Эта игра представляет собой ролевую игру в стиле QSP с открытым миром. Вдохновением для этой игры послужила оригинальная игра "Evil" с похожей игровой механикой и сюжетными линиями. Она сильно отличается от сюжетных визуальных новелл, где вас держат за руку на протяжении всего игрового процесса. В этой игре вас не держат за руку. Все решения принимаете вы сами. Вы прокладываете свой собственный путь в этой игре и, по сути, строите/создаете свою собственную историю.
"Evil 2" - это ремейк оригинальной игры "Evil" с добавленными функциями и множеством улучшений и усовершенствований. Это не продолжение.
"Evil 2" - это оптимизированная и сфокусированная версия оригинальной игры, использующая только главного героя-мужчину. Она не содержит следующих особенностей/тегов: трансгендер, гей, трансформация, феминизация и женщина-протагонист. Если вы хотите или нуждаетесь в этих особенностях, пожалуйста, придерживайтесь оригинальной игры. Они не будут добавлены или рассмотрены.
This game is an open world QSP based RPG style game. Much of the inspiration for this game comes from the original game EVIL with similar game mechanics and storylines. It is a lot different than the story based visual novels where your hand is held throughout the game experience. No hand holding is done in this game. All choices are up to you. You carve your own path in this game and you basically build/create your own story.
Evil 2 is a remake of the original game Evil with added features and lots of enhancements and improvements. It is not a sequel.
Evil 2 is a streamlined and focused version of the original game using a male protagonist only. It does not contain the following features/tags: transgender, gay, transformation, feminization, and female protagonist. If you want or need these features please stick with the original game. They will not be added or considered. The tags for the game are accurate (the game only contains two femdom scenes however).
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: anal, bdsm, cheating, combat, corruption, creampie, dating sim, drugs, exhibitionism, graphic violence, groping, group, handjob, harem, humiliation, incest, male domination, male protagonist, management, masturbation, milf, oral, pov, pregnancy, prostitution, rape, real porn, romance, rpg, sandbox, school setting, sexual harassment, simulator, slave, spanking, stripping, titfuck, urination, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: spectre1viper, jessicajones, noobtrain - uptown.forum.cool/viewtopic.php?id=211
Перевод: PollMax
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.65 Rus / v.0.74 Eng
Первая часть игры: ЗЛО
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Все 5 случайных/специальных событий должны быть завершены, прежде чем вы сможете начать историю с семьей MC.
Случайные/особые события
Ограбление особняка — (Лилли Диксон)
Адвокат особняка (девочка-печенька) — (Асуна Фокс)
Студентка особняка — (Кимми Грейнджер)
Дедовщина в фермерском колледже — (Эшли Майя)
Застрявший автомобилист (требуется, чтобы предыдущие 4 события были завершены первыми ) ) - (Lolly Lips)
Все 5 вышеперечисленных событий требуют, чтобы вы владели особняком, который занимает довольно много времени, чтобы заработать достаточно денег для покупки.
Вот базовый контрольный список, который запустит все события, включая новую семейную историю:
Собственный особняк
Иметь крутую машину
Иметь все огнестрельное оружие
Купите все дополнения в своем особняке
Иметь не менее 6 охранников особняка
Иметь как минимум 2 горничных
Обучите не менее 12 рабов
Иметь не менее 12 шлюх
Много работайте таксистом (в основном, чтобы тренировать новых рабов - захватывайте лучших девушек)
Иметь контакты/отношения с большим количеством NPC, включая высшее общество и студентов
Иметь отличные отношения с начальником полиции, поддерживать их и время от времени навещать его.
Иметь отличные отношения с Тони и время от времени вести с ним дела.
Поддерживайте форму и хороший внешний вид
Заработать много денег
Проводите время в своем особняке, занимаясь обычными делами в разное время дня.
v0.74 - 2025-03-22
Bug Fixes
'Ask for an appointment' now requires the mansion and a small amount of reputation before the option will show up after selecting a High Society contact in the 'Social Circle' section at hour 17
Fixed several bugs with anal sex never being pleasurable once the female's asshole has been expanded by a good amount
Fixed several bugs with two anal videos displaying when having anal sex with your sister Anna or your mother Phoebe
Miscellaneous logic improvements in the generic sex system
Made a few minor balance changes to the grind in the generic sex system - a bit less grind overall
Cleaned up and optimized some of the anal sex code in the generic sex system
Fixed a bug reported by LeakAngel (thank you!) where a whore would accidentally get addicted to drugs and then her motivation for being a whore would automatically switch to "Whoring for drugs". Motivation will no longer change.
Overhauled the 'Incentive' system in Evil 2. Incentive has been standardized and affects all whore and slave jobs correctly now except for the 'Drug Courier' job (incentive doesn't affect this job and never has). If your whores or slaves get low on incentive the penalties are much greater now!
Fixed several bugs where the female sex code was being applied to male NPCs inappropriately. This has been a bug in the game for a long time and no one has reported it (scratching head, including my own for missing it for so long). Male NPCs no longer show positive numbers for throat, ass, or guys.
Fixed a bug in the sex code that could cause the same sex history item to be added to an NPC's story more than once
Fixed a bug with the 'Family Tester' cheat that could cause errors to pop-up after aging a baby to 16 years old
Fixed a few minor bugs with cheats in the cheat menu
Fixed a major bug with save games getting corrupted when the game is saved at certain locations in the game. The locations were coded as dynamic functions and weren't real locations and so the QSP Player didn't know where to return the player to (a virtual location) and couldn't load the save game. Fixed six different locations that had this bug.
Lots of small miscellaneous bug fixes
Lots of logic improvements made throughout the code
New Features / Enhancements / Changes
All cases where an NPC dies are now highlighted in red in the 'End of Day Earnings Report'. Also all cases where an NPC gets accidentally addicted to drugs. Also the case where your whore leaves you after attempting to wean her off of drugs. Suggestions made by The Grifter - thank you!
Added an option to reroll a female NPC's portrait picture - use sparingly or you may end up with duplicate portraits (two NPCs having the same portrait). Suggestion made by The Grifter - thank you!
Added all the hidden and lesser known options and features in the game to the 'Bathroom' menu - lots of new options to give the player more control over their game! I also added some of the commonly used console commands to the menu.
Moved the 'Crushboss' cheat from the cheat menu to the 'Bathroom' menu and provided an explanation of the cheat
Added a slave and whore assistant to the game which can be found under 'Mansion Management'. The slave/whore assistant helps to keep your sex workers properly motivated to work hard. This will lessen the need for the player to manually encourage all his slaves and whores to work harder. The MC doing the encouragement is still more effective and still needs to be done occasionally (2 to 4 times per month as opposed to 2 to 3 times weekly). Suggestion made by noneo'ya - thank you!
Made the 'Remove Event Delay' cheat menu option available to nearly everyone. This cheat removes all the extra days needed to continue the various events and stories in the game. This does NOT start the events or stories early! It merely removes delays once an event or story has already begun. So if you would normally have to wait for two additional days before the next stage of the story becomes available, this cheat removes that delay. You may still need to find the correct time of day for the next stage to trigger however.
Added five new videos to maids - 'Observe the Maid' (3 new videos) and 'Observe the Maid through the hidden camera system' (2 new videos)
Added a new sex event to the game - 'Unlikely Break In' - Event occurs during the evening at your mansion after you've completed all the other events and stories in the game. It should be a short but fun event! The MC is mostly showing his evil side with this event.
v0.73 - 2025-02-21
Bug Fixes
Fixed several player reported bugs
Fixed a bug with asking how many boyfriends a girl has - logic fixed
Fixed several logic bugs with the 'Start or replay the stories and events in Evil 2' feature
Fixed Lolly Lips's unique 'Observe Maid' videos - should now play properly if Lolly Lips is a maid
Fixed a bug with 'Pool Girl Story - Part 3' where you couldn't train Rhonda Rousey again if replaying the story
Fixed several logic bugs with slaves and whores
Made several fixes to the 'Accept Whore Invite' cheat menu option
Fixed a bug with the 'Hired Muscle for the Camorra cartel' gang job
Miscellaneous small bug fixes
Miscellaneous logic improvements
Miscellaneous formatting improvements
New Features & Enhancements
Players now have the option of training Rhonda Rousey again if desired instead of having to replay the entire 'Pool Girl Stories - Part 3' again
Players now have the option to makeout with Anna and Phoebe and fondle their breasts when they try to seduce you at your mansion (requires completion of both parts of the 'Family Trouble' story of course)
Polished all the events and stories that skybarbie developed and the ones I developed
Added 28 new maid videos - Observing Maids (21 new videos) and Observing Maids through hidden cameras (7 new videos)
Added a new event to the game of moderate length - 'Social Experiment - Liya' - late game event that has the same requirements as the other two Social Experiment events (listed below) - event has plenty of sex scenes - featuring Liya Silver
Bug Fixes
Fixed several bugs that could cause the guy count and sex count to increase by one inappropriately when training slaves at the farm - Thanks to The Grifter for pointing this out!
Fixed an additional bug that I caused when I fixed the above bug that The Grifter also identified
Fixed several bugs that allowed shadowing for robberies job for gang members without purchasing surveillance tools first
Fixed a bug with boxing training that caused the gang member to never be able to complete the training
Fixed a bug that caused boxing progress to not be displayed for gang members (must at least be an average boxer for the progress to display similar to other skills)
Fixed several miscellaneous bugs with gang jobs and gang job reporting in the End of Day Earnings Report
Fixed sex hole stats decreasing after the kidnapped girl has been trained in a sex activity at the farm - Thanks to Swalexxx for pointing this out!
Misc small bug fixes
Misc logic improvements
New Features / Enhancements
Added mechanic tools to the game which are now required to assign new gang members to dismantle stolen cars. If they're already assigned this job before this update they won't be kicked out of the dismantle car gang job (FYI).
Added a new gang job - Hired Muscle for the Camorra cartel - Gang members must be a professional level boxer or better in order to be assigned this new job. Pay rate and success are based on their boxing and soldier skill. Soldier skill is optional but helps. If your gang member kills an enemy they receive bonus caps. There is a small potential for a hospital visit/temporary injury and a rare chance of death. The better the boxer and soldier skills the less chance of a rare death occurring. If a death does occur it's highlighted in bright red like the other deaths were enhanced to display in a recent patch so they are easier to see if players just want to skim the report or save scum to avoid the death.
Taking any of a girl's virginities now displays that you took her virginity in bold bright red text
Added the option to just retrain Rhonda Rousey at the farm instead of having to replay the entire 'Pool Girl Story - Part 3' again. This option can be found in the 'Computer' menu under 'Start or replay the unique stories and events in Evil 2'. Keep in mind that using this option will reset Rhonda to default at the beginning of her training (slave job and other progress will be erased).
This is just a small Christmas gift for everyone (was released as a beta before Christmas). This doesn't mean that development is restarting. The game is still looking for a new developer to take over the project.
The gang portion of the game is mostly full featured now and working as intended.
Dismantle cars - requires mechanic tools (new)
Shadowing for robberies - requires surveillance tools (not new but fixed bugs with this)
Stealing cars - requires lockpicking tools (not new)
Now all jobs require the appropriate tools.
Before, there was no advantage or purpose for gang members to train in boxing. Now there is with the new 'Hired muscle for the Camorra cartel' job. Shooting training helped with the 'Gunman for robberies' and "Hitman' jobs so both training options have a purpose now.
0.71 Patch 1a - 2024-10-26
Added two new sex events that start downtown (look for a new option to appear at the bottom). You have to have completed roughly 75% of the stories and events in the game before these new events will become available. The MC is being mostly evil in these new events, be warned. The events do end on a positive and happy note.
Misc small bug fixes
Changelog - Patch 1
Fixed multiple small bugs with sex stat reporting with the two new events (bug could cause Kendra to not list sex with the MC and end up in the 'Best Friends' section instead of the 'Sexual Partners' section)
Fixed a bug with the MC's story in relation to these two new events
Added the two new events to the 'Start or replay the random events and stories in Evil 2' feature in the Computer menu so they can be replayed at any time if desired (they can also be started early if the player meets some minimum requirements)
Changelog - Patch 1a
Kendra wasn't added to the unique NPC list (fixed) and so her body stats could get messed up if she was run through the Pimp that Bitch cheat. Restored her proper body stats with patch 1a.
v0.70 patch 4
Performed a small overhaul on the pregnancy system and reassigned a few duplicate variables - numerous bugs fixed
Fixed several instances of the 'babies=1' cheat not setting pregnancy chance to 100%
Made the stat and relationship loss with NPCs optional and disabled by default. You can re-enable it using 'wife_high_maintenance=1'
Added several new cheats to the cheat menu that were previously reserved for testing purposes (see Notes below)
Added conditions to the new testing cheats so they won't be used on unintentional NPCs
Since a full playthrough takes roughly one year of time in-game, I reduced pregnancy duration to 50-60 days so it doesn't take forever
Fixed a bug with the 'family_tester=1' cheat
Updated the message when a child is aged up to legal age to include their last name and also gender
Using either the 'Crushboss' or 'Pimp Me' cheat will set the 'babies=0' and 'family_tester=0' cheats to 0. Just keep this in mind if you want those cheats to still work after using the 'Crushboss' or 'Pimp Me' cheat. You'll have to set 'babies=1' and/or 'family_tester=1' cheat to 1 if you want to continue using them.
Reversed the Gloryhole and Camwhore earnings nerf by assertiveless
Hopefully fixed the reported 'In prison' bug
Fixed a bug with blackmailing with sex video that required the girl to not be a vaginal virgin (she has two other holes that qualify)
Fixed a bug with the 'Make Virgin' cheat not clearing all of the pregnancy variables
Finding and talking with girls at the nude beach now takes more time
Improved the logic which determines whether or not a proper/valid sex video has been created during home sex (you must fuck at least one of her three holes for a successful sex tape/video to be created)
Increased the age range of people that you can meet at the theatre (18-45)
Gang members must have all four firearms (handgun, shotgun, automatic, sniper rifle) to start shooting training now so they can become proficient with all firearm types
Added Drug Couriers to the Slums District
Removed the Drug Couriers and Drug Dealer links from 'Your Secret Office'. I know some players may not be happy with this change but it doesn't make sense to have them listed there when they don't live in your mansion (none of your whores and slaves do). It also doesn't make sense to list them in 'Your Secret Office' when none of the other whore and slave jobs are listed there. All whore and slave jobs can now be found in either the 'Red Light District' or the 'Slums District'
Lazy players can now have all whore and slaves jobs listed in 'Your Secret Office' by using: easy_access=1 - This feature is for you Warscared
Fixed a nasty bug that would cause Street Whores not to work if a debtor was found by your gang on the same day
Mabuta will no longer be listed as the leader of the Nigerian Cartel if he's assassinated
Fixed a crashing bug caused by having too few classmates. Classmates will now be automatically added if the number drops below 20
Fixed a nasty syntax error (that took far too long to track down) which caused NPCs with nicknames to have scrambled display data
Numerous fixes with nicknames. Re-enabled the nickname system. Nicknames should stick now and are available if you have a good relationship with the NPC
Added an option to add university students to your classmates section if you have a good relationship with them (university student start only)
Added some automation to the 'Search for debtors' gang member task. If your gang has an active debtor to search for, unassigned members will be assigned to search for the debtor automatically (last priority so it shouldn't override other jobs). Talk to the Armenian gang to get this task
Fixed a story bug with the 'Take her virginities' cheat
Small formatting and text fixes/improvements
NPC debt amount is now shown in several places where it wasn't displayed before or was missing
Numerous bug fixes with debtors and mother's offering their daughters to pay for their debt
Fixed the Fighter calculation under Statistics
Fixed several bugs with sex stat reporting
Fixed several bugs that caused the Mansion Solicitor (cookie girl) to not be a virgin
Fixed several story issues with the unique event and story NPCs in the game (Tell me about yourself)
Fixed several bugs with the 'Break Slave' and 'Accept Whore Invite' cheats having incorrect sex stat reporting
Lowered the player's beauty bonus by 20 points (was 30, now 10) - bonus was too high
Added a feature that allows you to bribe a girl's boss to get her fired from her job (requires mansion and a high reputation)
Numerous bug fixes with NPC jobs
Improved the functionality and logic of the 'Make Virgin' and 'Take her virginities' cheats - more story data is preserved, especially with jobs and college
Fixed a nasty bug that would cause high society females to constantly lose their jobs
Added relationship score info to most NPCs in the NPC drop down lists if cheats are enabled
Fixed two bugs with Leah Gotti's story
Fixed two bugs with Nina North's story
You can no longer get your own maids fired from their job by bribing their boss (you are their boss). You can no longer get high society NPCs fired from their jobs (would result in too much grief and complications so their boss wouldn't agree to it).
Improved the height logic so most girls won't be short now - you should see a larger variety of heights for newly generated females
Fixed several bugs that could cause a girl to disappear after you've had sex or sleep with her overnight
Dancing with a girl at the nightclub now advances time
Made improvements to the marriage code - female's picture will now be displayed if she has a beauty score of at least 70
Marrying your daughter now changes her last name to match yours
Added a new cheat in the cheat menu - 'Deliver Baby' - Will cause the pregnant female to deliver her baby immediately - She must be pregnant for this cheat to work
Fixed prostitutes having vaglocks - automatically removed now
The option to start 'Family Trouble' Part 2 no longer disappears if the player does something else that doesn't advance time
Fixed a typo with the 'Family Trouble' story
Reduced the amount of loops that the 'Make Tiny' and 'Big Ass' cheats perform, greatly reducing the time it takes to run them
Age display data for females has been adjusted. Previously, "Teenage girl" didn't include all teen ages. It now includes ages 13-19. Adjusted the other age descriptions to compensate for this change.
Added options for 10 packs of Estrogen, Lactaid, and Male Enhancer from Tony
Removed the option to take female only drugs in your Inventory - Transformation from male to female and feminization of males is not a part of Evil 2
Made some adjustments to sex stats in home sex, strip club sex, nightclub sex, and the farm. The main change being that you can no longer increase their hole sizes to unrealistic numbers. Most vaginal, anal, and throat female stats rarely go above 38 now except for daily sex workers.
Fixed numerous bugs with the various drugs in the game , especially the ones you can give to females - 'Drug her with...'
Enabled the giving of drugs to the unique NPCs in the game so players can customize them some
You no longer have to have sex with a girl first in order to put her on birth control (other requirements are still intact)
Growth hormone, Estrogen, and Female Extract have been improved and now function like they should
Overhauled the drug description list that Tony gives out - added Estrogen which was missing
Overhauled the option to 'Drug her with..' - The player is now given a message when the drug is taken and the NPC info remains on the screen
Misc bug fixes
Logic improvements
Code cleanup
v0.70 patch 3.1
Performed a small overhaul on the pregnancy system and reassigned a few duplicate variables - numerous bugs fixed
Fixed several instances of the 'babies=1' cheat not setting pregnancy chance to 100%
Made the stat and relationship loss with NPCs optional and disabled by default. You can re-enable it using 'wife_high_maintenance=1'
Added several new cheats to the cheat menu that were previously reserved for testing purposes (see Notes below)
Added conditions to the new testing cheats so they won't be used on unintentional NPCs
Since a full playthrough takes roughly one year of time in-game, I reduced pregnancy duration to 50-60 days so it doesn't take forever
Fixed a bug with the 'family_tester=1' cheat
Updated the message when a child is aged up to legal age to include their last name and also gender
Using either the 'Crushboss' or 'Pimp Me' cheat will set the 'babies=0' and 'family_tester=0' cheats to 0. Just keep this in mind if you want those cheats to still work after using the 'Crushboss' or 'Pimp Me' cheat. You'll have to set 'babies=1' and/or 'family_tester=1' cheat to 1 if you want to continue using them.
Reversed the Gloryhole and Camwhore earnings nerf by assertiveless
Hopefully fixed the reported 'In prison' bug
Fixed a bug with blackmailing with sex video that required the girl to not be a vaginal virgin (she has two other holes that qualify)
Fixed a bug with the 'Make Virgin' cheat not clearing all of the pregnancy variables
Finding and talking with girls at the nude beach now takes more time
Improved the logic which determines whether or not a proper/valid sex video has been created during home sex (you must fuck at least one of her three holes for a successful sex tape/video to be created)
Increased the age range of people that you can meet at the theatre (18-45)
Gang members must have all four firearms (handgun, shotgun, automatic, sniper rifle) to start shooting training now so they can become proficient with all firearm types
Added Drug Couriers to the Slums District
Removed the Drug Couriers and Drug Dealer links from 'Your Secret Office'. I know some players may not be happy with this change but it doesn't make sense to have them listed there when they don't live in your mansion (none of your whores and slaves do). It also doesn't make sense to list them in 'Your Secret Office' when none of the other whore and slave jobs are listed there. All whore and slave jobs can now be found in either the 'Red Light District' or the 'Slums District'
Lazy players can now have all whore and slaves jobs listed in 'Your Secret Office' by using: easy_access=1 - This feature is for you Warscared
Fixed a nasty bug that would cause Street Whores not to work if a debtor was found by your gang on the same day
Mabuta will no longer be listed as the leader of the Nigerian Cartel if he's assassinated
Fixed a crashing bug caused by having too few classmates. Classmates will now be automatically added if the number drops below 20
Fixed a nasty syntax error (that took far too long to track down) which caused NPCs with nicknames to have scrambled display data
Numerous fixes with nicknames. Re-enabled the nickname system. Nicknames should stick now and are available if you have a good relationship with the NPC
Added an option to add university students to your classmates section if you have a good relationship with them (university student start only)
Added some automation to the 'Search for debtors' gang member task. If your gang has an active debtor to search for, unassigned members will be assigned to search for the debtor automatically (last priority so it shouldn't override other jobs). Talk to the Armenian gang to get this task
Fixed a story bug with the 'Take her virginities' cheat
Small formatting and text fixes/improvements
NPC debt amount is now shown in several places where it wasn't displayed before or was missing
Numerous bug fixes with debtors and mother's offering their daughters to pay for their debt
Fixed the Fighter calculation under Statistics
Fixed several bugs with sex stat reporting
Fixed several bugs that caused the Mansion Solicitor (cookie girl) to not be a virgin
Fixed several story issues with the unique event and story NPCs in the game (Tell me about yourself)
Fixed several bugs with the 'Break Slave' and 'Accept Whore Invite' cheats having incorrect sex stat reporting
Lowered the player's beauty bonus by 20 points (was 30, now 10) - bonus was too high
Added a feature that allows you to bribe a girl's boss to get her fired from her job (requires mansion and a high reputation)
Numerous bug fixes with NPC jobs
Improved the functionality and logic of the 'Make Virgin' and 'Take her virginities' cheats - more story data is preserved, especially with jobs and college
Fixed a nasty bug that would cause high society females to constantly lose their jobs
Added relationship score info to most NPCs in the NPC drop down lists if cheats are enabled
Misc bug fixes
Logic improvements
Code cleanup
v0.70 - 2024-02-07
Portrait pictures have been added for all females with a beauty score of 70 or higher. The pictures are matched to their natural hair color (no other matching is done). I added over 500 pictures. The pictures are assigned after starting a new day. So if their beauty score is 70 or higher and they are new, you'll need to start a new day before she'll be assigned a unique picture.
The player now has three options with the Portrait pictures - #1 Disabled, #2 Background Images (default), #3 Pictures underneath the NPC's name (this options takes up a lot more space and some scrolling will be required to see all NPC info). These options can be found in the Bathroom menu
Added 'Pregnancy Chance' options to the bottom of the 'Female Body Preferences' screen - Select one option only. Low = 10%, Medium = 25%, and High = 50% chance. You obviously have to creampie their pussy to have a chance of getting a female pregnant. FYI - Pregnancy is calculated once per session, not once per creampie. Make sure she isn't on birth control if you're trying to knock her up!
Improved the logic at the nude beach. It will be harder to meet new girls and there is always a chance of failure no matter how good looking you are. More girls will turn you down if you aren't fit and good looking at the nude beach.
You now need a locksmith to have a good chance of stealing cars in your gang (new game). Anyone can eventually learn but you'll have a rough time if they aren't a locksmith (they may end up in prison a lot). Made locksmiths more common to compensate for the new soft requirement.
Spy skill (shadowing for robbery) and car jacking skills have a much slower progress now. They were super fast before and a gang member could easily max their skill in two weeks time.
Fixed the exploit with Drug Dens (drug dealers) and adjusted the conditions for success for all whore job types for consistency
Junkies can now refuse your 'Drugs for Sex' offer (usually because they aren't slutty enough)
Fixed several bugs with MC character creation
Fixed a bug that would prevent your family from being generated when starting a new game
Fixed the Slimmer drug from killing it's users - reported by a player
Fixed multiple instances of the portrait pictures disappearing under various circumstances
Portrait pictures will no longer be displayed during home, strip club, and nightclub sex
Fixed the Factory cheat in the cheat menu (two bugs fixed)
The 'Make Virgin' cheat now preserves more story data such as job and student status
Fixed a few bugs with the 'Make Virgin' cheat
Numerous fixes with the cheats in the cheat menu to work properly with the new portrait picture feature
Fixed several bugs with Female Body Preferences
Fixed several bugs with the 'dynamic $d_ultra_fast_start' cheat - It will no longer incorrectly make a deal with Mabuta without your permission (has to be done manually like it should have been)
Improved gang generation with the 'dynamic $d_ultra_fast_start' cheat
Fixed maid generation when selecting the Use Story Template and Rich Student game start option
Made several improvements to the 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat and various other cheats in the cheat menu
Increased the base chance for a preference to be used by 5% (20% now) when using the 'Pimp the Bitch' cheat
Several formatting improvements with the End of Day Earnings Report
Fixed and improved the functionality of the 'babies' and 'family_tester' cheats
The player is now reminded at new game start to visit Mabuta and strike a deal with him
Added a new message when a child ages up to legal age from using the 'family_tester=1' cheat
Improved the functionality of the 'Impregnate' cheat. It will automatically remove birth control and vaginal locks if the NPC can normally be taken off of birth control if the player is using either the 'babies=1' or 'family_tester=1' cheat
University students can no longer be prostitutes and strippers. They will be kicked out of college with existing save games
Changed the descriptions for the two largest breast sizes. DD is a European E cup so I changed E to F and the largest size from 'huge hanging udders' to G cup
Miscellaneous bug fixes
Various logic improvements
Code cleanup
v0.69 Full release - 2024-01-15
Features & Improvements
New Story - 'Pool Girl Stories - Sasha' - Hopefully a fun and lighthearted adventure with this cute and shy girl
Female Body Preferences - players can now select their own female body preferences that affect the beauty score/rating. Eight categories to choose from. This feature can be found in the Bathroom section. This feature was requested by several players
Added pictures for most of the exercise activities in the game
Added a few pictures to University activities (exercise, library, soccer)
Gang robberies can be fully automated now if you so desire (assertiveless automated Scouting and Shadowing which was excellent). You now have the option to setup a semi-permanent driver, gunman, and money bagger.
Workout with female friends if you have a good relationship with them. They can get a small fat reduction, muscle improvement, and new skills depending on the fitness activity - 4 workout options
You can now cover girls with small breasts completely with cum even though you don't have the 'Titty Fuck' option. When you orgasm from a blowjob, you now have the option of covering her small breasts. I discovered this in-game and was surprised that no one brought this issue up in the past (that I can recall at least).
Your gang members will now be automatically removed from Boxing and Shooting training once they reach max level, if you click on them, saving you caps!
Fool around with maids in your pool
Added a small bit of immersion with City Gangs. Since Tony runs the Camorra cartel your gang will now be listed in this section once you complete the 'Family Trouble' story part 2.
You will now be notified when one of your workers or gang members are caught by the police and are in jail. I know that many people speed through reading the 'End of Day Earnings Report' and miss this important information. FYI: Keep your relationship with Mace (the Chief of Police) high to lower jail chance
Added 'Legal Businesses' as a shortcut to the 'Secret Office' screen for quicker access
I removed multiple tasks/options that didn't make sense when interacting with certain NPCs. For example, why would you want to do a Setup on your mother. The available options are more fitting to the NPC since I gave them additional conditions. I feel the options are more fitting and immersive now.
If the NPC isn't a whore or slave, their job will be listed on the detailed view screen (after clicking on their name) if they have one (most screens but not all - mainly the screens that show full NPC detail)
Beauty should be balanced out better through age groups (newly generated NPCs only)
You now have food choices if you don't live in the mansion
The 'Make Virgin' cheat now fixes the NPC's story
The 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat no longer affects breast size by default unless Female Body Preferences have been selected
Instead of saying 'guy #' in NPC stories, I now give the person a name. I also list the babies name who is being born along with their gender (instead of just "A child is born"). I added a bunch of additional text to the stories to hopefully add more variety
Added error messages to most of the cheats in the game. If you attempt to apply a cheat to an NPC that isn't qualified for the cheat, you'll now be given a message in most cases. Some players thought that many of the cheats didn't work so this change should help lessen player frustration
Adjusted the ballmax formula based on player feedback. It will be much easier to increase this now but not too easy hopefully. Consuming 'male extract' from your inventory will now give you a small increase to ballmax. You have to sleep before you'll see the permanent effect. The temporary effect can be seen right away but doesn't last beyond the current day
Rebalanced NPC physical characteristics/stats
More variety with piercings and tattoos
More variety with NPC body types
All tattoos that an NPC has will now be listed regardless of clothing worn
Fewer NPC divorces
Rebalanced virgin frequency
College students can now be married and have jobs
Added prostitution to the NPC jobs list
Completed all the overhauls that I've been working on - Roughly 20% of the game has been overhauled in version 0.69 including Character Generation, NPC Generation, NPC Stories, NPC Jobs, NPC View, Gangs, End of Day Earnings Report
Approximately 40 new sex videos were added (generic sex system and dungeon slave training at the farm) eliminating roughly 80% of the poor quality GIF style videos in the generic sex system (finally)
A dozen new maid videos were added when spying on maids through your hidden camera system
Factories have a new maximum warehouse size of 1000 - there were a few instances where the original size of 500 was too small
Added a Factory cheat to the cheat menu which will max out a factory that you own
Added two immersive videos to the Sea Coast (Beach) (will randomly play after sea coast (beach) activities)
Story and event special characters have a picture of them displayed on their NPC window/view
Misc story and event fixes
Fixed the 'Family Trouble' and 'Pool Girl' stories so they don't interfere with story character progress if your replay the story (new game only)
College parties should now function properly
Over 100 bug fixes
Numerous logic improvements throughout the game
Removed and consolidated duplicate code / Code cleanup
Female Body Preferences
With the new female body preferences feature, I had to overhaul how the 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat worked. It will be a bit confusing if you don't understand how it works. Every time you click on the cheat you'll have a 15% chance of adjusting the female's body to your female body preferences settings. This is per category and there are 8 categories (15% chance of a change per category). So if you keep clicking on the 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat, you'll see some of her body stats changing. There are multiple options you can choose per category and the option is chosen at random. An example:
Under 'Breast size preference' you chose: average, big, and large
If you hit the 15% RNG roll, breast size will be adjusted to one of your three selections (average, big, large). So if you use the 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat enough times, the female will meet all of your chosen selections under female body preferences. I hope this makes sense. Why not make it a 100% chance you may ask yourself? Because that cheat is also used somewhat commonly during NPC generation, not as a cheat per se, but to improve their default beauty. Variety needs to be maintained for newly generated NPCs.
I added the major categories that I felt were needed. I could add more but I don't want to over complicate things. Unless there is a large push to add a specific category I doubt more will be added.
If you don't use this new feature, the default beauty calculation will be used (the way it's always been).
New NPC Relationship cheat
You'll see a new option when interacting with a female NPC:
"Give all of your girls a super expensive gift from the heart (maxes relationship & incentive - 1,000 caps per girl)"
You can make this automatic (once per week) with the following console command:
This cheat is helpful to players who have a lot of NPCs in their game and struggle to keep all of their relationships maxed. This feature was requested by several players.
New console commands
dynamic $d_ultra_fast_start
Starts the player off with a well developed character, the mansion, most purchasable items, reputation, money, etc. It also starts you off with a small gang that you can add to later (won't interfere with existing gang members if they exist). This code is mostly for seasoned players who wish to skip the majority of the sandbox portion of the game or for those who just want to play through the visual novel portion of the game (events and stories). This is a heavy-duty cheat. Not recommended for new players.
This will remove vag locks on all female NPCs in the game after a new day. The vaglock variable wasn't being cleared previously so it was applied incorrectly on new NPCs and frustrating players.
v0.69 - 2023-12-06
New Story - 'Pool Girl Stories - Sasha' - Hopefully a fun and lighthearted adventure with this cute and shy girl
Added pictures for most of the exercise activities in the game
Added a few pictures to University activities (exercise, library, soccer)
Gang robberies can be fully automated now if you so desire (assertiveless automated Scouting and Shadowing which was excellent). You now have the option to setup a semi-permanent driver, gunman, and money bagger.
You can now cover girls with small breasts completely with cum even though you don't have the 'Titty Fuck' option. When you orgasm from a blowjob, you now have the option of covering her small breasts. I discovered this in-game and was surprised that no one brought this issue up in the past (that I can recall at least).
Your gang members will now be automatically removed from Boxing and Shooting training once they reach max level, saving you caps!
Added a small bit of immersion with City Gangs. Since Tony runs the Camorra cartel your gang will now be listed in this section once you complete the 'Family Trouble' story part 2.
You will now be notified when one of your workers or gang members are caught by the police and are in jail. I know that many people speed through reading the 'End of Day Earnings Report' and miss this important information.
Added 'Legal Businesses' as a shortcut to the 'Secret Office' screen for quicker access
I ended up overhauling roughly 10% of the game with partial overhauls with character creation, NPC stories, NPC Generation, Gangs, End of Day Earnings Report, etc.
I removed multiple tasks/options that didn't make sense when interacting with certain NPCs. For example, why would you want to do a Setup on your mother. The available options are more fitting to the NPC since I gave them additional conditions. I feel the options are more fitting and immersive now.
Over 60 bug fixes and code cleanup. Removed and consolidated duplicate code
v0.68 Fix
I also fixed a few bugs and adjusted a few things:
Fixed a bug where all the slaves on the road had the same client number/amount
Fixed a bug where experienced drug dealers all had 40 clients - made it more random
Added the fitness stat to the player's appearance screen
energyMax minimum is now 10
You can now disable the random sex system (listed at the end of the End of Day Earnings report) by using this console command: disable_random_sex=1
I forgot to mention that I added the following in 0.68:
Added a new option to the cheat menu - Accept Whore Invite - This is the same console command that forces any NPC (with a few exceptions) to be ready to accept your request to become your whore. If they still reject you, blackmailing them with a sex video should force them to accept (the sex video is added automatically by this cheat)
Cleaned up the cheat menu appearance
Cleaned up the End of Day Earnings Report appearance
Exceptions to the added cheat menu option - Accept Whore Invite
Not already a whore or slave
Not a relative/family member
Not a maid
Not a child
Isn't in the dungeon being trained as a slave
Females only
Bug Fixes
Includes Evil 2 - 0.64 patch 1.3
Lowered the requirement for daily earnings to 5000 caps from 10000 caps (from hotfix 1) with Part 3 of the 'Pool Girl' story
You can no longer purchase ebony/black slaves from Bar Eight - We thought this had been removed long ago since there isn't matching content for ebony/black females in the generic sex system
Existing ebony/black females will have their skin color changed randomly (no matching content to support them)
Very drunk girls at college parties and clubs will always agree to sex now and won't back out any longer - The only exception to this is if you are a college student living in the dorms and you try to take a non-college student home for sex which isn't allowed by the university (a guard checks student status at the door). The girl has to be 'very drunk' not just 'drunk' for this to always work (Update: fixed a bug that still caused this in patch 1.2)
There is a chance of a student rejecting booze from the player for college parties
dynamic $d_pimp_that_bitch - cheat will now refresh the screen automatically
A few minor fixes to pregnancy and birth control - Girls will no longer complain about getting pregnant if on birth control or already pregnant when you creampie their pussy (Update: additional fix included with patch 1.3)
A few minor text fixes to the Pool Girl story
If Mabuta takes all your slaves, whores, and belongings away if you fail to turn a profit, you no longer lose your university student status or your job
The first five events in the game now increase time, cause energy loss, cum loss, etc.
Fixed several bugs with 'notify developer' popup error messages
Fixed a bug with total whore & slave counts
Fixed several bugs with NPC location calculation
Enhancements, Improvements, and Changes
Drug dens will increase in clients faster when first established
Dick size choices were reduced during character creation for multiple reasons (gameplay & story)
Made several small improvements to events to make them compatible with the new 'Replay' feature
Added music to the 'Babysitter' event (it only had a few clips at the very end)
Added music to the phone conversations at the beginning of the 'Family Trouble' story Part 1
The random hour 7 shower events with Phoebe and Anna are no longer forced. You can now leave instead of engaging in the event
Added 'Postpone' and 'Disable' options with events that didn't have them
Added a dark theme to the 'Computer' menu for screen appearance
Factories now have a maximum warehouse size of 500
When accepting a new factory contract, the old inventory is sold off to the previous contractor at a huge discount. You then start a new contract with no inventory in your warehouse since different products are often being produced. This is much more realistic and immersive
Small text improvements in several events & stories
Code cleanup
New Features
Replay Events & Stories - Players can now replay past events & stories without having to start a new game. The option has been added to the 'Computer' menu. This feature also allows players to begin new events and stories that they may not meet all the requirements for. Cheats have to be enabled in order to use this feature.
Pool Girl Stories - Leah - New event which is unfinished (80% completed) - Requires 'Pool Girl' story Part 3 to be completed
Bug Fixes
Fixed multiple code formatting problems with some videos and pictures
Having no options to continue if you run out of energy during slave training at the farm
Miscellaneous small bug fixes
Changes & Improvements
Factory earnings overhaul (see Factory section below)
You no longer get booted out of the salon and medical center menus after performing one task
Small text improvements
Small formatting improvements
New Features
Part 3 of the Pool Girl story (taking up 98% of this release) - Five to six hours of new gameplay
Hiring a lawyer to handle your legal issues and legal expenses (now that you are medium sized fish)
Hidden camera system upgrade for the farm
Hire guards for the farm (under Mansion Management)
30 new BDSM slave training videos
Train a unique named NPC in your slave training dungeon with new unique options (part of Part 3 of the Pool Girl story)
New unique named love interests (part of Part 3 of the Pool Girl story)
The main issue with factories was their scale. Some factories could have up to 10000 employees and the player only had to pay 500,000 caps or less to purchase it. In reality, a factory that size would cost millions and technology factories that size could cost up to a billion.
The scale of factories has been greatly reduced. The player is only able to purchase and run small factories now in Evil 2. Existing factories in save games are scaled down automatically. You can still make a lot once a factory is fully upgraded but even the perfect factory won't generate more than 30,000 caps a day roughly. The base cost of factories has also been greatly increased.
It will be more difficult to make good money with factories now. Because of this, it is critical to be very selective about which contracts you sign.
I feel it is much more balanced now.
Release Notes
Part 3 of the Pool Girl story is set up in Visual Novel style format. The text is all designed to be read from your screen without having to scroll down. If the text isn't fitting in one window (without having to scroll) then you need to expand the size of the main window (usually it's a width issue but sometimes also a height issue).
There will be some manually skipping of time that is required by the player. You will never have to advance the time by more than 3 days (1 or 2 in the vast majority of cases). Most events take place at the following hours: 7, 9, 11, 16, 18, 20. If you get stuck, trying using the cheat menu to manually advance time to the aforementioned hours and click on the 'Refresh Location' cheat in the cheat menu every time you get to one of these listed hours. I guarantee that you will be able to advance the story if you follow this advice. Hints are often given if the next event in the story occurs at odd hours. Pay attention and read all text thoroughly! You cannot miss events by advancing too much time. The events are coded to be available any day after their normal trigger time.
The story is long and broken up into multiple events. It will take you anywhere from 4 hours up to 8 hours to complete the conclusion of the Pool Girl story. Take your time and enjoy it! Take a break every few hours or play it over several days (my recommendation). Allow the events to sink into your mind. ALL of the text in the story is relevant to the story! This isn't like most visual novels where there's lots of "fluff" or "unimportant" text and dialog. It is ALL important in advancing and understanding the story. I am not a verbose writer. I am down and dirty and to the point. Players who just skip through all the dialog in order to get to the sex scenes will miss out on a great and touching story.
50% of the story ideas came from an outline I got from skybarbie. I added my own story events, scenes, and ideas to this initial outline. 98% of the writing and coding was done by me (noobtrain). darkpoenplace wrote two of the sex events in the game. He also proofread the story and offering numerous writing improvement suggestions. He also helped to test this new version.
There are several minor issues with the named NPC stories. They are close but there are a few events that may be out of place or contain small inaccuracies. The stories are built dynamically and some minor bugs are bound to occur. Please forgive me if their stories aren't 100% accurate or perfect. I tried to get them as close as I could without resorting to building custom stories for each of them from scratch. Their stories are found when asking the NPC, "Tell me about yourself".
There is one animated sex event in the story. I did NOT do the animation for these video clips. I do not take credit for them. It was done by a different author years ago.
Bug Fixes
(most of these bugs were reported by players - thank you!)
Fixed a couple of bugs with virginity determination
The player can now get a tan
Fixed several bugs with Mabuta not knowing that you have whores and slaves
Fixed the Instant Slave cheat to properly train a slave so they will sign a slave contract
Home sex now closes any music that is playing so it doesn't interfere with the video sound
Fixed a bug that could cause anal sex to give the wrong message
Fixed several bugs with deepthroating (home sex) that could cause issues with the player getting credit for deflowering a girl's throat (several logic statements were in the wrong place)
Fixed a bug that would cause college girls to always reject going for a walk with you
Fixed a bug with the 'Mansion College Student' event that could cause it to have the wrong value (stops progression to other events)
You can no longer give the gang slut surveillance and car jacking equipment
Misc small bug fixes
Changes & Improvements
Overhauled the client numbers and earnings for street whores. Should be greatly improved and more balanced.
NPCs who have served in the army will now have their soldier skill stat listed
Searching for debtors with your gang is now more effective (was super slow before)
Made small improvements to NPC generation
Made small improvements to NPC stories
Text improvements
Formatting improvements
Code cleanup
New Features
Pool Girl story - Part 2 (by noobtrain) (Part 1 was done by skybarbie)
Convince a married female NPC to divorce her husband (must have had sex with her, have an excellent relationship, a moderate reputation, and own the mansion)
Withhold drugs from a drug addict whore to try and get her clean - has a chance of failure where you lose the whore - a high incentive greatly improves your odds of keeping her - takes a week before you see the results
Change an NPC's first and last name - must have an excellent relationship with the NPC (a side effect of this is that the NPC's name won't get changed in the player's story/history since these entries were made in the past with the old name)
'Make her Squirt' sex option (homesex) - added by M$hot
0.62 (update) (2022.12.02)
Bug Fixes
If you die, you are no longer told that you need to get dressed
Your status now changes to "dead" in the information window if you are dead
Males will no longer have feminine body part descriptions
Fixed a bug where if you had a very high reputation, your relationship score would be set to 200 (max) with new high society contacts
Fixed a bug with the 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat that would turn their hair color blonde way too frequently
Fixed a few misc bugs with prisons and crime
If a female objects to you fingering her ass she will not allow you to fist her ass
Fixed a bug (hopefully) that caused the player to be teleported to the wrong location just after loading a save game or starting a new day after sleeping
Player horniness is now reduced after sex and sleep
Fixed an NPC date bug with going for walk that would show the 'drinking beers' text
Fixed several bugs with NPC dates when talking a girl to the nightclub
If your gang leader dies you now have the option to assign another gang member to fill the role. You couldn't do this before and the gang leader was always empty if he died.
You can no longer get a sensual massage more than once per day
Fixed a video that was in the wrong location
Small misc bug fixes
Changes & Enhancements
Put limits on most of the stats in the game for players and NPCs
Made some more adjustments to body calculations and handling
Small improvements to NPC generation
Small improvements to NPC stories
Moderate level overhaul to contacts that you meet at the theatre, strip club, and receptions. You are now shown more details about the person and are given the option to add them as a contact or not.
Higher level of chance to meet soldiers and mechanics when meeting new male NPCs
Made a few changes to the 'dynamic $d_pimp_me' cheat to allow it to help meet the requirements for the 'Pool Girl' and 'Babysitter' new story and event
Part-time jobs had flexible hours where you could still go to work if late but full-time jobs didn't allow for that. Now full-time jobs are flexible also. You will only get paid for the hours you work.
Listed starting hours for full-time and part-time jobs
Increased the pay slightly for full-time jobs and made the part-time job pay more consistent
Made the janitor/cleaner job available for males
Renamed some of the part-time jobs to be more appropriate (better description titles)
When a debt whore pays off their debt to you and is no longer your whore, it is now reflected in her story
Added music to the nightclub when taking a girl on a date there
You can no longer do most gang tasks without a gang leader
Removed the select sex and sexual orientation screen from character creation since it was confusing some players (players could only choose straight males anyway so the menu options weren't needed)
Small English improvements
Small formatting improvements
Code cleanup
New Features
Babysitter - New Event - (30-45 minutes of new content)
Pool Girl - New Story - Part 1 - (60-90 minutes of new content)
Added several new options to upgrade your mansion and mansion property
Added an option to upgrade your farm property to be a real home
Added two new car options that you can purchase - super car and hyper car
You can now purchase a super yacht
You can now hire a gourmet chef for your mansion and eat gourmet food
You can purchase a car for Phoebe and Anna
Note: The above new features require you to complete the 'Family Trouble' storyline first
Added 12 new videos and 12 new undressing pictures to the generic sex system for Phoebe and Anna (introduced in the 'Family Trouble' story)
0.62 Beta (update) (2022.11.27)
Pool Girl - Part 1 - New Story
Basic Requirements to trigger this event:
Complete the 'Family Trouble' story
Complete the 'Photo Drama' event with your family
Have all of your combat skills leveled up to at least 1000 (boxing, kung-fu/martial arts, wrestling)
200,000 caps
Upgrade your farm house
Own a pool at your mansion
Excellent relationship with the Chief of Police
Excellent relationship with Tony
As you can guess, this event starts at your mansion pool. Some players neglect the kung-fu/martial arts and wrestling skills which will be a pain to level up to 1000. If you want to cheat these stats use this cheat:
dynamic $d_pimp_me
Babysitter - New Event
Basic Requirements to trigger this event:
Complete the 'Family Trouble' story
Complete the 'Photo Drama' event with your family
Rent a server
105,000 caps
Upgrade your farm house
Own a computer
Own a cool car or better
Hire a gourmet chef for your mansion (Mansion Management)
This event starts in the 'Computer' menu. You place a false ad for a babysitter.
0.61 (update) - by skybarbie
This release contains the following:
version 0.59 hotfix 1 - by noobtrain
version 0.59 hotfix 2 & 3 - by skybarbie
version 0.60 hotfix 1, 2, & 3 - by skybarbie
overhauled the prison code - dozens of bugs fixed - by skybarbie
fixed some code that prevented the option to gangbang the gang slut from appearing (on Saturdays) - by skybarbie
skip day button mod - by skybarbie
most activities take less time (minutes instead of an hour) - by Neoptolemos
minor formatting improvements to the End of Day Earnings Report - by Neoptolemos
copied over a few changes from babidiboo such as a harsher relationship penalty for spitting and pissing
copied over a few changes from babidiboo so that boxing and other skills will increase a bit faster (milder version)
changed the money cheat to 1000 caps instead of 100 - by skybarbie (and everything below)
'Improve Relationship' cheat will now work on relatives
multiple marriages - you can marry as many females as you'd like including relatives such as your mother and sister
you can now interact with all "real" NPCs that are at least 16 years old or older
incest is enabled for relatives but you have to have a near maxed relationship before they will consider it
birth control options for every female sexual partner that you have an excellent relationship with
persuade to work harder - you can now do this for every relevant job category for slaves and whores
moved exercise activities out of the bathroom and into its own 'Exercise' menu
fixed multiple bugs with post Family Story events and activities (mother and sister)
fixed a bug that caused the game to lock up in certain circumstances when putting your fingers down her throat
fixed several bugs with newborn creation - some variables that are needed were missing also
fixed a major bug with the random picture and video selection code that caused it to not be random anymore
fixed a bug that caused princesses to be deleted in classmates (college student playthrough) - reported by darkpoenplace
fixed several bugs with classmate generation - higher chance now that princesses will be generated also
fixed classmate bugs reported by Malkavian111 and darkpoenplace
minimum player stats are now added for new games - should help with some player frustrations - moved most of these to cheats
fixed several categories that were missing from the End of Day Earnings Report such as Courier and Hospital expenses
fixed a bug that caused the Expenses amount to go negative - Gangs weren't being factored into the earnings
added code to show total Gang earnings in the End of Day Earnings Report
overhauled the NPC display code - I can change this back if players don't like it - feedback is welcome
fixed several bugs with the End of Day Earnings Report
you can now send slaves and whores to any job they qualify for - menu options added
fixed a few minor bugs with debtors
fixed several bugs with gangs and hitmen
lots of miscellaneous bug fixes
small formatting improvements
reworked some of the code for NPC display such as facial beauty, ass size/shape (new to the NPC drop down list), figure, etc. The logic on some of that code was poor (probably from the original game). You'll see a lot more diverse NPCs after the change. Far too many NPCs felt like cookie cutter duplicates with the existing code
fixed a bug in the generic sex system that could cause your dick to go limp when you had plenty of cum left in your balls. The only way to fix this was to use the 'Get horny and hard' cheat menu option
colored the 'Save Game' button
added 2 new blowjob videos for Anna and 1 facial video for Anna
added two small scenes/events to the game that compliment the Family Trouble story - both scenes are with your sister Anna and you have to have completed the Family Trouble story before they will trigger - one is a nude shower scene
code cleanup
0.59 (update, major release) - by noobtrain
Bug Fixes
1. Clicking on the object buttons no longer breaks sex or the Family Trouble story
2. Fixed a bug that caused the game to report that you slept overnight with a guy when you hadn't in statistics
3. Fixed sex partner reporting under statistics - provided by MikasaTanikawa
4. Fixed several bugs with the clothing system
5. Fixed several bugs that could cause the NPC on the screen to be changed into yourself so you'd end up having sex with yourself
6. Fixed some bugs with player energy calculation
7. Fixed several bugs with pregnancy and baby births
8. Fixed several bugs with university graduates having their graduate status removed
9. Fixed several bugs with dress handling
10. Fixed lots of bugs with brothels
11. Fixed date of having sex with the 5 random/special events
12. Fixed a bug with the College Hazing random/special event where if you took her to the farm she would end up in your contacts list instead
13. Fixed a but that could cause the College Girl random/special event to not trigger
14. Fixed bugs relating to the random/special event conditions/requirements
15. Fixed a bug that could cause your expenses in the End of Day Earnings report to show negative
16. Moved baby birth reporting to the New Day code to fix several bugs
17. Fixed several bugs with music playing on top of each other
18. Fixed a bug that allowed the player to have sex in the restaurant bathroom (code was meant for the nightclub only)
19. Fixed a bug that could cause an NPC to lose clothing items after sex
20. Sex tapes are deleted if you didn't actually have sex with the NPC
21. Fixed a bug where criminals who were supposed to be in prison weren't
22. Fixed a bug that said the player was still married if their spouse died
23. Fixed multiple bugs where sex workers weren't having their sex stats increased
24. Overhauled 50% of the whore and slave End of Day Earnings report to fix one nasty bug where certain whores/slaves weren't being processed
25. Masturbation now lowers your current cum amount/total
26. Fixed a bug that would cause time to not increase when having sex in the nightclub and strip club
27. Fixed a bug with slave training reporting
28. Fixed several bugs with cum not being subtracted from the player after orgasm
29. Fixed several bugs where slave training activities were being reported twice for the slave in training
30. Fixed a bug with nightclub drinking that would result in no options to continue
31. Fixes a bug at the nightclub that would result in no options to continue if you tried to take the girl back to your dorm
32. Fixed a bug that caused the player not to be exhausted after losing an amateur boxing match
33. Fixed several bugs with whore and slave jobs
34. If you give an NPC a nickname and leave it blank, it no longer changes her nickname
35. If you change your Gang name and leave it blank, it no longer changes the gang name
36. If you change your brothel name and leave it blank, it no longer changes your brothel name
37. You can no longer interact with your maids at nighttime
38. Finished the bug fix overhaul for maids
39. Fixed several bugs with NPC debts not being subtracted correctly when they earn money for you
40. Fixed several bugs if you kill Mabuta or don't use him with the End of Day Earnings report
41. Fixed several bugs if Mabuta takes your whores and slaves away from you
42. Fixed a bug that allowed you to slap a girl to convince her to work harder when she wasn't assigned a job
43. Fixed a bug that didn't increase the whore/slaves incentive if you slap her to motivate her to work harder
44. Flogging a girl at the farm no longer increases her sex count
45. You can now leave the nudist beach without talking to a girl first
46. Mykonos sauna doesn't allow you to do activities at nighttime anymore
47. Enemies and kidnapped NPCs no longer lose their jobs and married status right away
48. Closing a drug den/hangout no longer results in the girl becoming unselectable in the NPC list
49. Fixed several logic bugs with the End of Day Earnings report
50. Gated off the 5 random/special events so they couldn't trigger or interfere with the Family Trouble storyline if a player used a console code to start the story
51. Fixed a bug where if you purchased morning after pills before the proper time in the Family Trouble story that it would break the story
52. Fixed a bug that prevented you from taking your wife to the salon, medical center, and manage her clothing
53. Fixed a logic problem with tiredness calculation
54. Misc small bug fixes
Enhancements/Changes/Improvements/Small Features
1. You can now remove clothing items in your inventory instead of just replacing them with another item
2. You can now use the hot tub in your mansion if you are exhausted
3. Removed the last remaining bits of gay content from the game (hopefully)
4. Improved baby birth reporting and information
5. Slaves can no longer be addicted to drugs and you have to provide them doses. They simply aren't given any so they become clean.
6. Improved and expanded NPC story generation
7. Improved player story generation
8. Your trust with Tony will now decrease by 1 per day - buy and sell from Tony and play cards with him to keep trust high
9. Moved factory and product stores to after the End of Day Earnings report - these are now separate reports
10. Made several improvements to NPC generation
11. You can now have sex more times at the porn studio
12. You can no longer have an unlimited programming skill. It is now capped at 200.
13. Overhauled the programming job code and porn game development code - multiple improvements and bug fixes
14. Made several improvements to alcohol and aphrodisiac handling
15. Overhauled the logic that determines eligible sex partners and fixed multiple bugs
16. Made improvements to some of the cheat codes and cheat functions
17. Added several cheat console codes as listed in 'Developer Notes/FAQ' on the OP
18. Added the ability to start the 'Family Trouble' story with console commands
19. Added the ability to toggle music on and off with console commands
20. Overhauled the blackmail system (and releasing a sex tape code), made several improvements, and fixed several bugs (part 1)
21. You can no longer record sex tapes of whores and slaves (pointless)
22. Improved after sex pregnancy checks and handling
23. Added in additional activities for slave training
24. Added additional information to the farm when training a BDSM Dom - BDSM Doms can now be trained, it just takes more whippings
25. Overhauled the 'Demand the slave to sign a slave contract' code - multiple improvements and bug fixes
26. Overhauled sex handling failures such as running out of cum and the girl getting upset for various reasons
27. You can now gain male contacts in the theatre
28. Improved amateur boxing prizes
29. Selling large quantities of drugs to Tony now improves his trust
30. A higher relationship score is required to convince most NPCs to do things they may not be comfortable with
31. Arranging a setup now requires a higher relationship score before the option is available
32. Improved slave and whore NPC information such as their current job and incentive stat
33. Overhauled the logic for NPCs to accept becoming a whore
34. Overhauled the logic for whores and slaves to be assigned to appropriate jobs
35. Overhauled the NPC dating code and activities - rebalanced relationship increases and acceptance logic
36. Drug couriers no longer run drug shipments daily - it is now a few times per week (better balanced)
37. Added additional information to the End of Day Earnings report for drug doses given out and added a hint to sell extra doses to Tony
38. Slapping whores for fun now reduces relationship score
39. You now have the option to convince all whores and slaves in all jobs to work harder
40. Giving a drug dose to an NPC now improves your relationship slightly
41. Bribing a guard to release a prisoner now results in a positive relationship increase
42. Protection reporting a suspicious person around the mansion now results in mansion security informing you of the incident and can trigger a small event
43. You can now rent an apartment if you are living in the dorms - visit the Real Estate Agency downtown
44. You can now take your mother and sister to the salon, medical center, and manage their clothing
45. You can now manage your drug dealers from the computer menu
46. Consolidated code and removed duplicate/redundant code
47. Misc text and formatting improvements throughout the game
48. Misc logic improvements throughout the game
New Features
1. Family Trouble story Part 1 & 2 have been completed - This adds a new visual novel style story for you to get to know and interact with your family (tons of work involved with this new feature)
2. Added picture and video matching content to the generic sex system for the player's mother and sister (75% matching) (tons of work involved with this new feature)
3. Added several activities and events that you can do with your family after the Family Trouble story has been completed
4. You can now change the default background, font, and font link colors in the Computer menu
5. Added 24 new sex videos to the generic sex system (not family story related)
Version 0.57 - QSP Update only
I'll do a full changelog once I release Part 2 of the 'Family Trouble' storyline on August 17th. This is a bug fix patch only (0.55 Beta base game is still required and is the only required file/version for this update). I feel it is stable enough to remove the alpha and beta status from the version number.
All player reported bugs should be fixed.
Save games older than version 0.55 Beta won't be compatible. You may experience some bugs the first several days in-game. Try running this console command if you run into issues (it may take up to a week in-game for all the new code to be read in fully):
gs'dyn' & gs'dyn2'
The OP has been fully updated and everything on it is correct to the best of my knowledge. I added more info to the FAQ. I also updated the console command list in the 'Developer Notes/FAQ'. There are a few new ones that players have requested.
Want to prep any NPC to accept being a whore?
dynamic $d_instant_whore
Want to send that high society bitch to the farm and train her as a slave?
dynamic $d_kidnap
Progress is going well towards the next major update (scheduled for August 17th). I am still working hard on it. The story portion of the update is 90% completed - coding 50% completed - asset development (pictures and videos) 40% completed.
Version 0.56 Beta hotfix 1
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug with sex that I added with the partial overhaul of the sex code (deepthroat)
Fixed a bug that I caused that could prevent the 'Mansion College Girl' random/special event from spawning
Made it slightly easier to trigger the 'Stranded Motorist' and 'Family Trouble' events/stories
Version 0.56 Beta QSP Update
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that broke sex if the player clicked on the 'Appearance' button while having sex with an NPC (reported by player)
Fixed a bug in the Nightclub where it stated that the girl was drunk and she really wasn't
Fixed numerous bugs with Maids - hopefully this is fully cleaned up now and working correctly (fingers crossed)
Fixed a few bugs I introduced with the overhaul of some of the sex code
Fixed a moderate bug with the 'Stranded Motorist' random/special event which could cause the end of the event to fail
Did a partial overhaul of the Brothel - fixed lots of bugs. It should be mostly working now...
Misc bug fixes
Windows OS - (Windows 7 or newer fully updated)
You must use the QSP Player that comes with the game. No other QSP Player will work!
The full Evil 2 - 0.55 Beta Version (full standalone version - approximately 12 GBs).
This is an update. It is not standalone and won't work on it's own. Please refer to the original release post for download links.
Developer Notes
This is a QSP update only. Backup your existing files (just in case) and replace (replace the existing two files - overwrite).
I upped the version number to 0.56 since this update is much larger than a hotfix (large patch). I did a moderate amount of testing but I obviously didn't test everything. Please report any new bugs you find (aside from gangs which I already know have lots of issues).
You may experience some random bugs the first few in-game days.
In order to "fully" fix brothels, please un-assign the Madam and then re-assign her (can be the same person). It may take a day or two for the brothel to start working. I highly recommend that players pay for a advertiser for your whores or do the advertising yourself on the Internet/laptop on a regular basis (will greatly increase income).
v0.55 Beta (base game, major release) - by noobtrain
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug with the gang report causing family members to be listed as gang members (reported by player)
Fixed a bug where 'real estate agency' and 'nightclub' would display on the screen when not living in the mansion (reported by player)
Removed the 'Offer sex for drugs' option with NPCs since you are supposed to be the drug dealer/crime lord. The 'Offer drugs for sex' option is untouched.
Fixed the code that generates your family. Lots of variables were missing in order for you to interact with them.
Fixed several bugs with selling drugs at the nightclub
Fixed several bugs with drug dens/drug dealers
Fixed several bugs with drug couriers
Fixed several bugs with maids
Fixed numerous bugs with sex
Numerous misc bug fixes
There are now four stages of being tired instead of 3 - "very tired". Before, if your energy was 1 to 9, you were "a little bit tired." Four Stages: Full of energy -> a little tired -> very tired - > exhausted
Overhauled how drug couriers work. Before you could travel by plane to Columbia, purchase 5000 doses of drugs, and return by plane all in the same day and every day. Drug couriers can now make up to two trips per week. Before, drug couriers were also grossly unbalanced since you could make over 1000 caps per day per courier. This overshadowed all other forms of slave and whore jobs so there was little reason to do anything else. Note: as normal with drug couriers, you have to go to Tony's mansion and sell him the drugs before you will earn any money. This is the only slave/whore job that requires an extra step.
If an NPC had a tan, their skin color wasn't shown. Now it will show both (tanned and skin color/tone).
Overhauled the 'kiss' code/logic to check for relationship score instead of their corruption stat which didn't make much sense. When you take girls on dates now and try to kiss them, you won't get rejected all the time if the girl is innocent as long as you have a good relationship with her.
Overhauled and enhanced portions of the sex code (mostly home sex). A lot of the "back engine" code for sex was either non-functional or had lots of logic problems. Greatly improved the consistency of the sex logic and code. You may see messages that you haven't seen before since a lot of the code wasn't working properly. Part of this partial overhaul was making all factors play a larger role in sex success/failure such as being drunk, aphrodisiacs, girl pleasure and satisfaction, etc. If you don't try and make the girl feel good, sex may end early. Mix it up, try different positions, and try and make the girl happy also.
Improved the logic of drug dens and drug couriers
You now have the option to recall all of your drug couriers at once like you can with the other job types for slaves and whores
Made minor improvements to the code at the strip club
Overhauled portions of the drinking code at the nightclub. Before, if you added an aphrodisiac to the girl's drink, you could no longer continue to offer her drinks. This is now possible. The aphrodisiac's effects will remain active for as long as you interact with her and don't switch to a different NPC.
Minor text improvements
Minor formatting improvements
New Features
Added a new random event/story with your family! Wrote a hopefully deep and emotional story. This makes up the majority of this update and a lot of time was spent on this. I am not long winded or verbose so the story moves along at a fast pace. There are multiple parts to the story and it is interactive, however it isn't a branching story with choices. It plays like a story driven visual novel at times. I do hope that you enjoy it (despite some parts of it being tragic) and feel that it is meaningful and somewhat immersive. A lot of the story plays to the strengths and weaknesses of the Evil 2 game world.
New Videos (for regular NPCs, not family members):
2 - Anal Doggy
2 - Anal Doggy Rough
1 - Anal Cowgirl Flex
3 - Anal Cowgirl
2 - Anal Cowgirl Rough
1 - Breast sucking
1 - Kissing
1 - Deepthroat
4 - Pissing
Version 0.54
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that would cause the player to have no options to continue when drinking with girls at the Nightclub
Fixed several bugs with NPC Generation
Fixed several bugs with NPC Stories/Backgrounds
Fixed a few places where your relationship didn't improve with Maids when it should have
Misc small bug fixes
Code cleanup
Improved several of the cheat features
Misc code and logic improvements
Misc formatting improvements
Misc text improvements
Turned the 'Maid' and 'Stripper' jobs into real jobs instead of being pseudo/placeholder jobs - added them to the job system
When watching strippers at the strip club, you no longer have a 100% chance of a guy sitting next to you and wanting to talk (50% now)
New Features
New Videos
76 - Striptease videos for the strip club (30 seconds each roughly of 10 different girls total) - Still need to improve the music on many (sad)
4 - Painal Doggy videos
1 - Rough Anal Doggy video
1 - 69 video
2 - Face slap videos
2 - BDSM Deepthroat videos (farm slave training)
Late game you have a chance of talking with the strippers with options
Added a rare option when you beat up a girl's boyfriend at the nightclub
You can now surf for porn at the Internet Cafe. It uses the same code and videos as 'Watch porn'
Other shit I may remember later or if I do a code compare to know for sure...
v0.53 - by jessicajones
Bug Fixes
Misc small text fixes
Misc small formatting fixes/improvements
Code cleanup
Misc bug fixes (lots)
Fixed several bugs where slaves, whores, and maids could still be in college or have a different job other than their current one
Added gang costs to the expenses section of the end of day earnings report
Fixed some variables that weren't being cleared properly
Fixed a bug where the sex video (for blackmail purposes) wasn't being saved if the girl leaves in specific situations (reported by a player)
Fixed a bug with purchased whores having two unique names (reported by a player)
Fixed some logic problems with drug dens
Fixed logic problems with the "Offer drugs for sex" NPC option
Fixed a bug where a kissing picture was pointing to the wrong folder and file location
Added code that was missing to handle the lowering of debts when the debtor earns money for you
Misc bug fixes in the end of day earnings report
Misc bug fixes in home sex
Fixed several bugs with the whores you can purchase in the black district at bar eight
Fixed a bug in home sex where if you 69 the female and she has an orgasm, the player is left without any menu options to continue
Enhancements, Changes, and Improvements
Overhauled the aphrodisiac code and improved the logic
Increased the minimum and maximum pay for taxi service
Overhauled the nightclub dancing and drinking. You can now have more than one drink with girls that you meet in the nightclub. Note: All available options are now listed. Just because they are listed doesn't mean that you will succeed in the task. The success/fail code has been overhauled and improved
You can now buy steroids in bulk just like you can with regular drug doses
Added a new location to your home/mansion - Guest
On dates, you will sometimes have the option to kiss and then fool around with your date if your relationship and history is good enough
Added a date option to go straight to fucking if your relationship and history is good enough
If a college student whore becomes a prostitute or camwhore they will eventually get kicked out of college
Changed the possible jobs for whores and slaves: Slaves can work at the gloryhole, be prostitutes, and camwhores. Whores can be prostitutes, camwhores, and drug dealers (no longer work at the gloryhole). If you have whores working at the gloryhole you will need to reassign them (slaves are fine). There are multiple reasons for this, the primary reason being that whores would not be willing to subject themselves to being degraded and humiliated full-time day after day at a gloryhole, only broken slaves would be a good fit here.
The whores that you can purchase in the black district at bar eight are no longer exclusively black. Their skin color is no longer mentioned. The reason for this change is preventing having to find pictures and videos for all the sex interactions (lots) with black actresses which are difficult to find.
Reduced the cost of a sniper rifle from $50,000 to $25,000
Added pictures to most of the beach activities such as swimming, tanning, and riding in your yacht
Slaves can no longer accrue debts or own you money since you own them for life
Added an option for sexual partners who aren't slaves or whores to end the pregnancy
Made drinking alcohol and getting drunk more random in it's effects. You won't necessarily get drunk after three or four drinks anymore, same with NPCs. I added a random element to it.
Changed the conditions on some alcohol and sex related events to be more logical. You can't always just count on getting the girl drunk or high and then have your way with her. It is more difficult now but not impossible.
Added over 100 new sex pictures and over 100 new sex videos!
Added a new multi-part random event! You can gain a new love interest. I gave players as many end choices as possible (last event). This is where most of my time was spent with this update. Enjoy the events and don't speed through them please. I spent a lot of time trying to write a good story and good fun dialog. I am not a writer per se so it took me more time to do the writing portion of the events. I hope you enjoy them!
Patch 2 - by jessicajones
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Added in earnings from the missing drug dealer/drug den report
All the earning totals will now add up properly and equal the amount that Mabuta takes (usually 60%) plus what you are left with (usually 40%) - add them up and make sure your totals are correct
Added in rent fees to the list of expenses that was missing (expenses should all add up now unless something unusual happened such as a whore going to the hospital for a drug overdose, etc.)
The net amount that you earn should now be correct and equal your gross earnings minus total expenses
Fixed several bugs with the reports not listing every slave/whore in that category - the reports should no longer be missing anyone (this took a while to fix as I had to rework how slaves and whores were calculated and found in every section)
Adjusted the code about cop raids on your slaves and whores. As long as you keep your relationship good with the chief of police and have cop protection you should avoid them. You do have to keep visiting the chief of police and keep him happy as your relationship with him lowers by one every day normally (it always has)
There was some code missing from some of the earning types that prevented slave/whore motivation from lowering at all. This is now fixed so if you don't occasionally talk with all of your whores and slaves and encourage them to work harder your earnings will get pretty low after a while. You have been warned. If you have an unusually high amount of slaves and whores, this will become tedious so I recommend keeping the number to a reasonable and manageable amount
Fixed dozens of miscellaneous bugs in the end of day earnings report
Added some code that allows me to specify that I want an NPC to be a virgin at the beginning of NPC generation (this is all under the hood stuff that you won't see in game and can't use in game, it is only for my use)
All generated female NPCs have a slightly higher chance of being a virgin (all three - vagina, ass, throat)
Patch 1 - by jessicajones
Bug Fixes and improvements
Minor text fixes and improvements
Minor code improvements
Fixed several bugs with drug dealers
Whores that are drug dealers weren't showing their job title under the 'Whores' screen in your 'Secret Room'
Female drug dealers can now have a low domination score without constantly losing drugs and money due to having sex on the job; previously this was impossible. This will also allow the player to have sex with drug dealing whores if they wish (it was hard to do this with female drug dealers with a high domination score)
When asking a female to become a whore, their virginity status (pussy, anal, throat) is now checked and can be a reason why they refuse to become a whore for you.
Finished the earnings report cleanup and formatting improvements that spectre1viper nearly finished before he quit. I separated the gloryhole and street slaves reports so they look a lot better. I also fixed a bug in the gloryhole earnings report that could cause some gloryhole slaves to not show up. I believe one player reported this bug recently which I found while going through it. The end of day earnings report should look much better now and is pretty much finished at this point. It took almost a full day of coding to finish this.
Gave the gloryhole slaves a moderate boost in earnings (it should be worth it now to assign slaves here)
Gave the camwhores a small boost in earnings (I believe the balance is pretty close to perfect now between all the earning types)
Fixed and improved the code that allowed close relationships to ask to spend time with you. I changed it so it couldn't occur more than once per day so it wouldn't become annoying.
Added several new last names to the game. These are randomly chosen on NPC generation.
Version 0.5 (re-versioned)
This is a small update, mainly geared towards new players. There is no update path, sorry. This version contains everything in the old version 1.5 Hotfix 2 plus 20 new sex videos and 20 new sex images. Nothing else has changed, other than the re-versioning to 0.5.
The game was re-versioned to better reflect the current game status. Too many players saw version 1.5 and expected a completed game. spectre1viper will update the OP soon. I don't have any further updates planned but I'm not saying that I will never touch this game again either.
1.5 Update Released
Bug Fixes
Moderate overhaul of NPC story creation with multiple bugs fixed
Light overhaul of NPC name generation with several bugs fixed
Light overhaul of NPC generation with several bugs fixed
Fixed a bug where going to a restaurant or cafe with an NPC didn't increase relationship
Fixed/Improved the boyfriend count calculation code
Fixed several NPC display bugs
Small formatting improvements throughout the game
Minor miscellaneous bug fixes
Increase Relationship cheat now increases relationship by 50 per click instead of 100
Maid - Invite to hot tub - now requires a minimum relationship of 50 with the maid
Made corruption a bit easier to level (sex activities)
Slaves and whores are less likely to sit on a syringe full of drugs while working
Version 1.4
Minor text fixes
Minor miscellaneous bug fixes
Minor logic improvements/fixes with a couple of events
Enhancements / New Features / Changes
More pictures for home sex (150+)
More videos for home sex (150+)
Greater chance of meeting hot girls on the beach and theatre
Sex stats that are difficult to change have been made easier to reduce grind
Some sex stats can now be maxed (wasn't possible before)
Version 1.3
Bug Fixes
Fixed the gangbang with gang slut counter not increasing
Fixed the gandbang with gang slut / cumdump event so that you can't do the event with all whores
Fixed text formatting issues in a few locations
New Features / Enhancements
Added 12 BDSM anal sex videos to the farm
Added 5 BDSM deepthroat videos to the farm
Added 12 BDSM vaginal sex videos to the farm
Added 10 BDSM flogging videos to the farm
Version 1.2
Bug Fixes
Fixed miscellaneous age related issues
Fixed two cases in the code where you could have sex with children
New Features / Enhancements
Added a bunch of random BDSM images to the farm so the screen isn't as boring and empty
Added a bunch of videos to the 'Watch Porn' option on your computer
Added a bunch of gangbang videos to the gang slut gangbang event featuring Adriana Chechik and Angel Smalls - (could use more testing, let me know if you have problems with it)
Added approximately 100 pictures to the sex scenes in the game - pose images (standing, kneeling, missionary, doggy, undressing, etc.)
Enabled all of the feminization drugs - only use on females unless you want to be disappointed
v1.1 - by spectre1viper
Version 1.1 Bug Fixes
Male whores being referred to as a female
High society receptions/parties - all females are virgins even if they have children
Fixed lots of bugs with high society NPC generation
Pressuring a debtor to pay up - not having enough money results in no options available
Pro boxing not paying out the proper rewards if you are #1
Can invite people in prison to your home
Crash when Sleeping - hopefully fixed for real this time
Having a draw in boxing when your rank is below 10 resulted in a negative ranking
Blank image shown when a man is walking down the street when patrolling in your car
Fixed some display problems with certain protection types for your slaves and whores
Fixed some bugs with drug addicts not being dependent on drugs
Fixed a bug that allowed an addict to take an infinite number of drugs without getting high
Fixed numerous bugs with incorrect whore/slut counts
You can ask every male non programmer npc to hack the porn database, or buy steroids not from doctors, etc. - Fixes by MikasaTanikawa
If a girl is expelled from the university, it still says that she attends college with you
If you "Make a suggestion" to a woman in the club as a bouncer, you get "You had a conversation with the guy"
Fixed some gender naming issues when dancing
Fixed some gender naming issues with camwhores
You can no longer give guns and jobs to gang sluts
If you have a gang slut and then cut all ties with her or kill her, she disappears from the gang screen (Name/Link) but her description remains
Videos don't play sometimes during anal sex if the girl's anus is well developed
"Look for better prospects" at the nudist beach can be done past beach hours
Maids disappear after hiring them
Fixed maid stories
Fixed some bugs in maid NPC generation
New Features, Enhancements, and Game Changes
Added a cop protection status notification when viewing slaves and whores in your secret room
Increased the amount that gloryhole whores/slaves were earning to make it more worth it
Increased the chances of street whores/slaves getting multiple clients
If a whore/slut refuses to go to the gloryhole and she is a drug addict, you can now give her a free dose of drugs and she will agree (same day only)
Expanded maids and gave them some unique options - Maids were the main focus of version 1.1
Added three new mansion upgrade options with added activities
Adjusted the cost of all mansion upgrades
The game is now out of beta. Maids were the main focus for version 1.1. It took a lot of time and development to get them working correctly. I hope you enjoy the new maid content!
Old save games are not guaranteed to work, especially save games previous to version 1.0f Beta. You can try to use 1.0f Beta and newer save games but you will probably run into a lot of glitches until you play through two full days in game doing normal activities (just advancing time won't help much).
I also restructured some of the images and image paths so I don't have an upgrade version at this time. You will need to download the full game. I also wanted to split the game up into pieces which I didn't end up having time for.
I lost my tester that was helping me with previous versions so all the testing for 1.1 was done by myself. I had a tester helping me through version 1.0f Beta. I hope you don't encounter too many bugs. Please report them if you find them with details.
I hope you enjoy the new release! :D
v1.0d Beta - by spectre1viper
Bugs Fixed in 1.0d BETA - Bug Fix Patch
Meeting a man or woman at the theater and chatting with them doesn't put them on your contact list
Ages of children being wrong - girls shouldn't have children when they are younger than 16. So if a 20 year old has children, the oldest the child should be is 4.
Underaged girls being created - youngest should be 16 (except for children who you can't interact with)
Asking an addict where they get their drugs generating a 'location not found' error
If a girl stays overnight at your place there is no end of day summary
Age of girls in their story is greater than their actual age - 'Tell me about yourself'
Taking a girl to the bathroom for sex, then go home and take the same girl out to a cafe or restaurant and give her an aphrodisiac, then take her home - girl has no clothes and her stats are messed up.
Wives getting jobs at an age higher than their own - story
Student classmates saying in their story that they couldn't enter college
NPCs with blank names in your contact list
You couldn't get a job as a nightclub bouncer if you were a professional boxer. Should be able to now with a ranking of less than 3000.
Wrong caps listed when you sell steroids for the higher price
Cleaned up and fixed numerous bugs in NPC stories
Fixed a game crash during sex if you weren't horny and weren't hard - 'Push her down by the shoulders'
Can no longer do things at the sauna when completely exhausted
Can't go below rank 100 in professional boxing
Going to the Chinese restaurant with a date doesn't reduce your money if you pay the bill in full or split it
College party activities don't advance time
Fixed girlfriend status calculation - status will no longer be empty between relationship values of 51 and 99 (turns to "mate" at 100)
Can have anal sex in the bathroom without being hard
No defloration message when having sex in the bathroom with a virgin
Girls you've had sex with won't tell you their story
Syntax error when trying to get your federal crime cleared through the chief of police
Can no longer do activities with people in prison
Added missing pregnancy checks throughout the game - females will get pregnant more frequently now.
Cheats won't clear pregnancy status anymore
Fixed a game crash when kidnapping an enemy - was a pain in the ass to fix
Fixed a game crash when killing too many NPCs with the 'Kill' cheat menu option - took forever to identify the problem
Fixed entrance and stay requirements for the nightclub and strip club - thanks to GammaXai
Multiple fixes for the Cleaners thanks to GammaXai
Fixed negative energy when doing quick fights in the clubs and other areas thanks to GammaXai
Fixed wives not taking on your last name after marriage
Fixed multiple bugs that allowed the player to kidnap men
Cleaned up the NPC salon menus
Fixed 'Running on the treadmill' and 'Dancing' so they no longer cause feminization
Fixed testosterone, hyper-testosterone, and estrogen effects in drugs
Girls you turn into sluts/whores instantly losing their virginity without having sex
Clicking on 'Sleep' or 'New day' crashes the game (hopefully fixed, needs more testing)
People who refuse to give you their phone number or who you don't chat with are being added to your contacts list
Numerous bugs with meeting girls on the nudist beach - should have a lot better chances now if you are fit and good looking
You no longer have an option to invite enemies over for sex
New Features, Enhancements, and Game Changes
Added a beauty score preview to girls you meet at the club, on the street, or when being a taxi driver (let me know if there are other places it should be added)
Normalized beauty score between males and females - the cap should now be approximately 100 for both
Made NPC stories more colorful and entertaining - hopefully less mundane now
'Cut all ties and forget' can now be applied to anyone but relatives and enemies
Expanded the cheat menu and added new options
Female classmates have a higher chance of being attractive/hot
If Mabuta is dead, you can continue cop protection of your whores and slaves by having a high relationship with the chief of police and talk with him in the strip club
Virgins are less common now - before they were plentiful
You will meet more NPCs that are going to college regardless of what path you choose
Due to lots of complaints and feedback I reduced the grind for training slaves. It should go quicker and be less tedious now. Feedback is welcome.
Some stat reporting added to professional boxing
Increased rewards for lower rank pro boxing matches - big payouts if you reach #1
Increased steroid sale success
Overhauled body type descriptions. They should be more accurate now.
Overhauled the cheat menu/commands. Cheat commands can no longer be applied to NPCs they aren't intended to work on.
Rebalanced muscles and fat. Male and female maximum fat is now 2000. Maximum male muscles is now 3000, females 1500.
Rebalanced exercise stat changes to reflect muscle and other changes
Increased the cap on boxing skill slightly so it is now possible to progress to #1 ranking in pro boxing
Added status messages to all sluts such as 'Blackmailed', 'Convinced to Whore', etc.
Added more American and English style names and increased the chances of those names being chosen
Version 1.0b Beta and Version 1.0c Beta save games should be compatible. Version 1.0 Beta and 1.0a Beta save games are NOT compatible.
Thank you to all those who reported bugs and provided feedback! Big thank you to mememeandmyself for helping with game testing and to GammaXai for helping with bug fixes!
v1.0a Beta - by spectre1viper
Bugs fixed in 1.0a BETA - Bug fix patch
Whores storming off if you cum in their mouth
Girls willing to do anal fisting but not anal sex
Girls liking it when you stick a finger in their ass during vaginal sex but not when doing it without sex
Fixed a crash in Old Town
Fixed a crash in the 8 Bar
Fixed a crash when getting slaves from Mabuta
Fixed NPCs being placed in the wrong location (friends, lovers, etc.)
Cleaned up Mabuta content
Cleaned up new NPC creation
Crow speaking Russian
Marriages - wives disappearing - wives are now found in Relatives
Convincing a girl to work more and slapping for fun - location not found error
Fixed people you don't know asking you to hangout
Cut all ties and forget not working
Males you meet turning into females once you return home
Fixed a lot of gender assignment issues
Fixed misc location not found errors
Lots of misc small bugs fixed
Fixed some hair colors and hair highlight colors missing
Fixed jobs being reported twice in NPC listings
(If I missed any and you noticed that they are fixed in the bug fix patch let me know)
New Features and Enhancements
Improved dialog in some areas
You can now take your slaves and whores to the salon to get their makeup done
Increased the chances of generating hot girls (high beauty score)
NPC and Player stat reporting
v1.0 Beta - by spectre1viper
Initial release
Эта игра представляет собой ролевую игру в стиле QSP с открытым миром. Вдохновением для этой игры послужила оригинальная игра "Evil" с похожей игровой механикой и сюжетными линиями. Она сильно отличается от сюжетных визуальных новелл, где вас держат за руку на протяжении всего игрового процесса. В этой игре вас не держат за руку. Все решения принимаете вы сами. Вы прокладываете свой собственный путь в этой игре и, по сути, строите/создаете свою собственную историю.
"Evil 2" - это ремейк оригинальной игры "Evil" с добавленными функциями и множеством улучшений и усовершенствований. Это не продолжение.
"Evil 2" - это оптимизированная и сфокусированная версия оригинальной игры, использующая только главного героя-мужчину. Она не содержит следующих особенностей/тегов: трансгендер, гей, трансформация, феминизация и женщина-протагонист. Если вы хотите или нуждаетесь в этих особенностях, пожалуйста, придерживайтесь оригинальной игры. Они не будут добавлены или рассмотрены.
This game is an open world QSP based RPG style game. Much of the inspiration for this game comes from the original game EVIL with similar game mechanics and storylines. It is a lot different than the story based visual novels where your hand is held throughout the game experience. No hand holding is done in this game. All choices are up to you. You carve your own path in this game and you basically build/create your own story.
Evil 2 is a remake of the original game Evil with added features and lots of enhancements and improvements. It is not a sequel.
Evil 2 is a streamlined and focused version of the original game using a male protagonist only. It does not contain the following features/tags: transgender, gay, transformation, feminization, and female protagonist. If you want or need these features please stick with the original game. They will not be added or considered. The tags for the game are accurate (the game only contains two femdom scenes however).
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: anal, bdsm, cheating, combat, corruption, creampie, dating sim, drugs, exhibitionism, graphic violence, groping, group, handjob, harem, humiliation, incest, male domination, male protagonist, management, masturbation, milf, oral, pov, pregnancy, prostitution, rape, real porn, romance, rpg, sandbox, school setting, sexual harassment, simulator, slave, spanking, stripping, titfuck, urination, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: spectre1viper, jessicajones, noobtrain - uptown.forum.cool/viewtopic.php?id=211
Перевод: PollMax
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.65 Rus / v.0.74 Eng
Первая часть игры: ЗЛО
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
To start the game, open up 'qspgui.exe' in the Evil 2 game folder - Quest - Open Game - 'Evil2-spectre1viper.qsp' (located in the 'Evil' folder).
Все 5 случайных/специальных событий должны быть завершены, прежде чем вы сможете начать историю с семьей MC.
Случайные/особые события
Ограбление особняка — (Лилли Диксон)
Адвокат особняка (девочка-печенька) — (Асуна Фокс)
Студентка особняка — (Кимми Грейнджер)
Дедовщина в фермерском колледже — (Эшли Майя)
Застрявший автомобилист (требуется, чтобы предыдущие 4 события были завершены первыми ) ) - (Lolly Lips)
Все 5 вышеперечисленных событий требуют, чтобы вы владели особняком, который занимает довольно много времени, чтобы заработать достаточно денег для покупки.
Вот базовый контрольный список, который запустит все события, включая новую семейную историю:
Собственный особняк
Иметь крутую машину
Иметь все огнестрельное оружие
Купите все дополнения в своем особняке
Иметь не менее 6 охранников особняка
Иметь как минимум 2 горничных
Обучите не менее 12 рабов
Иметь не менее 12 шлюх
Много работайте таксистом (в основном, чтобы тренировать новых рабов - захватывайте лучших девушек)
Иметь контакты/отношения с большим количеством NPC, включая высшее общество и студентов
Иметь отличные отношения с начальником полиции, поддерживать их и время от времени навещать его.
Иметь отличные отношения с Тони и время от времени вести с ним дела.
Поддерживайте форму и хороший внешний вид
Заработать много денег
Проводите время в своем особняке, занимаясь обычными делами в разное время дня.
v0.74 - 2025-03-22
Bug Fixes
'Ask for an appointment' now requires the mansion and a small amount of reputation before the option will show up after selecting a High Society contact in the 'Social Circle' section at hour 17
Fixed several bugs with anal sex never being pleasurable once the female's asshole has been expanded by a good amount
Fixed several bugs with two anal videos displaying when having anal sex with your sister Anna or your mother Phoebe
Miscellaneous logic improvements in the generic sex system
Made a few minor balance changes to the grind in the generic sex system - a bit less grind overall
Cleaned up and optimized some of the anal sex code in the generic sex system
Fixed a bug reported by LeakAngel (thank you!) where a whore would accidentally get addicted to drugs and then her motivation for being a whore would automatically switch to "Whoring for drugs". Motivation will no longer change.
Overhauled the 'Incentive' system in Evil 2. Incentive has been standardized and affects all whore and slave jobs correctly now except for the 'Drug Courier' job (incentive doesn't affect this job and never has). If your whores or slaves get low on incentive the penalties are much greater now!
Fixed several bugs where the female sex code was being applied to male NPCs inappropriately. This has been a bug in the game for a long time and no one has reported it (scratching head, including my own for missing it for so long). Male NPCs no longer show positive numbers for throat, ass, or guys.
Fixed a bug in the sex code that could cause the same sex history item to be added to an NPC's story more than once
Fixed a bug with the 'Family Tester' cheat that could cause errors to pop-up after aging a baby to 16 years old
Fixed a few minor bugs with cheats in the cheat menu
Fixed a major bug with save games getting corrupted when the game is saved at certain locations in the game. The locations were coded as dynamic functions and weren't real locations and so the QSP Player didn't know where to return the player to (a virtual location) and couldn't load the save game. Fixed six different locations that had this bug.
Lots of small miscellaneous bug fixes
Lots of logic improvements made throughout the code
New Features / Enhancements / Changes
All cases where an NPC dies are now highlighted in red in the 'End of Day Earnings Report'. Also all cases where an NPC gets accidentally addicted to drugs. Also the case where your whore leaves you after attempting to wean her off of drugs. Suggestions made by The Grifter - thank you!
Added an option to reroll a female NPC's portrait picture - use sparingly or you may end up with duplicate portraits (two NPCs having the same portrait). Suggestion made by The Grifter - thank you!
Added all the hidden and lesser known options and features in the game to the 'Bathroom' menu - lots of new options to give the player more control over their game! I also added some of the commonly used console commands to the menu.
Moved the 'Crushboss' cheat from the cheat menu to the 'Bathroom' menu and provided an explanation of the cheat
Added a slave and whore assistant to the game which can be found under 'Mansion Management'. The slave/whore assistant helps to keep your sex workers properly motivated to work hard. This will lessen the need for the player to manually encourage all his slaves and whores to work harder. The MC doing the encouragement is still more effective and still needs to be done occasionally (2 to 4 times per month as opposed to 2 to 3 times weekly). Suggestion made by noneo'ya - thank you!
Made the 'Remove Event Delay' cheat menu option available to nearly everyone. This cheat removes all the extra days needed to continue the various events and stories in the game. This does NOT start the events or stories early! It merely removes delays once an event or story has already begun. So if you would normally have to wait for two additional days before the next stage of the story becomes available, this cheat removes that delay. You may still need to find the correct time of day for the next stage to trigger however.
Added five new videos to maids - 'Observe the Maid' (3 new videos) and 'Observe the Maid through the hidden camera system' (2 new videos)
Added a new sex event to the game - 'Unlikely Break In' - Event occurs during the evening at your mansion after you've completed all the other events and stories in the game. It should be a short but fun event! The MC is mostly showing his evil side with this event.
v0.73 - 2025-02-21
Bug Fixes
Fixed several player reported bugs
Fixed a bug with asking how many boyfriends a girl has - logic fixed
Fixed several logic bugs with the 'Start or replay the stories and events in Evil 2' feature
Fixed Lolly Lips's unique 'Observe Maid' videos - should now play properly if Lolly Lips is a maid
Fixed a bug with 'Pool Girl Story - Part 3' where you couldn't train Rhonda Rousey again if replaying the story
Fixed several logic bugs with slaves and whores
Made several fixes to the 'Accept Whore Invite' cheat menu option
Fixed a bug with the 'Hired Muscle for the Camorra cartel' gang job
Miscellaneous small bug fixes
Miscellaneous logic improvements
Miscellaneous formatting improvements
New Features & Enhancements
Players now have the option of training Rhonda Rousey again if desired instead of having to replay the entire 'Pool Girl Stories - Part 3' again
Players now have the option to makeout with Anna and Phoebe and fondle their breasts when they try to seduce you at your mansion (requires completion of both parts of the 'Family Trouble' story of course)
Polished all the events and stories that skybarbie developed and the ones I developed
Added 28 new maid videos - Observing Maids (21 new videos) and Observing Maids through hidden cameras (7 new videos)
Added a new event to the game of moderate length - 'Social Experiment - Liya' - late game event that has the same requirements as the other two Social Experiment events (listed below) - event has plenty of sex scenes - featuring Liya Silver
Bug Fixes
Fixed several bugs that could cause the guy count and sex count to increase by one inappropriately when training slaves at the farm - Thanks to The Grifter for pointing this out!
Fixed an additional bug that I caused when I fixed the above bug that The Grifter also identified
Fixed several bugs that allowed shadowing for robberies job for gang members without purchasing surveillance tools first
Fixed a bug with boxing training that caused the gang member to never be able to complete the training
Fixed a bug that caused boxing progress to not be displayed for gang members (must at least be an average boxer for the progress to display similar to other skills)
Fixed several miscellaneous bugs with gang jobs and gang job reporting in the End of Day Earnings Report
Fixed sex hole stats decreasing after the kidnapped girl has been trained in a sex activity at the farm - Thanks to Swalexxx for pointing this out!
Misc small bug fixes
Misc logic improvements
New Features / Enhancements
Added mechanic tools to the game which are now required to assign new gang members to dismantle stolen cars. If they're already assigned this job before this update they won't be kicked out of the dismantle car gang job (FYI).
Added a new gang job - Hired Muscle for the Camorra cartel - Gang members must be a professional level boxer or better in order to be assigned this new job. Pay rate and success are based on their boxing and soldier skill. Soldier skill is optional but helps. If your gang member kills an enemy they receive bonus caps. There is a small potential for a hospital visit/temporary injury and a rare chance of death. The better the boxer and soldier skills the less chance of a rare death occurring. If a death does occur it's highlighted in bright red like the other deaths were enhanced to display in a recent patch so they are easier to see if players just want to skim the report or save scum to avoid the death.
Taking any of a girl's virginities now displays that you took her virginity in bold bright red text
Added the option to just retrain Rhonda Rousey at the farm instead of having to replay the entire 'Pool Girl Story - Part 3' again. This option can be found in the 'Computer' menu under 'Start or replay the unique stories and events in Evil 2'. Keep in mind that using this option will reset Rhonda to default at the beginning of her training (slave job and other progress will be erased).
This is just a small Christmas gift for everyone (was released as a beta before Christmas). This doesn't mean that development is restarting. The game is still looking for a new developer to take over the project.
The gang portion of the game is mostly full featured now and working as intended.
Dismantle cars - requires mechanic tools (new)
Shadowing for robberies - requires surveillance tools (not new but fixed bugs with this)
Stealing cars - requires lockpicking tools (not new)
Now all jobs require the appropriate tools.
Before, there was no advantage or purpose for gang members to train in boxing. Now there is with the new 'Hired muscle for the Camorra cartel' job. Shooting training helped with the 'Gunman for robberies' and "Hitman' jobs so both training options have a purpose now.
0.71 Patch 1a - 2024-10-26
Added two new sex events that start downtown (look for a new option to appear at the bottom). You have to have completed roughly 75% of the stories and events in the game before these new events will become available. The MC is being mostly evil in these new events, be warned. The events do end on a positive and happy note.
Misc small bug fixes
Changelog - Patch 1
Fixed multiple small bugs with sex stat reporting with the two new events (bug could cause Kendra to not list sex with the MC and end up in the 'Best Friends' section instead of the 'Sexual Partners' section)
Fixed a bug with the MC's story in relation to these two new events
Added the two new events to the 'Start or replay the random events and stories in Evil 2' feature in the Computer menu so they can be replayed at any time if desired (they can also be started early if the player meets some minimum requirements)
Changelog - Patch 1a
Kendra wasn't added to the unique NPC list (fixed) and so her body stats could get messed up if she was run through the Pimp that Bitch cheat. Restored her proper body stats with patch 1a.
v0.70 patch 4
Performed a small overhaul on the pregnancy system and reassigned a few duplicate variables - numerous bugs fixed
Fixed several instances of the 'babies=1' cheat not setting pregnancy chance to 100%
Made the stat and relationship loss with NPCs optional and disabled by default. You can re-enable it using 'wife_high_maintenance=1'
Added several new cheats to the cheat menu that were previously reserved for testing purposes (see Notes below)
Added conditions to the new testing cheats so they won't be used on unintentional NPCs
Since a full playthrough takes roughly one year of time in-game, I reduced pregnancy duration to 50-60 days so it doesn't take forever
Fixed a bug with the 'family_tester=1' cheat
Updated the message when a child is aged up to legal age to include their last name and also gender
Using either the 'Crushboss' or 'Pimp Me' cheat will set the 'babies=0' and 'family_tester=0' cheats to 0. Just keep this in mind if you want those cheats to still work after using the 'Crushboss' or 'Pimp Me' cheat. You'll have to set 'babies=1' and/or 'family_tester=1' cheat to 1 if you want to continue using them.
Reversed the Gloryhole and Camwhore earnings nerf by assertiveless
Hopefully fixed the reported 'In prison' bug
Fixed a bug with blackmailing with sex video that required the girl to not be a vaginal virgin (she has two other holes that qualify)
Fixed a bug with the 'Make Virgin' cheat not clearing all of the pregnancy variables
Finding and talking with girls at the nude beach now takes more time
Improved the logic which determines whether or not a proper/valid sex video has been created during home sex (you must fuck at least one of her three holes for a successful sex tape/video to be created)
Increased the age range of people that you can meet at the theatre (18-45)
Gang members must have all four firearms (handgun, shotgun, automatic, sniper rifle) to start shooting training now so they can become proficient with all firearm types
Added Drug Couriers to the Slums District
Removed the Drug Couriers and Drug Dealer links from 'Your Secret Office'. I know some players may not be happy with this change but it doesn't make sense to have them listed there when they don't live in your mansion (none of your whores and slaves do). It also doesn't make sense to list them in 'Your Secret Office' when none of the other whore and slave jobs are listed there. All whore and slave jobs can now be found in either the 'Red Light District' or the 'Slums District'
Lazy players can now have all whore and slaves jobs listed in 'Your Secret Office' by using: easy_access=1 - This feature is for you Warscared
Fixed a nasty bug that would cause Street Whores not to work if a debtor was found by your gang on the same day
Mabuta will no longer be listed as the leader of the Nigerian Cartel if he's assassinated
Fixed a crashing bug caused by having too few classmates. Classmates will now be automatically added if the number drops below 20
Fixed a nasty syntax error (that took far too long to track down) which caused NPCs with nicknames to have scrambled display data
Numerous fixes with nicknames. Re-enabled the nickname system. Nicknames should stick now and are available if you have a good relationship with the NPC
Added an option to add university students to your classmates section if you have a good relationship with them (university student start only)
Added some automation to the 'Search for debtors' gang member task. If your gang has an active debtor to search for, unassigned members will be assigned to search for the debtor automatically (last priority so it shouldn't override other jobs). Talk to the Armenian gang to get this task
Fixed a story bug with the 'Take her virginities' cheat
Small formatting and text fixes/improvements
NPC debt amount is now shown in several places where it wasn't displayed before or was missing
Numerous bug fixes with debtors and mother's offering their daughters to pay for their debt
Fixed the Fighter calculation under Statistics
Fixed several bugs with sex stat reporting
Fixed several bugs that caused the Mansion Solicitor (cookie girl) to not be a virgin
Fixed several story issues with the unique event and story NPCs in the game (Tell me about yourself)
Fixed several bugs with the 'Break Slave' and 'Accept Whore Invite' cheats having incorrect sex stat reporting
Lowered the player's beauty bonus by 20 points (was 30, now 10) - bonus was too high
Added a feature that allows you to bribe a girl's boss to get her fired from her job (requires mansion and a high reputation)
Numerous bug fixes with NPC jobs
Improved the functionality and logic of the 'Make Virgin' and 'Take her virginities' cheats - more story data is preserved, especially with jobs and college
Fixed a nasty bug that would cause high society females to constantly lose their jobs
Added relationship score info to most NPCs in the NPC drop down lists if cheats are enabled
Fixed two bugs with Leah Gotti's story
Fixed two bugs with Nina North's story
You can no longer get your own maids fired from their job by bribing their boss (you are their boss). You can no longer get high society NPCs fired from their jobs (would result in too much grief and complications so their boss wouldn't agree to it).
Improved the height logic so most girls won't be short now - you should see a larger variety of heights for newly generated females
Fixed several bugs that could cause a girl to disappear after you've had sex or sleep with her overnight
Dancing with a girl at the nightclub now advances time
Made improvements to the marriage code - female's picture will now be displayed if she has a beauty score of at least 70
Marrying your daughter now changes her last name to match yours
Added a new cheat in the cheat menu - 'Deliver Baby' - Will cause the pregnant female to deliver her baby immediately - She must be pregnant for this cheat to work
Fixed prostitutes having vaglocks - automatically removed now
The option to start 'Family Trouble' Part 2 no longer disappears if the player does something else that doesn't advance time
Fixed a typo with the 'Family Trouble' story
Reduced the amount of loops that the 'Make Tiny' and 'Big Ass' cheats perform, greatly reducing the time it takes to run them
Age display data for females has been adjusted. Previously, "Teenage girl" didn't include all teen ages. It now includes ages 13-19. Adjusted the other age descriptions to compensate for this change.
Added options for 10 packs of Estrogen, Lactaid, and Male Enhancer from Tony
Removed the option to take female only drugs in your Inventory - Transformation from male to female and feminization of males is not a part of Evil 2
Made some adjustments to sex stats in home sex, strip club sex, nightclub sex, and the farm. The main change being that you can no longer increase their hole sizes to unrealistic numbers. Most vaginal, anal, and throat female stats rarely go above 38 now except for daily sex workers.
Fixed numerous bugs with the various drugs in the game , especially the ones you can give to females - 'Drug her with...'
Enabled the giving of drugs to the unique NPCs in the game so players can customize them some
You no longer have to have sex with a girl first in order to put her on birth control (other requirements are still intact)
Growth hormone, Estrogen, and Female Extract have been improved and now function like they should
Overhauled the drug description list that Tony gives out - added Estrogen which was missing
Overhauled the option to 'Drug her with..' - The player is now given a message when the drug is taken and the NPC info remains on the screen
Misc bug fixes
Logic improvements
Code cleanup
v0.70 patch 3.1
Performed a small overhaul on the pregnancy system and reassigned a few duplicate variables - numerous bugs fixed
Fixed several instances of the 'babies=1' cheat not setting pregnancy chance to 100%
Made the stat and relationship loss with NPCs optional and disabled by default. You can re-enable it using 'wife_high_maintenance=1'
Added several new cheats to the cheat menu that were previously reserved for testing purposes (see Notes below)
Added conditions to the new testing cheats so they won't be used on unintentional NPCs
Since a full playthrough takes roughly one year of time in-game, I reduced pregnancy duration to 50-60 days so it doesn't take forever
Fixed a bug with the 'family_tester=1' cheat
Updated the message when a child is aged up to legal age to include their last name and also gender
Using either the 'Crushboss' or 'Pimp Me' cheat will set the 'babies=0' and 'family_tester=0' cheats to 0. Just keep this in mind if you want those cheats to still work after using the 'Crushboss' or 'Pimp Me' cheat. You'll have to set 'babies=1' and/or 'family_tester=1' cheat to 1 if you want to continue using them.
Reversed the Gloryhole and Camwhore earnings nerf by assertiveless
Hopefully fixed the reported 'In prison' bug
Fixed a bug with blackmailing with sex video that required the girl to not be a vaginal virgin (she has two other holes that qualify)
Fixed a bug with the 'Make Virgin' cheat not clearing all of the pregnancy variables
Finding and talking with girls at the nude beach now takes more time
Improved the logic which determines whether or not a proper/valid sex video has been created during home sex (you must fuck at least one of her three holes for a successful sex tape/video to be created)
Increased the age range of people that you can meet at the theatre (18-45)
Gang members must have all four firearms (handgun, shotgun, automatic, sniper rifle) to start shooting training now so they can become proficient with all firearm types
Added Drug Couriers to the Slums District
Removed the Drug Couriers and Drug Dealer links from 'Your Secret Office'. I know some players may not be happy with this change but it doesn't make sense to have them listed there when they don't live in your mansion (none of your whores and slaves do). It also doesn't make sense to list them in 'Your Secret Office' when none of the other whore and slave jobs are listed there. All whore and slave jobs can now be found in either the 'Red Light District' or the 'Slums District'
Lazy players can now have all whore and slaves jobs listed in 'Your Secret Office' by using: easy_access=1 - This feature is for you Warscared
Fixed a nasty bug that would cause Street Whores not to work if a debtor was found by your gang on the same day
Mabuta will no longer be listed as the leader of the Nigerian Cartel if he's assassinated
Fixed a crashing bug caused by having too few classmates. Classmates will now be automatically added if the number drops below 20
Fixed a nasty syntax error (that took far too long to track down) which caused NPCs with nicknames to have scrambled display data
Numerous fixes with nicknames. Re-enabled the nickname system. Nicknames should stick now and are available if you have a good relationship with the NPC
Added an option to add university students to your classmates section if you have a good relationship with them (university student start only)
Added some automation to the 'Search for debtors' gang member task. If your gang has an active debtor to search for, unassigned members will be assigned to search for the debtor automatically (last priority so it shouldn't override other jobs). Talk to the Armenian gang to get this task
Fixed a story bug with the 'Take her virginities' cheat
Small formatting and text fixes/improvements
NPC debt amount is now shown in several places where it wasn't displayed before or was missing
Numerous bug fixes with debtors and mother's offering their daughters to pay for their debt
Fixed the Fighter calculation under Statistics
Fixed several bugs with sex stat reporting
Fixed several bugs that caused the Mansion Solicitor (cookie girl) to not be a virgin
Fixed several story issues with the unique event and story NPCs in the game (Tell me about yourself)
Fixed several bugs with the 'Break Slave' and 'Accept Whore Invite' cheats having incorrect sex stat reporting
Lowered the player's beauty bonus by 20 points (was 30, now 10) - bonus was too high
Added a feature that allows you to bribe a girl's boss to get her fired from her job (requires mansion and a high reputation)
Numerous bug fixes with NPC jobs
Improved the functionality and logic of the 'Make Virgin' and 'Take her virginities' cheats - more story data is preserved, especially with jobs and college
Fixed a nasty bug that would cause high society females to constantly lose their jobs
Added relationship score info to most NPCs in the NPC drop down lists if cheats are enabled
Misc bug fixes
Logic improvements
Code cleanup
v0.70 - 2024-02-07
Portrait pictures have been added for all females with a beauty score of 70 or higher. The pictures are matched to their natural hair color (no other matching is done). I added over 500 pictures. The pictures are assigned after starting a new day. So if their beauty score is 70 or higher and they are new, you'll need to start a new day before she'll be assigned a unique picture.
The player now has three options with the Portrait pictures - #1 Disabled, #2 Background Images (default), #3 Pictures underneath the NPC's name (this options takes up a lot more space and some scrolling will be required to see all NPC info). These options can be found in the Bathroom menu
Added 'Pregnancy Chance' options to the bottom of the 'Female Body Preferences' screen - Select one option only. Low = 10%, Medium = 25%, and High = 50% chance. You obviously have to creampie their pussy to have a chance of getting a female pregnant. FYI - Pregnancy is calculated once per session, not once per creampie. Make sure she isn't on birth control if you're trying to knock her up!
Improved the logic at the nude beach. It will be harder to meet new girls and there is always a chance of failure no matter how good looking you are. More girls will turn you down if you aren't fit and good looking at the nude beach.
You now need a locksmith to have a good chance of stealing cars in your gang (new game). Anyone can eventually learn but you'll have a rough time if they aren't a locksmith (they may end up in prison a lot). Made locksmiths more common to compensate for the new soft requirement.
Spy skill (shadowing for robbery) and car jacking skills have a much slower progress now. They were super fast before and a gang member could easily max their skill in two weeks time.
Fixed the exploit with Drug Dens (drug dealers) and adjusted the conditions for success for all whore job types for consistency
Junkies can now refuse your 'Drugs for Sex' offer (usually because they aren't slutty enough)
Fixed several bugs with MC character creation
Fixed a bug that would prevent your family from being generated when starting a new game
Fixed the Slimmer drug from killing it's users - reported by a player
Fixed multiple instances of the portrait pictures disappearing under various circumstances
Portrait pictures will no longer be displayed during home, strip club, and nightclub sex
Fixed the Factory cheat in the cheat menu (two bugs fixed)
The 'Make Virgin' cheat now preserves more story data such as job and student status
Fixed a few bugs with the 'Make Virgin' cheat
Numerous fixes with the cheats in the cheat menu to work properly with the new portrait picture feature
Fixed several bugs with Female Body Preferences
Fixed several bugs with the 'dynamic $d_ultra_fast_start' cheat - It will no longer incorrectly make a deal with Mabuta without your permission (has to be done manually like it should have been)
Improved gang generation with the 'dynamic $d_ultra_fast_start' cheat
Fixed maid generation when selecting the Use Story Template and Rich Student game start option
Made several improvements to the 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat and various other cheats in the cheat menu
Increased the base chance for a preference to be used by 5% (20% now) when using the 'Pimp the Bitch' cheat
Several formatting improvements with the End of Day Earnings Report
Fixed and improved the functionality of the 'babies' and 'family_tester' cheats
The player is now reminded at new game start to visit Mabuta and strike a deal with him
Added a new message when a child ages up to legal age from using the 'family_tester=1' cheat
Improved the functionality of the 'Impregnate' cheat. It will automatically remove birth control and vaginal locks if the NPC can normally be taken off of birth control if the player is using either the 'babies=1' or 'family_tester=1' cheat
University students can no longer be prostitutes and strippers. They will be kicked out of college with existing save games
Changed the descriptions for the two largest breast sizes. DD is a European E cup so I changed E to F and the largest size from 'huge hanging udders' to G cup
Miscellaneous bug fixes
Various logic improvements
Code cleanup
v0.69 Full release - 2024-01-15
Features & Improvements
New Story - 'Pool Girl Stories - Sasha' - Hopefully a fun and lighthearted adventure with this cute and shy girl
Female Body Preferences - players can now select their own female body preferences that affect the beauty score/rating. Eight categories to choose from. This feature can be found in the Bathroom section. This feature was requested by several players
Added pictures for most of the exercise activities in the game
Added a few pictures to University activities (exercise, library, soccer)
Gang robberies can be fully automated now if you so desire (assertiveless automated Scouting and Shadowing which was excellent). You now have the option to setup a semi-permanent driver, gunman, and money bagger.
Workout with female friends if you have a good relationship with them. They can get a small fat reduction, muscle improvement, and new skills depending on the fitness activity - 4 workout options
You can now cover girls with small breasts completely with cum even though you don't have the 'Titty Fuck' option. When you orgasm from a blowjob, you now have the option of covering her small breasts. I discovered this in-game and was surprised that no one brought this issue up in the past (that I can recall at least).
Your gang members will now be automatically removed from Boxing and Shooting training once they reach max level, if you click on them, saving you caps!
Fool around with maids in your pool
Added a small bit of immersion with City Gangs. Since Tony runs the Camorra cartel your gang will now be listed in this section once you complete the 'Family Trouble' story part 2.
You will now be notified when one of your workers or gang members are caught by the police and are in jail. I know that many people speed through reading the 'End of Day Earnings Report' and miss this important information. FYI: Keep your relationship with Mace (the Chief of Police) high to lower jail chance
Added 'Legal Businesses' as a shortcut to the 'Secret Office' screen for quicker access
I removed multiple tasks/options that didn't make sense when interacting with certain NPCs. For example, why would you want to do a Setup on your mother. The available options are more fitting to the NPC since I gave them additional conditions. I feel the options are more fitting and immersive now.
If the NPC isn't a whore or slave, their job will be listed on the detailed view screen (after clicking on their name) if they have one (most screens but not all - mainly the screens that show full NPC detail)
Beauty should be balanced out better through age groups (newly generated NPCs only)
You now have food choices if you don't live in the mansion
The 'Make Virgin' cheat now fixes the NPC's story
The 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat no longer affects breast size by default unless Female Body Preferences have been selected
Instead of saying 'guy #' in NPC stories, I now give the person a name. I also list the babies name who is being born along with their gender (instead of just "A child is born"). I added a bunch of additional text to the stories to hopefully add more variety
Added error messages to most of the cheats in the game. If you attempt to apply a cheat to an NPC that isn't qualified for the cheat, you'll now be given a message in most cases. Some players thought that many of the cheats didn't work so this change should help lessen player frustration
Adjusted the ballmax formula based on player feedback. It will be much easier to increase this now but not too easy hopefully. Consuming 'male extract' from your inventory will now give you a small increase to ballmax. You have to sleep before you'll see the permanent effect. The temporary effect can be seen right away but doesn't last beyond the current day
Rebalanced NPC physical characteristics/stats
More variety with piercings and tattoos
More variety with NPC body types
All tattoos that an NPC has will now be listed regardless of clothing worn
Fewer NPC divorces
Rebalanced virgin frequency
College students can now be married and have jobs
Added prostitution to the NPC jobs list
Completed all the overhauls that I've been working on - Roughly 20% of the game has been overhauled in version 0.69 including Character Generation, NPC Generation, NPC Stories, NPC Jobs, NPC View, Gangs, End of Day Earnings Report
Approximately 40 new sex videos were added (generic sex system and dungeon slave training at the farm) eliminating roughly 80% of the poor quality GIF style videos in the generic sex system (finally)
A dozen new maid videos were added when spying on maids through your hidden camera system
Factories have a new maximum warehouse size of 1000 - there were a few instances where the original size of 500 was too small
Added a Factory cheat to the cheat menu which will max out a factory that you own
Added two immersive videos to the Sea Coast (Beach) (will randomly play after sea coast (beach) activities)
Story and event special characters have a picture of them displayed on their NPC window/view
Misc story and event fixes
Fixed the 'Family Trouble' and 'Pool Girl' stories so they don't interfere with story character progress if your replay the story (new game only)
College parties should now function properly
Over 100 bug fixes
Numerous logic improvements throughout the game
Removed and consolidated duplicate code / Code cleanup
Female Body Preferences
With the new female body preferences feature, I had to overhaul how the 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat worked. It will be a bit confusing if you don't understand how it works. Every time you click on the cheat you'll have a 15% chance of adjusting the female's body to your female body preferences settings. This is per category and there are 8 categories (15% chance of a change per category). So if you keep clicking on the 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat, you'll see some of her body stats changing. There are multiple options you can choose per category and the option is chosen at random. An example:
Under 'Breast size preference' you chose: average, big, and large
If you hit the 15% RNG roll, breast size will be adjusted to one of your three selections (average, big, large). So if you use the 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat enough times, the female will meet all of your chosen selections under female body preferences. I hope this makes sense. Why not make it a 100% chance you may ask yourself? Because that cheat is also used somewhat commonly during NPC generation, not as a cheat per se, but to improve their default beauty. Variety needs to be maintained for newly generated NPCs.
I added the major categories that I felt were needed. I could add more but I don't want to over complicate things. Unless there is a large push to add a specific category I doubt more will be added.
If you don't use this new feature, the default beauty calculation will be used (the way it's always been).
New NPC Relationship cheat
You'll see a new option when interacting with a female NPC:
"Give all of your girls a super expensive gift from the heart (maxes relationship & incentive - 1,000 caps per girl)"
You can make this automatic (once per week) with the following console command:
This cheat is helpful to players who have a lot of NPCs in their game and struggle to keep all of their relationships maxed. This feature was requested by several players.
New console commands
dynamic $d_ultra_fast_start
Starts the player off with a well developed character, the mansion, most purchasable items, reputation, money, etc. It also starts you off with a small gang that you can add to later (won't interfere with existing gang members if they exist). This code is mostly for seasoned players who wish to skip the majority of the sandbox portion of the game or for those who just want to play through the visual novel portion of the game (events and stories). This is a heavy-duty cheat. Not recommended for new players.
This will remove vag locks on all female NPCs in the game after a new day. The vaglock variable wasn't being cleared previously so it was applied incorrectly on new NPCs and frustrating players.
v0.69 - 2023-12-06
New Story - 'Pool Girl Stories - Sasha' - Hopefully a fun and lighthearted adventure with this cute and shy girl
Added pictures for most of the exercise activities in the game
Added a few pictures to University activities (exercise, library, soccer)
Gang robberies can be fully automated now if you so desire (assertiveless automated Scouting and Shadowing which was excellent). You now have the option to setup a semi-permanent driver, gunman, and money bagger.
You can now cover girls with small breasts completely with cum even though you don't have the 'Titty Fuck' option. When you orgasm from a blowjob, you now have the option of covering her small breasts. I discovered this in-game and was surprised that no one brought this issue up in the past (that I can recall at least).
Your gang members will now be automatically removed from Boxing and Shooting training once they reach max level, saving you caps!
Added a small bit of immersion with City Gangs. Since Tony runs the Camorra cartel your gang will now be listed in this section once you complete the 'Family Trouble' story part 2.
You will now be notified when one of your workers or gang members are caught by the police and are in jail. I know that many people speed through reading the 'End of Day Earnings Report' and miss this important information.
Added 'Legal Businesses' as a shortcut to the 'Secret Office' screen for quicker access
I ended up overhauling roughly 10% of the game with partial overhauls with character creation, NPC stories, NPC Generation, Gangs, End of Day Earnings Report, etc.
I removed multiple tasks/options that didn't make sense when interacting with certain NPCs. For example, why would you want to do a Setup on your mother. The available options are more fitting to the NPC since I gave them additional conditions. I feel the options are more fitting and immersive now.
Over 60 bug fixes and code cleanup. Removed and consolidated duplicate code
v0.68 Fix
I also fixed a few bugs and adjusted a few things:
Fixed a bug where all the slaves on the road had the same client number/amount
Fixed a bug where experienced drug dealers all had 40 clients - made it more random
Added the fitness stat to the player's appearance screen
energyMax minimum is now 10
You can now disable the random sex system (listed at the end of the End of Day Earnings report) by using this console command: disable_random_sex=1
I forgot to mention that I added the following in 0.68:
Added a new option to the cheat menu - Accept Whore Invite - This is the same console command that forces any NPC (with a few exceptions) to be ready to accept your request to become your whore. If they still reject you, blackmailing them with a sex video should force them to accept (the sex video is added automatically by this cheat)
Cleaned up the cheat menu appearance
Cleaned up the End of Day Earnings Report appearance
Exceptions to the added cheat menu option - Accept Whore Invite
Not already a whore or slave
Not a relative/family member
Not a maid
Not a child
Isn't in the dungeon being trained as a slave
Females only
Bug Fixes
Includes Evil 2 - 0.64 patch 1.3
Lowered the requirement for daily earnings to 5000 caps from 10000 caps (from hotfix 1) with Part 3 of the 'Pool Girl' story
You can no longer purchase ebony/black slaves from Bar Eight - We thought this had been removed long ago since there isn't matching content for ebony/black females in the generic sex system
Existing ebony/black females will have their skin color changed randomly (no matching content to support them)
Very drunk girls at college parties and clubs will always agree to sex now and won't back out any longer - The only exception to this is if you are a college student living in the dorms and you try to take a non-college student home for sex which isn't allowed by the university (a guard checks student status at the door). The girl has to be 'very drunk' not just 'drunk' for this to always work (Update: fixed a bug that still caused this in patch 1.2)
There is a chance of a student rejecting booze from the player for college parties
dynamic $d_pimp_that_bitch - cheat will now refresh the screen automatically
A few minor fixes to pregnancy and birth control - Girls will no longer complain about getting pregnant if on birth control or already pregnant when you creampie their pussy (Update: additional fix included with patch 1.3)
A few minor text fixes to the Pool Girl story
If Mabuta takes all your slaves, whores, and belongings away if you fail to turn a profit, you no longer lose your university student status or your job
The first five events in the game now increase time, cause energy loss, cum loss, etc.
Fixed several bugs with 'notify developer' popup error messages
Fixed a bug with total whore & slave counts
Fixed several bugs with NPC location calculation
Enhancements, Improvements, and Changes
Drug dens will increase in clients faster when first established
Dick size choices were reduced during character creation for multiple reasons (gameplay & story)
Made several small improvements to events to make them compatible with the new 'Replay' feature
Added music to the 'Babysitter' event (it only had a few clips at the very end)
Added music to the phone conversations at the beginning of the 'Family Trouble' story Part 1
The random hour 7 shower events with Phoebe and Anna are no longer forced. You can now leave instead of engaging in the event
Added 'Postpone' and 'Disable' options with events that didn't have them
Added a dark theme to the 'Computer' menu for screen appearance
Factories now have a maximum warehouse size of 500
When accepting a new factory contract, the old inventory is sold off to the previous contractor at a huge discount. You then start a new contract with no inventory in your warehouse since different products are often being produced. This is much more realistic and immersive
Small text improvements in several events & stories
Code cleanup
New Features
Replay Events & Stories - Players can now replay past events & stories without having to start a new game. The option has been added to the 'Computer' menu. This feature also allows players to begin new events and stories that they may not meet all the requirements for. Cheats have to be enabled in order to use this feature.
Pool Girl Stories - Leah - New event which is unfinished (80% completed) - Requires 'Pool Girl' story Part 3 to be completed
Bug Fixes
Fixed multiple code formatting problems with some videos and pictures
Having no options to continue if you run out of energy during slave training at the farm
Miscellaneous small bug fixes
Changes & Improvements
Factory earnings overhaul (see Factory section below)
You no longer get booted out of the salon and medical center menus after performing one task
Small text improvements
Small formatting improvements
New Features
Part 3 of the Pool Girl story (taking up 98% of this release) - Five to six hours of new gameplay
Hiring a lawyer to handle your legal issues and legal expenses (now that you are medium sized fish)
Hidden camera system upgrade for the farm
Hire guards for the farm (under Mansion Management)
30 new BDSM slave training videos
Train a unique named NPC in your slave training dungeon with new unique options (part of Part 3 of the Pool Girl story)
New unique named love interests (part of Part 3 of the Pool Girl story)
The main issue with factories was their scale. Some factories could have up to 10000 employees and the player only had to pay 500,000 caps or less to purchase it. In reality, a factory that size would cost millions and technology factories that size could cost up to a billion.
The scale of factories has been greatly reduced. The player is only able to purchase and run small factories now in Evil 2. Existing factories in save games are scaled down automatically. You can still make a lot once a factory is fully upgraded but even the perfect factory won't generate more than 30,000 caps a day roughly. The base cost of factories has also been greatly increased.
It will be more difficult to make good money with factories now. Because of this, it is critical to be very selective about which contracts you sign.
I feel it is much more balanced now.
Release Notes
Part 3 of the Pool Girl story is set up in Visual Novel style format. The text is all designed to be read from your screen without having to scroll down. If the text isn't fitting in one window (without having to scroll) then you need to expand the size of the main window (usually it's a width issue but sometimes also a height issue).
There will be some manually skipping of time that is required by the player. You will never have to advance the time by more than 3 days (1 or 2 in the vast majority of cases). Most events take place at the following hours: 7, 9, 11, 16, 18, 20. If you get stuck, trying using the cheat menu to manually advance time to the aforementioned hours and click on the 'Refresh Location' cheat in the cheat menu every time you get to one of these listed hours. I guarantee that you will be able to advance the story if you follow this advice. Hints are often given if the next event in the story occurs at odd hours. Pay attention and read all text thoroughly! You cannot miss events by advancing too much time. The events are coded to be available any day after their normal trigger time.
The story is long and broken up into multiple events. It will take you anywhere from 4 hours up to 8 hours to complete the conclusion of the Pool Girl story. Take your time and enjoy it! Take a break every few hours or play it over several days (my recommendation). Allow the events to sink into your mind. ALL of the text in the story is relevant to the story! This isn't like most visual novels where there's lots of "fluff" or "unimportant" text and dialog. It is ALL important in advancing and understanding the story. I am not a verbose writer. I am down and dirty and to the point. Players who just skip through all the dialog in order to get to the sex scenes will miss out on a great and touching story.
50% of the story ideas came from an outline I got from skybarbie. I added my own story events, scenes, and ideas to this initial outline. 98% of the writing and coding was done by me (noobtrain). darkpoenplace wrote two of the sex events in the game. He also proofread the story and offering numerous writing improvement suggestions. He also helped to test this new version.
There are several minor issues with the named NPC stories. They are close but there are a few events that may be out of place or contain small inaccuracies. The stories are built dynamically and some minor bugs are bound to occur. Please forgive me if their stories aren't 100% accurate or perfect. I tried to get them as close as I could without resorting to building custom stories for each of them from scratch. Their stories are found when asking the NPC, "Tell me about yourself".
There is one animated sex event in the story. I did NOT do the animation for these video clips. I do not take credit for them. It was done by a different author years ago.
Bug Fixes
(most of these bugs were reported by players - thank you!)
Fixed a couple of bugs with virginity determination
The player can now get a tan
Fixed several bugs with Mabuta not knowing that you have whores and slaves
Fixed the Instant Slave cheat to properly train a slave so they will sign a slave contract
Home sex now closes any music that is playing so it doesn't interfere with the video sound
Fixed a bug that could cause anal sex to give the wrong message
Fixed several bugs with deepthroating (home sex) that could cause issues with the player getting credit for deflowering a girl's throat (several logic statements were in the wrong place)
Fixed a bug that would cause college girls to always reject going for a walk with you
Fixed a bug with the 'Mansion College Student' event that could cause it to have the wrong value (stops progression to other events)
You can no longer give the gang slut surveillance and car jacking equipment
Misc small bug fixes
Changes & Improvements
Overhauled the client numbers and earnings for street whores. Should be greatly improved and more balanced.
NPCs who have served in the army will now have their soldier skill stat listed
Searching for debtors with your gang is now more effective (was super slow before)
Made small improvements to NPC generation
Made small improvements to NPC stories
Text improvements
Formatting improvements
Code cleanup
New Features
Pool Girl story - Part 2 (by noobtrain) (Part 1 was done by skybarbie)
Convince a married female NPC to divorce her husband (must have had sex with her, have an excellent relationship, a moderate reputation, and own the mansion)
Withhold drugs from a drug addict whore to try and get her clean - has a chance of failure where you lose the whore - a high incentive greatly improves your odds of keeping her - takes a week before you see the results
Change an NPC's first and last name - must have an excellent relationship with the NPC (a side effect of this is that the NPC's name won't get changed in the player's story/history since these entries were made in the past with the old name)
'Make her Squirt' sex option (homesex) - added by M$hot
0.62 (update) (2022.12.02)
Bug Fixes
If you die, you are no longer told that you need to get dressed
Your status now changes to "dead" in the information window if you are dead
Males will no longer have feminine body part descriptions
Fixed a bug where if you had a very high reputation, your relationship score would be set to 200 (max) with new high society contacts
Fixed a bug with the 'Pimp that Bitch' cheat that would turn their hair color blonde way too frequently
Fixed a few misc bugs with prisons and crime
If a female objects to you fingering her ass she will not allow you to fist her ass
Fixed a bug (hopefully) that caused the player to be teleported to the wrong location just after loading a save game or starting a new day after sleeping
Player horniness is now reduced after sex and sleep
Fixed an NPC date bug with going for walk that would show the 'drinking beers' text
Fixed several bugs with NPC dates when talking a girl to the nightclub
If your gang leader dies you now have the option to assign another gang member to fill the role. You couldn't do this before and the gang leader was always empty if he died.
You can no longer get a sensual massage more than once per day
Fixed a video that was in the wrong location
Small misc bug fixes
Changes & Enhancements
Put limits on most of the stats in the game for players and NPCs
Made some more adjustments to body calculations and handling
Small improvements to NPC generation
Small improvements to NPC stories
Moderate level overhaul to contacts that you meet at the theatre, strip club, and receptions. You are now shown more details about the person and are given the option to add them as a contact or not.
Higher level of chance to meet soldiers and mechanics when meeting new male NPCs
Made a few changes to the 'dynamic $d_pimp_me' cheat to allow it to help meet the requirements for the 'Pool Girl' and 'Babysitter' new story and event
Part-time jobs had flexible hours where you could still go to work if late but full-time jobs didn't allow for that. Now full-time jobs are flexible also. You will only get paid for the hours you work.
Listed starting hours for full-time and part-time jobs
Increased the pay slightly for full-time jobs and made the part-time job pay more consistent
Made the janitor/cleaner job available for males
Renamed some of the part-time jobs to be more appropriate (better description titles)
When a debt whore pays off their debt to you and is no longer your whore, it is now reflected in her story
Added music to the nightclub when taking a girl on a date there
You can no longer do most gang tasks without a gang leader
Removed the select sex and sexual orientation screen from character creation since it was confusing some players (players could only choose straight males anyway so the menu options weren't needed)
Small English improvements
Small formatting improvements
Code cleanup
New Features
Babysitter - New Event - (30-45 minutes of new content)
Pool Girl - New Story - Part 1 - (60-90 minutes of new content)
Added several new options to upgrade your mansion and mansion property
Added an option to upgrade your farm property to be a real home
Added two new car options that you can purchase - super car and hyper car
You can now purchase a super yacht
You can now hire a gourmet chef for your mansion and eat gourmet food
You can purchase a car for Phoebe and Anna
Note: The above new features require you to complete the 'Family Trouble' storyline first
Added 12 new videos and 12 new undressing pictures to the generic sex system for Phoebe and Anna (introduced in the 'Family Trouble' story)
0.62 Beta (update) (2022.11.27)
Pool Girl - Part 1 - New Story
Basic Requirements to trigger this event:
Complete the 'Family Trouble' story
Complete the 'Photo Drama' event with your family
Have all of your combat skills leveled up to at least 1000 (boxing, kung-fu/martial arts, wrestling)
200,000 caps
Upgrade your farm house
Own a pool at your mansion
Excellent relationship with the Chief of Police
Excellent relationship with Tony
As you can guess, this event starts at your mansion pool. Some players neglect the kung-fu/martial arts and wrestling skills which will be a pain to level up to 1000. If you want to cheat these stats use this cheat:
dynamic $d_pimp_me
Babysitter - New Event
Basic Requirements to trigger this event:
Complete the 'Family Trouble' story
Complete the 'Photo Drama' event with your family
Rent a server
105,000 caps
Upgrade your farm house
Own a computer
Own a cool car or better
Hire a gourmet chef for your mansion (Mansion Management)
This event starts in the 'Computer' menu. You place a false ad for a babysitter.
0.61 (update) - by skybarbie
This release contains the following:
version 0.59 hotfix 1 - by noobtrain
version 0.59 hotfix 2 & 3 - by skybarbie
version 0.60 hotfix 1, 2, & 3 - by skybarbie
overhauled the prison code - dozens of bugs fixed - by skybarbie
fixed some code that prevented the option to gangbang the gang slut from appearing (on Saturdays) - by skybarbie
skip day button mod - by skybarbie
most activities take less time (minutes instead of an hour) - by Neoptolemos
minor formatting improvements to the End of Day Earnings Report - by Neoptolemos
copied over a few changes from babidiboo such as a harsher relationship penalty for spitting and pissing
copied over a few changes from babidiboo so that boxing and other skills will increase a bit faster (milder version)
changed the money cheat to 1000 caps instead of 100 - by skybarbie (and everything below)
'Improve Relationship' cheat will now work on relatives
multiple marriages - you can marry as many females as you'd like including relatives such as your mother and sister
you can now interact with all "real" NPCs that are at least 16 years old or older
incest is enabled for relatives but you have to have a near maxed relationship before they will consider it
birth control options for every female sexual partner that you have an excellent relationship with
persuade to work harder - you can now do this for every relevant job category for slaves and whores
moved exercise activities out of the bathroom and into its own 'Exercise' menu
fixed multiple bugs with post Family Story events and activities (mother and sister)
fixed a bug that caused the game to lock up in certain circumstances when putting your fingers down her throat
fixed several bugs with newborn creation - some variables that are needed were missing also
fixed a major bug with the random picture and video selection code that caused it to not be random anymore
fixed a bug that caused princesses to be deleted in classmates (college student playthrough) - reported by darkpoenplace
fixed several bugs with classmate generation - higher chance now that princesses will be generated also
fixed classmate bugs reported by Malkavian111 and darkpoenplace
minimum player stats are now added for new games - should help with some player frustrations - moved most of these to cheats
fixed several categories that were missing from the End of Day Earnings Report such as Courier and Hospital expenses
fixed a bug that caused the Expenses amount to go negative - Gangs weren't being factored into the earnings
added code to show total Gang earnings in the End of Day Earnings Report
overhauled the NPC display code - I can change this back if players don't like it - feedback is welcome
fixed several bugs with the End of Day Earnings Report
you can now send slaves and whores to any job they qualify for - menu options added
fixed a few minor bugs with debtors
fixed several bugs with gangs and hitmen
lots of miscellaneous bug fixes
small formatting improvements
reworked some of the code for NPC display such as facial beauty, ass size/shape (new to the NPC drop down list), figure, etc. The logic on some of that code was poor (probably from the original game). You'll see a lot more diverse NPCs after the change. Far too many NPCs felt like cookie cutter duplicates with the existing code
fixed a bug in the generic sex system that could cause your dick to go limp when you had plenty of cum left in your balls. The only way to fix this was to use the 'Get horny and hard' cheat menu option
colored the 'Save Game' button
added 2 new blowjob videos for Anna and 1 facial video for Anna
added two small scenes/events to the game that compliment the Family Trouble story - both scenes are with your sister Anna and you have to have completed the Family Trouble story before they will trigger - one is a nude shower scene
code cleanup
0.59 (update, major release) - by noobtrain
Bug Fixes
1. Clicking on the object buttons no longer breaks sex or the Family Trouble story
2. Fixed a bug that caused the game to report that you slept overnight with a guy when you hadn't in statistics
3. Fixed sex partner reporting under statistics - provided by MikasaTanikawa
4. Fixed several bugs with the clothing system
5. Fixed several bugs that could cause the NPC on the screen to be changed into yourself so you'd end up having sex with yourself
6. Fixed some bugs with player energy calculation
7. Fixed several bugs with pregnancy and baby births
8. Fixed several bugs with university graduates having their graduate status removed
9. Fixed several bugs with dress handling
10. Fixed lots of bugs with brothels
11. Fixed date of having sex with the 5 random/special events
12. Fixed a bug with the College Hazing random/special event where if you took her to the farm she would end up in your contacts list instead
13. Fixed a but that could cause the College Girl random/special event to not trigger
14. Fixed bugs relating to the random/special event conditions/requirements
15. Fixed a bug that could cause your expenses in the End of Day Earnings report to show negative
16. Moved baby birth reporting to the New Day code to fix several bugs
17. Fixed several bugs with music playing on top of each other
18. Fixed a bug that allowed the player to have sex in the restaurant bathroom (code was meant for the nightclub only)
19. Fixed a bug that could cause an NPC to lose clothing items after sex
20. Sex tapes are deleted if you didn't actually have sex with the NPC
21. Fixed a bug where criminals who were supposed to be in prison weren't
22. Fixed a bug that said the player was still married if their spouse died
23. Fixed multiple bugs where sex workers weren't having their sex stats increased
24. Overhauled 50% of the whore and slave End of Day Earnings report to fix one nasty bug where certain whores/slaves weren't being processed
25. Masturbation now lowers your current cum amount/total
26. Fixed a bug that would cause time to not increase when having sex in the nightclub and strip club
27. Fixed a bug with slave training reporting
28. Fixed several bugs with cum not being subtracted from the player after orgasm
29. Fixed several bugs where slave training activities were being reported twice for the slave in training
30. Fixed a bug with nightclub drinking that would result in no options to continue
31. Fixes a bug at the nightclub that would result in no options to continue if you tried to take the girl back to your dorm
32. Fixed a bug that caused the player not to be exhausted after losing an amateur boxing match
33. Fixed several bugs with whore and slave jobs
34. If you give an NPC a nickname and leave it blank, it no longer changes her nickname
35. If you change your Gang name and leave it blank, it no longer changes the gang name
36. If you change your brothel name and leave it blank, it no longer changes your brothel name
37. You can no longer interact with your maids at nighttime
38. Finished the bug fix overhaul for maids
39. Fixed several bugs with NPC debts not being subtracted correctly when they earn money for you
40. Fixed several bugs if you kill Mabuta or don't use him with the End of Day Earnings report
41. Fixed several bugs if Mabuta takes your whores and slaves away from you
42. Fixed a bug that allowed you to slap a girl to convince her to work harder when she wasn't assigned a job
43. Fixed a bug that didn't increase the whore/slaves incentive if you slap her to motivate her to work harder
44. Flogging a girl at the farm no longer increases her sex count
45. You can now leave the nudist beach without talking to a girl first
46. Mykonos sauna doesn't allow you to do activities at nighttime anymore
47. Enemies and kidnapped NPCs no longer lose their jobs and married status right away
48. Closing a drug den/hangout no longer results in the girl becoming unselectable in the NPC list
49. Fixed several logic bugs with the End of Day Earnings report
50. Gated off the 5 random/special events so they couldn't trigger or interfere with the Family Trouble storyline if a player used a console code to start the story
51. Fixed a bug where if you purchased morning after pills before the proper time in the Family Trouble story that it would break the story
52. Fixed a bug that prevented you from taking your wife to the salon, medical center, and manage her clothing
53. Fixed a logic problem with tiredness calculation
54. Misc small bug fixes
Enhancements/Changes/Improvements/Small Features
1. You can now remove clothing items in your inventory instead of just replacing them with another item
2. You can now use the hot tub in your mansion if you are exhausted
3. Removed the last remaining bits of gay content from the game (hopefully)
4. Improved baby birth reporting and information
5. Slaves can no longer be addicted to drugs and you have to provide them doses. They simply aren't given any so they become clean.
6. Improved and expanded NPC story generation
7. Improved player story generation
8. Your trust with Tony will now decrease by 1 per day - buy and sell from Tony and play cards with him to keep trust high
9. Moved factory and product stores to after the End of Day Earnings report - these are now separate reports
10. Made several improvements to NPC generation
11. You can now have sex more times at the porn studio
12. You can no longer have an unlimited programming skill. It is now capped at 200.
13. Overhauled the programming job code and porn game development code - multiple improvements and bug fixes
14. Made several improvements to alcohol and aphrodisiac handling
15. Overhauled the logic that determines eligible sex partners and fixed multiple bugs
16. Made improvements to some of the cheat codes and cheat functions
17. Added several cheat console codes as listed in 'Developer Notes/FAQ' on the OP
18. Added the ability to start the 'Family Trouble' story with console commands
19. Added the ability to toggle music on and off with console commands
20. Overhauled the blackmail system (and releasing a sex tape code), made several improvements, and fixed several bugs (part 1)
21. You can no longer record sex tapes of whores and slaves (pointless)
22. Improved after sex pregnancy checks and handling
23. Added in additional activities for slave training
24. Added additional information to the farm when training a BDSM Dom - BDSM Doms can now be trained, it just takes more whippings
25. Overhauled the 'Demand the slave to sign a slave contract' code - multiple improvements and bug fixes
26. Overhauled sex handling failures such as running out of cum and the girl getting upset for various reasons
27. You can now gain male contacts in the theatre
28. Improved amateur boxing prizes
29. Selling large quantities of drugs to Tony now improves his trust
30. A higher relationship score is required to convince most NPCs to do things they may not be comfortable with
31. Arranging a setup now requires a higher relationship score before the option is available
32. Improved slave and whore NPC information such as their current job and incentive stat
33. Overhauled the logic for NPCs to accept becoming a whore
34. Overhauled the logic for whores and slaves to be assigned to appropriate jobs
35. Overhauled the NPC dating code and activities - rebalanced relationship increases and acceptance logic
36. Drug couriers no longer run drug shipments daily - it is now a few times per week (better balanced)
37. Added additional information to the End of Day Earnings report for drug doses given out and added a hint to sell extra doses to Tony
38. Slapping whores for fun now reduces relationship score
39. You now have the option to convince all whores and slaves in all jobs to work harder
40. Giving a drug dose to an NPC now improves your relationship slightly
41. Bribing a guard to release a prisoner now results in a positive relationship increase
42. Protection reporting a suspicious person around the mansion now results in mansion security informing you of the incident and can trigger a small event
43. You can now rent an apartment if you are living in the dorms - visit the Real Estate Agency downtown
44. You can now take your mother and sister to the salon, medical center, and manage their clothing
45. You can now manage your drug dealers from the computer menu
46. Consolidated code and removed duplicate/redundant code
47. Misc text and formatting improvements throughout the game
48. Misc logic improvements throughout the game
New Features
1. Family Trouble story Part 1 & 2 have been completed - This adds a new visual novel style story for you to get to know and interact with your family (tons of work involved with this new feature)
2. Added picture and video matching content to the generic sex system for the player's mother and sister (75% matching) (tons of work involved with this new feature)
3. Added several activities and events that you can do with your family after the Family Trouble story has been completed
4. You can now change the default background, font, and font link colors in the Computer menu
5. Added 24 new sex videos to the generic sex system (not family story related)
Version 0.57 - QSP Update only
I'll do a full changelog once I release Part 2 of the 'Family Trouble' storyline on August 17th. This is a bug fix patch only (0.55 Beta base game is still required and is the only required file/version for this update). I feel it is stable enough to remove the alpha and beta status from the version number.
All player reported bugs should be fixed.
Save games older than version 0.55 Beta won't be compatible. You may experience some bugs the first several days in-game. Try running this console command if you run into issues (it may take up to a week in-game for all the new code to be read in fully):
gs'dyn' & gs'dyn2'
The OP has been fully updated and everything on it is correct to the best of my knowledge. I added more info to the FAQ. I also updated the console command list in the 'Developer Notes/FAQ'. There are a few new ones that players have requested.
Want to prep any NPC to accept being a whore?
dynamic $d_instant_whore
Want to send that high society bitch to the farm and train her as a slave?
dynamic $d_kidnap
Progress is going well towards the next major update (scheduled for August 17th). I am still working hard on it. The story portion of the update is 90% completed - coding 50% completed - asset development (pictures and videos) 40% completed.
Version 0.56 Beta hotfix 1
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug with sex that I added with the partial overhaul of the sex code (deepthroat)
Fixed a bug that I caused that could prevent the 'Mansion College Girl' random/special event from spawning
Made it slightly easier to trigger the 'Stranded Motorist' and 'Family Trouble' events/stories
Version 0.56 Beta QSP Update
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that broke sex if the player clicked on the 'Appearance' button while having sex with an NPC (reported by player)
Fixed a bug in the Nightclub where it stated that the girl was drunk and she really wasn't
Fixed numerous bugs with Maids - hopefully this is fully cleaned up now and working correctly (fingers crossed)
Fixed a few bugs I introduced with the overhaul of some of the sex code
Fixed a moderate bug with the 'Stranded Motorist' random/special event which could cause the end of the event to fail
Did a partial overhaul of the Brothel - fixed lots of bugs. It should be mostly working now...
Misc bug fixes
Windows OS - (Windows 7 or newer fully updated)
You must use the QSP Player that comes with the game. No other QSP Player will work!
The full Evil 2 - 0.55 Beta Version (full standalone version - approximately 12 GBs).
This is an update. It is not standalone and won't work on it's own. Please refer to the original release post for download links.
Developer Notes
This is a QSP update only. Backup your existing files (just in case) and replace (replace the existing two files - overwrite).
I upped the version number to 0.56 since this update is much larger than a hotfix (large patch). I did a moderate amount of testing but I obviously didn't test everything. Please report any new bugs you find (aside from gangs which I already know have lots of issues).
You may experience some random bugs the first few in-game days.
In order to "fully" fix brothels, please un-assign the Madam and then re-assign her (can be the same person). It may take a day or two for the brothel to start working. I highly recommend that players pay for a advertiser for your whores or do the advertising yourself on the Internet/laptop on a regular basis (will greatly increase income).
v0.55 Beta (base game, major release) - by noobtrain
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug with the gang report causing family members to be listed as gang members (reported by player)
Fixed a bug where 'real estate agency' and 'nightclub' would display on the screen when not living in the mansion (reported by player)
Removed the 'Offer sex for drugs' option with NPCs since you are supposed to be the drug dealer/crime lord. The 'Offer drugs for sex' option is untouched.
Fixed the code that generates your family. Lots of variables were missing in order for you to interact with them.
Fixed several bugs with selling drugs at the nightclub
Fixed several bugs with drug dens/drug dealers
Fixed several bugs with drug couriers
Fixed several bugs with maids
Fixed numerous bugs with sex
Numerous misc bug fixes
There are now four stages of being tired instead of 3 - "very tired". Before, if your energy was 1 to 9, you were "a little bit tired." Four Stages: Full of energy -> a little tired -> very tired - > exhausted
Overhauled how drug couriers work. Before you could travel by plane to Columbia, purchase 5000 doses of drugs, and return by plane all in the same day and every day. Drug couriers can now make up to two trips per week. Before, drug couriers were also grossly unbalanced since you could make over 1000 caps per day per courier. This overshadowed all other forms of slave and whore jobs so there was little reason to do anything else. Note: as normal with drug couriers, you have to go to Tony's mansion and sell him the drugs before you will earn any money. This is the only slave/whore job that requires an extra step.
If an NPC had a tan, their skin color wasn't shown. Now it will show both (tanned and skin color/tone).
Overhauled the 'kiss' code/logic to check for relationship score instead of their corruption stat which didn't make much sense. When you take girls on dates now and try to kiss them, you won't get rejected all the time if the girl is innocent as long as you have a good relationship with her.
Overhauled and enhanced portions of the sex code (mostly home sex). A lot of the "back engine" code for sex was either non-functional or had lots of logic problems. Greatly improved the consistency of the sex logic and code. You may see messages that you haven't seen before since a lot of the code wasn't working properly. Part of this partial overhaul was making all factors play a larger role in sex success/failure such as being drunk, aphrodisiacs, girl pleasure and satisfaction, etc. If you don't try and make the girl feel good, sex may end early. Mix it up, try different positions, and try and make the girl happy also.
Improved the logic of drug dens and drug couriers
You now have the option to recall all of your drug couriers at once like you can with the other job types for slaves and whores
Made minor improvements to the code at the strip club
Overhauled portions of the drinking code at the nightclub. Before, if you added an aphrodisiac to the girl's drink, you could no longer continue to offer her drinks. This is now possible. The aphrodisiac's effects will remain active for as long as you interact with her and don't switch to a different NPC.
Minor text improvements
Minor formatting improvements
New Features
Added a new random event/story with your family! Wrote a hopefully deep and emotional story. This makes up the majority of this update and a lot of time was spent on this. I am not long winded or verbose so the story moves along at a fast pace. There are multiple parts to the story and it is interactive, however it isn't a branching story with choices. It plays like a story driven visual novel at times. I do hope that you enjoy it (despite some parts of it being tragic) and feel that it is meaningful and somewhat immersive. A lot of the story plays to the strengths and weaknesses of the Evil 2 game world.
New Videos (for regular NPCs, not family members):
2 - Anal Doggy
2 - Anal Doggy Rough
1 - Anal Cowgirl Flex
3 - Anal Cowgirl
2 - Anal Cowgirl Rough
1 - Breast sucking
1 - Kissing
1 - Deepthroat
4 - Pissing
Version 0.54
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that would cause the player to have no options to continue when drinking with girls at the Nightclub
Fixed several bugs with NPC Generation
Fixed several bugs with NPC Stories/Backgrounds
Fixed a few places where your relationship didn't improve with Maids when it should have
Misc small bug fixes
Code cleanup
Improved several of the cheat features
Misc code and logic improvements
Misc formatting improvements
Misc text improvements
Turned the 'Maid' and 'Stripper' jobs into real jobs instead of being pseudo/placeholder jobs - added them to the job system
When watching strippers at the strip club, you no longer have a 100% chance of a guy sitting next to you and wanting to talk (50% now)
New Features
New Videos
76 - Striptease videos for the strip club (30 seconds each roughly of 10 different girls total) - Still need to improve the music on many (sad)
4 - Painal Doggy videos
1 - Rough Anal Doggy video
1 - 69 video
2 - Face slap videos
2 - BDSM Deepthroat videos (farm slave training)
Late game you have a chance of talking with the strippers with options
Added a rare option when you beat up a girl's boyfriend at the nightclub
You can now surf for porn at the Internet Cafe. It uses the same code and videos as 'Watch porn'
Other shit I may remember later or if I do a code compare to know for sure...
v0.53 - by jessicajones
Bug Fixes
Misc small text fixes
Misc small formatting fixes/improvements
Code cleanup
Misc bug fixes (lots)
Fixed several bugs where slaves, whores, and maids could still be in college or have a different job other than their current one
Added gang costs to the expenses section of the end of day earnings report
Fixed some variables that weren't being cleared properly
Fixed a bug where the sex video (for blackmail purposes) wasn't being saved if the girl leaves in specific situations (reported by a player)
Fixed a bug with purchased whores having two unique names (reported by a player)
Fixed some logic problems with drug dens
Fixed logic problems with the "Offer drugs for sex" NPC option
Fixed a bug where a kissing picture was pointing to the wrong folder and file location
Added code that was missing to handle the lowering of debts when the debtor earns money for you
Misc bug fixes in the end of day earnings report
Misc bug fixes in home sex
Fixed several bugs with the whores you can purchase in the black district at bar eight
Fixed a bug in home sex where if you 69 the female and she has an orgasm, the player is left without any menu options to continue
Enhancements, Changes, and Improvements
Overhauled the aphrodisiac code and improved the logic
Increased the minimum and maximum pay for taxi service
Overhauled the nightclub dancing and drinking. You can now have more than one drink with girls that you meet in the nightclub. Note: All available options are now listed. Just because they are listed doesn't mean that you will succeed in the task. The success/fail code has been overhauled and improved
You can now buy steroids in bulk just like you can with regular drug doses
Added a new location to your home/mansion - Guest
On dates, you will sometimes have the option to kiss and then fool around with your date if your relationship and history is good enough
Added a date option to go straight to fucking if your relationship and history is good enough
If a college student whore becomes a prostitute or camwhore they will eventually get kicked out of college
Changed the possible jobs for whores and slaves: Slaves can work at the gloryhole, be prostitutes, and camwhores. Whores can be prostitutes, camwhores, and drug dealers (no longer work at the gloryhole). If you have whores working at the gloryhole you will need to reassign them (slaves are fine). There are multiple reasons for this, the primary reason being that whores would not be willing to subject themselves to being degraded and humiliated full-time day after day at a gloryhole, only broken slaves would be a good fit here.
The whores that you can purchase in the black district at bar eight are no longer exclusively black. Their skin color is no longer mentioned. The reason for this change is preventing having to find pictures and videos for all the sex interactions (lots) with black actresses which are difficult to find.
Reduced the cost of a sniper rifle from $50,000 to $25,000
Added pictures to most of the beach activities such as swimming, tanning, and riding in your yacht
Slaves can no longer accrue debts or own you money since you own them for life
Added an option for sexual partners who aren't slaves or whores to end the pregnancy
Made drinking alcohol and getting drunk more random in it's effects. You won't necessarily get drunk after three or four drinks anymore, same with NPCs. I added a random element to it.
Changed the conditions on some alcohol and sex related events to be more logical. You can't always just count on getting the girl drunk or high and then have your way with her. It is more difficult now but not impossible.
Added over 100 new sex pictures and over 100 new sex videos!
Added a new multi-part random event! You can gain a new love interest. I gave players as many end choices as possible (last event). This is where most of my time was spent with this update. Enjoy the events and don't speed through them please. I spent a lot of time trying to write a good story and good fun dialog. I am not a writer per se so it took me more time to do the writing portion of the events. I hope you enjoy them!
Patch 2 - by jessicajones
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Added in earnings from the missing drug dealer/drug den report
All the earning totals will now add up properly and equal the amount that Mabuta takes (usually 60%) plus what you are left with (usually 40%) - add them up and make sure your totals are correct
Added in rent fees to the list of expenses that was missing (expenses should all add up now unless something unusual happened such as a whore going to the hospital for a drug overdose, etc.)
The net amount that you earn should now be correct and equal your gross earnings minus total expenses
Fixed several bugs with the reports not listing every slave/whore in that category - the reports should no longer be missing anyone (this took a while to fix as I had to rework how slaves and whores were calculated and found in every section)
Adjusted the code about cop raids on your slaves and whores. As long as you keep your relationship good with the chief of police and have cop protection you should avoid them. You do have to keep visiting the chief of police and keep him happy as your relationship with him lowers by one every day normally (it always has)
There was some code missing from some of the earning types that prevented slave/whore motivation from lowering at all. This is now fixed so if you don't occasionally talk with all of your whores and slaves and encourage them to work harder your earnings will get pretty low after a while. You have been warned. If you have an unusually high amount of slaves and whores, this will become tedious so I recommend keeping the number to a reasonable and manageable amount
Fixed dozens of miscellaneous bugs in the end of day earnings report
Added some code that allows me to specify that I want an NPC to be a virgin at the beginning of NPC generation (this is all under the hood stuff that you won't see in game and can't use in game, it is only for my use)
All generated female NPCs have a slightly higher chance of being a virgin (all three - vagina, ass, throat)
Patch 1 - by jessicajones
Bug Fixes and improvements
Minor text fixes and improvements
Minor code improvements
Fixed several bugs with drug dealers
Whores that are drug dealers weren't showing their job title under the 'Whores' screen in your 'Secret Room'
Female drug dealers can now have a low domination score without constantly losing drugs and money due to having sex on the job; previously this was impossible. This will also allow the player to have sex with drug dealing whores if they wish (it was hard to do this with female drug dealers with a high domination score)
When asking a female to become a whore, their virginity status (pussy, anal, throat) is now checked and can be a reason why they refuse to become a whore for you.
Finished the earnings report cleanup and formatting improvements that spectre1viper nearly finished before he quit. I separated the gloryhole and street slaves reports so they look a lot better. I also fixed a bug in the gloryhole earnings report that could cause some gloryhole slaves to not show up. I believe one player reported this bug recently which I found while going through it. The end of day earnings report should look much better now and is pretty much finished at this point. It took almost a full day of coding to finish this.
Gave the gloryhole slaves a moderate boost in earnings (it should be worth it now to assign slaves here)
Gave the camwhores a small boost in earnings (I believe the balance is pretty close to perfect now between all the earning types)
Fixed and improved the code that allowed close relationships to ask to spend time with you. I changed it so it couldn't occur more than once per day so it wouldn't become annoying.
Added several new last names to the game. These are randomly chosen on NPC generation.
Version 0.5 (re-versioned)
This is a small update, mainly geared towards new players. There is no update path, sorry. This version contains everything in the old version 1.5 Hotfix 2 plus 20 new sex videos and 20 new sex images. Nothing else has changed, other than the re-versioning to 0.5.
The game was re-versioned to better reflect the current game status. Too many players saw version 1.5 and expected a completed game. spectre1viper will update the OP soon. I don't have any further updates planned but I'm not saying that I will never touch this game again either.
1.5 Update Released
Bug Fixes
Moderate overhaul of NPC story creation with multiple bugs fixed
Light overhaul of NPC name generation with several bugs fixed
Light overhaul of NPC generation with several bugs fixed
Fixed a bug where going to a restaurant or cafe with an NPC didn't increase relationship
Fixed/Improved the boyfriend count calculation code
Fixed several NPC display bugs
Small formatting improvements throughout the game
Minor miscellaneous bug fixes
Increase Relationship cheat now increases relationship by 50 per click instead of 100
Maid - Invite to hot tub - now requires a minimum relationship of 50 with the maid
Made corruption a bit easier to level (sex activities)
Slaves and whores are less likely to sit on a syringe full of drugs while working
Version 1.4
Minor text fixes
Minor miscellaneous bug fixes
Minor logic improvements/fixes with a couple of events
Enhancements / New Features / Changes
More pictures for home sex (150+)
More videos for home sex (150+)
Greater chance of meeting hot girls on the beach and theatre
Sex stats that are difficult to change have been made easier to reduce grind
Some sex stats can now be maxed (wasn't possible before)
Version 1.3
Bug Fixes
Fixed the gangbang with gang slut counter not increasing
Fixed the gandbang with gang slut / cumdump event so that you can't do the event with all whores
Fixed text formatting issues in a few locations
New Features / Enhancements
Added 12 BDSM anal sex videos to the farm
Added 5 BDSM deepthroat videos to the farm
Added 12 BDSM vaginal sex videos to the farm
Added 10 BDSM flogging videos to the farm
Version 1.2
Bug Fixes
Fixed miscellaneous age related issues
Fixed two cases in the code where you could have sex with children
New Features / Enhancements
Added a bunch of random BDSM images to the farm so the screen isn't as boring and empty
Added a bunch of videos to the 'Watch Porn' option on your computer
Added a bunch of gangbang videos to the gang slut gangbang event featuring Adriana Chechik and Angel Smalls - (could use more testing, let me know if you have problems with it)
Added approximately 100 pictures to the sex scenes in the game - pose images (standing, kneeling, missionary, doggy, undressing, etc.)
Enabled all of the feminization drugs - only use on females unless you want to be disappointed
v1.1 - by spectre1viper
Version 1.1 Bug Fixes
Male whores being referred to as a female
High society receptions/parties - all females are virgins even if they have children
Fixed lots of bugs with high society NPC generation
Pressuring a debtor to pay up - not having enough money results in no options available
Pro boxing not paying out the proper rewards if you are #1
Can invite people in prison to your home
Crash when Sleeping - hopefully fixed for real this time
Having a draw in boxing when your rank is below 10 resulted in a negative ranking
Blank image shown when a man is walking down the street when patrolling in your car
Fixed some display problems with certain protection types for your slaves and whores
Fixed some bugs with drug addicts not being dependent on drugs
Fixed a bug that allowed an addict to take an infinite number of drugs without getting high
Fixed numerous bugs with incorrect whore/slut counts
You can ask every male non programmer npc to hack the porn database, or buy steroids not from doctors, etc. - Fixes by MikasaTanikawa
If a girl is expelled from the university, it still says that she attends college with you
If you "Make a suggestion" to a woman in the club as a bouncer, you get "You had a conversation with the guy"
Fixed some gender naming issues when dancing
Fixed some gender naming issues with camwhores
You can no longer give guns and jobs to gang sluts
If you have a gang slut and then cut all ties with her or kill her, she disappears from the gang screen (Name/Link) but her description remains
Videos don't play sometimes during anal sex if the girl's anus is well developed
"Look for better prospects" at the nudist beach can be done past beach hours
Maids disappear after hiring them
Fixed maid stories
Fixed some bugs in maid NPC generation
New Features, Enhancements, and Game Changes
Added a cop protection status notification when viewing slaves and whores in your secret room
Increased the amount that gloryhole whores/slaves were earning to make it more worth it
Increased the chances of street whores/slaves getting multiple clients
If a whore/slut refuses to go to the gloryhole and she is a drug addict, you can now give her a free dose of drugs and she will agree (same day only)
Expanded maids and gave them some unique options - Maids were the main focus of version 1.1
Added three new mansion upgrade options with added activities
Adjusted the cost of all mansion upgrades
The game is now out of beta. Maids were the main focus for version 1.1. It took a lot of time and development to get them working correctly. I hope you enjoy the new maid content!
Old save games are not guaranteed to work, especially save games previous to version 1.0f Beta. You can try to use 1.0f Beta and newer save games but you will probably run into a lot of glitches until you play through two full days in game doing normal activities (just advancing time won't help much).
I also restructured some of the images and image paths so I don't have an upgrade version at this time. You will need to download the full game. I also wanted to split the game up into pieces which I didn't end up having time for.
I lost my tester that was helping me with previous versions so all the testing for 1.1 was done by myself. I had a tester helping me through version 1.0f Beta. I hope you don't encounter too many bugs. Please report them if you find them with details.
I hope you enjoy the new release! :D
v1.0d Beta - by spectre1viper
Bugs Fixed in 1.0d BETA - Bug Fix Patch
Meeting a man or woman at the theater and chatting with them doesn't put them on your contact list
Ages of children being wrong - girls shouldn't have children when they are younger than 16. So if a 20 year old has children, the oldest the child should be is 4.
Underaged girls being created - youngest should be 16 (except for children who you can't interact with)
Asking an addict where they get their drugs generating a 'location not found' error
If a girl stays overnight at your place there is no end of day summary
Age of girls in their story is greater than their actual age - 'Tell me about yourself'
Taking a girl to the bathroom for sex, then go home and take the same girl out to a cafe or restaurant and give her an aphrodisiac, then take her home - girl has no clothes and her stats are messed up.
Wives getting jobs at an age higher than their own - story
Student classmates saying in their story that they couldn't enter college
NPCs with blank names in your contact list
You couldn't get a job as a nightclub bouncer if you were a professional boxer. Should be able to now with a ranking of less than 3000.
Wrong caps listed when you sell steroids for the higher price
Cleaned up and fixed numerous bugs in NPC stories
Fixed a game crash during sex if you weren't horny and weren't hard - 'Push her down by the shoulders'
Can no longer do things at the sauna when completely exhausted
Can't go below rank 100 in professional boxing
Going to the Chinese restaurant with a date doesn't reduce your money if you pay the bill in full or split it
College party activities don't advance time
Fixed girlfriend status calculation - status will no longer be empty between relationship values of 51 and 99 (turns to "mate" at 100)
Can have anal sex in the bathroom without being hard
No defloration message when having sex in the bathroom with a virgin
Girls you've had sex with won't tell you their story
Syntax error when trying to get your federal crime cleared through the chief of police
Can no longer do activities with people in prison
Added missing pregnancy checks throughout the game - females will get pregnant more frequently now.
Cheats won't clear pregnancy status anymore
Fixed a game crash when kidnapping an enemy - was a pain in the ass to fix
Fixed a game crash when killing too many NPCs with the 'Kill' cheat menu option - took forever to identify the problem
Fixed entrance and stay requirements for the nightclub and strip club - thanks to GammaXai
Multiple fixes for the Cleaners thanks to GammaXai
Fixed negative energy when doing quick fights in the clubs and other areas thanks to GammaXai
Fixed wives not taking on your last name after marriage
Fixed multiple bugs that allowed the player to kidnap men
Cleaned up the NPC salon menus
Fixed 'Running on the treadmill' and 'Dancing' so they no longer cause feminization
Fixed testosterone, hyper-testosterone, and estrogen effects in drugs
Girls you turn into sluts/whores instantly losing their virginity without having sex
Clicking on 'Sleep' or 'New day' crashes the game (hopefully fixed, needs more testing)
People who refuse to give you their phone number or who you don't chat with are being added to your contacts list
Numerous bugs with meeting girls on the nudist beach - should have a lot better chances now if you are fit and good looking
You no longer have an option to invite enemies over for sex
New Features, Enhancements, and Game Changes
Added a beauty score preview to girls you meet at the club, on the street, or when being a taxi driver (let me know if there are other places it should be added)
Normalized beauty score between males and females - the cap should now be approximately 100 for both
Made NPC stories more colorful and entertaining - hopefully less mundane now
'Cut all ties and forget' can now be applied to anyone but relatives and enemies
Expanded the cheat menu and added new options
Female classmates have a higher chance of being attractive/hot
If Mabuta is dead, you can continue cop protection of your whores and slaves by having a high relationship with the chief of police and talk with him in the strip club
Virgins are less common now - before they were plentiful
You will meet more NPCs that are going to college regardless of what path you choose
Due to lots of complaints and feedback I reduced the grind for training slaves. It should go quicker and be less tedious now. Feedback is welcome.
Some stat reporting added to professional boxing
Increased rewards for lower rank pro boxing matches - big payouts if you reach #1
Increased steroid sale success
Overhauled body type descriptions. They should be more accurate now.
Overhauled the cheat menu/commands. Cheat commands can no longer be applied to NPCs they aren't intended to work on.
Rebalanced muscles and fat. Male and female maximum fat is now 2000. Maximum male muscles is now 3000, females 1500.
Rebalanced exercise stat changes to reflect muscle and other changes
Increased the cap on boxing skill slightly so it is now possible to progress to #1 ranking in pro boxing
Added status messages to all sluts such as 'Blackmailed', 'Convinced to Whore', etc.
Added more American and English style names and increased the chances of those names being chosen
Version 1.0b Beta and Version 1.0c Beta save games should be compatible. Version 1.0 Beta and 1.0a Beta save games are NOT compatible.
Thank you to all those who reported bugs and provided feedback! Big thank you to mememeandmyself for helping with game testing and to GammaXai for helping with bug fixes!
v1.0a Beta - by spectre1viper
Bugs fixed in 1.0a BETA - Bug fix patch
Whores storming off if you cum in their mouth
Girls willing to do anal fisting but not anal sex
Girls liking it when you stick a finger in their ass during vaginal sex but not when doing it without sex
Fixed a crash in Old Town
Fixed a crash in the 8 Bar
Fixed a crash when getting slaves from Mabuta
Fixed NPCs being placed in the wrong location (friends, lovers, etc.)
Cleaned up Mabuta content
Cleaned up new NPC creation
Crow speaking Russian
Marriages - wives disappearing - wives are now found in Relatives
Convincing a girl to work more and slapping for fun - location not found error
Fixed people you don't know asking you to hangout
Cut all ties and forget not working
Males you meet turning into females once you return home
Fixed a lot of gender assignment issues
Fixed misc location not found errors
Lots of misc small bugs fixed
Fixed some hair colors and hair highlight colors missing
Fixed jobs being reported twice in NPC listings
(If I missed any and you noticed that they are fixed in the bug fix patch let me know)
New Features and Enhancements
Improved dialog in some areas
You can now take your slaves and whores to the salon to get their makeup done
Increased the chances of generating hot girls (high beauty score)
NPC and Player stat reporting
v1.0 Beta - by spectre1viper
Initial release
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 22-03-2025, 18:29
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.74 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.74 Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.74 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.74 Eng.
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
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