Главный герой моей игры - Манила Шоу, полицейская, которая чтит устои и очень хорошо справляется со своей работой. У неё всегда были проблемы с деньгами, и она с трудом оплачивала аренду жилья. Действия Манилы в круглосуточном магазине привлечёт внимание таинственного человека, и это изменит всю её жизнь, ввергнув в мир коррупции и обмана...
The protagonist of my game is Manila Shaw, a policewoman who is respectful of the rules and very good at her job. She always has money problems and has struggling to pay the house rent. A Manila's police action in a convenience store will attract a mysterious man's attention to her and this will change her life, throwing her into a world of corruption and deception...
Bomb Code - 46667
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2d game, 3dcg, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, blackmail, corruption, creampie, female protagonist, graphic violence, groping, group sex, interracial, masturbation, multiple penetration, oral, pregnancy, rape, sexual harassment, spanking, teasing, titfuck, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Abaddon - Patreon
Перевод: admin
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.37c P1 Rus / v.0.38 A.E Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Главный герой моей игры - Манила Шоу, полицейская, которая чтит устои и очень хорошо справляется со своей работой. У неё всегда были проблемы с деньгами, и она с трудом оплачивала аренду жилья. Действия Манилы в круглосуточном магазине привлечёт внимание таинственного человека, и это изменит всю её жизнь, ввергнув в мир коррупции и обмана...
The protagonist of my game is Manila Shaw, a policewoman who is respectful of the rules and very good at her job. She always has money problems and has struggling to pay the house rent. A Manila's police action in a convenience store will attract a mysterious man's attention to her and this will change her life, throwing her into a world of corruption and deception...
Bomb Code - 46667
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2d game, 3dcg, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, blackmail, corruption, creampie, female protagonist, graphic violence, groping, group sex, interracial, masturbation, multiple penetration, oral, pregnancy, rape, sexual harassment, spanking, teasing, titfuck, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Abaddon - Patreon
Перевод: admin
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.37c P1 Rus / v.0.38 A.E Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
v0.38 A.E. (Simon’s offer of help) - 2025-01-27
This update includes only the scene for the choice "Follow Simon," one of the Bad Endings. To trigger the scene, you must press the red button you will see on the map. Any save where Manila is in her inner world (Kami Gate) will work.
Animations x 9
No battle
For those who will play the subway from now on and reach the choice 'Follow Simon,' there will be a new requirement: players will need to have 25+ Justice and 25+ Corruption to access that choice. Don't worry, this doesn't affect your current playthrough, but this change will apply to those playing or replaying that scene in the future.
V0.37C "Part 2 - 2024-10-07
Hey, guys :)
I've completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.37C "Part 2".
You are about to play "Sunday".
-> Keep your old saves! <-
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
You can play this update if Manila had sex with X-666 or defeated him in battle!
The update includes:
Path of Corruption (Corruption value equal to or greater than Justice):
Bad Ending
If Manila succeeds in a percentage roll on Justice, meaning she rolls a value equal to or lower than her Justice stat with a D100 (having a romance with Jason improves the dice roll made by the program), in the final part of the scene, it unlocks two choices that lead to the Good Ending (the Good Ending doesn't have a closure yet. Manila concludes the event at her house).
Animations x 4
Battles x 1
Path of Justice (Justice value greater than Corruption):
Good Ending
(the Good Ending doesn't have a closure yet. Manila concludes the event at her house)
The Path of Justice leads to three final choices. One of them, 'Execute Simon', can lead to a Bad Ending if Manila succeeds in a percentage roll on Corruption (meaning she rolls a value equal to or lower than her Corruption stat with a D100).
Battles x 3
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
v0.37C - Part 1 - 2024-07-30
The update includes:
Corruption/Nam/Bad Ending
Justice/Nam/Bad Ending
Corruption Bad Ending
First part of the Fight/Sex X-666 Path (ends before the last scene with Simon begins)
Animations x 2
The two animations are about the "Bad endings" of the last update, which have all been completed and can be seen in this update if you want.
Corruption/Nam/Bad Ending - Blowjob with Simon
Justice/Nam/Bad Ending - Handjob with Simon
Battles x 5
One of the battles is against Red Moon, which is identical to the last update except for some dialogue lines at the beginning of the fight.
There is a new piece of equipment called "Essence of Ardoia" (Body - Kami).
Some dialogues and images may change with Michael and Jason based on Manila's romantic relationship with them and the values of Justice and Corruption.
The skill previously named "Destroyer" is now called "Tempest of Might".
v0.37B - 2024-03-24
Path of Justice (Justice stat higher than Corruption stat):
In the final battle (Justice path only), Manila will fight twice.
If she loses the second fight and has the "Nam" amulet:
The game will roll a d100 against Manila's Corruptionstat:
If the result is equal to or lower than Manila's Corruption, you will see an animation (the seventh, also present in the Corruption path) and a "bad ending" (not yet completed) will be triggered.
If the Corruption check fails, a variant of the "good ending" will be triggered, leading to the same ending as the main "good ending". This chance of winning the "good ending" in defeat is only possible with the "Nam" amulet.
If Manila wins both battles in the Justice path, you will get the main "good ending".
Without "Nam," the second defeat scene in the final battle is identical to the first defeat scene.
When you see the text "Quest Update", at the end of the good ending, you will not see what to do next (it is long to explain, so I will skip it). I will write below what you need to do (the mission part that you will not see updated):
Take off your equipment (press the "Clear" button in the "Equip" menu).
Wash your face in the bathroom.
Warning: if you don't remove your equipment, you could lose it permanently!
Path of Corruption:
There are no battles, but you will see 6 animations (without the "Nam" amulet) leading to a "bad ending" (not yet completed).
If you have the "Nam" amulet, after 6 animations, the game will roll a d100 against Manila's Justicestat:
If the check succeeds (result equal to or lower than Justice), Manila will trigger a "good ending" that is a slight variation of the secondary "good ending" in the Justice path. This "good ending" also leads to the same ending as the main "good ending".
If the check fails, Manila will see a seventh animation and the second "bad ending" (not yet completed).
Animations x 7
Battles x 4
There is a new relic called "Awen".
v.0.37A - 2023-11-08
I've completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.37A.
You are about to play "Sunday".
If you get the "Subway 49b" error, ignore it. The update works anyway.
-> Keep your old saves! <-
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - 0.XX). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Simon... (Story): This quest will be completed in the next update
Warning: The sex scenes with X-666 can only be played if Manila has discovered his weak point (by reading the file in Simon's laboratory when she followed Red Moon into the portal). Another requirement is to have Corruption 50 or more.
- There are new skills: Redeemer, Grenade, Destroyer, and Military Knife
- There are new items
- When Manila receives the new quest (Simon...), remember to equip the items she received (Check your equipment)
- After receiving the quest (Simon...), Need will have new items to sell
Update 0.37A is the latest update for this year. Version 0.37B will be released in January/February, consequently, €1 Patrons will also receive this update.
- Animations x 6
- Battles x 5
- I have added some sounds
- Manila won't return home until the game is over!
The update will finish when the "Zzz" icon appears in the new map. The usual message "Thank you for playing..." will appear as soon as you click on the icon.
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
I advise you to follow the path with the "Zzz" at the end of the update. It's the main storyline of the game
v0.36A+B - 2023-07-08
You are about to play "Saturday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX.rar). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Next Move! (Story) ---------> Work in progress
Please, don't delete any saves you'll use to continue the game in this update. Keep them. They may be required for the V0.36B update.
DON'T PRESS the choice: "Follow the Plan"
Choose "John Doe". This is the content of this update!
This quest still remains open. It's gonna be finished in the next update (V0.36B).
No new quests will open in this update.
All animations are part of one scene (John Doe).
Corruption 50+ is required to see all sex scenes!
- Animations x 8
- Battles x 2
- I have added some sounds
- The dialogues can change
Manila won't return home until the game is over!
The update will finish when the "Zzz" icon appears in the new map. The usual message "Thank you for playing..." will appear as soon as you click on the icon.
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
I advise you to follow the path with the "Zzz" at the end of the update. It's the main storyline of the game.
Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.35.
You are about to play "Saturday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX.rar). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Subway (Story);
- Next Move! (Story) ---------> Work in progress (V0.36)!
- There's a choice. If you accept Simon's proposal, it'll create another ending that I'll make at the end of the game.
- The two animations are in the same scene. You can watch them by losing the third or fourth fight of the update.
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
- Animations x 2
- Battles x 4
- I have added some sounds
- The dialogues can change
Manila won't return home until the game is over!
v0.36A - 2023-04-21
I've completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.36A.
You are about to play "Saturday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX.rar). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Next Move! (Story) ---------> Work in progress
Please, don't delete any saves you'll use to continue the game in this update. Keep them. They may be required for the V0.36B update.
DON'T PRESS the choice: "Follow the Plan"
Choose "John Doe". This is the content of this update!
This quest still remains open. It's gonna be finished in the next update (V0.36B).
No new quests will open in this update.
All animations are part of one scene (John Doe).
Corruption 50+ is required to see all sex scenes!
- Animations x 8
- Battles x 2
- I have added some sounds
- The dialogues can change
Manila won't return home until the game is over!
The update will finish when the "Zzz" icon appears in the new map. The usual message "Thank you for playing..." will appear as soon as you click on the icon.
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
I advise you to follow the path with the "Zzz" at the end of the update. It's the main storyline of the game.
v0.35. - 2023-01-07
You are about to play "Saturday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX.rar). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Subway (Story);
- Next Move! (Story) ---------> Work in progress (V0.36)!
- There's a choice. If you accept Simon's proposal, it'll create another ending that I'll make at the end of the game.
- The two animations are in the same scene. You can watch them by losing the third or fourth fight of the update.
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
- Animations x 2
- Battles x 4
- I have added some sounds
- The dialogues can change
Manila won't return home until the game is over!
v.0.34 - 2022-10-08
Hey, guys :)
I've completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.34.
You are about to play "Thursday and Friday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX.rar). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Briefing (Story);
- Rush (Story);
-If Manila hasn't shot Mardok, he will capture her when she lose the fights (only the first three fights of this update). If Manila gets caught, there will be another ending that I will create at the end of the game (that ending cannot be played with the DLC).
-The Desert Motel scene changes if Manila has a love story with Michael, Jason, or both (if Manila is in a relationship with both of them, you will see a change in the scene by choosing Jason).
-Some details change in the scenes with Kendra (it depends on the values of corruption and justice).
- Subway (Story);*
*This mission will be developed in the next update 0.35 (work in progress)
- Chest (Jason), (Side Quest);**
**It's only additional equipment that can be useful for the mission
- Animations x 6 (Jason x2, Michael x2, Faust x2)
- Battles x 5
- Equip Manila Casual (Summer) before starting the "Rush" quest (Friday).
Manila won't return home until the game is over!
- There's a new map: "Kami Gate".
I suggest you save your game whenever Manila is on this map.
- I have added some sounds and music
- The dialogues can change
The update will finish when the "Zzz" icon appears in the new map. The usual message "Thank you for playing..." will appear as soon as you click on the icon.
This update includes only the scene for the choice "Follow Simon," one of the Bad Endings. To trigger the scene, you must press the red button you will see on the map. Any save where Manila is in her inner world (Kami Gate) will work.
Animations x 9
No battle
For those who will play the subway from now on and reach the choice 'Follow Simon,' there will be a new requirement: players will need to have 25+ Justice and 25+ Corruption to access that choice. Don't worry, this doesn't affect your current playthrough, but this change will apply to those playing or replaying that scene in the future.
V0.37C "Part 2 - 2024-10-07
Hey, guys :)
I've completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.37C "Part 2".
You are about to play "Sunday".
-> Keep your old saves! <-
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
You can play this update if Manila had sex with X-666 or defeated him in battle!
The update includes:
Path of Corruption (Corruption value equal to or greater than Justice):
Bad Ending
If Manila succeeds in a percentage roll on Justice, meaning she rolls a value equal to or lower than her Justice stat with a D100 (having a romance with Jason improves the dice roll made by the program), in the final part of the scene, it unlocks two choices that lead to the Good Ending (the Good Ending doesn't have a closure yet. Manila concludes the event at her house).
Animations x 4
Battles x 1
Path of Justice (Justice value greater than Corruption):
Good Ending
(the Good Ending doesn't have a closure yet. Manila concludes the event at her house)
The Path of Justice leads to three final choices. One of them, 'Execute Simon', can lead to a Bad Ending if Manila succeeds in a percentage roll on Corruption (meaning she rolls a value equal to or lower than her Corruption stat with a D100).
Battles x 3
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
v0.37C - Part 1 - 2024-07-30
The update includes:
Corruption/Nam/Bad Ending
Justice/Nam/Bad Ending
Corruption Bad Ending
First part of the Fight/Sex X-666 Path (ends before the last scene with Simon begins)
Animations x 2
The two animations are about the "Bad endings" of the last update, which have all been completed and can be seen in this update if you want.
Corruption/Nam/Bad Ending - Blowjob with Simon
Justice/Nam/Bad Ending - Handjob with Simon
Battles x 5
One of the battles is against Red Moon, which is identical to the last update except for some dialogue lines at the beginning of the fight.
There is a new piece of equipment called "Essence of Ardoia" (Body - Kami).
Some dialogues and images may change with Michael and Jason based on Manila's romantic relationship with them and the values of Justice and Corruption.
The skill previously named "Destroyer" is now called "Tempest of Might".
v0.37B - 2024-03-24
Path of Justice (Justice stat higher than Corruption stat):
In the final battle (Justice path only), Manila will fight twice.
If she loses the second fight and has the "Nam" amulet:
The game will roll a d100 against Manila's Corruptionstat:
If the result is equal to or lower than Manila's Corruption, you will see an animation (the seventh, also present in the Corruption path) and a "bad ending" (not yet completed) will be triggered.
If the Corruption check fails, a variant of the "good ending" will be triggered, leading to the same ending as the main "good ending". This chance of winning the "good ending" in defeat is only possible with the "Nam" amulet.
If Manila wins both battles in the Justice path, you will get the main "good ending".
Without "Nam," the second defeat scene in the final battle is identical to the first defeat scene.
When you see the text "Quest Update", at the end of the good ending, you will not see what to do next (it is long to explain, so I will skip it). I will write below what you need to do (the mission part that you will not see updated):
Take off your equipment (press the "Clear" button in the "Equip" menu).
Wash your face in the bathroom.
Warning: if you don't remove your equipment, you could lose it permanently!
Path of Corruption:
There are no battles, but you will see 6 animations (without the "Nam" amulet) leading to a "bad ending" (not yet completed).
If you have the "Nam" amulet, after 6 animations, the game will roll a d100 against Manila's Justicestat:
If the check succeeds (result equal to or lower than Justice), Manila will trigger a "good ending" that is a slight variation of the secondary "good ending" in the Justice path. This "good ending" also leads to the same ending as the main "good ending".
If the check fails, Manila will see a seventh animation and the second "bad ending" (not yet completed).
Animations x 7
Battles x 4
There is a new relic called "Awen".
v.0.37A - 2023-11-08
I've completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.37A.
You are about to play "Sunday".
If you get the "Subway 49b" error, ignore it. The update works anyway.
-> Keep your old saves! <-
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - 0.XX). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Simon... (Story): This quest will be completed in the next update
Warning: The sex scenes with X-666 can only be played if Manila has discovered his weak point (by reading the file in Simon's laboratory when she followed Red Moon into the portal). Another requirement is to have Corruption 50 or more.
- There are new skills: Redeemer, Grenade, Destroyer, and Military Knife
- There are new items
- When Manila receives the new quest (Simon...), remember to equip the items she received (Check your equipment)
- After receiving the quest (Simon...), Need will have new items to sell
Update 0.37A is the latest update for this year. Version 0.37B will be released in January/February, consequently, €1 Patrons will also receive this update.
- Animations x 6
- Battles x 5
- I have added some sounds
- Manila won't return home until the game is over!
The update will finish when the "Zzz" icon appears in the new map. The usual message "Thank you for playing..." will appear as soon as you click on the icon.
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
I advise you to follow the path with the "Zzz" at the end of the update. It's the main storyline of the game
v0.36A+B - 2023-07-08
You are about to play "Saturday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX.rar). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Next Move! (Story) ---------> Work in progress
Please, don't delete any saves you'll use to continue the game in this update. Keep them. They may be required for the V0.36B update.
DON'T PRESS the choice: "Follow the Plan"
Choose "John Doe". This is the content of this update!
This quest still remains open. It's gonna be finished in the next update (V0.36B).
No new quests will open in this update.
All animations are part of one scene (John Doe).
Corruption 50+ is required to see all sex scenes!
- Animations x 8
- Battles x 2
- I have added some sounds
- The dialogues can change
Manila won't return home until the game is over!
The update will finish when the "Zzz" icon appears in the new map. The usual message "Thank you for playing..." will appear as soon as you click on the icon.
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
I advise you to follow the path with the "Zzz" at the end of the update. It's the main storyline of the game.
Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.35.
You are about to play "Saturday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX.rar). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Subway (Story);
- Next Move! (Story) ---------> Work in progress (V0.36)!
- There's a choice. If you accept Simon's proposal, it'll create another ending that I'll make at the end of the game.
- The two animations are in the same scene. You can watch them by losing the third or fourth fight of the update.
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
- Animations x 2
- Battles x 4
- I have added some sounds
- The dialogues can change
Manila won't return home until the game is over!
v0.36A - 2023-04-21
I've completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.36A.
You are about to play "Saturday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX.rar). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Next Move! (Story) ---------> Work in progress
Please, don't delete any saves you'll use to continue the game in this update. Keep them. They may be required for the V0.36B update.
DON'T PRESS the choice: "Follow the Plan"
Choose "John Doe". This is the content of this update!
This quest still remains open. It's gonna be finished in the next update (V0.36B).
No new quests will open in this update.
All animations are part of one scene (John Doe).
Corruption 50+ is required to see all sex scenes!
- Animations x 8
- Battles x 2
- I have added some sounds
- The dialogues can change
Manila won't return home until the game is over!
The update will finish when the "Zzz" icon appears in the new map. The usual message "Thank you for playing..." will appear as soon as you click on the icon.
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
I advise you to follow the path with the "Zzz" at the end of the update. It's the main storyline of the game.
v0.35. - 2023-01-07
You are about to play "Saturday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX.rar). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Subway (Story);
- Next Move! (Story) ---------> Work in progress (V0.36)!
- There's a choice. If you accept Simon's proposal, it'll create another ending that I'll make at the end of the game.
- The two animations are in the same scene. You can watch them by losing the third or fourth fight of the update.
I recommend creating multiple game saves!
- Animations x 2
- Battles x 4
- I have added some sounds
- The dialogues can change
Manila won't return home until the game is over!
v.0.34 - 2022-10-08
Hey, guys :)
I've completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.34.
You are about to play "Thursday and Friday".
- Keep your old saves.
- "Guard" (skill) is very important. It reduces damage during the round and gives +10 MP and +10 TP.
- Remember to equip Manila. Check her equipment (Equip).
- Remember that the inventory is shared with all outfits. If you want to transfer equipment from one Manila to another, you have to put it in the inventory and then equip it ("Optimize" and "Clear" can be useful).
- You can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard: PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map
- Press "CTRL" (ON / OFF) = you can hide the dialogs temporarily to see the whole picture.
- Press "Space" = the car and the movement of the NPCs becomes faster.
- Press "W" = you can skip the dialogues.
You can change the volume of the sounds in the options menu:
- BGS: sexual sounds
- BGM: music
- SE: single sounds
How to play?
Winrar is a free program that you can find on the internet. Write the word "Winrar" on Google and download it from the official site. Install the program on your pc. After you have installed it, you need to double click on the game update (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX.rar). A window will open where you will see a game folder (MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX). You have to click and drag it to the desktop. When you have done this, you need to do the same with the "movies" folder. Then click and drag the "movies" folder to your desktop. You now have two folders on your desktop: MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX and movies. You have to open the MANILA SHAW - Update 0.XX folder and then open the "www" folder located inside it. Inside the "www" folder you will find the "movies" folder which will only contain the animations from the latest update. You have to overwrite it or put all animations into the "movies" folder. Once you have done this, you just need to double click on the Game.exe file to play.
Remember to keep the "save" folder contained in the "www" folder. It will be created when you create your first saves. It is important to keep it. You will always have to copy and overwrite it from one update to another. You must also keep the animations in the "movies" folder. So you just have to download the update and then overwrite the "movies" and "save" folders with each update.
- Briefing (Story);
- Rush (Story);
-If Manila hasn't shot Mardok, he will capture her when she lose the fights (only the first three fights of this update). If Manila gets caught, there will be another ending that I will create at the end of the game (that ending cannot be played with the DLC).
-The Desert Motel scene changes if Manila has a love story with Michael, Jason, or both (if Manila is in a relationship with both of them, you will see a change in the scene by choosing Jason).
-Some details change in the scenes with Kendra (it depends on the values of corruption and justice).
- Subway (Story);*
*This mission will be developed in the next update 0.35 (work in progress)
- Chest (Jason), (Side Quest);**
**It's only additional equipment that can be useful for the mission
- Animations x 6 (Jason x2, Michael x2, Faust x2)
- Battles x 5
- Equip Manila Casual (Summer) before starting the "Rush" quest (Friday).
Manila won't return home until the game is over!
- There's a new map: "Kami Gate".
I suggest you save your game whenever Manila is on this map.
- I have added some sounds and music
- The dialogues can change
The update will finish when the "Zzz" icon appears in the new map. The usual message "Thank you for playing..." will appear as soon as you click on the icon.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 27-01-2025, 05:48
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.38 A.E Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v.0.38 A.E Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.38 A.E Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v.0.38 A.E Eng.
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