Описание:"MudBlood Prologue" - это взрослая игра в жанре песочницы и менеджмента, действие которой разворачивается в средневековом фэнтезийном мире, где игрок является вождем племени гоблинов, живущего в пещере. Совершайте набеги на соседние дороги, деревни и города, растите свою армию, чтобы расширить контроль над территорией, и собирайте ресурсы для расширения пещеры.
MudBlood Prologue is an adult sandbox and management game set in a medieval fantasy world, where the player is the chief of a goblin tribe that lives inside a cave. Perform raids on neighbouring roads, villages and cities, grow your army to expand your control over the territory and collect resources to expand the cave.
Год выпуска: 2024
Жанр: 3d game, adventure, animated, bdsm, big ass, big tits, creampie, fantasy, futa, trans, groping, humiliation, lactation, male domination, management, milf, monster, point and click, pregnancy, rape, sandbox, slave, strategy, teasing, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: ThatGuyLodos -
patreon |
discordПлатформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.68.9
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.68.9 - 2025-02-28
- Added a new Demon female race with 4 new random faces exclusive to them
- Added a new variant of the Hobgoblin race, which is a Demon Hobgoblin, note that they both share the same animations
- The new Demonic races can be obtained by:
- Laab\Female Demon + Hobgoblin -> 40% female Demon \ 40% male demon \ 20% hobgoblin
- Demon Hobgoblin + Laab\Female demon -> 50% female demon \ 50% male demon
- Laab + Female Goblin -> 7.5% Hobgoblin Demon \ 22.5% Female demon \ 70% Female Goblin
- Added 2 new milking stations, where all females excluding Goblin Females can have sex with all the monsters, with 1 animation for each monster, the females will be milked if alone, or while having sex with the males.
- Added a new sex station in the brothel called "Sex Wall" this station has 1 animation for each monster, and will work with all females excluding the Goblin Females.
- Added Rouke voice
- Added 2 new options in the character customization menu (you can enter the menu by dropping a "Custon Prisoner Look Potion" on non-unique females) for the new Demon Female race, this new options include 4 makeup options, and 6 face tattoo options. Note that these 2 use a new color slider to change the color you prefer, instead of the preset ones.
v0.68.8 - 2025-02-01
Added 4 brothel animations for goblin female + troll
Added 2 brothel animations for humans + troll
Added 4 breeding station animations for goblin female + troll
Added 5 breeding station animations for human + troll
Added a new raid location called "Troll Cave" where you can obtain the troll
The troll can also obtained as offspring of humans\nekos\elfs and goblin females, after getting the first from the raid
You can play the new troll brothel animations in 1 of the 2 empty slots in the brothel area (screenshot of location inside the "what's new" tab in game, top right of screen)
Christmas animations have been moved to the brothel
Added Christmas outfits for all unique females
Added Christmas themed hats for humans\nekos\elfs
Added a new monster, the Troll, which can be found in the females room, (both of them)
Added 2 human\neko\elf + troll animations (to play animations simply drag the female on the troll)
Added 2 goblin female + troll animations (to play animations simply drag the female on the troll)
There is a known bug, where a pregnant female still plays the bulge, so clothes clip a bit. Don't report this we already know.
v0.68.7 - 2024-12-27
v.0.68.6 - 2024-11-22
Note that for breastfeeding, Jewels needs to be depravity 5
Added a new unique character called Jewels, she can be obtained in the metropolis raid
Added a new monster, the Hobgoblin. You can obtain him by placing the new unique female in the nursery (where the offspring grow up) and a baby goblin in a nursery slot, he will automatically be taken by the female and at the end of the animation it will grow up to be an hobgoblin. The Hobgoblin can be also obtained by impregnating a female.
Added the old Mifia facial expressions
Added breastfeeding animation for Jewels + baby goblin (nursery)
Added 13 human\neko\elf + hobgoblin animations + 4 lewd variants in the breeding area
Added 3 hobgoblin + human\neko\elf threesome in the breeding area
Added 6 goblin female + hobgoblin animations in the breeding area
Fixed some squirt particles in the brothel area
v.0.68.5 - 2024-10-14
Added 3 threesome animation with minotaur+goblin+human or neko or elf Added 1 foursome animation with minotaur + 2 goblins + human or neko or elf
Added 3 threesome animation with goblins +human or neko or elf
Added 2 foursome animation with goblins + humans or neko or elf
Added 4 new shirt types in the clothes
Added squirt effect to all animations (requirement to see the particle is the female at depravity 5)
Note that in the options, the squirt effect is disabled by default, it can be ticked on and you can decide the chance of spawn by moving the slider
Fixed the brothel issue where goblin would keep spawning onto eachother indefinitely
Fixed some of the breast collision issues between characters
Fixed an issue where the goblin females could play human group animations
Fixed an issue where manually selecting group animations broke the male animation
v. (Hotfix)
The brothel station setup should now correctly save after loading the game
Akane should now be a 100% drop even in older saves ( if the raid location doesn't appear, wait the day to switch and it should be there)
Fixed some brothel animations for goblin female and humans
Fixed Akane issue where she couldn't play the correct animation in the pregnancy station
Brothel performance loss due to high stats should be fixed
Monsters being randomly misplaced should now be fixed
v0. - 2024-08-25
Note that this is the first part of the patch, the second part will come early september with a new unique character and the animations with human + minotaur
Added a new Minotaur monster, you can obtain him by raiding the alchemist tower and after obtaining the new potion called "Succubus Extract" drop it on a female goblin, which will then be able to birth the first minotaur. After dropping it you can obtain more by normal breeding, and without the need of a potion.
Added a new raid, Alchemist Tower
Added the Succubus Extract potion, obtainable in the Alchemist Tower raid, dragging the potion on a goblin female, will allow her to birth the first Minotaur and she will obtain maximum depravity instantly
Added 9 breeding area animation with Female Goblin + Minotaur
Added 5 brothel animation with Female Goblin + Minotaur
The birthing and animations of human + minotaur is currently not available, it will be added in part 2 of the patch
v0. - 2024-08-08
Fixed Werewolf and Abomination issue
Fixed the breeding room issue with threesome
Fixed goblin female issue in the editor that removed the hair
Fixed the issue that didnt allow new goblins to be selected
Added Blowjobs for Goblin Females
Added 4 Blowjob animation in the normal breeding area
Added 5 Threesome animation in the normal breeding area
Added 3 Threesome animation in the Brothel Bed
Added 1 Threesome animation in the Brothel Station 1 and 2
Added 3 Blowjob animation in the Brothel Table
Added 2 Foursome animation for humans and goblins in the normal breeding area
Added 2 new goblin bodies
Fixed raid disappearing from the raid menu on day change
The dungeon has been changed so that the difficulty doesn't match the highest level of monster all the time, but just when it's beaten
Fixed an issue where the character editor mode blocked all inputs until reload
v0. Hotfix
Disclaimer, if you didn't manage to get moans, open the options and on the audio tab make sure that the "Moans" box is checked.
Fixed Goblin Female roation on animations
Fixed some brothel animations
Fixed Luleth teeth
Fixed some minor issues
v0.68.4.5 - 2024-06-30
Disclaimer, there are problems with the POV camera and some of the blowjob animations might be misaligned with the mouth, we are sorry for the inconvenience but we've had a lot of issue with building this update, this said, we will make a hotfix in the coming days to fix the know issues and in case new ones. Sorry for the delay and as always thanks for the support!
Added blowjobs for every race and unique character other than Rouke and female goblin. (note that for now only goblins work as male)
The new animations can be found in the normal breeding room, in the brothel for the goblin bed, goblin station 1, 2 and 3. The third goblin station has been added now.
Threesome have been added for goblins as male characters and for every race and unique character other than Rouke and female goblins.
They can be found in the brothel, for goblin bed, goblin station 1 and 2.
Added a function that after selling a unique character, allows you can now re-search him by doing a new raid that will appear a day after you sold character.
Added three audio types for females, which will randomly apply to them. A function to select audio type and pitch will be added very soon.
The face animations have been slightly reworked, note that they might not work sometimes, since we had some issues adding the audio, this will result in some unexpected loss of facial animations and voice on characters.
Fixed volume sliders in the Audio tab
Fixed a bug that didn't load the clothes
Fixed a bug that made facial animations snap on change.
Fixed the incorrect shapes that sometimes appeared on the character editor
Fixed the issue where you didn't receive items after ordering them
Fixed pubic hair for nekos
Laab can now be milked
Fixed main menu audio load level