Описание:Вы живете счастливой, непринужденной жизнью со своей девушкой Лиз.
Но вы и не подозреваете, что в вашей жизни вот-вот произойдут потрясения.
Направление, которое это примет, и чем все закончится - в ваших руках.
С помощью вашего лучшего друга Ричарда в вашем распоряжении есть все необходимые инструменты.
От вашего выбора зависит будущее вас обоих, и Лиз в том числе.
Будете ли вы игнорировать всё и увидите, к чему это приведет?
Примете ли вы свою судьбу и судьбу своей девушки?
Будете ли вы бороться за этот единственный шанс на истинное счастье?
You are living a happy, casual life with your girlfriend Liz.
But little do you know both your lives are about to be hit by turmoil.
The direction it will take and how it ends, is in your hands.
With the help of your best friend Richard you have all the tools needed, at your disposal.
Your choices will shape the future of both you and Liz.
Will you be ignorant of everything and see where that takes you?
Will you accept your fate, and that of your girlfriend?
Will you fight for that one shot at true happiness?
Год выпуска: 2025
Жанр: 2dcg, ai cg, big ass, big tits, blackmail, corruption, creampie, exhibitionism, groping, male protagonist, ntr, oral, rape, romance, simulator, text based, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: NosyFellow -
patreon |
itch.ioПлатформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.16.0
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.16.0 - 2025-03-17
Previous chats are now viewable in the log system.
Added a new game feature introduced to you by Richard.
Fixed bugs, to name a few:
Soft lock on the happy path.
When kicked from the lovers' path to the happy path during the university event, the game acts like you picked "show more skin."
Some stuff not unlocking properly.
And the story continues... slowly...
Bugfix 1:
Fixed a bug where on the lovers path you get kicked to the happy path for no reason.
NewText on PC.
Fixed M112 not triggering properly.
- Added the Lovers Path to the game.
- Added some extra content to the Lovers Path than originally planned (though not too much).
- Richard now gives you the X-ray upgrade earlier in the Lovers Path (if you start at a point past this, you’ll miss it).
- Richard no longer gives you the stats app if you didn’t give the ring to Liz in the first place.
- Fixed some notifications not popping up.
- Added all ShareSpace comments from Patreon supporters ❤
- Updated the Patreon supporter list ❤
Added quick saving, which allows you to save at any point during a chat by pressing the quick save icon in the top right corner. (There is only 1 quick save slot, and each quick save will overwrite the previous one).
Added the ability to delete saves.
Added the ability to name new saves.
Increased the number of save slots available.
Made the game more responsive.
Added more volume controls to the settings app (more to come).
Implemented a new system in the game (bus and bar events).
Added more content to the University event.
Fixed insane CPU usage on PC (for some reason, the game was running at an extremely high FPS; this has now been resolved).
Added another secret.
Fixed L63 not triggering on the NTR path when selecting NTRS choices.
New 0.15.2 fix, the new changes:
Added volume control in the settings app for message pings (more controls will be added in the future).
Added another image obtainable from Richard.
Added the first batch of ShareSpace comments.
Fixed future chat triggers from NosyFellow (due to how this works, NosyFellow's chat will reset when you close it... but that means you can talk to me endlessly ).
Fixed L54 and L55 not triggering. As some of you already figured out, this was specific to one path (the happy path) where I wanted these images to appear instead of others.
Fixed a ShareSpace post not being in the correct order.
Hidden a surprise Easter egg in the game. You’ll have to search for it.
Fixed L63 not triggering on the NTRS picks.
Fixed and updated the Patreon supporters list (it now includes past Patreon supporters).
v.0.15.1 - 2025-02-22
Upgraded unlock gallery.
Stop the game from running in the background (Seems this was a default behaviour of Unity... which is baffling. I turned it off but will be keeping an eye open just in case this did not do the trick).
Updated the Mapper app to show a more accurate location of Liz.
Extra speed mode in chat (You can use this by holding the empty chat bar which will cause chat to skip).
Added comments and likes to ShareSpace posts (more info about this in a separate post).
Fixed the weird wallpaper aspect ratio.
Alert system added to the game.
And of course the story continues...
v0.13.1 - v0.13.4
ShareSpace sorting from new to old.
Fixed a lot of grammatical errors.
Option to change the level up censorship for censored images. You will be asked to do this at the start of the game but you can edit this at any point using the settings app.
Added support for the following resolutions: 720p, 1440p and 2160p. Also added the option to select resolution at the start of the game. I personally like 1560p the most.
Added a unlock gallery. This gallery keeps track of all the images you unlocked and does not reset when loading a new save. You can find this by pressing the star icon in the gallery app.
Added image sorting to the persistent gallery. it is still a bit wobbly but right now it sorts based on the source (example: which ShareSpace it came from) and according to the timeline. The last part is the wobbly part.
New Backup(save) app added to the main screen. Moved backups from settings to its own app.
Doubled the amount of save slots available.
Upgraded the save system a bit (still needs more love) but now it shows more relevant information. for example if you gave Liz the ring or on which path you are.
Added a speed up function to increase chat speed in the chat.
Added Inner monologue system.
A lot of polish. to name a few:
When saving or resetting you are informed the phone is shutting down.
Buttons in the SmartWear website are now clickable as well.
Some added flair to the Liz stats app.
Optimization. This is a big one. I noticed that the game was using more resources then it should so made a lot of optimizations. removed some functions that were running without a purpose. The thing that might affect you is that I increased the auto save interval from 2 to 3 seconds.
And of course... the story continues...
Notifications are slightly more visible and stay for longer so you don't have to stress about missing it.
Pressing the Notification will bring you to the app the notification is from.
An 18+ warning popup at the start of your game. You can turn this off in the settings app.
An image counter in the gallery app. You can see how many images you have unlocked vs how many images there are available for the player to unlock.
Ability to turn off the Nanobots integration for chats so you don't get Nanobot messages. Now you can buy the Nanobots upgrade and not have it supply you with events in chat (I found having nanobots turned off to have some appeal so added this function). this does not stop the events from happening though.
Implemented help from friends. The system is in place so your friends (in this update Sam) can help you with the bastard. Will be more prevalent in future updates.
NosyFellow will update you on which path you are on based on where you end.
A few bugfixes.
Some polish.
And the story continued...
Richard has a update to the Liz Stats app which will become available as you progress as long as Liz has taken in the Nanobots (after gifting Liz a present. buy the Nanobots and talk to Richard).
ShareSpaces you are following now give you a notification when they add a post.
A lot of ShareSpace content to compliment the story (be aware that what gets posted is dependent on your decisions during the game. )
A introductory to a new character.
A 5 slot save system which you can access from the settings app.
Added a delete function for pictures in your gallery (Be warned, deleting pictures you did not get from outside sources, like ShareSpace or Chats will delete those pictures from your gallery forever).
Richard will now reach out to you when you have bought the Nanobots.
Some polish here and there.
Many bugfixes.
Continuation of the story