Закладки Секреты / Secrets [Episode 3 [v.4.1 (Redone Version) + Walkthrouh + Wallpapers] (2020) (Rus/Eng/Ita) [Ren'Py] [MacOS] [Linux] [Android] [Abandoned]

Секреты / Secrets [Episode 3 [v.4.1 (Redone Version) + Walkthrouh + Wallpapers] (2020) (Rus/Eng/Ita) [Ren'Py] [MacOS] [Linux] [Android] [Abandoned]
Секреты / Secrets [Episode 3 [v.4.1 (Redone Version) + Walkthrouh + Wallpapers] (2020) (Rus/Eng/Ita) [Ren'Py] [MacOS] [Linux] [Android] [Abandoned]
Год выхода: 2020
Версия: v.4.1 (Redone Version)
Жанр: 3dcg, Anal sex, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Big ass, Big tits, Creampie, Interracial, Male protagonist, Milf, Mobile game, Story driven, Chubby, Femdom, POV, Romance, Voyeurism, Corruption, Feet, Footjob, Redhead, Humor
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик: www.patreon.com/elun | secrets-game.com | discordapp.com/invite/xp6pvTP
Перевод: admin
Тип издания: Лицензия
Платформа: Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Язык игры: Русский/Английский/Итальянский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский/Итальянский
Таблэтка: не требуется

Системные требования:
CPU Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor
RAM 512 MB or more
HDD 800 МБ

Удача.... это то, о чём ты где-то слышал, но никогда не встречал. В жизни тебе ничего не давалась легко, и теперь ты один, на мели. Сломлен... И ты снова сделал неправильный выбор, попытался испытать удачу в какой-то нечестной интрижке, но забыл о том, что она никогда не была на твоей стороне.
Ты избежал тюрьмы, благодаря благосклонности судьи, и теперь снова остался один, в своей маленькой квартире, которую больше не можешь себе позволить оплачивать, ожидая того что домовладелец вышвырнет тебя в любую минуту.
Звонит твой телефон ... адвокат... она говорит тебе, что твой дядя, Пол Уолден, только что скончался и оставил завещание. Наследство? У меня снова будут деньги? Да, и очень много! Тебе вдруг повезло? Нет, потому что ты понятия не имеешь, кто такой дядя Пол?!
Но тебе нечего терять. Пришло время изменить свою жизнь. Ты не тот парень, которого ждут там, но это неважно, ты станешь им... и будешь пытаться изображать из себя племянника...

Luck… that’s a thing you have heard before but never met. Life has never been easy on you, and you are now alone broke. Really broke... So, you made others bad choices, tried your luck in some dishonest affair, but you forgot luck was never on your side.
You missed jail, thank to the judge’s pity, and are now alone again in your small apartment you can’t afford anymore, waiting to be ejected by the landlord.
Your phone is ringing… a lawyer… she tells you your uncle, Paul Walden, just died and put you on his will. An inheritance? Is there money? Yes, and a lot! Do you become suddenly lucky? No, because you have absolutely no idea who uncle Paul is?!
But you have nothing to lose. It’s time to change your life. You’re not the guy who is expected but never mind, you will be this guy… you will try to be this nephew…​

This Android port is not released by developer, download at your own risk. / Этот Android-порт не выпущен разработчиком, загружайте на свой страх и риск.

Тема обновлена до версии v.4.1 (Redone Version) / Topic updated to version v.4.1 (Redone Version).

Тему отредактировал: admin - 15-04-2023, 15:12
Причина: Abandoned.

Пароль на архив / Archive password:

Downloaded from Porno-Island

Загрузил: admin (15 мая 2020 11:52) Статус: Проверено (admin)
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Взяли: 12959 | Размер: 3,33 Gb
Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 194
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 558 Качают: 513 Скачали: 463
Secrets (9 файлов)
zip Russian_fix.zip (778.33 Kb)
apk Secrets-Episode-3-Ep.3-v4.1-Russian_fix-universal-release.apk (378.79 Mb)
zip Secrets-Episode-3-Ep.3-v4.1-mac.zip (1.2 Gb)
zip Secrets-Episode-3-Ep.3-v4.1-pc.zip (1.25 Gb)
apk Secrets-Episode-3-Ep.3-v4.1-universal-release.apk (378.69 Mb)
txt Secrets_code.txt (40 b)
pdf Walkthrough_Secrets_Ep3_V4.0_Beta.pdf (1.06 Mb)
zip Wallpapers.zip (140.1 Mb)
zip walkthrouh.zip (1.73 Mb)


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перезалейте V 3.3
  • 5 марта 2020 19:27
Mar 2 at 8:28pm
Release: Episode 3 version 3.4 (Russian and Italian languages added!)
Привет всем!

Ciao a tutti!

To our Russian and Italian friends, the game is now translated in your language!

Many thank to Admin_Island and Franck Rosario for their incredible work <3

If you don't speak Russian nor Italian, you don't need to download this update.

Also, if you have pre-ordered the Online Version of the game, these languages are already in the game.

Speaking of the Online Version (a version of the game which updates itself as soon as an update or new episode is released), it has been released, you should receive it today.

If you're looking for this version or the last update, you can grab them here: https://gumroad.com/elungames

And of course, the last update is in the Patreon Area for all $10+ Patrons.

Thank you very much for your support, I'm now finishing the Daddies update (v4.0), it's coming soon.

Have a great week!

  • 3 марта 2020 04:28
Feb 26 at 2:21pm

Development update #30 + some images
Hello everyone,

Not much more to say about development today, I'm working hard each week-end for the release on the Online version and on the Daddies update.

So, here are some images that has been shown on Discord for you to enjoy. Click on the image's tittle to see it full size.

You can join us on Discord by clicking here if you aren't already.

Last one is a bit special, Zoé is introducing you to her friend from "Cries & Whispers" Clémentine:

I'm working on this project on my (little) free time at work (Yes, I know, don't tell anyone), so there's nothing ready of course, but I wanted to let you know that this project is still in the pipes, and someone you know may join me on it, I will give you some news about it soon.

In next development post, I will have a tremendous news if everything goes as I want to, so stay tuned :)

Until then, thank you always to be here and for your support!


  • 26 февраля 2020 12:19

Jan 26 at 9:53pm

Episode 3 v4.0 preview: It's time to unveil some secrets
Isn't it Julia?

There is still lots of work to do for this update, but we're not far from the end, so thank you for your patience on this one ;)

From left to right, Julia Walden, Thomas Johnson, and Mr. K.
You now have seen 4 Daddies, well 3 and 1/4 (You've only seen Moon feet I believe ^^), there is still 3 left that I like to call... The action men ^^

Have a great Sunday!

Thank you for your support <3

  • 28 января 2020 04:35

Jan 14 at 8:18pm

Episode 3 v4.0 preview: Mr K.
Hello everyone,

Mr. K doesn't take "no" for an answer.
Actually, he doesn't take any answers.
He's the one with answers.

Follow him into the Daddies' library and... behave!
This library is the place where many (very) good and bad things are going to happen.

Starting today, I will try to post a preview every Tuesday :)

Thank you for your support! <3

  • 14 января 2020 17:38
Jan 11 at 5:26pm
Development update #28
Hello everyone,

I hope you're all OK and have a fantastic week-end!
It is still time to wish you a very happy new year. Let 2020 greet you and yours with a good health, happy moments and everything good you deserve :)

December was, oh whoa, a very productive month for Secrets :D
The special offer worked very well, almost 100 people took advantage of the offer and will soon receive the online version of the game.
That means more people have discovered and enjoyed the game, and that is a really good thing :)

The next versions of the game (online and offline) are actually in development, and will include other features, like new languages for game such as French, Italian and Russian.
Oh boy, Secrets will be playable in Italian and Russian, I'm still amazed by that!
I really want to thank Franck Rosario for the Italian translation and the amazing Admin_Island for the Russian one. These guys are making an incredible work for the game and I will eternally be grateful to them.
Next versions will also add the Game Pad support, so that Secrets will be fully playable with a game pad. Why this feature you may ask? Because upcoming updates, starting the Daddies, will use some game pad functions. Of course, it won't be mandatory and Secrets will still be fully enjoyable with a mouse and a keyboard, but these features will bring little surprises you may enjoy... or not, you'll tell me :D

About the Daddies update now, I'm still working on it of course and I'm taking my time because I want this update to be exactly like I have it in my head, so it takes a lot of work. Most of this work is new for me so I have to learn it properly also.
While working on this update I'm also working on other updates, trying to save some time for upcoming new releases. So I might release other content before the Daddies update like I did with the Christmas episode.
I'm torn between wanting to release this update as soon as possible and by wanting it to be perfect. :slight_smile: I'm taking my time and I apology for the delay.
I specially want to apology to my Daddies. I know it might be frustrating to have to wait that long to see oneself in the game, but I'm asking you for a little more of your incredible power of patience. I really treasure this update and want it beautiful for you. It's a lot of work, we have together worked a lot on your characters, and it will be totally worth it!

Did you join us on Discord recently? The Secrets server is a bit more active and we have now... Secrets emojis! (yeah!) smile So if you want to ask a question about the game, have some nice chats with nice people and enjoy some previews and surprises, don't hesitate to join us! Elun GAMES - Discord
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 11 января 2020 15:57
Постоянно с игры выносит! при повторной загрузке карты персонажей пропадают! есть ли решение проблемы?
  • 3 января 2020 13:37
admin, я игру прошел с начало 3 ветки с этими девушками а дальше что там делать и какой там код
  • 2 января 2020 04:05
родственные связи есть?
  • 1 января 2020 05:37
Игру желательно начинать сначала.

Dev. Update: 29/12/2019
  • 30 декабря 2019 19:51
Цитата: 20Gray02
Проект загнулся?
Страницы патреона нет...

Внимательнее посмотрите.! Там 2 ссылки, разделенные вертикальной чертой. Одна на страницу Патреона и вторая на официальную страницу игры.
  • 8 декабря 2019 02:04
Проект загнулся?
Страницы патреона нет...
  • 8 декабря 2019 00:26
я прошел 3 квеста там игре и пароль не нашел от замка а дальше это на 3 квестов это конец версии?
  • 20 ноября 2019 02:55
ГГ-ни огонь нарисованы, а с Адвокатшей это умора!) С самолетом так себе, но потом лучше! Всем советую!) Графика отличная!
И ТОЛЬКО не говорите мне что ГГ-ю как-то перенесли мозги его якобы дяди или что-то типо с этим связанное.. Это будет эпик фейл, если это дальше выяснится!!!
  • 17 ноября 2019 00:27

Nov 14 at 10:48pm

Wallpaper of the month (November): Lucy & Zoé (HD version)
Hello there!

This month, you have voted and chosen Lucy & Zoé to feature on the wallpaper of the month.

So, here they
Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 15 ноября 2019 22:33
Графика довольно приятная, модельки хороши. Сюжет - пока очень рано судить, всего три эпизода, которые ну очень малы (пара сцен и немного текста в каждом). Но основная проблема - это баги. Ни разу еще игры на RenPy так себя не вели. Первый баг - ошибка в скрипте из за утечки памяти (забыл сделать скриншот к сожалению), после перезапуска сцена продолжилась нормально. Потом вообще вылет из за ошибки в библиотеке surface.pyd. Перезапуск помог, но даже в Weird Shit Is Going to Happen, у которой в первой версии было 4К видео и рендеры, такого не было. Играл на русской версии.

P.S. очень много самопиара автора. в смысле ОЧЕНЬ много.
P.P.S. онон вылетело уже раза 4-5, и при этом пропали уже открытые карты....это какой то пи...пец
  • 12 ноября 2019 14:28
И эта игра в топ100? Люди, что с вами не так? От бредовости сюжета хочется биться головой об клавиатуру! Я понимаю, что в таких играх сюжет не очень важен и нормально отношусь к простым и примитивным сюжетам, но тут просто лютая дичь.
  • 11 ноября 2019 22:06

Oct 31 at 1:33am

Episode 3 v4.0 preview: The awakening (NSFW).
Hello everyone,

As this one is definitively NSFW, (I don't believe even one of the four characters is wearing something ^^), you will have to download this preview in a zip file.

Have a great day!

Thank you for your support <3

Oct 31 at 1:38am

Dev. Update (10/30/2019)
Hello everyone,

First of all, for those who ask themselves the question, yes, the preview image I just posted is - really - from the game, it's not a wallpaper or promo render :)

So, as expected, I was able to work on the game only on week-ends, and I don't think this is gonna change in November. I'm almost done, but there is still a lot of images to make.

I can safely say that you should expect a release in November, probably at the end of this month. I will work on the game each week-ends and some nights too.

Thank you for all your encouragements and support, it's really helping me :)

Have a great week,

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 31 октября 2019 15:38

Sep 15 at 6:59pm

Are you ready?
Hello my fellow Daddies :)

Just a quick note to tell you that all Daddies characters are created!

Wow, that's just amazing :slight_smile: 7 new characters with their own background, attitude, behavior, and even bad habits ha ha, it was a great experience, thank you so much for having followed me in my delirium :D

Now that you are all there, time for me to dig into this quest and not breath until it's finished. It's a heavy work because making scenes like the ones in the Daddies quest is hard for the computer, even with the new card.

I will make a Dev update post later in the day and I'll post previews as much as I can. I will post them first on your Discord channel.

Thanks again for your support and your hard work making these new characters :)

Have a great Sunday!

Sep 15 at 7:49pm

Development Update: Meet the Daddies, and project C&W announcement.
Hello everyone!

I hope your week-end is doing great. We're mid-September and we're under a 29 °C sun today here. :)

We have finished creating the Daddies!
Yeah! 7 new characters with their own appearance, with their own stories, habits, behavior and all, that is something!

It took way more time that I thought, this is a team work, not a work for a man alone ha ha, but it was a trilling experience, and I want to thank so much the Daddies who have followed me in this experiment with courage and devotion :D

And, now, they are here!

Meet these seven mysterious people in Secrets' next update!

Now, I will dig into making this quest, bringing the new characters to life, and have your new adventure with Julia, Lucy and Zoé, be ready as soon as possible!


A few days ago, I was telling you about a side project called "Project C&W", this side project is now a game under development:

Where Secrets stays my main game, my big playground where I can experiment things, and tell this heavy story, Cries & Whispers will be a light game. I won't experiment no new things, just telling a sexy story, concentrate on sexy and kinky scenes. I will publish a post soon to introduce you with the characters, Lucille, your mom, Isabelle, your big sister, Clémentine, you little sister, Elsa, you mom's colleague, and June your girlfriend.

Everyone in this family is an entrepreneur. They can't stand to be an employee, they each have their own business and are their own boss. But when business becomes difficult , each one of them become under heavy debts. But they didn't say their last word. They are going to launch the business of last chance, together, as a family...

So, stay tuned for more in the upcoming days. In the meantime, I will open a Q&A channel for C&W on Discord.

Thank you for supporting me in all my deliriums, I'm so lucky to have you by my side :)

Have a great Sunday!

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 16 сентября 2019 03:19
Игра очень классная и интереснач
  • 26 августа 2019 18:42

Aug 25 at 8:41pm

Secrets - Episode 3 v4.0 preview: Meeting Moon.
And that's all I have to say about the tittle :p

Hello everyone! How is your week-end?

You saw this preview in a early stage, this is the final version, and yes, among all this feet, there is "a Daddy"!

But you know me, there won't be any bad surprise in Secrets ever. So, I hope you'll be curious about this one, but don't fear anything ;)

This quest is going out of hand ha ha but in a good way. With 7 main characters and the girls, and a HUGE action story, this is something going bigger than I thought ^^ I'll talk about it soon in a Dev. Update.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Thank you for your support! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 26 августа 2019 03:06

Aug 19 at 1:50pm

Poll results: Girls outfits.
Hello everyone!

It's Monday, it's the beginning of the week, almost the end of the summer, so first:

Feeling better now? :)

So, thank you very much for your participation. Votes are now closed and the results are:


You have chosen the same outfit for all the girls :slight_smile: I didn't expect that, but I got your message, less fabric, more legs smile I will keep that in mind ;)

So, our beautiful ladies will be in a short skirt and high heels to climb the 1000 stairs to go to the Daddies temple. Strong women who always stay classy and sexy, that's definitively our girls!

This quest is getting better and better and I can't wait to show you this update. I'll make a Dev. Update post about it soon.

Thank you very much for your help! I will ask you again soon, about the settings on the quest. The quest is completely written already but I'd like you to decide which atmosphere you want to see in this special quest.

Have a great day and week, and thank you to be there!

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 19 августа 2019 17:35
У меня к Вам только один вопрос. А зачем вы вообще запустили эту игру если не собирались делать выбор?
На это и рассчитана эта игра, как и многие на этом движке. не сделали выбор, а смысл тогда играть? - Конец игры.
  • 9 августа 2019 15:26
Странная игра, тебе вроде дают возможность выбирать судьбу, но хрен там был.
Честно говоря не ожидал, что если в самолете никого не выберешь - то геймовер настанет еще до его посадки.

Лол, что? если делают возможность выбора, зачем делать так, что тебе придется грузиться заново и делать выбор, который не хочешь? зачем вообще выбор тогда? легче слайд-шоу сделать без текстов.

  • 9 августа 2019 15:11
я не знаю как кому но мне игра нравиться вот только не пойму как на карте можно попасть домой или нельзя вообще если можно то как ? подскажите плиз )))
  • 30 июля 2019 19:43
Друзья, кто-нибудь нашёл коды ? sunglasses
  • 30 июля 2019 16:37

Jul 19 at 3:55am

Episode 3 v4.0 preview: Do you like feet? (W.I.P.)
Hello everyone!

Yes, feet everywhere, I know you like them, so do I :p

This picture is from a scene of the Daddies' quest. As I want to ask for validation of each image to the Daddies, (Yes, even this one, you'll know why soon in the quest), this one is a Work In Progress, and it may change in its final form.

But I like this picture, because it lead to a nice character and a sweet scene.

I will try to post many previews of this quest as much as I can. This quest has 4 sceneries, 1 outside and 3 inside, so I think I'll be able to show you a few pictures without spoiling the quest.

Oh, one clue, it won't be a boring quest ^^

Hum... I'm using the word "sceneries" each time but I'm not sure if it is the right word smiley Would it be better to say scenery? decors? decoration? background?
Let me know ;)

Have a very nice day/evening/night and thank you for your support <3

Группа Острова в ВК - https://vk.com/theislandofpleasure Группа в Телеграм - https://t.me/PornoIslandGroup
Сервер переводчиков в Дискорде - https://discord.gg/NKPddB9
  • 21 июля 2019 19:55

У данной игры еще нет опубликованных отзывов