Вы когда-нибудь смотрели тот старый сериал о Бэтмене, где он и Робин всегда были на грани смерти в ловушке, а затем в следующем эпизоде им удавалось спастись от ужасной гибели? Хорошо... не в этот раз!! Я всегда фантазировал о том, что будет если Злодей действительно победит, и это с добавлением сексуального элемента.
Did you ever watched that old Batman show where him and Robin were always about to die in a trap, and then in the next episode they managed to escape from an horrendous dead? Well... No More!! I always fantasized with the idea of the Villain actually winning, this is about that with the sexual element added to it.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, 3dcg, animated, sci-fi, male protagonist, adventure, fantasy, bdsm, parody, simulator, sexual harassment, virtual reality, superpowers, female domination, anal, footjob, vaginal, titfuck, oral, bukkake, handjob,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: https://www.patreon.com/ZnelArts
Платформа: PC/Windows x64
b]Тип издания:[/b] В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: Beta 35
Язык игры (сюжет): Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
V33 Beta
Cheat code 1029
V32 beta
Cheat code 0987
Beta 35(2023.05.19)
Added Opinions and Custom Character Opinions
Added opinions status console
New Dance (Still WIP)
Added a paint gun
New Tutorial Intro
Improved Desktop Mode interaction mechanic
New Costumes
Added Paddles
Tweaked and improved some reactions
Beta 34.2(2023.03.24)
Flexible hand fingers for VR Mode Player
Automata character fixes and improvements
Insertion interaction improvements
All heroes except synth switched to using base character model
Generating runtime accurate colliders for heroes
Adding Player Cryo Tank to main scene (WIP)
Improvement to cat mask and Juliette hair for Selina Vanilla character
Improvements to Tifany Costume
Fixing Catgirl Textures and Ears data to improve the Custom Vanilla character
Added 3 new flexible toys
Most costumes now have basic swing simulation
Most long hairs now have basic swing simulation
Pectorals now collide with heroes's arms and forearms to allow more realism when dancing
Robot reacts when failed to dematerialize
Character Creator:
Character creator bone scaling
Allowing normal map use on Toon Skin Material
Fix to resetting skin material in character creator
Enabling Eye Iris Texture import in character creator
Vanilla characters can now be loaded in the Character Creator
Better animations to character creator UI
Adding a few adjustments to Diva Hair to create a replacement for the Kitty Hair
Created character creator versioning warnings
Adding Cat Girl hair to character creator
Updating Kitty Ears with better morphs
Adding Kimono Suit and accessories
Improving fitting sliders on Assassin Shirt
Added a hidden underwear toggle
Updating Amy and Tina hairs with shape to hide when using cowl or helmet
Allowing camera orbit in any camera mode
Unlocking a couple of DNA Sliders and ranges
Adding New Automata Skirt to Character Creator
Adding a new category for Dresses and Skirts
Setting dematerializer strength to every costume item
Adding Sexy Lips, Nose Width, Puffy Labia amd lashes long 2 to DNA Panel in Character Creator
Adding import/export tooltips
Updating all items that need puffy labia morphs
Fixing Fighter Skirt Material labels and adding custom materials to it
Bug Fixes:
Quick fix for adjustment sliders not persisting on some clothing
Advance poser fix, desktop fingering works again,
Fixing Expand All not working on hairs
Fixing nails showing when shoes are equipped
Fix for Sliders Limit Cheat not working on sliders that affect 2 morphs
Fixing issues with toy to mouth interactions
Loading different characters with same costumes now reset their sliders
Fixes for cheats and cheat menu
Improved VR fingering interaction
Character Creator Ultrawide screen fix
Modal windows now appear on the correct Z order
Skin wont clip anymore using the Galaxy Skin
Skin wont clip anymore using the Toon Skin
Beta 33(2022.01.01)
Main Game
Calibrated Joint Stress system
Fixing toys insertion distance and XRay indicator
Automata now removes its tech suit during sexy scenes
Improving GSpot Indicator UX
Fixing toys X-Ray sprite
Finger-ing improvement, smooth movement fix and other fixes
Fixing audio distortion when dissolving The Synth
Fixing errors when dissolving hero with gravity cuffs
Deep throat morph (on base and synth)
Adding Separate audio sliders in sound settings
Adding optional pixelation censorship for Streamers and JP version
Updating Feline Fatale Hair with new hair model
Cuff Effect change as they pull limbs harder
Spanish localization for Mission descriptions
Level missions now can specify which machine to load when starting the level
Death ragdoll fix on gravity cuffs
Adding Joint Stress cheat option to VR
Revamping Automata Suit
Adding VR Smooth locomotion controls
Adding VR vignette
Adding lightning effect to Gravity Cuffs
Disabling Robot interactions during tutorial
Localizing consoles and menus
Character Creator
Fix to reseting skin material in character creator
Enabling Eye Iris Texture import in character creator
Adding Juliette hair to character creator
Adding Anime Eyebrows to character creator
Fix Eye brows values not loading properly and sliders not working in character creator
Adding Sailor Hair to character Creator
Adding new pretty feet to character creator
Adding new inverted nipples to character creator
beta 32:(2022.12.04)
Main Game
Created the Gravity Cuffs machine, simple and advanced mode
Added a Cheat Option to enable the advanced mode
Adding New Synth Mission 1
Adding better cuffs effects to machines
Added cheat option to disable Joint Stress System
Created a joint break system and break effects
Joint break causes a lot of fear and damage
Localization for settings menu
Hover circle on toys & robot show a selection outline
Adding smooth subtitles layout
New subtitles show at the bottom, moving the old ones up
Adding subtitle and localization to all missions and tutorials
Smoothing Genital movement during interaction
Adding start mission title screen
Options menu tabs for settings
Improving UI sounds of Level selection console
Adding Scene light changes to Synth mission 1 and 2
Desktop Hand Hud now shows when is in locked state
Making Robot AI Interactable
Toy to hole polish, genital clamping and lerping
Toy squeezing when inserted
Bug Fixes
Fixing error when look at target on robot gets nulled if a character changes
Fixing error when playing missions consecutively
Fixing winning conditions on timeline by using greater or equals and lower or equals
Level buttons now show on starting character
VR Knee position improvement and other fixes
Lowering volume of Synth Voice
Fixing issue when setting game resolution
Improved lighting of main menu scene
Character Creator
Adding Cowl Dress to Character creator
Fixing Combat Suit Crotch
Beta 31
Let me point quick the major changes and will end with a complete changelog.
Tons of bug fixes: better grabbing, less buggy interactions, more stable toys, Custom Characters, etc.
Performance improvements on all places, loading the game, during the game, loading characters, fixed memory leak in Character Creator, etc.
Photo Mode in the Character Creator with lighting settings, camera effect settings, pose selector and a quick access to your captured photos. Now you are able to capture photos even at 8k.
The Synth Belly Apparatus, inspired by one of my figurines I saw it would be fun to see yourself inside of The Synth, plus this gave us ideas and we are planning to add some more functionality to this device.
Added some more customizations in the Character Creator: The system was implemented but we weren't using it properly, now you can change some more properties on the items materials and a bunch of adjustment sliders to the clothing.
1 new hair and 1 catsuit in the Character Creator, new high heels
Option to hide the player body
The settings menu is now available in-game
With a good base free of nasty bugs we can (this time for real) focus on building the game story and missions, this we will be doing on the next updates, in fact we have already layered a plan to deliver at least 1 new mission per release.
Here is the full changelog:
General Changes
Tool handling on hitachi and dart gun now allow you to teleport and turn
Bug when tool handling and teleporting while inserted has been fixed
Teleport and dick explosion issue fixes
Respawn, menu, whip sound bug fixes
Improving Dematerializer hit check
Added VR Settings menu
Dick robot arm, armchair and VR settings menu fixes
Adding broken joints to Synth to show when limbs are dematerialized
Access to settings from pause menu
Added player body visibility toggle
Armchair bug fixes
Adding Synth Pump to its belly
Adding Synth belly window
Occlusion optimizations and memory management
Fixing Dissolving rest of cloth items on Custom Characters
Showing Error Popup if VR fails to initialize
Improving UX on Main Menu
Resolved custom character dissolve issue
Improved dematerialize effect shader performance
Fixing crazy bow arrow fix & Bow shoot cancel
Adding Dual Color Automata Eyes
Fixing Crash and Exception reporter errors
Fixing Boobs not jigling on some characters
Improved boob grabbing desktop interaction
Fixed armchair dick explosion and hole left open issues
Fixed issues with robot arm and dematerializing toys
Fix main menu buttons on hover sometimes not working
Fix head being null errors when characters are looking at the player
Various toys fixes
Updated hand genital interaction to match single body toys
Last used hero/machine on main menu and in main scene
Migrated new genital interaction to Legacy Toys
Creating a separate lightweight Main Menu Scene
Fixes and grab rotations for all characters
Better Head IK, mirror dick and body part grabbing on player
VR sex improvements
Licking now adds status effects
Tweaking Tongue effect amount and frequency
Character Creator Changes
Fixing Abrion Suit Crotch
Added Hanah body to Character Creator
Adding Catsuit to Character Creator
Adding adjustment morphs to a bunch of Costume Items
Fixing errors when trying to set expressions on deleted eyebrows on a custom character
Avoid Setting Properties on Materials that do not have them when loading a character
Bunny Pantihose now properly dematerialized
Custom character dematerialize optimizations
DNA slider min max value now show the proper values
Fixed non expanding character creator buttons
Updated Amy hair 3D mesh with a few fixes
Adding High Heel Mules to Character Creator
Adding Amelie Hair to character creator
Normalizing list of adjustment morphs on suits, underwear and bottom gear
Adding skybox and bg color slector to Character Creator
Adding Light Controls to Character Creator
Adding UI for pose selection in character creator
Adding AO and Noise controls to photo mode in character creator
Adding better Screen Space AO for the character creator camera
Adding photo mode options to show controls and open the photos directory
Photo Mode now captures screenshot in AppData Folder
Character Creator UI Fixes/Improvements
Adding EV, Saturation and Contrast controls tp photo mode camera
Adding zoom feature to photo mode in character creator
Adding a photo mode hud
Adding a Fly Camera controller to photo mode in character creator
Character now properly load material properties such as Specular
Beta 28:
Fixing tools not colliding with characters
Fix issue with audio on non English characters paths
Fixing the indicator for the climax intensity gauge
Adding cheat option to remove passive effects
Preventing mouth finger while "ball muted"
Fixing "mute ball" and choke interaction preventing mouth from opening even more
Improving Ragdoll stability
Fixing bug that prevented dead on the armchair
Fixing Lobelia, Kunoichi, Sentient, Momiji hairs
Fixing several bugs on characters interactors
Resolving the SteamVR issue where actions would change
Fixing character creator sliders not setting sometimes
Adding Advanced Eyeballs to FFatale
Changing breath blendshape from EH to IH This change is needed to avoid conflict with EH phoneme in LipSync
Updatng FFatale ragdoll torso colliders to be capsules for better surface when using hands
Crosshair changes when hovering over an interactable during hand touch mode
Adding Party Dress to character creator
Fix to have stats apply negative effects
Making VR Grab Interactions more stable
Improving VR Hand Poses on Feline Fatale
Fixing emotion variation not loading from LipSync assets
Updating all effects to account sensitivity and cause sensitivity changes
Adding Sensitivity Stats to all characters
Fixing Tool Material preset to have references to correct materials
Wound marks persists even when removing clothes
Fixing Tina Hair morphs not syncing
Beta 26
many bugs fixed, many requests added and it includes the 1st level with The Synth.
Beta 25:
Custom Character Export /Import
Adding a bunch of new Skin Presets: Rera, Automata, Catgirl, River, Shireen
Added a bunch of skins for feline characters: Cheetah, Kiger, Kitty, Siamese
All characters have Voice Reactions, nearly 200 new voice clips were added performed by a new Voice Actress
All characters use a slight variation in pitch to make them unique
Updated some Feline Fatale Reactions
Now There are separate Gag Voice Reactions, unique reactions for different status when the gag is on mouth
Custom Character Randomizer now yields better characters
Added some cool Galaxy and Fur Skins
Added new Items to Character Customizer, Kitty Ears, Sailor Costume, Bunny Outfit with nice new stockings
What's coming in the next update:
Finish the Story levels tutorials with The Synth
Adding some pube hair options
Adding some more reactions when using the vibe wand
Adding some tail costume items
Improving toys placement when using the robot arm
And want to tackle a couple more bugs
Beta 24
Updated Build with dematerializer recharging unlocked and robot arm unlocked
Beta v19
For this release I focused on the feedback you provided and I tried to address the most voted features requested by you.
Vibrator Device
This tool available on Desktop Mode and VR causes arousal on touch, it has 2 modes, low and high and can be toggled with the mous buttons or VR Controller buttons.
I will keep improving this one as character need to react better to it.
VR Mouth & finger interaction
VR hand to mouth and hand to genital interactions had been added, I just noticed I only added them to the Feline Fatale character so the next release will come very soon adding this feature to the rest of the characters.
Tool Respawn
Now all items will respawn to their initial position, the respawn time can be configured in the settings screen.
Remote Grab in VR
Now you can remotely point to an item and grab it, so no more reaching to the floor to grab them.
Automatic Pointer in VR
This has been one of the biggest pain points, people kept asking me how to interact with the buttons. Well now the pointer comes automatically when you are close to a holo-interface, all you have to do is poin and press the trigger to activate it.
Character Creator Hairs
Added a few customizable hair models to the character creator, you can customize the color and the fit.
Character Creator Custom Skins
Now you can import your custom textures, I will soon share the template files and a small tutorials on how to create your own textures and import them to the game.
Custom Characters Functionality
I added all the existing functionality to the characters you create with the character creator, slots for nipples are placed accordingly, even if you change the shape of the body everything should scale accordingly. I also added some basic underwear that can be disintegrated. You can also set the color of the clothing and on a next iteration I will add more clothing and the ability to import your custom textures too.
Character Creator Skin Templates
Added some skin presets that you can quick load, this presets will include textures already used for some of the characters in the game, for now there is the texture for Selina, Tifany, a Robot Synth and a red test character.
Anything else?
Yeah, a lot of minor things and bug fixes:
Added Settings option to turn off blood
Fixed issue where dematerializer would go trough the cat girl's fur
Fixed issue where the character would be disintegrated but the cloths remain
Fixed bug in which the dematerializer bullet trail was not destroyed
Fixed issue in which an interactable would be activate on the incorrect hand
Nipples won't clip trough clothing on a custom character
Added a small indicator on the VR globes to indicate the action that can be performed
Some more fixes and tweaks not worth mentioning
Wow, that was quite a few new features, it might not seem like new content but definitely some nice additions that make the experience better.
Something I want to focus is on improving this interactions, adding more content to the character creator and starting writing the foundation for the gameplay and story.
Beta 18
Character Creator Early Access
Now from the Main Menu you can access the Character Creator Screen, in here you can use the button on the left to customize the shape of your character and then save it on one of the 5 slots available. Once you save it you will be able to load it in the game using the Character Selection Console.
Why is the character red? How do I change the skin?
I have not yet added textures to the new model I'm using for this feature, this will be ready soon and available for beta 19 with the ability to import your own textures! (hey modders)
Devious Device
The new machine is available now, this one sets up the scenario for a new mechanic, Slapping.
Slap and Punch
On this build slapping is only available for VR as Im in the works of porting this to Desktop Mode. The game will detect if you have your hand open or closed and apply the right effect when interacting, additionally I have added a decal system allowing the interaction to paint details on the characters, like slap hand prints. I will gradually leverage this system to add details when interacting with the other items.
Anything else?
Yeah, as usual I read your feedback and I have been fixing some bugs, improving the interactions and overall keeping the game up to date with technology. Here is a list of additional major things that changed:
Better red eyes for Tifany
Fixing issue where Tifany and Catgirl clothes arent dissolved after dissolving the main body
Adding Scene Loading Screens
Dematerializer, Dart Gun, Pong Ball gun now use Steam VR Hand pose system
Tifany pectorals now react to physics
Fixing Breath Tween not working after milk cup was deattached once
Improving Milking cup mesh and materials
Reconfigure nipple sockets on all characters
Deleting around 1GB of unused assets making the build smaller
Adding better pubic Hair to Tifany and configuring Bend Influencers
Beta 16.1
This update has a fix for the cheat console
Fixed a bunch of bugs and did a little bit of performance improvements
This build introduces the new character Tifany
Tifany is a parody of the Sfi-Fi RPG Videogame genre.
All individual cloth pieces can be dematerialized.
She is ready to be mounted on the 2 machines available in the game and all usual interaction should be available.
Please let me know if you experience any issues with her.
Beta 13.1
New Catgirl Character
Laser point Aim for dematerializer
Height Adjustment for contraption devices
Weapons Re-Skin
Adding arousal influence to some other actions
Bug Fixes
Beta 11
For this build I have been working mostly adding some character status effectors and physiological logic, different actions and future actions will have a physiological effect on the character, even indirect actions will have influence.
Here is how this logic works:
Grabbing a weapon will increase fear
Shooting the character point blank will scare the characters
Inflicting damage to the character will increase fear and reduce arousal
Causing any fear will reduce arousal
You cannot increase arousal if the character is scared
There is a base value for each status, the status level will gradually move towards this base
Some actions can mutate this status base.
Realistic Breathing
A realistic breathing system has been implemented. Breath will get more intense as the character is more scared, then it will slowly normalize. Since breathing is a full body motion additional animations had to be added for mouth, chest, head and shoulders.
Adding Toy gun for future gameplay
Gun will shot darts
Darts will stick to hitting surfaces if they are hit with a good angle
Darts will fall after some time and disappear
This gun will be used for future gameplay in which the player will need to shot certain targets.
Added splash screens to enhance presentation
Added Pause Menu
Fixed bug in which mouth would stay open after electrocution
Fixed bug in which character will still look around after death
Optimized city landscape to increase performance
Enhancing textures on cat girl hair
Changing textures of materializer guns
Adding logic to avoid voice and breath audio overlapping
Few other minor bug fixes
Coming Next
Character voices
I will be working mostly on the character's personality. I have requested more voice over for the characters, take a look at some of those clips
Im still not 100% happy with this clips but I will be implementing the system for the characters to speak, then when I find the right voice actor I can just swap the audio files.
New capture device
I will start importing the new capture device that I have been working on the side, I hope this new device will bring some fun gameability. Player will be able to switch devices using the consoles.
Feline character
I hope I can make more progress on this character and bring it to a playable state.
Beta 9
Adding ignore layers to play area and teleport (fixes bug of heigh changing when close to the hero)
Making status console update values on game start
Making rubber bullet reduce arousal and fear
On Dematerializing hero inflicting 1000 damage to kill the human
Adding servo short sound to status console
Configuring dynamic bone colliders missing in right hand
Allowing Status Console to be toggled in VR trough the VR Pointer
On Character Dead, disabling IK and ragdoll to dead status
On character dead stopping breathing and expressions
Basic check for dead logic implementation
Setting up logic so that the hero can be physically attached to the machine
Changing quality settings to avoid clipping on low qualities
Combining main machine mesh and materials to improve performance
Adjusting Main Menu Scene lights and Post Processing effect
Making the status interface to appear and disappear when is toggled
Adding status console icon to the tool console interface button
Adding animation and activation logic for the status console arm
Basic trigger points to toggle the status console arm when pressing it
Baking Lightning and adjusting lights, materials, reflection probes
Making the interactable toys add arousal damage on Desktop Mode
Making Tazer start Electrocute on collision checking if a hero is alr… …
Refactoring Tazer character collition detection Part1
Status controller console now uses the UI Indicators controllers to s… …
Creating Holo Interface elements for character status
Creating prefab for status console and adding a base holo interface
Making Tazer inflict damage over time as it is effecting the character
Adding basic status cancas to scene. …
Making Dematerializer explode if no ammo is left
Adding Event and sound to Dematerializer activation fail
Adding animation to no ammo warning sprite in dematerializer
Adding auxiliar image to ammo canvas to show when there is no more am… …
Implementing holographic counter effect for weapons with animations in… …
Adding sound and holo effect when grabbing the weapons
Making weapon ammo counter appear and disappear on Grab
Adding holographic display to materializer and pong weapons
Creating the bases to implement the demo mode
The Villain Simulator 0.7
Added Desktop Mode Hands
Added Sexy Toys
Sexy Toys work on VR and in Desktop Mode
Sexy Toys work on 2 places
Windows Mixed Reality Headsets support!
Fixing weapon orientation on Oculus
Fix problem that girl wont be visible for some users
Materializer gun now shoots correctly when aiming far
Whip tip no longer gets stuck
Cloth will no longer dissapear randomly
Removed many errors
Bugs and glitch fixes
Beta 6
VR Hands with physics and animations
Improved Game Restart
Left Control Touchpad/Joystick now does snap turns
Improved teleport effect
New console with animated interface to select what tools to bring up
Bring up the pump machine on demand to save performance when not needed
Added physic sounds to many object to add realism when colliding
Improved scene lighting and removed ugly shadow banding
Improved post effects to make game look more stylized
Added basic dematerializing materials to automata model
Added audio reverb effect to enhance immersion
Updated to Unity 2017
Fixed a bunch of bugs and did a little bit of performance improvements
Also I implemented 2 different physics mechanics for each hand, I will post a poll in a couple of days with more details, but check which hand feels better when interacting with other things, the Left or the Right.
Beta 5
In this build Im 90% done with the Milking Pump, you can:
Attach the cups
Activate the pump
Milk is pumped from breast
A Milk Container gets filled
You can grab the container.
Some other things:
Activated the breath effect on the hero
Whip now causes some fear damage to the hero (eventually everything will cause damage and fear)
Machine controler interface is now usable in VR
Bug Fixes of course!
How to interact with the Interface?
Pressing the right touchpad on the HTC Vive Controller, then press the Trigger
Pressing the right joystick on the Oculus Touch, then press the Trigger
You can restart the game presing R in the keyboard
To use the weapons just grab them with the Grab Button, then to activate them press the Trigger
What Next?
I will be adding personality to the hero, make her talk, breath and get scared.
I will add health status, fear, horny statuses to the hero.
Will work on the fight mode mechanic.
Вы когда-нибудь смотрели тот старый сериал о Бэтмене, где он и Робин всегда были на грани смерти в ловушке, а затем в следующем эпизоде им удавалось спастись от ужасной гибели? Хорошо... не в этот раз!! Я всегда фантазировал о том, что будет если Злодей действительно победит, и это с добавлением сексуального элемента.
Did you ever watched that old Batman show where him and Robin were always about to die in a trap, and then in the next episode they managed to escape from an horrendous dead? Well... No More!! I always fantasized with the idea of the Villain actually winning, this is about that with the sexual element added to it.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, 3dcg, animated, sci-fi, male protagonist, adventure, fantasy, bdsm, parody, simulator, sexual harassment, virtual reality, superpowers, female domination, anal, footjob, vaginal, titfuck, oral, bukkake, handjob,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: https://www.patreon.com/ZnelArts
Платформа: PC/Windows x64
b]Тип издания:[/b] В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: Beta 35
Язык игры (сюжет): Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
V33 Beta
Cheat code 1029
V32 beta
Cheat code 0987
Beta 35(2023.05.19)
Added Opinions and Custom Character Opinions
Added opinions status console
New Dance (Still WIP)
Added a paint gun
New Tutorial Intro
Improved Desktop Mode interaction mechanic
New Costumes
Added Paddles
Tweaked and improved some reactions
Beta 34.2(2023.03.24)
Flexible hand fingers for VR Mode Player
Automata character fixes and improvements
Insertion interaction improvements
All heroes except synth switched to using base character model
Generating runtime accurate colliders for heroes
Adding Player Cryo Tank to main scene (WIP)
Improvement to cat mask and Juliette hair for Selina Vanilla character
Improvements to Tifany Costume
Fixing Catgirl Textures and Ears data to improve the Custom Vanilla character
Added 3 new flexible toys
Most costumes now have basic swing simulation
Most long hairs now have basic swing simulation
Pectorals now collide with heroes's arms and forearms to allow more realism when dancing
Robot reacts when failed to dematerialize
Character Creator:
Character creator bone scaling
Allowing normal map use on Toon Skin Material
Fix to resetting skin material in character creator
Enabling Eye Iris Texture import in character creator
Vanilla characters can now be loaded in the Character Creator
Better animations to character creator UI
Adding a few adjustments to Diva Hair to create a replacement for the Kitty Hair
Created character creator versioning warnings
Adding Cat Girl hair to character creator
Updating Kitty Ears with better morphs
Adding Kimono Suit and accessories
Improving fitting sliders on Assassin Shirt
Added a hidden underwear toggle
Updating Amy and Tina hairs with shape to hide when using cowl or helmet
Allowing camera orbit in any camera mode
Unlocking a couple of DNA Sliders and ranges
Adding New Automata Skirt to Character Creator
Adding a new category for Dresses and Skirts
Setting dematerializer strength to every costume item
Adding Sexy Lips, Nose Width, Puffy Labia amd lashes long 2 to DNA Panel in Character Creator
Adding import/export tooltips
Updating all items that need puffy labia morphs
Fixing Fighter Skirt Material labels and adding custom materials to it
Bug Fixes:
Quick fix for adjustment sliders not persisting on some clothing
Advance poser fix, desktop fingering works again,
Fixing Expand All not working on hairs
Fixing nails showing when shoes are equipped
Fix for Sliders Limit Cheat not working on sliders that affect 2 morphs
Fixing issues with toy to mouth interactions
Loading different characters with same costumes now reset their sliders
Fixes for cheats and cheat menu
Improved VR fingering interaction
Character Creator Ultrawide screen fix
Modal windows now appear on the correct Z order
Skin wont clip anymore using the Galaxy Skin
Skin wont clip anymore using the Toon Skin
Beta 33(2022.01.01)
Main Game
Calibrated Joint Stress system
Fixing toys insertion distance and XRay indicator
Automata now removes its tech suit during sexy scenes
Improving GSpot Indicator UX
Fixing toys X-Ray sprite
Finger-ing improvement, smooth movement fix and other fixes
Fixing audio distortion when dissolving The Synth
Fixing errors when dissolving hero with gravity cuffs
Deep throat morph (on base and synth)
Adding Separate audio sliders in sound settings
Adding optional pixelation censorship for Streamers and JP version
Updating Feline Fatale Hair with new hair model
Cuff Effect change as they pull limbs harder
Spanish localization for Mission descriptions
Level missions now can specify which machine to load when starting the level
Death ragdoll fix on gravity cuffs
Adding Joint Stress cheat option to VR
Revamping Automata Suit
Adding VR Smooth locomotion controls
Adding VR vignette
Adding lightning effect to Gravity Cuffs
Disabling Robot interactions during tutorial
Localizing consoles and menus
Character Creator
Fix to reseting skin material in character creator
Enabling Eye Iris Texture import in character creator
Adding Juliette hair to character creator
Adding Anime Eyebrows to character creator
Fix Eye brows values not loading properly and sliders not working in character creator
Adding Sailor Hair to character Creator
Adding new pretty feet to character creator
Adding new inverted nipples to character creator
beta 32:(2022.12.04)
Main Game
Created the Gravity Cuffs machine, simple and advanced mode
Added a Cheat Option to enable the advanced mode
Adding New Synth Mission 1
Adding better cuffs effects to machines
Added cheat option to disable Joint Stress System
Created a joint break system and break effects
Joint break causes a lot of fear and damage
Localization for settings menu
Hover circle on toys & robot show a selection outline
Adding smooth subtitles layout
New subtitles show at the bottom, moving the old ones up
Adding subtitle and localization to all missions and tutorials
Smoothing Genital movement during interaction
Adding start mission title screen
Options menu tabs for settings
Improving UI sounds of Level selection console
Adding Scene light changes to Synth mission 1 and 2
Desktop Hand Hud now shows when is in locked state
Making Robot AI Interactable
Toy to hole polish, genital clamping and lerping
Toy squeezing when inserted
Bug Fixes
Fixing error when look at target on robot gets nulled if a character changes
Fixing error when playing missions consecutively
Fixing winning conditions on timeline by using greater or equals and lower or equals
Level buttons now show on starting character
VR Knee position improvement and other fixes
Lowering volume of Synth Voice
Fixing issue when setting game resolution
Improved lighting of main menu scene
Character Creator
Adding Cowl Dress to Character creator
Fixing Combat Suit Crotch
Beta 31
Let me point quick the major changes and will end with a complete changelog.
Tons of bug fixes: better grabbing, less buggy interactions, more stable toys, Custom Characters, etc.
Performance improvements on all places, loading the game, during the game, loading characters, fixed memory leak in Character Creator, etc.
Photo Mode in the Character Creator with lighting settings, camera effect settings, pose selector and a quick access to your captured photos. Now you are able to capture photos even at 8k.
The Synth Belly Apparatus, inspired by one of my figurines I saw it would be fun to see yourself inside of The Synth, plus this gave us ideas and we are planning to add some more functionality to this device.
Added some more customizations in the Character Creator: The system was implemented but we weren't using it properly, now you can change some more properties on the items materials and a bunch of adjustment sliders to the clothing.
1 new hair and 1 catsuit in the Character Creator, new high heels
Option to hide the player body
The settings menu is now available in-game
With a good base free of nasty bugs we can (this time for real) focus on building the game story and missions, this we will be doing on the next updates, in fact we have already layered a plan to deliver at least 1 new mission per release.
Here is the full changelog:
General Changes
Tool handling on hitachi and dart gun now allow you to teleport and turn
Bug when tool handling and teleporting while inserted has been fixed
Teleport and dick explosion issue fixes
Respawn, menu, whip sound bug fixes
Improving Dematerializer hit check
Added VR Settings menu
Dick robot arm, armchair and VR settings menu fixes
Adding broken joints to Synth to show when limbs are dematerialized
Access to settings from pause menu
Added player body visibility toggle
Armchair bug fixes
Adding Synth Pump to its belly
Adding Synth belly window
Occlusion optimizations and memory management
Fixing Dissolving rest of cloth items on Custom Characters
Showing Error Popup if VR fails to initialize
Improving UX on Main Menu
Resolved custom character dissolve issue
Improved dematerialize effect shader performance
Fixing crazy bow arrow fix & Bow shoot cancel
Adding Dual Color Automata Eyes
Fixing Crash and Exception reporter errors
Fixing Boobs not jigling on some characters
Improved boob grabbing desktop interaction
Fixed armchair dick explosion and hole left open issues
Fixed issues with robot arm and dematerializing toys
Fix main menu buttons on hover sometimes not working
Fix head being null errors when characters are looking at the player
Various toys fixes
Updated hand genital interaction to match single body toys
Last used hero/machine on main menu and in main scene
Migrated new genital interaction to Legacy Toys
Creating a separate lightweight Main Menu Scene
Fixes and grab rotations for all characters
Better Head IK, mirror dick and body part grabbing on player
VR sex improvements
Licking now adds status effects
Tweaking Tongue effect amount and frequency
Character Creator Changes
Fixing Abrion Suit Crotch
Added Hanah body to Character Creator
Adding Catsuit to Character Creator
Adding adjustment morphs to a bunch of Costume Items
Fixing errors when trying to set expressions on deleted eyebrows on a custom character
Avoid Setting Properties on Materials that do not have them when loading a character
Bunny Pantihose now properly dematerialized
Custom character dematerialize optimizations
DNA slider min max value now show the proper values
Fixed non expanding character creator buttons
Updated Amy hair 3D mesh with a few fixes
Adding High Heel Mules to Character Creator
Adding Amelie Hair to character creator
Normalizing list of adjustment morphs on suits, underwear and bottom gear
Adding skybox and bg color slector to Character Creator
Adding Light Controls to Character Creator
Adding UI for pose selection in character creator
Adding AO and Noise controls to photo mode in character creator
Adding better Screen Space AO for the character creator camera
Adding photo mode options to show controls and open the photos directory
Photo Mode now captures screenshot in AppData Folder
Character Creator UI Fixes/Improvements
Adding EV, Saturation and Contrast controls tp photo mode camera
Adding zoom feature to photo mode in character creator
Adding a photo mode hud
Adding a Fly Camera controller to photo mode in character creator
Character now properly load material properties such as Specular
Beta 28:
Fixing tools not colliding with characters
Fix issue with audio on non English characters paths
Fixing the indicator for the climax intensity gauge
Adding cheat option to remove passive effects
Preventing mouth finger while "ball muted"
Fixing "mute ball" and choke interaction preventing mouth from opening even more
Improving Ragdoll stability
Fixing bug that prevented dead on the armchair
Fixing Lobelia, Kunoichi, Sentient, Momiji hairs
Fixing several bugs on characters interactors
Resolving the SteamVR issue where actions would change
Fixing character creator sliders not setting sometimes
Adding Advanced Eyeballs to FFatale
Changing breath blendshape from EH to IH This change is needed to avoid conflict with EH phoneme in LipSync
Updatng FFatale ragdoll torso colliders to be capsules for better surface when using hands
Crosshair changes when hovering over an interactable during hand touch mode
Adding Party Dress to character creator
Fix to have stats apply negative effects
Making VR Grab Interactions more stable
Improving VR Hand Poses on Feline Fatale
Fixing emotion variation not loading from LipSync assets
Updating all effects to account sensitivity and cause sensitivity changes
Adding Sensitivity Stats to all characters
Fixing Tool Material preset to have references to correct materials
Wound marks persists even when removing clothes
Fixing Tina Hair morphs not syncing
Beta 26
many bugs fixed, many requests added and it includes the 1st level with The Synth.
Beta 25:
Custom Character Export /Import
Adding a bunch of new Skin Presets: Rera, Automata, Catgirl, River, Shireen
Added a bunch of skins for feline characters: Cheetah, Kiger, Kitty, Siamese
All characters have Voice Reactions, nearly 200 new voice clips were added performed by a new Voice Actress
All characters use a slight variation in pitch to make them unique
Updated some Feline Fatale Reactions
Now There are separate Gag Voice Reactions, unique reactions for different status when the gag is on mouth
Custom Character Randomizer now yields better characters
Added some cool Galaxy and Fur Skins
Added new Items to Character Customizer, Kitty Ears, Sailor Costume, Bunny Outfit with nice new stockings
What's coming in the next update:
Finish the Story levels tutorials with The Synth
Adding some pube hair options
Adding some more reactions when using the vibe wand
Adding some tail costume items
Improving toys placement when using the robot arm
And want to tackle a couple more bugs
Beta 24
Updated Build with dematerializer recharging unlocked and robot arm unlocked
Beta v19
For this release I focused on the feedback you provided and I tried to address the most voted features requested by you.
Vibrator Device
This tool available on Desktop Mode and VR causes arousal on touch, it has 2 modes, low and high and can be toggled with the mous buttons or VR Controller buttons.
I will keep improving this one as character need to react better to it.
VR Mouth & finger interaction
VR hand to mouth and hand to genital interactions had been added, I just noticed I only added them to the Feline Fatale character so the next release will come very soon adding this feature to the rest of the characters.
Tool Respawn
Now all items will respawn to their initial position, the respawn time can be configured in the settings screen.
Remote Grab in VR
Now you can remotely point to an item and grab it, so no more reaching to the floor to grab them.
Automatic Pointer in VR
This has been one of the biggest pain points, people kept asking me how to interact with the buttons. Well now the pointer comes automatically when you are close to a holo-interface, all you have to do is poin and press the trigger to activate it.
Character Creator Hairs
Added a few customizable hair models to the character creator, you can customize the color and the fit.
Character Creator Custom Skins
Now you can import your custom textures, I will soon share the template files and a small tutorials on how to create your own textures and import them to the game.
Custom Characters Functionality
I added all the existing functionality to the characters you create with the character creator, slots for nipples are placed accordingly, even if you change the shape of the body everything should scale accordingly. I also added some basic underwear that can be disintegrated. You can also set the color of the clothing and on a next iteration I will add more clothing and the ability to import your custom textures too.
Character Creator Skin Templates
Added some skin presets that you can quick load, this presets will include textures already used for some of the characters in the game, for now there is the texture for Selina, Tifany, a Robot Synth and a red test character.
Anything else?
Yeah, a lot of minor things and bug fixes:
Added Settings option to turn off blood
Fixed issue where dematerializer would go trough the cat girl's fur
Fixed issue where the character would be disintegrated but the cloths remain
Fixed bug in which the dematerializer bullet trail was not destroyed
Fixed issue in which an interactable would be activate on the incorrect hand
Nipples won't clip trough clothing on a custom character
Added a small indicator on the VR globes to indicate the action that can be performed
Some more fixes and tweaks not worth mentioning
Wow, that was quite a few new features, it might not seem like new content but definitely some nice additions that make the experience better.
Something I want to focus is on improving this interactions, adding more content to the character creator and starting writing the foundation for the gameplay and story.
Beta 18
Character Creator Early Access
Now from the Main Menu you can access the Character Creator Screen, in here you can use the button on the left to customize the shape of your character and then save it on one of the 5 slots available. Once you save it you will be able to load it in the game using the Character Selection Console.
Why is the character red? How do I change the skin?
I have not yet added textures to the new model I'm using for this feature, this will be ready soon and available for beta 19 with the ability to import your own textures! (hey modders)
Devious Device
The new machine is available now, this one sets up the scenario for a new mechanic, Slapping.
Slap and Punch
On this build slapping is only available for VR as Im in the works of porting this to Desktop Mode. The game will detect if you have your hand open or closed and apply the right effect when interacting, additionally I have added a decal system allowing the interaction to paint details on the characters, like slap hand prints. I will gradually leverage this system to add details when interacting with the other items.
Anything else?
Yeah, as usual I read your feedback and I have been fixing some bugs, improving the interactions and overall keeping the game up to date with technology. Here is a list of additional major things that changed:
Better red eyes for Tifany
Fixing issue where Tifany and Catgirl clothes arent dissolved after dissolving the main body
Adding Scene Loading Screens
Dematerializer, Dart Gun, Pong Ball gun now use Steam VR Hand pose system
Tifany pectorals now react to physics
Fixing Breath Tween not working after milk cup was deattached once
Improving Milking cup mesh and materials
Reconfigure nipple sockets on all characters
Deleting around 1GB of unused assets making the build smaller
Adding better pubic Hair to Tifany and configuring Bend Influencers
Beta 16.1
This update has a fix for the cheat console
Fixed a bunch of bugs and did a little bit of performance improvements
This build introduces the new character Tifany
Tifany is a parody of the Sfi-Fi RPG Videogame genre.
All individual cloth pieces can be dematerialized.
She is ready to be mounted on the 2 machines available in the game and all usual interaction should be available.
Please let me know if you experience any issues with her.
Beta 13.1
New Catgirl Character
Laser point Aim for dematerializer
Height Adjustment for contraption devices
Weapons Re-Skin
Adding arousal influence to some other actions
Bug Fixes
Beta 11
For this build I have been working mostly adding some character status effectors and physiological logic, different actions and future actions will have a physiological effect on the character, even indirect actions will have influence.
Here is how this logic works:
Grabbing a weapon will increase fear
Shooting the character point blank will scare the characters
Inflicting damage to the character will increase fear and reduce arousal
Causing any fear will reduce arousal
You cannot increase arousal if the character is scared
There is a base value for each status, the status level will gradually move towards this base
Some actions can mutate this status base.
Realistic Breathing
A realistic breathing system has been implemented. Breath will get more intense as the character is more scared, then it will slowly normalize. Since breathing is a full body motion additional animations had to be added for mouth, chest, head and shoulders.
Adding Toy gun for future gameplay
Gun will shot darts
Darts will stick to hitting surfaces if they are hit with a good angle
Darts will fall after some time and disappear
This gun will be used for future gameplay in which the player will need to shot certain targets.
Added splash screens to enhance presentation
Added Pause Menu
Fixed bug in which mouth would stay open after electrocution
Fixed bug in which character will still look around after death
Optimized city landscape to increase performance
Enhancing textures on cat girl hair
Changing textures of materializer guns
Adding logic to avoid voice and breath audio overlapping
Few other minor bug fixes
Coming Next
Character voices
I will be working mostly on the character's personality. I have requested more voice over for the characters, take a look at some of those clips
Im still not 100% happy with this clips but I will be implementing the system for the characters to speak, then when I find the right voice actor I can just swap the audio files.
New capture device
I will start importing the new capture device that I have been working on the side, I hope this new device will bring some fun gameability. Player will be able to switch devices using the consoles.
Feline character
I hope I can make more progress on this character and bring it to a playable state.
Beta 9
Adding ignore layers to play area and teleport (fixes bug of heigh changing when close to the hero)
Making status console update values on game start
Making rubber bullet reduce arousal and fear
On Dematerializing hero inflicting 1000 damage to kill the human
Adding servo short sound to status console
Configuring dynamic bone colliders missing in right hand
Allowing Status Console to be toggled in VR trough the VR Pointer
On Character Dead, disabling IK and ragdoll to dead status
On character dead stopping breathing and expressions
Basic check for dead logic implementation
Setting up logic so that the hero can be physically attached to the machine
Changing quality settings to avoid clipping on low qualities
Combining main machine mesh and materials to improve performance
Adjusting Main Menu Scene lights and Post Processing effect
Making the status interface to appear and disappear when is toggled
Adding status console icon to the tool console interface button
Adding animation and activation logic for the status console arm
Basic trigger points to toggle the status console arm when pressing it
Baking Lightning and adjusting lights, materials, reflection probes
Making the interactable toys add arousal damage on Desktop Mode
Making Tazer start Electrocute on collision checking if a hero is alr… …
Refactoring Tazer character collition detection Part1
Status controller console now uses the UI Indicators controllers to s… …
Creating Holo Interface elements for character status
Creating prefab for status console and adding a base holo interface
Making Tazer inflict damage over time as it is effecting the character
Adding basic status cancas to scene. …
Making Dematerializer explode if no ammo is left
Adding Event and sound to Dematerializer activation fail
Adding animation to no ammo warning sprite in dematerializer
Adding auxiliar image to ammo canvas to show when there is no more am… …
Implementing holographic counter effect for weapons with animations in… …
Adding sound and holo effect when grabbing the weapons
Making weapon ammo counter appear and disappear on Grab
Adding holographic display to materializer and pong weapons
Creating the bases to implement the demo mode
The Villain Simulator 0.7
Added Desktop Mode Hands
Added Sexy Toys
Sexy Toys work on VR and in Desktop Mode
Sexy Toys work on 2 places
Windows Mixed Reality Headsets support!
Fixing weapon orientation on Oculus
Fix problem that girl wont be visible for some users
Materializer gun now shoots correctly when aiming far
Whip tip no longer gets stuck
Cloth will no longer dissapear randomly
Removed many errors
Bugs and glitch fixes
Beta 6
VR Hands with physics and animations
Improved Game Restart
Left Control Touchpad/Joystick now does snap turns
Improved teleport effect
New console with animated interface to select what tools to bring up
Bring up the pump machine on demand to save performance when not needed
Added physic sounds to many object to add realism when colliding
Improved scene lighting and removed ugly shadow banding
Improved post effects to make game look more stylized
Added basic dematerializing materials to automata model
Added audio reverb effect to enhance immersion
Updated to Unity 2017
Fixed a bunch of bugs and did a little bit of performance improvements
Also I implemented 2 different physics mechanics for each hand, I will post a poll in a couple of days with more details, but check which hand feels better when interacting with other things, the Left or the Right.
Beta 5
In this build Im 90% done with the Milking Pump, you can:
Attach the cups
Activate the pump
Milk is pumped from breast
A Milk Container gets filled
You can grab the container.
Some other things:
Activated the breath effect on the hero
Whip now causes some fear damage to the hero (eventually everything will cause damage and fear)
Machine controler interface is now usable in VR
Bug Fixes of course!
How to interact with the Interface?
Pressing the right touchpad on the HTC Vive Controller, then press the Trigger
Pressing the right joystick on the Oculus Touch, then press the Trigger
You can restart the game presing R in the keyboard
To use the weapons just grab them with the Grab Button, then to activate them press the Trigger
What Next?
I will be adding personality to the hero, make her talk, breath and get scared.
I will add health status, fear, horny statuses to the hero.
Will work on the fight mode mechanic.
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 20-05-2023, 01:20
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии Beta 35 / Topic updated to Beta 35
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