В игре вы играете за молодого человека по имени Билли, живущего с мамой. В самом начале игры Мэгги (его мать) покупает Билли его первую сверхсилу. Поскольку с деньгами напряг, у него нет выбора и он получает рентгеновское зрение.
Прежде чем начать процесс, медсестра, которая собирается сделать ему укол, должна проверить его, совместим ли он. Как оказалось, да, но есть ещё кое-что. В отличие от большинства людей, которые могут получить ограниченное количество этих уколов, Билли, похоже, обладает способностью поглощать неограниченное количество из них. Благодаря этому он может стать самым могущественным из всех людей, но для достижения такого уровня власти он должен быть осторожным. В мире, где почти каждый может покупать полномочия, любой может быть потенциальной угрозой.
SuperPowered is a RPG game made with Ren'py. In the game, you play as Billy, a young man still living with his mom. At the very beginning of the game, Maggie (his mother) buys Billy his first superpower. Because money is tight, he doesn't have much of a choice, she's getting him X-ray vision. Before the process begin, the nurse who's gonna give him the shot has to test him to see if he's compatible. As it turns out, he is but there's something else. Unlike most people, who can only receive a very limited number of those shots, Billy seems to have the uncanny ability to absorb an unlimited amount of them. Thanks to this, he could become the most powerful of them all but in order to achieve this level of power, he must be careful. In a world where almost everyone can buy powers, anyone could be a potential threat.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, male protagonist, school setting, incest, superpowers, corruption, mind control, cheating, interracial, vaginal, oral, anal, group, multiple penetration, lesbian, bukkake, simulator, handjob, rape, fantasy,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Night City Productions - www.patreon.com/NightCity
Перевод: Клевцов
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: SP1 [v.0.43.00 Fixed Rus / v.0.45.03 Eng] + SP2 [v.0.03.00] Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
And console is enabled, in game press SHIFT-O.
v0.03.00 - 2024-10-24
What's New? Allie's Base Interaction Event New Maggie Events: Brainwashed Fuckdoll New Stephanie Event: Brainwashed Fuckdoll New Stephanie Event
v0.02.00 - 2024-04-14
What's New?
Stephanie's Base Schedule
New Location Hub: College
New Location: College Library
New Location: College Gym
Added Character: Chelsea
Added Character: Nikki
Added Character: Frita
New Character Creation Options
New Mechanic: Innate Personalities & Subtraits
New Aura selection screen
UI Update for Traits and Flaws
New Mechanic: Intimacy Threshold
New Mechanic: Courage Threshold
New Mechanic: Sexual Preference
ChangeLog for v0.00.50 - 2022.10.24
What's new?
Maggie Normal Events: Many New Events
Character State: Impulsive
Maggie Impulsive Events: Many New Events
Location: Maggies Bedroom
Location: Stephanies Bedroom
Location: Coffeeshop
Job: Barista
Implimentation: New Flaw
Mechanic: Dice Explosions
Power Ability: Psychosism - Dreamscaping
XP Progression
What's it mean?
Maggie Events :
Maggies Default Normal Events have been finished. I.E. Cooking, Working out, Watching a movie, and Sleeping.
Character State: Impulsive
If a character's impulse rating is 10 at the beginning of a new day, they will gain the Impulsive Personality trait, and every day will get a new impulse. Each character will have thier own set of impulses specific to thier personality. Impulsive characters gain a new schedule with new events.
Maggie Impulsive Events :
Maggies Default Impulsive Events have been finished. I.E. Dancing, Working out, Watching a movie, and Sleeping. Also one additional Day event has been made if Maggie has the correct Impulse.
New Locations :
Maggies Bedroom, Stephanies Bedroom, Coffeeshop (self explanitory)
The Coffeeshop will unlock shortly after gamestart. (one day).
Job: Barista
You can now work in the coffeeshop to earn money. Though there isn't anywhere to spend it yet, except to get coffee... Jobs will have short random encounters, where you can encounter characters, or events based off your current game state...such as Impulsive Maggie forgetting to get dressed... All jobs will operate like this to some degree.
Implimentation: New Flaw
I've added in mechanics for if you happen to walk around with Super Strength. The lesser versions open up options for when you encounter sleeping characters...the extreme version however, can force you into certain actions.
Mechanic: Dice Explosions
Every character now has a maximum amount of Dice Explosion (default: 1). This amount increases based on how much Super Senses you have active. During challenges that requires a dice roll, for each dice explosion you have, rolls of 6 will get an additional roll and add both totals. A single die can explode multiple times so long as you have remaining unused explosions.
Power Ability: Psychosism - Dreamscaping
Most social/mental powers require subject to be awake. Since Psychosism interacts with a person's subconscious mind, you can now use some psychosism abilities on sleeping targets.
XP Progression:
Billy can now earn xp for certain actions. Currently he's limited to what he can learn from Maggie. Maggie also has xp now, though she is limited as well. More options to come in the next update.
Lots of new traits :
Traits are a good tool for making SP2 less micro-managey, as you can give a character effects that last for a few days, and go focus on other things, so I'll continuously be adding in new traits for that purpose.
Lot's of UI tweaks, Refactoring, and bug fixes have implimented. I had to rebuild the save system ... again, so saves from the first Tech Demo will not work. But I don't forsee further save compatibility issues in the future.
That it?
Globex -
Unfortunately, Early on I realized that I needed more time than I had to add globex this update. I decided to cut it so I could finish the XP progression, because having a bunch of powers that always fail is worse, then having a few powers, that you can train to improve on.
Stephanie -
When making Maggies Impulsive state, It took a lot of time...400+ rendered images worth of time. Which left me with very little time to add in Stephanies content.
I don't know what to call this. It's not a tech demo...But It needs a bit more before I'd call it a full build release.... Buildv0 works I guess.
What's New?
Anne's Nympho Scenes
Anne's Obsessive Scenes
Anne's Fetish Scenes
Danni Basic Poses
Danni Basic Interactions
Danni Power Interactions
Globex Psych Evaluation scenes
Sandra's Critical Success Classroom Scenes (thanks to Patron)
Watching TV with Stephanie Extension (thanks to Patron)
New Positive Alignment Mission (thanks to Patron)
New Reputation Group - Jocks (thanks to Patron)
What's it Mean?
Anne's Nympho Scenes: Since Anne starts as this...I've reduced the frequency and impact that her scenes have on Billy. Since you know...he's not to blame for her condition, unlike say...the whole Cheerleader squad. And leaving the negative consequences just seemed abusive. I've also tied her scenes to work, rather than "on arrival" since I don't want to lock a player out from getting injections, or getting first-aid.
Anne's Obsessive Scenes: For those that know how to manipulate Anne into this state...Don't expect it to last...This girl has issues :(
Anne's Fetish Scenes: (Self Explanitory)
Danni Basic Poses: (Self Explanitory)
Danni Basic Interactions: (Self Explanitory-mostly) Stephanie is gonna be a thorn in your side...
Danni Power Interactions: (Self Explanitory)
Globex Psych Evaluation Scenes: Now when you get a brand new power, Anne will test you for your new flaw as well. Not much gameplay...but adds a lot more flavor.
Sandra's Critical Success Classroom Scenes: Now Sandra can join the ranks with Allie and Samantha for having specific scenes for when you get a critical success in class.
Watching TV with Stephanie Extension: If you have 10 control over Maggie, and meet some of the other more obvious requirements...there's a new option for giving Stephanie a massage while you watch TV.
New Positive Alignment Mission: Operates just like the other Positive Alignment missions.
New Reputation Group - Jocks: And just like the other Positive Alignment Missions, There is a new Reputation Group you can improve with. The sporty jock types.
What's in it?
3 New Jobs at Globex.
1 new task
Learning your powers scenes
An updated first aid scene at globex.
A new Obsessive Mary variant (Terri-ish) Additional Content
A new Public Ops variant (Allie) Additional Content
What's it mean?
The new Jobs have minimum stat requirements as well as an introduction requirement. These Jobs are all intertwined in some ways. And most of em have a lot of variations. The third job is somewhat limited right now as I'd need Maid Manners developed to finish it...but it has a fairly limited window anyway ;)
the new task is a guide on how to get the job at Globex. All you need is an awareness + mental of 7+ and the task will be added to your task list as optional.
Learning your powers scenes have been added to each rank of each power. That's 29 new scenes...though some scenes are shorter/more involved than others. Still...lost of stuff there if you're into the lore of the game. Some humerous scenes if you don't care about lore, and an occasional naughty scene if you can't read, or refuse to.
I've also added an actual scene for when you get first aid assistance, and this scene does change based on certain stats that are determined in the new jobs.
All and all...I made Globex a more solidified location. It has something of identity now, similar to how the school has it's own kind of identity.
Mary has a few variants of her final Obsessive scene depending on what flaws you've unlocked. A new variant starring Terri can be seen if you've gotten at least the first rank in MC.
The public ops mission for political canvassing has a new variant with Allie, if she's been reprogrammed as a personal assistant or sex bot. This scene can only occur on the weekends.
What's new?
Anne's Negative interactions
Anne's Contact interactions
Anne's Poly content
Anne's Corrupted Scenes
A new Positive Alignment Mission: Allie (Additional Content)
A new Reputation Group: Nerds (Additional Content)
A new Drunk Maggie Scene (Additional Content)
A new lunch option with Terri and Stephanie (Additional Content)
A new Mischief Action for the Administration Wing (Additional Content)
What does it mean?
Anne's new content: Self explanitory.
New Positive Alignment Mission: Allie - Like all other positive alignment missions. You need to ahve done a certain amount of Crimefighting, either through the neighborhood watch, or from school jobs, as well as have an Alignment above 60.
New Reputation Group: Nerds - Like previous positive alignment missions, your reputation within a new group will improve, and give additional bonuses once you complete the positive mission.
New Drunk Maggie Scene - A new Scene for when Maggie comes home drunk. It will only trigger if both her and Stephanie are nymphos.
New Lunch option with Terri and Stephanie - If you have the good brother perk, and Billy and Stephanie are willing to indulge in Terri's fetish (which must also be unlocked), you can have lunch with both of them for a nice little discussion ;)
New Mischief Action: Ms. Hellens- The last and final administrative mischief action that can be performed on school staff. It has the same requirements as the other mischief actions of the Administrators wing.
That it?
No. Appolm and colin have done some more tweaking in the background. You'll see some of the tweaks, and some you may not notice
-Anne Basic Poses
-Anne Basic Interactions
-Anne Power Interactions
-Anne Phone and Invite Over Scene
-Anne Professional Favor Scenes
-Updated Phone Layout (thanks to apollom)
-New Phone Action: Browse Bookface (thanks to apollom)
-Some Tweaking made to X-ray Vision
-Minor fixes to Sandra's fetish outfit
-Some new options for Sandra's basic MC scenes (additional content)
-New Sandra Invite Over Variant (additional content)
-Billy Jean, Derek, and Freddy Videogame Scene Variant (additional content)
What's it mean?
Anne Basic Poses - Self Explanitory
Anne Basic Interactions - Self Explanitory
Anne Power Interactions - Self Explanitory
Anne Phone and Invite Over Scene - This does include a Chelsea Fetish Variant
Anne Professional Favors Scenes - Due to Anne's Deep Seated Unstable state, These favors may have the occasional hiccup ;) There are three favors. 1 - ask for Globex influece, 2- Get a free health check up, and 3- Arrange an emergency house call in case you get so banged up you can't get out of bed.
Updated Phone Layout - Apollom has cleaned up the look of the Phone layout when looking at characters, as well as adding some hotkeys, and new fuctionality. For one you can see how much charm you currently have from any phone profile. You call also cycle through phone contacts(either by using some new arrow buttons, or using the left and right hotkey.
New Phone Action: Browse Bookface - There's a new button when you pull out your phone that allows you to browse through peoples Bookface posts. Currently there is a boilerplate image (phone profile image) but I'll eventually make a few unique pictures for each character. What the button actually is is a faster way to spend charm. It randomly pulls characters from your phone and gives you an option to respond to thier posts with a thumbs up, heart, or kiss. These buttons operate just like texting, flirting, and sexting and everytime you respond, it immediately pulls another profile, until your run out of charm, or back out of Bookface. Also thanks to Apollom.
Some Tweaking made to X-ray Vision - Self explanitory. You should get more energy from xray vision now, though you may lose a little more willpower as well.
Minor fixes to Sandra's fetish outfit - Some poses were missing. Now they are not.
Some new options for Sandra's basic MC scenes (additional content) - While I was fixing Sandra's missing images, I decided to add a little extra something I had wanted to add when I first implimented Sandra's Fetish.
New Sandra Invite Over Variant (additional content) - I've had this in my to do list for a while, but I had misplaced the render files for this scene. Luckily I found them, and now there is a boobjob variant to Sandra Invite Over scene.
Billy Jean, Derek, and Freddy Videogame Scene Variant (additional content) - Pretty self explanitory, though I will say. You only need Polymorph: Gender Shift 1 to get this ....um...team building exercise...as an option.
That's it?
Yep. As usual, characters are broken into three sections. The next SP update will focus on Anne's Contact interactions, Negative Interactions, and Corruption Scenes. The update after that, I'll start sprucing up Globex, and possibly adding a new Globex job
Changelog 0.40.00
What's in it?
Sister perk has changed to Good Brother perk.
Yearly school schedule introduced. (more changes to come, once there's a new place to work during school breaks.)
Chelsea variant for Nikki's Fetish added (Additional Content)
Freddy, Samantha, Allie variants for studying in the library if unlocked through NCHDL quests (Additional Content)
Terri joining in with Mary invite over scene if both characters fetishes are unlocked (Additional Content)
What's it mean?
Sister perk has changed to Good Brother perk. - Stephanie is now a permanant figure in the game. With the perk she's stays at home, and goes to school as normal. Without it, she spends the school year in boarding school, and only visits during school breaks.
Yearly school schedule introduced. - There is now a winter, spring, and summer break from school. During these breaks, your grades do not matter, and you won't be penalized for bad grades. Your grades also won't decay, so it's a good time to get your grades up :)
Graduation - This is a giant scene. I mean Giant. There are 18 seperate scenes all crammed into this thing. I wanted the end of NCH to be hefty and that's what I got.
Chelsea variant for Nikki's Fetish added (Additional Content) - This has been planned for a while, but I made Nikki before Chelsea, and saw no point in adding Chelsea at the time, since you wouldn't be able to see the scene for another couple characters. And then there was just never enough time to make the scene. Well...one of our $30 Patrons made time for us :)
Freddy, Samantha, Allie variants for studying in the library if unlocked through NCHDL quests (Additional Content) - Another thing I had cooking in the background but never enough time to focus on. If you've ever noticed Samantha and/or Allie flirting with Freddy in your game...you can watch thier relationship develop passively by studying in the library.
Terri joining in with Mary invite over scene if both characters fetishes are unlocked (Additional Content) - Can't spell twins without win. Inviting Mary over will give you a new option if both Mary and Terri's fetish is unlocked.
That's it?
Yep...With 250+ Full renders, and something like 18000 words of dialogue, I can safely say that even though this update is short in terms of moving the needle forward storywise. On the backend it's huge since I've begun coding for a game outside the school. Which is where most of the game should eventually take place. I forced a lot of structure on the player early on, so that the player could at learn how to progress in the game, but with the school graduation, the training wheels are coming off. (Eventually...for now the school will still exist during breaks since there's no other way to make money besides work at the school.)
On a side note...I fought some of the worst insomnia I've had in years this last month. I really appreciate everyones patience with this release. The next release (Nurse Anne pt.1) will be out much faster.
Fixed broken poses for Mind Control commands.
Fixed crash to Title Screen.
It's taken a little longer than originally planned, but's finally out. I went a little ham with the rendering, and extended the storyline a bit. This one storyline is approximately 20% of the entire NCHDL storyline content, which includes recruiting all the characters, and all the other plotlines...So it's a biggun.
What's in it?
The conclusion of the NCHDL story.
A new Jealousy scene between Stephanie and Maggie.
Billy Jean versions of most Public Ops if you have the polymorph ability to shift genders.
Some rebalancing of Global Reputation. It's now worth twice as much as it used to be. It costs 250 global reputation rather than 500 for letters of recommendation, and this halving of costs has been done across the board.
Well technically...there's some new mechanics, such as unpowered combat, 2 new enemies (enemies are people you punch for profit and fun), a new combat location, and a fairly hefty reward for all your hard work in the NCHDL. But...that's all in service to the conclussion of the story. There are some small scenes left to make afterwards which I plan to do in one of the following updates.
Changelog 0.38.00
What's New?
Story Content!
Principal Larson's Fetish
Maggie + Principal Larson Fetish Scene
New Stephanie + Maggie Jealousy Scene
New Nympho Content for Stephanie and Maggie
What's It Mean?
Story Content! - A continuation of the last story. After Billy's missed a few NCHDL meetings, he begins digging into his own memories to piece together what he can about the missing days (from this release, 3 meetings will need to be missed. If you already missed more than that in the last release, sorry, you got 3 more to go.)
Principal Larson's Fetish - It's not that big of a surprise what hers is.
Maggie + Principal Larson Fetish Scene - If both Maggie and Larson have thier fetishes unlocked, there's a whole new Obsession Scene that may trigger. You will need to encounter Larson's final Obsessive scene one more time before the new one will occur.
New Stephanie + Maggie Jealousy Scene - (Self-explanitory)
New Nympho Content for Stephanie and Maggie - If both characters are in the Nympho state. Some new content has been added. Some has been added to Stephanies Nympho Content. Some has been added to Maggies.
Changelog for 0.36.00
What's In It?
Chelsea's Nympho scenes
Chelseas's Obsessive scenes
Chelsea's Fetish content
New Jelousy Scene (Additional Content)
New After NCHDL Video Game Scene (Additional Content)
What's it mean?
Chelsea's Nympho Scenes - Chelsea has a gating mechnic similar to Stephanie, or Allie, so there is a version of each scene with, and without the required flaw.
Chelsea's Obsessive Scenes - Just like the Nympho content, there are versions of each of these scenes with and without the required flaw, along with 2 different polymorph variants for the final scene.
Chelsea's Fetish content - Due to the nature of Chelsea's fetish, her fetish content does not culminate in her own specialty scene, but touches many others invite over scenes. Unlocking her fetish does however require multiple other fetishes to be unlocked.
New Jelousy Scene - Stephanie and Maggie are at it again. Once again brought to you by one of the $30 patrons.
New After NCHDL Video Game Scene - The boys have gotten together again, to compete in the ancient battle of Vidjya Games. Once again brought to you by one of the $30 patrons.
Changelog for version 0.35.00
What's New
New Character: SuLynn
New Location: NCCC (Community College)
New Power: Kinesis
New Power: Mercurial Speed
New Flaw: Exhibitionism
New Flaw: Sadism
New Jealousy Scene (Bonus content)
New Mischief Action (Bonus content)
Samantha's Fetish Content (Bonus content)
Kelly's Fetish Content (Bonus content)
What it means?
New Character: SuLynn - You can find her at the College. - this includes
SuLynn basic Poses
SuLynn basic Interactions
SuLynn power Interactions
SuLynn negative Interactions
SuLynn corrupted scenes
SuLynn invite over scene
SuLynn fetish content
New Location: NCCC (Community College) - A Location with limited use (currently)
New Power: Kinesis - The main toolkit, for a mental combatant.
New Power: Mercurial Speed - A speed based combat power.
New Flaw: Exhibitionism - Self explanitory
New Flaw: Sadism - Self explanitory
New Jealousy Scene (Bonus content) - Things between Maggie and Stephanie escalate.
New Mischief Action (Bonus content) - Terri joins in on the whole modeling business.
Samantha's Fetish Content (Bonus content) - Self explanitory
Kelly's Fetish Content (Bonus content) - Self explanitory
What's not in it?
SuLynn Unstable Content (To be added in a future update).
Changelog for 0.34.02
What's New
Chelsea's contact scenes
Chelsea's poly content
Chelsea's negative interactions
Chelsea's corrupted scenes
Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy continuation (additional content)
NCHDL video-game scene continued (additional content)
Nikki's mischief modeling scene (additional content)
What it means?
it's all pretty self explanatory.
That it?
Yep. I've rendered all of her nympho content, all that is left is her obsessive content and her fetish content. I also have a handful of scenes that are almost done such as Larson's fetish, but there are associated scenes that I'd like finished before fully releasing the content.
Changelog version 0.34.00
What's New
Chelsea's basic poses
Chelsea's basic interactions
Chelsea's power interactions
Chelsea's Invite-Over scene
Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy continuation (additional content)
What it means?
it's all pretty self explanitory
That it?
Yep. I've rendered all of her contact interactions, but that's a headstart for the next month that I work on her. Plus outside the jealousy scene, I'm still rendering a large number of other additional scenes. Though I may have a small update in a few weeks to add a new fetish update for Samantha. My new writer is working on it now.
What's New
Terri's Obsessive Scenes
Terri's Nympho Scenes
New Stephanie & Maggie Jealousy Scene *added by $30 Patron
Principal Larson Poly Content *added by $30 Patron
New Teacher Mischief Action *added by $30 Patron
New Modeling Mischief Action: Allie *added by $30 Patron
What it means?
it's all pretty self explanitory
Side Note:
I added almost 200 full scene renders this update (that's a lot, I normally don't do more than 150), because Terri's unstable scenes had a lot of meat in them, so I've pushed her Fetish off to the next month that I'm not developing Chelsea.
What's new?
Terri Contact Actions
Terri Poly Content
Terri Negative Interactions
Terri Corrupted Scenes
Bonus Patron Content New Positive Alignment Task: Sandra
Bonus Patron Content New Positive Reputation Group: Rebels
Bonus Patron Content New Jealous Scene
What's it mean?
Terri Contact Actions - Self Explanitory
Terri Poly Content - Self Explanitory
Terri Negative Interactions - Self Explanitory
Terri Corrupted Scenes - Self Explanitory
Bonus Patron Content New Positive Alignment Task: Sandra - Now much like with Kelly. If you have a positive enough alignment, Sandra may approach you, asking for help.
Bonus Patron Content New Positive Reputation Group: Rebels - Similar to Cheerleaders, the more Rebellious type characters can now give bonus influence, and additional lunch options, if you earn it, and maintain your hero status.
Bonus Patron Content New Jealous Scene - Stephanie and Maggie are at it again.
What's in it?
New Combat Engine
New Power: Armor of Terra
New Flaw: Masochism
New Combat Abilities: Auras
New Combat Abilities: Enhanced Senses
New Combat Abilities: Polymorphism Transformations
New Combat Abilities: Armor of Terra
Updated Allie Basic Poses
Additional Content - Mischief Modeling: Kelly, Mary
Additional Content - Mischief Administration Pranks
Additional Content - New Maggie & Stephanie Jealousy Chain scene
Additional Content - New NCHDL free time Videogame scene
What's it mean?
New Combat Engine - Not a very visible addition, but the largest amount of work in the entire update. I've made it easier for me to add new combat content.
New Power: Armor of Terra - The specialist combat discipline that makes Billy incredibly resiliant.
New Flaw: Masochism - Pain is just another form of foreplay for you.
New Combat Abilities: Auras - The current auras grant combat bonuses as well now.
New Combat Abilities: Enhanced Senses - Enhanced Senses rank 2 & 3 have a combat ability associated with them.
New Combat Abilities: Polymorphism Transformations - Hulk Out, Majestic Form, and Brain Power transformations, as well as unstable female versions of them have been added to the game. Including the unzip action.
New Combat Abilities: Armor of Terra - Each rank of Armor of Terra grants a passive ability, and an active ability.
Updated Allie Basic Poses - Allies old renders have been dated for a while, so I've redone them.
Additional Content - Mischief Modeling: Kelly, Mary - (self explanitory)
Additional Content - Mischief Administration Pranks - A new Mischief action is available at the Administrative Wing
Additional Content - New Maggie & Stephanie Jealousy Chain scene - (self explanitory)
Additional Content - New NCHDL free time Videogame scene - During those rare times when the NCHDL has nothing to do, you may go home to play video games with Freddy and Derek.
What's in it?
New character: Terri
Kelly Polymorph scenes($30 patron contribution)
Additional Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy scene ($30 patron contribution)
Allie Fetish added ($30 patron contribution)
What's it mean?
New Character: Terri - Basic posing, Interaction, Power interactions, and phone actions have been added for Terri. Contact Interactions, Negative interactions, Corrupted scenes, and Fetish content will be added in 0.31.00.
Kelly Polymorph scenes- (Self Explanitory)
Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy Branch- There's a new small scene that occurs if you watch TV with Maggie on Sunday if you've already encountered the previous Jealous scene. ...More to come.
Allie Fetish added- (Self Explanitory)
What's in it?
New Small Plotline
New Medium Plotline
Denise/Mary nympho branch
Additional $30 content:
Sandra Poly content
Maggie Television Scene
Maggie and Freddy Workout
Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy Branch
What's it mean?
New Small Plotline : A single one shot plotline.
New Medium Plotline : This is a big one. Lot's of different outcomes.
New Repercussion for Tamara: There is now the possibility of Tamara leaving the NCHDL, depending on choices.
Denise/Mary nympho branch: There's a new path during Denises Nympho scene, that is dependent on if Mary's fetish or nymphomania is active.
Sandra Poly content: Self explanatory
Maggie Television Scene: You can catch Maggie watching TV on Sunday nights.
Maggie and Freddy Workout: Freddy helping Maggie in her workout routine now progresses further.
Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy Branch: There's a single small scene that occurs if you help with the housework when Stephanie and Maggie are present. Other limitations apply. This was just an intro ...More to come.
What's in the build?
Mary Obsession Scenes
Mary Nympho Scenes
Mary Fetish Path & Scenes
$30 Patron Contributions:
Mischief Action-Modeling(Denise)
Additional Mischief Actions-Panty Raid(Terri, Tamara)
Mary Corruption Scenes
Samantha Re-renders
Samantha Poly Content
Samantha Negative Interaction (Anal Option)
Samantha Nympho Addition (2 more cheerleader routes)
$30 Patron Contributions:
New Mischief Action-Modeling(Sandra)
Additional Mischief Actions-Panty Raid(Mary, Chelsea)
Stephanie Poly Content
Positive Alignment Task (Kelly)
New Mechanic- Reputation
New Reputation Action (Lunch with Cheerleaders)
v0.24.01 Bugfixes
Numerous minor bugfixes
What's in the build?
3 New NCHDL Plotlines
1 New (easy) Enemy: Luke
Combat Unzip Minigame Action: Monster Cock
New Kelly & Stephanie Mischief Action ($30 patron contribution)
Full Polymorph options with Denise ($30 patroncontribution)
Full Polymorph options with Allie ($30 patron contribution)
New Polymorph option for School Janitor Job ($30patron contribution)
What's it mean?
Lot's o Story stuff. Plotlines are not sequential, but do have an internal cooldown. There are now 3 short plotlines, and 2 medium plotlines. The difference between the two is scope, consequences, and rewards. Where some short plot paths could be completed in a day, some medium plot paths could take a week or more.
1 new enemy: Luke Unlike other enemies, Luke is predefined, and will more or less fight the same way every time. He's relatively weak, so He shouldn't be too difficult ;)
Monster Cock: Is a new combat action that you can perform while in the unzip mini game, that let's you auto win that round but can only be used once per combat. It has it's own renders ^_^
New Kelly & Stephanie Mischief Action ($30 patron contribution) : Self explanitory
Full Polymorph options with Denise ($30 patron contribution) : If you have the rank 2 gender shifting or reproduction polymorph options, you may notice additional options besides (Generous & Selfish).
Full Polymorph options with Allie ($30 patron contribution) : If you have the rank 2 gender shifting or reproduction polymorph options, you may notice additional options besides (Generous & Selfish).
New Polymorph option for School Janitor Job ($30 patron contribution): Tired of the same old grind sweeping the classroom floors? Me neither. But for those few that think work has to be engaging and fun...Now you can spruce things up a bit if you have the first level of gender swap when working as a janitor. (Does not work on critical successes of failures)
What's in the build?
New Re-calibration: Gender Preference
Male/Female scenes for all contact actions
Male/Female scene for invite over phone action
Male & Female branches of Nympho scenes
Obsessive scene
Massive Fetish Scene Male & Female Versions
New Maggie & Stephanie scene ($30 patron contribution)
New Allie & Samantha Mischief Action ($30 patron contribution)
Full Polymorph options with Maggie ($30 patron contribution)
What's it mean?
New Re-calibration: Gender Preference - You can now make Gender restricted characters more bi-sexual in nature.
Male/Female scenes for all contact actions - From hugs to sex, there are Male Billy + Nikki versions now.
Male/Female scenes for invite over phone action - Self explanatory
Male & Female branches of Nympho scenes - This is the largest Nympho scene set I've ever written, with 91 images. Might be the reason I want to stab myself in the eye right now :D
Obsessive scenes - Self explanatory
Massive Fetish Scene Male & Female Versions - Sad part is, it's not even done. There's even more branches to come when a specific other character is made. But there's a lot to this fetish.
New Maggie & Stephanie scene ($30 patron contribution) Requires at least 40 control on both characters and required associated flaws to access via the Bend Over Command.
New Allie & Samantha Mischief Action ($30 patron contribution) Self explanitory
Full Polymorph options with Maggie ($30 patron contribution) If you have the rank 2 gender shifting or reproduction polymorph options, you may notice additional options besides (Generous & Selfish).
The Photos section for Nikki does not work. The further into development I go, the more and more I'm starting to hate that function. The amount of options for Nikki makes the current method of accessing old scenes almost impossible, as there are too many options. I added in the photos section for characters, because at one point I planned on changing how saving worked, and when you could save...And wanted people to be able to access scenes they already had scene before. I'm no longer planning on changing the saving method, so I may scrap the photos section all together. It's become too bulky and cumbersome, especially given how many variations of scenes most characters have now.
That it?
Looking at the list as is you may say...Doesn't look like much, but for comparisons sake, Nikki had 1843 lines of code/dialogue in the last version. She now has 4890 lines of dialogue/code. And that's not counting the added code for the new re-calibration. Nikki has 693 images.... That's more than any other character. Twice as many images as Kelly....So yeah....lot's o work done on her.
В игре вы играете за молодого человека по имени Билли, живущего с мамой. В самом начале игры Мэгги (его мать) покупает Билли его первую сверхсилу. Поскольку с деньгами напряг, у него нет выбора и он получает рентгеновское зрение.
Прежде чем начать процесс, медсестра, которая собирается сделать ему укол, должна проверить его, совместим ли он. Как оказалось, да, но есть ещё кое-что. В отличие от большинства людей, которые могут получить ограниченное количество этих уколов, Билли, похоже, обладает способностью поглощать неограниченное количество из них. Благодаря этому он может стать самым могущественным из всех людей, но для достижения такого уровня власти он должен быть осторожным. В мире, где почти каждый может покупать полномочия, любой может быть потенциальной угрозой.
SuperPowered is a RPG game made with Ren'py. In the game, you play as Billy, a young man still living with his mom. At the very beginning of the game, Maggie (his mother) buys Billy his first superpower. Because money is tight, he doesn't have much of a choice, she's getting him X-ray vision. Before the process begin, the nurse who's gonna give him the shot has to test him to see if he's compatible. As it turns out, he is but there's something else. Unlike most people, who can only receive a very limited number of those shots, Billy seems to have the uncanny ability to absorb an unlimited amount of them. Thanks to this, he could become the most powerful of them all but in order to achieve this level of power, he must be careful. In a world where almost everyone can buy powers, anyone could be a potential threat.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, male protagonist, school setting, incest, superpowers, corruption, mind control, cheating, interracial, vaginal, oral, anal, group, multiple penetration, lesbian, bukkake, simulator, handjob, rape, fantasy,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Night City Productions - www.patreon.com/NightCity
Перевод: Клевцов
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: SP1 [v.0.43.00 Fixed Rus / v.0.45.03 Eng] + SP2 [v.0.03.00] Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
And console is enabled, in game press SHIFT-O.
Player affecting cheats
player.fitness = x
player.reflex = x
player.stoicism = x
player.leadership = x
player.persuasion = x
player.personality = x
player.awareness = x
player.reasoning = x
player.concentration = x
player.money = x
player.alignment = x
player.social = x
player.interactions = x
Player.SB = x
Player.PB = x
player.MB= x
player.resistance = x
grade = x
player.power_FLY=x Flight (max 3)
player.power_XRY=x Senses (max 3 1=start)
player.power_CHA=x Psychoism (max 3)
player.power_MAN=x Sympathic Link (max 3)
player.power_APP=x Polymorphism (max 3)
player.power_WIT=x Mind Control (max 3)
SB = Social Bonus (doesn't increase the amount of interactions but does increase the power of some things)
PB = Physical Bonus
MB = Mental Bonus
here's a list of all the girls console identifier
Mom: m
Kelly: k
Samantha: sam
Principle Larson: pl
Denise: d
Jules: js
Nikki: n
Allie: a
Sandra: sd
Terri: t
Chelsea: ch
Mary: my
Courtney: cy
Anne: an
Sophie: s
Sister: sis
Dr. Ivy: i
Girl affecting cheats (replace with girl's console identifier)
.vitality = y
.willpower = y
.favor = y
.love = y
.lust = y
.fear = y
.anger = y
.inhibitions = y
.suspicion = y
Inhibitions means lower is better
Girl Mental Affecting Cheats
time affecting cheats. doesn't change the locations and actions available at that time so allows going to Globex during the morning when used during the Afternoon or Day. The reason for these is it doesn't change the location just the time without going through the transition.
phase = 'Morning'
phase = 'Day'
phase = 'Afternoon'
phase = 'Night'
weekday = '[Insert day here with capital letter first letter]
Для русской версии:
phase = 'Утро'
phase = 'День'
phase = 'Вечер'
phase = 'Ночь'
player.fitness = x
player.reflex = x
player.stoicism = x
player.leadership = x
player.persuasion = x
player.personality = x
player.awareness = x
player.reasoning = x
player.concentration = x
player.money = x
player.alignment = x
player.social = x
player.interactions = x
Player.SB = x
Player.PB = x
player.MB= x
player.resistance = x
grade = x
player.power_FLY=x Flight (max 3)
player.power_XRY=x Senses (max 3 1=start)
player.power_CHA=x Psychoism (max 3)
player.power_MAN=x Sympathic Link (max 3)
player.power_APP=x Polymorphism (max 3)
player.power_WIT=x Mind Control (max 3)
SB = Social Bonus (doesn't increase the amount of interactions but does increase the power of some things)
PB = Physical Bonus
MB = Mental Bonus
here's a list of all the girls console identifier
Mom: m
Kelly: k
Samantha: sam
Principle Larson: pl
Denise: d
Jules: js
Nikki: n
Allie: a
Sandra: sd
Terri: t
Chelsea: ch
Mary: my
Courtney: cy
Anne: an
Sophie: s
Sister: sis
Dr. Ivy: i
Girl affecting cheats (replace with girl's console identifier)
.vitality = y
.willpower = y
.favor = y
.love = y
.lust = y
.fear = y
.anger = y
.inhibitions = y
.suspicion = y
Inhibitions means lower is better
Girl Mental Affecting Cheats
time affecting cheats. doesn't change the locations and actions available at that time so allows going to Globex during the morning when used during the Afternoon or Day. The reason for these is it doesn't change the location just the time without going through the transition.
phase = 'Morning'
phase = 'Day'
phase = 'Afternoon'
phase = 'Night'
weekday = '[Insert day here with capital letter first letter]
Для русской версии:
phase = 'Утро'
phase = 'День'
phase = 'Вечер'
phase = 'Ночь'
v0.03.00 - 2024-10-24
What's New? Allie's Base Interaction Event New Maggie Events: Brainwashed Fuckdoll New Stephanie Event: Brainwashed Fuckdoll New Stephanie Event
v0.02.00 - 2024-04-14
What's New?
Stephanie's Base Schedule
New Location Hub: College
New Location: College Library
New Location: College Gym
Added Character: Chelsea
Added Character: Nikki
Added Character: Frita
New Character Creation Options
New Mechanic: Innate Personalities & Subtraits
New Aura selection screen
UI Update for Traits and Flaws
New Mechanic: Intimacy Threshold
New Mechanic: Courage Threshold
New Mechanic: Sexual Preference
ChangeLog for v0.00.50 - 2022.10.24
What's new?
Maggie Normal Events: Many New Events
Character State: Impulsive
Maggie Impulsive Events: Many New Events
Location: Maggies Bedroom
Location: Stephanies Bedroom
Location: Coffeeshop
Job: Barista
Implimentation: New Flaw
Mechanic: Dice Explosions
Power Ability: Psychosism - Dreamscaping
XP Progression
What's it mean?
Maggie Events :
Maggies Default Normal Events have been finished. I.E. Cooking, Working out, Watching a movie, and Sleeping.
Character State: Impulsive
If a character's impulse rating is 10 at the beginning of a new day, they will gain the Impulsive Personality trait, and every day will get a new impulse. Each character will have thier own set of impulses specific to thier personality. Impulsive characters gain a new schedule with new events.
Maggie Impulsive Events :
Maggies Default Impulsive Events have been finished. I.E. Dancing, Working out, Watching a movie, and Sleeping. Also one additional Day event has been made if Maggie has the correct Impulse.
New Locations :
Maggies Bedroom, Stephanies Bedroom, Coffeeshop (self explanitory)
The Coffeeshop will unlock shortly after gamestart. (one day).
Job: Barista
You can now work in the coffeeshop to earn money. Though there isn't anywhere to spend it yet, except to get coffee... Jobs will have short random encounters, where you can encounter characters, or events based off your current game state...such as Impulsive Maggie forgetting to get dressed... All jobs will operate like this to some degree.
Implimentation: New Flaw
I've added in mechanics for if you happen to walk around with Super Strength. The lesser versions open up options for when you encounter sleeping characters...the extreme version however, can force you into certain actions.
Mechanic: Dice Explosions
Every character now has a maximum amount of Dice Explosion (default: 1). This amount increases based on how much Super Senses you have active. During challenges that requires a dice roll, for each dice explosion you have, rolls of 6 will get an additional roll and add both totals. A single die can explode multiple times so long as you have remaining unused explosions.
Power Ability: Psychosism - Dreamscaping
Most social/mental powers require subject to be awake. Since Psychosism interacts with a person's subconscious mind, you can now use some psychosism abilities on sleeping targets.
XP Progression:
Billy can now earn xp for certain actions. Currently he's limited to what he can learn from Maggie. Maggie also has xp now, though she is limited as well. More options to come in the next update.
Lots of new traits :
Traits are a good tool for making SP2 less micro-managey, as you can give a character effects that last for a few days, and go focus on other things, so I'll continuously be adding in new traits for that purpose.
Lot's of UI tweaks, Refactoring, and bug fixes have implimented. I had to rebuild the save system ... again, so saves from the first Tech Demo will not work. But I don't forsee further save compatibility issues in the future.
That it?
Globex -
Unfortunately, Early on I realized that I needed more time than I had to add globex this update. I decided to cut it so I could finish the XP progression, because having a bunch of powers that always fail is worse, then having a few powers, that you can train to improve on.
Stephanie -
When making Maggies Impulsive state, It took a lot of time...400+ rendered images worth of time. Which left me with very little time to add in Stephanies content.
I don't know what to call this. It's not a tech demo...But It needs a bit more before I'd call it a full build release.... Buildv0 works I guess.
What's New?
Anne's Nympho Scenes
Anne's Obsessive Scenes
Anne's Fetish Scenes
Danni Basic Poses
Danni Basic Interactions
Danni Power Interactions
Globex Psych Evaluation scenes
Sandra's Critical Success Classroom Scenes (thanks to Patron)
Watching TV with Stephanie Extension (thanks to Patron)
New Positive Alignment Mission (thanks to Patron)
New Reputation Group - Jocks (thanks to Patron)
What's it Mean?
Anne's Nympho Scenes: Since Anne starts as this...I've reduced the frequency and impact that her scenes have on Billy. Since you know...he's not to blame for her condition, unlike say...the whole Cheerleader squad. And leaving the negative consequences just seemed abusive. I've also tied her scenes to work, rather than "on arrival" since I don't want to lock a player out from getting injections, or getting first-aid.
Anne's Obsessive Scenes: For those that know how to manipulate Anne into this state...Don't expect it to last...This girl has issues :(
Anne's Fetish Scenes: (Self Explanitory)
Danni Basic Poses: (Self Explanitory)
Danni Basic Interactions: (Self Explanitory-mostly) Stephanie is gonna be a thorn in your side...
Danni Power Interactions: (Self Explanitory)
Globex Psych Evaluation Scenes: Now when you get a brand new power, Anne will test you for your new flaw as well. Not much gameplay...but adds a lot more flavor.
Sandra's Critical Success Classroom Scenes: Now Sandra can join the ranks with Allie and Samantha for having specific scenes for when you get a critical success in class.
Watching TV with Stephanie Extension: If you have 10 control over Maggie, and meet some of the other more obvious requirements...there's a new option for giving Stephanie a massage while you watch TV.
New Positive Alignment Mission: Operates just like the other Positive Alignment missions.
New Reputation Group - Jocks: And just like the other Positive Alignment Missions, There is a new Reputation Group you can improve with. The sporty jock types.
What's in it?
3 New Jobs at Globex.
1 new task
Learning your powers scenes
An updated first aid scene at globex.
A new Obsessive Mary variant (Terri-ish) Additional Content
A new Public Ops variant (Allie) Additional Content
What's it mean?
The new Jobs have minimum stat requirements as well as an introduction requirement. These Jobs are all intertwined in some ways. And most of em have a lot of variations. The third job is somewhat limited right now as I'd need Maid Manners developed to finish it...but it has a fairly limited window anyway ;)
the new task is a guide on how to get the job at Globex. All you need is an awareness + mental of 7+ and the task will be added to your task list as optional.
Learning your powers scenes have been added to each rank of each power. That's 29 new scenes...though some scenes are shorter/more involved than others. Still...lost of stuff there if you're into the lore of the game. Some humerous scenes if you don't care about lore, and an occasional naughty scene if you can't read, or refuse to.
I've also added an actual scene for when you get first aid assistance, and this scene does change based on certain stats that are determined in the new jobs.
All and all...I made Globex a more solidified location. It has something of identity now, similar to how the school has it's own kind of identity.
Mary has a few variants of her final Obsessive scene depending on what flaws you've unlocked. A new variant starring Terri can be seen if you've gotten at least the first rank in MC.
The public ops mission for political canvassing has a new variant with Allie, if she's been reprogrammed as a personal assistant or sex bot. This scene can only occur on the weekends.
What's new?
Anne's Negative interactions
Anne's Contact interactions
Anne's Poly content
Anne's Corrupted Scenes
A new Positive Alignment Mission: Allie (Additional Content)
A new Reputation Group: Nerds (Additional Content)
A new Drunk Maggie Scene (Additional Content)
A new lunch option with Terri and Stephanie (Additional Content)
A new Mischief Action for the Administration Wing (Additional Content)
What does it mean?
Anne's new content: Self explanitory.
New Positive Alignment Mission: Allie - Like all other positive alignment missions. You need to ahve done a certain amount of Crimefighting, either through the neighborhood watch, or from school jobs, as well as have an Alignment above 60.
New Reputation Group: Nerds - Like previous positive alignment missions, your reputation within a new group will improve, and give additional bonuses once you complete the positive mission.
New Drunk Maggie Scene - A new Scene for when Maggie comes home drunk. It will only trigger if both her and Stephanie are nymphos.
New Lunch option with Terri and Stephanie - If you have the good brother perk, and Billy and Stephanie are willing to indulge in Terri's fetish (which must also be unlocked), you can have lunch with both of them for a nice little discussion ;)
New Mischief Action: Ms. Hellens- The last and final administrative mischief action that can be performed on school staff. It has the same requirements as the other mischief actions of the Administrators wing.
That it?
No. Appolm and colin have done some more tweaking in the background. You'll see some of the tweaks, and some you may not notice
-Anne Basic Poses
-Anne Basic Interactions
-Anne Power Interactions
-Anne Phone and Invite Over Scene
-Anne Professional Favor Scenes
-Updated Phone Layout (thanks to apollom)
-New Phone Action: Browse Bookface (thanks to apollom)
-Some Tweaking made to X-ray Vision
-Minor fixes to Sandra's fetish outfit
-Some new options for Sandra's basic MC scenes (additional content)
-New Sandra Invite Over Variant (additional content)
-Billy Jean, Derek, and Freddy Videogame Scene Variant (additional content)
What's it mean?
Anne Basic Poses - Self Explanitory
Anne Basic Interactions - Self Explanitory
Anne Power Interactions - Self Explanitory
Anne Phone and Invite Over Scene - This does include a Chelsea Fetish Variant
Anne Professional Favors Scenes - Due to Anne's Deep Seated Unstable state, These favors may have the occasional hiccup ;) There are three favors. 1 - ask for Globex influece, 2- Get a free health check up, and 3- Arrange an emergency house call in case you get so banged up you can't get out of bed.
Updated Phone Layout - Apollom has cleaned up the look of the Phone layout when looking at characters, as well as adding some hotkeys, and new fuctionality. For one you can see how much charm you currently have from any phone profile. You call also cycle through phone contacts(either by using some new arrow buttons, or using the left and right hotkey.
New Phone Action: Browse Bookface - There's a new button when you pull out your phone that allows you to browse through peoples Bookface posts. Currently there is a boilerplate image (phone profile image) but I'll eventually make a few unique pictures for each character. What the button actually is is a faster way to spend charm. It randomly pulls characters from your phone and gives you an option to respond to thier posts with a thumbs up, heart, or kiss. These buttons operate just like texting, flirting, and sexting and everytime you respond, it immediately pulls another profile, until your run out of charm, or back out of Bookface. Also thanks to Apollom.
Some Tweaking made to X-ray Vision - Self explanitory. You should get more energy from xray vision now, though you may lose a little more willpower as well.
Minor fixes to Sandra's fetish outfit - Some poses were missing. Now they are not.
Some new options for Sandra's basic MC scenes (additional content) - While I was fixing Sandra's missing images, I decided to add a little extra something I had wanted to add when I first implimented Sandra's Fetish.
New Sandra Invite Over Variant (additional content) - I've had this in my to do list for a while, but I had misplaced the render files for this scene. Luckily I found them, and now there is a boobjob variant to Sandra Invite Over scene.
Billy Jean, Derek, and Freddy Videogame Scene Variant (additional content) - Pretty self explanitory, though I will say. You only need Polymorph: Gender Shift 1 to get this ....um...team building exercise...as an option.
That's it?
Yep. As usual, characters are broken into three sections. The next SP update will focus on Anne's Contact interactions, Negative Interactions, and Corruption Scenes. The update after that, I'll start sprucing up Globex, and possibly adding a new Globex job
Changelog 0.40.00
What's in it?
Sister perk has changed to Good Brother perk.
Yearly school schedule introduced. (more changes to come, once there's a new place to work during school breaks.)
Chelsea variant for Nikki's Fetish added (Additional Content)
Freddy, Samantha, Allie variants for studying in the library if unlocked through NCHDL quests (Additional Content)
Terri joining in with Mary invite over scene if both characters fetishes are unlocked (Additional Content)
What's it mean?
Sister perk has changed to Good Brother perk. - Stephanie is now a permanant figure in the game. With the perk she's stays at home, and goes to school as normal. Without it, she spends the school year in boarding school, and only visits during school breaks.
Yearly school schedule introduced. - There is now a winter, spring, and summer break from school. During these breaks, your grades do not matter, and you won't be penalized for bad grades. Your grades also won't decay, so it's a good time to get your grades up :)
Graduation - This is a giant scene. I mean Giant. There are 18 seperate scenes all crammed into this thing. I wanted the end of NCH to be hefty and that's what I got.
Chelsea variant for Nikki's Fetish added (Additional Content) - This has been planned for a while, but I made Nikki before Chelsea, and saw no point in adding Chelsea at the time, since you wouldn't be able to see the scene for another couple characters. And then there was just never enough time to make the scene. Well...one of our $30 Patrons made time for us :)
Freddy, Samantha, Allie variants for studying in the library if unlocked through NCHDL quests (Additional Content) - Another thing I had cooking in the background but never enough time to focus on. If you've ever noticed Samantha and/or Allie flirting with Freddy in your game...you can watch thier relationship develop passively by studying in the library.
Terri joining in with Mary invite over scene if both characters fetishes are unlocked (Additional Content) - Can't spell twins without win. Inviting Mary over will give you a new option if both Mary and Terri's fetish is unlocked.
That's it?
Yep...With 250+ Full renders, and something like 18000 words of dialogue, I can safely say that even though this update is short in terms of moving the needle forward storywise. On the backend it's huge since I've begun coding for a game outside the school. Which is where most of the game should eventually take place. I forced a lot of structure on the player early on, so that the player could at learn how to progress in the game, but with the school graduation, the training wheels are coming off. (Eventually...for now the school will still exist during breaks since there's no other way to make money besides work at the school.)
On a side note...I fought some of the worst insomnia I've had in years this last month. I really appreciate everyones patience with this release. The next release (Nurse Anne pt.1) will be out much faster.
Fixed broken poses for Mind Control commands.
Fixed crash to Title Screen.
It's taken a little longer than originally planned, but's finally out. I went a little ham with the rendering, and extended the storyline a bit. This one storyline is approximately 20% of the entire NCHDL storyline content, which includes recruiting all the characters, and all the other plotlines...So it's a biggun.
What's in it?
The conclusion of the NCHDL story.
A new Jealousy scene between Stephanie and Maggie.
Billy Jean versions of most Public Ops if you have the polymorph ability to shift genders.
Some rebalancing of Global Reputation. It's now worth twice as much as it used to be. It costs 250 global reputation rather than 500 for letters of recommendation, and this halving of costs has been done across the board.
Well technically...there's some new mechanics, such as unpowered combat, 2 new enemies (enemies are people you punch for profit and fun), a new combat location, and a fairly hefty reward for all your hard work in the NCHDL. But...that's all in service to the conclussion of the story. There are some small scenes left to make afterwards which I plan to do in one of the following updates.
Changelog 0.38.00
What's New?
Story Content!
Principal Larson's Fetish
Maggie + Principal Larson Fetish Scene
New Stephanie + Maggie Jealousy Scene
New Nympho Content for Stephanie and Maggie
What's It Mean?
Story Content! - A continuation of the last story. After Billy's missed a few NCHDL meetings, he begins digging into his own memories to piece together what he can about the missing days (from this release, 3 meetings will need to be missed. If you already missed more than that in the last release, sorry, you got 3 more to go.)
Principal Larson's Fetish - It's not that big of a surprise what hers is.
Maggie + Principal Larson Fetish Scene - If both Maggie and Larson have thier fetishes unlocked, there's a whole new Obsession Scene that may trigger. You will need to encounter Larson's final Obsessive scene one more time before the new one will occur.
New Stephanie + Maggie Jealousy Scene - (Self-explanitory)
New Nympho Content for Stephanie and Maggie - If both characters are in the Nympho state. Some new content has been added. Some has been added to Stephanies Nympho Content. Some has been added to Maggies.
Changelog for 0.36.00
What's In It?
Chelsea's Nympho scenes
Chelseas's Obsessive scenes
Chelsea's Fetish content
New Jelousy Scene (Additional Content)
New After NCHDL Video Game Scene (Additional Content)
What's it mean?
Chelsea's Nympho Scenes - Chelsea has a gating mechnic similar to Stephanie, or Allie, so there is a version of each scene with, and without the required flaw.
Chelsea's Obsessive Scenes - Just like the Nympho content, there are versions of each of these scenes with and without the required flaw, along with 2 different polymorph variants for the final scene.
Chelsea's Fetish content - Due to the nature of Chelsea's fetish, her fetish content does not culminate in her own specialty scene, but touches many others invite over scenes. Unlocking her fetish does however require multiple other fetishes to be unlocked.
New Jelousy Scene - Stephanie and Maggie are at it again. Once again brought to you by one of the $30 patrons.
New After NCHDL Video Game Scene - The boys have gotten together again, to compete in the ancient battle of Vidjya Games. Once again brought to you by one of the $30 patrons.
Changelog for version 0.35.00
What's New
New Character: SuLynn
New Location: NCCC (Community College)
New Power: Kinesis
New Power: Mercurial Speed
New Flaw: Exhibitionism
New Flaw: Sadism
New Jealousy Scene (Bonus content)
New Mischief Action (Bonus content)
Samantha's Fetish Content (Bonus content)
Kelly's Fetish Content (Bonus content)
What it means?
New Character: SuLynn - You can find her at the College. - this includes
SuLynn basic Poses
SuLynn basic Interactions
SuLynn power Interactions
SuLynn negative Interactions
SuLynn corrupted scenes
SuLynn invite over scene
SuLynn fetish content
New Location: NCCC (Community College) - A Location with limited use (currently)
New Power: Kinesis - The main toolkit, for a mental combatant.
New Power: Mercurial Speed - A speed based combat power.
New Flaw: Exhibitionism - Self explanitory
New Flaw: Sadism - Self explanitory
New Jealousy Scene (Bonus content) - Things between Maggie and Stephanie escalate.
New Mischief Action (Bonus content) - Terri joins in on the whole modeling business.
Samantha's Fetish Content (Bonus content) - Self explanitory
Kelly's Fetish Content (Bonus content) - Self explanitory
What's not in it?
SuLynn Unstable Content (To be added in a future update).
Changelog for 0.34.02
What's New
Chelsea's contact scenes
Chelsea's poly content
Chelsea's negative interactions
Chelsea's corrupted scenes
Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy continuation (additional content)
NCHDL video-game scene continued (additional content)
Nikki's mischief modeling scene (additional content)
What it means?
it's all pretty self explanatory.
That it?
Yep. I've rendered all of her nympho content, all that is left is her obsessive content and her fetish content. I also have a handful of scenes that are almost done such as Larson's fetish, but there are associated scenes that I'd like finished before fully releasing the content.
Changelog version 0.34.00
What's New
Chelsea's basic poses
Chelsea's basic interactions
Chelsea's power interactions
Chelsea's Invite-Over scene
Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy continuation (additional content)
What it means?
it's all pretty self explanitory
That it?
Yep. I've rendered all of her contact interactions, but that's a headstart for the next month that I work on her. Plus outside the jealousy scene, I'm still rendering a large number of other additional scenes. Though I may have a small update in a few weeks to add a new fetish update for Samantha. My new writer is working on it now.
What's New
Terri's Obsessive Scenes
Terri's Nympho Scenes
New Stephanie & Maggie Jealousy Scene *added by $30 Patron
Principal Larson Poly Content *added by $30 Patron
New Teacher Mischief Action *added by $30 Patron
New Modeling Mischief Action: Allie *added by $30 Patron
What it means?
it's all pretty self explanitory
Side Note:
I added almost 200 full scene renders this update (that's a lot, I normally don't do more than 150), because Terri's unstable scenes had a lot of meat in them, so I've pushed her Fetish off to the next month that I'm not developing Chelsea.
What's new?
Terri Contact Actions
Terri Poly Content
Terri Negative Interactions
Terri Corrupted Scenes
Bonus Patron Content New Positive Alignment Task: Sandra
Bonus Patron Content New Positive Reputation Group: Rebels
Bonus Patron Content New Jealous Scene
What's it mean?
Terri Contact Actions - Self Explanitory
Terri Poly Content - Self Explanitory
Terri Negative Interactions - Self Explanitory
Terri Corrupted Scenes - Self Explanitory
Bonus Patron Content New Positive Alignment Task: Sandra - Now much like with Kelly. If you have a positive enough alignment, Sandra may approach you, asking for help.
Bonus Patron Content New Positive Reputation Group: Rebels - Similar to Cheerleaders, the more Rebellious type characters can now give bonus influence, and additional lunch options, if you earn it, and maintain your hero status.
Bonus Patron Content New Jealous Scene - Stephanie and Maggie are at it again.
What's in it?
New Combat Engine
New Power: Armor of Terra
New Flaw: Masochism
New Combat Abilities: Auras
New Combat Abilities: Enhanced Senses
New Combat Abilities: Polymorphism Transformations
New Combat Abilities: Armor of Terra
Updated Allie Basic Poses
Additional Content - Mischief Modeling: Kelly, Mary
Additional Content - Mischief Administration Pranks
Additional Content - New Maggie & Stephanie Jealousy Chain scene
Additional Content - New NCHDL free time Videogame scene
What's it mean?
New Combat Engine - Not a very visible addition, but the largest amount of work in the entire update. I've made it easier for me to add new combat content.
New Power: Armor of Terra - The specialist combat discipline that makes Billy incredibly resiliant.
New Flaw: Masochism - Pain is just another form of foreplay for you.
New Combat Abilities: Auras - The current auras grant combat bonuses as well now.
New Combat Abilities: Enhanced Senses - Enhanced Senses rank 2 & 3 have a combat ability associated with them.
New Combat Abilities: Polymorphism Transformations - Hulk Out, Majestic Form, and Brain Power transformations, as well as unstable female versions of them have been added to the game. Including the unzip action.
New Combat Abilities: Armor of Terra - Each rank of Armor of Terra grants a passive ability, and an active ability.
Updated Allie Basic Poses - Allies old renders have been dated for a while, so I've redone them.
Additional Content - Mischief Modeling: Kelly, Mary - (self explanitory)
Additional Content - Mischief Administration Pranks - A new Mischief action is available at the Administrative Wing
Additional Content - New Maggie & Stephanie Jealousy Chain scene - (self explanitory)
Additional Content - New NCHDL free time Videogame scene - During those rare times when the NCHDL has nothing to do, you may go home to play video games with Freddy and Derek.
What's in it?
New character: Terri
Kelly Polymorph scenes($30 patron contribution)
Additional Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy scene ($30 patron contribution)
Allie Fetish added ($30 patron contribution)
What's it mean?
New Character: Terri - Basic posing, Interaction, Power interactions, and phone actions have been added for Terri. Contact Interactions, Negative interactions, Corrupted scenes, and Fetish content will be added in 0.31.00.
Kelly Polymorph scenes- (Self Explanitory)
Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy Branch- There's a new small scene that occurs if you watch TV with Maggie on Sunday if you've already encountered the previous Jealous scene. ...More to come.
Allie Fetish added- (Self Explanitory)
What's in it?
New Small Plotline
New Medium Plotline
Denise/Mary nympho branch
Additional $30 content:
Sandra Poly content
Maggie Television Scene
Maggie and Freddy Workout
Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy Branch
What's it mean?
New Small Plotline : A single one shot plotline.
New Medium Plotline : This is a big one. Lot's of different outcomes.
New Repercussion for Tamara: There is now the possibility of Tamara leaving the NCHDL, depending on choices.
Denise/Mary nympho branch: There's a new path during Denises Nympho scene, that is dependent on if Mary's fetish or nymphomania is active.
Sandra Poly content: Self explanatory
Maggie Television Scene: You can catch Maggie watching TV on Sunday nights.
Maggie and Freddy Workout: Freddy helping Maggie in her workout routine now progresses further.
Maggie/Stephanie Jealousy Branch: There's a single small scene that occurs if you help with the housework when Stephanie and Maggie are present. Other limitations apply. This was just an intro ...More to come.
What's in the build?
Mary Obsession Scenes
Mary Nympho Scenes
Mary Fetish Path & Scenes
$30 Patron Contributions:
Mischief Action-Modeling(Denise)
Additional Mischief Actions-Panty Raid(Terri, Tamara)
Mary Corruption Scenes
Samantha Re-renders
Samantha Poly Content
Samantha Negative Interaction (Anal Option)
Samantha Nympho Addition (2 more cheerleader routes)
$30 Patron Contributions:
New Mischief Action-Modeling(Sandra)
Additional Mischief Actions-Panty Raid(Mary, Chelsea)
Stephanie Poly Content
Positive Alignment Task (Kelly)
New Mechanic- Reputation
New Reputation Action (Lunch with Cheerleaders)
v0.24.01 Bugfixes
Numerous minor bugfixes
What's in the build?
3 New NCHDL Plotlines
1 New (easy) Enemy: Luke
Combat Unzip Minigame Action: Monster Cock
New Kelly & Stephanie Mischief Action ($30 patron contribution)
Full Polymorph options with Denise ($30 patroncontribution)
Full Polymorph options with Allie ($30 patron contribution)
New Polymorph option for School Janitor Job ($30patron contribution)
What's it mean?
Lot's o Story stuff. Plotlines are not sequential, but do have an internal cooldown. There are now 3 short plotlines, and 2 medium plotlines. The difference between the two is scope, consequences, and rewards. Where some short plot paths could be completed in a day, some medium plot paths could take a week or more.
1 new enemy: Luke Unlike other enemies, Luke is predefined, and will more or less fight the same way every time. He's relatively weak, so He shouldn't be too difficult ;)
Monster Cock: Is a new combat action that you can perform while in the unzip mini game, that let's you auto win that round but can only be used once per combat. It has it's own renders ^_^
New Kelly & Stephanie Mischief Action ($30 patron contribution) : Self explanitory
Full Polymorph options with Denise ($30 patron contribution) : If you have the rank 2 gender shifting or reproduction polymorph options, you may notice additional options besides (Generous & Selfish).
Full Polymorph options with Allie ($30 patron contribution) : If you have the rank 2 gender shifting or reproduction polymorph options, you may notice additional options besides (Generous & Selfish).
New Polymorph option for School Janitor Job ($30 patron contribution): Tired of the same old grind sweeping the classroom floors? Me neither. But for those few that think work has to be engaging and fun...Now you can spruce things up a bit if you have the first level of gender swap when working as a janitor. (Does not work on critical successes of failures)
What's in the build?
New Re-calibration: Gender Preference
Male/Female scenes for all contact actions
Male/Female scene for invite over phone action
Male & Female branches of Nympho scenes
Obsessive scene
Massive Fetish Scene Male & Female Versions
New Maggie & Stephanie scene ($30 patron contribution)
New Allie & Samantha Mischief Action ($30 patron contribution)
Full Polymorph options with Maggie ($30 patron contribution)
What's it mean?
New Re-calibration: Gender Preference - You can now make Gender restricted characters more bi-sexual in nature.
Male/Female scenes for all contact actions - From hugs to sex, there are Male Billy + Nikki versions now.
Male/Female scenes for invite over phone action - Self explanatory
Male & Female branches of Nympho scenes - This is the largest Nympho scene set I've ever written, with 91 images. Might be the reason I want to stab myself in the eye right now :D
Obsessive scenes - Self explanatory
Massive Fetish Scene Male & Female Versions - Sad part is, it's not even done. There's even more branches to come when a specific other character is made. But there's a lot to this fetish.
New Maggie & Stephanie scene ($30 patron contribution) Requires at least 40 control on both characters and required associated flaws to access via the Bend Over Command.
New Allie & Samantha Mischief Action ($30 patron contribution) Self explanitory
Full Polymorph options with Maggie ($30 patron contribution) If you have the rank 2 gender shifting or reproduction polymorph options, you may notice additional options besides (Generous & Selfish).
The Photos section for Nikki does not work. The further into development I go, the more and more I'm starting to hate that function. The amount of options for Nikki makes the current method of accessing old scenes almost impossible, as there are too many options. I added in the photos section for characters, because at one point I planned on changing how saving worked, and when you could save...And wanted people to be able to access scenes they already had scene before. I'm no longer planning on changing the saving method, so I may scrap the photos section all together. It's become too bulky and cumbersome, especially given how many variations of scenes most characters have now.
That it?
Looking at the list as is you may say...Doesn't look like much, but for comparisons sake, Nikki had 1843 lines of code/dialogue in the last version. She now has 4890 lines of dialogue/code. And that's not counting the added code for the new re-calibration. Nikki has 693 images.... That's more than any other character. Twice as many images as Kelly....So yeah....lot's o work done on her.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 24-10-2024, 18:26
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