You are the sole male aboard the star pursuer spaceship along with three woman. The ship has shut down and the only way to get it going again is for you to fill up the planet seeder (G.A.I.A) with semen. Just because you are the only guy aboard doesn’t mean the others can’t help you out, and who knows maybe they want it more than you do.
Год: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, male protagonist, sci-fi, animated, anal, big tits, big ass, milf, incest, groping, handjob, vaginal, voyeurism, masturbation, cheating, exhibitionism, transformation, adventure, parody, oral, titjob, lactation, lesbian, sleep sex, rape, harem, romance, dating sim, virgin, teasing,
Цензура: None with patch
Разработчик / Издатель: Poolside Games - patreon | discord | steam
Перевод: TheDarkness_RU - Дискорд переводчика
Платформа: PC/Windows (x64)
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: не требуется
Версия: v.1.0196 Rus/Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
v1.0196 - 2025-01-30
There were a few areas of the game that I have seen many people getting stuck or confused with so I have updated them to help everyone get past those points and play the game. There was also some smaller bugs that have been patched
Adrianna and Katherine couch event can now be triggered while in the room
All 5 wine bottles will be hidden every night to make it easier to find them
Text will no longer soft lock when complimenting outfits
Fixed broken LODs in the flight deck
Other smaller fixes
Some small changes and various bugs fixed
Major Changes:
Fixed an issue causing the 100% achievement to not pop during the final G.A.I.A Event
Fixed the schedule for when the Rec Floor is unlocked to show the correct events
Changed some progression dialogue to help with clarity
v1.0174 - 2024-04-21
Fixed an issue causing the game to be stuck on a black screen on startup
Fixed softlock during Natasha fixing ship
Changed brightness to now effect gamma instead of changing the brightness of lights
v1.0165 - 2024-03-30
Adrianna Cooking Event continued
Katherine Workout Event continued
Natasha TV Event continued
Fixed checklist and unlock issued with Katherine Contest, Natasha Bed Night, Group Sleep Over
Added translations for Chinese and Korean
Fixed upstairs events that would soft lock when using controller
Fixed skin textures when at the rec floor
Fixed soft lock during Natasha sunbathe
Fixed checklist progress when doing threesome tv event
Updated some textures
Fixed the issue with the escape key not working in the latest version
Tablet key bindings now work properly
Fixed a softlock when being forced out of Katherines room
Tried to fix an issue where some players couldn't use the escape key to open the menu. I can't replicate the issue myself so if you did have this problem please let me know if it's fixed now.
v1.0035 - 2024-02-05
Added Controller Support
Updated All Unlockable Photos
Finished up the final Gaia event
Added alternate dialogue version of dream 4
Skipping text will not longer select an option during dialogue
Changing Pregnancy status no longer applies the wrong materials
High quality reflections can be turned off in options to improve performance
Fixed an issue with one of the wine bottles during the epilogue
Fixed lighting and text skipping during some cinematic scenes
v1.0 - 2023-11-23
Added Dream 4
1 Adrianna Event Continued
1 Katherine Event Continued
1 Natasha Event Continued
2 Foursome Event Added
Dream 1 clothes have been updated
Fixed progression issue with Adrianna sunbathing and first hand job
Holding space now skips text quickly
You can now move the center point of the free camera using WASD
Map and Schedule are now available from the beginning of the game and some UI has been added to make them easier to understand
Updated Logo
Playing a dream from the PC now leaves correctly
UI scaling with resolution improved
Pregnant belly size has been increased
Dialogue for all scenes has been updated to properly reflect your current relationship, clothes worn, pregnancy status, and if you are in the epilogue or not
Fixed the lighting for scenes where it was too dark
Many animations have been fixed to stop clipping and other small issues
Fixed an issue with collisions during the intro scenes
Censoring is now fully implemented for all scenes (not that you'll ever use it)
Fixed brightness slider for the new lighting system
Pregnancy can now be toggled in the epilogue
Some clothes removal fixes
Added return to earth option
Other bug fixes and dialogue changes
90% GAIA Event
100% GAIA Event
Updated room appearances and lighting
Various smaller visual improvements and changes
Pregnancy Content
More remove clothes option once at 100% GAIA and maxed relationships
Fixed Alien ship events again (Hopefully for the last time)
Small Dialogue fixes
19.1 Changelog
Added Natasha's missing scene
Highlights now toggle as intended
"I've already got plans" bug fixed
Katherine no longer dissapears when going to the gym
Adrianna/Katherine Tv event trigger fixed
3 Adrianna Scenes
3 Katherine Scenes
2 Natasha Scenes (1 more on the way)
Fixed softlock during Katherine workout
Tab now works as intended while using the tablet
Font has been updated to work for all langauges
Added lose options to events when minigame skip is enabled
Highlights for character and items can now be turned off in the options
Keyboard shortcuts now work properly with all choices
Fixed animation errors
UI Rework
UI now scales correctly with all resolutions
More resolution options
Hint system has been fully reworked
The order that some scenes become avaliable has been changed to make progression easier and to better reflect your current relationship with the girl
Shop items are now picked up automatically (any unclaimed items are also picked up)
Checklist, progression, and item menus are all now part of the tablet
Softlock on the alienship has been fixed
Some other bug fixes aswell
Fixed animation errors
Other bugs fixed
80% G.A.I.A Event
4 New Special Events
New character introduction
Updated Alien Ship
Various Bug fixes
Bug Fixes
700 seeder fuel event
eating event updated
2 Adrianna scenes continued
2 Katherine scenes continued
1 Natasha scene continued
Few minor graphic tweaks
Other various bug fixes
Fixed camera being blocked during the intro
Fixed some other events that had a chance to softlock
Other small fixes
Updated Katherine's daywear and second swimwear
Updated Natasha's daywear
Made some harder to find events easier to get
Tried to fix Adrianna swimming event again
Other various fixes
Did some asset clean up and improved LOD's for all models to try and improve performance
Fixed issue with alien events removing previously unlocked stuff
Fixed an issue with sleepover events and dream sequences
Other smaller fixes
I wasn't able to replicate these bugs on my end so if you had these issues please let me know if this update fixed them for you
Potentially fixed:
Adrianna swimming T pose at ladder
Black screen when doing the first seeder event
Camera being stuck in players waist during intro
Story has been fully reworked and updated
Flight Deck has been updated
Storage Bay has been updated
Defence minigame has had a visual overhaul
Shop girl event updated
The way the alien events function have been reworked
Fixed an issue with the free cam after talking to someone
Many smaller issues fixed
New title screen
2 continued Adrianna Events
1 continued Katherine Event
1 continued Natasha Event
Updated Adrianna and Katherines swimwear
Added dialogue history
Fixed animation bug with the fancy dinner event and intro camera
Better fix for the infinite gift bug
Updates to some enviroments
First day is no longer bugged
checklist has been corrected
Natasha Day outfit 2 has been fixed
Other small fixes
Fixed animations with Adrianna at the pool
Printer will no longer give infinite items
Hide bathroom steam option now works
Fixed camera in some scenes
2 events continued for Adrianna
2 events continued for Katherine
2 events continued for Natasha
New clothes added to the store when you reach 150 with each character
Camera system has been replaced with free cam
Player visibility option added
Updated UI
Improved some older animations
Updated all characters faces
Improvements to the look of many rooms
Added a wake up option to skip dreams
Dialogue in some events has been changed to better reflect your current relationships
You now have the option to disable the bathroom steam
Added languages French,Italian,Japanese, Russian, Spanish
these are done using google for the moment but will be updated in the future
Issues with the game opening in VR or giving a dxgi.dll error have possibly been fixed. I cannot recreate these issues so if you were getting them before let me know if they are fixed now
Added Third Dream
Added 1 new Adrianna Scene
v12.2 fix
Fixed Katherine watching tv event and Adrianna milk event
Fixed all tentacle animations
v12.1 fix
Fixed softlocks during Seeder 100 event, Adrianna night event, Adrianna and Kat on couch event, and returning from alien ship
Fixed Natasha checklist
Game will not switch to unfinished language on launch
Added a way to fix the CreateDXGIFactory2 error for people who get it
will not open steamVR
Text no longer locks in place
Other visual fixes
Added third set of photos
1 Adrianna scene continued
1 New Katherine Scene added
1 New Natasha Scenes added
Changed some dialogue from the previous update
Increased how much love and seeder fuel you earn for some scenes
Fixed skinning issues with characters
Fixed issue with text locking up
Key bindings now stay after closing the game
New area available after reaching 600 Seeder Fuel
Added 2 new scenes with Adrianna
Added 2 new scenes with Katherine
Added 1 new scenes with Natasha
Added 3 new scenes with the alien female
Added custom keybinding to the option menu
Changed how UI works to scale with all resolutions better
Updated all characters skin and hair textures
Improved graphics for the majority of the game
Changed how things work to increase performance
Camera rotation limits have been changed to allow better views during certain scenes
Fixed issue with some events not showing up in the checklist
Fixed issue with map showing incorrect locations when skipping time
Defence Minigame:
Updated controls
Added particle effects to bullet hits and asteroid destruction
Fixed softlock at natasha's bedroom door and morning event
Changed some scene requirements so progression should be easier
Raw option now available when pills are replaced
Other bug fixes
1 Adrianna Event Continued
1 Katherine Event Continued
1 Natasha Event Continued
Added G.A.I.A level 500 Event
Added no condom options for all existing sex scenes
Added pull out options for all existing sex scenes
Fixed animations for all sex scenes so everything actually lines up correctly
Fixes to checklist and schedule
Fixed issue with the computer softlocking the game
Fixed softlock with using the vial
Changed controls for the drone minigame (More work will be done to make this feel better in the next update)
Fixed Issue with interacting with doors softlocking the game
Added auto saves
Improved Map to show entire ship
Added character schedule to the shop which shows what characters will do each day and if there new scenes
Added Tab shortcut for map/schedule
Added Checklist of finished events to computer (some events may not show up even if you have done them before but they if you go through them again it will fix this)
Fixed interact UI showing up without event
Fixed issue with 400 seeder fuel event
Fixed Adrianna TV event
Fixed Adrianna bed event
Fixed Katherine shower event
Fixed Katherine bed event
Fixed issue with camera attachment
Fixed dream 1 skirt
1 Adrianna Event Continued
1 New Adranna/Katherine Event
1 Natasha Event Continued
A lot of spelling and grammar fixes
Fixed issues with the map
Fixed some animations
Changed the requirements for some events
Fixed issue causing Adrianna shower to be blocked off
Fixed issue with buying cameras from the store
Player no longer wears clothes during shower/bath events
Fixed bug stopping access to new fancy dinner scene
Added new options to the options menu
Fixed bug with shadows option
Fixed bug with Adrianna cooking
1 Continued scene for Adrianna
1 Continued scene for Katherine
1 Continued scene for Natasha
2 Special events have been continued
Minor bug fixing
Fixed soft locks during fancy dinner event and Katherine masturbating
Fixed characters rotating to look at player turning in the wrong direction
Updated some room meshes
Seeder cap has been increased to 450 along with a new event at 400
3 Adrianna events updated
2 Katherine events updated
2 Natasha events updated
Various bug fixes
Fixed Issue with ship controls
Clothes removal option added to some events
Continued 3 Adrianna Events
Continued 2 Katherine Events
Continued 2 Natasha Events
Camera views can now be rotated
Added Set 2 of Photos
Fixed some dialogue issues
Fixed interaction areas
Esc shortcut to close menus
Fixed issue causing fancy dinner to trigger every day
Fixed Katherine workout loop and stuck animations
Added options for resolution scale and shadow quality
Hopefully finally figured out why the game was extremely dark for some players and fixed that issue
Added New special event: Fancy Dinner
Continued Katherine Workout Scene
Fixed G.A.I.A level dialogue
Fixed issue where camera was not usable from the menu
Added some extra details to the maps and updated some meshes
Redid specular maps for all the characters
Added option to invert camera
Fixed loop during pool party contest
Changed how the defences controls to make it easier
Fixed ship upgrades in the store and changed the last upgrade to increase the collection distance
Fixed issue where map was not showing characters in the correct rooms
Fixed softlock when using return to ship
New location: The storage floor
The galactic store is now available from the computer
2 new outfits per character
A map can be brought from the store to make finding everyone easier
Extra cameras can be brought once you have collected the attachment
You can now access the ships defences which can be used to collect matter to spend at the store, There are also upgrades for the defences at the store
A new scene involving the store which is similar to the dream scenes once the seeder is at 350
Katherine TV and Natasha Morning Event softlocks have been fixed
Seeder Level cap now visible
Requirements for Natasha's breakfast event have been made easier
Adrianna Drunk event has been made easier to unlock
Dreams are now working on from PC
Adrianna wake up Animations have been altered
Brightness option added
Wardrobe added to the computer
In game time slowed down slightly
Katherines Nipples have be updated
3 Adrianna Events Updated
2 Katherine Events Updated
5 Natasha Events Updated
Quick Update for version 2 just fixing some bugs
Also added the ability to use keyboard shortcuts for all things involving the girls so one handed play is possible
Added keyboard shortcuts to Hide Dialogue Box/ Camera Change
Added FPS/ Vsync Options
Character outlines now change color to show if there are events you have missed
Green: new content available
Yellow: new content that needs to be unlocked
Red: all content seen
14 new events started
6 events updated
1 new dream
New area added “Recreation floor”
Various bug fixes
Bug Fixing Update
The game should no longer be a jerk off till you black out simulator
Interacting with the characters now works so the game should be at least playable now
Player Idle no longer sways
Removed hair floating above first person player
Updated Hints to be more readable
Raised how much seeder fuel you get
Brightness at night increased
FOV slider and camera speed control added to options
Fullscreen mode has been removed as it would cause mouse position issues
Added hide dialogue box button
Added a short tutorial to the intro of the game
Should not be able to go through locked doors anymore
Screen should no longer stay black
Be prepared for bugs, I’ve tried to fix as much as I can but if you do come across one please report it
First release
300+ animations
16 events
9 photos
1 Dream sequence
Be prepared for bugs, I’ve tried to fix as much as I can but if you do come across one please report it
You are the sole male aboard the star pursuer spaceship along with three woman. The ship has shut down and the only way to get it going again is for you to fill up the planet seeder (G.A.I.A) with semen. Just because you are the only guy aboard doesn’t mean the others can’t help you out, and who knows maybe they want it more than you do.
Год: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, male protagonist, sci-fi, animated, anal, big tits, big ass, milf, incest, groping, handjob, vaginal, voyeurism, masturbation, cheating, exhibitionism, transformation, adventure, parody, oral, titjob, lactation, lesbian, sleep sex, rape, harem, romance, dating sim, virgin, teasing,
Цензура: None with patch
Разработчик / Издатель: Poolside Games - patreon | discord | steam
Перевод: TheDarkness_RU - Дискорд переводчика
Платформа: PC/Windows (x64)
Тип издания: Completed
Таблетка: не требуется
Версия: v.1.0196 Rus/Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Внутри архива, папка Nudemod которую скопировать в папку игры где exeшник.
Для включения мода открыть папку Nudemod и выбрать соответствующий файл с нужным модом, чтобы вернуть всё на место открыть файл Вернуть одежду всем девушкам.bat
Снять одежду у Адрианны.bat - Только Адрианна
Снять одежду у Кэтрин.bat - Только Кэтрин
Снять одежду у Наташи.bat - Только Наташа
Снять одежду со всех девушек.bat - Все девушки. Адрианна, Кэтрин, Наташа, Инопланетянка. 1,2,3 девушки из снов - Боузетта, Девушка Маг, Девушка из пещеры.
Made Nude mod
AdriannaNude.zip - Only Adrianna
KatherineNude.zip - Only Katherine
NatashaNude.zip - Only Natasha
NudeMod.zip - All girls. Adrianna, Katherine, Natasha, Alien Girl. 1,2,3 dream girls - Bowsette, Magic Girl, Cave Girl.
Для включения мода открыть папку Nudemod и выбрать соответствующий файл с нужным модом, чтобы вернуть всё на место открыть файл Вернуть одежду всем девушкам.bat
Снять одежду у Адрианны.bat - Только Адрианна
Снять одежду у Кэтрин.bat - Только Кэтрин
Снять одежду у Наташи.bat - Только Наташа
Снять одежду со всех девушек.bat - Все девушки. Адрианна, Кэтрин, Наташа, Инопланетянка. 1,2,3 девушки из снов - Боузетта, Девушка Маг, Девушка из пещеры.
Made Nude mod
AdriannaNude.zip - Only Adrianna
KatherineNude.zip - Only Katherine
NatashaNude.zip - Only Natasha
NudeMod.zip - All girls. Adrianna, Katherine, Natasha, Alien Girl. 1,2,3 dream girls - Bowsette, Magic Girl, Cave Girl.
v1.0196 - 2025-01-30
There were a few areas of the game that I have seen many people getting stuck or confused with so I have updated them to help everyone get past those points and play the game. There was also some smaller bugs that have been patched
Adrianna and Katherine couch event can now be triggered while in the room
All 5 wine bottles will be hidden every night to make it easier to find them
Text will no longer soft lock when complimenting outfits
Fixed broken LODs in the flight deck
Other smaller fixes
Some small changes and various bugs fixed
Major Changes:
Fixed an issue causing the 100% achievement to not pop during the final G.A.I.A Event
Fixed the schedule for when the Rec Floor is unlocked to show the correct events
Changed some progression dialogue to help with clarity
v1.0174 - 2024-04-21
Fixed an issue causing the game to be stuck on a black screen on startup
Fixed softlock during Natasha fixing ship
Changed brightness to now effect gamma instead of changing the brightness of lights
v1.0165 - 2024-03-30
Adrianna Cooking Event continued
Katherine Workout Event continued
Natasha TV Event continued
Fixed checklist and unlock issued with Katherine Contest, Natasha Bed Night, Group Sleep Over
Added translations for Chinese and Korean
Fixed upstairs events that would soft lock when using controller
Fixed skin textures when at the rec floor
Fixed soft lock during Natasha sunbathe
Fixed checklist progress when doing threesome tv event
Updated some textures
Fixed the issue with the escape key not working in the latest version
Tablet key bindings now work properly
Fixed a softlock when being forced out of Katherines room
Tried to fix an issue where some players couldn't use the escape key to open the menu. I can't replicate the issue myself so if you did have this problem please let me know if it's fixed now.
v1.0035 - 2024-02-05
Added Controller Support
Updated All Unlockable Photos
Finished up the final Gaia event
Added alternate dialogue version of dream 4
Skipping text will not longer select an option during dialogue
Changing Pregnancy status no longer applies the wrong materials
High quality reflections can be turned off in options to improve performance
Fixed an issue with one of the wine bottles during the epilogue
Fixed lighting and text skipping during some cinematic scenes
v1.0 - 2023-11-23
Added Dream 4
1 Adrianna Event Continued
1 Katherine Event Continued
1 Natasha Event Continued
2 Foursome Event Added
Dream 1 clothes have been updated
Fixed progression issue with Adrianna sunbathing and first hand job
Holding space now skips text quickly
You can now move the center point of the free camera using WASD
Map and Schedule are now available from the beginning of the game and some UI has been added to make them easier to understand
Updated Logo
Playing a dream from the PC now leaves correctly
UI scaling with resolution improved
Pregnant belly size has been increased
Dialogue for all scenes has been updated to properly reflect your current relationship, clothes worn, pregnancy status, and if you are in the epilogue or not
Fixed the lighting for scenes where it was too dark
Many animations have been fixed to stop clipping and other small issues
Fixed an issue with collisions during the intro scenes
Censoring is now fully implemented for all scenes (not that you'll ever use it)
Fixed brightness slider for the new lighting system
Pregnancy can now be toggled in the epilogue
Some clothes removal fixes
Added return to earth option
Other bug fixes and dialogue changes
90% GAIA Event
100% GAIA Event
Updated room appearances and lighting
Various smaller visual improvements and changes
Pregnancy Content
More remove clothes option once at 100% GAIA and maxed relationships
Fixed Alien ship events again (Hopefully for the last time)
Small Dialogue fixes
19.1 Changelog
Added Natasha's missing scene
Highlights now toggle as intended
"I've already got plans" bug fixed
Katherine no longer dissapears when going to the gym
Adrianna/Katherine Tv event trigger fixed
3 Adrianna Scenes
3 Katherine Scenes
2 Natasha Scenes (1 more on the way)
Fixed softlock during Katherine workout
Tab now works as intended while using the tablet
Font has been updated to work for all langauges
Added lose options to events when minigame skip is enabled
Highlights for character and items can now be turned off in the options
Keyboard shortcuts now work properly with all choices
Fixed animation errors
UI Rework
UI now scales correctly with all resolutions
More resolution options
Hint system has been fully reworked
The order that some scenes become avaliable has been changed to make progression easier and to better reflect your current relationship with the girl
Shop items are now picked up automatically (any unclaimed items are also picked up)
Checklist, progression, and item menus are all now part of the tablet
Softlock on the alienship has been fixed
Some other bug fixes aswell
Fixed animation errors
Other bugs fixed
80% G.A.I.A Event
4 New Special Events
New character introduction
Updated Alien Ship
Various Bug fixes
Bug Fixes
700 seeder fuel event
eating event updated
2 Adrianna scenes continued
2 Katherine scenes continued
1 Natasha scene continued
Few minor graphic tweaks
Other various bug fixes
Fixed camera being blocked during the intro
Fixed some other events that had a chance to softlock
Other small fixes
Updated Katherine's daywear and second swimwear
Updated Natasha's daywear
Made some harder to find events easier to get
Tried to fix Adrianna swimming event again
Other various fixes
Did some asset clean up and improved LOD's for all models to try and improve performance
Fixed issue with alien events removing previously unlocked stuff
Fixed an issue with sleepover events and dream sequences
Other smaller fixes
I wasn't able to replicate these bugs on my end so if you had these issues please let me know if this update fixed them for you
Potentially fixed:
Adrianna swimming T pose at ladder
Black screen when doing the first seeder event
Camera being stuck in players waist during intro
Story has been fully reworked and updated
Flight Deck has been updated
Storage Bay has been updated
Defence minigame has had a visual overhaul
Shop girl event updated
The way the alien events function have been reworked
Fixed an issue with the free cam after talking to someone
Many smaller issues fixed
New title screen
2 continued Adrianna Events
1 continued Katherine Event
1 continued Natasha Event
Updated Adrianna and Katherines swimwear
Added dialogue history
Fixed animation bug with the fancy dinner event and intro camera
Better fix for the infinite gift bug
Updates to some enviroments
First day is no longer bugged
checklist has been corrected
Natasha Day outfit 2 has been fixed
Other small fixes
Fixed animations with Adrianna at the pool
Printer will no longer give infinite items
Hide bathroom steam option now works
Fixed camera in some scenes
2 events continued for Adrianna
2 events continued for Katherine
2 events continued for Natasha
New clothes added to the store when you reach 150 with each character
Camera system has been replaced with free cam
Player visibility option added
Updated UI
Improved some older animations
Updated all characters faces
Improvements to the look of many rooms
Added a wake up option to skip dreams
Dialogue in some events has been changed to better reflect your current relationships
You now have the option to disable the bathroom steam
Added languages French,Italian,Japanese, Russian, Spanish
these are done using google for the moment but will be updated in the future
Issues with the game opening in VR or giving a dxgi.dll error have possibly been fixed. I cannot recreate these issues so if you were getting them before let me know if they are fixed now
Added Third Dream
Added 1 new Adrianna Scene
v12.2 fix
Fixed Katherine watching tv event and Adrianna milk event
Fixed all tentacle animations
v12.1 fix
Fixed softlocks during Seeder 100 event, Adrianna night event, Adrianna and Kat on couch event, and returning from alien ship
Fixed Natasha checklist
Game will not switch to unfinished language on launch
Added a way to fix the CreateDXGIFactory2 error for people who get it
will not open steamVR
Text no longer locks in place
Other visual fixes
Added third set of photos
1 Adrianna scene continued
1 New Katherine Scene added
1 New Natasha Scenes added
Changed some dialogue from the previous update
Increased how much love and seeder fuel you earn for some scenes
Fixed skinning issues with characters
Fixed issue with text locking up
Key bindings now stay after closing the game
New area available after reaching 600 Seeder Fuel
Added 2 new scenes with Adrianna
Added 2 new scenes with Katherine
Added 1 new scenes with Natasha
Added 3 new scenes with the alien female
Added custom keybinding to the option menu
Changed how UI works to scale with all resolutions better
Updated all characters skin and hair textures
Improved graphics for the majority of the game
Changed how things work to increase performance
Camera rotation limits have been changed to allow better views during certain scenes
Fixed issue with some events not showing up in the checklist
Fixed issue with map showing incorrect locations when skipping time
Defence Minigame:
Updated controls
Added particle effects to bullet hits and asteroid destruction
Fixed softlock at natasha's bedroom door and morning event
Changed some scene requirements so progression should be easier
Raw option now available when pills are replaced
Other bug fixes
1 Adrianna Event Continued
1 Katherine Event Continued
1 Natasha Event Continued
Added G.A.I.A level 500 Event
Added no condom options for all existing sex scenes
Added pull out options for all existing sex scenes
Fixed animations for all sex scenes so everything actually lines up correctly
Fixes to checklist and schedule
Fixed issue with the computer softlocking the game
Fixed softlock with using the vial
Changed controls for the drone minigame (More work will be done to make this feel better in the next update)
Fixed Issue with interacting with doors softlocking the game
Added auto saves
Improved Map to show entire ship
Added character schedule to the shop which shows what characters will do each day and if there new scenes
Added Tab shortcut for map/schedule
Added Checklist of finished events to computer (some events may not show up even if you have done them before but they if you go through them again it will fix this)
Fixed interact UI showing up without event
Fixed issue with 400 seeder fuel event
Fixed Adrianna TV event
Fixed Adrianna bed event
Fixed Katherine shower event
Fixed Katherine bed event
Fixed issue with camera attachment
Fixed dream 1 skirt
1 Adrianna Event Continued
1 New Adranna/Katherine Event
1 Natasha Event Continued
A lot of spelling and grammar fixes
Fixed issues with the map
Fixed some animations
Changed the requirements for some events
Fixed issue causing Adrianna shower to be blocked off
Fixed issue with buying cameras from the store
Player no longer wears clothes during shower/bath events
Fixed bug stopping access to new fancy dinner scene
Added new options to the options menu
Fixed bug with shadows option
Fixed bug with Adrianna cooking
1 Continued scene for Adrianna
1 Continued scene for Katherine
1 Continued scene for Natasha
2 Special events have been continued
Minor bug fixing
Fixed soft locks during fancy dinner event and Katherine masturbating
Fixed characters rotating to look at player turning in the wrong direction
Updated some room meshes
Seeder cap has been increased to 450 along with a new event at 400
3 Adrianna events updated
2 Katherine events updated
2 Natasha events updated
Various bug fixes
Fixed Issue with ship controls
Clothes removal option added to some events
Continued 3 Adrianna Events
Continued 2 Katherine Events
Continued 2 Natasha Events
Camera views can now be rotated
Added Set 2 of Photos
Fixed some dialogue issues
Fixed interaction areas
Esc shortcut to close menus
Fixed issue causing fancy dinner to trigger every day
Fixed Katherine workout loop and stuck animations
Added options for resolution scale and shadow quality
Hopefully finally figured out why the game was extremely dark for some players and fixed that issue
Added New special event: Fancy Dinner
Continued Katherine Workout Scene
Fixed G.A.I.A level dialogue
Fixed issue where camera was not usable from the menu
Added some extra details to the maps and updated some meshes
Redid specular maps for all the characters
Added option to invert camera
Fixed loop during pool party contest
Changed how the defences controls to make it easier
Fixed ship upgrades in the store and changed the last upgrade to increase the collection distance
Fixed issue where map was not showing characters in the correct rooms
Fixed softlock when using return to ship
New location: The storage floor
The galactic store is now available from the computer
2 new outfits per character
A map can be brought from the store to make finding everyone easier
Extra cameras can be brought once you have collected the attachment
You can now access the ships defences which can be used to collect matter to spend at the store, There are also upgrades for the defences at the store
A new scene involving the store which is similar to the dream scenes once the seeder is at 350
Katherine TV and Natasha Morning Event softlocks have been fixed
Seeder Level cap now visible
Requirements for Natasha's breakfast event have been made easier
Adrianna Drunk event has been made easier to unlock
Dreams are now working on from PC
Adrianna wake up Animations have been altered
Brightness option added
Wardrobe added to the computer
In game time slowed down slightly
Katherines Nipples have be updated
3 Adrianna Events Updated
2 Katherine Events Updated
5 Natasha Events Updated
Quick Update for version 2 just fixing some bugs
Also added the ability to use keyboard shortcuts for all things involving the girls so one handed play is possible
Added keyboard shortcuts to Hide Dialogue Box/ Camera Change
Added FPS/ Vsync Options
Character outlines now change color to show if there are events you have missed
Green: new content available
Yellow: new content that needs to be unlocked
Red: all content seen
14 new events started
6 events updated
1 new dream
New area added “Recreation floor”
Various bug fixes
Bug Fixing Update
The game should no longer be a jerk off till you black out simulator
Interacting with the characters now works so the game should be at least playable now
Player Idle no longer sways
Removed hair floating above first person player
Updated Hints to be more readable
Raised how much seeder fuel you get
Brightness at night increased
FOV slider and camera speed control added to options
Fullscreen mode has been removed as it would cause mouse position issues
Added hide dialogue box button
Added a short tutorial to the intro of the game
Should not be able to go through locked doors anymore
Screen should no longer stay black
Be prepared for bugs, I’ve tried to fix as much as I can but if you do come across one please report it
First release
300+ animations
16 events
9 photos
1 Dream sequence
Be prepared for bugs, I’ve tried to fix as much as I can but if you do come across one please report it
place the patch inside the folder
C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Local\LastHope\Saved\SaveGames
If you can not see the AppData folder you will need to enable show hidden folders
if the saved or save game folder doesn't exist you can create it yourself of open the game to the main menu and they will be there
to turn off the censors go into the options menu and untick the censors
for the rest of the content you will need to create a new save file. (if you get an intro in your bedroom then they content is activated)
C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Local\LastHope\Saved\SaveGames
If you can not see the AppData folder you will need to enable show hidden folders
if the saved or save game folder doesn't exist you can create it yourself of open the game to the main menu and they will be there
to turn off the censors go into the options menu and untick the censors
for the rest of the content you will need to create a new save file. (if you get an intro in your bedroom then they content is activated)
You have two main goals in this game:
1: Build up relationships with your crew mates
This can be by interacting with them while they are doing something and by talking to them while they walk around
You can see your progress and get hints on what you should do next using the computer in your room
2:Fill the G.A.I.A
This can be done by using the vial on your desk or by interacting with the girls and reaching climax
Once you have seeder fuel you need to take it to the G.A.I.A down in the flight deck and fill it up, this will unlock new things at every 100 you reach
You have two main goals in this game:
1: Build up relationships with your crew mates
This can be by interacting with them while they are doing something and by talking to them while they walk around
You can see your progress and get hints on what you should do next using the computer in your room
2:Fill the G.A.I.A
This can be done by using the vial on your desk or by interacting with the girls and reaching climax
Once you have seeder fuel you need to take it to the G.A.I.A down in the flight deck and fill it up, this will unlock new things at every 100 you reach
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 30-01-2025, 12:14
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.0196 Rus/Eng. / Topic updated to v.1.0196 Rus/Eng. За перевод большое спасибо TheDarkness_RU.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.0196 Rus/Eng. / Topic updated to v.1.0196 Rus/Eng. За перевод большое спасибо TheDarkness_RU.
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Last_Hope (5 файлов)