Описание:В Worlds of Wonders вы берете на себя роль главного героя, 19-летнего парня, который собирается поступить в колледж, но вдруг какие-то внезапные события переворачивают его жизнь с ног на голову. Вы попадаете не в один, а в несколько миров, полных магии и футуристических технологий. Открывайте секреты, знакомьтесь с новыми персонажами, людьми и не людьми, и продвигайтесь к вершине мира. Но будьте осторожны, силы древней магии и современных технологий вот-вот развяжут войну, войну, которая подвергнет опасности все миры. Какую сторону выберете вы или останетесь нейтральными?
Инцест-патч вшит в русскую версию.После первого запуска, игру нужно перезапустить, чтобы имена персонажей были на русском.In Worlds of Wonders you take over the role of the Main Character, a 19 year old man who is about to go to college, when some sudden events flip his life upside down. You are drawn into not just one, but multiple worlds full of magic and futuristic technology. Discover secrets, encounter new characters, human and non-human, and work yourself to the top of the world(s). But be careful, the forces of ancient magic and modern technology are about to unleash a war, a war that will put all worlds in danger. Will you choose one side or will you stay neutral?
Bonus Code: 229813
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, animated, creampie, fantasy, futa, trans, groping, handjob, incest, lactation, male protagonist, masturbation, monster girl, oral, point and click, pov, stripping, sci-fi, teasing, transformation, urination, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: It's Danny -
Patreon -
SubscribeStar -
Itch.io -
DiscordПеревод: BeastfromtheeastПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.2.22 Rus / v.0.2.23 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
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v0.2.23 - 2025.02.15
Reworked and extended existing scenes and added dream sequences across the timeline.
This is a preparation update for v0.3.0 and does not continue the story line!
v0.2.22 - 2024-12-01
Three Scenes on Day 24-25 and one on Day 1
v0.2.21 Fix - 2024-10-14
Fixed unknown images issue during Magic Training Minigame (Apply the fix to your version 0.2.21 of the game.) Bonus Code v0.2.21: 219415
v0.2.20 - 2024-08-04
Human MC Day 23
v0.2.19 - 2024-05-27
Included Content: Day 21-22
v0.2.18 - 2024-01-23
Included Content: Cyborg Day 18-20
v0.2.17 - 2023-12-11
Included Content: Cyborg Day 16+17
v0.2.16 - 2023-09-19
Day 20 Part 2 Final with Brooke, Lyn, Keira and others.
This update also contains some content rework, like the bathroom scenes with Keira and the Lounge scene with Lily and Vi from the previous update now offers a Lily only Sex scene for everyone who is on Lily's path but doesn't want the threesome with her and Vi. So, if that's the case for you load a save from before that sex scene to make your decision.
Note: This is a story update and does not contain any sexual intercourses. Depending on your prior choices in the game this update will also have more or less content for you.
v0.2.15 - 2023-07-29
Included Content: Day 19 Part 2 & Day 20 Part 1 with Lily, Vi and Senna
v0.2.14 - 2023-06-05
Day 19 Part 1
0.2.13 - 2023-04-16
0.2.12 - 2023-02-05
v0.2.11 - 2023-01-02
v0.2.10 - 2022-11-24
Multiple Story Scenes (with Yuki, Lyn, Brooke, Keira, Sam, Lusea)
as well as a Sex Scene
Bonus Renders for Subscribers
Updates now available as small update file. (Just drop everything inside the "game" folder into your "game" folder of the previous version (overwrite when asked).)
v0.2.9 - 2022-10-19
More Story Focused Scenes (with Yuki, Lyn, Brooke, Keira, Sam)
Bonus Renders for Subscribers
Reconstruction of the image system (might give an error on loading an old save. Just press ignore and continue)
v0.2.7 - 2022-08-13
More Scenes (Story with Yuki, Lyn, Keira, Sam)
Bonus Renders for Subscribers (No story relevance/impact)
New Minigame
Bug Fixes:
Lily Sex Scene is not played anymore if you denied her path before
If you won the minigame before you now get to choose the path with Lily (sub/dom)
Fixed Sound Bug
Fixed Missing Gallery Images
-> If you care about the path with lily (dom/sub) I recommend you to replay the content of the 0.2.6 update (you can also do this in v0.2.7 or a later version, it doesn't have to be done in this fix.)
More Scenes (Story, More sexual content for Lily Sub & Dom)
Bonus Renders for Subscribers (No story relevance/impact)
More Scenes (Story)
More Scenes (Story, First sexual encounter with Vi)
Now with early access for subscribers
More Scenes (Story, Welcome to Awkwarts, the University of Magic)
New Feature: Improved navigation of save/load page
~300 New Renders
New Mini Game
Bug Fixes (Quick Menu not showing correctly, char info cards, etc.)
200+ New Renders
Image gallery
Bug Fixes (Tag toggling not working correctly)
Source Code Overhaul
Gamemode Rework
Dialogue Rework
500+ New Renders
Reworked Renders
File Size Reduction (without quality loss)
Requires to start a New Game!
Bug Fix of Lily not showing up at the Red Royal
650+ Renders
4 animations (1-2 sec loops)
new locations
new characters
Experimental Pure VN Mode without free roam and other gameplay
~150 Renders
4 animations (1-2 sec loops)
Minigame: Pairs (I mean it's already iconic, isn't it?)
v0.1.0 (Initial release)
750+ Renders
6 animations (1-2 sec loops)
Point & Click Roaming System
Basic Inventory, Item/Money System
Basic Phone Chat System