Закладки Секреты / Secrets [Episode 3 [v.4.1 (Redone Version) + Walkthrouh + Wallpapers] (2020) (Rus/Eng/Ita) [Ren'Py] [MacOS] [Linux] [Android] [Abandoned]

Секреты / Secrets [Episode 3 [v.4.1 (Redone Version) + Walkthrouh + Wallpapers] (2020) (Rus/Eng/Ita) [Ren'Py] [MacOS] [Linux] [Android] [Abandoned]
Секреты / Secrets [Episode 3 [v.4.1 (Redone Version) + Walkthrouh + Wallpapers] (2020) (Rus/Eng/Ita) [Ren'Py] [MacOS] [Linux] [Android] [Abandoned]
Год выхода: 2020
Версия: v.4.1 (Redone Version)
Жанр: 3dcg, Anal sex, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Big ass, Big tits, Creampie, Interracial, Male protagonist, Milf, Mobile game, Story driven, Chubby, Femdom, POV, Romance, Voyeurism, Corruption, Feet, Footjob, Redhead, Humor
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик: www.patreon.com/elun | secrets-game.com | discordapp.com/invite/xp6pvTP
Перевод: admin
Тип издания: Лицензия
Платформа: Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Язык игры: Русский/Английский/Итальянский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский/Итальянский
Таблэтка: не требуется

Системные требования:
CPU Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor
RAM 512 MB or more
HDD 800 МБ

Удача.... это то, о чём ты где-то слышал, но никогда не встречал. В жизни тебе ничего не давалась легко, и теперь ты один, на мели. Сломлен... И ты снова сделал неправильный выбор, попытался испытать удачу в какой-то нечестной интрижке, но забыл о том, что она никогда не была на твоей стороне.
Ты избежал тюрьмы, благодаря благосклонности судьи, и теперь снова остался один, в своей маленькой квартире, которую больше не можешь себе позволить оплачивать, ожидая того что домовладелец вышвырнет тебя в любую минуту.
Звонит твой телефон ... адвокат... она говорит тебе, что твой дядя, Пол Уолден, только что скончался и оставил завещание. Наследство? У меня снова будут деньги? Да, и очень много! Тебе вдруг повезло? Нет, потому что ты понятия не имеешь, кто такой дядя Пол?!
Но тебе нечего терять. Пришло время изменить свою жизнь. Ты не тот парень, которого ждут там, но это неважно, ты станешь им... и будешь пытаться изображать из себя племянника...

Luck… that’s a thing you have heard before but never met. Life has never been easy on you, and you are now alone broke. Really broke... So, you made others bad choices, tried your luck in some dishonest affair, but you forgot luck was never on your side.
You missed jail, thank to the judge’s pity, and are now alone again in your small apartment you can’t afford anymore, waiting to be ejected by the landlord.
Your phone is ringing… a lawyer… she tells you your uncle, Paul Walden, just died and put you on his will. An inheritance? Is there money? Yes, and a lot! Do you become suddenly lucky? No, because you have absolutely no idea who uncle Paul is?!
But you have nothing to lose. It’s time to change your life. You’re not the guy who is expected but never mind, you will be this guy… you will try to be this nephew…​

This Android port is not released by developer, download at your own risk. / Этот Android-порт не выпущен разработчиком, загружайте на свой страх и риск.

Тема обновлена до версии v.4.1 (Redone Version) / Topic updated to version v.4.1 (Redone Version).

Тему отредактировал: admin - 15-04-2023, 15:12
Причина: Abandoned.

Пароль на архив / Archive password:

Downloaded from Porno-Island

Загрузил: admin (15 мая 2020 11:52) Статус: Проверено (admin)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 12957 | Размер: 3,33 Gb
Раздают: 0 Качают: 1 Скачали: 194
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 558 Качают: 513 Скачали: 463
Secrets (9 файлов)
zip Russian_fix.zip (778.33 Kb)
apk Secrets-Episode-3-Ep.3-v4.1-Russian_fix-universal-release.apk (378.79 Mb)
zip Secrets-Episode-3-Ep.3-v4.1-mac.zip (1.2 Gb)
zip Secrets-Episode-3-Ep.3-v4.1-pc.zip (1.25 Gb)
apk Secrets-Episode-3-Ep.3-v4.1-universal-release.apk (378.69 Mb)
txt Secrets_code.txt (40 b)
pdf Walkthrough_Secrets_Ep3_V4.0_Beta.pdf (1.06 Mb)
zip Wallpapers.zip (140.1 Mb)
zip walkthrouh.zip (1.73 Mb)


Уважаемые пользователи! Все комментарии такого плана: не работает , не запускается , выдает ошибку при запуске и т. д. без подробного описания самой ошибки с прикреплённым скриншотом будут игнорироваться и удаляться. Так же комментарии когда перевод, когда обновление будут удалены!

ИнформацияПосетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Игра заброшена, у нас заброшенные игры не раздаются.
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 14 октября 2023 11:04
Не cкачивается...
  • 14 октября 2023 11:02


Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 11 декабря 2022 21:18
Действительно жаль, хорошая игра с не плохим сюжетом и хорошими сценами чаепития.
  • 25 июня 2022 20:13
Эх жалко,если игру забросили.Мне она понравилась.Особенно женщина полицейская.
  • 6 ноября 2021 23:38
Инфа есть по игре ?
  • 4 мая 2021 21:11
И снова будет все переделывать (
  • 24 марта 2021 15:01

Сообщение из Дискорда разработчика:
Eric — Сегодня, в 16:37
This game has never been and never will be abandoned. I'm regaining my strength and my health is better each day. I have started working on the game again. I'll talk about it soon. Thank you for your patience
  • 24 марта 2021 13:42
  • 14 марта 2021 22:58
Hello everyone.​

I’m deeply sorry to give you so little news but I thought you’d like some life updates. I’m struggling with a lot of things since May, with this disease who has affected me, my family, and some close friends. I also have to take a closer care to my kids who missed their father a lot these last months and try to be closer to my wife too with who it’s not so great at the moment.​
I also lost my job. Well to be honest, they had to “let people go” due to economic problems, and as I thought it was time for me to change this part on my life, I volunteer to their leave program.​
So right now, I’m out of a job, and I have to quickly find a way to get back on track. Most probably by becoming an independent and call back some clients I had and see if I can make a regular income from all this.​

About the game, I didn’t work on it since last time I’ve talk about it. I just made a few changes on characters. Zoé’s skin is now better, a little tanner, with some sexy marks, I like her very much the way she looks now. I have remade Julia’s breasts. They look more real now, even if they are a little smaller, she keeps that Italian sensual woman shape I gave her. She is more attractive now, I think. She also has longer hair too, but don’t worry, she’s still the Julia you've known, the changes were slight. I didn’t do anything to Lucy, because I find her perfect as she is.​
I will work on the game again starting next month, when my kids will be at school. I will finish part 1 of episode 4 and put it online for free for all previous Patrons and customers. They will receive a link to a private place to download the game, and more. The update will also be on Gumroad.​

This pandemic is for real, I can tell, so please everyone, be extra careful with this and don’t listen those who says it’s nothing, that you don’t need to wear a mask, etc, etc… These people are just full of shit, you have to protect yourselves and by protecting yourself, you protect the others, it is simple as that. So, wear a mask for God sake! Draw some dicks on it if you want or some pussies, but please wear it! Take care of yourself and yours, and I see you soon. Thank you, and thanks to everyone who sent me a message to check on me, I am really touched by your support.​

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 24 октября 2020 22:40
Игра случайно не заброшена автором? Патрон пустой, сайт недоступный, как то это выглядит мертвецки разве нет?
  • 29 сентября 2020 16:13
Jun 23 at 8:05pm
Development update #39
Hello everyone,

First, I want to thank you for all your messages and comments after last Dev post. I have received nothing but sweet, encouraging and warm messages that really touched me so thank you for that.

As you may have seen, the Patreon billing is on hold, and this Patreon will end on the 30th of this month. I will then make a list with all $10 Patrons and I will send all upcoming updates to these email only. So, be sure to have a valid email in your Patreon account on the 30th.

All Patrons in this list will receive all future updates of the game for free.

Thank you for your support,

Take care of yourselves and yours,

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 26 июня 2020 10:42
Jun 10 at 4:51pm
Development update #38
Hello everyone,

This Dev update is public today because I want to make an announcement to all of you.

I have to slow down the development of the game Secrets. I don't have time to make that game something else than a hobby. I tried... I did, with all my strength, with all my heart, but with my daytime job now at home, my kids' school now at home, and my personal life not so great because I'm working on the game every week-end doing nothing else and it has begun to bother my wife and kids not to be able to see or doing things with their father other than school.

So I'm going back to work on this game as a hobby only and not as a game in development and definitely not as a game where I have the right to ask for donations for its development.

On June the 30th, I'm going to close this Patreon, the Gumroad shop, the Twitter and Discord account, and the website. I will add all $10 Patrons to an email list I will use to send the game updates as soon as I made some.
Concretely, if you're a $10 Patron on June the 30th, you will receive the game for free in your email box. You will receive it in parts, it could be a full episode, or just a scene, depending on how much I was able to do.

After the 30th, I won't accept anymore payment and the game will be reserved to people already customers and former Patrons. I will only send news and updates to this group.

I'm not stopping the development of the game, I will never stop it. But if I want to go on with this game, I have to adapt its development to be compatible with my personal life.

I hope you will understand my choice, it was that or abandoning the development of the game, which I don't want for all the people who trusted me on this one.

So now the game will be free of charges :slight_smile: You already made payment for it and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 15 июня 2020 14:26

May 29 at 5:58pm

Episode 4, preview #3
Hello there!

I think there is a need for serious discussion here. Zoé doesn't seem very comfortable, I wonder why?

Have a great week-end everyone, stay safe and take care of yourself and yours!

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 1 июня 2020 08:52
May 26 at 9:41pm

Development update #37
Hello there!

Today is Tuesday, the day we talk about the game development!

I'm currently working of the third scene of the game with Julia, Zoé, and Lucy (1st scene is the scene you already know with Julia and Lucy in lingerie in Julia's room, 2nd scene is the scene with Louise.)

Not much to say, I'm still on this scene because it splits into two different ways depending of the choice you will make. So it's a two scenes in one. The next scene will be with Paula. This scene will be split into 3 scenes depending of the choice you made in 1st episode. Did you choose to obey your new mistress? Or did you make her your submissive? Or did you choose to left her office ? That choice will have a impact on the next scene with her. Also, Paula won't be alone, you will be able to meet and... play with a new character.

I'm still working on the new Patrons Area on the website, hopefully it will be ready this week.

Thank you for your support, please stay safe and take care of yourself!

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 27 мая 2020 19:23
Если кто то ждал обновления сюжетного контента, будете разочарованы, его нет. Добавили одну(две?) сцены никак не влияющие на игру, убрали никому ненужную карту (что хорошо, события просто идут последовательно). Хотелось бы в новых версиях увидеть темный фон текстового поля. Хоть там и есть темная окантовка, но она почти не помогает, на многих сценах чтение затруднено. Ну и нашел типичный косячок с неправильным указанием имени персонажа https://yadi.sk/i/l5ZefxOF9mmMfA

p.s. в некоторых случаях вторая история из книги секретов вываливается в ошибку
  • 17 мая 2020 15:06
чёт я не понял скачал, а проды нет
  • 16 мая 2020 17:47
Спасибо большое за перевод)
  • 15 мая 2020 14:51
REDONE VERSION-что переделали?
  • 15 мая 2020 13:56
  • 14 мая 2020 04:39
Очень жду перевода)))
  • 14 мая 2020 03:27
May 2 at 6:55am

Secrets Redone Version is released!
Hello everyone,

It's almost 3:00 AM here, my eyes are red but the redone version of Secrets, "Secrets Classic" is now available to download!

If you have bought the Online version of the game, simply launch Secrets and it will update itself.
I hope you will like this redone version, next step is Episode 4. You already have a first preview about it in a previous post.

Have a great day/night and please, stay safe and take care of yours and yourself.

Thank you for your support! <3

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 2 мая 2020 15:45

May 1 at 4:20pm

Episode 4, preview #1
Hello everyone,

You were right to let Louise know you were coming.

Have a great day and stay safe!

Thank you for your support <3

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 2 мая 2020 15:44

Apr 29 at 10:46pm

Lucy outfit in episode 4
Hello everyone,

I know I said that the polls for the girls outfits would be next week, but as I was working on this very scene, I took the opportunity to start dressing Lucy for next episode.
And of course, you are the one to choose which outfit she will wear.

So here we go:

Right click on the image and choose display to see it large or click on the attachment.

Lucy is in the middle of the scenery of a game scene of episode 4, with you, Julia, and Zoé.
How do you want to see her? In a sexy and classy dress ? In a farm girl suit? Or in a "Stay at home" comfortable but sexy dress?

You're the one to choose, and of course, the other characters might react depending of the outfit you will choose.

This poll will be up for one week, and you can vote for one outfit only, so be sure of your choice, there's no saves to go back ;)

Thank you for your help and for your support!

Apr 28 at 9:16pm

Development update #33
Hello everyone,

The redone of the game is finished and the update will be released this Saturday, May the 2nd.
As you know now, this update is a redone version of the game you knew but transformed into a classic visual novel. The name of this redone version is "Secrets Classic". Yeah, you know me now, I become famous for my highly sought-after game names.
This version adds little story content, all the new story content will start in next update, episode 4.
You can read all the changed added to the game in the change-log by clicking here.

Episode 4 will let you have a glimpse of the girls rooms and of Zoé private room... but don't get too excited, you may want to see what it is first ;)
And of course, the story will go on with a visit to Louise at the police station.

I will try... I'm not able to promise that, but I will make all possible efforts to... I will try to keep a regular schedule for development update posts and previews of the game.
Each Tuesday, there will be a Dev. post where I will tell you about the progress I would have made in the previous week, and every Friday, there will a preview post with an image of next update.
Polls and wallpapers may still arrive at any time.

That's all for today. If I'm good at my schedule, you will have an episode 4 preview this Friday, the "redone" version of the game released on Saturday, and I'll make the polls for May wallpapers characters this week and for the girls outfits next week.

Thank you for your unwavering support! <3

Have a nice week, and please, please, stay safe!

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 30 апреля 2020 08:47
Apr 24 at 1:53pm

Development Update #32
Hello everyone,

I hope you're all OK and safe and that you still stay at home.

A quick note about upcoming release.

The redone version is ready to be released. I'm finally done with the French translation; Spanish one is integrated and Russian and Italian's will be ready within a week. The contact page which is now presented like a museum is ready.

So, this release should be available for download within a week.
I will NOT charge this month either, as the redone version will be online at the end of this month. So, you won't be charged on the 1st of May. Billing charges will be back on the 1st of June.

After the release of the redone version, I'll begin to talk with you and show you about next episode, episode 4 which will be divided in two parts: Episode 4 Part 1 and Episode 4 Part 2.

The scene between Lucy and Julia in Julia's room where they're trying some lingerie will be back in episode 4. It will even be the first scene of the episode, slightly rewritten.

A scene with Louise will also be in episode 4 part 1. You will be able, if you don't have already, to open Louise's route again. I strongly suggest you do that because the story with Louise is a really good one in this game. But of course, if you don't want it, Louise's route is still optional.
A scene with Paula will be in part 1 too, with her 3 routes, depending on your choices, you will find your Mistress/Submissive/Enemy in next update.

Another scene will be decided by Producers. A vote poll will be online soon.

The rest of the game cards you may have known in previous open world version will be integrated in part 1 of the episode, new cards will be integrated in part 2.

That's it for today :slight_smile: As usual if you have any question or comment, feel free to reach me on Discord, Twitter or even here.

Thank you for your support <3

Please stay safe!

  • 24 апреля 2020 12:24
Контент в игру завозят вообще? Как с декабря было 3.3 так и осталось.
  • 23 апреля 2020 17:29
А там можно играть дальше? Я думал сцена в ванной и всё, конец, потому как после "спасибо, все свободны" и в главное меню выходит. Да, и в папке с игрой новых изображений, кроме вышеупомянутой, не наблюдалось. expressionless
  • 21 апреля 2020 00:33
а какой пароль чтобы дальше играть?
  • 20 апреля 2020 09:33

Mar 19 at 9:20pm
Secrets development is on hold
Dear everyone,

As many of you, I’m also contained to home to help prevent this pandemic growing higher.
I’m working at home now for my regular job, and I’m also doing school to my kids with their teachers sending a school program every days. I’m doing all that by myself as my wife, working in a medical hospital, is needed there as you guessed.

I have to take care of my family all days even on weekends, and also work for my regular job too and all this don’t allow me to work on Secrets at the moment.

That’s why, I have to set Secrets development on hold until further date.

I really don’t want to do that but of course, my family’s health and well-being as well as my personal life come first above everything.
The game development is on hold but not canceled at all. I will let you know when I’ll be working on the game again, hopefully, in 2 months.

In the meantime, the Patreon page stay online but payments are on hold each month. It means that if you’re a Patron, you won’t be charged anything until further notice. When the next content update will be released, you will receive it without having to pay anything.
You have also the possibility if you’re not a Patron or don’t want to stay a Patron to pre-order the next content update on Gumroad. You won’t be charged anything until the update is released.
I’m keeping the Patron page open as I sometimes will post rewards and small updates (like the Spanish translation).

I will now concentrate on my family’s health and well-being. I hope to see you soon when this madness will have calmed a little.
Please stay safe, take care of your elders, and if you’re confined at home like me, be brave and stay at home!

Thank you
  • 19 марта 2020 18:41
New wallpaper : Louise

Mar 7 at 11:09pm

New HD wallpaper: Julia
Hello everyone,
Who wants to buy this woman a drink? Don't be shy ;)
Thank you for your support, have a great week-end!
  • 8 марта 2020 07:19
1 2 3

У данной игры еще нет опубликованных отзывов