You play the game as Darick, a poor kid from a small village. Everything for him changes when
he meets Erika, a bisexual girl who gets ambushed by soldiers of the Empire.
To help her, you must learn to use your magic, but on your quest to bring her home
safe you will have to journey into a dangerous frozen world. Along the way, you will
battle enemy soldiers, undead skeletons, and perhaps cross paths with seductive creatures
of the frozen land while you unlock new erotic adventures with the beautiful Erika.
Вы играете в игру за Дарика, бедного парня из маленькой деревни. Все для него меняется, когда он встречает Эрику, бисексуальную девушку, которая попадает в засаду солдат Империи.
Чтобы помочь ей, вы должны научиться использовать свою магию, но в ваших поисках, чтобы вернуть ее домой в целости и сохранности, вам придется отправиться в опасный замороженный мир. По пути вы будете сражаться с вражескими солдатами, скелетами и, возможно, пересекаться с соблазнительными созданиями замерзшей земли, открывая новые эротические приключения с прекрасной Эрикой.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3D game, male protagonist, romance, vaginal, big tits, groping, animated, adventure, combat, fantasy, virtual reality, regular builds,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: discordapp.com/invite/GzHjkf8
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.95.53 Beta
Язык игры: Русский/Английский(Машинный перевод.Смена в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Whether you play in VR or not, you can expect of us to deliver:
A beautiful love interest
Interactive sexual experiences
Different outfits for the love interest
Voice acting
Motion captured animations
A dynamic combat system that features both magic and melee
Destructible environments
A dialogue choice system that influences the response you get
Be the hero, live the story, and go on an adventure of a lifetime while you immerse yourself fully in the world of Iragon, with a complete animated story and full voice acted cast. (skip
options also available for those who prefer to just get on with slaying witches and laying bitches.)
And yes, of course, this is not just a story you watch it is a game. Battle enemies, cast spells, collect loot, upgrade, interact with NPC's, go on quests. It has everything you would
expect from a fantasy RPG game.
There are many more features that we plan on adding and a lot more story that needs to be implemented. However, we want our description and tags to reflect what we currently have implemented in the game. So expect the description to change over time and features like multiple love interests, lesbians, and many more sex scenes to be added in the future.
Beta v0.95.53 from 12.15.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve now fully finished the long-awaited Harbinger Outro.
This week we mainly focused on bug fixes in the erotic scenes in the Guild Hall. We fixed clipping issues, adjusted materials and added animations to objects in the scenes.
Alongside those scenes we made fixes to a few other scenes improving performance, quality and over all user experience.
And lastly we made a lot of subtitle fixes across all scenes. We added previously missing subtitles and adjusted timing issues with other subtitles.
Beta v0.95.52 from 12.08.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are hard at work on fixing and improving anything cutscene related and we are ready to wrap up the Harbinger Boss Outro scene. We added some anime tears to both the Harbinger Boss Into and Outro.
Also, The Harbinger now has music and sound effects, as well as updated VFX. Throughout the fight with him, the music will dynamically change as the battle progresses.
Beta v0.95.51 from 12.01.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve now added a portal to the Harbinger Boss Intro for the VR version of the game, so now everyone will be able to see it through the Experimental Hall.
We’re also working on the Harbinger Boss Outro and we’re trying our best to have a polished version of it done soon.
Beta v0.95.50 from 11.24.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have finished the VR scene for the Harbinger Boss Intro. You will be able to test it next week. While we were working on the Intro we also made progress on the Harbinger Boss Outro scene.
Additionally, we’ve overhauled the Sex Minigame. It is now more dynamic and features randomized animation.
Lastly, we’ve made visual improvements to the Options Menu, as well as adding the option to rebind controls, as it was a long awaited feature.
Beta v0.95.49 from 11.17.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. The non-VR Harbinger Boss Intro scene is officially done, leaving only the music and sounds to be added. We are very happy to share the final result with you and hear your feedback. We made the monster transformation cooler and added a lot of VFX, we added face animations, and other body animation adjustments. You can test it in the Experimental Hall through the "Harbinger Boss Intro" portal. We will be working on the VR version of this scene next week.
Beta v0.95.48 from 11.10.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have made more progress with the Harbinger Boss Intro scene. We added particles, material effects, more face animations and we have more camera movements and camera shots. We still have a little left to be done, like finishing up the face animations and adding camera movement to the last few shots, but overall the scene is coming to a full completion. You can test only TP for now, through the Experimental Hall portal called "Harbinger Boss Intro".
Other scenes related changes we’ve done is a revamp on the Harem Dancer in the Ecchi Area in Avoch. Alos, we’ve added Music and SFX to the Final Brianna Camp Cutscene in the Church
We have also started working on balancing Iragon's difficulty. As a result, it's possible that in this and the next few updates, the game may feel either too hard or too easy. Please be patient while we strive to find the right balance, and any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Lastly, we changed the weapon pickup prompt. Its text is now in the color of the rarity of the weapon you picked up, so you can tell if it's good at a glance.
Beta v0.95.47 from 11.03.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are happy to share with you that we can finally show the WIP Harbinger Boss Intro scene. There is a portal in the Experimental Hall that will lead you to the scene. For now only TP is available and the scene is still work in progress, but we’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Please stay tuned for the full release of the scene next week, plus the VR version of it.
That’s not the only scene we’ve been working on. The Interview at the start of the game has been revamped for both VR and Third person, now with new audio.
We’ve also added music and SFX to the scene that plays once you enter the church at the end of the Cursed Lands, and also to Erika, Jenna, and Lexi's final Camp scenes.
As for the future, you can look forward to a reworked Dance scene in the Harem.
Beta v0.95.46 from 10.26.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve been working hard to fix the issues with the subtitles. Additionally we’ve amost finishe Harbinger introduction, and we're halfway through completing the outro. Another scene we’re working on is the revamped version of the Interview scene, which you can expect soon.
We’ve also made a new pick up effect for the upgrade orbs found across the game. You can also expect to hear the new music we’ve been working on in the Cursed Lands.
Some notable bug fixes include that now the follower ressurection prompt displays the correct message and input. Also, VR the menus no longer move with the player's head. They now draw over terrain and are interactible trough terrain.
Beta v0.95.45 from 10.20.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. Our team is putting their best efforts into polishing and refining the Harbinger Boss scenes. You can look forward to it soon.
We’ve also addressed various animation issues with the followers, and fixed several bugs and glitches to ensure a smoother and more enjoyable experience.
Beta v0.95.44 from 10.13.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. The cutscene team is hard at work on the last two scenes as well as fixing older ones. As we've mentioned before, the last two scenes are quite complicated and require a lot of technical work and precise planning. However, we're happy to share that mocapping sessions have officially been completed.
One half of the team is going back to refresh and better the interview room while the other half is continuing work on the Harbinger Boss scenes. We are almost there guys and we're very thankful for your support.
Beta v0.95.43 from 10.06.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve finished the music and sound effects for the Succubus boss fight, as well as the music in the Sword Break forest level
Additionally, now all scenes in the game related to Brianna, Lexi, Jenna and Erika are unlockable and replayable through the galleries of the interactive camp girls in the camps.
Beta v0.95.42 from 09.29.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. After successfully mo-capping the Harbinger Intro, this week we started building the base of the scene. Since it has a lot of detail and it's longer than previous scenes, we will need more time to finish it. In the meantime, we are fixing and improving older ones. Thank you for your patience and support, we are trying our best to deliver amazing scenes as soon as possible.
We’ve also revamped the Main Menu Background. On top of what’s immediately visible, when left idle the scenes will start changing after some time.
Beta v0.95.41 from 09.21.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised last week, we've finished the Church Ambush scene. We had to carefully animate each and every skeleton and add as much detail as possible, so thank you for your patience. A friendly reminder that these scenes are still awaiting sound effects and music. The scene is available in TP and VR, through the portal in Experimental Hall called "Church Ambush".
We are also working on the final two boss scenes while polishing old scenes.
Beta v0.95.40 from 09.15.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As previously mentioned we are working on the final scenes of the game. We are currently mocapping and preparing three different ones - entering the church scene after being chased by undead, the final boss intro, and the final boss outro. The entering the church scene is almost ready and you can expect to see it next week, as for the other two scenes, we need more time to properly create them. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Beta v0.95.39 from 09.08.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week, we are mocapping the final boss scenes. These scenes are big and complex so we are making sure to hit all the notes and create a captivating experience for our players. Meanwhile, we are working on a scene before the final boss, that has our characters in a bit of a pickle. Please stay tuned to see what happens next.
You are also now able to interact with Erika, Jenna, or Lexi in the camp, depending on which route you choose in the Guildhall.
Beta v0.95.38 from 09.01.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised last week, we finished Lexi's final camp scene. It is ready for testing in the Experimental Hall through the "Lexi Final Camp" portal in both TP and VR.
Beta v0.95.36 from 08.18.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week, we've prepared a new final camp scene. This time around, Jenna takes the lead as our main character. She opens up about her innermost thoughts to Darick, and he provides comfort in return. This is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR through the "Jenna Final Camp Scene" portal.
Beta v0.95.35 from 08.11.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are going strong with another camp scene. This week we have Erika's final camp scene. Erika shares her worries and Darick comforts her. This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall through the "Erika Final Camp" portal in both TP and VR. Please have a look and tell us what you think.
Beta v0.95.34 from 08.04.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new camp scene, the final camp before the big fight. Brianna feels guilty for previous events and tries to express that to Darick, but he isn't convinced. They share a tender moment at the end and Darick shows his support. This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall in both Regular Mode and VR through the "Brianna Final Camp Scene" portal.
Last week, we mentioned that we’ve been working on the audio of the camp cutscenes following the New Solis level. This week, we have all of the audio finished and ready for you.
Lastly, we’ve been optimizing the performance throughout the levels and will continue to improve it across the entire game.
Beta v0.95.33 from 07.28.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have prepared a WIP scene with Darick, Jenna, and Brianna. After the encounter with the Harbinger, our heroes try to flee the harem but are met only with chaos and destruction. And at that moment a very terrifying and sad thing happens to Darick. Please have a look and tell us what you think. This scene is testable in both Regular Mode and VR in the Experimental Hall through the "Exit Harem Scene" portal.
We’ve also been working on the audio of the camp cutscenes that are found after the boss fight following the New Solis level.
Beta v0.95.32 from 07.21.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised last week we have the Harbinger scene finished and ready for your feedback. This is the first close-up encounter Darick has with the Harbinger. We finally get the opportunity to see who the masked villain really is. There's a portal in the Experimental Hall called "Meeting The Harbinger", where you can test the scene in both TP and VR. We hope you like the scene.
We’ve also finished all the sound effects for the demon girl enemies found in the Cursed Lands. Not only that, but the Post Climb boss cutscenes are all now fully voiced.
Beta v0.95.31 from 07.14.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are going strong with the cutscene creation. This week we have a work-in-progress scene featuring Darick, the girls, and the Harbinger. This scene is long and detail packed so we are devoting our time to making it look good for you guys. It's estimated to be ready for testing next week, so please stay tuned to have a look. Thank you all for your patience and support.
Beta v0.95.30 from 07.07.23
We've been working on some of the final cutscenes in the game, as well as minor bug fixes and improvements.
Beta v0.95.29 from 06.30.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve been working on two scenes with April in the Swordbreak harem. One positive and one not so positive. Which one you get to see will depend on your choices earlier in the game. They’re both still WIP, but you can experience them by going through the April portals in the Experiment Hall.
Beta v0.95.28 from 06.23.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week, Darick finds himself accompanied by Mindee or Esme (depending on your choices in the beginning) as they explore Swordbreak together. They stumble upon a mysterious establishment where temptation and seduction intertwine. With a playful suggestion and a seductive allure, the scene takes an unexpected turn. What will Darick's response be? Tune in to find out!
We’ve also been perfecting the Jenna Enter Swordbreak sequence. We're delighted to inform you that the scene is now available for testing in the Experimental Hall, featuring complete facial animations for both Brianna and Lexi.
Lastly, we are releasing the new difficulty system. At the start of the game, you will be prompted to select a difficulty. You can later change it at any time in the gameplay section of the options menu.
Beta v0.95.27 from 06.16.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve been working on the Jenna Enter Swordbreak sequence. The scene is available for testing in the Experimental Hall. It's important to note that, although the scene is nearly complete, we are still fine-tuning the facial animations for both Brianna and Lexi We appreciate your patience and assure you that next week, we will unveil the fully polished scene.
In addition, we’ve also been working on a new Spell Demo, which is available through the Experimental Hall. There, players will be able to test the new spells and elemental interactions that are in the actual levels.
Beta v0.95.26 from 06.09.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised before, we have a finished scene. Lexi entering Swordbreak is now fully polished with all the facial animations and physics in place. It is testable in the Experimental Hall through the "Lexi Enter Swordbreak Scene" portal. We hope you guys enjoy.
We’ve also gone back and made many improvements to the earlier levels, namely Grasspoint and the Farmlands. You can test them by playing through the game as normal.
Beta v0.95.23 from 05.19.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. In this week's update, tensions rise as Jenna and Darick have a heartfelt conversation by the campfire. Jenna reveals a mysterious map that will lead her to the gates, while Brianna expresses her concerns about her friend’s dangerous quest. Emotions run high as they share a bittersweet moment before Jenna decides to continue her journey alone, leaving Brianna and Darick in silent contemplation.
We also added critical hits to all weapons in the game. When a weapon does a critical hit, it will be indicated with a unique sound effect and the attack’s damage will be doubled.
Beta v0.95.22 from 05.12.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. Jenna's Post Climb Camp scene is currently under construction. Please excuse the delay and stay tuned for next week when we'll reveal this scene. Move along now please and mind your heads.
In the meantime while prepping for this scene we changed a few things in previous scenes. For example the dragon transformation of the dragon leader Dakra was made more prominent. You are able to see the transformation from human to dragon better. We also added a tear drop on Esme’s and Mindee’s face at the end of their camp scenes. And we iterated on a few things in Erika’s and Lexi’s camp scenes.
We also improved the dodge by removing the delay between dodging and attacking, and adding new particle effects.
Beta v0.95.21 from 05.05.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week, instead of showing you a new scene, we've prepared a revamped version of the Dark Elf Intro Scene. The scene was iterated on by changing camera angles, adding particles and other details. It is testable in the Experimental Hall, through the "Revamped Dark Elf Intro Scene" portal in both TP and VR. Please have a look and tell us what you think of the new version.
Beta v0.95.20 from 04.28.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. Since we didn't have a scene last week, this week we have two. Lexi's and Erika's camp scenes are full of action, drama, and emotions. Lexi finally stands up for herself after putting up with Brianna for quite a while. And in Erika's scene, a seemingly cute and innocent fight turns a bit more serious. Both scenes are available in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR through the "Lexi After Climb Camp Scene" and "Erika After Climb Camp Scene". Please have a look and tell us what you think.
Beta v0.95.19 from 04.21.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have made some changes to the melee combat. There are new sounds, new visual effects, and the swords now work slightly differently, more in line with the rest of the weapons in the game.
We're also currently preparing a new camp scene featuring Lexi, Darick, and Brianna for next week so stay tuned.
Beta v0.95.18 from 04.13.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. In case you were wondering if we had forgotten about Mindee's fans, we haven't. We made sure to create a version of last week's scene with Mindee as well. The scene is testable in the Experimental Hall through the "Mindee Camp Scene" portal in both TP and VR.
We’ve also added the new spell system from the start of the game. You'll be able to use the three new projectile spells which you can upgrade from the Merchant girl as usual. Further on, you'll get to pick an element and that will give you access to all the spells from the full spell tree of that element for the rest of the game. You'll also get the ability to upgrade spells from anywhere instead of having to wait until you find the Merchant girl again.
Beta v0.95.17 from 04.07.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new cutscene for you this week. Hopefully, you haven't forgotten Esme and Mindee because Darick sure hasn't. Things between the two get heated up and...well as for the rest, I'll let you see for yourself. The scene is testable in the Experimental Hall through the "Esme Camp Scene" portal in both TP and VR.
We also now have the Succubus boss fight available for testing in the Experimental Hall. You can find her through the “Boss Testing” portal.
Beta v0.95.16 from 03.31.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week Erika, Darick, and Brianna face the dark elf leader Alathra in a final battle. Find out about Erika's past and how the battle unfolds by testing this scene in the Experimental Hall. There you will find a portal called "Erika Boss Intro Scene" where you can test in both TP and VR. We hope you enjoy.
Beta v0.95.15 from 03.24.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. In this week's scene, our characters get some rest by setting up camp. Darick and Brianna discuss their next move and where they're headed. This is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR through the "Brianna Camp Scene" portal. We hope you like it.
We also rebalanced the chests throughout the game. So now you have an overall better chance to get a stronger weapon from each chest. And the further you are in the game, the chances keep getting better.
Lastly, we’ve been doing fixes and polishing to the Voiceless boss fight. You can fight her through the Boss Testing portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95.14 from 03.17.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. A new week calls for a new cutscene. Today it seems that the hero of our story will be Lexi. Throwing herself at the hands of harm just to protect Brianna, Lexi shows us how much her friendship with Brianna means. No matter the cost she is ready to do anything for her. Darick also shows his compassion towards Lexi at the beginning of the scene where he sides with Lexi's ways and at the end of the scene he helps her up after she has been hurt. Now the only thing left to do is fight and defeat the Voiceless leader. This is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR through the "Lexi Boss Intro Scene" portal. We hope you enjoy.
We’ve also made improvements to all the bosses and gave some chests in parts of the game better drops.
Beta v0.95.13 from 03.10.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new cutscene ready for you. After a long and tough fight between our heroes and the dark elf leader Alathra, she has finally found her match. Defeated and in pain, Alathra has a final discussion with Erika in which Erika opens up about her past. In her final breath, Alathra tried to fight back but was quickly put out of her misery. This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR, through the "Erika Dark Elf Defeat" portal.
We’ve also further improved the demon girl enemies by adding a ranged and alternate melee variant. We are also excited to announce that we are making the 2 new bosses, that we have been working on available for testing. Go check them out trough the portal in the experimental hall and let us know what you think.
Lastly, we now have music for the Voiceless boss.
Beta v0.95.12 from 03.02.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. A new week calls for a new scene. Lexi, Brianna, and Darick had a long and tiring fight with the voiceless leader. At the end of the fight, Lexi finds out the truth about what Brianna has been doing and that rubs her the wrong way. For now, I won't reveal more and I hope you guys stick around to find out what happens next. This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR, through the portal "Lexi Boss Defeat Scene"
We’ve also made a variation of a brand new enemy, the demon girl. You can find her in the Experimental Hall in the “Demon Girl” room.
Beta v0.95.11 from 02.24.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised last week we now have three polished scenes where our heroes save Esme or Mindee - depending on who your pick in the game is. There are face animations, adjustments to the materials, and some camera changes. We hope you like these scenes.
We also completely redid the behavior of the Mage enemies. They now have an area of effect attack and will also try to run away from you if you get too close.
Lastly, we’ve made various changes to the follower AI, including them being no longer invincible before the end of the Sewer levels.
Beta v.0.95.10 from 02.17.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have an almost-finished scene. In this scene, we see our heroes finally free the prisoners of war. Amongst them is a very special to Darick person. That's all we'll reveal for now and the rest you’ll see in the future. A very important thing to mention is that the scene is 50% finished and you might notice a few weird things. But it will be done by the end of next week and so expect the polished version soon. The scene is testable in the Experimental Hall in TP, through the "Saving Esme with..." portal.
We’ve also iterated on the spell tree, giving it new icons in addition to preview videos to show you what spells do before investing resources into them. Another change is that the spell UI on the bottom right in Third Person now reflects which spell you have selected and what upgrade you have unlocked for it. Lastly, we’ve made new sounds for the Spell System. You can see the changes by going through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
To top things off, we’re working on controller support and we’ve also finished translating everything up to a point past the currently playable levels.
Beta v.0.95.9 from 02.10.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have the official introduction of the dragon leader Ada. In this cutscene, our heroes finally meet the person holding Jenna's precious sphere. The one thing that's keeping Jenna from finding an important for her place. Ada however, isn't so willing to give up the sphere and she's ready to put up a real fight. This and more are testable in both TP and VR in the Experimental Hall, through the "Jenna Dragon Intro" portal.
We’ve also made improvements to the Visual FX for the dragon, along side some bug fixes.
Beta v.0.95.8 from 02.03.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new cutscene for you guys. After a long and fiery battle between our heroes and the dragon boss, we see Jenna having a little chat with Ada - the dragon clan leader. For now, that’s how much we’ll spoil the scene for you guys, for the rest you can test only TP in the Experimental Hall through the “Dragon Boss Defeat Scene” portal.
We also have a couple of small spell visual improvements and VR orb particles.
And finally, we’re working on some new sound FX for our new and improved spell system to complement it better.
Beta v0.95.05 from 01.13.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are back with another cutscene. Lexi, Darick, and Brianna's path has been obstructed because of the Harbinger. The only alternative way seems to be up. Our heroes climb the high and cold mountains above New Solis and continue their journey to find and defeat the Harbinger. The scene is mostly finished, with only Brianna's face animations still WIP. This is testable in the Experimental Hall in the Lexi Climb Scene portal in both TP and VR.
We’ve also done another visual Iteration of the Lightning AOE Spells, Fire Channeling Spells, Ice Projectile Spells, Fire AOE Spells, Ice AOE Spells, and Ice Channeling Spells. The UI of the spell upgrade tree has also seen some improvements. You can see the changes by going through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95.04 from 01.06.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve mostly been improving on the spells. The Fire Bullet, both Ice AOE spells, and the Lightning and Ice projectiles have all gone through visual improvement. You can see them by going through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95.03 from 12.16.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new camp cutscene for you guys. While Lexi's reading her journal Darick decides to try and bond with her. They have an intimate moment together and share their deep thoughts and feelings. Lexi’s face animations are still work in progress in the scene. You can see this in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR in the Lexi End of New Solis portal.
Another thing we finished are the Dark Elf girl reactions in the Monster Girl Gallery. If you go and touch the girl on the head she reacts. This is testable in the Monster Girl Gallery after defeating one dark elf girl in the game.
Lastly, we’ve made a number of visual improvements to all of the projectile spells and the Ice AOE spell. You can see them by going through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95.02 from 12.08.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve done yet another iteration on the spell system. There have been functional changes done to the Lightning Waves, Flame Beam & Ice Prism, and visual changes done to the Lightning projectiles. As always, they are testable through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
We also have two new levels that players can test, Swordbreak and Swordbreak Forest. Their respective portals can be found in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95.01 from 12.02.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have another new cutscene for you. This week Darick and Erika open up to each other about their true feelings and thoughts. You can test the scene in the Experimental Hall through the "Erika End of New Solis Camp" portal in both TP and VR.
Another thing we worked on are the reaction animations of the dark elf girls in the monster girl gallery. Most of them have been improved by adding more details and fixing the eyelids. As for the rest, we'll improve them next week. You can test them in the Monster Girl Gallery after defeating one dark elf on Erika's route in both TP and VR.
We’ve also rebalanced and polished all weapons. Their animations, particle effects, and overall handling have been remade to make them more fun to use.
Lastly, an iteration has been done on the three channeling spells. They are testable through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95 from 11.25.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have a new cutscene for you. Upon entering New Solis Lexi, Darick and Brianna are shocked at what they find. This creates some tension between Lexi and Brianna and things get heated up. You can see for yourself in the Experimental Hall in the Lexi New Solis Scene in both TP and VR. Please have a look and tell us what you think.
We’ve also completely redone the inventory screen in the game. It now features a 3D weapon model and a more detailed display of your weapon's attributes.
Lastly, the spell system has gone through another iteration. The Lightning AOE, Ice AOE, Ice Projectile, Lightning Projectile, and Fire Projectile spells have all had changes done to them, big and small. They are testable through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.94.10 from 11.18.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve made some changes to the spells. The Ice AOE spell, Lightning AOE spell and Fire Channeling spell have gone through a full functionality rework. Additionally, the Lightning Projectile got changes in the "Lightning Bolt" branch specifically.
Beta v0.94.9 from 11.11.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’re back with another cutscene this week. Darick, Erika, and Brianna enter a portal that takes them to New Solis. But this isn't the New Solis they know, the city has been destroyed and all its inhabitants killed or kidnapped. What will happen to our heroes? We’ll find out next week. This is testable in the exp hall in the Erika new Solis scene portal in both TP and VR.
We’ve also iterated on the Fire Projectile spells, the Lightning Projectile spells and the Fire AOE spells. The changes are mostly on the functionality of the three, and they will be testable through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Lastly, we now have names and descriptions for all enemies in the Monster Girl Gallery. You have to unlock the characters first in order to see them.
Beta v0.94.8 from 11.04.22
New Scene
In the Experimental Hall, you'll find a portal to a new scene. In it you'll see Darick, Brianna and Lexi as they finally enter Swordbreak.
MAC Builds
Here is some big news for some of you. We'll start releasing MAC builds semi regularly from now on! We'll try to have a new build up every Friday, but due to the more complicated build process for MAC, that might extend into Monday. You'll be able to find these builds in the #downloads channel in our Discord and on Steam under Iragon: Prologue 18+. Just make sure you tell your store preferences that you want to see mature content, so that it shows up.
Beta v0.94.7 from 10.28.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have prepared a new scene in which we see our heroes win a battle against the empire. Erika however is disappointed their biggest enemy got away - the harbinger. For now, only one character doesn’t have face animations, they will be added next week This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall in the Erika After Battle Portal in both TP and VR.
We’ve also finished the gameplay in New Solis, which you can test through the New Solis portal in the Experimental Hall.
To cap off this week's news, we now have a Lightning and Fire channeling spells, that you can test through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.94.6 from 10.21.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have delivered a new cutscene. You’ll see Lexi, Brianna, and Darick continue their journey through the icy cold lands as they are interrupted by the Harbinger and his followers. The scene is testable in the Experimental Hall through the Lexi Harbinger Scene portal in both TP and VR.
Another new feature is that now, when you open a chest with a weapon inside, you will see a floating orb that signifies the rarity of the gear you’ll receive.
Lastly, we now have an AOE Lightning spell, a Fire AOE spell, and an Ice Channeling spell that you can test through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental H
Beta v0.94.5 from 14.07.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have two new testable levels for the players, a ruined city atop floating islands and a snowy mountain pass. To play them, you need to go through the New Solis portal or the Mountain Top portal in the Experimental Hall.
Also in the Experimental Hall, there are new lightning projectiles and an AOE ice spell that you can test if you go through the New Spell System.
Lastly, we’ve finished a scene in which we see the Harbinger and his servants imprison some girls and take them away. You are faced with a choice to either help them or stay put. This too is testable in the Experimental Hall in the WIP Forest Level 2 in both TP and
Beta v0.94.4 from 10.07.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We've made new Fire Projectile Spells. You can test it through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Also in the New Spell System portal, you can try out the Spell Upgrade Tree functionality. You access it through the pause menu.
You can now see the Jenna cutscene by going through the Jenna Camp Scenes portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.94.3 from 09.30.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. If you are to visit the Monster Girl Gallery, you’ll find that the Dragon Girl enemy has a variety of new hairstyles. You’ll need to unlock her first though, by defeating her in the Experimental Hall.
That’s not the only new feature in the Monster Girl Gallery though. The Voiceless enemy can now be interacted with. She has boob physics and you can touch her to get reactions. Like with the Dragon Girl, you’ll need to defeat her in the Experimental Hall in order to unlock her.
We’ve also made a new upgradable ice projectile spell which you can try out through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Also in the Experimental Hall, through the camp portal, you’ll be able to see the new and improved Brianna and Lexi scenes. Darick is still WIP in the Lexi one though.
Beta v0.94.2 from 09.23.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve made two new scenes that you can find in the Experimental Hall by going through the Lexi Camp Scene portal. The first one you can see by interacting with Brianna, and the other by talking to Lexi.
Beta v0.94.1 from 09.16.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. When you start up the game you will notice a new Experimental button in the main menu. It will allow you to go directly to the Experimental Hall, which is now unlocked from the start of your game.
We’ve also iterated on the combat with the whip enemy, now renamed the Voiceless. You can fight her in the Experimental Hall.
Many of the elemental interactions have gone through improvements, changes, and fixes. They're available for testing through the Environmental Spell Interactions portal in the Experimental Hall.
There’s now new banter between characters in the WIP Winter 2, Forest 2, and Desert 2 levels. You can enter those levels through portals in the Experimental Hall.
In regards to the Winter, Forest, and Desert levels, we’ve also added the spell-specific elemental interactions to them, as well as some new enemies.
Also in this update, we’ve further improved the collectible weapons system so that different weapons can have different animation sets.
Beta v0.94 from 09.09.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. The work on the elemental interactions continues. We now have oil that can be set aflame, stones that are vulnerable to lightning, water that can be electrocuted, and a new large mushroom that crumbles when frozen.
In addition, we’ve added a new collectible system. Chests can now earn you loot other than just currency. You can find different weapons that you can equip and use in combat.
Beta v0.93 from 09.02.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We've been working on a new enemy that uses a whip in combat. You can fight her in the Experimental Hall.
We’ve also been improving on the elemental interactions. In addition to small visual and mechanical changes to the existing ones, we’ve added new ice mushrooms that explode into spikes when magic is used on them.
Finally, we’ve had a number of art and gameplay improvements in the Winter, Forest and Desert levels. They include new enemies, combat scenarios, more collectibles and destructibles, and more.
Beta v0.92 from 08.26.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve got some exciting news for you this week. The second part of the new levels are now testable. You can find them in the WIP Content corridor in the Experimental Hall. You just need to go through the portals labeled Winter Level 2, Forest Level 2, or Desert Level 2.
We’ve also been further improving the elemental interactions. Now the ice spell partially freezes the body of water it hits, instead of the whole thing. Enemies within said area will be visually marked as frozen. You can test it through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.91 from 08.19.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’re expanding on the environmental interactions from last week. You can now freeze water with the ice spell, rendering all enemies within it immobile. You can test this in the Experimental Hall.
Also in the experimental hall, there’s a New Spell System portal. You’ll be able to test the new channeling, projectile and AOE spells there.
Finally, we’ve continued working on the cutscene in the Lexi route. It is still WIP, lacking face animations and music.
Beta v0.90 from 08.12.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. Work continues on the new Winter, Desert, and Forest levels. All three are testable through the Experimental Hall and we’re looking forward to your feedback.
We’ve also been working on environmental reactions with different spells. For instance, charging clouds with lightning magic and causing gas to explode with fire magic. You can test them in the Experimental Hall.
Lastly, we’ve been working on a new cutscene that will play at the end of the Winter level. It’s still not complete, lacking face animations and music, but we’re making steady progress.
Beta v0.89 from 08.05.22
General Update Sadly, we don't have a full changelog for you this week, but we have started making a system that will help us make interactions between your spells and the environment. You can check the first W.I.P. interactions in the Experimental hall. And we are working on and testing some new level internally, so hopefully you'll be able to see and test them too soon. Also, we're working on automating our MAC build process, so we can have an easier time shipping MAC builds regularly.
Beta v0.88 from 07.29.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve been improving on the new levels that were announced last week. There is new art, new destructibles, and collectibles. The levels are still WIP but you can play them through the Experimental Hall.
We’ve also been working on the Bazaar intro and outro cutscene introduced last week. You can see it at the end of the Desert level.
Finally, we’ve been working on improving controller support and we’re releasing a MAC update.
Beta v0.87 from 07.22.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve been working on a number of new levels for you to explore this week. They’re currently in WIP, being mostly greybox, though you can find them in the Experimental Hall. Look for the portals titled WIP Forest, WIP Desert, or WIP Winter. Two of them also have cutscenes at the end, one featuring Erika in the Forest level, and one featuring Jenna in the Desert level.
We’ve also added face animations to the Spider Boss during her sex scene, which you can trigger in the Monster Girl Gallery. You need to first interact with her and then hit Play Scene.
Beta v0.86 from 07.15.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week the damage stages of the Dragon Boss Girl have been implemented. You can see them in the Destructible Clothing room found in the Experimental Hall.
If you’re playing the game with a controller, you’ll notice that we’ve changed the text in the tutorial and tip panels to be icons of the buttons you have to pre
Beta v0.85 from 07.08.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’re a bit short on news this time, because we are currently working on a lot of new content that is planned for the next game update.
The content we have for this week is sure to intrigue. You can now have sex with the human form of the Spider Girl Boss in monster girl gallery. Note that the face animations haven’t been added yet.
Beta v0.84 from 07.01.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve improved Darick’s endgame armor, making it less bulky. Additionally, the Kickstarter and IndieGoGo backer variant has been textured.
Adjustments have been made to the destructibles in all levels. Now they have a 10% chance to drop mana orbs instead of 100%.
Lastly, the Dragon Girl minion now has destructible clothing. You can find her in the Destructible Clothing room.
Beta v0.83 from 06.24.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve worked on the Dragon Girl enemy. Though mostly a melee fighter, she can pose a danger from a distance if you let your guard down. You can fight her in the Experimental Hall in the Dragon Minion Enemy room.
Also in the Experimental Hall, you can see the model we’re working on for the demon form of the final boss. Right next to him you’ll find Darick’s endgame armor, which will have exclusive variants for our Kickstarter and IndieGoGo backers.
The last new thing in the Experimental Hall is only for the uncensored version. Found in the Destructible Clothing room are the damage stages for the Dragon Girl.
We mentioned last week that we’re rolling out new destructibles. We now have them throughout the entire game, up until the Guildhall. You’ll stumble upon them by just playing through the levels.
In other news, we’ve changed the names of Iragon and Iragon: Prologue to Iragon 18+ and Iragon: Prologue 18+ respectively. This is so we can have both a censored and uncensored version of the game available.
We’ll also be taking part in Steam Summer Sale 2022, and the Steam VR Fest, which will take place from July 18th to the 25th. During both, we’ll be offering a 30% discount for our previous game, Experiment Gone Rogue.
Beta v0.82 from 06.17.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve got some exciting news this week. Both the Elf Girl and Thick Girl bosses have damage stages to their clothing. You can find them in the Destructible Clothing room in the Experimental Hall.
Speaking of elves, we’ve been iterating on the Dark Elf enemy. You can fight her in the Dark Elf Girl Enemy room.
Before we leave the Experimental Hall, there’s one last thing to see there. Brianna’s new empress outfit is finished and fully textured. You can see it in the WIP Models and Animations room.
Another new feature you may notice as you play through the levels are many new destructibles.
We are currently rolling them out, so there will be more in the future.
Finally, we’ve added the option to opt-out of sending us game data. You can find it on the language select screen before the main menu.
Beta v0.81 from 06.10.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. The news this week is short but sweet. If you go to the WIP Models and Animations room in Experimental Hall you will find Brianna’s new WIP outfit.
Also in the Experimental Hall is a new enemy you can fight. She’s located in the WIP Content corridor, in the Dark Elf Girl Enemy room.
When you reach the end of the Guildhall, you’ll be able to see the new look of the choice UI. You can enter the Guildhall through a portal in the Experimental Hall found in the WIP Content corridor.
Beta v0.80 from 06.03.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve got some interesting things in the Experimental Hall for you. There’s a new version of the thick girl, that you can find in the WIP Models and Animations room.
Also in the Experimental Hall, you can find another version of the elf girl with destructible clothing. She’s located in the Destructible Clothing room.
Beta v0.79 from 27.05.22
Elf destructible clothing
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve got some short, but exciting news. The elf girls now have destructible clothing. You can see the different damage stages if you go into the Destructible Clothing room in the Experimental Hall.
Thick girls as enemies
That’s not the only reason to visit the Experimental Hall. We’ve also been working on a new thick girl enemy model. You can find her in the WIP Models and Animations room.
Beta v0.78 from 20.05.22
New Enemies!
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve been working on a variety of enemies, which include new spiders, wolves, and the new dragon girl enemy with a completed texture. You can find all of them in the Experimental Hall.
Spider Boss Improvements
We’ve improved on the fight with the Spider Boss. She now has a new grab mechanic and animation. You can experience it by going through the Spider Bossfight portal. If you instead choose to pass through the neighboring portal, you’ll find the new Spider Boss outro scene, which plays after you defeat her.
Spider Boss added to Gallery
After the end of the game, when you go to the Monster Girl Gallery, you can interact with the Spider Boss. You can also switch between her regular and her humanoid form. She has reactions when you touch her and has boob physics.
Beta v0.77 from 13.05.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We've got some exciting news to share with you this week. Arachna, the Spider Boss, now has new face animations for you to see. Additionally, you can find an alternative humanoid model of her, located in the Models and Animations room in the Experimental Hall.
That’s not the only new thing you can find there. You can also find a preview of the new Dragon Girl enemy that we’ve been working on.
Beta v0.76 from 05.05.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’re excited to share with you the new features this week. The Spider Boss now has destructible clothes that break off the more you damage her. You can see this by entering the “Experimental Spider Bossfight” portal in the Experimental Hall.
It’s not just the clothes that you can break. We’ve been working on a number of new environmental destructibles. These include wheels, carts, chairs, planks, plants and more. You can find them in the Destructibles Room in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.75 from 04.29.22
New Destructibles
We have some new and relatively large new destructibles for you to smash in the experimental hall. Including a wall that falls apart in a cloud of dust and bricks.
Spider Woman
Also in the experimental hall, you will find a humanoid version of the Spider Woman that you can expect to have some interesting interactions with in the future.
Behind The Scenes
Sorry for the short changelog. Many team members took some days off this week to spend some time with families, so we don't have much to show in terms of things that you can test in the build. We are working on new levels, enemies, story, cutscenes, spells and more. But we don't want to spoil anything by talking too much about it before it's ready to be seen by the players. Thank you for understanding.
Beta v0.74 from 04.21.22
Another week, another Iragon changelog. While in the camp, if you interact with the Merchant woman and press the “Play with her” button, you’ll see that her clothes have damaged stages. You can interact with her breasts and play with her however you please.
We’ve also added face animations for Darick during his introduction with Erika. Said interaction takes place in the Guild Hall, which can be found through a portal in the Experimental Hall.
Finally, there’s been an improvement made to the enemy AI. Now they won’t chase you relentlessly throughout the level, but will eventually give up and return to their designated areas.
Beta v0.73 from 04.15.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve switched the Merchant Woman with Erika in the Interactive sex scene in the Experimental Hall. The thick girl now has destructible clothing in the Experimental Hall.
In the Monster Girl Gallery, we have implemented skirt physics for the BDSM female enemy. And after you exit the gallery, you will see a new loading screen - the lesbian girls from the ecchi room.
As for the planning scene that’s in the Guild Hall, we’ve added the missing face animations for Darick and finished the scene in VR. The scene starts after you meet with all of the girls and visit the second floor. Said Guild Hall can be found through a portal in the Experimental Hall.
Finally, we’ve made improvements to the Spider Boss encounter. We’ve given her the ability to heal herself and increased the size of her health bar.
Beta v0.72 from 04.08.22
We are back with another changelog for Iragon. This week we are excited to share with you that we added an interactive VR sex interaction with all of the monster girls in the Monster Girl Gallery. Remember, in order to unlock the girls in the gallery you have to defeat them while playing Iragon. Then choose the outfit of your liking and have some fun in VR.
Next we have a few new improvements to the Guild Hall scenes that we added last week. Darick has face animations while meeting with Lexi and April. Erika has hair physics when meeting Darick and during the planning scene.
In the camp with Brenda, we added more unlockable scenes after you watch them - the last scene from the Sewer levels, the BDSM girl enemy introduction and the Spider Boss girl introduction.
Last but not least, in the Experimental Hall, the dragon girl model from last week now has textures and materials to her, so go and check out a more finished version of her. We also made 2 more new destructibles, a bottle and a vase. And we have a new “New Spell Particles” room in which you get to see some new particles that we plan on using for the magic spells. You will also be able to vote on them after you exit the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.71 from 04.01.22
Welcome back to another changelog for Iragon. This week we are starting with a brand new level for testing in the Experimental Hall - “The Black Lotus” Guildhall. You can access it via a portal in the Expermental Hall, called “Guildhall Level”. And to unlock the Experimental Hall, you have to finish playing Iragon.
In the new level you will see a bunch of new cutscenes, you will meet Brenda’s friends - Erika, Lexi, April and Jenna, and you will find out something odd about Brenda and her past. We hope you enjoy playing and exploring the new level. As always, after you are done testing and exit the Experiemntal hall, you will be able to answer feedback questions.
Another new addition to the Experimental Hall’s work in progress room is a WiP model for a Dragon girl. Check her out and let us know what you think.
Last but not least in the Experimental, we added new versions of our destructible items - a crate for Third Person and a vase for VR.
We added more scenes in Brenda’s camp gallery that you can look back to - The scene where Darick and Brenda enter Avoch, the scene where they talk to Britney and Sabine and the sewers scenes.
Beta v0.70 from 03.25.22
For this week’s changelog for Iragon, we are happy to share that we added a variation of our dark female elf that’s based on our users’ feedback from Discord and from the questions players get to vote on at the end of the game. We had asked people what they think about the female elf and everyone gave us amazing feedback. If you also want to be able to give us direct feedback, feel free to join our Discord server. As always, you can find the new face and outfit variations in the Experimental Hall.
In the camp girl gallery, where you can look back at cutscenes with Brenda, you can now also scroll through the different damaged stages of her outfits. Also the trigger to interact with her is now a button prompt instead of automatic walk-in interaction, and we have added another unlockable scene with her.
In the Monster girl gallery, when you choose an outfit for whichever monster girl you interacted with, the outfit will be saved and she will wear it in the sex scene you have with her.
Last but not least, in the Experimental hall, we added more outfit damaged stages for Jenna and April.
Beta v0.69 from 03.18.22
Hello and welcome to another Iragon changelog. This week we are starting off with a few improvements to the Spider Boss introduction scene. We have added 3D sound effects for VR as well as boobs and hair physics for Brenda.
Speaking of Brenda, when you interact with her in the camp you will unlock more of the previously played cutscenes as you progress through the story. Make sure to interact with her every time you are in the camp to see them.
We added all the destructible outfit stages for the girls you unlock in the Monster Girl Gallery. For now those are the Assassin girl and the BDSM girl. To enter the Monster Girl Gallery you have to finish the last available level in Iragon. After that you have a portal leading to the Experimental Hall.
In the Experimental Hall's erotic content hall, you will be able to see damaged outfit stages for Lexi, one of the story routes for Darick that you meet in the Guildhall.
And in the "work in progress" hall, you will see a WiP model of the dark female elf.
Beta v0.68 from 03.11.22
We are back with another changelog for this week’s additions to Iragon. Starting off with VR combat in the test boss fight with the spider woman in Experimental Hall. You are now able to parry her attack with your sword in VR. And you access the test boss fight via the portal in the “WIP Content” corridor in the Experimental Hall.
Prior to that fight in the actual game, you see the introduction scene for Arachna and now we have added some physics to her, we added voice lines and face animations for Darick, subtitles and some more spiderlings in VR.
In the Experimental hall, we added two more test portals. One leads to the sex mini game that you might have seen in the Harem level and the other showcases a skeleton enemy introduction scene.
We also added variations for the dark elf girl as well as a second alternative outfit for her. There are also two new female face models that we plan on using in the future for our characters after we hear your feedback. Again, all of that is available in the Experimental Hall and you will be able to vote on these things once you exit.
Once you go to camp and try to interact with Brenda, she will now react to your touch. That’s a feature that we’ve been testing in the Experimental Hall for a while now and it’s finally being implemented in the game.
Beta v0.67 from 03.04.22
Welcome to yet another weekly changelog for Iragon! As you know from last week, we have been working on a feminine model of a dark elf. This week you will be able to see her in a more finished state in the Experimental Hall. We also gave her a brand new face.
Again in the Experimental hall, we have improved the physics for the thick girl, specifically for her cape and hair, so you can test those out again.
When you kill the enemy skeletons, they no longer just disappear but dissolve like some other enemies.
We have added actual description text for the enemy girls that you unlock in the Monster Girl Gallery. As you know, you unlock every female enemy you defeat and later you can walk up to each of them to interact with, and that’s where you will see their text descriptions. For now it’s only for the Assasin girls and the BDSM girls but in the future the gallery will be filling up. And to enter the Monster Girl Gallery, you need to finish Iragon.
We added the same text description in camp for Brenda/Brianna when you go to interact with her. Check those text descriptions out if you want to learn more about the characters.
Beta v0.66 from 02.25.22
We are back with another Iragon changelog. This week we are happy to share that the Spider Boss scene is now available in VR as well and it also has music and sound effects implemented.
Another exciting change in VR, you will now get to have interactive sex with the merchant woman that you usually meet in camp to upgrade your spells.
Speaking of camp, we reworked the girl gallery there. You can now replay Brianna’s changing and slightly erotic scene with the merchant woman.
In the Experimental Hall’s “Work in progress models” room, we have a brand new model of the female dark elf. The dark elves play a very important role in Iragon’s story but for now we won’t spoil anything about that. The model is work in progress and you’ll see it in an unfinished state.
We are extremely excited to share with you that we are releasing the next few chapters of Iragon today! After you finish the Sewers levels you will no longer get the "to be continued" screen and you will be able to keep on with Darick and Brianna's dangerous adventure through the Misty Forests that lead to the Cursed Lands.
Beta v0.65 from 17.02.22
Welcome back to another weekly Iragon changelog. This week, we are happy to let you know that we have added new interesting additions to the customizable NPC. You can now add unusual items to your custom girl which include cat and fox ears, tails, demon horns and etc. More of these will be added in the future so have fun experimenting. We also made some overall improvements to the sex minigame with your customized girl, we added sounds to the menu and facial animations during their idles as well as other minor fixes.
In the VR interactive sex scene, we added a new position that you can try out with Erika.
We added voice lines to the interactive girls when you touch their face. We gave the thick girl a new face that you voted on last week, along with facial animations and we added physics to her boobs, hair and cape. You can check those out in the “Interactive Girls Room” in the Experimental hall.
Beta v0.64 from 11.02.22
We are back with another Iragon changelog. Starting with a new erotic scene with the BDSM enemy girl. When you finish playing Iragon, instead of going to the Experimental hall, you will now go into the Monster Girl Gallery. There you will find every female enemy you defeated. And you guessed it right, you will get to have sex with them. For now we have the BDSM girl and the Assassin girl and the whole thing is still work in progress. After you are done in the gallery, you can walk through the green portal that will take you to the Experimental Hall.
The latest level we have been working on “Experimental Approach level” which you enter through a portal in the Experimental Hall is finally leaving its greybox state. We implemented art and sound design in it and are working on finishing touches. Test it to check it out - it is a continuation of the Misty Forest level and leads to the Spider-Woman Boss.
We noticed that players like to interact with the interactive girls’ faces. That’s why we decided to make them reactive. You will now see the interactive girls respond in different ways when you try to touch their faces both in Third person and in VR.
We added a new outfit for the customizable NPC. Go ahead and check it out and stay tuned for more new additions to the customizer.
In the Experimental Hall, there is a new room called “New destructible barrels”. That room will let you test a new type of destructible mesh that we have been working on. After leaving the Experimental hall, you will have a question to leave feedback for them. And in the “Work in progress models” room you will see a new body variant for the thick woman as well as two new faces. You will get to vote on those as well to let us know which one is your favorite.
Last but not least, we did a cutscene iteration on the Spider-Woman introductory scene. You will see descending or crawling small spiders in the background of different shots.
Beta v0.63 from 04.02.22
We are happy to welcome you to another weekly Iragon changelog. Starting off, this week we decided we want to experiment with some censorship types for the VR interactive sex scene. You will see what we are talking about when you test. We are looking forward to your feedback. Also, we have added more pleasure effects on Erika, she gets heart particles in her eyes during the act as well as a few other adjustments.
Next, we have added a bunch of improvements and additions for the customizable NPC. We added different boob sizes to chose from and moved the color select for accessories below the icons, as well as a bunch of bug fixes. We also added different poses for the girl.
As you know, we are adding more variety to Iragon’s women. The lovely thick woman we added last week now has a textured outfit. If you haven’t seen her yet, she is located in the Experimental Hall.
When you reach the end of the test level in the Experimental Hall you will see a new short teaser scene that will show you a very quick preview of the Spider Woman and the boss fight that’s about to come. This is currently work in progress and it’s a very rough version of it.
We added two new languages for Iragon - Turkish and Ukrainian, so hopefully our players from there will be able to enjoy Iragon in their own language.
Beta v0.62 from 28.01.22
Welcome back to another weekly changelog. We have officially upgraded to the 4.27 engine version and we are in the process of fixing any bugs created by this conversion. This is why there aren’t that many new features in the game. If you stumble upon any weirdness, please let us know.
The first thing we improved is the customizable girl. We have improved the color picking option, we added icons instead of lists, there’s a randomise button that shuffles all the options and last but not least there are more available accessories.
Another improvement has been in the Experiment Hall. The sex reaction animations from last week are now integrated in the interactive sex. When you touch her pussy or her butt she will react.
And finally, we have a WIP model for a different female body shape. Hopefully this will add more variety to the girls in the game.
Beta v0.61 from 21.01.22
We are back with another weekly changelog for Iragon. As some of you may know, we are developing Iragon on Unreal Engine 4. Until now we’ve been working on version 4.21 but have been transferring to 4.27 for the past week or so. We are planning to have a build from 4.27 soon that you will be able to get only from our Discord server. Keep in mind that it’s an unstable build, so expect it to have bugs and issues. There is also the normal build from version 4.21 which you can download on all of our channels and it should be stable.
As for the 4.21 stable build we have a first very crude iteration of the Spider Boss fight. You can enter it from a portal in the Experimental hall and you can leave your feedback about it in a question at the end of the game. Again, it's still very early work in progress and is planned to be greatly improved in the future.
We added two new reactive animations for Erika in the Experimental hall “New animations” room. Those will be her reactions for when you touch her behind but are still not implemented yet, so you can only preview them.
And last but not least, we are sorry to say that the Shrek axe is gone. Although you never know, it might come back.
Beta v0.60 from 14.01.22
Welcome to the second changelog of the year for Iragon. You might have already noticed it, but we have been working on a character customization tool that you can test in the Experimental Hall. You can test it both in 3rd person and in VR but keep in mind that it is still very early work in progress and it won’t work smoothly. We’ll be improving on it together with your feedback, so let us know what you think.
Next, for the VR interactive erotic scene, we added a “pose menu” that will help you switch between positions with Erika. For now, there is only one extra position but we are planning to add more in the future. Apart from that, we are happy to share with you that we added butt physics! You will be able to test those once you try out the new doggy position with Erika.
Speaking of Erika, we have 2 new reaction animations for her when you touch her down there. Feel free to go check those out in the Experimental hall.
We also did plenty of fixes to the teleportation locomotion in VR as well as general bug fixes throughout the whole game.
Beta v0.58 from 12.23.21
Happy holidays! We are excited to greet you with the last Iragon changelog for this year. It’s been a year full of celebration, mishaps, both happy and sad moments but most of all - important lessons. We are grateful to each and every one of you, whether you found us this year, or have been following us from before - without you our journey wouldn't have been the same. We wish you all wonderful holidays, stay well and stay healthy! We will be back in the first week of January.
Now for the new additions in this build - We added a “teleportation movement” option in the VR “Options” menu. That means that if you prefer that way of moving in VR, you can now select it as your default.
Next in the Experimental Hall’s “WIP Models” room, you will find two new sexy lingerie outfits for our girl Erika. You will also be able to vote for which one you liked the most, after you exit the Experimental Hall. Apart from that, the demon girl that you might have already seen is now interactive. If you walk up to her you will be able to interact with her boobs and tail, both in VR and 3rd person.
We have also done a ton of bugs, gameplay, art and sound fixes so hopefully the game should be running and looking a lot better. Have fun playing Iragon over the holidays and we will see you very soon!
Beta v0.56 from 12.10.21
We are back with another weekly changelog for Iragon! Starting this week with an iteration the VR interactive erotic scene. We improved how reactive Erika’s breasts would be when you touch them as well as her arms. We also added sounds to her reactions and something we didn’t mention last week is that she turns and looks towards the player if they move.
Next, we improved NPCs in the town of Avoch by giving them realistic facial expressions. You will also be able to find our brand new character in Avoch - the fox girl. Just walk around town to find her. For now her story is a mystery.
We keep on working on the new Misty Forest level that has improved gameplay for the spiders and an art and lighting iteration. Apart from that, we added footstep sounds to the player’s followers as well as attack and cloth breaking sounds for the BDSM female enemy. We also added a new healing animation for Darick when he kneels down to resurrect his followers.
And the followers now have banter lines for when they are downed - they call Darick for help to resurrect them.
In the Experimental Hall’s “WIP Models” room, you’ll find new outfit variations for the villager girls as well as a brand new untextured demon girl.
Beta v0.55 from 12.03.21
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog! This week we have a very exciting addition for VR and that is an interactive erotic scene with one of our lovely ladies - Erika. She also has facial reactions. You can access it from the Experimental Hall through a portal in the WIP corridor, but keep in mind that it is still work in progress. We are open to suggestions on improving it.
And speaking of Experimental Hall, we added a new female addition to it and that’s a fox girl. You can find her in the “WIP Models” room in that same corridor. You can also interact with her and play with her tail so expect a reaction to that.
Another big addition this week is art for the Misty Forest level, the one that you have already seen in an unfinished state. There are still some minor issues that need to be fixed, but you can feel the overall atmosphere we are going for. Make sure to vote on it at the end of the game, so that we receive your feedback.
The BDSM female enemies in that same level had some outfit recolours as well as new hair accessories.
We also added new and better animations for your followers when they get downed in combat. The merchant woman follower also got new combat animations.
In 3rd person, we adjusted the interactive camera during the interactions with the girls a bit as well as fixed the issue where you could clip through the girls’ bodies with it.
Beta v0.54 from 11.26.21
Welcome to another weekly changelog for Iragon. Starting with the most exciting change, we are working on two handed weapon wield for VR. You can test that in the Experimental Hall for now as we continue to polish it until it’s just right.
Next, we have been improving the player’s followers for a while now. This week they got a UI that shows your follower’s health, their state (downed or alive) and their location in relation to the player.
We have a new very short sequence right at the beginning of the game as you approach Grasspoint. On the first bridge, you will see a short scene of one of the village girls. You will also be able to interact with her both in VR and Third person.
If you remember, we mentioned 2 transition scenes in previous changelogs, that are in the still unfinished Misty Forest level. We iterated on those scenes to have a nice sequence-to-gameplay camera transition.
Speaking of the Misty Forest level, we reworked the entrance area in it. Right after the BDSM enemy girl introduction you were able to take a few different paths. We added a location for the Merchant Woman and adjusted the layout of that area to bring you to her, so that she becomes your second follower.
And now whenever you try to resurrect your downed followers, upon taking damage the resurrection will be reset.
In 3rd person, we added new sounds to the new weapons.
Beta v0.53 from 11.19.21
Hello and welcome to another Iragon changelog.
First up, we’ve added a new prostitute outfit in the Harem with the rest of the girls. She has a cute top with a bow on it and a wavy skirt with knee-high heels. This outfit also has a new texture added to it and we are open to suggestions for the girl if you have any.
We have populated the village with girls that you can interact with. Walk right up to one of them and give it a try, you can lift their skirts up and interact with their boobs. Hopefully the village won’t feel as empty anymore.
Another thing we’re currently working on is improving the follower’s animations. We are trying to create smoother-looking walking. Running and combat animations. These new animations are also getting hair and boob physics soon.
The followers' downed state has been iterated on. Now players' movements are disabled when they revive the followers and if the player attacks the resurrection progress is reset.
Beta v0.52 from 11.12.21
Hi guys, we’re back with more improvements made to Iragon. Most of the improvements and new content is in the Experimental Hall. First, we have adjusted the skirt physics to the BDSM girl and the new village girl in Third Person. There were issues where the skirt was colliding with the player and it went crazy, so we fixed that and it should be all fine now. The village girl has new colour variations made to her outfit. All the girls in the WIP content room have intractable skirts. Go ahead and give them a try and leave some feedback.
Another new thing we added are locomotion animations for the Merchant woman that have physics. She’s located in the room next door showcasing all her incombat movements, running animations and ability animations.
We’re excited to say we have new music for our cutscenes. The end of the sewers where Brianna and Darick look at the road ahead now has an ominous sound when the dark elf appears. And as for the BDSM character cutscene, now it has music and sound effects.
A few bug fixes we made were:
- The downed state of the followers now properly works by long pressing “F” and it “gives the followers enough health” to get back into action.
- We also made fixes to the Merchant woman’s ranged attacks and made them more accurate.
- And the followers no longer attack enemies that are already dead.
Beta v0.51 from 11.05.21
Welcome back to another Iragon weekly changelog. As you know, we are in the middle of reworking the combat system and right now we are integrating some significant changes to our stats and inventory systems. This is so that we prepare for new combat mechanics and if everything is working properly you shouldnt see any changes in the way enemies take and deal damage. However, please keep an open mind that everything is still work in progress and there might be bugs.
We also updated the ingame UI - a new design for the health and mana bars, an inventory and spell prompts and icons as well as an overall repositioning on the screen. We also implemented a new design for the pause menu but keep in mind that all of this is a work in progress and we are open to all and any feedback you have.
Another new feature is damage done to followers in the Misty Forest level. When your followers take a certain amount of damage, they get into a “downed” state and you might have to go and resurrect them.
Some of the enemies, like the small spiderlings, have a new disappearing effect when they die - they dissolve into a blue particle. Soon all enemies will have that effect.
In the Experimental Hall’s “Work in Progress models” for VR, you can find a new village girl and a BDSM girl that have improved skirt physics. The skirt is now a lot easier to pick up and play around with, so feel free to test that. The village girl is the one in white and blue and the BDSM girl is right next to her.
Last but not least, we did some level design reworks and improvements in the Misty Forest greybox level. Greybox means that the level still has no art, keep that in mind. But we have reworked the main path after you exit the cave passage that’s on the left side of the level. We’ve also been adding signs and waypoints in the level as well as active quests, so the waypoint system should work now. You activate it by pressing “V” on your keyboard.
Beta v0.50 from 10.29.21
Back with another weekly changelog for Iragon. Continuing with the melee combat improvements, this week we added a blocking option for 3rd person. It’s still in a very early stage and a work in progress but we will keep on improving it.
In the Misty Forest level which is still in grey box and has no art, you can see a new type of scene - the transition scene that will quickly showcase the level ahead of you and the path you’re going to take.
We updated our main menu, the chapters menu and soon all of the user interface with a new design.
And last but not least, in the Experimental Hall “work in progress models” room, we added outfit color variations for the new villager girls - the ones with the long ginger hair.
Beta v0.49 from 10.22.21
Welcome to another Iragon weekly changelog! Starting off with a very exciting feature that we brought back for 3rd Person and that you can test in the Experimental Hall’s “WIP Models” room. Interactive girls in third person - once you get in the room, you can walk up to any of the girls (except for the spider girl and the skin tone girls) and interact with them. Once you get into the interaction you will be able to touch them, play with them, they will react etc.
For VR, we now have small destructible interactive objects in the Tavern in Grasspoint, in the Avoch interview room and in the Ecchi area after that interview. Those objects vary from different colored bottles, to plates, vases etc. So have fun breaking and throwing stuff now.
We keep on improving the reworked melee weapon system for 3rd person. Apart from technical improvements, there are also a few new attack animations now, if you wanted to check those out as well.
Beta v0.48 from 10.15.21
We have another weekly Iragon changelog for you and this week even though it’s going to be a bit short, we have some exciting combat reworks.
In the Experimental Hall, in the room between the portals, you will be able to test the new melee combat system rework for 3rd person. A new addition is the heavy attack on the sword, which you activate by holding down the attack button. However, please keep in mind that this rework is still a work in progress, so we want to know all of your thoughts on it, how it feels, etc. so that we can improve on it.
Another interesting thing is that we managed to significantly improve the skirt physics for the girls that wear them. As you know in VR, the outfits for the girls that have skirts are interactive, and we’ve been struggling to make the cloth move nicely and realistically. But now we are trying something new that seems to give the best results so far, so please test that and let us know what you think in the questions after you exit the Experimental Hall.
Grabbing things in VR has been slightly improved. You can grab items from a bit further away and the grabbing itself should be a lot more accurate. This is testable again in the Experimental Hall.
What is more, we made some slight changes to the Sewers level, more specifically the skinny bridges in the second part of the level. To make it more interesting and less linear, we made the bridges wider, broke them apart and overall added more combat space there.
Beta v0.47 from 10.08.21
We are back with another week’s changelog for Iragon. In this week’s edition in the Experimental Hall you will be able to see a new village girl NPC. She is in the “WIP models” room and also has a brand new dress outfit. And you guessed it, the skirt on her dress has physics so you can play around with it as well.
In the “new animations” room we added some… suggestive animations for the Merchant Woman. Yes, you can guess yourself what those animations are going to be used for. So be on the lookout for that interaction soon.
Something that you won’t be able to test in this build but is worth mentioning is that a big rework for 3rd person and VR melee combat is in the process. Stay tuned for future builds and changelogs to find out more.
Beta v0.46 from 10.01.21
Welcome back to another weekly changelog for Iragon. Starting off with a very requested feature for VR that is still work in progress and you will only be able to see in the Experimental Hall for now - interactive items. At the end of the “WIP corridor”, you will see a small table with some items on it that you will be able to pick up, carry, throw etc. in VR.
Next in the Experimental Hall we have outfit damage stages for the spider girl and we also added different colored NPCs. We want to add more variety to our NPCs and of course we are going to ask our players what they think and prefer, so stay tuned for feedback questions after you exit the hall.
And finally, we made a small AI improvement to the new female BDSM enemy, when she cannot reach you, she will shoot at you with her ranged attack while running to you. There is also a work in progress introduction sequence for her at the beginning of the level you enter.
Beta v0.45 from 09.23.21
By the time this changelog is released, Iragon’s Kickstarter campaign will have finished. And we never imagined it would even come close to where it is right now, so we thank you all so very much for the amazing support!
In this week’s update, we have a new cutscene that you will be able to access from the Experimental hall. The doorway for it is labeled “New Camp Scene” and in it, you’ll be able to see another suggestive interaction between Darick, Brianna and the merchant woman. All feedback about it would be appreciated.
Next, again in the Experimental hall, we have new reaction animations for the cat girl, so go ahead and start pulling her tail to get all of her reactions.
The new bigger spider enemy now has a special ability. He spawns small spiderlings around him that will attack you. The other new enemy - BDSM girl now has a ranged attack before charging at you. You can test that in the Experimental hall again. And we have also added new animations for the spider chick as well as a work in progress outfit and a beautiful headpiece to match it which you can check out in the “WIP Models” room.
Beta v0.44 from 09.17.21
Welcome to another Iragon changelog! We have less than a week now left for our Kickstarter campaign and it is surreal to see all of the support we got! We cannot thank you enough, and if you still haven’t had a chance to support the campaign you still have a little time left to do so. (LINK)
For this update, we have a brand new enemy in the new experimental level you already saw last week - the Misty Forest. The new enemy is a blindfolded but still very dangerous BDSM-dressed girl. Walk through the portal for the Misty Forest to be able to test this new enemy.
We have also implemented reactions to the girls being touched in some more intimate areas. If you touch the girls around their lady parts in VR, they will now have a reaction to that. Also, if you try to touch the cat girl’s tail, she also reacts. For this reason, we added physics to the cat tail as well as a new animation for her, and improved the skirt physics for Lexi, we gave her hair physics and polished some of the already existing animations, so you can go and check those out again. To better test the skirt physics, we added the first-ever model we made, so that you can compare the two.
We added a new room in the Experimental Hall, called “Multiple follower combat”. There you can go and test combat while having 2, 3, and 4 followers with you. Once you enter the room, it’s pretty self-explanatory how to trigger them.
And last but not least, we’re continuing expanding the VR controller support for more WMR (Windows Mixed Reality) controllers/headsets.
Beta v0.43 from 09.10.21
As always, we’re back with another weekly changelog for Iragon. But this time it’s different. It’s BIGGER! Before we get into what’s new in the game I want to remind you that the end of our Kickstarter campaign is getting closer by the day, so if you’re interested in supporting us, now’s the time! I’ll just leave the link here. (LINK)
With this update, we’re opening the doors to new areas in the game and more of the story. No longer will an annoying “To Be Continued” screen stop you from finding out what happens to our heroes in the sewers of Avoch.
You will finally find out what all that noise was about when you first entered the sewers in a new cutscene. You’ll also be presented with an important choice which might end your journey then and there with the first bad ending in the game. Don’t worry though, you can always start over from right before the scene, so you’ll get a chance to make the right choices.
After making the right choice, you’ll end up going through a dangerous series of rooms and tunnels where you’ll see some faces that may be familiar. The assassin girls that up until this point were only in the Experimental Hall. Now they’ll really start giving you a hard time.
We’ve also taken big steps in making the game support more VR controllers. Most of the changes are in the back end so this won’t be something that you can see, rather something you can feel and hopefully it feels better to play with different controllers. Keep in mind that this is still in its first iteration so there might still be some issues. One thing you CAN see is a button in the settings that will show you the bindings for your controllers.
Another exciting addition is a portal in the Experimental Hall that will lead you to a new level that we are currently working on called the Misty Forest. Some areas in the level don’t have art yet, so you’ll have to wait a bit more for the finished thing.
Another change in the Experimental Hall is what we’ve done with Lexi’s skirt. We’re trying to make it feel natural and fun, so hopefully, the changes have made it even better than what was in the last build.
Some small changes to the enemy A.I. were made to make the combat feel a little better. Enemies are no longer constantly locked to you. At a point during their attack animation, they are locked in the direction in which they are attacking, making them a bit more predictable and interesting to fight.
One last thing. There is now a censored mode that will stop clothes from breaking during combat and revealing things that you might not want to show when recording a video, streaming or maybe even playing at work.
Beta v0.42 from 09.03.21
We are back with another weekly changelog for Iragon. Our Kickstarter campaign is still going strong, so if you haven’t checked it out already, feel free to. (LINK)
This week, we’re starting off with a new spider enemy AI. We added a bigger spider enemy, with different animations for more combat variety. You’ll be able to test them in the Experimental Hall.
Speaking of Experimental hall, there are a bunch of new things to see there. First are, 2 new sexy animations for Lexi, Erika, and April. Apart from that, we added skirt physics on Lexi for VR, so that you can, you know… adjust her skirt. You will also see a new WIP model for a spider monster girl.
A small quality of life improvement - you can now close the menus with ESC. And last but not least, we noticed that one of the villager girls was missing something very important. The lady in white and red in Grasspoint now has boob physics.
Beta v0.41 from 08.27.21
Welcome to another Iragon changelog! We are very happy to share with you that so far our Kickstarter has 1,320 backers, which is absolutely incredible and we are grateful to each and every single one of you! The campaign is still ongoing, so please feel free to drop by and support us if you haven’t already. (LINK)
This week’s new additions to Iragon start with a brightness adjustment option in the settings menu. We have some pretty dark levels and a brightness option was becoming very necessary, so we decided to add it.
Next, we reworked the enemy AI a bit. When you respawn after you die, the enemy you fought will have full health now. Also, enemies won’t surround you immediately after you respawn.
We also placed the Merchant Woman in Avoch right after you exit the Harem and right before the prologue ends. This is a key moment in the game, so we decided that the player will need to restock their supplies right before leaving the town of Avoch.
In the Experimental hall “Damaged stages” room, you will find damaged stages for Erika’s default armor outfit.
And last but not least, we improved the sky in the camp where Darick and Brianna rest. You will see the sky has better resolution and graphics.
Beta v0.40 from 08.20.21
Hello with another Iragon changelog. Before we get into it, we want to thank you again for the amazing support on our Kickstarter, as we are now 560% funded! If you still haven't backed us, feel free to do so if you like what you see (LINK).
This week we worked on adding a bunch of quality-of-life improvements for the VR version of Iragon. First, we added a setting for vignette, so that this helps reduce motion sickness while moving. We also changed the smooth turning to be axis-based and added a setting for head-oriented movement. Next, we added haptic feedback when the sword collides with something, when a spell is in hand or thrown and when an attack is parried.
And last, in the Experimental hall’s WIP Models room, you will see new hair accessories on all of the girls’ default outfits.
Beta v0.39 from 08.13.21
For this week’s changelog, we have a bunch of new settings, new additions, and more so keep on reading to find out. Also, we want to thank everyone again for the tremendous support both on our Kickstarter and outside of it, you guys are the best!
Starting off with very requested features for VR, we finally added a smooth turning option and a grip-toggle mode. You will also be able to adjust the turning sensitivity in the menu. Apart from that, we fixed a common bug with the height adjustment that occurred for the spells and the sword being too far away. And last but not least for VR, we added the dancing scene from the Ecchi area that you usually see in 3rd person.
Next, we added a “Controls” menu tab in the options, so that you can adjust some of those. For now, you can only change your dodging style and your keyboard type, there is no full control customisation. We implemented “double-tap to dodge” along with “Alt” and you can also choose between a QWERTY and AZERTY keyboard type.
A very cool new feature we added is an experimental system for a heavy attack in 3rd person. You can test it out in the Experimental hall and basically what you need to do is hold down the attack button. For each weapon, there are different effects and animations.
Next in the Experimental hall in the New Animations area, you will find that our girl Jenna has embraced her feline side, she has a sexy cat outfit that you’ll be able to vote for at the end of the game. Apart from that, in the same room, you will see Brianna’s and the BDSM girls’ damaged states outfits. And last but not least, you will also see Lexi’s new idle animation that will be used later in the story.
Beta v0.38 from 08.06.21
First and foremost, we want to thank everyone for supporting us as we’ve reached our Kickstarter goal and are still going strong. If you still haven’t, please support us HERE!
We are excited to share with you that we managed to fix the issue with the game not starting on newer Intel processors. We also potentially fixed the UI issues with some resolutions. Lastly, we addressed the issue with the wrong controllers showing up in the VR tutorial when playing with Vive wands. It would be great if you can help test and tell us if the bug has indeed been fixed.
We’ve started implementing controller support. It still needs some work, but you should be able to play the whole game through with a controller.
We have new content in the Experimental Hall. If you remember the cute and sexy outfit Jenna had last week, you’ll notice that it is now textured. Coming right after her, we have April with retextured armour. And last but not least, we added the damaged stages for the BDSM clothes. You can see this on display in the “Destructible Clothing Models” room. This is a representation of how the outfit will look in-game when the character takes damage.
We made some changes to the kunai tutorial in the level with the assassins. Time no longer stops, and the quest stays until you have deflected 3 kunai in total.
We have added two new weapons you can test in the “Third Person New Weapons” room. The first weapon is a katana that swings faster than your regular sword. And the second weapon is a set of two swords that you dual-wield. We have new combat animations for both of these weapons. Don’t be shy and give them a try to leave some feedback.
The last thing to mention would be all the minor bug fixes we’ve made.
Beta v0.37 from 07.30.21
We are very excited to welcome you to this week’s changelog because, as you may know, we just launched our Kickstarter campaign! So before doing anything else please check our campaign out and feel free to back us if you like it.
And for the changelog, this week we have a few minor things. Starting with Brianna’s new default outfit from last week, now it has finished textures and materials and you can check it out in the Experimental hall and then vote on it after you exit.
Another thing we added was a tutorial for the Kunai deflection against the female assassins. Once you start the test level and encounter the first ranged assassin, time will stop once a kunai is flying towards you and the tutorial text, explaining what to do will pop up.
Apart from these changes we worked on general bug fixes, one of which was an annoying sound bug that hopefully is now fixed.
Beta v0.36 from 07.27.21
Welcome to another Iragon changelog. Our Kickstarter launch is closer than ever, so if you haven’t already, make sure to drop us a follow, so that you’ll be notified when we launch.
This week we did a few more improvements to the female assassins, the first one being bullet time for the kunai projectiles for 3rd person. We noticed it was difficult to deflect them without that, so hopefully now it’s a much more pleasant experience. We also added some new sounds to the assassins’ moves and reactions.
Next in the Experimental Hall’s WiP area, you will be able to see April’s sexy outfit fully finished (and that outfit is hot) and also a work in progress armor/default outfit for Brianna. As always, we’ve included questions after you exit the Experimental hall, so that you can give us your thoughts. Stay tuned!
Beta 16.09.21v0.35
Back with another Iragon changelog. This week we have a few more improvements to the female assassin enemies. If you remember, we added a deflect in VR, well we added one in 3rd person as well. All you have to do is hit the incoming kunai with your melee weapon.
We also gave the assassins a bit more brain, so now they patrol around when they’re not in combat. They also have improved animations for that.
And last but not least for the assassins, we added sound effects to the kunai and other parts of their combat. As always, you’ll be able to test the assassins in the Experimental Hall after you finish playing Iragon.
And as you know, we are launching Kickstarter soon, so it would mean the world to us if you could drop us a follow to be notified when we launch.
Beta 07.09.21v0.34
We’re back with another Iragon changelog. This week, we’ve been working more on the female assassins in the test level in Experimental. We improved the deflection of the kunai in VR with your sword. Now, when you try to deflect the kunai it will bounce off your weapon in the proper direction based on what angle you’re holding the sword.
Another tweak for the claw assassin and her special ability - she now disappears when she summons her clones and we changed the particle effect of the spawning clones.
As for the melee assassin - she is no longer immune to all attacks, instead she dodges one every 6 seconds.
Next, in the Experimental hall, we added another test level, in which you will be able to test a new enemy - spiderlings. The portal for that test level is right next to the one of the Assassin’s, so you can’t miss it.
Because a lot of people really liked the new slave girl, we decided to give her some improvements as well. We changed the texture on her clothes to better match her background and we also added boob physics on her. Apart from that, we fixed some wonky collision on her contraption device.
And last but not least, in the WiP models room, you will be able to see 3 new outfits for our lovely girls. The pink one for Lexi, the BDSM one for Brianna/Brenda, and the last one that’s still WIP is for April. Questions will be included after you exit the Experimental Hall, so stay tuned if you’d like to give us your feedback.
Make sure to drop us a follow on our Kickstarter page to be notified when we launch.
Beta 07.02.21 v0.33
Welcome to another weekly changelog for Iragon! If you haven’t already, make sure to drop us a follow on our Kickstarter page to be notified when we launch.
Starting with VR, in the test sewer level, where you fight the female assassins, you will see that you’re now able to deflect the flying kunai with your weapon. You do that by holding it in front of you.
What is more, we gave the claw assassin a special ability and doubled her health so that she is not as easy to kill now - she is able to summon her clones which have reduced damage and health. If you don’t manage to hit them, they will disappear after 60 seconds. Another minor change for her is the claw recolor to silver.
And for the dual-wielding melee assassins, we gave them the ability to dodge all melee attacks so that you find alternative ways to kill them.
Next in the Experimental hall, we have some new torture devices in the slave girl room, as well as another girl that’s wearing one of the new hairs we made previously, so if you’re into that kind of stuff, you can go check it out.
Last but not least, the outfit from last week for April is now finished with textures and materials. And this week, we added Lexi’s alternative sexy outfit WiP that you will be able to see in the same room across from her armor outfit. As always, questions about those outfits will be included after you exit the Experimental Hall.
Beta 06.18.21 v0.32
In this week’s changelog for Iragon, we have some new exciting features to share with you. If you remember, in last week’s build, we added a portal in the Experimental hall that leads you to a part of the new Sewer level where you can find the new enemies - the female assassins. This week we added another variation of them - the Claw Assassin. She is the melee version of the assassin’s and the claws are still a work in progress. We also added some new walking animations for the assassins that are more suitable for them.
Next, again in the Experimental hall but this time in the Work in Progress section, you will be able to see a now finished armor outfit for Lexi and a work in progress outfit for April. Again, feedback questions will be included at the end of testing Iragon, so stay tuned.
Beta 06.18.21 v0.31
Welcome to another Iragon changelog. As you know, we are preparing for a Kickstarter Launch where you can leave us a follow to be notified when we launch. Until then, we have some new stuff that you’ll be able to notice.
- First, after you leave the brothel area, you see a sequence of the soldiers who order a hit on Brianna. These soldiers now have a more sophisticated look to note their importance in the game.
- Next, in the Experimental Hall’s WIP room, you’ll be able to see another new outfit for Erika - one of Darick’s future acquaintances. She has her normal armored outfit that you’ve already seen and the new one that is a bit more… playful. Next to her, you'll also be able to see a WIP model for another future acquaintance - Lexi. There will also be voting questions for them at the end of the game so that we hear your thoughts on it.
- And last but not least, again in the Experimental Hall, you will find a portal right across from the WIP models room, inside which you will be able to test the AI for the new Female Assassins. You will also see another snippet of the Sewers level there.
Beta 06.04.21 v0.29
In this week’s changelog for Iragon apart from general polishes and bugfixes, we decided to balance out a little the spell upgrade/combat system:
- The abundance of destructibles has impacted the value of the mana orb causing inflation in upgrade prices
- Enemies are outraged by the higher upgrade prices and now deal more damage and have more health
- Darick is now severely depressed due to the higher upgrade prices resulting in reduced iframes in his dodge animation
Apart from that, in the Experimental Hall’s “WIP Models” room you’ll be able to see a brand new outfit for one of our lovely girls, Jenna. She is also rocking one of the new hair accessories we showed you before.
Beta 05.28.21 v0.28
As you know we’ve been focusing on polishing Iragon as much as we can by fixing both gamebreaking and small bugs. That means that we aren’t adding a lot of new features for now and we won’t bore you with a long list of bug fixes. Instead we’ll share the few new features that made it.
General - Only a few minor things are worth mentioning this week. First, we have even better face animations for Brett, whom you see in Darick’s first interview. We also added face animations during the sex minigame.
Next, we changed the blacksmith NPC’s face in Grasspoint to fit better with the anime-cartoon style of the other NPCs.
And last but not least, we added ambiance music in the Camp area where you have one of the important fights in the game.
Beta 05.25.21 v0.27.1
Emergency Update
Fixes - After the upload last Friday (Beta 05.21.21 v0.27) we found some problems that could potentially ruin the experience for players, so we made this
Emergency Update to address them.
Beta 05.21.21 v0.27
Hello again with a new changelog for Iragon, this week apart from a lot of bug fixes and others, we added some new features as well.
General - To start off, Iragon has a better intro loading screen now that’s not just a black screen with a white “loading” text.
Next, we changed the ending of the prologue. Now after you leave Avoch and get into the sewer entrance, you will get a sneak peek of the new Sewer level that we’ve been working on where some dangerous things will happen to Brianna and Darick.
We gave a new appearance to our tavern keeper in Grasspoint, as he wasn’t supposed to be a soldier. We also added some new village girl NPCs again in Grasspoint that you will be able to see around.
Also, in Avoch after you leave the ecchi area you will overhear some new NPCs talking about Brianna.
Another character that we decided to fix up was Brett, the first interviewer at the beginning of the game. He needed some work to be done which included some new materials, a new face rig for better animations and of course, improved face animations.
We also added face animations to our merchant woman in camp and when you hire her as your follower in the victory scene, so that she feels like a proper character now.
In the Experimental Hall’s work in progress section you will again see some new hair models with some new hair accessories.
For VR, we adjusted the spells in the tutorial to go up to your hand when you hover over them for easier equipping.
And last but not least, we decided to make our ecchi girls prettier by giving them new make up in the brothel area and around Avoch.
Beta 05.14.21 v0.26
General - In this week’s changelog, we don’t have а lot of new changes to add and we mostly did general fixes to everything in the game. However, here are the few new things in this week’s build.
The more major change is height calibration in VR. You can now calibrate your headset before playing Iragon in case you want to play seated or standing. You will find those settings in the menu.
We redid the face animations for Darick and the military assistant in the opening cutscene for Iragon. The previous animations were not great, so we wanted to improve them.
Also, we added lip-sync for the merchant woman that you meet in the camp. If you’ve noticed, she has some banter lines when you interact with her and those lines are now lip-synced.
And last but not least, we added some new female hair models in the Experimental hall that we will be using for our characters in the future. There is also a rating question for the hair accessories on these hairs after you finish Iragon, so that we know which ones you like the most.
Beta 04.29.21 v0.25
General - This week we decided to focus on a more general polish of Iragon’s current version. Starting off with face animations - we’re making sure that every character you encounter has proper facial expressions, for now those are the girls in the victory scene, the girls in the lesbian scene and we also added blinking and eye rotating into the idle animations. What is more, we added a new female hair model which you will be able to see in the Experimental Hall’s WIP area.
Music - We also spend a lot of time on working on and improving the music and sound design in the game. The first scene we did was in the Farmlands when Darick meets Brianna and Darick startles Brianna but then manages to distract the guards looking for her. The next sound design improvement we did was overall in Avoch after you leave the brothel. In the assassin scene you will hear better ambience and sounds and while you’re making your way to find Brianna you will hear some tension music, as well some “cliff-hanger” audio for the end of Iragon’s prologue.
Beta 04.23.21 v0.24
General - This week’s changelog is also going to be a bit shorter. We’re adding more language options to Iragon, this time we have French, Portuguese, Italian and Korean.
What is more, we didn’t really like the texture of the sheet during the intimate scene in the Harem because it was blending too much with the background. It has a different texture and color now and hopefully looks better.
Another change we made was to the Victory cutscene that the warrior girls play after they fight - we motion-captured some new and more anime animations for them.
If you go to the Experimental Hall in the WIP Models room, you will find some new hair models that we’d like to use in the future. You will also be able to vote on them after you finish playing the game.
And last but not least, we implemented the touching reactions to the girls in the Harem area. When you go over to them and try to touch certain body parts of theirs, you will see an appropriate reaction.
Beta 04.16.21 v0.23
General - In this week’s build of Iragon there has been mostly smaller changes. Starting off with the main one - we added a few new language options - Russian, Spanish and German so that those players can enjoy Iragon better. Next, we textured the new axe that you find on your journey, so that it looks proper now. And we also added voice lines to the merchant woman in camp when you do different interactions with her.
We also did lip-syncing for the interactive girls in the Ecchi Area for when you talk to them. We moved the short dancing sequence to one of the other girls in the Ecchi Area. And in the Experimental Hall for VR, we added some reactions to the girls when you touch their boobs, so you can test those out.
Last but not least, we decided to censor the intimate scene in the Ecchi Area because we want Iragon to be rated M for now.
Beta 04.09.21 v0.22
Cutscenes - This week we’ve been working on some juicy cutscenes. In the new harem/brothel level you are going to be able to see some girl-on-girl action in one of the rooms. That’s right, a lesbian cutscene, please keep in mind that it is still a work in progress. What is more, after you leave the brothel you will see another cutscene of soldiers ordering the hit on Darick’s new acquaintance - Brenda. And as you continue your journey in Avoch, you will get into another cutscene/conversation with one of Brenda’s girls. Last but not least, in the Experimental Hall you will be able to enter a new work in progress cutscene preview of one of the future bosses in the game.
Level Design - We decided to pay some attention to polishing and reworking some levels this week. The tutorial level that used to be on a floating island is no longer floating, so that it matches the rest of the levels. In the brothel, we decided to pump up the romantic lighting in the bedrooms for a better atmosphere and in the tavern and interview room in Grasspoint we completely redid the lighting.
General - Some general stuff that we did was add boob physics to the girls in the tavern. We had some new and sexier voice lines recorded for the girls in the brothel. You might have noticed that the shadows on the ground in all levels looked a bit boxy, well, we fixed those as well. And last but not least, we added two new and different female face models in the Experimental Hall.
Beta 04.02.21 v0.21
Level Design - Each week we are polishing our new brothel level more and more. This time we added proper lighting and post process that will make for a more romantic and sexy atmosphere. Another level we’ve been doing work on is the camp area. You know that there is a merchant woman there now. We completely reworked her area, added new art and assets for her such as a wagon, potions, cozy lights, and more.
Gameplay and General - As you know, we’ve been adding new translations to Iragon. This week we added a Polish translation because one of our team members happens to be half-polish. Hopefully, we have some Polish players out there who will enjoy Iragon.
You can now equip an axe again, after you loot it from a chest in the Farmlands levels, but the model is a work in progress still. We made a widget for things that will require or hold some amount of gold or mana orbs. You will be able to see that widget in the courtesan in the tavern in Grasspoint, telling you how much she is going to cost. You will also be able to see that when looting chests, to let you know what and how much you are looting.
Last but not least, in the Experimental Hall you will find some enemies with new AI that we’ve been working on. Our goal is to make our AI better and more performant but keep in mind that right now it is in a very early work in progress stage.
Beta 03.26.21 v0.20
Cutscenes - If you tested the Experimental hall you will probably remember the victory cutscene in one of the rooms. We now implemented that scene in the actual game after the combat arena after the camp. What is more, in the new Harem level that we made you can now get some action going with one of the girls there - there is an intimate scene that you are gonna have to save up for if you want to afford it. And last but not least, we made a cutscene for Darick’s second interview in Avoch where he actually gets his first job.
Music - This week we worked a lot on improving the atmosphere and feel of Iragon. Our sound designer made a lot of new ambiance music - in the Camp Cutscene, in the Harem level, and in the Combat arena after the camp. Hopefully, that will help you immerse yourself more.
Level Design - As you know we are working on a brothel/harem room that is now almost finished. It has a very oriental vibe and it’s going to allow you to experience a lot of intimate sexy moments with the lovely girls in there. For now, there is only one sex interaction with one of the girls but we have a lot more planned for the future.
General - Last week we started working on a gold system and this week you will be able to actually loot gold from the chests that you find scattered around. With this gold, you will be able to purchase various stuff in the future, but for now, you have an option to spend them in the Avoch Brothel. Another addition is lip sync for some of the Avoch town girls that you see on the street.
Beta 03.19.21 v0.19
Gameplay - Hopefully you remember the model for the merchant girl from previous versions - she’s now the new shopkeeper in the Camp area where Darick purchases his upgrades from. What is more, you can now hire her as your follower for a period of time. There are also other planned services you will be able to get from her in the future but those are still WiP.
We started working on a money or gold system that will later allow you to purchase items, weapons, upgrades and the aforementioned services from the merchant girl. After talking to Gintas and he gives you your 2 gold shillings - you will now be able to see those in your Inventory.
Speaking of Inventory, if you press the key “I” on the keyboard in Third Person, you’ll open Darick’s inventory. There you will see your weapons, your gold, your mana orbs count and etc. Keep in mind that it’s still work in progress, but you will no longer have to go to camp to equip different weapons. The Inventory also works in VR.
Experimental Hall - When you meet Brianna for the first time, she is not in the best condition. Her outfit is torn as she’s been through a lot - we reworked that outfit to be better looking and fitting the style of Iragon. You can check it out in the Experimental Hall. What is more, we’ve been reworking her hair model because it was difficult to add good-looking physics to it, so now in the WiP area you can see a new model for her hair and let us know what you think.
Another mini area that you’ll be able to see there is the Harem area that we’re working on. It includes some new assets that we have, some new styles that we plan on using in the future for the Ecchi brothel area.
Last but not least, we motion-captured a few animations for the ladies that are going to be in the new harem/brothel room. You can check them out in the Work in Progress section.
General - After finishing the game once you and unlocking Experimental Hall you can no longer “Continue” as there is nothing else to play. Also, we simplified our loading screens a little, so that you can better focus on the chapter titles. We added sounds to the Worm enemies in the Avoch approach level. And last but no least, we changed Gintas’ model to look even more unpleasant.
Beta 03.12.21 v0.18
VR Changes - This week we have a few new additions for VR specifically. We worked out a physics asset for the females’ boobs. Yes. It looks and feels a lot more natural when you’re playing in VR and try to touch a girl’s boobs. What is more we added 2 sequences - one on the bridge towards avoch and one in the combat arena after the camp cutscene.
Levels and Animations - We have been working on a harem room or a brothel room - whatever you prefer to call it. You will be able to see it when you enter Avoch but keep in mind that it’s still work in progress. As for animations, we added more face animations and lip-sync for the waitresses in the tavern in Grasspoint as well as for Brianna when she asks you which way you want to go right after you meet her.
General - Some time ago, we added banter during gameplay between Darick and Brianna. This week, we added some extra lines for both of them and we also made it repeat less in some situations so that we can avoid the characters spamming the lines and becoming annoying. If you saw and remember the new merchant woman we added in the Experimental Hall WiP area, well now she has proper textures and materials to her clothes. Last but not least, we added very rough and probably very wrong language translations in Chinese and Japanese. Hopefully, that will help non-english speaking players have a better experience until we get a proper and correct translation
Beta 03.05.21 v0.17
Cutscene Polish - Apart from creating new scenes, we’ve also been polishing our old ones. The scene in Avoch got a touch-up on face animations for the characters, we also adjusted and changed some shots and removed some elements like the vomiting soldiers. In VR, we did some polishing to the raid cutscene in Grasspoint. We added a slash effect for when Darick defeats his enemies.
Face Animations - This week we polished a lot of face animations for some of the secondary characters. The Tavern Keeper in Grasspoint and Gintas now look and talk a lot more naturally, we added more eye movement and stuff that will make them look more human. We also added new face animations and lip-sync for Esme and Mindee from scratch.
Brianna’s New Hair - We decided to rework Brianna’s hair model because it didn’t look very natural and it was hard to work with when it came down to physics. You will be able to see Brianna’s new hair in the Experimental Hall at the end of the game.
General - After Darick’s village gets raided, there was a quest that said “Reach the Farmlands”, we decided to rename that quest to “Go to Avoch” because that makes more sense with the story now. In the Farmlands levels, we added new ambiance music that will hopefully create a better and more immersive experience. After you leave the Tavern in Grasspoint, you will see a new loading screen that was drawn by one of our artists.
Beta 02.11.21
Level Design - We made some changes in the tavern that you enter right after Darick is rejected on his first interview. We added some waitress NPCs and added access to an additional little area up the stairs through the western style doors. What’s there we’ll leave for you to find out. Also, after the village raid cutscene you will wake up during the night in a ravaged and destroyed Grasspoint on fire. Last but not least, we kept improving the post process and colors of the levels, so that we nail down the perfect atmosphere for each level.
Animations - This week, we continue the work on animations. We added a new animation - an improvement from the previous - to Brianna and Sabine holding hands in the Avoch cutscene. We also added new face animations for Darick and Brianna in the Farmlands exploration and Avoch cutscenes. And lastly, we improved on Brianna’s baked physics a bit as well.
Others - Some miscellaneous stuff that we also did this week was change some of the hair colors of the NPCs in Avoch. We added a skip button for the cutscenes in Iragon, both for VR and 3rd person - for VR you can skip from the Pause Menu. In the Experimental hall we added girls with different breast sizes and we also put a feedback question about it after you play the game, so that we better learn what our players’ preferences are
Beta 02.05.21
Post Process and Sky - This week we decided to do some recoloring in a few different levels, so that they have a better atmosphere and feel. We changed some post processing settings in the Village level before and after you’ve entered the Tavern. We also changed some skies, added a custom post process to some of the rooms in the Experimental hall and a few other places.
Animations - What makes a cutscene look good is good animations. We continue working on our animations, polishing them, creating new ones and adding them to our scenes. This week the Avoch cutscene got some new animations, some new particles, physics and last but not least face animations for Darick.
Outfits and Materials - We made new materials and textures for the outfits of the Avoch town people, both the male and female civilians. We also did some improvements on the destructible clothing for the warrior girls.
New Art and Others - We’ve been reworking the camp area level to make it more cozy, romantic and delightful. We moved the blacksmith and the upgrades shop towards the exit of the level. We added new art and decorations, a whole new campfire with new fire crackling sounds and effects. Apart from that, we added chapter images for each chapter of the story. Some are finished and some are still placeholders
Beta 01.29.21
Beta Announcement - From this week on we’ll be uploading the Beta version of Iragon that we’ve been working on for a while. That means that we are finished with the Demo and are no longer gonna work on it. The beta follows the full story of the game logically, but keep in mind that not everything works as smoothly, lots of bugs can occur and a lot of things are still unfinished and work in progress.
You will still be able to access the Experimental hall after you finish the last level where we are going to continue showing you new work in progress stuff that we plan on adding in the game.
Build 01.22.21 - v0.67
Experimental Hall Rearrangement - Since we are showing a lot of work in progress stuff, we decided to rearrange the Experimental Hall, so that we can have more room. You will find one of the side halls has a sign that says “WIP Content” and in there you’ll see the different rooms. Since we’re working on the full game now, we’ll have a lot of new stuff to show in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned!
New Outfit Variations - And in the new Work in Progress section in the “Models” room, you’ll be able to see some outfit and color variations of our lovely ladies that you will be able to meet later in the full game.
Build 01.15.21 - v0.66
More Work in Progress - As you know, we are currently polishing the demo for Iragon, that’s why our changelogs are so scarce, as there are mostly bug fixes that don’t need to be mentioned in detail. However, we keep adding new models and outfits in the Experimental hall’s Work in progress section. This week we’re displaying Brianna’s new sexy outfit that is still missing textures. And the new female model from last week, now has textures and materials.
Also, in the Warrior girl Damage states room you can see some work in progress animations for some of the town citizens that we are planning for the full game. Some of the models are duplicated because we are still working on them.
Build 12.18.20 - v0.65
Moving Clouds - I don’t know if you ever looked up at the skies in Iragon, but if you did, you would notice that the clouds are actually moving. We wanted to adjust and improve them a little, so we made materials for them and sped them up, so that the movement is more noticeable.
Work in Progress - In the Work in Progress section that you go to after you finish the demo, you’ll be able to see one of our new female models, her outfit and all of that, however still missing materials. You will also see Erika’s new armor outfit now textured.
Build 12.18.20
More Physics - Like we mentioned in previous logs, we are working on nailing down the physics throughout the whole demo and this week we made hair and boob physics for the secretary in the very first cutscene and hair and cape physics for the mage girl that follows you in the last level.
New Outfit - We can show only very little from our work on the full game and today in the Experimental Hall’s Work in Progress area, you can check out a brand new outfit for one of the beautiful ladies. Currently, doesn’t have materials and textures, but stay tuned for that in future changelogs.
Build 12.11.20
Physics and Animations - Continuing with the animations and physics update - this week we worked on adding face animations to our main character - Darick. You can see his now a lot more expressive face in most of the cutscenes in the game, and yes, including the intimate cutscenes. And soon we will start working on adding face animations to him everywhere else.
Gameplay Improvements - Apart from a lot of bug fixing, we also try to improve gameplay by making various adjustments. We added a health bar to the wolves that you get to fight, as well as floating damage text. This is all very minor, but hopefully it improves your gaming experience.
New Hair Model - As you know, the Experimental Hall that you go to after you finish playing the demo shows you some of the things that we are currently working on for the full game. Right now, in the Work in Progress area you can see a new hair model that we made. It is going to be the new hairstyle for one of our lovely Iragon ladies, but which one? That’s a secret for now.
Build 12.04.20
Physics and Animations - As usual, we worked on adding better hair and boob animations, that you can see in all of the intimate scenes in the game. We’ve also been working on polishing/cleaning the animations, so that they look natural and beautiful. We’ll let you be the judge of that, but more work is needed.
Models Rework - We made new outfits for some of our villager girls. You can see different color variations and new accessories like the headscarf. We also retextured some small assets to better fit our art style. They are a bucket, a pitchfork and a yoke for now.
General Fixes - The changelogs have been quite short these days, because we are mostly polishing the content we have in the Demo. From animations to gameplay and bug fixes, we’re trying to make it all look and feel delightful.
Build 11.27.20
Intimate Scene Rework - similar to last week, we wanted to improve the main intimate interaction in the demo - the camp scene. That’s why we decided to rework it fully. We changed, added and removed camera shots and angles and we’re excited to show you the changes and hear your thoughts.
Build 11.19.20
Intimate Scene Rework - We weren’t quite happy with the Rogue girl scene in the Experimental Hall, so we decided to add a few new shots to make it longer and hopefully more delightful. As well as a few technical fixes.
Physics - We’ve been struggling with hair, boob and other physics for quite some time now, and we are happy to say that we are getting closer to making them absolutely delightful. You can see the new and improved hair and boob physics in the Experimental Hall intimate scenes.
New Character - We mentioned our work on the new character - the Dark Elf. We’ve made some progress on him - his armor is now fully textured, we also made slight adjustments to his skin, hair and height. You can check him out in the Experimental Work in Progress area.
Build 11.12.20
Intimate Scene Changes - We keep working on the sex scenes for every girl in the game. We made some shots longer, changed some camera angles.
General Fixes - This build we were mostly fixing bugs with the character models, with the levels, collision fixes and with everything else you can think of both in 3rd person and in VR.
Build 11.05.20
Intimate Scene Changes - We keep working on the sex scenes for every girl in the game. We made some shots longer, changed some camera angles.
General Fixes - This build we were mostly fixing bugs with the character models, with the levels, collision fixes and with everything else you can think of both in 3rd person and in VR.
Build 10.30.20
Experimental Hall - We gave different outfits, hair and eye colors to the slave girls, so there is now a bigger variety to choose from. Also in the “Work in Progress” section we added a Dark elf model, who is going to be a part of the full game story, here you can only check out what he looks like.
Village Level - We added a sign on the tavern in the village. It’s called “The dog and the duck” so now it will be easier for players to find it.
Intimate Scene Changes - We reworked all of the intimate scenes in the game, starting with the sex scene in the camp area to all of the scenes in the Experimental hall. So you can now go around and enjoy the new experiences.
VR Improvements - We made some adjustments to the spell inventory in VR that will now hopefully be more comfortable for players. We also added a cool dying sound.
Build 10.22.20
New additions in Experimental Hall - We added some new features and changes in the experimental hall. The inn bedroom that’s in the first corridor to the left now has a pretty, intimate scene with the Rogue Girl. The slave girls in the dungeon got different outfit types. And in the crossbow room in VR, we added a trail to the crossbow bolt, so that you can see it better.
Unified Build - Our programmers came up with a solution to have both builds (VR and 3rd person) in a single, smaller in size file. When you download Iragon, you will see 2 exe files, one for VR and one for 3rd person.
New Weapon - Remember the axe you can unlock after scavenging some chests? Well we have a brand new model for it as well as cool new animations for swinging it, so make sure you unlock it, to check it out.
Build 10.16.20
Changes in Experimental Hall - The experimental hall got a few improvements made to it, such as better lighting and better art for the ceilings. We added a skylight in the main room that separates the corridors to brighten things up. The corridor ceilings got new chandeliers and a prettier design.
Warrior Girl Black Outfit - If you remember the rogue looking girl in the experimental level, you will notice something different about her. She used to wear a red outfit but we decided black suits her better.
Warrior Girl Previews - Before entering the chambers of each of the warrior girls you will see a quick preview of them. They will show off their looks to spike your interest before having the chance to interact with them. You can find them in the experimental hall.
Build 10.10.20
Switcheroo - The perky pink haired Erika has been in the spotlight as the romantic interest for a while now and we think it’s time to give someone else a chance. Enter Jenna. The dark haired bombshell will be taking center stage to see if the players like spending their time with her, more than they do with Erika.
New Outfit - With Jenna taking the place of Erika, she also needs a skimpy outfit to change into when she wants to get more comfortable and intimate with Darik. So we redesigned Erika’s skirt outfit to match Jenna.
Succubus music - The succubus scene is getting some love again and is starting to reach its intended look and feel. With music to set the tone and sound effects to enhance the action.
New Slave Girls Outfit - We know that everyone likes naked girls, but we think that we should at least have the option to give them some clothes. So we made a little outfit for her to wear if she ever needs to.
Build 10.3.20
Experimental Hall - We’ve replaced the old experimental room with a whole new level that we call the Experimental Hall. Unlike the old experimental level, it has full art and each room has a different style. The rooms with combat look like a training room, the rooms where you can have sex look like bedrooms and the ones with slave girls look like slave rooms.
Demon Girl Sex in VR - In VR you now have the option to have sex not only with Erika, but the demon girl too. You just have to reach the last camp and have sex with Erika first.
Combat Improvements VR - We have made some improvements to the combat in VR. Enemies should no longer be running circles around you. We also changed some attacks that were hard to parry with easier ones.
Recruiter animations - We’ve made some improvements to the animations of the recruiter from the start of the game
Skeletons to Soldiers - Erika is now being attacked by soldiers as opposed to skeletons when you first meet her. This ties in with the conversation you have with her.
Build 9.4.20
Demon Girl Sex - We’ve added a new experimental sex scene minigame where you fuck the demon girl. In this one you also have the option to toggle her clothes on and off.
New Portals - The portals that we used looked okay, but after optimizing them for performance they were a bit ruined. So we gave them a new look. We also plan on using them for the last level of the demo in the future.
Succubus Scene Fixes - After reworking the Succubus cutscene there were a lot of bugs as a result. We have fixed some of them and are working on polishing the scene even more.
Build 8.28.20
New Girl in Experimental - There is yet another new girl being introduced to the experimental level. She looks like a rogue, which makes her quite different from the other two who looks like a warrior and a demon.
Cutscene Music - Both cutscenes between the first two combat levels now have music added to them.
Girls in Camp - We added a few of the girls we have to the last camp.
VR Blowjob changes - The VR blowjob in the experimental level has been changed. You are now sitting on a bed.
VR Succubus cutscene changes - The succubus cutscene rework has been touched up a bit and some of the problems have been fixed.
New Soldier Lines - We added new voice lines to the soldiers in the tavern and in the village. The ones in the village are more talkative and have four lines that play at random when you bump into them.
Build 8.04.20
VR Cutscene Changes - Both the first and last cutscenes of the game have been changed in VR. In the first, you get less cuts and more things to watch throughout. The last cutscene is in the process of being almost completely reworked. So keep your eyes peeled for that.
Roaming NPCs - Two soldiers have been added to the village to add more life. For now, they just walk around the streets, but we plan on adding a bit more character to them later on.
Warrior Girl Clothing - The warrior girl has gotten some outfit upgrades. We made a bunch of different color variations and a few states of damaged and partially destroyed clothes for her.
New Snowy Trees - To make the transition between the first and second combat levels smoother we added some new trees that are partially covered in snow.
Optimization - We have started making changes to the levels, materials and code to make the game run as smooth as possible on all machines that can run it in the first place.
Build 7.22.20
Combat changes - Fighting lots of enemies at once now works a bit differently. If you are against a big group, they will come to fight you two at a time, the rest will stay at a bit of a distance. The ones who are waiting will have their guard up and you will do very little damage to them until you kill the ones that are fighting you at that moment. We made it work this way so that you can’t just kill the ones that are waiting while they are not trying to fight you.
Experimental Girl - We are working on another girl for the village, but she’s not ready to be fully implemented yet. You can find her in the experimental level.
Sunbathing Girl - The sunbathing girl has been replaced with another girl who is a bit more dressed. She still needs to be retextured, so look forward to that.
Villager Girls - There are new girls who moved into the village. Some of you might remember them from a way older build. One is standing around near one of the houses and if you bump into her, she talks to you a bit. The other is near the tavern.
Profiling & Optimization - We have known for a while that we have a problem with low fps in quite a few places throughout the game and we finally started working on improving that. Most levels have been profiled and we have pinpointed the issues that we need to fix. Some of them have already been worked on a bit and a bunch are still on the waiting list. We are also making a plan on how to handle level streaming which should significantly improve performance. All of this takes a lot of time and effort so please be patient. We will keep you updated on how things are going and which parts of the game have seen improvements in fps.
Build 7.10.20
Sex Improvements - The sex scene is becoming more and more interactive and turning into something like a minigame. You will see a progress bar that fills up as you pleasure the girl. As it fills up you will unlock new positions that make her go faster and faster, until she can’t take any more.
Parry Tutorial - Right after finishing the spell tutorial, you will now go through parry training. You will have to parry the attacks of some skeletons. But don’t worry, since this is the first time that you will have to do this, time will stop as they attack so that you can position your sword correctly.
Sunbathing Girl - A new girl has shown up in the village and it seems that she really enjoys sunbathing almost naked at the lake.
Tutorial Level Art - The spell/parry tutorial level now has art. You will get to learn how to fight and enjoy the scenery.
Portal Changes - The portals that stop you from progressing before you complete a certain task have a new look.
Build 6.26.20
Parry System - The parry system from the experimental level is graduating to being a fully implemented feature in VR. You will be able to stop an attack from an enemy by using your sword to block and then making a counter attack. Soldiers with shields will be especially tough because they will take minimal damage while they have their shields up. So a well timed parry will be the best way to get a melee attack in.
New Sounds & Visuals - The first two combat levels are looking and sounding more finished than ever. We have added music and sound effects to the levels, as well as some particles and camera effects in third person. The first combat level also has a new post processing volume.
VR Damage Indicator - Taking damage in VR is now more obvious than ever. When you get hit, your game will flash red to make sure that you know that you are taking damage.
Repeating Lines - After you hear all the dialogue from an optional NPC and talking to it again, you will be treated to a short line instead of having to listen to the whole conversation again.
Warrior Girls - In the Experimental level you can now find three familiar girls in new and unfamiliar outfits. We are trying out some skimpy warrior outfits with cape physics.
Test Spells Changes - The new spells in the Experimental level are also changing. You no longer use a crossbow to shoot out magical arrows. You now fire spells out from your hands. The lightning spell now chains from the enemy that you hit to other enemies that are nearby. It also causes an impulse of force at the location of impact, pushing objects around. And there is now an arc that shows you the trajectory that your fire and ice spells will travel, so that you can more accurately aim your shots.
Interactive Sex - We are working towards making the sex scenes more interactive. In the third person sex scene you can now control how fast you have sex and you can touch her all over and listen to her moan. In VR you can play with her boobs while you have sex, just like in your previous interactions with her.
Build 6.12.20
IntermediateB improvements - The second combat level finally has art for the cave at the end and proper lighting. The art for the cave also carries over to the next level. It’s finally reaching its finished state.
Sky improvements - Many of the levels have new and improved skies, with moving clouds and a view of distant mountains.
Spell tutorial - We made a new tutorial for using the spells. It’s more compact than the last tutorial, in terms of space, but should cover all that you need to know.
Spell Blocking in VR - Since we are working on a parry mechanic, we thought that it’s only fair that you have a way to stop spells that are flying at you as well. Hitting a spell with your sword will now destroy that spell. Of course, you still have the option to side step out of the way too.
Experimental Level - We decided that often things that we are working on are not yet ready to be added in the game, but we add them anyway, so we can see what you think about them. That’s why we made a special level for those of you who not only want to try out Iragon, but also want to test things that may not yet be in good enough shape to be implemented. After playing through the game once, a new button that says “Experimental” will be unlocked in the main menu. That button will take you to a level where you can test such things. For now it will only be available in VR because all the things that we have to test are in VR. The next two features can only be tested there.
Parrying in VR - We are working on making it possible to parry melee attacks from enemies with your sword in VR. If an enemy swings at you and you block the attack with your sword, you won’t take any damage and it will leave an opening for you to make a counter attack. For now this is only in the Experimental level.
VR Spells Rework - We are working on making each spell more unique. You can test things that we are trying out in the Experimental level.
Build 5.29.20
Continue Game - We finally implemented one of the most suggested features. A Continue Game option in the menu. You no longer have to finish the game in one sitting. Stop playing when you feel like it and next time choose Continue Game from the main menu. There are still some issues that need to be ironed out, but it won’t be long until it will work just as you imagine it.
Erika voice acting - We finally got some new lines recorded by the voice actress for Erika. There are still some placeholder lines, but this should help her feel like a more consistent character.
Wrapping up NPCs - We fixed the last few issues with the soldier NPCs in the village. Their necks no longer bend weirdly and their heads are no longer too small for their bodies. I guess they are pretty much done.
Optional quests - Optional quests and objectives are now in a blue color to help the players know which objects and NPCs they have to interact with and which ones they can choose to skip.
Finished IntermediateA - The first combat level is finally finished. It starts off in an Autumn environment, like the village, and slowly starts transitioning into a snowy mountain as you go higher at the end.
Last level sounds - The last level of the game has entirely new music and ambient sounds.
Blob shadows - The first two cutscenes, at the start of the game, now have simple blob shadows under the characters.
VR Succubus - The succubus cutscene at the end of the demo can now be experienced in VR.
Death animations - Darick can now be killed in a variety of different ways. Every time an enemy kills you, you get a little scene where they finish you off.
New Bloodlock - The magic walls that keep you from leaving the last combat area before you kill all the enemies have a new look.
New enemy color scheme - All enemy soldiers are now in a red / gold color scheme to help distinguish the good ones from the bad. Skeletons are still the same color though. They look pretty evil as it is.
Build 5.15.20
Better Boob Physics - We have made changes to the boob physics to make interacting with them feel more real.
New level art - The two levels after the tutorial have new art and are starting to take shape. The last level also har art improvements, including lighting, particles and landscape.
NPC changes - Sewell, Ewald, Gintas, the Tavernkeep and the Lone Soldier now have facial animations and the Group Soldier will soon follow. Most NPCs have new idle animations and their interactions are viewed from new camera angles.
New tutorial - Part of the combat and controls tutorials are now at the start of the village level. You will have to break destructables, jump over an obstacle and dodge attacks from wolves. The spell tutorial is still after the village.
Sounds - There are new sound effects for the lightning spell and for the destructable stone walls.
New start, last level - To make the transition between levels feel better, we made the last level start with the ending cave of the previous level.
Improved jumping - Jumping in third person has been changed to feel less “floaty”. Also, when you jump from a high place, the ground will now shatter beneath you.
New Erika hair - Erika has a new haircut with a bow on it.
Build 4.30.20
New spell selection - The spell selection menu has been made way simpler and hopefully easier to use. Previously we had a weapon wheel that you select from with the mouse. Now you just click “Tab” to switch between spells. A small icon at the top left of the screen shows you what spell you have currently selected.
Intermediate Level Changes - The first combat level after the tutorial is now split in two and has some changes in the landscape and overall design. The first part ends in front of a great big mountain and the second part starts you on top. The second part also ends with you entering a cave and jumping down a big hole.
New look for the NPCs - The NPCs in the village and tavern have new faces, new hairs and different hair colors. Hopefully this, combined with their different armors and heads, will make them unique and distinct enough.
Enemy sounds - The enemies now make sounds when swinging a weapon, dying and getting hit.
VR Intro - The flythrough scene from the very beginning of the game has been implemented in VR. However, we can’t have you flying around in VR because it might make you dizzy. So we just teleport you to a few locations of the village.
Build 4.12.20
New interactions - There is now a third interaction with Erika in the camp.
Introducing April - April is a girl that you meet in the combat level. She casts ice spells and helps you out. And now, you can find her in the camp along with Erika.
Hard skip - We added a “hard skip” for some conversations, for those of you who have already heard it and would rather skip it completely. Holding the left mouse button will skip to the next choice or to the end of the conversation, if there are no choices.
No more mannequins - All the generic mannequin NPCs have been replaced. They are now either wearing armor or a variety of three different outfits.
New chests - The chests got a rework. They now look different, shake around while unopened and there are more of them in the world.
New hands - We have added new hands in VR. That includes new models and textures.
Lip syncing - We have added lip syncing to the recruiter from the beginning of the game.
Damage text - Landing a hit on an enemy will now display the amount of damage that you dealt above its head.
New tutorial - With the new combat systems we needed to make new tutorials and here they are.
Build 4.3.20
Skip button - You can now skip dialogue just like you can in a regular visual novel.
VR spell levels - All spell types now have different effects with each level. For example the first level fire spell just shoots a fireball. The second level causes the fireball that you shoot to split into smaller fireballs after it hits an enemy. And the third level does all that and causes a fire to start where the spell landed, damaging enemies in that fire.
Third person combat - We have started reworking the third person combat system so that it reflects the way it works in VR. The spells are changing both in functionality looks.
Art for combat level - The combat level is starting to take shape. Art has been added to most of the level, including the guard tower at the start.
NPC short hairs - Our modular NPCs now have the option of having very short hairs. Most of them are not very flattering. (added in functionality but not yet in the build so you decide if you use this)
Voice acting - Since some parts of the story are mostly final now, we have started getting actual voice actors to record the lines for some NPCs. The recruiter, Sewell, Ewalld, Gintas, the Tavernkeep and the two soldier NPCs in the tavern now have new voices.
Tutorial music - The tutorial level now has music accompanying it.
Village lake - The last bridge before the village now goes over a lake that leads to a big waterfall.
New loading screens - There are three new loading screens. One with two girls in a suggestive pose, one with a soldier and one with a skeleton.
Build 20.03.20
New VR Combat System - The combat system in VR has been completely reworked. Spells now hover in front of you and you grab them with your hands. Then you can throw them at your enemies. Melee weapons have a better overall feel to them and they can be holstered to your sides. Throwable knives are also holstered to your arms. Health is now restored with collectables. Your enemies will also behave differently to fit in better with the new combat system.
Erika’s new outfit - Our lovely Erika has picked out a new outfit. You can find her wearing it in your second interaction with her in the camp. If she likes what choices you make when talking to her, you will also get to experience the new animations and sounds for her progress bar.
New main menu - The time has finally come. Our simple placeholder main menu has been replaced with a new and improved one.
Village - The Village level is reaching its final stages. There has been more art implemented, some new rock textures and some new signs. Although the signs still don’t have materials and textures.
NPC changes - The soldiers now have a variety of skin colors and new hand textures.
Script Changes - There have been a bunch of changes to the script. Some minor, some a bit more substantial. One of the bigger ones is that the Tavernkeep’s tipsy friend Dudly no longer chips into your conversation.
Succubus makeup - The succubus has some new makeup that she wants to show off.
Flythrough Art - The intro scene of Iragon used to take place in a graybox version of the first level. That’s no longer the case and it is filled with art. Hopefully that helps set the mood for our adventure.
Build 06.03.20
More Flythrough Improvements - Some major changes have been made to the flythrough introduction of Iragon. They mainly consist of camera cuts that aim to give it a more cinematic feel.
NPC Facial Hair - To add more diversity to the NPCs in Iragon we gave them facial hair that is unique for each and one of them.
More Village Art - We’ve continued making improvements to the first playable level. More art has been added, especially around the village itself, to give it more life. Small things like gardens, plants, fences and others can now be found when exploring it.
Tavern Art - The fantasy tavern you enter after exploring the village now has art. It has interior decorations and the new armoured soldiers are now there too. You can find them sitting in the tavern and talking.
Love Progress Bar - When you interact with Erika you will now notice a love progress bar. It will fill up gradually after every correct choice you make when you talk with her.
Build 21.02.20
Village Art - The first playable level of the game finally got some art. We settled on an autumn look complete with lots of fallen leaves, mushrooms and everything you have come to expect from autumn levels. It still has some graybox elements, but this is, no doubt, a big step in what we think is the right direction.
Village Skybox - Apart from the Village level itself, we also added a new skybox. It shows a sunset over some distant mountains.
Paige rename - The pink haired damsel in distress that you meet on your adventures has a new name. We decided that Erika would suit her better than Paige. So from now on, don’t be confused when we mention the name Erika.
Erika, a lover and a fighter - Erika now fights alongside you after you find and help her. You can instruct her to either draw her sword and face the enemies with you head on, or use her ice spells to support you from a distance.
New interactions with Erika - There are a few new intimate interactions with Erika in the camp. Not only will you get to have a conversation with her, but if you make the right choices you get to kiss her. You will also get to Touch her in a few places and see how she reacts.
Erika, animations & emotes - With the new interactions with Erica, it’s no surprise that she has quite a few new animations. She also has two new emotes that pop up over her head to show you that you can interact with her.
Build 07.02.20
Flythrough Improvements – With every build we try to make the intro of Iragon more and more pleasing and cinematic. We make camera adjustments until we get the result we want. For that we also wanted to improve the overall feel of the village by adding a new skybox that is still work in progress.
Bridges Rework – The very first area that the player starts his journey in has been reworked. The bridge from the Military academy that goes to the village has been reconstructed and textured. Another one of the bridges you will have to cross further in the game has also been reworked.
New Art – The first level for our cutscene – the interview room in the Military Academy now has Art and looks much more pleasing to the eye. What is more, our lovely boss succubus has a concept art illustration that has been added as a Loading Screen to the game.
NPCs and Quest Changes – We added 1 new NPC in the village and 2 new NPCs in the tavern. All of whom you can talk to to get a richer idea of the story and the world of Iragon. The NPC that follows you around further in the game is now able to fight back your enemies with a sword. What is more, there is a new main quest in the tavern as well as a few optional ones that you can attend to after you take on the main quest.
New Romantic Animations – It seems like our boy Darick’s luck is on tonight. We have new sexy animations for the lovely girl you meet along the way. Darick might just be able to get to first base, you never know! And when Paige gives him a kiss, heart particles of cuteness explode around her.
Build 24.01.20
Saving Paige – The lovely page is now in a more threatening situation when Darick finds her. She is surrounded by soldiers who seem to have some naughty ideas about what to do with the poor girl. Thankfully, you are there to save the day.
Succubus – We have a new challenger coming to face Darick and this one is sexier than any other. The succubus is a shapely demon, driven by lust and out for blood. There is also a new cutscene with her where she makes short work of the soldiers that Darick was previously struggling with.
New Paige animations – Our lovely damsel in distress, Paige, has some new animations which will be used in an intimate cutscene a bit later on.
New kissy faces – Speaking of intimate. Paige also has now facial morph targets that allow her to make kissy faces. You can use your imagination to figure out what we plan on doing with those.
Build 10.01.20
Removed Grappling – Starting off the year with a bang. Grappling will no longer be a mechanic in Iragon. We know that this is a big change, but we’ve decided that It often separates the gameplay into swinging sections and everything else and we want it to all feel like one big experience. This change will also free up a lot of time to work on the rest of Iragon and allow us to deliver a better, tighter game.
Two new NPCs – Introducing the two new (minor) characters to the Iragon family. First, we have Sewell, a villager in Balmoros who you can find somewhere in the village. He may be a bit drunk and under the weather, but he still has time to help out Darick. Second, we have the Tavernkeep. Unsurprisingly, he is found behind the bar in the tavern. Similar to Sewell, he helps out our protagonist by giving him some friendly advice.
New level – After finishing the tutorial you will be treated to a new level. Although it is still in a graybox state, it feels and plays great and we hope that you love it.
New intro – After starting your adventure you will now be treated to a flythrough that shows Balmoros better than ever before.
New soldier armors – The armor smiths of the world have worked hard to introduce new armor for the soldiers that you will encounter.
New Buttons – Lastly, we have some new buttons for that display your choices in conversation.
Build 06.12.19
– Main Menu – We gave the main menu of the game a new background – a pretty landscape of the village. As well as a bit more cinematic fly-through intro to the beginning of the game.
– Level Improvements – The interview room where Darick begins his journey has gone through some layout and rescaling changes.
– The tavern’s layout in the village level has been improved to fit the world better and it still stays in graybox. After cutscene there finishes, you are free to explore the village some more as it has been extended. You don’t have to worry about getting lost because we added road signs to guide you. And if you feel like practicing your new fighting skills, there are some scarecrows around that you can hit.
– Character Improvements – We added new shadows to our characters that look better and are more realistic.
Whenever you meet a new companion they will now follow you to your destination instead of running away from you.
At the end of the demo you’ll get to fight the new model of the boss mages – the Crow Knight.
– Fixes – Some major and some minor bugs were fixed, as well as some texture fixes and others.
Build 22.11.19
– Level rework – For this build we have reworked the demo’s first level. The village area is a lot more spacious and the military academy that Darick wants to join is a fort on top of a hill that looks badass and impenetrable.
– Sky Sphere – The village level now has a sky sphere that replaces the skybox with a beautiful twilight sky. Still a work in progress but soon to be finished in future builds.
– More Destruction – We have added 3 new types of destructibles because it is just so satisfying to destroy thi ngs. We have also improved them and the already existing ones with sounds and particles upon breaking.
– Small improvements – some of the minor but important elements have been improved and added: A new interaction prompt; game cues/signs are better visible now; we paid attention to detail and added more signs that signify some parts of the game like the tavern and others; grappling targets have a new, more noticeable prompt.
– Bug fixes and WIP – Some minor and some major bugs were fixed. The cutscenes are constantly being worked on and improved.
In Virtual Reality:
– Tutorials, all text cues and prompts now pop up from a simple but elegant menu on your VR hands. This fixes the annoying floating text in the air that moves every time you look in its direction.
– More bug fixes.
Build 08.11.19
– The village level now has an awesome military base, which is the place where Darick hopes to get accepted. What is more, we put up a new beautiful skybox that you may notice in the distance.
– We have a new enemy that’s replacing the blond-haired peasants. So no more slaughtering of innocent people. Instead, you’ll be fighting against our new pal, the skeleton.
– A few changes that you may notice when you set up camp: If you want to talk to one of our pretty girls, a prompt with a key to press will pop up when you walk up to them. You will also notice changes to the dialogue menu when you talk to one of them.
– Some adjustments to the tutorial are also in place: Instead of having to break 10 boxes in the combat area, we reduced them down to 5. Also, the final stage of the grappling area has been extended.
– Other changes are quite minor and include bug fixes and small adjustments.
In Virtual Reality:
– The interview room in the beginning of the demo now has a few interactive objects that you can pick up.
– We added a vignette effect that will hopefully help some players reduce their motion sickness while moving and mostly while swinging.
Build 24.10.19
New level – The demo needed one more level that will be dedicated to the combat tutorial and we made one. It’s between the swinging tutorial level and the level where you fight the mages.
New combat tutorial – We felt that the combat tutorial in the demo was not good enough, so we made a new one. It takes place the new level, right after the swinging tutorial level. It will teach you how to fight with your swords in close quarters combat and how to use every different type of spell.
Loading screen girls – Our loading screens are slowly becoming populated with images of sexy girls in suggestive poses.
Updated Gallery – As promised we have done quite some work on our gallery and it now gives you access to scenes of the girls in а seductive manner.
Build 11.10.19
Demo – The past few and the next few weeks are dedicated to making a demo for Iragon. It will be used to showcase what the game has to offer and how it will play. All the other things in this changelog are not for a playable builds that we share with you, but instead for the demo.
Interview room level skeleton – The interview room is where the story will start and will show you the beginning of Darick’s journey.
Village level skeleton – The village is a calm and beautiful place where the players will first gain control over Darick and will get a feel for the controls.
Tavern level skeleton – Some of the more notable new sounds are those of the collectables, the chest opening and the prompt sounds. You might also notice that when you upgrade a spell, you get a sound corresponding to the type of spell.
Grappling level skeleton – This is a bit self-explanatory. It’s where you learn to grapple with the help of another tutorial.
Combat level skeleton – The combat level is where you will face your first real combat challenge and will have to fight a bunch of enemies.
Movement/controls tutorial – As mentioned before, this will be in the village level and will teach you the very basics. Just so you can get a feel for how the character controls in this world.
Combat tutorial – The combat tutorial takes place in two locations. First in the tavern and then, later on, in the combat level, alongside the magic tutorial. This will teach you how to fend for yourself when faced with a dangerous situation.
Magic tutorial – This tutorial will teach you how to use your spells in a safe environment and how to use them alongside the regular combat, forging you into a force to be reckoned with.
Grappling tutorial – As with the grappling level, this is pretty self-explanatory. You learn how to swing freely, from tree to tree without falling into a bottomless pit.
Build 27.09.19
Loading screens – There used to be these gaps in gameplay where you just got a black screen while the next level loads, but there was no indication that you were waiting for a new level. To stop the confusion, we have added a loading screen that has the logo and tells you that it’s loading.
Unlock item prompt – Finding an item or person in the world now shows you a prompt that tells you where you have to go to use or interact with what you have found.
Gallery – The gallery, finally got some love and a devent design. Now all we have to do is capture some nice moments from your adventure that you might want to look at and reminisce.
New sounds – Some of the more notable new sounds are those of the collectables, the chest opening and the prompt sounds. You might also notice that when you upgrade a spell, you get a sound corresponding to the type of spell.
Build 13.09.19
Rita – A new lady enters the world of Iragon. Rita can be found at the end of the demo. She is in the company of the other girls. I’d say that’s good company.
Paige’s hair – Paige got bored with her black hair and she wanted to stand out a bit more from the others. So she decided that coloring her hair hot pink is the best solution.
Entering the camp – Going to the camp at any point though the menu felt a bit off. You can’t do that anymore. Instead you have to find places all over the map where you can set up your camp if you want to upgrade your spells.
Upgrade menu – Speaking of spells, we have a new menu. It’s completely redesigned and has icons for all the spells and their upgrades.
Locked girls – The girls in the camp are no longer all there from the start. In their place you get silhouettes to hint that they are locked. To get a girl to appear in the camp, you first need to find her out in the world and then she will grace you with her company.
Camp improvements – As for the camp itself, there are some small changes. We moved some things around and scaled things a bit better. We hope it feels nicer over there and that the feng shui is better.
Boob physics – We made some changes to the way boobs interact with your hands in VR. Hopefully now it’s a pleasant enough experience that will provide our players with endless boob touching fun.
Makeup – The girls from the gang had a ladies night out and came back with some changes. Other than Paige’s new hair and the new girl, Rita, they all got new makeup. We think that they were pretty as they were, but you know, girls will be girls.
Build 30.08.2019
Upgrades NPC – With all the new spells and weapons and everything, things were beginning to turn into chaos. Hopefully, with our new friend, who we lovingly named, the upgrade NPC, things will be a bit more structured from now on. Oh, I’m just kidding. That’s not his name. It’s the spell dude, or Dan the upgrade man. Okay, we’ll get back to you with the final name. The point is that you can now go to this particular NPC for all your upgrade needs.
Potential love interests – There sure are a lot of girls hanging around in the camp and if you play your cards right and choose the correct approach for each of them, you can get them to show you a good time. That is, do a sexy little dance for you. For now the system is quite primitive, but we will show it some love in the near future and it will become quite an interesting part of the game.
Dummy punching bag – Everyone thinks they’re a tough guy but have never proved it to be true. Now the people over at the camp level have it all figured out. They have a fighting dummy that shows you how much damage you do with each hit. That way you can actually prove how tough you are.
New Camp level – We really like the idea of the camp level but it was just a bit empty in its graybox state. So, naturally, we added art and made it all pretty and cozy.
Build 16.08.2019
Code Name Wildlander – Wildlander is the name we have given to the new costume for Darick. It looks quite different from the last costume he had. Hopefully it makes him look more like the aspiring hero he is.
Annah’s kinky side – Annah has always been the damsel in distress. But as the old saying goes “Girls just wanna have fun” and I guess it’s true. She now has an alternative outfit that’s quite a bit more provocative than her green dress.
Mana orbs everywhere! – Up to this point we had these big levels with no reason to explore them. Well that’s not the case anymore. There are mana orbs floating around the levels. Now, you may ask “But what do I need the beautiful orbs of pure magical energy for?”, and that’s a good question.
Going camping – Oh, what’s this? A camp that you can access from anywhere in the world and use to fiddle around in your inventory. What? There’s more to do in the camp! You can interact with charming young ladies in order to upgrade your spells, health and mana in exchange for the mana orbs from the last paragraph! Well isn’t that convenient?
Pause menu – No one is forcing you to go to the camp to take a breather though. You can just hit escape and go grab a coffee, use the restroom, do your daily blood sacrifice to the goat demons, check your e-mail or do whatever you want, without having to worry about the game.
Gallery – Here’s another new feature that will definitely get better with time. Talking to the girls in the camp gives you access to a gallery with pictures that will eventually be full of all the girls. So far it’s just the same picture over and over again.
Build 02.08.2019
NPC – After you have obtained a good amount of mana orbs you will then be able to exchange those orbs with an NPC. You have two options: you can either upgrade your mana or your health. More mana equals more spells you can use to destroy your enemies. More health is just more health.
Mana orbs – While on your journey you will find mana orbs in the levels that you can collect. There is no way to miss them they’re glowing and have cool particle effects. You will be able to see how many orbs you have.
Inventory – A traveler should have a place to carry the treasures they find and the weapons they wield. This is why we have added an inventory where you can stash all the goods you get.
Collectable weapons – Hidden in the ancient lands of Iragon lie collectable weapons that improve the fighting skills of the owner. One of these weapons is an amazing axe that will grant you melle abilities.
Dynamic camera movement – Moving around in the world of Iragon is more immersive. With the new dynamic camera movement fighting, grappling and movement in general looks more realistic.
New tutorial level – We decided to take a new approach to the tutorial to see what works best for the players.
Build 19.07.2019
Spells and enchantments – We know that you might have gotten bored of just using fire to slay your enemies. Well guess what. We have a big change for you this week. All four of our current spells are available for testing now. You now have fire, lightning and ice. Unique spells, unique weapon enchantments, unique effects, unique sounds, unique everything. This ought to be a fun one.
Darick – After all this time spent playing as a blank placeholder for a main character, we finally added our protagonist. His name is Darick and he is a strapping young lad with blond hair and blue eyes. Like him or not, you have to admit that he is a huge improvement from the blank faceless expression on the placeholder’s face.
Page & Lucia – We got a bit tired of Annah being the only girl in the world of Iragon. After many long hours, it’s finally time for a big reveal. Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, Paige and Lucia. Pretty faces and beautiful figures aren’t the only things that these girls bring to the table. They also have some killer dance moves. Mainly because they aren’t yet implemented into the levels properly, but you can find them dancing next to a fire right after the swinging section.
Captain – The knights are stronger and cooler than ever but they are simple foot soldiers. That means that they usually have someone guiding them and giving them orders. That burden falls on the shoulders of the captain. Like the regular knights, he is a foot soldier, but he wields a big axe and orders the regular knights around. He also boosts their morale and I assume that their pumped up battlecries pump him up as well.
Crow knight – Knights come in all shapes and sizes and it just so happens that some have crow heads. Well, crow helmets at least. For now there is only one and he is stuck in a T pose but he at least he is in the company of the dancing Page and Lucia.
Destructibles – Killing bad guys is fun and all, but what is violence without a bit of destruction to go along with it? You may not be able to hit people with tables and tables with people like in a Jackie Chan movie, but we added a little something to satisfy your destructive needs. Barrels! Destructible barrels. With sounds. Hey, it’s a start.
Build 04.07.2019
Baby’s first grapple – We noticed that a lot of players were having trouble the first time they encountered swinging and they were dying a bunch. And it makes sense. Players need to learn a new mechanic in an environment that does not give them much leeway for experimentation. That’s why we made the gap that they have to swing over quite a bit smaller. Hopefully this translates to an easier and more pleasant learning experience.
Soldier should be able to fight – We think that the armored soldiers in Iragon look pretty cool. However, we also think that they have no clue how to fight. So, we sent them off to knight college and they came back quite more proficient at the art of the blade. They now approach you with their shields up and once they reach you, they will try to surround you and attack you from all directions. They will also divide their forces between you and your companions who decide to put up a fight.
Mages – Bulky guys in armor is good and all, but what is a fantasy world without mages? These slippery arcane tricksters will throw fireballs at you from a safe distance and try to teleport away once you come near them.
Health bars – Mages and soldiers who can actually fight. Things seem to have gotten a bit harder but don’t worry, we have given the player a tiny bit of help too. You will now see health bars above the enemies. Hopefully this will make it easier to prioritize enemies with lower health and make fighting groups of baddies less of a threat.
Sword fighting animations – With our new combat system we needed cool new animations. So we put some in. Fighting with swords looks way better now, regardless of if you are using one sword in one of your hands or dual wielding.
Main menu sounds – The main menu of Iragon might still be in a very early stage of its development but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t even have sound effects.
Red tree crowns – They are now red. Sounds weird but it’s true. The red tree crowns stand out way more in our snowy swinging level and it makes it way easier to plan your route of swinging. Bushes are also the same color. Hopefully that helps players realize that they can grapple to them to make their lives a bit easier.
New rocks – We have made new rocks to replace the old ones, that looked like they were pulled straight out of a game from 2005. The new rocks look way better and go a long way towards making the whole level more pleasant to look at.
Swinging level art – The first swinging level has gone through many, many changes and has stayed in graybox for far too long now. Those days are over. It is now almost entirely finished and we hope you like it.
Build 20.06.2019
Combat – We decided to spice up the fighting in Iragon by making it a bit more dynamic. Now you can choose between wielding a sword or a magic spell in each hand. If you feel like going full melee, just equip two swords. And if spells are more your thing use both hands to cast.
Dodge and Stagger – With new ways to fight we also needed some new mechanics to make things even more interesting. When you hit an enemy it staggers for a second, giving you a chance to reposition. If they do get to you and try to land a hit, try dodging out of the way.
Weapon enchanting – If you have a fiery spell in one hand and a sword in the other, you can choose to enchant your sword with the spell. You still keep the spell in one hand but the sword in the other is enveloped in flames.
Equipment menu – New weapon/spell loadouts means that we need a new way of selecting what to equip in each hand. That’s why we made a simple menu for each hand, with which you can change your fighting strategy on the fly.
Level changes – We have been working on a few levels that are not available in the build that we give to testers. This is not because we don’t want them to be seen. We just need time to make them nice and interesting for the players so that they are not disappointed when they finally get to play them. This time we changed the beginning of one of the levels with a beautiful cave with glowing red crystals that you can grapple to. We might have also added a few secret paths and places in there.
Swords – We have some history with swords. We had one when we first started making Iragon. Then we decided that we will only be doing spells and removed it. Well, as you might have read at the start of this changelog, we added the sword back. Not only that, but it now has a fancy new model and it looks great. The soldiers also have two new swords. Your sword also leaves a trail when you swing it.
Sounds – Oh boy, there are quite a few new sounds in the game. While walking around, you might notice that there are three new sounds for stepping on snow and three for stepping on stone. When fighting with a sword you will hear three new sounds when hitting an enemy and the sound of blood flying. And if your sword happens to be on fire, you will hear another three new sounds. Spells also have new sound effects.
Other sounds – So far I have told you about what happens when you hit an enemy, but what about when an enemy hits you? There are now sounds for Darick taking damage. And if things aren’t going well and you end up with low health, you will hear your own heartbeat and all other sounds will go numb.
Ambient – There are new ambient sounds in the cave at the beginning of one of the combat levels. The cool thing is that the cave ambient makes a smooth transition into the ambient sounds from outside of the cave.
You play the game as Darick, a poor kid from a small village. Everything for him changes when
he meets Erika, a bisexual girl who gets ambushed by soldiers of the Empire.
To help her, you must learn to use your magic, but on your quest to bring her home
safe you will have to journey into a dangerous frozen world. Along the way, you will
battle enemy soldiers, undead skeletons, and perhaps cross paths with seductive creatures
of the frozen land while you unlock new erotic adventures with the beautiful Erika.
Вы играете в игру за Дарика, бедного парня из маленькой деревни. Все для него меняется, когда он встречает Эрику, бисексуальную девушку, которая попадает в засаду солдат Империи.
Чтобы помочь ей, вы должны научиться использовать свою магию, но в ваших поисках, чтобы вернуть ее домой в целости и сохранности, вам придется отправиться в опасный замороженный мир. По пути вы будете сражаться с вражескими солдатами, скелетами и, возможно, пересекаться с соблазнительными созданиями замерзшей земли, открывая новые эротические приключения с прекрасной Эрикой.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3D game, male protagonist, romance, vaginal, big tits, groping, animated, adventure, combat, fantasy, virtual reality, regular builds,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: discordapp.com/invite/GzHjkf8
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.95.53 Beta
Язык игры: Русский/Английский(Машинный перевод.Смена в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Whether you play in VR or not, you can expect of us to deliver:
A beautiful love interest
Interactive sexual experiences
Different outfits for the love interest
Voice acting
Motion captured animations
A dynamic combat system that features both magic and melee
Destructible environments
A dialogue choice system that influences the response you get
Be the hero, live the story, and go on an adventure of a lifetime while you immerse yourself fully in the world of Iragon, with a complete animated story and full voice acted cast. (skip
options also available for those who prefer to just get on with slaying witches and laying bitches.)
And yes, of course, this is not just a story you watch it is a game. Battle enemies, cast spells, collect loot, upgrade, interact with NPC's, go on quests. It has everything you would
expect from a fantasy RPG game.
There are many more features that we plan on adding and a lot more story that needs to be implemented. However, we want our description and tags to reflect what we currently have implemented in the game. So expect the description to change over time and features like multiple love interests, lesbians, and many more sex scenes to be added in the future.
Beta v0.95.53 from 12.15.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve now fully finished the long-awaited Harbinger Outro.
This week we mainly focused on bug fixes in the erotic scenes in the Guild Hall. We fixed clipping issues, adjusted materials and added animations to objects in the scenes.
Alongside those scenes we made fixes to a few other scenes improving performance, quality and over all user experience.
And lastly we made a lot of subtitle fixes across all scenes. We added previously missing subtitles and adjusted timing issues with other subtitles.
Beta v0.95.52 from 12.08.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are hard at work on fixing and improving anything cutscene related and we are ready to wrap up the Harbinger Boss Outro scene. We added some anime tears to both the Harbinger Boss Into and Outro.
Also, The Harbinger now has music and sound effects, as well as updated VFX. Throughout the fight with him, the music will dynamically change as the battle progresses.
Beta v0.95.51 from 12.01.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve now added a portal to the Harbinger Boss Intro for the VR version of the game, so now everyone will be able to see it through the Experimental Hall.
We’re also working on the Harbinger Boss Outro and we’re trying our best to have a polished version of it done soon.
Beta v0.95.50 from 11.24.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have finished the VR scene for the Harbinger Boss Intro. You will be able to test it next week. While we were working on the Intro we also made progress on the Harbinger Boss Outro scene.
Additionally, we’ve overhauled the Sex Minigame. It is now more dynamic and features randomized animation.
Lastly, we’ve made visual improvements to the Options Menu, as well as adding the option to rebind controls, as it was a long awaited feature.
Beta v0.95.49 from 11.17.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. The non-VR Harbinger Boss Intro scene is officially done, leaving only the music and sounds to be added. We are very happy to share the final result with you and hear your feedback. We made the monster transformation cooler and added a lot of VFX, we added face animations, and other body animation adjustments. You can test it in the Experimental Hall through the "Harbinger Boss Intro" portal. We will be working on the VR version of this scene next week.
Beta v0.95.48 from 11.10.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have made more progress with the Harbinger Boss Intro scene. We added particles, material effects, more face animations and we have more camera movements and camera shots. We still have a little left to be done, like finishing up the face animations and adding camera movement to the last few shots, but overall the scene is coming to a full completion. You can test only TP for now, through the Experimental Hall portal called "Harbinger Boss Intro".
Other scenes related changes we’ve done is a revamp on the Harem Dancer in the Ecchi Area in Avoch. Alos, we’ve added Music and SFX to the Final Brianna Camp Cutscene in the Church
We have also started working on balancing Iragon's difficulty. As a result, it's possible that in this and the next few updates, the game may feel either too hard or too easy. Please be patient while we strive to find the right balance, and any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Lastly, we changed the weapon pickup prompt. Its text is now in the color of the rarity of the weapon you picked up, so you can tell if it's good at a glance.
Beta v0.95.47 from 11.03.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are happy to share with you that we can finally show the WIP Harbinger Boss Intro scene. There is a portal in the Experimental Hall that will lead you to the scene. For now only TP is available and the scene is still work in progress, but we’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Please stay tuned for the full release of the scene next week, plus the VR version of it.
That’s not the only scene we’ve been working on. The Interview at the start of the game has been revamped for both VR and Third person, now with new audio.
We’ve also added music and SFX to the scene that plays once you enter the church at the end of the Cursed Lands, and also to Erika, Jenna, and Lexi's final Camp scenes.
As for the future, you can look forward to a reworked Dance scene in the Harem.
Beta v0.95.46 from 10.26.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve been working hard to fix the issues with the subtitles. Additionally we’ve amost finishe Harbinger introduction, and we're halfway through completing the outro. Another scene we’re working on is the revamped version of the Interview scene, which you can expect soon.
We’ve also made a new pick up effect for the upgrade orbs found across the game. You can also expect to hear the new music we’ve been working on in the Cursed Lands.
Some notable bug fixes include that now the follower ressurection prompt displays the correct message and input. Also, VR the menus no longer move with the player's head. They now draw over terrain and are interactible trough terrain.
Beta v0.95.45 from 10.20.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. Our team is putting their best efforts into polishing and refining the Harbinger Boss scenes. You can look forward to it soon.
We’ve also addressed various animation issues with the followers, and fixed several bugs and glitches to ensure a smoother and more enjoyable experience.
Beta v0.95.44 from 10.13.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. The cutscene team is hard at work on the last two scenes as well as fixing older ones. As we've mentioned before, the last two scenes are quite complicated and require a lot of technical work and precise planning. However, we're happy to share that mocapping sessions have officially been completed.
One half of the team is going back to refresh and better the interview room while the other half is continuing work on the Harbinger Boss scenes. We are almost there guys and we're very thankful for your support.
Beta v0.95.43 from 10.06.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve finished the music and sound effects for the Succubus boss fight, as well as the music in the Sword Break forest level
Additionally, now all scenes in the game related to Brianna, Lexi, Jenna and Erika are unlockable and replayable through the galleries of the interactive camp girls in the camps.
Beta v0.95.42 from 09.29.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. After successfully mo-capping the Harbinger Intro, this week we started building the base of the scene. Since it has a lot of detail and it's longer than previous scenes, we will need more time to finish it. In the meantime, we are fixing and improving older ones. Thank you for your patience and support, we are trying our best to deliver amazing scenes as soon as possible.
We’ve also revamped the Main Menu Background. On top of what’s immediately visible, when left idle the scenes will start changing after some time.
Beta v0.95.41 from 09.21.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised last week, we've finished the Church Ambush scene. We had to carefully animate each and every skeleton and add as much detail as possible, so thank you for your patience. A friendly reminder that these scenes are still awaiting sound effects and music. The scene is available in TP and VR, through the portal in Experimental Hall called "Church Ambush".
We are also working on the final two boss scenes while polishing old scenes.
Beta v0.95.40 from 09.15.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As previously mentioned we are working on the final scenes of the game. We are currently mocapping and preparing three different ones - entering the church scene after being chased by undead, the final boss intro, and the final boss outro. The entering the church scene is almost ready and you can expect to see it next week, as for the other two scenes, we need more time to properly create them. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Beta v0.95.39 from 09.08.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week, we are mocapping the final boss scenes. These scenes are big and complex so we are making sure to hit all the notes and create a captivating experience for our players. Meanwhile, we are working on a scene before the final boss, that has our characters in a bit of a pickle. Please stay tuned to see what happens next.
You are also now able to interact with Erika, Jenna, or Lexi in the camp, depending on which route you choose in the Guildhall.
Beta v0.95.38 from 09.01.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised last week, we finished Lexi's final camp scene. It is ready for testing in the Experimental Hall through the "Lexi Final Camp" portal in both TP and VR.
Beta v0.95.36 from 08.18.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week, we've prepared a new final camp scene. This time around, Jenna takes the lead as our main character. She opens up about her innermost thoughts to Darick, and he provides comfort in return. This is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR through the "Jenna Final Camp Scene" portal.
Beta v0.95.35 from 08.11.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are going strong with another camp scene. This week we have Erika's final camp scene. Erika shares her worries and Darick comforts her. This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall through the "Erika Final Camp" portal in both TP and VR. Please have a look and tell us what you think.
Beta v0.95.34 from 08.04.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new camp scene, the final camp before the big fight. Brianna feels guilty for previous events and tries to express that to Darick, but he isn't convinced. They share a tender moment at the end and Darick shows his support. This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall in both Regular Mode and VR through the "Brianna Final Camp Scene" portal.
Last week, we mentioned that we’ve been working on the audio of the camp cutscenes following the New Solis level. This week, we have all of the audio finished and ready for you.
Lastly, we’ve been optimizing the performance throughout the levels and will continue to improve it across the entire game.
Beta v0.95.33 from 07.28.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have prepared a WIP scene with Darick, Jenna, and Brianna. After the encounter with the Harbinger, our heroes try to flee the harem but are met only with chaos and destruction. And at that moment a very terrifying and sad thing happens to Darick. Please have a look and tell us what you think. This scene is testable in both Regular Mode and VR in the Experimental Hall through the "Exit Harem Scene" portal.
We’ve also been working on the audio of the camp cutscenes that are found after the boss fight following the New Solis level.
Beta v0.95.32 from 07.21.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised last week we have the Harbinger scene finished and ready for your feedback. This is the first close-up encounter Darick has with the Harbinger. We finally get the opportunity to see who the masked villain really is. There's a portal in the Experimental Hall called "Meeting The Harbinger", where you can test the scene in both TP and VR. We hope you like the scene.
We’ve also finished all the sound effects for the demon girl enemies found in the Cursed Lands. Not only that, but the Post Climb boss cutscenes are all now fully voiced.
Beta v0.95.31 from 07.14.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are going strong with the cutscene creation. This week we have a work-in-progress scene featuring Darick, the girls, and the Harbinger. This scene is long and detail packed so we are devoting our time to making it look good for you guys. It's estimated to be ready for testing next week, so please stay tuned to have a look. Thank you all for your patience and support.
Beta v0.95.30 from 07.07.23
We've been working on some of the final cutscenes in the game, as well as minor bug fixes and improvements.
Beta v0.95.29 from 06.30.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve been working on two scenes with April in the Swordbreak harem. One positive and one not so positive. Which one you get to see will depend on your choices earlier in the game. They’re both still WIP, but you can experience them by going through the April portals in the Experiment Hall.
Beta v0.95.28 from 06.23.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week, Darick finds himself accompanied by Mindee or Esme (depending on your choices in the beginning) as they explore Swordbreak together. They stumble upon a mysterious establishment where temptation and seduction intertwine. With a playful suggestion and a seductive allure, the scene takes an unexpected turn. What will Darick's response be? Tune in to find out!
We’ve also been perfecting the Jenna Enter Swordbreak sequence. We're delighted to inform you that the scene is now available for testing in the Experimental Hall, featuring complete facial animations for both Brianna and Lexi.
Lastly, we are releasing the new difficulty system. At the start of the game, you will be prompted to select a difficulty. You can later change it at any time in the gameplay section of the options menu.
Beta v0.95.27 from 06.16.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve been working on the Jenna Enter Swordbreak sequence. The scene is available for testing in the Experimental Hall. It's important to note that, although the scene is nearly complete, we are still fine-tuning the facial animations for both Brianna and Lexi We appreciate your patience and assure you that next week, we will unveil the fully polished scene.
In addition, we’ve also been working on a new Spell Demo, which is available through the Experimental Hall. There, players will be able to test the new spells and elemental interactions that are in the actual levels.
Beta v0.95.26 from 06.09.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised before, we have a finished scene. Lexi entering Swordbreak is now fully polished with all the facial animations and physics in place. It is testable in the Experimental Hall through the "Lexi Enter Swordbreak Scene" portal. We hope you guys enjoy.
We’ve also gone back and made many improvements to the earlier levels, namely Grasspoint and the Farmlands. You can test them by playing through the game as normal.
Beta v0.95.23 from 05.19.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. In this week's update, tensions rise as Jenna and Darick have a heartfelt conversation by the campfire. Jenna reveals a mysterious map that will lead her to the gates, while Brianna expresses her concerns about her friend’s dangerous quest. Emotions run high as they share a bittersweet moment before Jenna decides to continue her journey alone, leaving Brianna and Darick in silent contemplation.
We also added critical hits to all weapons in the game. When a weapon does a critical hit, it will be indicated with a unique sound effect and the attack’s damage will be doubled.
Beta v0.95.22 from 05.12.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. Jenna's Post Climb Camp scene is currently under construction. Please excuse the delay and stay tuned for next week when we'll reveal this scene. Move along now please and mind your heads.
In the meantime while prepping for this scene we changed a few things in previous scenes. For example the dragon transformation of the dragon leader Dakra was made more prominent. You are able to see the transformation from human to dragon better. We also added a tear drop on Esme’s and Mindee’s face at the end of their camp scenes. And we iterated on a few things in Erika’s and Lexi’s camp scenes.
We also improved the dodge by removing the delay between dodging and attacking, and adding new particle effects.
Beta v0.95.21 from 05.05.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week, instead of showing you a new scene, we've prepared a revamped version of the Dark Elf Intro Scene. The scene was iterated on by changing camera angles, adding particles and other details. It is testable in the Experimental Hall, through the "Revamped Dark Elf Intro Scene" portal in both TP and VR. Please have a look and tell us what you think of the new version.
Beta v0.95.20 from 04.28.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. Since we didn't have a scene last week, this week we have two. Lexi's and Erika's camp scenes are full of action, drama, and emotions. Lexi finally stands up for herself after putting up with Brianna for quite a while. And in Erika's scene, a seemingly cute and innocent fight turns a bit more serious. Both scenes are available in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR through the "Lexi After Climb Camp Scene" and "Erika After Climb Camp Scene". Please have a look and tell us what you think.
Beta v0.95.19 from 04.21.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have made some changes to the melee combat. There are new sounds, new visual effects, and the swords now work slightly differently, more in line with the rest of the weapons in the game.
We're also currently preparing a new camp scene featuring Lexi, Darick, and Brianna for next week so stay tuned.
Beta v0.95.18 from 04.13.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. In case you were wondering if we had forgotten about Mindee's fans, we haven't. We made sure to create a version of last week's scene with Mindee as well. The scene is testable in the Experimental Hall through the "Mindee Camp Scene" portal in both TP and VR.
We’ve also added the new spell system from the start of the game. You'll be able to use the three new projectile spells which you can upgrade from the Merchant girl as usual. Further on, you'll get to pick an element and that will give you access to all the spells from the full spell tree of that element for the rest of the game. You'll also get the ability to upgrade spells from anywhere instead of having to wait until you find the Merchant girl again.
Beta v0.95.17 from 04.07.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new cutscene for you this week. Hopefully, you haven't forgotten Esme and Mindee because Darick sure hasn't. Things between the two get heated up and...well as for the rest, I'll let you see for yourself. The scene is testable in the Experimental Hall through the "Esme Camp Scene" portal in both TP and VR.
We also now have the Succubus boss fight available for testing in the Experimental Hall. You can find her through the “Boss Testing” portal.
Beta v0.95.16 from 03.31.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week Erika, Darick, and Brianna face the dark elf leader Alathra in a final battle. Find out about Erika's past and how the battle unfolds by testing this scene in the Experimental Hall. There you will find a portal called "Erika Boss Intro Scene" where you can test in both TP and VR. We hope you enjoy.
Beta v0.95.15 from 03.24.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. In this week's scene, our characters get some rest by setting up camp. Darick and Brianna discuss their next move and where they're headed. This is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR through the "Brianna Camp Scene" portal. We hope you like it.
We also rebalanced the chests throughout the game. So now you have an overall better chance to get a stronger weapon from each chest. And the further you are in the game, the chances keep getting better.
Lastly, we’ve been doing fixes and polishing to the Voiceless boss fight. You can fight her through the Boss Testing portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95.14 from 03.17.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. A new week calls for a new cutscene. Today it seems that the hero of our story will be Lexi. Throwing herself at the hands of harm just to protect Brianna, Lexi shows us how much her friendship with Brianna means. No matter the cost she is ready to do anything for her. Darick also shows his compassion towards Lexi at the beginning of the scene where he sides with Lexi's ways and at the end of the scene he helps her up after she has been hurt. Now the only thing left to do is fight and defeat the Voiceless leader. This is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR through the "Lexi Boss Intro Scene" portal. We hope you enjoy.
We’ve also made improvements to all the bosses and gave some chests in parts of the game better drops.
Beta v0.95.13 from 03.10.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new cutscene ready for you. After a long and tough fight between our heroes and the dark elf leader Alathra, she has finally found her match. Defeated and in pain, Alathra has a final discussion with Erika in which Erika opens up about her past. In her final breath, Alathra tried to fight back but was quickly put out of her misery. This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR, through the "Erika Dark Elf Defeat" portal.
We’ve also further improved the demon girl enemies by adding a ranged and alternate melee variant. We are also excited to announce that we are making the 2 new bosses, that we have been working on available for testing. Go check them out trough the portal in the experimental hall and let us know what you think.
Lastly, we now have music for the Voiceless boss.
Beta v0.95.12 from 03.02.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. A new week calls for a new scene. Lexi, Brianna, and Darick had a long and tiring fight with the voiceless leader. At the end of the fight, Lexi finds out the truth about what Brianna has been doing and that rubs her the wrong way. For now, I won't reveal more and I hope you guys stick around to find out what happens next. This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR, through the portal "Lexi Boss Defeat Scene"
We’ve also made a variation of a brand new enemy, the demon girl. You can find her in the Experimental Hall in the “Demon Girl” room.
Beta v0.95.11 from 02.24.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised last week we now have three polished scenes where our heroes save Esme or Mindee - depending on who your pick in the game is. There are face animations, adjustments to the materials, and some camera changes. We hope you like these scenes.
We also completely redid the behavior of the Mage enemies. They now have an area of effect attack and will also try to run away from you if you get too close.
Lastly, we’ve made various changes to the follower AI, including them being no longer invincible before the end of the Sewer levels.
Beta v.0.95.10 from 02.17.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have an almost-finished scene. In this scene, we see our heroes finally free the prisoners of war. Amongst them is a very special to Darick person. That's all we'll reveal for now and the rest you’ll see in the future. A very important thing to mention is that the scene is 50% finished and you might notice a few weird things. But it will be done by the end of next week and so expect the polished version soon. The scene is testable in the Experimental Hall in TP, through the "Saving Esme with..." portal.
We’ve also iterated on the spell tree, giving it new icons in addition to preview videos to show you what spells do before investing resources into them. Another change is that the spell UI on the bottom right in Third Person now reflects which spell you have selected and what upgrade you have unlocked for it. Lastly, we’ve made new sounds for the Spell System. You can see the changes by going through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
To top things off, we’re working on controller support and we’ve also finished translating everything up to a point past the currently playable levels.
Beta v.0.95.9 from 02.10.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have the official introduction of the dragon leader Ada. In this cutscene, our heroes finally meet the person holding Jenna's precious sphere. The one thing that's keeping Jenna from finding an important for her place. Ada however, isn't so willing to give up the sphere and she's ready to put up a real fight. This and more are testable in both TP and VR in the Experimental Hall, through the "Jenna Dragon Intro" portal.
We’ve also made improvements to the Visual FX for the dragon, along side some bug fixes.
Beta v.0.95.8 from 02.03.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new cutscene for you guys. After a long and fiery battle between our heroes and the dragon boss, we see Jenna having a little chat with Ada - the dragon clan leader. For now, that’s how much we’ll spoil the scene for you guys, for the rest you can test only TP in the Experimental Hall through the “Dragon Boss Defeat Scene” portal.
We also have a couple of small spell visual improvements and VR orb particles.
And finally, we’re working on some new sound FX for our new and improved spell system to complement it better.
Beta v0.95.05 from 01.13.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We are back with another cutscene. Lexi, Darick, and Brianna's path has been obstructed because of the Harbinger. The only alternative way seems to be up. Our heroes climb the high and cold mountains above New Solis and continue their journey to find and defeat the Harbinger. The scene is mostly finished, with only Brianna's face animations still WIP. This is testable in the Experimental Hall in the Lexi Climb Scene portal in both TP and VR.
We’ve also done another visual Iteration of the Lightning AOE Spells, Fire Channeling Spells, Ice Projectile Spells, Fire AOE Spells, Ice AOE Spells, and Ice Channeling Spells. The UI of the spell upgrade tree has also seen some improvements. You can see the changes by going through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95.04 from 01.06.23
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve mostly been improving on the spells. The Fire Bullet, both Ice AOE spells, and the Lightning and Ice projectiles have all gone through visual improvement. You can see them by going through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95.03 from 12.16.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have a new camp cutscene for you guys. While Lexi's reading her journal Darick decides to try and bond with her. They have an intimate moment together and share their deep thoughts and feelings. Lexi’s face animations are still work in progress in the scene. You can see this in the Experimental Hall in both TP and VR in the Lexi End of New Solis portal.
Another thing we finished are the Dark Elf girl reactions in the Monster Girl Gallery. If you go and touch the girl on the head she reacts. This is testable in the Monster Girl Gallery after defeating one dark elf girl in the game.
Lastly, we’ve made a number of visual improvements to all of the projectile spells and the Ice AOE spell. You can see them by going through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95.02 from 12.08.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve done yet another iteration on the spell system. There have been functional changes done to the Lightning Waves, Flame Beam & Ice Prism, and visual changes done to the Lightning projectiles. As always, they are testable through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
We also have two new levels that players can test, Swordbreak and Swordbreak Forest. Their respective portals can be found in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95.01 from 12.02.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have another new cutscene for you. This week Darick and Erika open up to each other about their true feelings and thoughts. You can test the scene in the Experimental Hall through the "Erika End of New Solis Camp" portal in both TP and VR.
Another thing we worked on are the reaction animations of the dark elf girls in the monster girl gallery. Most of them have been improved by adding more details and fixing the eyelids. As for the rest, we'll improve them next week. You can test them in the Monster Girl Gallery after defeating one dark elf on Erika's route in both TP and VR.
We’ve also rebalanced and polished all weapons. Their animations, particle effects, and overall handling have been remade to make them more fun to use.
Lastly, an iteration has been done on the three channeling spells. They are testable through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.95 from 11.25.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have a new cutscene for you. Upon entering New Solis Lexi, Darick and Brianna are shocked at what they find. This creates some tension between Lexi and Brianna and things get heated up. You can see for yourself in the Experimental Hall in the Lexi New Solis Scene in both TP and VR. Please have a look and tell us what you think.
We’ve also completely redone the inventory screen in the game. It now features a 3D weapon model and a more detailed display of your weapon's attributes.
Lastly, the spell system has gone through another iteration. The Lightning AOE, Ice AOE, Ice Projectile, Lightning Projectile, and Fire Projectile spells have all had changes done to them, big and small. They are testable through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.94.10 from 11.18.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve made some changes to the spells. The Ice AOE spell, Lightning AOE spell and Fire Channeling spell have gone through a full functionality rework. Additionally, the Lightning Projectile got changes in the "Lightning Bolt" branch specifically.
Beta v0.94.9 from 11.11.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’re back with another cutscene this week. Darick, Erika, and Brianna enter a portal that takes them to New Solis. But this isn't the New Solis they know, the city has been destroyed and all its inhabitants killed or kidnapped. What will happen to our heroes? We’ll find out next week. This is testable in the exp hall in the Erika new Solis scene portal in both TP and VR.
We’ve also iterated on the Fire Projectile spells, the Lightning Projectile spells and the Fire AOE spells. The changes are mostly on the functionality of the three, and they will be testable through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Lastly, we now have names and descriptions for all enemies in the Monster Girl Gallery. You have to unlock the characters first in order to see them.
Beta v0.94.8 from 11.04.22
New Scene
In the Experimental Hall, you'll find a portal to a new scene. In it you'll see Darick, Brianna and Lexi as they finally enter Swordbreak.
MAC Builds
Here is some big news for some of you. We'll start releasing MAC builds semi regularly from now on! We'll try to have a new build up every Friday, but due to the more complicated build process for MAC, that might extend into Monday. You'll be able to find these builds in the #downloads channel in our Discord and on Steam under Iragon: Prologue 18+. Just make sure you tell your store preferences that you want to see mature content, so that it shows up.
Beta v0.94.7 from 10.28.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have prepared a new scene in which we see our heroes win a battle against the empire. Erika however is disappointed their biggest enemy got away - the harbinger. For now, only one character doesn’t have face animations, they will be added next week This scene is testable in the Experimental Hall in the Erika After Battle Portal in both TP and VR.
We’ve also finished the gameplay in New Solis, which you can test through the New Solis portal in the Experimental Hall.
To cap off this week's news, we now have a Lightning and Fire channeling spells, that you can test through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.94.6 from 10.21.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we have delivered a new cutscene. You’ll see Lexi, Brianna, and Darick continue their journey through the icy cold lands as they are interrupted by the Harbinger and his followers. The scene is testable in the Experimental Hall through the Lexi Harbinger Scene portal in both TP and VR.
Another new feature is that now, when you open a chest with a weapon inside, you will see a floating orb that signifies the rarity of the gear you’ll receive.
Lastly, we now have an AOE Lightning spell, a Fire AOE spell, and an Ice Channeling spell that you can test through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental H
Beta v0.94.5 from 14.07.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We have two new testable levels for the players, a ruined city atop floating islands and a snowy mountain pass. To play them, you need to go through the New Solis portal or the Mountain Top portal in the Experimental Hall.
Also in the Experimental Hall, there are new lightning projectiles and an AOE ice spell that you can test if you go through the New Spell System.
Lastly, we’ve finished a scene in which we see the Harbinger and his servants imprison some girls and take them away. You are faced with a choice to either help them or stay put. This too is testable in the Experimental Hall in the WIP Forest Level 2 in both TP and
Beta v0.94.4 from 10.07.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We've made new Fire Projectile Spells. You can test it through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Also in the New Spell System portal, you can try out the Spell Upgrade Tree functionality. You access it through the pause menu.
You can now see the Jenna cutscene by going through the Jenna Camp Scenes portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.94.3 from 09.30.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. If you are to visit the Monster Girl Gallery, you’ll find that the Dragon Girl enemy has a variety of new hairstyles. You’ll need to unlock her first though, by defeating her in the Experimental Hall.
That’s not the only new feature in the Monster Girl Gallery though. The Voiceless enemy can now be interacted with. She has boob physics and you can touch her to get reactions. Like with the Dragon Girl, you’ll need to defeat her in the Experimental Hall in order to unlock her.
We’ve also made a new upgradable ice projectile spell which you can try out through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Also in the Experimental Hall, through the camp portal, you’ll be able to see the new and improved Brianna and Lexi scenes. Darick is still WIP in the Lexi one though.
Beta v0.94.2 from 09.23.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve made two new scenes that you can find in the Experimental Hall by going through the Lexi Camp Scene portal. The first one you can see by interacting with Brianna, and the other by talking to Lexi.
Beta v0.94.1 from 09.16.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. When you start up the game you will notice a new Experimental button in the main menu. It will allow you to go directly to the Experimental Hall, which is now unlocked from the start of your game.
We’ve also iterated on the combat with the whip enemy, now renamed the Voiceless. You can fight her in the Experimental Hall.
Many of the elemental interactions have gone through improvements, changes, and fixes. They're available for testing through the Environmental Spell Interactions portal in the Experimental Hall.
There’s now new banter between characters in the WIP Winter 2, Forest 2, and Desert 2 levels. You can enter those levels through portals in the Experimental Hall.
In regards to the Winter, Forest, and Desert levels, we’ve also added the spell-specific elemental interactions to them, as well as some new enemies.
Also in this update, we’ve further improved the collectible weapons system so that different weapons can have different animation sets.
Beta v0.94 from 09.09.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. The work on the elemental interactions continues. We now have oil that can be set aflame, stones that are vulnerable to lightning, water that can be electrocuted, and a new large mushroom that crumbles when frozen.
In addition, we’ve added a new collectible system. Chests can now earn you loot other than just currency. You can find different weapons that you can equip and use in combat.
Beta v0.93 from 09.02.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We've been working on a new enemy that uses a whip in combat. You can fight her in the Experimental Hall.
We’ve also been improving on the elemental interactions. In addition to small visual and mechanical changes to the existing ones, we’ve added new ice mushrooms that explode into spikes when magic is used on them.
Finally, we’ve had a number of art and gameplay improvements in the Winter, Forest and Desert levels. They include new enemies, combat scenarios, more collectibles and destructibles, and more.
Beta v0.92 from 08.26.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve got some exciting news for you this week. The second part of the new levels are now testable. You can find them in the WIP Content corridor in the Experimental Hall. You just need to go through the portals labeled Winter Level 2, Forest Level 2, or Desert Level 2.
We’ve also been further improving the elemental interactions. Now the ice spell partially freezes the body of water it hits, instead of the whole thing. Enemies within said area will be visually marked as frozen. You can test it through the New Spell System portal in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.91 from 08.19.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’re expanding on the environmental interactions from last week. You can now freeze water with the ice spell, rendering all enemies within it immobile. You can test this in the Experimental Hall.
Also in the experimental hall, there’s a New Spell System portal. You’ll be able to test the new channeling, projectile and AOE spells there.
Finally, we’ve continued working on the cutscene in the Lexi route. It is still WIP, lacking face animations and music.
Beta v0.90 from 08.12.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. Work continues on the new Winter, Desert, and Forest levels. All three are testable through the Experimental Hall and we’re looking forward to your feedback.
We’ve also been working on environmental reactions with different spells. For instance, charging clouds with lightning magic and causing gas to explode with fire magic. You can test them in the Experimental Hall.
Lastly, we’ve been working on a new cutscene that will play at the end of the Winter level. It’s still not complete, lacking face animations and music, but we’re making steady progress.
Beta v0.89 from 08.05.22
General Update Sadly, we don't have a full changelog for you this week, but we have started making a system that will help us make interactions between your spells and the environment. You can check the first W.I.P. interactions in the Experimental hall. And we are working on and testing some new level internally, so hopefully you'll be able to see and test them too soon. Also, we're working on automating our MAC build process, so we can have an easier time shipping MAC builds regularly.
Beta v0.88 from 07.29.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve been improving on the new levels that were announced last week. There is new art, new destructibles, and collectibles. The levels are still WIP but you can play them through the Experimental Hall.
We’ve also been working on the Bazaar intro and outro cutscene introduced last week. You can see it at the end of the Desert level.
Finally, we’ve been working on improving controller support and we’re releasing a MAC update.
Beta v0.87 from 07.22.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve been working on a number of new levels for you to explore this week. They’re currently in WIP, being mostly greybox, though you can find them in the Experimental Hall. Look for the portals titled WIP Forest, WIP Desert, or WIP Winter. Two of them also have cutscenes at the end, one featuring Erika in the Forest level, and one featuring Jenna in the Desert level.
We’ve also added face animations to the Spider Boss during her sex scene, which you can trigger in the Monster Girl Gallery. You need to first interact with her and then hit Play Scene.
Beta v0.86 from 07.15.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week the damage stages of the Dragon Boss Girl have been implemented. You can see them in the Destructible Clothing room found in the Experimental Hall.
If you’re playing the game with a controller, you’ll notice that we’ve changed the text in the tutorial and tip panels to be icons of the buttons you have to pre
Beta v0.85 from 07.08.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’re a bit short on news this time, because we are currently working on a lot of new content that is planned for the next game update.
The content we have for this week is sure to intrigue. You can now have sex with the human form of the Spider Girl Boss in monster girl gallery. Note that the face animations haven’t been added yet.
Beta v0.84 from 07.01.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve improved Darick’s endgame armor, making it less bulky. Additionally, the Kickstarter and IndieGoGo backer variant has been textured.
Adjustments have been made to the destructibles in all levels. Now they have a 10% chance to drop mana orbs instead of 100%.
Lastly, the Dragon Girl minion now has destructible clothing. You can find her in the Destructible Clothing room.
Beta v0.83 from 06.24.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve worked on the Dragon Girl enemy. Though mostly a melee fighter, she can pose a danger from a distance if you let your guard down. You can fight her in the Experimental Hall in the Dragon Minion Enemy room.
Also in the Experimental Hall, you can see the model we’re working on for the demon form of the final boss. Right next to him you’ll find Darick’s endgame armor, which will have exclusive variants for our Kickstarter and IndieGoGo backers.
The last new thing in the Experimental Hall is only for the uncensored version. Found in the Destructible Clothing room are the damage stages for the Dragon Girl.
We mentioned last week that we’re rolling out new destructibles. We now have them throughout the entire game, up until the Guildhall. You’ll stumble upon them by just playing through the levels.
In other news, we’ve changed the names of Iragon and Iragon: Prologue to Iragon 18+ and Iragon: Prologue 18+ respectively. This is so we can have both a censored and uncensored version of the game available.
We’ll also be taking part in Steam Summer Sale 2022, and the Steam VR Fest, which will take place from July 18th to the 25th. During both, we’ll be offering a 30% discount for our previous game, Experiment Gone Rogue.
Beta v0.82 from 06.17.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve got some exciting news this week. Both the Elf Girl and Thick Girl bosses have damage stages to their clothing. You can find them in the Destructible Clothing room in the Experimental Hall.
Speaking of elves, we’ve been iterating on the Dark Elf enemy. You can fight her in the Dark Elf Girl Enemy room.
Before we leave the Experimental Hall, there’s one last thing to see there. Brianna’s new empress outfit is finished and fully textured. You can see it in the WIP Models and Animations room.
Another new feature you may notice as you play through the levels are many new destructibles.
We are currently rolling them out, so there will be more in the future.
Finally, we’ve added the option to opt-out of sending us game data. You can find it on the language select screen before the main menu.
Beta v0.81 from 06.10.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. The news this week is short but sweet. If you go to the WIP Models and Animations room in Experimental Hall you will find Brianna’s new WIP outfit.
Also in the Experimental Hall is a new enemy you can fight. She’s located in the WIP Content corridor, in the Dark Elf Girl Enemy room.
When you reach the end of the Guildhall, you’ll be able to see the new look of the choice UI. You can enter the Guildhall through a portal in the Experimental Hall found in the WIP Content corridor.
Beta v0.80 from 06.03.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve got some interesting things in the Experimental Hall for you. There’s a new version of the thick girl, that you can find in the WIP Models and Animations room.
Also in the Experimental Hall, you can find another version of the elf girl with destructible clothing. She’s located in the Destructible Clothing room.
Beta v0.79 from 27.05.22
Elf destructible clothing
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve got some short, but exciting news. The elf girls now have destructible clothing. You can see the different damage stages if you go into the Destructible Clothing room in the Experimental Hall.
Thick girls as enemies
That’s not the only reason to visit the Experimental Hall. We’ve also been working on a new thick girl enemy model. You can find her in the WIP Models and Animations room.
Beta v0.78 from 20.05.22
New Enemies!
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’ve been working on a variety of enemies, which include new spiders, wolves, and the new dragon girl enemy with a completed texture. You can find all of them in the Experimental Hall.
Spider Boss Improvements
We’ve improved on the fight with the Spider Boss. She now has a new grab mechanic and animation. You can experience it by going through the Spider Bossfight portal. If you instead choose to pass through the neighboring portal, you’ll find the new Spider Boss outro scene, which plays after you defeat her.
Spider Boss added to Gallery
After the end of the game, when you go to the Monster Girl Gallery, you can interact with the Spider Boss. You can also switch between her regular and her humanoid form. She has reactions when you touch her and has boob physics.
Beta v0.77 from 13.05.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We've got some exciting news to share with you this week. Arachna, the Spider Boss, now has new face animations for you to see. Additionally, you can find an alternative humanoid model of her, located in the Models and Animations room in the Experimental Hall.
That’s not the only new thing you can find there. You can also find a preview of the new Dragon Girl enemy that we’ve been working on.
Beta v0.76 from 05.05.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. We’re excited to share with you the new features this week. The Spider Boss now has destructible clothes that break off the more you damage her. You can see this by entering the “Experimental Spider Bossfight” portal in the Experimental Hall.
It’s not just the clothes that you can break. We’ve been working on a number of new environmental destructibles. These include wheels, carts, chairs, planks, plants and more. You can find them in the Destructibles Room in the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.75 from 04.29.22
New Destructibles
We have some new and relatively large new destructibles for you to smash in the experimental hall. Including a wall that falls apart in a cloud of dust and bricks.
Spider Woman
Also in the experimental hall, you will find a humanoid version of the Spider Woman that you can expect to have some interesting interactions with in the future.
Behind The Scenes
Sorry for the short changelog. Many team members took some days off this week to spend some time with families, so we don't have much to show in terms of things that you can test in the build. We are working on new levels, enemies, story, cutscenes, spells and more. But we don't want to spoil anything by talking too much about it before it's ready to be seen by the players. Thank you for understanding.
Beta v0.74 from 04.21.22
Another week, another Iragon changelog. While in the camp, if you interact with the Merchant woman and press the “Play with her” button, you’ll see that her clothes have damaged stages. You can interact with her breasts and play with her however you please.
We’ve also added face animations for Darick during his introduction with Erika. Said interaction takes place in the Guild Hall, which can be found through a portal in the Experimental Hall.
Finally, there’s been an improvement made to the enemy AI. Now they won’t chase you relentlessly throughout the level, but will eventually give up and return to their designated areas.
Beta v0.73 from 04.15.22
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. This week we’ve switched the Merchant Woman with Erika in the Interactive sex scene in the Experimental Hall. The thick girl now has destructible clothing in the Experimental Hall.
In the Monster Girl Gallery, we have implemented skirt physics for the BDSM female enemy. And after you exit the gallery, you will see a new loading screen - the lesbian girls from the ecchi room.
As for the planning scene that’s in the Guild Hall, we’ve added the missing face animations for Darick and finished the scene in VR. The scene starts after you meet with all of the girls and visit the second floor. Said Guild Hall can be found through a portal in the Experimental Hall.
Finally, we’ve made improvements to the Spider Boss encounter. We’ve given her the ability to heal herself and increased the size of her health bar.
Beta v0.72 from 04.08.22
We are back with another changelog for Iragon. This week we are excited to share with you that we added an interactive VR sex interaction with all of the monster girls in the Monster Girl Gallery. Remember, in order to unlock the girls in the gallery you have to defeat them while playing Iragon. Then choose the outfit of your liking and have some fun in VR.
Next we have a few new improvements to the Guild Hall scenes that we added last week. Darick has face animations while meeting with Lexi and April. Erika has hair physics when meeting Darick and during the planning scene.
In the camp with Brenda, we added more unlockable scenes after you watch them - the last scene from the Sewer levels, the BDSM girl enemy introduction and the Spider Boss girl introduction.
Last but not least, in the Experimental Hall, the dragon girl model from last week now has textures and materials to her, so go and check out a more finished version of her. We also made 2 more new destructibles, a bottle and a vase. And we have a new “New Spell Particles” room in which you get to see some new particles that we plan on using for the magic spells. You will also be able to vote on them after you exit the Experimental Hall.
Beta v0.71 from 04.01.22
Welcome back to another changelog for Iragon. This week we are starting with a brand new level for testing in the Experimental Hall - “The Black Lotus” Guildhall. You can access it via a portal in the Expermental Hall, called “Guildhall Level”. And to unlock the Experimental Hall, you have to finish playing Iragon.
In the new level you will see a bunch of new cutscenes, you will meet Brenda’s friends - Erika, Lexi, April and Jenna, and you will find out something odd about Brenda and her past. We hope you enjoy playing and exploring the new level. As always, after you are done testing and exit the Experiemntal hall, you will be able to answer feedback questions.
Another new addition to the Experimental Hall’s work in progress room is a WiP model for a Dragon girl. Check her out and let us know what you think.
Last but not least in the Experimental, we added new versions of our destructible items - a crate for Third Person and a vase for VR.
We added more scenes in Brenda’s camp gallery that you can look back to - The scene where Darick and Brenda enter Avoch, the scene where they talk to Britney and Sabine and the sewers scenes.
Beta v0.70 from 03.25.22
For this week’s changelog for Iragon, we are happy to share that we added a variation of our dark female elf that’s based on our users’ feedback from Discord and from the questions players get to vote on at the end of the game. We had asked people what they think about the female elf and everyone gave us amazing feedback. If you also want to be able to give us direct feedback, feel free to join our Discord server. As always, you can find the new face and outfit variations in the Experimental Hall.
In the camp girl gallery, where you can look back at cutscenes with Brenda, you can now also scroll through the different damaged stages of her outfits. Also the trigger to interact with her is now a button prompt instead of automatic walk-in interaction, and we have added another unlockable scene with her.
In the Monster girl gallery, when you choose an outfit for whichever monster girl you interacted with, the outfit will be saved and she will wear it in the sex scene you have with her.
Last but not least, in the Experimental hall, we added more outfit damaged stages for Jenna and April.
Beta v0.69 from 03.18.22
Hello and welcome to another Iragon changelog. This week we are starting off with a few improvements to the Spider Boss introduction scene. We have added 3D sound effects for VR as well as boobs and hair physics for Brenda.
Speaking of Brenda, when you interact with her in the camp you will unlock more of the previously played cutscenes as you progress through the story. Make sure to interact with her every time you are in the camp to see them.
We added all the destructible outfit stages for the girls you unlock in the Monster Girl Gallery. For now those are the Assassin girl and the BDSM girl. To enter the Monster Girl Gallery you have to finish the last available level in Iragon. After that you have a portal leading to the Experimental Hall.
In the Experimental Hall's erotic content hall, you will be able to see damaged outfit stages for Lexi, one of the story routes for Darick that you meet in the Guildhall.
And in the "work in progress" hall, you will see a WiP model of the dark female elf.
Beta v0.68 from 03.11.22
We are back with another changelog for this week’s additions to Iragon. Starting off with VR combat in the test boss fight with the spider woman in Experimental Hall. You are now able to parry her attack with your sword in VR. And you access the test boss fight via the portal in the “WIP Content” corridor in the Experimental Hall.
Prior to that fight in the actual game, you see the introduction scene for Arachna and now we have added some physics to her, we added voice lines and face animations for Darick, subtitles and some more spiderlings in VR.
In the Experimental hall, we added two more test portals. One leads to the sex mini game that you might have seen in the Harem level and the other showcases a skeleton enemy introduction scene.
We also added variations for the dark elf girl as well as a second alternative outfit for her. There are also two new female face models that we plan on using in the future for our characters after we hear your feedback. Again, all of that is available in the Experimental Hall and you will be able to vote on these things once you exit.
Once you go to camp and try to interact with Brenda, she will now react to your touch. That’s a feature that we’ve been testing in the Experimental Hall for a while now and it’s finally being implemented in the game.
Beta v0.67 from 03.04.22
Welcome to yet another weekly changelog for Iragon! As you know from last week, we have been working on a feminine model of a dark elf. This week you will be able to see her in a more finished state in the Experimental Hall. We also gave her a brand new face.
Again in the Experimental hall, we have improved the physics for the thick girl, specifically for her cape and hair, so you can test those out again.
When you kill the enemy skeletons, they no longer just disappear but dissolve like some other enemies.
We have added actual description text for the enemy girls that you unlock in the Monster Girl Gallery. As you know, you unlock every female enemy you defeat and later you can walk up to each of them to interact with, and that’s where you will see their text descriptions. For now it’s only for the Assasin girls and the BDSM girls but in the future the gallery will be filling up. And to enter the Monster Girl Gallery, you need to finish Iragon.
We added the same text description in camp for Brenda/Brianna when you go to interact with her. Check those text descriptions out if you want to learn more about the characters.
Beta v0.66 from 02.25.22
We are back with another Iragon changelog. This week we are happy to share that the Spider Boss scene is now available in VR as well and it also has music and sound effects implemented.
Another exciting change in VR, you will now get to have interactive sex with the merchant woman that you usually meet in camp to upgrade your spells.
Speaking of camp, we reworked the girl gallery there. You can now replay Brianna’s changing and slightly erotic scene with the merchant woman.
In the Experimental Hall’s “Work in progress models” room, we have a brand new model of the female dark elf. The dark elves play a very important role in Iragon’s story but for now we won’t spoil anything about that. The model is work in progress and you’ll see it in an unfinished state.
We are extremely excited to share with you that we are releasing the next few chapters of Iragon today! After you finish the Sewers levels you will no longer get the "to be continued" screen and you will be able to keep on with Darick and Brianna's dangerous adventure through the Misty Forests that lead to the Cursed Lands.
Beta v0.65 from 17.02.22
Welcome back to another weekly Iragon changelog. This week, we are happy to let you know that we have added new interesting additions to the customizable NPC. You can now add unusual items to your custom girl which include cat and fox ears, tails, demon horns and etc. More of these will be added in the future so have fun experimenting. We also made some overall improvements to the sex minigame with your customized girl, we added sounds to the menu and facial animations during their idles as well as other minor fixes.
In the VR interactive sex scene, we added a new position that you can try out with Erika.
We added voice lines to the interactive girls when you touch their face. We gave the thick girl a new face that you voted on last week, along with facial animations and we added physics to her boobs, hair and cape. You can check those out in the “Interactive Girls Room” in the Experimental hall.
Beta v0.64 from 11.02.22
We are back with another Iragon changelog. Starting with a new erotic scene with the BDSM enemy girl. When you finish playing Iragon, instead of going to the Experimental hall, you will now go into the Monster Girl Gallery. There you will find every female enemy you defeated. And you guessed it right, you will get to have sex with them. For now we have the BDSM girl and the Assassin girl and the whole thing is still work in progress. After you are done in the gallery, you can walk through the green portal that will take you to the Experimental Hall.
The latest level we have been working on “Experimental Approach level” which you enter through a portal in the Experimental Hall is finally leaving its greybox state. We implemented art and sound design in it and are working on finishing touches. Test it to check it out - it is a continuation of the Misty Forest level and leads to the Spider-Woman Boss.
We noticed that players like to interact with the interactive girls’ faces. That’s why we decided to make them reactive. You will now see the interactive girls respond in different ways when you try to touch their faces both in Third person and in VR.
We added a new outfit for the customizable NPC. Go ahead and check it out and stay tuned for more new additions to the customizer.
In the Experimental Hall, there is a new room called “New destructible barrels”. That room will let you test a new type of destructible mesh that we have been working on. After leaving the Experimental hall, you will have a question to leave feedback for them. And in the “Work in progress models” room you will see a new body variant for the thick woman as well as two new faces. You will get to vote on those as well to let us know which one is your favorite.
Last but not least, we did a cutscene iteration on the Spider-Woman introductory scene. You will see descending or crawling small spiders in the background of different shots.
Beta v0.63 from 04.02.22
We are happy to welcome you to another weekly Iragon changelog. Starting off, this week we decided we want to experiment with some censorship types for the VR interactive sex scene. You will see what we are talking about when you test. We are looking forward to your feedback. Also, we have added more pleasure effects on Erika, she gets heart particles in her eyes during the act as well as a few other adjustments.
Next, we have added a bunch of improvements and additions for the customizable NPC. We added different boob sizes to chose from and moved the color select for accessories below the icons, as well as a bunch of bug fixes. We also added different poses for the girl.
As you know, we are adding more variety to Iragon’s women. The lovely thick woman we added last week now has a textured outfit. If you haven’t seen her yet, she is located in the Experimental Hall.
When you reach the end of the test level in the Experimental Hall you will see a new short teaser scene that will show you a very quick preview of the Spider Woman and the boss fight that’s about to come. This is currently work in progress and it’s a very rough version of it.
We added two new languages for Iragon - Turkish and Ukrainian, so hopefully our players from there will be able to enjoy Iragon in their own language.
Beta v0.62 from 28.01.22
Welcome back to another weekly changelog. We have officially upgraded to the 4.27 engine version and we are in the process of fixing any bugs created by this conversion. This is why there aren’t that many new features in the game. If you stumble upon any weirdness, please let us know.
The first thing we improved is the customizable girl. We have improved the color picking option, we added icons instead of lists, there’s a randomise button that shuffles all the options and last but not least there are more available accessories.
Another improvement has been in the Experiment Hall. The sex reaction animations from last week are now integrated in the interactive sex. When you touch her pussy or her butt she will react.
And finally, we have a WIP model for a different female body shape. Hopefully this will add more variety to the girls in the game.
Beta v0.61 from 21.01.22
We are back with another weekly changelog for Iragon. As some of you may know, we are developing Iragon on Unreal Engine 4. Until now we’ve been working on version 4.21 but have been transferring to 4.27 for the past week or so. We are planning to have a build from 4.27 soon that you will be able to get only from our Discord server. Keep in mind that it’s an unstable build, so expect it to have bugs and issues. There is also the normal build from version 4.21 which you can download on all of our channels and it should be stable.
As for the 4.21 stable build we have a first very crude iteration of the Spider Boss fight. You can enter it from a portal in the Experimental hall and you can leave your feedback about it in a question at the end of the game. Again, it's still very early work in progress and is planned to be greatly improved in the future.
We added two new reactive animations for Erika in the Experimental hall “New animations” room. Those will be her reactions for when you touch her behind but are still not implemented yet, so you can only preview them.
And last but not least, we are sorry to say that the Shrek axe is gone. Although you never know, it might come back.
Beta v0.60 from 14.01.22
Welcome to the second changelog of the year for Iragon. You might have already noticed it, but we have been working on a character customization tool that you can test in the Experimental Hall. You can test it both in 3rd person and in VR but keep in mind that it is still very early work in progress and it won’t work smoothly. We’ll be improving on it together with your feedback, so let us know what you think.
Next, for the VR interactive erotic scene, we added a “pose menu” that will help you switch between positions with Erika. For now, there is only one extra position but we are planning to add more in the future. Apart from that, we are happy to share with you that we added butt physics! You will be able to test those once you try out the new doggy position with Erika.
Speaking of Erika, we have 2 new reaction animations for her when you touch her down there. Feel free to go check those out in the Experimental hall.
We also did plenty of fixes to the teleportation locomotion in VR as well as general bug fixes throughout the whole game.
Beta v0.58 from 12.23.21
Happy holidays! We are excited to greet you with the last Iragon changelog for this year. It’s been a year full of celebration, mishaps, both happy and sad moments but most of all - important lessons. We are grateful to each and every one of you, whether you found us this year, or have been following us from before - without you our journey wouldn't have been the same. We wish you all wonderful holidays, stay well and stay healthy! We will be back in the first week of January.
Now for the new additions in this build - We added a “teleportation movement” option in the VR “Options” menu. That means that if you prefer that way of moving in VR, you can now select it as your default.
Next in the Experimental Hall’s “WIP Models” room, you will find two new sexy lingerie outfits for our girl Erika. You will also be able to vote for which one you liked the most, after you exit the Experimental Hall. Apart from that, the demon girl that you might have already seen is now interactive. If you walk up to her you will be able to interact with her boobs and tail, both in VR and 3rd person.
We have also done a ton of bugs, gameplay, art and sound fixes so hopefully the game should be running and looking a lot better. Have fun playing Iragon over the holidays and we will see you very soon!
Beta v0.56 from 12.10.21
We are back with another weekly changelog for Iragon! Starting this week with an iteration the VR interactive erotic scene. We improved how reactive Erika’s breasts would be when you touch them as well as her arms. We also added sounds to her reactions and something we didn’t mention last week is that she turns and looks towards the player if they move.
Next, we improved NPCs in the town of Avoch by giving them realistic facial expressions. You will also be able to find our brand new character in Avoch - the fox girl. Just walk around town to find her. For now her story is a mystery.
We keep on working on the new Misty Forest level that has improved gameplay for the spiders and an art and lighting iteration. Apart from that, we added footstep sounds to the player’s followers as well as attack and cloth breaking sounds for the BDSM female enemy. We also added a new healing animation for Darick when he kneels down to resurrect his followers.
And the followers now have banter lines for when they are downed - they call Darick for help to resurrect them.
In the Experimental Hall’s “WIP Models” room, you’ll find new outfit variations for the villager girls as well as a brand new untextured demon girl.
Beta v0.55 from 12.03.21
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog! This week we have a very exciting addition for VR and that is an interactive erotic scene with one of our lovely ladies - Erika. She also has facial reactions. You can access it from the Experimental Hall through a portal in the WIP corridor, but keep in mind that it is still work in progress. We are open to suggestions on improving it.
And speaking of Experimental Hall, we added a new female addition to it and that’s a fox girl. You can find her in the “WIP Models” room in that same corridor. You can also interact with her and play with her tail so expect a reaction to that.
Another big addition this week is art for the Misty Forest level, the one that you have already seen in an unfinished state. There are still some minor issues that need to be fixed, but you can feel the overall atmosphere we are going for. Make sure to vote on it at the end of the game, so that we receive your feedback.
The BDSM female enemies in that same level had some outfit recolours as well as new hair accessories.
We also added new and better animations for your followers when they get downed in combat. The merchant woman follower also got new combat animations.
In 3rd person, we adjusted the interactive camera during the interactions with the girls a bit as well as fixed the issue where you could clip through the girls’ bodies with it.
Beta v0.54 from 11.26.21
Welcome to another weekly changelog for Iragon. Starting with the most exciting change, we are working on two handed weapon wield for VR. You can test that in the Experimental Hall for now as we continue to polish it until it’s just right.
Next, we have been improving the player’s followers for a while now. This week they got a UI that shows your follower’s health, their state (downed or alive) and their location in relation to the player.
We have a new very short sequence right at the beginning of the game as you approach Grasspoint. On the first bridge, you will see a short scene of one of the village girls. You will also be able to interact with her both in VR and Third person.
If you remember, we mentioned 2 transition scenes in previous changelogs, that are in the still unfinished Misty Forest level. We iterated on those scenes to have a nice sequence-to-gameplay camera transition.
Speaking of the Misty Forest level, we reworked the entrance area in it. Right after the BDSM enemy girl introduction you were able to take a few different paths. We added a location for the Merchant Woman and adjusted the layout of that area to bring you to her, so that she becomes your second follower.
And now whenever you try to resurrect your downed followers, upon taking damage the resurrection will be reset.
In 3rd person, we added new sounds to the new weapons.
Beta v0.53 from 11.19.21
Hello and welcome to another Iragon changelog.
First up, we’ve added a new prostitute outfit in the Harem with the rest of the girls. She has a cute top with a bow on it and a wavy skirt with knee-high heels. This outfit also has a new texture added to it and we are open to suggestions for the girl if you have any.
We have populated the village with girls that you can interact with. Walk right up to one of them and give it a try, you can lift their skirts up and interact with their boobs. Hopefully the village won’t feel as empty anymore.
Another thing we’re currently working on is improving the follower’s animations. We are trying to create smoother-looking walking. Running and combat animations. These new animations are also getting hair and boob physics soon.
The followers' downed state has been iterated on. Now players' movements are disabled when they revive the followers and if the player attacks the resurrection progress is reset.
Beta v0.52 from 11.12.21
Hi guys, we’re back with more improvements made to Iragon. Most of the improvements and new content is in the Experimental Hall. First, we have adjusted the skirt physics to the BDSM girl and the new village girl in Third Person. There were issues where the skirt was colliding with the player and it went crazy, so we fixed that and it should be all fine now. The village girl has new colour variations made to her outfit. All the girls in the WIP content room have intractable skirts. Go ahead and give them a try and leave some feedback.
Another new thing we added are locomotion animations for the Merchant woman that have physics. She’s located in the room next door showcasing all her incombat movements, running animations and ability animations.
We’re excited to say we have new music for our cutscenes. The end of the sewers where Brianna and Darick look at the road ahead now has an ominous sound when the dark elf appears. And as for the BDSM character cutscene, now it has music and sound effects.
A few bug fixes we made were:
- The downed state of the followers now properly works by long pressing “F” and it “gives the followers enough health” to get back into action.
- We also made fixes to the Merchant woman’s ranged attacks and made them more accurate.
- And the followers no longer attack enemies that are already dead.
Beta v0.51 from 11.05.21
Welcome back to another Iragon weekly changelog. As you know, we are in the middle of reworking the combat system and right now we are integrating some significant changes to our stats and inventory systems. This is so that we prepare for new combat mechanics and if everything is working properly you shouldnt see any changes in the way enemies take and deal damage. However, please keep an open mind that everything is still work in progress and there might be bugs.
We also updated the ingame UI - a new design for the health and mana bars, an inventory and spell prompts and icons as well as an overall repositioning on the screen. We also implemented a new design for the pause menu but keep in mind that all of this is a work in progress and we are open to all and any feedback you have.
Another new feature is damage done to followers in the Misty Forest level. When your followers take a certain amount of damage, they get into a “downed” state and you might have to go and resurrect them.
Some of the enemies, like the small spiderlings, have a new disappearing effect when they die - they dissolve into a blue particle. Soon all enemies will have that effect.
In the Experimental Hall’s “Work in Progress models” for VR, you can find a new village girl and a BDSM girl that have improved skirt physics. The skirt is now a lot easier to pick up and play around with, so feel free to test that. The village girl is the one in white and blue and the BDSM girl is right next to her.
Last but not least, we did some level design reworks and improvements in the Misty Forest greybox level. Greybox means that the level still has no art, keep that in mind. But we have reworked the main path after you exit the cave passage that’s on the left side of the level. We’ve also been adding signs and waypoints in the level as well as active quests, so the waypoint system should work now. You activate it by pressing “V” on your keyboard.
Beta v0.50 from 10.29.21
Back with another weekly changelog for Iragon. Continuing with the melee combat improvements, this week we added a blocking option for 3rd person. It’s still in a very early stage and a work in progress but we will keep on improving it.
In the Misty Forest level which is still in grey box and has no art, you can see a new type of scene - the transition scene that will quickly showcase the level ahead of you and the path you’re going to take.
We updated our main menu, the chapters menu and soon all of the user interface with a new design.
And last but not least, in the Experimental Hall “work in progress models” room, we added outfit color variations for the new villager girls - the ones with the long ginger hair.
Beta v0.49 from 10.22.21
Welcome to another Iragon weekly changelog! Starting off with a very exciting feature that we brought back for 3rd Person and that you can test in the Experimental Hall’s “WIP Models” room. Interactive girls in third person - once you get in the room, you can walk up to any of the girls (except for the spider girl and the skin tone girls) and interact with them. Once you get into the interaction you will be able to touch them, play with them, they will react etc.
For VR, we now have small destructible interactive objects in the Tavern in Grasspoint, in the Avoch interview room and in the Ecchi area after that interview. Those objects vary from different colored bottles, to plates, vases etc. So have fun breaking and throwing stuff now.
We keep on improving the reworked melee weapon system for 3rd person. Apart from technical improvements, there are also a few new attack animations now, if you wanted to check those out as well.
Beta v0.48 from 10.15.21
We have another weekly Iragon changelog for you and this week even though it’s going to be a bit short, we have some exciting combat reworks.
In the Experimental Hall, in the room between the portals, you will be able to test the new melee combat system rework for 3rd person. A new addition is the heavy attack on the sword, which you activate by holding down the attack button. However, please keep in mind that this rework is still a work in progress, so we want to know all of your thoughts on it, how it feels, etc. so that we can improve on it.
Another interesting thing is that we managed to significantly improve the skirt physics for the girls that wear them. As you know in VR, the outfits for the girls that have skirts are interactive, and we’ve been struggling to make the cloth move nicely and realistically. But now we are trying something new that seems to give the best results so far, so please test that and let us know what you think in the questions after you exit the Experimental Hall.
Grabbing things in VR has been slightly improved. You can grab items from a bit further away and the grabbing itself should be a lot more accurate. This is testable again in the Experimental Hall.
What is more, we made some slight changes to the Sewers level, more specifically the skinny bridges in the second part of the level. To make it more interesting and less linear, we made the bridges wider, broke them apart and overall added more combat space there.
Beta v0.47 from 10.08.21
We are back with another week’s changelog for Iragon. In this week’s edition in the Experimental Hall you will be able to see a new village girl NPC. She is in the “WIP models” room and also has a brand new dress outfit. And you guessed it, the skirt on her dress has physics so you can play around with it as well.
In the “new animations” room we added some… suggestive animations for the Merchant Woman. Yes, you can guess yourself what those animations are going to be used for. So be on the lookout for that interaction soon.
Something that you won’t be able to test in this build but is worth mentioning is that a big rework for 3rd person and VR melee combat is in the process. Stay tuned for future builds and changelogs to find out more.
Beta v0.46 from 10.01.21
Welcome back to another weekly changelog for Iragon. Starting off with a very requested feature for VR that is still work in progress and you will only be able to see in the Experimental Hall for now - interactive items. At the end of the “WIP corridor”, you will see a small table with some items on it that you will be able to pick up, carry, throw etc. in VR.
Next in the Experimental Hall we have outfit damage stages for the spider girl and we also added different colored NPCs. We want to add more variety to our NPCs and of course we are going to ask our players what they think and prefer, so stay tuned for feedback questions after you exit the hall.
And finally, we made a small AI improvement to the new female BDSM enemy, when she cannot reach you, she will shoot at you with her ranged attack while running to you. There is also a work in progress introduction sequence for her at the beginning of the level you enter.
Beta v0.45 from 09.23.21
By the time this changelog is released, Iragon’s Kickstarter campaign will have finished. And we never imagined it would even come close to where it is right now, so we thank you all so very much for the amazing support!
In this week’s update, we have a new cutscene that you will be able to access from the Experimental hall. The doorway for it is labeled “New Camp Scene” and in it, you’ll be able to see another suggestive interaction between Darick, Brianna and the merchant woman. All feedback about it would be appreciated.
Next, again in the Experimental hall, we have new reaction animations for the cat girl, so go ahead and start pulling her tail to get all of her reactions.
The new bigger spider enemy now has a special ability. He spawns small spiderlings around him that will attack you. The other new enemy - BDSM girl now has a ranged attack before charging at you. You can test that in the Experimental hall again. And we have also added new animations for the spider chick as well as a work in progress outfit and a beautiful headpiece to match it which you can check out in the “WIP Models” room.
Beta v0.44 from 09.17.21
Welcome to another Iragon changelog! We have less than a week now left for our Kickstarter campaign and it is surreal to see all of the support we got! We cannot thank you enough, and if you still haven’t had a chance to support the campaign you still have a little time left to do so. (LINK)
For this update, we have a brand new enemy in the new experimental level you already saw last week - the Misty Forest. The new enemy is a blindfolded but still very dangerous BDSM-dressed girl. Walk through the portal for the Misty Forest to be able to test this new enemy.
We have also implemented reactions to the girls being touched in some more intimate areas. If you touch the girls around their lady parts in VR, they will now have a reaction to that. Also, if you try to touch the cat girl’s tail, she also reacts. For this reason, we added physics to the cat tail as well as a new animation for her, and improved the skirt physics for Lexi, we gave her hair physics and polished some of the already existing animations, so you can go and check those out again. To better test the skirt physics, we added the first-ever model we made, so that you can compare the two.
We added a new room in the Experimental Hall, called “Multiple follower combat”. There you can go and test combat while having 2, 3, and 4 followers with you. Once you enter the room, it’s pretty self-explanatory how to trigger them.
And last but not least, we’re continuing expanding the VR controller support for more WMR (Windows Mixed Reality) controllers/headsets.
Beta v0.43 from 09.10.21
As always, we’re back with another weekly changelog for Iragon. But this time it’s different. It’s BIGGER! Before we get into what’s new in the game I want to remind you that the end of our Kickstarter campaign is getting closer by the day, so if you’re interested in supporting us, now’s the time! I’ll just leave the link here. (LINK)
With this update, we’re opening the doors to new areas in the game and more of the story. No longer will an annoying “To Be Continued” screen stop you from finding out what happens to our heroes in the sewers of Avoch.
You will finally find out what all that noise was about when you first entered the sewers in a new cutscene. You’ll also be presented with an important choice which might end your journey then and there with the first bad ending in the game. Don’t worry though, you can always start over from right before the scene, so you’ll get a chance to make the right choices.
After making the right choice, you’ll end up going through a dangerous series of rooms and tunnels where you’ll see some faces that may be familiar. The assassin girls that up until this point were only in the Experimental Hall. Now they’ll really start giving you a hard time.
We’ve also taken big steps in making the game support more VR controllers. Most of the changes are in the back end so this won’t be something that you can see, rather something you can feel and hopefully it feels better to play with different controllers. Keep in mind that this is still in its first iteration so there might still be some issues. One thing you CAN see is a button in the settings that will show you the bindings for your controllers.
Another exciting addition is a portal in the Experimental Hall that will lead you to a new level that we are currently working on called the Misty Forest. Some areas in the level don’t have art yet, so you’ll have to wait a bit more for the finished thing.
Another change in the Experimental Hall is what we’ve done with Lexi’s skirt. We’re trying to make it feel natural and fun, so hopefully, the changes have made it even better than what was in the last build.
Some small changes to the enemy A.I. were made to make the combat feel a little better. Enemies are no longer constantly locked to you. At a point during their attack animation, they are locked in the direction in which they are attacking, making them a bit more predictable and interesting to fight.
One last thing. There is now a censored mode that will stop clothes from breaking during combat and revealing things that you might not want to show when recording a video, streaming or maybe even playing at work.
Beta v0.42 from 09.03.21
We are back with another weekly changelog for Iragon. Our Kickstarter campaign is still going strong, so if you haven’t checked it out already, feel free to. (LINK)
This week, we’re starting off with a new spider enemy AI. We added a bigger spider enemy, with different animations for more combat variety. You’ll be able to test them in the Experimental Hall.
Speaking of Experimental hall, there are a bunch of new things to see there. First are, 2 new sexy animations for Lexi, Erika, and April. Apart from that, we added skirt physics on Lexi for VR, so that you can, you know… adjust her skirt. You will also see a new WIP model for a spider monster girl.
A small quality of life improvement - you can now close the menus with ESC. And last but not least, we noticed that one of the villager girls was missing something very important. The lady in white and red in Grasspoint now has boob physics.
Beta v0.41 from 08.27.21
Welcome to another Iragon changelog! We are very happy to share with you that so far our Kickstarter has 1,320 backers, which is absolutely incredible and we are grateful to each and every single one of you! The campaign is still ongoing, so please feel free to drop by and support us if you haven’t already. (LINK)
This week’s new additions to Iragon start with a brightness adjustment option in the settings menu. We have some pretty dark levels and a brightness option was becoming very necessary, so we decided to add it.
Next, we reworked the enemy AI a bit. When you respawn after you die, the enemy you fought will have full health now. Also, enemies won’t surround you immediately after you respawn.
We also placed the Merchant Woman in Avoch right after you exit the Harem and right before the prologue ends. This is a key moment in the game, so we decided that the player will need to restock their supplies right before leaving the town of Avoch.
In the Experimental hall “Damaged stages” room, you will find damaged stages for Erika’s default armor outfit.
And last but not least, we improved the sky in the camp where Darick and Brianna rest. You will see the sky has better resolution and graphics.
Beta v0.40 from 08.20.21
Hello with another Iragon changelog. Before we get into it, we want to thank you again for the amazing support on our Kickstarter, as we are now 560% funded! If you still haven't backed us, feel free to do so if you like what you see (LINK).
This week we worked on adding a bunch of quality-of-life improvements for the VR version of Iragon. First, we added a setting for vignette, so that this helps reduce motion sickness while moving. We also changed the smooth turning to be axis-based and added a setting for head-oriented movement. Next, we added haptic feedback when the sword collides with something, when a spell is in hand or thrown and when an attack is parried.
And last, in the Experimental hall’s WIP Models room, you will see new hair accessories on all of the girls’ default outfits.
Beta v0.39 from 08.13.21
For this week’s changelog, we have a bunch of new settings, new additions, and more so keep on reading to find out. Also, we want to thank everyone again for the tremendous support both on our Kickstarter and outside of it, you guys are the best!
Starting off with very requested features for VR, we finally added a smooth turning option and a grip-toggle mode. You will also be able to adjust the turning sensitivity in the menu. Apart from that, we fixed a common bug with the height adjustment that occurred for the spells and the sword being too far away. And last but not least for VR, we added the dancing scene from the Ecchi area that you usually see in 3rd person.
Next, we added a “Controls” menu tab in the options, so that you can adjust some of those. For now, you can only change your dodging style and your keyboard type, there is no full control customisation. We implemented “double-tap to dodge” along with “Alt” and you can also choose between a QWERTY and AZERTY keyboard type.
A very cool new feature we added is an experimental system for a heavy attack in 3rd person. You can test it out in the Experimental hall and basically what you need to do is hold down the attack button. For each weapon, there are different effects and animations.
Next in the Experimental hall in the New Animations area, you will find that our girl Jenna has embraced her feline side, she has a sexy cat outfit that you’ll be able to vote for at the end of the game. Apart from that, in the same room, you will see Brianna’s and the BDSM girls’ damaged states outfits. And last but not least, you will also see Lexi’s new idle animation that will be used later in the story.
Beta v0.38 from 08.06.21
First and foremost, we want to thank everyone for supporting us as we’ve reached our Kickstarter goal and are still going strong. If you still haven’t, please support us HERE!
We are excited to share with you that we managed to fix the issue with the game not starting on newer Intel processors. We also potentially fixed the UI issues with some resolutions. Lastly, we addressed the issue with the wrong controllers showing up in the VR tutorial when playing with Vive wands. It would be great if you can help test and tell us if the bug has indeed been fixed.
We’ve started implementing controller support. It still needs some work, but you should be able to play the whole game through with a controller.
We have new content in the Experimental Hall. If you remember the cute and sexy outfit Jenna had last week, you’ll notice that it is now textured. Coming right after her, we have April with retextured armour. And last but not least, we added the damaged stages for the BDSM clothes. You can see this on display in the “Destructible Clothing Models” room. This is a representation of how the outfit will look in-game when the character takes damage.
We made some changes to the kunai tutorial in the level with the assassins. Time no longer stops, and the quest stays until you have deflected 3 kunai in total.
We have added two new weapons you can test in the “Third Person New Weapons” room. The first weapon is a katana that swings faster than your regular sword. And the second weapon is a set of two swords that you dual-wield. We have new combat animations for both of these weapons. Don’t be shy and give them a try to leave some feedback.
The last thing to mention would be all the minor bug fixes we’ve made.
Beta v0.37 from 07.30.21
We are very excited to welcome you to this week’s changelog because, as you may know, we just launched our Kickstarter campaign! So before doing anything else please check our campaign out and feel free to back us if you like it.
And for the changelog, this week we have a few minor things. Starting with Brianna’s new default outfit from last week, now it has finished textures and materials and you can check it out in the Experimental hall and then vote on it after you exit.
Another thing we added was a tutorial for the Kunai deflection against the female assassins. Once you start the test level and encounter the first ranged assassin, time will stop once a kunai is flying towards you and the tutorial text, explaining what to do will pop up.
Apart from these changes we worked on general bug fixes, one of which was an annoying sound bug that hopefully is now fixed.
Beta v0.36 from 07.27.21
Welcome to another Iragon changelog. Our Kickstarter launch is closer than ever, so if you haven’t already, make sure to drop us a follow, so that you’ll be notified when we launch.
This week we did a few more improvements to the female assassins, the first one being bullet time for the kunai projectiles for 3rd person. We noticed it was difficult to deflect them without that, so hopefully now it’s a much more pleasant experience. We also added some new sounds to the assassins’ moves and reactions.
Next in the Experimental Hall’s WiP area, you will be able to see April’s sexy outfit fully finished (and that outfit is hot) and also a work in progress armor/default outfit for Brianna. As always, we’ve included questions after you exit the Experimental hall, so that you can give us your thoughts. Stay tuned!
Beta 16.09.21v0.35
Back with another Iragon changelog. This week we have a few more improvements to the female assassin enemies. If you remember, we added a deflect in VR, well we added one in 3rd person as well. All you have to do is hit the incoming kunai with your melee weapon.
We also gave the assassins a bit more brain, so now they patrol around when they’re not in combat. They also have improved animations for that.
And last but not least for the assassins, we added sound effects to the kunai and other parts of their combat. As always, you’ll be able to test the assassins in the Experimental Hall after you finish playing Iragon.
And as you know, we are launching Kickstarter soon, so it would mean the world to us if you could drop us a follow to be notified when we launch.
Beta 07.09.21v0.34
We’re back with another Iragon changelog. This week, we’ve been working more on the female assassins in the test level in Experimental. We improved the deflection of the kunai in VR with your sword. Now, when you try to deflect the kunai it will bounce off your weapon in the proper direction based on what angle you’re holding the sword.
Another tweak for the claw assassin and her special ability - she now disappears when she summons her clones and we changed the particle effect of the spawning clones.
As for the melee assassin - she is no longer immune to all attacks, instead she dodges one every 6 seconds.
Next, in the Experimental hall, we added another test level, in which you will be able to test a new enemy - spiderlings. The portal for that test level is right next to the one of the Assassin’s, so you can’t miss it.
Because a lot of people really liked the new slave girl, we decided to give her some improvements as well. We changed the texture on her clothes to better match her background and we also added boob physics on her. Apart from that, we fixed some wonky collision on her contraption device.
And last but not least, in the WiP models room, you will be able to see 3 new outfits for our lovely girls. The pink one for Lexi, the BDSM one for Brianna/Brenda, and the last one that’s still WIP is for April. Questions will be included after you exit the Experimental Hall, so stay tuned if you’d like to give us your feedback.
Make sure to drop us a follow on our Kickstarter page to be notified when we launch.
Beta 07.02.21 v0.33
Welcome to another weekly changelog for Iragon! If you haven’t already, make sure to drop us a follow on our Kickstarter page to be notified when we launch.
Starting with VR, in the test sewer level, where you fight the female assassins, you will see that you’re now able to deflect the flying kunai with your weapon. You do that by holding it in front of you.
What is more, we gave the claw assassin a special ability and doubled her health so that she is not as easy to kill now - she is able to summon her clones which have reduced damage and health. If you don’t manage to hit them, they will disappear after 60 seconds. Another minor change for her is the claw recolor to silver.
And for the dual-wielding melee assassins, we gave them the ability to dodge all melee attacks so that you find alternative ways to kill them.
Next in the Experimental hall, we have some new torture devices in the slave girl room, as well as another girl that’s wearing one of the new hairs we made previously, so if you’re into that kind of stuff, you can go check it out.
Last but not least, the outfit from last week for April is now finished with textures and materials. And this week, we added Lexi’s alternative sexy outfit WiP that you will be able to see in the same room across from her armor outfit. As always, questions about those outfits will be included after you exit the Experimental Hall.
Beta 06.18.21 v0.32
In this week’s changelog for Iragon, we have some new exciting features to share with you. If you remember, in last week’s build, we added a portal in the Experimental hall that leads you to a part of the new Sewer level where you can find the new enemies - the female assassins. This week we added another variation of them - the Claw Assassin. She is the melee version of the assassin’s and the claws are still a work in progress. We also added some new walking animations for the assassins that are more suitable for them.
Next, again in the Experimental hall but this time in the Work in Progress section, you will be able to see a now finished armor outfit for Lexi and a work in progress outfit for April. Again, feedback questions will be included at the end of testing Iragon, so stay tuned.
Beta 06.18.21 v0.31
Welcome to another Iragon changelog. As you know, we are preparing for a Kickstarter Launch where you can leave us a follow to be notified when we launch. Until then, we have some new stuff that you’ll be able to notice.
- First, after you leave the brothel area, you see a sequence of the soldiers who order a hit on Brianna. These soldiers now have a more sophisticated look to note their importance in the game.
- Next, in the Experimental Hall’s WIP room, you’ll be able to see another new outfit for Erika - one of Darick’s future acquaintances. She has her normal armored outfit that you’ve already seen and the new one that is a bit more… playful. Next to her, you'll also be able to see a WIP model for another future acquaintance - Lexi. There will also be voting questions for them at the end of the game so that we hear your thoughts on it.
- And last but not least, again in the Experimental Hall, you will find a portal right across from the WIP models room, inside which you will be able to test the AI for the new Female Assassins. You will also see another snippet of the Sewers level there.
Beta 06.04.21 v0.29
In this week’s changelog for Iragon apart from general polishes and bugfixes, we decided to balance out a little the spell upgrade/combat system:
- The abundance of destructibles has impacted the value of the mana orb causing inflation in upgrade prices
- Enemies are outraged by the higher upgrade prices and now deal more damage and have more health
- Darick is now severely depressed due to the higher upgrade prices resulting in reduced iframes in his dodge animation
Apart from that, in the Experimental Hall’s “WIP Models” room you’ll be able to see a brand new outfit for one of our lovely girls, Jenna. She is also rocking one of the new hair accessories we showed you before.
Beta 05.28.21 v0.28
As you know we’ve been focusing on polishing Iragon as much as we can by fixing both gamebreaking and small bugs. That means that we aren’t adding a lot of new features for now and we won’t bore you with a long list of bug fixes. Instead we’ll share the few new features that made it.
General - Only a few minor things are worth mentioning this week. First, we have even better face animations for Brett, whom you see in Darick’s first interview. We also added face animations during the sex minigame.
Next, we changed the blacksmith NPC’s face in Grasspoint to fit better with the anime-cartoon style of the other NPCs.
And last but not least, we added ambiance music in the Camp area where you have one of the important fights in the game.
Beta 05.25.21 v0.27.1
Emergency Update
Fixes - After the upload last Friday (Beta 05.21.21 v0.27) we found some problems that could potentially ruin the experience for players, so we made this
Emergency Update to address them.
Beta 05.21.21 v0.27
Hello again with a new changelog for Iragon, this week apart from a lot of bug fixes and others, we added some new features as well.
General - To start off, Iragon has a better intro loading screen now that’s not just a black screen with a white “loading” text.
Next, we changed the ending of the prologue. Now after you leave Avoch and get into the sewer entrance, you will get a sneak peek of the new Sewer level that we’ve been working on where some dangerous things will happen to Brianna and Darick.
We gave a new appearance to our tavern keeper in Grasspoint, as he wasn’t supposed to be a soldier. We also added some new village girl NPCs again in Grasspoint that you will be able to see around.
Also, in Avoch after you leave the ecchi area you will overhear some new NPCs talking about Brianna.
Another character that we decided to fix up was Brett, the first interviewer at the beginning of the game. He needed some work to be done which included some new materials, a new face rig for better animations and of course, improved face animations.
We also added face animations to our merchant woman in camp and when you hire her as your follower in the victory scene, so that she feels like a proper character now.
In the Experimental Hall’s work in progress section you will again see some new hair models with some new hair accessories.
For VR, we adjusted the spells in the tutorial to go up to your hand when you hover over them for easier equipping.
And last but not least, we decided to make our ecchi girls prettier by giving them new make up in the brothel area and around Avoch.
Beta 05.14.21 v0.26
General - In this week’s changelog, we don’t have а lot of new changes to add and we mostly did general fixes to everything in the game. However, here are the few new things in this week’s build.
The more major change is height calibration in VR. You can now calibrate your headset before playing Iragon in case you want to play seated or standing. You will find those settings in the menu.
We redid the face animations for Darick and the military assistant in the opening cutscene for Iragon. The previous animations were not great, so we wanted to improve them.
Also, we added lip-sync for the merchant woman that you meet in the camp. If you’ve noticed, she has some banter lines when you interact with her and those lines are now lip-synced.
And last but not least, we added some new female hair models in the Experimental hall that we will be using for our characters in the future. There is also a rating question for the hair accessories on these hairs after you finish Iragon, so that we know which ones you like the most.
Beta 04.29.21 v0.25
General - This week we decided to focus on a more general polish of Iragon’s current version. Starting off with face animations - we’re making sure that every character you encounter has proper facial expressions, for now those are the girls in the victory scene, the girls in the lesbian scene and we also added blinking and eye rotating into the idle animations. What is more, we added a new female hair model which you will be able to see in the Experimental Hall’s WIP area.
Music - We also spend a lot of time on working on and improving the music and sound design in the game. The first scene we did was in the Farmlands when Darick meets Brianna and Darick startles Brianna but then manages to distract the guards looking for her. The next sound design improvement we did was overall in Avoch after you leave the brothel. In the assassin scene you will hear better ambience and sounds and while you’re making your way to find Brianna you will hear some tension music, as well some “cliff-hanger” audio for the end of Iragon’s prologue.
Beta 04.23.21 v0.24
General - This week’s changelog is also going to be a bit shorter. We’re adding more language options to Iragon, this time we have French, Portuguese, Italian and Korean.
What is more, we didn’t really like the texture of the sheet during the intimate scene in the Harem because it was blending too much with the background. It has a different texture and color now and hopefully looks better.
Another change we made was to the Victory cutscene that the warrior girls play after they fight - we motion-captured some new and more anime animations for them.
If you go to the Experimental Hall in the WIP Models room, you will find some new hair models that we’d like to use in the future. You will also be able to vote on them after you finish playing the game.
And last but not least, we implemented the touching reactions to the girls in the Harem area. When you go over to them and try to touch certain body parts of theirs, you will see an appropriate reaction.
Beta 04.16.21 v0.23
General - In this week’s build of Iragon there has been mostly smaller changes. Starting off with the main one - we added a few new language options - Russian, Spanish and German so that those players can enjoy Iragon better. Next, we textured the new axe that you find on your journey, so that it looks proper now. And we also added voice lines to the merchant woman in camp when you do different interactions with her.
We also did lip-syncing for the interactive girls in the Ecchi Area for when you talk to them. We moved the short dancing sequence to one of the other girls in the Ecchi Area. And in the Experimental Hall for VR, we added some reactions to the girls when you touch their boobs, so you can test those out.
Last but not least, we decided to censor the intimate scene in the Ecchi Area because we want Iragon to be rated M for now.
Beta 04.09.21 v0.22
Cutscenes - This week we’ve been working on some juicy cutscenes. In the new harem/brothel level you are going to be able to see some girl-on-girl action in one of the rooms. That’s right, a lesbian cutscene, please keep in mind that it is still a work in progress. What is more, after you leave the brothel you will see another cutscene of soldiers ordering the hit on Darick’s new acquaintance - Brenda. And as you continue your journey in Avoch, you will get into another cutscene/conversation with one of Brenda’s girls. Last but not least, in the Experimental Hall you will be able to enter a new work in progress cutscene preview of one of the future bosses in the game.
Level Design - We decided to pay some attention to polishing and reworking some levels this week. The tutorial level that used to be on a floating island is no longer floating, so that it matches the rest of the levels. In the brothel, we decided to pump up the romantic lighting in the bedrooms for a better atmosphere and in the tavern and interview room in Grasspoint we completely redid the lighting.
General - Some general stuff that we did was add boob physics to the girls in the tavern. We had some new and sexier voice lines recorded for the girls in the brothel. You might have noticed that the shadows on the ground in all levels looked a bit boxy, well, we fixed those as well. And last but not least, we added two new and different female face models in the Experimental Hall.
Beta 04.02.21 v0.21
Level Design - Each week we are polishing our new brothel level more and more. This time we added proper lighting and post process that will make for a more romantic and sexy atmosphere. Another level we’ve been doing work on is the camp area. You know that there is a merchant woman there now. We completely reworked her area, added new art and assets for her such as a wagon, potions, cozy lights, and more.
Gameplay and General - As you know, we’ve been adding new translations to Iragon. This week we added a Polish translation because one of our team members happens to be half-polish. Hopefully, we have some Polish players out there who will enjoy Iragon.
You can now equip an axe again, after you loot it from a chest in the Farmlands levels, but the model is a work in progress still. We made a widget for things that will require or hold some amount of gold or mana orbs. You will be able to see that widget in the courtesan in the tavern in Grasspoint, telling you how much she is going to cost. You will also be able to see that when looting chests, to let you know what and how much you are looting.
Last but not least, in the Experimental Hall you will find some enemies with new AI that we’ve been working on. Our goal is to make our AI better and more performant but keep in mind that right now it is in a very early work in progress stage.
Beta 03.26.21 v0.20
Cutscenes - If you tested the Experimental hall you will probably remember the victory cutscene in one of the rooms. We now implemented that scene in the actual game after the combat arena after the camp. What is more, in the new Harem level that we made you can now get some action going with one of the girls there - there is an intimate scene that you are gonna have to save up for if you want to afford it. And last but not least, we made a cutscene for Darick’s second interview in Avoch where he actually gets his first job.
Music - This week we worked a lot on improving the atmosphere and feel of Iragon. Our sound designer made a lot of new ambiance music - in the Camp Cutscene, in the Harem level, and in the Combat arena after the camp. Hopefully, that will help you immerse yourself more.
Level Design - As you know we are working on a brothel/harem room that is now almost finished. It has a very oriental vibe and it’s going to allow you to experience a lot of intimate sexy moments with the lovely girls in there. For now, there is only one sex interaction with one of the girls but we have a lot more planned for the future.
General - Last week we started working on a gold system and this week you will be able to actually loot gold from the chests that you find scattered around. With this gold, you will be able to purchase various stuff in the future, but for now, you have an option to spend them in the Avoch Brothel. Another addition is lip sync for some of the Avoch town girls that you see on the street.
Beta 03.19.21 v0.19
Gameplay - Hopefully you remember the model for the merchant girl from previous versions - she’s now the new shopkeeper in the Camp area where Darick purchases his upgrades from. What is more, you can now hire her as your follower for a period of time. There are also other planned services you will be able to get from her in the future but those are still WiP.
We started working on a money or gold system that will later allow you to purchase items, weapons, upgrades and the aforementioned services from the merchant girl. After talking to Gintas and he gives you your 2 gold shillings - you will now be able to see those in your Inventory.
Speaking of Inventory, if you press the key “I” on the keyboard in Third Person, you’ll open Darick’s inventory. There you will see your weapons, your gold, your mana orbs count and etc. Keep in mind that it’s still work in progress, but you will no longer have to go to camp to equip different weapons. The Inventory also works in VR.
Experimental Hall - When you meet Brianna for the first time, she is not in the best condition. Her outfit is torn as she’s been through a lot - we reworked that outfit to be better looking and fitting the style of Iragon. You can check it out in the Experimental Hall. What is more, we’ve been reworking her hair model because it was difficult to add good-looking physics to it, so now in the WiP area you can see a new model for her hair and let us know what you think.
Another mini area that you’ll be able to see there is the Harem area that we’re working on. It includes some new assets that we have, some new styles that we plan on using in the future for the Ecchi brothel area.
Last but not least, we motion-captured a few animations for the ladies that are going to be in the new harem/brothel room. You can check them out in the Work in Progress section.
General - After finishing the game once you and unlocking Experimental Hall you can no longer “Continue” as there is nothing else to play. Also, we simplified our loading screens a little, so that you can better focus on the chapter titles. We added sounds to the Worm enemies in the Avoch approach level. And last but no least, we changed Gintas’ model to look even more unpleasant.
Beta 03.12.21 v0.18
VR Changes - This week we have a few new additions for VR specifically. We worked out a physics asset for the females’ boobs. Yes. It looks and feels a lot more natural when you’re playing in VR and try to touch a girl’s boobs. What is more we added 2 sequences - one on the bridge towards avoch and one in the combat arena after the camp cutscene.
Levels and Animations - We have been working on a harem room or a brothel room - whatever you prefer to call it. You will be able to see it when you enter Avoch but keep in mind that it’s still work in progress. As for animations, we added more face animations and lip-sync for the waitresses in the tavern in Grasspoint as well as for Brianna when she asks you which way you want to go right after you meet her.
General - Some time ago, we added banter during gameplay between Darick and Brianna. This week, we added some extra lines for both of them and we also made it repeat less in some situations so that we can avoid the characters spamming the lines and becoming annoying. If you saw and remember the new merchant woman we added in the Experimental Hall WiP area, well now she has proper textures and materials to her clothes. Last but not least, we added very rough and probably very wrong language translations in Chinese and Japanese. Hopefully, that will help non-english speaking players have a better experience until we get a proper and correct translation
Beta 03.05.21 v0.17
Cutscene Polish - Apart from creating new scenes, we’ve also been polishing our old ones. The scene in Avoch got a touch-up on face animations for the characters, we also adjusted and changed some shots and removed some elements like the vomiting soldiers. In VR, we did some polishing to the raid cutscene in Grasspoint. We added a slash effect for when Darick defeats his enemies.
Face Animations - This week we polished a lot of face animations for some of the secondary characters. The Tavern Keeper in Grasspoint and Gintas now look and talk a lot more naturally, we added more eye movement and stuff that will make them look more human. We also added new face animations and lip-sync for Esme and Mindee from scratch.
Brianna’s New Hair - We decided to rework Brianna’s hair model because it didn’t look very natural and it was hard to work with when it came down to physics. You will be able to see Brianna’s new hair in the Experimental Hall at the end of the game.
General - After Darick’s village gets raided, there was a quest that said “Reach the Farmlands”, we decided to rename that quest to “Go to Avoch” because that makes more sense with the story now. In the Farmlands levels, we added new ambiance music that will hopefully create a better and more immersive experience. After you leave the Tavern in Grasspoint, you will see a new loading screen that was drawn by one of our artists.
Beta 02.11.21
Level Design - We made some changes in the tavern that you enter right after Darick is rejected on his first interview. We added some waitress NPCs and added access to an additional little area up the stairs through the western style doors. What’s there we’ll leave for you to find out. Also, after the village raid cutscene you will wake up during the night in a ravaged and destroyed Grasspoint on fire. Last but not least, we kept improving the post process and colors of the levels, so that we nail down the perfect atmosphere for each level.
Animations - This week, we continue the work on animations. We added a new animation - an improvement from the previous - to Brianna and Sabine holding hands in the Avoch cutscene. We also added new face animations for Darick and Brianna in the Farmlands exploration and Avoch cutscenes. And lastly, we improved on Brianna’s baked physics a bit as well.
Others - Some miscellaneous stuff that we also did this week was change some of the hair colors of the NPCs in Avoch. We added a skip button for the cutscenes in Iragon, both for VR and 3rd person - for VR you can skip from the Pause Menu. In the Experimental hall we added girls with different breast sizes and we also put a feedback question about it after you play the game, so that we better learn what our players’ preferences are
Beta 02.05.21
Post Process and Sky - This week we decided to do some recoloring in a few different levels, so that they have a better atmosphere and feel. We changed some post processing settings in the Village level before and after you’ve entered the Tavern. We also changed some skies, added a custom post process to some of the rooms in the Experimental hall and a few other places.
Animations - What makes a cutscene look good is good animations. We continue working on our animations, polishing them, creating new ones and adding them to our scenes. This week the Avoch cutscene got some new animations, some new particles, physics and last but not least face animations for Darick.
Outfits and Materials - We made new materials and textures for the outfits of the Avoch town people, both the male and female civilians. We also did some improvements on the destructible clothing for the warrior girls.
New Art and Others - We’ve been reworking the camp area level to make it more cozy, romantic and delightful. We moved the blacksmith and the upgrades shop towards the exit of the level. We added new art and decorations, a whole new campfire with new fire crackling sounds and effects. Apart from that, we added chapter images for each chapter of the story. Some are finished and some are still placeholders
Beta 01.29.21
Beta Announcement - From this week on we’ll be uploading the Beta version of Iragon that we’ve been working on for a while. That means that we are finished with the Demo and are no longer gonna work on it. The beta follows the full story of the game logically, but keep in mind that not everything works as smoothly, lots of bugs can occur and a lot of things are still unfinished and work in progress.
You will still be able to access the Experimental hall after you finish the last level where we are going to continue showing you new work in progress stuff that we plan on adding in the game.
Build 01.22.21 - v0.67
Experimental Hall Rearrangement - Since we are showing a lot of work in progress stuff, we decided to rearrange the Experimental Hall, so that we can have more room. You will find one of the side halls has a sign that says “WIP Content” and in there you’ll see the different rooms. Since we’re working on the full game now, we’ll have a lot of new stuff to show in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned!
New Outfit Variations - And in the new Work in Progress section in the “Models” room, you’ll be able to see some outfit and color variations of our lovely ladies that you will be able to meet later in the full game.
Build 01.15.21 - v0.66
More Work in Progress - As you know, we are currently polishing the demo for Iragon, that’s why our changelogs are so scarce, as there are mostly bug fixes that don’t need to be mentioned in detail. However, we keep adding new models and outfits in the Experimental hall’s Work in progress section. This week we’re displaying Brianna’s new sexy outfit that is still missing textures. And the new female model from last week, now has textures and materials.
Also, in the Warrior girl Damage states room you can see some work in progress animations for some of the town citizens that we are planning for the full game. Some of the models are duplicated because we are still working on them.
Build 12.18.20 - v0.65
Moving Clouds - I don’t know if you ever looked up at the skies in Iragon, but if you did, you would notice that the clouds are actually moving. We wanted to adjust and improve them a little, so we made materials for them and sped them up, so that the movement is more noticeable.
Work in Progress - In the Work in Progress section that you go to after you finish the demo, you’ll be able to see one of our new female models, her outfit and all of that, however still missing materials. You will also see Erika’s new armor outfit now textured.
Build 12.18.20
More Physics - Like we mentioned in previous logs, we are working on nailing down the physics throughout the whole demo and this week we made hair and boob physics for the secretary in the very first cutscene and hair and cape physics for the mage girl that follows you in the last level.
New Outfit - We can show only very little from our work on the full game and today in the Experimental Hall’s Work in Progress area, you can check out a brand new outfit for one of the beautiful ladies. Currently, doesn’t have materials and textures, but stay tuned for that in future changelogs.
Build 12.11.20
Physics and Animations - Continuing with the animations and physics update - this week we worked on adding face animations to our main character - Darick. You can see his now a lot more expressive face in most of the cutscenes in the game, and yes, including the intimate cutscenes. And soon we will start working on adding face animations to him everywhere else.
Gameplay Improvements - Apart from a lot of bug fixing, we also try to improve gameplay by making various adjustments. We added a health bar to the wolves that you get to fight, as well as floating damage text. This is all very minor, but hopefully it improves your gaming experience.
New Hair Model - As you know, the Experimental Hall that you go to after you finish playing the demo shows you some of the things that we are currently working on for the full game. Right now, in the Work in Progress area you can see a new hair model that we made. It is going to be the new hairstyle for one of our lovely Iragon ladies, but which one? That’s a secret for now.
Build 12.04.20
Physics and Animations - As usual, we worked on adding better hair and boob animations, that you can see in all of the intimate scenes in the game. We’ve also been working on polishing/cleaning the animations, so that they look natural and beautiful. We’ll let you be the judge of that, but more work is needed.
Models Rework - We made new outfits for some of our villager girls. You can see different color variations and new accessories like the headscarf. We also retextured some small assets to better fit our art style. They are a bucket, a pitchfork and a yoke for now.
General Fixes - The changelogs have been quite short these days, because we are mostly polishing the content we have in the Demo. From animations to gameplay and bug fixes, we’re trying to make it all look and feel delightful.
Build 11.27.20
Intimate Scene Rework - similar to last week, we wanted to improve the main intimate interaction in the demo - the camp scene. That’s why we decided to rework it fully. We changed, added and removed camera shots and angles and we’re excited to show you the changes and hear your thoughts.
Build 11.19.20
Intimate Scene Rework - We weren’t quite happy with the Rogue girl scene in the Experimental Hall, so we decided to add a few new shots to make it longer and hopefully more delightful. As well as a few technical fixes.
Physics - We’ve been struggling with hair, boob and other physics for quite some time now, and we are happy to say that we are getting closer to making them absolutely delightful. You can see the new and improved hair and boob physics in the Experimental Hall intimate scenes.
New Character - We mentioned our work on the new character - the Dark Elf. We’ve made some progress on him - his armor is now fully textured, we also made slight adjustments to his skin, hair and height. You can check him out in the Experimental Work in Progress area.
Build 11.12.20
Intimate Scene Changes - We keep working on the sex scenes for every girl in the game. We made some shots longer, changed some camera angles.
General Fixes - This build we were mostly fixing bugs with the character models, with the levels, collision fixes and with everything else you can think of both in 3rd person and in VR.
Build 11.05.20
Intimate Scene Changes - We keep working on the sex scenes for every girl in the game. We made some shots longer, changed some camera angles.
General Fixes - This build we were mostly fixing bugs with the character models, with the levels, collision fixes and with everything else you can think of both in 3rd person and in VR.
Build 10.30.20
Experimental Hall - We gave different outfits, hair and eye colors to the slave girls, so there is now a bigger variety to choose from. Also in the “Work in Progress” section we added a Dark elf model, who is going to be a part of the full game story, here you can only check out what he looks like.
Village Level - We added a sign on the tavern in the village. It’s called “The dog and the duck” so now it will be easier for players to find it.
Intimate Scene Changes - We reworked all of the intimate scenes in the game, starting with the sex scene in the camp area to all of the scenes in the Experimental hall. So you can now go around and enjoy the new experiences.
VR Improvements - We made some adjustments to the spell inventory in VR that will now hopefully be more comfortable for players. We also added a cool dying sound.
Build 10.22.20
New additions in Experimental Hall - We added some new features and changes in the experimental hall. The inn bedroom that’s in the first corridor to the left now has a pretty, intimate scene with the Rogue Girl. The slave girls in the dungeon got different outfit types. And in the crossbow room in VR, we added a trail to the crossbow bolt, so that you can see it better.
Unified Build - Our programmers came up with a solution to have both builds (VR and 3rd person) in a single, smaller in size file. When you download Iragon, you will see 2 exe files, one for VR and one for 3rd person.
New Weapon - Remember the axe you can unlock after scavenging some chests? Well we have a brand new model for it as well as cool new animations for swinging it, so make sure you unlock it, to check it out.
Build 10.16.20
Changes in Experimental Hall - The experimental hall got a few improvements made to it, such as better lighting and better art for the ceilings. We added a skylight in the main room that separates the corridors to brighten things up. The corridor ceilings got new chandeliers and a prettier design.
Warrior Girl Black Outfit - If you remember the rogue looking girl in the experimental level, you will notice something different about her. She used to wear a red outfit but we decided black suits her better.
Warrior Girl Previews - Before entering the chambers of each of the warrior girls you will see a quick preview of them. They will show off their looks to spike your interest before having the chance to interact with them. You can find them in the experimental hall.
Build 10.10.20
Switcheroo - The perky pink haired Erika has been in the spotlight as the romantic interest for a while now and we think it’s time to give someone else a chance. Enter Jenna. The dark haired bombshell will be taking center stage to see if the players like spending their time with her, more than they do with Erika.
New Outfit - With Jenna taking the place of Erika, she also needs a skimpy outfit to change into when she wants to get more comfortable and intimate with Darik. So we redesigned Erika’s skirt outfit to match Jenna.
Succubus music - The succubus scene is getting some love again and is starting to reach its intended look and feel. With music to set the tone and sound effects to enhance the action.
New Slave Girls Outfit - We know that everyone likes naked girls, but we think that we should at least have the option to give them some clothes. So we made a little outfit for her to wear if she ever needs to.
Build 10.3.20
Experimental Hall - We’ve replaced the old experimental room with a whole new level that we call the Experimental Hall. Unlike the old experimental level, it has full art and each room has a different style. The rooms with combat look like a training room, the rooms where you can have sex look like bedrooms and the ones with slave girls look like slave rooms.
Demon Girl Sex in VR - In VR you now have the option to have sex not only with Erika, but the demon girl too. You just have to reach the last camp and have sex with Erika first.
Combat Improvements VR - We have made some improvements to the combat in VR. Enemies should no longer be running circles around you. We also changed some attacks that were hard to parry with easier ones.
Recruiter animations - We’ve made some improvements to the animations of the recruiter from the start of the game
Skeletons to Soldiers - Erika is now being attacked by soldiers as opposed to skeletons when you first meet her. This ties in with the conversation you have with her.
Build 9.4.20
Demon Girl Sex - We’ve added a new experimental sex scene minigame where you fuck the demon girl. In this one you also have the option to toggle her clothes on and off.
New Portals - The portals that we used looked okay, but after optimizing them for performance they were a bit ruined. So we gave them a new look. We also plan on using them for the last level of the demo in the future.
Succubus Scene Fixes - After reworking the Succubus cutscene there were a lot of bugs as a result. We have fixed some of them and are working on polishing the scene even more.
Build 8.28.20
New Girl in Experimental - There is yet another new girl being introduced to the experimental level. She looks like a rogue, which makes her quite different from the other two who looks like a warrior and a demon.
Cutscene Music - Both cutscenes between the first two combat levels now have music added to them.
Girls in Camp - We added a few of the girls we have to the last camp.
VR Blowjob changes - The VR blowjob in the experimental level has been changed. You are now sitting on a bed.
VR Succubus cutscene changes - The succubus cutscene rework has been touched up a bit and some of the problems have been fixed.
New Soldier Lines - We added new voice lines to the soldiers in the tavern and in the village. The ones in the village are more talkative and have four lines that play at random when you bump into them.
Build 8.04.20
VR Cutscene Changes - Both the first and last cutscenes of the game have been changed in VR. In the first, you get less cuts and more things to watch throughout. The last cutscene is in the process of being almost completely reworked. So keep your eyes peeled for that.
Roaming NPCs - Two soldiers have been added to the village to add more life. For now, they just walk around the streets, but we plan on adding a bit more character to them later on.
Warrior Girl Clothing - The warrior girl has gotten some outfit upgrades. We made a bunch of different color variations and a few states of damaged and partially destroyed clothes for her.
New Snowy Trees - To make the transition between the first and second combat levels smoother we added some new trees that are partially covered in snow.
Optimization - We have started making changes to the levels, materials and code to make the game run as smooth as possible on all machines that can run it in the first place.
Build 7.22.20
Combat changes - Fighting lots of enemies at once now works a bit differently. If you are against a big group, they will come to fight you two at a time, the rest will stay at a bit of a distance. The ones who are waiting will have their guard up and you will do very little damage to them until you kill the ones that are fighting you at that moment. We made it work this way so that you can’t just kill the ones that are waiting while they are not trying to fight you.
Experimental Girl - We are working on another girl for the village, but she’s not ready to be fully implemented yet. You can find her in the experimental level.
Sunbathing Girl - The sunbathing girl has been replaced with another girl who is a bit more dressed. She still needs to be retextured, so look forward to that.
Villager Girls - There are new girls who moved into the village. Some of you might remember them from a way older build. One is standing around near one of the houses and if you bump into her, she talks to you a bit. The other is near the tavern.
Profiling & Optimization - We have known for a while that we have a problem with low fps in quite a few places throughout the game and we finally started working on improving that. Most levels have been profiled and we have pinpointed the issues that we need to fix. Some of them have already been worked on a bit and a bunch are still on the waiting list. We are also making a plan on how to handle level streaming which should significantly improve performance. All of this takes a lot of time and effort so please be patient. We will keep you updated on how things are going and which parts of the game have seen improvements in fps.
Build 7.10.20
Sex Improvements - The sex scene is becoming more and more interactive and turning into something like a minigame. You will see a progress bar that fills up as you pleasure the girl. As it fills up you will unlock new positions that make her go faster and faster, until she can’t take any more.
Parry Tutorial - Right after finishing the spell tutorial, you will now go through parry training. You will have to parry the attacks of some skeletons. But don’t worry, since this is the first time that you will have to do this, time will stop as they attack so that you can position your sword correctly.
Sunbathing Girl - A new girl has shown up in the village and it seems that she really enjoys sunbathing almost naked at the lake.
Tutorial Level Art - The spell/parry tutorial level now has art. You will get to learn how to fight and enjoy the scenery.
Portal Changes - The portals that stop you from progressing before you complete a certain task have a new look.
Build 6.26.20
Parry System - The parry system from the experimental level is graduating to being a fully implemented feature in VR. You will be able to stop an attack from an enemy by using your sword to block and then making a counter attack. Soldiers with shields will be especially tough because they will take minimal damage while they have their shields up. So a well timed parry will be the best way to get a melee attack in.
New Sounds & Visuals - The first two combat levels are looking and sounding more finished than ever. We have added music and sound effects to the levels, as well as some particles and camera effects in third person. The first combat level also has a new post processing volume.
VR Damage Indicator - Taking damage in VR is now more obvious than ever. When you get hit, your game will flash red to make sure that you know that you are taking damage.
Repeating Lines - After you hear all the dialogue from an optional NPC and talking to it again, you will be treated to a short line instead of having to listen to the whole conversation again.
Warrior Girls - In the Experimental level you can now find three familiar girls in new and unfamiliar outfits. We are trying out some skimpy warrior outfits with cape physics.
Test Spells Changes - The new spells in the Experimental level are also changing. You no longer use a crossbow to shoot out magical arrows. You now fire spells out from your hands. The lightning spell now chains from the enemy that you hit to other enemies that are nearby. It also causes an impulse of force at the location of impact, pushing objects around. And there is now an arc that shows you the trajectory that your fire and ice spells will travel, so that you can more accurately aim your shots.
Interactive Sex - We are working towards making the sex scenes more interactive. In the third person sex scene you can now control how fast you have sex and you can touch her all over and listen to her moan. In VR you can play with her boobs while you have sex, just like in your previous interactions with her.
Build 6.12.20
IntermediateB improvements - The second combat level finally has art for the cave at the end and proper lighting. The art for the cave also carries over to the next level. It’s finally reaching its finished state.
Sky improvements - Many of the levels have new and improved skies, with moving clouds and a view of distant mountains.
Spell tutorial - We made a new tutorial for using the spells. It’s more compact than the last tutorial, in terms of space, but should cover all that you need to know.
Spell Blocking in VR - Since we are working on a parry mechanic, we thought that it’s only fair that you have a way to stop spells that are flying at you as well. Hitting a spell with your sword will now destroy that spell. Of course, you still have the option to side step out of the way too.
Experimental Level - We decided that often things that we are working on are not yet ready to be added in the game, but we add them anyway, so we can see what you think about them. That’s why we made a special level for those of you who not only want to try out Iragon, but also want to test things that may not yet be in good enough shape to be implemented. After playing through the game once, a new button that says “Experimental” will be unlocked in the main menu. That button will take you to a level where you can test such things. For now it will only be available in VR because all the things that we have to test are in VR. The next two features can only be tested there.
Parrying in VR - We are working on making it possible to parry melee attacks from enemies with your sword in VR. If an enemy swings at you and you block the attack with your sword, you won’t take any damage and it will leave an opening for you to make a counter attack. For now this is only in the Experimental level.
VR Spells Rework - We are working on making each spell more unique. You can test things that we are trying out in the Experimental level.
Build 5.29.20
Continue Game - We finally implemented one of the most suggested features. A Continue Game option in the menu. You no longer have to finish the game in one sitting. Stop playing when you feel like it and next time choose Continue Game from the main menu. There are still some issues that need to be ironed out, but it won’t be long until it will work just as you imagine it.
Erika voice acting - We finally got some new lines recorded by the voice actress for Erika. There are still some placeholder lines, but this should help her feel like a more consistent character.
Wrapping up NPCs - We fixed the last few issues with the soldier NPCs in the village. Their necks no longer bend weirdly and their heads are no longer too small for their bodies. I guess they are pretty much done.
Optional quests - Optional quests and objectives are now in a blue color to help the players know which objects and NPCs they have to interact with and which ones they can choose to skip.
Finished IntermediateA - The first combat level is finally finished. It starts off in an Autumn environment, like the village, and slowly starts transitioning into a snowy mountain as you go higher at the end.
Last level sounds - The last level of the game has entirely new music and ambient sounds.
Blob shadows - The first two cutscenes, at the start of the game, now have simple blob shadows under the characters.
VR Succubus - The succubus cutscene at the end of the demo can now be experienced in VR.
Death animations - Darick can now be killed in a variety of different ways. Every time an enemy kills you, you get a little scene where they finish you off.
New Bloodlock - The magic walls that keep you from leaving the last combat area before you kill all the enemies have a new look.
New enemy color scheme - All enemy soldiers are now in a red / gold color scheme to help distinguish the good ones from the bad. Skeletons are still the same color though. They look pretty evil as it is.
Build 5.15.20
Better Boob Physics - We have made changes to the boob physics to make interacting with them feel more real.
New level art - The two levels after the tutorial have new art and are starting to take shape. The last level also har art improvements, including lighting, particles and landscape.
NPC changes - Sewell, Ewald, Gintas, the Tavernkeep and the Lone Soldier now have facial animations and the Group Soldier will soon follow. Most NPCs have new idle animations and their interactions are viewed from new camera angles.
New tutorial - Part of the combat and controls tutorials are now at the start of the village level. You will have to break destructables, jump over an obstacle and dodge attacks from wolves. The spell tutorial is still after the village.
Sounds - There are new sound effects for the lightning spell and for the destructable stone walls.
New start, last level - To make the transition between levels feel better, we made the last level start with the ending cave of the previous level.
Improved jumping - Jumping in third person has been changed to feel less “floaty”. Also, when you jump from a high place, the ground will now shatter beneath you.
New Erika hair - Erika has a new haircut with a bow on it.
Build 4.30.20
New spell selection - The spell selection menu has been made way simpler and hopefully easier to use. Previously we had a weapon wheel that you select from with the mouse. Now you just click “Tab” to switch between spells. A small icon at the top left of the screen shows you what spell you have currently selected.
Intermediate Level Changes - The first combat level after the tutorial is now split in two and has some changes in the landscape and overall design. The first part ends in front of a great big mountain and the second part starts you on top. The second part also ends with you entering a cave and jumping down a big hole.
New look for the NPCs - The NPCs in the village and tavern have new faces, new hairs and different hair colors. Hopefully this, combined with their different armors and heads, will make them unique and distinct enough.
Enemy sounds - The enemies now make sounds when swinging a weapon, dying and getting hit.
VR Intro - The flythrough scene from the very beginning of the game has been implemented in VR. However, we can’t have you flying around in VR because it might make you dizzy. So we just teleport you to a few locations of the village.
Build 4.12.20
New interactions - There is now a third interaction with Erika in the camp.
Introducing April - April is a girl that you meet in the combat level. She casts ice spells and helps you out. And now, you can find her in the camp along with Erika.
Hard skip - We added a “hard skip” for some conversations, for those of you who have already heard it and would rather skip it completely. Holding the left mouse button will skip to the next choice or to the end of the conversation, if there are no choices.
No more mannequins - All the generic mannequin NPCs have been replaced. They are now either wearing armor or a variety of three different outfits.
New chests - The chests got a rework. They now look different, shake around while unopened and there are more of them in the world.
New hands - We have added new hands in VR. That includes new models and textures.
Lip syncing - We have added lip syncing to the recruiter from the beginning of the game.
Damage text - Landing a hit on an enemy will now display the amount of damage that you dealt above its head.
New tutorial - With the new combat systems we needed to make new tutorials and here they are.
Build 4.3.20
Skip button - You can now skip dialogue just like you can in a regular visual novel.
VR spell levels - All spell types now have different effects with each level. For example the first level fire spell just shoots a fireball. The second level causes the fireball that you shoot to split into smaller fireballs after it hits an enemy. And the third level does all that and causes a fire to start where the spell landed, damaging enemies in that fire.
Third person combat - We have started reworking the third person combat system so that it reflects the way it works in VR. The spells are changing both in functionality looks.
Art for combat level - The combat level is starting to take shape. Art has been added to most of the level, including the guard tower at the start.
NPC short hairs - Our modular NPCs now have the option of having very short hairs. Most of them are not very flattering. (added in functionality but not yet in the build so you decide if you use this)
Voice acting - Since some parts of the story are mostly final now, we have started getting actual voice actors to record the lines for some NPCs. The recruiter, Sewell, Ewalld, Gintas, the Tavernkeep and the two soldier NPCs in the tavern now have new voices.
Tutorial music - The tutorial level now has music accompanying it.
Village lake - The last bridge before the village now goes over a lake that leads to a big waterfall.
New loading screens - There are three new loading screens. One with two girls in a suggestive pose, one with a soldier and one with a skeleton.
Build 20.03.20
New VR Combat System - The combat system in VR has been completely reworked. Spells now hover in front of you and you grab them with your hands. Then you can throw them at your enemies. Melee weapons have a better overall feel to them and they can be holstered to your sides. Throwable knives are also holstered to your arms. Health is now restored with collectables. Your enemies will also behave differently to fit in better with the new combat system.
Erika’s new outfit - Our lovely Erika has picked out a new outfit. You can find her wearing it in your second interaction with her in the camp. If she likes what choices you make when talking to her, you will also get to experience the new animations and sounds for her progress bar.
New main menu - The time has finally come. Our simple placeholder main menu has been replaced with a new and improved one.
Village - The Village level is reaching its final stages. There has been more art implemented, some new rock textures and some new signs. Although the signs still don’t have materials and textures.
NPC changes - The soldiers now have a variety of skin colors and new hand textures.
Script Changes - There have been a bunch of changes to the script. Some minor, some a bit more substantial. One of the bigger ones is that the Tavernkeep’s tipsy friend Dudly no longer chips into your conversation.
Succubus makeup - The succubus has some new makeup that she wants to show off.
Flythrough Art - The intro scene of Iragon used to take place in a graybox version of the first level. That’s no longer the case and it is filled with art. Hopefully that helps set the mood for our adventure.
Build 06.03.20
More Flythrough Improvements - Some major changes have been made to the flythrough introduction of Iragon. They mainly consist of camera cuts that aim to give it a more cinematic feel.
NPC Facial Hair - To add more diversity to the NPCs in Iragon we gave them facial hair that is unique for each and one of them.
More Village Art - We’ve continued making improvements to the first playable level. More art has been added, especially around the village itself, to give it more life. Small things like gardens, plants, fences and others can now be found when exploring it.
Tavern Art - The fantasy tavern you enter after exploring the village now has art. It has interior decorations and the new armoured soldiers are now there too. You can find them sitting in the tavern and talking.
Love Progress Bar - When you interact with Erika you will now notice a love progress bar. It will fill up gradually after every correct choice you make when you talk with her.
Build 21.02.20
Village Art - The first playable level of the game finally got some art. We settled on an autumn look complete with lots of fallen leaves, mushrooms and everything you have come to expect from autumn levels. It still has some graybox elements, but this is, no doubt, a big step in what we think is the right direction.
Village Skybox - Apart from the Village level itself, we also added a new skybox. It shows a sunset over some distant mountains.
Paige rename - The pink haired damsel in distress that you meet on your adventures has a new name. We decided that Erika would suit her better than Paige. So from now on, don’t be confused when we mention the name Erika.
Erika, a lover and a fighter - Erika now fights alongside you after you find and help her. You can instruct her to either draw her sword and face the enemies with you head on, or use her ice spells to support you from a distance.
New interactions with Erika - There are a few new intimate interactions with Erika in the camp. Not only will you get to have a conversation with her, but if you make the right choices you get to kiss her. You will also get to Touch her in a few places and see how she reacts.
Erika, animations & emotes - With the new interactions with Erica, it’s no surprise that she has quite a few new animations. She also has two new emotes that pop up over her head to show you that you can interact with her.
Build 07.02.20
Flythrough Improvements – With every build we try to make the intro of Iragon more and more pleasing and cinematic. We make camera adjustments until we get the result we want. For that we also wanted to improve the overall feel of the village by adding a new skybox that is still work in progress.
Bridges Rework – The very first area that the player starts his journey in has been reworked. The bridge from the Military academy that goes to the village has been reconstructed and textured. Another one of the bridges you will have to cross further in the game has also been reworked.
New Art – The first level for our cutscene – the interview room in the Military Academy now has Art and looks much more pleasing to the eye. What is more, our lovely boss succubus has a concept art illustration that has been added as a Loading Screen to the game.
NPCs and Quest Changes – We added 1 new NPC in the village and 2 new NPCs in the tavern. All of whom you can talk to to get a richer idea of the story and the world of Iragon. The NPC that follows you around further in the game is now able to fight back your enemies with a sword. What is more, there is a new main quest in the tavern as well as a few optional ones that you can attend to after you take on the main quest.
New Romantic Animations – It seems like our boy Darick’s luck is on tonight. We have new sexy animations for the lovely girl you meet along the way. Darick might just be able to get to first base, you never know! And when Paige gives him a kiss, heart particles of cuteness explode around her.
Build 24.01.20
Saving Paige – The lovely page is now in a more threatening situation when Darick finds her. She is surrounded by soldiers who seem to have some naughty ideas about what to do with the poor girl. Thankfully, you are there to save the day.
Succubus – We have a new challenger coming to face Darick and this one is sexier than any other. The succubus is a shapely demon, driven by lust and out for blood. There is also a new cutscene with her where she makes short work of the soldiers that Darick was previously struggling with.
New Paige animations – Our lovely damsel in distress, Paige, has some new animations which will be used in an intimate cutscene a bit later on.
New kissy faces – Speaking of intimate. Paige also has now facial morph targets that allow her to make kissy faces. You can use your imagination to figure out what we plan on doing with those.
Build 10.01.20
Removed Grappling – Starting off the year with a bang. Grappling will no longer be a mechanic in Iragon. We know that this is a big change, but we’ve decided that It often separates the gameplay into swinging sections and everything else and we want it to all feel like one big experience. This change will also free up a lot of time to work on the rest of Iragon and allow us to deliver a better, tighter game.
Two new NPCs – Introducing the two new (minor) characters to the Iragon family. First, we have Sewell, a villager in Balmoros who you can find somewhere in the village. He may be a bit drunk and under the weather, but he still has time to help out Darick. Second, we have the Tavernkeep. Unsurprisingly, he is found behind the bar in the tavern. Similar to Sewell, he helps out our protagonist by giving him some friendly advice.
New level – After finishing the tutorial you will be treated to a new level. Although it is still in a graybox state, it feels and plays great and we hope that you love it.
New intro – After starting your adventure you will now be treated to a flythrough that shows Balmoros better than ever before.
New soldier armors – The armor smiths of the world have worked hard to introduce new armor for the soldiers that you will encounter.
New Buttons – Lastly, we have some new buttons for that display your choices in conversation.
Build 06.12.19
– Main Menu – We gave the main menu of the game a new background – a pretty landscape of the village. As well as a bit more cinematic fly-through intro to the beginning of the game.
– Level Improvements – The interview room where Darick begins his journey has gone through some layout and rescaling changes.
– The tavern’s layout in the village level has been improved to fit the world better and it still stays in graybox. After cutscene there finishes, you are free to explore the village some more as it has been extended. You don’t have to worry about getting lost because we added road signs to guide you. And if you feel like practicing your new fighting skills, there are some scarecrows around that you can hit.
– Character Improvements – We added new shadows to our characters that look better and are more realistic.
Whenever you meet a new companion they will now follow you to your destination instead of running away from you.
At the end of the demo you’ll get to fight the new model of the boss mages – the Crow Knight.
– Fixes – Some major and some minor bugs were fixed, as well as some texture fixes and others.
Build 22.11.19
– Level rework – For this build we have reworked the demo’s first level. The village area is a lot more spacious and the military academy that Darick wants to join is a fort on top of a hill that looks badass and impenetrable.
– Sky Sphere – The village level now has a sky sphere that replaces the skybox with a beautiful twilight sky. Still a work in progress but soon to be finished in future builds.
– More Destruction – We have added 3 new types of destructibles because it is just so satisfying to destroy thi ngs. We have also improved them and the already existing ones with sounds and particles upon breaking.
– Small improvements – some of the minor but important elements have been improved and added: A new interaction prompt; game cues/signs are better visible now; we paid attention to detail and added more signs that signify some parts of the game like the tavern and others; grappling targets have a new, more noticeable prompt.
– Bug fixes and WIP – Some minor and some major bugs were fixed. The cutscenes are constantly being worked on and improved.
In Virtual Reality:
– Tutorials, all text cues and prompts now pop up from a simple but elegant menu on your VR hands. This fixes the annoying floating text in the air that moves every time you look in its direction.
– More bug fixes.
Build 08.11.19
– The village level now has an awesome military base, which is the place where Darick hopes to get accepted. What is more, we put up a new beautiful skybox that you may notice in the distance.
– We have a new enemy that’s replacing the blond-haired peasants. So no more slaughtering of innocent people. Instead, you’ll be fighting against our new pal, the skeleton.
– A few changes that you may notice when you set up camp: If you want to talk to one of our pretty girls, a prompt with a key to press will pop up when you walk up to them. You will also notice changes to the dialogue menu when you talk to one of them.
– Some adjustments to the tutorial are also in place: Instead of having to break 10 boxes in the combat area, we reduced them down to 5. Also, the final stage of the grappling area has been extended.
– Other changes are quite minor and include bug fixes and small adjustments.
In Virtual Reality:
– The interview room in the beginning of the demo now has a few interactive objects that you can pick up.
– We added a vignette effect that will hopefully help some players reduce their motion sickness while moving and mostly while swinging.
Build 24.10.19
New level – The demo needed one more level that will be dedicated to the combat tutorial and we made one. It’s between the swinging tutorial level and the level where you fight the mages.
New combat tutorial – We felt that the combat tutorial in the demo was not good enough, so we made a new one. It takes place the new level, right after the swinging tutorial level. It will teach you how to fight with your swords in close quarters combat and how to use every different type of spell.
Loading screen girls – Our loading screens are slowly becoming populated with images of sexy girls in suggestive poses.
Updated Gallery – As promised we have done quite some work on our gallery and it now gives you access to scenes of the girls in а seductive manner.
Build 11.10.19
Demo – The past few and the next few weeks are dedicated to making a demo for Iragon. It will be used to showcase what the game has to offer and how it will play. All the other things in this changelog are not for a playable builds that we share with you, but instead for the demo.
Interview room level skeleton – The interview room is where the story will start and will show you the beginning of Darick’s journey.
Village level skeleton – The village is a calm and beautiful place where the players will first gain control over Darick and will get a feel for the controls.
Tavern level skeleton – Some of the more notable new sounds are those of the collectables, the chest opening and the prompt sounds. You might also notice that when you upgrade a spell, you get a sound corresponding to the type of spell.
Grappling level skeleton – This is a bit self-explanatory. It’s where you learn to grapple with the help of another tutorial.
Combat level skeleton – The combat level is where you will face your first real combat challenge and will have to fight a bunch of enemies.
Movement/controls tutorial – As mentioned before, this will be in the village level and will teach you the very basics. Just so you can get a feel for how the character controls in this world.
Combat tutorial – The combat tutorial takes place in two locations. First in the tavern and then, later on, in the combat level, alongside the magic tutorial. This will teach you how to fend for yourself when faced with a dangerous situation.
Magic tutorial – This tutorial will teach you how to use your spells in a safe environment and how to use them alongside the regular combat, forging you into a force to be reckoned with.
Grappling tutorial – As with the grappling level, this is pretty self-explanatory. You learn how to swing freely, from tree to tree without falling into a bottomless pit.
Build 27.09.19
Loading screens – There used to be these gaps in gameplay where you just got a black screen while the next level loads, but there was no indication that you were waiting for a new level. To stop the confusion, we have added a loading screen that has the logo and tells you that it’s loading.
Unlock item prompt – Finding an item or person in the world now shows you a prompt that tells you where you have to go to use or interact with what you have found.
Gallery – The gallery, finally got some love and a devent design. Now all we have to do is capture some nice moments from your adventure that you might want to look at and reminisce.
New sounds – Some of the more notable new sounds are those of the collectables, the chest opening and the prompt sounds. You might also notice that when you upgrade a spell, you get a sound corresponding to the type of spell.
Build 13.09.19
Rita – A new lady enters the world of Iragon. Rita can be found at the end of the demo. She is in the company of the other girls. I’d say that’s good company.
Paige’s hair – Paige got bored with her black hair and she wanted to stand out a bit more from the others. So she decided that coloring her hair hot pink is the best solution.
Entering the camp – Going to the camp at any point though the menu felt a bit off. You can’t do that anymore. Instead you have to find places all over the map where you can set up your camp if you want to upgrade your spells.
Upgrade menu – Speaking of spells, we have a new menu. It’s completely redesigned and has icons for all the spells and their upgrades.
Locked girls – The girls in the camp are no longer all there from the start. In their place you get silhouettes to hint that they are locked. To get a girl to appear in the camp, you first need to find her out in the world and then she will grace you with her company.
Camp improvements – As for the camp itself, there are some small changes. We moved some things around and scaled things a bit better. We hope it feels nicer over there and that the feng shui is better.
Boob physics – We made some changes to the way boobs interact with your hands in VR. Hopefully now it’s a pleasant enough experience that will provide our players with endless boob touching fun.
Makeup – The girls from the gang had a ladies night out and came back with some changes. Other than Paige’s new hair and the new girl, Rita, they all got new makeup. We think that they were pretty as they were, but you know, girls will be girls.
Build 30.08.2019
Upgrades NPC – With all the new spells and weapons and everything, things were beginning to turn into chaos. Hopefully, with our new friend, who we lovingly named, the upgrade NPC, things will be a bit more structured from now on. Oh, I’m just kidding. That’s not his name. It’s the spell dude, or Dan the upgrade man. Okay, we’ll get back to you with the final name. The point is that you can now go to this particular NPC for all your upgrade needs.
Potential love interests – There sure are a lot of girls hanging around in the camp and if you play your cards right and choose the correct approach for each of them, you can get them to show you a good time. That is, do a sexy little dance for you. For now the system is quite primitive, but we will show it some love in the near future and it will become quite an interesting part of the game.
Dummy punching bag – Everyone thinks they’re a tough guy but have never proved it to be true. Now the people over at the camp level have it all figured out. They have a fighting dummy that shows you how much damage you do with each hit. That way you can actually prove how tough you are.
New Camp level – We really like the idea of the camp level but it was just a bit empty in its graybox state. So, naturally, we added art and made it all pretty and cozy.
Build 16.08.2019
Code Name Wildlander – Wildlander is the name we have given to the new costume for Darick. It looks quite different from the last costume he had. Hopefully it makes him look more like the aspiring hero he is.
Annah’s kinky side – Annah has always been the damsel in distress. But as the old saying goes “Girls just wanna have fun” and I guess it’s true. She now has an alternative outfit that’s quite a bit more provocative than her green dress.
Mana orbs everywhere! – Up to this point we had these big levels with no reason to explore them. Well that’s not the case anymore. There are mana orbs floating around the levels. Now, you may ask “But what do I need the beautiful orbs of pure magical energy for?”, and that’s a good question.
Going camping – Oh, what’s this? A camp that you can access from anywhere in the world and use to fiddle around in your inventory. What? There’s more to do in the camp! You can interact with charming young ladies in order to upgrade your spells, health and mana in exchange for the mana orbs from the last paragraph! Well isn’t that convenient?
Pause menu – No one is forcing you to go to the camp to take a breather though. You can just hit escape and go grab a coffee, use the restroom, do your daily blood sacrifice to the goat demons, check your e-mail or do whatever you want, without having to worry about the game.
Gallery – Here’s another new feature that will definitely get better with time. Talking to the girls in the camp gives you access to a gallery with pictures that will eventually be full of all the girls. So far it’s just the same picture over and over again.
Build 02.08.2019
NPC – After you have obtained a good amount of mana orbs you will then be able to exchange those orbs with an NPC. You have two options: you can either upgrade your mana or your health. More mana equals more spells you can use to destroy your enemies. More health is just more health.
Mana orbs – While on your journey you will find mana orbs in the levels that you can collect. There is no way to miss them they’re glowing and have cool particle effects. You will be able to see how many orbs you have.
Inventory – A traveler should have a place to carry the treasures they find and the weapons they wield. This is why we have added an inventory where you can stash all the goods you get.
Collectable weapons – Hidden in the ancient lands of Iragon lie collectable weapons that improve the fighting skills of the owner. One of these weapons is an amazing axe that will grant you melle abilities.
Dynamic camera movement – Moving around in the world of Iragon is more immersive. With the new dynamic camera movement fighting, grappling and movement in general looks more realistic.
New tutorial level – We decided to take a new approach to the tutorial to see what works best for the players.
Build 19.07.2019
Spells and enchantments – We know that you might have gotten bored of just using fire to slay your enemies. Well guess what. We have a big change for you this week. All four of our current spells are available for testing now. You now have fire, lightning and ice. Unique spells, unique weapon enchantments, unique effects, unique sounds, unique everything. This ought to be a fun one.
Darick – After all this time spent playing as a blank placeholder for a main character, we finally added our protagonist. His name is Darick and he is a strapping young lad with blond hair and blue eyes. Like him or not, you have to admit that he is a huge improvement from the blank faceless expression on the placeholder’s face.
Page & Lucia – We got a bit tired of Annah being the only girl in the world of Iragon. After many long hours, it’s finally time for a big reveal. Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, Paige and Lucia. Pretty faces and beautiful figures aren’t the only things that these girls bring to the table. They also have some killer dance moves. Mainly because they aren’t yet implemented into the levels properly, but you can find them dancing next to a fire right after the swinging section.
Captain – The knights are stronger and cooler than ever but they are simple foot soldiers. That means that they usually have someone guiding them and giving them orders. That burden falls on the shoulders of the captain. Like the regular knights, he is a foot soldier, but he wields a big axe and orders the regular knights around. He also boosts their morale and I assume that their pumped up battlecries pump him up as well.
Crow knight – Knights come in all shapes and sizes and it just so happens that some have crow heads. Well, crow helmets at least. For now there is only one and he is stuck in a T pose but he at least he is in the company of the dancing Page and Lucia.
Destructibles – Killing bad guys is fun and all, but what is violence without a bit of destruction to go along with it? You may not be able to hit people with tables and tables with people like in a Jackie Chan movie, but we added a little something to satisfy your destructive needs. Barrels! Destructible barrels. With sounds. Hey, it’s a start.
Build 04.07.2019
Baby’s first grapple – We noticed that a lot of players were having trouble the first time they encountered swinging and they were dying a bunch. And it makes sense. Players need to learn a new mechanic in an environment that does not give them much leeway for experimentation. That’s why we made the gap that they have to swing over quite a bit smaller. Hopefully this translates to an easier and more pleasant learning experience.
Soldier should be able to fight – We think that the armored soldiers in Iragon look pretty cool. However, we also think that they have no clue how to fight. So, we sent them off to knight college and they came back quite more proficient at the art of the blade. They now approach you with their shields up and once they reach you, they will try to surround you and attack you from all directions. They will also divide their forces between you and your companions who decide to put up a fight.
Mages – Bulky guys in armor is good and all, but what is a fantasy world without mages? These slippery arcane tricksters will throw fireballs at you from a safe distance and try to teleport away once you come near them.
Health bars – Mages and soldiers who can actually fight. Things seem to have gotten a bit harder but don’t worry, we have given the player a tiny bit of help too. You will now see health bars above the enemies. Hopefully this will make it easier to prioritize enemies with lower health and make fighting groups of baddies less of a threat.
Sword fighting animations – With our new combat system we needed cool new animations. So we put some in. Fighting with swords looks way better now, regardless of if you are using one sword in one of your hands or dual wielding.
Main menu sounds – The main menu of Iragon might still be in a very early stage of its development but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t even have sound effects.
Red tree crowns – They are now red. Sounds weird but it’s true. The red tree crowns stand out way more in our snowy swinging level and it makes it way easier to plan your route of swinging. Bushes are also the same color. Hopefully that helps players realize that they can grapple to them to make their lives a bit easier.
New rocks – We have made new rocks to replace the old ones, that looked like they were pulled straight out of a game from 2005. The new rocks look way better and go a long way towards making the whole level more pleasant to look at.
Swinging level art – The first swinging level has gone through many, many changes and has stayed in graybox for far too long now. Those days are over. It is now almost entirely finished and we hope you like it.
Build 20.06.2019
Combat – We decided to spice up the fighting in Iragon by making it a bit more dynamic. Now you can choose between wielding a sword or a magic spell in each hand. If you feel like going full melee, just equip two swords. And if spells are more your thing use both hands to cast.
Dodge and Stagger – With new ways to fight we also needed some new mechanics to make things even more interesting. When you hit an enemy it staggers for a second, giving you a chance to reposition. If they do get to you and try to land a hit, try dodging out of the way.
Weapon enchanting – If you have a fiery spell in one hand and a sword in the other, you can choose to enchant your sword with the spell. You still keep the spell in one hand but the sword in the other is enveloped in flames.
Equipment menu – New weapon/spell loadouts means that we need a new way of selecting what to equip in each hand. That’s why we made a simple menu for each hand, with which you can change your fighting strategy on the fly.
Level changes – We have been working on a few levels that are not available in the build that we give to testers. This is not because we don’t want them to be seen. We just need time to make them nice and interesting for the players so that they are not disappointed when they finally get to play them. This time we changed the beginning of one of the levels with a beautiful cave with glowing red crystals that you can grapple to. We might have also added a few secret paths and places in there.
Swords – We have some history with swords. We had one when we first started making Iragon. Then we decided that we will only be doing spells and removed it. Well, as you might have read at the start of this changelog, we added the sword back. Not only that, but it now has a fancy new model and it looks great. The soldiers also have two new swords. Your sword also leaves a trail when you swing it.
Sounds – Oh boy, there are quite a few new sounds in the game. While walking around, you might notice that there are three new sounds for stepping on snow and three for stepping on stone. When fighting with a sword you will hear three new sounds when hitting an enemy and the sound of blood flying. And if your sword happens to be on fire, you will hear another three new sounds. Spells also have new sound effects.
Other sounds – So far I have told you about what happens when you hit an enemy, but what about when an enemy hits you? There are now sounds for Darick taking damage. And if things aren’t going well and you end up with low health, you will hear your own heartbeat and all other sounds will go numb.
Ambient – There are new ambient sounds in the cave at the beginning of one of the combat levels. The cool thing is that the cave ambient makes a smooth transition into the ambient sounds from outside of the cave.
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