Вы живете простой жизнью в маленьком фэнтези городке . У вас мало талантов, кроме способности волшебным образом сказать, лжет ли кто-то.
Однажды приходят новости о том, что король умер от старости и что его дочь, принцесса Селена, приезжает в ваш город для ее коронации. Когда близкий к вам человек вскоре будет убит, и вы узнаете, что вы единственный человек, который может спасти мир от неустановленного бедствия, все становится довольно жарким.
Служа могущественной колдунье, вы учитесь умению манипулировать умами людей. С этими знаниями в руке и с маленькой пикси вам приказано приготовиться к прибытию принцессы, чтобы вы могли соблазнить ее и спасти мир (подробности этого ускользают от вас). До тех пор, однако, вы должны практиковаться. Как же привлекательно, что эта практика означает использование вашей магии, чтобы соблазнить как можно больше девушек города.
Жизнь вот-вот станет ... возбуждающей.
Прохождение на русском. Спасибо большое СЭНД
You live a simple life in a small fantasy town. You possess few talents except that of Truthsaying, the ability to magically tell if someone is lying.
One day news arrives that the King is dead of old age and that his daughter, Princess Selena, is coming to your town for her coronation. When a person close to you gets murdered soon after, and you learn that you are the only person who can save the world from an unspecified calamity, things get rather heated.
Serving under a powerful sorceress, you are taught the ability to manipulate people's minds. With this knowledge in hand and a potty-mouthed pixie in tow, you are told to prepare for the arrival of the Princess so that you can seduce her and save the world (the details of this elude you). Until then, however, you must practice. How appealing, then, that this practice means using your magic to seduce as many of the town's girls as possible.
Life is about to become... satisfying.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, fantasy, male protagonist, mind control, incest, threesome, lesbian, voyeur, anal, ntr (avoidable), cheating, oral, teasing, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Belle - www.patreon.com/longlivetheprincess
Перевод: Vickchel76
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0.0 Fix 2
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Вы живете простой жизнью в маленьком фэнтези городке . У вас мало талантов, кроме способности волшебным образом сказать, лжет ли кто-то.
Однажды приходят новости о том, что король умер от старости и что его дочь, принцесса Селена, приезжает в ваш город для ее коронации. Когда близкий к вам человек вскоре будет убит, и вы узнаете, что вы единственный человек, который может спасти мир от неустановленного бедствия, все становится довольно жарким.
Служа могущественной колдунье, вы учитесь умению манипулировать умами людей. С этими знаниями в руке и с маленькой пикси вам приказано приготовиться к прибытию принцессы, чтобы вы могли соблазнить ее и спасти мир (подробности этого ускользают от вас). До тех пор, однако, вы должны практиковаться. Как же привлекательно, что эта практика означает использование вашей магии, чтобы соблазнить как можно больше девушек города.
Жизнь вот-вот станет ... возбуждающей.
Прохождение на русском. Спасибо большое СЭНД
You live a simple life in a small fantasy town. You possess few talents except that of Truthsaying, the ability to magically tell if someone is lying.
One day news arrives that the King is dead of old age and that his daughter, Princess Selena, is coming to your town for her coronation. When a person close to you gets murdered soon after, and you learn that you are the only person who can save the world from an unspecified calamity, things get rather heated.
Serving under a powerful sorceress, you are taught the ability to manipulate people's minds. With this knowledge in hand and a potty-mouthed pixie in tow, you are told to prepare for the arrival of the Princess so that you can seduce her and save the world (the details of this elude you). Until then, however, you must practice. How appealing, then, that this practice means using your magic to seduce as many of the town's girls as possible.
Life is about to become... satisfying.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, fantasy, male protagonist, mind control, incest, threesome, lesbian, voyeur, anal, ntr (avoidable), cheating, oral, teasing, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Belle - www.patreon.com/longlivetheprincess
Перевод: Vickchel76
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0.0 Fix 2
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
v1.0.0 - 2022-11-10
Invalidated existing saves from versions before 1.0.0.
Updates to most remaining (9+) outdated sex scenes, improving animation, frame rates, and lighting. A few scenes were left untouched because they looked decent enough despite their technical limitations. Complete list of updated scenes:
- The first threesome with Callie and Evelyn.
- Primrose missionary.
- Primrose on all fours.
- Samarra seated outside.
- Samarra on all fours.
- Nell's first HJ.
- Nell's repeatable HJ in tent.
- 69 with the Leanan Sídhe.
- All Thaddeus scenes.
At the end of the prologue, you will now be given a choice between playing with or without a time limit.
The Fairy Queen's vision and associated puzzle have both been redesigned.
Added an achievement system containing 62 achievements for you to find and collect. Can you get the elusive Electrum achievement?
Visual updates to a few non-animated scenes.
Updated a considerable amount of dialogue throughout the entire game. This includes fixes to consistency, clarity, and even rewrites where the text's original intent was not correctly represented.
Tutorial message boxes no longer refer to outdated game mechanics.
Donating 10 copper to the church no longer counts as 1 copper behind the scenes, which fixes a progression issue with Sister Agnes.
You could get locked out of obtaining Callie's panties legitimately. Eased up the requirements.
Belle now refers to the player by their actual name instead of nickname during replays. This is to prevent inconsistencies such as "virgin" when that would make no sense.
Seducing Lilith now requires a courage check in addition to the existing charisma check.
In NG+, if your Pathfinding is already at max and you have already cast Dispel Magic before starting your training with Erato, you can now skip training entirely. This only works under those exact conditions.
Primrose will now act less affectionate when paying you for your work if you have declined her romantic offer.
You can no longer send Evelyn to seduce Callie if you are already in a relationship with Callie. Cleaned up the way these relationships interact in general.
Fixed a few inconsistencies in the epilogue where choices and actions were not adequately reflected.
Town map: Fixed clipping issues with the hotspots, slightly increased hotspot size, and moved the marker for leaving town so that it won't interfere with the UI on Android.
During Primrose's investigation, there were reports that clones of Samarra and Nell were wandering around town. The clones have been taken out back and shot. Their attempt at hijacking the map icons has also been thwarted.
You can now talk to Thaddeus or train with him if Evelyn takes a break in the upper training grounds. Additionally, added some dialogue to help figure out when he is available.
Significant rebalancing of Primrose's relationship stats. The buildup of Primrose's love now begins at a much earlier stage, and the dialogue provides more explicit guidance on where to focus your attention. This makes seduction far more predictable and transparent than before.
Somewhat reduced the relationship requirements for Primrose in NG+ due to spending less time in the library in this mode.
Making incorrect guesses in the town hall puzzle will now give you a new hint after every guess instead of every third.
Added a few new lines of dialogue and a new pose to Sister Agnes's altar sex scene.
Primrose's father now also drinks on Tuesdays.
Reduced the Courage requirement for visiting the Fairy Queen for the first time from 3 to 2.
Added a new Courage check to revisit the Fairy Queen after your first encounter.
More consistent feedback when passing ability tests outside of night scenes.
Adjustments to music triggers, mainly to reduce the number of quiet sections in the game.
Added names to secrets that previously had none.
Increased the Perversity requirement for buttsex with Erato from 2 to 3.
Reduced the cost of paying for the customer's clothes in Callie's store from 20 to 15 copper.
Repeatable sex scenes with Primrose no longer take up an action.
Thaddeus and Evelyn will not fool around until the game's second week.
You can no longer send Nell to the Fairy Queen without first solving her dark secret.
Samarra's tent sex scene is now repeatable.
Added the Thaddeus scenes to Evelyn's gallery.
Belle now has several more nicknames she can give you. You are unlikely to see them all in one game.
Significantly increased the number of clues that can be presented to Thaddeus at the town hall.
Expanded the "harem ending" slightly.
Moved a misplaced dialogue section when asking Callie for sex before buttering her up.
Added a secret way to get Evelyn pregnant without having to be in a relationship with her and without her leaving town. This option is hidden until the exact requirements appear and disappears once it is no longer relevant.
Reduced the height of the abilities screen to match the actual number of abilities in the game.
You can no longer train or have sex with Erato immediately after a climax.
The river is no longer available as a location during the prologue in NG+.
Belle will no longer encourage you to do Courage training in NG+ when you are already fully trained.
Prevented the Perversity unlock event with the Leanan Sídhe from happening in NG+ if you had already unlocked it.
Sister Agnes is no longer available in the church while she is visiting Callie's store.
Removed the Sound slider from the preferences since it is not used.
Changelog 0.42.0: - 2022-08-24
NG+: Added two new replayable sex scenes with Sister Agnes.
NG+: Expanded Agnes's donation scene.
NG+: Fully implemented Remove Inhibitions for Sister Agnes.
NG+: Added an epilogue for Sister Agnes.
Improved visuals and animations in Evelyn's first romance path sex scene.
Updated a few lines of dialogue in Nell's tower sex scene that referred to old content, and fixed the perspective button.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.41.0:
Implemented Sister Agnes's dark secret. (NG+ only)
Added a gallery for replaying Sister Agnes's sex scenes.
Added several new scenes for Sister Agnes, three of which are spicy enough to be included in the gallery. (NG+ only)
Improved the quality of almost all the existing images featuring Sister Agnes.
The church and how you can interact with it now changes between NG and NG+.
Added 10 new pieces of music, covering events from the prologue until the epilogue.
Interpolated the main menu animation to make it smoother.
Various tweaks and fixes.
v0.40.0 Public
Vastly improved all images and animations in Nell's tower scene, and updated some dialogue to match.
Expanded and completed the Advanced Training scene with Nell.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.39.1:
Fixed a crash bug when entering the Fairy Queen's sex training menu at its last stage if you have less than 5 Perversity.
A few minor tweaks elsewhere.
Changelog 0.39.0:
Added three new sex scenes for the Fairy Queen.
Added new requirements that must be fulfilled for the Fairy Queen to accept your final proposal to her in the endgame. Old saves beyond the point of no return in the FQ's story automatically fulfill these requirements.
Changed how events resolve if Primrose ends up in prison. If this happens, you can no longer get into a sexual relationship with her. However, Primrose having been in prison will no longer soft-lock you out of getting a good ending in the endgame.
You can now see the location of characters on the town map (but not on the wilderness map).
Fixed an assortment of annoying bugs and issues with the map screens.
Various tweaks and fixes.
The night scenes for all the girls who have them (Evelyn, Primrose, Callie, Samarra, and Nell) are now fully implemented.
Updated all four existing night scenes to keep them in line with the rest of the game. Every image has been re-rendered, and every animation has been expanded and improved.
Added the Deep Sleep spell.
Implemented Perversity 6, which works differently from all other ability scores.
Removed Courage levels 5 and 6 from the game. They were no longer needed. This means all abilities are now fully implemented.
Expanded several epilogues to take the new possibilities from this update into account.
Completely revamped lighting in the Samarra/Nell night scene. Additionally, Nell's skin texture was fixed in this scene.
Removed the ability to leave behind evidence at night. This early feature no longer fit the game's theme and would have been very demanding to implement.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Added a new quest to obtain and learn the Shrink spell.
Added a new sex scene with Belle.
Expanded the epilogue with more options and images for Belle.
You should now be able to admit your feelings to Evelyn even if you solve her secrets out of order.
Various tweaks and fixes.
- Added three new scenes with Callie featuring two new, mutually exclusive relationship branches to explore.
- Expanded the epilogue with more outcomes for players who pursue Callie's new scenes.
- Callie is now romanceable and is another potential source of charisma.
- Updated dialogues to reflect changes to your relationship with Callie.
- Moved Evelyn's charisma gain. It is no longer necessary to enter a relationship with her to gain charisma.
- Various tweaks and fixes.
Fixes situations where it might be impossible to visit the river location or the Leanan Sídhe in NG+.
Removes error message when training agility in NG+.
In NG+, hides books you have already read on your previous playthrough.
Various tweaks and fixes.
New Game Plus is now available. Unlock it by reaching one of the game's many endings. NG+ will be expanded in later updates.
The optional ability checks in the tutorial are now fully implemented.
Completely rebuilt the masturbation scene in the tutorial to make it at least somewhat appealing. This scene changes in NG+.
Complete overhaul of several sex scenes with new poses and improved visuals and animation. These scenes are:
- Evelyn's goodbye
- Belle wakes you up
- Belle while watching the mystery woman
- Samarra's first training session
- Callie's nude fashion show
- Erato's pathfinding training.
Minor visual and animation upgrades in Evelyn's boobjob scene and the Fairy Queen's BJ training. Minor visual update to Primrose's boobjob scene.
Various other visual improvements.
Added a spellbook that shows learned spells and your remaining daily attempts at Invade Mind.
Added a to-do list that will help remind you of things you might want to do.
It is now possible to obtain a point of Charisma from Samarra even if you choose not to claim your just rewards after defeating her.
Most of the UI is now hidden during sex scenes. Please report any bugs you find that are caused by this change.
Fixed a bug that made one of Callie's potential epilogues not appear. This fix might not work if you are already in the endgame.
Added progressive hints to the town hall puzzle. These hints appear after comparing the wrong facts too many times.
The Fairy Queen's vision quest now allows you to ask Belle for hints as many times as you like. This is a temporary fix until I can rework the quest.
The first night scene with Evelyn is now optional.
Removed silver and gold pieces from the game. They still exist in the game world, but not as a game mechanic.
Remade and repositioned the button for toggling camera perspectives. It should now be easier to spot.
Updated to the latest version of Ren'py (7.4.4). You should not notice any differences. However, Windows XP is no longer supported and LLtP is now 64-bit. There is still a 32-bit executable included.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.34.0 - Endgame Part 4 - Epilogue:
The epilogue has been fully implemented, concluding the game's main storyline.
One new sex scene.
Added a new musical track.
Limited the number of saved game pages shown at pages above 99 to prevent layout problems.
Various tweaks and fixes.
v0.33.0 - Endgame Part 3:
The endgame climax: Added the final confrontation with Selena.
One new sex scene.
Major animation and visual improvements to Primrose's boobjob scene.
The wilderness map has received a facelift. (Thanks to dango)
The save/load screen now shows page numbers above 9. (Thanks to Pendrag)
If Evelyn had left town, the endgame content in 0.32 would act as if she hadn't. This has been fixed.
Patched in a clue you should have received earlier if you found a certain inventory item in 0.32. Fixes existing saves.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Added a hotfix for those having trouble triggering one of the new sex scenes.
Re-uploaded with a different Evelyn story to comply with Patreon rules.
v0.32.0 - Endgame Part 2:
The endgame continues:
Added the events of the day of the coronation.
Two new sex scenes.Added a new musical track.
Major animation and visual improvements to Primrose's BJ scene.
Improved the main menu screen once again.
Various tweaks and fixes.
v0.31.0 Endgame Part 1
The endgame begins: Added the events of the entire day before the coronation.
Two new sex scenes.
Official Android support with an improved interface and language for touch screens.
Significant animation improvements to multiple older scenes.
Added penis wetness to both new and existing scenes.
Improved Callie's dialogue scenes with new renders and more expressions.
Standardized the capitalization of titles and professions throughout the game.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.30.0:
You can now cast Probe Memory on a certain princess.
Rebuilt the sex scene with Callie's customer to feature a new costume, lighting, and massively improved animation.
Removed the Multiple Girls page from the scene gallery and moved its scenes to the respective girls' pages.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.29.0:
Implemented the Crone's secret. This is a big one, folks.
You can now learn the Probe Memories spell, though there is no content for it yet.
Removed all traces of Princess Placeholder. Among other things, this means we get a new main menu background.
Added a brand new intro upon starting a new game.
Rewrote parts of Evelyn's and Primrose's introduction in the tutorial to match the rest of the game's tone better.
Created new images for both of those sections to lift the graphical quality and fix a few annoying issues.
Added a music player to the gallery. Music tracks unlock as you discover them in the game.
Added a new musical track.
Updated multiple old scenes to support the new events in this update.
Added more character pages to the scene replay gallery. They are empty, for now.
Hopefully fixed the bug with Callie refusing to have sex for no reason. Existing saves should be repaired automatically.
You can now obtain a fingerbone even after Nell is gone.
Belle now points you in the right direction if you fail the vision quest puzzle while missing a vital clue.
Fixed visual bugs in the river scene.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Oh boy, this update really turned out to be something special, I think. It's not the most significant update in terms of gameplay length (far from it, in fact), and it doesn't contain even a single new sex scene. What, then, makes it stand out?
First of all, version 0.29 finally lets you confront the Crone about all the secrets she has been keeping. Who is she really? What is it she seeks to achieve, and why? You're about to learn the answers to all those questions and more. The LLtP community has speculated about the Crone and her identity for a long, long time. A rare few people got it almost entirely right, but most have been off in one way or another. We'll finally be able to lay those theories to rest this month. It feels great to finally reach this conclusion that we have been working our way towards for so long. You'll find that I laid the groundwork for this update already in the first few versions I ever released of this game.
Second, I took the plunge, at last, and polished the hell out of the menus and the early parts of the tutorial. I believe that first impressions are incredibly important, yet those have always been LLtP's weakest point. The main menu has been dominated by Princess Placeholder, a generic Daz model that was never really supposed to be in the game. She's gone now, replaced with... something else. You'll see when you boot the game up.
The tutorial got a minor rewrite alongside a series of new renders to replace the ones previously used for Evelyn's and Primrose's introductions. Evelyn's new renders are mostly just a facelift. The old ones looked like the kind of crap inexperienced devs make with Daz, which makes sense. After all, I was inexperienced myself when I made these. Primrose's new renders are a more significant change, and one for the better. There is also a brand new, though short, intro sequence before we see Evelyn for the first time. Even if you've played the game before, I strongly recommend at least checking out this new opening.
We also have a brand new music player in the gallery. Now you won't just unlock sex scenes as you play the game, but music as well. Any musical track you come across automatically unlocks in the gallery, allowing you to listen to them at your leisure as well as look up their names and composers. Handy!
This update contains a lot more than just this, but it's mostly minor things. Still, these small features add up, with the end result being a far more polished, professional game experience as we prepare to head into the endgame. I definitely feel like these changes were worth the time investment, and I hope you all agree.
Changelog 0.28.0:
You can now return to see the Leanan Sídhe one final time.
Added a new scene with Belle.
It is now possible to obtain Perversity 5 without doing the night scenes.
If you threatened Nell, she will now cool down after a week. Note that you must ask for sex again for this countdown to begin.
If you keep giving Callie unwanted creampies, she will now eventually refuse to have sex with you.
The toggle perspective button no longer skips to the next line of dialogue (thanks to Morbil).
Belle will now give you a hint if you watch several of Callie's fashion shows without searching for clues.
If it is impossible to solve Primrose's dark secret in your save, you will now be informed of this when trying.
Made the hints Belle gives you on how to train Perversity show up earlier. Also clarified the dialogue to reduce confusion.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.27.0:
Implemented Primrose's dark secret.
Expanded Primrose's existing sex scenes.
Added a new scene with Nell.
Added a SubscribeStar link to the main menu.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Update: Fixed the links. I tested them over and over again last night to make sure they were right, but somehow they still contained 0.25. Go figure.
New month, new update! Version 0.26.0 is entirely focused on the story at a ratio we haven't seen before in this game. For the first time in the history of LLtP (someone correct me if I'm wrong), we have an update that features no lewd content whatsoever. Apologies if lewds are what you were hoping for, but the storyline must take precedence this time. There will be lewds again next month, don't worry.
This month's update is all about Nell and the Fairy Queen, featuring Nell's dark secret and the conclusion to the storyline we started last month. Some of your earlier choices will cause unexpected consequences, though it won't be evident in what way if you have a save where you've done everything already. In a new game, however, this update will come off as harder than what you're about to experience. Not only that, but I plan to make it more difficult in a later update, once there are more sources of a particular ability score.
Previous updates have prepared us for the endgame in somewhat subtle ways, but this time around, it gets explicit. You're supposed to feel as if the endgame is really close after finishing the new content, and it really is. I could theoretically get us there in one more update, but I'm not in that much of a hurry just yet.
Changelog 0.26.0:
Implemented Nell's dark secret.
You may now try to convince Nell to come with you.
Added and modified scenes to handle the fallout from this update's events.
Tweaked how Nell's Remove Inhibitions works for future updates.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.25.0:
You may now attempt to interpret the Fairy Queen's visions.
Charisma training now goes up to level 6.
Added a new scene with Samarra.
Added a new sex training scene with the Fairy Queen.
Samarra will now tell you her whole story if you are worthy of it.
Improved animation, lighting, and pubic hair color in Samarra's first sex scene.
It is now possible to search Samarra's tent.
Added a new musical track: Samarra's Theme.
Various tweaks and fixes
Welcome to the beginning of our dedicated push towards the endgame! Starting this month, the focus is almost exclusively on putting all the necessary pieces in place so that we can move onto the endgame and reach the climax of the story. At that point, we can go back and add more scenes and implement New Game Plus. Don't expect all the relationships or every minor storyline (or even every ability. Perversity, I'm looking at you) to be done by the time we reach the endgame. The idea is to get only the most essential characters where they need to be before we move on, not to flesh them out completely. Not yet, anyway.
Specifically, this month is the first half of the Nell/Samarra/Fairy Queen push. If everything goes according to plan, all three of those girls should be ready for the endgame after next month. Any missing content for them after that can be considered non-essential, though it will be added later.
This update features a rather unusual puzzle. I'm not sure how well it works, so I'd love to hear your feedback on it and what, if anything, I can do to improve it. Remember, if you're not getting anywhere with the puzzle, it's very likely that you don't have all the information you need yet. Go explore for a while. Odds are you'll know when you're ready, even if the game doesn't explicitly tell you.
Changelog 0.24.1:
Fixed a trigger that could cause Callie's new events from this update to happen too early and mess up progression.
Changelog 0.24.0:
Added a new scene with Callie.
Expanded Callie's threesome scene.
Courage training now goes up to level 4.
Transition text will now stay on the screen until you click to advance.
Various tweaks and fixes
Changelog 0.23.0:
Updated to the latest version of Ren'py. If you run into any issues because of this, please let me know.
You may once again visit the Leanan Sídhe for "romance."
The writing room at the library is now open for business.
Expanded an existing sex scene considerably with several different variations.
Slightly expanded remove inhibitions content for a certain character.
Hovering over a locked scene in the gallery will now provide a hint for how to unlock it.
Added a new musical track.
Livened up the intro with some more music.
Evelyn will no longer show up at the training grounds if she has left town.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.22.0:
Added a new sex scene with Evelyn.
Added 6 minor scenes with roaming characters.
Added descriptive text to the ability screen when you're suffering from ability drain.
You can now finger Evelyn in night scenes after taking her virginity.
Replaced two dialogue images for Evelyn that made her never close her mouth if she was naked, unshaved, and displaying certain emotions.
You can no longer gain Perversity multiple times in night scenes. Any excess Perversity gain from this source has been retroactively removed.
Fixed a bug that displayed incorrect ability drain in the UI.
You should no longer be able to steal Callie's panties multiple times.
Various tweaks and fixes.
This update is a little different from usual. There is just one more regular scene with no noteworthy story development. Instead, the focus is on the new roaming characters feature that I've promised since the beginning of this game's development. It's nothing too fancy, and it's nowhere near complete, but this is a good beginning.
Roaming characters means that you will now start to see some girls in different places than you're used to. Interaction with them is limited when they're not in their regular location, but it does add variety and makes the world feel more alive. It also keeps things a little unpredictable. Some characters that previously used to be available almost all the time might now be busy occasionally. It can also go the other way. For example, you will now have the opportunity to make Evelyn available more often in the afternoons.
Because of the nature of some of these new scenes, you might not see a few of them at all if you've passed day 60, and you might miss out on others if you have reached Primrose's arrest event. This is a feature that's meant to be experienced from the beginning of the game, not as an additional thing to explore once you've exhausted all other content. From now on, the game will start making more assumptions about time. Anything past day 60 can be assumed to be outside the scope of the game, though it's perfectly fine to continue playing for as many days as you like until the endgame is implemented.
In addition to the roaming characters, this update also fixes a record amount of bugs, some of which have been lurking in the shadows for a while. If you've been following this game for a while, you'll know that bugs aren't exactly commonplace in my releases. That doesn't mean LLtP is immune to them, and we're facing the consequences of that this time around.
But enough about that. For now, enjoy!
You may now visit the Leanan Sídhe.
New scene with the Leanan Sídhe.
Expanded the Fairy Queen bathing scene for those who have completed her training.
Expanded the Erato sex scene.
Revamped visuals and improved animation for Nell's handjob scene in the tent.
Added a new spell that affects a large number of existing sex scenes.
Major revision to ability score mechanics to support new events in this update, as well as for New Game+ once that is added to the game.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Long Live the Princess - Version 0.20.0
Long Live the Princess version 0.20.0 is now available for download.
This month's update features practically all the fey creatures in the game, but the main focus is on the Fairy Queen and the Fey Court. The last time we visited the Fairy Queen was back in version 0.8.0, and at that time you left her hanging. It's time for you to pay her back.
If you've been following this game since the beginning (hey, thanks for sticking around! I appreciate it), you probably realize that this is the second time I've released a version 0.20. Thankfully, this is also the last time we'll run into problems like that. The previous 0.20 should have been numbered 0.2.0, but I hadn't quite settled on a numbering scheme yet. Suffice to say, this new version is the real 0.20.0.
I recently held a poll for patrons at the higher tiers, asking them if they wanted me to go back and improve some of the older sex scenes in the game and when I should do so. You might have noticed that the older scenes look far more primitive than more recent ones, often featuring just two frames of animation and some strange rendering choices. I want to bring them to the level of the more recent scenes, with at least 5 frames of animation, which I have found to be the sweet spot. Since the poll ended up being split relatively equally between improving the old scenes as soon as possible and at the end of the project, I decided to land somewhere in the middle and improve scenes when I have spare time.
It so happens that I finished the core content in this update earlier than expected, so I went back and improved one of the oldest sex scenes as well as the renders surrounding it. I'm talking about the interrogation scene with Samarra and Nell, and the associated handjob. The entire sequence was weird for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the images were the most grainy of all renders in the whole game. Second, the "animation" had only two frames. Third, Nell looked really weird in some of these images because of a problem with her skin texture that I have since resolved. There are still a couple of scenes with her that might need fixing later, but for now, my focus was on this one. I recommend giving that scene another go to see the improvements for yourselves.
Anyway, that's enough rambling. Please enjoy the update!
Changelog 0.20.0:
You may now revisit the Fey Court.
Multiple new scenes with the Fairy Queen.
New scene with the Leanan Sídhe.
Completely revamped visuals and animation for the interrogation scene with Samarra and Nell.
One new musical track
Experimental: Map is shown automatically when you visit the streets in town while no other events are occurring.
The map is now dimmed during nighttime.
Primrose's sex menu didn't show if you missed one of her optional scenes. It should now be visible if you've had sex with her at all.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.19.0:
Implemented Evelyn's dark secret.
Two new repeatable scenes with Evelyn.
Two additional repeatable scenes for when you spend time with Evelyn.
Expanded Remove Inhibitions for Evelyn.
Expanded Evelyn's night scene with alternate renders for new wardrobe state.
Charisma training now goes up to level 5.
Added a new category to the Gallery. Moved one existing scene to this new category.
Increased the requirements for Evelyn to make a final decision about her relationship with the MC.
Major overhaul of the way Evelyn's renders are selected behind the scenes, improving many transitions and making it easier to add new poses.
Added variation images for when Evelyn speaks, making conversations with her work the same as with the other girls.
All existing conversations with Evelyn in the home location updated to use the new visuals.
Like with Nell, rejecting Primrose now awards a point of Charisma. This is retroactive. You will still receive Charisma for accepting their advances.
Standardized the location menus across the game. Options will now be shown in this order: Spells, actions, everything else, destinations, leave. Please let me know if you find any exceptions to this.
Added menu shortcuts to the map in the two locations where you are most likely to use it.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.18.0:
You can now train with the Crone so that you can reveal a person's dark secrets.
Town travel system replaced with a town map.
Significant development added to one potential relationship.
New scene added to the gallery.
Rejecting Nell now awards a point of Charisma. This also applies retroactively to existing saves.
Touched up many outdated transitions in the early parts of the game.
Various tweaks and fixes.
You can now spend time with Nell to improve your relationship with her.
Expanded church tower content.
Added Advanced Training.
Three new scenes with Nell added to the Gallery.
Agility training now goes up to level 6.
Charisma training now goes up to level 4.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Implemented Callie's night scene up to and including Perversity 5 and Agility 5.
Further expanded Callie's fashion show with new options and rewards that will influence the type of relationship you can have with her in the future.
There is now a new way to obtain Callie's panties.
Added a new scene to the gallery.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Implemented Callie's large secret.
Added new scenes for Callie and a new girl.
Added a new location in town.
Callie now has two new "fashion shows" for you
One new musical track (Callie's theme)
You can now enter Callie's store at night.
Various tweaks and fixes
Changelog 0.14.0:
Perversity now goes up to level 5.
Expanded Evelyn's night scene to support Perversity 5.
Expanded Primrose's night scene to support Perversity 5.
Implemented the quest to find a Skeleton Key for the Knock spell.
Replaced the map icon with a far more intuitive one made by Augustus Commodus.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.13.0:
Agility training now goes up to level 5.
New scene for Samarra.
Samarra's background story is slightly expanded.
Your custom character name will now be used in replays. Load an old save or start a new game to set it.
Adjusted part of the progression systems for Primrose based on feedback.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.12.0:
Gallery added to the main menu. You can now replay and customize any of the finished sex scenes in the game.
Added conclusion (but not end) to Primrose's romance path.
4 new scenes for Primrose.
Charisma training now goes up to level 3.
Tweaked how Primrose's relationship with you develops throughout the game. This is not retroactive for old saves, so using an old save might make it much easier to reach one of Primrose's new paths than is intended.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.11.1:
The code referenced the wrong image file names for Belle when she was being sad and wearing one of the new outfits, causing an error. This has been fixed.
Changelog 0.11.0:
New repeatable scene with Belle that triggers automatically at night after a set number of days.
Added two more costumes for Belle. These have to be bought at a certain tailor store.
You can now visit Samarra's tent at night.
New night scene for Samarra and Nell. Currently goes up to Perversity 2. More is coming later.
Fixed an event trigger that erroneously caused the Primrose scene in the writing room to happen after she is released from prison.
Samarra would refuse to let the player present clues to her after Primrose was arrested, making progression impossible if she hadn't already given you her own clue by that point. I have given her a stern talking to, and she promises she won't do it again.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.10.0:
New, repeatable scene with Primrose.
You may now continue the investigation of Merek's murder even after Primrose is arrested.
You may visit Primrose while she is in prison.
It is now possible to read in the library even if Primrose is in prison.
Added alternate opening to Primrose's arrest event if Evelyn is gone.
Scrolling credits are now available from the main menu.
You can no longer rollback to before a saved game you just loaded. This should resolve the Ren'py exceptions some people have been reporting, but won't fix saves already affected by this issue.
Music now resumes correctly upon loading a saved game.
Minor tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.9.0:
Added the game's first timed event on day 17. Most of the additions in this update occur during this event, so you won't see the new features until that day.
Added a small secret to Samarra, and large secrets to both Samarra and Primrose.
Added Remove Inhibitions for Samarra.
Slightly expanded Primrose's Remove Inhibitions effects.
Added an investigation mechanic for the timed event.
Samarra's tent is now available as a daytime location.
Removed the search options at the training grounds and the stables for now since they have no effect.
Redid the underwear cleaning renders of Primrose
Minor tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.8.1:
The new river scene will now correctly trigger for existing saves.
Changelog 0.8.0:
Erato will now take you to meet the Fairy Queen.
Repeatable followup scene at the river.
Samarra's dialogue has been completely rewritten.
Belle should no longer refer to the MC as a virgin after he has gotten laid.
Added ambient sound to the river and the forest.
Two new musical tracks.
Invalidated existing saves from versions before 1.0.0.
Updates to most remaining (9+) outdated sex scenes, improving animation, frame rates, and lighting. A few scenes were left untouched because they looked decent enough despite their technical limitations. Complete list of updated scenes:
- The first threesome with Callie and Evelyn.
- Primrose missionary.
- Primrose on all fours.
- Samarra seated outside.
- Samarra on all fours.
- Nell's first HJ.
- Nell's repeatable HJ in tent.
- 69 with the Leanan Sídhe.
- All Thaddeus scenes.
At the end of the prologue, you will now be given a choice between playing with or without a time limit.
The Fairy Queen's vision and associated puzzle have both been redesigned.
Added an achievement system containing 62 achievements for you to find and collect. Can you get the elusive Electrum achievement?
Visual updates to a few non-animated scenes.
Updated a considerable amount of dialogue throughout the entire game. This includes fixes to consistency, clarity, and even rewrites where the text's original intent was not correctly represented.
Tutorial message boxes no longer refer to outdated game mechanics.
Donating 10 copper to the church no longer counts as 1 copper behind the scenes, which fixes a progression issue with Sister Agnes.
You could get locked out of obtaining Callie's panties legitimately. Eased up the requirements.
Belle now refers to the player by their actual name instead of nickname during replays. This is to prevent inconsistencies such as "virgin" when that would make no sense.
Seducing Lilith now requires a courage check in addition to the existing charisma check.
In NG+, if your Pathfinding is already at max and you have already cast Dispel Magic before starting your training with Erato, you can now skip training entirely. This only works under those exact conditions.
Primrose will now act less affectionate when paying you for your work if you have declined her romantic offer.
You can no longer send Evelyn to seduce Callie if you are already in a relationship with Callie. Cleaned up the way these relationships interact in general.
Fixed a few inconsistencies in the epilogue where choices and actions were not adequately reflected.
Town map: Fixed clipping issues with the hotspots, slightly increased hotspot size, and moved the marker for leaving town so that it won't interfere with the UI on Android.
During Primrose's investigation, there were reports that clones of Samarra and Nell were wandering around town. The clones have been taken out back and shot. Their attempt at hijacking the map icons has also been thwarted.
You can now talk to Thaddeus or train with him if Evelyn takes a break in the upper training grounds. Additionally, added some dialogue to help figure out when he is available.
Significant rebalancing of Primrose's relationship stats. The buildup of Primrose's love now begins at a much earlier stage, and the dialogue provides more explicit guidance on where to focus your attention. This makes seduction far more predictable and transparent than before.
Somewhat reduced the relationship requirements for Primrose in NG+ due to spending less time in the library in this mode.
Making incorrect guesses in the town hall puzzle will now give you a new hint after every guess instead of every third.
Added a few new lines of dialogue and a new pose to Sister Agnes's altar sex scene.
Primrose's father now also drinks on Tuesdays.
Reduced the Courage requirement for visiting the Fairy Queen for the first time from 3 to 2.
Added a new Courage check to revisit the Fairy Queen after your first encounter.
More consistent feedback when passing ability tests outside of night scenes.
Adjustments to music triggers, mainly to reduce the number of quiet sections in the game.
Added names to secrets that previously had none.
Increased the Perversity requirement for buttsex with Erato from 2 to 3.
Reduced the cost of paying for the customer's clothes in Callie's store from 20 to 15 copper.
Repeatable sex scenes with Primrose no longer take up an action.
Thaddeus and Evelyn will not fool around until the game's second week.
You can no longer send Nell to the Fairy Queen without first solving her dark secret.
Samarra's tent sex scene is now repeatable.
Added the Thaddeus scenes to Evelyn's gallery.
Belle now has several more nicknames she can give you. You are unlikely to see them all in one game.
Significantly increased the number of clues that can be presented to Thaddeus at the town hall.
Expanded the "harem ending" slightly.
Moved a misplaced dialogue section when asking Callie for sex before buttering her up.
Added a secret way to get Evelyn pregnant without having to be in a relationship with her and without her leaving town. This option is hidden until the exact requirements appear and disappears once it is no longer relevant.
Reduced the height of the abilities screen to match the actual number of abilities in the game.
You can no longer train or have sex with Erato immediately after a climax.
The river is no longer available as a location during the prologue in NG+.
Belle will no longer encourage you to do Courage training in NG+ when you are already fully trained.
Prevented the Perversity unlock event with the Leanan Sídhe from happening in NG+ if you had already unlocked it.
Sister Agnes is no longer available in the church while she is visiting Callie's store.
Removed the Sound slider from the preferences since it is not used.
Changelog 0.42.0: - 2022-08-24
NG+: Added two new replayable sex scenes with Sister Agnes.
NG+: Expanded Agnes's donation scene.
NG+: Fully implemented Remove Inhibitions for Sister Agnes.
NG+: Added an epilogue for Sister Agnes.
Improved visuals and animations in Evelyn's first romance path sex scene.
Updated a few lines of dialogue in Nell's tower sex scene that referred to old content, and fixed the perspective button.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.41.0:
Implemented Sister Agnes's dark secret. (NG+ only)
Added a gallery for replaying Sister Agnes's sex scenes.
Added several new scenes for Sister Agnes, three of which are spicy enough to be included in the gallery. (NG+ only)
Improved the quality of almost all the existing images featuring Sister Agnes.
The church and how you can interact with it now changes between NG and NG+.
Added 10 new pieces of music, covering events from the prologue until the epilogue.
Interpolated the main menu animation to make it smoother.
Various tweaks and fixes.
v0.40.0 Public
Vastly improved all images and animations in Nell's tower scene, and updated some dialogue to match.
Expanded and completed the Advanced Training scene with Nell.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.39.1:
Fixed a crash bug when entering the Fairy Queen's sex training menu at its last stage if you have less than 5 Perversity.
A few minor tweaks elsewhere.
Changelog 0.39.0:
Added three new sex scenes for the Fairy Queen.
Added new requirements that must be fulfilled for the Fairy Queen to accept your final proposal to her in the endgame. Old saves beyond the point of no return in the FQ's story automatically fulfill these requirements.
Changed how events resolve if Primrose ends up in prison. If this happens, you can no longer get into a sexual relationship with her. However, Primrose having been in prison will no longer soft-lock you out of getting a good ending in the endgame.
You can now see the location of characters on the town map (but not on the wilderness map).
Fixed an assortment of annoying bugs and issues with the map screens.
Various tweaks and fixes.
The night scenes for all the girls who have them (Evelyn, Primrose, Callie, Samarra, and Nell) are now fully implemented.
Updated all four existing night scenes to keep them in line with the rest of the game. Every image has been re-rendered, and every animation has been expanded and improved.
Added the Deep Sleep spell.
Implemented Perversity 6, which works differently from all other ability scores.
Removed Courage levels 5 and 6 from the game. They were no longer needed. This means all abilities are now fully implemented.
Expanded several epilogues to take the new possibilities from this update into account.
Completely revamped lighting in the Samarra/Nell night scene. Additionally, Nell's skin texture was fixed in this scene.
Removed the ability to leave behind evidence at night. This early feature no longer fit the game's theme and would have been very demanding to implement.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Added a new quest to obtain and learn the Shrink spell.
Added a new sex scene with Belle.
Expanded the epilogue with more options and images for Belle.
You should now be able to admit your feelings to Evelyn even if you solve her secrets out of order.
Various tweaks and fixes.
- Added three new scenes with Callie featuring two new, mutually exclusive relationship branches to explore.
- Expanded the epilogue with more outcomes for players who pursue Callie's new scenes.
- Callie is now romanceable and is another potential source of charisma.
- Updated dialogues to reflect changes to your relationship with Callie.
- Moved Evelyn's charisma gain. It is no longer necessary to enter a relationship with her to gain charisma.
- Various tweaks and fixes.
Fixes situations where it might be impossible to visit the river location or the Leanan Sídhe in NG+.
Removes error message when training agility in NG+.
In NG+, hides books you have already read on your previous playthrough.
Various tweaks and fixes.
New Game Plus is now available. Unlock it by reaching one of the game's many endings. NG+ will be expanded in later updates.
The optional ability checks in the tutorial are now fully implemented.
Completely rebuilt the masturbation scene in the tutorial to make it at least somewhat appealing. This scene changes in NG+.
Complete overhaul of several sex scenes with new poses and improved visuals and animation. These scenes are:
- Evelyn's goodbye
- Belle wakes you up
- Belle while watching the mystery woman
- Samarra's first training session
- Callie's nude fashion show
- Erato's pathfinding training.
Minor visual and animation upgrades in Evelyn's boobjob scene and the Fairy Queen's BJ training. Minor visual update to Primrose's boobjob scene.
Various other visual improvements.
Added a spellbook that shows learned spells and your remaining daily attempts at Invade Mind.
Added a to-do list that will help remind you of things you might want to do.
It is now possible to obtain a point of Charisma from Samarra even if you choose not to claim your just rewards after defeating her.
Most of the UI is now hidden during sex scenes. Please report any bugs you find that are caused by this change.
Fixed a bug that made one of Callie's potential epilogues not appear. This fix might not work if you are already in the endgame.
Added progressive hints to the town hall puzzle. These hints appear after comparing the wrong facts too many times.
The Fairy Queen's vision quest now allows you to ask Belle for hints as many times as you like. This is a temporary fix until I can rework the quest.
The first night scene with Evelyn is now optional.
Removed silver and gold pieces from the game. They still exist in the game world, but not as a game mechanic.
Remade and repositioned the button for toggling camera perspectives. It should now be easier to spot.
Updated to the latest version of Ren'py (7.4.4). You should not notice any differences. However, Windows XP is no longer supported and LLtP is now 64-bit. There is still a 32-bit executable included.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.34.0 - Endgame Part 4 - Epilogue:
The epilogue has been fully implemented, concluding the game's main storyline.
One new sex scene.
Added a new musical track.
Limited the number of saved game pages shown at pages above 99 to prevent layout problems.
Various tweaks and fixes.
v0.33.0 - Endgame Part 3:
The endgame climax: Added the final confrontation with Selena.
One new sex scene.
Major animation and visual improvements to Primrose's boobjob scene.
The wilderness map has received a facelift. (Thanks to dango)
The save/load screen now shows page numbers above 9. (Thanks to Pendrag)
If Evelyn had left town, the endgame content in 0.32 would act as if she hadn't. This has been fixed.
Patched in a clue you should have received earlier if you found a certain inventory item in 0.32. Fixes existing saves.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Added a hotfix for those having trouble triggering one of the new sex scenes.
Re-uploaded with a different Evelyn story to comply with Patreon rules.
v0.32.0 - Endgame Part 2:
The endgame continues:
Added the events of the day of the coronation.
Two new sex scenes.Added a new musical track.
Major animation and visual improvements to Primrose's BJ scene.
Improved the main menu screen once again.
Various tweaks and fixes.
v0.31.0 Endgame Part 1
The endgame begins: Added the events of the entire day before the coronation.
Changelog 0.30.0:
You can now cast Probe Memory on a certain princess.
Rebuilt the sex scene with Callie's customer to feature a new costume, lighting, and massively improved animation.
Removed the Multiple Girls page from the scene gallery and moved its scenes to the respective girls' pages.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.29.0:
Implemented the Crone's secret. This is a big one, folks.
You can now learn the Probe Memories spell, though there is no content for it yet.
Removed all traces of Princess Placeholder. Among other things, this means we get a new main menu background.
Added a brand new intro upon starting a new game.
Rewrote parts of Evelyn's and Primrose's introduction in the tutorial to match the rest of the game's tone better.
Created new images for both of those sections to lift the graphical quality and fix a few annoying issues.
Added a music player to the gallery. Music tracks unlock as you discover them in the game.
Added a new musical track.
Updated multiple old scenes to support the new events in this update.
Added more character pages to the scene replay gallery. They are empty, for now.
Hopefully fixed the bug with Callie refusing to have sex for no reason. Existing saves should be repaired automatically.
You can now obtain a fingerbone even after Nell is gone.
Belle now points you in the right direction if you fail the vision quest puzzle while missing a vital clue.
Fixed visual bugs in the river scene.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Oh boy, this update really turned out to be something special, I think. It's not the most significant update in terms of gameplay length (far from it, in fact), and it doesn't contain even a single new sex scene. What, then, makes it stand out?
First of all, version 0.29 finally lets you confront the Crone about all the secrets she has been keeping. Who is she really? What is it she seeks to achieve, and why? You're about to learn the answers to all those questions and more. The LLtP community has speculated about the Crone and her identity for a long, long time. A rare few people got it almost entirely right, but most have been off in one way or another. We'll finally be able to lay those theories to rest this month. It feels great to finally reach this conclusion that we have been working our way towards for so long. You'll find that I laid the groundwork for this update already in the first few versions I ever released of this game.
Second, I took the plunge, at last, and polished the hell out of the menus and the early parts of the tutorial. I believe that first impressions are incredibly important, yet those have always been LLtP's weakest point. The main menu has been dominated by Princess Placeholder, a generic Daz model that was never really supposed to be in the game. She's gone now, replaced with... something else. You'll see when you boot the game up.
The tutorial got a minor rewrite alongside a series of new renders to replace the ones previously used for Evelyn's and Primrose's introductions. Evelyn's new renders are mostly just a facelift. The old ones looked like the kind of crap inexperienced devs make with Daz, which makes sense. After all, I was inexperienced myself when I made these. Primrose's new renders are a more significant change, and one for the better. There is also a brand new, though short, intro sequence before we see Evelyn for the first time. Even if you've played the game before, I strongly recommend at least checking out this new opening.
We also have a brand new music player in the gallery. Now you won't just unlock sex scenes as you play the game, but music as well. Any musical track you come across automatically unlocks in the gallery, allowing you to listen to them at your leisure as well as look up their names and composers. Handy!
This update contains a lot more than just this, but it's mostly minor things. Still, these small features add up, with the end result being a far more polished, professional game experience as we prepare to head into the endgame. I definitely feel like these changes were worth the time investment, and I hope you all agree.
Changelog 0.28.0:
You can now return to see the Leanan Sídhe one final time.
Added a new scene with Belle.
It is now possible to obtain Perversity 5 without doing the night scenes.
If you threatened Nell, she will now cool down after a week. Note that you must ask for sex again for this countdown to begin.
If you keep giving Callie unwanted creampies, she will now eventually refuse to have sex with you.
The toggle perspective button no longer skips to the next line of dialogue (thanks to Morbil).
Belle will now give you a hint if you watch several of Callie's fashion shows without searching for clues.
If it is impossible to solve Primrose's dark secret in your save, you will now be informed of this when trying.
Made the hints Belle gives you on how to train Perversity show up earlier. Also clarified the dialogue to reduce confusion.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.27.0:
Implemented Primrose's dark secret.
Expanded Primrose's existing sex scenes.
Added a new scene with Nell.
Added a SubscribeStar link to the main menu.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Update: Fixed the links. I tested them over and over again last night to make sure they were right, but somehow they still contained 0.25. Go figure.
New month, new update! Version 0.26.0 is entirely focused on the story at a ratio we haven't seen before in this game. For the first time in the history of LLtP (someone correct me if I'm wrong), we have an update that features no lewd content whatsoever. Apologies if lewds are what you were hoping for, but the storyline must take precedence this time. There will be lewds again next month, don't worry.
This month's update is all about Nell and the Fairy Queen, featuring Nell's dark secret and the conclusion to the storyline we started last month. Some of your earlier choices will cause unexpected consequences, though it won't be evident in what way if you have a save where you've done everything already. In a new game, however, this update will come off as harder than what you're about to experience. Not only that, but I plan to make it more difficult in a later update, once there are more sources of a particular ability score.
Previous updates have prepared us for the endgame in somewhat subtle ways, but this time around, it gets explicit. You're supposed to feel as if the endgame is really close after finishing the new content, and it really is. I could theoretically get us there in one more update, but I'm not in that much of a hurry just yet.
Changelog 0.26.0:
Implemented Nell's dark secret.
You may now try to convince Nell to come with you.
Added and modified scenes to handle the fallout from this update's events.
Tweaked how Nell's Remove Inhibitions works for future updates.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.25.0:
You may now attempt to interpret the Fairy Queen's visions.
Charisma training now goes up to level 6.
Added a new scene with Samarra.
Added a new sex training scene with the Fairy Queen.
Samarra will now tell you her whole story if you are worthy of it.
Improved animation, lighting, and pubic hair color in Samarra's first sex scene.
It is now possible to search Samarra's tent.
Added a new musical track: Samarra's Theme.
Various tweaks and fixes
Welcome to the beginning of our dedicated push towards the endgame! Starting this month, the focus is almost exclusively on putting all the necessary pieces in place so that we can move onto the endgame and reach the climax of the story. At that point, we can go back and add more scenes and implement New Game Plus. Don't expect all the relationships or every minor storyline (or even every ability. Perversity, I'm looking at you) to be done by the time we reach the endgame. The idea is to get only the most essential characters where they need to be before we move on, not to flesh them out completely. Not yet, anyway.
Specifically, this month is the first half of the Nell/Samarra/Fairy Queen push. If everything goes according to plan, all three of those girls should be ready for the endgame after next month. Any missing content for them after that can be considered non-essential, though it will be added later.
This update features a rather unusual puzzle. I'm not sure how well it works, so I'd love to hear your feedback on it and what, if anything, I can do to improve it. Remember, if you're not getting anywhere with the puzzle, it's very likely that you don't have all the information you need yet. Go explore for a while. Odds are you'll know when you're ready, even if the game doesn't explicitly tell you.
Changelog 0.24.1:
Fixed a trigger that could cause Callie's new events from this update to happen too early and mess up progression.
Changelog 0.24.0:
Added a new scene with Callie.
Expanded Callie's threesome scene.
Courage training now goes up to level 4.
Transition text will now stay on the screen until you click to advance.
Various tweaks and fixes
Changelog 0.23.0:
Updated to the latest version of Ren'py. If you run into any issues because of this, please let me know.
You may once again visit the Leanan Sídhe for "romance."
The writing room at the library is now open for business.
Expanded an existing sex scene considerably with several different variations.
Slightly expanded remove inhibitions content for a certain character.
Hovering over a locked scene in the gallery will now provide a hint for how to unlock it.
Added a new musical track.
Livened up the intro with some more music.
Evelyn will no longer show up at the training grounds if she has left town.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.22.0:
Added a new sex scene with Evelyn.
Added 6 minor scenes with roaming characters.
Added descriptive text to the ability screen when you're suffering from ability drain.
You can now finger Evelyn in night scenes after taking her virginity.
Replaced two dialogue images for Evelyn that made her never close her mouth if she was naked, unshaved, and displaying certain emotions.
You can no longer gain Perversity multiple times in night scenes. Any excess Perversity gain from this source has been retroactively removed.
Fixed a bug that displayed incorrect ability drain in the UI.
You should no longer be able to steal Callie's panties multiple times.
Various tweaks and fixes.
This update is a little different from usual. There is just one more regular scene with no noteworthy story development. Instead, the focus is on the new roaming characters feature that I've promised since the beginning of this game's development. It's nothing too fancy, and it's nowhere near complete, but this is a good beginning.
Roaming characters means that you will now start to see some girls in different places than you're used to. Interaction with them is limited when they're not in their regular location, but it does add variety and makes the world feel more alive. It also keeps things a little unpredictable. Some characters that previously used to be available almost all the time might now be busy occasionally. It can also go the other way. For example, you will now have the opportunity to make Evelyn available more often in the afternoons.
Because of the nature of some of these new scenes, you might not see a few of them at all if you've passed day 60, and you might miss out on others if you have reached Primrose's arrest event. This is a feature that's meant to be experienced from the beginning of the game, not as an additional thing to explore once you've exhausted all other content. From now on, the game will start making more assumptions about time. Anything past day 60 can be assumed to be outside the scope of the game, though it's perfectly fine to continue playing for as many days as you like until the endgame is implemented.
In addition to the roaming characters, this update also fixes a record amount of bugs, some of which have been lurking in the shadows for a while. If you've been following this game for a while, you'll know that bugs aren't exactly commonplace in my releases. That doesn't mean LLtP is immune to them, and we're facing the consequences of that this time around.
But enough about that. For now, enjoy!
You may now visit the Leanan Sídhe.
New scene with the Leanan Sídhe.
Expanded the Fairy Queen bathing scene for those who have completed her training.
Expanded the Erato sex scene.
Revamped visuals and improved animation for Nell's handjob scene in the tent.
Added a new spell that affects a large number of existing sex scenes.
Major revision to ability score mechanics to support new events in this update, as well as for New Game+ once that is added to the game.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Long Live the Princess - Version 0.20.0
Long Live the Princess version 0.20.0 is now available for download.
This month's update features practically all the fey creatures in the game, but the main focus is on the Fairy Queen and the Fey Court. The last time we visited the Fairy Queen was back in version 0.8.0, and at that time you left her hanging. It's time for you to pay her back.
If you've been following this game since the beginning (hey, thanks for sticking around! I appreciate it), you probably realize that this is the second time I've released a version 0.20. Thankfully, this is also the last time we'll run into problems like that. The previous 0.20 should have been numbered 0.2.0, but I hadn't quite settled on a numbering scheme yet. Suffice to say, this new version is the real 0.20.0.
I recently held a poll for patrons at the higher tiers, asking them if they wanted me to go back and improve some of the older sex scenes in the game and when I should do so. You might have noticed that the older scenes look far more primitive than more recent ones, often featuring just two frames of animation and some strange rendering choices. I want to bring them to the level of the more recent scenes, with at least 5 frames of animation, which I have found to be the sweet spot. Since the poll ended up being split relatively equally between improving the old scenes as soon as possible and at the end of the project, I decided to land somewhere in the middle and improve scenes when I have spare time.
It so happens that I finished the core content in this update earlier than expected, so I went back and improved one of the oldest sex scenes as well as the renders surrounding it. I'm talking about the interrogation scene with Samarra and Nell, and the associated handjob. The entire sequence was weird for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the images were the most grainy of all renders in the whole game. Second, the "animation" had only two frames. Third, Nell looked really weird in some of these images because of a problem with her skin texture that I have since resolved. There are still a couple of scenes with her that might need fixing later, but for now, my focus was on this one. I recommend giving that scene another go to see the improvements for yourselves.
Anyway, that's enough rambling. Please enjoy the update!
Changelog 0.20.0:
You may now revisit the Fey Court.
Multiple new scenes with the Fairy Queen.
New scene with the Leanan Sídhe.
Completely revamped visuals and animation for the interrogation scene with Samarra and Nell.
One new musical track
Experimental: Map is shown automatically when you visit the streets in town while no other events are occurring.
The map is now dimmed during nighttime.
Primrose's sex menu didn't show if you missed one of her optional scenes. It should now be visible if you've had sex with her at all.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.19.0:
Implemented Evelyn's dark secret.
Two new repeatable scenes with Evelyn.
Two additional repeatable scenes for when you spend time with Evelyn.
Expanded Remove Inhibitions for Evelyn.
Expanded Evelyn's night scene with alternate renders for new wardrobe state.
Charisma training now goes up to level 5.
Added a new category to the Gallery. Moved one existing scene to this new category.
Increased the requirements for Evelyn to make a final decision about her relationship with the MC.
Major overhaul of the way Evelyn's renders are selected behind the scenes, improving many transitions and making it easier to add new poses.
Added variation images for when Evelyn speaks, making conversations with her work the same as with the other girls.
All existing conversations with Evelyn in the home location updated to use the new visuals.
Like with Nell, rejecting Primrose now awards a point of Charisma. This is retroactive. You will still receive Charisma for accepting their advances.
Standardized the location menus across the game. Options will now be shown in this order: Spells, actions, everything else, destinations, leave. Please let me know if you find any exceptions to this.
Added menu shortcuts to the map in the two locations where you are most likely to use it.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.18.0:
You can now train with the Crone so that you can reveal a person's dark secrets.
Town travel system replaced with a town map.
Significant development added to one potential relationship.
New scene added to the gallery.
Rejecting Nell now awards a point of Charisma. This also applies retroactively to existing saves.
Touched up many outdated transitions in the early parts of the game.
Various tweaks and fixes.
You can now spend time with Nell to improve your relationship with her.
Expanded church tower content.
Added Advanced Training.
Three new scenes with Nell added to the Gallery.
Agility training now goes up to level 6.
Charisma training now goes up to level 4.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Implemented Callie's night scene up to and including Perversity 5 and Agility 5.
Further expanded Callie's fashion show with new options and rewards that will influence the type of relationship you can have with her in the future.
There is now a new way to obtain Callie's panties.
Added a new scene to the gallery.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Implemented Callie's large secret.
Added new scenes for Callie and a new girl.
Added a new location in town.
Callie now has two new "fashion shows" for you
One new musical track (Callie's theme)
You can now enter Callie's store at night.
Various tweaks and fixes
Changelog 0.14.0:
Perversity now goes up to level 5.
Expanded Evelyn's night scene to support Perversity 5.
Expanded Primrose's night scene to support Perversity 5.
Implemented the quest to find a Skeleton Key for the Knock spell.
Replaced the map icon with a far more intuitive one made by Augustus Commodus.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.13.0:
Agility training now goes up to level 5.
New scene for Samarra.
Samarra's background story is slightly expanded.
Your custom character name will now be used in replays. Load an old save or start a new game to set it.
Adjusted part of the progression systems for Primrose based on feedback.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.12.0:
Gallery added to the main menu. You can now replay and customize any of the finished sex scenes in the game.
Added conclusion (but not end) to Primrose's romance path.
4 new scenes for Primrose.
Charisma training now goes up to level 3.
Tweaked how Primrose's relationship with you develops throughout the game. This is not retroactive for old saves, so using an old save might make it much easier to reach one of Primrose's new paths than is intended.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.11.1:
The code referenced the wrong image file names for Belle when she was being sad and wearing one of the new outfits, causing an error. This has been fixed.
Changelog 0.11.0:
New repeatable scene with Belle that triggers automatically at night after a set number of days.
Added two more costumes for Belle. These have to be bought at a certain tailor store.
You can now visit Samarra's tent at night.
New night scene for Samarra and Nell. Currently goes up to Perversity 2. More is coming later.
Fixed an event trigger that erroneously caused the Primrose scene in the writing room to happen after she is released from prison.
Samarra would refuse to let the player present clues to her after Primrose was arrested, making progression impossible if she hadn't already given you her own clue by that point. I have given her a stern talking to, and she promises she won't do it again.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.10.0:
New, repeatable scene with Primrose.
You may now continue the investigation of Merek's murder even after Primrose is arrested.
You may visit Primrose while she is in prison.
It is now possible to read in the library even if Primrose is in prison.
Added alternate opening to Primrose's arrest event if Evelyn is gone.
Scrolling credits are now available from the main menu.
You can no longer rollback to before a saved game you just loaded. This should resolve the Ren'py exceptions some people have been reporting, but won't fix saves already affected by this issue.
Music now resumes correctly upon loading a saved game.
Minor tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.9.0:
Added the game's first timed event on day 17. Most of the additions in this update occur during this event, so you won't see the new features until that day.
Added a small secret to Samarra, and large secrets to both Samarra and Primrose.
Added Remove Inhibitions for Samarra.
Slightly expanded Primrose's Remove Inhibitions effects.
Added an investigation mechanic for the timed event.
Samarra's tent is now available as a daytime location.
Removed the search options at the training grounds and the stables for now since they have no effect.
Redid the underwear cleaning renders of Primrose
Minor tweaks and fixes.
Changelog 0.8.1:
The new river scene will now correctly trigger for existing saves.
Changelog 0.8.0:
Erato will now take you to meet the Fairy Queen.
Repeatable followup scene at the river.
Samarra's dialogue has been completely rewritten.
Belle should no longer refer to the MC as a virgin after he has gotten laid.
Added ambient sound to the river and the forest.
Two new musical tracks.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 12-09-2023, 09:37
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.1.0.0 Fix 2. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.1.0.0 Fix 2. Большое спасибо за перевод Vickchel76.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.1.0.0 Fix 2. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.1.0.0 Fix 2. Большое спасибо за перевод Vickchel76.
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