’s governor, Komari. God help you if you do, because she has been pent up for a very, very long time. This comes with a host of repeatable scenes, and unsurprisingly there’s an opportunity to bring Kiyoko along for the ride. (By Aury)
There’s a new tile outside the Wayfort’s north gate to relieve some possible NPC congestion, because…
Hatsu the Lumber Fox can now set up shop at the Wayfort (or rather, reveal she’s lived near there the whole time). This should make it a little easier to access her content!
Hana’s been moved to have her cabin across the street from Hatsu’s.
Once you have Hana living at the Wayfort, Hatsu stopping by to visit a friend can escalate into a saucy threesome. (By Skow)
Orlaith & Doireann have a new blowjob scene together. The scene triggers if you agreed to blow Orlaith every time you approach her; on the 3rd time Doireann will be there and tease/make out with Orlaith while you blow her. One time only. (By Wsan)
Kavi will reward you with some sex once you’ve rescued Tarah, and the scenes are repeatable. (By Garde)
New Bust: Komari, now with nudes and alts (by Moira)
0.7.21 Patch Notes:
Hotfix is live
Kesuk and Marigold now no longer have a MAXIMUM cocksize requirement.
The Black Knight’s author tag has been corrected. Sorry, Wsan!
Problems accessing her sex scenes after certain combinations of talk scenes have been addressed!
0.7.21 Patch Notes:
The Black Knight now has her post-Colosseum content! After meeting her in the Arena, head over to the Khor’minos Outskirts to enter the slums and find her. (By Wsan)
The Black Knight has a whole host of new sex scenes and talk topics. She a rough futa-domme, so better buckle up if you wanna ride this she-bull.
If you choose to have sex with her and stick around, you might find that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew… but if you stick around even further, there’s a series of repeatable sex scenes you can experience at her behest. Good luck.
New Busts: The Black Knight, Senator Khaius, Ylvid the Orc Skald, Kobold Wyrm Cultist Headshots. (All by Moira)
0.7.20 Patch Notes:
After you’ve moved The Siege of Khor’minos past Calise’s second quest, you can encounter the Harpy Stormcaller, Vasha, on the Windy Peaks. She’d really rather you stay off her ancestral lands, and is willing to pick a fight over it. She comes packing eight repeatable sex scenes, with a couple contributed by Skow. Thanks for the help!
Vasha can be knocked up during her encounters, which leads to some notable changes in her demeanor and her combat encounter.
Vasha and Natalie, the foxgirl priestess from the Peaks’ village, have a threesome together. (Written by Jstar)
A pair of Northern Minotaurs, Kesuk and Marigold, can now move into the Winter City after sending Kasyrra packing from the palace. Big mature cowgirl Marigold needs some help bullying the heck out of her tiny twink of a husband, and you might just be the Champion for the job. Most of their content requires a cock that’s between 6″ to 24″! (by Sil!)
Elthara has a new Cowgirl Anal sex scene while at the Wayfort. (By Wsan)
There’s a new team to face off against in the Colosseum! (By Wsan)
The Colosseum’s shop is now open, with a bunch of cool new items! (By Wsan)
0.7.19 Patch Notes: - 2024-08-30
THE COLOSSEUM IS HERE! Compete against and even with the fighters of the Khor’minos arena. Featuring multiple bosses — including two that have out-of-arena content (already written, yet to be implemented) — and a grand prize of thousands of electrum! Sign up by coming to the arena during valid hours (listed in-game at the arena’s entrance). Also features a number of scenes for Brint/Brienne in between fights.
Fight through the gauntlet of teams all competing for the chance to win. Each team has three members and a unique setup which you’ll have to work to defeat (some are going to be more annoying than others, I’ll tell you now). Depending on the options you pick, you’ll be fighting different enemies, and each run through the arena has randomized opponents. One run might not be quite as lucky as the next, so keep trying.
Face off with the bosses!
CEDRIC, the larger-than-life minotaur champion. A crowd favorite, he draws eyes and puts asses in seats — and yours on the ground, if you don’t take him seriously enough. You’ve got to have heart to succeed in the arena, and he’s got it in spades. Do you?
ALANTE, Khor’minos’ beloved centaur warrior and arena-maiden! Fight her alone to take her hand in marriage, or challenge her as a group! The choice is yours, though only the person brave enough to take her on solo gets her as a permanent follower. Don’t think that she’ll be easy if you fight her in a group — we did think of that. NOTE: You can fight her as a group and still come back and fight her alone the next time. Don’t stress, the horse-wife will be there for you later.
THE BLACK KNIGHT, a competitor with a secret. Who is he? You’ll have to find out yourself if you can.
AND MORE! There are some bosses that you will encounter under certain circumstances that I can’t spoil here, and I have no doubt you’ll become familiar with some of the so-called lesser NPCs too. Good luck, and good hunting.
Pre-Emptive Troubleshooting from Drake:
"Then depending on their settings Steam will start downloading the build or they can click Install/Update where the PLAY button would normally be in their library If that still doesn't work (it should) then they can go to the LOCAL FILES tab and click "VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES" which will force an update."
0.7.18 Patch Notes:
You can now take Dragon!Evelyn to the Marefolk Village, for some diplomatic “talks” after you’ve spoken with Naiyana there (post CentaurQuest).
Dragon!Eve has a new scene for you pitching anal to her in her Tribute menu (with a special variant for being under 4″ long).
Grainne has a new fisting scene, for Champions over 7′ tall.
Rindo has a new nursing scene once she’s pregnant or had her kid.
Sariel has two new scenes: doggystyle anal, and sucking her tits while she fingers your butt.
0.7.17 Patch Notes: - 2024-08-12
You can now invite Meira to get out from under her mother’s roof and live in your Wayfort as your court mage! You’ll need to have fully upgraded the fort (sans dungeon) to have her uproot herself from a comfy mansion, though!
At the Wayfort, Meira will still perform her old services, but for free, and all of her old scenes have been reworked in addition to a half dozen new ones! This all comes out to something in the neighborhood of 400 pages of new and revised content for the trash panda witch, including 100 pages of preg fetishism! (By TheObserver)
Elthara has a new “Talk” scene, wherein you can invite her to service you on your throne. Requires you have a cock, and have done Lumia’s quest. Though out in the open, it’s entirely likely some of her subordinates might happen upon the two of you. And join in. (By Gardeford).
The Karithea/Elthara pregnancy threesome now triggers when both girls are using their pregnant busts. That should feel a little more natural.
Meira has a new suite of 17 busts, all by Moira.
0.7.16 Patch Notes:
Calise can now be found in her apartment after the Feast For Heroes segment of the main story quest.
In her apartment, Calise has several updated talk scenes, and has a much wider array of sex scenes than back out on the streets.
You can cook with Calise at her apartment, with several randomly-chosen meals.
If you have the Ring of Fate, you can work with Calise to investigate its secrets.
Hana and Komari have new talks about the Faceless Blade.
Grainne’s talk about Dryads has been updated.
Pink Draughts can now give temporary Heat and Rut.
New Busts: Katya and Tarah (by Moira).
New CG: Tarah’s Baby (by Moira).
The Android APK version of the game now uses full-screen mode
Touch screen devices should now use a floating keyboard when in landscape orientation
0.7.15 Patch Notes:
Edit: A hotfix is live to fix some early typos and other issues. Thanks to Spotty for helping with a bunch of text and power fixes.
Livrea now appears in Hawkethorne right at the start of the game, and she has a quest she’ll ask you to go on with her to help get her home to Khor’minos.
This new cow-herding quest involves two new sexable encounters (including a very hefty pair of win/loss scenes by B!), a boss, and some sweet new loot!
There’s also a new milking scene with Livrea and the PC in Hawkethorne if you choose to flirt with her.
Liv’s new quest is only accessible before you complete the Palace of Ice dungeon (she’ll eventually find some way back on her own, so you can meet her there as normal). However, saves loaded that have already done Palace of Ice will get a popup allowing you to warp to the start of her dungeon so you can still experience it. This won’t pop up if your save is IN a dungeon, but if you leave the dungeon without reloading the save again you should get it afterwards.
The 4some scene with Evelyn, Cait, Ryn, and the PC has been rewritten and readded to Dragon Evelyn’s options. You may now sacrifice these two cute “maidens” to your dommy dragon GF. (By Wsan)
Katya, the grumpy feline ranger introduced just a few patches ago in Khor’minos, has a small quest she’ll send you on a day after you talk to her about her family. (By Aury)
Rags and Pavo both sell a new instrument, the War Drums.
The Milky perk from character creation now induces permanent lactation — no more running dry after a couple days.
One, called Mareth, was perhaps the heart of them all. Cracks in the space between worlds, called portals, all seemed to lead there. Many portals led to Mareth, but none left it.
One sacrifice came from the village of Ingnam. This so-called ‘Champion’ was but a pawn in the village elders' long plot to extend their lives, but the Champion escaped her fate by beating back the demons' minions waiting on the other side of the portal, and set out on a one woman crusade to bring an end to the Demon menace once and for all. That was a year ago, and a world away.
You have never heard of a world called Mareth, nor a village named Ingnam. Nearly a year ago, you set off on your own, leaving your former life behind to seek your fortunes on the wild frontier -- a year of traveling, exploring, fighting, and surviving alone. You've earned yourself a little coin in your travels, enough to book passage to the furthest reaches of the known world: the Frost Marches.
Год выпуска: 2018-2020
Жанр: 2dcg, text based, fantasy, rpg, adventure, female protagonist, male protagonist, futa/trans protagonist, character creation, furry, futa/trans, gay, lesbian, big tits, rape, transformation, corruption, virgin, mobile game, monster girl, milf, big ass, masturbation, religion, bdsm, ahegao, combat, humor, handjob, groping, monster, titfuck, puzzle, romance, sex toys, sissification, spanking, teasing, tentacles, turn based combat, voyeurism, dilf, male domination, female domination, multiple penetration, multiple endings, lactation, paranormal
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Savin/Salamander Studios - patreon | subscribestar | steam
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Corruption of Champions 1 [Final] / 2 [v.0.7.38]
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
0.7.38 - 2025-03-08
Drifa has a substantial new expansion for after completing Knot Cave (by Jstar).
You can get married to Drifa.
Drifa can go into heat.
You can get Drifa pregnant. Comes with unique first kids, and repeatable generics to follow.
Corrupted Drifa can be made to hyperfetate — to have multiple pregnancies concurrently!
Drifa’s got new talks about her pregnancy and children.
Both Pure and Corrupted Drifa each have a new breeding-focused sex scene.
Drifa can be a bedmate at the Wayfort.
New Busts: Corrupt Drifa, Asynja (both by Moira)
2 New CGs for Drifa.
0.7.37 - 2025-02-18
Hana has a new set of dates at the Kitsune Den, accessible from her main menu after having gone hunting with her 3+ times.
You can take Hana to visit her friend Rindo’s garden, which has some nice secluded spots to get dirty (or clean).
You can take Hana to visit the shrine to get in some prayer — just remember, trickster gods tend to prank the selfish!
If you’ve grown close with Hana, there’s a third special Den date that can lead to her proposing to you — now you can get engaged to the dick-vixen without having to talk about kids first.
Corrupt Drifa has a new first-time approach scene. (By Jstar)
Corrupt Drifa has a new doggystyle sex scene. (By Jstar)
If Drifa is wearing the Collar of Submission, there’s a new sex scene outtro for it. (By Jstar)
Drifa’s Appearance screen has been updated.
There’s a new pawprint womb tattoo option at the Hawkethorne stylists once you finish Knot Cave.
Merielle of the Wyld Elf Band encounter has a new Mating Press victory scene. (By Gardeford)
The Undermountain Miners have a new bad end, if you submit to them 4+ times. (By Reathe)
The scene for turning Kiyoko’s amulet over to Keros has been rewritten to be kinder to you, and now gives you the Control Rod. (By Tobs)
Vivane now sells a new item, the Circlet of Clarity. It’s got great stats on it for spellcasters, if you don’t mind occasionally being turned into a bimbo.
You can now [Wait] up to 12 hours at a time.
Sun Dancer Cait’s weapon has been adjusted to sync better with her kit.
Innumerable bug and typo corrections, courtesy of Teawolf, Spotty, and Zag.
New Busts: Demon Ahmri
New CG: Rindo/Hana giving the PC a blowjob.
If you accepted the submission of Asgeir and the Corrupted Lupines after clearing their dungeon, you can now find them in your Wayfort (regardless of whether you genderbent them or not). (by Jstar!)
The Corrupted Lupine pack has 4 new repeatable sex scenes for both male and female packs, plus a great big orgy for the female pack.
Asgeir (or his feminized form) is a new Wayfort NPC separate from the pack, with the expected host of sex and talk scenes.
Nihara has gotten herself a chunky 180 page expansion! About 120 pages of it are just raw, gooey elemental sex, with a lot of focus paid to her boobs, your boobs, and the fluids therein. (By TheObserver).
0.7.35 Patch Notes: - 2025-01-26
A recently-corrupted Ahmri can now be found by those who corrupted the centaur village. Rescue her from Tollus’ clutches and take her home! Show off your newly corrupted pone to some of your friends! She promises she’ll behave.
There’s a new foreign visitor at the passion pasture! Partake in the delights of Yashiko, the foreign minotauress with a foxy secret.
You can now help Atugia’s body provide a sexy show for her head.
Thrud can now give you a titjob.
You can now help a heavily pregnant Yolihuali lay her egg.
Eira has a new zero gravity sex scene.
Kalysea has new Tease text.
Combat text coloring should work after an enemy is defeated or despawns.
Enemy lettering now loops back to “A” after running out of characters in infinite-wave fights…. Remember to hit [Defend] or [Flee] before that point!
0.7.33 Patch Notes:
- Character Creation has seen a major update. While the core 5 Classes and 5 Races remain unchanged, as does the total list of 10 available Backgrounds, many new options have been added for starting cosmetic appearance. In addition, you can now choose any Background regardless of Class.
- Most races have new eye, hair, and/or skin color options to start with.
- Maximum starting breast size has been increased.
- New sliders have been added for most physical properties of the character in CharGen, such as thickness, muscle tone, butt size, and more.
- In addition to weapon and spell powers, we now have Charm powers. These function like spells, but for… Charmers! Charms scale off of Sexiness instead of Spellpower, and use Temptation instead of Spell Pen. Most Charmer abilities are now Charms rather than a slapdash mix of spells and untyped tease attacks.
- List of Charms: Flametongue, Hymn to Light (NEW, Cantrix Viv exclusive for now), Scaldic Cadence (NEW), Bardic Cadence (NEW), Cadence of Power (NEW), Bolstering Dance, Song of Storms, War Song, Song of Splendor, Sunblade, Charm Spell, Charming Glance (NEW), Thunder Chord (NEW), Holy Reverberation (NEW, Cantrix Viv), Dischord, Grand Finale, Notation Revelation (NEW, Cantrix Viv), Flare, Sacred Chord (NEW, Cantrix Viv)
- A bunch of healing powers now scale off of your tease boost: Flametongue, Hymn to Light, Bolstering Dance, Song of Courage, Soothing Dance.
- Bardic Cadence, Cadence of Power, Scaldic Cadence, Charming Glance, Thunder Chord have all been added to regular ol’ charmer lists.
- Song of Splendor is now a tease that applies 3 stacks of resonance
- Vestal’s Embrace now can be used even if allies are at full health so as to enable threat generation.
- Holy Ward now works as intended.
- Toughness now provides more additional Health per point (7.5 as opposed to 5).
- Base Threat is now increased by Toughness and reduced by Cunning.
- Presence no longer increases Health.
- The Leadership bonus from Presence has been reduced by half. To compensate, the scaling on Summons has been increased to Leadership + Presence instead of JUST Leadership.
- The Accuracy bonus from Agility has been reduced by half. To compensate, all characters now have a level-based passive Accuracy boost: this should equal out to about the same for max-Agility characters and provide a nice boost to low-Agility characters’ hit rates. Poor Arona can finally swing straight!
- Tease base damage nerfed from 30 to 27
- Terrified now reduces magic resist instead of mental resist
- Aroused reduces mental resist instead of magic resist
- The Charmer’s Stylish perk is now “isn’t wearing heavy armor” and gives 4*level Sexiness OR “is wearing heavy armor” and thus gives a Threat bonus equal to your Sexiness. Bard tanks!
- Catalysts now directly give their bonuses to Spell and Charm-tagged powers, rather than obliquely benefitting things using the magicalHit formula. This doesn’t REALLY change much but is a slight buff to catalysts overall, making them apply to more powers.
- Caranbrot now heals the player if they are already shielded.
- Wooden Pipes no longer grant spellpower and spell pen, instead giving ward and temptation
- Viviane has two news sets! Elemental, themed around debuffs and setting up combos, which is always unlocked; Cantrix, a holy-themed bard, which is currently unlocked by default pending some upcoming content for the witch. The latter set is exclusive to human Viv, while Demon Viv will have an exclusive set of her own soon as well.
- Skin/Fur/Scale plurality should now be properly accommodated in the game’s text.
- Roughly one assload of text cleanup, typo corrections, and other edits submitted by community members. (Thanks Tea and Zag!)
- AS FOR ACTUAL CONTENT: Cait and Katya have a 3way together with some high-impact kitty-on-kitty-on-PC squish. (By Aury)
- New CGs: Cats Double Blowjob (Yuulis), Character Creation Races (Moira)
0.7.32 Patch Notes:
After having either let Drifa get carried off to the knot cave or having saved her in the Old Forest, you’ll be able to find the location of the the Corrupted Lupines’ base. Check your questlog for a new quest that’s been back-ported in if you’ve interacted with Drifa.
This is a quite deep dungeon — over 300 pages of raw content, with a lot of different paths through the various bosses and NPC encounters therein. To avoid too much in the way of spoilers: there’s no less than 4 chunky bosses with suites of scenes and bad ends, some really rather interesting sub-quest design going on in there, plus fun ways you can end up changing certain characters throughout the dungeon! Big shoutout to JStar for writing all this, and to poor Drake for coding all of it. If you’re a fan of sweet and/or dubious dog girls, give his patreon a check.
Please note, when I say 300 pages of content I just mean IN THE DUNGEON. The followup content for the dungeon (more Drifa, more corrupted lupines, written by a combination of Jstar, Tobs, and others) will be rolling out throughout early next year. At my last count there’s more pages of follow-on content than dungeon content already waiting in the wings, which is really saying something.
New Busts for the Knot Gods: Meridyx (by Aby) and Olivia (by Varking)
0.7.31 Patch Notes: - 2024-12-16
After the Feast For Heroes event at the end of the current Main Story Quest, you can now receive a letter inviting you to meet Princess Varena in the city!
With a little buttering up in her talks, you can convince Varena to go on a date with you. If that goes well, you’ll have your chance to deflower the princess of Khor’minos! Note that Varena’s Trust score, the hidden variable governing her relationship, has been artificially inflated a bit until her first (of two, both written and awaiting code) quest gets in so that you can access her intimate content in the meantime.
Once you’ve given Varena a first time to remember, she has a set of new repeatable sex scenes (plus an extra one-off scene if you wear her panties when you try to fuck — though be warned, she’s NOT amused).
Livrea has a new anal sex scene, since our Discord gaslit me into thinking my favorite cow didn’t already have any anal content.
The Liaden/Azzy throuple have a new seasonal event, triggered by entering the Frost Hound while they’re both around town and in a relationship. (By Skow!)
An insidious bug that was causing attack powers to do considerably less damage than expected has been fixed! Big thanks to Discord user Homurakko for crunching a bunch of numbers to show us what was going on!
New Busts: Ivaze the imp and Araned the Vulperine Dilf, both by Moira!
New CG: Your Holiday Gift from Liaden & Azzy (by Cara)
0.7.30 Patch Notes: - 2024-12-05
If you have Cait with you when you visit Hana, you can invite the sex-kitten along for a couple of hot and heavy new threeways!
There’s a new harlot for hire in the Passion Pasture, a salamander-elf crossbreed gal packing some cute meat and lean muscle. (By Skow)
Vitra’s bar in Khor’minos has a new Thief trainer who might be interested in teaching you some more intimate backstabbery. (By Skow)
Elaril of the Wyld Elf Troupe has a new sex scene involving a sex swing! (By Knife-Wielding Crab)
Clementine the Sheep Girl has a new mating press scene! (By Luma)
Various fixes from Spotty and Teawolf! <3
0.7.29 Patch Notes:
Twins basil, twins! Help the snowcats Liresh and Syrish with their return to relic hunting — just make friends with them at the leothran village and then come back around to the village, they could really use a hand. (By Skow!)
After the quest, a pair of naughty winter elves from the adventure can be found in the Leothran village, and then again in your Wayfort (in an upcoming expansion) after that, for some repeatable fun — and quite a lot of breeding! (By Skow!)
New Busts: I’ava and Sif, by Moira.
0.7.28 Patch Notes: - 2024-11-17
There’s a new imp you can encounter in Hawkethorne! If you’ve given birth to a litter of Kasyrra’s imps, or if you’ve completed the Winter City and have 30 or more Corruption, there’s a chance you’ll get a night visitor from a particularly buxom lady imp when you sleep at the Frosthound Tavern. Invite her in enough times, and not only can you make her a bedmate, but you’ll unlock a whole suite of additional content! Perfect for anyone looking for a shortstack lady to dominate them. If you have a virile penis, she’ll eventually invite some ‘friends,’ too! Just be careful: spending a little too much time with her can have consequences… (Written by B!)
In the northern reaches of the Windy Peaks, you can now encounter an elder among the harpy clan who’s eager to prove age is no barrier to ass-kicking or to breeding. Comes fully loaded with seven new sex scenes! (By MagentaNeedle)
Down in the Outskirts of Khor’minos, you can now interact with Foreman Odoacer, chief of the city’s remaining miners, just near the entrance to Undermountain. This burly bull puts up a tough facade, but it might be he’s looking for partners that can make him bend over and whimper. (By Knife-Wielding Crab).
There’s a new option to try and run from the Corrupted Lupines encounter in the forest, and not put up much effort in doing so if you choose…
Tons of fixes courtesy of zag, spotty, and especially teawolf <3
0.7.27 Patch Notes: - 2024-10-31
You can now choose Kalysea as a bedmate! She has some rotating scenes for when you go to bed with her, and she’s more than happy to keep you warm in the cool winter of the Marches. Each scene has a different theme, but hopefully you enjoy all of them. (By Wsan)
The first time you sleep with her you’ll get a unique scene, and subsequent scenes will be different. Give the big centauress druid an oral cleanup before you go to bed — then try not to get too distracted…
The first variant involves blessedly chaste (as chaste as it gets for Kalysea, anyway) sleep, followed by Kalysea serving you breakfast in a bowl. You will have to work for some of the ingredients yourself, but that’s what lovers do.
The second variant involves Kalysea getting some much-needed relief before she settles down for the night atop you, ensuring you keep the more sensitive parts of her notable endowments warm overnight. It’s not completely smooth sailing, though…
The third variant involves cleaning her up before a night spent together, closely followed by having your breakfast together. She does treat you nicely, doesn’t she?
Alante now has multiple additional sex scenes, as well as an event upon entering your Wayfort. She gets a bit of additional characterization in the new scenes, and there might be some capitalization on that in the future… in the meantime, enjoy having some fun with your arena-wife.
You can now give Alante Hard Anal. This is every bit as rewarding and fun as it sounds, and I won’t spoil it for you. (By Wsan)
You can now rim Alante, and this segues into 3 different scenes.
Fingering her: you can show Alante how much of a dual threat you are with your fingers and tongue. Set your warrior-wife trembling!
Focusing on her ass: eschew distractions, focus singlemindedly on her asshole. Don’t stop until both her and your obsession are satisfied.
Hard anal: surprise! You can get to the new hard anal scene from here, too. It has a different intro, but just as much making Alante happy.
Klemaia now has a tattoo scene! Optionally take some time off with her and the girls to give her what you and her both deserve — a nice holiday in her service. It’s four days long, so don’t be surprised if you have to wash the sheets more than once. (by Wsan)
Solveig the half-orc half-pup has a new scene, seasonal for orctober, triggered when entering the tavern or church in Hawkethorne after finishing her quest. She wants to make you some delicious soup (and then you can help yourself to her as dessert). (By Skow)
0.7.26 Patch Notes:
Alissa, fallen queen of Njorhaalt, can now be interacted with (and boned!) in the Wayfort Dungeon after she’s been captured during Etheryn’s questline! (Thanks to Fleep for writing her interactions!)
In the dungeon, you can choose to have Alissa switch between her true demonic form and transforming into her old elven self. You can also choose whether she has a cock or not (and if she has a cock, whether she’s forced to wear Ryn’s old chastity cage).
Hretha has a new Bodyworship scene at the Kervus Warcamp. Show her some gentle affection, even if it makes her grumble!
Hretha and Infrith can now brew up a mighty fertility potion if one or both of them isn’t already pregnant. This will, predictably, probably end in one or both of them getting knocked up once you drink it. (By Gardeford)
Infrith has a new solo titfuck scene! (By Gardeford)
New Busts: Alissa’s got a whole bunch of new busts by Moira, and Kesuk and Marigold have new busts as well!
0.7.25 Patch Notes: - 2024-10-14
Ylvid, the skald of the Kervus tribe, can now be encountered in the Kervus War Camp after completing (or missing) Livrea’s little quest in Hawkethorne. She’s got a couple simple talks, and a host of new sex scenes (plus repeats of those solo and Arona scenes from the quest). Thanks to Wsan and Skow for both contributing a scene to my big muscle-babe!
River and Garth each have one new power to sell. (coded by Squishy)
Farrah and Ivris each have one new weapon to sell. (coded by Squishy)
There are some revamped Tease texts courtesy of Wsan.
Text and bug fixes, courtesy of Spotty and Zag.
0.7.24 Patch Notes:
Tui now has her first major quest! Venture into a dream of her past, battle a long dead nightmare, and then discover the impending consequences of her boundless ancestral power! This triggers 2 weeks after recruiting her or after you resolve Lumia’s quest, whichever comes first when you go to sleep in Hawkethorne. The poor girl’s having some nightmares, and they may be more than mundane… (By Gardeford)
After resolving Atugia’s quest, three certain troublemakers you can encounter during it have some new scenes around the Wayfort if you choose to keep them around.
Similarly after the quest, Atugia has a new date you can take her on!
Tweaked Kaly and the Bear’s summons to be a bit better.
New CG: Ashe reclining in her dream (by Akira)
0.7.23 Patch Notes: - 2024-09-26
Once defeated in honorable one-on-one combat in the arena, Alante the centaur can be taken as your mare. She becomes a camp follower, complete with talks, sex, and travel blurbs. (By Wsan)
Once they become camp followers, Alante and Kalysea can now temporarily be called to the player’s side by a pair of new summoning powers. Talk with each mare in camp to get her respective power.
New Bust: Oma (by Moira)
New CGs: Tarah Body Writing (by Akira) and Horse Orgy (by Sulcate)
0.7.22 Patch Notes:
It is now possible, if you are either very brave or very desperate, to try and flirt with the Kitsune colony’s governor, Komari. God help you if you do, because she has been pent up for a very, very long time. This comes with a host of repeatable scenes, and unsurprisingly there’s an opportunity to bring Kiyoko along for the ride. (By Aury)
There’s a new tile outside the Wayfort’s north gate to relieve some possible NPC congestion, because…
Hatsu the Lumber Fox can now set up shop at the Wayfort (or rather, reveal she’s lived near there the whole time). This should make it a little easier to access her content!
Hana’s been moved to have her cabin across the street from Hatsu’s.
Once you have Hana living at the Wayfort, Hatsu stopping by to visit a friend can escalate into a saucy threesome. (By Skow)
Orlaith & Doireann have a new blowjob scene together. The scene triggers if you agreed to blow Orlaith every time you approach her; on the 3rd time Doireann will be there and tease/make out with Orlaith while you blow her. One time only. (By Wsan)
Kavi will reward you with some sex once you’ve rescued Tarah, and the scenes are repeatable. (By Garde)
New Bust: Komari, now with nudes and alts (by Moira)
0.7.21 Patch Notes:
Hotfix is live
Kesuk and Marigold now no longer have a MAXIMUM cocksize requirement.
The Black Knight’s author tag has been corrected. Sorry, Wsan!
Problems accessing her sex scenes after certain combinations of talk scenes have been addressed!
0.7.21 Patch Notes:
The Black Knight now has her post-Colosseum content! After meeting her in the Arena, head over to the Khor’minos Outskirts to enter the slums and find her. (By Wsan)
The Black Knight has a whole host of new sex scenes and talk topics. She a rough futa-domme, so better buckle up if you wanna ride this she-bull.
If you choose to have sex with her and stick around, you might find that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew… but if you stick around even further, there’s a series of repeatable sex scenes you can experience at her behest. Good luck.
New Busts: The Black Knight, Senator Khaius, Ylvid the Orc Skald, Kobold Wyrm Cultist Headshots. (All by Moira)
0.7.20 Patch Notes:
After you’ve moved The Siege of Khor’minos past Calise’s second quest, you can encounter the Harpy Stormcaller, Vasha, on the Windy Peaks. She’d really rather you stay off her ancestral lands, and is willing to pick a fight over it. She comes packing eight repeatable sex scenes, with a couple contributed by Skow. Thanks for the help!
Vasha can be knocked up during her encounters, which leads to some notable changes in her demeanor and her combat encounter.
Vasha and Natalie, the foxgirl priestess from the Peaks’ village, have a threesome together. (Written by Jstar)
A pair of Northern Minotaurs, Kesuk and Marigold, can now move into the Winter City after sending Kasyrra packing from the palace. Big mature cowgirl Marigold needs some help bullying the heck out of her tiny twink of a husband, and you might just be the Champion for the job. Most of their content requires a cock that’s between 6″ to 24″! (by Sil!)
Elthara has a new Cowgirl Anal sex scene while at the Wayfort. (By Wsan)
There’s a new team to face off against in the Colosseum! (By Wsan)
The Colosseum’s shop is now open, with a bunch of cool new items! (By Wsan)
0.7.19 Patch Notes: - 2024-08-30
THE COLOSSEUM IS HERE! Compete against and even with the fighters of the Khor’minos arena. Featuring multiple bosses — including two that have out-of-arena content (already written, yet to be implemented) — and a grand prize of thousands of electrum! Sign up by coming to the arena during valid hours (listed in-game at the arena’s entrance). Also features a number of scenes for Brint/Brienne in between fights.
Fight through the gauntlet of teams all competing for the chance to win. Each team has three members and a unique setup which you’ll have to work to defeat (some are going to be more annoying than others, I’ll tell you now). Depending on the options you pick, you’ll be fighting different enemies, and each run through the arena has randomized opponents. One run might not be quite as lucky as the next, so keep trying.
Face off with the bosses!
CEDRIC, the larger-than-life minotaur champion. A crowd favorite, he draws eyes and puts asses in seats — and yours on the ground, if you don’t take him seriously enough. You’ve got to have heart to succeed in the arena, and he’s got it in spades. Do you?
ALANTE, Khor’minos’ beloved centaur warrior and arena-maiden! Fight her alone to take her hand in marriage, or challenge her as a group! The choice is yours, though only the person brave enough to take her on solo gets her as a permanent follower. Don’t think that she’ll be easy if you fight her in a group — we did think of that. NOTE: You can fight her as a group and still come back and fight her alone the next time. Don’t stress, the horse-wife will be there for you later.
THE BLACK KNIGHT, a competitor with a secret. Who is he? You’ll have to find out yourself if you can.
AND MORE! There are some bosses that you will encounter under certain circumstances that I can’t spoil here, and I have no doubt you’ll become familiar with some of the so-called lesser NPCs too. Good luck, and good hunting.
Pre-Emptive Troubleshooting from Drake:
"Then depending on their settings Steam will start downloading the build or they can click Install/Update where the PLAY button would normally be in their library If that still doesn't work (it should) then they can go to the LOCAL FILES tab and click "VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES" which will force an update."
0.7.18 Patch Notes:
You can now take Dragon!Evelyn to the Marefolk Village, for some diplomatic “talks” after you’ve spoken with Naiyana there (post CentaurQuest).
Dragon!Eve has a new scene for you pitching anal to her in her Tribute menu (with a special variant for being under 4″ long).
Grainne has a new fisting scene, for Champions over 7′ tall.
Rindo has a new nursing scene once she’s pregnant or had her kid.
Sariel has two new scenes: doggystyle anal, and sucking her tits while she fingers your butt.
0.7.17 Patch Notes: - 2024-08-12
You can now invite Meira to get out from under her mother’s roof and live in your Wayfort as your court mage! You’ll need to have fully upgraded the fort (sans dungeon) to have her uproot herself from a comfy mansion, though!
At the Wayfort, Meira will still perform her old services, but for free, and all of her old scenes have been reworked in addition to a half dozen new ones! This all comes out to something in the neighborhood of 400 pages of new and revised content for the trash panda witch, including 100 pages of preg fetishism! (By TheObserver)
Elthara has a new “Talk” scene, wherein you can invite her to service you on your throne. Requires you have a cock, and have done Lumia’s quest. Though out in the open, it’s entirely likely some of her subordinates might happen upon the two of you. And join in. (By Gardeford).
The Karithea/Elthara pregnancy threesome now triggers when both girls are using their pregnant busts. That should feel a little more natural.
Meira has a new suite of 17 busts, all by Moira.
0.7.16 Patch Notes:
Calise can now be found in her apartment after the Feast For Heroes segment of the main story quest.
In her apartment, Calise has several updated talk scenes, and has a much wider array of sex scenes than back out on the streets.
You can cook with Calise at her apartment, with several randomly-chosen meals.
If you have the Ring of Fate, you can work with Calise to investigate its secrets.
Hana and Komari have new talks about the Faceless Blade.
Grainne’s talk about Dryads has been updated.
Pink Draughts can now give temporary Heat and Rut.
New Busts: Katya and Tarah (by Moira).
New CG: Tarah’s Baby (by Moira).
The Android APK version of the game now uses full-screen mode
Touch screen devices should now use a floating keyboard when in landscape orientation
0.7.15 Patch Notes:
Edit: A hotfix is live to fix some early typos and other issues. Thanks to Spotty for helping with a bunch of text and power fixes.
Livrea now appears in Hawkethorne right at the start of the game, and she has a quest she’ll ask you to go on with her to help get her home to Khor’minos.
This new cow-herding quest involves two new sexable encounters (including a very hefty pair of win/loss scenes by B!), a boss, and some sweet new loot!
There’s also a new milking scene with Livrea and the PC in Hawkethorne if you choose to flirt with her.
Liv’s new quest is only accessible before you complete the Palace of Ice dungeon (she’ll eventually find some way back on her own, so you can meet her there as normal). However, saves loaded that have already done Palace of Ice will get a popup allowing you to warp to the start of her dungeon so you can still experience it. This won’t pop up if your save is IN a dungeon, but if you leave the dungeon without reloading the save again you should get it afterwards.
The 4some scene with Evelyn, Cait, Ryn, and the PC has been rewritten and readded to Dragon Evelyn’s options. You may now sacrifice these two cute “maidens” to your dommy dragon GF. (By Wsan)
Katya, the grumpy feline ranger introduced just a few patches ago in Khor’minos, has a small quest she’ll send you on a day after you talk to her about her family. (By Aury)
Rags and Pavo both sell a new instrument, the War Drums.
The Milky perk from character creation now induces permanent lactation — no more running dry after a couple days.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 8-03-2025, 23:46
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии Corruption of Champions 2 [v.0.7.38] / Topic updated to version Corruption of Champions 2 [v.0.7.38].
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии Corruption of Champions 2 [v.0.7.38] / Topic updated to version Corruption of Champions 2 [v.0.7.38].
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