Описание:Adventure High takes place in a school that teaches Adult Students how to master their unique gifts for magic to survive in the wilderness beyond the city. The main character's gift, however, is that of Control, leading to the constant temptation for him, or her to use their powers on the people around them.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, bdsm, corruption, dating sim, female protagonist, harem, incest, lesbian, male protagonist, mind control, monster, oral, rpg, slave, transformation, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Changer -
patreon |
itch.io |
subscribestarПлатформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.98 Beta
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Cheat Code:
v0.98 - 2205-03-09
- Cassandra Booked added to Cassandra's romance plotline.
- Jane wedding scenes added.
- Extended library scenes added for Kate.
v0.94 - 2024-11-22
- 4 scenes added to Heroic Finale.
- 1 scene added for Heroic Ending.
- Extended library scenes added for Victoria.
The new scenes for the heroic ending should connect multiple new paths through the heroic route to the ending, so it should be easier to reach the ending now than in previous versions.
v0.92 - 2024-07-21
- Cassandra combat AI updated.
- Sarah Charmed by Rosa scene added.
- 3 scenes added for Sandy.
- Wedding scenes added for Erin.
- Library scenes added for Reese's female forms.
v0.71 Beta(2022.09.18)
- 4 scenes added for Monster Ranch.
- 2 scenes added for Jane's extended bimbo plot.
- 4 scenes added for Julia's extended library scenes.
- 2 scenes added for June's introduction plot.
- 1 scene added to Bimbo lessons plotline.
- 1 scene added to Hospital Harem plotline.
- 1 scene added to Extra Credit plotline.
- 2 scenes added to Kate Charmed Rejection plotline.
- Transformed masturbation scene added for Sarah and Ashley.
- Transform spell can now be cast on Julia.
- Transformed masturbation scene added for Julia.
- Transformed Masturbation scenes for Molly and Jane for Jane's lessons plotline added.
- 2 scenes added to Jane's romance plotline.
- Kate can join party.
- 3 spells added for Kate.
- 2 scene added for Domme Julia plot.
- 1 scene added for Cassandra/Sarah plotline.
- 2 scenes added for Cowsandra Conspiracy plot.
- 4 scenes added for Cassandra Corrupt plot.
- Alt ending for Frost Queen fight for Kate added.
- 1 Play scene for Bimbos gone wild added.
- 2 scenes added for Julia's bodyswap plot.
- 1 scene added for Cassandra Booked plot.
- 3 scenes added for Dr. Tiff Romance plotline.
- Ms. Rack and Kate added to Molly's Alternate Feeding.
- Library scenes added for Kate.
- 1 scene for Cassandra/Sarah plotline added.
- 1 scene for Sarah added.
- Molly, and Val added to spell menu
- Soothe, Group Heal, and Restore now able to be cast from spell menu.
- 2 scenes added for Succubus Molly plotline.
- 6 girls added to Alternate feeding for Molly.
- 2 scenes added for Monster Fun Plotline.
- 4 monsters added to Ranch.
- 1 scene for Broken Molly plotline added.
- 1 scene for Molly Willing Slave plotline added.
- 1 scene added for Angie.
- 1 scene added for Angie Booked plotline.
- 1 slave chatter added.
- Rubber Naga, Flower Girl, Slime Girl, and Aquatic girl sprites updated.
- Boss theme music added to Monster Girls plotline, during Ashley Duel.
- 1 scene added for Ashley Romance plotline.
- 2 scenes added for Julia being possessed.
- 1 scene added for Ashley being possessed.
- Rosa now able to do the Bimbos Gone Wild plotline.
- 3 scenes added to Dolly/Rosa plotline
- 1 Scene added to Julia Domme plot.
- 1 scene added for Transforming into Val.
- 2 scenes added to Kate's Resisted Charm plotline.
- 6 scenes added for Bimbos gone Wild plotline.
- 4 play scenes for Kate added.
- 1 scene added for the player Transformed into Sarah.
- 4 scenes added to Monster Girls plotline.
- 1 scene for Kate's charming added.
- 1 scene for Julia submissive plotline added.
- Cassandra can be targeted by the Possess spell.
- 2 scenes added for Cassandra's possession, with CGs by Caveman Doodles.
- 1 scene added to Rescue Girl Plotline. (In dungeon)
- 1 scene added to Rescue Girl plotline.
- Alternate sequence added for Flirt Spell in first private lesson with Jane on Enslavement Route.
- 1 scene added to Julia Domme plotline.
- 1 scene added to Julia Arsenal plotline.
- 1 scene added to Hospital Harem plotline.
- 1 convo with Ashley added.
- Transform spell can be cast on Sarah on the streets from the main menu.
- 1 scene added to Molly's Fired plot.
- 1 date added for Jane.
- 1 scene added to Ms. Rack's lover plot.
- Rescue Girl appears in the dungeon once when total party HP drops below 20%
- Reese now has a male mindless form.
- Special play scene with Mindless Reese and Derrick in male forms added.
Adventure High Version: v.0.52
Here's what's new in this version of the game:
- 3 scenes added to Julia's Arsenal Plotline.
- 1 spell added for Julia.
- Julia can learn to randomly chase monsters away with insults.
- Cassandra now causes strange effects when using liquid life potions.
- Bear Claw in the submissive version of Sarah's home plot is now beatable using Cassandra's potions.
- Victoria's Library scenes added.
- 2 spells added for Val
- 2 spells added for Molly
- 1 floor added to the dungeon
- 2 scenes added for Julia on the new dungeon floor.
- 1 spell for Ashley added.
- One scene added to Ms. Rack's romance plotline.
- Sigil added to Floor 20
- Notes added to Floor 20
- Drape's 3rd Secret Class added.
- Jane's 3rd Secret Class added.
- Ms. Rack's 3rd secret class, and bimbo alternate class added.
- Dr. Tiff's 3rd secret class added.
- 1 scene added for Cassandra and Sarah's plotline.
Adventure High 0.50 updates
- 2 scenes added for Derrick's Enslavement.
- Derrick can now be enslaved.
- Personality changes for Derrick added.
- Play scenes for all of Derrick's personalities added.
- 1 scene added to Victoria plotline.
- Victoria can now be enslaved.
- All personality change sequences for Victoria added.
- play scenes for all of Victoria's personalities added.
- 1 scene added to Monster girls plotline.
- 1 scene added to Ms. Rack/Dr. Tiff plotline.
- 1 scene added to Bimbo Lessons plotline.
- 1 scene added to Normal Submissive plotline.
- 3 scenes added for curing Molly of the succubi enchantment.
Adventure High 0.48 updates
Adventure High 0.48 is finished, and out for $1.00 patrons. If you want to play right away, you can check my patreon out on the sidebar to the right. Here's what's new in this update:
- Can cast Flirt on Molly to ask her out.
- First date with Molly added.
- New music added for town areas.
- New music added to battles.
- New music for Dungeon added.
- 1 Scene for Julia added to Redemption route.
- Library scenes for Ashley added.
- Ashley play scenes edited to match her correct hair color. (at some point it slipped to being dull brown, but should be a reddish-brown)
- Can transform into Molly on the streets.
- 2 scenes for Bimbo Teacher plot with Ms. Rack added.
- 1 scene for Cassandra Conversations added.
- 2 scenes added to Sarah/Cassandra plotline.
- 2 scenes added to Cassandra Milkpumps (submissive)
- Dungeon tiles updated.
- 1 scene for Erin added, with art by Caveman Doodles.
- 1 scene added to transformation lesson plotline.
- 1 scene added for Reese.
- 1 scene for Ashley added.
- Ashley can now be dated.
- Dr. Tiff will punish your girlfriends if they are dating you at the same time she is upon being defeated in battle.
- Play scene for Mindless Dr. Tiff added.
- Personality change sequences for Angie added.
- Play scene for Mindless Angie added.
- Play scene for Young Angie added.
- Play scene for Normal Angie added.
- Play scene for Slutty Angie added.
- Alternate sequences added for Domme Cassandra for Sarah's mind dungeon.
- Ashley's soul can be found without Ghost Mom's advice.
- Romance scene with Val added, with variation for Cured Ashley.
- Alternate version of Sarah's Home plot for Submissive (Cassandra) Route.
- 1 scene added to Redemption route for Sarah (if you played with her, or used grapple to enslave her)
- 2 spells added for Molly
- Pure debilitating spells made easier to land, status ailments now last longer.
- Confusion self-harm odds reduced from 1/3 to 1/5, increases to 3/5 when haste is active
- 1 scene added to julia submissive plot
- 1 scene added to Contract plotline
- Alternate sequence added to Sarah's confrontation of Domme Cassandra
- Indicators for increases or decreases of affection added
- Play scene for Normal Ashley added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Berserker Ashley added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Party Ashley added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Mindless Ashley added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- 2 scenes added to corrupt submissive plotline with art by Hilent.
- Grapple spell option added to corrupt submissive plotline (without julia) with art by Hilent.
- 2 scenes added to Julia Domme plotline
- Ms. Rack can now be given The Book during her secret classes, with art by Hilent.
- 1 scene added to Ms. Rack booked plotline to get Dr. Tiff, with art by Hilent.
- Entire Berserker plotline rewritten for Julia as a Domme
- Repeatable hypnotic breast scene added to library for Domme Julia to replace normal flashing scene
- 1 Date scene with Julia added
- 1 scene added for Charmed Ashley
- Library scenes added for Jane's new personalities, with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Sadist Dr. Tiff added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Love Doctor Dr. Tiff added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- 1 scene added to Derrick's Family plotline
- Angie can be enslaved (Personality changes will be in the next update)
- Play scene for Normal Brittany added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Alien Brittany added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Slave Brittany added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Lab Brittany added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- 1 scene added to Brittany collared plotline
- 4 scenes added to Derrick's Family plotline
- 2 scenes added to Submissive plotline (Corrupt)
- All students who can be enslaved on Submissive Route can be given to Cassandra.
- Personality change sequences added for Ashley.
- Personality change sequences added for Jane.
- Play scene for Normal Jane added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Innocent Jane added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Slut Jane added with art by Caveman Doodles.
- Play scene for Mindless Jane added with art by Caveman Doodles.