"Heroine Rumble" - это игра в жанре файтинга/рестлинга/сексдрак с возможностью включения фута-контента. Она выполнена в 3D, и вы можете полностью контролировать происходящее либо как активный игрок, либо наблюдать за тем, как девушки сражаются друг с другом ;)
Это уникальная игра, и на самом деле подобных ей нет. Если вам понравились такие игры, как "Fairy Fighting", "Princess of the Ring", "Fairy War" и/или "Rumble Roses", то вам обязательно стоит попробовать "Heroine Rumble"!
Heroine Rumble is a yuri fighting/wrestling/sexfight game with toggle-able futa content. It is in 3D and you have full control over the action either as the active player or watch the girls duke it out ;). It is a very unique game and there really isnt any similar H-games out there. If you enjoyed games such as Fairy Fighting, Princess of the Ring, Fairy War and/or Rumble Roses then you should certainly give Heroine Rumble a try!
При проблемах (белый экран):
может помочь запуск через electron (то, с помощью чего сделана игра) версий до 1.5.х. Например 1.4.16, или 1.3.15.
Просто перетащить файл resources\app.asar из папки игры в окно electron'а.
Год выпуска: 2017-2025
Жанр: fighting, wrastling, yuri, lesbian, futa, futanari, bdsm, rape, succubus, furry, female protagonist, group, anal, oral, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Enlit3d - Patreon - Itch.io
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Heroine Rumble 1 [v.1.01 Final] / Heroine Rumble 2 [v.301]
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
"Heroine Rumble" - это игра в жанре файтинга/рестлинга/сексдрак с возможностью включения фута-контента. Она выполнена в 3D, и вы можете полностью контролировать происходящее либо как активный игрок, либо наблюдать за тем, как девушки сражаются друг с другом ;)
Это уникальная игра, и на самом деле подобных ей нет. Если вам понравились такие игры, как "Fairy Fighting", "Princess of the Ring", "Fairy War" и/или "Rumble Roses", то вам обязательно стоит попробовать "Heroine Rumble"!
Heroine Rumble is a yuri fighting/wrestling/sexfight game with toggle-able futa content. It is in 3D and you have full control over the action either as the active player or watch the girls duke it out ;). It is a very unique game and there really isnt any similar H-games out there. If you enjoyed games such as Fairy Fighting, Princess of the Ring, Fairy War and/or Rumble Roses then you should certainly give Heroine Rumble a try!
При проблемах (белый экран):
может помочь запуск через electron (то, с помощью чего сделана игра) версий до 1.5.х. Например 1.4.16, или 1.3.15.
Просто перетащить файл resources\app.asar из папки игры в окно electron'а.
Год выпуска: 2017-2025
Жанр: fighting, wrastling, yuri, lesbian, futa, futanari, bdsm, rape, succubus, furry, female protagonist, group, anal, oral, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Enlit3d - Patreon - Itch.io
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Heroine Rumble 1 [v.1.01 Final] / Heroine Rumble 2 [v.301]
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
v0.301 - 2025-01-21
Fixed a crash when adding new character to recruit pool
Fixed a crash when using older style MapData (such as ks_Wrestling_Ring)
Fixed IndividualEffect scaling not applied to FireProjectile properly
Fixed custom idle pose not working for Grappler and Beastal class
Added a "You may claim victory by grabbing then pinning your opponent!" prompt when the match is waiting for player to conclude via pin
v0.15 - 2023-12-21
Added grab loadout customization - possible to have separate grab list depending on target character
Added custom in-match dialogue customization
Added custom pose and grab partner customization
- going to add more custom in-match dialogue and pose triggers based on player suggestions
Added more story matches (ends with the newbie tournament)
Added a new passive "super_resilience" that makes the character only defeatable via signature finishers
Added support for 1v2 exhibition matches
Added delete save file button
Added new "Random Futa Enemies" content toggle, that if enabled, converts a portion of generated females into futas
Signature finisher grab now instant KOs at < 35% max HP
Defeated exhibition opponents are now added to the recruitable pool
Fixed start of the game bonus perk not qualifying for future level up option requirement (causing funny bugs such as char starting with +Grappling doesnt get any more grab related level up option)
Fixed some missing cases for when to hide the PP stain
Fixed various problems with PP stain
Fixed head model/outfit preview generating a blank
Fixed male jeans causing male body model to miss midsection
Fixed stat display not updated properly after level ups
Fixed grab escape progress increasing during single loop grabs
Added the following head EquipSlots to outfit customization: EYE_COVER, MOUTH_COVER, EAR_COVER
EYE_COVER should be for outfits worn in front of eyes, such as glasses
MOUTH_COVER for outfit worn covering mouth and nose region, such as masks and veils
EAR_COVER for outfit worn on ears, such as earrings
Deprecating the old FACE slot from the customization window in favor of the new more localized slots
Added new INDULGE grabType: this grab type have rapid super meter gain, but inflict large amount of damage to self
Added new PARTNERED_ANIMATION grabType: meant for use during custom partnered animations, not as grabs
Added 8 new short back hair choices
Added 8 new front hair / bangs
Added new male bald head option (under back hair)
Added new PLEASURE grab: fm_suck_on_penis_standing
Added new PUNISH grab: punish_headscissor_reversed_relaxed
Added new PUNISH grab: punish_headscissor_reversed_intense
Added new PUNISH grab: punish_headscissor_reversed_squeeze
Added new PUNISH grab: punish_facesit
Added equipment system (back) into the game
Added purchasable equipment from shop (note: equipment does not affect character appearance - use Dresser for that!)
Added loot boxes purchasable from shop, chance of getting magical equipment with additional bonuses
Added (optional) casting costs to Grabs
Added new secondary stat: super meter gain rate
Added new level up focus: "Eloquence Focus": +50% super meter gain rate, -35% cooldown recovery
Added PP stain when opponent climaxes
CHA now adds 5% super meter gain per point (instead of 5% max energy)
RESTRAINT grabs now have a universal cooldown of 60.0 secs (reduced by cooldown recovery)
"Magic Binds" grab now has 40 energy cost (in addition to cooldown)
Attacking characters held by a device now deals max HP damage at a x0.05 ratio
Updated grab icon grid to reflect grab costs (same as abilities costs)
Updated AI to handle grab costs (prioritize grabs they can use, or release target if no valid grab is available)
New grab replacement rule: replaced grab and original grab must have same .device.canSpawnDevice
Ability cooldown is suspended during grabs
Experimental: new random characters can now generate RESTRAINT grabs
Escape menu now pauses the game
Added a leave button in character selection window on the top right ("X")
Reorganized Save and Load button into Data submenu
Upgraded mission selection ui to support previewing 2v2 matches better and shrunk the text size
Randomized males now prefers back hairs with "short" tag if available
AI disable time from player input increased to 4 secs (from 1 sec)
AI will now back away and maybe switch targets if target is the grab target and is in a invulnerable grab state
Events: now can only trigger one new event chain per turn
When not in grabs that utilizes PP, PP should still jiggle a little even at max hardness
Air juggle time extension now only applies if the attack itself has > 0 staggerTime or airTime. (Fixed aerial abilities like "dropkick" not providing stagger resistance)
Fixed The CPU can fill up the escape bar while it's climaxing (player cannot).
Units in a grab no longer collides with other units
Renamed "ANAL" target to "ASS" to be more consistent with other parts
Renamed Outfit .flags to .tags to be more consistent with other datas
Added .iconOutfitId to ItemData to use outfit icons instead of specified .iconFile
Added support for animated models in StageDatas
Added head customization in dresser
Added 2 new a$$ targeted grabs
Added new suplex PUNISH throw
Added new super meter (red) - starts at 0%, deal damage and taking damage to gain super meter, or reduce opponent's super meter via climax
Added new super ability - charge super meter to 100% to unleash these powerful attacks
Currently - only signature grab super is available - fully invulnerable during cast, deals increased damage (x2.5) and is not interruptible by other unit attacks
Added signature finisher grab selection under H-lab
Added new ability "Low Kick" - "A strong kick towards opponent's legs. Deals decent damage and has high stagger power. Can transition into other abilities early."
Added new ability "Headbutt" - "Headbutts an opponent. Deals high damage."
Added new ability "Low Power Kick" - "A strong kick towards opponent's legs. Deals decent damage and has high stagger power. Can transition into other abilities early."
Added new ability "Shoulder Slam" - "Charges at opponent with a quick shoulder slam. Has high stagger resistance."
Added new mini-tournament story matches after Newbie Killer match, with a rare item reward at the end
The ask user to select file window (e.g. dresser import/export) *should* be on top of game window now
Added text scaling to the numbers in the unit bars
Fixed the UI toggles not working properly for P2
Escape Progress now no longer resets when switching grabs while placed on a device
Fixed a bug that caused stamina to start regenerating faster than intended
Added additional clean ups for outfit texture and portrait texture generation
Every character now has a$$ for purpose of grab requirement determination instead of only females and futa have em
Added a rotation limit to how far the head model can turn away from the body mode
Fixed a bug caused throw grab attackers to be off by some frames at the end
Dash now has a 0.5 sec cooldown
Tweaked a bunch of abilities
When using abilities with bonus flinchResist, take less stamina damage from attacks
Parry action now checks for the ATTACK key down while holding GUARD key - this should help eliminate unwanted parry attempts
PUNISH grabs now inflict max HP damage to recovering units
PUNISH grab max HP damage reduced by 25% to compensate for above change
Fixed a bug that caused trying to use ability via holding DIR + SPECIAL key to be ignored
UI: added ability descriptions for unparryable attacks and hit downed attacks (no functionality change)
AI: may now use hit downed abilties on downed enemies instead of only grabs
AI should now needs a dash before they start running, just like player controlled
AI should interrupt allied under grabs more much eagerly
Fixed characters able to air drift while using jumping abilities such as "Jumping Uppercut"
Fixed story missions always show "Push over" difficulty level
In grab selection and clothing selection, selecting an item no longer resets the scrollbar to the top
Fixed a bug in not correctly removing all meshes in certain outfit meshes (such as bunnysuit)
Fixed custom body ReactivePart not working
Added AbilityTransition.onAnyAbilityUse transition type
Added a warning for when duplicated skeleton animation is detected
Added new Consumeable item effect: PermanentStatBonus
Added outfitDurability in combat tweak cheat menu
Added superMeterGain in combat tweak cheat menu
Fixed a infinite loop when leveling up options contains "flurry_master_II" and game window size is 1600x900 or smaller
Increased the stamina cost of "Auto Grab Defense" to 70% of attack power (from 50%)
Fixed restraints like handcuffs not properly changing the motion set of non-unique characters
Fixed a bug that cause AI to run in circles when restrainted
Increased "grab_attempt_stand" aiParems min range by 0.1 so AI lands it more consistently
In case of a draw, (no character with maxHP > 0), it is now a player loss rather than softlock
.applyGrabDamage now does nothing if grab .damageMultiplier <= 0.0, fixing an edge case where complex custom climax animation chain could fail
Added the first batch of story/progression events (triggered in this order):
- intro + char customization event at start of game, including new possibly to start as a male
- a intro match immediately
- a slightly harder intro match, requires highest char lvl >= 2 to trigger
- a "free" recruit, requires highest char lvl >= 3 to trigger
- a "Newbie Killer" match, requires 5 turns (battles) has passed
- Note: new saves no longer starts with 3 random characters in your roster
Add a maybe-fix for a certain black-and-red strip display bug
Fixed a bug with some character cards containing invalid mod dependency data
Added text scaling when resolution is changed
Added new window resolution options in Options - Graphics
Added new window mode options in Options - Graphics (new: Fullscreen)
Added Female/Futa/Male indicator in the recruit window
Sweat effect is not based on max HP (red) rather than current HP (green)
Renamed "Roster option" to "Loadout" with a more descriptive caption
Random outfit colors now keeps original material alpha (transparency) value
Added new Fame rank "Recognition" that requires 1000 Fame to reach
Added new Match difficulty 4 "Skill Level: Skilled", requires some Fame rank level ups to reach
Added experimental 2v2 exhibition matches
Upgraded win condition checking for group fights (first team to have one member pinned loses)
Changed level up exp requirements use an exponential scaling rather than linear scaling
- New exp to level: (75 / (2^0.25)) * (2^0.25)^level + 25 * level
- Old exp to level: 50 + 50 * level
- total exp from level 1->10: 3321 (new), 3240 (old)
- total exp from level 1->20: 17538 (new), 11500 (old)
- total exp from level 1->30: 82983 (new), 24750 (old)
Fixed bug that caused random characters to sometimes generate with invalid skin color
Fixed bug that caused random characters to sometimes generate with invalid hair material
Fixed bug that cause you to gain Fame when losing matches
Fixed bug that cause removing restraints like mouth gag has priority over removing handcuff restraints
Fixed bug when reapplying the same restraint does not reset that restraint's durability to full
Fixed certain grabs targeting pp not leaving stains behind when target climaxes
Fixed head stain invalid json data causing it to not appear
Fixed faceride and similar grabs not leaving stains behind on face when target climaxes
Added some additional cleanup checks for mannequins in grab customization
Fixed female characters generated using random_char_card with PPs misidentifies as futa
Fixed body requirements not observed by random_char_cards (causing males to generate with a female set)
Added new random_char_cards, thanks to One.Inch.Man on discord for making them!
Updated expression "expr_endure_high"
End of Mission Rewards Grid now shows "Victory!" if you win and "Defeat..." if you fail to win a match
Fixed shadows light pos not setup correctly
Fixed an incorrect check on whether opponent has surrendered and is pin-able for the player
Fixed oddities with finisher climax transition animations when it's the attacker climaxing
Combat & AI Tweaks:
* Note: from now onwards stamina refers to the yellow stagger meter
Added new levelup option: "Auto Grab Defense" - While standing, has a chance to push off against grab attempts as long as you have stamina remaining
Added new levelup option: "Constant Recovery" - fighter class only: increase hit point (green) regeneration by +100%
Added new levelup option: "Fighter Conditioning" - fighter class only: +5% movespeed, +5% cooldown recovery, +5% max HP
Added new levelup option: "Footwork" +5% movespeed
Added new levelup option: "Strength up": +1 STR
Added new levelup option: "Dexterity up": +1 DEX
Added new levelup option: "Intellect up": +1 INT
Added new levelup option: "Charisma up": +1 CHA
Added new levelup option: "Levelup (Repeatable)": gain no additional bonuses beyond what's granted in a normal level up; can be selected multiple times
Durability increase per level to +5% / level (from +10% / level)
Attack increase per level to +5% / level (from +10% / level)
Ground stagger time to air juggle air time conversion ratio to 65% (from 100%)
Reduced dash slide attack stagger damage multiplier to 70% (from 100%)
Reduced Low Sweep Kick stagger damage multiplier to 70% (from 100%)
Block now depletes stamina when blocking attacks that hits harder enough
Blocking now fails against strong hits without stamina
Air drift control is now set to walk-acceleration when jumping or during aerial attacks
Air drift control is now set to 30% of walk-acceleration when being air juggled
Improved following levelups: Melee Focus, Flurry Focus, Slugger Focus
Greatly reduced AI parry chance compared to last patch
AI now use the same movement handling code as the player instead of their own
AI can now use the "Pull Up" option when grabbing downed opponents for more variety
Fixed AI not attempting to dash/evade when downed
Fixed grabbing a already grabbed character with no red HP left will cause the existing grab to end rather than joining in
Fixed multiple AIs having difficulty finishing pin on opponent by keep interrupting each other's pins
Experimental feature: AI levels 3 and above now prefers to knockdown all foes before going for grabs in a group fight situation
Experimental feature: AI levels 3 and above now prioritize throw-grabs (grabs with new "single_loop" tag) in a group fight situation
(Maybe?) Fixed a rare bug that cause AI to switch to stand-up animation when they should still be in a downed state
Fixed cases where the stamina meter refills instantly when it should refill over time
Fixed cases where AI characters can run in one direction while facing another direction
Added a turning towards target component to ability "Powerthrough Followup"
Ability "Low Sweep Kick" energyCost to 8 (from 5), damageMultiplier to 0.5 (from 0.6). (very strong as a combo enabler)
Ability "Jumping Uppercut" energyCost to 12 (from 10)
AI does not always followup with optional transitional attacks now
Reduced the attack radius of ability PowerFist
Strafing sideways with an animation set without side strafing animations defined (such as handcuffs) now turns the character towards that direction
AI will now attempt to remove restraints when it has no targets or when target is KOed/downed
Units no longer takes climax damage when all opponents are defeated
Added breast-squirt when climaxing under certain conditions
Lust damage over time from attachments now applies when target is placed onto a device in the default HOLD grab
Disabled the Grab rock-paper-scissor mini game that only AI was able to play (so AI no longer has a 1/3 chance to push off grabs by default)
Surrender threshold to <30% of max HP (from <25%)
AI now surrenders at <20% max HP when grabbed
Units are considered finished if they surrendered AND has no max HP left even without pinning
Climaxing while defeated no longer ends the grab
AI now ends grab willingly on 0 HP targets and goes for pins
Added a "X" button to the in-battle cheat menu to close it permanently until the modding command is inputted to re-enable it
Fixed custom climax animation not used if attacker climaxes
Added GrabChange.insertAttach.attachEffects.unitModifiers.limitedActions flag to indicate that restraint is intended to mostly restraint target's actions (such as handcuffs)
added a new internal dialogue editor (not available for public yet)
added new internal script parser to parse expressions and generate ASTs
added new internal script interpreter to evaluate parsed ASTs
standardized the typename of string types to "Text" during serialization/deserialization
upgraded dialogue system to support playback of nested statement blocks
fixed bug that prevents dialogues of separate events from playing in a row
fixed a problem with text area scroll bar not updating when inputting/pasting new text
added new EventsChain structure for easier authoring of story missions
added TalentTree .levelUpBonuses (auto granted when condition met, no need to pick)
Fixed a potential problem with animation effects with animation time ratio near 1.0 could get skipped
Tweaked SSAO
Added new male outfit set: wrestling set (3 pieces + jacket)
Added new male outfit: tank top
Added new male outfit: jeans
Added a bunch of new restraint/bondage grabs on characters placed on magic_binds (4 restraints, 1 punish, 1 tease, 1 pleasure)
Added new female body with separable head skin color than body skin, useful for things like bodysuits!
Added Exp Capsule consumable item to shop
Added a (kinda scuffed) body sweat effect
Added new cheat option: noCooldown to disable ability cooldowns
Added new random_char_cards folder in /data/_base where you can place character cards to have them influence randomly generated characters
Restraint/Insert Attach grabs will now automatically switch to inserting a different restraint/attach if the existing attachment is already applied and has the same durability
Randomly generated units can now have varied skin color
Attacker climaxing during a grab now deals additional 2x bonus grab damage from 4x bonus damage. (Double climax was a little too common)
Fixed single-loop grabs dealing more damage than intended (such as from throws)
Fixed PP growth effect not setting the skin color in the destroyed outfit correctly
Flipped the camera around for generated grab icons
Fixed strip grabs not removing the outfit properly if the grab contains a device
Fixed "Futa" exhibition match option not working
Added a sex indicator during exhibition match selection
The exhibition match option can now apply to more than just the 1st slot
The "Overview" tab now shows grabs of the character instead of unused "Cards" in real-time games
Added an Examine button (magnifying glass) in the exhibition match preview
Dash Attack now costs energy to use
Aerial Attack now costs energy to use
Fixed Aerial jump attack dealing more damage than intended
Fixed multiple AI-controlled characters unable to finish a pin due to them competing for the grab
AI is now more likely to sprint rather than just walk
AI will now parry less often
The yellow bar in the middle (old stamina bar) now displays the stagger value instead
Fixed ability "Power through" 2nd punch not working when pressing Attack near the end of the first overhead
Incompatible grab moves that target genitals are more likely to switch to a compatible grab move that targets genitals too
Fixed restraints that override basic attacks not working properly when equipping a weapon
Added a maybe-fix for a display problem on certain AMD cards that causes black textures and/or strips
Renamed Consumable .partyEffects -> .persistentEffects
Added a possible fix for certain intel graphics drivers rendering everything in black
Added animations setting for InsertAttach outfits (to animate the vibrators)
Added dynamic booba n***** erection level (similar to p**** erection)
Added InsertAttach .lustPerSecond effect
Added InsertAttach .motionsOverride effect
Added InsertAttach .randomFlinchChance - may cause target to randomly flinch when getting hit or when trying to do actions
Added new restraint grab: "restraint_b***_vibrator"
Added new restraint grab: "restraint_pu***_vibrator"
Added new pe*** ring vibrator attachment
Added new restraint grab: "restraint_pe***_vibrator"
RandomTripChance of blindfold to 20% (from 10% )
First person view (cheat only) now looks at center of chest rather than center of head
Added teammate and enemy-teammate health bars for battles with >2 combatants
Readjusted background music volume and the Music volume slider should apply its effect more gradually
p****_male now requires male body and p****_futa now requires female body. This fixes randomized males not having balls on their pps
Fixed auto camera not being re-enabled when player 2 inputs a movement key (just like player 1)
Fixed re-target button (default Q) not switching to targeted unit health bars
Fixed bug where grab damage is not scaled with how fast/slow the grab animation is
Fixed bug where >> NEW << recruits could roll monster-only grabs (such as Slime stuff)
Changed so that >> NEW << recruits no longer roll into size-difference grabs
Fixed maid_set erroneous inner.001 material
Added captioning for F3 intermediate render outputs for better debugging
Fixed Escape-Options menu sometimes not closeable
Added AppearanceChange .ReactivePartsChange that can disable things like Jiggle bones temporary
Renamed .tripChance to .randomTripChance
Added FUTA_SMALL/LARGE_BASE base char datas to inherit from
Added a potential fix for AMD cards black screen
Fixed SliderFrame displaying 2 lines of small text instead of 1 bigger line. (In Dresser sliders etc.)
Initial Release
v1.01 от 1 декабря 2017
• Fixed issue with winning match lewd gain.
• Cleaned up the dialogue GUI a bit
• Fixed a possible soft lock on game init (if get stuck on loading screen 163/163)
• Applied depth buffer workaround to a greater number of AMD cards
v1.0 от 18 ноября 2017
• fixed a couple animation problems with ankles and penetration
• fixed a rare crush with a few GPUs
• updated option toggle functionality to better highlight those features that are only available after Story Mode is completed
•Fixed bug with RNGed futas spawning with missing parts
•Fixed an instance of game crushing when it has ran for a while for some
When Futa Toggle is on, the Alchemist have additional dialogue options
Added optional "Start Naked" feature
Added optional mosaic censoring (default is on)
Rearranged the Main Menu a bit.
Removed "Wolfie Feet" from spawning on RNGed girls.
Might as well get this out of the way now.
This version fixed all the bugs that are reported so far, if I missed anything, please let me know.
•A new feature added is the ability to change the game's speed. Some people felt that the game was too sluggish so now its possible to speed up the game. Up to 200% of the base speed. Default is 120%. (so ~20% faster than previous versions by default)
•A few also wanted a hard mode of some sort after beating Story Mode. I tried but the current setup doesn't really allow me to easily add interesting encounters. And at this point I don't want to make major changes to the game.
•Besides, since you can play the character in exhibition and team mode the game provides all tools available to create your own challenging encounter. As such, no changes to Story Mode are implemented.
•Added Auto Escape under Options - Gameplay. If this is enabled, characters will automatically kick out when the escape bar is filled rather than having the escape bar reset. Default is on.
•Fixed enabling watch not working on a level 0 AI character in exhibition.
•Fixed game freeze when AI starts a grapple when AI is controlling characters that have non-full (<4) move set.
Move Trainer in story mode can now teach throw moves.
CHA H damage increase from 10% per to 5%
Practice opponents in story mode can now be futa (if toggle is on)
Fixed exploit that makes story mode and adv mode char level changeable in exhibition
Fixed assigned move ordering not being saved
Fixed left and right slot were reversed in move/ability customization menu
Fixed the end of story dialogue keep getting replayed
V 0.5
Total control over another fully customize able character
Earn Lewds by winning matches and practices, or even when losing
Pick and summon NPCs to service you, because no one ain't got the time to hunt them down.
Tweaked lighting a bit
CHA will now increase H damage by 10% per point
Tweaked balance of combat abilities
Escape Bar is now stabilized at a fixed height, also removed the inner "reversal" bar. No functionality changes
Many many bug fixes, thanks to everyone that helped in discord! (was busy fixing them rather than documenting all the changes, whoops )
NOTE: I am not sure if the balance/difficulty/lewd income is where I want to be at for Story Mode. Love to hear your thoughts and make necessary adjustments.
Fixed a crash when adding new character to recruit pool
Fixed a crash when using older style MapData (such as ks_Wrestling_Ring)
Fixed IndividualEffect scaling not applied to FireProjectile properly
Fixed custom idle pose not working for Grappler and Beastal class
Added a "You may claim victory by grabbing then pinning your opponent!" prompt when the match is waiting for player to conclude via pin
v0.15 - 2023-12-21
Added grab loadout customization - possible to have separate grab list depending on target character
Added custom in-match dialogue customization
Added custom pose and grab partner customization
- going to add more custom in-match dialogue and pose triggers based on player suggestions
Added more story matches (ends with the newbie tournament)
Added a new passive "super_resilience" that makes the character only defeatable via signature finishers
Added support for 1v2 exhibition matches
Added delete save file button
Added new "Random Futa Enemies" content toggle, that if enabled, converts a portion of generated females into futas
Signature finisher grab now instant KOs at < 35% max HP
Defeated exhibition opponents are now added to the recruitable pool
Fixed start of the game bonus perk not qualifying for future level up option requirement (causing funny bugs such as char starting with +Grappling doesnt get any more grab related level up option)
Fixed some missing cases for when to hide the PP stain
Fixed various problems with PP stain
Fixed head model/outfit preview generating a blank
Fixed male jeans causing male body model to miss midsection
Fixed stat display not updated properly after level ups
Fixed grab escape progress increasing during single loop grabs
Added the following head EquipSlots to outfit customization: EYE_COVER, MOUTH_COVER, EAR_COVER
EYE_COVER should be for outfits worn in front of eyes, such as glasses
MOUTH_COVER for outfit worn covering mouth and nose region, such as masks and veils
EAR_COVER for outfit worn on ears, such as earrings
Deprecating the old FACE slot from the customization window in favor of the new more localized slots
Added new INDULGE grabType: this grab type have rapid super meter gain, but inflict large amount of damage to self
Added new PARTNERED_ANIMATION grabType: meant for use during custom partnered animations, not as grabs
Added 8 new short back hair choices
Added 8 new front hair / bangs
Added new male bald head option (under back hair)
Added new PLEASURE grab: fm_suck_on_penis_standing
Added new PUNISH grab: punish_headscissor_reversed_relaxed
Added new PUNISH grab: punish_headscissor_reversed_intense
Added new PUNISH grab: punish_headscissor_reversed_squeeze
Added new PUNISH grab: punish_facesit
Added equipment system (back) into the game
Added purchasable equipment from shop (note: equipment does not affect character appearance - use Dresser for that!)
Added loot boxes purchasable from shop, chance of getting magical equipment with additional bonuses
Added (optional) casting costs to Grabs
Added new secondary stat: super meter gain rate
Added new level up focus: "Eloquence Focus": +50% super meter gain rate, -35% cooldown recovery
Added PP stain when opponent climaxes
CHA now adds 5% super meter gain per point (instead of 5% max energy)
RESTRAINT grabs now have a universal cooldown of 60.0 secs (reduced by cooldown recovery)
"Magic Binds" grab now has 40 energy cost (in addition to cooldown)
Attacking characters held by a device now deals max HP damage at a x0.05 ratio
Updated grab icon grid to reflect grab costs (same as abilities costs)
Updated AI to handle grab costs (prioritize grabs they can use, or release target if no valid grab is available)
New grab replacement rule: replaced grab and original grab must have same .device.canSpawnDevice
Ability cooldown is suspended during grabs
Experimental: new random characters can now generate RESTRAINT grabs
Escape menu now pauses the game
Added a leave button in character selection window on the top right ("X")
Reorganized Save and Load button into Data submenu
Upgraded mission selection ui to support previewing 2v2 matches better and shrunk the text size
Randomized males now prefers back hairs with "short" tag if available
AI disable time from player input increased to 4 secs (from 1 sec)
AI will now back away and maybe switch targets if target is the grab target and is in a invulnerable grab state
Events: now can only trigger one new event chain per turn
When not in grabs that utilizes PP, PP should still jiggle a little even at max hardness
Air juggle time extension now only applies if the attack itself has > 0 staggerTime or airTime. (Fixed aerial abilities like "dropkick" not providing stagger resistance)
Fixed The CPU can fill up the escape bar while it's climaxing (player cannot).
Units in a grab no longer collides with other units
Renamed "ANAL" target to "ASS" to be more consistent with other parts
Renamed Outfit .flags to .tags to be more consistent with other datas
Added .iconOutfitId to ItemData to use outfit icons instead of specified .iconFile
Added support for animated models in StageDatas
Added head customization in dresser
Added 2 new a$$ targeted grabs
Added new suplex PUNISH throw
Added new super meter (red) - starts at 0%, deal damage and taking damage to gain super meter, or reduce opponent's super meter via climax
Added new super ability - charge super meter to 100% to unleash these powerful attacks
Currently - only signature grab super is available - fully invulnerable during cast, deals increased damage (x2.5) and is not interruptible by other unit attacks
Added signature finisher grab selection under H-lab
Added new ability "Low Kick" - "A strong kick towards opponent's legs. Deals decent damage and has high stagger power. Can transition into other abilities early."
Added new ability "Headbutt" - "Headbutts an opponent. Deals high damage."
Added new ability "Low Power Kick" - "A strong kick towards opponent's legs. Deals decent damage and has high stagger power. Can transition into other abilities early."
Added new ability "Shoulder Slam" - "Charges at opponent with a quick shoulder slam. Has high stagger resistance."
Added new mini-tournament story matches after Newbie Killer match, with a rare item reward at the end
The ask user to select file window (e.g. dresser import/export) *should* be on top of game window now
Added text scaling to the numbers in the unit bars
Fixed the UI toggles not working properly for P2
Escape Progress now no longer resets when switching grabs while placed on a device
Fixed a bug that caused stamina to start regenerating faster than intended
Added additional clean ups for outfit texture and portrait texture generation
Every character now has a$$ for purpose of grab requirement determination instead of only females and futa have em
Added a rotation limit to how far the head model can turn away from the body mode
Fixed a bug caused throw grab attackers to be off by some frames at the end
Dash now has a 0.5 sec cooldown
Tweaked a bunch of abilities
When using abilities with bonus flinchResist, take less stamina damage from attacks
Parry action now checks for the ATTACK key down while holding GUARD key - this should help eliminate unwanted parry attempts
PUNISH grabs now inflict max HP damage to recovering units
PUNISH grab max HP damage reduced by 25% to compensate for above change
Fixed a bug that caused trying to use ability via holding DIR + SPECIAL key to be ignored
UI: added ability descriptions for unparryable attacks and hit downed attacks (no functionality change)
AI: may now use hit downed abilties on downed enemies instead of only grabs
AI should now needs a dash before they start running, just like player controlled
AI should interrupt allied under grabs more much eagerly
Fixed characters able to air drift while using jumping abilities such as "Jumping Uppercut"
Fixed story missions always show "Push over" difficulty level
In grab selection and clothing selection, selecting an item no longer resets the scrollbar to the top
Fixed a bug in not correctly removing all meshes in certain outfit meshes (such as bunnysuit)
Fixed custom body ReactivePart not working
Added AbilityTransition.onAnyAbilityUse transition type
Added a warning for when duplicated skeleton animation is detected
Added new Consumeable item effect: PermanentStatBonus
Added outfitDurability in combat tweak cheat menu
Added superMeterGain in combat tweak cheat menu
Fixed a infinite loop when leveling up options contains "flurry_master_II" and game window size is 1600x900 or smaller
Increased the stamina cost of "Auto Grab Defense" to 70% of attack power (from 50%)
Fixed restraints like handcuffs not properly changing the motion set of non-unique characters
Fixed a bug that cause AI to run in circles when restrainted
Increased "grab_attempt_stand" aiParems min range by 0.1 so AI lands it more consistently
In case of a draw, (no character with maxHP > 0), it is now a player loss rather than softlock
.applyGrabDamage now does nothing if grab .damageMultiplier <= 0.0, fixing an edge case where complex custom climax animation chain could fail
Added the first batch of story/progression events (triggered in this order):
- intro + char customization event at start of game, including new possibly to start as a male
- a intro match immediately
- a slightly harder intro match, requires highest char lvl >= 2 to trigger
- a "free" recruit, requires highest char lvl >= 3 to trigger
- a "Newbie Killer" match, requires 5 turns (battles) has passed
- Note: new saves no longer starts with 3 random characters in your roster
Add a maybe-fix for a certain black-and-red strip display bug
Fixed a bug with some character cards containing invalid mod dependency data
Added text scaling when resolution is changed
Added new window resolution options in Options - Graphics
Added new window mode options in Options - Graphics (new: Fullscreen)
Added Female/Futa/Male indicator in the recruit window
Sweat effect is not based on max HP (red) rather than current HP (green)
Renamed "Roster option" to "Loadout" with a more descriptive caption
Random outfit colors now keeps original material alpha (transparency) value
Added new Fame rank "Recognition" that requires 1000 Fame to reach
Added new Match difficulty 4 "Skill Level: Skilled", requires some Fame rank level ups to reach
Added experimental 2v2 exhibition matches
Upgraded win condition checking for group fights (first team to have one member pinned loses)
Changed level up exp requirements use an exponential scaling rather than linear scaling
- New exp to level: (75 / (2^0.25)) * (2^0.25)^level + 25 * level
- Old exp to level: 50 + 50 * level
- total exp from level 1->10: 3321 (new), 3240 (old)
- total exp from level 1->20: 17538 (new), 11500 (old)
- total exp from level 1->30: 82983 (new), 24750 (old)
Fixed bug that caused random characters to sometimes generate with invalid skin color
Fixed bug that caused random characters to sometimes generate with invalid hair material
Fixed bug that cause you to gain Fame when losing matches
Fixed bug that cause removing restraints like mouth gag has priority over removing handcuff restraints
Fixed bug when reapplying the same restraint does not reset that restraint's durability to full
Fixed certain grabs targeting pp not leaving stains behind when target climaxes
Fixed head stain invalid json data causing it to not appear
Fixed faceride and similar grabs not leaving stains behind on face when target climaxes
Added some additional cleanup checks for mannequins in grab customization
Fixed female characters generated using random_char_card with PPs misidentifies as futa
Fixed body requirements not observed by random_char_cards (causing males to generate with a female set)
Added new random_char_cards, thanks to One.Inch.Man on discord for making them!
Updated expression "expr_endure_high"
End of Mission Rewards Grid now shows "Victory!" if you win and "Defeat..." if you fail to win a match
Fixed shadows light pos not setup correctly
Fixed an incorrect check on whether opponent has surrendered and is pin-able for the player
Fixed oddities with finisher climax transition animations when it's the attacker climaxing
Combat & AI Tweaks:
* Note: from now onwards stamina refers to the yellow stagger meter
Added new levelup option: "Auto Grab Defense" - While standing, has a chance to push off against grab attempts as long as you have stamina remaining
Added new levelup option: "Constant Recovery" - fighter class only: increase hit point (green) regeneration by +100%
Added new levelup option: "Fighter Conditioning" - fighter class only: +5% movespeed, +5% cooldown recovery, +5% max HP
Added new levelup option: "Footwork" +5% movespeed
Added new levelup option: "Strength up": +1 STR
Added new levelup option: "Dexterity up": +1 DEX
Added new levelup option: "Intellect up": +1 INT
Added new levelup option: "Charisma up": +1 CHA
Added new levelup option: "Levelup (Repeatable)": gain no additional bonuses beyond what's granted in a normal level up; can be selected multiple times
Durability increase per level to +5% / level (from +10% / level)
Attack increase per level to +5% / level (from +10% / level)
Ground stagger time to air juggle air time conversion ratio to 65% (from 100%)
Reduced dash slide attack stagger damage multiplier to 70% (from 100%)
Reduced Low Sweep Kick stagger damage multiplier to 70% (from 100%)
Block now depletes stamina when blocking attacks that hits harder enough
Blocking now fails against strong hits without stamina
Air drift control is now set to walk-acceleration when jumping or during aerial attacks
Air drift control is now set to 30% of walk-acceleration when being air juggled
Improved following levelups: Melee Focus, Flurry Focus, Slugger Focus
Greatly reduced AI parry chance compared to last patch
AI now use the same movement handling code as the player instead of their own
AI can now use the "Pull Up" option when grabbing downed opponents for more variety
Fixed AI not attempting to dash/evade when downed
Fixed grabbing a already grabbed character with no red HP left will cause the existing grab to end rather than joining in
Fixed multiple AIs having difficulty finishing pin on opponent by keep interrupting each other's pins
Experimental feature: AI levels 3 and above now prefers to knockdown all foes before going for grabs in a group fight situation
Experimental feature: AI levels 3 and above now prioritize throw-grabs (grabs with new "single_loop" tag) in a group fight situation
(Maybe?) Fixed a rare bug that cause AI to switch to stand-up animation when they should still be in a downed state
Fixed cases where the stamina meter refills instantly when it should refill over time
Fixed cases where AI characters can run in one direction while facing another direction
Added a turning towards target component to ability "Powerthrough Followup"
Ability "Low Sweep Kick" energyCost to 8 (from 5), damageMultiplier to 0.5 (from 0.6). (very strong as a combo enabler)
Ability "Jumping Uppercut" energyCost to 12 (from 10)
AI does not always followup with optional transitional attacks now
Reduced the attack radius of ability PowerFist
Strafing sideways with an animation set without side strafing animations defined (such as handcuffs) now turns the character towards that direction
AI will now attempt to remove restraints when it has no targets or when target is KOed/downed
Units no longer takes climax damage when all opponents are defeated
Added breast-squirt when climaxing under certain conditions
Lust damage over time from attachments now applies when target is placed onto a device in the default HOLD grab
Disabled the Grab rock-paper-scissor mini game that only AI was able to play (so AI no longer has a 1/3 chance to push off grabs by default)
Surrender threshold to <30% of max HP (from <25%)
AI now surrenders at <20% max HP when grabbed
Units are considered finished if they surrendered AND has no max HP left even without pinning
Climaxing while defeated no longer ends the grab
AI now ends grab willingly on 0 HP targets and goes for pins
Added a "X" button to the in-battle cheat menu to close it permanently until the modding command is inputted to re-enable it
Fixed custom climax animation not used if attacker climaxes
Added GrabChange.insertAttach.attachEffects.unitModifiers.limitedActions flag to indicate that restraint is intended to mostly restraint target's actions (such as handcuffs)
added a new internal dialogue editor (not available for public yet)
added new internal script parser to parse expressions and generate ASTs
added new internal script interpreter to evaluate parsed ASTs
standardized the typename of string types to "Text" during serialization/deserialization
upgraded dialogue system to support playback of nested statement blocks
fixed bug that prevents dialogues of separate events from playing in a row
fixed a problem with text area scroll bar not updating when inputting/pasting new text
added new EventsChain structure for easier authoring of story missions
added TalentTree .levelUpBonuses (auto granted when condition met, no need to pick)
Fixed a potential problem with animation effects with animation time ratio near 1.0 could get skipped
Tweaked SSAO
Added new male outfit set: wrestling set (3 pieces + jacket)
Added new male outfit: tank top
Added new male outfit: jeans
Added a bunch of new restraint/bondage grabs on characters placed on magic_binds (4 restraints, 1 punish, 1 tease, 1 pleasure)
Added new female body with separable head skin color than body skin, useful for things like bodysuits!
Added Exp Capsule consumable item to shop
Added a (kinda scuffed) body sweat effect
Added new cheat option: noCooldown to disable ability cooldowns
Added new random_char_cards folder in /data/_base where you can place character cards to have them influence randomly generated characters
Restraint/Insert Attach grabs will now automatically switch to inserting a different restraint/attach if the existing attachment is already applied and has the same durability
Randomly generated units can now have varied skin color
Attacker climaxing during a grab now deals additional 2x bonus grab damage from 4x bonus damage. (Double climax was a little too common)
Fixed single-loop grabs dealing more damage than intended (such as from throws)
Fixed PP growth effect not setting the skin color in the destroyed outfit correctly
Flipped the camera around for generated grab icons
Fixed strip grabs not removing the outfit properly if the grab contains a device
Fixed "Futa" exhibition match option not working
Added a sex indicator during exhibition match selection
The exhibition match option can now apply to more than just the 1st slot
The "Overview" tab now shows grabs of the character instead of unused "Cards" in real-time games
Added an Examine button (magnifying glass) in the exhibition match preview
Dash Attack now costs energy to use
Aerial Attack now costs energy to use
Fixed Aerial jump attack dealing more damage than intended
Fixed multiple AI-controlled characters unable to finish a pin due to them competing for the grab
AI is now more likely to sprint rather than just walk
AI will now parry less often
The yellow bar in the middle (old stamina bar) now displays the stagger value instead
Fixed ability "Power through" 2nd punch not working when pressing Attack near the end of the first overhead
Incompatible grab moves that target genitals are more likely to switch to a compatible grab move that targets genitals too
Fixed restraints that override basic attacks not working properly when equipping a weapon
Added a maybe-fix for a display problem on certain AMD cards that causes black textures and/or strips
Renamed Consumable .partyEffects -> .persistentEffects
Added a possible fix for certain intel graphics drivers rendering everything in black
Added animations setting for InsertAttach outfits (to animate the vibrators)
Added dynamic booba n***** erection level (similar to p**** erection)
Added InsertAttach .lustPerSecond effect
Added InsertAttach .motionsOverride effect
Added InsertAttach .randomFlinchChance - may cause target to randomly flinch when getting hit or when trying to do actions
Added new restraint grab: "restraint_b***_vibrator"
Added new restraint grab: "restraint_pu***_vibrator"
Added new pe*** ring vibrator attachment
Added new restraint grab: "restraint_pe***_vibrator"
RandomTripChance of blindfold to 20% (from 10% )
First person view (cheat only) now looks at center of chest rather than center of head
Added teammate and enemy-teammate health bars for battles with >2 combatants
Readjusted background music volume and the Music volume slider should apply its effect more gradually
p****_male now requires male body and p****_futa now requires female body. This fixes randomized males not having balls on their pps
Fixed auto camera not being re-enabled when player 2 inputs a movement key (just like player 1)
Fixed re-target button (default Q) not switching to targeted unit health bars
Fixed bug where grab damage is not scaled with how fast/slow the grab animation is
Fixed bug where >> NEW << recruits could roll monster-only grabs (such as Slime stuff)
Changed so that >> NEW << recruits no longer roll into size-difference grabs
Fixed maid_set erroneous inner.001 material
Added captioning for F3 intermediate render outputs for better debugging
Fixed Escape-Options menu sometimes not closeable
Added AppearanceChange .ReactivePartsChange that can disable things like Jiggle bones temporary
Renamed .tripChance to .randomTripChance
Added FUTA_SMALL/LARGE_BASE base char datas to inherit from
Added a potential fix for AMD cards black screen
Fixed SliderFrame displaying 2 lines of small text instead of 1 bigger line. (In Dresser sliders etc.)
Initial Release
v1.01 от 1 декабря 2017
• Fixed issue with winning match lewd gain.
• Cleaned up the dialogue GUI a bit
• Fixed a possible soft lock on game init (if get stuck on loading screen 163/163)
• Applied depth buffer workaround to a greater number of AMD cards
v1.0 от 18 ноября 2017
• fixed a couple animation problems with ankles and penetration
• fixed a rare crush with a few GPUs
• updated option toggle functionality to better highlight those features that are only available after Story Mode is completed
•Fixed bug with RNGed futas spawning with missing parts
•Fixed an instance of game crushing when it has ran for a while for some
When Futa Toggle is on, the Alchemist have additional dialogue options
Added optional "Start Naked" feature
Added optional mosaic censoring (default is on)
Rearranged the Main Menu a bit.
Removed "Wolfie Feet" from spawning on RNGed girls.
Might as well get this out of the way now.
This version fixed all the bugs that are reported so far, if I missed anything, please let me know.
•A new feature added is the ability to change the game's speed. Some people felt that the game was too sluggish so now its possible to speed up the game. Up to 200% of the base speed. Default is 120%. (so ~20% faster than previous versions by default)
•A few also wanted a hard mode of some sort after beating Story Mode. I tried but the current setup doesn't really allow me to easily add interesting encounters. And at this point I don't want to make major changes to the game.
•Besides, since you can play the character in exhibition and team mode the game provides all tools available to create your own challenging encounter. As such, no changes to Story Mode are implemented.
•Added Auto Escape under Options - Gameplay. If this is enabled, characters will automatically kick out when the escape bar is filled rather than having the escape bar reset. Default is on.
•Fixed enabling watch not working on a level 0 AI character in exhibition.
•Fixed game freeze when AI starts a grapple when AI is controlling characters that have non-full (<4) move set.
Move Trainer in story mode can now teach throw moves.
CHA H damage increase from 10% per to 5%
Practice opponents in story mode can now be futa (if toggle is on)
Fixed exploit that makes story mode and adv mode char level changeable in exhibition
Fixed assigned move ordering not being saved
Fixed left and right slot were reversed in move/ability customization menu
Fixed the end of story dialogue keep getting replayed
V 0.5
Total control over another fully customize able character
Earn Lewds by winning matches and practices, or even when losing
Pick and summon NPCs to service you, because no one ain't got the time to hunt them down.
Tweaked lighting a bit
CHA will now increase H damage by 10% per point
Tweaked balance of combat abilities
Escape Bar is now stabilized at a fixed height, also removed the inner "reversal" bar. No functionality changes
Many many bug fixes, thanks to everyone that helped in discord! (was busy fixing them rather than documenting all the changes, whoops )
NOTE: I am not sure if the balance/difficulty/lewd income is where I want to be at for Story Mode. Love to hear your thoughts and make necessary adjustments.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 21-01-2025, 06:24
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии HR 2 [v.301]. / Topic updated to version HR 2 [v.301].
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии HR 2 [v.301]. / Topic updated to version HR 2 [v.301].
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