Описание:Тебя обвинили в убийстве Мелиссы, ученицы старшей школы, в которую ты недавно перешёл. Не успеваешь ты опомниться, как тебя тоже убивают, но на этом история не заканчивается. Загадочный человек отправляет твою душу назад во времени, давая шанс всё исправить.
You have been accused of the murder of Melissa, a student from the high school you recently started attending. Before you can understand what is happening, you are killed as well, but the story doesn't end there. A mysterious man sends your soul back in time, giving you the opportunity to try again.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, exhibitionism, fantasy, graphic violence, handjob, incest, interracial, male protagonist, milf, oral, religion, romance, school setting, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Wizard's Kiss -
Patreon -
Itch.ioПеревод: Reich6Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.14 Rus / v.0.17 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)Поблагодарить Переводчика: Yoomoney кошелёк 41001442493148Группа Переводчика в VKv0.17- 2025-02-25
300+ new renders
7 new animations
Completed Melissa's date and finished Tuesday (longest day by far...)
v0.14 - 2024-01-18
Continued the story from where it left off, adding around 170 new renders and over 1000 lines of script.
v0.13 - 2023-04-11
Continued the story where it left off.
Added 200+ renders
Added ~8 new animations
Added 1k+ lines of code
For people who have played through v0.11, you'll be able to start directly from Chapter 2 (the end of v0.11 and start of v0.13) if you play through the last scene of v0.11 again.
If you use an older save, I suggest you ignore the character screen until you reach the end of v0.11 again. At that point, you can go to the main menu and choose to start at chapter 2, and the character screen should work.
Continued the story where it left off.*
Added ~600 new images and 12 new animations.
Reorganized the image folder. (It was a fucking mess before)
Fixed an issue that made it so the days weren't being tracked properly.
Fixed a contradiction with the names given in the book.
Changed default transition style. The game should flow more naturally now.**
*To get to the new stuff, choose the gun during the school hostage scene and, after it loops, take Sam's bet.
**This was changed for new scenes for now. It will make its way to old scenes eventually.
v0.09 - 2022-10-26
This update does not continue the story where it left off in v0.07c!
Added a couple of small new scenes. (One after the MC chooses the pen; another when the main character arrives home.)
Added an inventory screen to keep track of different items the player carries.
Rerendered the vast majority of scenes to improve depth of field, lighting and perspective.
Rerendered every character screen entry.
Redesigned and rerendered the main character's mother.
Redesigned Karina (different haircut) and rerendered every scene with her.
Added the option to refuse Celeste's help in her office from the first loop.
Redesigned the textbox and every other screen.
v0.07c - 2022-08-25
Around 500+ new images, 3200+ new lines of code, 4 new animations and a lot more story progression.
Redesigned the main menu.
Made small changes to several screens.
Redesigned the character screen.
Added entries for five new characters in the character screen.
Reorganized the legacy menu (skip, auto, preferences, etc.) into new buttons on the left of the screen.
Made some backend changes to the about section on the character screen. As the player uncovers new information about a character, the about section of the character screen will be updated with new info.
Fixed a bug introduced when the character screen "right click to open character screen" function was removed in v0.07.
Fixed a bug which was making it so when using the new load screen, the game was being saved rather than loaded (...my bad.)
Changed several images with Sam which had his face and body colors slightly off due to different assets being used.
Changed a couple of early images of the main character.
Rerendered the interaction between Celeste and Heloise on the hallway.
Rerendered several images of Melissa, with small changes being made to her model.
Rerendered a few images of the MC apartment to reflect the later scenes.
Rerendered the MC interrogation scene.
Rerendered several miscleaneous scenes to be more in line with the standards I want to have going forward.
Added the functionality of using on-screen imagebuttons to scroll up or down vertical images, as well as arrow keys and page keys, i.e. when Melissa or Karina are introduced. (previously you could only use the mousewheel or mousedrag)
Added Rollback, Skip, Auto and Hide buttons.
Added/Moved all buttons to a single collapsable button, so they don't clutter the screen.
Added a few new soundtracks.
Rearranged soundtrack usage.
Rewrote a few sentences with subpar grammar or writing.
Continued the story where it left off, featuring ~198 new images and ~2351 new lines of code.
Fixed a few typos.
Created the option to change the MC's family name at the beginning of the game.
Redesigned Karina and replaced every render of her with the new model.
Redesigned Celeste's habit's texture and replaced every render she appeared on and her animation with the new version.
Revamped a few of Melissa's renders.
Fixed an issue where Karina's name would show up before the main character learned it.
Fixed an issue where the Mac version would play the crowd background noise nonstop. (probably, tell me if it's still there :p)
Changed how speech, thoughts and narration are presented and made it clearer at the beginning of the game. (tl;dr: Thoughts are now italicized)
Fixed an issue where the main character would eat a meal without spending money.
Changed how the characters adress people from Mr/Ms. First Name to Mr./Ms. Family Name
About the game:
The game features a progression system in the form of attributes which persist through "loops". Each new iteration of the loop deepens the story as secrets are uncovered and new options become available. However, the burden of having to relive the same week over and over takes it's toll as the protagonist becomes increasingly twisted, morality and sanity giving way for pragmatism and madness. Overcome this challenge or succumb to the insanity, the choice is yours.
About the author:
The first visual novel I played was Fate/stay night. The story gripped me immediately and didn't let me go for almost 50 hours. By the time I got to the erotic content I had become so familiar with the characters that the whole experience became much more intimate than other forms of erotic content could ever be.
I believe the reason for this is that seeing a pornstar naked is completely different from seeing a coworker or friend naked. To know the person well enough in a non-sexual context, and then have them be presented to you in a sexual context, is much more stimulating.
This feeling is what I aim to recreate in my work.