Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: real porn, male protagonist, bdsm, corruption, male domination, milf, mind control, paranormal, rape, voyeurism, oral, vaginal, sandbox, cheating, sex toys,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Larry_Dreamer
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: лицензия
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.90
Язык игры: English
Язык интерфейса: English
Системные требования (минимальные):PC/Windows : CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 ГГц, RAM 512, MБ DirectX 9, HDD 100 МБ
Описание: Это история о хорошем мальчике, который решил стать плохим, с помощью своего личного демона. По ходу действия главный герой получит несколько грязных способностей и будет использовать сверхъестественную силу, которую дает демон. В процессе... многие девушки и женщины окажутся под его властью.
Признаюсь, что это не игра для контроля сознания на 100%. С другой стороны, главный герой получит возможность принудить к сексу любого грешного мужчину или женщину. Более того, я планирую развить одно направление игры, тесно связанное с контролем над людьми.
This is a story about a good boy who decided to become bad, with a help of his personal demon. In the course of actions, the main character will get some nasty abilities and use supernatural power provided by the demon. In the process... many girls and women will be under his power.
I confess here that this is not 100% mind control game. On the other hand, the protagonist will get the ability to force any sinful man and woman to have sex. Moreover, my plan is to develop one strand of the game strongly related to controlling people. So, the game has much in common with MC games. In short, does it worse to be left here, at the MC forum - it is for you to decide. From my side - I hope it will stay.
- Nessa Swift is fully implemented
- Emma Kingstone is fully implemented
- Tips for the first set of sins have been added
- The difficulty level criteria have been reworked. Now, easy level will add 2 points, and normal will add only 1. Note that now some levels have only 10 or 11 sins to execute in total (it is planned to have 12 for each of the first 8 levels and at least 6 for the last two).
- Bugs fixed since version 0.75 and some additional fixes and improvements were added
- Maryam (the Mother) is fully implemented
- Bonnie Sly is fully implemented
- Bugs fixed since version 0.70
- An event with turning over the police management. Make your puppet lead it from now.
- A new enemy pops up. You will face another demon empowered person, who will be much stronger than you are.
- Another enemy arrives, even stronger than both of you. And you will have to deal with both of them.
+ a number of reported bugs fixed since version v0.65
+ a number of Easter Eggs for some girls have been added (Ann, Rose, Rachel, Scarlett, Chloe, Gina)
- Farm (Mary Stone, Abigail Stone, Eva Rock (Prostitute) + Simon Stone)
- Some Easter Eggs.
- Various changes in the game itself: some additional pictures, a few changes in resolution of various situations, a number of fixed bugs, etc.
- Three hidden scenes (probabilistic scenes for some fully corrupted the characters)
- a HELP with detailed description for corrupting all characters, raising you levels, fulfillment of your goals.
- Two new characters fully implemented: Quincy Robson (a teacher) and Jacob Rosinstein (the Principal of the University). Yes, again you will get two male characters instead of steaming hot girls, but... there are fun stories and dirty pictures for them as well.
Note: the Principal will be available only after all teachers are under your control.
- You will also have one more personal goal to achieve.
The link for v0.60 (with bugfix 1) (previous version was v0.55):
Fixed the drinking game with Lara... Although, the hints given by players did not allow me to repeat the error, I have found one error and fixed it. The bug may still persist... Please, provide me as much information as you can in this case.
Rubi's and Vanessa's missions clash for Angela. This slightly changes the sequence of steps for Vanessa, but just a bit. I hope the fix does the job. If you still experience the problem - provide more info to me, please.
Badness level jumps over 40 without letting you to learn Drinking. Some strange code was fixed, but I am not sure if this was the cause. More hints are required if the error persists.
The hints for the Ted's favourite song now change correctly. After 5th attempt to drink with Ted he will spill the beans and give you the name of the song.
- Two new girls, fully playable and abusable: Dada Blake (find her at the cemetery) and Reanna Willson (+ Ted Willson in addition).
- The main upgrade is a new girl (only one... I am sorry for that). This time, you need to discover her. She appears probabilistically, so do not give up.
Spoiler for Hidden:
- The biker camp has been populated with people (and three more girls to be implemented)
- Three more opportunity to exercise your fighting skills
- Two difficulty levels are now possible, just to make the game a bit more challenging
- Moreover, several small features have been modified:
- a guy playing with his drone on the beach
- an intimidating men, asking you to share your bottle of alcohol, when you exit the bar.