Описание:Туман Авроры - это история о приключениях маленького человечка в чудесном королевстве Аврора, окутанном тайнами, загадками и принцессами, которые ждут, когда вы их спасете. И самое главное... эту историю пишете вы! Так что наберитесь терпения, запаситесь провизией и вперед, приключения не заставят себя ждать!
Aurora's Fog is a story of adventures of a little man in the wonderful Kingdom of Aurora, shrouded in secrets, riddles, and princesses who are waiting for you to save them. And the most important thing... you write this story ! So be patient, have some provisions and go, no adventure awaits!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, animated, combat, dating sim, fantasy, male protagonist, monster girl, romance, rpg, vaginal, voiced,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: CATINMASK -
patreon |
itch.io |
boostyПлатформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.11
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Aurora's Fog 0.11 - 2025-03-09
• Added a new character: Vlada;
• Added three new quests;
• Added Portuguese (thanks to the help of the player under the nickname Trimundial);
• Added automatic language setting for Spanish and Portuguese the first time you start the game;
• Bear traps have been added to the game;
• Added color highlighting of buttons in loading hints and in dialogues;
• Added texture streaming;
• The text interface in the book has been slightly updated;
• Updated the visuals of the hint text on the main screen;
• Quest descriptions have been updated in some places. Added task indication and quantity: "Collect a White Mushroom x3";
• Improved main character's head turns in the main menu. When turning, the neck is now activated, and when turning the back, the algorithm is disabled;
• Reduced difficulty of lockpicking;
• Increased the hitbox of spiders;
• Increased food satiety by 2 times;
• Food is now always digested quickly;
• Slightly reduced health of enemies;
• Hunger growth rate reduced by 40%;
• Slightly updated weather visuals;
• Fixed the display of "merchant prices" in the description of the barter skill;
• Fixed a slight delay in translating the names of settings in the options menu;
• If you finish the act with an active dialogue, the previous answers will stay in the next dialogue, or the dialogue will lag;
• Fixed a bug in the NPC's eye tracking of the player that caused the eyes to not follow the target;
• Nami has always been watching the player;
• Fixed a bug in Shaartan's bear quest where the player could take it again after a failure;
• When jumping in the house, you can see the roof from the inside;
• In the act with Shaartan (bathhouse), if you press RMB, then hero will look into himself;
• If you start interacting with an object (plant, chest...) while running, then stamina will continue to be spent as when running;
• Fixed a bug in the description of modifications for the knife;
• Fixed a non-working translation in the dialogue with Malagdaer;
• Crafting items in the stove/campfire does not accelerate while sleeping/waiting;
• The pan and the pot have the same icon;
• Alice's quest to find a frying pan caused an error when adding it to the stove;
• Yotra's first armor paint was not free;
• Added the ability to change the speed of the act;
• Added a hint about the buttons for the act in the pause menu;
• Fixed a problem with sounds in the act with Nami;
• Poses leveling up speed increased by 2 times;
• Fixed visual bug in the Alice's act animation;
Aurora's Fog 0.1.1 - 2025-01-15
• Added Spanish language (thanks to the help of a player under the nickname Puniasterus);
• Added a blue mineral to one of the stashes to solve the problem of getting it in the demo build;
• Total satiety bonus increased from 30 to 60%;
• Changed the sound in lockpicking mode when the lockpick hits the groove;
• Fixed english text;
• Assigning the "Use" key to another button does not work;
• Fixed the collision of a fallen tree;
• Fixed too bright candle's light;
• Lockpicking description has been fixed: You need to move the lockpick to the left, not to the right as written in the hint;
• If you run underwater, the air consumption will depend on the skill of Athletics, not Swimming;
• Incorrect margins when displaying the number of recipes in the book, knowledge section;
• Sometimes possible to rotate a character by changing one of the head customization sliders;
Aurora's Fog 0.1 - 2025-01-10
• Added tutorial notification about the new perk system;
• Added nicknames of those who supported the development to the "About the Game" section;
• Added setting for the lighting refresh rate;
• Notifications have been added to the smithing menu when hovered over the buttons;
• Upgraded to a newer version of the game engine;
• Updated models of houses in the village;
• The grass on the landscape has been replaced with a more optimized one;
• Improved weather and 2D clouds. Now, when the weather changes, the parameters also change: the color of the sun, the brightness of the sun, the density of clouds, the brightness of the sun (sky) behind the clouds;
• The weather in main menu now loads immediately when the game starts;
• The weather now updates immediately after restarting the save;
• Increased satiety of all food by 30%;
• Slightly improved text readability in dialogues;
• Fixed the grass hanging in the air;
• Fixed Alice, Shaartan and Yotra textures. Fixed dark spots in the armpits, groin and glutes;
• Fixed a bug where the stove in the bathhouse was not activated in the dialogue with Shaartan;
• When installing the mod for increased weight for armor, the equipped armor did not increase the carry weight;
• The light of the flashlight is too bright and the range of the flashlight is slightly increased;
• Yotra's first painting was not free;
• All animations of the act from previous builds have been completely reworked. Animations have been extended in duration, face animations have been updated. Physics, animation finish and camera focus have been added;
• The rate of stamina appearance and duration of the act are rebalanced;
• Added poses system and their unlocking;
• Added the ability to select a pose after the dialogue in a special menu;
• The amount of experience gained from intelligence in the act has been reduced;
• Added the ability to finish an act on Space without going to the pause menu;
• Added animation/style "Standing" for Alice's Reverse Cowgirl;
• Added animation/style "Classic" for Shaartan's Cowgirl;
• Added Cowgirl animation for Yotra;