Описание:Вы - обычный молодой человек: колледж, видеоигры, работа по совместительству. Но в городке Греймонт происходит что-то странное. В этом преимущественно белом городке происходят какие-то перемены, и вы не можете понять, в чем они заключаются.
Между всеми этими протестами, ростом преступности, политическими потрясениями и изменениями в культуре вы просто не знаете, что чувствовать и куда вписаться.
Откройте секреты своей общины и сделайте выбор, который изменит ход вашей жизни и жизни вашей общины. Кто вы - доминирующий черный альфа-самец, не терпящий возражений, красивая молодая белая женщина, которая пытается найти свое место в мире, или запутавшийся белый мальчик, который делает все, что ему говорят. Выбор за вами...
You’re just a normal young person, with college, video games, and a part time job.
But there’s something strange happening in the town of Greymont. The mostly white town is undergoing a bit of a change and you can’t quite put your finger on it.
Between all the protests, crime increase, political upheaval, and changing culture, you just don’t know how to feel, and where you fit in.
Discover the secrets of your community, and make choices that will change the course of your life and that of your community.
Are you a dominant black alpha male who takes no guff,
a pretty young white woman that trying to find her place in the world,
or are you a confused white boy who does as he’s told.
The choice is yours...
Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: real porn, multiple protagonist, animated, corruption, interracial, humiliation, milf, voyeurism, ntr(optional), mobile game
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Pallidus Nox - www.patreon.com/PallidusNox | discord.com/invite/KrTttzFbCV
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.7.3
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Changelog v0.7.3 - 2025-03-23
Girlfriend Scenes
#105 - Take photos of Jia for her Onlyfans page at her house.
#106 - Tyrese blackmails you while he, Jaquan and Marcus get their dicks sucked in the college washroom.
#107 - Ms.Valentine forces you to watch Jia kiss Tyrese in the college basement classroom.
#108 - You hide in Jia's closet and spy on Jia and Marcus having sex in her bedroom after school.
Changelog v0.7.2
Classroom Scenes
#31 - Ms.Valentine does a psychological evaluation on you.
#32- Ms.Valentine has all the girls in the lecture hall do a psychological evaluation of you.
#33- Ms.Valentine makes you undergo ‘treatment’ by four girls in the basement by watching them strip in front of you.
#34- Ms.Valentine makes you undergo ‘treatment’ by shocking your penis while you watch white girls kissing black men.
#35- Ms.Valentine humiliates you by having you strip and wear a 'cuck cage' front of all the students in the lecture hall.
Sports Class Scenes
#14 - See Ms.Bender exercising in the weight room.
#17- See a black man and brunette girl show off their bodies to each other.
#20- See blonde girl and black guy kissing in the locker room.
#25- See black athletes touching the blonde track girls in sexual ways in the weight room.
#27- See a group of black guys flirting with a brunette girl.
#29- See a black athlete have sex with a blonde girl in the weight room.
#30- See Ms.Bender kissing a black guy and get caught spying by the athletic girls.
Changelog v0.7.1
Classroom Scenes
#26 - Ms.Valentine uses flashing words on repeat to brainwash you.
#27 - Ms.Valentine humiliates you by having you listen to a female voice on repeat talk about whiteboys liking BBC.
#28 - Ms.Valentine brainwashes you by making you associate beautiful white girls with black cock.
#29 - Ms.Valentine humiliates you by having you listen to a female voice on repeat talk about whiteboys knowing their place.
#30 - Ms.Valentine brainwashes you into believing in a black race religion.
Sports Class Scenes
#6 - See a white girl with a giant ass run on the treadmill in the weight room.
#9 - See a thick blonde girl walking on a stair machine completely naked in the weight room.
#11 - See a pale ginger girl show off her body to two black guys in the locker room.
#13 - See a naked black man in the locker room.
#16 - See a black man stroking his cock in the showers.
#18 - See a group of blonde girls working out with black guys in the weight room.
#23 - See a pale ginger girl getting fucked by a black guy in the showers.
Girlfriend Scenes
#14 - Meet Lika, Jia’s best friend.
#27 - Eavesdrop on Jia as she talks with Lika on her phone in her bedroom.
#54 - See Jia and Lika trying on lingerie in Jia’s bedroom.
#68 - Red Jia’s text messages on her phone between her and Lika.
#86 - Spy on Jia and Lika as they try on lingerie and kiss each other in Jia’s bedroom.
#98 - See Jia dressed fancy at school and take pictures of her for her Instagram page.
#99 - Snoop around Ms.Valentine’s office and find BNWO propaganda.
#100 - Watch Tyrese, Jaquan and Marcus have their dick sucked by the three white college girls.
#101 - Get caught by Ms.Valentine spying on Jia in her class and get brainwashed with Jia.
#102 - Use a black cock sleeve on Jia in her bedroom.
#103 - Spy on Jia and Marcus at her house and see Jia suck Marcus’s cock.
#104 - Get put in a trance and brainwashed by Ms.Valentine with Jia again.
Changelog v0.7
NOTEs: Old saves should work, if not use the cheat menu located in your bedroom on the computer to set a characters scene, or start a new game.
Quality of life:
Removed neighbour and friend's family characters for improved story development.
Girlfriend scenes:
Scene 23: Jia tells you about her Instagram account
Scene 26: Look at Jia’s Instagram account and see what kind of pictures she has been posting.
Scene 39: Look at Jia’s Instagram account and her pictures look strange to you.
Scene 54: Look at Jia’s Instagram account and see sexy pictures of her.
Scene 68: Tyrese and Jaquan confront you and Jia and Jia offers to open an Onlyfans to help you pay off your debts.
Scene 70: Look at Jia’s Instagram and see even more sexy photos of herself.
Scene 85: Jia shows you interracial porn while she jerks you off then you snoop on her computer and find cuck porn.
Scene 87: You spy on Jia in Ms.Valenetine’s one on one lesson where Jia is being brainwashed.
Scene 88: Tyrone shows you the frat house getting busted by the police and the frat boys getting arrested.
Scene 90: Look at Jia’s Instagram account and see that her photos are almost pornographic.
Scene 91: Spy on Jia in Ms.Valentine’s one on one lesson and get caught by her classmates and Ms.Valentine.
Scene 92: Tyrone shows you he’s taken over the frat and forces you to watch and be humiliated in front of the three college girls.
Changelog v0.6 - 2024-02-01
Younger Sister Scenes (Kyler):
Scene 7 - Spy on Kyler in Ms.Valentine’s class about family members being sexist and racist.
Scene 10 - Kyler asks if you are a sexist at breakfast.
Scene 16 - Spy on Kyler in her bedroom masturbating.
Scene 18 - Spy on Kyler in Ms.Valentine's class about how white males need feminism.
Scene 19 - Attend feminist meeting with Kyler led by Mr.Blackwell.
Scene 20 - Dream about Kyler masturbating in front of you.
Scene 21 - See Kyler and Mr.Blackwell talking outside your house.
Scene 22 - Eavesdrop on Kyler talking on the phone with her friend Chloe in her room.
Scene 23 - Spy on Kyler in her room changing clothing.
Scene 24 - Kyler tells you that Mr.Blackwell gives her rides home.
Scene 25 - At a feminist meeting with Kyler, Mr.Blackwell confronts you about your sexism.
Scene 26 - See condoms in Kyler's room.
Scene 27 - Dream about Kyler in the kitchen acting sexy.
Scene 28 - Eavesdrop on Kyler as she talks on the phone to Mr.Blackwell.
Scene 29 - Spy on Kyler in Ms.Valentine's class about how white males need to be deprogrammed.
Scene 30 - Spy on Kyler's computer and see her pictures.
Scene 31 - Mr.Blackwell catches you spying on Kyler at the feminist meeting.
Scene 32 - Dream about Kyler in class with Mr.Blackwell.
Scene 33 - Kyler takes Mr.Blackwell home to meet your family.
Scene 34 - Spy on Kyler in Ms.Valentine's class about how to deprogram a white father.
Scene 35 - See Kyler and Mr.Blackwell kissing in her room at your house.
Scene 36 - Dream about an angel Kyler and a demon Kyler convincing Kyler to be good or bad.
Scene 37 - Kyler accuses you of being racist and needing deprogramming at breakfast.
Scene 38 - See Mr.Blackwell having sex with his goth student at a feminist meeting.
Scene 39 - See Kyler walking down the street with Mr.Blackwell and another black guy and kissing them.
Scene 40 - Kyler is comes home late and is caught by Nicole.
Changelog v0.5.1
Girlfriend Scenes (Jia):
Scene 54. Meet Jia’s new black lover at college.
Scene 55. Jia surprises you with a black dildo to use on her in her bedroom.
Scene 56. Spy on Jia in Ms.Valentine’s class with her showing the students a video of a white woman kissing a black man.
Scene 57. Tyress and his friend tell you your next job while taunting three white girls, after school.
Changelog v0.5b
Removed 'Dom' and 'Sub' points.
Removed 'Fitness' points.
Added ability to change between 'Netorase' and 'Netorare' in the cheat menu.
Added Math class mini-game.
Fixed 'end of content' scene bug.
New Scenes:
Girlfriend Scenes (Jia):
Scene # 5 - Spy on Jia in Ms.Valentine's class about insecure white males.
Scene # 12 - Spy on Jia in Ms.Valentine's class about the racist white patriarchy.
Scene # 20 - Spy on Jia in Ms.Valentine's class about controlling white boyfriends.
Scene # 27 - Spy on Jia in Ms.Valentine's class about women rising up against the white patriarchy.
Scene # 40 - Spy on Jia in Ms.Valentine's class about black men being physically superior to white males.
Scene # 46 - Spy on Jia in Ms.Valentine's class about growing relationships between black men and white women.
Scene # 50 - See your antagonist kiss two blonde girls in the college washroom.
Scene # 51 - Watch Jia masturbate in front of you, in her bedroom.
Scene # 52- See Jia kiss her new black boyfriend and school, in the morning.
Scene # 53 - Spy on Jia in Ms.Valentine's class about white women marrying and breeding with black men.
Changelog v0.4.1c
Bug Fixes:
Fixed problem with computer choice not appearing in evening.
Fixed older roommate's scene progression error.
New Scenes:
Older Roommate Scenes (Alexa):
Scene # 21 - See interracial porn on your older roommate’s computer.
Scene # 22 - Landlord is tells you she’s worried about her oldest daughter at breakfast.
Scene # 23 - Hear your older roommate talking on her phone about being a ‘snowbunny’.
Scene # 24 - Dream about your older roommate being massaged by a black man.
Scene # 25 - See older roommate taking pictures of herself and talking to some guy on her phone in her room.
Scene # 26 - See older roommate give oral sex to a black gang in the alley way.
Scene # 27 - Landlord confronts your older roommate about using drugs at breakfast.
Scene # 28 - Older roommate catches you spying on her and humiliates you in front of your younger roommate and landlord.
Scene # 29 - Hear your older roommate talking on her phone about the ‘B.N.W.O’ in her room.
Scene # 30 - Snoop through your older Roommate’s room and see ‘B.N.W.O’ apparel and porn on her computer.
Scene # 31 - See older roommate and her friend have a orgy in her friend’s backyard with your antagonist.
Discord Scenes (Computer):
Scene # 3 - Learn more about ‘PN’ and where he gets these images.
Scene # 4 - See more pictures of redheaded and ginger girls who PN tells you are prostitutes.
Scene # 5 - PN Tells you you can see more pictures if you pay him money.
Scene # 6 - PN shows you images of advertisements to buy women and you suspect PN might be some kind of human trafficker.
Scene # 7 - PN Shows you more pictures, this time explaining that the girls are bought as servants for wealthy men.
Scene # 8 - PN shows you more adverts and you notice that a lot of the girls are bought by African men.
Scene # 9 - PN asks you to buy a girl so that he can get a better price later.
Scene # 10 - PN tells you, you can make money buying and selling servants online.
Changelog v0.4.0
Added feature:Set scene feature in the 'Cheat' menu, allows you to set a character's or scenario's scene to anywhere in the story.
Modifications:Reorganized mother’s scenes to make her story flow better. Rewrote all scenes with Blake to change her character's personality.
New Scenes for mother(Nicole):
Scene # 15: Steal mother’s panties out of her room.
Scene # 16: See your mother exercising at your home.
Scene # 17: Find an interracial dating book in your mother’s room.
Scene # 18: Dream about your mother doing sexy yoga in a bikini.
Scene # 20: Your mother and her two friends talk in the kitchen - Blake confronts you.
Scene # 22: Hear your mother talking to Blake on the phone.
Scene # 31: Your mother tells you about people meeting at your house before they go out to a book club meeting.
Scene # 35: Dream about your mother making breakfast in her underwear.
Scene # 40: Listen to your mother talk with Ella on the phone about the ‘book club’ meeting.
Scene # 41: Meet your mother’s boyfriend for the first time and Blake shows you her breasts.
Scene # 42: Dream about Blake showing you her tits.
Scene # 43: Alexa and Kyler discuss with your mother how much they like her boyfriend.
Scene # 44: Overhear your mother and her boyfriend talking about how you are being beaten up at school.
Scene # 45: Your mother asks you if you're being beaten up and how her boyfriend can help you.
Scene # 46: Spy on your mother having sex with her boyfriend for a ‘favor’.
Added Porn Clips:
5 Deepthroat clips
5 Facial clips
5 Face Fuck clips
4 Creampie clips
4 Rimming clips
Removed wardrobe
Removed Bull and Bunny routes to separate games to save on file size and simplify code.
If anything doesn’t work or is broken - Start a new game and use the set scene feature to return to where you were in the story.
Bull and Bunny route old saves won’t work in version 0.4
Changelog v0.3.1
Class scenes:
1 Apology scene in front of class.
2 Basement lesson with Ms.Valentine. She rebukes you for sexism.
3 Basement lesson with Ms.Valentine. She questions you about your insecurity.
4 Basement lesson with Ms.Valentine. She questions you about interracial relationships.
5 Basement lesson with MS.Valentine. She tries to convince you to be more feminine.
6 Dream about Ms.Valentine giving a black man oral sex.
7 Lecture hall with Ms.Valentine. She lectures about how white men control white women.
8 Lecture hall with Ms.Valentine. She lectures how black men are better than white males.
9 Lecture hall with Ms.Valentine. She convinces her students to be more slutty.
10 Lecture hall with Ms.Valentine. She lectures about how race mixing is good.
11 Lecture hall with Ms.Valentine. She explains why she uses the phrase 'white males' and humiliates you in front of the class.
Friend Scenes:
1 Friends house, see your friends porn collection accidentally.
2 Friends house, see a porn video playing on your friend's laptop.
3 Friends house, see porn on friend’s laptop computer.
4 Friends house, friend shows you a porn video.
New Girlfriend Scenes:
1 Rub Jia’s pussy.
2 Premature ejaculation in your pants.
3 Jia jerks you off.
Version - 0.1
- First Release